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the NY Fuuka banner is up in Blue Archive, you ARE getting her right?
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that was fast...
Make sure to get NYKari too for future shit like set or raids
she's complete shit what the fuck
She's used a ton in Set to survive and she's currently required in shirokuro torment in JP if you don't want to mald pixel perfect repositions
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I got Fuuka in 40 rolls, so I said screw it and rolled for Haruna then got her in another 40
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Neru Marriage
cute fuuker
now you can dominate pvp
I had to spark two banners back to back, I'm not fucking rolling again until bluges ,.l..
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total account brick.
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Now that the dust has settled... Which meet up event was your favorite?
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how should I know?
I skipped all of them
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My stash is safe... Loving vanilla sex with Arona tonight
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wasn't expecting to get her in 10 rolls. Is haruna worth going for? is she only good for pvp?
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>had to spark fuuka
She's good in some raids but you can just borrow her.
190 pulls of nothing and got summer wakamo at the end
Haruna hasn't been used in ages
If you want to roll more then get Acari else just save for blufes
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You should always be prepared to spark.
They call it BLUE archive for a reason
>Ichika and Dress Kayoko
>Haruna, Nodoka, and Azusa dupes
>Spark Fuuka
I got a 3* on my 200th roll and I was hoping it would be Fuuka so I could spark Akari instead but nope.
At least I won't be rolling again until Kanna
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The thread still getting nuked?
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>had to spark Fuuka
>got dupe B.Asuna and C.Kotori
>also got Kasumi, Miyu, Maki, Eimi, Meru, and holly jolly Hanane
Not the worst
Should have made the threads with X archive instead of putting the game title in the OP but hey a threads a thread
Swimsuit kanna is a great unit too
I got NYFuuka in 70. Should I keep going for spark so I can get her to 5*? Otherwise I'll just keep saving so I can doublespark Hoshino later.
Only if you love fuuka
You do right? go on ahead then
never roll for eligmas ever
you'll want UE50 Hoshi and UE50 Kuroko anyway
>never roll for eligmas ever
my brother made me go for 5* D.Hina...
Guess I will then.
I probably will get UE50 Hoshi/Kuro anyway, because it doesn't look like the banners from now until then are that interesting (although I'm missing gamer maids).
Fest banners are differents since they have double rates and the fest characters are always extremely busted.
It's not bad to go full 200 on fes but if I got the fes unit early then I'd save. Pyros don't grow on trees and having a bigger stash is always better.
When will Blue Archive get a Game game?
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>Hebe Archive
Let me know when you posers get true lolis like Genshin Impact. Hebes are nothing more than failed half-breed attempts at true loli.
Glad I waited to redeem Eimi, somehow pulled her 3 fucking times and now I'll be able to get her to 5* next shop reset.
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how the fuck do i protect this fucking robot
Congrats on mssing out on ligma to save some worthless jfd coins
Kill the enemies fast
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tablet seggs
>fuuker, copwife, and O.Ch*rino in 90
I'm happy, I have all of my favorites now except for Kazoos.
I got like 6 new 3* before I got her (all trash btw), shit was fucking weird
Now do I spark for Akari or Haruna?

Neither. Save your gems
I got two more house niggers today bringing her to 5*. I don't think I've ever used her once.
Got her at 60, shame I also only now got aru as I would have liked to get her valentines.
Weird to see people hyped for a rerun banner. I guess, I count as an oldfag now. Even though I didn't start on launch.
>more NY.Haruna in PvP from now
I enjoyed my Harunadomination while it lasted.
Probably just save, but if you really want to:
Haruna is better for PvP
Akari is overall more useful for non-PvP stuff
Akari is mandatory for the new raid and gamemode coming in the future. Like the difference between malding or having a comfy experience. If you trust that your blue students are built enough you can skip but otherwise get Akari as a carry.
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I hate Miyako as much as I hate Ako.
Saki love.
Fuck you Haruna, I thought it was Fuuka.
And that's 130 rolls, time to skip some momos.
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I forgot to change the image to the one I merged.
>Cheer Kotori
>Swim Saki
>Iori dupe
>Kikyou dupe
>Sakurako dupe
>NY Haruna
NY Haruna showed up in my spark's last 10, so I can get NY Fuuka too.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting a little annoyed near the end though.
JFD teams?
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Can't roll anymore because I spent 200 pull getting dress Hina and then in a vain attempt to get dress Aru with 'only' 90 pulls.
Anything to farm in this event?
>Had to spark Ichika
>Then Yukari
>Then Kikyou
>Not enough to dickroll Eimi
>Could easily just buy enough jims
That was the day I became free. Was pretty hard for the first 2 weeks.
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nyAkari furniture, Gehenna mats, and most important: Your Junko elephs
I'm fucking broke so no.
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>get nyfuuka in 70
>another 100 rolls before I get a purple
>its xmas serina and not nyharuna
>end up sparking her
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>want MY fuuka
>>roll 70
>serika NY dupe
no thanks i can live being in gold. my remaining crunchy gems goes for nagisa.
Despite not ever playing the game, it is very nice to see anons genuinely enjoy themselves after seeing the majority of board lamenting the direction their video games are heading.
Not like BA is immune to it, loads of core devs left.
Seems like they're hiring a lot of people right now to replace them.
KV aside, there's some concerns in terms of the writing, art quality, pace of the game and what not.
Game is definitely losing momentum, and if Nexon/Project MX doesnt course correct it could end up worse.
The writing complaints came from vol1c3, the one isakusan did before leaving, we now know he didn't just phone it in, he faxed it with as little effort as possible
The current JP event for example is well liked
Art quality too, refers to the likes of Quipao Marina, by the artist that left
The BA team can most definetly bounce back from it, and the most isakusan managed to do with KV is burn bridges with people
Haruna is limited, Akari isn't, you decide
Took me 79 draws to get nyFuuka. Got cHare and normal Haruna on the way for new students
Day 3 sensei here: So I really want to roll for this one, right? I obviously didn't put anything into the banner that just ended
Only gacha I played briefly was Limbus after El Director's betrayal
is new york akari worth rolling for if i already have the other new york girls?
nyFuuka is one of the few units that reduce EX skill cost so she's useful in everything assuming you don't already have Ui, so definitely roll for her
nyAkari is used for future blue Set content but not mandatory
nyHaruna is used for pvp
ny fuuka is S tier unit and limited on top of that. She is useed in many different raids and other content that doesn't really matter. You should absolutely roll for her if you have enough for a spark
But also got Ako in the process, so I can't be too upset, I guess, since I fucked up during her banner.
Thanks. I also have that devious ten-pull ticket burning a hole in my pocket. Since I have so little of anything I should probably use it first?
Don't have the 24k ready, but I have more freebies coming, I'm sure.
Considering that we've got at least two whole months of fucking nothing ahead, and that lately i've got no luck at all with my pulls i finally managed to uninstall the game after two years straight. I might eventually come back for the bluefest, but i hope not.
forgot if this banner lasts a week or two, but speedrun story content if you can
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>throw grand total assault ticket at akari cos why not
>oh shit, pink
Reminder to do the drill
>just yellow AoE
I thought it'd be more gimmicky. But, I guess, you need some attackers to actually take advantage of this drill's gimmick.
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see you in project kv
I'll definitely give it a try, if i manage to not come back to BA at all.
Well the team can't barely do a marketing campaign right so you'll be waiting for a good while.
>not an eroge
>vtumor trying to start game-wars
I can at most do the second stage, even with a borrowed Iori or Momoi, they end up anally fucking the robot.
Sucks to live the brick life.
What the fuck are you talking about retard, she's one of the strongest blue supports.
>project kv
That won't survive the inevitable Nexon lawsuit.
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Should i roll for haruna as well? I know she is good for pvp but i dont know if its only for this season and the yurifag in me is telling me to get the set
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Propositive reminder
kill yourself
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Of course, she is needed as a slave
Literally must have. If you've been playing for 3 days you have enough one-time sources of pyros from the story and missions to guarantee her. Otherwise literally reroll the account, she's must have.
Get Akari instead. I don't know why no one's talking about her, she's must have in Set and nearly must have in most blue content.
even if you have the writers, that has nothing to do with the quality of the game. considering they don't have a big backing like nexon and the game seems to be rushed out if employees worked on both games simultaneously, it just smells like disaster.

the devs left because they wanted more money, which means the budget for KV is from broke asses lmao
>muh limited
i haven't played the game but i do like the cute girls (and art of them hehe) but i swear they pump out limited reruns all the time. has to be several times a year, otherwise why tf are you getting a NY limited rerun in september...
I'm not knowledgable about meta-gaming. Which banner should I roll for?
>they end up anally fucking the robot.
Healing is reduced greatly in this drill. Bring shielders to keep it alive.
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see you on Thursday
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My Ui has a lvl 5 EX skill, can i skip fuuka?
>Want to roll for nyAkari
>already threw a spark at the fes banner just to get Hina with nothing else to show for it
>threw a spark to get Dress Aru and 160 rolls to get Kayoko
>6k pyros right now
It's not fair. At least she isn't limited.so I can have some peace of mind while saving for gamer maids.
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This makes up for my lackluster fest results. Time to hunker down for next fest. Also fuck Haruna. I'll never have my lineup of students be tainted by her soulless presence. I WISH I could roll for Junko because she is more deserving of my very limited rolls.
somewhat yes if you already have the himari+ako combo for your dps
>has to be several times a year
once every year >>687622294
>why tf are you getting a NY limited rerun in september...
because we (eu,na) are behind jp schedule
You need both
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Someone managed to get 87k with the first team but I couldn't replicate it.
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I wish this game has a sync system like NIKKE has. I've done 200 pulls today, got 10 new *** students and I only can level up like 2 to my current max level. Which ones?
If you plan to do Torment or use D.Hina - no.
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it's good to have both, e.g. you need another cope Mika clearup team and reduce ex skill cost / buff crit on both teams

or for times when Ui gets slaughtered because of her armor type.
Are you buffing the bot?
Oh, sorry - got 9. Forgot Junko was from a freebie from the event.
>Rolled all the way to pity on NY Fuuka's banner
>Pull NY Haruna with the last roll
I guess I end up where I was gonna be anyway but kinda funny
I mean second team. Maybe it's due to Yuzu scoring huge crits.
The difference between Yuzu critting and not critting is like 4x times worth of damage.
You want both. Get Fuuka or get bricked.
is this just a standard event or one of those "100 pull" events for new players to join?
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Iroha because she kissed me indirecty
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Sakurako was very cute
why the fuck am I supposed to need NYfuuka when I already have Ako and Himari
It's a rerun. The next 100 pulls event won't be until around late January
she cuts EX cost in half
>dont have her
maybe next year haha
When you need more than 1 team
Also haruka juri izumi and shimiko
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Seeing all these newcuties get NY Fuuka is great.
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damn, back to saving I guess
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There were a lot of good ones. Haruka, plana, himari and most of red winter but which one was the worst? For me it was tsurugi her even was super short and nothing happened
It took me 150 to get her so I just went all the way to get Haruna.
Eh, for Tsurugi it's in character at least, Mashiro was supremely dull for no reason.
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>150 points so far
>these are literally the only 3 starts I've gotten
I'm gonna fucking an hero.
I finally got my studentwife to 50
what does /v/ play BA on? phone? emulator? (if so which one? thinking of installing and diving into the cunnyverse)
ldplayer, always.
>200 points
>literally not a single 3 star student
this has to be a fucking joke
never pulling outside of fes ever again
Both. Phone for reading in bed and quick dailies, PC for doing raids.
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Mika is definitely sweet
>an hero because he got an hero girl
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40 GEMS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!
yeah this whole Fuuka business was not worth it
back to saving for the fes, I hope I can get 48k pyro until then
Fuuka NY is a end game unit that won't show you immediate benefits but you should keep her in mind
Same applies to Kotama C
Haruna NY is probably one of your best choices for red attackers
The rest ranges from situational to shit
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I really love this one!
Honestly not feeling her, simple as that

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Happy birthday to Don Aranchino's bodyguard!
i know nothing of Set
what is it and why akari is must have?
It's a 10 unit raid. Hypercarry isn't viable so you need to buff multiple DPS. Akari does this best for blue units.
If it's not Hasumi then I do not care.
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Fat fuck
I can't believe that I actually bought the Koyuki's bait bros, I might be as dumb as she is.
I love this fatty
Why doesn't anyone stop Hasumi?
Hasumi if 5'11 and at least 250 lbs, you try stopping a freight train like that coming to eat your dessert.
I can take her.
You can't even fix yourself.
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Took 200 pulls and only got kanna aside from her. On a brighter note though, rank 64.
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I got NYFucker at 140 pulls and sparked NYHaruna, no NYAkari for me
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My game keeps switching back to the original korean dub even after I tried to change it to the japanese dub.
It might be a bug...
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Keep it up
I had her from last year I don't care.
Skipping Akari too, I'm not going to wobble through Set's higher levels regardless of if I have her or not.
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>joint drills
why are they ALWAYS such a bother?
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>cherino keeps focus assault on the back bots
Tomoe im starting to lose faith in our leader
Emulator, this game can't run on my cheap phone.
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up 2 u man
Kikyou's is pretty funny since she goes full tactician autist and loses 4D chess with herself
>ny fuuka ex skill reduction doenst work on the robo
fucking bullshit
Who said anything about fixing anyone? I just said I could take Hasumi. In a fight.
My wives Hina and Kasumi's are both great in very different ways but I gotta go with Kasumi
>oh yeah I made time in my schedule of running away from authority to have this night meeting but if you're busy it's cool
>i made edible slippers btw yes i did wear them because I knew you'd be into that
What a good girl
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>>i made edible slippers btw yes i did wear them because I knew you'd be into that
Wtf, is this real?
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>140 rolls for nyfuuka
>Not a single purple
I'm not even mad, I'm just tired
I editorializing the knowing, but she does do that
Quick, buy the big packeji to get to 200 rolls and claim her for free.
honestly i'd rather get nothing at all over dupes. the elephs aren't worth the emotional damage
Same I pulled 5 dupes on the NY Fucker banner, it hurts
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what about the gameplay?
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fox daughter
based izuna poster
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Would you rather be raped by Haruna or Akari?
Probably Haruna but only because Akari would force me to cook everything I have and leave me with nothing
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Haruna would never
I have no fucking idea what's going on with this JFD but I got my first ever 82K
>nyFuuka at 70 rolls
>roll for nyHaruna
>no purple until 170 rolls in
>it's xmas Serina
>spark nyHaruna and pray I get spooked by nyAkari in the future
the rates are 3% right? RIGHT?
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Akari hungers...
Of course
(3/70)% or however many students there are to roll NyAkari
She loves me.
Akari is more attractive naked but I Haruna is pretty hot with the hat on
Either way neither of these would be rape, what man refuses a hot demon girl
Hows that drill?
Had to 4/2/2 since i have classes early
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This drill isn't so bad
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>it's a drill week
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>show friend this game after he mentions he draws stuff
>wonder who his favorite girl is
>secretly find out his online drawing handle
>after 4 months of playing the only Blue Archive art he's drawn has been Black Suit neck deep in cum and a meme picture of one of the mercenary robot men tied to a bed with the shadow of what appears to be Saori's halo over him
>ask him who his favorite girl is
>Oh it's Chise she makes funny sounds
Bros did I just accidentally find out my friend is a botfucking homo
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>NY Fuuker event shop has no food to buy
wtf am I going to feed my new york Akari and Haruna now?
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I'm a lucklet so nope.
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>this entire post
lol lmao rofl, xd if you're so inclined except unironically.
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>had to spark Akari
>got a good amount of dupes and even spooked by D.Kayoko
It's not the worse but I really didn't want to be dropped down sub 30k pyros
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my wife Kokona.
This is going to be a good week, I can feel it in my bones!
Retardbro maybe when you get out of the hardcore borrow phase you will understand how rotations and cost work
But she just gives you store bought chocolate and the packaging is bad too.
I'll just have to rape her later
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Robots are pretty hot in this game
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>Nexon Games has been researching and developing 'Project RX' as a successor to 'Project MX' since the year 2022
Are we actually going to get a new Blue Archive game? Sounds cool
>fuuka 100% wife material
>2nd best one was midori making it look like an early date
>3rd place goes for hifumi, just two friends using the date to get limited stuff.
Who gives a shit as long as he isn't a buttfucking homo who is lusting after your ass
Akari, because there's no reality where I have sex with Haruna and it is not consensual on my part.
Yes and No.
You don't really find this goofy battle droid looking dude hot right
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Marina is mai waifu
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>Chise reply image
>his favorite is Chise
I don't know what's more worrying, he's here or all Chise bros are secretly like this
>2 rolls
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Finally the best part of this video.
And while I'm on the subject, should I just save for Bluefes now? I'm not doing raids or anything. I just like to play casually.
Don't look at me like that Cheese.
There's no way it's him he's the type that thinks 4chan is le sekrit klub darknet crime site, all his pics were on twitter under a weird name. Cheese is pure
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It's a little version of me Sensei, I want you to have it.
Another thread full of anime-loving gambling-addicted shitposting pedophiles. Just fucking great.
Whoever had the Scho-ka-kola, I forgot who it was because I had to rush through 30 valentine's invites 30 minutes before reset assuming I would have to spent them right then instead of getting the usual one week of leeway
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Another thread full of anime-loving gambling-addicted shitposting pedophiles. Just fucking great.
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Another thread of shitposting pedophiles. Just fucking great.
Anime-loving gambling-addicted shitposting pedophile website my dude, idk what you were expecting from the place where the main exports are dogshit meme edits and screencaps bitching about lack of cumability of characters nowadays. You lost?
why do you retards have to bite every tranny bait and derail the thread to be about it
>A visual novel
>With artstyle and palette reminiscent of shibafu from Kantai Collection
I don't think it's for me chief. They better hurry up and show more characters.
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Don't you have Concor's funeral precession to attend?
/bag/ has always been unusably bad and sometimes it leaks in here
is it true what they say about Hina?
my third spark in a row. at least this time i actually got new characters.
>/a/ started the gay already
Not gay if it's with Neru
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I'm biased towards Hina, it's either her or Michiru
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>posted last week about how I tarded out trying to beat Cheeseball Extreme
>tried it again last two days of the event but just said fuck it, going with the primetime team, no fodder
>Mika shoots the cheeseball and it fucking instantly dies, over 3 million damage in a single hit
The fuck she left it with like 2 million HP before that's why I didn't do it, I aced the last 2 days but man.
>have nyharuna but no shun
Go on without me pvpbros...
You mean the thing about her head?
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I am Yukari!
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I love Fuuka
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Nice job, yeah if you have buffers like nyFuuka, Ako, Himari, camp Hare, Mika will easily deal ton of dmg
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your wife ate my pyros, you both owe me sex
Her character isn't interesting enough.
I only roll for characters I really like since I'm F2P.
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How about I tell Fuuka to put strychnine in your curry instead? She's worth it bro trust me.
pedo game
pedo thread
pedo board
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Return to the righteous path while you still have a chance
Marina is so dumb, but man she's stacked. Especially evident in her recollection
He skill can miss especially with Cheez It
Mika was max upgrades and buffed by NY Fuuka, Dress Aru, and Himari. I couldn't bring S Ui because I needed Nonomi and NY Aru instead.
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Playable when

I blew everything on Dress Aru and Dress Goth.

No prox to waste on this shit.
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Girls are the cutest when they are almost retarded
It can miss? Shit maybe that's what happened, how do you miss a sphere the size of a gas station
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I don't care about brats. I only like good girls.
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My best friend's waifu is actually called Marina
She's a shit janny but at least she can cook pretty well
Where’s the NIKKE thread? *yaaawn*
You're posting in it!
Do I need UE40 haruna, or is 3 star good enough for pvp?
Pretty much every attacker in this game needs UE40. Even some supports do.
You want that 49% extra red damage from UE40, that's why she's good.
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What rank did you get on this chesed raid? Surely you got plat right?
3 stars is decent, but you'll only pull off insane stuff like that if you upgrade her to UE40.
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Sure thing sensei
Just remember to praise wakamo from time to time
Shut up Wakamo
You don't UE40, in fact, you don't need Haruna, don't use her ever :)
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>Girls are the cutest when they are most retarded*
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Makoto is also very cute
Disgusting gambling videogame.
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World Peace
at least use the loop we already have, it's better too
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Cute daughter
The next main story update better be for vol 5
G-Gold looks better anyways!!!
>replacing oddloop with whatever that shit is
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Wrong webm, my bad.
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Its your fault sensei
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>phone "people"
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fresh one
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>Phone game
Doesn't mean you have to act like an aaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssshole
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Does this one count?
Hoshino's hand is triggering my autism too much. I'll splice a perfect loop when I'm on my PC.
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and posting a shitty loop that stutters isn't triggering your autism?
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Not quite as much.
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Was it a downgrade?
We need to update that pic
Sensei must know that EVERYTHING is his fault
oddloop is the name of the song on the original
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Did you register bros?
That's cool, not even remotely the point though.
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>Hoshino's hand is triggering my autism
lol I was thinking the same but I'm too damn lazy.
There's no fucking way a ragtag team of angry devs will do a global release so quickly.
of course not, it's just shitposting to get retards like (You) to reply.
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Is scary wolfseggs the next unit to save up for? Is she limited? I tend to get spooked by normal wolfseggs and bicycle wolfseggs often.
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>had to spark New York Fuuka
>bunch of garbage pulls
>only 10k pyros left
>still no Ako
it's never been more over
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You might want to get bandFatfuck inbetween but yeah, otherwise your next best bets are Wolfseggs and Ojiisan
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>red Archive
Ah yes i always forget how its called
That is a bad name design by itself
But i will try it anyways
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We're getting two anniversary students now, so get ready.
>sex and even more sex
terror hoshi when? that cutscene was sick as hell
yuzu is good, evil cot is good
I want the perv from red winter....
I can't believe we're getting another fucking Hoshino.
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It gets worse if you are an Ariuschad.
I skipped it
>I can't believe it's another hoshi
>completely ignores us getting yet another shiro
>b-b-but it's a whole new character!
it's still shiro
>Misaki in 1.5 years on global
>mystery kit, might be striker or special
Shiroko has four alts
Hoshino has 3
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Shiroko doesn't have 2 fes alts
As a freefag i cannot roll for anything until those banners since i do will need broken hoshino, i want sex cat and hyper sex fat hobbo
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>S.Saori doesn't show her tummy
For this reason alone I will be skipping.
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>She might have a ton of alts but they aren't all fes based!
oh no.. anyway, happy to see more hoshi and wolf wank
Why did the /bag/ banner guide stop updating?
I have never successfully pulled on a banner.
I've had to spark each time and Fuuka was no different.
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I dunno. I get all my information from certified VEE users.
Because the writer is lazy. It also doesn't make sense to make evaluations right after they come out in JP. You need to give them time and wait for mulitple raids to pass to see how useful they are.
Sorry I stole all your luck, only ever had to spark on a banner once and when I did I got spooked by extremely meta characters.
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We need more hoshino alts
I believe in 9ml supremacy
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>All that equipment
>Combined with her usual school uniform and shoes
Real GSG9 energy
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>Next year
Terror is a bajillion times more interesting than Hoshino in tactical gear, people have been begging for her since she first showed up. Not trying to shit on Hoshino because she's a good character but come the fuck on, we need more original or pseudo-original students.
Hoshino (Forma de Tsurugi)
how would her momotalks work
>The most fucked up student in your entire rooster
She better have some type of "unkillable" ability or some dumb shit
Yes. I LOVE horny girls.
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Easily like marina having immortality after getting killed, or/and add insta regeneration like tsubaki with some stupid ass kill all skill
evil cot was from blufes, so I wasn't counting her. what is yuzu good for?
>what is yuzu good for?
Playing tic tac toe on her forehead
My autistic wolf wife. Can wait for Kuroko, I have plenty of time to save for her
Kokona's chocolate isn't store bought, read the inventory description for proofs.
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Ui - Skip
Hinata - Skip
Sakurako - Skip
Guide Tsubaki - Skip
Umika - Skip
Izuna - Skip
Mimori - Skip
Kazusa - Skip
Reisa - Skip
Natsu - Skip

Toki/Nagisa - Nagisa is maybe worth it, Toki is a skip.

Koyuki - Skip

Band Kazusa/Yoshimi - Yellow set units. Roll Band Kazusa and borrow a yoshimi if you care but they aren't particularly important units sadly.
Ako - You should already have this. Roll if you don't.

Kirara - Skip
Kaede - Skip
Tsukuyo - Skip
Kaho - Skip
Rumi - Skip
Mina - Skip
Shun - Skip
Kokona - Sex
Momoi/Midori - Skip. Maybe worth a consideration if you love the twins and have a surplus of resources that you can put towards purple raids but mostly skip
Maris - skip
Bunny toki - Skip
Serika swimsuit - Skip
Swimsuit Nonomi/Wakamo - Skip
Swimsuit Shiroko - You should already have her. Roll if you don't.
Chise/Izuna swimsuits - You should already have Summer Izuna swimsuit, roll if you don't else skip.
Mimori swimsuit - Skip

Kanna swimsuit - Actually a good unit that gives def down for 2 cost. If you have a good stash and can comfortably double spark for fes then consider her else skip.

Fubuki swimsuit - Skip
Moe swimsuit - Skip
Miyako swimsuit - Sex
Saki swimsuit - Skip
Hoshino/Hina regular banners - Super skip

Serious Hoshino and Shiroko*Terror - Enjoy your double spark! By the way, you need both at UE50!
Drill >>687618856 and some raids
I think because her def debuff
Don't have her yet but i see her often in teams
None of my fes units are at UE50 and SHoshino is still 4*. And yet I get plat every time.
idk about dead servers like EN, I was writing it from the JP point of view.
My scores would have been good enough to plat in JP for every raid excepet hiero
oh god i made a mistake, i spent 70 rolls when i already had her from long ago lmao
thats nice but I still don't care
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110 pulls to get her, is anyone worth pushing 90 more for?
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Well I never asked for you, Miyako.
But at least I know what you sound like during sex.
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I thought lolibabas were the ones that corrected (you)
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All of these units and I'm only rolling for S.Chise (after skipping her twice) and both BlueFes units. I wish they released more NPCs.
why is there doomposting about project pvin the blue archive communities
I wish i was Makoto's chair
post the middle one, NOW.
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Kanna is kinda worth it too and currently Akari are the most useful units from upcoming stuff. Else is a super easy skip.
Do I need nyAkari if I have nyKayoko?
she is just playing pretend anyway
Yes because NYKari is used for survival purposes. You use her in Set so your team survives longer or in current Shirokuro to bodyblock the cars with her.
Also worth noting that NYKari isn't 'Necessary' but she lands into 'She's nice to have'. Same as Kanna swimsuit.
Well I'm 90 away from spark so I guess I can push for her since

Said to skip almost everything for a year.
I'm looking at holding reserves for Nagisa, ssShiroko and then waiting for Shiroko Terror.

Or should I gun for Haruna since she's limited?
No just skip Haruna
You'll need every gem you can get for the double spark anyway.
I'm sitting on 80k right now and I still have a lot to get from story mode.
I already have her from before. She was the first 3* I rolled.
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Let's hope KV devs don't make the same mistake as their former team and introduce the teacher sex update early
Delicate, smart, AND athletic, truly the most skilled student.
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So I wasn't the only one thinking of Amairo about teacher fucking studentsge
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Did you plat this chesed? You did, right anon? Gold is for shitters
give me shupper gakis or give me death
Yes, I lost 3 fucking tickets doing torment but I managed
Got Fuuka in 5 multipulls. 10k pyros left, ready for the next fest, let's do this. Even got Saki and swimsuit Eimi out of it too lol
Aw shit, I got a purple on pull 200 and it was Ichika.
I guess that's neat.

Time to spark Akari.
Does Momiji have animal ears?
I don't have any favorites, but I did have some laughs.
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Head filled with Sensei
Need to get her naked to see
Why am i only now noticing how cute she is?
What did she mean by that?
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>pedo archive
>he didn't immediately notice
turn in your cute and funny card to the nearest organization
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I started playing years ago during the last NY event and I ended up getting Haruna instead of Fuuka because I didn't know what I was doing.

Haruna really carried me during the early game so I don't really regret it, but I'm glad to finally come full circle.
just woke up from a coma
any doujin with the chibis yet?
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>only now
I don't feel like reading the event.
It's a pretty simple story, there's no need to read it again unless your memory sucks.
You WILL read the event
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I'm a newugly...
I do really like Akari and Fuuka so I'll do it later, today I just finished all of the missions.
I want to eat PS68.
You can have this instead.
I couldn't fill out the book.

Am I bricked?
She wants Sensei to eat a dick.
Yeah until next Valentine's.
that's the first two pages bro

Can someone translate these?
This her canon size?
it's literally food ad, what's the to translate, probably goes like TASTE THE HARD BOILED PUSSY
I remeber *that* thread
It was really funny seeing the confusion
Does anyone have the chart that lists the songs used for each L2D and which of the girls uses them?
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NTA but thanks for the cool data. Got any more neat charts like this?
For me it's Aira, Midnight Trip, Alkaline Tears and Someday, Sometime. I love the slow comfy themes.
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>Dolce Biblioteca for Shimiko (Good) and T.Mari (???)
>Sugar Story for Ui
total Koi is Love death.
total Hue love.
Comfy Archive
Saori and Misaki's L2Ds were too depressing for me, which was fitting.
But I'm glad Sakurako got to have some bit of melancholy of never being understood by others too.
Sure did
I'm just starting so I'm trying to reroll for her, but I've had bad luck so far.
Alkaline Tears is the best but Misaki makes me sad, she genuinely needs professional help in a way a teacher cannot reasonably provide unless he were to adopt her
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Why does Arona hate me so much? I've had to spark every single banner I've rolled on for the past 4-5 months. I thought you guys said this gacha was generous...
So why do people call her wappi
Poor Misaki, I hope Arius summer gives her a bit of happiness...
she wappis
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Because she goes "wappi"

I miss UwU
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What where they thinking?
You haven't corrected Arona enough if she's still disrespecting you like that.
She wants it at this point.
All the more reason to give it to her.
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They weren't
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It will never stop bothering me that she hold the gun from the fucking magazine. NOT EVEN THE MAGWELL!
it's a bizarre oversight considering how much gun autismo is in BA
It's weird because the old art had it right.
And Sakurako is weirdly also the only one who doesn't waste shots
God himself guides her bullets.
I like trains, where the traincunny at?
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Check this out.
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For me it's
i can't believe they actually gave Fruitful Blossom to someone that isn't Shigure.
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this looks awful
It's supposed to, doodle sensei himself is a poorly made children's drawing slapped on any and every body imaginable
you could totally mount an m2 heavy browning to the engine here.
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Thread's dying so I can confess that I have masturbated to Ibuki more times than anyone else in this game
I've came while roleplaying as her twice.
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I masturbated to Karin the other day and I'm not proud of it.
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So you like niggers?
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>that ERP tranny is here
Alright, let's end this thread.
How is that fucking stoat so sexual what the fuck?
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Calm your tits, I don't do that shit in here.
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Fine, but only because these last few threads have been really good.
I was looking to see if any new BA nendos went up and found this
What the fuck is this and why is it so expensive, I could make this with a clean paint can and a big custom sticker from staples, in fact I probably will
went to pity for ny.haruna and now i'm fucking seething, only got off banners along the way
Vanilla or what, because I er, saw pictures that are truly shameful to peruse
Pictures like nugget Yuuka hanging from a wall, or Hanako giving nipplebirth to giant maggots squirming around in her boobs
They REALLY like producing merchandise of all kinds.
what the fuck dude
Why did you post this
I planned on getting her months ago when I started playing and autistically scrolled through guides.
Then I realised it's a fucking rat race and I only care about the story.
Not reinstalling until new Hyakko chapter is out
rookie stuff.
/v/aca is dying...
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What if we kissed under the KV Highway Overpass...
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My friend gave me an acrylic BA Calendar before he joined the army. It's pretty cool. This paint can is silly.
>page 10
call Koharu
time to post cunny!
( | )
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Post tag
i love you
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( . Y . )
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AI will replace these artists that can't even draw characters properly
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BA will prevail.
BA is dying.
What's the deal with GuP posts? Last thread I've seen hit bump limit also had this happen. I shouldn't be surprised, I posted Amagami too.
post more professor sexsex
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It was a random thing I and others pulled at the moment, same for amagami

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