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The stars up in the heavens shone
Carrying the lore of the sky
Carrying secrets from on high
By skill and might, engraved in stone

Stones to rival the celestial spheres
The seven hewn by a fell hand
Feared far and wide across the land
Master of shadow, queen of fear
Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
Thanks Isabelle. Thisabelle.
Cringe af.
MIA posters status?
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all gooning in the discord voice channel, I tried asking when they were gonna post again but their lewd moans were too loud for any of them to hear me
This is false. Both voice channels on the Discord are currently empty.
This is the stuff you spend time imagining eh
you need a special role to gain access to the secret channel
slime and detective being completely surprised that the discord was real after joking about the secret oc council and then actively refusing to join still gets me
And the name of that special role is...?
Made for ___
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>please Mr Superior Black Man honor me with your prompt
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You don't want it.
I miss patch gens...
guess this fag is ban baiting
>his thread
>his board
>his games
>his franchise
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guess who
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my new oc votechan
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straight people don't save stuff like this
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10/10 girl stuck in a mediocre manga
blue board you fucking faggot
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100% agree
When will I see him again...
When can my heart beat again...
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Only if you love BigSisterListOneesan
There was at least one discord created for these dalle threads before they even joined here and most of them failed horribly. If they reacted with surprise makes them kinda cute, ngl.
Detective didn't join because he's a chatbot
Slime didn't join because he's a schizo.
No one that mattered ended up staying in the server unless you really like John and Isabelle
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despite what I can only assume is the original intent... this is actually really cute
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She makes me feel so patriotic
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>I-I'm gonna eat my hamburgers, phoenix.....
Is it really that surprising? They post here for attention and because they can easily maintain their parasocial relationships with everyone. Slime and detective aren't your friends. They wouldn't actually be friends with anybody from these threads.
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typical England (muslim) poster
Said nobody in this thread, freak.
these posts always make me laugh
I see what you did there.
Which OC posters actually have a life or aren't mentally or physically unwell?
Anyone want some Chicken Alfredo Pizza?
I really think OCs and the entire dynamic is unsettling as fuck. They post together, clique up, mass report anyone who isn't in their circle, avatarfag while posting the most boring bland slop imaginable and after everything; what do you have to show for it?

Thousands of images of your OC that you genned for the sole purpose of chatting with people online. That's it. An entire year and they haven't even made anything /v/idya related with their characters at all. What the fuck?
imagine being in a clique haha who would want that hahaha
I posted baby Peach in a giraffe onesie and someone replied I bet she can't even eat a giraffe so I prompted that. That's the long and short of it.
There's nothing very interesting in the discord. Not really any clique or drama shit, just the same
>here's my gens
and then 1-4 people updoot them with discord emotes
No pizza for me.
That's obviously cockeroni pizza, not chicken alfredo, oy vey!
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There was a discord?
What's the artstyle on the baby onesie pics? It's pretty high quality looking
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You give the people what they want and they still cry about it. Typical.
Very hard to be a thread celeb in a discord server where everyone is mostly doing the same shit(spamming their OCs and blogging about how much they hate their lives)
Alright I need some help. How do I get it to scale down the Jigglypuff?
Ah sweet, free sword!
I enjoy my life (you know who I am)
If I ever get petrified by a hero, I need to remove to never open my mouth while looking skywards. Those birds have been shitting in his gob so long it's overflowing.
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Is there a second Discord server? The one I'm in is just full of Isabellefag trying to bait people into ERP.
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Try "tiny Jigglypuff"
my life may have been shorter than most, but I've enjoyed every moment up until now and I'll continue to enjoy them as long as I can. (you know who I am and you'll miss me when I'm gone.)
I only know about the Pokepedo server which is the one you're talking about.
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I don't know who this is. I don't know who anyone in this thread is. I mostly feel like I'm posting into the void. I'm 99% sure that every poster here except for me and Greg are all bots. What up tho Greg.
Harlequin Baby-Kun...
Make a harlequin baby OC
>oc self inserters have a life or not mentally ill
Not likely
Is it even possible?
Banish her to the briney abyss!!!
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nah I got subjected to manipulation from that angle enough to loathe it
>classic oil painting, D&D: A large adult white dragon inside a glacier. the dragon is behind a sign that says "SEXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO", eyelashes. facing you
stupid dalle rewriting my signs and making it more inviting.
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what causes this kind of behavior?
are they evil?
Um, faggot?
The entire thing is a clique.
>Ginny spamming his OC, genning porn of the newfag racoon motherfucker while trying to groom him and requesting other OCs DM him regarding "lore"
>Isabelle constantly talking to either the pokepedo or john with the occasional ping to random users mixed with bitching about the status of the threads(we won't bring up the list larping)
>John spamming his OC and server in general talking about the most mundane bullshit possible(and also getting groomed by Ginny)
>Skelefag popping in to bitch about life, how video games suck now and how 4chan is gay now
>The pokepedo trying to decide who to give a NAI code to while posting lolipedo bait in the form of kids in pokemon outfits
>Misc. furfags who are also friends with the pokepedo
>Goat & Dogurai talking to OCs and spamming their characters
It's just a group of lonely, mentally ill people who want to be validated even if it's from other mentally ill anons.
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"heavy brush strokes, colorful. nintendo anime art style." sunlight, dustmotes at the end for the right lighting.
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Very good.
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why not just leave at that point?
Yeah, Bian is Eve.
I thought the devil posting guy was acting kinda prudish in thread at least to the point I was confused someone was linking him lewd catboxes a few days ago, but then I barely commit octalk to memory I guess
imagining them all as octorocks or doc oc in my head rn I'm not that one guy I'm just infringing on his meme
enlighten us
Just more passive entertainment. The actual sane people(Elf Priest and surprisingly, List) left forever ago. Though the latter never really posted anyway
You always have the most oddest gens..
You're literally insane.
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I mean, judging by the wording of your post, you hardly seem entertained...
I know it's your thing to do damage control for OCs but trust me, watching OCs spiral in their own insanity keeping each other company is very entertaining. I recommend it and you will look at them in an entirely new light.(They're very sad people)
my BIC EDIT script isn't working, I posted the script on tampermonnkey and it's not working, pls help.
Changed her outfit a little
big indian cock?
projection the post
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>somehow this is damage control
for someone so hyper focused on the perceived mental illness of others you really don't seem to be the paragon of mental wellness you probably think you are
don't force me to kill you anon
Well, I bring up how posters of a certain variety are mentally ill while giving examples of their behavior and all you seem to care about is
>"Why are you there"
>"You don't seem entertained...."
>"You seem mentally ill...."
You're incapable of saying anything negative about your fake e-friends. We get it, but for the love of god, ease up on the ass kissing. You get nothing out of it
Yeah, I don't really notice all that cause I'm a crossboard troon and I only rapidly browse over it. So maybe you're right idk lol. I mainly see the image dumps and updoots
>"You guys are mentally ill."
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I don't even know what to say to this without investing more energy and effort than it's worth so I'm just gonna stop and hope you break out of your binary way of thinking at some point in life
>when they say they use discord
>Porn addict who posts porn all day long trying to lecture someone else about an unhealthy habit
The jokes write themselves nigga, I recommend a towel or tissue paper to clean yourself up instead of your pants like you've been doing
>I recommend a towel or tissue paper to clean yourself up instead of your pants like you've been doing
amazing. how do you get that kind of outfit?
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>lacking basic reading comprehension
yeah about what I expected
I'm using GROK, she's wearing a leotard with a wedgie. GROK allows this.
I agree, about what I expected to from a NAI porn addict. Stick to what you know best(spamming bad porn slop for 10 hours) and I'll keep surveying mentally ill OCs.
New mario game idea: mario goes to hell
Set them freeeeee
>that mario render

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I'm happy I don't choose to seethe 24/7
can't imagine what that'd do to someone's mental state
this style is really pretty
>"Dude this game is SICK!"
>"I'm just glad you're trying stuff that isn't basketball or Final Fantasy"
He has his half-controller ready that has powers like adam sandler's click.
What part of "you post porn for 10 hours a day" don't you understand? Your prefrontal cortex has been so severely fucked up by your inability to stop jerking off to anime girls that all you can do is make bot-tier responses to everything.

Can't even rock the boat a little by calling OCs mentally ill because besides touching your dick, avatarfags greeting you and saying "wow this made me horny anon" is the closest thing to validation you'll get in your life. Quit coping man
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boy he is really melting down uh?
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>just don't be a seething moron all day every day
>trigger meltdown
it's that easy
anons having cute meltys on 4chan...
Hang in there, noimg. Well all make it there someday.
Back to what you do best, keep up the porn. I'm sure the men you post it for all day appreciate it. Now less words next time, dumbass.
Anon sure is mad today...
Can we get some sexy AI images of Peach with a giant soft vore belly and smothering people with her feet?
It's like the avengers of horrible fucking posters showed up to defend the resident porn addict. Who's next? Gorespammer?
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Finally, ol’ reliable
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>Research suggests that the tendency to become angry is associated with high neuroticism and low agreeableness.

>Outside of the Big Five personality traits, a few habits and attitudes may be linked to anger. These include:
> Entitlement (believing that one’s rights and privileges are superior to those of other people)
> Focusing on things out of personal control (such as a partner’s behavior)
>External regulation of emotions (trying to regulate emotions by controlling one’s environment)
>External locus of control (believing well-being is controlled by sources outside of oneself)
>Refusal to see other perspectives (viewing different perspectives as threats)
>Low tolerance for discomfort
>Low tolerance for ambiguity
>Hyperfocus on blame
>A fragile ego
very interesting...
Is her pussy yellow too
I believe in you, noimg-kun! Do your best!
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He's gonna jack off to that message later
this but unironical
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Yes, we know you're low test and mentally ill. I don't know why you decided to have a melty over OCs habits being exposed but here we are.

Um, also where's the porn nigga? Less words more coom. Chop chop piggy
List-chan twerking for G.Is at camp Humphreys...
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literally designed for throat-tongue-fucking a shota(me) into submission
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>He never came back
>I never loved again
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Hope my response tickles your willy, noimg-kun! Here's your attention, here it comes! Who's a good noimg-kun! Yes you are!
I like her. Does she have a name?
her name is mustard bitch
Red poncho lalafell
Elf priest
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Man not only are you not posting porn out of spite you even nerfed her titties. It's already bad enough that it's off-topic anime shit

What gives? Come on, post the porn
I liked the spin-off
erp goblin
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it took some grinding but I finally got my companion that supplies me with (You)s every few minutes!
the drop rate was higher than I expected
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These threads' reputation was beyond saving the moment the ban evading literal toddlercon porn spammer’s transgressions were all forgiven and forgotten because he gave away some NAI codes that wound up in the hands of what would be the second worst spammer these threads have seen. There is no point in saying anything to these degenerates so long as they have the silent support of the rest of the mentally ill posters here. The more you speak out the less welcome they’ll make sure you feel.
Which OC should I ship her with?
I'm thinking John or Raccgoon
frank frazetta‘s knights of the old republic
How'd you get stitch? I get a hard warning every time.
Have her masturbating in the bath
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Her boobs are too big
Off model!
...Soraka, the character from League of Legends? Which OC should you ship her with? That's the question?
Yes, I'm thinking John or Raccgoon
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>google character
>not only are you right
>her hair isn't even supposed to be that red
I want to strangle the idiot that made this wildcard
that's another character manually fixed
I thought you were doing it intentionally which is why I held my tongue from mentioning it when you posted a few Koharu pics
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I actually play BA and every single girl from Aris to Koharu would be better with big fat chest beefers
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I hardly prompt on the weekends. I wonder why
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Shut it fag
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nope. I constantly have to fix these character prompts either from my own knowledge of the character or (mostly) from feedback in these threads since there's some games/anime I just don't follow closely enough
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>piss goblin general
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I only accept contempt from humans or human-adjacents
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I haven't visited this Genera- I mean thread, in months...glad to see Isabelle, the low poly poster and the goblins are still here.
Btw do you guys keep a Doc with prompt styles or something around here?
But what about goblin piss?
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Looks good.
Thanks Pauler, just playing with a bunch of prompts, got no fun scenario. Cute sweets, would save for last
Hell yea, she's so perfect.
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Thanks to you, too.

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piss goblin enjoying a piss flavored macaroon
imagine the smell
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peach when she sees my wiener
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goblin piss must be rancid as hell yuck
her face when she licks my chocolate tunnel
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I hate it here im leaving
Aether cock
Sweet mixtape
You going back to discord?
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Kinda creepy
Why do you get these numbers as a file name? I thought it is OIG or something
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You press the download button, and not 'save as'
>oh wow video games!
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post it urself
Messy orgasm with her feet up in the air
be the change you wish to see in the world
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Whats the difference
helo and what the fuk is this thred?
This is early morning yurop hours, it's just slow and comfy, no drama or talk about OC.
fewer niggers
what are you troons' obsession with "women" ejaculating semen
I dunno now, but it's said that download is higher quality, and save as used to have a watermark
I'm felo doge, I'm euro OC. Is like Americano but gaye.
21 is only good for porn.
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are you okay?
what is the problem
She's so cute
just like Vegeta
What's the prompt for these?
The question is quite clearly stated in english.
>pov: me about to make a mistake
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21 is a cutie
she was fun to play in DBFZ. too bad the game was shit
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What happens if someone agrees to sell their soul to more than one daedric Prince?
I hate bitches so much it's goddamn unreal!
Bejita-dono is a pillar of the series.
Oh my God that's adorable! I gotta try to make some cute misdreavus pics too.
Go to bed Amerimutt. And get a job.
Saiyan prince purpose built to be fucked and dominated.
Shit series. Could have been way better and deserved a better end. I'm referring to TTGL.
Stand down, you are radiating beta energy. You need colon-stimulation for the purpose of relief.
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I still need to watch it. I've heard it's good
Bejita isn't some twink, he's a BEAST.
a beast that is to be tamed, needs rape correction
It got its twists and turns, hopefully you will find something to enjoy. What's the ai you're using?
>literally me after barely surviving a trip to the toilet
WHO can rape a man built like a brick wall?
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Piccolo of the Dickolo
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>hopefully you will find something to enjoy.
I'm sure I will
>What's the ai you're using?
good 'ole stable diffusion
Glad you liked it :) got lucky and genned a shiny sister for her unprompted earlier
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Isabelle here! Sneed, cope and dilate!
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Could you do Tenshinhan from DB?
peach playing the words most invisible violin when I dont show her my wiener
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There's an awful lot of talk about male domination and sex in the thread tonight. I have to say, I approve.
black Berry
Fuck you with a frail broomstick!
me when I lie
No joke I've seen this exact post at least 3 or more times now. Why?
Remember that there is a secret discord server where all the Intel and Nvidia fanatics from WCCFTECH.COM hangout
Dale e 3
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time for sleep
Guys I'm here to announce a permanent solution to the furry bestiality problem. We have finally gotten around that specific issue.
>furry shit
Time to get that gun and shove it down your mouth.
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I thought ppl will say Moira but you are right
How about fucking shut that retard mouth of yours? I don't want to listen to you!
>Ryzen 9 9950X3D
Even though this is true, you're on the wrong site to be pointing this out.
beautiful gen
>Core Ultra 9 285K
>Super FX
Holy shit it's actual 3D!
>Ryzen AI 9 490 HX
he gets a free pass since they all will fight for the soul
I don't even know what in the schizo are you making.
Euro hours fucking suck!
It kinda died down by the time I got the post made...
Oh ow anon my feelings
You don't understand much in general. Ignorant clown!
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*nods with intensity*
furry content is great actually
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Large breasts with cleavage always show up unprompted
HOLY SHIT these are garbage
I see that! So cute. I love Misdreavus.
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That's DALL-E for you.
I hope you get on Santa's naughty list.
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Bing censored "No girls allowed" I honestly can't believe how cucked it has become.
People hate furries more than pedoshit here, but I have to ask, what the fuck is so wrong about a fluffy gf?
Someone is trying really really hard
Tree house sign?
>positivity and inclusivity
Is it me?
Did they lower the number of recent pics you could see?
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>what the fuck is so wrong about a fluffy gf?
absolutely nothing
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The absolute state of DALL-keks
If it weren't for positivity and inclusivity programs, how would you know that you're an asshole?
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Cat wife
I erp with everyone at the office, I don't discriminate. Whenever I get called in to HR I just keep asking if they want to spank me for being a naughty boy
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and that's why you deserve less than women.
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goodnite frens
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Gn man
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Rest well.

Cigarettes are back which is nice
*incoherent screaming*
Ever come across a meme that felt a bit... horsed?
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Boy, why your gen so dookie?
maybe its time to switch...to stable diffusion
>ywn solve mundane problems around your house with the help of a cartoon dog that can enter the fictional worlds within books
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I'm gonna solve problems by using knotting at all!
I fucking love Grizzly Tales!
>furry shit
Me on the-
oh nevermind
every decent human artists knows it's superior to cishet propaganda
oh, me on the left
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>me on my way to wish you a good day
good morning
Cringe without the kino
TDM gang rise up!
You've mindbroken another tourist
Good job
our daughter and some faggot
that is a very clean scythe
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Hello friends. Can someone post the squirtle girl image, where baby squirtles are coming out of the water? It was very cute.
feels good man
You faggots are a creative bunch
sorry john, I'm not going to gen black men with you
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how hard are you edging right now baker
I'm not using this thread
that's fine, you should go kill yourself
Saved. Prompt please. Thanks in advance.

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