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>the year of Linux Gaming didn't happen again
idk I just listened to Rupert Holmes
>Gaming on Linux (It works!)
>P-pressing a compatibility button????
I'm about to switch from Mint to a semi-rolling distro. been gaming on Linux for 6 years. not sure what you'll retards are on about.
>It works!
I mean, HRT "works", too. Doesn't mean it's something anyone sane should be doing.
>it works!(until it doesn't)
What do you mean? I've been using Linux Mint as my gaming OS for years. Nothing more needs to happen.
Egoism is a sin.
It happened like 6 years ago when dxvk was made by one german man wanting to play Nier on Linux
>Not caring whether people join your hobby is a sin.
So the Lord wants me to go around begging people to use Linux? That's weird.
what a legend
>use flatpak lutris
>can't seem to find a way to framerate limit some games
>read dumbass reddit post from google search that you can do it on non-flatpak
>switch to non-flatpak
>game now no longer renders properly
This shit is really frustrating, and I still can't get Mint to actually recognize my GPU instead of just calling it "AMD Unknown"
Linuxfags want the world to revolve around them, because in reality they are insignificant.
But >>683883607 is complaining about me NOT giving a fuck about what the normies do.
You guys need to get your narrative straight before you attempt to gaslight people.
Happened on my machine.
>and I still can't get Mint to actually recognize my GPU instead of just calling it "AMD Unknown"
You using GRE on some old kernel?
As long as linux remains linux, there will be no year of linux gaming.
and that's a good thing, linux shouldn't change
What's your kernel version and GPU?
It happened on my main tower, because I got sick of all the shit I have to go through to debloat/spyware win10 every fucking installation.
Tell that to the majority of servers running the internet you're currently on.
7900GRE on the newest stable kernel it lets me, or so I thought until I went to check it now. Apparently theres a 6.8.0-38 available when I was on 6.5.0-45
I'm installing Linux Mint 22 right now and then I'm going to play video games on it.
>n-no, it won't work!
It worked on Linux Mint 19, 20, and 21.
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>bait people into using mint on their new hardware
>they end up with some old shit kernel
>everything breaks because of it
>newfag has no clue what a kernel is and cant fix it
linux mint is the new manjaro troll recommendation for the newfags
Most people switching to Linux are replacing Windows on a PC that isn't new, and Mint has a kernel upgrader for when the default kernel is too old. In any case, not being able to do one's own research (e.g. into use cases for LTS versus rolling-release distros) is a skill issue. But just for you, I'll try to remember to append "if your hardware isn't new" to my Mint recommendations going forward.
Nevermind 6.8 is dogshit and no longer recognizes my monitor.
>Troonix just works!
Unlike your forced update to windows 11, I can go backwards to a working kernel whenever I want.

1 in 20 English Speaking PC Gamers now play their games on GNU/Linux based OSes.
3 years ago, it was 1 in 50. GNU/Linux has now passed both MacOS, and Windows 7 combined.
Microsoft is not going to make a better OS. 3 years from now, it may be 1 in 5.
For me, it's stable distro with old kernel on old hardware for playing old games.
>noooo it doesn't just work
It literally does.
>but new games???????
All shit, unfortunately.
Valve hasn't released SteamOS 3 yet because they're retarded.
There is no need for it, it wont so anything more than spy on you.
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>tfw i use fedora and everything just werks™
Don't use manjaro.
You are warned.
imagine being so frustratingly annoying and terrible to use that people would rather use windows, mac or even engage in CBT than using you
I don't know.

When Valve officially releases an OS generally what is the first thing that will happen?
Windows focused review sites will look for every possible way to rip it to shreds and shit all over it.

If Valve released it today with a small set of hardware compatibility, what is the first thing they'd do?
Install it on systems that don't match those requirements. Then give it low reviews and complain.
Which is exactly what happened with the old SteamOS.

They're going to wait until they can get everything they need to work on the majority of systems.
There's no reason for SteamOS 3 to exist as general purpose OS rather than Steam Deck ROM.
marketing to get more people off windows, also might replace nobara/bazzite as "easy gamer distro" recommendations, especially since its valve backed
Exactly. Right now there is nothing special about SteamOS other than the hardware choices Valve made for the Deck.
If you build your own PC, you can make similar choices, for similar results with practically any modern distribution.

Valve will almost certainly launch more SteamOS hardware in the future. Maybe even support some third parties.
It is going to be a long time before they have an OS to let NT users upgrade their existing systems.
because it never worked
tranny community
stay in VM platform and serve my shitty jeetpres I hosted years ago *ptui*
simple little things requiring workarounds, although all easy to do, eventually add up. windows just works. i myself dont mind doing all these things but the average consumer might, theyll put up with it on a steam deck since its a little tinker device but not their main pc or laptop
That shit looks too much like a Discord marketer side project for me to be interested in it.
Most of the population didn't magically become tech literate enough to daily drive linux
Most gamers aren't running on hardware shitty enough to feel the windows bloat
No one cares about what OS they use as long it works for them which is the correct opinion opposed to gay ass distro tribalism flame wars
There is no modern 'just works' platform anymore. Part of the reason the PC Gaming Wiki exists.
NT's win32 compatibility layer is rotting due to Microsoft's indifference. Devs are having to do a ton of work just to maintain that 'just works' illusion. Part of why a lot of games launch broken, they were developed against NT systems that hadn't been updated, they went gold, and then a Microsoft 'upgrade' broke something.

Deck's advantage is if developers actually flag a supported Proton, and users stay within the official compatibility lists, a game will keep using the same win32 support. Of course Devs still rush out fixes for NT, without thinking how that might impact Proton.
But the only thing that can change that is Proton getting enough share that devs have to keep it in mind. In some markets, and for some type of games it is getting there.
>Don't use manjaro.
Everyone says that but I've been running it for about 2 years and haven't had any particular problems.
It's more like a tip for newbies. An Experienced Linux user knows what he's doing and can take any distro to his advantage.
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can i play fortnite on linux yet
>Lutirs no longer let me browse for installers or installed games without freezing

Manjaro is fine if you don't use the AUR. Even the maintainers tell their users not to use the AUR but techlets do it anyway and create problems for themselves.

Everything else is usually shit that effects Arch users as well.
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>can i play fortnite on linux yet
>But the only thing that can change that is Proton getting enough share that devs have to keep it in mind.
Proton's purpose is to be a transparent layer between Windows game and Linux system. If the developers have to take Proton into account when making games they can start to make native Linux builds.
If you want Linux to compete with Windows, then you actually have to donate money to the developers. Ugh, I know. Life sucks.
Thank timothy for purposefully not enabling the support because they don't trust their own fucking product they sell to everyone else.
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>linux gaming works!
>except that game... yeah and that one too... that one doesn't work either... why would you want to play those games anyway???? LINUX GAMING JUST WORKS OK?!?!?
The issue is Microsoft is constantly breaking their win32 compatibility these days. Game devs have to push out their own updates to react to them.
All devs really need to do is QC checks when they flag a supported version of Proton. Valve is usually on the ball when Microsoft breaks something devs are reacting to.

The alternative is Valve's long term plan starts to come into effect where devs treat Proton as their official win32, but that is still a ways off.
Valve needs to switch on and force Proton on NT and MacOS bypassing whatever compatibility solutions the vendors themselves offer since Apple and Microsoft aren't interested in PC gaming the same way Valve is.
>Valve needs to switch on and force Proton on NT
This would be almost impossible since no tools are targeting wine builder. Having a native Linux build would be a more realistic solution.
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>The issue is Microsoft is constantly breaking their Source: my gaping troonix arse
I'm on Linux Fedora and I'm going to switch to Mint. Fedora has been giving me a lot of weird problems Mint just doesn't have. I'm hoping more of my games work with Mint, as only about 60% of them work with Fedora.

NO, I'm sick of working, fixing and trouble shooting this shit for months, I want my stuff to just work. FUCK OFF.
Looks like you gonna be distrohopping for a while until someday you'll take cracked windows 11 pill
>It's ok when Windows can't run a game
Never had any issues running games on windows, is this some problem exclusive to you miserable boomer fucks perpetually stuck in the mid-2000s trying to run nothing but obscure 20 year old eurojank that barely even worked when it came out?
all late 90s and early 2000s eurojank just work on 11/10
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Castle Crashers and HuniePop. These just stopped working for a friend of mine, likely because of some dependency shit. My memory can be wrong but as I heard running Nocturne on Windows is also luck based while it literally just works on Linux.
Currently on Mint and all I can say is please consider not using Mint, i'm just stalling until I work up enough care to hop over to something else.
>Having a native Linux build would be a more realistic solution.
Only if Valve can get devs to change their ways and use SDL+Vulkan everywhere. Proton happened because they couldn't get devs to change, but then again neither could Microsoft.

Proton is basically just like how web standards groups eventually reverse engineered all the ways IE was broken, and added that as optional behavior since so many devs raised on Microsoft crap wouldn't code to the standard.
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looks like the problem is on your end, 4000 ppl say otherwise lmao
>things break
>blames windows
>things break
>blames the software, eventhough it's troonix fault
never change, troon lol
just installed castle crashers and it works fine
Microsoft has gotten caught letting their own software 'cheat' using old versions nothing else gets access to.
The breakage to keep devs busy supporting the latest Microsoft forced update is a feature not a bug.
It prevents companies from having the time to support anyone else, and creates the impression other companies software is unreliable.

This is after all the company whose official motto at one point was
>DOS ain't done till Lotus don't run
so what? your windows emulator literally has game specific patch for tranny ring
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>Show screenshot of people having issues
>Well looks like it's on your end because...ratings
Game not running isn't an universal thing, but it is present, so your point of "Windows just work" is false. And unlike on Linux, you can't do shit on Windows if a ~10yo game can't run on modern system. On Linux you only can't run shitty anti cheat games like Trannynite and COD slops. Oh and now Concord I guess...
Microsoft's Windows "emulator" in NT at least used to get those same kinds changes.
thousand people have no issue and you still blame the OS or other things, lmao
I bet you're likeable person with that attitude.
im actually so happy i dont have to use kikerosoft to game now. still have a microsoft pc at my office for work but havent used a windows pc personally for 2 years now.
Good for you anon, but that doesn't change the fact that Manjaro was always maintained by a bunch of incompetent retards and the one draw it had (Arch for noobs) has long since been obsoleted by shit like EndeavourOS or CachyOS. There is simply zero reason to install Manjaro anymore.
using cachyos with plasma 6 on my machine, playing diablo 4 and resident evil, comfy. only have w11 installed for a music program but otherwise everything else i can do fine on here. on nvidia so it sucks framegen isnt here but thats about it
>troondows is never wrong
like a clockwork
and then they wonder why people are making fun of them
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>cutscenes have no audio on Blue Reflection on Linux
Linux can never stay in the lowest common denominator race to the bottom because a lot of tools are designed by people who need to use them and you can't just use the defaults because they're pushed by major companies like Canonical or Red Hat who profit off of Linux being bad or at least sub-optimal.
Every simplification of tech has lead to a new lowest common denominator, the majority of people will not use Linux until it is as simple as plugging in power, plugging in HDMI and getting directed to the channel that they want to watch.
It's basically just Arch.
What game?
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Blue Reflection
The software manager allows you to install a newer kernel. Click on 'View' > ' Linux Kernels' Install the latest one and your AMD GPU should work.
Works on my machine
t. Artix user

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