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Use your vidya knowledge to escape from this situation unlike man in picrel.
I used the dark sign
I would rewind time and abort my 9/11 attack.
I use meta knowledge from using a wiki guide, and make sure to level my digging skill before going to that zone.
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>I use meta knowledge from using a wiki guide
th-that's cheating, anon
i keep digging.
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>tossed banana bomb to widen the gap
>crawl closer
>miss a turn due to fall damage
>use poke
>place dynamite
>jetpack out
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by reading a guide and checking out discussions about the situation before being faced with it, I would simply not put myself in this situation
Game knowledge is not cheating.
i guess you could say you wormed your way out of the situation
I don't go inside the cave, easy
>day 1 AAA game
I just phase through the ground
Just die and respawn
I wouldn't be nutty putty enough to end up in that situation.
I use my pair of drills like a proper dwarf should.
I'm fucked.
I wouldn't weigh enough to break the pully
Why did he do it? The details are horrible.
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You faggots, just mash the jump button
Start vibrating violently until the game resets my position on stable ground.
I would start licking the rock there until my spit would erode a hole just big enough to maneuver my body, and prevent death by blood pooling. I would then right myself, and begin crawling back up. Simple as.
>he had to deflate his lungs to squeeze into that hole
I mean, at that point you're just begging to get stuck in a hole with no way out
Canceled wii remake from red fly studio
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If he could fit in there, why was he unable to get out, even with help from others? SHould they be able to have just reversed what he did and get him out?
How hard would it have been to dig trough the side the cavern to free him?
because caving is a retarded hobby that Americans pretend is brave and cool instead of fucking stupid. Even cave diving is safer and less retarded. There is nothing to this kind of caving besides "I went in one hole and went out the other!"
it's the kind of shit you just don't respect.
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You just gotta wiggle
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I would probably take a water-breathing potion and some sort of water summon and push myself out of the cave. It's a video game so I'll clip through the corner a bit, so I don't break my knees.

I'm glad my "watching cave diving accident videos" phase was only a phase. I'm back to history videos.
One of the last ones I watched was, I believe a drug addict, that lodged themself in a metal pipe and then probably died there in the summer heat. I didn't even finish that video. Fuck that shit.

Cave diving is stupid as fuck, but there are plenty of people who simply crawled into this shit and just got stuck and died stuck there. Hours. At least the divers are dead in a couple minutes. There's one where these two guys, just some nice young lads, climb down a rope to go after a backpack someone dropped, and freeze to death in the waterfall as they get tangled in the rope.

Semi-related: The marathon where nobody bothered to cancel the race, and bad weather in the mountains and lack of checkpoints killed ~20 runners. Negligent death youtube is a crazy rabbit hole.
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They almost got him out at one point and dropped him kek
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someone's stupidity will always be stronger than a team effort's rational thinking
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You fucking retards DELETE THIIIS
Fish my keys out of my pocket and repeatedly drop and pick them back up until I glitch through the wall.
>holy molly!! is that a tiny as fuck cave full of below-freezing point water? brb
I use my autism to never leave my apartment and get myself in potentially risky situations like this one
It's like getting your hand stuck in a cookie jar
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I summon a rat swarm and possess one of the rats.
Sliding downward is easier that reversing. Gravity kept him in the hole. He did not have enough space to force himself back out in that direction.
Faustian spirit
basically because it was so hard to get leverage. they needed to pull the weight of an entire man but they had no space to pull from. they tried using pulleys but they came out and they tried pulling from the side but didnt want to break his legs
I just load my last save
Invert gravity
I type idclip and run to the exit.
Couldn't he try to find softer rock and dig at it with this hands for a bit to have at least a bit more wiggle room? I think the problem here was the lack of space, once he got more comfortable he could escape
Yell "You're a genuine dicksucker!"
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>sv_cheats 1
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he got it through a wider opening then slid into a tighter one. he got locked in there
>not just reversing gravity to get out
id think of some whore, get hard and use my cock as a pickaxe and fuck the cave before the cave fucks me. then die.
she wins the war but i win the battle
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I press the opposite direction to dig forward
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why couldnt they pull him to the wider one?
Uhh just pickaxe the cave open instead of squeezing around like a retard?
Why do white people do this?
>Co-op buddy is as brain dead as you and follows you to doom.
I OHP out of it
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why didn't they just pull him out from by feet, was everyone retarded?
>why did he do it?
What, go down an uncharted route in the cave, or go caving in general? If we're talking about the latter, there are some genuinely beautiful sights to be seen inside of caves that you can't replicate anywhere else. Is admiring nature worth risking your life to this extent though? I don't think so, but I'm not a caver.
Should've just poured some olive oil/vaseline in his hole and slide him out of there
they did and the pulley got yanked out of the shitty clay walls. he rolled a nat 1 in every aspect of that fuck up
they get bored of life on easy difficulty
Is this a fetish thing or something? I can't wrap my head around why anyone would do this.
Anon, put a lightbulb in your mouth if you're so smart.
Surely if you can get it in in one piece you can take it out.
If he curled up he could do a vertical level wrap
He got there because he tought he was on a different tunnel, ended up going to an unexplored part of the cave and found a dead end
I remember playing this at a friend's house in like 2000, what's it called?
they made a movie about this
>there are some genuinely beautiful sights to be seen inside of caves that you can't replicate anywhere else.
We live in the 21st century, send a drone with a 4k camera.
there's nothing there
no treasure
just send a camera on a rope if you're so curious instead of squeezing into some tiny holes
Unbirthing fags are mentally ill
I don’t 100% games. I’d left this part of the map unexplored.
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No matter how you dress it up a guy dying in a cave called nutty putty will never be taken seriously.
He went way, way, way beyond normal caving to get into that hole. It is completely retarded to even consider for a second sticking yourself in a hole you can tell from a glance you will have difficulty getting back out of again.
sv_cheats 1
I think it’s Liero
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Will you play the official Nutty Putty game?
>Search: "Missable loot in Nutty Putty Cave"
>Search: "Easter eggs in Nutty Putty Cave"
>Go to the wiki
>Browse for secrets in Nutty Putty Cave
>No secrets
>There is however a warning about a bug at the east of the map that can hard lock the game
>This was caused because the level seed used was reused from another map but did not translate into the terrain
>Go to sneedrun dot net
>"Hey, do you know of any interesting glitches in Nutty Putty Cave that allow for fast travel, clipping, speed accumulation or item duping?"
>Reply: They / Them "there is nothing interesting, just a dead end, it is not even a good spot to trade items between accounts because there is no space"
>Reply: "Don't go there because that is how (some faggot) lost xer account due to a bug that hard locks the game, even if you could theoretically accumulate speed there without dying to dehydration or starvation you would appear at grid x33243.56.67.127 and you could just walk there, lol"
>Remind the forum YWNBAW, delete the account
>Avoid going to Nutty Putty because the loot is shit as well

I admire the dedication some people have to explore every crevice at the expense of their lives so others don't follow.
Also, I would had checked the blood stain and see how the guy before me died
it's stupid they collapsed that with explosives instead of living him there so someone in 2000 years can find the skeleton and show people that some retard died there
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>mfw nobody posted it yet
I just use my hearthstone/town portal/recall spell
Gotta bury the stupid before it infects another
Enough space to fall into the hole, but not enough space to get pulled out. Falling head first really screwed him over, retard should have gone legs first
this. just... this. everything you could ever want to see can be seen on youtube or google images, or even explored in the metaverse on roblox. why someone would want to leave the comfy, climate-controlled american household is a mystery.
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i dont put myself in this situation at all
It's not like they blew up the corpse eventually a fossil will form and people will find that instead.
Always level up at least ONE mental state. High INT/WIS/CHA would have prevented him from ever getting in this situation.
kick off boots for more foot flexibility
push up with arms and puff chest out to get some friction and slowly back it on up. Im built different
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wheezed so hard I had to take a break, perfect
>comparing exploring with a drone to roblox
i know you are "trolling" but you still did this big of a mental gymnastic by yourself. Consider yourself trolled
He spread too thin. Giga END/STR/DEX would have got him out.
I guess you could say you shoved a can of worms up your asshole again
More like no nutty cave.
what fucks me up is this cave is supposed to be like 'Beginner' level, but even up to this point has quite a bit of non beginner bullshit before getting to the fucking forked path of death. I know these caves arent run by companies but the caving community deserves to eat shit for calling a cave where I may accidentally take a left to my inevitable death being called "easy"
>dumbass goes off the beaten path and dies
>instead of just closing the dangerous part off let's close the entire cave!

You might as well make caving illegal then because this guy wasn't the first caver to die and he won't be the last.
general anesthetic, break legs, drag out.
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well not really, this one was so dangerous you needed a permit to go in it
and the caving community deserves to eat shit and die as a whole
Imagine dying in a cave horrifically and then just because some shithead decided to name the cave something stupid thousands and thousands of people out there online make fun of your horrible, painful death in the dark, alone and afraid.

Hahaha but the cave was named stupid hahaha.
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dont worry my gamer bro will get me out
fucking hell
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>caving community
4chan In nutshell lmao
theres a difference between seeing the colosseum and going down a narrow deep cave because...why not its exciting? You dumb fuck
>caves where you have to bring oxygen tanks to go through large portions that are underwater
I think they didn't break his legs cause he was already having trouble breathing and with blood circulation. Going into shock would probably kill him faster, and getting an anesthesiologist down there would also be a problem? Anesthetics would also harm his breathing.
>oi, got a loicence for that coive?
any caving games?
I'd rather be mentally addicted to coming here to argue with you assholes than entering an actual cave
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