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Or should I say herstory? Bazz is the first black trans characters!!
Even people that support trannies aren't jumping with joy for having whoever the fuck mila jam is in their game so who is this shit even made for?
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vpol is really obsessed with this game
Fans of raspberry jam?
bruh like
this ugly mother fucker gets put in a game
and they do everything they can to make him look 'good'
and still fail
meanwhile you got hot bitches like the chick in starwars outlaw
they put her in a game
and make her look like matt damon
nigga what the fuck
any reason why they didn't reveal this between the June trailer and now that the game is literally dead?
notice how they refused to copy the nose
I always thought real life people showing up in games was super weird. I mean I guess Tony Hawk was okay because it was all skateboarders but otherwise it just seem so weird.

>Boy they sure are obsessed with that game that proves their entire worldview 100% correct
Funny how that works.
>abled body
>no vitiligo
not diverse enough
It's fucking weird right? Like if it wasn't for /v/ I would have never heard of this game.
>first game with a black tranny lead
>it gigaflops
When will they learn?
lol remember when they removed the LGBTQ+ tag from Steam?
>Even people that support trannies aren't jumping with joy for having whoever the fuck mila jam is in their game so who is this shit even made for?

1. They don't play video games. Games are the domain of nerdy boys of all races and ethnicities.
2. The ones who support this get their fix by being social media addicts. That is the "game" they are playing (it is highly addictive and literally has a point system).
3. Said supporters make up most of the gaming devs.
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Nice qualifier.
>What about the character _____?
>From a minor indie game, doesn't count.
Why are americans like this?
>It's fucking weird right? Like if it wasn't for /v/ I would have never heard of this game.

200 million dollars + game that reeks of woke = one of the biggest failures ever.
In the worst game and ugliest character however
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i dont know how but someone made train wrecks uninteresting
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fucking kek
These Concord cope articles are getting weirder.
>corporation spends hundreds of millions of dollars on shit videogame
>omg why are you losers talking about this videogame?
Kill yourselves
>makes history
Will a black troon in a video game really be in the history books? Will it have its own chapter?
>Everyone: Haha! Look at that Thugnificent guy in Concord!
>well, apparently it's a girl, the pronouns are she/her
Then it turns out it was a dude all along. Wow! Neat!
Biggest AAA disaster in modern history that completely validates everything actual gamers have been saying for years.
Why are you talking about it though? It's over, it failed, nobody cared about it before it was released, and you're the only people that care now.
Concord sisters really can't catch a break huh
>major studio
Firewalk has never released a video game before Concord and it's the biggest flop of all time. How are they a major studio?
yea but don't you think that you are just as bad for talking about it?
>Sep 02
Don't they feel ashamed? I would have thought after the abysmal flop that it was they would avoid writing something like this. What's the implication? black trans character --> game doesn't sell. They should be careful with what they publish
It's a videogame, and this is a videogame board
Crazy how you haven't bought it.
Okay, then how is the game play?
>game is failing
>better make some mental case famous so they can take the heat and we can get some clicks
>How are they a major studio?
Body count
Its actual appearance is an offensive stereotype
Because seeing leftists get so utterly btfo is funny.
the fuck is that gay ass homosexual website?
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>The first [condition] [condition] [condition] [condition] [condition] EVER!
Straight out of Disney's playbook.
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>genuinely and unironically the biggest flop in decades
>"why are you talking about it"
lmao if you're so offeneded that people are collectively laughing at an overly woke game just say it.
This type of failure is legitimately fucking catastrophic for a game with an 8 year dev cycle while being a first party title game from one of the main industry heads like Sony.
Like do you not understand why people would be talking about this or are you going to continue being ignorant and purposely play retarded?
But can you really call a crash test a "disaster"? Clearly nobody ever thought this shit was going to catch on. There is absolutely something else at play here, even if it's as simple as a money laundering scheme.
Sony bought them, they're a first party studio.
>completely validates
>proves their entire worldview 100% correct
Maybe if BG3, TLOU 2 and Overwatch hadn't already made a billion dollars. Chudcels never learn kek
this will kill the few 50 people the game had, lol
the final nail in the coffin
>who is this shit even made for?
infertile white women who work in HR adjacent fields, are usually overweight (but not fat) and have some sort of made up women disease like lupus
Why would I know? I'm not just here to laugh at this shit, not play it.
Holy shit wtf is this the first time a western dev character turned out BETTER than the model?
*I'm just here to laugh at it
I hope you wouldn't confuse "Pink News" as being about the actual color.
I did notice that. I almost posted about it myself. I honestly suspect that the vain tranny actually wanted to look as "pretty" as she could be made. Wide nosers hate their wide noses. If there was a stone that could replace their nog noses with a European straight nose just by touching it, I think every wide nosed individual on the planet would be in line to touch it.
That sounds like a dangerous question.
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Trannies are so freaking gross bros. Why are they being pushed like this?
It's not made for anyone. It's just filling quotas, which is all the left wing is good for.
>First black president!
>First female president!
>First Trans president!
That's all they give a shit about. They don't actually do anything progressive or even attempt to fix the countries that they run.
Then the right wing gets power and fucks up the country even more until the next left wing leadership temporarily halts the shit show.
We truly live in a clown world.
Why are you talking about people talking about it though?
You act like this is the first big failure in gaming though? This is going to be forgotten in about a week just like we can look back a few months ago and see how many posts are about Suicide Squad everyday. This isn't E.T. and like I said everyone already knew it was going fail, it wasn't a big surprise to anyone including Sony at this point. But if you want it to live rent free in your head until the next thing you latch onto then go ahead, it's not like you faggots play games.
News about this will get lots of likes on Twitter and upvotes on Reddit yet the game's numbers won't improve at all.
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Everyone was happy this game failed and no one even had any idea that there was actually a tranny character.
>It's not made for anyone. It's just filling quotas
lol this, it doesn't matter if the shit sells 0 copies, the investors paying the studio millions to add this in their games are the actual customers. the players are like a joke at this point
This is what happens when studios get too big, all the separate teams just check boxes but lack a central vision and end up doing something no one wanted
So why'd they remove the alphabet tag on steam then?
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Lmao where did this meme come from?
got proof?
you mean the lowest rated game on steam?
People not bringing something up all the time doesn’t mean they forget about it. GBVH a year ago and I still remember what a fucking shit show same with all the shit with SBI earlier this year, and the shit with the new AC.
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Overwatch wasn’t woke until after it succeeded.
I think the nog nose would have given their face a lot of character and stand out. why do big nosers hate their God given architecture?
Wait was is known there was a black troon in it the whole time? I thought it was woke because they made everyone look ugly, brown, and had the only smart people be women.
>first black woman trans person in a video game
I call absolute bullshit. If this was 2016 then maybe.
>Bazz is the first black trans characters!!
I don't think that's true but I'm not gay enough to fact check it.
>Makes history
Of failure
mucho texto
I noticed and this was the next post I read.
Michelle Obama was actually the first.
Fink bought a game for millions what a whale
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>You act like this is the first big failure in gaming though?
It obviously isn't but this release is an order of magnitude greater than the others
> This is going to be forgotten in about a week just like we can look back a few months ago and see how many posts are about Suicide Squad everyday
People still shitpost about suicide squad and they just laid off staff TODAY which IS important news.
>This isn't E.T. and like I said everyone already knew it was going fail, it wasn't a big surprise to anyone including Sony at this point. But if you want it to live rent free in your head until the next thing you latch onto then go ahead, it's not like you faggots play games.
You're somehow not getting in your head that this is a first party title that was developed for 8 YEARS with possibly a budget going over 200+ MILLIONS OF DOLLARS and that Sony was SO SURE of this games success they paid EXTRA for a spot on that secret level anthology by Amazon
You're trying desperately to downplay how much money in the several HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS was lost on this

It's the downplaying from the collective media trying to damage control for a huge corp like Sony that's really making this funnier.
This. I took a week off /v/, hadn't heard about this game, then all of the sudden lol.
I think a character in Godhand had his cock blown off in a war.
It's funny to laugh at such a huge failure.
At what point are the stock markets going to find out about this shit? Playstation burned something like 200mil on development, up to 300mil on the studio, god knows what on marketing. They have plenty of other shit live service titles in the works, too. This isn't going to be something Sony can just shrug off.
I mean it's not like that's an achievement. Like being the first cripple to climb up those 1000 steps in Japan.
There must be something fishy going on.

There must a reason that Sony, SEGA and others decided to spend hundred of millions in some woke garbage game no one wants. What is going on? These companies are big, they probably have a lot of marketing data to know what would happen
>You're trying desperately to downplay how much money in the several HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS was lost on this

"28.5 billion U.S. dollars" is how much Sony Interactive makes. This is literally the same as you going to McDonald's for a meal to them.
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propagandabros... the narrative of ignoring steam numbers while pretending the majority of players are in ps5 is having some problems...
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Surely this will sell more videogames.
Sure, I just mean like for the millions spent on marketing this, why didn't I know about the game before it released? Why am I finding out it was expensive as fuck after it already dropped?
>These companies are big, they probably have a lot of marketing data to know what would happen
lol maybe their marketing data is comprised of fucking twitter junk data garbage
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BG3 isn't woke all of a sudden? We have daily threads of people whining about the gay bear scene and every companion being playersexual.
think about it though, they aren't playing it and they know you aren't either. they're counting on your 10 year old son to pick it up and become a tranny
Why are you so upset about us talking about it? Embarrassed that a game pushing your ideology (which for some reason all the megacorps and banks and hedge funds and NGOs are pushing) is one of the biggest failures in gaming history?
I don't think you understand how rigged this whole system is. They could put out 50 Concords in a year and not suffer any significant drawback. Selling copies is a bonus, not a necessity anymore.
BG3 let you choose however you want to play, you can kill all the LGBT characters if you want
chuds btfo
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>yeah losing +200 millions of dollars is no big deal for Sony
again you're trying way too hard trying to downplay this big of a failure in the industry
I genuinely have to ask what is even your mindset for trying to protect a companies image like this unless you get something out of it?
it doesn't give them the power to predict the future
Depending on the data it might even make them predict wrong consistently.
Stop thinking of corporations as these 10000 IQ oracles failing on purpose for some grand plan. They're made of faulty people and some of them have systemic issues which cause them to fail over and over again.
Delusional, lol
And the game brands you evil for doing so
How high on Copium are you? I'm a finance bro who does profit / loss reporting on subsidiaries for a living. This is a disaster for the price tag of not only the game, but the studio. Just accept it already.
And? This is patronizing as fuck
You do know the bear thing was a meme, right?
I take it you don't watch the pseudo e3 shows? It was featured there multiple times.
Even with those numbers, that would be 0.7% (0.2/28.5 * 100%) of the earnings.
A McDonald's meal is not 0.7% of my paycheck.
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Stolen design
So why did they remove the LGBT+ and pronoun tags?
>again you're trying way too hard trying to downplay this big of a failure in the industry
>I genuinely have to ask what is even your mindset for trying to protect a companies image like this unless you get something out of it?

You're the one saying how big of a failure this is but by all metrics we have to us this cost Sony nothing to make? You're the one that brings up Sony left and right and I just point out your flawed logic and I'm defending Sony? No I'm pointing out you being a retard, I don't care about Sony. But facts are facts, they make billions of dollars a year and they just lost 300 million, according to you, and you're trying to make me believe that it hurts them? How? Did their stock drop? Did they fire the president of the company? Or is nothing going to happen other than you weirdos circle jerking to each other on a board that doesn't want your /pol/ shit?
Meme that.
its so good
the truth is inside this thread >>687576439
TLOU2 was a failure that everyone hated because of how dark it was and OW was made woke AFTER it was a big hit, usually whenever Blizzard fucked up huge, they'd turn someone gay.
You NPCs cant cite anything other than a tiny handful of things, you're sitting on a worlds biggest, smelliest pile of shit while claiming some kind of victory because the shit you hold in your hands is slightly less smelly.
Okay, run the numbers then bro. Let's see your spreadsheet.

I'm sorry you're poor?
>back to back woke flops like concord and dustborn
>Concord being possibly the largest flop in years
>dustborn being government funded and still selling like shit
>suddenly a bunch of faggot are scrambling in this thread trying to tell others to stop talking about this and that it didnt fail because it was woke

>meanwhile a chink game like woke that was called sexist and "lacking diversity" by a bunch of industry journalists and it's legitimately breaking records and doing so well that the chinks government is basically investing into the domestic chinese videogame industry

Are leftists feeling threatened? do you think the reason journalists and other woke faggots are gaslighting and lying to people is because they're losing influence?
>Then the right wing gets power and fucks up the country even more until the next left wing leadership temporarily halts the shit show.
Dial 8
>Then the right wing gets power and fucks up the country even more until the next left wing leadership temporarily halts the shit show.
The left is already in power and people are living much worse than under bad orange mans years
Black trans woman is like ultimate lifeform to worship for the left. I remember during COVID people spammed gofundmes to give gibdats to random black trans women
It's always character designs from people that have never been around a black person in their fucking lives outside of their upper middle class neighborhoods. Not realizing their designs despite how progressive they seem to be are always racist as fuck.
>j-j-just stop talking about it, CHUD!
>This is going to be forgotten in about a week
I still aee JOIN THE -ACK! posts from time to time
I would need their internal numbers for genuine accurate reporting. Even without those it's simple to assume a million dollar gross vs the budget is an astronomical failure.

So the only question left is, are you retarded or just trolling
Downtown Newport news, Baltimore, Richmond, DC, Hampton, norfolk
I think they’re just manufacturing a reason why it failed. “Oh everyone hated the tranny” vs. “the character designs were uniquely unappealing”

That jew character designer is such a fucking hack holy shit. They’re such a shit race
>simple to assume
So you don't know jack shit, got it.
See this is the shit that pol-tards keep in their heads that actual gamers have never seen or completely moved on from.
Well yes, murder is technically evil.
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>>You're the one saying how big of a failure this is but by all metrics we have to us this cost Sony nothing to make?
Yeah I'm sure wasting 8 years of development plus the investment of buying the studio and investing another several hundred million on advertisement PLUS other expenses are nothing.
I'm sure that Sony is just shrugging their shoulders and saying they did what they could and are wiping their hands of it
I'm also sure that this live service failure will in no way effect the perception of the OTHER live service games that they have down in their development pipeline. Unironically I'm sure you already forgot about this one https://youtu.be/l1Jp4K02L1I?si=qIkaNZOkKowxvBAD

yeah I'm sure concords 200+ million dollar failure is not in anyway going to effect their other developmental pipelines
the right can't meme
Actually based. Same happened with Forspoken, Multiversus, Godfall, Suicide Squad as you said. Talking about a game which flopped, has no players at all and no new updates is unironically rent free behaviour.
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It is fun to dance on the grave of shitty and woke games that flopped.
>this surely will sell out our game
They thought
They all flopped for their own reasons tho
Maybe to you, not to many others.
This shit is like the hindenberg disaster of games. Of course people are going to talk about it.
Stop samefagging, troon
>Literally "ignore it goy"
Repressive intolerance
I thought killing gays was based? Wouldn't that make you woke if you have an issue with gays being killed?
>You act like this is the first big failure in gaming though?
On this level no, not even ET was this big a failure in actual sales.
>why didn't our game sell
So money laundering to mossad agent dressing up as a girl. I knew it.
>Unless they're a goblin or something. Then it's XP.
When does fictional content become offensive to people on the internet? I expected massive outrage from that scene for being "degenerate" but nobody cared that much. It bothers me to think that if that bear was replaced with a child, then there'd be no outrage about it either.
>Real gamers dont talk abput it!
>uh, yes they do?
that sheer desperation, lmao
What a nigher thread. 2P is literally for secondaries
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I wonder who is the mind behind such character design...
>every companion being playersexual
but enough about rance
> Hey guys I have made a game all about raping and murdering kids
>Why are you getting mad? It's fiction!
Love how most of the things in this title are lies
Listen to the nigger lol it's pathetic
Fake name
>makes history
A mentally ill nigger is not history
>Black trans woman
>Major studio's
Firewalk, Sony's crown jewel
It doesn't even matter if it's woke or not. No game as crappily designed as concord was ever gonna get numbers.
People pretend looks don't matter, but they do. In mobas, in fighting games, in every place they say it doesn't matter. If you ain't got curb appeal, you ain't moving the house.
That's a man
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and that's supposed to somehow drum up sales?
>Unironically I'm sure you already forgot about this one
How can I forget something I've never heard of? But I'm sure you'll create a 100 threads on it saying the same anti-woke nonsense.

>Yeah I'm sure wasting 8 years of development plus the investment of buying the studio and investing another several hundred million on advertisement PLUS other expenses are nothing.
It's going to be canned and they're going to move on, just like WB is doing to Rocksteady, but it's not going to affect Sony in one bit.

But the problem here is you /pol/tards who invade /v/ to make these constant circle jerk threads, that shit only affects us here.
But i never said that in my post? I was wondering if the reactions would be the same if the bear scene was swapped out with something else.
>Clearly nobody ever thought this shit was going to catch on.
Oh really? Then why sink 200 millions dollar into it?
You are in a fucking cult man, EVERYBODY SAW IT comming, beside your stupid ass.
white and jewish liberal women.
There’s no way this game wasn’t Fink’d
Is that why no one's playing this shit?
>>TLOU 2
>got proof?
It funny, because based on the last official number we got, shit only sold 9 millions in 3 months...
It is your argument. You can't get mad at fiction no matter how outrageously disgusting it is because it's fiction. I have made a game about killing you and your family in particular. It's fiction calm down.
>in a major studio
Indie games, you don't count. SONY is the first real game company to have a trans person. Please, buy concord. Please.
>tranny thugnificent after failing to sell crack and his ups job


BG3 is only woke if you go to very specific spots on the map. If I wasn't intrigued by the idea of a circus I wouldn't have known there was a cross dresser in the game. Last of Us 2 was clowned on by everyone except overpaid journos and bought out critics. Overwatch was sold as a hero shooter and it wasn't until it had gotten tens of millions of downloads did it start going "And this character sucks cock, this character is a carpet muncher, that ape is gay, the obvious looking dyke woman is straight" and even then they only ever did it when Blizzard got in heat.
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I'm genuinely amazed you're trying to act smart while being so utterly retarded with financials and business.
You're lack of foresight is to be pitied.
Decided to shit on the subreddit and made the most milktoast comment about how the game is dead and they won't address the bugs and it got removed. These fuckers are in denial something fierce.
>hehe we made this character but didn't tell you it was a tranny
>everyone calls her thugnificient and is ugly as fuck
I guess the reveal that he was a tranny all along was supposed to be some revelation and we were all tricked into finding it hot.

The real question is why did they make their character look like a stereotypical tranny instead of just look like a woman. Even if they are a tranny, how does the Concord universe not have a way to have a full chromosome-altering sex change?
>Becomes world famous black trans VA for an AAA game
>Meanwhile the average 4channer who has accomplished nothing in their life here is making fun of her anonymously online
Is there anything sadder than this?
you stole that from the right though
you troons literally can't meme
>Cancerous leftard trying to censor people talking about his latest flop.
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They're so desperate to save this game it's amazing. I guess this was supposed to be a "brave and stunning" reveal after the game had sold its theoretical gangbusters to garner more brownie points but ended up looking like a desperate plea for leftoids to play their game.
Yes, and i find that to be a bit bothersome to know that people would just not care at all no matter how downright repulsive and morally depraved something is as long as it's fiction. More impressionable people could consume that content and think that it's somehow okay if the creators don't make it clear that such a thing is not okay.
You're illiterate.
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Nobody. It's another humiliation ritual.
I haven't seen the one's with the other sony devs playing it. That's just sad.
Where's Spyro and Crash on there? Or Metal Gear Solid? You know the foundation of Sony's brand... wait they've been replaced when they lost relevancy... Just like Concord will be... Weird, because this retard thinks that a powerpoint means they signed a pact to forever be attached to those franchises... But here's the deal they're not your boyfriend's dick so Sony can hop off at anytime faggot.
So when somebody gets the idea to go kill you in real life for rhe lols you won't be mad right? Actually of course not you'll be dead lol.
>Mila Jam
Imagine working on a game for 8 years, 8 fucking years, a game that flopped and is completly dead after a week. You lost a big chunk of your career in one of the biggest flops in videogames history. What will you do when Sony fires you? Imagine a recruiter reading your resume and realising you worked in fucking Concord. He will probably laugh right there. Woke losers thought they were untouchable now they are the mockery of the Internet, maybe McD will hire you, woketards.
>so who is this shit even made for?
execs didn't learn anything from the "we want the casual audience" days. now instead of 'casuals' its 'the lgbts'. both are completely fake audiences cooked up by marketing departments.

casuals and lgbt people just play shit like cod and genshin impact.
Unless you're the art director or game director, everyone else can put the game on their resume just fine. The game is shit, but the game itself does not run like shit and it is somewhat competently made. It's just its creative directions tanked any chance of it being good.
No I am just able to take your arguments and apply them to other situations in order to highlight how ridiculous they are because logic is a mechanism that works with whatever you plug into it.
Yeah it's that lucrative market of less than 1% of the global population.
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Is this Concord's strategy to bring more players?
It came out just over a week ago and has some of the most laughably awful character designs we've seen in quite a while. Why does it bother you so much that we're getting a kick out of pointing and laughing at this raging dumpster fire?
no one its to satisfy a check box because concord is the most designed by committee game ever made with zero pushback every character is the blandest safest version of some popular archetypes ever made they didn't even give these characters any real personality or backstory. Honestly someone did probably push back about the glasses no committee I would allow glasses that pointy they think it might frighten children.
have you seen the meme I'm replying to? since 2016, the right absolutely cannot meme to save themselves
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Unironically jews. It all got started in Germany in 1919 with the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft founded by jew Magnus Hirschfeld.
>Are leftists feeling threatened?
You have seen to fucking DAMMAGE control shit articles they are running for concord?
Those nigger lover cultist are probably shitting themselves.
I don't even feel bad for saying it anymore. I will pick any shitty ass china gacha game over a western game.
>but like yea dont talk about it or complain about it, just say nothing goy.
rabbi spotted
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Why does China keep beating the US?
just an average pole
You know you'd think in the future trannies wouldn't look like bulked up linebackers what with al of that sci-fi age genetic engineering you'd have to be using to facilitate space travel and what not. Also alien super tech that could probably just straight up remake your body at will.
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>Why are you getting mad? It's fiction!
Nigger, tranny are doing that shit irl.
what are you babbling about?
The fuck? Dude looks like 40
Harry and the Hendersons looking faggot.
God damn, can he try and look more Jewish? lol
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You said before that you don't care about Sony yet you're still here complaining about people getting enjoyment out of shitting on this game, if you truly didn't care than I think you'd also be smart enough to hide the threads and wait for this all to pass like you say it will, yet you still go into these threads and argue even though I think you'd be smart enough to know it's pointless.
So why don't you stop caring first and just let people shitpost until they move on or are you going to continue trying to act like you're not damage controlling for this game for no reason?
>Is there anything sadder than this?
Probably your nigger ass defending a tranny online.
Just think how even more badly the game would've done without the hate campaign putting eyes on it.
You're seriously illiterate if you think he was making the argument that fiction can't be offensive.
Yeah pretty funny. No one in the real world gives a shit about it.
Your nog is ugly too.
George Floyd is trans?
Because normal people don't play games, so of course they wouldn't care.
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Stop being toxic /v/!
She's cute in a weird way. I like her big lips and wide smile.
>They don't actually do anything progressive or even attempt to fix the countries that they run.
leftist ideas inherently don't fix anything, they're arbitrary and inefficient
>normal people don't play games

anon you've had this incorrect opinion for 20 years.
gaming is a normalfag activity now buddy
Why are you chuds and grifter so obsessed over this?
>people talk about video games on the video game board
>this is le weird
Do you think we're out there at our jobs and shit talking to people who don't play games about this shit? Why is it weird to discuss one of the biggest game flops of all time on a fucking video game discussion board?
We’ll out live her since trans don’t live past 30
>Just like concord, an emerging IP sony was hinging on
The damage control is insane. What guarantee do you have that the rest of that list wont go up in smoke as well?
Im not asking this question btw, the investors keeping Sony afloat are. Hope you have an answer ready!
>Then the right wing gets power and fucks up the country even more
Doesn't happen, it's more like somehow a left winger wiggles their way into power and breaks everything that the right winger fixed but blames it all on them.
By who?
Why is the west so "self destructive"? it's like they're trying to purposely sabotage their ips.
Erm... nobody tell him...
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>Whats wrong with paying tax's for nigger/trannie propaganda vidya?
Maybe its the fact that my tax dollars go to this shit regardless that has people so annoyed.
But hey. If their goal is make the Chinese look like the potential saviors of gaming. So be it. Me and the Chinese want the same thing. No blacks and attractive women with nice tits.
There is no discussion, it's just spam with
>haha no one bought it
Ack yourself xister
Yeah, it's funny. Why do you defend this piece of shit?
>ignoring the posts talking about why nobody bought it or how Sony's gonna cover this up
leftards are absolutely losing it lmao
I don't though. TF2 came out 20 years ago, i don't need a remake
its 25% china shills and 75% dorks who think they are actually being oppressed for being heterosexual.
>god knows what on marketing
It's increasingly likely that Concord could have burned hundreds of millions on the CGI for Concord. We don't know how many weeks they are planning on releasing CGI cutscenes for, but if it gets anywhere near feature film length then it's really not looking good for them, not to mention that amazon show where we don't know how long the episodes will be.
That's a guy, you gay nerd.
Then why are you bitching?
uhm.. black bros? i thought it was just the whiteys that did this shit...
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Edited screenshot, that quoted article doesn't use anyone's face in it (pic related). You can also look up the perpetrator's name and find other articles with a picture of their face, it's a totally different person.
I understand there more than enough good reason to laugh at how fucking bad this whole situation is, but I didn't actually revel in any of it.

As the spending and sales numbers estimates came out in the recent days I'm actually incredibly troubled that it's gotten this far in that a company can just burn that much money and that there wasn't any of the standard oversight you'd expect to find in any real company, it's like Tech is operating in this sort of retarded dysfunctional hellscape that engineering firms would consider an illegal operation by their own standards. Like it's not like the gas leak in India because that entire country is the definition of cutting corners; it's not like the financial crisis because the bans can easily outmanoeuvre the government; it's not like that submarine disaster where the CEO overrode everyone below him.

There is someone in Sony Japan sitting there probably realizing their entire English division may be broken. Firewalk going off the rails, okay, that's going to happen with some number of studios. But this was a big one; this was going off the rails, each car unhitched at the same time, and then independent of the derailing were packed to the brim with TNT, and the brakes haven't had regular inspection... and the driver was drunk. And nobody above Firewalk saw any of this. And nobody above the guy overseeing Firewalk saw this.

I really wish I could be in Sony seeing how they're reacting. I wonder if they would even bother salvaging it - most companies have physical assets that need staff to be liquidated but this is fucking video games with furniture and computers, the cheapest and easiest thing to do is to walk in and fire everyone and auction the desks and PCs.
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So why aren't wokies playing this game?
You are a balding man in your mais 30s, not a jock from a sanitized 80s high school movie made by jews
>joked that she looks like thugnificent
>turns out to be BUCK BROKEN'D thugnificent
Not even I could have come up with something this damaging.
They don't want you horny rapists lusting over good looking women, Chud. They purposely make females in games ugly as fuck to keep men from focusing on tits instead of the game. Now subscribe to her Onlyfans, Chud.
>mid 30s
>you can't say dork! you have to say nigger or tranny!
Dumb fuck japs hear culture war bullshit since those retards screech the loudest on the internet and actually think your average american wants this shit. The same thing happened to dustborn. Dumb Norwegians thought that's what the public wanted.
Revenue =/= profit you ABSOLUTE fucking RETARD

please kill yourself before you have the chance to breed
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Try quoting my post
More like a beta cuck that watches too much diversity cuckoldry.
you should say faggot to do your ironycel fail larp properly, no one ever said dork in this way irl
Yeah but that rather goes with my point. The argument about it just being fiction implies that the people consuming it have a strong overriding moral code that tells them right from wrong anyway. Unfortunately in the post Christian world that doesn't exist. Anything goes that you can get away with. Murder is only bad because the police will come for you if you do it, but also fuck the police...
What gives, aren't they supposed to be proud of it?
I have a confession anons. I would fuck the green lesbian with the purple hair. I don't know why, I'm just attracted to that lesbian look and that harms me in real life since I keep falling in love with women who don't even like my gender.
It's funny to see a AAA 200 million dollar title crash and burn, even if it had no woke or anything like that.
Of course the woke add to this because you know there are very annoying assholes getting blasted along with everything else.
>why is the video game board discussing the biggest flop since ET
It is pretty funny how increasingly specific they keep having to make these historic "firsts" for it to be technically true.
The Japanese don't have any oversight on this. They depend on their Western division and its subordinate offices to do this shit. They wouldn't be micromanaging stupid shit like aesthetic decisions. The point is the Japanese trusted the English divisions to manage this shit, and they failed in every imaginable regard.
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Consider pic related.
Oh sure, NOW they want to make the in-game character model less ugly than the real thing.
they really thought announcing a tranny would be a shot in the arm of new players
100% delusional
They probably removed it because they knew it was attracting the wrong kind of attention to the game
>hundreds of millions of dollars worth of acquisition and production
>years of development
>entire episode of a show
>special premium priced controller merch
>"i-it's not like it was supposed to be popular or anything... baka!"
Yeah, theres a lot of trannies and leftists around, why arent they supporting their own? Chuds are buying wukong chinkslop and having a blast
the Concord Train hasn't stopped yet, moron, it's still got shit for it that hasn't come out yet, like an entire dedicated episode of a show, where things like God of War need to share billing with other games.

this shit had Sony's full support and the trainwreck has barely even STARTED yet, game's only been out for a WEEK.

get used to hearing about this shitshow, anon, because there's still plenty of news to develop on it.
More like people have those tags blocked so any games with them do not show up at all in their store.
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Yeah, they hear from the english divisions that this is what people want and if they try to verify that at all they see culture warriors loudly bitching and assume they must actually really want this so they feel confident just letting the english division handle it
>it wasn't a big surprise to anyone including Sony
lmao so THATS the latest leftist snoy cope?
>no you don't get it they knew it was gonna fail thats why they produced multi-million multimedia to accompany the release of the game
Wow. What a completely natural and totally not set up interaction
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At what point does "making history" stop fucking mattering at all?
I'm sure if you make sure the criteria is specific enough then everybody on Earth has "made history" at least once.
And being a playable video game character really dosnt mean shit when this disgusting faggot got to be a video-game character.
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people dont talk enough about that sort of thing.
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i have vpol here, but if they are going to obsess over something, might as well pick something historic, like the biggest video game bomb of all time

this is entertaining
you need to add hades to the bottom section.
>beating around the bush
The right can't meme, as always
TLOU2 sold well but like 40% of what TLOU sold which is a failure in itself. How do you follow up one of the most critically acclaimed games in decades with like half the sales? Go jew woke.
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>words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

damn bro, just write a book
Just give it a few years and we'll get shit like
>This game makes history by having the first 32 year old male to female transexual who is slightly darker skinned than the last one and who was adopted and is also a convicted felon who is primarily attracted to 25 year old Hispanic men and only speaks Tagalog
nigga, sony paid for this blunder, not you
I think you're missing the point. The Japanese are only hearing numbers from the English divisions. X games, X players, X revenues, this big title, that big title. Before this whole situation they didn't have to care about any of that shit and wouldn't have to care even if they knew because that's what they pay someone else to care about.

Even now Japan may only just be waiting for an execution order for them to approve from Jim Ryan. Jim Ryan will have to listen to all that culture bullshit and it is just hilarious to imagine that out of touch retard trying to understand what happened.
no it doesn't, there's no morality system, you might get a comment or backlash from your choice of companions, but the game isn't actively judging you for disparaging it.

you don't need to have any of the game's companions at all, you can just have hirelings that don't give a FUCK what you do.

you've been misled about the game, yes there are gay characters, yes if they bring up that fact seemingly out of nowhere it makes their character seem weaker, but guess what...it makes the LGBT 'representation' come across as more shallow than non LGBT characters, it almost feels like it's insulting faggots who want to make sure you know first and foremost that they're faggots, like it's the most important detail about them.

so point, laugh at those examples, but understand they are few and far between.
May be something like canadian govt giving away taxpayers money to woke games
There's speculation that the government funded it but I have yet to see any proof. If true though that's bullshit and whoever signed off on that should be hanged for treason. It's probably bullshit though. I think people are mixing it up with dustborn which the Norwegians did fund
>modifies the face of a troony to make them less ugly
>modifies the face of beautiful actresses to make them more ugly
but they didnt change anything, this is a new IP
im willing to bet they are just confusing the games
White women.
I wish you prices would stop giving news updates about this game after the 'it failed' part. It's the only thing that mattered
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A game from a year ago, a game from half a decade ago and a game from a full decade ago. How cute.

Meanwhile in the span of a week there have been 2 games that flopped so hard that the studios are going to be closed, and black space lesbians got cancelled. I'm also going to go ahead and call the cancelation of Lawd Dem Rangs in a couple months too.

Pic unrelated
The thang here is vidya. Leftists have shoehorned all the colors of the rainbow into games and we're not interested in buying that slop.
There was confirmation that the us government did fund some game to "counter disinformation" but I don't think that's concord since theres nothing at all about fake news or whatever
I think the dev was talking about this being a tax writeoff for Sony, so the government is paying for it in the sense that they will be recieving that much less taxes from Sony this year.
laughing stock of the gaming world gets more cringe by the day
That would make sense. Like an Uwe Boll movie
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>this identity politic bullshit and progressivist grifting is de facto left now
>all I want to be is regular ass blue voting against genuine tyranny
>but nooooo I have to let the crossdressing fetishists into the pool
More power to how they vote but good God I'd wish they'd sit the fuck down.
Hoes mad
It's like in movies, they ignore everything that came before so they can pat themselves on the back for doing nothing groundreaking. How about the first GOOD videogame infected with DEI?
Those were actual investment scams where they would underspend the budget but because the film was a flop they could keep the remaining investment, or was that the plot to the producers.
Indeed saar they must not redeem the concord saar
I'd laugh at you for being retarded but the damage you and the people you support have done to the West really isn't funny.
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chudsters, i have to apologize and KNEEL, previously i said the backstory posted about this character was fake, cuz some other anon said it was fake, and there wasnt much evidence the original pic was real, plus it was fucking stupid

but i just checked one of the few positive reviews this game had, and low and behold, i found the character bio

this motherfuckers actually, unironically, gave one of the heroes the backstory of learning how to use knives as an amazon wagie

i cant believe someone got paid real money to write this shit, its like they made all the characters lame on purpose
>We're gagging!
yeah so am I.
It was the plot to the producer but it's also what Uwe was up to.
Nah, you can still go fuck yourself for supporting police immunity and Project 2025. Especially if you're drinking the kool-aid abou communism. Make no mistake, you're still the retards.
Does this moron know what the word gagging means?
>being a wagie means you totally understand how to run a business
Typical commie gobbledygook. The skillset for worker and leader are different and you don't magically have business skills from doing the bitch work
>for supporting police immunity and Project 2025
Nice strawman. The Republicans are far too left leaning for my taste.
Have you found the other bios? They're probably all like this.
go back, filthy mutilated faggot
Shouldnt your bait say hertory?
dont tell me you read it as his-story
>muh chuds I KNEEL to trannies with penises
>I'm a proud male ally
Leave, and never return.
>has a custom script that hides the early life section of wikipedia biographies
Is that real?
Is this some tranny self-insert? Being an amazon wagie and disowned by their parents for transitioning sounds oddly specific and realistic
nigga i find more offensive the fact this assassin learned their skills by opening boxes, thats retarded
The faggot website is throwing up, because a tranny is in a dead hero shooter?
Lame people making lame games.

Old school nerds were cool.
I'm more surprised these fags can drive considering it means they would have to stay straight sometimes.
Lesser of two evils system, I don't make the rules. Liking this better now that you're triggered though.
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You sound like a fag
How do you even become this buckbroken
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nope sorry, i found this one by sheer coincidence

i was checking the tweets of the lead character designer and he shared this review that had that character bio


are you illiterate by any chance?
I wanna see the bio of the token white male.
Nice barb retard, take you a whole 10 minutes to come up with that? Anyway I'm out. Enjoy your virgin cope party or whatever.
kill yourself
Lol like pottery
Maybe they see the notion of choking on dick as laudable?
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daddy Fink, he paid for this
Not sure how you thought you could “vote against tyranny”
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Is this what you chuds really want? If you don't support video games like this, this will be our boring future!
Now post the uncropped version
Damn those men for having balls
As ive said many times in these threads they dont actually like these characters, theyll just defend it once or twice on /GCJ, Restetera or some other fag space but wont buy the game. Then they will go back to playing and pretending they are Mercy from overwatch or some other mainstream game with attractive characters. Even amongst the woke only the most extreme would like this.
oh shit just noticed the tranny. lmao
dude real trannies, faggots, bisexuals i know fucking hate lgbt shit. i dont associate with many trannies however as most of them are butt fuckingly insane that literally believe their is such thing as a "male or female brain" and they were born in the wrong body and ON TOP OF ALL THAT its *not a mental illness*
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This shit is hilarious
It's like watching a train wreck happen in real time, you just can't look away.
>Lesser of two evils system
>The gulag is the lesser of two evils
Fuck off back to your shithole, mutilated faggot
Trump literally doesn't support Project 2025 retard
Funny how women , "women", and retards conveniently ignore that's pretty much how the entire game industry was rose up on be it the Japanese or a few white dudes with some computers and a dream to make fun games.
vote libertarian, abandon redtards and blutards, embrace freedom
>vote the party that absolutely buttfucked Argentina to hell

good idea
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"LGBT" is a bunch of politicians and shell corporations that use the "cause" to propel themselves.
Honestly? Unlucky.
Woke fucks could make a fun and cool game with some diverse gay group of characters if they were done right but they won't.
>be an useful idiot for corporations

The libertarian party is literally just paid shills for big corps
I believe there are two type of trannies.
1. People with a mental illness.
I feel bad for these people because to me it's like seeing an anorexic woman and telling her she actually is fat and should starve herself. They need real help but people are just feeding into their delusion.
2. Autistic people with autogynephilia.
You can pretty reliably tell the difference by what ever name they give themselves. If an FtM just goes by John or Robert or something they're probably a type 1 tranny but if they go by something retarded like Enox or Axel theyre probably a type 2
Being gay in this day and age is fucking horrible. Not because I think I'm oppressed, but because I'm grouped in with a bunch of freaks who think they can change their biological sex by chopping their dicks off.
DAS RITE *puts her knifes back as she's ready to strike epically*
You have to accept them by the same logic you were accepted.
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lmao im not a tranny. they're mentally ill. If you wanna wear girls clothes and suck dick, I'm not stopping you, homo. Fact is, 99.5% of them are social retards (read: ass burgers) that hamfist their fucking politics and faggotry into everything.

>tfw your the only one in this thread that has actually interacted with these people
You do understand that an unhealthy economy must go through pain before it can be healthy again right? Governments and Central Banks love to try and intervene in the economy to prevent recessions but they're a part of the cycle. You need bad businesses to go under, bad debt to default, inefficient employees to be fired. Recessions flush toxicity out of the economy so that real growth can occur. So what Milei is allowing this to happen. It's painful but in the long term it leads to a better, stronger economy.
NTA but no I fucking don't. Trans isn't a sexuality and shouldn't be grouped in with them. It's hard enough to get people to realize I'm not a fucking freak when faggots are running up and down the street fisting each other at pride parades without some mentally ill freak also trying to convince people men can be women.
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ok i got bad news, i finished reading that positive review of concord and i found this:

>The game seriously needs better leaderboard, challenge and stat tracking. It never explains how to unlock Lore entries for each character (you do so by reaching level 3 with a given Freegunnner) or how much lore you’ve still to get.

meaning the only way to know more about the lore is for someone to jump in, and level up every single ugly character until atleast level 3, before this game's playerbase dies in a couple more weeks

is this unintended comedy worth the 40 bucks and time investment for someone to jump in and unironically play this game for the lore?
Being a fag is a political activist movement and a fetish, you could dissasociate yourself right now if you wanted, but you like it
Don't have to tell me, I know.
Working in and on "Community Projects" alot of them self-implode because some tranny or trannies infight or have some mental breakdown and DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING. rather than just passing it down to the next-fag or going open source. Its relentlessly fucking annoying working on game mods because they do have resources, and trying to reach someone, who is yes skilled and even fucking talented but too brain-fuckingly sociall indept to put aside differences for something that should be released 2 fucking weeks ago jfc...



the argentinian economy is starting to bounce back, it needed to go through chemotherapy before getting any better

as opposed to being a party by politicians FOR politicians like most traditional parties?
No, I really fucking don't.

Okay but I don't like girls and I find pussy revolting, so what exactly do you suggest I do?
aren't you original. how about you contribute to the conversation, teenfag.
Being a pickme gay like you is even worse because you'll never be accepted by the people you are trying to impress.
All the people at risk of losing their jobs care
You guys need to take this seriously. This is a huge step for gay, crossdressing niggers everywhere.
I'm not here to try to impress anyone except my boyfriend. I don't care about other people.
dude yeah. working on this game is basically fucking career suicide.
NTA but I don't like the pride bullshit because its only for one type of gay person. If you aren't a campy classic style gay they actually tend to give you more shit than most straight people will and god forbid you're bi and not homo. The amount of creepy fucks who have told me they could make me forget about women with the power of their dicks is fucking crazy.
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>You act like this is the first big failure in gaming though?
Difference is magnitude. It likely cost $200M and then maybe another 50-100M in advertising if not more. And they've made maybe a million back. They don't have enough to start a new projects or to even continue work on Concord. Firewalk either has to be completely subsidized by Sony in order to make a new game or they need to close them. Its a massive hit to Sony's cashflow and it could impact their other games, not to mention Sony was already having margin problems. Not to mention that flops like these are going to drive all the money out of the industry and investors will get cold feet. Its a pretty big deal
>You have to accept them by the same logic you were accepted.

well to be honest, while everyone is free to do what they please with their bodies, i feel like transexuals often ask more from the general public than mere gays

you gay, all im asked to do is not care, you a transexual you are asking me to refer to you as maam or sir, allow you into bathrooms and sports and whatnot

i nominally accept transexuals in the sense they can do what they please with their body, and since psychologist argue the transition stops them from killing themselves im willing to take their word for it, but im not really "pro"-transexual in the way a lot of them want to be treated
That honestly shouldn't come as a surprise, college courses outside of STEM fields are pure socialist pipelines. Of course game devs are left wing, they got out of school, went to college, got grifted out of tens of thousands of dollars to spend years listening to propaganda, were declared barely competent in their field, and had their anger over their debts redirected away from the actual perpetrators.
>what exactly do you suggest I do?
Repent, believe in Jesus, and probably disregard your disgusting sexual impulses for the rest of your life.
>transition stops them from killing themselves
There is no difference in suicide rates for those who do transition and those who don't.
No, I don't think I'll give up anything to please the magic jew. If he has a problem with it he is free to tell me using his big boy words.
NTA either.
yeah as a bisexual, i don't really fucking care for this pride shit. they put a pride sidewalk in my city and fuck me. it's just embarrassing. when people ask my sexuality, i'm open about it, I don't go out of my way to say "YES I AM ~A FAGGOT~ I LOVE ~PENIS~. no because i'm a sane person.

it's just a way for people to feel superior. best part is i don't live there anymore, but it's sad to see my childhood neighbour get fucked.
you post on 4chan to impress your boyfriend...?
Go fuck yourself, Christcuck. Shit like this actively drives me AWAY from religion.
well im going to take the doctor's word for it, im not a psychologist and i know those guys study years for their degrees

besides if it makes no difference then they are still free to do what they please with their bodies, if it significantly increased their chances of suicide post operation, yeah thatd be a different discussion
Sex obsessed faggots with absolutely no self-control. Kill yourselves.
Yes. The amount of (You)s I farm per day is the number of times he will make me cum.
It's just not as big a deal as people want it to be. It doesn't matter at all to anyone except the person I want to be with where I like to put my dick but if I don't constantly bring it up I'm a victim of "internalized homophobia" and have to be saved.
Keep telling yourself that, dumb nigger
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sounds like a relationship built on lust, rather than love. i'm sorry anon.
Why should I choose to be celibate because other people have a religious belief that I don't? I don't go out and fuck anything that moves or anyone I am not actively in a relationship with so whats the problem?
It's called shitposting, anon
they had government funding, many games get shit like that for being DEIslop. get with the program
You couldn't stop being a worthless coombrain for a day, fag
Projecting retard
Sexual depravity is destructive to you and everyone else, whether you believe the truth or lies
I know these decisions arent based in business logic, but its clear that corporate structure have one fundamental problem that eats itself. Is having to pay for progressive virtue signaling equity and inclusion?
>not wanting to believe in a magic dad in the sky makes him a coombrain

Why are Christians so fucking retarded?
This guy gets it.
Concord's unprecedented failure will be talked about for years. There's probably be a class on it in business schools as an example of how to guarantee your project fails.
so i'm guessing the team and sony thought this game was going to be a massive success that would blow up beyond belief (based on the amount of money/marketing they did >>687586571), and then their big "gotcha" to gamers was "hey the lead girl in our hit game that everyone loves was actually trans this whole time! "
the only reason i say it was a "gotcha" attempt was because if they wanted to they could have pointed out from the start that the character was trans and used it as part of their marketing. this detail was only revealed by people who actually leveled up the character enough to unlock lore, so it was meant to be found out after the fact
>no u
>not reading the previous comments
>ran out of arguments

I gladly accept your concession and walk away from this thread knowing that while I might not be straight, at least I'm not an absolutely retarded foaming at the mouth drooling Christcuck
What's destructive about it anon?
>didn't present an argument
Actually kill yourself
if someone said that to me. I would literally punch them in the face. Most of if not all "straight ally's" are fucking retarded normies with saviour complexes "I'LL FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS JUST GO SIT IN THE CORNER AND SUCK A DICK OR SOMETHING~" - zach "jewboy" hadel
I guess because after release of the game players could read her role and be surprised.
hope project 2025 means we can now rape you to death in guantanamo or whatever for how much you fags whine about it
you two faggots, learn what flaming is and don't do it.
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they recently dropped a peer-reviewed study on it, and actually it usually just makes things worse for all people involved. it was by the NHS you can look it up. i am too tired to find it.

And it basically confirmed what allot of people where saying that we were playing doctor mengele, with an ideology that only brings money into the pockets of pharmaceutical companies as we turn kids and young adults into medicine reliant eunuchs.

History will look poorly on us for allowing it.
I guess that strong resemblance to Thugnificent wasn't just a funny coincidence after all.
Aside from the diseases? Single-parent homes, faggotry, birthrate decline, abortion, needing new highs for gratification
sphere hunter is still sexy in that one game..
>This is going to be forgotten in about a week just like we can look back a few months ago and see how many posts are about Suicide Squad everyday.
Okay? People talk about it until they get bored and stop talking about it, real insightful. Guess we're still at the point where people haven't forgotten about it and still talk about it.
Shitch 2 will be an even bigger disaster
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i doubt it, she/he/that was never a lead character, the green guy, the asian chick and the blue guy were, what i think is that Sony and the devs were CONVINCED they had cooked some gourmet characters here and people would want to know MORE about em, kinda like Overwatch, thats why their entire hook were these character animations they are supposedly going to release every week

now of course, the characters turned out to have the appeal of a wet fart, so their whole plan went up in flames
Kek trooncod did not like this thread
White people. Unironically.
>History will look poorly on us for allowing it.

i just home we didnt allow lobotomy 2.0, guess all i can do is wait and see
Oh the largest gaming demographic? I bet that game sold like hotcakes then.
Well diseases aren't an issue for me since I don't fuck randoms, single parent homes aren't an issue since I can't make a kid with a guy, faggotry is just you saying gay is bad again with no real reason, birthrate decline is happeing to straights too plus I also like women so I can still have a kid, abortion is retarded argument since I can't make a kid to abort with another man and I hate abortion anyways, and I don't need new highs for gratification, having sex with someone I love is enough. So Literally everything you listed is bullshit.
That's exactly what we did
I feel like black trannies do a better job of passing than white trannies. Not that she looks like a woman, per se, but you just kind of have lower standards of beauty for black women to begin with. Is that privilege?
And troons just cut their own dick off, how is that your problem too?
Where did this KWAB shit come from? Such a faggot acronym. I must be getting trolled
It wasn't all about you, fag. Statistically, plenty of fags through history had families and raised children even though their more disgusting desires had to be repressed, which is a good thing. Allowing and accepting depraved sexual desires is bad for everyone, including you.
>in game model actually is an improvement on the face scan model
Is this a first for western developers?
guess i'm a master knife fighter now since i cut open boxes and mail as a wagie
Nintendo is fucked
It's interesting that they narrowed the nose to white proportions, what did they mean by this?
These garbages were approved and went into development years ago when woke shit was on the rise, they're only beginning to surface now.
It's not like they can just cancel the whole thing now so they have no choice to release it which makes it seem like a stupid choice given the current stituation.
See we were talking about being gay and I asked why it was bad and then you listed a bunch of things not related to what I asked, probably because you have no real reasons besides jewish mythology to hate it so much
The 2 twitter activists that asked for this and the 5 or so game journos that heard it somehow.
Declining birth rates, diseases, and an undending need for higher stimulus leading to more grotesque sexual immorality has nothing to do with faggotry?
Seriously just kill yourself you disgusting freak
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We probably did sadly so. And we will be rightfully vilified for it, with the underlying ideologies of this time also being vilified for it, and having a permanent stain on them for being associated with it. apathy allowed it to happen.

unless they just decide to not talk about it for the shame associated with it.
>/vpol/ is le one person except when it isn't
choose one
it's the one change they seem to always do, even though they almost always make people uglier.

guess they're racist.
Yeah but you said it harmed me and none of what you just said actually applies to me. I don't fuck people I'm not in a committed relationship with, declining birth rates happen to straights as well, and I don't have an unending need for higher stimulus. So how does it harm me?
Bro you are so far in the closet
Any game with LGBT and people of color (woman are 50/50) are woke or something, even if the game is good or the game still allows you to be an evil racist fucker as a play-style.

Personally I've stopped giving a shit and I don't even play BG3.
>I'm black and I've declared myself to be a woman!
>This means that I belong on a placard next to Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson, George Washington, etc.! You must celebrate me!
Think of how empty your existence must be to try to make this the centerpiece of your life from which you draw all motivation and validation.
They all apply to you. You don't live alone on an island and, unfortunately, people like me have to deal with you. And you can't convince me diseases don't apply to, you fags all say you're different than the others. Please don't give monkeypox to children. Actually, that's another good example of why we shouldn't allow sexually immoral behavior. Stop being a disgusting fag, fag
>1. They don't play video games
I'm trans. I spent the whole long weekend playing roblox. My girlfriend is also trans and she spent it playing Civilization. We play video games, we just don't care about concord because it looks lame as fuck.
Like the whole rag tag sci-fi aesthetic isn't my cup of tea and something about this specific iteration of it feels off. And the gameplay looks nothing special either, like hero shooters thrive on interesting abilities and the only thing I saw that came close to that in Concord was a vacuum gun. Nah I'll stick to Overwatch and Marvel Rivals when that comes out
I'm gonna make a meme called the Polwhiner-whiner to complete this
> gays gatekeeping acceptance
chapelle's allegory for the sexual degenerate journey was extremely apt
thanks for proving it

>arachnaphobic, huh?
lmao it's too predictable
t. Jerks off to lolicon
I guess I must have monkeypox since you said so. And I don't think a christian has much room to talk about molesting children.
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>black trannies
I knew that character looked like Thugnificent for a reason
Correct, people who are homophobic are more likely to be gay
>surely everyone is as depraved and lacks self-control like me!
You're making claims with just as much evidence as he did anon. You both just made shit up about how another person behaves.
Care to give me some statistics on who does it more? Stop spouting off lies, faggot
But you're spouting off lies about me so I think its fair to do the same to you.
One side does this shit in the streets and calls it a parade, what am I making up?
That's fucking stupid
Who's this mutt tranny? Whats his job?
No I haven't, all I have to do is look at who's getting what diseases
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It's just science, fuckspider:

>Some studies have shown that people who are homophobic are more likely to have repressed homosexual desires. In 1996, a controlled study of 327 heterosexual men (half said they were homophobic by experience, with self-reported orientation) at the University of Georgia found that men who were found to be homophobic (as measured by the Index of Homophobia) were considerably more likely to experience more erectile responses when exposed to homoerotic images than non-homophobic men. Bernard et al. 2012 arrived at similar results when researchers found that students who came from "the most rigid anti-gay homes" were most likely to reveal repressed homosexual attraction. The researchers said that this explained why some religious leaders who denounce homosexuality are later revealed to have secret homosexual relations. They noted that "these people are at war with themselves and are turning this internal conflict outward." A 2016 eye-tracking study showed that heterosexual men with high negative impulse reactions toward homosexuals gazed for longer periods at homosexual imagery than other heterosexual men.
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Anal sex destroys the anal cavity, it is not designed for such punishment and will lead to a Colostomy Bags at a early age for male homosexuality. due to the anal cavity also being prone to tearing it has a far higher chance of spreading STDS such as Aids in particular, it's actually quite hard to get aids from a woman in a heterosexual relationship if vaginal intercourse is the only measurement, as opposed to a homosexual relationship with anal intercourse, with the added problem of using lots of drugs to relax the anal cavity.

I can go on but it is whatever. do what you please i highly doubt homosexuality and transsexuality is going to survive the coming decades. as most of the world is already starting to put restrictions on both you can still be homosexual in the west, but there's already major restrictions on it in the east. where there used to be none. people can snitch on you in Russia for being gay and kissing another man on the internet. and you will be dragged into a police office.
I specifacally said I hate those parades man but then you decided I must be exactly the same as the caricature you made up in your head. It makes sense though really, you believe in talking snakes, magic jews, and shit so you're not that smart
>(((studies say))) that you're actually one of us
Oh yeah, you're all groomers, too. Kill yourself.
jesus christ look at that beast's face
Yeah but I don't engage in behaviors that make me more likely than the average person to get those diseases and you're only response to that is
>nuh uh! you do!
which isn't true
Not that Anon, but other studies have shown that homophobic men have the same response to gay people that they do to maggots, what do you have to say to that?
>don't associate me with those people who are doing the exact same things I'm doing!
again, kill yourself, dude
Fuck you. I'm having a gloat.
It's been a fucking decade of this industry being openly antagonistic to its base while they chase gay race-communist consumers and it's great to see it blow up in their face.
I didn't take $100m from them. I haven't campaigned against it or review-bombed it. Not even clicked dislike. They fucked this up all by themselves and you can't stop me being happy about it.
t. Sony console enjoyer
You're not gonna believe this but theres a whole group of gay men called "sides" that do not engage in anal sex. Its a even an option to filter grinder so you only see men who don't want to have anal sex. Plus straight people engage in anal as well.
>black text on grey background
wtf anon are you retarded
My response is that the rates of these diseases suggest you do. Regardless, you've chosen to just ignore all the other shit I said because you can't respond to them. Just saying on the internet that you're not a disease-ridden faggot isn't much
But I am not doing those things. I don't go to those events and don't interact with people who do.
I have no reason to believe you. You also have no underlying moral framework to keep you from lying, either.
That's a god damn creature
No they don't suggest anything about me personally. Because people are individuals and because some members a group do things does not mean all of them do.
Is the character really playable if nobody actually played it?
what's the deal with all this trans shit anyways? I went to college from 2009 to 2014 and there was not a single word about trannies back then. but apparently now its all over the place.My sister was saying her college has gender neutral bathrooms.
Oh yeah because everyone is just rushing to emulate russia. They're doing so good right now and making everyone jealous.
>study shows
Goy moment.
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Nothing was accomplished with this thread.
Here's what's going to happen now: You'll continue to lose the culture war, BIPOC transwomen will continue to be represented in gaming and beyond, and you'll continue to make 500+ reply threads full of nothing but impotent seething. Sounds good?
...That last sentence is a rhetorical question, by the way. It obviously doesn't matter what you think.
Just know that we know you’re homosexual
I can know one thing with certainty, how you have sex, and with whom. By admitting you're gay, you're telling me at least one very risky behavior you practice. And, again, I have no reason to believe you, especially when we know that fags not only participate in riskier sexual behavior, they also engage in sexual acts more often than straight people just in general. Again, no reason to believe you, and that's not the only issue. You have no reason to tell the truth right now, and every reason to lie.
So do you have any actual argument or do you just want to keep dropping buzzwords? And I sure hope you arent the jew worshipping christcuck
Is that Josh Strafe Hayes?
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as much as i understand that Heterosexual couples do partake in anal, the Homosexual relationship --Man on Man-- it's fairly more common. i also know of the phenomena that some don't but they are not as large as the larger homosexual community who does. Otherwise the gay community wouldn't be sitting at a pretty 20 times more prone to have STDS then a heterosexual man ,equating the relationships is also a misnomer as one CAN create children and the other is just merely sexual pleasure. so one is just superior by mere existence.

also it doesn't really matter what standards are placed on homosexual sexual relationships as they simply don't matter since there's no childcreation in the equation. everything is just a preference.

so i say again enjoy it, whilst you can restrictions are most likely coming sooner rather then later. and since it doesn't apply to me i don't have to worry at all.
wow I guess homosexuals are really bad people then, thanks for telling me

Thankfully I'm a good person so I can't be gay
Everything is manufactured, pushed on us by rich jews (fink, soros, etc)
the model looks better than the real thing this is unrealistic standards
Wrong again man, sides exist and they don't engage in anal sex. And if you choose not to lie out of fear of punishment from a magic jew instead of because it's wrong to deceive others that more an indictment of your moral, not mine.
Repent, and believe in Jesus, faggot
Alright good luck with pretending to be straight
No one is going to place any restrictions on it man. You're only example of new restrictions is fucking russia and no one wants to be like russia
You never had a culture to begin with.
no you see I'm not homophobic(a bad person), so I can't be gay
Try not to have too many unwanted erectile responses lol
Why should I believe in Jesus? What proof do you have that the bible is correct?
You guys are joking around while CHINA IS TAKING OVER VIDYA
and you are here shitposting and not helping western devs hold their foot down while SOMEONE IS TAKING OVER ALL THE WEST SPOTLIGHT???????

You guys should be ashamed
Unirinically 2014 was a big year socially in terms of politics. Wether shit like gamergate was a cause or a symptom is up for debate but super pozzed types went from niche communities online and jokes made by comedians to something very visable on social media. Then the mainstream media and all these corpos decided to go full force on it and here we are. Shit like what happened with this and dustborn as well as comedy starting to get better makes me think we are starting to get out of this dark era thpunit will likely never fully go away.
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it will only snowball from there. if you think this isn't the case you are naïve. or do i need to talk about the middle east, and that the people that live there now live in the west. and how they treat homosexuals, and how even recently they took political offices in the UK.

the world is really small for homosexuals to be well homosexuals and it'll most likely grow even smaller. so again i say enjoy it whilst it lasts, it is unlikely to survive the coming decades in it's current free form.
Not everyone is a dopamine-sick, sex obsessed faggot like you, faggot. You are repulsive to the vast majority of humanity.
I don't care because woke is dying and that's all that matters to me

And even if vidya dies it's no big loss, there are fucking thousands of games to play.
>Video games are lagging behind on LGBTQ+ representation
It's very funny how the go-to homosexual insult is "YOU'RE SECRETLY GAY," like they know deep down that they are repulsive to everyone capable of disgust.
Proof by what standard? Prove to me reality exists at all, first, then I can use whatever standard you use.
holy shit whats the song at the end of the clip!??!?!
Insistence on keeping these trash game threads up likely means shit is retarded advertisement "buy this trainwreck of a game to experience how trash it is yourself!" campaign.
>prove to me reality exists
How about you just answer the question instead of dancing around the fact that you have no answer?
please anon re-consider and help the devs get back into the right path, US is going to shoot itself in the foot while someone comes and takes vidya worse in the long run
I don't care lol I have like 2 TBs of games I can play until the day I die.

Games haven't been good since 2007.
I'm sure lesbians deal with the same. Everyone is an asshole.
NTA but yeah this is exactly what I feared was the case.

I am very much a "do what you want to do as long as you aren't hurting anyone" (hurting extends beyond the physical as well) and it felt to me that playing into the mental illness of others and telling them are right was not the right choice and it was clear that the doctors saying this understood they could make a lot of money by agreeing with them and none by disagreeing.
For example, how do we treat other mental illnesses where someone is delusional about an aspect of reality, if you are depressed we don't tell you to kill yourself, if you are schizophrenic we don't say your delusions are real, if you are bulimic (or whatever its called) and are super skinny but think you are fat we don't say yes you are fat keep losing weight
why would this be different? well the clear difference is that you need to get expensive treatment for one of them, and a lot less for the other when its the reverse for many of these other conditions.

I can understand going along with it if it REALLY did help people, even if it wasn't every scenario but more than less, as there are many people who have talked about their experiences and regrets and feeling like they were tricked into these situations and led astray and now need to live as a mangled mess.
But there wasn't any research on this at the time and people were talking about other unrelated retarded shit rather than what actually helps these people, because at the end of the day, these genuinely are troubled people who need help, sure, there are some who are into it for their own sexual gratification, but who cares about them, they will do their own wack shit anyway. Those who genuinely struggled with this as a problem have been led astray with no good information and will have to live with the consequences of this for the rest of their lives so other could make a quick buck.

It's absolutely vile and disgusting.
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Russia's restrictions are extremely mild. compared to some nations i'll redirect you too.>>687598758 but you'll hand wave it away in some way. but again i am not here to debate this any longer i have derailed this thread for too long eventhough its over the limit.

so once again i say enjoy it whilst it lasts. this will not end like you think it will. even historically speaking.
I don't even play video games. I come here to be a racist, mysoginistic and transphobic piece of shit.
The universe cries out God's existence. You already don't accept the proof that's laid out to you. Whatever standard you all ready use won't be sufficient. That's my point.
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they've done it! this is what'll bring in the gamers for sure. concord inclining
You can't vote against tyranny, an actually tyranical person wouldn't allow you to vote them out of power
this is a monumental failure, enough to potentially effect the entire industry in the next couple years
But what proof is laid out to me? What is the universe crying? And even if it did prove a god exists why specifically is it the Jew god?
Thanks! Now I will play your game.
>investors will get cold feet
Not if they're pushing for this shit intentionally and have infinite money.
Why does anything exist at all instead of nothing? If matter cannot be created nor destroyed, why is it here? Existence itself hinges on the supposition of a creator, and the complexity hinges on a designer (entropy). Nothing makes sense without God.
Again, whatever you have already determined would be sufficient as "proof" necessarily excludes God, and cannot be logically consistent.
>vote for an argie
I'd rather the country got nuked
imagine paying 50/60/70 or even 80 $ for a slop like that? then asking yourself why the industry is so shit, npc's have no brain
The idea I'd they worked their way ip the company from the bottom amd gained a complete understanding of it from the ground up. That part at least isn't an issue. It's all the rest of it.
Ok that's fair enough I suppose though it does beg the question of what created god since something can't come from nothing? Of course your answer to that will probably be that God is the exception to that rule but then I'll ask why if God can be have that exception why can't the universe itself also have that exception? And that still leaves the problem of proving that not only does a god exist but that it is specifically the jew god
God of the gaps.

I hate communists more than I hate the worst Bible thumpers. I'm saying this so that you stop making anti-Marxists look stupid.
>destroying the west by importing infinity migrants is the lesser of two evils
I truely hate your short sightedness.
Too late god is good and Marx was right.
To keep it quick, basically you got it, God's nature is something entirely seperate from the constraints of this universe, as it must be to continue being logically consistent. And since this thread's almost gone, I'll say it's the God of the Bible and not any other because to remain consistent, God must have certain qualities and attributes, like all powerful, all knowing, good, etc., in order for Him to be God at all, so He cannot be, say, the greek gods or anything "lesser." Lots has been written on how we can know the God of the jews is the true God, I'll just say go read that. William Lane Craig and the like.
aaaahahahahhahahahahahaha dumb nigger trannies hahahahahahahahahaha
You don't even know what you're saying. There are no gaps, I am talking about the laws of this universe, and consistency therein.
Go eat chalk retard. Jews and your sand book get the fire.
God was created by the big bang actually
Marx was a dumb bitch
you're wrong, i'm right, repent
But Yaweh isn' the only god with those attributes. In fact he can't be both all good and all powerful.
>We don't know how existence came to be. Therefor, it could only have been God!
Here's the follow up question: If it's impossible for something to have existed for an infinite amount of time, what created God?

This is just another illogical "god of the gaps" argument.
lol faggot
Why do you keep insulting people and telling them to kill themselves? That's a sin you know. You're also being very prideful.
Also this is a pretty degenerate site. Like it has multiple porn pages. It's clear anon is just retarded.
Calling people fags isn't bad, but you're right, shouldn't tell em to kys, I'll stop. Don't kys, repent
lmfao either you're inbred or underage.
Jesus hung out with degenerates, and told them to stop being degenerates
you know I'm starting to doubt your whole philosophy
I don't know man, It was wrong to abuse the adulterous woman and insult her according to Jesus so I don't think he would like you calling people fag. He probably also wouldn't like how it actively turns people away from his word when his followers can't even be good people
Lots has been written about it, read them
It's not gaps, it's inconsistencies that cannot be made consistent otherwise
niether, repent
Then don't base what you believe on /v/ comments, read the bible
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actual question here
how many more investment bombs is it gonna take for game developers and movie studios to say no woke bullshit? are sweet baby and george soros really so stinking rich that they can piss away all this money for no return? how long can this really go on if we have data saying it shouldnt?
So what drugs are you on schizo kun?
>he literally backed up his claims and you didn't.
teenfag, i know your being "rebellious" by going on 4chan but please go back to doing your homework.
Holy fucking ESL. I genuinely don't know what you are trying to say. I can tell you are mad, but that's it.
Money is just made up. Power does what it wants.
>no one is good, no not one
I'm not a worthless degenerate like the faggots here, but calling out fags isn't abuse. Also, I'll admit it was wrong to tell people to kys, but no Christian who claims to be perfect is telling the truth. If you're expecting that in order to believe, you aren't concerned with truth, you're justifying remaining in sin
Not everyone is a drug abusing faggot, what is it with people who just assume everyone must be like them?
Have you repented for that or are you still hell-bound?
I am concerned with the truth which is why I don't believe in bronze age mythologies or their antiquity era expansion packs with no evidence.
>not understanding how salvation works
Read the bible
>Existence must have been created by God because I used the word "creation" instead! All existence is creation, and that implies a creator!
>God exists
>therefor, God must been created
>therefor, God didn't create all of existence, because he couldn't have created himself
Explain how this solves an inconsistency. It's another "god of the gaps" argument that doesn't even stand on its own.
So you can do whatever and still go to heaven without repenting? What's the point of repenting then?
>no evidence
None could ever be shown to you that you'd accept. It's not proof you need.
So you call them something else? We tell me about it schizo kun.
You assume all gay people are the same based on your experience with some of them and they assume all christcucks are druggie schizos because of their experiences with some of them. You're both applying the same amount of critical thinking and evidence to your accusations.
>therefor, God must have been created
What I meant to write.
I love it when christcucks get asked for real tangible evidence, don't provide any for the existence of any god much less their personal god, get called out on it, then claim the other person wouldn't listen even if they did provide evidence. Its the same script every time with you absolute delusional schizos
who are you quoting?
No. Read the bible
literally doesn't make sense
I have read it, use your words mate
Uppers for long nights of posting? Or ya on downers to keep the voices quiet? Got something from a doc? Whatcha up to schizo kun?
I never said that
What is certainly true is that I cannot prove to you God's existence in the way you demand.
If you have, then you've forgotten what it says
drugs are for queers
It really is. I'm tired of arguing with them. I rather just point and laugh.
No evidence will be enough for you. Repent, and believe.
Oh so you refused to take what the doctor prescribed and that's why you're acting like this. Yeah I thought so.
lame response
they can take money from your taxes( like Ubisoft in Europe/Canada) so they can keep making those garbage until the Sun burn out, it doesn't matter that 99% of titles failed in term of sales
Im sorry I don't believe in fantastical stories for no reason like you do anon.
There you go, happy reading, fag.
there was a rubicon grading scale for media projects to receive funding from the gov for their production. 10 points were all you got for your project having a decent chance at even breaking even, and you needed a 70/100 to receive public funding.
It’s not been about money for a long time, man.

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