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/v/ - Video Games

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why did you stop making that game? you were supposed to be the next success story..
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procrastination and mental illness
i cant 3d model at all, cant make complicated shapes of characters at all
Because no one would play a game based on 4chan.
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this was the best thing I was ever able to make and unfortunately feet does not make a game
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then make boxes attached to boxes
I made friends with other people making games and realized how utterly incompetent and uninspired I was compared to people who actually do this stuff
same but
>RPG Maker 2003
i cant move all the parts without them warping all over
I started at the beginning of last month on actually learning to program and shit. I got so tired of not having anything to play that I really think I can do better. I'm not great at it but I'm doing it every day and I'm making decent progress in my opinion. My goal is to put something small together by the end of the year.
I got distracted by another idea
Too busy trying to finish school and get my career started. I’m 33 btw.
I have an idea but I don't know how to code. I'll only good with art
I just decided to focus on drawing and writing, others can do the rest.
I never started. I keep opening up youtube tutorials and then saving them to a watch later playlist and never even watching them. the best i got was one unity tutorial like a year ago.
I'm more interested in drawing or trying to make some clay sculptures, if not learning stop motion animation.
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for me it's 2D
I can't do it... I will never make a good anime game....
Mostly this.
I want to make a game, at times. I envy newcomers that ask stupid questions like "I just downloaded %enginename%, how do I make gta6 with it". After making several small games I just can't bring myself on to anything anymore. It takes so much time and effort to make something good. I have ideas for a rts, rpg and a shooter, but every time when I start thinking about them it just depresses me to no end. It would take me a whole day to just make character controller, then spend weeks on planning levels, making assets in blender, even more with models and animations, then more and more etc.
The road ahead is so hard that is rather not start it at all.
I'm not familiar with rts or rpg but you shouldn't expect as a single dev do something with the same quality as a game made by a team of dozens or even hundreds, I'm not saying you couldn't do a great game but you have to make it manageable instead of trying to do the full job of multiple people

I'm not a dev I don't even have experience, just my opinion
I never stopped. I'm learning differential calculus so that I can make a real time 2d renderer.
>"No bro, you gotta believe, you can become the next Toby Fox!!"
>"Please bro, just believe, anyone can be a winner!!!11!!1!"
Niggas really think everyone got talent and they can make it.
I didn't. It became an obsession and now days I don't work on the game I feel bad and torture myself mentally.
So that's why I work on it daily, sometimes just make 0,01% progress, but it's worth it in the end.
the worst part is they dont know toby cant actually make games, hes an artfag first and foremost
>still can't draw
>still can't compose music
>still can't write a story
it's owari da
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>can't draw
>can't animate
>can't 3D model
I gave up before I even began

I tried and failed to learn blender for six months
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Literally have probably a dozen different abandoned projects in the last 5 years. Abandoned usually because they end up being too big, or because I just lose interest and want to make a different game. Here's 4 projects I've abandoned
Crippling depression, I have nobody to support me and all the people I wanted to become closer with drifted away.
i am saving action games as we speak and i might be one of the few that actually can thanks to my omega balls. so believe in me niggas.
I support you anon, make that game.
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Blender lets me finally sculpt what my heart desires
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Would anyone play a starfox ripoff with a low poly art style and thrash metal soundtrack that takes place during a first Gulf War were Sadaam finds acient Sumerian/Ayy tech and augments his military?
I'm taking an art grind detour under a different name drawing my fetish. I managed to make some money from it. I miss dev.
What fetish?
I can make the assets and am down for it, but there's no good engine for what I want to make aside from Bethslop.
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Needed to pivot into getting capital first, but check out my preliminary face mesh for a character I've got. Not sure if I want to include her in a game, but she'll definitely be in a short film I want to make.

What's the gameplay of this like?

Bottom right looks the most interesting

Is this SEX succubus rigged?

I think the premise would get people interested from the get-go
i want to finish my current project first
that was 23 years ago
i'm over it
Temmie is Undertale/Deltarune's artist. Toby is all music and ideas. His art skill is represented in Undertale through Burgerpants.
I don't have the art gene and I can't afford to hire people to make art. My game will live in my head forever.
>reinstall windows
>godot refuse to run
i give up
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>Is this SEX succubus rigged?
I rigged it to pose her, shoddily, in various poses. It's just for printing, which reminds me to test my skin painting skills on her.
Need to practice my retopo skills but really I just don't use that for my creations since i'm not into animation yet.
it's hard to make video games even if chatgpt can do it for me.
>open blender
>delete cube
>create cube
You guys stopped? You all amuse me. I’m still grinding away on my game.
It's tricky, retopo and rigging are way more cumbersome than sculpting, the practices seem too overlooked in these threads. Then you've got an entirely different beast in animation afterwards, goddamn
What would happen if I spam mashed subdivide?
I realized I couldn't live off of making my own video game so I just decided to work at a game company.
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Because I cant wrap my head around what im using or doing and that frustrates me

what is a shader? what is a cache? I dont know how computers work (Ive worked in video games as a QA)
itsuno quit, mikami quit, kamiya quit, sakurai quit, no one knows matsui exists, and treasure died in 2014. with action games in complete shambles a random nigga emerges because he no other choice.
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Life hit me like a freight train and now I can't afford to not work 80-hour weeks living paycheck to paycheck. I'll probably just kill myself soon so I can get off this ride.
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Still working on creating a non-hideous female model. Not much point getting started with games before I can make at least one usable actor.
Which Concord character is this?
because you should make a game you'd like to play and i like rpgs
and making a rpg by yourself without it being a text-based game is not an easy feat it's borderline impossible
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I've got okay-ish art, don't know how many people will tolerate it, but it could be worse, and it could definitely be better. Writing may be my strongest point, because aside from dabbling in music so I don't have to rely solely on royalty free shit, I'm boned in everything else
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Take the rpgmaker pill.
Ants will appreciate it, don't know about people.
learning unity atm. i dont know what kind of game i want, i mostly want to just make cool areas to explore and people to talk to.
should probably think of some form of gameplay thats good for exploration, otherwise i guess its just gonna be a walking sim.
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Uh, anon, they made a game out of your idea, it's called Angerfoot
How hard is it to get into RPGmaker?
I Wana make something like violated Heroine.
I've been trying to learn how to do low poly models, it's hard
I don't have a better illustration to show off, but it's a low-res asset for a game that runs at like 320x240 because yes I'm making another one of those retro pixel indie games, and i'm trying to make it as faithful to the expectations and hardware of the time I'm aiming for. I don't really have anything better to show off at the moment, sorry.
If you want to make a basic 2D RPG then it's really just a matter of swapping assets and writing text. If you want to something like THIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHi_Lxrvbh0 then you're gonna need to get pretty deep into scripting.
i hate texture painting so much its unreal
and its odd because i am primarily a 2d artist. but i just hate it
how the actual fuck do you use blender every time i try it feels like i'm having a stroke i can't even figure out how to a pose a pre-made model
I don’t even begin to know where to learn how to code
Lack of sex in life. I hit 30 and I was virgin and gf less. I gave up on doing hard things including ( trying to make )making video games. It is over now. Soon I will spend all my parent's money and die.
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It's when you realize that you should use 3D to make product design instead of games that you become an adult
I have a dilemma. My game is mostly complete (the first chapter of it, not the whole thing unfortunately). The only issues remaining are minor bugs and like 3 missing music tracks. The composer is gonna be done soon but the programmer isn't responding. Should I just say fuck it and release the game in it's current state after the music gets done, or wait?
Why even try.
>How hard is it to get into RPGmaker?
2000 is replaced by 2003
XP is questionable because its scripting is limited
VX is replaced by VX Ace which is the best Ruby scripting version
MV can generally be thought of as replaced by MZ which is the best Java scripting version

Buy nothing newer than MZ, because the company has no idea what the fuck it's doing and refuses to simply repeat what worked in the past.

Alternate makers also exist like WolfRPG, EasyRPG, and of course... The high seas of the internet.
go watch tutorials on youtube
zoomers are so fucking helpless
> should i do the same mistake that caused players to hate the AAA developer industry pipeline?

anon, stop being retarded

fix the fucking bugs. no one likes an error-prone software
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Mods fatfingered the "nuke the entirety of /3/" button and i lost all morale.
I am a codelet. I tried fixing some of them myself but it only made things worse, so I had to revert my changes.
Lack of tutorials and talents.
I just want to make some cute low poly anime girls, but I can't make anything good at all.
I got filtered with the character's shoulder. It would just never deform right I spent too long trying to fix it. Also engine hopping, because I started learning Godot at first but it's a peice of shit engine for 3d and missing important features. So I switched to learning Unity but then the ironsource bullshit happened. Only started messing with Unreal till I burned out and got busy with some classes.
It's been a year or two. I'm basically at square one but I've started working on fixing my character model.
Any good resources for learning unreal c++ engine specific functions would be helpful.
Give me an engine with a map maker like Hammer and I will make the game
Haven't given up on making a game, just pivoting to different projects while I'm young enough to build a career.
There's never a right time and you'll never be ready to make the game you really want to but there is too early, no such thing as too late.
What are the bugs? Why is the programmer not responding?
Make your own engine with a map editor like Valve Hammer Editor.
it would be extremely painful
Unity has ProBuilder which is basically CSG-style construction
Unreal still has CSG tools by default
You can also build out levels in JACK or Trenchboom or whatever and export the geometry to Blender
Not hard to keep Quake/Goldsrc style level design workflow in a modern engine if you know how
>What are the bugs?
Status effect icons overlap each other, and there's a bug with dropping stacked items from your hotbar are the ones that are the most common.
>Why is the programmer not responding?
Not quite sure but I assume IRL shit. It's happened before so I'm not worried that he won't come back. I'm just tired of not having this game released, and I'm thinking if we should fix these bugs in a patch instead once he comes back.
I'm told ProBuilder is a pale copy of Hammer, is it actually good?
>export to Blender
Why am I exporting the full geometry to Blender, which as far as I know is a modelling program, rather than into a game engine?
I have a few game ideas living rent-free in my mind, but I wouldn't even know where to begin, plus I am insanely fucking lazy so there is 0 chance I'd ever get anything done.
Especially the art seems daunting. How would one even BEGIN to make something acceptable looking with 0 experience in drawing or modeling?
>Why am I exporting the full geometry to Blender, which as far as I know is a modelling program, rather than into a game engine?
Because you may want to split the geometry into parts, delete unseen unnecessary surfaces, optimize some other stuff etc.
theres no shortcuts. gotta start the grind man
Oh, Hammer has NODRAW surfaces, I'm guessing those newer ones don't have that or a way to export them to game engine?
yeah i love dedicating my entire existing to money
Worked as part of a team, gayops happened, the previous leadership was ousted, and I wanted nothing to do with the new leadership that had orchestrated the whole takeover. These days I just focus on solitary endeavors, I'm reluctant to trust others with anything I care about at this point.
>How would one even BEGIN to make something acceptable looking with 0 experience in drawing or modeling?
do you think other people just started life with experience in drawing and modeling
There's a plugin for Unreal called HammUEr which lets you import hammer maps. Costs money tho.
I'm not exactly certain on how Hammer export works, but I can be sure it doesn't do the BSP optimisations when exporting, and I imagine NODRAW won't do anything either, since it's only relevant to VRAD and VBSP I assume.
do thecatamites style of games
Not every single dev is an artist, right? Rather I'm thinking how do they cut corners when possible. Do they use bought assets? Do they hire artists for their projects? If so how much do they have them make? Just the models? Models and textures? What about animations? Are those easier to make yourself without experience? How about different artstyles? Would it be easier to just make everything in low quality pixel art? Low poly? Something else entirely?
>My game is mostly complete (the first chapter of it, not the whole thing
>Should I just say fuck it and release the game in it's current state
What exactly is your thought process here? Like, why does this seem like a thing you should do?
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I'm going to the psychologist to address the issue of being mildly competent and having so many ideas but never actually game deving. It's working out so far. But the most effective thing is having partners, so that they give you external motivation. Maybe one day I'll make those awesome games that are almost entirely planned.
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I made a borb
What else could you be investing your free time in ? This website is not interesting enough to refresh pages for more than 10 minutes. And if you still got video games to play it means that your own ideas are less interesting and not worth working on.
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This. I got into a game dev because I realized there is nothing for me to fucking play anymore. Playing is wasting my free time, but without playing I just have free time, so I might as well make something that I would wish to play. Also, it has to be a passion project otherwise the time you spend on it would feel wasted. If you are making something for any sort of profit, you might as well forget it.
decided to focus on modelling and animation until i find people to make my shit or find a project worth joining. cant do music for shit and i already wagecuck as a programmer, id rather not do it on my free time as well unless its strictly necessary
I dont have any game dev diapers to allow my autism to take control so i just play them and wear normal diapers.
Where you guys indie devs?
i have no ideas so im making a vampire survivors clone to prove to myself that i can make a shitty game that could potentially make millions
youtube tutorials can get you only so far
and thats assuming that you watch the ones that actually try to teach you something
shitty "follow along" type tutorials are waste of time
go back to the one thats most finished and finish it and release it asap
I realized that I fucking hated doing art and coding and what actually appealed to me about gamedev is the unique storytelling and worldbuilding of the medium. Now I'm trying to work out how I find a group of codemonkeys and arthoes to do all the work for me while I write compelling NPC questlines and figure out environmental storytelling.
I didn't, I just slumped on the GDD because I fucking hate writing them. I've tried writing three and each makes it a few pages in before I get frustrated and just fall back on verbally explaining everything with visual aid
Everyone wants the worldbuilding job in game dev. Its considered the most talentless role in the team. Any retard can make a make believer world and put characters in it and create conflict no matter how contrived. Everyone wants to be the idea guy but there can only be one, and 9 out of 10 times itsl silver spoon jew using daddies money to hire a bunch of coding monkies and paying artists absolute trash.
I like coding, if you want to bring someone like me on, I'd be willing to do it for free for my portfolio. This isn't an offer but me telling you what'd convince me.

A detailed world, a scope of the project and some even badly drawn, concept art.

Unless you're paying me, you have to draw me into the world and make me want to work on yours instead of writing my own. Instead of making my own world, story and trying to find an artist, you need to convince me.

For an artist, you have to give up a little and give them some control and influence over your game. If the artists direction is bad enough, you could lose the coders interest.
for some reason i decided to take a detour to learn japanese for real this time.
now i know japanese, but i look for new reasons to not have to open blender.
Thats kinda how life works, yeah. You can have no dreams if you want, but dont be a crab for the rest of us.
Werent you working on the pet grid based game recently? Ive seen that before. Disappointing you gave up.
I'm still making big booba woman.
I can't do faces for the life of me.
Yeah, after playing a yet another lackluster TRPG, I think it's time I'll make one myself that I'd consider actually good.
It might take like 5 years since, my programming skills are rusty and I have to learn how to draw but I'm confident in myself and get easily motivated with even the smallest progress.
I don't think VS games even have the potential to make millions. There's probably more VS clones than Earthbound RPGs, and those get memed to death as it is.
Just write a book?
im not planning to release it
im just trying to mentally accept that i can make a mobile game and i dont wanna add the extra pressure of gamedesign for now so the plan is to make a fully featured game that i already know the design of then i can feel confident to make my own game hopefully
Never even started, i'm just too stupid to code.
I can't code, it's the only thing holding me back
uni exams got pushed up to August 1st
plus a week of visiting family
the rest was procrastination
I dabbled in 3D stuff for a few months but was never happy with my progress. Shit's way harder (or perhaps more time-consuming) than programming. If I had the opportunity to work in a team, sure. Doing it all alone is too much.
Nigga the only thing holding you back is you. I knew nothing about code beforehand and always sucked at math. But when I finally admitted no one else is going to do this shit for me, I went and got a basic C# tutorial from the nearest library and started reading. Just as much as I felt my head could handle, then a bit more the next day, and so on. I eventually read the whole book and remembered fuckall about the contents, but that was fine. I just started reading it again from the beginning. Then I moved on to C++ and suddenly realized, hey what the hell, everything actually makes perfect sense! Now I can look at code tutorials on youtube that were pure hebrew to me before and go like, "so THAT'S why he does it like that and not like this!" and creating a game doesn't seem half as unreal to me now.

Just throw stuff at your brain and let that spaghetti abomination handle the rest.
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start simple, then add detail. and deform rather than adding. Check out models from old games to see what they were getting away with, it's way more fun and simple than you think.
I wanted to make a cool echolocation-based horror game (with better and less tiring "visibility" than the few that already exist).
Spend months getting the shader effects and sound location mechanics to perfection.
Realized I still needed to actually make a fucking game that would use it.
Gave up because that wasn't the interesting part.
Talent is a meme.
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>Talent is a meme.
nigger that's 10 years of work not talent
>Nigga the only thing holding you back is you.
That's literally what i said, i'm (ME) too stupid to code.
I've worked twice as long as that guy and can't do anything half as good.
Got a job promotion and lost all will to live. I get home and don't want to do anything anymore.
have you actually worked or have you just passed the time like a robot going through the motions without focusing on anything?
basically, have you actually tried to improve or are you Cris?
/v/ won't like my game...
>SOVL vs Soulless
Why does "getting good" at art just mean that you end up looking like everyone else?
>Wanna make a piece of cloth dangle off your character as he moves? OOOOOPS your first pose makes it instantly spaz out and it doesnt reset until the end of the animation and when it does it resets clipped through your character so make run animations in a way that you ease the cloth into any kind of collision first, OOOOOOPS wrong modifier stack order, it just CANT work like that for whatever rrason, OOOOOOOPS its the right order but switch them about because it started spazzung out for no reason again
>you finally have KEYFRAMED ANIMATION and you wanna make it a seamless loop? Good! Heres 10 1 hour videos, the authors are jeets, trannies, guys who have their music volume all the way up and guys that dont even end up with a seamless loop but oh weel figure it out
>you made it? Woah ..... persistent huh. Now the little step of exporting it to unity heh. It doesnt work evern though you followed all the steps exactly? Heres 80 thing you need to check for troubleshootung starting with your BIOS version
your pic just proved his point, 10 years of work is not surprising for that difference in quality
if you wanted to showcase talent, that guy would've made that progress within a year or two or something
People like this always overestimate the work they actually put in and think that just doodling things every now and then is the same as spending tens of thousands of hours studying and practicing and reviewing your own progress.
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I don't have the capability of keeping focused on a productive endeavour for more than one hour a year

I've got tons of ideas of games I would like to make or see made (none are destined for mainstream success to be fair), I lack the will to sit down and learn how to make them
I haven't stopped, but progress has been REAL slow since me and my brother got full-time jobs.
>I lack the will to sit down and learn
Sounds like you know exactly what to do to improve, good luck anon
I program and make music/do sound design but i cannot into art for the life of me, even low poly box modeling shit or sprite work exceeds my grasp and thats predominantly what i'm looking to make since i cant be fucked spending years learning sculpting
because getting gud art wise won't make you different. having omega balls will which is another skill all together.
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i'm still working on it.
my friend made a nice model and i'm currently putting her in the game
it's top down isometric so you don't get to see her this close ingame, though.
got a job
Low Poly and Pixel Art that actually looks good is very challenging and time consuming.
You will have to learn something. I recommend sprite work, because it opens the possibility of doing it as little as possible by making something like a dungeon crawler. Just enemies with one static sprite and dungeon environments, then you can focus on numbers autism and really good music.
The drawing on the left looks like every single drawing made by a 5 year old, you're just being contrarian for contrarian's sake.
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My disorder is fucking me up I cant even concentrate on gamedev
>10 years
If you have a drawing tablet and can't speedrun your progress from left to right in a month you are basicly retarded. It's all technique. This has nothing to do with talent
You're approaching this in the wrong way. Instead of spending 10 hours watching pajeets spend 10 hours learning how things work under the hood and figuring it out on your own.
And that disorder is?
huge penis syndrome
I dont think a syndrome is the same as a disorder but I'm sorry for your girth anon
I was just kidding, I'm not actually that guy.
Yes, I've worked like an absolute animal, until I went insane and looped back to sane again, and insane again and sane and insane and have a bachelor's degree in arts, and you have no idea what you're talking about.
Post your work
gaming and procastination give more dopamine
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is unreal engine good for beginners?
How do you guys model foreskins?
Make her tits bigger to compensate for the cam angle
i already did in that webm
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I am in the middle of retopo for her hair.
Learn to draw better first.
Translate what you learn to 3d.
Keep your lowpoly models as simple as possible, only add geo when its absolutely needed for the silhouette to match your modeling ref's.
Then learn how to make really good textures.
75% of low poly is made by the texture workl.
Great minds think alike
I jest. But that debacle from a while back bummed me out from pursuing any of my projects (though they are in an pre-alpha state)
Moreso I get hung up on one thing, like "Why the fuck isn't this shit rendering? I'm gonna kill myself" then I don't want to continue the rest. So many hung projects...
post vagina topology
Unity would be easier, but Unreal isn't far behind for beginners.
There's too many engines. I don't know how to decide, and whether I should use a specialized one for the genre or general.
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....are you me?!
That's basically what's stopping anyone from advancing on any kind of personal project though.
Well depend, what game do you dream to make?
Not the best. I probably need to redo things, but the guides I followed at first were pretty bad (and for SFW models)
.. and?
... your counter argument saar..?
A shmup
Another shmup
Turn-based strategy
Non-Soulslike action game in the style of V.A. Proxy
>that list
Welcome to Unity.
NTA but an isometric crpg with a very small scope and focus on crafting potions, runes, and preparing for encounters
I don't even know if I should make it pixelshit or crappy 3d models
>NTA but an isometric crpg with a very small scope and focus on crafting potions, runes, and preparing for encounters
As a rule of thumb: If you aren't making something from a genre that has a dedicated engine (like RPGMaker), the answer is always going to be Unreal or Unity - with Unity as the default due to more stuff being made for it, both in assets and tutorial.

>I don't even know if I should make it pixelshit or crappy 3d models
That one is even easier: which one are you (or your childhood friend that you started grooming into being an artfag 10 years ago) the best at?
If you suck at both I would advise against 2D. It's *not* easier than 3D, it has higher chance of being a dealbreaker at low quality, and it's kinda over-saturated nowadays.
>which one are you (or your childhood friend that you started grooming into being an artfag 10 years ago) the best at?
>If you suck at both I would advise against 2D
Blender it is then
>or your childhood friend that you started grooming into being an artfag 10 years ago
Damn that hit close to home
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>What's the gameplay of this like?
FTL with gravy
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i did the doughnut tutorial over year ago, got bored and lost all motivation when i checked job offers in my area (literally nothing) and their requirements. At this point i forgot almost everything
I want to do the game making journey, but I know nobody will care about the stuff I want to do. Not to mention, I sure as hell don't want to interact with social media.
I'm not some faggot who cares about "success". I just want to live my life.
Nooo you have to hekkin grind and min/max and get irrationally upset when you come short
I don't know what you are talking about, OP. I am working 5+ days a week learning to code to add to my 3D modeling and drawing skills to make my game, will start my udemy course today and I couldn't be more happy, motivated and disciplined.
But a sneaker does...
Learn the lesson and next time make a smaller project instead. Or bite the bullet. 1 finished and released project is worth a billion unfinished projects.
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this, "that game" for me was 10 years ago i kid you not, I've been neeting and gooning ever since
I'm still doing the design document. Probably biting off more than I can chew with my original design. Might just be easier to make a simple porn game.
It is the easiest game engine ever created. Although calling it an "engine" is an huge compliment because it is total trash.
everyone says they have mental illness these days, stfu
>It would take me a whole day to just make character controller, then spend weeks on planning levels, making assets in blender, even more with models and animations, then more and more etc.
I know right? I love it, just thinking about it makes me feel good

Imagine playing games when you can make your own
if you're doing it to "be successful" you are never going to make it. you should be doing it because it's fulfilling and personally satisfying. success is an added bonus for creative projects. what, surely you don't think that your Genius Idea is going to be the one thing to pull you from your slough of despondency?
UE is shit, its like an engine made by aliens and for aliens. It's like the ZBrush of game engines... stick to Unity or Godot.
Cute sprites, did you do all the visuals?
make a monty python game where you stomp cutout pngs from historical paintings
what happened bro
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Thank you. I worked with an artist on the ships and UI, I did a bunch of misc. stuff. Ultimately I kitbashed these ships from other more coherent ships he drew. I did the crewmen, although I would say 15% or so of the character designs are on loan from my friends.
Post dem low-poly modeling tutorials
just delte
wow sweet NFTs bro
How far along are you with the game, then? Didn't expect that many in your back pocket
I utterly hate that this tag got traction.
256 tris is bullshit. Even the PS1 and N64 were significantly above that on average. That's *too* lowpoly for anything but background NPCs.
I so fucking wish that 512 or 1024 had become the meme tris challenge instead. Then at least it would have pushed artfags to make shit that's actually usable as a main character.
pomaodev is my favorite agdg dev
unity's probuilder is so fucking atrocious, do NOT ever recommend anyone to build levels out of it
you clearly have never used it otherwise you would see that its not even 1% of the capability of hammer
the point of 256fes is to be a challenge working with restraints. it's not to mimic a playstation/n64 style.
I get that.
The problem is that whenever you search for a low-poly artist, it's either "low poly" at 30k tris or a guy who only do 256fes.
Both being useless for actual low-poly purposes.
512/1024fes would have at least trained a fraction of artists into something that would have practical use.
>but it's not the point
Yes, I get that (bis). Just wishing the point hadn't been pointless (pun intended) for vidya making.
What is the RPGM version I should use if I want to create a typical JRPG?
I want to have the ability to create some gambling minigames and I also want maximum control over the visuals in order to avoid stock rpgm assets as much as possible.

I have a coding background so I am not afraid of the code being hard or anything like that.
I'd say I'm mostly done, I'm hunting bugs and on my way to steam, but there's also a live version on itch. The game is wodopom.
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I have absolutely 0 idea where to go from here, low poly hair seems like its hard to do right, there's a fine line between "paper thin noodle" and "plastic/Styrofoam helmet"
>want to make 3D game with sexually attractive women
>have rudimentary understanding of 3d modelling, but not character modeling
>all tutorials for character modelling I've seen either completely gloss over the finer nuances or are over an hour of making endless microadjustments that are impossible to follow along exactly with and doesn't teach you how to identify when and where to make those adjustments
this honestly just makes me in awe of those 3D porn modellers. What I wouldn't give to have one of them genuinely tutor me on how to do what they do.
I always wonder how well these models actually animate outside of static poses.
go look at how other low poly games did it back then. That's the neat thing about lowpoly, there are decades of examples you can use to help teach yourself.
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Well, congrats on your near release
Spend a lot of time on like 5 different kind of bodies and distribute them among your girls
>I have a coding background so I am not afraid of the code being hard or anything like that.
In that case don't use RPG Maker, its a shitty engine only used by very few people because it is easy, it is laughably limited. If you want more intuitive but complete engines, Unity and Godot is the way to go. If the game is 2D, Godot is the best. UE have beautiful lighting but the engine itself is convoluted, bugged, bloated among other things... they couldn't even have a decent coordinate system.
I don't know why but this idea got stuck in my head that the first game I make should use RPGM. At the end of the day the best engine is the one you prefer to use.
just give the fucking hair a thickness
not even the shittiest of ps1/n64 games did this because they all knew it looked like ass and was worth the 5 extra polygons.
>At the end of the day the best engine is the one you prefer to use.
Unless you prefer to use RPG Maker
t. used it for over 10 years
I'm still making my game using unreal engine 5 and blender. I've stuck with it and am pleased with my work! Making this game and learning how to helped me quit smoking.
If you want a non-hideous female model then ignore realism and go for something stylized
I haven't stopped but progress has slowed down to a crawl because I'm struggling with writing the story and making the areas. Also this >>687491515
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Absolutely, Unreal's documentation has come a long way. Unity is a sterile, dead engine that has no future. Nothing but cancelled projects and zero progress. Unity is the same now as it was 3-4 years ago. Horrible management. Whereas Unreal Engine 5 is making leaps and bounds of progress each month, just look at Black Myth Wukong's success, it's a beautiful game in UE5.
>512/1024fes would have at least trained a fraction of artists into something that would have practical use.
go do it then, make some #PS2challenge or whatever in xitter and /3/, the board is so dead it will never go away
Ok that changes things.
So which is the actual best engine to use that's designed around JRPGs?
Im stuck trying to decide whether to use 3d low poly characters or 2d art. Game is story based, like coffin of andy/leyley.
I don't want to take the lazy way out. If I'm going to waste my time doing this, then might as well learn how to do it well.
Which games do you feel have done it well? And how many of them face scanned an actual human person to pull it off?
thats fine as is, i'd play a fuck game with box woman.
>In that case don't use RPG Maker, its a shitty engine only used by very few people because it is easy, it is laughably limited
one of the first things i did with rpgm is make a casino with multiple gambling mini games.
I used rpgm xp
>can't even make 1
>wants me to make 5
-Laziness and distraction
-Can't make decisions
-No creative vision, don't have it all planned out, ect.
It's what I'm using and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. YouTube teachers are the unsung heroes imo. I've learned a bunch over the past six months. You have to keep at it though.
I can poorly draw but not model so I'm using 2D billboards for characters with very simple 3D models for buildings. It's not ideal but the simplicity kind of has a charm to it.
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Final Fantasy games since 12 have had great-looking character models that aren't facescanned. I'm not going for ultra-realism anyway, but something in between.
Its something that will work, as long as you work to your strengths.
Shaders, particles, and post processing effects will help your work shine, don't neglect them.
Part of the appeal of simpler styles is that its easier to give a greater general sense of detail to the world.
what´s your cunnyge idea, /v/?
Well said anon
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you know where to start then
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I can't model or program, but I can draw decent enough and I understand very basic animation concepts. Is it worth it to try and make some sort of point-and-click adventure game in the current year? Does anyone still play games like that? It seems to be a genre that's accessible to someone like me with no programming experience, but if no one plays point and clicks anymore then what's the point? I don't expect to make any money from making a game, I just don't want it to be ignored after years of work.
If I was a trend-setter I wouldn't have to try getting bitches with a 2D pixel platformer about depression, Anon.
just latch it on to the next "the joke is sex" meme, even with no followers you could´ve made a PS2 brazilian miku and people would keep the hashtag going
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holy shit hard surface modelling is so fucking unfun
I can do organic / natural stuff all day long, but this is torture. both attempts looked like shit
I fire up a point and click game at least once a year, but it's usually an old one.
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because it's too much work and i'm not as smart or talented as i think i am
If the story is interesting enough, people will play it.
>but if no one plays point and clicks anymore then what's the point
Old-timey P&C are kinda dead yeah. Telltales Games also burned everyone on the "modernized" version.
That said, Disco Elysium got some nice success, and is pretty much a point&click.
Classic P&C would probably still work if Horror-themed, since it make for good streamer content.
Or porn-themed. But at that point just download Renpy and make a shitty VN like everyone else.
Why don't you just make a biopunk game then? Treat your limitations as directions.
I'd do psuedo 3d game. download unity first, get a character script off the internet or from chat gtp, a stationary camera, then just populate it with pictures slapped onto planes, should take about an hour to get all the basics done.
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Where would you begin if you wanted to make a gorier Samurai Shodown IV ripoff with original donutsteal characters? Is there anything like RPG Maker for fighting games?
While you wait you could create prototypes and small projects to learn in a simpler context
>Is there anything like RPG Maker for fighting games?

hasn't been updated in a decade, but i think it's still pretty good to use.
You don't have to use one designed around JRPGs if you are good at coding, just use a good engine (Godot, Unity, if you really care about lighting, UE)
The key is to start somewhere. You don't need art experience, but having some understanding of the basics is essential if you want a chance at succeeding. Even if you get assets from somewhere or someone else, you need to be able to tell if things fit together or if the assets look good at all. Maybe learning to draw, learning a bit about color theory and working on level blockouts and designing environments from art packages would be some places you could start.
Hm I'll have to check out hammer++ then although I'm pretty sure I'll do fine with making my own modular kits, doing some map sketches and then playtesting and editing blockouts
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That's exactly it
>psuedo 3d game
Is this something that's actually realistically possible for a total beginner programmer to create? I thought 3D collisions were really tricky.
No they don't. I enjoy art and programming. Worldbuilding and scripting hundreds of lines seems like fun too but you can't learn everything at once. Even learning just a few areas in game dev involves dozens of things if you're actively trying to impelement what you've learned into projects
because I can't draw, model, code and stop having a job
ask cris
I learned what an array is. I learned about different int types. I learned about If statements. How do I use any of this to make a game. I cannot put the dots together.
use that knowledge to get a job and pay people to make the game for you
what’s wrong with that cat?
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not a bad idea. also for anyone doing memepoly that struggles with texturing, abuse triplanar mapping like hell
my workflow recently has been like this
model > create seams > unwrap > add new material slot/s > ctrl + t or ctrl + shift + t on the material in the shader tab > add the diffuse / base color and ambient occlusion texture > set texture coordinate node from object to vector > scale and blend as you need > set projection to box > bake material out into low res > reapply material using the bake > ??? > profit > wa la
The engine handles 99% of that bullshit for you, but with what he's describing (a 2d game that's technically 2d images arranged in a 3d space viewed from a orthographic camera) there wouldn't need to be any 3d collisions
pick an engine and use those basic coding abilities to make 2D or 3D objects move around on the screen.

>use that knowledge to get a job
there are no jobs open to a self-taught bloody beginner any more. this isn't 2018.
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I can draw, I can't write, nor can I program. I wouldn't mind being an artist for a game if the ideas good, but I'd rather make my own. but learning code is so boring and I can't focus most of the time
Make a card game.
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I wouldn't say I'm completely beginner-level anymore, though there's obviously still work to do.
Oh, ok. I thought he meant something like Resident Evil with prerendered backgrounds. Do you have any examples of what you're describing?
Maybe there should be more to your life than just 4chan shitposting
What do you draw, exactly?
You have no idea how desperate for an artfag partner most devs here are.
You are doing meme-poly, not hard surface. There isn't a single bevel on that model.
Please understand the difference.
Hard surface is (generally) easier, only get kind of difficult the more advanced you get.
Unreal has paper2d and making collision meshes in unreal is pretty easy. I don't use unity but I can't imagine it would be that tough, but you will likely spend a little more time than one hour in either engine if it's your first time.
Finances. I'm not a brown Brazin where the money can be exchanged from American at a 10x investment rate.

Also, if you make anything for fame you're subhuman, end of story.

basically this with a better camera angle, except you can have chat gtp make the movement code for you instead of using his
>Do you have any examples of what you're describing?
No, unity has tools to build 2d games so you wouldn't need to do it that way. Unreal has 2d tools as well.

This is where the advice-giving gets tricky, because everything has its pros and cons. Unreal and especially Unity are very commonly used tools, and if you feel confident there's more vidyadev in your future, or even just modding, it could be best to pick one of of those and stick with it, even if it's harder, in order to start building familiarity with them from the beginning. Since they're more popular, there's also more resources out there when you hit a snag. BUT Godot would probably be better for someone with minimal programming knowledge looking to make a 2d game. Even RPG maker could be a good pick for your first game, just to get an easy win at the beginning, which can help with your morale and keep you going where most beginners tend to give up.
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i forgot my pic
I've been trying to figure out why I think this looks so unappealing to me for a hot minute.
Her eyes seem really odd/ off to me, part of it is that they're missing eyelashes. It also look like her face is too flat, its missing some of those larger angular sections that really sell the form, when lit. That would be *fine* if she was an anime character, but on a more realistic model you need that depth.
Neck is off, it looks like she's jutting her head forward, and looking at the collar of her uniform, it appears to also be too long.
Going to be 100% honest with you, though.
Its very salvageable, you just need to fix that awful playdough uniform and the other issues will be less noticeable after its animated, I think.
quick bump while my webm renders
quick pump while my webm renders
How do you pick an engine? I assume certain engines are better for certain types of games. Is there an engine that would specifically be tailored for a turn base strategy with an overworld going into battle screens, like Age of Wonders or HoMM?
I'm getting better at tilemapping, could just make some landscape, with procedural textures and use it as a background, but I really like tiles, it's still difficult as I haven't fully grasped it, but I am getting there.
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here's what I mean by the procedural texturing method with triplanar mapping. I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about this method for memepoly, but it seems to Just Work™
it works with multiple materials on a single object, too. just copy the floating image texture you create in the shader node, select the other material slot and paste it
just make sure the object is unwrapped with no overlapping UVs
Why is recording so annoying bros?
>Select your bitrate (the fuck is that???)
>Gomen! Webm isn't supported because only stupid 4chan uses it! You need to record in mp4 and then convert it!
>Oops filesize too big! ^_^
>Okay you finally got it under 4MB but it's all grainy now
fuck this

I don't know what any of this shit means
Unless your gameplay requires something super specific, most out their generally have all of the boilerplate tools you'd need.
Godot is great for 2D (many tools and builtin functionality you don't need to worry about implementing until it needs to be customized further) Unity is actually fairly well tooled up for Hybrid (2D + 3D) projects, while individually their 2D isn't as good as Godot, nor do their 3D tools fully compete with what Unreal offers out the gate, but both 2D and 3D integrate fairly well together.
Unreal is going to make making an aesthetically appealing 3D game much easier, has more built-in functionality than Godot or Unity for specialized 3D work, and its 2D tools are ass.
You can build great FPS's with That Doom off-shoot, or even Source.
If you need to do something really custom, like Non-Euclidian Physics, Starting with Unity and modifying it seems to be pretty standard.
But Generic Turn-based strategy by itself could be done in basically any engine, you might be able to find a asset pack to help.
This is what I do(it's probably not optimal, but it's simple enough)
First I open the snipping tool. It allows you to record portions of your desktop. It's light on the options, so fairly intuitive to use.

Record what you have to, save in a folder you can easily locate. I try to keep recordings below 15 seconds, because after that, the file sizes get less predictable.

Then go to this site https://www.freeconvert.com/mp4-to-webm

In the options, change the codec to vp9. CRF (Constant Quality Factor) set to about 23. Make sure the remove audio checkbox is selected. Then convert. Should take a short time to upload and convert.

If the file size ends up too big, then I'm sorry, but there's no way to get around just re-converting the file. Set the CRF higher and try again.(Ironically, higher CRF means lower quality, but smaller file sizes
because i released a demo on steam and nobody played it. those who did said it fuckin sucked.
I really disliked Minecraft when I played it, it kinda grew on me but I still wouldn't play it for long, and you know how that game did.
Well, what's the name?
The only person I know who plays demos on steam also leaves negative reviews for 99% of the games he plays. I bet he was one of them.
monster freaks.

sucks putting a lot of effort into something that nobody likes.
looks cool but its been up there a day, give it a few weeks at least.
as someone who has become decent at a few things, it's best to not expect any external validation at first
just focus on learning and try to enjoy the process. the external validation comes later. if anything try to get more specific feedback from people who actually take the time to talk about your game
there's some giga autist who has 1000s of negative reviews for paid games. and they're not meme reviews either, he actually elaborates on what he thought makes the game bad
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There are eyelashes, they're just kind of thin.
That's nice of him.
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This. Also because it involves building up a base of expertise and Modern Life (TM) has me fucked up in a way that makes learning difficult.

It's not entirely a bad thing. Over time I've reevaluated what I want the game to be based on new experiences. Whenever it happens, I think it'll be a lot better than it would have been. The main issue is that the story is semi-topical and might not be resonant in a decade, so there's a bit of a time limit.
Ahh! Thats why the eyes looked sorta puffy from the front view, but not the side. Yeah, all you need to do is work on that outfit.
which I hope you are
You should combine them into a spookypasta thing. Or a Warioware clone.
As someone who has light colored hair, you gotta do your lashes and brows several shades darker than the actual hair. If you saw me in a well lit room from a distance, you'd think I didn't have eyebrows at all.
where do you get ideas for 3d assets to create for exercise?
women with light colored lashes typically use makeup to get around this
my sister has very light colored eyebrows and lashes, she looks kinda goofy without makeup on
Because instead of collaborating on anything, we all had a different idea on who should do what in the game and decided to all go our separate ways. So now, I'm a gooner stuck in tutorial hell, and she's a horny fujo who draws their OC fucking Envir Gortash and Emet Selch on a biweekly basis. Totally how games are made.
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I'm still making it. I'll show you anon.
the most straight forward answer is references
find an image of something you want to make and import it as an image plane into your project. it's better if the picture was taken at an angle that will help you model the object
You need to block it out and then polish each block and finally put it all together. You know, like how a real gun is made. It doesn't need to be a single continuous model, either (this is the secret).
I asked ChatGTP for a list of objects to make.
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because i realized that id rather just attempt to learn how to model girls as an outlet for my porn and video game addiction
I am in the same place as you, got the coding part covered but everything else from music to art is completely foreign to me. The only thing that's pushing me to start anyways is this extremely strong feeling, almost like I am being boiled alive, that appears whenever I think of not ever making a game once in my life. I am not going to become any younger and I don't think my free time will ever increase from this point on in life.
I am planning on starting from the 15th of September due to some prior commitments and it's going to be my primary goal for the next few years. I hope you make a choice whether to start or not and that no matter what you choose, you can live without regrets.
I don't get it, are you saying this lets you use triplanar mapping without the shader cost of calculating it at runtime because you bake it down into the model's normal UVs?
btw check out https://github.com/noio/Pixel-Unwrapper
I couldn't figure out how to make it fun.
I was making a thing that I thought I wanted, but I couldn't square how anyone else would find it fun. I decided to scrap it.
pretty much yeah, just using the triplanar to distribute the texture evenly across the mesh and then baking it to keep the visuals it produced. works best with simple materials like wood, rust, metal etc
I was in the same boat, what worked for me was going directly to game making tutorials (instead of boring generic coding tutorials) and then making my own assets for the game, simply making assets knowing its your game is fun even if someone else is holding your hand with the coding part.
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The lack of engines. Unity is garbage, Godot is buggy, UE is a huge arcane mess. I tried going the raylib route but I get massively burnt out after writing like 200 lines of code, and if I'm right my final game would amount to at least 40,000. And that's just for a simple 10 hours long dungeon crawler relying on raycasting. That's plus ~500 assets I need to make by hand, as someone without an ounce of artistic talent, thousands of lines of dialogue and text I need to account for, plus at least 30 to 40 musical tracks.
I'll keep going at it just because it's made me much more discerning and appreciative of the massive talent and effort that does go into real games thoughbeit. But I don't know how anyone juggles this with having a real job; even some part-time thing just to stay alive.
Realtime hair and clothes are kinda shit and unconvincing so I just make all my characters naked and bald.
it looks so competent I think your only mistake might be not drawing some more inspiration from similar games to it (hotline miami, dead nation come to mind) to see how you can fool normalfags into getting happy brain chemicals from the base
like just something like a refactoring of level design and more explicit UI with an incentive to score well would make it that much more well received
if all fails just add a dodge roll and make it into a roguelite
>Ultraengine / Leadwerks
>Cocos Creator
>C4 Engine
There is no lack of engines you are just a lazy fuck who can't be bothered to search thus you will never have the drive to finish a single game.
the gameplay looks unoriginal and has no juice.
the monster assets are nice, but the crappy backgrounds and HUD make it look like a shitty asset flip.
don't take it personal, you can improve.
Imo start with visual art. With a basic understand of the fundamentals of art you will be able to better use other people's assets or even retexture them if needed. There's also shader programming for a mix between art and programming. Music is important but I don't think you're going to get as much value out of studying it as you will with art.
post more office ladies
>Poorly documented, mostly proprietary 100k+ LoC monoliths + the one engine every indie dev rips off for their games with a chinese wall strategy (valid choice, requires writing huge amounts of code) + the Lua toy
Honestly though it's okay if your own 3D engine takes you 10 years to develop because Lord fucking knows that's how long it'll take for anyone to get away with not having an OpenGL fallback.
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I'm working on it, just hodgpodging something together for the spooky season so I can cash in on streamercucks. Map design is a lot more difficult than I expected, but I've started using modded minecraft to lay things out detail and design wise and then move over to trenchbroom to actually make the maps. So far it seems like the only other thing I'll have to do myself is the multiplayer system, which is going to be a pain in the ass, but will literally be the make or break for my million dollar cash out.
I've been wanting to be a gamedev since 2000 (I was 10 years old), and remember spending countless hours of my limited free time in Hammer editor designing maps.

I do have a solid game idea: A starship simulator in the vein of Star Trek the Next Generation in an isometric (possibly 3d but doesn't have to be) perspective. Imagine it's like that flash game Flash Trek but better, and not using the Star Trek IP of course.

Combat would be real time, slow, and more like chess than anything else. Missions would range from search and rescue, diplomatic, combat, etc. The player would manage the officers and crew. Mission decisions could have an effect on the emerging game world.

Essentially it would be the golden age of sailing ships, but in space.

Already I fear the scope of such a game is too massive for one person. Then I doubt myself from even starting because I ask, "well Starsector already kind of does that, so what's the point?"
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Not him but it's hard making that partnership work. Literally worse than marriage. Maybe one day I'll find my One True Coder but there are plenty of cards and assets to work on in the meantime.
Just play adrorium
Wouldn't hurt to prototype stripped down versions of what you're thinking of. Maybe you work on smaller projects first or you figure out a way to create it piece by piece.
>Already I fear the scope of such a game is too massive for one person
especially if you´ve already spent 24 years doing nothing, yes
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I really like the style coffin got for the level design (area is shown and rest is a black void).
And since all the map set pieces are different shapes, they really stand out, vs having the entire screen filled up when it doesn't need to. Would like to see more games use that.
Slow progress on the link model.
Been trying to get the parallax effect of the eyes to actually be accurate. But I'm too stupid to figure it out. It might be technically working now, but the effect is too exaggerated than I estimated, so I'm not sure.

There was also a problem with the shape of the eye changing too much, but I improved the integrity of the shape a lot by redoing the topology to be straighter, and getting a more even UV unwrap. So hopefully the warping isn't noticeable now.
To add on another way to build up to a project like that is to think of simpler versions in different settings. So you can learn what does and doesn't work, get a better grasp on all the different parts of your workflow before setting out to do the big one
I do 2D art, and I sometimes look at something so closely for so long that I can't tell how it looks anymore. There's nothing you can really do besides put it down for a while, or get another pair of eyes on it.
I think you're almost there, but the nose is maybe like 40% or more of what's making her face look weird. I think a lot of us learn to dislike or neglect noses by looking at anime girls. If your character's nose were like, 20 percent wider at the bottom, she would look more normal.
Another 40% of why it looks weird is the length of her chin (ie the distance between her bottom lip and the tip of her chin) -- I think it would look better if it were like 20-30 percent shorter. I also tend to blame anime girls for making people think they want to see pointy chins.
Lastly, I think there are problems with her eyes. I suspect it's mainly the ratio of the size of the iris to the size of the pupil. Her irises are kinda huge. You can address that by making the pupil bigger (more stylized) or the iris smaller (more "realistic"). You might also consider messing with the eye shape (maybe bringing the eyelids slightly closer together toward the outer corners, idk), and taking anon's suggestion about darkening the eyebrows and lashes.
how do you fix not doing anything for 30 years?
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>have lots of ideas
>have good taste
>coded in some minor languages
>have severe sleep issues that prevent me from remembering things, learning or even reading a book
I'll make tons of awesome games as soon as I'm recovered I promise
I wonder if AI can help me with this while I'm mentally destroyed
I've been trying to engineer a sort of stealth roguelike thing for a while now
My latest iteration still isn't really a "game" but I can generate random rooms and put some vague entities in them that look at you menacingly when you walk past them
Sometimes with these projects the hardest thing is figuring out what to fucking do at any given point in time
I should probably figure out how to bee-line towards something that is actually by some literal definition "A Game" where you have an objective and a failure state
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Yes, I finished my game. I will shill it one or two more times in these threads and then I will come back when I have made something new.
>There's nothing you can really do besides put it down for a while, or get another pair of eyes on it.
I step back about 5-10 feet from what I'm working on or view it from different angles
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>the Zombie ate my neighbors clone
Ah, that one. It's competently made, but top down stuff like that has evolved a fuck ton since then.
Your need to either be either:
>way faster and lethal (Hotline Miami path)
>way more tactical and and complex (infiltration/door kicking path)
>way more enemies and bigger guns (vampire survivor path)
Unlike some other old gameplay that still work with a fresh coat of paint, that one just aged too much.
Cool concept, but after viewing some gameplay, not a fan of the FPS.

You know that's actually a great idea.


You just start. Cliche but it's true when they say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, and the next best time to plant one is today.
Looks like a facial proportions issue to me
Sometimes people draw eyes in the middle of the head which isn't quite right for a pseudo anime look
Try either enlarging the cranium or smooshing down the face a little
Doesn't have to be much, but it might help, and you can undo it if it doesn't look any better
Ask OpenGameArt forums.
They are in dire need of more assets people wouldn't mind to give away.
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Who said i did stop?
t. opened this thread after a 8h coding session fixing a nasty AI pathfinding issue
meant for
>Unity is garbage
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cracked my skull ten years ago, started feeling extremely exhausted after waking up, then only got diagnosed five years after that due to retarded doctors (partial epilepsy), then after partially getting recovered from that something started inflamating my throat and I can't breathe properly, so I'm slkeeping like shit again
thanks for reading my blog
What was the game?
Often, "fun" is in a few details.
This looks like fun
>how to bee-line towards something that is actually by some literal definition "A Game" where you have an objective and a failure state
Some Anon once said that making a game is all about having a "Game Over" screen, a "You won" screen, and everything else is just filler.
The more I dev the more I realize it was not completely retarded.
Is it worth putting my game on steam when it's short and simple or should I just put it out for free on itch? I would put it at $3 at most but I'm not sure even then people would buy it.
Damn that's hardcore I figured the issue was something like insomnia, waking at night or general poor sleep quality. Have you looked into something like a cpap machine? I don't know what youve done but you could look into bioernegtics, your body can heal to an amazing degree it's just figuring out how to encourage a healing state is difficult. But good luck with it anon, please know that it's possible for things to get better
depends on what you want to make. i usually find models off of smutbase and try to recreate them
I never started.
I'm taking the scenic route by trying to write a book first to get a grip on how to write well.
>Is it really necessary?
Probably not but I'm a lot more likely to finish a book than a game, just in terms of effort required. Also, I love story games, so I probably won't feel excited about making a game without a story, and I don't think it's likely I'll write a good story without any practice on my first try.
It won't hurt at the very least, I think.
>So how is the book going?
Pretty terribly. Turns out I have no idea how to write. It's harder than I thought.
That and having enough novelty and challenge to keep people playing towards the "you won" screen or to keep playing after losing
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yeah they wanted me to try the cpap machine even though I told them that wasn't my issue (I have trouble breathing and even swallowing food while awake)
I tried the machine, which made it even more difficult to breathe, then dropped it
as soon as I'm able to breathe properly again, I'll be free
didn't know about that and sounds interesting, will check it, thanks anon
>I'm taking the scenic route by trying to write a book first to get a grip on how to write well.
I've got the wonderful case where I've got both a book story and a game concept constantly worming though my head.
Both entirely unrelated to each other and to that unfinished 300k book I've sitting around unfinished because it's so full of fundamental erros that cringe everytime I try to continue working on it.

And since last week I now really want to do NaNoWriMo this year but none of my many drafts can fit into 50k words. It's all just giant fantasy trilogies with me.

I designed 100 more moves today, just 50 or so to go. Posting progess over on vrpg whenever I get around to coding.
Is there no gamedev general anymore on /vg/? What happened?
The basic idea is increasing energy in the body which promotes structure and healing. There's a focus on getting the body out of using adaptive mechanisms that are related to stress to produce energy into more efficient ways. I've been incorporating various methods into my life over the last two years and it's helped me with a lot of issues
You made me check. Aggydaggy is regrettably still alive.
IMO as a beginner who has tried both, unity is clean and easy to learn, but is limited in its tools. UE5 is a bit tougher to learn but the potential for growth due to the amount of tools is much higher. It also has a more robust marketplace for tools to download
Oh right that was the name
I searched for gamedev for some reason
It was a 3D platformer / collector like Banjo Kazooie or Rayman. I had my OC modeled out, but like actually
making fun levels, or even just fun platforming, is really damn hard. It was rewarding to run around with my OC in some boilerplate maps, but like I said I couldn't really figure out how to make the game be something that would be fun, rather than just an inferior version of the games I mentioned, or others like it.
I haven't used unity but the only problem I see with unreal at this point is the render pipeline so geared to creating realistic graphics that it can be challenging to make things in different art styles. It's possible, but the other problem is the engine will still be computing a lot of realistic effects even if you aren't using them. But I really like the engine overall
$3 games on Steam have demos and tend to last like 10-20 hours desu. If you think you can make the $100 back though sure.
Mimic the levels and challenges in other games and try to add your own touch or twist. Greybox levels that make use of your movement mechanics, forcing people to use new combinations, new approaches, and increasing challenges along the way. I know you said you scrapped it but that's how I would approach it. I think pseudoregalia is a good example of how a single dev can make a decent platformer. The levels iterate upon the mechanics introduced, add new mechanics, and increase the difficulty by forcing you to mix techniques in less and less forgiving configurations
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i was explaining my game to a friend today, and felt somewhat disheartened since i realized i will have to implement singleplayer (or PvE) in order to make the game approachable for the average person. on the bright side, i have a lot of old legacy code i can repurpose to that end, though it'll still take a lot of time to implement it. at the very least i can hopefully make use of netcode and support co-op

at least the PvP combat finally feels pretty decent. still sad that the visuals are the way they are, but i lack the means to correct that for now

old webm because i keep forgetting to record the more recent sessions
>at the very least i can hopefully make use of netcode and support co-op
make use of the existing netcode i mean
If you're going to make a game, please for the love of god stop doing the following things
>shitty recycled memes in the game in plain sight
>retarded spergouts on twitter on your main account that you also share the progress of your video game on
I'm fucking dying(got a cold) but really, I get sick once every few years but when I do, it hurts like hell, was driving back from grocery shopping and zoned out so bad I ran a speed bump.
>showed it to my friend and said "hey you should play this."
>"eh it looks like shit."
>"actually I m-made that."
>"oh, uh, I mean, okay, sure, I guess."
>friend plays it
>says its a great game
>show him progress next month
>goes back to making fun of how it looks
>show it to exactly 7 other friends
>every single one made fun of it
I had two demo days approximately 10 years ago with this game that gave me tons of positive feedback, but having literally every person in my life laugh at it deflated me. I spent weeks creating AI formulas for complex battle decisions but everyone just commented on the fact that the artwork was based on DOS RPGs.
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My goal is to create a story with characters, lore, a world, and backstory so absolutely intrigueing and interesting that i manage to convince other people to one day help create the game i envision in my mind. I am not there yet, it will take many more years, but I have managed to create quite a lot so far. One day I will share my work with /v/ and /m/ when the time is right. You are all in for a treat.
unless you're Tolkien I can't advise this
who i am is of no importance . Plus, i am only going to share bits and pieces, enough to whet the appetites and imaginations of the talented and the passionate.
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what's the difference between UE and unity? any point in using any other? for a 3d videogame
Reminder that people bought the Spurdo game.
You have to realize indie games cater to a niche audience and that probably doesn't include your friends. Steam has like 130 million montly active users. A successful indie game sells a few thousand to maybe 10000 copies, your friends probably aren't in that crowd. They might be right in some way and that's worth considering. But I know a lot of my friends wouldn't find my projects interesting because they have different tastes.
You're going to get more comprehensive answers from google or youtube.
And it probably should have sold more copies his art is great
This anon is right. The reason most gaming companies go for broad appeal and niche is literally because of their broad appeal. You cant expect random people you all to apreciate an extremely niche type of game that you enjoy. Instead you simply have to find the type of people who do enjoy it.
i think i hate how slow the process is when i code and dont like making faults when i implement code.

was making a simulation brothel game or sex rpg like Whore Master
but I want answers with epic memes attached to them
I realized I was more interested in the engine-dev / physics sim aspect then all the boring slog involved in making a game
Even better to find a Youtube video then
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Depression slows down my game progress because it keeps making me think that my game is really lame and boring compared to other indie titles. It's really hard to focus on working on code or assets with those thoughts in my head.
Unreal is geared by default toward making high-fidelity FPS, and can be a pain if you want to something simple.
Unity is geared by default toward nothing in particular, and will be pain if you want something high-fidelity.
Unreal use C, so you need to be ready to handle memory issue.
Unity use C#, so you don't need to handle memory but getting max performance will require some juggling.
Unreal has some crazy technologies, but they aren't useful for small indie project most of the time.
Unity has a ton more "starting" assets and tutorials available, but half the engine will have to be replaced with 5$ plugins made by some rando dev if you try to do complex stuff.

In practice it's more like console wars. The differences are legions if you want the details but don't matter that much in total, which doesn't stop each "side" from going hysterical on via the other is shit.
The answer is Unreal. Better physics and rendering means it's easy to make glistening and bouncy boobs
describe your game to me in a vague enough way to feel secure enough that no one will copy your ideas but clear enough for me to understand and apreciate what its really about. Be honest about it and in kind i will be honest with you about my feedback anon.
I haven't, but I'm scared about how I'm gonna handle boring shit like putting in the paperwork to make my company and making sure the game's cross compatible across different controller types.
>can be a pain if you want to something simple.
That's not true in my experience. Casting and interfaces might be a little confusing for people I guess
Thats trivial, the one thing the indie dev needs to worry about on that side is to not be raped by taxes and fees.
It was too similar to the series I was cloning to the point where I didn't really feel like I was adding anything.
That and I lost enthusiasm for the story/lore autism I put together + general burnout
i think that anons comment is more about how unity is geared towards freeform scripting and rapid iteration, and unreal more or less expects you are trying to make some kind of 1st or 3rd person action game. its not that you cant make an rts or a puzzle game in unreal, it's just going to involve a lot more "wrangling" to make the engine do what you want it to do.

unity has basically unparalleled prototyping and debugging speeds in the industry with its scripting language and editor integration, so if you just want to make game, its probably going to be the best
I've messed around with C# in the past
how hard is C compared to C#?
I guess I just can't port a game to ue from unity right? I have to redo everything (this question is retarded but who knows)
i swore off unity ever since they tried pulling the per install fee shit, doesn't matter if they backtracked, they're still being ran by the same retards whose big plan for the future of the engine is catering towards mobile shovelware.
There isn't really much to copy since it's a fairly basic 3D adventure game with some turn-based combat. The original plan was to make a simple game so I can learn programming and such while making it without getting stuck. I put in little events and interactions me and my friends randomly come up while walking around in the setting I've cobbled together. But coming up with content and tying it to the story is difficult and my art skills hold me back as well. I don't want to put in random fights just because.
>how hard is C compared to C#?
By themselves the language differences are whatever.
Memory management however is a *huge* task that require a lot of discipline to not go ugly really fast - although that's not a C-specific problem, it's like that for any non-managed language.

>I guess I just can't port a game to ue from unity right?
You *can*, but that will be a fuckton of work and require proficiency in both engine.
Assets are semi trivials to transfer from an engine to another. Raw code is not *too* hard to convert. The real obstacle is that any reference to an engine function will need to be replaced/reworked to work with the other engine equivalent.
It's doable, but don't fucking do it. "We changed engine mid-development" is something you mostly hear in post-mortem from game that flopped hard, rarely from successful ones.
I see, thanks a lot anon
I'm going to read stuff about memory management, seems like a huge point
so, how many people start with unity and end up working in ue? I mean, is it viable if I start with C# then after a while I change to C?
Some simple things you can try, and that you might actually use in-game:
Cipher disk (literally two cylinders with wood textures)
Torn up paper
Arcade button

Veering towards intermediate:
Puzzle pieces

Big booba anime girl
A shader is a set of instructions for your GPU to convert raw vertex data(position,uvs,colors,normals,etc)
into raster data(fragments, pixels on the screen)
without gpu programs(like shaders), you wont be able to see anything on your screen.
For instance, the shader will read that its rendering a triangle which has 3 points at (0,0) , (0.5,1) and (0,1)
it will then figure out, typically via camera projection, how many pixels this takes up on screen(fragments) and what kind of calculations(lighting, texture sampling, etc) to do on each pixel.

A cache is just a general term for data containers thats created and stored in runtime/offline so that it would not waste resources fetching it every time you need to display or do calculations on it. in games youll most often see it in the form of texture caches, if theres a texture that the camera renders frequently or if many materials share a texture. same goes for mesh caches. A lot of this is handled automatically by the engine by default and does not need special attention from junior devs.
I just wanted to make vidya porn in Blender.
Couldnt even do that with how esoteric everything is and trying to get Koikatsu models to look OK.
Not many, not even with the recent-ish Unity fiasco that sent a lot of people try other engines for a few week.
The main problem is that learning an engine (any engine) take a long-ass time. Not just the basics, but the quirks, workarounds for specific issues, and what can or can't easily be done - and what will better be rewritten by yourself.
As a result it's pretty much always better to stick to your current engine, because you will lose all of that when switching.
If you intend to have Unreal as your "final" engine, then just jump directly into it. The higher entrance difficulty will still be a smaller time bump than learning Unity & C# for nothing.
"I'll do it tomorrow"
-Said by me yesterday
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I see
I'll research a little bit more about said engines and decide what I'm trying to make exactly before commiting to one
thanks man <3
A shader is just a part of the program that run of the GPU. It take 3D models, lights source and other random stuff on one side, and shit pixels at the right color and position on the other.
A cache is just a part of memory that's really fast (but really fucking expensive so it's small as hell), in which the CPU store shit it recently worked on. So if you ask it to work with those data again it won't have to do a full trip to regular memory which is much slower.
Hmm yeah good point. I think this can be resolved with some templating but that's work in itself
Honestly, it's not ready, and I'm not ready.
I'm still working on it but I don't think it's going to sell well. Might scrap multiplayer. Not sure how the reaction would be if I said multiplayer is planned, bit if it's as terrible as it is now, then not much reason to increase development time. It simply is just not easy making a game if you have to
>live on your own
Add a wife or kids and it's pretty much over except for those who just have large amounts of skill and talent.
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any tips for beginner gamedevs? about coding/modeling/engines
Start small and build up
Don't worry, Cris-san will have multiple threads up in no time
>If you are making something for any sort of profit, you might as well forget it.
Make sure to release it for free and accept no donations
how did you do the filter on the top left
"Just like, make game".
But I'm afraid you are going to need a slightly more narrow question if you want useful answers.
The best code is the one that work. Optimization, "best practices", "design pattern" and other shit is just icing on top.
The best modelling is the one that will shit out all the assets you need in reasonnable time at reasonnable quality. If your topology make /3/ scream bloody murder then who care as long as it's not Garten of Banban tier.
The best engine is the one you are comfortable with. No point using an engine that's X% better if you will only be able to make 10% of it work.
Take a game you like and try to make a simple knockoff of it.
CRT post-processing shader. It's popular enough that you can probably find a tutorial/free shader online
Lost inspiration and my ADHD made me forget what I was doing the second I stopped focusing on the game.
>Take a game you like and try to make a simple knockoff of it.
Instructions unclear now I'm making an open world mmorpg
>Saw a tutorial with a competent and very smart nerdy dude
>Concerningly long hair
>7 years ago
>Check the channel
I wish I could've saved him
Start small, keep it simple
The gamedev "not" general ths tpops up over here just feels loke /agdg/ but with a heavier marketing focus due to being in /v/. Free advertising
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imagine giving up
because I want more webdev on my portfolio, not sure how much game dev will help me land a job. ive coded tetris in libgdx using java is that resume worthy bros?
I'm making my house in goldsrc hammer just for fun. If it ends optimized enough when I finish maybe I can go further an make the neighborhood, and end up making a singleplayer campaign for Half Life
Heh and here I have to add multiplayer. This isn't the warly 2010's my game will probably fail without it. Granted multiplayer was the original goal but I suck at this and am considering singleplayer only.

I can't say for sure but the average group that plays indie games is likely small. Even those indie games with 400k copies sold. So like the other anon said, it's probably normal. With that said I dare not show it to girls irl outside my own mom. They'd probably imagine something of masterwork quality.
I don't get it, it just looks like he was using placeholder art.
I spent 40k on it but burnt out. Still in debt btw.
my dream game is a 3D action game, which means I will never be able to make it without spending literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on artists to essentially make it for me
I'm waiting for AI to get better so it can do half the work for me.
Embrace shitty graphics, soon powered by the best the hindustani AI market has to offer
Its all In my head, but I have no dedication to learn.
I restarted the same project multiple times and made progress in different areas each one of them. Im restarting again, but this time I'm developing a class map as I go, probably gonna start writing down ideas for a game design document too.
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I wish I could make a game with graphics like this
That guy, I hate that guy. He's like a social media clout chaser
>2 hours to create a new project because my google drive is fucking up
>opened the project and now its late at night
No progress today, game dev is fun
I hate google
Blender is fucking nightmare, even after looking at hours of tutorials
What's stopping you?
inability to create visually appealing assets or animations
Every time I start making video games, the ideas start flowing and they don't stop flowing. A simple game expands to massive proportions the moment I start thinking about it. Cutting back on the features isn't an option, I want to make a game that is good and stands out, not another indie trash that is released for 5$ that nobody will ever play.

Even if the features seem realistic and the list of tasks isn't that big, the moment I start doing those tasks, the list keeps expanding. The further I get in developing a game, the bigger the list of tasks becomes and it feels exponential, every step I take forward, the goal moves 20 steps further away as I keep realizing how much fucking work it's gonna be, but then the realization hits me again that it's even more work than I expected and then even more work somehow. Making video games is fucking hard when you're trying to make something good.

I wish I met a friend when I was young that was into game development and had unyielding motivation, I'm a good follower, but making myself do things is impossible.
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>don't want to work with others because I don't want to share my ideas or trust that what they create will be to my liking
>the alternative is doing everything by myself
To elaborate, I am well able to follow tutorial that makes a certain thing, but the issue comes up when I try to make something myself. I try applying what I learned, but I inevitably run into something that just kills my motivation to continue
that's a lot of convincing words to just say you're an ideas guy
Why wouldn't you use MEGA?
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My lack of creativity makes me want to kms
I'll look at romhacks in the same genre as my game and the new mechanics and quirks they add are 100x more interesting, creative, and experimental than anything I did
What stage is it at?
Have you considered injecting a marijuana?
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>it's another platformer with le grappling hook mechanics
be honest, how many of you do this
Inability or lack of practice to do so?
I don't know how to implement one on a third person camera so I don't.
My VR game has one though, but it was necessary, jumping was too confusing.
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progress: mapmode system
a color/province dictionary was set up, and a colormap of unique colors corresponding to each province's area
a script then scans the colormap and switches the pixels to the color of each province's controller

currently only have a political one, once certain bugs and broken things are fixed i can easily include things like demographic mapmodes (cultures, religions, population density, etc)
got an actual migraine dealing with this shit
Why not just go for it? I plan on spending the next few years completing my current project. It’s a fun hobby and if you make something special that can be your biggest legacy in life. Like the digital equivalent of carving a marble statue.
I cant concentrate for SHIT
How were games made before these engines were available? Did every game dev create their own engine specifically for their game? How long does that take?
unreal engine is poorly optimized for the end user because of muh ray trace graphporks shit.
assuming you arent a retard about optimization, the average unity game will be able to run on the average user's machine.
they would typically make an engine for their genre of game and reuse that for lots of games, and also creating an engine with that goal in mind is a LOT less planning and work than creating a generalist engine like Unity or Unreal that's supposed to work for all kinds of genres, or even for different paradigms like 2D vs. 3D.
I've actually taken steps to avoid this, lol.
Are hitboxes that difficult to make?
I use hitbox visibility mods in many games and I always see circular hitboxes being bigger than the models.

Do they do that because of memory, perfomance, is there any reason or just incompetence?
Mostly done:
Menu systems, inventory, multiplayer, parkour

Somewhat done: A very complex health system, weapons

Barebones: ai, building and crafting systems

very early stage of prototyping: mech assembly (cant pilot them yet)

You could plug it on right now and "play" with your buddies, but the core of the game is missing and what's there is all weak sauce. I think I picked a project too big for someone without teamates or at least a year's worth of money to spare.
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I'm not making a game right now, just playing with the program.
depends, in godont? yes
in unity and unreal no
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I haven't. It's coming out soon.
that's me and adderal makes me super focused... on the wrong things, I will spend hours reading about the invention of the hotdog instead of working
it's not complicated. I'm not 100% sure but I would imagine it's for performance and to make it easier on the player.
>godont? yes
lmfao. what
If you fuck up at that, you're going to fuck up at everything else let alone Blender.
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Pondering whether I should try doing 60 fps rigged 2d animation, or stick with 2d on twos/threes animation (with rigs).
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Why not just work 3 hours a day?
Then you don't have to worry about how hard it will be, since all you have to do is to do the time.
It also does not matter how long it will take in total, since you just have to work for a couple of hours each day..
As long as you respect the time and optimize your processes, you will get somewhere.
Right now the source of your suffering is a problem that does not exist.
How did you spend 40k?
is this your first game?
many such cases
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>tfw only games i want to make are really ambitious games
that's all of us.
but we learned that we need to start small and work our way up to it.
time is not infinite sadly
It would eventually turn into an AAA-quality high poly model.
I would simply make less ambitious games.
What engine should I use if I wanna make a VN with some 3 effects in it.
My biggest problem I think is a lack of motivation, I don’t have anything in mind right now that I desperately want to create at whatever cost. I do WANT to make something, especially now that I have more free time, but I have no idea what that something is
Everyone uses Ren'Py for VNs.
What kind of 3d effects?
I think I’m the only solo dev who’s ever done the opposite. Thank God for AI, my game would have been financially impossible to make even a few years ago. My dream is to make a game that is well received and make enough money to create a small team for sequels to up it in quality even more so.
I don't know what people see in puppet animation. They are really shallow to me, I'll take traditional choppy animation over it any day.
Like 3d backgrounds and stuff.
I made this pair of legs, but making games is a waste of time. I just want to animate stuff.
i struggle finding of one that i would find fun, the only kind i can think of is the games with a unique idea but it's not an easy task
no way in hell, games made in that shit either have that awful movement or some low quality default rpg maker battle system
>. I think I picked a project too big for someone without teamates or at least a year's worth of money to spare.
probably, the good thing is you can repurpose a lot of systems for other projects if it isn't feasible to finish it
Would you fugg this bug?
There's an anon making a VN in Unity using a plugin using Nani Novel if your heart is set on using 3d. Renpy works if you mainly want to use static backgrounds
Count your blessings for having a job, i have 13 years of experience working in a very niche field and after the covid layoffs they haven't called me from anywhere else i've applied to and in my country the only unemployment you're entitled to is what they deducted from your salary while you have a job, which already ran out. If anything i have more reasons to off myself but here i am, not giving up.
>I learned the letter 'a'
>how do I use this to write novel??
the amount of effort it takes to break RPGmaker's hard coded systems means that in almost every single use case you're better off just using another engine and making the systems from scratch.
RPGmaker by default ONLY lets you make content for the main systems (that being party members, items, enemy encounters, and cutscenes)
by default it doesnt even have support for a quest log.
The book is called "found a spider in the shower".
The protagonist turns on the hot water and cooks the spider, the eight legged critter slides down the drain.

The end

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