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The now disgraced director of the horrendous and widely-detested title "Dragons Dogma 2", Hideaki Itsuno, has officially been relieved of his position at Capcom. Does this mean a positive future for games from this studio? Will we see less monumental disasters releasing due to untalented directors?
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Based! Good riddance! Hope he gets hit by a bus!
he was going to retire before all of this but capcom offered to let him make DMC5 and DD2, anon
he left of his own accord
would've been nice to see him stick around and unfuck DD2 but maybe it's best to just let it die in peace
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>Japanese business
>Someone high up on the ladder just up and leaving
Totally happens daily.

>CEO: This new Monster Hunter is broken, inconsistent, and barely playable
>Hideaki Itsuno: My signature!
This. He was engaging in corporate espionage; attempting to bankrupt Capcom with continuous incompetence and scamming their fanbase with fraudulently advertised games.
Not exactly unheard of if they're being pushed to an administrative position due to seniority and they'd rather keep working on what they're passionate for
Besides, do you really think they'd fire the man responsible for one of their most succesful games in their recent history because their newest release wasn't as big of a blockbuster?
Itsuno had been wanting to leave for years.
DD2sisters.... I think its over
Underrated comment
they'll never stop coping, anon.
>newest release wasn't as big of a blockbuster?
He got paid to transfer to Square Enix. He and the other dmc dude will be the combat devs for FF17 helmed by CBU3

I remember reading that Capcom planned DD1 to be their answer to Skyrim. Obviously that's a huge letdown from what they expected. To give the series another chance more than a decade later, they had to have similar expectations this time around. Some series just aren't destined to pop.
They always do lol.
I feel like both DDs could have been big if they just had more going on
For instance, dark arisen should have been in the base game
I wonder how many posts in this thread are from the same IP
kek. imagine how dissapointed they were when they released what a hack Shitsuno was. If they had REmake quality on it, it would have been a smashing success.
They told share holders it exceeded expectations, ie the only people they CANT lie to. Which of course means they expected it to completely fucking bomb
>widely-detested title "Dragons Dogma 2"
You absolute muppet
The problem comes from trying to COPY mechanics without understanding them. Like Kamiya kept saying when he made RE .5, he had no direction or vision, just copying Mikami’s RE1. Inquisition did the same thing, “the Skyrim of Dragon Age” and it was pure fucking garbage. DD’s team just adopted their previous games’ mechanics and tried to incorporate something they had no fucking clue how to incorporate.
josh strife hayes killed this man with disinfo
When is he going to commit sudoku?
Surely they’re relegated to XIV forever after the disaster that is 16 right?
they released it right when the first fiscal quarter of the year was starting, they shit that thing out the door ASAP so whatever sales it could scrounge up would look good in shareholder reports
the whole mess with the vocation color coding making no sense (trickster being colored as a hybrid for two colors with no corresponding basic vocations for them) and there not being an advanced one for each basic vocation REEKS of cut content
Content and gameplay aside, always blame DD's inability to become big on the visual artstyle. It looks like just another generic Medieval fantasy game with so-so "realistic" graphics.
back to plebbit thanks, troony!
>you can't lie to your investors
Ubisoft did that just fine.
Now entering month 5 of discord post-release gayops
Completely mindbroken by one (1) game
DD2troons officially lost. There's no way to cope with this one
>he was going to retire
then why is he saying he's going to continue making games now outside capcom
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>DD2 Dark Arisen never ever now
Itsuno had nothing to do with Dark Arisen though
Itsuno didn't make Dark Arisen
Kinoshita made DA and DDO
As a massive DD1 fan I'm happy about this. DD2 was objectively a bad sequel and itsubo really dropped the ball.
Itsuno didn't make DA. This is unironically the best thing possible for a DLC, if one is ever coming at all lol.
hello, nintendo of india sir
DD2 is weird because it feels good and bad at the same time
both DD games felt awkward because of how their main questline works and both feel like shit to play once you get past like level 60, despite the fact that levels scale you up to 200.
i think the change to making classes balance out by 200 is a good thing on one hand, but still makes it feel awkward to change outside of your discipline group. not to mention warfarer was just straight up bad.
really i don't know how to feel about dd2 from a gameplay standpoint, nor can i really bash the performance side either when MH on pc has always performed like complete shit as well, a problem by capcom itself no doubt. In the end, DD2 feels hollow compared to DD1.
I strongly doubt that based upon the timeline where DD1 released May 2012, with Skyrim being released 5 months earlier.
Anon, you must be actually close to 18 if you seriously think that.
>Secondaries not realizing what's going to happen
Kinoshita is going to turn Dragon's Dogma into Vindictus or Final Fantasy 14. We'll be getting anime crossovers, and battle passes, and daily login bonuses.
I wish Larian had made Dragon's Dogma 2, I can't stop playing the kino that is Baldur's Gate 3.
just say it's sovless

the main quest is beyond fucking phoned in, they didn't even try. why is the cat bitch on the cover of the game yet has zero presence in the game? fucking retarded slop.
Yeah, Capcom is hiring me in his place.
the Dark Arisen guy is still credited for DD2. He might take over the development if Capcom doesn't abandon the game
He literally has a new project he starts in September. He has been talking for long that he wanted to do DMCV and DD2 and be done with Crapcom before.
He better shita out some kino fast then
>just say it's sovless
It's the opposite of that, though.
You're just a shithead.
>Itsuno had nothing to do with Dark Arisen though
That's why it was shit.

Yes i SO MUCH YEARN for retarded niggery repetitive corridors i have to run twice through and an absolutely fucking GARBAGE gacha loot system.
i guess in a way it kinda is, but the main quest is just as simplistic as it was in DD1, you can literally ignore both of them after you realize what you have to do to get to the dragon
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>they CANT lie
>nioh loot
i'd play it
Inquisition was a critical and commercial success, even winning GOTY (albeit without much competition). DD's issue wasn't copying mechanics, it was that it had nothing to show for it.
He won't. All the shit that people give him credit for was in the base game of DD. He just made corridor arenas that you ran through and put in a gacha system for armor. He even stripped away most of the fun in the combat system by getting rid of all the funny dynamic shit that could happen because you just went into arena after arena and fought packs until you finally got to a boss.
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Capcom knew they fucked up giving Itsuno full creative control on DD2, he brought back a bunch of the jank and weirdness of vanilla DD1, Kinoshita is currently cleaning up Itsuno's weird indie AAA game. Itsuno was offered DMC6 since DMC5 was a big success and actually sold well, he declined because he felt done with the franchise.
>arenas separated by hallways
>removed all the soul out of combat
>gacha system
sounds like shit nu/v/ would go crazy for
>you know remember how awful all the early previews were and how /v/ blindly ignored everything because muh Itsuno
>shazamtroon calling anyone else a 'retard'
You basically just rushed Daimon over and over, popped periphats, obliterated his health in 10 to 30 seconds, then changed your vocation to increase your odds of getting the gear you wanted from the gacha.
People addicted to that loop claimed it was the greatest part of DDDA.
That was the DD2troons. They were intolerable liars.
>Itsuno was offered DMC6 since DMC5 was a big success and actually sold well
They had agreed to let him make DD2 before DMC5 even started. If they wanted his involvement in DMC they would've kept him as supervisor.

Like, I really don't get why you guys so desperately want Itsuno to be a bad director and feel gratified by the fact DD2 was as botched as it was. Do you think anyone would release the game in the state it released? When it couldn't even run well? What exactly do you gain from a videogame being worse than it could be?
> fired
> after he said he only had two games left in him and he made those games and left the company
I remember shazamtrannies screeching that the game was bad because people were saying it would be good.
I remember shazamtrannies upset that the game existed because /v/ was excited for it. As if the game had personally explained to them that the existence of their balls meant that they would never have ovaries, that their manly appearance wouldn't meaningfully soften with HRT, and that their awkward gate, shoulder slump, brute face, and manhands would give away the fact that they were males until they day they died.
>disliking DD2 = owning the chanz
cope, dogmatroon
you really think they wouldn't fire him after this concord-tier disaster?
Dragons Dogma 2 is an ok game, on par with the original. Both games have severe flaws albeit in different areas. DD2 comes across as a game where they spent most of their dev time on the basics like figuring out how the new engine works and never had time to flesh it out. You have huge holes in the story, random sidequests with AAA polishing, and entire questlines missing, yet the gameplay and map are finished and well done.

The potential is there but it probably needed a budget 3x larger and that wasn't going to happen, capcom is too obsessed with monster hunter.
Anyone who blames Itsuno for the state DD2 was in is a turbo braindead retard who doesn't know shit about how games are made.
According to capcom themselves they were happy with the sales, I'm not sure what you are going on about. It's a blatantly unfinished game that capcom clearly set a very low bar for, and it met it.
I don't care if the game story would suck that bad, and was prepared to buy it at launch for PC, but I see the presence of denuvo and heard that the launch was a disaster full of glitches deterred me from buying, even excluding the micro-transaction drama.
That I heard that the character creator received limitation as well, but I dont know how true that is.
Its a disease across the entire board, every single game is infested with these schizoids that have made hating video games their personality and screech at people all day long. It's not trolling anymore but rather a legitimate mental illness, perhaps brought about by parents raising their kids on tablets and youtube, they NEED drama, they desire hate and petty arguments.
Of course the company would say they are pleased with the sales to save face you retarded delusional TRANNY
Fuck DD2 and fuck Itsuno for making this piece of shit.
Agreed, hope he never works in the industry ever again
Honestly it's not very glitchy, the worst thing was the performance but that was specifically a NPC problem so it only affected the main cities. People blew that out of proportion for the shock value and clickbait, yes your game would run like shit in town but for the other 90% of your time playing it was perfectly fine. The microtransactions are standard for capcom now, they are utterly useless and pointless but they tack them onto every game, it's like DMC letting you buy red orbs no one cares or does that.

For what the game is it's really fun but it's main problems are balancing, 75% of the story being missing, and the lategame/endgame being short. The last point is a bit of a spoiler to get into but eh fuck it.
>concord-tier disaster?
DD2 sold over 3 million copies
Ok keep listening to the voices in your head?
coping slop eating itsuno aplogyst TRANNY FAGGOT
so? SotE sold 5 million and wukong sold 10 million in a few days. It's clear capcom was after numbers like these.
but i mean DD1 was the same way so it was atleast partially his fault the nigga did it twice
I genuinely feel sorry for you, I'm not sure what happened in your life to cause you to be like this but I hope you get help.

Adults can dislike something without devolving into a primordial puddle of goo screaming obscenities, take a deep breath and stop posting.
>It's clear capcom was after numbers like these.
Then why did they pay out bonuses to their shareholders after 2 million?
And both DD1 and DD2 were great games that suffered from lack of content - something that could be easily fixed even by biggest retard with more time and money. They were just rushed out, again.
They weren't which is why they said they said they were happy with it's sales. I'm not sure why we have to keep repeating this but maybe after 40 times you'll see the light.
>That I heard that the character creator received limitation as well, but I dont know how true that is
You can't make snusnu like in dd1
Easy - they fired the DD2 team and shitsuno the hack and used the money they would pay them to pay the shareholders instead
>company said it so it must be true
how gullible are you?
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I feel vindicated.
nigga DD2 took 5 years to make, Nintendo made botw in 5 years
i know that the mirco-transaction is non-issue, and is glad that the glitch isn't that worth, I would still wait for denuvo to be removed at least.
can you tell me if the character customization as flexible, if not more so than the first one?
The first time around they had a good idea but were not given the budget to make what they wanted. Was it bad? No not really, but it definitely could have been a lot more. We don't know exactly what constraints or budget DD2 was made under but it's obvious Capcom didn't want to buy in, is it his fault for making what he could with what he had or is it Capcoms fault for not believing?
>Commercial success
Nigga, that game is fucking garbage. You were nickled and dimed by EA on release and the game had literally nothing hoing for it except brand momentum.
EA may have made some money on it, but compared to other EA titles that game sold like shit. There's a reason BG3 was so succesful. DA:Origins was a great game and everyone wanted a sequel to that, not ehatever the fuck DA 2 or DA: I were doing.
You are a legitimate schizo, it was a success in their eyes because they set the bar low, it surpassed all the goals they had for the game and in doing so paid a bonus to shareholders.

It was a success in the eyes of Capcom.
Are you on their board of directors? How do you know that it surpassed goals?
Is he actually getting poached by SE to make the next mainline FF or was it just a bored anon's fanfic for shits and giggles. I remember that thread reaching 500 posts yesterday before reaching bump limit but never bothered reading it.
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It's both better and worse, if they still have it up my advice would be to download the separate character creator for DD2 and see for yourself. Everyone will look at it differently but I wouldn't say it was censored, my impression is that they just went for a grittier less anime stylization.
Dragon's Dogma had a great combat system and nothing to use it on. You fight goblins, wolves and bandits for 90% of the base game. Dark Arisen actually gave you hard content to fully utilize the combat system, something they tried doing with the everfall but failed because the everfall was fucking miserable to traverse. BBI's only fault is that unless you played a yellow class Daimon 2.0 was a horrible fight.
>funny dynamic shit
Like what? Enemies falling to their deaths? because there's plenty of that.
>no Shinji Mikami
>no Kamiya
>no Inafune
>no Itsuno
>no Yoshinori Ono
>Ace Attorney is just re-releases and GS7 never ever
Capcom is fucking dead lmao
there is only zoomer devs nowadays, no wonder you just get collections, demakes and awful games that go to the Game Pass catalog day one.
I will just support Inti Creates and whatever Shinji Mikami and Itsuno deliver in the future.
When it comes to customizing the face then yes the cc is very flexible in that regard. But customizing the body is more limited than the first game
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>don't understand what made the first a cult classic
>just superficially copy the original's story and mechanics
>story becomes flanderized dragon slop
>soundtrack missing the goddamn percussion section
>make the same mistakes as the original including Capcom shitting it out early
>it flops
Removing the IP counter certainly didn't help. I also see that behaviour on other social media sites as well.
>BBI's only fault is that unless you played a yellow class Daimon 2.0 was a horrible fight.
Just holy focus bolt bro
I see, thanks, I hope that I can make my ideal imouto type character for this game when I got my hand on it one day.
I hope Itsuno works with Atlus, Nintendo or Intelligent Systems
Imagine being so obsessed with a game you supposedly hate that you make countless threads every day to just shit on it
It doesn't matter if the game is good or bad, that's just fucking miserable
>I remember reading that Capcom planned DD1 to be their answer to Skyrim
This is not true. The idea for Dragon's Dogma is way older than Skyrim. Years older, before Skyrim even began development.
this is revenge to the dogma trannies who made this board unusable with their shill spam
good luck anon
>His personality is making a video game his enemy and """"""""owning"""""""" people
Bros I just buyed and boughted DD2 the other day. What do I do now?
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Good riddance, he could have tempered expectations at least
>the video games board is unusable
>because people talk about the upcoming video game which I don't like
>I must take revenge
The absolute fucking state of (You) lmao
>fail to put lolis in game
>get fired
good riddance
Kiketerally trying to cash up us with microtrans since dmc5. Hes dead meat by the yakuza
You'll never know, your autism must be burning a hole through that tiny deformed head of yours, huh, freak?
That is Capcoms doing, not his.
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wow that sucks... after all this time of people sucking the smegma off DD1 for 10 years and the board exploding with excitement of DD2's announcement...
and then it releases to thunderous mediocrity... what a shame the director leaves and the franchise is probably dead...
he got poached by SE you shit poster
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This board thinks bloodborne is some kind of mega hit when in fact it's niche as fuck, same as anime, it's mostly brownoids who care about all this shit nobody from the West with money does.

Anon, everything you read here is a lie.
And 3 out of those 5 years were spend in Covid. Not exactly fair.

It also took Nintendo 6 FUCKING YEARS to make BotW on the same fucking map, with 90% identical assets.
In all fairness Warfarer was so good it turbo broke the game, you could do insanely cool shit with it but there really wasn't anything difficult enough to merit you going that hard.
BotW sold >30m units you stupid FUCK.
what does that have to do with what he said
>implying neo crapcom would deliver loli
botw 97 meta totk 96 so... they did it the smart way both times? knew it would take forever so they reused assets, thats the smart way tho.
I can see Itsuno leaving Capcom and doing a Nier Automata 2 easily.
you are the biggest braindead retarded faggot i have ever seen holy shit
Mega cope
Who are 'we'?
tortanic niggers who don't play videogames but spend their entire day twiddling their dicks planning raids on discord
Don't care, still having a blast.
>Nier Automata 2
how about no
i dont understand why people think it cant be itsunos fault, itsuno does good combat, he has never proven he can do beyond that.
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I keked
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>Dead Rising demake is botched with censorship and horror engine graphics
>DD2 was a complete flop, basically another remake that has 1000x higher system requirements and shittier Grigori
>SF6 is pozzed and is just a pachinko Drive Rush game
>RE4 Remake was superfluous and was worse in key areas of gameplay and controls compared to OG
>Turned mainline RE games into twitch.tv fps reaction streamer bait
>Pragmata is nowhere to be seen, probably cancelled like Deep Down
>the dinosaur gaas game was awful
>MH Rise was bad and Wilds is on the same floaty engine
>no decent new IPs, no innovations, no impressive tech, just endlessly rehashing its 4 most popular series

It's time to end the circlejerk regarding Scatcom. They are cancerous.
Between him, Mikami and Kimaya leaving their respective companies, I really wonder if they're setting up some new company.
Old scammer deserves a broken nose and losing all his front teeth for peddling lie after lie during DD2 marketing.
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Rise gave us hebekino, at least.
Why do you faggots celebrate games being rushed and shit? If anything, I'm just bummed we didn't get a top tier action role playing game with fun combat. Lord knows we need more than dad of war style shit and from soft shit.
But no. Fucking post-irony brain rot, I swear. You cunts hate videogames.
>because it feels good and bad at the same time
100%. They fucked up crucial game mechanics while improving others. There's enough pieces there that you could make a good game out of it but they couldn't handle the ikea furniture part and created a fucked up abomination.
I feel so sorry for the people who worked on the individual components of DD2. With few exceptions they're all amazing. It's the incongruity and poor structure that fucks the game.
so no one here is under the delusion this was anything other than Capcom destroying the project for short-term gain and because some suit had a vendetta to settle with Itsuno, right? everyone can transparently see this shit >>687402575 and this shit >>687403061 and intrinsically knows corporate malice or psyop black magic caused the game to be forcibly stillborn a year early, right?
Like yeah, getting stuck with the MH engine? Capcom's fault.
Making the enemies indistinct and spawning randomly instead of in very specific locations to create the feeling of a living world like in DD1? His fault.
The reasons most people had to be mad at DD2 were shit reasons. There are legitimate issues with simple solutions that real fans are mad about. Capcom didn't fuck up the quest phase system. Capcom didn't force half the quests in the games to be RNG encounters in certain areas.
Stuff like the lack of movement and defensive options? Well you can perhaps attribute that to the MH engine and the game being a MH demo but even that's in contention.
You realize that none of those niggas did much worth a shit compared to their Capcom days, right?
This is how I feel.
If they'd expanded on things like camping, and really nailed down the quests and story, then done a bit of polishing to tidy up the wacky difficulty curve and odd, esoteric shit like the medusa being way the fuck outta the way etc, it would have been brilliant.
I understand the shitty changes like removing layered armour were for the sake of the new engine, but would have way preferred it if you could mix and match clothing across all vocation, whilst having the armour layer be unique.
And I really think they dropped the ball by reducing the number of skills you can use in some instances by tying arrows to them, or having warfare lock in one set as opposed to a set per weapon equipped, but even those gripes aside, the main flaw is with how samey it ends up feeling. There's just not enough that sets it apart from dd1, and it doesn't feel like there's a lot to do, which for a single player game is a bit of an oversight indeed.
I swear to god that if you could play Co op as your pawn in friends' worlds, like you could as a merc in fable 2, if you could dungeon delve in a sorta bbi/everfall with proc-gen challenges/goals, the game would be lauded as the second fucking coming. It's like adding Co op elevates even the most mediocre experiences, and it could have saved this game.
>inb4 missing the point of the pawn system/lore.
RE engine bro. But yeah. You're right with the design flaws.
/v/ suckered me on Dragon's Dogma games. They're fucking awful and the pawns aren't even an interesting mechanic. Boring map, boring "plot," boring gobs, boring caves.
Lol dd2 is goty level.
Only in a dedicated map/dungeon. You cannot plan a game around single player and co-op at the same time. It simply doesn't work. You fuck on experience or the other.

That said I feel nothing but spite for DD2. Someone cared but the higher ups did not. Even dumb little things like how both games have the exact same menues and structure but DD2 changed some of their to require you to go through more pausing and sub-menus for the same function.
DD2 is the result of a lack of care and perhaps disdain. For every reasonable issue or publisher mandate there's five issues that are just pure insanity or incompetence.
>used their secret sauce to create responsive controls
What the sauce rotten or what? The very first fucking thing I noticed when I got into the game and that ruined pretty much all the combat for me was when I realized it felt much less responsive than the first game.
It's the epitome of Thing, Japan
>they released it right when the first fiscal quarter of the year was starting, they shit that thing out the door ASAP so whatever sales it could scrounge up would look good in shareholder reports

DD2 was released in March 2024, aka the last fiscal quarter of 2023. But yes, when a game gets released in Q1 of a year it generally means a publisher is trying to boost their numbers for the end of the fiscal year, which is clearly what happened with DD2. It's why January-March is a "dumping ground" for games and movies etc
NTA but there's a knack to it. Rather than being unresponsive it's more like it's just slower. They put a weighty and realistic movement system in the game. One with momentum. And it doesn't work with high-octane fantasy action and climbing. It's like they had the game all planned out and were told to be more like MH in the 11th hour so all they could do was gimp enemy hit boxes and attack speeds/frequencies so that player wouldn't get fucked.
No one wants to play Darkrolls but some reactivity is necessary otherwise just play MH. It was a total fucking shit show.
>NTA but there's a knack to it.
I know there's a knack to it, I still went through the game, but it was still much, much less enjoyable. Even towards the end, when I no longer feared anything and I felt like I dominated the combat system, I still couldn't help but think any given fight would have been more fun if it was in DD1.

>No one wants to play Darkrolls but some reactivity is necessary otherwise just play MH.
But I don't want to play either Souls or MH, I want to play Dragon's Dogma. The problem with Dragon's Dogma 2 is that they changed everything that was good about the first one and kept everything that was bad.
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Here's hoping Kinoshita takes over DD2, assuming Capcom doesn't just kill it.
Dunno about that bro.
Divinity os 1&2, baldur's gate 3, and fable 2 all had Co op that just lets you play the same single player game with your mates, and it elevated every one of them.
But yeah, I do agree that the blame is both bullshit pub mandates and poor design. I just think that any mediocre experience is always improved if you can play with your mates, and it would have saved this even if they changed literally nothing else.
Its like Elden ring for me. I fucking hate the game. Every encounter feels like a slog, traversing the world is somehow even more dull than outward was. Yet playing seamless Co op mod made it fun just cos I was on an adventure with my mates.
Dont get me wrong, dd1 didn't need Co op (as much as I wish it had it too) but if they didn't fix anything else about 2, even though I'd obviously prefer that, then I'd have at least forgiven a lot of it if I could coordinate shield jumps with my mates
Should I play Dragons Dogma 1 or 2?
Day in day out pissing and shitting yourself about how the game will be revolutionary and make elden ring obsolete when any normal person could see the jank and the flaws was pretty hilarious. Shillfags got what they deserved
On a funny side note, the day he got fired was also the day Xitter was banned in Brazil, and ever since then, there haven't been any combotrannies spamming their garbage.
He's got potential
>company want to fire you
>instead of firing you they want you to resigned yourself so they dont have to pay you termination fee
so what happened if you just dont?
I get that its a big problem cause company can strongarm you into removing yourself or they put you on the bad boy list and you would have harder time finding new jobs
but what if you have enough money for early retirement
what are they going to do if you just dont turn in the letter?
They're going to be really angry with you
The fuck lil Shitsuno gon' do?
Where have you been? Companies fire entire teams after they release successful games just because they didn't meet some arbitrary sales number.
>do you really think they'd fire the man responsible for one of their most succesful games in their recent history because their newest release wasn't as big of a blockbuster?
Anon have you not noticed how the entirety of the world economy is being set on proverbial fire by corpos because every financial quarter must be drastically higher than the last one?
Put simply yes. If anything he'll be lucky to escape blacklisting given the current world order.
No sympathy. Don't put Denuvo in your shit games next time.
>nor can i really bash the performance side either when MH on pc has always performed like complete shit as well
Monster Hunter World runs like shit because some insane person set the game to run file integrity checks on everything loaded to RAM constantly and when it finishes checking it just starts over. The checks don't do anything either because if they find a corrupt file the game crashes anyway. You can get rid of that with this mod.
Yeah he has brought it up multiple times he was considering leaving the industry I don't think the guy has ever really enjoyed working for Capcom in recent years.
Remember when he made that snarky comment about slashing at the enemies feet? Yea just thought I'd mention it.
>shits out a barebones proof of concept two times
>someone else has to come in to make his shit good
He needed a better tard-handler attached.
That wasn't him but what's your point? Fighting giant enemies and monsters sucks if you all you can do is stab their feet. There is a lot to criticize DD on but not its combat.
In germany we say "Er wurde freiwillig gegangen"
Capcom already did make a japan exclusive dragons dogma mmo. Even had english menus and all.
Yet he never did. Makes you wonder if you're just coping.
Wait that wasn't him? Who was it?
>attempting to bankrupt Capcom
crapcom needs to learn their lesson from going DEI
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Itsuno had the "fast travel means your game is boring" line. The stabbing feet remark was either Kinoshita or this guy.
How are you so sure of it
>fast travel means your game is boring
Oh yea that's a way worse line, I understand now.
also them bringing back older IPs as remasters and censor the shit out of it.
it's fucking over
He put his name on that game if he had any shame he would've murdered the entire capcom board or at least he would've committed seppuku.
he said he's going to make a new game in a new environment
What do you think Itsuno's Death Stranding will be like?
>"fast travel means your game is boring"
>proceed to put all the game's gear in merchant's shops, turning exploring the world worthless once you discover the sphinx
God that made me so mad.
He had good ideas for the game but abysmal execution.
Whether it's the story that shits the bed after a short while, the difficulty being trivial very shortly, the worthless map exploration, the gimped magic vocations, the armour simplification that homogenized the vocations even more, the "endgame" itself being half-assed, a worthless NG+ and so on...
I'm grateful for DD existing, but I'm not sad to see him go.
The first game suffered similarly until it was pulled up by someone else.
shouldn't have made dragon's dogma 2 an ESG game
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i still don't think it was his decision and he was forced by crapcom to do all this.
>REmake quality
Which Remake quality is the question? The abomination that was RE3? The okay-ish RE2? Or whatever the hell they did to RE4?
>Nigga, that game is fucking garbage
Doesn't really change the fact that it succeeded. And keep in mind that it came after DA2 and ME3.
Capcom has been bleeding talent for a long time
I've never seen a game go from possible GOTY candidate to literally forgotten after a week, it was impressive. Capcom must've been disappointed.
>Capcom has been bleeding talent
Where is all the talent going? Definitely not other gaming studios.
Why do some people here worship those literally who jap devs

>Jeff creates shit game
>game flops
>studio gives Jeff proposition he either fucks off volountary or they will kick him out
>nobody cares

>Itsuno creates shit game
>game flops
>studio gives Jeff proposition he either fucks off volountary or they will kick him out
/v/ loves Japan more than /a/ for some reason.
I have played DDDA many times over the years, and will do so again.
I never plan on touching DD2 again. What a fucking disappointment.
The guy who programmed God Hand, the greatest game of all time, became a farmer
that's pretty cool
DD2 is one of the most confusing releases I've ever seen.

Everyone looked at Dragon's Dogma as a flawed game with tons of soul. All he needed was more time and money! LET HIM COOK!

Then he gets all the time and money in the world and makes a game similarly unfinished, similarly barebones, with less enemy variety and can't hit 60 fps
I bet he's off saving video games on other planets in his spare time.
director of
star gladiator
rival schools
powerstone 2
project justice
capcom snk 2
>literal who
you are not a gamer
Anon, it's always like this. Unless the person has committed actual criminal activities, everyone who gets fired will always be defined has "having retired" or "having departed amiccably due to creative differences". It's PR lingo meant to not stir investors and consumers towards bad company behavior.
dd2 was rushed out the door and had a smaller team than most capcom games
uhh, I think I must have completely skipped over Dragons Dogma drama, what happened?
I'm five thousand hours into DD2 and having a fucking blast. Haven't finished the mining camp at the start of the game yet - I can't wait to see what comes next!
People were in fact not having a blast.
they wanted the game out before the end of the fiscal year.
When he is dead because he was stranded and left homeless after being fired from Capcom and blacklisted from the industry for being a hack. So, in short, dead shitsuno on the side of the road will be pretty Kino. Maybe a car will even run him over a bit, who knows!
It had less content than drogma 1 and it ran like complete shit even on 4000 cards
one step forward, two steps back
Shareholders ruin everything.
What's your beef? Disappointed DMCfag?
Itsuno can go work for Gamefreak. His level of "talent" will fit right in with them.
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So who's going to run DMC franchise now?
You know damn well that Sukdip Dikshit and his friends will take over, Saar. Nipponland is spreading its legs wide open to VisaJeets nowadays.
no one
it's dead now
after the netflix show, dmc is officially retired.
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This either means he's working for the Chinese or he's joint Kamiya and Mikami at their new venture (which might also be funded by the Chinese)

pic rel is Capcom right now
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all he had to do was put co-op in, but nooooo. not in dmc5, not in dd2. his autism caused his downfall
So the series is gonna end with Dante and Vergil forever trapped in hell?
convince me to care about this squeaky voiced zipperhead nerd
>"omg DD1 is fucking amazeballs, you have to play it"
>it's actually dogshit
Last time i ever played a /v/ recommended game.
That's how DMC2 ended. And then it was retconned to Vergil opening a portal for Dante to leave (????)
We can just assume Vergil opens another one
/v/ can't cure your bad taste
just imagine them as doomguy. they're trapped in hell for billions of eons slaying demons and shit.
I feel this way about E.Y.E.
>fight goblins amd skeletons for 50 hours
>95% "quests" are literally mmo tier trash "bring me ten saurian asses"
>worst "fast travel" system i have ever seen
>there's only the generic forest and generic desert areas
>selling point is fighting huge monsters only to end up fighting cyclopces and chimeras for 95% of the game
Pawn sharing system was the only good thing about it.
Your retard ass never made it to Gran Soren, stfu.
Yea see you would like all that if you had good taste, but we can't help you with that sorry.
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OOOAAAH, good riddance. All he had to do was make a good game.
>All he had to do was make a good game
Impossible for Shitsuno
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How derrick
Its over...
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I just want bitterblack 2
Its tortanic fags being insufferable nigs
/v/ is a grifter board, the people here are not allowed to think that things ever have a more positive outcome
DD2 improved on all the areas DD1 was lacking in while failing in all the areas DD1 was good in.
It's a weird sidegrade, kind of like Just Cause 2 & 3.
>sucking literal who cock so hard
Name a better comfy adventuring sim.
This isn't a shitpost, hit me with cool games where you can travel and camp with your party.
One of the only other games that does it were the old Realms of Arkania games.
Kingmaker kind of comes close.
Crapcom is getting rid of all their old soldiers and replace them with pro-(((global))) people.
Baldurs Gate Trilogy
Xenoblade Trilogy
Tales of Arise
The Sims Vacation Expansion
Baldur's Gate isn't a trilogy.
Good, maybe someone can step up and finish the fucking game.
By this logic Dragon's Dogma is also a trilogy. An expansion isn't a numbered game.
Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone
>Capcom destroying the project for short-term gain
>because some suit had a vendetta to settle with Itsuno
I'm not so sure abut this. what other evidence do we have for it?
Alléluia with that pile of shit that was dd2 ..
90% of this thread is 2 or 3 discordfaggot IPs samefagging
>Then he gets all the time and money in the world
we are never going to the moon, are we?
Of course, not the engine the game runs on isn't called "Moon", isn't it? hahahahhahahrfahasdgsdgsdfd
It's actually fucking over for Devil May Cry isn't it, Dragon's Dogma at least has Kinoshita, DMC has nobody as far as we know, stylish action might seriously be dead for good this time
Never been more over
Idolfags are subhumans and never should be treated with equal footing. Disregard faggots who put others above em
We have some good looking titles on the horizon
I will take up the mantle.
DMC went mobile
it's over already
DMC5 was fucking cringe nigga. Especially that part with MJ hat dancing

The fuck? Trying to become pants on head retarded like Yakuza. Fuck off with your shit
Name one video game that isn't cringe
How is SF6 pozzed?
you really believe it wasn't the publisher who demanded that?
that was actually pure ludokino
What will she do now? Will Nilil0.0 just keep playing DD1 until he dies?
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anon, please
This is howni feel about the souls games.
He got poached by Cygames just like Takaki
Big jap dev names nowadays would either make their own studio, got poached by less prolific jap game studios or betray their home country for china
psh black and white they still copied michael jackson nigga
He's right tho, the furnace golems are pure dogshit to fight.
People need to remember that Itsuno didnt make DA/BBI, that was someone else. If anything this should give hope that DD is in the hands of that person, where Itsuno essentially just paved the road for someone else to walk.

It would actually be horrible for DD3 if they didnt do an expansion for DD2, I dont think Capcom are that stupid.
Does DD1 even have a desert area? And how the fuck is mistwood a "generic forest"
Anyone who unironically recommends Tales of Arise has the worst taste imaginable.
Balrog has been in since SF2. Goddamn you disingenuous grifters are always so easy to spot.
Not necessarily as Itsuno was never going to direct 6 anyway. Hopefully he picked a proper successor to man the franchise. Maybe the guy who directed 5SE.
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good riddens to bland rubbish
Itsuno is overrated. Great thinker & ideas guy, terrible at applying said ideas.
He had good teams around him though.
Why the fuck does everyone worship BBI like it's some kind of masterpiece? It's pretty good but it's ultimately just a series of copypasted corridors with some good boss fights and a random loot system. Most of what makes it enjoyable was in basegame DD.
nobody believes that lol
He wouldve had to have left before DD2 came out if hes only coming out with it now too, which explains why the game is unfinished and rushed. Seems that somewhere in development he checked out, probably when the game was clearly shoved out to meet a quarterly earnings review for Capcom. This game is blatantly not finished and needed another year to iron shit out.
Yeah I don't get it either. Took me a few tries to get into BBI/DA too. Its definitely good but its overrated. I guess some people prefer the focused action dungeon diving of BBI opposed to the open world questing adventures of Gransys.
he's just another hack like kojima
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LMFAO NO WAY YOU NUTTER. His ass was toast after Dragon's MidSlop 2 sales halted once the bad word of mouth took over.
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Knew he had good taste in cars.
good, fuck this hack, rest in piss
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I warned you, DMCucks.
>DMCshit died with 5,
>Got outsold by fucking RE3make (and will be by RE4make)
>Only one guy who wants to keep the series on life support LEAVES
>Only things the series have now are mobileshit with tranny VAs and Netflixslop
But you didn't listen. Apologise. Now.
It is pretty baffling how fast DD2’s sales fell off a cliff basically one month after release. Elden Ring consistently sold copies month over month.
Finally, this hack ruined the entire story of DMC with DMC5. That game needs to be remade with a new director. Kys useless hack.
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>/v/oodoo boys that are late to the party RP with each other and get called retards again
Not baffling when the main returns from players are
>performances are shit
>it's like DD1 but somehow worse in most aspects
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It also matches up the radio silence from Capcom on DD2. No word on roadmap, no hype, no community events like popular Pawns being streamed, no crossover Pawns hype like MH World with Witcher 3, just fucking nothing. It's unmistakeable Dragons Dogma 2 sales grinded to a halt and Capcom pulled the plug.
Not so baffling when DD2 is a shit game and ER is a good one. Naturally the good game would have more sales.
why do you faggots speak as if dd2 is some sort of live service game? road map? wtf you talking about?
>Elden Ring consistently sold copies month over month.

No shit Elden Ring has like three times the content, monster and build variety on top of multiplayer both co-op and vs. I'm not even a From fanboy but the disparoty in quality and content is staggering, only good thing about DD2 was the core combat/gameplay which was basically the same as DD1 aside from better physic/more interactivity with the monsters. To me DD2 jsut made it clear Itsuno is compeltely cooked and simply hasn any creativity left in him same as Mikami but we'll see what he does on his next project.. not very optimistic though.
Not really. Bad performance issues and MTX controversy killed the game's potential, not to mention all the other stuff that is less egregious to would be buyers. Fromshit will sell millions regardless of the quality and everyone's afraid to speak their mind about the new bandwagon.
DMC is a much better game than GoW though. The only reason it sold more is because the mainstream and especially amerilards don't give a shit about gameplay, they just want an "epic" hollywood story to consoom. GoW is literally fantasy Marvel.
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Yes, just like Ono lol
>fromshit will sell millions regardless of quality
It helps that Elden Ring is a higher quality game than Dragon’s Dogma 2 :D
>I ask you, is that the fate you have chosen, of your own will?
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Captranny Pajeet shill thread
>'cord troons still talking to themselves several hour later
Lol fucking sad
>Bad performance issues and MTX controversy killed the game's potential

Elden Ring had bad performance at lunch as well, the DLC was even worse and it still sold gangbuster. DD2 is just an extremely mediocre sequel the technical issues and mtx drama would have drowned quickly if the game was good same as it always (sadly) happen.
>so what happened if you just dont?
In Japan? A not insignificant likelihood that they'll shit on you extra hard to other businesses, making it much more difficult for you to find employment elsehwere.
Fromsoft are mediocrity personified but they sell amazingly well off of their reputation.
It's just another subhuman talking out their ass trying desperately to seem like they know what they're talking about.
name a better developer. you cant.
capcom and fromsoft are best of the industry and the hate they get in this hell hole of a site makes it obvious its chink/gooks hate shills. also tendie faggots hating on anything not on their tablet.
you get promoted/demoted into a worthless role
>bent the knee
>removed all the "problematic" features from dragon's dogma
>added as many blacks and fags as possible
>still given the boot

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Pajeet directed DMC. Can't wait bros!
I beat DD1 and I barely remember anything from the game. It was a forgettable 7/10 game even back when it released.
Modern Capcom thinks spreading its ass cheeks for trannies compensates for making worse games.
>so what happened if you just dont?

They send you to work of shitty projects, you're never going to get a promotion and so on. Basically they will try to make your life as miserable as possible which WILL eventually dent your mental and physical health. This doesn't happen jsut in Japan btw, my dad was a sales representative for a medium sized company, when he got close to retiring and the company wasn't doing so well they kept giving the shittiest routes so he would ask for an early retiriment.
name a better developer. you cant and wont.
People only "liked" the original because they bought DA for 5 bucks.
Defend dragons smegma 2 and the dead rising demake
>no man it’s uhhh their reputation
Sales numbers don’t lie. Fromsoft was niche prior to ER, Dark Souls 3 only sold about as much as DD2 did (lol)
Despite being le Dark Souls devs that didn’t have a reputation among mainstream audiences big enough that would explain ER’s success. The actual explanation is… ER was just a good game.
its not even about defending capcom its about the fact that nigger faggots here are so cancerous that they represent everything that is destroying video games.
why dont gatcha coomer shits receive this much scrutiny and hate here?
die in a fire ya filthy parasites.
There are much worse games that cost ten times that amount
This game would have sold like hot cakes if they added online co-op but unfortunately the devs are autists goin on about muh pawns!
>Itsuno had the "fast travel means your game is boring" line

He's not even wrong but it's such an arrogant, out of touch line that it truly makes you think he's just an idea guy who "got lucky". The fact it ended up biting him in the ass is jsut karmik justice but also sad because of all the open world rpg DD is genuinely the one who would have the potential to make the restricted fast travel an actual feature.
I can name them all, Capcom and fromsoft are super overrated.thanks to paid influencers, one makes demakes and the other repackaged the same game 6 times
So who was the first big name guy to leave Capcom? The guy that made SF2?
>the game would have-ACK
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FromSoftware (barely, because they also bend the knee to ESG/DEI)
The studio behind the monke game
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You tell me, retard. Nevermind Capcom USA's obsession with drag queens in marketing campaigns.
seems like she is done with DD, deleted her patreon/discord
12 years of playing DA on and off, couldn't last more than a couple months with DD2
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>30 fps will feel like 60 fps with my secret trick!
>less armor slots means more customization!
>warfarer is an evolution of DMC5 dante gameplay!
dragons dogma is a fantastic game. what is it that you faggots even seek in a video game? not even you know what you want.
dragons dogma received a lot of shit when first released and it was a small fan base who liked its niche style who asked for a sequel. cant you see that if the developers strayed too far from the formula which made the first liked they would be betraying those who kept the spirit of the game going in the first place/
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>DD2 stops selling the moment streamers stop shilling it
This is the world we live in
yea no shit capcom hate shills are chink drones.
already said that.
>>warfarer is an evolution of DMC5 dante gameplay!
I can't believe Itsuno said that that with a straight face lmao
>They send you to work of shitty projects
like dragon dogma?
Once Wilds crashes and burns Capcom will finally be finished.
DD2 was supposed to be the next Elden Ring killer but unfortunately they became just another Lords of the Fallen.
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>the only people they CANT lie to
yet you didnt name a single one. you niggers have no ground, no conviction.
you cant ever be truthful because you exist only to spew discord. kill yourself you dirty chink nigger.

I mean yeah, it does happen regularly in Japan. Reggie leaving Nintendo, Inafune leaving Capcom, Kamiya leaving Platinum, Mikami leaving Tango
>So who's going to run DMC franchise now?

Kamiya is looking for work...
Not my fault chinks are the only ones not sucking DEI cock
It’s more like
>game sells like shit
>itsuno is drawn and quartered and capcom stops giving shill money to streamers
>streamers stop playing it when the shill money dries up
Yet the sequel ran worse than the first, they had a worse main dragon, they didn't have an Into Free equivalent song, they limited the character creation because muh lolis, and they promoted the game using a literal tranny and some faggot rat looking eceleb. But muh original fans muh original spirit. Shut the fuck up bitch.
chink is the drone nation globalists wish the rest of the world to be. a nation with nothing but Godless drones who live only to suffer.
More like he left in his own accord
GRRM's name, Covid lockdowns, years of fanboy hype, open world RPG to rope people in. If we're also using sales numbers then Call of Duty and FIFA are the best shit going too.
>ran worst than the first
worked on my machine, flawlessly.
Goodbye, Dragon's Dogma. It was but a fleeting series. The beauty of the peak of action gaming combined with open world RPG we will never see again.
Or maybe Capcom should make new games instead of zero risk remakes of already popular games, even DMC5 and DD2 felt like shitty remakes rather than something new, playing nu crapcum feels like being stuck in a time loop, you already saw that, you already killed that , it's déJà vu
It doesn't add enough to justify needing much better gear to run. Pretentious failed game.
DD's fanbase is divided in 2 for now
>disillusioned "fans" that have to cope themselves into justifying why they boot up DD2 today while howling that it's their GOTY, and that Itsuno was, yet again, sabotaged from the top.
>disappointed fans that gave constructive criticism as to why DD2 failed to deliver in most aspect, yet still enjoyed it enough to play through it, while saying to potential buyers to wait for a significant discount and hoping for a potential DLC to salvage what's salvageable.
DD2 is a remake of a fantastic waste of potential.
Press S to spit on the false prophet.
Bastard released a game with LESS content and LESS enemy variety than the one from 10 years ago.
Bastard prioritized graphics over gameplay AND performance.
I would have preferred for the game to look like picrel and have 100x more enemies, dungeons, and bosses than to look photorealistic and have hobgoblins copypasted in every level. S S S S *Ptooh Ptooh*
hahahahahah good riddance
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>tfw dumb faggots actually wasted $70 plus tip on Dragon's Dogshit 2
there is nothing like DD2, there is no fighting game like SF6, there is no MH like games out there that manages to come near capcoms and they change drastically with each new title. there is nothing like the nu RE games wether its the first person or third person ones.
wtf do you want? for capcom to give meaning to your shit existence and tell you the reason for life?
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>Wilds crashes and burns
Keep it up xisters, we're beating them down! THIS IS REVENGE!
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>made the 4th best selling game of 2024
>Itsuno is already confirmed to be working on a new project as of today
How this could become a good thing:
>he got poached somewhere like CyGames and is just told to direct whatever crazy thing he wants
>they don't make DLC for DD2, but take the guy who directed DD:DA and DD:O and have him direct 3 reusing everything they can from 2
>uhhhh no covid and uhhhhhhhhhhhh fifa made it sell millions it wasn’t because the game was good ok????
You’d have to be underage to think this. Bad games stop getting sales shortly after release due to word of mouth. You know, like what happened to DD2?
DD2 is exactly like 1
SF6 is a fighting game, it only has about 100 competitors with the same mechanics
MH reuses an absurd amount of monsters and only introduce 3 or 4 new monster per game
Re remakes are now Tom clancy's emo adventure featuring poor quality lighting , textures and 3d models.
DD1 has far worse combat than 1
Piglet, please
yet all other developers are playing catch up to match capcoms craftsmanship. you disingenuous dumb dirty nigger.
discord won
>Crapcom's last good director left
>they're going more and more woke to the point of even rewriting history by consoring old games in new collections
>all at a time when woke shit is going out of fashion
It's over for them.
Dragons dogshit has worse combat than even gacha phone games. I uninstalled the game right away when i noticed you can't even block or dodge with warrior greatsword, it's trash game.
/v/ has yet to claim a single victory over discordchads
>discord won
>literal shit on anything that comes out
>disappear and pretend they never posted anything when they get it wrong 99% of the time
>gloat the one time they were correct

That's the literal only way it happens
Japanese companies do not fire people
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You did this when you rejected his game
Elden Ring raped them thoughbeit
If you compare Elden Ring to DD2, it's not even close. Elden Ring the much better game hands down, no contest.
>remove loli/minheight
>get fired
You retarded, lil bro?
if we keep wishing surely it will happen
Capcom's always been like this.
Dragons Dogma 2 is better tho, since it got physics and awewsome combat system
Trannies have literally been in capcom games since 1990's final fight though.
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Fuck me too late
Only in the Americuck version though.
crapcum hasn't done anything worth in 20 years anyway, and dead rising was a fluke
>Elden Ring=Can change your character appearance anytime for free with mirror.
>DD2=You want to change your appearance? Give us $3 bux.
Itsuno personally put that microtransaction in, too. Why is that hack such a greedy fuck?
>make money off game thast just a remake of the 1st labelled as a sequel
talentless traitor
Mega Man 9 and 10 were kino, oh wait, full credit for those goes to Inti Creates.
>takes away the lolis
>adds a bajillion ugly ass niggers
This so fucking much.
After removing a key feature that made the original such a big hit, Shitsuno had it coming to him in spades.
DD2 is better game tho
Shitsuno is a Japanese Jew descendended from one of the lost tribes of Israel.
From Software has been including femboys in their games before DEI was even a thing.
suzie haircut!
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>he wasted $70 dollar
lol no elden ring > skyrim with mods = dd1 >>>>> dd2
its literally 500 gold (free) to change race, appearance, voice, name
Am sure he did, probably Capcom told him to release DD2 a year earlier and he just said fuck you too. Reason DD2 having little to no updates or news since its release.
I got both and it's not even close
>i got both
>mentioned 4 games in the post

litteral diversity hier tier iq levels
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This. Skyrim with paragliding mod easily mogs DD2.
I meant new one. I got like 3 copies of different skyrims
i was never a big fan of megaman or monster hunter
so those 2 don't count for me
>just say the meme word instead of explaining what you feel
You really are a shithead.
you have to do something borderline illegal to actually get terminated in japan

if they want you out they'll just make it hell on you until you pack your own bags
based. I need more j-action kino https://youtu.be/F53MfLFgdAc?si=AvpUnrRH6OVG30l- best case scenario is itsuno and kamiya joining together to bring a new era of j-action to the masses though
because it does not feel complete in its current state. The framework is great but there aren't enough things to do to justify playing it more than once.
>Yes i SO MUCH YEARN for retarded niggery repetitive corridors
Laughs in magik archer
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why do weebs worship geriatric zipperheads so much? the amount of shilling dragon's dogshit receives is deeply intertwined with this feminine gremlin and his high pitch voice. most of the shilling has to suck him off in one way or another, I suppose cult of personality has to play with the people who choose mediocre games to base their empty lives around.
>Its a disease across the entire board, every single game is infested with these schizoids that have made hating video games their personality

Yeah, no. Most people here write that genderless pronouns are ok for discuss important stuff with faceless social media people, meanwhile gamers play games
We need Kamiya bros...
I Agree ;__;
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>Kamiya's year long noncompete from leaving Platinum last year is nearly up
>Mikami's from Tango is by now too
I'm ODing on copium, but imagine.
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He should go to Fromsoftware and co-direct his dream ARPG there
>an entire catalouge of slopware
how did he get away with it for this long?
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>if you actually played the game
I did which is how I know it was undercooked and pushed out well before it was done
>chests not resetting after a few days killed any reason to do dungeons/caves ever again
i.e. they needed an area like post dragon Everfall or BBI, which could have been the blocked gates that people found all over the world. It's the biggest reason why people think there's an unannounced DLC for the game.
>only 4 active skills instead of 6, any normal person would pick the ones that would work in most situations, instead of picking ones that would work in very specific scenarios
i.e. something that could have got put in because they didn't have the time to test and refine the system due to sudden time constraints
Source I made it up
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You fundamentally cannot understand Devil May Cry if you aren't Hispanic

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