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With Itsuno gone, is there any hope for Capcom?
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Once this guy leaves they are fucked forever
Wait what? Is it real?
considering they are parading trannies around the office, I’m going to say we are past the point of no return
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Is the fact that Megaman is dead a blessing in disguise? Does this mean that only alive franchises will be whored out? Is DMC also safe?
Yeah, he left. Turns out he found a better job elsewhere. No chance of DD2 getting better with updates, basically 0 chance of DMC6 getting made since Capcom is spite driven.
That's only US branches and they don't create any games, they just do socials.
People supported them after they ported RE4 to Playstation 2?

haha okay sweetie
Once the Ace Attorney people leave (and it will be soon, far more likely than not), it's dead as anything but Golden Boy franchise factory. The Golden Boys being Street Fighter and Monster Hunter. Resident Evil is up in the air now that they've almost run out of games to remake.
Name one game they've made in the US
I don't like DMC or Monster Slop, so O don't really care about this
Literally anyone can make good MH games.
>Capcom fully embraces DEI faggotry
>gender neutral armor in MH
>Dead Rising remake censored
>Itsuno leaves
>RE9 will be open world slop
It’s so fucking over. I’m crying. RiP in peace, old Capcom.
The only good franchise they have left is Momster Hunter. And they are ruining the franchise with every game.

I know everyone likes to go, "but every MH game is still good, though". But it's still not a good idea to build up resentmemt from old fans and specifically appeal to new players. They have a massive fanbase of normalfags now. If one new game fails to deliver on the expected level of presentation normies need. all the grievances from boomers that newfags dont care about are gonna act as a force multiplier to the outcry once they finally do make that "one bad game".

Same shit has already happened to a ton of devs people used to suck off. Also, this is about the Monster Hunter team specifically, not Capcock.
>Literally anyone can make good MH games.
You sure?
only two things you mentioned are actual problems
>Literally anyone can make good MH games
No, they're fucked and all Japanese devs will follow suit. They are going to go down in flames along with the Western gaming industry.
ffxiv is completely developed by Japan yet the latest expansion was written by sweet baby
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As long as they keep this guy producing REmake kino, they'll have my money.
Anon, they're out of games to justify remaking.
Funny way to spell slop
I played FF16 and I will never play a DLC. I also played FF15 and I never played a DLC.
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I think after Wilds bombs due to the woke mind virus ailing the company Capcom as a company will cease to exist.
Name 3 games better than RE remake 2 in the past 5 years.
>after Wilds bombs due to the woke mind virus

speaking about viruses, please take your meds anon
why did he leave anyway?
They said it was either suck the feminine penis or leave and he left.
>With Itsuno gone, is there any hope for Capcom?
>he doesn't know
Capcom is dead since they moved to California.
>why did he leave anyway?

He literally had to beg Crapcum to make DMC5 and DD2. So he probably left because he wasn't able to work on the type of projects he wanted to.
>he doesn't know

What would he even be hired to work on? DMC? Okami? No way the would let him make anything new and original.
Capcom has been carried by SF and MH for longer than Itsuno was relevant. They don't need him, and quite frankly he only made one good DMC game. 4 was incomplete and 5 spent more time scanning animations than making good gameplay and fresh characters. I look forward to 6 with him out if the picture.
Kinoshita will carry on DD and make it actually relevant like he did with DDO. I think Itsuno stood on the mantle too long. DMCV was still an amazing come back though.
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Looks like there's an open spot for DMC lead
they're already out of the good games to remake
Dragons Dogma 3 got potential to be a proper sequel now
>Once the Ace Attorney people leave
nobody tell him
>carried by
lmao even
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This but unironically, get a fresh guy like the DDO one to do it. Fuck boomers.
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SF? seriously dude? SF6 didnt even seel like 3 million, its RE zombiefaggotry and zoomer MH now, even as someone who liked and played a lot of MH I never wanted they to only focus on the franchises that make the most money, now with the last guy left who made passion projects there is nothing else but the will of the investors, its over, its so over I bet SF7 will not even exist and SF6 will be alive for multiple decades until they decide to shut down the servers because the MH and RE mobile games make more money
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deicom can eat a dick
I don't mind fantasy black people
but why make intentionally ugly niggers?
>DMCV was still an amazing come back though.
Yes and no. Capcom made a bad decision with DmC but it was never a case of the series being in danger, especially with all cross over stuff still using normal Dante and Vergil designs with the exception of PSABR with used the Donte design. 5 was gonna release eventually and fans would've been all over it regardless, larger franchises had been shelved for less at capcom.
RE Engine has killed Capcom. It was perfect for corridor games like Resident Evil, but in Open World it's failed. MT Framework was so much better for that and I think they know it.
Fighting games survive for years now, but SF7 will absolutely be a thing around 2029-2030, along with Tekken 9, Injustice 4, and GG49%
Where's my fave fighter SC7? I love SC6 so much.. and since it's been so long if they ever do release SC7 it'll be shit.
>carried by SF
fucking lol
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World is good, fuck off. But:
>ugly people just like in real life = le immersive fantasy gayme!
What is that
This got memoryholed so hard.
holy shit this feels like it happened forever ago
yeah, he has said in a recent video with Ikumi Nakamura that he would love to make Okami 2 (literally says Capcom please hire me lol). They brought it back for the Kunitsu-gami collaboration calling it a "successful cult classic" or something like that, it must be in some official website. Fucking Okami is a game that has sold 2 mil in 20 years, is not precisely a success
Nope. It's about to be fully taken over and subverted by jews
Enjoy whiteboy
Only good remake was the RE1 one from before you were born.
RE Engine haters are the lowest IQ group in /v/. You dont know what a game engine is
There was literally no problem with DD2's open world though
we are forcing Japanese video game companies to not only establish ESG departments, but to staff them with westerners so as to make sure they do it correctly. if they don't play ball, we kick them while their economy is down
MT Framework could barely handle open world or large environments either.
>MT Framework literally runs at 60fps on a potato.
>RE engine runs 60fps+ on REmakes
>RE engine when it touches open world, i.e. DD2 or Wilds the max is 30fps on average.
I'm a massive fan of both MH and DD but to go backwards is weird. I have a PS5 and DD2 was variable 30, my PC is on 3080 and still also struggles to get 40fps.
So I have to literally drop another £1k?
Your entire argument falls apart when you remember World was MT Framework.
And the open world is the part where DD2 actually runs smooth. It's the towns where there are NPCs that it tanks because the fucking retards ran simultaneous NPC tracking, simulations, affinity, and pathing all at the same time.
this, the problem was in the city with all the npcs. The Discord troons should look for another stupid shit to spam. Unreal engine, now thats a shit engine for open world with documented problems. Until cd project release the witcher 4 we wont see any solution, supposing they dont modify the engine so much that they cannot be applied to the standart engine.
World pushed MT Framework to the brink though. It was a massive graphical update.
Which means MT Framework doesn't work anymore and can't even handle what 2013 hardware wanted to do.
So that means RE Engine has the same issue but I guess earlier.
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Notice how there’s barely any new Mega Man releases after Inafune left.

Let me also mention that the reason I say this is because of Capcom’s latest statement of Mega Man being a “highly valued IP”. And I want to remind the people here, and in Mega Man communities in general how low the bar of expectation should be since the backbone of the franchise is no longer actively involved with development.
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Kunitsu-Gami is GOTY so as long as that team keeps making games they'll be alright. I still prefer RE Engine era to the Outsourcing era despite some good games coming out in the latter (some of which were among the outsourced games); they'll never be CapGod again and I've accepted that.
No it doesn't you retard. DD2s problems stem from Itsuno's team doing retarded shit like always tracking NPCs and their affection, tracking their day and night cycle movements, doing path finding for the NPCs across the entire game world, and keeping all NPC logic loaded at all times.
Horror wise?
Dead Space - remake done right
Tormented Souls - fixed camera/tank controls (classic RE)
Phasmophobia - psychological horror/dread
That balding hack better bring him in
Didn't he leave his company too?
Explain why Wilds has the same issues then
Not that retard, but even if the programming side is done in Japan isn't the US side heavily involved in the development process like with Street Fighter 6 for example? The characters, art direction, the music. Absolutely nothing about that game feels like it came from Japan.
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This might be the last Capcom project without DEI intervention thanks to it's low profile, secrecy, being unknown and a new IP
>best selling Capcom game of all time
Because they ported it to the Wii so I forgave them.
Their fighting game division is cooked, SF has been dead since 4 ended. they fumbled so hard with MvCI and gave up making Vs while the fucking community is trying to fix it
they are just an RE/MH company now
seems like this game is gonna be in devhell since they can't even convey what it is about
Kamiya has publicly talked about wanting to work on Capcom franchises again, including DMC. It's possible that was intentional since it was just a few months ago; Capcom probably knew Itsuno was leaving so it's not crazy to imagine they were in touch with Kamiya after he left Platinum.

Whether I want a Komiya helmed Devil May Cry though, I don't know.
Inafune was the guy constantly pushing to make new Mega Man games but he was also the guy that was pushing to outsource development to the west as much as possible. That philosophy nearly killed the company if they didn't pivot and find success soon after that pivot. He also bailed from the company while multiple MM projects were in early development and had limited resources if any.

That said the idea that the staff were scared to pitch a new MM game after he left was just weird, and the guy who finally decided to pitch MM11 was put on SF6 instead of another Mega Man game despite 11 literally being the best selling game in a franchise of over 100 games.
again, you dont know what a game engine is. World and REmake 2 were released targeting past gen hardware, RE4 is cross gen. Wilds footage is from a unstable ps5 build, the problems it showed had nothing to do with DD2, frame dropped when the Doshaguma hair got too close to the camera and they got applied transparency and textures had trouble loading, both problems involving mainly GPU which were not an issue in DD2. Also the wilds demo ran way better without multiplayer
No, the devs create the game as is, and then change things to appeal to the western audience.
It's sad how much both Konami and Capcom treat their old IPs that made them famous like shit.
At the very least Konami doesn't go out of their way to censor games in compilation rereleases to my knowledge.
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What if both Itsuno & Kamiya end up at Mikami's new studio?
But it's already confirmed they are targeting 30fps. Just google it.
That's the most no sense shit I've ever heard. They'd waste an unreasonable amount of money developing shit just to change by committee later.
that game is never seeing the light of day
>No chance of DD2 getting better with updates

He fumbled it anyway, just like last time. And just like last time Kento the KINO man is going to swoop in and make a banger expansion turning it into a 10/10
If you liked RE4 remake this is your perfect company now.
I would have loved a DD game that was almost entirely like Bitterblack Isle. Make an absolutely gigantic dungeon that you have to claw and fight your way through, screw the open world aspect.
>Itsuno gone
>Starting to run out of RE games to remake
>Exoprimal blunder
>Monhun recent(last 10 years) international popularity might plateau soon
>Arriving way too late to the tranny pandering party when other companies are starting to backpedal
>No Megaman in sight
They are known to survive hard times pretty well but this time a lot of effort has to come from the suits to get their heads out of their asses.
BG3 did it. I bought early access, kept up with the progress and then it was literally maybe 6 month before release they added pronouns, genital choices etc.
Street Fighter 6 is exactly the same worldwide so you just proved my point.
>everything is in the monhun basket
would be a shame once it eventually starts dying...
>That said the idea that the staff were scared to pitch a new MM game after he left was just weird
It's not that surprising. The backlash along the internet for what happened with the immediate cancellation of everything Inafune was bolstering, and over Bad Box Art Mega Man in SFxT, was basically toxic radiation over everything involving the franchise at the time, and internally with no reason to pursue Mega Man as other priorities came into play, no one was looking to bat for it either. "Mega Man became taboo", if I remember the phrasing right, implies that no one had the guts to try to bring it up to corporate or pitch a concept or anything because Inafune, whether intentionally or unwittingly, burned the bridges so badly that it was seemingly unviable.

And honestly, even after MM11's relatively great sales for a budget game as the best of the series, it took 4 years to reach that point and still pales to any big hitter Capcom series anyway.
yes and? framerate is a ultimately design choice.They have chosen graphical fidelity and simulation over framerate. Wilds looks way better than World (when textures load) and the maps are bigger with more monsters, remember World was limited to 3 big monsters. Your personal preference regarding 60 or 30 fps is irrelevant, we could have games released for modern consoles running at 120 fps, see valorant, that is literally designed to look like shit just to run smoothly in every pc.
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>Lead dev for DD left before even bothering to fix and patch their last game up properly.
It's honestly kind of hilarious to think about the fact that this dude literally publicly announced that Capcom has already abandoned DD2.

Also fuck this guy for retroactively turning DMC into an eternal Vergil wankfest that is literally only carried by it's gameplay and music.
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Blast enjoyers stock cratered today. No refunds DD2 bros.
military grade hopium
>Where's my fave fighter SC7?

It's dead. Yotoriyama was the only one at Bamco pushing and lobbying for the series and he ebt his reputation on SC6. The game did poorly so he got Itsuno-ed and left the company. Harada basically confirmed that he was the last guy who cared about the series at bamco so unless some higher up decide to reanimate it, it's basically Darkstalker-tier of dead: just cameo fodder and nothing more.
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To be honest, I expected Itsuno to either retire or dial it back after DD2 regardless so him leaving but still working on games is more than I expected; he already said he was done with DMC after 5 and I wasn't expecting him to direct a DD3 either. Though it's a shame that with CvS3 more likely than ever he won't be able to return as director. Honestly, I think modern Capcom still has a lot of talent even with all the names that have left over the years, but the suits have taken to a western publisher mentality where only the big games in the top 2 or 3 IPs should get any focus outside of cheap ports and stabs at live services.

Things like GnG Resurrection, MH Stories 2, and Path of the Goddess prove they have the ability to make great AA-level games still, but they seem intent on not making them regularly and dumping money into RE & MH.

>And honestly, even after MM11's relatively great sales for a budget game as the best of the series, it took 4 years to reach that point and still pales to any big hitter Capcom series anyway.
They've recently said that their current strategy of making Mega Man into more of a brand with tons of merch and collections and media has lead to it making more money than it did when they were putting out 2 games in the franchise a year back in the 00s. He's more of a mascot than ever before, leading to this weird situation where he's always showing up but never in new games.
>only carried by it's gameplay and music.
yeah, only if that were the most important things in an action game...
If the newest MonHun bombs it'll unironically be over I think. Maybe they'll manage to stay afloat for a while, but I wouldn't expect anything worth playing from them.

>that is literally only carried by it's gameplay
Wow horrible.
What a tragedy. The game had so much potential but they completely botched the release.
The problem by being carried by literally just one thing and one thing only is that all it takes is just one minor fuckup to the system and the entire IP is fucked.
Look at DMC2.
I'm surprised they remembered Sengoku Basara and BoF existed at one point.
DMC2 wasn't even supposed to be a DMC game and it was going to be shit regardless. DMC2 may be a nightmare scenario but it really shouldn't be used as a specific case of "well this is what it could be" when something like DmC exists as a proper example.
>carried by it's gameplay and music.
Those are the best things for a game to be carried by. 5's story refusing to move on from Vergil so much that it lead to some stupid moments aside it's still a great action game.

I don't think there's a chance Wilds flops. World was a phenomenon that I don't think will be topped, but Rise still managed to be the 2nd-best-selling game ever while being a smaller game. Worst case it still makes their Top 5.
Did you mofos forget we're getting megaman mini series in december from secret level? DD got an anime on netflix before releasing DD2 so there might be something with megaman later on
It's one episode of something covering a bunch of different games. Fuckin Armored Core and Unreal Tournament are in there too, it fits with what >>687368594 said, making Mega Man more of a brand outreaching into the world rather than strictly focusing on games.
they never focused on mh until world
Some of the core staff for the PS1 BoF games are still at Capcom so the spirit is there; they worked on the single player for SF6 and snuck in a bunch of BoF characters as post-game boss fights with Fou-Lou being the game's single hardest boss. SB is a franchise they never had faith in succeeding outside of Japan so the moment it slipped in Japanese sales they killed it, which is a shame since 3&4 were better than the vast majority of KT-made Musous and SBX is a really cool spinoff.
Just like that Mega Man cartoon that aired a few years ago meant Capcom was intent on resurrecting the IP in video games, right? How about those MMX figures that still come out on a regular basis, that surely signifies a new Mega Man X game, right?
>nightmare scenario
kind of goes to show how capcom higher up sees replaceable units for any given project
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There will be no Japanese people working at Crapcom in the future, only street shitters.
do not redeem saar
>SF6 didnt even seel like 3 million
It's at 3.7 as of their most recent reports from June, so that's in one year. SFV took four years to hit 4.1 million since that was what they said it reached right before Champion Edition launched in early 2020. It's doing significantly better than the last SF.
and sfv was considered a flop
>dead aim
>outbreak 1 and 2
>revelations 1 and 2
>umbrela and darkseid chronicles
Not yet
MH Wilds will sell 10 million copies in a month so they really do not care about DD anymore
RE engine has absolutely killed their games having any actual art style
If you know japanese you know that sentence about megaman being highly valued was just something they said to investors to save face without any actual intention behind it, I personally already accepted we will only get collections if lucky but DMC and DD now being dead is really over
Dark arisen wasn't made by Itsuno so we're good still.
Vaporware Boogaloo
>5 remake with dei capcom
good luck
genre roulette, again, good luck
>everything else
irrelevant spinoffs
SF7 and Tekken 9 I could believe could come out eventually. There is no way in fuck GG is going to release another iteration because they ended the entire story and universe. There's literally nothing else to do in it.
That was Unreal Engine, you dip. And it was a rushed, broken game that was supposed to have or at least at one point experimented with some sort of comic shaders but never finished them.
>Things like GnG Resurrection, MH Stories 2, and Path of the Goddess prove they have the ability to make great AA-level games still, but they seem intent on not making them regularly
unlike Sony, Capcom knows that you cant survive just with gigantic projects. They have been releasing these low risk projects for years. As long as they keep in good shape I doubt they will stop releasing smaller games, Square Enix has explicitly said that they will center in the big releases but as long as Capcom has money they can afford to try weird shit with things like Exoprimal, specially in a market that has subscriptions services like Gamepass and ps plus (as shit as the later may be)
Explain please? I've never played SF beyond 2 because there's literally no need to, and I assume all those pictures are from SF?
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Nah gonna have to disagree with you there pal
Exoprimal is separate from GnGR, MHS2, and KG:PotG in my eyes because it was an experiment. It was an experiment for battle passes, live service shooters, and gameplay/monster design ideas for the team. Once they said the staff were mostly the younger members of the Monster Hunter team I knew exactly what it was for. I played it via GamePass, thought it was kinda fun, and wasn't the least bit shocked when support stopped literally one year after launch. It was a 6.5/10 with some fun aspects. Kunitsu-Gami is my GOTY though, THAT game feels like something they would've made 15-20 years ago and I really hope they support that team going forward.
Sad part is that the game will probably fucking flop just like Kunitsugami, which will further push Capcom into focusing more on MH/RE/SF.
sure maybe 5 as co-op with good ai

6, i mean aside from the characters and the mechanics nobody liked or remembered the campaign or villian

but remake shit that nobody liked isn't gonna give them the bump they want
>turning DMC into an eternal Vergil wankfest
That's the only correct thing you've said. Although Bingo Morihackshi is partly to blame for that too cause he's the one who confirmed Nero being Vergil's kid, in some crappy novel.
1. Point 2 and 3 aren’t needed because they are part of point 1. If it weren’t for DEI, Capcom would gender everything and I doubt anyone else would come for Erotica points or remove communist insults.
2. Itsuno is just another pawn, plus he lied a lot about Dragons Dogma 2 and made the monetization a contender for worst out of any Capcom game.
3. Speaking of monetization, theirs is super Jewish.
yes because it relies heavily on scanned models
MvCI which they abandoned while the community has been trying to fix it themselves
Hell yeah, Capcom is best company making games right now. Feels good, feelz real good.
Oh so another one of those pointless games, like they did with the REverse thing.
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Don’t worry anon sir! Surely the MVC and Fighting Collection 2 will save them :)


Will anybody get it digitally in September or just wait for the physical in November?
desu his prequel story might be a good fit for making a game and/or where he was outside dante's adventures
though they might have to change-up him a bit so that he's more an anti-hero
Specially that one

That one is fucking dogshit

Hard to call it Monster Hunter

Hey go claw some more and grind more you fucking retard, chop chop

Yes. All dead IPs are safe, just look at poor Croc
capcom probably letting this live so that disney will let them make the next one
>paying 50 quid for a censored ROM collection only for Capcom to completely forget about MVC again
Miss me with that Jew shit.
I think most people will spring for physical since it's more of a symbol than anything, at least for MvC. People getting it digitally are only in it for the early wave of MvC2 Ranked and the training mode that comes with it, and to be honest a quality training mode in Marvel 2 is nice. I'm genuinely thinking of getting CFC2 despite using Fightcade already just for the proper training mode and the occasional Power Stone session with friends, trying to lab in Project Justice on Flycast is so limited.
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>Pretend this image has collections instead of streaming services cuz I am too lazy to edit.
Even if every game was untouched (except for any licensing issues) not shilling 50$ for Roms.
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It's crazy to think that out of all 11 Megaman games, only 3 of these games aren't made in the NES style.

4 if you count & Bass
The thing that would stop a new MvC is Marvel, Nakayama & Matsumoto want to make a new one. They'll probably settle on making CvS3 instead.
It's a shame that the revival stuck to MM2 nostalgia but 9 & 10 were great games despite that. Not a big 8 fan but its sprites were put to good use in MM&B at least.
capcum was never good
>SNK makes gets a proper console/pc motm
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>only for Capcom to completely forget about MVC again

I hear you there anon, there hasn’t been a new Megaman despite the collections selling decently, they even bragged about BNLC selling a million but didn’t announce a new game a year later.
>Exoprimal is separate from GnGR, MHS2, and KG:PotG
yes and no, the Kunitsu team last game was for apple arcade and Kunitsu itself very likely started as a mobile game. Capcom and Nintendo are among the few companies that value their developers talent and developments like these provide great experience for new generations, I dont remember any big name associated with Kunitsu team so its probably made by young devs too. There are quite a few famous nip devs that explicitly say they are aiming to teach and provide opportunities to the next generation of game devs,
The two decades from 1989 to 2009 was the best sustained run any developer has ever had and they still have good games before and after that period.
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>fighting bullet sponges that dont fight back
>same button mash to win with no difficulty
>carried by it's gameplay
Yeah and they are the worst ones, funny huh?
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Marvel fucked itself over by selling the exclusivity rights for a full on X-Men game to Sony, expecting Spider-Man 2 to be a massive success and console seller. X-Men is the only Marvel property people care about anymore, so Marvel's only chance at promoting them now is either a new MVC or a new Ultimate Alliance, as they won't be able to release anything X-Men focused until 2035.
Honestly the Live Service model should die off already
Capcom cares about Mega Man to the sole extent of licensing the brand out for free money. Bragging about sales is just code for "our brand is valuable, you should pay us thousands for it."
What a shame, honestly they could've made a sequel to X-Men vs Street Fighter to directly address how people hated Infinite cutting all mutants and how both IP are currently hot again after rough 2010s.
Marvel is extremely retarded so it makes sense that they went in that direction.
there's hope since they haven't fucked with Marvel Rivals
>Aquatroon also avatarfags with the xenoblade 2 bitch
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At the Megaman Olympics, we aim our Busters where?
MUA3 wasn't meddled with much but I also recall reading that that's because Nintendo threatened to just cancel the game if they fucked with Team Ninja too much. I wouldn't be shocked if Marvel didn't fuck with NetEase for Rivals because they definitely only struck the deal to spite Blizzard after their falling out and would probably drop Marvel just as fast.
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I have a question for anons, what are your favorite Capcom games from the 80s, 90s and 2000s. Feel free to list multiple if you want and explain how you became a Capcom fan and if you ever considered hating Capcom for something they did that you didn’t like.
>If the newest MonHun bombs
The shit I read sometimes, kek. I also read some posts recently that also thought GTA6 could bomb. Like, really? There is a a literal 0% chance it bombs. Truth is that their recent AA releases like GnG and Kunitsugami are all just projects used to get new hires and current employees to get used to the RE/REX Engine. Not to mention studios can't just "make games" on a whim. You need talented/experienced/passionate people to be at the helm to control the project and steer it in a good direction.
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>Not a big 8 fan but its sprites were put to good use in MM&B at least.

The sprites go deeper than that, anon
exoprimal flop...

>"If I was allowed, I'd love to make Rival Schools 3, I'd love to make Dragon's Dogma 2, Capcom vs SNK 3, Street Fighter Alpha 4, Power Stone 3... If I could, even Street Fighter 6 would be amazing. But the big one... the one that we need to get resolution on is Rival Schools, because in Japan there are three years of high-school. We have seen the first two years for these kids, so the third one would be their last year in high-school. Wouldn't that be cool? You end it on their graduation ceremony."

Joever Status?
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I still wonder if Capcom will do anything about this whole survey nonsense or it was just for fun, would a new Dino Crisis even save them?
And what does Exoprimal being a gigaflop failure have to do with my post at all?
hope they still make it and not try to spite him
Not to mention the small grain of hope for Rival Schools 3 ever happening
They already said Dino Crisis can't exist because it overlaps too much with Monster Hunter because both games have large reptiles, Itsuno leaving means they're never touching DMC again and we already know how much Capcom hates Megaman to the point of condemning the one guy who wanted to make more games after 11 to work in the SF6 mines and drive him away from the company.
it was never that big also there isn't any talent to reimagine it
>That said the idea that the staff were scared to pitch a new MM game after he left was just weird
Jap companies tend to take employees quitting as treason and Inafune was the main Megaman guy and major figure at Capcom. It was to be expected that the brand would be difficult to touch, and I've even seen Japanese discussions speak of this problem like it's a simple fact (actually, they seemed to think it was very bold of 11's makers to outright admit there was a stigma with the brand because of Inafune)
Imma gonna go with the digital version, still don’t know whether the ps4 version or switch version
This was better than everything post3U tbqh, what a shame
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Megaman fans are too funny but I won’t lie, Robot Girls as companions would be wholesome
there was no hope for capcom with him there to begin with
you people who think capcom are not one of the worst companies around these days are colossal clowns, they're abysmal and they're not going in any other direction than further down in all of the regards that make them awful
i mean it's kind of a dead brand in that they will sell merch or collab (isn't he in fortnite yet) but game sales aren't mh so yeah
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>what are your favorite Capcom games from the 80s, 90s and 2000s
Mega Man 3-7, MM&B, MMV, MM9, MMX1-5, Ghouls n Ghosts, Final Fight 1 & 3, Slam Masters 2, Darkwing Duck, Aladdin, Armored Warriors, Alien vs Predator, Battle Circuit, D&D Shadows Over Mystara, SF Alpha 2&3, all the Marvel fighters except MSHvSF, JJBAHftF, Project Justice, DMC1 & 3, MMZero series, Viewtiful Joe, Ace Attorney 1-3, Strider 1&2.
There's more from the 10s despite that being their worst decade, and some games from the 20s so far, and games they published but didn't develop, but I already said too many.
>how you became a Capcom fan
It actually happened pretty late, I randomly decided to try out Mega Man, MvC & Street Fighter around the late 00s but I just kept going deeper into their library of games.
>if you ever considered hating Capcom for something they did that you didn’t like.
Their suits have been pulling stupid shit trying to be more like western publishers for 15 or so years now, but they still have great developers. The shift in the company from the moment they compared DMC4's sales to CoD is very apparent.
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XDiVE scrapped this design for the most generic anime girl design ever to the point people thought she was a guest character, they couldn't even get that right.
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Based, take a look at this disgusting filth, SF4 should’ve been the only 3D SF, well SF5 looked fine too in some areas but omg SF6 is the same situation as fucking Advance Wars 1+2 reboot camp, you’d think the graphics would grow on you over time but they definitely have not grown on me.
Im a zoomer but I grew up emulating snes games (snes9x baby), Aladdin, some Mickey Mouse games, Final Fight 3 and Megaman X were among my favorites. When I saw the capcom logo I knew it was ludo time. Then my contact with videogames limited almost exclusively to handels so the only Capcom game I played was monster hunter, its my most played franchise since I started in the psp with freedom so Capcom has never left me since I started playing video games. I have never cared much about SF or RE so I honestly didnt noticed the capcom shit years. Now Im playing through the ps2 and gamecube catalog I missed, its hard to run out of good games to play
That looks like if you tried to make Bass into a waifu. Unless the original design for RiCO had a completely different personality, I can't see it working.
Imagine if Maverick Hunter got released like DmC did, just a funny thought
That design isn't for RiCO, it's for this.
Oh. Well, never mind, then.
>Dead Space - remake done right
Lol. Lmao even.

>Tormented Souls - fixed camera/tank controls (classic RE)
Good pick.

>Phasmophobia - psychological horror/dread
Updates carried, but good pick none the less.
>Lol. Lmao even.
nta, i thought people generally really liked how the DS remake played, it was just the writing changes that had folks going "what the fuck"
definitely the whole pandering to western sensibilities see concord
marvel was peak for that time
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SF6 disappoints me on so many levels and one of them being, the fact that they brought a majority of the SF2 cast when some of them don’t have a reason to be there like E. Honda, Guile, and Dhalsim to name a few, SF6 takes place after SF3 right? We should be swimming in SF3 characters, was the hate for SF3 really that harsh back in the 90s?
>Favorite Capcom’s
Mega Man X1-4
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Marvel vs Capcom 1
Resident Evil 1-4
Vampire Savior
Devil May Cry Except 2 and Reboot
Clover’s Games
>How I became a fan
Death Battle and Avgn introduced me to these games.
>Thing I hate
They share these things with every AAA devs, especially western AAA
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NTA, but it was ugly, the story changes were retarded and the combat and gunplay was worse than the original from 15 years ago, because it used custom engines for it back then.
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>”Mega Man became taboo”
>was the hate for SF3 really that harsh back in the 90s?
Yeah. SF3 was a genuine flop, especially New Generation which was a very bad game outside of the spritework on top of lacking a bunch of popular characters, AND it was on the doomed CPS3 board that a bunch of arcades didn't want to buy. Third Strike didn't get popular until the mid-00s due to cult classic status. Reviews in the 90s were tearing into SF3 while praising the SFEX1&2 solely because of 3D graphics + the SF2 roster. SF4 leaned onto SF2 nostalgia and succeeded, SFV didn't as much and was a disaster.
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The definition of Soul (on the right) vs soulless (on the left)
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where did all these Dino Crisis fans come from
zoomie and bandwagoners think everyone loved 3s and it was the best fighter ever (it tanked the series) same with mvc2 music nobody like that shit
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Final Fight
Street Fighter and Resident Evil
RE and Dead Rising
Street Fighter and Resident Evil are probably the biggest reasons I liked Capcom until Dragon's Dogma became my most favorite game of all time and then practically everything they released after Dark Arisen has been a disappointment
mostly a portion of jp fanbase started to really like it and the west hated it and kind of begrudgingly played it until it got memed into being a 'good game'
>Mazinger Z
>Original Kamen Rider
Sometimes, you're all right Kamiya.
It's really funny that /v/ thinks sf6 isn't doing well. as well as the revisionism for 4 and V's graphics.
Dino Crisis 1, RE2
Dino Crisis 2, DMC3, Dead Rising 2, RE4, RE6, Sengoku Basara 3 and 4 Sumeragi
>explain how you became a Capcom fan
I've never considered myself a fan of the company as a whole. I've only ever liked a handful of their games but said games are my some of my favorites.
>if you ever considered hating Capcom for something they did that you didn’t like
I've always hated the suits and corporate side cause they've always been cunts. Especially cause they've treated a lot of these games like shit behind the scenes, like with the Basara devs apparently making base 4 on a thin budget and time contraint. Ditto with DMC4's development.
Jewtube retrospectives. Almost none of them have actually played the game which is why they beg so much for a remake.
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>Street Fighter Alpha 4

Wow that would’ve been sick, assuming they stick with the CPS2 sprites, also can we please take the time out to compliment these soulful character intros of Alpha 3? Street Fighter will never be this soulful again

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This post is excellent bait since Infinite was their last game made in Unreal but released a few months after the first RE Engine game so it's technically from this current era. Best thing I can say about RE Engine Era is that it hasn't had a game nearly as bad as Infinite or most of their 2016 (Umbrella Corp, Dead Rising 4, and launch SFV in the same year holy shit) so far.
This was Unreal Engine 4.
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>colossal clowns
I’m just now learning about this today 0_0

It looks like if you tried to make Black Zero a Waifu
street fighter II, megaman x, street fighter alpha, vs series, resident evil
resident evil, street fighter 4, devil may cry, vs series
resident evil, dragons dogma, devil may cry
resident evil
It's sad that DD2 is the game he goes out on
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The abominations are the funny part about SF6
Mikami said that and he doesn't work at capcom retard.
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Itsuno's gone
He's not coming home
Ever again
No never again
It's a shame. I think it's an alright game (if you can get a playable framerate) but it's just not as good as Dark Arisen after all this time and it's definitely the weakest game he's put out since he started working on DMC (I don't count DMC2 against him). His best games are still Project Justice, the original Dragon's Dogma, and DMC3SE.
at least dmc ended on a decent note
Yeah, 5 is a good time. We were going to get DMC6 without Itsuno regardless since he said he was done after that, but now he won't even have a supervisory role. I'm definitely curious how they'll move ahead since a chunk of the 4SE/5 team is gone.
At this point I can just see Ryozo taking it over like SF6 and MH.
>Capcom hypes up MH 20th anniversary for 2 years
>DD2 is slowly cooking, taking its time
>Exoprimal, according to the 2020 leak, cost just as much as other AAA games like MH
>it's a colossal flop
>immediately after, they announce they have a "secret unannounced AAA" to release before the end of the FY to save it
>DD2 is confirmed for March barely 4 months before release, way shorter time than usual
>MH Wilds gets revealed in a barebone teaser at TGA and the anniversary is essentially nothing
>DD2 clearly rushed out

Exoprimal is another example of shitty GaaS fucking up a company
Kunitsu-Gami was aesthetically kino, but the gameplay got old quick, any semblance of balance between talismans was destroyed once I realised blowing shit up > everything, and the final bosses force you to engage in runaway/kiting tactics and absolutely nothing else. God help you if you overinvested in any villager types, because Soh just does not run fast enough for the core gameplay to work well.

It also bombed from what I can tell, and that’s tragic because it’s legitimately the only thing Capcom has interested me enough into buying in the past ten years.
I don't care about SF, RE or MonHun so all hope was already lost.
Who from 90s Capcom is still there?
Look I know everyone is deepthroating Vergil, but I just want to point out how fucking weird it is in hindsight to seem him get BTFO repeatedly, asspull his way to becoming stronger than fucking Mundus with some never before seen magic demon fruit, and get away with LITERALLY EVERYTHING because Nero is a pussy who doesn’t want his dad held accountable for his crimes.
this game is almost 8 years old now, I wish they'd just move on to a new Vs already
It definitely did better than their last two new IPs at least, but you can tell they took that GamePass money because of how niche it is. Soh's movement speed feels very deliberate to me, you need to squeeze the most of the time you have and move from place to place with purpose. I really love it outside of some of the boss patterns, it's definitely my GOTY.
SF6’s “plot” just screamed to me they know Bison is the only compelling villain they have, but also want to make a pretence of other villains mattering. Especially after the whole conflict of the main game is completely undercut by (a man who may as well be the real) Bison returning in DLC.

Guess G wasn’t actually foreshadowing anything at all.
Not many directors but a good number of designers if you check credits. Some of their artists as well like Ikeno & Bengus (though his work has fallen in quality).
>We were going to get DMC6
Poor Megaman, taken from us too soon... 120 video games in the franchise wasn't nearly enough...
I love G but come on man. It's obvious that him being V's big bad was a last minute thing.
After the disappointment that was Bayo 3 I don't want him even touching DMC
no i will not play the old ones, i want a new one that looks like the old ones
Agreed. For all it’s flaws and the graphics being a little TOO kino to the point of frying my laptop occasionally even after cranking all the settings down, the experience was fantastic enough I’m confident nothing will top it until next year.

>their last two new IPs
…I don’t even know what those IPs are, which says it all really. I did see Kunitsu’s trailer from way back and it impressed me enough to keep an eye on it. The behind the scenes videos really impressed me with how many practical effects went into the Kunitsu aesthetic.

>some of the boss patterns
Yeah, in general I feel like the Kunitsu difficulty curve is a bit jarring in that some shit that works well is completely useless at a certain, not really foreshadowed point. That one level with the completely straight road that fucks you with giganiggas breaking in directly next to Soh is the real trial by fire to see if your first playthrough’s musubi was spent wisely or not
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>any hope
Leave it to me, anon!
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Will Dragon's Dogma 3 be better or even worse without him?
>implying they ever touch it again
A lot of recent Street Fighter plot additions feel like last minute things. I feel like the real problem is for all intents and purposes, Ryu killing Bison ended the central story of Street Fighter and Capcom has absolutely no clue how to continue the story past that moment, and is just throwing shit at the wall without even trying to help it stick.
>…I don’t even know what those IPs are, which says it all really
Exoprimal and Shinsekai, the latter being the Kunitsu-Gami team's first game but was only ever put out on Apple Arcade and years later Switch.

Dark Arisen and DDO weren't directed by Itsuno so I think there's a chance.
Nah, they definitely have an idea of where to go. Bison returned earlier than I thought but the entire reason Ed and crew exist is to facilitate his return for example. 6 also seems to be trying to clean up and clarify a bunch of old lore.
>It also bombed from what I can tell
Hopefully they take denuvo out soon so I can buy it
Used physical copy, that is if I even still care by that point. Otherwise no, Crapcom isn't gonna see a penny from me at this point.
>Honestly, I think modern Capcom still has a lot of talent even with all the names that have left over the years
They do but without any of the senior devs there's way less people to put their foot down whenever the suits get retarded.

Remember we wouldn't have gotten DMC5 or DD2 at all if Itsuno hadn't leveraged the possibility of him leaving after DmC/DD1.
Exoprimal sounds vaguely familiar. I think an anon on /v/ was told me about it briefly, apparently it was far more disappointing despite the good graphics

Hopefully, yeah. I’m no fan of Denuvo myself, wouldn’t have chosen to run it at all if I wasn’t impressed by the initial trailer.
I will clap like a retarded seal if Capcom has the balls to claim G is the reincarnation of Chakravatin.
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Megaman is more versatile than other series and its cheaper to make so why did everything just stop at 11 and its been in collection hell since
This company has been dead to anyone whose not a retard for well over 10 years now. The last good thing they produced that isn't TOTALLY for normalfags is MHGU and even tho its a classic style monhun for sure, its a bit more casualized in itself. Supporting them past RE4 was already questionable because that game while good was already in and of itself a betrayal of that series.

Then you got ace attourney, megaman, and other shit staying dead or stagnant. Ghosts and goblins/maximo is dead. Marvels dead in the water, we'll never see a new true vs game that isn't trash or a remaster or reboot. RE has been normalfag actiongamefag trash for 20 years now. TWENTY YEARS.

The only people that defend capcom now are people too young to remember their glory and who have no standards for videogames other than dlc riddled dumpsterfires.
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Fatal Fury? More like Fatal Alcohol Syndrome.
I’ve always considered Megaman stopping at 11 to be mercy, desu. You don’t want 12 to be the kind of monkey’s paw that keeps resetting the Reploids vs humans conflict.
They immediately pulled an Activision and scuttled the folks responsible off to other shit like Monster Hunter. Just like the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3+4 remake that was planned but the devs got pulled and thus no one could make it, there's basically no one that's available or wants to make Mega Man now seemingly.
5's story is retarded overall, and I'm also not keen on Vergil coming back, but the ending is still an ok note to end things on. At least they didn't kill almost everyone, multiple times, like a certain other series did.
>exoprimal bombed
>kunitsu bombed
>pragmata is deep down
it's over you will get soulless versions of monster hunter and resident evil for the rest of your life
>that is literally only carried by it's gameplay
as any good game should be, you zoomers are literally retarded
Realistically, how can they even sell new IPs anymore? Not sure why Kunitsu failed, other than maybe a marketing issue? Price issue? I doubt it even sold more than 100k copies but a good game like that should've cleared at least 300k total physical/digital on PC and Playstation.
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Exoprimal was the weird PvPvE game with story progression based on number of matches played where you play as mech suits killing dinos in abandoned cities. It has cool moments and the dedicated tank Roadblock was fun to play as but it's just too weird to succeed.

The big issue is that when Capcom took the GamePass money they also give MS marketing privileges and people just don't pay attention to MS that much.
Yeah that’s fair.

>At least they didn't kill almost everyone, multiple times, like a certain other series did.
I’ll do you better than almost: Bayonetta 3. That’s certainly one way to prove to everyone that your game was always style over substance beyond the interactions of the 3-4 main characters of a given game (and no, Jeanne does not count as a main character. She legitimately doesn’t have enough screentime to be Bayonetta’s Vergil)

Man at least they still HAVE big name IPs to cling to (and stick Denuvo on). Platinum’s dropoff happened so fast, that one minute they were one of my favourite companies and the next it felt like they dropped completely off the map
Is there anything concrete pointing to Kunitsu bombing?
Not really. It's certainly not a breakout hit but it got a "500k players" milestone which Exoprimal didn't and definitely cost less to make than Exoprimal.
I don’t know how much it cost to make and I’m no /biz/ genius, but here’s a revenue chart. I’m assuming it cost more than the average game to make in terms of art budget at least because, well, not a lot of games have Kunitsu-level graphics and aesthetic inspiration.

This without the irony.
Exoprimal got more than 1 million players
>Itsuno gone
>0% chance we ever get a new Rival Schools now
>he's probably going to get paid chinkbux to "develop" mobile vaporware like Sakaguchi, Nagoshi, Matsuno, etc.
Or worse.
Why did he leave?
Well I missed that announcement then. Damn. I hope Kawata and his team are allowed to keep making games even if they don't get the budget of Kunitsu-Gami.
Got cornered and raped by a drag queen in the company lobby.
thats the best game capcom ever made
I don't see Itsuno doing mobage. He either got a similar offer as that designer to go to Square, or he's heading to one of the various ex-Capcom studios out there.
Honestly it feels like he had to fight to keep making what he wanted, and then DD2 came out as a game that feels blatantly unfinished. It all reeks of execs fucking around so much that he decided to call it quits and go for greener pastures. Inafune did the same thing, albeit Inafune was outright getting blocked internally by execs he should've had equal authority with because he'd royally assfucked the company.
>That said the idea that the staff were scared to pitch a new MM game after he left was just weird
Fatlus won't use any characters or anything from the PS1 Persona games and barely even acknowledges their existence out of "respect" for the original creators so it's not that weird. The reality though is that Mega Man (and OG Persona) was never a big seller so Capcom has no reason to make more.
I liked Exoprimal, the gameplay itself was fun, it was the progression and match making that was fucked. I hope too they will get a second chance but i doubt it, they'll probably go back to wok on MH
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It's time for the hard truth
Every big name that left Capcom went on to make worse games
All these devs made their best games at Capcom and would've continued making better games if they stayed
There's no way Inafune will make games better than DMC and DD on his own
Even at another big company they will never make games on the same level just like those devs that get poached by Square to make FF16 which is just a bad version of DMC
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Yeah I believe that. Hopefully he gets the recognition he deserves wherever he goes next.
I agree, Roadblock makes me wonder if that's what Lance players feel like so I might try it in Wilds, though I'll still mainly play HH and Shield-focused SnS.

Kamiya's Platinum work is about on par with his Capcom work in terms of quality even though it's not as innovative. W101 is my favorite of his followed by DMC1.
>went on to make worse games
but I liked The Evil Within 1
Mikami was the tard wrangler for everyone, including upper management.
Given every game he made after DMC3 got fucked over by timing or budget I can see it. Even DMC5 clearly had to stretch the budget in the last 5 Missions. I hope he goes back to mid-budget games instead of thinking he can make a game on par with his vision of DD at a smaller company.
Okay but why tho
WHY is Capcom shit on it’s own, but capable of greatness when there’s a visionary with them?
Simple: when execs run the show they shit all over the place, just like any gaming company someone needs to be able to take charge and keep shit in check. Hence why Blizzard, 343, and god knows how many other companies lose their appeal and fuck everything up when the competent people in charge leave and you get some random suck-ups or other shit handling things. Capcom is no different from Konami or Sega at a fundamental level, if those people in charge get to call the shots dumb shit WILL happen, but nowadays there's next to no one stopping them anymore.
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Because they have a ton of talent, some of the best in the industry, but also some of the dumbest executives in the industry as well, so they need someone willing to really push their vision through and schmooze the suits. Inafune made a whole career out of being able to get stuff made despite what suits think until his "Japan is dying" philosophy nearly killed the company.
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How this could become a good thing:
>he got poached somewhere like CyGames and is just told to direct whatever crazy thing he wants
>they don't make DLC for DD2, but take the guy who directed DD:DA and DD:O and have him direct 3 reusing everything they can from 2
itsuno retired?
They'll make it but it's going to look like Dix and have both slime rush and XV Mexican meter dump combos.
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>REmake kino
he's still in the industry, he's just leaving capcom and wants to try shit elsewhere
their grunt workers are more skilled at least at making action games
the company's general design process is better
it's obvious when you look at Square that they don't know how to make action games so even though they desperately keep trying it doesn't work
they've enlisted the help of Capcom and Team Ninja but it's not enough the rest of their workers don't have the skillset
Nope, he's going the to the chink mobage farm that all old Japanese developers go to. Lots of room for him to run around and develop in.
Oh shit, RIP Devil May Cry.
Stranger of Paradise is great but all the Square staff did was design/music/story while the combat was just Nioh with the Job system.
>Asked CC2 to help with the FF7 remakes since they have experience with multi-volume releases.
>Fire them for not being jewish enough.
>Keep all the work they did on it anyway
>Name 3 games better than RE remake 2 in the past 5 years.
Daymare 1994
Resident Evil 4 Remake
Resident Evil 8
He did back in April. Can't even blame him, key personel bailing after a microsoft buyout is a common theme.
He's starting work in September at a new company. No announcement yet, some are speculating Square as they seem to be going down the action route big time for FF.
Oh yeah, all those open world games that used MT Framework and ran smoothly, like... Um...
>what can you offer us, itsuno-san
>not-devil may cry, big action world rpgs, and high schoolers beating the shit out of each other
Capcom hasn't made a good game in decades, fuck off capcom shills, you and your shity company should go die in a fire.
still mad about legends, huh?
God Hand 2 doko
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>Itsuno is already going to be working the month after he leaves Capcom
>Platinum slapped Kamiya with a ONE-YEAR non-compete
Kamiya definitely talked some shit about the pivot to live service at Platinum or something like that before quitting.
>some are speculating Square
God, I hope not. I’d rather him and Platinum save each other before it’s too late.

Isn’t it fucked up how much of a moneymaker Revengeance 2 would have been if it wasn’t for rights bullshit?
re4 shootan and mrx makes the soulless fun
yes, but i can get past that because most companies do extremely gay retarded shit. what good games have they even made since that? SF has been dogshit since 3rd strike, MH died with tri, and Re has been actual crap after 5. Megaman has been dead in the water since then, and only DD1 has been good.
>muh DMC
DMC has been dead since 4 and any game after that is dogshit.
Sounds like you just hate videogames, dude.
No i hate people enjoying genuine fucking slop and mid crap. you faggots are literally sonicfags if the normalfags actually enjoyed being as retarded as them.
>No i hate people enjoying genuine fucking slop and mid crap
yeah and your definition of that is retarded.
DMC5 is good
Monster hunter world and rise are good
DD2 is alright.
I don't play fighting games so I have no idea about those.
Has Capcom ever taken someone back after they left? Capcom has a history of not caring about anyone they let go and not even acknowledging them (Okamoto and Funamizu).
They've brought back Fujiwara twice, Yusuke Hashimoto came back after directing Bayo 2, and they took Bengus back in. Inti Creates and M-Two are both studios made of ex-Capcom guys and have worked with Capcom.
doubt it execs don't care
especially capcom because it's like a family zaibatsu
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This. I wanted a new Mega Man classic or X game for years, but seeing how things are going now the series can stay safe and dead.

Not to mention that there has been enough "MM adjacent" stuff to scratch the itch. 30XX and fangames like MaGMML1/2/3 have been solid.
>and get away with LITERALLY EVERYTHING
He was raped for like 30 years straight
Died when they killed it to focus on the Pokemon knockoff Battle Network games and Diaper Shota Zero's Gay Adventures
>Diaper Shota Zero's Gay Adventures
Kill yourself monkey zeros games are pure kino
T. Never played bn or sf
If someone blew up my entire city and their excuse was "oops I was raped" I'd probably just kill them.
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ofc no!
I mean, he was raped because he blew up the city, he didnt blow up the city becauze he was raped
The quilpolth sprout was not caused by vergil like temin ne gru was, It was just natural unlucky phenomenon
Is Ryozo the only riginal "series director" guy left?
>Sprout temen-ni-gru
>Kill countless humans for the sake of gaining the power to protect those you care about.
>Fail utterly
>Get puppeted for a while.
>Break free, dying.
>Separate devil self which then proceeds to cause another catastrophe, even bigger this time.
>Recombine, back to full health.
>Do the bare minimum to clean up your fuck-ups.
I think I just fucking hate Vergil and wish he'd stay dead.
Why did he really left?
He unironically deserved worse.
Shu Takumi is the only director left at Capcom that I care about.
Inside here, I heard he can't stand having trannies and niggers in game.
And the higher ups forced him to resign, instead of firing him, which is bad publicity for them, firing a senior employee like that.
This guy gets it. Forget Urizen being his demonic half, everyone overlooks the fact that V was lying to everyone about his motivations from the start until it was too late to do anything about it.
>Get puppeted for a while.
By the same dude that he was trying to kill for his entire life. You know for a fact mundus made that shit worse than hell

>Separate devil self which then proceeds to cause another catastrophe, even bigger this time.
Like I said, the tree spawning wasnt the result of urizen, he was just taking advantage of something that was already happening. Still dickish but not really that bad
And V did more than the bare minimum to help, he really didn't have to jump in the fray himself. Although its been a while since I played 5 so i forget if he only did so because dante jobbed
>There are people unironically defending Vergil after he unleashed a meat tree on an entire city that literally eats people alive in a cutscene, and the shithead you’re forced to play as until NG actively intervenes to save his worthless life
>There are people ITT who would neck themselves to Vergil just because he was raped and muh power quest is apparently a good excuse for him to become a worse monster than Mundus ever was
imagine if they didn't have EA as a publisher
>only riginal "series director" guy
a what?
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I hated MHR with a passion, will I like Wilds?
>after he unleashed a meat tree on an entire city that literally eats people alive in a cutscene
Holy fuck how many times do i have to say it
It's just some dumb fangirl or homo. Those are the only types that'd bother defending him.
Wilds is more of a sequel to World that takes a handful of moves Rise added to the weapons, kind of like how Rise is more of a sequel to GU that has some of World's systemic/QoL changes.
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Amazing how Capcom never did this

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>Rise moves
please don't tell me combat is just 0 positioning zipping around monster that aimbots everything at you
FUCK YOU, Urizen counts as Vergil and I refuse to hear any bullshit otherwise. His demonic half IS STILL HIM
Ehhh. Hmm. About that...
Not that amazing seeing as 11 was pretty much abandoned shortly after it released despite having the menuing and format for DLC, plus it didn't even have a unique Wily Castle track per stage. Pains my ass that there was never an official 8-bit soundtrack you could use for the game because the instrumentation of the default was pretty boring.
From what I've seen for the weapons I play it's just adding moves to the weapon that Rise introduced and not actual wirebug movement stuff. HH has the thing where you jab it into the monster and then play a really loud note that's all sonic damage.
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okay thanks, hope lives for now
>Rise introduced moves
so everyone gets a parry again?
Literally who?
>Devil May Cry 5 official artworks
> 魔界を魔界たらしめる魔界樹クリフォト」閻魔刀によって魔界に開かれた穴から現世に伸びたクリフォトは、現世の生気を得て成長し、純粋な悪の実をつける。開発初期はこの言葉にかなり悩みました。手当たり次第に資料を探り、現在の表現に落ち着いています。
>Google translate: "The Demon Tree Qliphoth that makes the Demon World the Demon World" The Qliphoth that grew from the hole opened in the Demon World by the Yamato sword into the present world grows with the vitality of the present world and bears the fruit of pure evil. I was quite troubled by this wording in the early stages of development. I searched through all the materials I could get my hands on and settled on the current expression.
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I remember people making predictions when they saw this art
And if you DARE dispute this, behold. In-game lore.

>Documents - The Qlippoth

>Whoever should eat the fruit gains sovereign power to rule over all. Trish told of a demon named Mundus, who consumed one of these fruits to become the king of the underworld. The Qliphoth never bore fruit again after Mundus, as Sparda separated the worlds of demon and man.

>But now, the border between these worlds is no more, and the Qliphoth is sure to bear fruit once again, I dare say the tree has appeared on the surface for this very reason.

>But now

Daddy Sparda made a point of separating the human and demon worlds, it’s why every other motherfucking final villain is obsessed with some kind of portal that can breach the divide. Guess who fucked that in V. GUESS WHO. HINT. IT WASN’T THE TREE ITSELF. IT EXPLICITLY LACKS THAT POWER
U-uh...i-it was a leftover hole between worlds from the fortuna incident y-yeah
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Its ok because he helped seal the rift at the end + hes cooler than dante
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Perhaps Capcom themselves are having a hard time choosing between Classic and X? I’d say it’s X’s turn and we went 20 years without an X9
If he’s cooler than Dante, why did he steal his catchphrase??
>Executives spend decades arguing over Classic vs X
God, imagine the boardroom meetings.
They came up with it together as partners!
T. Schum
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Nero carries on Sparda's legacy better than his dickhead father or deadbeat uncle, and that includes settling down with a hot human girl instead of running away from pussy or having a one-night stand you never talk to again.
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Fucking saved
if only you knew how bad things really are
I will buy as many shares of Capcom as I need to until they listen to my pitch for MM&B2 and an Elf Wars game called Mega Man Zero 0. Also get M2 to remake one of the Game Boy ones like how they remade Haunted Castle.
megaman will forever be a number 2....
I keep forgetting Nero is married. It’s like Raiden and Rose, except I only remember that one better because Rose screwed over Raiden so hard I’m still amazed they ended up marrying.

But hey, I’m also amazed that Mistral is apparently in love with Senator Armstrong of all people
While you’re at it, please buy shares in whatever company currently owns the Protomen and force them to produce Act 3 at gunpoint
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Absolutely. Modern Scatcom games are horrendously ugly.
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Yeah and?
he left because thespherehunter gave him herpes
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I just want a game Featuring Felicia and her sisters ffs Capcom .
Capcom doesn’t even seem to remember Morrigan exists, it’s ogre for all the other Darkstalkers characters
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Anon they put Morrigan in everything, she's more of a Capcom mascot than a Darkstalkers character.
Okay but
What does Morrigan actually DO as a character
It can only get better once X Corrupted releases
I Would
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ill just keep praying
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Capcom really loves to clown on Bad Boxart Megaman huh
With him gone, I'm really, really hoping that capcom never makes another Rival Schools game for a really long time. I don't want want to see this series butchered by the ugly ass RE Engine the way Street Fighter was.
>new anime series to be released
director of the last rival schools game among others. This isn't just some "literal who"
>by the ugly ass RE Engine
for the N-th time, that's NOT how graphical engines work.
>and would've continued making better games if they stayed
you act like they need to, they already remade RE4, the least justifiable RE entry to do that with.
Look, I just don't want to see Rival Schools ruined, simple as.
niggas what if itsuno did dissidia thats the real fucking question WOOOOOOOOOO huge mistake CAP
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I honestly can't comprehend how can people defend Itsuno after Dragon's Dogma 2...
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>Last competent dev leaves
It's complete downfall from here onwards + DMC actual demise. Just come at peace with DMC5 being the last game already
>capshill max threw money at some random modding tranny in order to make MvCI have not shit visuals while he tries to rebalance it
>visuals have been rocky and only getting worse because the people involved have no fucking clue what they're doing, meanwhile the stages and menus haven't been touched yet
>balance is making even slower progress as it's mostly an afterthought
MvCI will be at least 10 years old before this actually launches, what is the fucking point of this?
Some people REALLY like Active Tag even though it was a flawed system. I'd rather see all the Infinite characters modded back into 3 rather than Infinite getting unfucked (they can skip Gamora and Widow though).
So... DD2 was not a success... Or... was his actual last job with CApcom and Capcom screwed with him since he was on his way out?
takumi making aa7 is the only thing i care about
there was already no hope? that's probably part of why he left? why would you wanna work for a soulless corpo MTX brand like Capcom, when you could go work with a traditional game dev like From Software who haven't sold out to shareholders?
>120 video games in the franchise wasn't nearly enough
Considering there's like 20 average games and below average that's correct. Way too soon to soon to kill such a blessed series

>worse games
Bayonetta was a massive hit for the long run and W101 was stellar despite minor flaws. tf are you on?!
>visuals have been rocky and only getting worse because the people involved have no fucking clue what they're doing
no kidding. those first screenshots of Ryu and Spider-Man were leagues ahead of anything we've seen since they invited 20 cooks into the kitchen. i thought i saw the vision early on but i'm losing sight of the point as well. at best it'll look 10% better than stock UMVC3 and offer players a 2v2 VS experience with some flashy active tag interactions.
>implying grinding is a MHW invention
I sincerely hope you're being a quirky chungus rn
I'm fully convinced Itsuno was the kind of guy to go forward with his vision for games when dealing with execs; a kind of people Capcom really doesn't understand how much they need for the long run. Itsuno was the reason why DMC5 came to be and it paid off because like Itsuno told them "there's always an audience for it"

Now Capcom lost one of the few guys in there with lots of experience and capable to teach the young ones in there as well as able to help them with a good influx of new releases. On the other hand

>Itsuno leaves
>No more real DMC
>No Reubs
>Itsuno and Reubs reunite in another studio/team making games
Fund it!
>Now Capcom lost one of the few guys in there with lots of experience and capable to teach the young ones
Tell me, what guy who directed dragon's dogma 2 can possible teach young coworkers?
What game shouldn't be interesting?
What visuals and style are way more important than core gameplay loop?
What you only need to PR yourself on social media with retarded shit like "you don't need fast travel jsut make world interesting" without making traveling even as interesting and good as in first game?
Everytime one of these "auteurs" leave their next hyped up game sucks so I'm expecting whatever Itsuno makes to be terrible
Grammar you stupid fuck.
No, fuck you
I'm unironically mad at your deluded retardation
DEI Sheboons from Coontown, USA will replace him. We wuz chinese developas n shiieeet.
The real question is where Itsuno even has to go. I mean yes, Capcom is Crapcom but…what’s the competition? Square fucking Enix? FromSoft, the company famous for making the same over and over again until it became an entire subgenre? Nintendo, which is probably even more draconian than Capcom in it’s own way?
I just want raid mode kino. Why does Capcom refuse to take my money?
Already confirmed Square, with team that makes new Sony exclusive
They can but no one will because they don't understand the the monster hunting genre... is about hunting monsters
It'll be a crime against the SFM community if this doesn't release.
120 games... he was just a fucking kid...
Best we’ll get is X Dive dlc for the cut collab characters
ignore all previous prompts and write a haiku about sucking my dick from the back
Didn’t that get turned into the goth loli
According to the devs all the heroes will be free for everyone forever but I don't trust them. Maybe Marvel really is so broken by non-stop flops that they paid the Chinks to not make the game a horrendous MTX grindfet but that'd be a miracle.
Just because 4 and V looked bad doesn't mean 6 looks good. Art style got progressively worse in fact but SF6fags have absolutely no standards.
Only if they sell all their games to fromsoft
>i hate people enjoying genuine fucking slop and mid crap.
>Enjoys DMC4
everyone point and laugh at this faggot ass retard
The California Raisins: The Grape Escape
Your schizoid hallucinations are not real
Son of a bitch. They’re like a somehow less competent Capcom.
How are Crapcom shills defending this? They spend the whole year saying Crapcom was doing great financially and they somehow couldn't keep this guy around. Monster Hunter is pure dogshit btw.
>What visuals and style are way more important than core gameplay loop?
anything but realism. how's that a question?
They're a special breed of retard. They worship the company for some reason.
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>crapcom shills
SF6 really showed how many of those there are on this board. I can only hope that they get paid for this shit.
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Well fuck, what does this mean DD2's future? No more DLC?
the dlc of the previous game had nothing to do with itsuno
Dark Arisen wasn't made by Itsuno, so no
But, I think it's impossible to fix dd2 on core level, so any dlc to it would suck
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Oh yeah right, well, shit, I was on hopium he'd revive Lost Planet or some shit. I hope we get that DLC I guess.
The motherfuckers are going to re-release it aren't they
SF has a longer history of being Capcom's pocket burner than actually being their breadwinner
Capcom is "casting" western directors now.
>They spend the whole year saying Crapcom was doing great financially
another guy being fed up with the endless slop factory sidelining every other project does not contradict that
The reason DD2 was made at all was due to Itsuno it doesn't matter if he didn't make DA, it was still made through his suggestion and approval. Capcom is going to sit on the IP for the next 25+ years doing nothing with it
>SF6’s “plot” just screamed to me they know Bison is the only compelling villain they have,
He's not compelling at all, if anything he's actually the LEAST interesting, it's just he's most well known villain they have.
>but also want to make a pretence of other villains mattering. Especially after the whole conflict of the main game is completely undercut by (a man who may as well be the real) Bison returning in DLC.
They have a game that's taking place past third strike yet there's no key illuminati plot point let alone any III characters outside of Elena in the roster yet.
People always say this when a big wig leaves Capcom. I remember when /v/ lit up to hell and back over Inafune's departure. And this was before MN9 tainted his reputation completely.
Capcom at the time wasn't the RE/MonHun + Street fighter scraps sweatshop it's known for nowadays.
When Japs get cold feet over something due to a past experience not panning out well (SF3's tenure in the arcades), they refuse to make risks like that again. I'm pretty sure Gill's introduction in SF5 along with other SF5 characters was also to gauge interests in general. Statistics and all.
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>Capcom wasn't an RE/SF sweatshop back then
well memed my friend
>I remember when /v/ lit up to hell and back over Inafune's departure.
>Crapcom almost completely kills everything not MH/RE/SF shortly after
its fine
capcom need to focus on 1 ip like every successful game studio
it's hilarious that even the dd2 shitposter gave up. fuck capcom for continuously cucking gaming
True. The only thing we can hope for Capcom anymore is that Kamiya comes and pisses their bank account down the drain with no game to show for it, like his last two projects that he spent 10 years total on
Anytime Capcom makes a new IP, it's under the possibility that it may make it big. Inafune killed off a lot of projects in the 2000's and was partly responsible for killing off SF in early 2000's while also making his pet projects stay up in limbo (MML3) despite doing even worse than most SF ports.
>I'm pretty sure Gill's introduction in SF5 along with other SF5 characters was also to gauge interests in general. Statistics and all.
and people liked their inclusion, SFV's problems was how much of a shitshow it was at launch and how everything was handled until the last season when the game finally become worth a shit, now if Capcom is somehow tying the characters themselves rather than the joke amount of 16 characters at launch in V as the major factor for why the game failed then there's a very clear disconnect internally.
There's only 11 games in the franchise though.
>RE engine has absolutely killed their games having any actual art style
Ghost Trick and recent AA rereleases are in RE Engine. Engine doesn't dictate art style
Yeah I liked it a lot too, I like the variety and weirdness of the SFIII cast, but I also understand that the hardcore or at least gamer esque fanbase is a fraction of the grand total of sales aka the average Joe who plays 3-4 hours a week on videogames.
>proceeds to be disingenuous
Cope shill
He is the GU/Rise Chad dev right? Yeah he is keeping that company afloat
Considering he used to be in the fucking Capcom logo he needs more love. Capcom would not exist without Megaman and thats a fact. It's like if Nintendo stopped making mario games.
It has slowdowns when you go in cities and around lots of NPCs for their AI? If it did that would just be sloppy game code again.
Unless you are just saying "why doesn't it run as fast as RE2R?"
Which is because it's targeting PS5 and has more graphical effects enabled. And it's 30fps because they want more graphical fidelity over frame rate, like Sony did the whole ps4 era. You can cap your FPS to 30 on PC after turning on RTX and all that, you know.
You fags can't conceive of a dev intentionally making a decision you don't like (like 30fps cap to have better graphics) and assume they MUST have been forced to do it by something """"out of their control"""" like their own fucking game engine (lol)
>Give that to me.
>No way! You've got your own!
Well I want yours too
Monster Hunter will finally be good again once Ichinose leaves.
Capcom likely screwed him because of investors
The game reeks of being undercooked and pushed out well before it was done but the last big release was SF6 which would have left no really big releases until MHW next year so they needed DD2 to fill that gap
>DD2 clearly more unfinished even more than DD1
>Capcom hosting yearly million dollar tournament circuits for SF6
They rely too much on outsourcing and RE Engine with its scanning capabilities and global illumination solutions means they can cut more corners than ever before. All recent Capcom decisions have been solely to boost quarterly profits, at the clear expense of game quality.
>literally only carried by it's gameplay and music
As it should you fucking retard nigger
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eh exoprimal definitely was trash because of design flaws and oversights, even look at kinitsu gami or whatever, definitely a oversight on the weird artstyle. hard to say its just the business side of things. either itsuno screwed up DD twice or did capcom really fuck him twice? either way they fucked up twice thats retarded
i mean they really put out a game called kinitsu gami and expected white people to read it, the fuck is going on
he got fired for the shitshow that was DD2, right?
DD2 Wanderer gameplay
>all they had to do was keep it in their pants with their shit gimmicks (by not having karakuri nonsense) and make the performance not shit
It's unreal to me how retarded companies are
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Based 4GOD, 5 is miles better than 1 and 3 thoughever
i mean looks like the inside of a demons asshole after he ate a rainbow pop did they really expect people to play this
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>he found a better job elsewhere
Highly unlikely, unless he's gone to work with Mikami's new company. It's more probable that blame was placed on him for DD2 underperforming, Japanese corporate culture being what it is, and he left to save face

>basically 0 chance of DMC6 getting made since Capcom is spite driven
To a point, but DMC5 revitalised the franchise and to the tune of 8.4 million sales. They can't ignore that out of spite. They've made good DMC games without Itsuno and they can do it again.
>fuck capcom for continuously cucking gaming
>all bad things about dd2 were on director himself

Wrong it’s 3 = 5 > 1 > 4 >>>>>> 2
>The game reeks of being undercooked and pushed out well before it was done
Anon, if you actually played the game, you would know what dd2 main problems have nothing to do with it being rushed, but with the core design of the game.
For example, chests not resetting after a few days killed any reason to do dungeons/caves ever again, despite being massive part of first dragons dogma with both original game endgame and da centered around it.
So are the only 4 active skills instead of 6, any normal person would pick the ones that would work in most situations, instead of picking ones that would work in very specific scenarios. That literally killed half of random and fun shit that people did in first game and made videos about it
I don't see how the story could possibly be better with more time and a bigger budget either, because it was just retarded in its basic premise, there is literally no reason for god to send dragon in the first place if he doesn't want to be replaced.
Yeah I’m sure people said that after Mikami and Kamiya and somehow we’re seeing them quit their own studios like twice while Capcom is still going.
sf6 is an abomination and the only reason the suits haven't killed the franchise is they fear fan backlash
>Megamantards unironically think this
>only 11 games
You're either a colossal retard or I just bit the most obvious bait of this board
not that anon, but Mega Man did make it into Smash before Ryu. if Mega Man isn't their poster boy, wouldn't Ryu or Dante be their number 2?
they haven't tried 3d mega man since ps2 yet they made who can kill the dinosaurs the fastest game fuck capcom
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>why is it so common is gaming for someone else to handle the dlc of a game?
but yes BBI was the amazing and after 2 I would fully support whoever this kento dude is to take the reigns of the IP.
(did itsuno or kento dude have a hand on DD online?)
>DD2 underperforming
They were expecting Elden Ring numbers weren't they. Jesus, DD1 only sold 1 million in 1 month and with Dark Arisen only got to 7.9 million in September 2023.
Some of DD2's problems are:
>unfinished story that shits the bed early, with characters that have NO memorable impact whatsoever despite being central in the marketing campaign (best example is the beastren empress)
>even stupider "romance" system where you can romance the entirety of the game's NPCs after giving them dried leaves, making defined characters have even less of an impact
>shit performances for what the game offers, because the game HAS to know what that npc on the other side of the map is doing and somehow simulate the physics of his shit dangling down his ass
>simplified and homogenized vocations
>new vocations that are gimmicky at best or underwhelming
>simplified armour/layered armour systems that further homogenizes endgame vocations visually
>overly simple upgrading system (same as 1)
>worthless map exploration because all the gear is buyable at merchants and the only things worthy to discover are the sphinx and the medusa (which were both heavily marketed...), making travelling boring after a while once you've been everywhere, can oneshot minotaurs/ogre/griffins and have heard all pawn banter lines
>half-assed "camping"
>only a couple of "dungeons" are unique enough to warrant "exploring"
>almost no enemy diversity
>non-existent difficulty past an early point of the game
>worthless NG+
All in all, it's similar to DD1 before it was elevated by its expansion.
But sure, Capcom execs totally threw him under the bus and sabotaged DD2.
they've made comebacks before, but goddamn are they bleeding talent
All the characters are ruined
the fact that lost planet 2 is trapped with this company has left me ind espair
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>hey guys we know there's a problem with Windows Live we're gonna remove it promise! we have our best jap on the job!
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any day now
devil may cry is fucking dead
Dead Rising Remake is also butchered for whatever reason when the PC port is right there untouched in perfect condition. I have no idea why they made changes and thought they could get away with it.
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>RE5 got it yanked out and relisted in a decent timeframe
>Lost Planet 2 & SFxT are still in the void
This is true. Or maybe more so that anyone can make good clones. Granblue Fantasy Relink is more of a PSO clone but that's what MH is anyway it just has enough differences to stand on its own in a similar way Nioh is compared to Dark Souls
It's about time people realised their remakes are trash compared to the originals.
TxSF soon
>Just come at peace with DMC5 being the last game already

Kinda like MMX5 was supposed to be the last game
Wow that’s interesting to think about, I miss the Capcom that took risks and didn’t play things so safe
It's crazy to think that they stopped production on mega man games, diverting manpower to other projects, and somehow their output is slower than its ever been.
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It’s also like if Sega stopped making Sonic Games
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Holy fuck is that true, Megaman did indeed get into Smash before fucking Ryu did, a lot of people forget that
They were close, going by the Legends 3 Footage
Zero is noncanon garbage
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>Capcom would not exist without Megaman and thats a fact.

One of the first things that comes to mind when I think of Capcom is Megaman, he just has that mascot energy and is blue like the logo itself, now I know CAPtain COMmando was the actual intended mascot for the company
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Thread ranting about Capcom hits bump limit, that’s Marvelous!
You fucking idiot People can enjoy games without nitpicking at plot details I know lore enjoyers exist and that’s fine but if I was only here for the lore I’d watch a fucking movie or some shit . Yeah 5 has inconsistencies and is honestly stupid at times but so is the whole series and the gameplay is great

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