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9 mods out of 11. I kanda scared trying the last 2 mods.

Whats your Wuthering Garden progress so far?
I thought it was Hatsune Miku for a second there.
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VR idols will be ingame, but different team

Will have actual albums too
Just started getting into this. I’ve got all the requirements to level up my proxy but I don’t see where I can do it. Do I have to do Hollow Zero first?
whenever you reach treshold to level up proxy, you`ll get a quest in your Interknow - need to talk to your Agent first, and then do the mission on the HDD terminal
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Are these the only anthro girls around?
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2 days until version 1.1 stream. What do you expect?
Anal sex
She`s a robot and doesnt have unnecessary utilities.
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also, there is a reason Qingyi acts like lolibaba.

She is android trained on ancient civilisation sources i.e. kung fu movies, chinese TV dramas etc.
>Shiyu Defense recommends level 50 on node 10
>first team is Ether specialized, only have Nicole after Soldier 11 blew my 50/50 on the asscop banner
>roll with level 40 fire team instead
>takes 7:30 to mash through the piledriver
>ice team takes out the second half with 3 seconds left
How did they expect people to clear this shit by this point
That is such an unserious thing for a police force to do
i did pilediver at decent time at lvl 40 with Ellen,Koleda, Nicole team

Just need to learn not to waste time runing out of AOEs, but dodge them while dpsing
well, it made a Kung Fu master out of her, so it was effective. Plus, it seems the advanced androids like her and Billy are remnants of old and cant be produced anymore
So in a way, Chinky has hit menopause.
I mean, I was pretty much attached to the thing's legs the entire time, I don't think there was hardly any time spent not whaling on it. My first team was Soldier, Koleda, and Ben. Saved Ellen for my ice team with her and Soukaku. Decided against running Nicole due to lack of synergy with anyone else
Lol I dunno, maybe my fingers just got tired at some point, I have carpal tunnel
The game really needs using to, with practice it becomes easier... and then it hits you with HZ and bosses ganging on you.
A lot of QoL. That's what I expect from this game in general. The recent survey shows that they took the feedback about the incredibly shitty UI to heart and are trying to fix it. This game has room to grow.
i accidently choosed male MC instead of the female one and the progress is saved on my account, which i also use for genshin. is there anything i can do ? fkg game prompted a choice without asking twice in the mid of a cutscene
i have zero problems with UI. I was confused for like 10 minutes at start but now it grew on me. Dont really want any changes.

Similarly, welcome the new rally/more hands on missions - but not at cost of TVs. TVs are fine and i wish they added editor for player maps for TV, to make and share.

My wishes are further zoom camera when fighting big enemies, better lock-in control since occasionly it fucks combat up. And most important - more HZ maps and progression upgrades, since almost maxed existing already.
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Male MC is the only correct choice, since that way Belle will be frequently present as character, with voicelines and animations.
Interacting with Belle > Being Belle
>gotta wait two more banners for miyabi
>stuck with a bunch of doodoo A ranks and gr*ce
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Collab When?
there litterally is no bad chars currently in ZZZ, even Billy if build right is amazing

So whatever chars you got, just adapt and adjust and likely will learn to have fun with them. Grace is great for Disorder teams.
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I love Soukaku!
wish these were playable
I feel bad for Billy
he's cool but I have no intention of using him
>kemono shit with massive fiveheads and ugly anime hair while the males get to be cool feral looking beasts
Glad I didn’t get hyped for this trash. If they ever add in a female anthro character it’s just going to look as hideous as this.
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There are three major problems with it
1. It's unresponsive and slow as fuck. For example, I walk up to the NPC, press interact, and nothing fucking happens. This problem is constant for me, probably because of how the game buffers your inputs. There are tons of fancy animations that I wish I could just fucking skip. In Genshin, the "Challenge Complete" screen takes less than a second, same as Star Rail. In ZZZ, it's an entire fucking light show that you have to watch every goddamn time. And don't even get me started on being unable to skip the voiceless slop sidequests that no one ever fucking reads.
2. The item icons are incredibly shit. Drive discs are impossible to tell apart without clicking on them, weapon and character resources look almost exactly the same, etc. Trying to figure out what you need and where to get it is a pain in the ass. I pity the fools who play this game on a small mobile screen, shit must be fucking impossible to navigate.
3. It's chaotic as fuck. I always find myself thinking "Okay, I wanna do this thing now. Wait, how do I get there, again?", and then clicking through the menus, trying to find shit. In both Genshin and Star Rail, the menus are simple and self-explanatory, but in ZZZ, everything feels random and retarded. This problem is compounded by the aforementioned shitty icons, making the grind that's supposed to be quick and snappy annoying as fuck.
Is it too late to start the game? Are the free puls gone?
You still have like 4 days to get the 20+10 free pulls.
What's the fanservice for straight men like?
>1. It's unresponsive and slow as fuck. For example, I walk up to the NPC, press interact, and nothing fucking happens.
Works on my machine. Buys M4 SSD. Also, you must approach NPC from specific angle, often it wont react unless you interact from the frong.
>And don't even get me started on being unable to skip the voiceless slop sidequests that no one ever fucking reads.
litterally kill yourself, if you dont play Mihoyo games for the story, you shoudbt be at all
>. The item icons are incredibly shit. Drive discs are impossible to tell apart without clicking on them, weapon and character resources look almost exactly the same, etc. Trying to figure out what you need and where to get it is a pain in the ass. I pity the fools who play this game on a small mobile screen, shit must be fucking impossible to navigate.
gone after 10 minutes of play, you get used to it.
>3. It's chaotic as fuck. I always find myself thinking "Okay, I wanna do this thing now. Wait, how do I get there, again?", and then clicking through the menus, trying to find shit. In both Genshin and Star Rail, the menus are simple and self-explanatory, but in ZZZ, everything feels random and retarded. This problem is compounded by the aforementioned shitty icons, making the grind that's supposed to be quick and snappy annoying as fuck.
once again, only poses problem for first 10 minutes

Its lot more intuitive and comfortable US than Genshin and Honkai pile of icons. Unnecessary stuff all hidden, all the stuff you use is click away.

The only element i`d completely revamp is HDD mission lists. Its quite inconvenient with division on chapters/types. One filterable lists hiding complete missions would be better.
Higher than other Mihoyo games but not reaching the point of something like Nikke.
>cant be produced
Well, only if you try harder.
You watch porn with a single iove-hopeless 30 year old cop in your bedroom.
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I appreciate your sacrifice.
its never to late, in fact, the later you start, the more content will be ready for you

you`ll miss some events, but its not a race anyway , but a single player game
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there is a reason also why sentient androids are not produced, but only bangboos instead

Everything "sentient" be it humans, animalas or machines - get corrupted in Hollows and turn into Etherials.
I want to change to wise after playing with belle for so long. I'm sick of hearing wise during the quests. I think the only advantage of choosing belle is that I don't have to stare at a man butt.
>you get used to it
No, fuck that. It was not a problem for the first 10 minutes in Genshin or Star Rail. Especially Star Rail - that game has a fuckload of modes and shit, and it still packages everything nicely. And those first 10 minutes are vital for making the first impression, something previous MHY games excel at. It's a problem ZZZ needs to solve ASAP.
When the FUCK do I reach this point? I just want to do the fucking events already

Currently at the part after you meet the cops where the bangboo gets framed and it just keeps going on and on and on JUST LET ME DO THE FUCKING EVENTS
>And those first 10 minutes are vital for making the first impression, something previous MHY games excel at. It's a problem ZZZ needs to solve ASAP.
no, and devs know better
has bangbus sued yet?
Forgot my picture
I'm pretty sure I can reproduce with qingyi
>comparing the well-designed UI that inspired the industry to the absolute ass that is ZZZ's UI
Fuck off.
did you do the Side missions in VHS store? i.e. interact with VHS shelf
Less TV navigation because of ADHD zoomers
i actually posted it as example of the actually most terrible UI no devs should ever make, but ok kek
The requirement is written on it, anon.
You are almost there.
perfect belly and tits
Bro, did you already forget about the arcade manager?
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Which banner will make more revenue? Waifu, Husbando or Furry one?
Obviously waifu due to the sheer number of retarded waifufags.
Is that an Anby line? Dubcuck.
En dub is fine. Only bad ones are koleda soukaku and Lucy. En can't pull off little girls to save their life.
koleda was fine or whatever until I got to the big construction vehicle fight in the story
then I remembered why anime is CRINGE
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y she cry
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why? it was perfect Gurren Laggan reference episode

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Last Day of Shiyu Defense
Am I gonna make it, bros?
coping hard that belobog is enough to convince people who didn't watch gurren lagann to finally watch it
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nah, they should watch Panty and Stocking
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or NGE
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or Blood Blockade Battlefront
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though ZZZ is cartoon on itself
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You wouldn't fuck a stinky rat, right anon?
you have more self-respect than that
Shop resets tonight. Gonna buy those porn tapes,
I have a feeling that once I complete the story there will be nothing fun left
The new shop will be piper and soukaku.
theres content until lvl 45 at least, then side quest until 48 and then only dating and HZ.

Next batch should be in 1.1 in 10 days or so
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>You wouldn't fuck a stinky rat, right anon?
If it has a vagina, I'd fuck it. If there an asshole, I'd still fuck it, simple as that.
Are Dennies better than Bangboo rolls?
this is how Peak combat looks, learn, kids

>Gold Town
jesus fuck
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I love her long tail since she can use it as a makeshift dildo just like that succubus girl in Koakuma Kanojo
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id swap mcs with you if i could anon. getting so sick of staring at the girl's ugly ass fucking paper mache skirt its unreal
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>Kind Bear ended up there because he heard that Anton's bro was unwell and the company didn't have resources to take care of him until next month
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I wish bears were real.
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>lost 50/50 ass cop banner to the useless fire cunny that i already own
Koleda is the best stunner in the game.
>not stinky
What's the fucking POINT
pls don't be lying.

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