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already forgotten
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>requires a 8GB GPU
It can run at 120 on a 3060ti, but the second anything starts happening it becomes a stutter fest that drops shit into the 80 and lower. The in-engine cutscenes are also caped at 30fps lol
downloading, hopefully the demo actually shows enough for us to know if it's pozzed or not since this shit has denuvo
stop being poor
feels good to be a ps5 chad
feels good to be firing this up momentarily on my 4080S/7800X3D
>No switch release
Oh well, I guess steam with pro controller it is
I'm buying the full game anyways, so I won't play the demo, I hope you have fun though.
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if you tilt the camera any further down that this point the character models disappear, both your player character and party members
fuck square enix.
Classic UE bullshit as usual.
Sounds about right for unreal

One day, devs will finally wake up and no longer use it.
it's the usual for the engine, just wait for mods to fix all the bullshit, there will probably be a discount as well once all the mods are fixed.
Going to see if this will run on a intel graphics cpu. If not I will use my other cpu with a gtx 1060 ti.

I never believe the recommend/minimum requirements as they are usually wrong. I say this as I can run visions of mana on a intel uhd 24 cpu with no errors.
>visions of mana
meant trials just had this game on my mind.
>man nah
no it's
>ma na

if it were the former, the n would be geminated, and the word would be spelled "manna", like what christcucks ate in the desert

it's spelled "mana", so the first and second syllables rhyme.

fuck me i hate it when people say it wrong, and the VAs did just that
i lose 40fps in combat even with these specs >>684113705
combat feels pretty sluggish too despite running at high fps still
Imagine being such a subhuman loser who will die alone, that the first thing you think/care about and first thing you do when playing a video game is if you can see under a fictional female's skirt. You honestly should just start the process of blowing your head off with a 12 gauge already.
seethe faggot, i'm playing this demo to see if the game is pozzed. that is a telltale sign of pozz. btw i've reproduced already, have you? faggot
What recent big release where you're able to just tilt the camera under and everything is visible? Was it Grandblue?
But the opposite is happening, devs are starting to use it more and more, precisely to cut costs, which is a recipe for disaster, since for Unreal to be decent you need to customize the engine severely to suit your project.
The future is going to be sad, games without sharpness, where things leave traces on the screen when they move, where the image is a total noisy mess, but need fucking super computers to run even when the real resolution is 720p.
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i'm not even complaining about there being no upskirts, i would understand that, but the entire character model disappears at an egregiously distant point.
picrel, at this point the character models become almost transparent, and just a bit further and they disappear entirely
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>Start demo
>Every character turns invisible the moment the camera dips below shoulder height
>The girls are all wearing shorts under their skirts anyway
Ah yeah, that's seems a bit too much.
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and here, just tilt a bit further and the characters are completely gone
It's extra dumb how it's based on distance from the camera too, so characters just instantly pop in and out of existence while you're running around if the camera is too low.
>It can run at 120 on a 3060ti, but the second anything starts happening it becomes a stutter fest that drops shit into the 80 and lower.
PC gaming, everyone
Might as well complain to SE till they fix this shit. I bet even the Mana series creator is pissed off about it because he did not want that kind of shit to happen in this game.
trying way too hard sis
Don't reply to it anon. Let it rot.
Bait used to be believable
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>Move in any cardinal direction
>Character runs
>Move in any diagonal direction
>Character walks
Holy shit how do you fuck this up?
Mmm those 15 fps. We eatin' good tonight.


Any good music like SD2 and SD3?
this may just be because I'm an adhd zoomer faggot and have been playing kh2 and zzz recently but the combat doesn't feel good.
As long as they didn't black out the the underskirts it's fine, there will be a mod to stop the phasing out
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Why would you expect upskirts from SE?
Stop being a third worlder you fat nigger
your opinion doesn't count sorry
Now go play Nioh 2 and ruin any other game for yourself.
No, it's
>Mayon Naise
Great, now that we've established that the first thing you faggot coomers care about is upskirts, how is the gameplay?
>Come into the thread to see gameplay opinions
>Nothing but coomers upset about no panty shots
At least there are some useful anons pointing out the frame drop issues
this is the only valid complain about the game, hope they fix that shit when the full game drops.
>Blurry, pixelated mess
Just look at the Rabites.

Fuck Epic, and fuck Nvidia with their upscale bullshit for ruining an entire generation of games
man this game is slop, i at least i expected something on the level of the 3d party based Ys games but this shit feels like an early ps2 action rpg game where the devs are trying to figure out how 3d combat should work.
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What? I like my switch
You could at least try not to samefag
if it doesn't matter while removed it? also there is a demo retard go and check it out for yourself
Well I don't like your switch
finally some fcking food
what fucking software do people use for webm's these days
alright so let me guess, I can post a screenshot of not samefagging, you come up with a schizo cope accusing me of editing html, using photoshop or changing IPs
this is so tiresome, it's always the same shit with you bots.
I didn't ask you about upskirts I asked you about gameplay you dumb fuck
>play it yourself
that was not my question either you retarded faggot.
Do you mean to convert to webm? I usually use handbrake
oh look the retard keeps samefagging
I use Webm Converter personally
Playing the demo and I am having fun but there are technical issues that hopefully get adressed in the full release.
>furry bitch
>no girl in bikini armor
I'm thinking slop.
>me when i refund this shit
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forgive me for the dogshit webm. here's what the fadeout looks like
Is that Naomi ÅŒzora?
oh my god... it drops to 80fps? the game is unplayable...
-cinemas need to be 60fps
-the graphics are kinda mobile tier, and the clouds don't even move

make sure to change your class in the menu to not look gay
also change the voices to jap holy shit
I didn't ask for your schizophrenic episodes either.
t. console shitter
Explain why the males vanish as well dipshit.
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Here's another
>Get on the mount
>Approach enemies
>They become alert and then just stand around staring at you forever because they can't attack you while you're mounted
i get 240fps out of combat, 200 in combat, and i still feel stutters and sluggishness
30fps in cinematics is fucking cringe but at least the framerate is unlocked which nips don't ever like to do
there's no bitches anymore, why would they stick around?
this is to protect the panties
holy shit that's bad. the second the camera hits the ground they start to fade.
t. didn't play the SD3 remake
It's shit but someone will mod that week one
just ffmpeg
add the folder path to windows variables to you ca just type ffmpeg from cmd
then just create your own command
You are creepy and sad
There are no panties, which makes it even dumber.
You could tell this was a last minute change by the ethics community
The game is an UE game, so we should see 60 FPS cinematics and probably being able to get rid of the fade just through .ini tweaks or something.
seems pretty easy to mod out.
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>protect the panties
>when there is a class that looks like this
Hahaha here’s the thing though
Im just never giving squeenix another dollar
I know i know
But im just not
Yeah the game runs fine when running around but in combat it's a slideshow.
I didn't. It had upskirts?
why even do this they don't have panties anyway
You are based and asking the necessary questions
>and i still feel stutters and sluggishness
what's your frametime?
Try setting the game on task manager priority to High.
Try disabling Core 0 (task manager, affinity)
Disable hyper threading in bios if your CPU is kinda decent/newish (this helped elden ring)
it seems like it's working as intended and just janky. i have a 4080S/7800X3D
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Feel free to browse
I see, maybe I'll get the demo and test if it runs on my machine.
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Looks like a lot happened in the past 4 years.
upskirts improve a game, retard
you weren't lying, can literally stand next to the mobs on your mount indefinitely. they cannot attack you
what the fuck?
and you can hurt the enemies by ramming them with your mount, so pretty sure you can be invincible and kill any trash mobs
it's not unplayable or anything but it definitely doesn't feel good. like when you get knocked down it takes fucking ages to get back up, it just feels unresponsive
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Who's gonna tell him?
>and you can hurt the enemies by ramming them with your mount, so pretty sure you can be invincible and kill any trash mobs
NTA but I tried and they healed
>he fell for the nvidia meme
It just looks like the same dumb fade in FF7 remake that happens because it's overaggressive in trying to prevent things from blocking your camera in gameplay. It would fade even big bosses and enemies when they get too close to the camera.


Make sure to update your Intel graphics driver
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Why can I even hit the enemies by dashing into them while mounted if they immediately heal the damage and don't become angered as a result? This is so dumb. It would've been better if they didn't have the fake damage display at all.

>it's overaggressive in trying to prevent things from blocking your camera in gameplay
Haha yeah, that's totally the reason.
>Hina and Val are cute together
yeah, buying this game just for them
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Looks like we have another winner.
I just spent 10 minutes calibrating my controller thinking it was fucked
WASD seems to work fine with keyboard though
so this is the power of B team jank
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>Walking around in the field
>Conversation starts
>Walk five steps while the conversation is going
>A different conversation starts cutting off the one that was going

Actually this other group of enemies forced me off of my mounts just by getting near them, so I guess there's just some condition for a battle being triggered?
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Thanks for telling us you're a cuck.
Mana bros... I don't feel so good...
I-it's just a demo... they'll fix it b-before release...
>Haha yeah, that's totally the reason.
no one's gonna deny they are trying to please 'the commitee', but why do you even believe THAT's the only reason?
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>One month away
one month is a lot of time.. the day 1 patch will fix it... right...?...
you are right, I forgot Square removes Denuvo after 6 months, let me rephrase it then
>Hina and Val are cute together
yeah, pirating this game just for them
I cant believe the game with the gayest male characters ever conceived is pozzed
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>why do you even believe THAT's the only reason?
I have basic pattern recognition skills and I'm not in denial.
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You are like little baby
Ugly Art = Ugly Game = Do not Play
*cums on u*
Not sure what problems other people are having, I saw one frame drop at the start of the first fight, but that was it. I expected constant stuttering since the demo didn't do any "precaching shaders" shit that UE games need to not be a stuttering shitshow, but the framerate has stayed at 144 for me (besides the fixed 30FPS cutscenes).
I turned off FSR which was on by default because fuck that shit. Performance is perfect without it.
Demo has basically no moves unlocked, but I like the feel of the combat with both Val and CatVergil.
*also cums on you*
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Will this game have coop?
GFTIH NIGGERS https://store.steampowered.com/app/993090/Lossless_Scaling/
Anon, PC gaming is just that, its like going to the casino.
Sometimes the game works, sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes it has 200 fps with one setup, sometimes it drops with a better setup.
I dont even know why PC gaming is still a thing. Its just pure luck based shit.
Part 3 is coming out before your shitty series gets a new game.
Nice clipping, idiot.
Have you tried limiting it to 120?
None of those games released on pc
Is it as shallow and low effort as Trials?
>shallow and low effort as Trials?
You don't belong here
Where the fuck do you think we are retard
I don't belong here because I expect effort and quality? Fuck off, consumer cock sucker.
I think the combat might've actually felt better in Trials on some level, it's more dynamic in this game but the animations aren't very quick in this and there's not many cancels.
I preordered but I'm not gonna play the demo. Tell me is it good?
Stellar Blade let's you see everything, even if Eve is wearing a short skirt with a thong
Not him, but I tried Trials recently after seeing the praise here and pretty much everything about it besides the character designs and some of their dialogue was really boring. I'm pretty much convinced people only like it because the girls are cute and dress slutty.
>open UT99
>get 2500fps
when did unreal engine go bad?
>it's more dynamic in this game but the animations aren't very quick in this and there's not many cancels
Yeah, I've been looking at all the trailers I can get my hands on of this game and I've been thinking that Trials remake combat just feels faster in general compared to this game
With such low effort criticism and retarded reaction, you don't belong to the realm of the living. Define effort before dying.
No, you don't belong here because you didn't like trials
Cool, the games not for you either
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>no fadeout when swimming
oof yea they need to fix that.
I liked it because i played the original, desu
Instead of getting pissy you could say what you like about Trials besides the slutty outfits.
It's a massive improvement over Trials in both visuals and combat. It's just been downgraded in ESG faggotry.
You come off as an ESLer since you don't seem to understand context of the English language. That, or a dumb dumb, most likely a combination of the two.

ToM is extremely shallow, bare minimum effort put into it visually. The combat is nothing exciting, the cutscene animations and voices are amateurish. The only thing the good does well are the character models. I know the game is based on a SNES game but thats no reason to not add some flare to it.
>cutscenes are locked at 30fps
Why is this still allowed in 2024?
I've not acted pissy at all?
I think you just hate it because it's not overly complex

This reeks of someone on the dev team just discovering this and quickly slapping a bandaid onto it so you couldn't farm mobs by running in circles.
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holy fuck an actual honest to god real catgirl. No nekomimi bullshit. This might be it, brothers.
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Part of the charm of Trials for me was forming your own party of 3 from a possible of 6, and then the subsequent class changes which were locked until until late in the game. It felt like your choices mattered and that alone was fun in creating effective party synergies. In this game though you get all 6 members and can presumably change your class at any time. It just feels kinda boring in that regard.
Or they wanted quick travel to not be interrupted by enemies?
It would probably work better if it's the same with no damage
sorry to disappoint
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>the animations aren't very quick in this and there's not many cancels.
You can dodge cancel out of attack animations. Any of them.
>Or they wanted quick travel to not be interrupted by enemies?

I have bad news.
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my wife
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honestly, sure, I don't mind. I'll smash anything as long as it's an anthro.
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I loved Secret of Mana as a kid. I must have beaten the game at least 5 times.
She's a cripple tho
>I think you just hate it because it's not overly complex
It's not that Trials wasn't "overly complex", it's that it was braindead simple in terms of combat, plot progression, quests and map design. There's just nothing there.
Well obviously there's a level restriction for enemies, going to a lower level area you should be able to run through it freely
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We need another game like Trials of Mana, its just so cool all the different ways you can play.
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>Why should I buy the 8GB AMD GPU? This 6GB Nvidia GPU is good enough
Like I said, and I'll repeat
It's not for you, you sound like the type of person that complains about retro vidya
>Well obviously there's a level restriction for enemies, going to a lower level area you should be able to run through it freely
They're the same level.
how so
Only one wing, she lost her other one in an accident.
Well then I can only think that it's not functioning correctly
I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for being an earlier build as a demo and I'll wait for the final game to see if it's still an issue
I love it. Rated 5 stars on PlayStation and pre-ordered, but it's Mana, I'm bound to enjoy it by default.
please tell me this is going to run on my 1060 and ryzen 5
I don't want to have to watch a playthrough
The only feedback I have is that I want to turn off controller sounds, other than that - I'm fully sold and fully excited.
I'll download it but literally everything I've heard about it is bad.
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>niggers posting webm up cumbrain shit but not combat
I hate you faggots so much it’s unreal
flammie please stop flying around like a deranged schizo i just want to look at your ass and paws
Opinions on dawn and children?
Gimme the verdict /v/: is it good? I really want it to be good, I want to play this game but only if it's good
>you sound like the type of person that complains about retro vidya
And this is why I called you a whiny. It's because you're a whiny faggot. I play tons of older games, and most of them have a lot more going on than Trials. I've played the demo of Visions for a few minutes and it's already a dozen times more in depth, so clearly the devs thought Trials was too simple as well.
what is with the aberration here? hold on, this is the thing that requires a 3080 minimum to run? It looks worse than games from 2010
Make one yourself nigger, it's fucking easy. Kill yourself.
Maybe this game just isn't for me but this game (and specifically the last one) look so butt ugly
Glad I didn't spend money on them

Sell me on the game because the art style is a huge turn off
It's a mana game, you know how it plays.
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Cat Vergil is a pretty cool guy, eh triple wields with his tail
I would be playing the demo right now if I could you stupid double nigger
Why does this look worse than Genshin
>And this is why I called you a whiny
The only person here being "a whiny" is you anon
you don't like simplistic gameplay, like I said twice already, it's not for you
Bait or legitimately retarded
what's the romance angle looking like, lads?
But almost every mana game plays completely different from each other
I'm thinking you're legitimately retarded if you don't know how these games play at this point.
Both shit. But this one's good.
remember that time the trials of mana demo let you just play the full game if you dragged the full game files into the demo folder?
i hope they do that again.
Not these remasters, bud.
>The only person here being "a whiny" is you anon
I'm not the one who couldn't list anything they like about a game and had to assume I don't like "retro" games. And for the record, I just call them games because I'm not a dumb fag that thinks old games are special or different or that they're supposed to be mechanically simple.
and doesn't afraid of anything*
Well it's good to know that it's not just the Mana name then
that mini flammie is cute
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Because it looks worse than genshin.
I can't believe you used the word whiny on anyone else, Jesus
I don't know man, Visions made me too excited for this series. Now I'm second guessing because this seems like a fumble in all senses of the word. I mean, it looks like 2010's borderlands 2 but it requires a 4080?

And I can't believe you're still whining that people want some actual mechanics in their games.
SE ethics department needs to go.
its a traditional JRPG
there will be bait all game between the hero and main heroine, until the ending when using the power of friendship and love they will win
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You're wrong.
Anyone know if they ever fixed the Secrets remake for the PC? I remember it being laggy, and bugged out. Like closed the esc menu and can't play the game but can hear it bugged out.
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Brought to you by:
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Best girl
>Flashes pantsu anyway
So what's the point of the fucking camera?
will she die if i pull her tail
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thats not how you use a spear
That animation is gonna get tiring to watch after a while, especially if whirlwind spear is a lvl 1 tech like it was in Trials
This some Dynasty Warriors 2 shit
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Did he just...
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Have you ever thought they made it that way for gameplay issues and not because they were afraid to show panties?
Woah woah that's pretty harsh, it's at least 4.
Not on Switch, No Try
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genshinfag here, redpill me on this game
i'm interested in looking for a new gacha now that I plan on dropping HSR
Small indie studio, making new dialogue is hard, please understando :(
Gameplay seems a lot better than Trials and since it doesn't need to account for the switched up parties, most character participate in cutscene conversations instead of awkwardly standing there. I'll wait a while and if there's no muh bittersweet dead girl tree ending I'll pick it up.
The gameplay of Trials is decent (finally a 3D game where you have free movement reminiscent of 2D games without having to control the character indirectly via the camera or use Z-targetting), the real problem is that the battle is shallow and easy, but there are mods that in my opinion improve the balance and difficulty considerably (although some people think that without modifying the monsters' AI, there's no way to make that game really more interesting).
I've never seen anyone who refers to lock on as z-targetting who wasn't a retard with nothing of worth to say.
it will have an ending
>Have you ever thought they made it that way for gameplay issues
That's retarded, making the characters disappear when you pan down makes the gameplay issues WORSE. when you jump you cannot see what you're attacking if the enemy is above you, now.
already off to a good start
Pretty much every zeldafag since the 90's calls it this. and they were the first to call it that.
DEI ruins technology? Why couldn't netease block SBI? China never kneels to wokism. I thought China would shield against wokism.
What are you crying about with this?
>Have you ever stuck your head in the sand?
I'm tired from working all day, so I wrote the first thing that came into my head. Now be a good boy and contribute to the discussion instead of trying to do your epic trolling.
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>character keeps switching from running to walking to running again
Anyone else having this issue?
Have you considered not being blind?
It means you're a faggot using a keyboard
Why should I play this if I only liked the previous Mana remake because of cute girls?
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>mogs the entire cast
There isn't a human being alive who cares about whatever stupid shit you're complaining about. Give your siblings your savings and kill yourself
It seems like they made it so running requires 100% stick tilt despite that most sticks won't actually output 100% at diagonals. You'll need to add maximum deadzones for movement to work properly.
It's not a gacha, it's low budget game but with a lot of soul, it will require you to forgive a lot of its flaws though.
Yeah, people who grew up on 3D Zelda and think that's the standard for 3D games are the worst kind of tendies and have nothing of worth to say about game design.
Dogshit? The WEBM is smooth like butter lmao
Without Zelda 99 percent of 3D action games would be shit. Not tendie. Just fact.
I'm using a controller. Keyboard actually doesn't have this issue.
>Not tendie. Just fact.
100% tendie delusion. The only thing OoT did was popularize shitty auto-platforming and treating the player like a retard.
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i play genshin, forgiving flaws is part of the gameplay
looks kino, i'll give it a shot
Zelda invented the term, boyo
So the people bitching ITT are just PCtards?
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PCchad board.
Again, what's the point of the censorship, then?
Nintendo tried calling lock-on z-targetting after other games already did lock on targetting and tendies (literal retards) decided Nintendo actually invented the concept. Don't call other people boyo if you were a kid who only played N64 games in the 90s.
Go away.
Just why?
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Ok tyke if that's how you want to remember it from infographs from /vr/, sure. Anyone else older than 10 knows that lock-on as a concept barely existed before z-targeting. Doing stupid shit like slamming the camera to point directly at an object without containing the character if it worked at all.

But fine bud, live in your bubble.
It will feel about 50% slpwer than Genshin.
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i feel like i've played this same combat system 100 times
>three hit combo, dodge cancel, repeat
>occasionally throw a fireball that does shit damage
>once in a while fill up meter to use screen clearing super attack
She moves at the same speed whether she's going up or down a slope. Weird mistake to make considering it's an easy option to enable in most game engines
Oh okay I have to hate it because some tranny pretend-dyke on resetera loves it?
They're going to fucking hate it because it's anime, anyway.
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>the lewdness of Angela with the refinement of Riesz
Buying this game just for her
Leotards don't count
>not on switch
how do nintendownies cope?
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Next you'll tell me hitting a fire enemy with ice is super effective.
>Ok tyke if that's how you want to remember it from infographs from /vr/,
I don't care about your schizo shitposting.
>Anyone else older than 10 knows that lock-on as a concept barely existed before z-targeting.
And anyone that wasn't 6 when OoT came out and was actually playing other games already knew it was a thing and always just called it lock-on. Nintendo putting a name on it and kids who didn't play games seeing it for the first time in OoT doesn't mean Nintendo did shit for 3D games, especially when you just admitted it already existed before. And even then, lock-on sucks for combat and pretending that all 3D games are built around it is retarded. I never once used it in Trials.
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>>occasionally throw a fireball that does shit damage
why is it like this in every fucking game. the fireball costs limited resources. MAKE IT DO MORE DAMAGE
No, that's a good thing. Fuck Dragon's Dogma 2 and its shitty movement mechanics. The problem with >>684121974 is the flap floating in place in front of her when she runs.
If it doesnt have a fucking "break" meter its already above most of them by default
thanks, dropped
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because square should have died 15 years ago
Needs playable loli characters. Bright anime games like this would normally have more of them but Japan has apparently forgotten this. Then you have all these great loli designs that are stuck in gacha hell and there's no way I'm touching a gacha. The only character that looks alright is the orange hair girl I guess but I'm still annoyed by them making the green one a dude. Can you at least play solo or do they force you to make a party?
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Isn't there a fucking PS4 version of this game? Why are the PC requirements so high?
and people accuse /v/ of being full of shills
The stutters is actually giving me a headache, what can I do to eliminate that shit?
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Japs cannot into PC ports. It's been this way forever
Demo doesn't have too many opportunities for experimentation since most enemies die in a few hits and that challenge Aerie is still higher level, but there seems to be potential with the combat mechanics thanks to a good deal of animation canceling, the ability to cancel attacks further via using Abilities, as well as seamlessly cycling between characters.

Because in this demo, the character with the fireball is the fucking warrior. Fireball and Inferno have more value for their ability to launch/stagger enemies. Val can juggle on his own with ease using fireball, and the short startup time for Inferno is good so you can switch to Morley and catch the enemies after Val sets it off.
>I don't care about your schizo shitposting.
Says moron who thinks targeting in 90's games was any good before Zelda came along.
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Good god the final game better let us disable motion blur
Japs literally cannot into PC versions
Probably marketers. Remember you get a free pass if you just wave your work email to resetera staff.
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What's the point of displaying damage numbers when you can't even keep track of how much damage you're doing? A lot of modern jrpgs do this now.
Games had soft and hard lock on before OoT. It didn't invent shit, no matter how many times you call it z-targetting. It was the only game I know from the time to tie enemy AI to targetting, which was a phenomenally stupid choice.
>Not even wearing panties
again what's the point
almost like PC gaming is a big meme or something
>are those... PEOPLE SAYING POSITIVE THINGS? about a game!?
Fuck off retards.
Limit framerate in nvidia control panel
Enable vsync
>What's the point of displaying damage numbers when you can't even keep track of how much damage you're doing? A lot of modern jrpgs do this now.
>Limit framerate in nvidia control panel
To 60? Same as monitor hertz? Or what other value?
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These "positive things" are obvious falsities, nigger.
"these visuals are sooooooo good"? "a great step up over trials of Mana"? Who the fuck says that? It looks worse than Mana and is on par with 2010's unreal engine games. The aberration is atrocious and there's an unblockable blur filter over EVERYTHING

Are you blind, stupid, a marketer, or some combination of the three?
It's possible there might be an outfit with panties for someone at some point.
Or more likely it's SE just making things difficult out of ESG spite.
The people praising it give vapid 1 liners about how "good" it looks when it looks worse than modern mobile games. Write up a paragraph as to why its a good game at least.
Experiment. There is no right answer because we don't know what's causing it.
Nigger shut the fuck up.
Trials of Mana looked good already and this IS a step up.
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Yeah this already feels a hell of a lot better to play than Trials did, it's like everyone forgot how clunky that game actually was and how little enemies actually did.
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fuck you, seeing the numbers makes me feel good
Shit, alright I'll give it a go.
>Nigger shut the fuck up.
No, you stop being blind.
It looks worse than Mana and looks worse than Genshin

Look at this shit >>684121974
"Hurr looks better than Mana" fuck yourself, blind marketer. If I wasn't playing this for reasons unrelated to the graphics, I would have tapped out.
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LOL good job on outing yourself as a faggot
Graphicsfags still exist?
not just the enemies but the party AI looks a lot better now too. they dont just stand around like retards and attack every 5 seconds
OK retard.
is this just ff7 for pedos?
They never died. Graphicsfags were there at the beginning of games and they'll be there at the end
>Orin shows up and steals the key
>assume he's going to be a dick
>he actually makes the guy look like an idiot in front of the whole town
Very pleasantly surprised.
I'm not a graphicsfag, but these visuals are just lazy. They don't let you disable the vaseline smeared on the camera and they don't let you get rid of the motion blur.
You know what let you do that? THE LAST GAME.

I accept your concession, blind retard.
I only got into Mana recently and decided the series really wasn't for me except for maybe Legends. I decided to try this demo on a whim and it fixes almost every issue I had with Trials.
It's FF7 but good.
>I-I can't argue with webms of the game so FUCK YOU RETARD
kek Square doesn't send their best.
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This game is almost kino but I do have some complains.

Almost every attack or movement has a cooldown at the end, this makes you pause every time you try to do something, it doesn't feel snappy. Even movement in the open world has this cooldown on actions making characters feel heavy to play.
There is also jank everywhere, your team mates can block you from moving normally, the baby dragon thing can block you from jumping if it's there, cloth physics seem to not work properly sometimes.
The fights are inside an invisible wall bubble and it's kinda small, it should be way bigger
On the upside, there is soul everywhere and the dragon girl carries hard enough to make me overlook the gameplay flaws. I'll definitely buy it once decent mods are out, maybe they patch out some of the issues as well. Definitely not a full price game, more like a $40 one for me.
Next time you're gonna say what go "durrrrr what?"
They always will and they will just get progressively more and more insufferable, yes.
I take some solace in knowing that I will never be that miserable and jaded when it comes to video games at least.
Seems like locking it to 60 in both NCP and in-game, vsync on, borderless window fixed it.
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I don't care. Call me when the game is doing something more eggregious than this stupid bullshit.
>inb4 "It's an indicator of worse things!"
Probably. I still won't take that as a given until I've seen it.
Does it just hurt projecting this hard about your sad, pathetic existence? All people want is for it to look as good as a game made the last five years.
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It's FFX but without the deadweights like Kihmari and Rikku.
Awesome, I haven't tried borderless window but that may fix things.
It seems to be just another bad implementation of frame limiting.
This is the same animation.
Hey retard, I'm the guy who posted that webm, it still looks way better than Trials did. And if you weren't retarded you'd realise that saying "Mana" makes no sense because every game in the series is fucking Mana.
no but you'll always be a blind faggot making continuously sad excuses for why something that looks like shit is good for you.
>Almost every attack or movement has a cooldown at the end, this makes you pause every time you try to do something, it doesn't feel snappy.
Dash cancel >>684120429
so you made and posted a webm of it looking like chunky ass, characters floating along in their run cycles, and had the gall to come back to /a/ and say "actually, this is.. LE GOOD"?

you realize that only makes you look MORE like a blind faggot, right? I accept your concession, too.
A bit of correction, there's still some stutter but not every second like before this, so I consider this a partial fix.
You can easily estimate how much damage you're doing there. There isn't 50 numbers overlapping each other.
This nigga doesn't even know what board he's on lmao
Okay but your webm looks terrible. Look at the grass, look at the blur, look at the aberration. You want to tell us this looks as good as Trials did?
Yeah the mana thing is a fuckup on my part because I think of Trials as the definitive Mana game. You're still not doing yourself favors posting your own evidence against you.
yes, you can dash cancel, but what I'm saying is that combat doesn't feel snappy enough for me because of this weight that is everywhere, dash cancelling into more weight doesn't feel as good. I'm not saying that it's entirely bad, but I just wish it felt better to play. That's my main complain, I'll still buy it though since this that bad.
>Bunch of stuff in the guide menu
>No mention of what the ailments do
So what the fuck does paralysis do since it doesn't paralyse enemies?
Hey bud, I think he >>684124742 forgot to quote you. Simple mistake for a blind person to make, it happens ;^)
>You want to tell us this looks as good as Trials did?
Maybe you should go look at the game in question before trying to argue that another game doesn't look better.
oh ok, thanks for helping out the visually impaired anon, that's very kind of you to assist people with cataracts.
I prefer having weight to the completely weightless and floaty style of combat in Trials.
>the most busted character able to create the most game breaking buffs
>dead weight
You can quick fix this by going to steam overlay, controller menu, joystick, and set them to aggressive instead of linear.
Was there a mobile version of Trials of Mana?
>v hates trials now
Is Auto-run even working? I need to hold O to run, but if I press it once it just dashes but then walks.
I'll even say it again, your screenshot looks better than Visions right now.
And as an unfair but fair comparison: Trials with the graphics mods from gbatemp looks way better.

And as another problem this game is 4 years old.

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Even it feels as good as the 3d Trials of Mana, that'd be good enough for me honestly.
How are anons liking the demo so far?
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why are you posting a screenshot of the iPhone version?
It's just tasteless marketer faggots trying to smear the best Mana game.

I'm tempted to delete the demo off my computer because I refuse to reward this kind of behavior from companies.
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I will always be biased in favor of Secret of Mana because it was the first one I played and Purim is my waifu, but they did a great job with the characters on this one; all the girls are cute and the male characters are alright too.

Some random deranged retard is not the general consensus of /v/ no
Didn't care much for Trials but this seemed to fix almost every issue I had. I went from not considering buying it to possibly buying it at launch depending on what people say about the full game.
He's a disingenuous faggot. You should follow the reply chain a bit and you'll see more of his kvetching about Trials.
There's basically no difference honestly. The original game was so graphically simple that they didn't need to change much to get it running on phones. Which is what makes it so laughable that people are trying to pretend it looks even close to Visions.
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i don't care too much about dragon girl but i would fuck the loving shit out of flammie so she's staying in the party because of that
How much gay porn will the cat boy and MC have?
>How are anons liking the demo so far?
It's decent, there are some technical issues that can be fixed by mods or by the devs before launch, but other than that it's good.
I always thought it was a shitty remake where the only good thing about it was the character models. I'd much rather replay the SNES game. Especially with the godawful official localisation. At least Visions doesn't seem as bad in that regard.
>There's basically no difference honestly.
Full-mask off, I see.

Dude that's a lizard.
>because I refuse to reward this kind of behavior from companies
NTA but I also do have some issues with the demo, I will still buy it but on discount.
Not THAT much because Mana series has not and probably will never reach the truly mainstream audience (thankfully) but it will be more than the straight porn they get.
Funds from the Trials success
holy based
Liked it a lot
>u-u-uhhh actually! no difference!
why are reseteraniggers allergic to being honest? will they just burst into flames if they don't try to misrepresent something for ten microseconds?
the eye in this drawing is really jarring and ruins it
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and i would blow infinite loads into him or her depending on the game i'm not even discriminating here
>NTA but I also do have some issues with the demo, I will still buy it but on discount.
I mean, I've been waiting for Visions for fucking ever, so I'm probably going to buy it anyway in hopes that the glitches, problems, and issues presented are just demo pains.

But not day 1, fuck buying day 1.
I hope they put a limit on how many healing items you can have at once.

Wasnt sure what the limit was but if you can just bring a ton of recovery items the journey to the boss has no real possibility of lose and the boss fight can only be lost by them doing extreme burst.

I know this was an issue in the older games and in JRPGs in general but geeze.
I'm not any of them, but it ran fine for me with no glitches or issues at all after the initial shader compilation for the first few minutes of gameplay.
Not on switch
jpbros... are we back...?
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Gotcha, appreciate it
Might take a look at the demo this weekend
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wait for launch first before making that decision
I am cautiously optimistic.
How does it run on steam deck?
The demo is amazing on PS5. The only probem that i'm seeing is that the game goes to 30 fps when a tier 1 cutscene starts playing.

Wtf guys, did Kiryu-chan fixed Squeenix? we are getting banger after banger nowadays
That's gameplaywise. Storywise, Kihmari, Rikku, and hell, even Lulu after certain point added nothing to the table.
>"manna", like what christcucks ate in the desert
it was kikes who ate it in the desert
Biggest issue I have with the visuals is the cutscenes, it feels like Karina is the only one who actually has fitting animations, everyone else is extremely stiff, especially their facial animation.
>we must go. our home planet needs us.
yeah, Val and his girlfriend faces basically stuck to a smile only. Morley can get a pass because he's a rat.
It looks both very pretty, yet cheap. The story is very simple. The combat as well. I think this might be a nice game for a pre-teen who hasn't touched a gacha. That's the feeling I get from it.
incredibly shit take. all 3 of those characters have great moments between Calm Lands and Zanarkand. (after Zanarkand everyone kind of disappears besides Tidus & Yuna. it is what it is.)
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Stop seething, turn-based fags.
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Honestly why can't anyone tell these DEI fucks to go fuck themselves? DEI is terrorism.
Perhaps the real lamps were the dubba we made along the way.
How is the game at 4k? Can you still maintain it at 120 fps?
How does it run on steam deck
Do you have a 4090?
Fuck, I was hoping it would be like the last game and not have it. I guess it just gives me more time to do my backlog
I didn't think I would like the fem catboy but this nigga hayai.

Lookin' like Hinna got it in the bag.
Last game had it, it got removed over time. This one might lose it later on too.
redpill me on trials of mana
can get a key for $20, i've only played secret of mana
>it got removed over time
It must have gotten removed fast because I remember playing it not long after it came out.. Or they did a fuck up like they sometimes do and had it without it at first or something. Either way yeah I hope its not long. Thank god its a subscription now.
Nope, I'm using a 6950xt.
Not all SE games with Denuvo. Star Ocean the Last Hope still has Denuvo for some reason.
Modern games get Denuvo removed after a period of time because ones who picked up Denuvo past a certain date are required to pay an ongoing fee, rather than the old style of pay once and keep the Denuvo protection.

They only worry about attempting to slow piracy the opening months, then they remove Denuvo and don't worry about it as much.
Because it's an older version, and they don't have to pay ongoing fees for that one. It was a "pay once" deal.
Others are under an ongoing payment deal, and past a few months, it stops being worth the cost.
Can the PS5 version run at 120 FPS?
>Story is just FFX except the MC isn't ignorant of the sacrifices
>15 GB for a fucking DEMO
That's more than double the size of the entirety of Mario Odyssey, will the full game be fucking 50 GB? This is unacceptable, game devs should be held to higher optimization standards.
Are there any awkward HA HA HAs? Won't be the same otherwise
I know its been like this for so fucking long now. I'm so tired of this shit.
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Finished it, it's ok. Definitely a step up over Trials. My biggest issue is the ethical camera. The localisation isn't anywhere near as bad as with Trials either.
>No survey at the end
Guess it's too late for them to fix anything at this point.
Pretty sure this build is at least 4 months old since media got to play a similar demo back then.
i spent an inordinate amount of time trying to position the camera just to take screencaps of dragon ass and even that model disappears when it gets too close, fucking warcrime i tell you what
This is going to be a 7/10
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This anon is correct. Even I waver between pronunciations, but the more accurate one in this case is mah-nuh, not man-nuh.
Demo was neat
You can probably use the Universal Unreal Unlocker to fuck with the camera like last time unless this changed to some custom engine
Yeah maybe its just cause you're a few levels lower than it but that bee boss had more going on than anything in the back half of Trials remake
Unless there's some Angela-tier obvious game breaking horseshit again it seems like the game will actually make you pay a attention more.
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Best I managed for any NPC is this, can't actually tell if they have panties or not.
unfortunately i do not have a pc that will run this game (it's an old office desktop) and i had to download the demo on ps4
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>VAs in Eiyuden Chronicle pronounce "arcana" as both "ar-KAY-nah" and "ar-KAH-nah" depending on who says it
for me it's may nuh
You can turn off the class strike animations in the options
game feels a little weird, like how every time you jump while running around you roll when you land, which slows you down a bunch, among other minor little nitpicks. It also felt a bit overwhelming trying to figure out all the systems and shit they dumped on you very quickly, hopefully things are introduced better in the full game. I liked trials a lot, but that's because it had a good base to work off of, so I probably won't get this day 1 and will wait and see if it's actually any good or not. I haven't played many mana games (just secret, trials, and the remake), but I do know it has a lot of stinkers so it's probably best to wait and see. and maybe the weird little things will get fixed up in the future
this is the latest and maintained version of webm for retards https://github.com/argorar/WebMConverter/releases
Runs well on PC, pretty much locked at 1440p/144 FPS. Shader stutter went away after restarting the game. Shame the graphics options are limited to Low - High, lmao. The game itself seems like a 6 or 7/10 at best, though. The classes are severely lacking in weapon skills. The Nightblade or whatever felt the best to play.
Seems like skills from classes that share a weapon can be used, dragon girl gets the fan skill from both classes if you unlock both but Val obviously can't use his shield charge thing without a shield.
Well, I only saw spells and passive stat buffs on 5 of the 6 available classes with unlocks. I hope that doesn't mean the game is as barebones as what we have in the demo. The Nightblade had a few different things, like doing an air launch attack by delaying the attack input after the first hit and charging the strong attacks and so on.
I doubt its gonna be super indepth but the ability seeds have some things besides spells too
>i expected something on the level of the 3d party based Ys
Only VIII has an good combat and wasn't much better than Trials 2020(and the level design and RPG mechanics were better in Trials)
I swear , both Mihoyo and nufalcom trying to act like their games are Square tokyo team, DMC or Tales Team Destiny tier is hilarious
>trying to run the game at 120 fps in the snow area makes my cpu throttle
What the fuck is going on with the optimization?
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>load up demo
>see NetEase logo

what happened to the Trials team?
Thats the love live game in the small window right? Is it still up?
Anon, the games usually has the twist of one character sacrifice for the tree
The first one(writen by Kitase) has the girl and the third has the Fairy.
Any reason to get the PS5 version over PS4?
oof, preorder cancelled :(
NTA but doesn't the tree vanish after a certain point? What is the Mana timeline anyway? I do remember the first one original being a FF game before being called Sword of Mana in a GBA remake
>what happened to the Trials team
There are 3 or 4 square designer(which idk if they will come back) the rest are by the netease team led by a DMC V designer.
If you are asking for Xeen, they are working on Romancing SaGa 2 remake and last year worked on paranormasight, so they are still working with them.
probably runs a lot better
>fictional females skirt
I look up real womens skirts if they present it.
do you think skirts are worn for some reason other than to entice viewers? the whole purpose if to show off, if it wasn't, it wouldn't be a skirt but a dress.

Every partner I have ever had has happily indulged me and been nothing but ecstatic that I find them attractive and want to see them being sexy.
Fucking prudes I swear, don't want even a shred of sexuality in their lives, get a fucking life you loser and stop caring if people find characters attractive.
The fucking TAA vaseline is too insane. I can't see shit.
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>tilt down even a little and your characters evaporate
>you're not allowed to be bothered by this or else you're just a sex creep
things have gotten real bad
Yeah, the original was a FF spin of (not like Final Fantasy Legends, because even is Japan is called FF gaiden).
For the timeline , only Secret of Mana happen in that Adventure world; Trials , dawn and Legend happen in differents ones.
But I can blame people, Dawn villain first mention was a namedrop in Legends of mana and lately became the secret Boss in Trials remake (and heroes of Mana which is part of Masato Kato's world of mana was a Trials of mana prequel)
>this shit feels like an early ps2 action rpg game
Absolutely based, glad I pre-ordered.
>the lewdness of Angela with the refinement of Riesz
now lets just pray she also has Riesz supernatural ability to get porn of her drawn for 20 years straight thanks to one obsessed coomer.
>what is with the aberration here?
What aberration? I don't see any in that screenshot.
>It looks worse than games from 2010
Small indie studio, please understand.
is there really no dodge or roll in this game? wtf? it's 2024
there is. it was 'B' for controller, not sure about kb+m
It's over for mt 1060. and here i just thought that they listed the specs as it's the modern 'supported' cards
fuck you asshole, I'm horny and happy, or at least I was happy until you prudish femcucks stopped me from being able to look at panties in video games
its not on the on screen control help thing, and I couldn't find it in the keymapping menu
I really don't like how the entire L1 button is dedicated to an out-of-combat navigation menu when the R1 button is dedicated to an only-in-combat navigation menu. I feel like those could have been consolidated considering there's the ring menu if you want to use skills out of combat. In fact, why don't the L and/or R buttons bring up the ring menus? Feels like a waste of a shoulder button.
Also, when setting Reset Camera to one of the sticks instead of both sticks simultaneously, it activates on both press AND release for some reason, so it'll reset twice. That means if you're holding a direction while resetting, it'll double the angle, i.e. left or right becomes a 180 and resetting while holding back will just flip the camera forward again. And this is to say nothing of having to manually switch the stick scaling to aggressive in the Steam settings since the deadzones are fucked up. The entire game just feels awkward to control.
its ok. hopefully you didnt buy it on pc because its a stuttering mess like every other unreal engine game.
game itself seems like a cute ff7r with 9 million menus and eurojank somehow???
50 numbers that aren't far off from each other confounds your brain? Why are you even focusing on each individual pop-up like you're gonna win a gachashit 5star character if you focus on them all?
Have you got a link to the JP audio version
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It took me to the boss of the demo to realize that you could chain the heavy attack. Anyway, are items and the elemental attack the only ways to regain MP? Felt like I ran dry really fast.
>until you prudish femcucks stopped me from being able to look at panties in video games
I hate these people as much as you do Anon but I'm afraid in this very specific case, you need to direct your hatred towards the old Japanese men at CERO
I fucking HATE CERO
>Love Live
That's Im@s
this desu
>In fact, why don't the L and/or R buttons bring up the ring menus? Feels like a waste of a shoulder button.
Because they have special moves bound to them?
i want to rub my dick against that white thing's pawpads
That's a dragon
i want to rub my dick against that dragon's pawpads
CUTE eyebrows!
Why did they tone down the designs from the last one?
Why does Careena have a southern american accent
Cause for dubbers, from the countryside = hicks.
What a loser.

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To appease the ethics squads while maintaining plausible deniability AND keep the enthusiasts happy
The eyes feel glassy and lifeless. It's a little unnerving considering how vibrant the game's aesthetic is.
That's what I'm saying. The L button is used for shortcuts out of combat, and the R button is used for shortcuts in combat. They shouldn't be separate buttons, it should be a contextual. Items can be used both in and out of combat so that can even stay the same. It should just be one "Shortcut" button. That would free up the L button for some other function, like one of the camera functions that got set to pressing both sticks at the same time for some ungodly reason.

Cool. Don't care,

*drags balls across your face*

*closes thread after posting with reddit spacing just to make you seethe harder*

Lmaoing at your life for thinking I'm gonna play a demo. I ONLY pirate fully released non early access titles.

My dick is bigger than yours.
heyyy, lookin' GOOOOOOD
remember when FF type-0 would have detailed panties and the designer was a fucking woman
just be warned, DO NOT set va to english
Trials had more simple combat but it felt like your combos had uses. Here I just feel like I'm mashing despite overall things being smoother, maybe you unlock more over time.
>maybe you unlock more over time
what the god damn hell are you talking about this demo obviously has the entirety of the combat system and content unlocked and everyone needs to doompost about how games are shit and DEI now
So you can ask this question and think this is a good point. It is a complete non sequitur.

It's still a chink shit game in disguise.
They also posted an Elemental Vessels trailer that show the Earth Light and Dark Vessels
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>not on Switch
Why not?

I'll be playing this on PC, I am just wondering.
Switch 2 is gonna be out.
Does the PC version have malware like all modern PC releases from SE?
It runs like shit on PS4, lots of stuttering and frameskips. Would actually be unplayable on switch.
They literally made the game outdoors only, you cant go into any of the houses at all, what is this pokemon scarlet and violet?
Testing right now. A lot of stuttering while moving the camera (graphics mode).
can you actually get inside the houses in Trials Remake? I actually can't remember. I know you can get inside the inns and a library IIRC.
Yes, pretty much every building in a town you could enter. Wasn't really any reason to outside from a few chests and recycled NPC dialogue but you could.
For the Next ease company , is a subsidary that is made by Capcom (and I think Yakuza too?) staff.
Not that this tell shit, Sandland was directed by MH World Iceborn director
>seems like a cute ff7r with 9 million menus and eurojank somehow???
Well, yeah? Trials was like that too.
Both Trials and Vision seems to use the Ring gimmick from older Game like how 7R used ATB in a arpg setting.
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Runs pretty decent unlike most modern games, but it's very mediocre so far. The combat is barebones.
>not on Epic Games Store
Poor Timmy is getting the cold shoulder from SE.
SE has DEI infinite money they don't care about china money.
The performance is ass on steam deck.
I'm really disappointed. I fucking loved Trials of Mana and was expecting this game to be Trials of Mana but better, but it feels sooo much worse to play. It's shockingly clunky.
I was 100% in buy on release territory before this demo and now I'm second-guessing.
>(and I think Yakuza too?) staff.
Where's all the wacky sidequests? I didn't see a single case where Val chases a flying wig or feeds people superspicy kimchi to solve their mundane woes. All the sidequests thus far are "go here, get item/kill enemy".
More budget = more ethics
That should go without saying.
>He expected sexyness into a SE release in this decade.
Cmon man you are delusional.
What in the absolute fuck are you talking about. This game controls like absolute DOGSHIT compared to Trials. There's a lot more menuing involved and the menuing is very clunky / sometimes flat out doesn't even work, pressing the dodge button locks you into an animation that forces you in to go in one direction like in the early 2000s Monster Hunter games, the animations are overly long and a lot of attacks are not dodge cancellable, the movement in general is HORRENDOUS and so much more.
My copium is that this might be an early build but if it's not, this game is nowhere close to Trials in gameplay.

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