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What? haha
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Neither of them denied that Bungie made better games when it was a boys club.
f*males ruined gaming industry and entire society
>Haha, yeah, women where a mistake, lads
he's right though. look at early blizzard. pure boys club. females only got in because they wanted easy pussy.
She was the artist for Halo, and Marty was the composer.
Shouldn't have tried to r*pe her
Wow women are so violent
Im sure that happened, as in it didn't happen at all.

But yeah studio's like Bungie and Blizzard were better as boys clubs.
what made a group of fun loving men so good at making games? and how do women ruin it every time?
If a woman ever threatens me with a knife I'll beat her to death.
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i slap my boys ass at work and women cant even handle a bit of hair touching
>muh sexual assault
Should've plunged it and saved us from the shitshow Destiny become
Yeah uh huh, sure you will pal.
I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve put a manager/co-workers’ hand up my skirt or rubbed my foot on their crotch under a table in order to get preferential treatment or even a promotion at a job. At no point have I considered this to be a “boys club” or “toxic environment” simply because I got something out of it.
don't touch people
Is it normal to remember stuff you did 25 years ago? I never see people talk about "remember what I did in '99" IRL unless it's something like 9/11
Sure, with a knife in your gut, dumbass
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>Early rockstars boys club
>Early blizzard boys club
>Early bungie boys club
>Early Rocksteady boys club

Every single one of these studios had a "depuration" of sexists. Look at their output now, really gets the noggins joggin
Women are incapable of being fun. A woman's idea of having fun is like sitting on a rollercoaster and the man is the rollercoaster. She is just a passive observer as someone else entertains her.
It was a cake knife
>what made a group of fun loving men so good at making games? and how do women ruin it every time?
A tale as old as time. Read about what The Inklings thought about women,they nailed it.
75% of the industry is still coasting on all those dudebro franchises. Yeah, i'm thinking he's right.
It did, but it was a practical joke because she thought it was a stranger crashing the party due to him wearing a mask.
>makes some of the most popular video games of all time in the early 00s
>studio gets filled with diversity quota women and minorities
>recent games blow ass, studio has lost any kind of respectability they once had
many such cases. Far too many actually
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Here is what actually happened.

Women are just not fun, legendary game studio stories like Id software smashing down a door with an axe while shouting "BATTLE AXE" can't happen around females.

Even if you were a Silverback Gorilla you would die anon.
it just means you're a low iq brainlet anon
I don't understand why you took the time to write and post this.
Women don't know how to stab, swing a hammer, or do motions like that. You'll get a superficial cut at worst.
Yeah. Go get yourself checked for early signs of dementia.
Nah no one played WoW for characters like the Lich king and Illidan, they play it for that new black disabled female character, what's her name? i can't remember but anyway fuck you chud.
any woman will beat your ass in seconds though
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>Bungie fucked for being a bunch of retards that let w*man and vampires in
>Snoy fucked for literally paying for all that baggage
somewhat bright timeline
My dad can remember to the mimute detail stuff he did from the 60s up to the 2000s. Meanwhile I can barely remember what I ate yesterday morning. Maybe it's a generational thing.
The women weren't what caused bungie's downfall, thoughever.
It's not that I don't remember it, but for me all the cool stuff in my life only started happening after I finished high school (18 years ago).
Modern food is poison
why come she deleted this tweet?
>when the autistic friend shows up at the party
This isn't helping his case.
You're not supposed to be remember what you ate in great detail, but you are supposed to remember key important things you put effort into or otherwise had some significance.
Yeah just look at Harambe
whole lotta incels in this thread. just had my first baby with the love of my life lads. being a father is fucking rad as hell and i cant imagine being so miserable like you chuds. being with your best friend and having a child is the best feeling in the entire world.


y'all are mentally ill freaks who refuse to see that YOU are the reason you cant get a woman. no introspection or anything just REEEEEEEE KILL ALL WAMEN
Based climber femboy
Your boyfriend wanted to have his ass touched by you while these "crazy" women dont want you to touch them and have expressed so to you multiple times.
Just because one person lets you touch him doesnt mean you now have the right to molest every person on earth against their will.
Cause shes lying and Marty might sue her. There was a lot of people at that party.
>my first baby
It's HER baby you misogynistic piece of shit.
only if you can do it in one hit, or are cool with going to prison for killing some rando thot
libel is a civil offense in most jurisdictions
This doesn’t have anything to do with what is being discussed in this thread and to be honest I think you are lying.
I won't pretend women are people, especially the scam artists bogging down workplaces with their moronic narcissistic schemes.
Bot post.
>no one gives a shit IRL so I have to go into a lolicon forum to brag about my wife's son
>random spergout about chuds
Looking forward to your kid making headlines in a couple decades lmao
This is a salient point. At what juncture do people start going
>maybe a "toxic workplace" is an essential part of certain jobs
And just embrace that the creative process requires people have permission to get weird, and if you can't handle the weird, then maybe the issue is with you, not with the place you are.
a comment about incels has nothing to do with a thread with tons of incel comments lol. and go ahead and think im lying i just went out to the playmat and showed him how to knock over a tower of blocks. pretty awesome stuff!
Never hire women. Even in 99 it was a mistake
robots can't even do fun non-sequiturs
>when your story instead implies that the men were looking out for the women at the party
So what’s up with this boys club behavior of bouncing creeps out
Ai can kill a lot of these female jobs but the jews up top will keep hiring them none the less.
We,'re not saying women are stupid. We're saying that their proliferation within some of the greatest game companies in the world has led to the downfall of such companies. Not even in general either, just in the west.
This is why japanese women are based. Instead of begging men to make the shit they want they literally made their own genre
And a lot of mangas made by females are really popular
Because there's cameras recording every conversation today. Wisdom can no longer be passed on and now literal retards are decoding individuals histories
Enjoy getting your studio closed for not meeting the required quota % of women at the workplace
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>I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve put a manager/co-workers’ hand up my skirt or rubbed my foot on their crotch under a table in order to get preferential treatment or even a promotion at a job. At no point have I considered this to be a “boys club” or “toxic environment” simply because I got something out of it.
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the best wow writer was a woman
at this point im just derailing the thread desu. not commenting so much on game companies just love to say shit that makes future mass shooters mad. dont let em rent a white van!
Marty was probably the only one at bungie who wasn't autistic. he was kinda the normie conservative guy as they called him even back then.
Special olympics with an even more special audience.
But there's a woman in the picture you posted
this makes Marty look like a literal retard
though I guess it's no surprise that the people who INSIST they're essential to bungie are the ones who had no career after getting fired (because they actually didn't do shit they just took credit like Marty here)
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If you're on 4chan it means it was a cuck baby. Nothing to be proud of
I wish I was like her. I got sexually assaulted yesterday and I couldn't even move or do anything while it was happening.
Eh the WoW/Warcraft stories were never that good. Metzen and co created some great characters and a fun playground for them but fuck me her and Knaak wrote some stupid stories.
isnt this the lady who microwaved a egg and it exploded because she cant cook and felt the need to brag about it on twitter?
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this genuinely sounds pretty reasonable on both sides. I get why Marty thinks it was funny, I get why Lorraine thought it was creepy even in both the context of knowing/not knowing it was Marty. This entire thing seem like it is a 25 year old personal issue that never got communicated through.
>just in the west
Why do Nip women always make great contributions to games, but western women fuck everything up?
Closed by who? Lol Did palworld get closed? Last I looked it was all the women filled studios closing down.
>A woman's idea of having fun is like sitting on a rollercoaster and the man is the rollercoaster.
God I love cowgirl position
But women are stupid, even and especially the smart ones. That's just a fact.
And I say that as someone who is 11 years into a very happy relationship.
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in the 90s it was only guys. if you were a girl you were only there for sex.
ah yes, "toxic masculinity bad, the warmongering orcs should be good male role models": the femoid
The general rule is that you can have one women in a team, have more than one and they turn into hyenas sabotaging each other fighting for the attention of men.

sounds like a big nothing burger and people freaked because someone in a costume roleplayed as a creepy dude.
Do women in the industry even know what it means to drink alcohol?
>feel uncomfortable
>get harassed
>still choose to stay there for years
uhuh, either you enjoyed it then and feel regret now or made shit up
Sounds like he's ugly. She wouldn't have cared if he wasn't ugly.
Women are good fiction writers though, I don’t think anyone would deny that. Ursula Le Guin and Michelle West are my favorite fantasy authors.
>publicly admitting to threatening someone with a deadly weapon
Working at modern game studios seems to pin you between getting your ass diddled and getting shanked by a hormonal diversity hire. It's too bad those are the only two options and nothing else exists.
what type of retard would say on a public forum that they threatened a co-worker with a kitchen knife
She probably doesn't care, Marty is an open republican and she wants some brownie points for canceling him.
She deleted the tweet cause she knows it's a lie.
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this makes Marty look worse
>guys isn't funny that I dressed up like a retard and hovered silently over people
no, it's annoying I'm trying to talk to my friends, stop eavesdropping and passing it off as a prank
>toxic masculinity bad
Men play games
Women don't play games
>I fucked my gf and came in her mouth last night but this random chick I saw walking on the street can't even handle me taking out my dick and asking her to suck it...
An asshole will tell you acting like an asshole isn’t so bad.
So... im a woman?
What the sigma...
But... i have a dick...?
I really dont know. To me the women over there want to make cool shit, the women over here want the prestige of making cool shit, but without having to make any cool shit first to get it.
>toxic masculinity bad
you realize the orcs are the bad guys for a reason right? you act like toxic masculinity is some new age feminist term but it's actually not.
Every society used to malign hyper aggressive, sex obsessed men. They just used to be called savages or barbarians.
That’s a cocksleeve, anon
it's actually pretty rare for people to move on to a different studio and create another hit game.
It's true in Japan also.
This unironically works. Exactly why dick pics are so popular. They wouldn't be sending so many if they were getting a reasonable success rate
Shut up nerd. It's a Halloween party, no one gives a shit about your conversation.
Believe it or not, some women are OK with "boys being boys" and willingly hang out with them.
t. the guy who has no friends at the party so he had to compensate by being the class clown
>Bad guys... bad?
>That's... not good!
>Stop doing that!
kill yourselves
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>The general rule is that you can have one women in a team, have more than one and they turn into hyenas sabotaging each other fighting for the attention of men.
China has solved this equation a few years back.
Multiple women has become okay.
If hes over 6 foot and good looking*
Marty's soundtrack for the Halo games was absolutely fucking legendary and I'll always love him for that, but man it is sad to see him go so far off the deep-end lately
Based China
Ubisoft purged a lot of top people at the company after #MeToo and since then the company has just fallen apart. They used to be able to deliver these mammoth games consistently and deliver high scores, now they struggle to put out a 5/10 open world game that compares unfavorable to AC Unity.
>Id software smashing down a door...can't happen around females.
Donna Jackson aka the iD mom would like a word, she was hired on during Wolf3D development. and is still there today.
>veri not required
>But there's a woman
1 appears to be the number that works for western studios>>687528781
because the truth no one wants to admit is that games ARE art and that realistically your average person has only 1 or 2 good art ideas in their entire lives
so these people are young and ambitious, work out their 1 or 2 good ideas and then that's it, that's all they had in them.
But they can't accept that so they make excuses for why they got laid off instead of admitting they were simply no longer qualified. That's why they can never move on and make new games. Marty had good ideas for Halo and now he's out of ideas.
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Holy fuck she's ugly, disregard.
>happened in 1999
>bungie devs always said he was conservative
>"deep end lately"
That's not true, i hang out with two different groups of people that have women in them who laugh at unhinged jokes and say nigger and whatnot, no one is trying to date each other
There's a couple girls who hang out with me and my old college buddies, they're basically one of the fellas. They drink, play video games, laugh at and tell edgy jokes, and even do wild shit like getting naked and skinny dipping in the ocean with us.
Not all girls are 3rd wave feminists hell bent on destroying male spaces.
Probably because you’re all ugly
western companies do this they just hide it better.
>HR people you have to regularly interact with are blonde 20 somethings
>in-house barista/office manager is some MILF
>head of engineering at my last job (mostly a HR role desu) was big tiddy goth
>CEO and CTO's PA's 20 y.o blonde women who could barely type.
no women in engineering though, 200 engineers and every one a sweaty man.
Yeah this, they are hanging around the social circle waiting for some good looking guy to join.
Yes it's normal to have memories. Are you okay anon?
Stop doing MMA with your friends when your drunk
NTA but he could still of gone of the deep end, how many mildly notable boomers to millennials have we seen get their brains melted by social media/internet/politics/moderate amount of fame+attention. Makes sense that it could have happened to Marty.
>western companies do this they just hide it better.
I think that's different Anon. They clearly have way too much over the direction of the games.

Women in western studios don't just serve coffee and be cheerleaders. They act more like tyrant bosses.
Yes, but strangely a lot of people seem to skip over it.
Like my parents remember what they did as kids in the 60s/70s, but they'll never tell a single story about what they did in the 80s/90s. It's like that period of time didn't exist and a lot of others their age always seem to skip over that period too.
Nobody takes a chance with knives. Even cops and sofs back away and pull their gun.
Are you better than a cop or sof?
Why are women such buzzkills
>Are you better than a cop or sof?
Who isn't?
Wait so was it assault or was it a gesture with an obviously harmless implement? We can't have it both ways, it has to be one or the other.
So this is the power of Wukong...
I did a women dominated degree in college and they were always inappropriately touching my hair and my arms and my ass and my crotch. Even the women at work do stuff like hug me or touch my shoulders or make comments about my physical appearance like telling me how they like my hair or my beard or my clothes.
isn't this story like almost 10 years old at this point
I can see some autist overwoork their live away, when the cheerleading coach tells him to show him his panties if he gets the project done 2 months early
maybe he's just more crazy, with nothing to lose
Why didn't this Loraine gal quit if she hated it so much?
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she's a really good artist
James Chen..??
Ubisoft turned to shit long before their management were outed as sex pests. This ubislop rehabilitation for culture war reasons is fucking nauseating.
I think its probably related to the fact were consuming so much information on the internet daily.
Women need to be banned from all employment jesus christ
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Isn't Star Wars Outlaws one of the best reviewed Star Wars games of all time?
I am terrified of the image of a troon punishing men at a company by doing this. It should be a horror movie
According to what reviews?
this is true of every single developer before the mid 00s... when gaming became a cash cow, which attracted jews and their money and all the strings that come attached to it. then once in control they seek to expand their market share by appealing to uncaptured customer bases, like women, while taking their existing customers for granted. it's all jews and money.
Sure maybe he was always retarded but back in 1999 you couldn't plaster it all over the internet so easily. Now his Twitter is a one stop shop for terminal brainrot
That would disprove your point entirely though and u dont need to be good looking to have women who want to be in a genuine boys club
And The Acolyte was a hit.
so he scared someone with his Halloween costume 100 years ago and some stupid bitch is trying to cancel him over that....?
it has a 76 on metacritic dumbshit
This is a legitimate difference between men and women. At an all-male party, this would be hilarious.
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Isn't that better than most Star Wars games?
My retarded faggot in niggerman
The stupid bitch claims to have threatened him with a cake knife
Looks like John Romero's frumpy aunt.
Many before you were born are 80+ with the highest being 94
Fallen Order and Survivor both got scored higher
Can't even beat those low quality Uncharteds starring a fag from EA, let alone the past ones.
she won't need to threaten you cause I'll already have beat your nerd-ass face in the moment I smell your incel stink
Cops are retarded subhumans who think falling acorns are gunfire.
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>i slap my boys ass at work and women cant even handle a bit of hair touching
Women rely on tone policing and social/behavior policing to gain social power because they can't do shit physically regardless of what stronk whamyn characters in holywood shite tell them. Because they cannot escalate physically, once you touch them they have to act like violated victims and blow it out of proportion, acting like perpetual victims in order to control others. The term "objectification" is such a way to control behavior in others by inventing made up thought crimes which can be used to pile guilt on the heads of well meaning idiots who aren't wise to their power games. Similar to how a construction company almost psychopathically goes out of its way to "apologize" for "inconveniencing" your daily life with their banners reading "we're sorry for disturbing you" because they have to build shit, so do women go overboard with accusations of assault.
This has two main uses
a) overinflates their value as women, because men wouldn't touch them if they weren't desirable
b) invents an aura of thought crime malice which goes before any act they deem assault, sexual assault or undesirable, sort of like a musk of evil which permeates the air around the EBIL male

tl;dr your boy's ass can be slapped because your boy can smack you in the face and lay you on the floor, women can't do that so they police behaviors via language and shaming. strength doesn't need protection, while the weak masquerade as victims in order to gain social power over well meaning idiots.
>Ursula Le Guin and Michelle West are my favorite fantasy authors
lmao, what a faggot.
Reddit is that way, kid.
Re-reding her post after the elaboration. Was she really trying to cancel him over something so benign? That also had happened 25 years ago? Is she literally insane?
>deleted her tweet
Love from Kazakhstan.
>Ursula Le Guin and Michelle West
Never read the second one but you deserve to be flogged for mentioning Le Guin. She is by far the absolute worst author I have ever read in my life. Every word is a slog. Reading her works is comparable to trekking through a desert with a weight around your ankle. She can make even the most fantastical scenario seem banal. I remember vividly one short story of hers, of women exploring antarctica. This is a female power fantasy, yet in this fantasy the main character women spend almost half the book henpecking the men for leaving the camp messy. Instead of being awed by the beauty of nature or a sense of adventure, the book is still about fucking cleaning and bitching about men. In her efforts to portray women as strong and capable she just makes women look more like boring ninnies than ever.
Never hire women.
Never work with women.
They ruin any and all male creative spaces with their retarded feminine concerns.
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>m-might makes right
youre gay and deserve to be constantly assblasted. ironically its people who have sticks up their asses that are the most annoying and uncharismatic people so no one will ever sympathize with your thin skinned plight
>>HR people you have to regularly interact with are blonde 20 somethings
The difference is these ones can ruin your job and possibly your life
How do people who keep their files named like 1773617916 search for the right image to use.
I genuinely cant imagine trying to find the right image when every file is named a bunch of numbers.
those were the chicks that got mad when you bring another girl into a friend group and they take attention from her.
They're tourists. Beyond the posting itself, you can see the recent timestamp.
>no, it's annoying I'm trying to talk to my friends
coworkers. this was a company party.
>projecting this hard
you're also not fooling anybody, spying on people isn't funny you're just trying to gather information and pass it off as a friendly prank when you're clearly a malicious autist
>Was she really trying to cancel him over something so benign? That also had happened 25 years ago? Is she literally insane?

Women hold grudges.
You use your eyes gramps. Some people have the 4chanx option to change the filename into a unix timestamp on posting as well.
A Woman is a woman.
Disagree, War of the Ancients is Knaak. Not saying this one is bad, but it's also kind of weird. There's a description of thrall being breastfed and it included his mom using a sharpened fingernail to puncture a nipple to draw blood iirc.
I don't understand your autistic fixation on the motivation here being eavesdropping or gathering information.
He's a schizo that believes everyone he sees outside his house is a government agent.
How do people post things like this and think theyre the normal well adjusted ones when they are clearly neurotic and maladjusted to everyone else.
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ITT: Retards defend a failed rapist because he made their le iconic music
Experienced this lel
>They ruin any and all male creative spaces with their retarded feminine concerns.

Yeah you can see it at Blizzard, the guys are always talking about game design and the women talk about inclusion and diversity.
lel, pretty good story. Why the fuck would anyone get upset at this?
There would have been very little weirdness had she not been there at all, the further a workplace drifts from pure sausage fest to female parity the more toxic it becomes. And its not just creative fields, its literally anything.
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Thanks for reminding me that Myth is dead.
Who even owns the right to it, Bungie themselves or someone else?
>guy touch your hair at halloween party 25 years ago
>still have ptsd and act like it was life threatening rape
Actual joyless losers or just women?
That's part of it for sure, it's harder to be bored too which I reckon makes it harder to remember things since we don't need to solve our boredom and therefore are less invested in the fun since we didn't have to create it, making it easier to forget.
Women always ruin everything, japs are just more rigid and sexist as per typical Asian culture.
Their boomers will die and the women will rise in influence like in the west though.
Shit like CERO and the jews doing everything they can to infiltrate and control their media are the obvious signs.
>Guy acts like his halloween costume at a halloween party
>Woman, 25 years later, brings up brings up accusation when said guy is running for office
Wow, what a coincidence she decides to share this info now
She ruined Thrall, ruined Anduin, ruined Arthas and probably was behind Garrosh getting ruined too.
ESL retard.
Imagine getting offended that someone wore a scary costume on Halloween.
Nowadays being "raped' is in such vogue every woman is scrambling to recollect something vaguely rapey that happened in the past so they can claim oppression brave survivor points while dealing a blow to the patriarchy
At least she picked something stupid that actually happened than just completely make something up which is common
Woah woman is a woman?!?!
No way...
Your dysgenic simp loser ass would trip while trying to throw a punch.
I'm pretty sure if Robespierre knew about today's climate he'd have a laugh knowing the States have managed to create an even deadlier climate of fear than his jacobines ever could achieve.
>could have
>therefore it’s true
Son of (a) faggot?
He should have died along with the doa project
>he doesn't have a recollection of every single image saved from this site
Based, this made the simp cucks seethe.
You must be unusually attractive
Reminder, you will lose
sounds like she needs meds
Does it revert it to the original filename or does it use the current time?
Or he looks gay so they treated him like one of their own
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Women never care about sexual allegations only when it can be used against someone they do not like which is why they'll keep it hidden for decades until useful to gain attention from.
I always assume these women who decide to "break the silence 10 years later" are liars or make it look bigger than it actually was.
Lose what?
yeah the problem with social media and womens need for attention, doesn't go well sometimes.
>Female employee pulled a knife on Bungie Marathon Director
Based, too many men hate being held accountable
>he touched someone else's hair so I pulled a knife on him
She's lucky she didn't get murdered when her guard was down. I can never understand how people can try to threaten you and not think there will be repercussions later on.
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> I never see people talk about "remember what I did in '99" IRL unless it's something like 9/11
So you see people talk about how they did 9/11? Anon you should've told someone!
Imagine all these booty blasted leftoids burning their Halo CDs and renouncing the entire Halo OST because Marty became a politics boomer.
>Sees someone holding a knife
>Charge them
>Get stabbed
I got 1 shot...?
What the sigma in the videogame i could tank at least like 20 stabs before running out of hp...?
Stop stealing women breastmilks pal
People with guns and trained to use it can’t even guarantee survival if their close by to a person with a knife. You are 100% dying anon, deserving so
third time's a charm?
Because is it sexual harrassment? How the fuck you fine with that? Men hate being held accountable
It depends, I do remember random stuff from when I was a kid but of course most things I don't.
Speaking of 9/11, not even a burger but I do remember not knowing how to use the TV well and the channel I usually watched for cartoons just had a 24/7 reporting on that instead. I couldn't watch cartoons that day.
Don't bring it work if you don't want to share
>Because is it sexual harrassment?
Is it?
I'll never get why people don't go straight the the authorities if shit like that happens, but decide to wait. I get that some people might be in a state of shock or something, but even so, just go straight to the authorities.

This wasn't even rape, it was just some halloween party shit and she pulled a fucking knife on him and is now acting like it was justifiable because of the "rape vibes". The framing is just so crazy
Blizzard is the new Holocaust if you think about it.
But instead of killing jews they're killing women.
Are you fucking retarded? If the woman whose hair he was stroking told him to fuck off sure but this is literally some random cunt pulling a knife on a man.
>to a person
Women aren't people so that solves that
I personally just manually search it.
Before I lost my old image folder sometimes it took me 15 minutes searching for the image I wanted to use.
nothing statement
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>check the thread
>Most of them here are rapist apologist
No wonder women go-gay now
At least women mangaka know how to make a good ending.
This protective measure is natural and developed as a result of the physical reality. It's legitimate. If you insist otherwise, you are a left-wing faggot. The problem is simply that there are too many weak men around who think it also applies to them.
>marty is le repist because he is le repooplican!!
Do leftists really?
Just know all your years of astroturfing was for nought
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Wait someone touching my hair is sexual assault and I can pull a knife on them? Because multiple women have touched my hair without asking. I'm sure if I did confront a woman for touching my hair everyone would take my side instead of calling me a creepy weirdo and also probably an incel.
There is no rape, you flagrant retard.
This post ticked off all the tards here because they know they would do the same retard shit Marty did
If these women did not talk to them they likely would never find a wife and only live for work.

The Chinese push their youth so hard that successful chinese rarely have time to date and by the time they are in a good position to start a family are socially stunted. Quite honestly these "cheer leaders" are giving the company an important aspect that these men are missing in day to day life.

You think you have trouble getting bitches? imagine having to wake up at 5am to study and pay to study during summer and after school all non fucking stop. Remaining a virgin until like 25-30 and having no idea how to approach cause all you fucking do is work and the women are awkward too. The workers legit needed something like this and they are luck the job saw it and they are getting some practice in so they have some fucking chance at having a real life.
He's a rapist because he was in the same general area as a woman not because he worships Israel
>Guy in halloween costume pulling a halloween prank
Come on anon
They'll be viewed as social poison, I did 4 years in as a ZOGbot in the Army and we had a program called SHARP.
Basically anyone who files a complaint is assumed to be telling the truth, well a lot of females use this shit to kill NCO careers or people they don't like.
We had a barracks bunny whore who did that shit on another guy who turned her down cause she was a fat fuck and no one would talk to her until she got chaptered out for weight failure.
Every sensing session with out 1SG she bitched about being an outcast for her false SHARP complaint.
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Do men really?
how do they cut vegetables then?
>The general rule is that you can have one women in a team, have more than one and they turn into hyenas sabotaging each other fighting for the attention of men.
Silent Hills team was like half women
>dumb girl tries to me too some guy over nothing
>guy explains what happened(nothing)
>”m-man this guy is really going off he see end huh!”
Go back.
Hold it for social power to use at the right time, they can't win physically or mentally.
Joyless loser or woman?
See >>687533978
Its like how in videogames some bosses have a moment where they expose their red weak spot and you can do double damage if you wait for that moment so you save your strongest abilities until the boss lets their guard down so you can do the most damage you can.
Its kind of like that.
They're waiting for the boss to expose his weak spot.
I was in 8th grade math class and vividly remember my teacher, an otherwise stoic 50yo guy, having a panic attack with the news on the TV. Flight 93 crashed like 10 miles away from our school and kids on the bus were saying Russia was bombing the whole country. Pretty scary at the time.
>let me just creep around you quietly, as like a prank bro
There’s a reason people were about to beat his ass in that party in 99 until he revealed himself and why people are now shooting retarded “pranksters” like you
See what? What does that screencap have to do with the “”””rape”””” that this thread is about?
Ok, so joyless loser it is.
I have a wife and five kids, and couldn't be happier. We still have relations just about every night except if one of us is sick.
Women are still retarded children that will ruin everything they touch if men let them, and my wife and mother both know and agree with that.
It sounds a bit retarded that he apparently tried so hard with the bit, but also holy fucking missing context from the woman, like she made the dude out like he was about to sexually assault women, when he was trying to scare people at a halloween party and was even taken aside to check if its safe. It's insane that there are genuinely women who apparently try to one-up acting like "sexual harassment" is some social trend they want to be part of.
>Hah, that's nothing, now me, I was the most workplace harassed! I had to fend this one guy off with a knife!
Like what the actual fuck? Also women there must've had it pretty bad around these men, if they all went to a halloween party with them.
>best war
>"world of"
opinion discarded
What evidence?

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>It's legitimate
Feminist men aren't men. You're not a man, sorry to say. You may bow down and huff feminist farts but people with dignity call others out when they try to manipulate them, which is why i spent the few minutes to type all of that out, so others know what they're dealing with when they encounter these precious victims who are so victimized that they go all round the horseshoe and end up as powerful dictators of their social circles.
If women need men's protection, they offer something in return. Only low value males offer something for nothing. Resorting to manipulation will end up with the little power tripping cunts getting kicked out, as they should be.
I got paid though?
Nigger it's halloween, holy shit.
Most women cannot provide enough direct force to penetrate skin against a standing target. They need to use leverage with their own bodyweight.

For evidence, try cutting an inch thick cut of meat against a table, and then do the same thing against a wall. Do you think a woman can do that?
That doesnt give you an excuse to scare people and make them unconfortable.
Everyone thought it was funny except the one person, 25 years later.
>Ok, so joyl-
It actually does
>waah waaah
Ok woman.
>Women are too weak to penetrate the skin with a knife.
Were reaching levels of retard never seen before.
>deleted her tweet
Did she really? Fuck that's hilarious, just straight up admitting the fuck-up
who the fuck looks for images by filename and not by the thumbnail lmao
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It didn't used to be this way...
Pretty easy to track samefags this way.
badly and with a high chance of cutting themselves because even the concept of using a sharp knife is alien to them
Being a creep is obviously no good. But I'm not allowed to stroke someone's hair?
Like if some dude at work kept patting my shoulder I could see that grow exceedingly more and more annoying with time. But if it just happened once or twice? Or was an infrequent thing in general? Who gives a shit.
Likewise, if someone strokes your hair at work that shouldn't be a big deal either. Unless he stalks you or does it daily or whatever.
You kick the knife off her hands with your legs and punch her chin and nose
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And sexual harrassment make it better? No.
Why don't I ever hear them telling shooting victims that they should have been wearing a kevlar vest and travelling in a bullet-proof vehicle? Odd that.
Always hiding behind Japanese women lol
Bad bait.
It wasn’t sexual harassment either. Your raid isn’t working.
>Ubisoft turned to shit long before their management were outed as sex pests. This ubislop rehabilitation for culture war reasons is fucking nauseating.
child of light and valliant hearts are great games and AC was enjoyed well and printed money, black flag and rogue were also great you are just a culture war pedotendie far cry red dragon is one of the greatest games ever made far cry 2/3/4 are fucking brilliant. Rayman origins and legends are two of the greatest platforms ever made and teh tom clancy games were fucking great I'm fucking bored of dipshit pedophiles like you who don't and never have played anything other than speedrun mario shitting up this board. Gaming fell off a cliff a decade ago but pior to that great games were made and zelda is not fucking one of them by the way because it is shite that should have stayed on handhelds.
Unless they were corporate mandated GFs. This would probably be more annoying than not. Especially if they had husbands or boyfriends.
>Isn't Star Wars Outlaws one of the best reviewed Star Wars games of all time?
No the star wars battlefront game on the PS2 are though along with xwing, revenge of the sith on the PS2 and a nod to star wars empire at war RTS and star wars republic commando. The most iconic star wars game is dark forces but as you know fuck all about games and don't play them and were born 12 years ago you don't know that.
Whenever a friend or acquaintance recommend books to me I use their opinion of certain authors like Le Guin, Martin, or Rothfuss to know that I can safely dismiss their recommendations
I hate women so much, they ruin everything
>I am terrified of the image of a troon punishing men at a company by doing this. It should be a horror movie
I'd break the face of any homosexual who lad a hand on me, smash their teeth and nose into a pulp. They would need reconstructive surgery to eat
women proved immeasurable amount of times that they can't use their rights non-maliciously so they deserve to have all their rights taken back
You sound like you'd be fun at parties
You sound zased.
>I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve put a manager/co-workers’ hand up my skirt or rubbed my foot on their crotch under a table in order to get preferential treatment or even a promotion at a job. At no point have I considered this to be a “boys club” or “toxic environment” simply because I got something out of it.
Wait until; you find out that most women never do this and you are just an incel fantasist from the wrong continent living in a psychotic break
>I use their opinion of certain authors like Le Guin
Fuck off and die wizard of earthsea is a classic. What fucking gobshites infest this board and site now. Real fucking bags of spiteful brainless shit
Do you listen to the recommendations of coworkers who tell you how awesome call of duty and fortnite are?
>687535394 (You)
Why is this retard trying to defend Ubisoft while posting 10+ year old games acting as if they were made by 2023 (year of sexual misconduct) Ubisoft? Is he stupid?
Overrated shit because people are desperate to find a female fantasy author to prop up
Get back to tumblr, bitch
Touch my hair once at work and you're losing your job immediately.
There's the reddit break the reply cunt and his special needs idea that being made ten years ago means games were not great. The sad retarded underage culture war fuck so desperate to belong he'd eat his own shit
You forgot to call him "weird" and an "incel" for not liking your extremely overrated author
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Because a woman is just like a wallet and sexual abusers are just poor tykes overwhelmed with lust because women are natural whores, amirite? Anons here are Dudebro /r9k/.
Funny how you never hear men blamed for being raped by other men.
I'm male and its one of the best 100 fantasy books ever written. You're just a seething underage fatherless retard
you get winded walking from your desk to the bathroom
Okay, tranny.
No father again. This board is really packed with people born out side western democracies and the fatherless spawn of single mothers
It's sexual harrassment. You just find it fun and that disgusting
>want to start a videogame company
>live in West Coast state
>can't find business lawyer who will help find loopholes in anti-discrimination law
Why are lawyers such cucks?
holy shit look at all the faggots and trannies scared of an old midget lmfao
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>Okay, tranny.
I liked Kay Kenyon's Entire and the Rose series. Haven't read her other books though.
>f*males ruined gaming industry and entire society
And here's the Muslim and his thoughts on the games industry when his village only got electricity and the mobile internet last week.
Damn, the ESL is mad
Another one that was board 12 years ago to a single mother and knows fuck all about games.
nani the fuck?
Which one? Thread's full of em.
I know zoomers got fucking annihilated by covid lockdowns but I didn't realise it made you all this socially retarded lmao
>only muslims find women irritating
4chan has hated women since it’s creation, far before muslims even had access to it. Not saying it’s right, just that trying to blame muslims is retarded.
True, but if you want to be annoying you can look for the original filename, or make it the image hash
This is why women should have no rights and basically just be property. Video games and the west would be saved over night and we will be back in the late 90's when the world was perfect.
look at all the seething frankenholes that no one wants to touch in the first place bitching about women being touched lmfao
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Why in the fuck is she fighting with Marty?! They are both legendary devs!
>6 replies
>not a single "tits or GTFO"
This site is truly dead.
>Women can't comprehend role playing in a costume party
As usual the sky is blue and women are mentally retarded.
Because if she's exagerating too much, or worse, flat out lying, she will lose a civil lawsuit.
OBJECTION. 4chan hates pretty much everyone and everything ,except for cats and possibly some passable traps.
Because it's clearly just a larp post.
Normally you post that when you're less than 100% confident the poster is a dude with a porn addiction fondling his penis to the idea of a woman putting out
Geezeranon here. Are you doing things that are worth remembering? If not, maybe change that.
>make it seem like marty was trying to rape her so she needed to use a knife to fend him off
>it was actually just a joke on halloween that was funny and everyone laughed at it
Why are women like this? Why does everything have to be "OMG I WAS ALMOST RAPED HE ALMOST RAPED ME BY WALKING PAST ME!!!"
Like what the fuck?
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>Women are incapable of being fun. A woman's idea of having fun is like sitting on a rollercoaster and the man is the rollercoaster.
Women put up with that shit so much its impossible. Protecting the status quo when 50% of the population is treated with such disrespect.
And then you'll get stabbed and bleed out. Why would a woman be threatening you with a knife by the way?
Stop trying to fit in and go back faggot
Because women are emotionally unstable and irrational
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>>it was actually just a joke on halloween that was funny and everyone laughed at it
>Why are women like this?
Because It's wrong
In general, women are taught that, when something makes them uncomfortable, they are to laugh it off to "avoid making a scene", which is often mistaken for acceptance and even encouragement.
Good thing this picrel advice encourages women to force the supposed joke teller to actually confront their "humor"
I'm not saying women are bad..
But what I will say is games were better before women got involved
I have no idea
I think that anon IS the coworker who tells you how great the latest AAA slop is
He's probably one of the 50 Concord players in existence

someone had 4 drinks and then did something mildly social now i need to try to ruin them

-every fat useless cunt in game dev
You have brain rot from constant stimulation
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The one thing that has helped me deal with women more than anything is to treat them like a dog or small child. No seriously, the moment you strip a woman's dignity and ability to make rational choices in your head, all of their behaviors start making sense and you realize that the default state for women is to either be dominated physically or mentally or they will actively instigate and agitate until someone puts them back in their place.

It's literally the same exact mentality you treat an untrained dog or a spoiled child with. Don't assume they can be talked to or be logic'd out of their mental state. The only thing their brains are trained to respond to with is physical threats of violence and public shaming of their intelligence. Women don't want problems, they just want attention and the moment you threaten to forever strip that from them they because as docile as puppy.
See >>687537059
Also stop victim blaming
Explaining any joke makes it unfunny
Fit in where faggot? I've been here longer than you.
Remember, if you ever did something socially that a woman didn't like, you're basically a rapist and we'll keep this on file in perpetuity to ruin you whenever we want.
Why aren't men approaching me any more??
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He didn't sexually harass her. He didn't even touch her. And she laughed about it for 15 years afterwards with him about it.
Why did that change when it turned out he's a conservative?

I agree. When we turn away from evil, we ignore it and allow it to continue. However, a man or woman calling their partner and annoying faggot is not evil.

not a single person gave a fuck about the writing you disgusting pillhead tranny
Cops pull their guns on little dogs. They're massive pussies. Do you think anon couldn't take a little dog?
kek so she retroactively regrets it and now Marty is a heckin weirdo threat to women
you alright?
what a cunt
It wasn’t wrong though.
Lorraine McLees is literally responsible for the look of Halo 1 and 2. She was the lead concept artist. She's just as important as Marty. (maybe more so desu)

I wish mommy and daddy would stop arguing.
this is what you call having your cake and eating it too
Isn't Shi-kai the one responsible for the actual art direction of Halo?
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Such a fucking weird time we live in. I wanna go back to the 90's.
>not the heckin pupperinos!
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Lmao no way someone wanted to fuck this bitch even a decade before this photo was taken.
>"crowding in on the ladies"

100 years in the isocubes
Idk if Lorraine is trying to cancel him or not, but she seemed unphased about the story in 2013.
Looks like a clean shaven John Romero.
Yeah you're right I suck cocks. I confused her with Robert Mclees
Looking through the old Halo concept art its hard to find anything Lorraine even drew.
She seems to be more in the 3d art/modeling department.
He getting the balls to touch women's hair without consent. Don't forget He's very egotistical according to ex-bungie devs (you can even see this in old Halo 2 and Halo 3 Behind the scene) which is why he no longer works at Bungie and why Microsoft basically barred him from ever working with them again.
>And she laughed about it for 15 years afterwards with him about it.
"avoid making a scene". You prove my point.
Glad it’s becoming more and more clear how much he absolutely deserved his termination
Marty has been a known piece of shit for a long while now. I wish people would stop deifying him.
>muh zoomer
is there ever a bigger sign that someone is pathetic than when they complaining about children
being weird, even in retrospect, is the biggest crime you can do to a woman. You can rape a woman and she wouldn't be as openly negative about you as if you'd been weird once.
Behead all women
>he's egotistical so we should accuse him of being a sex pest when he isn't
What is with people? Just because you don't like someone why do you make up shit about them?
zoomers aren't children. Mentally, maybe.
So the takeaway should be that the boys weakness to pussy was the catalyst of their downfall, not the women themselves.
Nothing happened, fuck off.
>Marty has been a known piece of shit for a long while now. I wish people would stop deifying him.

Tbh I wouldn't care if he was a complete douche if he was still making good music.
But Halo Reach and Music of Spheres made it clear he has lost it.
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some are so it would count
Good reminder that it's not just entertainment that has lost its soul, but society at large.
Zoomers are 28 years old
This is the punishment they get for killing what Destiny COULD have been.
>Nothing happened, fuck off
Men don’t like to be held accountable for their actions. News at 101!
where do you think gen z starts and ends
Can't really be held accountable if you haven't done anything.
the funny part is they literally get nothing but a small amount of attention for doing this, genuine psychopath behavior. It's like shooting someone because you don't like their shoes
>I don't know what you are talking about but let me retroactively change my mind about some shit that allegedly happened in 1999
Remove women from this species already
cool it with the antisemitic remarks
came to say this
>pick up a chair
>throw it
problem solved
lol reminds me of the Vic Mignogna and jellybean story.

Do women really?
>wear slutty costume for attention
>man lightly acknowledges you look good, but doesn't harass or pursue farther
>the thrill of men fighting their instincts, the edge of knowing they all want you
>get older, suddenly you have the right to completely reinterpret events however you want as if your younger self had no agency and doesn't exist anymore
>material details of a situation can be changed to suit whatever narrative you want, context and choice don't matter at all.
pretty much. turn nerds that got no female attention into rock stars and watch the shit show unfold
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And it would be lower if it wasn't for every single IGN branch bumping up the score.
it was terminally infested by jews long before they made the mistake that is Destiny
Catch her arm? You should be able to wrestle it away or Find a broom or mop or chair
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>why don't men just take a small risk anymore and go for the girl??
>such losers lmaoooo
not until each and every one of you pdf troons get roped, then ill be alright
10/10 bait
Marty's problem is he's a self-confident introvert, so he doesn't "read the room" and just kind of does what he wants, but he's not autistic so he will respond to explicit cues of discomfort or non-approval. However, he won't just stop being himself simply because someone is "throwing a vibe" that they're unhappy with him.
By the way, "throwing a vibe" can be done for say, wanting to fuck Bungie employees out of their vested stock, and "just read the room bro I'm trying to fuck everyone and get rich, be a team player."

You have NO idea how the insufferably conformist normie and women can't STAND self-confident introverts who don't play along in the bullshit mexican standoff that is "extroverted" people and women socializing.
why beat her to death? that's just a lot of work and mess to risk a life sentence for, i'd just give her a tight jab to the face and once she is on the ground comfort her and teach her that violence isn't right.
I have never seen catcalling in my life except in the turd world or the bar district close to closing time.
It's a shame what happened to Rocksteady Games. All three of their Batman Arkham games are of such high quality that they still manage to outstrip games being released today. Arkham Knight came out in 2015 and not only looks better but also has superior gameplay compared to most modern titles.
Then the corporate meddling began and now they're nothing more than an empty skin to be worn by whatever is currently occupying the body, all because WB wanted a GaaS title.
>Bungie made better games when it was a boys club
All studios made better games when they were boys clubs ran but nerds and people dedicated to their craft. Sure just compare old Bungie interviews with 343 when they were making Halo.
Sounds like Lorraine today now socially perceives that Marty is on the social outs for supporting Trump, and wants to reinterpret harmless old events out of context to contribute to catty gossip so she can score social points. Since psychologists have studied endlessly that this is how women exercise power socially and it's not like women get a pass when they choose to embrace the stereotype
>don't stereotype women
Then don't be the stereotype you dumb bitch
>but you'll get STABBED!!
it's a fucking woman with no strenth or physical coordination, slap the knife out of her hands and she'll start hysterically crying
pussy is a pussy
>If a woman ever threatens me with a knife I'll beat her to death.
whata fucking turd world thread. Full of goblin manlet jeets. You be fucking careful around our wives, daughters and sisters your you'll be buried standing on your heads and still breathing you rapist heathen fucks.
It's self defense against a deadly weapon, so everything up to and including discharge of a firearm resulting in a homicide is warranted.
Sounds like Marty was grabbing at hair to be spooky and scary, but this hypersexualized bitch concluded it must be because someone wanted her pussy.
Act like a bitch get slapped like a bitch. Simple as
> But Halo Reach and Music of Spheres made it clear he has lost it.
MoTS is his magnum opus, you have unfathomably shit taste
This guy is legit unhinged
>HR people you have to regularly interact with are
the most spiteful cunts you can imagine
Marty pls
Halo 2 is your magnum opus and what you'll be remembered for
Ugly doesn't count. It's a man's social cache. A hot guy who chooses to support Trump can lose his cache and become a target for gossip. Women pile on, strain facts and credulity, to score points and virtue signal.

Women are genuinely toxic by nature. They have been given the largest free pass, get out of jail free card in all history and they completely refuse to introspect, self-criticize, and work out among each other how to be better for society. Literally, they all just think that's what men alone should do.
Well, tick tock sweeties. Eventually men, if not from your own society, then the ones you voted to import into your societies, will have had enough of your spiteful, irrational, cruel, chaotic bullshit and then you'll beg for the white patriarchy but it will be gone.
>wow writer
who fucking cares?
The only thing incel chuds are beating is their meat
to tranny porn.
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Or you just still denial about it.
He just keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper!
Guess wise words "men don't understand consent until gay men touch them" was true
depends on the case, if the woman is your loved one threatening you during a domestic dispute beating her to death seems like an exaggerated reaction. if the woman is an assassin coming after you then neutralizing her would be more warranted.
>I'm such a gentleman I'm just gonna lie down and let myself get stabbed to death
Gen Z Starts at 1997 and ends at 2010
Fuck extroverts.
Extroverts are people who, when a teacher is in the middle of an actual lecture but one or two randos start chatting, all decide that it's now okay for everyone to all chat and drown out the teacher.
Extroverts have NO sense of context or situational awareness. "Reading the room" is literally just "do what the other retards are doing and as long as a socially prominent retard starts doing something, vibe shift and context can be completely ignored, socially irrelevant people can eat shit and die."
Fuck extroverts.
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Skyrim is his best music.
He needs to return.
See >>687535282
the youngest zoomer is 14
The joke was that it's halloween and a stranger was going around acting spooky and no one knew who it was because all the employees were accounted for. It was funny to the people who were in on it because they knew that the stranger was in fact not a stranger at all. That's the joke. It's not that hard to explain, try not using a dumb femoid tweet as a defense.
I'd ask them to suffocate me with their ass instead.
can confirm the women are awkward af too
god I fucked so many awkward af foreign students from china when I was in university.
I really don't care about the ethics behind my products. Everything we use is made by some unethical moral standard, not going to pretend to care about vidya woman being uncomfortable.
Thats still legal in some places.
>brings up jeet twice while using some very dogshit english typing
The problem is that feminists say
>sexual restrictions are the patriarchy
>if a woman wants to have sex with a man and he respectfully responds to her advances that's a beautiful thing
But when, 5 years later, the woman's career doesn't go well she can recontextualize the encounter and suddenly
>Well whether she seemed to indicate she wanted it or not the man had a position of power and exploited that and therefore it's rape

Shooting yourself in the foot moment.
But it's because, to the chagrin of feminism, incels are right. Women are sexually Machiavellian. They are mercurial, ambitious, irrational, spiteful and cruel. It's their fundamental nature to leverage sexuality for power and access, to leech off of men so they can avoid accountability. It's literally just how they operate. Women will create chaos and violence, and compel men to fight each other when those men were getting along otherwise.
Women are literal demons.
Men evolved civilization without women, and women never had to change or adapt, they were taken along for the ride.
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typical ign
this is why you never work with women. full stop.
Purely anecdotal but I was hit on by a gay man and even sexually harassed at work all the time. He could easily beat the shit out of me but I never once felt threatened because despite what some people desperately want you to believe, 9.9 out of 10 men aren't rapists.
Pulling a knife on a man in a public space who's not even making advances at you is attention-seeking behavior. I'm guessing because she's dog-ass ugly she figured this was her only shot at getting attention.
>if the woman is your loved one threatening you during a domestic dispute beating her to death seems like an exaggerated reaction.
That also depends. The point of self defense is to neutralize the threat. If the threat is neutralized without death, then you're done, but it can either persist until then or it might unfortunately result in death anyway. Trying to measure your response in a situation like that can only result in your harm or worse.
I will never find the video this originally came from.
Liberals think anyone who substantively disagrees with the current thing are braindead. It's true that mainstream counter-narratives for popular consumption on the right are pretty retarded. it's just that liberals have no self-awareness to realize that liberal narratives are beyond retarded unsourced garbage bullshit.
Nothing happened, Lorraine just made a poor attempt to cancel Marty now that he's some sort of outspoken republican. Get over it. She even deleted the tweet too.
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>Star Wars: Outlaws is a good game
>says a paid game journo
Don't tell me you still trust those people after the last 15 years.
It's probably easier to get away with it too, since the jury won't be able to hear her side of the story.
Lol, maybe it's the idea that Soulblighter is a bad guy and it's that vibe?
What if its the husband threatening his wife with a knife?
That's odd. I seem to remember the Mass Effect part being slightly different.
I've worked with a few dozen women in my career and I can think of only one that tried to get a guy fired for asking her out.
Unrelated but every single one of them was lazy as shit and did less than a quarter of the work the men did.
key word

More like typical women bullshit of bandwagon shit talking and bad mouth gossiping on a social pariah who doesn't lip service and kowtow to current thing politics.

Ironically, Marty's a boat rocker for fighting FOR Bungie employee rights against corporate shit lords. But feminized gossip politics doesn't care about substance, just idiosyncrasy of who's in and who's out.
Unironically, women are a leading cause for communist paradigms to fail because it ends up being controlled by whoever is the loudest, most violent, most repetitive. Women reinforce the proximate, convenient, dominant narratives. They NEVER EVER introspect or substantively analyze social situations. Their brains turn off when encountering a social dynamic.
I'm not the anon you're replying to, but >>687540379 still applies
>In general, women are taught that, when something makes them uncomfortable, they are to laugh it off to "avoid making a scene"
are you fucking insane? women teach that shit to themselves because they are suffering from insane dunning-kruger-effects and unironically believe they are smarter than the people around them.
if you wanna know more about how a woman brain works but grew up without sisters, just watch some police bodycam videos on youtube and witness the unspeakable horror that is the female brain:
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>the best video game writer
>a book
Damn, you people really are desperate, huh?
>my retarded faggot in niggerman
Sounds like a touhou game
Yeah this women is pretty ugly, so the only way she get get attention and power is with cancel culture shit like this.
>tes 6 with inon zur
holy snoozefest
>Whiteboards? I was too busy to notice.
Don’t most companies use whiteboards as a means of communication for employees? As in, if you’re actively ignoring them you’re probably missing vital messages that management is trying to relay to you? Does she immediately junk all emails she gets, too?
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>autistic retard acts like autistic retard
>autistic retards make the best games
The world of warcraft books are basically part of the videogame if you dont read them you will be confused about a lot of stuff as character referance events from the books like you should know them already that didnt happen in the game itself.
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>woman says something that's technically the truth, but still ends up sounding like a lie because it leaves out important context
If I had a dollar for every time this happened, I'd be a millionaire by now.
>Frogposter is retarded
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>going to a work party
>DRINKING at a work party
How fucking retarded do you have to be to do this.
this is why as one of those i just ignore people. start talking to me? i can reply well and keep the conversation going, but at a certain point i will grow tired of the charade and leave, or if i dont want to leave i just slowly start saying less and less until my responses are a nod and a smile.
>a singular isolated incident means we have to believe every woman forever
Yeah, nah, fuck off. The reason people aren't too keen about the metoo shit is because in the old days people would lynch a man for raping a woman only for her to turn around years later and say she was lying.
Wasn't just niggers who got strung up.
>important video game story and lore should be locked up inside books
If I wanted to read a book, I wouldn't be playing a video game.
>Unrelated but every single one of them was lazy as shit and did less than a quarter of the work the men did.
I used to work in logistics tech software, an extremely boring and dry job, and I had the joy of reading and then completely rewriting everything the women produced. For example, one of their jobs was to write documentations on automatic warehouses we supplied with software. Those documents looked like they were written by grade-schoolers. Most of them were written 100% lowercase, no formatting, every single sentence hat grammatical errors, no graphics or images and missing crucial information.
My job was to take every single document written by the women of the company and revise them. This usually meant trashing the entire document and rewriting it from scratch. That means, 80+ pages of documentation for individual software controlling entire customer warehouses, meeting with the developers, support teams and customers and creating a presentable document after several weeks (or sometimes even months).
It wasn't that these women were lazy - they often worked overtime. It was that they were absolutely INCOMPETENT. They had no deeper understanding of any work they were doing. Their minds were on the level of little school kids trying to imitate the adult's work.
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These are demographics, not genres.

Japanese women are still based though.
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pretty based desu

>just catch her arm bro

this is akin to these dumbass videos where the dude disarms a person with a gun pointed at the, it can easily backfire to the person and the person disarming just accelerating his death in this world
>every single sentence hat grammatical errors
I'm german and I barely know english, sorry.
>he didn't have a moment in his childhood where he decided that he will remember a non-significant memory to remember later on
never going to make it
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Thanks for your opinion. you being a female makes it much more valuable.
This, Jimmy Hoffa said always run away from a knife.
Shojo and Josei aren't genres you disgusting amerimutt
They are demographics
damn, hes that quick on the uptake.
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At some point in time they will probably need to reform their schools into a matchmaking institution, or else their civilisation will be run to the gound.

For what it's worth, some of their prominent authors and thinkers have been thought experimenting into that field.
Soul Land 2 viewers found out this week.
>Bungie made better games when it was a boys club
That's just a true inarguable fact.
Shut up you fucking faggot
Is this Pearl Davis's grandma.
kys tranny
>Remaining a virgin until like 25-30 and having no idea how to approach
hahaha yeah i couldnt POSSIBLY imagine...
just don't invade other's people personal space nigger

even if she knew him beforehand it wouldn't be okay

he didn't even knew her back then
Yeah the culture has changed too. If you're a self-confident introvert you have to learn to keep your mouth fucking shut, and let other people spin their social wheels as if you're in an interactive zoo environment and what they have going on has nothing to do with your life as a human being.
Seriously, keep your mouth the fuck shut.
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the pic is absolutely right in terms of guys having to step on eggshells, it's not just a social thing too as all my times with women feel like I have to treat them like fine China, need to be soft and gentle as to not hurt them. meanwhile with guys you can be as wild as you want and even if it gets too rough, it normally cools off within an hour. women simply are just fragile things you need to be afraid to touch and both sides know it.
>the replies from simps
Yeah, men are usually stronger than women. But the things is here, if you ever pull a weapon, ever, you don't hesitate to use it. Because the other person could beat you, take it, then you're fucked and he'd be legally in the green for self defense.

Plus, a little hello kitty pocket knife will just piss some one off.
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>It's a "I killed the gaming industry but I was sexually assaulted by a male passing gas." episode
Holy based! All these limp wristed faggots "b-but youll get stabbed!" males have double the reaction speed of females to grab the little bitchs wrist and males have 4x a females strength to just hold her hand in place. Woman pulls a knife on me im rocking her shit.
>You think you have trouble getting bitches? imagine having to wake up at 5am to study and pay to study during summer and after school all non fucking stop. Remaining a virgin until like 25-30 and having no idea how to approach cause all you fucking do is work
Change study and work to gaming and watching anime and its litterally me.
Also instead of being rich im so poor i barely can pay the bills for my 1 room coffin appartment.
But besides that im not so diffrent from those chinesse men.
if a masked person at crowded custome party with eyes everywhere touches your hair and you immediately grab a weapon to threaten that person, then I have two points for you:
1) you must be a woman
2) nobody should ever have to work with a psychotic retard like you
just don't threaten other's people lives nigger
That was the point I was trying to make but tad less aggressive.
Because mutt women are raised like daddy's girls
>women can't be shit because... uh... because I have a child
How do you retarded even manage to breathe?
Based and redpilled
I agree that pulling knife in a considered safe place is exaggeration. A simple no with an angry should've sufficed the situation.

Still not okay to invade other's personal space
Goddamn look at those goddesses
There must be a bunch of 6 footers in there
How many times have women said "no" and still got raped and or beaten? It's a fucked up reality dude.

Being a woman sounds like it sucks.
Foids and their simps are such joyless cunts.
You just know she's one of those boomer feminists with constantly boiling with anger because her daddy touched her or something so she thinks its completely normal to be anti social and check a man with a knife
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just stick with 2d women, they aren't as batshit crazy
He's also actively spitting whenever he talks since he has no lips
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>Studdering man-boy who has never stood up for himself pretends he's a kung fu master now.
Same reason cowards say "game x is racist" when then know their faggot asses would get smoked the second they dropped someones real name.
Everything you do as a kid is more impactful to you than anything you do as an adult.
and here come the porn addicted troons
Yeah perhaps she should wear a burka and have less revealing clothing then, that would certainly stop it from happening.
>pulling knife in a considered safe place is exaggeration
Threatening someone with a knife is "exaggeration"? Are you fucking insane? In EU, pulling a stunt like this would lead to a police report on that person and an immediate job termination.
>b-b-but he invased my personal space
Is completely IRRELEVANT for threatening lethal violence, you stupid fucking nigger. If anything, this example shows that invading personal spaces is a good tool of weeding out sociopaths from your group and should be fucking encouraged.
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holy shit we finally invented a job women are actually good at
>teleports behind you
>nothin personnel kid
It would be like denying the sky is blue
>this is the creature that thought she was going to get sexually assaulted at a work costume party
When did /v/ turn into simp central? You could find the exact same posts of these disgusting women worshiping failed men on reddit. Dire.
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Yeah, how was the rate again, in which men leave their sick wifes? Why the fuck you lying, anon? We know, that you are an asshole, who doesn’t even know what Love is, anon.
20% of men leave theirs sick wives, compared to 2% for women
Did I say that? I doesn't matter what they're wearing
Equal but segregated is more stable than unfettered integration.
>How many times have women said "no" and still got raped and or beaten?
Those women usually hand-pick partners who rape and beat them, and then proceed to defend them in front of their friends and family, and when friend and family go to the police, she will denounce them, try to run away with the violent man, and then die through his hand.
Can you explain why this happens so often? I mean, are women just insane?
Needs a hot cosby
On the one hand, I agree with the 'no fun allowed' comment. On the other, Marty isn't helping his case. Every time he opens his mouth to speak, I kind of wish he would stay out of the public spotlight. No wonder he got absolutely destroyed in his political run.

If you've got the tact of a fuckin' old cat, don't go looking for attention.
It's "funny" how they just assume it's men who are wrong and not half of rape accusations being fake.
Desu she was in a party with other people, if she were alone I'd agree with pulling the knife

>Threatening someone with a knife is "exaggeration"? Are you fucking insane? In EU, pulling a stunt like this would lead to a police report on that person and an immediate job termination.
The dude didn't report her, so he probably thought that the whole touching other people was not so much of a good idea.

>Is completely IRRELEVANT for threatening lethal violence, you stupid fucking nigger. If anything, this example shows that invading personal spaces is a good tool of weeding out sociopaths from your group and should be fucking encouraged.
Now you're being retarded

If a random nigger approached me out of nowhere you can bet your ass I'd be scared shitless to find something to defend myself
>Women are good fiction writers though
I like Miho Obana's Kodomo no Omocha
women like being raped.
It matter a lot to various cultures, like muslims. According to Islam, a muslim woman has to wear a burka or she will get raped by other men. The burka is a tool to differentiate between muslim women and slave women. You can always rape slave women in Islam, it is always morally correct.
Dont you just love when a female leaves out all context of a story for the sake of internet brownie points?
Kek what a bunch of bullshit
Nobody gives a fuck about you ''muh art'' bullshit
Games are meant to be fun, and those hundred Final Fight, Street Fighter, Contra knock-offs were fun and are still fun
Courtesans and concubines have always existed. This is just a slightly sanitized version.
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>perhaps she should wear a burka and have less revealing clothing then, that would certainly stop it from happening.
I hate this fucking forum, what about ism is such a psueds talking point.
I don't think it matters if she was or not, she still had the right to defend herself. She said no, that should have been it right then and there
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If a woman would pull a sword on me i would just bite it in half and then i would teleport behind her and kamehameha her so hard she flies away into the sky and turns into a star.
Men have 8x the speed and 11x the strenght of women and their bite force is strong enought to bite through steel.
Even with a blade a woman is no match for a man.
I watched a lot of anime and played a lot of vidya so i know what im talking about.
A woman dressing how she wants doesn't mean she's asking for it
>if you threaten someone with a knife and he doesn't report you, that means you were right
no. threatening deadly force because someone touches your hair at a crowded custome party is insanity. if you stab anyone at a crowded party for touched your hair, you can bet your ass that you will learn how many people will do everything in their power to set you behind bars for the longest time possible.
people like you should not be allowed to run free.
Because women are inherent insecure and is ever present in every aspect of their lives see>>687537268 >>687537412
its funny how the more sissyfied the world becomes the more insecure women feel.
I hate women so much it's unreal
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Congrats for coming out!
>>687545815 #
No people would probably be wondering why she pulled the knife, everyone wouldnt pounce on her like your weirdo fantasy
Fuck no, if she brought someone in the house like me I'd drop kick his ass through the door
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>Said the porn addicted incel, thinking it was getting an epic jab in.
If i had a daughter i would be fucking her myself.
Letting other men sleep with your daughter is cuckoldry.
>I hate this fucking forum, what about ism is such a psueds talking point.
Women hand-picking their violent partners, then staying with them and defending them is not exactly a what-aboutism - it's reality. I have seen this behavior often enough to know that those are not fringe cases.
I have never seen a battered girl actually trying to get away from their violent partners - no, the more beating, the more she will shit on her own family and defend her abuser. they fucking love getting destroyed, they fucking love to cry all day long, and they fucking love to neglect their own kids over their violent partners.
Defending women for being pathetic, malicious and weak creatures is just laughable at this point.
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because she left out 90% of the context you moron. Is it really that difficult to understand this situation?
She played it up like Marty was a sexual abuser
marty then explained what happened at the party
and then she realized it would have destroyed her and deleted it before it could devolve into a worse situation.
fucking jeez, i dont know if you guys are purposefully oblivious to stuff or of this is simply npcs at work
>A woman dressing how she wants doesn't mean she's asking for it
In Islam, it means she is asking for it. Please respect my culture.
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This is exactly what I've seen so many times. Men tend to leave and move right in with the next woman, or wife dies and they've got a new one within a year.
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I go on places like Tumblr and Crystal Cafe every now and again just so I can play as the most hyper-exaggerated version of what these women thing bad men are like just so I can shove them further into their own echo chambers and lunacy.

I have been doing this for years and not only is it fun doing it, it has the added benefit of making sure these insane women never get with a guy who would have to suffer their insanity. And all the while I get to watch these same women slowly lose their minds even more as they grow older and realize that they will not be able to have children and that when their parents die they will be utterly alone. That's when I go on youtube to watch tiktok compilations from these types.

It's literally a neverending cycle of lolz for me.
Good thing you won't have kids anyway
You just larping. Rapists would be stoned to death
>yo, this girl just stabbed a guy!
>true, I wonder why, hm...
>call the police? no, no, lets just wonder why she stabbed him
you life in some kind of fantasy dream world, do you?
in my experience playing mmos, women ruin everything but the men let them ruin everything in pursuit of pussy. i've come to be envious gay guys more after playing mmos.
Shut the fuck up
You don't have the balls to throw a punch and you think you're estrogenic nerdy ass would rape someone
>I don't think it matters if she was or not, she still had the right to defend herself. She said no, that should have been it right then and there
Not that I expect people to apply logic when they scared, most rapists don't go for unknown women. Again, an angry no with an angry face + loud to draw attention to the situation, should've been more than enough to defuse the situation

She's not right.
She didn't stab anyone tho, she threatened the dude's life which was a massive exaggeration considering everything since her life at no point was at stake
Really thumbed through that Thesaurus, huh.
There's a reason he'd get stabbed, dipshit.>>687546593
She was completely in her right to pull a knife
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this is possibly the most disgusting low effort attempt to slander someone over literally nothing I have ever seen
If I were him I would fucking sue her for defamation.
And then she deleted her tweet afterwards. What a fucking retard, way to prove his point too.
>your honor, I was completely in the right of stabbing this man to death
okay, what was the reason
>he touched my hair
Gay guys still simp for women anyways even though they arent attracted to them.
If she were alone i'd agree, she was not. She was surrounded by other people, not alone

But I can't expect everyone to act like I would do if the situation happened to me
the gay guys i've seen would call them out because they don't want them ruining entire guilds and private servers.
Absolutely not. Rapists of Muslim women get punished, but only if the woman can produce at least 5 male eye witnesses. You can rape infidel women all you like - under Allah, it's not a sin.
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what a fucking shame. I’ve always been such a huge admirer of his work, and admittedly don’t really know anything about him personally outside of his professional work, so to hear all of this “Bungie was better when it was a boy’s club” dudebro shit and literal harassment allegations is pretty upsetting.
Another reason women choose the bear!
Thank you for your time, I hope you stay happy doing it.
Fuck me those bitches are so hot
HAhaha penis

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