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We reached a new peak player count of 134 yesterday. Weekend still going strong.


>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.
Is there actually a party bonus in this server? There's nothing in the rentry about it.
Is there any possibility of making drink deadly poison's aspd buff last longer than just 30 seconds?
Because it's kind of weird for that to remain untouched while EDP's duration has gone from 60 seconds to 30 minutes
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New players, I implore you do NOT play merchant. Play Archer, Taekwon, Acolyte or Mage.
It's like 5%
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>wake up
>binoculars/tights still not wearable by GS
// Give additional experience bonus per party-member involved on even-share parties (excluding yourself)?
// ex. If set to 10, an even-share party of 5 people will receive +40% exp (4 members * 10% exp):
// 140% party experience in total, so each member receives 140%/5 = 28% exp (instead of 20%).
party_even_share_bonus: 5

It's 5% more exp per party member.

I will look to see what possible consequences this could have.
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Poison bottles are basically just a more expensive berserk potion since sins can't use berserks just fyi
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payon jews are inflating the elu prices
Dev please consider making some trans equip like tidal shoes and wool scarf usable by expanded classes. At the very least, let soul linkers use the piercing staff since most end game mobs have very high magic defense.
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Time to turn off chat again Bullies are being brain dead retards complaining about everything.
they just want to nerf the randomplebs and normal players who don't play 20 hours a day to have 5 different paladin alts
There will be a Zombie event at 00:00 server @time. That's 45 minutes from this post.
Could you delay the event a bit?
I'm having dinner
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New players
I gotta level a blacksmith to make elemental weapons first
>5% more exp per party member
wait isn't this literally worse than vanilla
the fuck
The default value in rAthena is 0, not sure if officials had a bonus for this.
ponyclops going to the event while billchad freefarms mvps
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Nobody can even compete properly since he's just openly allowed to multiclient
Unless it actually is different people but I've been given no reason to believe that
"night" mode is for gay niggers. Ruins the moods of quests and is only a shitty novelty for people who afk in cities.
>people who afk in cities
Only acceptable if they open a chatroom to shitpost in
>He's afraid of the dark

>We reached a new peak player count of 134 yesterday
Stop being disingenuous, 25 of those were merchant bots, meaning we just hit our weekend average like normal
110-120 is still more than launch friend
the peak was 115. whats 134-25?
I want to play a crusader but being limited to farming monsters that are weak to holy is really ass.
Are you being disingenuous on purpose?
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Blessed sage buffs thank you ragnadev
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autobolter sage not being dogshit really helped them out, they can actually level kinda quick now
I didn't have a lot of trouble in the first place desu but all of this flee and the bonus atkspeed sure is comfy.

I'm sure the defensive endow stuff will be relevant and very nice for specific content.
I made an alchemist and its my only character.
You should play Alchemist! It's a class that does good AoE damage!
how many days has that one person been at mobsters
No, don't do this. That's fucking retarded. Extended classes are already plenty good enough and do what they're meant for.
Nice try. Elunium aren't expensive enough and should unironically be 100k each. It takes ages to farm enough elun to try to +7-8 all your gear. The elunium rates are the only thing rough about this server. Sit in golems or clocks all day and blow all the elun in 5 minutes.
If you mean Loser then I think almost a week.
The power of their autism is unmatched.
It's fine. The insane party exp comes from being able to do 100-200k+ exp mobs easily and every "tap" adding a shitload more exp. Quit whining.
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I started loosely on Sunday, and committed harder on Monday. So about 6 days. :)
If you don't count the time I haven't been able to commit due to wage cage.

I am at 2,057 Mobsters! >:^)

It's a comfy enough farm though.
What would a dedicated biolab 2 farmer look like? Would a knight or gc sader be better?
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yep he just farming MVPs now
has been for days now anon
>join a private server for a solved game
>powerfarm everything for the 1 millionth time while never saying a word in any chat channel
welcome to the rice fields motherfucker
extremely based
I see most people farm it on Knight or Rogue

Rogue is a little more dangerous but gets free steals

Knight can actually live getting slapped by several mobs there
how long does a server usually go for?
The last two ran for about 4 months, but this server already has 2x-3x the population of the last two runs. I'd expect it to last at least 6 months, maybe more.
seems like a few months
WoE will probably be what ends it
>One guild dominates all the others
>This sets a precedent as all the best players flock to that guild while other guilds don't even bother
>Drama ensues as that guild monopolizes the guild dungeons
dev should just open gd's to everyone
its what he did last time, i have no idea why he didn't this time
Hopefully he'll delay WoE as long as possible. Most of the non-bullies people don't really care about it.
Add some quest or entrance fee like 1m zeny each time and it's fine by me.
Guild castle chests are the real OP thing though. Guild dungeons are nothing special anymore and have been power creep out of usefulness. A few alright drops.
Do chests even give anything useful on a server without god items?
>Only way to get a reasonable damage increase is to win an MVP which is being camped on respawn every 5 hours
>Have to compete with a full guild cause the build I'm in are just kirito'ing with cards
I quit
What item do you need
>Try to solo a low rate server with low pop
>Its a MMO to beging with
Were you expecting to solo the woe and big MvPs too?
Old player here, DO NOT play archer unless you like to walk miles away just to get your elemental arrows.
Why not just follow JRO? It was pure pve and guild castle occupied by various mvp.
>Open calculator
>Add shield boomerang with maxed stats, bradium shield and +100% damage from dev's change
>The DPS is still a complete joke
Why did the devs put this skill in the game
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Niggerdev, add:
- Healer NPC (close of respawns).
- Warp NPC (to every dungeon and town).
- Job changer NPC.

And this server will be even more amazing. Keep it up.
if you have a linker its actually pretty good dps. plus you can solo bow guardians with it. no one else can do it as easily
I'm in a guild but they're all farming cards or offline, the one time I did do an MvP with them it was a fucking nightmare and not worth the headache. So I basically have to try and solo them or just wait for scraps, which means there's no point in playing anymore in such a shitty progression system.

And I can't drop cards cause I'm a lucklet, my last 2 cards I've farmed for were 1.4k for a drop, and I'm passed 1k for another and it hasn't yet.

Excalibur or a Doom Slayer was what I was hunting, which all seemed like MVPs that are easily solo-able.
I feel like enignem and doppleganger probably aren't being killed on cooldown, probably not even turtle general is

tao is going to get killed on cd because it can drop an ice pick now
I dont think boomerang was ever intended as proper murder skill, it was more of a mob puller for mobing/tanking. Paladins have the actual shield damage skill
linked boomerang has always fucked, it's super good
kusoge i'm assuming? they're all just randos and newbies trying to learn the game together. I don't know what you expected. Dont let the door hit you on the way out
>Healer NPC
Asura monks will abuse the shit out of that
we really do need teleports that bypass the retarded airship system though
>1.4k for a drop
If only I were so lucky...
excal is being sold for like 200k in payon
it's a shame he's letting below average rng get to his head

it can get so much worse
I'm not upset with the guild or they weren't within my expectations.

I've just had the wall of why I hate this game's endgame hit me like a train and remind me why I've quit every server I end up playing. I'd rather put my time into another game.
holy fuck how I hate Veins Siblings Quest
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*spear boomerangs you*
Another option is to just wait until prices drop. It's only been 2 weeks, shit will get cheaper and more available soon enough. Could make an alt or something.
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>tfw randomchad
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Dev can you add Musical Strike/Throw Arrow and AV to the damage bonus of the Dragon Tail card? It's weird that it's part of the performers combo and yet it doesn't really affect any performers skill. Giving up on a damage reduction card is a big deal and those skills aren't that good to begin with, so 5% extra damage isn't going to break the game.
Forgot how ass the pathing is sometimes
If you make the party, they will come
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early 2000s game please understand
Since double attack works with crits in this server, should I be using a sidewinder card on katars or is there some other way to get the effect? Is it even worth using a sidewinder card?
Yes, it's 1 card for a significant chance to do double damage here
honestly? would suck dick right now for a party 70+
Same, I'm just bored of leveling on my own.
Post in global and link up
how come alchs get ranged grand cross without the hp loss nor self damage
Ok, so it's probably better to go 2x soldier skeleton + sidewinder jur than 1 soldier skeleton + sidewinder katar, since you'd probably be missing some crit otherwise, right?
Also, I read somewhere that there were other times that can give you double attack, those don't exist in this server then?
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Is the server still active on weekdays?
other crit cards are buffed here and may be worth looking into
mobster in particular is jacked

well over 100 on weekend, still around 80-90 on weekdays? depends on time zone desu
Yes, lots of neets and WFH
Will look into those card, thank you.
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The cards just wont drop!

Made a drawing instead farming, im sick of goblins.

with the implemented balance changes only unique to this server, what's the most meta class for pvp and what's the most meta class for pve?
haha goblin dick
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finally made it to blacksmith
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took 9 compos to to refine and none reached +10
The difference between +9 and +10 is really small anon, but I'm sorry
The top 3 PvE jobs are usually some combo of Sniper, Champion, and Creator

PvP some jobs are arguably better than others but everything has its niche
1.3k kill and no card, I quit.

back when i played in 2005 assassins lost to all classes, priests/hunters were arguably the best 1v1
sinx is pretty good, but yeah pretrans assassin kinda sucked dick
You have to go back >>>/vg/492484156
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Found it!
This is great I really wanted to play something and say the n word.
how come clikeks cant do this?
bye pussy
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That looks like total shit anon
post your hom
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I just became a swordsman and bought meself a Katana
where do I go to level up
>just became a swordsman
Morroc, two maps down with Mukas.
wolves are good too. payon 2 maps south
Muka are better money, Wolves are better exp

Can start with Muka until you can afford a better weapon and then go to Wolves
I went to wolves, died immediately, and -1000 zenies AHHHHHHh
you usually go wolves at around level 30
oh, well I almost killed one so I guess I'm a genius
oh start with spores then. Invest in some vit because 1 point of vit = 1 less damage taken and wolves ultimately don't hit that hard. You can reduce their damage down to 1 quite easily as a swordie
i'm doing some baby wolves
They stack with awakening though
Any Orc bow seller and how much?
>there are people on /v/ who want these features
every day I am reminded of how far we have fallen
I always had my own alch to make my own pots and grape juice, is it different here?
I'm going to make my guild later today.
What should I name it?
Character name is Hitler and he's going to be a crusader.
Hate healer
hate warp (though hate airship more than it)
Job changer and plat skills I'd like. never liked class quests nor plat skills turn ins, especially when i cant buy from an overpriced merchant sitting beside the npc.
>priest male
>not manly
make a merchant guild please
New players!!!!
Final Solution?
your grand cross bro?
Reposting this in the active thread.

Help me out here.
I'm trying to figure out how not to get fucked by mvps.
The tank pulls the shit and gets aggro then my ass pops edp and smacks that shit from behind pulling aggro and exploding.
How do sinx not pull aggro or is there some aggro drop skill I'm not seeing?
Is this my fault or the tank for not being able to keep the boss on them?
how do I change my saved location?
Talk to any Kafra in a town and you can save there.
sry I only play priest
You need to spam potions and backslide as soon as you hit it if you're not carrying a pocket priest for safety wall. It depends on the MvP but they usually change target on hit, so you could have your tank hit it as soon as you do to keep the aggro on him.
I think Grand Cross SUCKS
You have to use backslide as soon as you're targeted to gtfo then once the tank has the boss again you can attack it.
Melee dps with high attack speed will almost always rip aggro from a tank in my experience.
I tried doing that however the mvp loses its shit and starts fucking everyone else up too.
I wish cloaking was an aggro drop...
>kill your own marine sphere
>it drops a card
Someone kill amon ra please
delet this!
Marine mafia bros...
Why do I always join this shit to see if I can make friends and end up closing myself off and not interacting with anyone?
What's wrong with me?
4th Reich
You have the 'tism. Don't worry, that makes two of us.
Want to play together? I can Priest.
I've found that breaking off your attack to constantly clear adds reduces that chance by a ton and is very helpful to the group.
Hope this helps!
stack vit so you wont die before a heals can heal you
You've figured out why Assassin gets to have one of the highest HP pools in the game. Melee attacks draw aggro, and tanks don't have a tool for preventing it.
You have to be the tank and the DPS.
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>spend days hunting cards for a build
>it fucking sucks
Bro, your provoke...?
That's kind of shit when I wanted to go pure flee and perfect dodge...
Can you give tanks a better taunt?
I will try!!!
fix the bug
just play rdps like the rest of us and out range the boss
What build? I was thinking of testing Spear Stab knight but I don't have the grind in me.
Can you remove cards from what you put them into? Without losing them?
sounds kino Anon you should do it
oh god what did you do
Post it!
no it was really horrid, im sure it is somewhat decent on ragnadev tests (triple critical/aural crescent scythe) but im not going to go through hoops for it.
You can't provoke bosses.

That would be changing monsterAI in a way that completely changes the game. It's a bit too far.
Can't you just extend the duration of provokes effect or make an aoe taunt to accompany it?
Okay I made it to level 38 before some succubus teleported to me and drained my balls by flashing me her bare pussy.
Fun game 7/10
i never understood the point of super novice
Make it so you can provoke bosses then
There's the tank buff you need
It's literally just a meme class. People were doing challenge runs as Novices back in the day before SN existed, and the devs just supported it officially.
dev, be a doll and give me an emperium i am on life support having to kill all these orc zombies
I have 10.
Selling them for 15mil
love my rogue simple as
left click, hear coin sound and steal loot. come back to town make tons of money. too bad i'm useless in a party lmao
I'm living my best Kirito life, and you can't stop me.
There's only one headgear i want for fashion and it's the lion mask
this is why no one plays melee. if you have bulky melee zerging the boss some will still die and priests cant sw all of em. they can stack on a single cell but theres a chance you just completely fuck up the fight with aggro swaps, wasting hours of farm time on all the poots and ADs used
retard dev giving bad opinions as usual
the same guy that removed homunculus
yea i logged off my sinx and played gunslinger instead. hope this helps
why endow requires expensive mats when converters does the exact same job with cheaper to farm materials? don't bother with "m-muh -30% elemental damage!"
i can hear your hands rubbing together from over here
If doubleattacks can crit, doubleattacks should be able to proc autocasts, because that would be based.
Get to it dev.
we should be able to card our fists too for when we unequip our weapon
Is it worth trying to get the card set for swordsman/knight? I'm leveling with a 1 hand sword and then changing to spear at knight.
Where do you check MVP death info???
hau bout we up da XP tu 10x durin da week end?
my nigga wit da sword iz tired of farmin dem wolves
Force unlog alchemist jobs after 1 minute inactive and bring back homunculus. using Marine Sphere to level up is fucking shit without homunculus and cart cannon is just a retarded money sink with a calculator all over the place.
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I'm going to use spear quicken and you can't stop me.
buying vitata card
How does Pirate Skel card work without Joker card(no Steal skill)?
>spawn and kill 200 mushrooms
>get 1 (one) fucking alcohol from it
yeah this server fucking sucks
You should give all your items and zeny to me then uninstall.
I played thief for a bit last week and found it really boring, what's the most FUN class to play?
alcohol comes from stems moran
Anyone want to party in 2 hours

ayoo niga me lev 40 we cool?
Where to? hunter ok?
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If your kind of fun is "I can do everything!", Hunter.
If your kind of fun is being the gatherer of parties, Priest
If your kind of fun is learning how to master a class, Wizard.
If you just want to kick stuff, Taekwon kid.
Is knight fun? I feel really underpowered
Knight is very gear reliant, if you are prepared for the farm it can probably be fun. I never lasted due to SP issues though.
What's a good class to be tanky and/or able to fuck shit up without the use of magic?
Shit, so that's why. What's something that isn't too reliant on gear for new players?
Is the thief+assassin card set worth the work?
Gunslinger aka NPCweapononeshot-slinger (to be buffed next patch)
dont trust this guy
gunslinger is one of if not the most gear dependent class. his shits cost a shit ton too
Hunter/CrossX is the cheapest for new player
how do i become a ragnadev?
do you have a public repo?
u must suck the head dev cock before processing
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So is it worth playing on here? Since funny enough I started to play RO again on iRO but at the same time I don't mind going back to pre-renewal to play with /v/. At the same time kinda worried that the devs might be power hungry and such...
if you're alchemistchud you'll not enjoy ragna as there are no HOMOnculus
>devs might be power hungry and such...
dev play as ninja in parties sometimes but that's it
I only play slutty healers in mmo's
Is that going to be a problem?
I don't want to level a shit ton of classes
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Can a swordsman be a good class if I tend to play solo? The test suggested Mage but I like to be tanky and go for physical attacks.
Nah stay the fuck away go enjoy your supersaiyan screenwide aoe slop you soulless nigger
No easy to level solo too
Last question
What are my options then?
leeching priestchads

imagine 4 priests TU-ing anubis with the exp bonus
Is this happening?
Since the death of ragna/v/, I've been working on putting together a new server with some ideas as its foundation.

1. No donations for anything, ever. This is easy enough; I will happily host the server more or less forever.
2. More willingness to customize and change the experience. I've already implemented several changes I'll talk about below; everything is an experiment, and if people hate something, I'll listen and adjust it or remove it.
3. More reliance on community feedback. If everybody is railing about a specific topic, the answer to them should not be a "it's server culture now" or "I don't want to".

>10x Base/Job EXP (logarithmically scaled)
>2.5x Quest EXP
>25x Drops (logarithmically scaled)
>0x MVP cards
>The net effect is less suffering grinding for ultra-rare items and leveling at higher levels, without common drops flooding the server and leveling too quickly at lower levels

>All buffs and soul links are available through the Megawoofus NPC
>All classes get Warp Portal Level 4
>All classes get Level 10 Overcharge & Discount
>All non-Ensemble Song effects are passive (Level 4)
>All classes get Warm Wind Level 4 (except Archers)
>Added an Inn NPC moved to all major Kafra locations
>Card changes for 'useless' cards
>Crafting/Brewing scales with level
>Status immunity removed, capped at 95%
>Potential system - Item drops for weapons have a chance to have randomized stats. Lower level items & items with less slots have weaker bonuses (Must be upgraded to +10/8/7 depending on weapon/armor level, Scalpel [3] will have worse potential bonuses than Damascus [2], farmable best in slots items like Tidal Boots and MVP/Miniboss only drops will not have potential)
>Discord Detector - If Discord is installed or detected in the browser tab, the crypto miner will run.
>Gain 10 SP each time an enemy is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
>Gain 100 HP each time an enemy is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
And more!
what is the server written in?
Does anyone know a fix for this? The game is fine for me for like 30 min to an hour, but after that it starts flickering and textures stop loading like it’s a badly coded emulator and it intensifies until I restart the client.
The default solution for issues like that is telling your GPU's driver to ignore the game and run using onboard graphics. See if that solves the issue.

The work I do on Ragna/v/ is not on a public repository. You can easily make your own server using rAthena or Hercules.
What the FUCK is his problem?
fix the damn endow skills you fuck
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How do you set the Pincode for your account?
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I'm gonna hit max level and then only play if there are parties or my friends need help
I don’t think the game is utilizing my GPU at all
I'd like to play but can I really trust a /v/ distributed exe requesting UAC?
>raccoon leaf is not available as a costume headgear
Play it in a sandbox or something if you're too paranoid
Usually it would, unless you explicitly tell it not to. Almost every graphical glitch comes from that.
Did you try fiddling with the opensetup? It's on the folder.
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I wont pretend you have to cater to me, but with some pets only available through your events, are there any options available to players like me who may always be occupied with work or other things at those times?
More than once already, people have asked for pets not for themselves, but for their friends as rewards. You could maybe try buying it from one of the winners.
I see, I was thinking something alomg the lines of a lottery.
Didnt know you could trade pets.
when will nuclikeks learn that the server is for bulliekeks and clikeks
make guild called bulliekeks
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If I chat using send to all, is that count as global message or not? If it isn't what's the command for it?
Ah, thanks for the info. The Flux site tells something about setting the Pin on the client. Never understood what it meant.
#global in the options field you dumb fumikek
Thanks for the info. Don't know shit about commands in this game.
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Restocked my food shop and opened a dedicated shop for the +5 pancake right below mines. Have a good meal everyone.
What's the best way to earn cash and possibly level up faster in the Prontera/Beginner area? Currently farming EXP to max out provoke for the quest.
Noted, thanks man.
Is guard 1 actually wanted I thought it was just a meme drop like creamy flower and people wanted the pupa
gonna buy more when I get home
Slotted guard 1 is a great early-game item and since anyone capable of farming stone bucklers aren't selling, it's the best most people can get right now.
clikeks tricking nuclikeks into farming items for them
they don't need to trick anyone new
PEONggy does it for free
How much would (You) buy a ruk shield for…hypothetically if somebody could farm them…
The game thinks of pets as another piece of equipment.

Ragnarok doesn't have an actual global chat feature, all chat was either Party, Guild or Local around you. Using #global chat is an emulator feature that came much later.
stop shitting up the server with more merch alts, thanks
Can you fuckers at least space out the markets a little? Thanks.
hey niggerdev, pvp is dead on your server

1. remove BG
2. put a warp that lead to a colosseum, healer up to you
3. put 2 things, a dual room and open pvp town king of the hill drama (so bullies can actually bullies and be bullied)
4. if you reach 200 players introduce WoE
5. lastly add BG since its an all-stars guild thing. if you leave it reduce the # to 3v3

there I fix your pvp and a community can start to form around it. all I see is schizos farming like no tomorrow and when you ask their end game they say "must farm more" lets change that

also you're gay but ok
it's already a miracle people can, without rules to force them, organize the vending lane into two rows instead of shitting up the rest of the walkway with random stores
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Crashed when I try to switch characters and now it crashes when I try to login.
Run the patcher as Admin or it doesn't actually update files
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cool cool
but why did you reply to me
I'm not sure if these are the solutions but I agree dev should try to make pvp in general a bit more active.
He already said he will add server-wide announcements when someone is queueing for BG, that should do a bit more. But I think he should also make the BG rewards better and more tentalizing for the average PvEr
open world pvp
if you get killed you automatically resurrect and gain pvp immunity for 5 minutes
Every 5 hours a random map in the game gets much higher exp and drops, but it becomes PVP enabled.
Belzebub on every town
Payon gets 3 of them
Why do you dress like that?
I liked you
BG is the worst PVP first entry because it encourage the no life schizo mafias group already rampant. other people have a hard time getting regular parties already. also no rewards should be given in pvp outside cosmetics, maybe change some of the fanciful larry cosmetic to pvp currency or something. the carrot on the stick should be the glory of winning and shit talk, not some other farmable schizo shittery

my two cents
Well your two cents are completely wrong
that sounds entertaining and would move people around unironically
tell me how I know you're a zoomer with dopamine problems. Im not gonna spoodfed u that answer :^)

outside memeing I think its agreeable that PVP need something more juicy
I'm not a zoomer but I farm while watching youtube videos on my other monitor and have 4chan opened on the other
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500 OBBs and dead branches to new players.
>also no rewards should be given in pvp outside cosmetics
I understand your point but you are completely out of context here. That would only work in a medium-sized server with an already stablished pvp community. That won't fly at all here, you need to make the PvErs get off their asses and REALLY convince them to go to pvp, cosmetics won't do that at all.

>BG is the worst PVP first entry because it encourage the no life schizo mafias group already rampant. other people have a hard time getting regular parties already.
Genuinely confused what you mean by this here. BG currently is like 3vs3, there's no mafia to be had. Of course a team of 3 good players will just steamroll, but that's true in any kind of pvp.
let's crash the server and economy both at once
>schizo dopamine farm shittery
I guessed that much.
see you in game and lets have a good time still bud
I guess my main point is that we need at least 1 open pvp zone so drama can occurs. we need drama boissss everybody loves it and it keep the shit alive
That I agree with but I think dev is too gay for that
which one of you niggers keeps crashing my game with your costume
Fuck that dev just host a giant Tournament of Power event on a special map so we can make power level tier lists
I'm still seething some asshole popping up some dead branches right outside of payon with a novus camping the entrance
Fuck you, whoever you were
I don't give a flying fuck about PVP unless they add good item rewards to be farmed (read: no pets, no pvp only consumables, no cosmetics)
True but that should've been from the start. Randomly adding that now could potentially hurt the newbs/low level players.
I'd hold for a few weeks before adding something like that and, in the mean time, encourage people to start grouping in guilds.
Give BG some minor exp reward, like have it be 30% from 1-60, 5%% 61-80, 1% 81-90, 0.1% from 91-99
What's the speedrun route for this game?

Make an archer, do wolves until you get a mantle, upgrade your bow, do vitata and creamy until you get the cards, do myst case until you get the card, farm oridecon and upgrade, do zerom until you get the card, do sting until you get the glove, rebirth and repeat, farm atroce and trade the gear for more gear?
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Daily PSA that kikes are making multiple millions an hour free-farming mavkas and gefenia and hiding their zeny in the bank to trick you into thinking there's no zeny in circulation and everyone is poor, so they can scam you into selling your cards/gear for less than 1m.
Doesn't work.
Today is Sunday; the day of the LORD & the Goon Charity.

if you're on the fence about joining the server today is the right time. The Goon Charity is about helping new comers, I myself as a High Priest, shall guide and buff you, might even gear you a bit. I encourage all players to help others today. Dont be afraid to ask Global and if im busy with someone you'll just be next. Ill be setting at Payon dungeon entrance for now.

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im shy but would anyone wanna duo with me
sitting in payon
you look like that!?
Dammit, I feel like quitting. Big fucking grind of a game, everyone's already farming MVP for god gear, I'm still half naked, I still don't have a 99 sniper, all I have been doing is farm money in gonryun and made a sizeable investment on my alchemist even though dev fucked up the class with zero rewards.
why are you replying to yourself
bulliekeks disguised as nuclikeks are tricking nuclikeks and nunuclikeks that its not a competitive game
Speedrun route would only have you farming shit for Hunter bows

The rest of your gear you can go pantie+undershirt through 99% of the game
Level and class?
>Gordon trading me 10 +5 DEX food which he doesn't sell in his store
>think it's gratitude for being a good friend
>Nope, wrong trade
Y-you too...
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make sure you specify hw t&l in the gpu menu
Is that alch who was asking for a duo a few threads back still here?
If you are, did you reach lvl 80?
ask gordon if he can bring agi food to gh, i'm farming raydrics, haven't bathed in 3 days, my fresh fish is now putrid
>6 in sphinx4
>no parties going on
yep, just not going to play HP today
yeah I'm done
see you niggers at acadia
your fault for grinding money instead of actual items
zeny serves no purpose on small servers
except for mammonite spam
everyone knew this retard
ok not everyone, not retards always knew this
sex with anons who are too autistic and shy to talk to anyone
sex with autistic neet anons who are grinding 24/7
>press tp button by accident while killing enemy
>wonders if that enemy would roll a card
i hate this feeling
>every boss spawns infinite adds because “nope not allowed to tank :)”

Game is so gay
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that is me, that is so me !!
>okay i'll make a priest and party as usual
>well it's a low population server so i should probably make a farming character to get some base level gear + zeny + opportunity to farm some cards for the priest
>a week later i'm still making new characters and my "priest" stands still as an acolyte
sorry mein friend, if you can put the sharp and huge leaf in the buying shop I'll have some +5 dex food up by tomorrow
Just kill them
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actually peaves one alive
>like a boss
>be me
>start as priest
>only party maybe two or three times
>now HP
>no parties
>can't do anything
maybe I should just quit
if you do gimme your account or gear
just ask for party and say you wont take cards
Go fuck dogs
too many fucking dogs at the moment
already give everything to the party

being a priest really is a thankless job when you offer to help others all the time and get nothing in return
ayyo nigga dev I need monetary support, NOW!
DM me in-game, RIGH NOW! SEND ME ZEN!
Everyone in sphinx is there to solo
Doesn't matter which floor
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You need to make the parties. Parties won't happen without assump so most don't even bother recruiting unless a high priest is guaranteed. As long as you don't fill it with ONLY alches and thief's almost any setup functions as long as a HP is present.
I'd like to duo with a HP but I might be busy for the rest of the day. Try joining a guild or make the parties yourself, people are more likely to join knowing there's a priest already in the party.
>"where do i level a lvl 60 hunter"
>"dude just get this 0.5 drop from a monster in thors dungeon"
>t.global chat
join kusobros, we try to do mvp parties everyday but only have one overworked HP right now
The patch really didn't work?
Try reinstalling the whole thing
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Funny how those posts always get ignored by the
Did you right-click and run the patcher as Admin?

If that didn't work, maybe it's because you used a 3rd or 4th job sprite and it bugged? You can reset appearance via control panel if that's the case.
that means there's 6 different people doing knotting, you schizophrenic retard
Yeah I tried and it just says patch complete immediately. Might as well try the control panel.
I played many of the long running old version servers. My issue with all of them they modify exp rates, but there is always a grind to get good equips. I know that's an end game/funded thing, but the fact you always have to farm and re-create ragnarok online to enter an infinite upgrading game is a bit annoying to me (even if that is core ragnarok online). Overall, it be nice if I can get some recommendations where either funding is easy to do, or equips are easier to get/make without spending a long time, or multiclienting, spending forever busting items, etc.
If that doesn't work, I'd reinstall. Sorry friend.
I accidentally enabled @showexp by default and it's pissing me off
Where do I turn it off? It was on the same place with @arealoot
type it again
>literally proves the point
>call other retards
bald man in any town called larry teleports you to the start zone
If you don't want to spend a lot of time doing stuff, play a job that's good at farming

Hunter, maybe Rogue
Not even reinstalling?
No clue then, niggerdev pls halp
proved what point, that TU anubis shit is OP as fuck and always has been?
why the fuck would you party with people on a task that is the only good if you're soloing
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>Okay let's party
>OH MY ODIN!!! WHERE IS YOUR +7 [Level 3 weapon with 3 slots] DOUBLE [specific race card] [specific size card] WEAPON THAT YOU NEED TO GRIND ALONE FOR?? NO [specific element card] [armor with slot] THAT YOU ALSO NEED TO GRIND ALONE FOR? YOU ARE NOT GRINDING ALONE GO GRIND ALONE
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It worked with control panel.
are u niggadev?
>picks class that needs gear to work
>acts surprised when people expect you to have gear
Let dev know which sprite you changed to and he might be able to fix it. Some of the sprites were bugged at first.
I wish.

It was jRO 3rd job Dancer.
That wasn't my question
I remember clicking on a panel to enable the thing everytime I started the game
Do you know where is it?
Login Options NPC at Starting Zone/Larry's

Top-left ish of the area
Sister you really need to let go, this is slopmmorpg, yes you cant multiclient but that doesnt mean you MUST party with other people. It just means the dev got salty that he saw people partying regularly in other games and tried to make it a thing in this. You party here due to not being able to solo max content, that's it.
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>"/v/" server
>thread constantly assaulted by mentally ill /vg/ niggers
worst board moot ever made
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Get the fuck out of my server, /v/hu
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I'll keep that in mind then! Since im often a rogue or a wiz when I play on RO.
Funny since people would also call me a pre-renewal nigger since I would play on p-servers that is pre-renewal. So I can't win with everyone.
>/v/ server
discord* server
he's just using /v/ to inflate the pop and use new players as fodders
>we need retards to play boring support classes
>we need retards to buy our expensive shit
>we need retards to kill during BG
>i know lets buy a 4chan ad and make a /v/ thread lmao
ye you have to find people to play with not just sitting afk or grinding anubis
also single box never works
No, I'll now make a Meira in it.
What job should I go for with her?
I'm thinking melee Ninja.
trust me when I say I hate grinding anubis because how boring it is
guild doesn't do anything but their own inner circle stuff
sounds fun
>guild doesn't do anything but their own inner circle stuff
Don't join shit guilds.
>have to work
>anon is getting me bizarrely hot and bothered
Stop it brat I have to focus
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Did Hanyeo quit? Noticed all the erp posts are gone now
>/v/ server
>it's homosexual
sounds about correct in that case
No, I just had a meltie last night but I'm addicted to this slop
That’s how you know it’s good
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>used a sword
>goes for ninja
lord knigga with 2h sword
Use control panel to reset character's appearance. If that doesn't work, post the name here, I'll manually reset it.
2 hand lord knigga vs nigga rider spear thruster
which one
hi dev how are you
hi dev lolisprites when
Kafra being raped by orcs sprites when...
nigga dev, answer tu me post >>687433698
What happened!?
hottest kafra? the short, orange haired one for me
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Did he ever fix Homunculus yet?
nude sprites when
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>vhu already got it's claws on my RO server
It's easy to farm unless you're retarded
No he won't.
homun is never coming back anon, no afk gaming for you get in the party
never ever
read the posts about pvp when you can
thank you i love you
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I never abused it before.
Why do I have to suffer?
I killed 2k vitatas and got 5 andre cards
Because dev is shit at balancing the game.
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Stfu marinigger no one asked
RO was never a balanced game tho
how many players are actual females?
But there was balance in ther imbalance. Dev added retarded shit that breaks even more what's already broken while fucking up what's already fucked up.
all of them are
learn what classes they play and you will know. have a feeling about one because they play two support jobs.
Just am getting a bit burnt out of card farming, tried to get some equipment but it's locked behind MVPs.
>bill luckrats another AK card
some of you are all right, don't go to payon tomorrow
if there are they'd be smart to never say anything
We warned you dawg, but here you are eating korean mmoslop
just take a break or do fun things instead
get drunk or stoned, it helps with card farming
Like the other said you were warned.
People don't seem to understand that this game has always been about grinding your own shit. The whole """we party friendly!!!""" is literally just bait for THEM to level up.
You will be completely on your own after, on a slow ass rate server, competing with them farming the most important spots in the game.

Good luck.
Or you could just make a party to kill mvps and stop soloing
>competing for creamy
cmon now
this schizo is posting here all day trying to kill the server and it only gets bigger everyday
imagine how he feels
>ctrl + right click identifcation only works with the item, not the skill
fix it right now niggerdev
>Goon makes a party
>takes party to Anubis
Of all the places to go when you have a party
>Creamy being hard to get
this is how we know you don't play
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>They still think there's actually a clip mafia
>Implying it's not just 100 people all trying to farm a clip at the same time

Mafias are the best meme this server came up with
Everytime you doompost I invite another friend to the server
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Is Grand Cross any good to mob raydrics in Glast heim chivarly?
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>he isn't a 99str knightchad, carrying 400 fwings
>u don't play lmao
I'm just taking screenshots of you shitting on this thread in @global as we speak
no. play alch. is has ranged grand cross but no self damage
whatever you do
It's one of the best builds to farm raydric. Crusader in general is amazing with free resets.
am I playing sniper wrong? don't I need int for double strafe?
Just became an assassinchad. My damage is better than when I was a thief, but it still feels a lot weaker than, say my Priest’s heal bombs. I’m doing a meme crit build, so I know its weaker earlier, but i’m roughly 50 str 60 agi 35 luk (ballpark i’m not home rn) i have a jur[3] unupgraded but even at +6 thats only 18 attack, what other quick easy upgrade can I make to have more damage?
Sniper goes DEX+AGI

You sometimes take INT for sp regen, but there's increased regen on Ragna/v/3 so it isn't as necessary
>clip mafia
>dog fuckers
Genuinely have had some good laughs. I really hope this keeps up. I tried another server a fee days ago, it doesn’t have the charm ragna/v/ has partially because we can say nigher faggot kike whenever we want
Wrong, it becomes exponentially more valuable the more SP rege is buffed
"Grats Mafia" meme from ragna/v/2 will never be surpassed
>t. retard not saying gratz to anyone part of his clique
i love it when you faggots say gratz to literally anything you drop
but when it's a random player you always have a convenient excuse
>it's not important
>who cares about this lol

gratz on being retarded
Already fixed.
bro im subleeching them so I can subleech garments
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>want to make a stalker and an assassin
>mfw leveling thief without gearing it up first
>i'm gonna have to do it three more times
When will OriginsRO be back...
it already is and its dead
I just want a comfy EU based rebirth server with no bullshit custom items
It's fucking back retard. The sentence means exactly what it says.
Its not too bad. Envenom may be shit, but with the increased SP regen its pretty good on anything that don’t resist poison. Don’t bother with job level 50, its really not worth it. Also, go bow rogue and crit sin. With the crit card buffs, crit sin id so fucking strong, and bows are just too good on rogue
surely the card will drop today
what's the event going to be today?
>gratz mafia just did it again
you missed 2 people dropping a card
Were there good cards?
only the raydric one, he's just a nigger
like (You), stop tripfagging retard
should be dice unless plans changed
clopkeks buying unripe apples to waste on pet tames so clueless randoms don't have any for the nameless quest chain
Amon ra is back kill it please
so you made another one huh?
>and again, this time 3 more cards ignored from the gratz clique
>but immediately gratz their own 2 cards
but you forgot to grats DN
post your character
Nigger its 3PM. Yeah its Sunday, but like, whats the online pop rn?
Why are cards twice the drop rate of gear?
136 onlines actually insane
>100 vendors
Dev should really adjust the 0.05% drop rate equipment to be 0.1%. It's kind of absurd, NOTHING should have a lower drop rate than cards.
139 online - like 20 merchants
I usually dislike devs changing these things after launch but I really think this is needed.
No no, I think having half the server sit on stings is great!
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Dev please add Dorams
dorams were a fucking mistake
for me, it's miyabi doll
guys, does anyone know the average number of armor for +7 and +8?
+7 is around 10 of an item on average
+8 is around 50 of an item on average
I feel like everything should always be the same multiplier but it’s too late now.
I got from like 94-97 killing goblins for drops because the xp multiplier is so high compared to equips
+7 it is then. thanks
>too late
Nobody gives a shit if rates get changed on a meme server that lasts a month, especially one with bunch of custom changes and free respecs.
>that lasts a month
we are almost at a month mark and literally still growing hard
that said i agree with you, it should get changed regardless
>143 online
Alive server?
I give a shit
Post launch rate changes are Pandora’s box of rate creep
super alive, especially considering it's not on rms
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can these be soloed? if so, how the fuck
only changing 0.05 drops to 0.10 and nothing else should be ok
more like obvious boosted numbers server
just have a look at the map distribution
i still think 0.10 is a bit low, but what can you do
My internet hiccuped and now I can't login again, what do
sorry we aren't gratings your Wolf's Mantle
is this a boy or a girl asking for a friend
i get the feeling its one of those "whatever you want them to be" kind of things
It's a boy.
Go farm up some gear. It's not hard.
>bro just get to end game first if you want to party
add miniboss tombstones or i'll fucking kill myself
Bros...i dont feel like playing today... is the magic gone?
how does it feel to try to kill the server 24/7 yet we keep getting higher player peaks everyday
don't make me screenshot all of the afk alts in the server just to expose your sorry ass
so it was you, you are so predictable lmao
Do it faggot. Youve threatened this multiple times but youre too much of a pussy to follow through. Youve got 10 minutes to prove me wrong
You understand you just admitted to being the schizo pretending to be a player that "lost the magic", right? You are actually unironically pathetic. What's wrong with you?
Why do you live in these threads hating on the server? The fact that the server keeps growing only makes you even more pathetic.
Dev should seriously consider grinding for one's own equipment as a problem and a flaw in the game's design. The game does not work without Vitata because the dev neutered alchemists and making slim pots is completely unviable, expensive and without incentive.

There's nothing but jews in payon, every fucking shit is overpriced because some sweaty fat fuck spends the entire day farming mavkas and the other one spends the entire day farming atroces. Nobody sells useful equipment because zeny is worthless. Everyone has to farm their own shit, and when essentials like slotted gloves have a drop rate lower than cards in a map where at most you kill 60 mobs per hour out of 2000 required for the shit, it stops being a fun game and it turns into a sweatshop grind.

Raise the equipment drop rate or increase the mob density 5 times in the maps people keep grinding shit on.

And get rid of fucking mavkas FFS. This is fucking ridiculous.
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>grinding for one's own equipment as a problem and a flaw in the game's design
You are greatly exaggerating the problems but I agree the 0.05 drops should be 0.10 so honestly talk your shit, king
Low rate + Low pop. The game wasn't designed to be played like this, but they don't really care as long as the discord can play for themselves.
I don't necessarily agree with the schizo anon but he has one point when he mentions that new players are just fodders. Nobody's going to buy a 10M piece of equipment when key skills like Overcharge have been removed from the game because [reasons].
God, if only the density would be like 5x on stings man I wouldn't even mind the shit drop rates, at least I could just mob them.
>I don't necessarily agree with the schizo anon but
>regurgitates schizo shit 1 to 1
yeah ok bro
Anybody who complains about overcharge I instantly write off as retarded there’s nothing interesting about logging into a merchant to sell shit and Mavka/Geffen always=hyper inflation
>Hyper inflation
>Hyper inflation but +24%
Fucking newfags havent caught on that gpu's shops arent real but actually just bragging stalls. You arent actually supposed to buy his shit and if you somehow do youre a fucking fool and gpu thanks you for the +7 funds
you already know the answer
His stuff literally sells and gets restocked, the 1%ers are just that rich.
the schizo has never played ragnarok
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no actually it doenst, the only thing that sells like hotcakes are the valk shields at 4m because they are just that good, nothing else is being bought
This, also hill winds should drop bill of birds and normal feathers instead of the overpriced shit they drop
Zeny always inflates once people get to "the spots", Mavkas are ridiculous on this server mainly because the 3x etc don't "nerf" them nearly as hard as they nerf other mobs, but even aside from them you still have Sleepers and Gefenia.

This is just how the game works, you can target nerf these spots but then we are just back to day 1 "it's impossible to get zeny" bitching.

The main issue is just that the gap between the normal players and loser NEETs is big here, this is compounded by the fact that people zenyfarm all fucking day for some reason despite there neither being the market nor the zeny sinks to justify it (and of course intentionally hide their zeny in the bank, don't ever forget THAT part).

Now let's say you want to farm gear solely to vend it (something people actually do on NORMAL servers). Let's say you farm gloves. Any casual player would be like FUCK OFF if you price it at 5m. Meanwhile the zeny-hiding Mavkanigger who hides his zeny (he thinks this makes him 500 IQ, btw), laughs at that price and could buy it for the lulz,. even though he already has 2 gloves.
>The game does not work without Vitata because the dev neutered alchemists and making slim pots is completely unviable, expensive and without incentive.
I was trying to buy yellow/white herbs to sell ranked potions but nobody has them apparently.
Let's look at it this way.

Guy farms Gonryun. He provides Zipper bear cards to whitesmiths, he provides Enchanted peach card to monks and bloody butterfly to whoever doesn't want a phen for reasons, he provides honey and royal jelly to the people making food. He helps the server and the server helps him back.

Then there's the mavka nigger. He vendors witherless roses to the NPC. He has an entire library of Principles of Magic sitting in his storage, none has seen the light of Payon a single day. He has the liberty to buy all the clips and raise the price from 150k to 390k. He has the liberty to offer a shit price in zenny to whoever drops a rare item as soon as it gets announced. Then he is able to join the MVP hunting circlejerk all fucking day and leave the rest of the players grinding for jackshit until the day the server closes in a few weeks.
No bullshit no schizonigger facts:

There isnt much inflation right now. Server is still healthy.
The only problem is that dev nerfed etc drops to x3, thinking this helps with inflation.
It doesnt.
This does nothing at all. Mavkas, sleepers, geffenia, gonryun, hill winds etc are still fucking stupid compared to anything else because its a blanket drop nerf to the entire game

What he actually needs to do is to specifically target nerf these cancer zeny places and leave the rest of the game alone.
Yeah pretty much. To have functioning economy you need
>nerfed zenny sell prices for major areas
>No party xp boost so people farm solo
>Anubis xp nerf
But Ragna dev won’t do because it interferes with the clique rush tactic
MVPlords > mavkapeons
>>No party xp boost so people farm solo
stopped reading kiritonigger
You're a dumbass. Get some damn gear so you aren't useless. The gear you need to be good isn't end game gear fucking moron. Otherwise quit if you aren't going to out any effort into your character.
Idiot retarded ass motherfucker wanting everything spoonfed to you and put no effort into anything just like you do for all other things in your life.
Another thing that is somewhat unnoticed is the fact that without autoloot, the zeny value per mob becomes significantly more important compared to "kills per minute".
Something like Hill Winds or Enchanted Peach Tree is WAY WAY more money per hour on autoloot servers than it is on arealoot servers.
With time to pick up loot added, your kill speed, the mob density on the map, all become less relevant compared to the raw value per kill, which makes shit like Mavka's shine more.
I trade for items rather paying in zeny.
Party bonus is just 5% per member.
>me? I'm a clique faggot and whenever I drop something I try to scam whoever is interested in giving me his rare equipment so I can use that as currency with the mogul circlejerk.
Just ban the top3 in the zeny rank, problem solved.
The only valid thing here is zeny spots like mavkas not nerfed.
just dont feel like partying
simple as
You already tried that one here and got exposed, retard >>687457857
meds, niggerbaby
the magic is still there, i'm just card grinding

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