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>Yep, I think it's think it's time to finish gaming for today.
God, I want to fuck her silly...
i bet her shit stanky as hell
I did this 3 times in a row by accident. Am i going to be ok?
works on my machine
>fuck her silly
what does this imply?
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>me when I get an entire case of jew burner
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You should also work out once in a while to keep that blood moving.
Everytime this happens I always think I'm about to have a stroke. Is this thing common?
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did he died?
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It happens when you stand up too quickly and your blood pressure doesn't have time to adjust to the change, people that normally do this are teen or young adults that have only recently grown to their full height. It can even make you pass out if you stand up super fast. Basically anyone that isn't extremely short will likely have had this happen to them, most people learn to get up more slowly after a while.
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>artist is just just as cute as their self-insert
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The worst it ever got for me was playing project zomboid for several hours in a row without drinking or even looking away from the screen I think
I got a visual migraine aura and felt like I was about to have a stroke
Getting something resembling pic related in one side of my vision was pretty fucking worrying
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Literally me.
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>i am forgotten
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She's perfect.
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imagine the smell
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that she is
transbian vibes
What is it called when you have a coughing fit from taking a big hit of smoke, and you get shell shocked in the most unique way, that makes you briefly lose control of your balance and body?
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midriff sexo
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Yes, it's common. It's more common among tall people and people with low blood pressure. No, it doesn't mean anything. The only danger is passing out.
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A sign to stop smoking
Transnigger vibes
Wait this shit has a name? I never had it happen to me until 5 years ago and now it only happens when I get out of bed in the mornings.
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That's called your lung functionality declining and failing to deliver enough oxygen to your bloodstream.
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Get this cringe faggotry outta here
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No, it was just a lethal dose of morphine
painfully unfunny, but top tier character design
I fucking hated when that happened. No kid should be allowed to endure that psychological torture.
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it's the same three jokes over and over, he should just make porn
>anon is blind
Umm how come she is wearing pink even though she supposedly hates it? I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder
It’s a hot girl drawing cute pictures
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This is just fap bait, no one actually finds this funny they just wanna fuck the character. Same thing with white Korra
What is that supposed to mean
She says the porn makes her uncomfortable and directly turned down Mossa when he asked her if he could make some. She's just doing the classic tease thing for attention.
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nah some of the escapist comics were pretty funny
Dont get why artists even ask instead of just doing it anyway and invoking rule 34 when moralfags step in.
Got one of these after getting off of work one day
Took me like an hour to even make sense of what was happening, it's awful
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Video games?
It’s supposed to make her feel old. These comics are actually written in Spanish first and she is getting called Señora which is what children call their female elders usually middle aged women
need more ss with her
this, who cares if she's "uncomfortable".
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haha le eccentric lesbian girl time for fugg
Why did she do that?
like being called uncle. makes you feel old
>still no porn of the girl
I'm disappointed, /v/
I also don't have any money and can't sleep, very relatable.
goth girl stick-chan...
Poster cut off the panel where she fucks her with his tiny shota cock
WTF i scanned the code and it was rule 34
Fucking hate this bullshit. I also quit tipping over this, especially after some places told me to order myself using my phone.
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Ok but wheres the videogames?
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ah, ketchup on lime time.
Kind of off topic there anon
Why do cute goth girls exist only in cartoons?
Too old
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>artist is a tatted up whore
What are some comedy web comic that are completely unrelatable
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I have one at my job. She's in a different department I rarely interact with, but she's super cute. And already taken.
i'm having sex with one tonight (bio woman, no peen, no tattoos, gothic.)
Because actual goth as a fashion/social movement died in the early 00s. No, girls dressing up in black while staying indoors and posting their pictures online isn't "goth".
her nipples are definitely pierced
I relate to more than a few of these.
>check her twitter
>BLM supporter
I would fuck the leftism out of her ass.
Female but she's also on the whole troons rights bullshit.
Because irl the aesthetic is unappealing without a lot of maintenance, meaning they usually look like shit. The ones that do all the upkeep wind up the same as the "preppy" types they claim to be different than, so you just wind up talking to a vapid bimbo but with different colored lipstick.
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tits or gtfo
>socks in bed
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>And already taken.
It's always like this. It's over.
>"accidentally" drawing yourself jerking off cocks
Chris-Chan was right about boyfriend-free girls
Looks like a tranny ngl
this has happened to me
also sometimes I use my face wash shit on my hair like a retard
So this is what mexicans look like? Amazing.
right? should be jerking me off instead.
why not just stomp it?
Is this Daria cosplay?
They exist.
You gotta participate in the right scenes, but they exist.
Most of them have boyfriends and/or girlfriends tho.
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>trannies stole tomboys from us
>now they're stealing goth girls from us too

Girls want to be slutty but not be perceived as easy. I remember some reverend dude on twitter said women should cover up and he got a ton of tit pics in his replies to spite him.>>687631891
Post her IRL tits and i might remember.
if they have girlfriends then they are available
no they didn't
>welcome to the cum zone
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>artist is a tatted up whore
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He called her the equivalent of 'oba-san'. Now that I think about it, english doesn't have a word for middle aged women onwards, does it? Why is that?
Lol why do they all pretend they're not gossiping hens, bitch everyone knows you like gabbing about stupid shit.
>Most of them have boyfriends and/or girlfriends tho
this is the issue
single goth girls is like dropping 10M on the floor on runescape f2p
>He has more than one product in the shower
Just one bar of soap gets the job done
It means she's old now. You say "miss" to young ladies, and "ma'am" to old ladies.
>My melody
>trannies stole tomboys from us
The fuck are you saying retard
>vagina bones
>mfw the exact opposite of this
How the fuck can caffeine make you drowsy
thanks for the advice mr. manly man
>anime in the background instead of music/podcast/audiobook
Did it to yourself.
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It felt like some part of my vision was missing and that there was an absence but it was hard to figure out what, then the zig zag patterns appeared.
Kind of like the visual equivalent of pins and needles.
>left with right's color
I will now buy your game.
That you should have quit smoking when it would have made a difference.
i mean that's a pretty good arc system works logo
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reverse psychology bros stay winning
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why isn't this cartoon drawn as obese as the person who made it
suprisingly relatable. pocket shirts ruin life.
>What is suncream?
Does this artist just make comics about being a retard?
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>closed cans
>being embarassed that people can hear your music made by a gay furry
Couldn't be me.
Because your heart goes haywire and you're basically hyper-ventilating just without the ventilation-part.
its very common if you have the tendency of sitting down all day, you can reeducate your body if this starts to become more and more common if you start doing some sit ups, squat or any movement that goes from a lower position to a higher one
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Tomboys only exist in the 2d plane anyway.
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She's wearing dentures
Nah, washing your hair with soap sucks.
Soap + shampoo is the golden combo for men.
I was just listening to Mayhem as I saw this post.
>Hello Kitty girl
Oh no...
God I wish I was her…
I just shave my hair and wash my scalp with the same face wash I use on my face.
I don't even have Internet on my phone, how the fuck would I be able to order?
It wasn't even September a week ago and I was already seeing stores selling Christmas stuff, not even Halloween until I went to buy groceries yesterday. This is ridiculous.
which song?
Me trying to learn with Draw-A-Box and failing to draw a straight line.
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I just hate the slimy feeling of shampoo and other liquid uuh, detergents? ESL please understand.
I get stuck trying to wash away the feeling of it for far too long. Soap at least washes off.
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she's a female zoomer, of course she's gonna like sanrioshit
Is this just Sarah's Scribbles but for zoomers?
Women are the same horny monkey things addicted to cumming as men are, it's just that due to social and evolutionary pressures they try to conceal it more. So it'll often slip through the cracks given the right conditions.
Nu Way Thru.
They purposely make you pose in a way that makes the photo worse.
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Is this really a problem in America, random cockroaches indoors?
>doesn't have an eating disorder
Not sure how much I believe this
holy based
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me when I see a cute sleeping girl in striped socks:
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The only thing you truly need to do on your vacation is not work. If that means sleeping 12 hours a day. So be it
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It's one of many in my Favorites playlist. It has gotten so big that I've created a True Favorites playlist, which I'm now selectively adding tracks to while listening through Favorites. Unfortunately, Nu Way Thru didn't pass.
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You don't or they begrudgingly place an order on your behalf. It's bullshit practices meant to cheap out on the customer, which is all what modern restaurants are now, I went to one recently and was given the tip prompt, by a machine, after placing my own order on the machine, then seating my wife and myself, then being told to pick up my own food from the hot line by said machine, once prompted by a text, from the machine. There was 0 human interaction but I was still prompted to give a tip and of course it was all high percentages as the first presented options on the screen, like 15-50%.
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They even ask for a tip when you order take-out online, not delivery, take-out. And you can't just not put a tip on it because the niggers will spit in your fucking food.

Just replace them all with robots, I don't even care.
I've stopped tipping. Tipping culture is a joke.

I love this chick. She's not the funniest girl in the world but I like her character and agree with some of her points.
she has balls
Why did they do it, bros?
This invokes some kind of primal rage in me, don't even care if bluetooth is giving me cancer I never have to deal with that again.
ironic when women are stealing the term femboy you dishonest lying nigger
i'm gonna have to check some these out. autistic electronic is so good.
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You just know that this girl is the single mos obnoxious attentionwhore in real life.
god, she's such a normie poser

This one hurts.
obnoxious attention whores give the best head
Yeah, I got the exact same feeling out of these comics. Plus, she's extremely mid.
ah yes, I love this video game
that's cool but can i eat your pussy instead?
Self Insert?
This is like gooning but SFW truly the young are damaged beyond repair
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I bet the artist is ugly
Cute chicks draw themselves in unflattering ways
I just watch Forgotten Weapons.
>tfw it's some interwar Swiss prototype with bizarre internals and impeccable machining
yep it's go time
>thread flies below the radar because it's not videogame comics
buncha closeted trans incels in this thread jealous about a girl drawing herself in a cute artstyle lmao
You say this but every time there's a disgusting fat goblin in western comics or video games it turns out to be a self-insert from a similarly disgusting fat goblin in the dev team.
can't watch him anymore since he came out the closet.
It's actually women. Women hate other women more than incels will ever hate women. They ESPECIALLY hate when attractive women are nice to men, it makes them rage and seethe and cry
>she's a pickme whore!
The problem with "quirky" girls like this one or >>687634389 is that they think they are super special snowflakes for being "quirky" aka doing stuff everyone is doing and making it their entire personality.
I know exactly how you feel. The slimy thing is supposed to moisturise your skin after your shower, but i just feel dirty. I learned that in elementary school and have always been loyal to Dove's bar soap since
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>keeping tickets
nice bait, but I'd still watch him even if he opened a gay porn channel on pornhub

dude is a good presenter and his status allows him access to all kinds of weird shit

it's a shame he'll never go to Tula or Izhevsk to film some bizarre Soviet prototypes because of war
Get more iron in yo diet
I'm over 30 and I recognize that
Concerts are the gayest shit ever
eye poking razor tiddies
Reading these makes me fucking lonely.
le about to sit man
I can't remember the last time that this has happened to me, and yet it used to happen semi-regularly in the past
They can't self-insert by name, so they have to do so by something else.
No it doesn't. Just send another one following the 1st one saying "haha lol I attached the file on this one instead, check it".
i'm getting a goth footjob tonight hell yeah bruhther
i don't get it. slednerman reference ?
what the heck, she was this hot?
>working out just so she can eat garbage
bros she is literally me
I feel like he tried too hard to tease people without going balls deep in an era where everyone and their mother is fine with smut.

Reminds me of how everyone did echi but never sex in 00/ early 10's
You've never stood up too fast and had all the blood rush to your head and had your vision black out?
>Duh duh duh do do do da duh duh duh doooo door do daaaaa.
Yeah Dove is good. I like Lux the most. But they keep changing and removing scents. Also barely any store here sells them.
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just your average girl denying the holocaust
Don't miss head rushes when I was a teenager. Shot up 6" between grade 8 and 9...it was annoying
The only thing I don't like about him is that he likes to portray himself as being objective, when his political stance is very clear and it sometimes slips into his videos. He would for example bash one gun for a certain thing, but wouldn't bash another for the same or similar thing about it.
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>He's not gay for Ian
It's hard to be 100% objective, I think. Obviously he has some biases
>muh French guns
>She told me that ewo swek on my skel tu
What did she mean by this?
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I met one not long ago but she was already engaged
I can relate. I have a slight skin condition and I get sunburnt easily among other issues. Even putting myself the extreme +50 suncream several times a day I get burnt on sunny summer days.
Also, even spending a whole summer at the beach barely tans me.
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you mean the thing where heavyweight lifters do where they drop on their head ? also no i never black out that doesn't sound healthy or normal
>off topic not-vidya thread
>still up almost 12 hours later
nice job jannies
You cracked the code.
I'm the palest person I know and I can be in the sun for hours and not get a sunburn or a tan
I can't explain it
do you live on the moon? is time different for you up there?
I do this.
Rural areas definitely. Every community around me is basically nestled in the woods save for the new ugly shit. Had a mouse in my room. Trapped it in there forba couple of days but he wouldn't get caught in any traps. Bro started playing around and shit. Climbed up on top of my window one night and was running back and forth up there just staring me down whenever I'd turn the lights on. Grabbed my Daisy bb gun my grandad got me years and years ago and I laid in bed until I heard him up there again. Hit the remote to turn the lights on and sniped his ass. Flsuhed him down the toilet, went to sleep.
Lux smells too feminine to me but I'll take Lux over any male oriented soap bars. I swear those people made that 1 smell for all male deodorant needs and think "yeah that's enough"
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I like the way you think, anon.
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>tfw it's a basic bitch ar-15 copy episode
You know you're not supposed to soap your entire body every time you shower, right? You're only supposed to soap your crotch and arm pits, the rest of your skin only needs soap if it gets shit on it during the day. That's why your skin is so dry and flaky and itchy. All you need is mechanical scrubbing with a wet washcloth to remove dead skin, soap isn't needed for your arms and legs and belly and back.
And the same goes for those shitty Ronnie comics /v/ used to post, it's the exact same shit
If you live in apartments and have neighbors that don't clean their shit up, absolutely. The two times I lived in an apartment even if I kept everything clean in my kitchen there would be fist-sized monster roaches crawling out at night and going into my cabinets
Anon, women are normalfags by definition, come on you should already know this much.
Based vacation enjoyer
Funniest comic so far.
Kids don't buy their own clothes
korn is based, zoomer pleboids.
Isn't it interesting how much of women's media is about themselves?
>Draw sexy character
>Get uncomfortable when people draw porn of her
Why are artists so stupid?
I like these 2 songs by/featuring Korn.
Kek, retard
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>I'll pay
Is it also true you have those big ass house centipedes running around? I would never be able to live in a country with insects like that being normal...
No, because I'm healthy.
I'll say it since the other anon didn't, I appreciate your effort anon and I thank you for it.
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This, MREinfo and 2000s korean pro matches are always good
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I don't get it.
I've never seen a centipede in my life, must be a regional thing. The bugs are really not that bad as long as you don't live in an apartment and you keep shit clean. That's all it takes.
fucking normalfaggots
Never post this again.
What, standing up straight?
>english doesn't have a word for middle aged women onwards

You dumbass. You don't pay for the food until you get it. NEVER pay in advance. Pay when you arrive at the store and ONLY AFTER they give you your food.
Literally happened to me multiple times.
America is a big country. I live in the northeast so we don't get giant bugs here, and I have never lived anywhere with roaches nor have any of my friends houses had them. The centipedes aren't that big, and they tend to stay put of sight. They are based anyway because they eat the other bugs that might be in your walls.
You shouldn't be using shampoo at all, it's terrible for your hair and scalp. There's a reason conditioner exists, to unfuck your hair after the shampoo. Go no 'poo, your hair will feel gross for a few weeks while your head adjusts to not being stripped of moisture every day, but once it's done you'll never go back.
> he tried too hard to tease people without going balls deep
i feel like when you do have a character like that, drawing them naked is a point of no return and my interest drops like a rock.
he started drawing her naked and surprise, he kinda sucks at genitals and now she's just a common whore in porn scenarios instead of there being some plausible deniability.
Yeah I think I rather have small bugs than big ass fucking centipede crawling on the walls and ceiling which also has one of the most painful bites imaginable.
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Your hair is falling out anyways, just shave it and get it over with.
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Ecchi >>>>>>>>>> Sex and full nudity

Porn is not appealing
Lol idk if there is anywhere in America where that's a thing. House centipedes are like 2 inches long max and don't bite. We don't have those giant japanese biting ones here.
why is this thread still allowed to exist?
this bitch is literaly just my ex
absolute scum but i miss her bros
Yes. Everyone knows contrapposto is how you get good pictures.
Echi that's slowly build up until sex >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Porn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just echi.
Everyone can draw fats tits. Drawing fat tits that look nice when naked is harder.
Having proper context or artistic sensibilities even with porn takes actual skill and effort.
Places where it gets really cold have far fewer bugs it's mostly in the south where in the summer you cannot even walk outside without being assaulted by bugs and you have to have insecticides sprayed all over just to prevent bugs from literally eating your house while you are in it. The south is a jungle and it's amazing anyone even lives there, the shittiest weather I have ever seen anywhere was in the south and I've been all over the world. I don't know how people live their whole lives down there.
ancient meme is ancient
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>mfw the artist is actually as cute as her OC
and with the expensive head & shoulder shampoo no less.
Whops, I meant on a non-derogatory sense. Hag would be the equivalent to "ruca" in spanish, for example.
>doritos in a sandwich

Lol baldie
>100kg of makeup and covered with tattoos
Me after I take a fat shit
kys, you're just a cuck
Pics or GTFO
I miss facebook frog
i always did that with hot girls.
She's cute but 3DPD will never beat 2D perfection
Just get one of those shampoo's with conditioner mixed in.
>America is a big country
Common in people with ADHD, you might have it
>knees too sharp 2/10
Man I want an ugly (nonfat) gf so fucking bad.
backseat jannying doesnt help
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and then they fucked
Video games?
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Sarah Andersen is disturbingly cute
She's like a prettier Emma Stone, it's scary
why do white incel chuds get triggered by tattoos so much?
Well you answered yourself. He sucks at genitals and clearly does not want to make porn and because he sucks at it, the stuff is not that appealing.
Still, as it happened to him too, you can't ride the echi game forever as people wants a release for the build-up.

Before, going full porn was risky due how much people would ignore or hide your stuff, but in the era where the biggest social platform openly displays porn, now half-assing it is looked down, because you could've not done porn or done porn, or the super extreme, mythological idea of doing both for enjoyment.
I've always been into porn ebcause I love context and build-up, and I was there when PAtreon and similar crofunding stuff started appearing and a fuckton of artist did the 180º going from "nooo I'm not one of those perverted artists drawing porn!" to "Who wants to see Zelda's fat ass lmao here's 3 pics."
Shampoo is for the scalp, conditioner for the hair
I mean imagine sleeping beside a chick with sharp knees, you'd get your legs all scratched up and you'd barely get any sleep
People who love themselves like to have fun and have funky or weirdo personas.
People who hate themselves will draw themselves as handsome as possible to switch people's perception.
imagine beautifying her by removing her piercings she can keep the one in her clit hood
he drew his shota self insert fucking her multiple times. He just put behind a paywall cause he knew people would make fun of him for it cause he gave him a comically large dong.
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get some iron(the supplement) and youll be ok anon
two video recommendations for eating your food in peace:
>michelin star restaurant reviews and pretend your food is something from their menu
>police bodycam videos about girls acting entitled in front of cops and then getting tased and arrested while screaming their lungs out
Wish I could round up people like you and shoot them all.
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Yeah honestly I think his "downfall" has been mroe a consequence of his own actions and how he engages with his audience than the content itself.
He doesn't feel like someone who enjoys drawing porn for others.
their skin can't handle it. beta bitches. i'm white, and my skin is as hard as a black man's. i'm getting another MOM tattoo on my dick as we speak.
>Sarah Andersen is disturbingly cute
*WOULD be disturblingly cute if she got rid of the fucking nose piercing
For a few months I would drink coffee at night because it would make me sleepy
Don't know why but it worked
This girl would give you the best sex but also would ruin your life beyond repair.
this applies to online avatars as well
the cuter the avatar, the more vile the actual person behind it
the piercing is hot. you're just a gimpy whiny faggot with no tastes.
I don't have a problem with tattoos if they're tasteful (they almost never are) or actually look like art (again almost never) alot of people just get random small pieces of chicken scratch and that's just trashy.
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Did people really have a problem with this as a kid? This rarely happened to me, and when it did I just stared at the cashier until my mom returned (I didn't give a shit about the people behind us)
My dick twitched honestly.
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This was made by a tard.

How is bike cuck drawn cuter than Jaiden?
Your taste is Shadman-tier.
As someone who's worked as a cashier in America, Kids get filtered out and she was just saving time.
>the classic tease thing for attention
What, you mean being attractive without getting naked or fucking everyone who likes you? Get the fuck outta here
I fucking love when my Bluetooth fucks up and I blast my autistic podcast as max volume on the public bus.
The opposite is also suprisingly common
>Find artist/musician/animator/whatever with really good shit
>Gore, edgy, metal stuff all over media
>every other post or twit is as wholesome as it gets.

Like that meme that cutesy girls are fucked up inside but grunge, metal looking dudes tend to be really chill.
I also dislike piercings but she's too beautiful for that to matter (also a septum one would be much worse)
Has Dobson been found yet or did he truly drop off the face of the earth?
His new artstyle looks like ass
I read every single one of these. I want to have sex with her belly button
>piercings are *insert homosexual reasoning for disliking them*
if a girl that was pierced from head to toe offered you sex, you would still take it, because you are desperate and things you find repulsive like piercings won't matter when faced with a once in a lifetime opportunity for you.
He and Shmorky are working at fast food restaurants.
>Chris-Chan was right about boyfriend-free girls
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you sound like a major faggot
That's Kuromi, not My Melo.
Kuromi is a harlot and temptress of men so I can see why you'd run.
why does someone having different tastes from you offend you this much?
It's just one cute piercing
very nice, desune
Needs a rape correction
>Shota self insert with a ridiculously long schlong.
Fucking trash. The timid, regular shots were cuter anyways.
Post pics of the goth chick author
Fake and gay kikemail tells you if you didn't attach anything but write "I've attached"
>repulsed by women's tats and piercings
>repulsed by women in general
>calling anyone else a faggot
if i'm major faggot, then you are chief superintendent double faggot who sucks dick for rent and reads vogue.
>See cute girl in cute outfit like that
>Ryan Gosling internally because no gf
It's torture. I want my own scantily dressed gf to squeeze. It's not fair.
He was banned from the internet I believe
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>anons casually having aneurysms
reproducible bug
I don't believe it
go get one?
>metal looking dudes tend to be really chill
always, without exception. one of the funniest tropes I learned when growing up.
some bars and restaurants didn't get the memo the plandemic ended
I don't get it.
He was obviously referring to the name of the series the character is from, which is also My Melody.
>assuming offense was taken
you all talk and think like women
she is a comicbook artist
she doesnt know what good sex is
How do you think? Go and find a cute goth girl in the hangouts and ask her out. I used to do that a lot 20 years ago until I settled down. As long as you're not hideously ugly or deformed in some way you'll at least have the satisfaction of trying.
this unironically happened to me
a girl came over and i accidentally blasted that song at full volume from my speakers
>me when I make a 2000 character post and forget the relevant image
but seriously why do they do this?
my ex is a goth artist and she was freaky as fuck with an unreal pussy game.
bros she is unironically perfect...
why is her ass so fat
i'm not complaining
How is this completely off-topic pathetic simp thread still up?
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happened to me a couple years ago - was expected to carry a bag of cat food, and hold the place in line, but i didn't have any money on me
>the line slowly approaching the cashier
Ok I believe you
>in the hangouts
The fucking what now? There are no such things anymore, gen x-kun.
>20 years ago
You have no idea how bad it's gotten, have you? Actual boomer-tier "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" advice LMAO.
I need to put my penis in a vagina.
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>the expensive head & shoulder shampoo
it was a cocky one that would tease her with his massive cock and beat her in all the games she played for sex. it completely defeated the point of the girl's character.
Never had this shit happen to me, how unfit are you people?
>100kg of makeup
pro tip, that's every girl you've seen
All I hear the wife talk about is how her friends and friends of friends can't find any guys and they're bored and horny.
I go to arcades with my daughter and I see similar girls I used to hit up decades ago.
is that you garfielf
>i wasnt the only one that hates the 'dude lmao big penis shota'
i feel vindicated
This is the video game board, you need to be at least 350lbs to post here.
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>Third time checking the kitchen in an evening
>New food has not appeared
it's fucked up
>I used to do that a lot 20 years ago
Dude I have a girlfriend and the entire thing you just described basically hasn't even existed since the early 2010s.
I'm tired of you faggots so god damn much.
Nice old ladies genuinely make me happy
Troons are just incels, that's why they want to desperately become what they couldn't have.
>Hear loud music near home
>Google events
>Hells angels biker gathering thing
>Go there expecting tough as nail fuckers chugging beers or whatever
>Bunch of 40+ biker couples
>I'm the only local there besides staff
>Everyone is super polite
>Dance a little because the idea of dancing with bikers to 80s songs is so funny to me
>Fireworks happen and people stop dancing
>Full beard biker guye walks around asking people if they want dessert and offering them boxed sweets
>Most of them start moaning about having to go to work early the next day
>Go home
>busty tits
>narrow waist
>wide hips with thick thighs
absolute sex
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Women are stupid attention whores, news at 11.
>Go and find a cute goth girl in the hangouts and ask her out
Jesus, how old are you?
How young are you? Still suckling off those cooked vapes?
Genuinely kill yourself you pathetic worthless spineless simp worm.
Just my 30s.
Maybe late 30s, but, 30s still.
I'm not old yet.
If you try that now unless you look like Chris Hemsworth you get called a creep and reported for sexual harassment.
That my (actual) autistic girlfriend in highschool
Fampai you're probably twice his age, your friends aren't in his strike zone.
don't you have a cock to suck right now, homoboy?
I can take 400mg of caff, 20mg of adderall and 300mg of wellbutrin XL in the morning as soon as I wake up, and still feel drowsy and have to drag myself out of bed to I dont go back to sleep.
I also recently learned I have every single spastic adhd symptom like bending my wrist when I sleep, always leaving my fan on etc.
I have also never in my life been able to develop and keep a habit, even at 30. In fact, if I fall into a routine like at work I end up deeply depressed and completely lose the will to do anything.
Thank god for video games man
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I'm married, so yeah, I'm not going to do that.
An older below-40s woman is nice too. That's who I learned with. I game quite a bit and a lot of it is with people 15-25 and most I know are in a relationship or don't have an issue finding one. The market is open.
Just apply yourself.
the right answer is "I only date females"
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>prefer to not be an assault
>assaults someone for expressing their opinion
>And I prefer to not be an asshole
>That's okay babe, I'm not into anal either
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i miss monica
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>Sarah Andersen
Wait a minute.
both of them doesn't sound comfy at all. At this point i just put the simpson since i remember every old episode by pure memory so i don't have to pay attention.
This isn't video games, this is just shilling some trannies comics, delete this shit fucking useless mods
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Mods are protecting this blatantly off-topic thread.
>How young are you?
Younger than your apparently 100 years
I find that doubtful unless you live in some third world place or something
Every tranny comic is just them killing or assaulting someone for not wanting so suck their cock.
>telling mods to delete their own thread
LMAO even
are these "mods" in the room with us right now?
That will do, normalfag. The only based nu metal band was system.
huh? why? i thought he was truly sjw artist. Meaning he had the future secured. What happend?
why are you gay
>brings up homosexuality out of literally nowhere
Obsessed or projecting?
I normally couldn't care less about this, but I will be brutally honest: an exact real life replica of the girl in these comics is the absolute perfect companion for me. She doesn't have to be my girlfriend. The relationship could be completely platonic. She is 100% my soulmate and it is insane. The fact that the artist conceives this person (likely as their perceived idealized self) makes me want to sit down and talk to them. I don't care how cringe it sounds. I've lived on this spinning rock in space for decades now and I can relate to this stupid webcomic more in my bones than almost anything else I have ever read.
yeah its third world
its Canada
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valbun feet
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I brute forced my way into a degree and a medical career
What I can't seen to crack is relationships
I immediately distrust anyone that shows interest/attraction in me but am very attracted to people that dont reciprocate.
Even when I get past that initial hurdle I almost completely lose interest by the second date. It's baffling when I really like someone but then find myself ghosting them for days, sometimes weeks.
I literally have 4 women that I need to reply to right now but I'm over here shitposting instead of getting ready to wagecuck
Well it seems you know the solution to your problem, so I hope you manage to get over your hurdle Anon.
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>i'll pay
most mid woman i seen in a while
Kek thought that was veronica for a sec
yes. you are, with dick.
you project your semen all over the floor when you fap it to gay porn. i empty my balls into real women (real) vaginas (that are real.) we are not the same.
>I go to arcades with my daughter
Is your daughter single?
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Thats pretty normal with victims of sex abuse
Sorry, anon, she's nowhere near the age I'd let her even think of boys. In ten years though maybe.
She's cute, but her avatar is way cuter
Iirc his parents or general senpai are very well off, and they agreed to support him on the condition that he never post online again.
What's up with her teeth

Move her to average but drawn cute
I dont. I just go into deep dive autistic obsessions with hobbies, probably to cope.
I have spent maybe 1000 hours total modding dpads on controllers to be perfect.
I have at least 50 or 60 controllers for various consoles and such
Right now its iems
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>gaming in my chair for several hours
>start developing edema in my legs
I'm not the only one, right?
>calling a woman hot is "simping"
do you not see the faggotry that you type up in your post-goon sesh induced haze?
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Clean it up janny.
>I go to arcades with my daughter
Pack it up boys, this is a LARP.
>Sorry, anon, she's nowhere near the age I'd let her even think of boys. In ten years though maybe.
I'm a good guy I swear!
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Well, hobbies are good. I still get the urge to fiddle with cars and guitars but I tend to be busy.
Fully live-action but no role-playing!
See pic related
It's zoomerpseak, anon. Literally "heterosexual" is "simp" to them.
It’s over before it even began.
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valbun pits
because maybe! is pretty good I'll admit, but the rest is absolute garbage.
If I had to choose then tattoos aren't as bad as nose piercings.
Let's decide this once and for all
Cute: Yes or No?
I'm pretty sure if you draw porn of someone's OC, it's literally rape in Tumblr circles.
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Looks like my wife shoka
this bitch was always fugly as hell, you literally only liked this shit because of the humongous booba
yes. ignore the fagos trying to gaslight you into hating women like all gay men do.
according to the trannies moderating this shithole this is more video games than the stop killing games initiative
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do you sometimes feel something like derealization after a long session? like the real world isn't real or smth like that
I love clueless girls.
>the stop killing games initiative
That shit is fake and gay
It's beautiful.
Is this the tranny that /v/ keeps shilling all the time?
It's a tranny you dumbass
You might have ADHD
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didn't expect this thread to reach bump limit
Maybe the artist shouldn't be a stupid whore and not make her comic character literally her while drawing her in skimpy outfits. Stupid bitch.
>spending over 3 hours obsessing over a bitch that draws cartoons is not simping
Seek sunlight.
you are fake and gay
now sign it you faggot!
I want to get her pregnant
you want it to be a tranny because then it would validate you into thinking your current tranny AGP ass self is attractive to men. pro tip: you won't ever look like her.
>brown eyes
Well in ten years shes only going to be able to pick from indians
That's literally just every mexican girl ever.
Prove me she's a female
>spending over 3 hours being heterosexual is simping
you're just gay bro.
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don't we all
Apparently she's in her thirties? M-mommy
>If it's a chick
>If it's a dude

Normalniggers and tourists need to go and stay go.
>"Me duh 2"

What shitskin language is this?
The vast majority of heterosexual men isn't as pathetic as you brown monkey.
Spanish or Portuguese.
She literally looks like the goth girl from the Venture Bros.
Now I get who her face reminds me of, Elena Chavez, an OF whore. I think her handle was Elenitaforger
>What shitskin language is this?
It's called English.
No, she doesn't.
you know nothing about heterosexuality, therefore, your words mean nothing and are extra brown, bordering the line of being full on black.
Spanish. Should be "dame 2", though.
God's work.
both are valid
I'm literally more heterosexual than you just by virtue of not being a pathetic simp.
No matter how much you don't want it to be true you will never be a woman and you will never be able to match the beauty of a real woman, even this tattooed up whore.
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step the fuck up
Chill femanon.
me with cutting the grass as a kid
I have no idea how or why this thread happened the way it did but I'm glad.
>losers now think they are based for instantly falling in love with some cartoon drawing whore that doesn't even know they exist
Seething femanon hands typed this post.
Sure, but these people rely on donation money, and literally raping someone's OC would interfere with that.
give it a rest queerbo. there's always a dick for you to suck somewhere.
Que buen culo
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whoops, no time to finish this
He's right. I remember the psychological damage I took when i googled "tomboy" and google showed me dyked in wife beater tank tops and a movie about a troon kid
Simps are subhumans, more news at 11.
> Ruined her looks with tattoos and lip injections.
> Her self-insert has no tattoos
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guess someone has to make another thread to finish your work
>if you think a woman is hot and state so on the internet THAT IS SIMPING!
you guys are so fucking gay.

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