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Donkey Kong 64 is these days considered one of the worst N64 games of all time and killed the collectathon genre of platformers, but the game was universally praised and sold millions.
I rented this and thought it was fun. Then I foolishly, foolishy bought it and realized what a miserable fucking experience it was. I couldn't even finish Conker because this one game made me sick of Rare forever.

Why the fuck is it like this? Did they think the best part about OOT was collecting sticks and nuts?
>one of the worst N64 games of all time and killed the collectathon genre of platformers
No it's not. Only subhumans think like this
all successful n64 games were propped up because nintendo had no games and were having their lunch eaten by playstation. Every shitty platform game on that console sold, they're still shit. Imagine making a game so bad you kill a genre.
Jet Force Gemini was a significantly worse Rare N64 game, and retarded zoomie youtubers don’t admit this because they’ve never actually played it. Imagine the grind of DK64 but now some of the collectibles can be destroyed before you pick them up (often next to exploding barrels or enemies), and you have to back out of the level for another chance to collect them.
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The defense force for the game is even sadder. N64 really had no good fucking games.
Jet Force Gemini was the vastly superior Rare game from the same year. But less people remember it.
Can I get a source for your video? I want to see all the pointless crap in this game analyzed.
>the game was universally praised and sold millions.
It sold millions because it has motherfucking Donkey Kong in the title. DK is a household name. Of course it sold significantly more than Banjo. And this may shock you as a /v/ ragebait faggot, but sales =/ quality.
It didn't kill shit subhuman faggot. Banjo Tooie released a year later. Jak and Daxter released in 2001. It's a fucking retarded lie perpetrated by subhuman trannies that hate Donkey Kong
it only sold well because it came with a free expansion pak
that's like calling wii play a good game because it came with a free wii remote
Really? My friends and I were obsessed with it. At least DK64 had the mercy nof letting you fight the final boss without first collecting every single fucking banana in the game like JFG.
I still remember playing the demo in a store.
Good times, good times.
>it's super duper tedious to 100% the game
that's it. That's the big problem everyone has with it.
Same shit as people whining that Path of Exile is shit because you "have to" do a whole lot of busywork in order to look good on the leaderboards
God DAMN I can still hear the music for this boss decades later.
you do not have to collect every item in order to beat the game

complaining about banana placement is like claiming BotW is a shit game because of a couple repetitive, obscure koroks
Game was awesome, I remember unlocking all the kongs and they all had different weapons and different abilities, and you could play arcade games in the game.
Not an argument, every DK game from the 2000s flopped, even Jungle Climber on DS, Jungle Beat and Barrel Blast on Wii, two hugely successful systems.
The game is full of shit like this. It is how the game is designed. It's a bad game. It's a bad design. Defending it means you want more of it which means more bad games will be made and this negatively impact everyone.
I know, I just wrote >>687639304

Why are you jumping in to our argument with dumb shit like this? He's going to think you're me.
nobody was buying DK64 for the expansion pak, gaybo
You mean 10 years later? How does that indicate anything, and what does this have to do with N64 games? Donkey Kong games were still popular when DK64 came out.
There's a mod somewhere that lets you change Kongs with a single button, instead of using a tag barrel. I forgot what it's called. Playing with that mod makes the game 10x better, I can't believe it's not vanilla.
>shitty spinoffs flopped
not surprising that Nintendo were retarded and couldn't find a studio to make DK games
>Why are you jumping in to our argument with dumb shit like this? He's going to think you're me.
naw, I'm not the kind of retard that assumes every reply is the same guy i began the conversation with
>saying the game is alright aside from it's awful 100% completion grind is asking for more awful 100% completion grinds
you know what? sure, why the fuck not. I'd love more games like Noita.
do you know if a save file from the vanilla game will work on this particular romhack?

I'm a good few hours into the game and I forgot this existed
dumbass, the expansion pak was included because the game literally didn't work without it, nobody gave two shits about the thing on its own.
DK64 is an amazing game to play and a hellish experience to 100%.

And that's it. When you were a kid, you didnt give a single shit about 100%ing a game, and now it seems the standard, because
1. it's all that you see streamers do
2. you actually need to 100% a game to get the full money's worth out of it
>Banjo Tooie released a year later.
Which is also considered dogshit and has hundreds of youtube videos pointing out how objectively bad it is and how it ruined Rare, Banjo and collectathons as a whole.
>Jak and Daxter
A series that dropped the collectathon aspect immediately lmao.
It was praised because it was Rare and DK. Not because of any specific qualities of the game.
See people who ”praise” Skyward Sword for a similar example
I 100% completed Banjo-Kazooie because that bastard mole said he had some shit to show me. Teasing fuck set a precedent that I should try and 100% complete every game.

The next ones I went for were Banjo Tooie and DK64. Brainmeltingly ridiculous. Tooie I eventually managed it exactly once but I've never got the full completion of DK64.

I 100% completed nuts and bolts
I tried playing this on NSO, and I had no idea what the fuck the game was supposed to be. Seemed convoluted as hell.

I like DK64 though.
Reviews don't mean shit, Mario Sunshine is also a godawful and extremely lazy game only propped up by nostalgiafags and because it had Mario in the title.
Nope, opposite. When I was a kid I'd 100% games because games were expsneive and I only had the one game I could afford. The idea that I could unlock a new world or boss for free was tantalizing. Now I quit and move on to the next game when I reach the end.
>It was praised because it was Rare and DK.
Bullshit, later Rare games like Starfox Adventures were received with mediocre reception. Same with every DK game up until Retro took over.
>people buy DK because it's Rare and DK
>are disappointed
>later rare and DK games received with mediocre reception/sales as a result
imagine calling what someone else says "bullshit" when what you're saying completely supports their assertion
>Historical Revisionism that YouTubers say
Rare's collectathons were always extremely mediocre, by far the worst games Rare put out on the N64.

This board is so stupid sometimes, holy shit
>N64 really had no good fucking games.
This, you can always tell someone is lying if they claim shit like Mario 64 or OOT and MM are even remotely good.
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Fags do the same by claiming 3 is the weakest DKC game.
all 3 are excellent
>Later Rare games
Yes. Because DK64 proved to the world that the magic was gone. Game sales and reviews generally lag a game or a year depending on the previous success of the IP and/or dev. Just look at Bethesda. Skyrim sucks, just the same as Fallout 4 sucks. And 76. And Starfield. But because people liked Morrowind, Oblivion and New Vegas (which has nothing to do with Bethesda) their later games get a pass until they suddenly don’t.

Starfield is not worse than Skyrim. If anything it is better.
any reviews from the time? i would argue that dk64 being bad is oldfag thinking. i remember rant videos from the late 00’s on youtube complaining about completing it. i wouldnt say its a new thing or even something people still say now
Two Kongs and three loathsome nobodies you've never heard of. Where's Dixie? It's not like Dixie was a one-off character, she was the main fucking character in the last game.
it is the weakest dkc game but that doesnt make it bad
>>are disappointed
Except it was well received? Where is this "disappointment" at the time you speak of?
diddy has a double jump mechanic and i think that it's only needed like, once
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Adventures actually was fairly well received when it came out desu
>Yes. Because DK64 proved to the world that the magic was gone
You are so full of shit because Tooie came out after DK64 and it was also well received.
>considered one of the worst N64 games of all time and killed the collectathon genre of platformer
Youtuber moment


64 flopped and shitted.
>Play DKC
>Diddy? Who is this fucking nobody. Ive never heard of him
>Play DKC2
>Dixie? Who is this fucking nobody. Ive never heard of her
>Play DKC3
>Kidie? Who is this fucking nobody. Ive never heard of him
>Play DK64

You must have had a hard life if you get so easily enraged by new characters.
>well received
game reviews have literally never mattered. the opinions in this thread about the gameplay, world design, etc. are how people felt about the game after paying $70 for it in the 90's
>Where's Dixie? It's not like Dixie was a one-off character,
Early in dev that had a weird order not to use anything post DKC1, so Dixie and Kiddy got replaced with Tiny and Chunky.

Eventually that changed but its why there's only a handful of DKC2 and 3 enemies and Wrinkly Kong was relegated to a menu and Swanky was left out, outright.
i never played it, but i know it was always considered mediocre, far below the snes trilogy
Rare made so many stupid decisions with Donkey Kong after DKC2. They completely ruined the cool rocker chick Dixie by putting her together with an oversized baby and some bears making her look just as dumb by the company she kept. And then for DK64 they choose to split the most retarded character they ever made, Kiddy Kong, into two characters, Tiny and Chunky. When they already had Dixie and Donkey.
I played both as a kid and loved both, but I was also 10 so, whatever
>Rare developed game adds all new scrimblo bimblo characters
oh no
no fucking way
they have never done this before
dixie and diddy are cool. kiddie sucks and the 64 kongs are alright but not as cool as dixie and diddy. they struck gold with those two
Except that reception is what we're talking about dumbass. Why would these critics and sales numbers reflect being well-received by audiences for DK64 and later on Banjo Tooie but not the games that came afterwards, which EVERYONE thinks are worse?
>shit game kills genre in the 90’s
>all the games after flopped
gee its almost like one of the games ruined its reputation
The entire game is just weird orders. A psychopath designed this game and it shows.
Loved this game as a kid, I remember downloading it for Project 64 back in 2007
>Where's Dixie?
This was always my question. Tiny is hideous but Dixie is hot.
Tooie was close to DK64 and Banjo 2, and also an example that proved that the magic was gone
Wow. I don't think I've ever heard anyone defending Kiddy. Obviously it should've been a Dixie & Donkey teamup but maybe Miyamoto told them not to use DK.
monkeys aren't sexy
retards, always have been, did I not already say this?
>sales numbers
that's literally just more people with the opportunity to be disappointed by their purchase, not people who LOVED the game
I played this as a child, and I loved it. it's obviously tedious and annoying for an adult. maybe you shouldn't play games for kids.
kate mara is hot
>Wow. I don't think I've ever heard anyone defending Kiddy.
I dont think you truly grasped what my post was about.
Good thing Dixie is not a monkey. She doesn't have a prehensile tail.
Sales don't mean a game is good and this has already been proven over and over again that sales are more about marketing, the previous value of the brand/IP and the conditions at the time. Quality is basically at the bottom and matter vey little.

If quality mattered at all FF7 Rebirth should have been the best selling game of the year but instead the best selling games are 2 mediocre games. Palworld and Wukong.
>but the game was universally praised and sold millions
Yeah like Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2
Sony's stroke of genius was making a masterpiece like Concord available for PC players while a crappy obscure certified flop was FF7 was kept hidden away and exclusive.
She has a yellow one on her head
and then Ratchet and Clank released a year later you dumb faggot and that franchise is still going to this day
JFG would be a way better game if it didn't turn into a scavenger hunt. The combat in that game was fun but I was always hampered by the fact I couldn't find enough things to progress.

Has anyone played Fur Fighters? same problem with that game
Ratchet and Clank is not, has never been, and never will be a collectathon.
>If quality mattered at all FF7 Rebirth should have been the best selling game of the year
pushing around a vacuum while fucking sephiroth walks into an adjacent wall is "quality" to you? Fake QTE cutscenes are "quality"?
>If quality mattered at all FF7 Rebirth should have been the best selling game of the year
rebirthfags are something else
That was my little brother, Anon. You’ll have to forgive him. He’s autistic and ever since he started with HRT he’s been putting up posters of Barret all over his room.
his internet time needs to be more closely monitored
>FF7R best game of the year
Almost everything that comes from the mouth of a youtuber nintendy is pure revisionism and coping.
Well, our parents tried once but he started shitting his pants just to spite them
what's his opinion on mafia 3
a game selling millions just means more people know how shitty it is
I mean. The "problem" posed in the webm is a lot less of a problem when you remember that a player playing the game blind will likely go back and forth through that tunnel several times with different characters, as they chase or attempt different objectives on both sides of the tunnel.
It mostly feels arbitrary or insistent upon itself if you already know how to solve all the objectives and already know what the optimal path is.
>when you remember that a player playing the game blind will likely go back and forth through that tunnel several times with different characters, as they chase or attempt different objectives on both sides of the tunnel.
and then you remember the warp pads
I refuse to believe that putting a single banana behind the gate Tiny can't open isn't an oversight.
I don’t think he has one. Of it isn’t Minecraft, Roblox or FF7 he doesn’t care. He had a period when he watched Pokimane but then she ”betrayed him” by not responding when he donated so that she’d read his SephirothxSteve fanfiction
twitter thread
>/v/ contrarianism is now considered historical revisionism
Yes ithey were. At least the first two games were which coincidentally are the best ones. fucking cope
It's walking down a hallway. A lot of games don't put that kind of tedium into it.
This is a garbage take. Sunshine released in 2002 and that game was a collectathon. if anything the game that killed the collectathon was Super Mario Sunshine
It is such a fun game to run around and shoot bugs in. Then they dick kick you with the tribal hunt.
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It literally only takes 20-25 hours to 100% this game. I would know, as I just replayed the thing like a year ago. Aside from a few frustrating minigames with shitty/broken physics that required several retries and some luck to get past (Beaver bother, the last beetle race, and the rabbit race in Fungi Forest), it's otherwise a game that is a lot of fun to explore and play.
Your average Ubislop these days is 10x as long with 10x as many collectibles/other bullshit to check off of its endless map and it has none of the charm of DK64.

All the bitching about Donkey Kong 64 is unwarranted. Trying to get all the collectibles in an AssCreed for example is one of the most torturous activities a human being can undertake.
It's not an oversight, it's intentional padding.
wait people hate DK64??
i loved it
i noticed you picked up a blue coin
wanna save
GTA:SA is garbage because the hidden packages are hard to find
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>Never liked DK64, even as a kid
>Always had that opinion since then
>Say it in 2024
>Suddenly I'm parroting the opinion of some literal who youtuber because having a negative opinion on the game apparently didn't exist until now

It's not just DK64, had this happen with a couple other games and that shit is so annoying.
i guess the lesson to gather from this is to just keep your trap shut if the responses you get are going to bother you so much
How is it the weakest DKC game though? It has better, more challenging bonus rooms than DKC, more interesting gimmicks in each course than DKC, and even secret levels and a better world map than the first two games. Also it's a bigger and more involved experience than DKC, where the bonus rooms didn't matter except for percentage completion.
Hype gets mor sells than quality, always was like that
maybe it should have focused on having fun platforming levels
Yeah, and I get to actually fight the final boss in DKC without autistically mapping out every corner of every map every time I play it. The bonus minigames are quick and fun, not tedious.
No, not even close. In R&C each stage has two or three self contained and linear paths that you follow to the end, loop around back to the beginning, and once they are all done you move to a new planet. No collectathons here
Unfair comparison. No an argument.
This but don't keep your trap shut, declare your view as superior. DK64 is a shit joke of a game that killed a genre 25 years ago and fans of it will never recover from this no matter how hard they cope the history of the game industry doesn't change to conform around their delusion.
If you have the correct opinion make sure all the retards know they're wrong. Feast on the salt, don't drown in it.
Conquer bad furday and Ratchet killed platformers by introducing combat as the main objectif instead of just finding shitty secrets
B-but Ratchet is a collectathon just like DKC64. You collect, well, I don’t know it just is, OK?!?
the combat platformer saved the genre for a little while longer, but waggle killed it.
It did, gimmick is a positive connotation or should be for level design. DKC did everything it could with barrel sequences, switches, and autoscrolling. DKC 2 had improved minecart levels, and also gimmicks like sticky honey walls to climb and the wind in that one mineshaft level, it was doing more. Then DKC 3 had levels with timed doors you had to hurry to get into, factory levels with fire balls being lobbed at you, a minecart level that let you hang on the ceiling, and then a few water levels that were actually challenging, like feeding that fish. Also a low gravity level, one with the charging Koin enemies you had to land on top of, and on and on. There's more going on in DKC 3. Shit, the level with the huge ripsaw or the birds flying through trees, etc. DKC 3 is great, man.

I will concede that the bosses in the game were pretty lousy, but that's a series wide issue.
It’s not the same genre, dumbfuck. You might as well call Zelda a collectathon. Or GTA. Or Madden.
The core of collectathons is still platformers, and the mantle of platformers moved away from bauble hunting to combat encounter progression.
maybe for speedrunners because they/them need collect 100% at which dk64 is hell. because also its guide based the missed a coin for 17 years which is not even not need for 101%
Collectathons are platformers. Platformers aren’t collectathons. Core of collectathon can be reduced even further to ”game”, but that doesn’t mean that games are collectathons.
Banjo Tooei did that. It had mandatory requirements and also the levels were really huge.
It's one of those games that was truly bad at the time but reviewers couldn't see it, they were blinded by "biggest ever Rare platformer" and assumed it would be another all time classic like Goldeneye or Banjo Kazooie. This is the case for lots of bad art, by the way, Star Wars Episode 1 wasn't really hated until several years after it released, and Elden Ring's DLC has incredibly high reviews, but people will be endlessly shitting on it a few years from now.
>and Elden Ring's DLC has incredibly high reviews, but people will be endlessly shitting on it a few years from now.
No. People are shitting on it now because they are butthurt, but will be singing its praises in a few years. Just like with the base game. And Sekiro. And Dark Souls 3.
>Star Wars Episode 1 wasn't really hated until several years after it released

Nobody liked it. People just had hope it was a minor misstep and the sequel would fix it.
On what planet is or was Ratchet and Clank ever a collectathon?
I just fought Bayle the Dread yesterday and beat him on my second or third try. His animations are the goofiest shit I've ever seen, he looks like a living mountain but he can teleport across the map in an instant. There is zero sense of physics or momentum to his movements, because even though he looks so enormous that it should take incredibly energy to move his body anywhere, they want to make him fast because fast is hard.

Bayle is a shit fight that is all spectacle, but the spectacle is nowhere near as cool as base game Radahn. The entire game feels like this, bosses move so unnaturally, at least with the lion dancer it kind of works since it's clearly supposed to be supernatural, but so much shit just looks ridiculous.

And everything that isn't the bosses is trash. Huge empty maps, the story is shit, the night time fog is so awful that I can't even play the game because it completely trashes your visibility. If this was made by any other studio it would be trashed on release. Because it's From Software the cultish fans will virulently attack anyone who sees the obvious.
Ok, cool
This is just subjective but I feel that Kiddy is an annoying and ugly character that brings the game down and none of the environments are great. Everything feels off. Robot bees instead of Zingers, these jolly walking crocodiles on the first stage with the jolly music instead of pirates. I'm not really interested in basic mountains and basic forests and basic snow scapes when we just had bee hives, bramble nests in the sky and sunken shipwrecks. That's just me trying to explain why 3 feels like the weakest to me, even though it's a good game and I wouldn't normally try and explain why I don't like it. The first game also has the most generic environments but the incredible atmospheric music completely lifts it.
The barrel anywhere mod makes this game so much better.
>N64 really had no good fucking games.
>Mario 64 bad
I know Nintendo cultists are annoying, but you don't need to lie about it.
I think the word you’re looking for is ”soul”. Or some say ”sovl”.
I'll agree with you on Kiddy Kong - it was very strange to have the third game with neither of the characters playable from the first one. Shit, could have had DK and Dixie rescue a captured Diddy. But no, they decided to bother with making a whole new character even though that had to have been a drain on development time, hahaha.

I liked the mountain and factory levels though, and the forest ones near the end of the game. Some solid tunes from those. The least favorite theme had to be the mill levels with the doors that needed to be opened.
I wonder why DK64 levels are so dogshit when Banjo Kazooie came one year before and while nothing to write home about had passable levels that were memorable.
I still can't believe nobody's ever modded DK over Kiddy.
>is these days considered one of the worst N64 games of all time
since never
That's like being a retarded toddler and saying some marvel game is good because you can play 5 different super heroes in it. And it's not even really impressive. In Space Silicon Valley you can play over 30 animals with vastly different abilities and movesets and it came one year before.
Modding a ROM is hard as fuck, man. Ignoring the fact that someone would have to find out how to render DK appropriately to match the game for all the new animations required, from what I remember modding games like this is like fucking around with electrical wires, the voltages have to match, or in this case, the data being put in has to match the data going out. It makes graphics hacks possible, but adding new things difficult or even impossible. People have abandoned hacks for that reason, because unless there's a disassembly, they're just screwed.
worst music of the 3. not nearly as many iconic tracks
I played it on release and thought it was fun, but was pretty disappointed how different it was from the DKC games. There being "too much" in the game only slightly bothered me.
I have never heard anyone say DK64 led to the death of anything, just reviews saying it is rightfully bad.

Game journalists didn't find having to jump into a barrel to change characters that bad because the N64 load times were way faster than the PS1s optical shit. On top of that, gamers have a much more 100% mentality than back in the day, we used to never complain about backtracking, but do now.

No one talks about Jet Force Gemini. Yes, it sucks, but there might be 2 people making shitty YouTube videos claiming that it's somehow better than DK64
Hasn't anyone recomped this to PC yet what the hell is taking so long??
People have modded Kiddy's sprite as well as just removing him from the game. DKC3 has decent documentation.
If you played Banjo 1 then Tooie you noticed it had way more content, but it wasn't packaged as well. It had way more obtuse and awkward platform sections. Tooie was still a good game, but it was stretched pretty thin. Then, you picked up DK64 and it was fine and the characters all looked good. But, the game locks collecting the simple bananas to different kongs. It was the single biggest issue with the game. It was impressive in a lot of other aspects like character selection and style. It felt like a DK game and all the characters fit, but it had some even more awkward platforming sections that weren't good.
I was a Donkey Kong 64 kid, as in I didn't own Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie, this was the game my parents got for me. While I have nostalgia for it, I'm not going to pretend it's better than those other games, it's definitely worse.
Not as many, but they do exist.


I'd say it's main weakness is the soundtrack is a little quiet, not as dynamic as DKC 1 and how it played with sparse melodies that came and went.

No kidding? Nice.
I was a DKC 3 kid, I didn't play 1 and 2 until years later. I too won't pretend 3 was some kind of underrated masterpiece, it's the worst one in the trilogy.
You wouldn't believe the amount of things that used to be considered a standard opinion here years ago that are now apparently YouTuber opinions.
Nobody could ever honestly believe Sonic 06 is bad. That's just a psyop by the YouTube cult. :^)
name 10
Veegie on YouTube.
the trilogy of circus music.
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This is by far the worst case of historical revisionism in vidya ever
>this game sucks to 100%
who the fuck 100%s a collectathon anyway? if you're that autistic you deserve to suffer
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>that YouTubers say
Aka fake gamers that seek attention and don't know about videogames.
Those games are actually good, get over it nigger.
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I really think they were just running out of ideas for 3 and ended up a mishmash of different things or reusing some older themes like the factory level. It's really hard to go from DK Island then to Crocodile Island which is like a twisted version of DK Island, to just the generic Northern Kremisphere. They probably could've pushed the science/industry vs rustic country nature theme a lot more by having more cyborg and machine enemies or something at least and have things become more industrial as you get closer to the castle.
you grew up
The first game was a collecthaton. you collect golden bolts and other shit therefore it's a collecthaton
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DK64 always got shat on because even back then people compared it to Banjo, OOT and even DK Country, which were all considered superior. So no, it was not universally praised.

As for selling copies, that's because it was riding on Rare and DK Country's coattail, which got people hyped enough to buy it.

With all of that being said, it was still a good game. Not great like its competitors, not awful like some hysterical people like to pretend that it was.
It's a fucking horrendous game, not only did it spawn the collectathon genre that people have been mistaking 3D Mario for for the last two decades, which caused Nintendo to make that abortion Mario Odyssey, but it is padded out to hell with the stupid colored bananas and having to go back to the barrel to change kongs.
Rare were always a bunch of fucking hacks, and Retro's DKC games are better.
It was universally praised. it was a 90 on metacritic. you weren't there zoomer. you only love to repeat what your favorite tranny youtuber says
It didn't kill shit retarded faggot. Plenty of collecthatons were still made after DK64. Super Mario Sunshine was the game that killed the "collectathon genre"
I'm 34, I was there, it sucks shit.
Who said kill you retard? Learn english you stupid fucking cunt.
I remember renting it before I got it for Christmas in 1999. I got really far in the rental and by the time I got for Xmas I just didn't have the drive to actually beat it. The collecting in that game was just too fucking much and beyond tedious.
>it was a 90 on metacritic
What a braindead retard you are. If you weren't a projecting larper yourself, you'd know that there were forums back in the days where people expressed their distaste for the game. And yes, I was there, I bought it, I played it, and I thought it was alright. Now stop baiting, you worthless subhuman.
Thank you.

Everyone I knew got a PS2 for playing DVDs and later a PS3 for playing blu-rays.
>Donkey Kong 64 is these days considered one of the worst N64 games of all time and killed the collectathon genre of platformers, but the game was universally praised and sold millions.
How do both these statements contradict each other? Bad games never got good reviews?
>you didnt give a single shit about 100%ing a game
They gatekept a completely different final boss and ending under 100%
The first two worlds are the weakest in the game and I think that's why its reception is lukewarm compared to DKC1-2.
Angry Aztec and Frantic Factory are the only good levels. The rest is the tutorial level, a dark underwater level and the two you mentioned.
maybe, i dont have a recollection how it was perceived even though i had a n64 and liked dkc2 on the snes i never played dk64
One thing DK64 does better than Banjo Kazooie is that it oozes with personality and character. Banjo himself is a very bland character, while all the Kongs are memorable.
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Is nostalgia revisionism? Because then CoD would be the biggest offender.
>CoD used to be sooooo good you guys! Scripted cinematic events and corridors are actually examples of a masterpiece
I fucking hate Banjo-Kazooie too. I thought the utter failure of Yooka Laylee would've humbled you fanboys by now.
>Everyone I knew got a PS2 for playing DVDs and later a PS3 for playing blu-rays.
The problem with that reasoning is that it's believable for the PS2 since EVERYONE wanted a DVD player and while the PS2 was an expensive DVD player at launch, it's definitely the kind of thing people use to justify expensive purchases. "B.But I can play DVDs on it too!"
However BluRay never had that. It was a niche thing that most people didn't care about to the point that even today when movie/tv watching has overwhelmingly moved to streaming, DVD sales STILL outnumber BR sales.
I'm not saying your friends didn't buy a PS3 for Blurays, but they simply can't be representative of the market at large considering the sheer number of PS3s that sold compared to the very limited number of BR video discs that sell.
jfg was extremely hyped much like extreme g but nobody talks about these games anymore
I was 13 when DKC3 was released and have kind of felt that way ever since then. It's a fine game, but DKC2 is so great it's really hard to live up to.
People starting to call CoD games worth remembering is when I realized I'm getting old
That annoying kid that would scream his lungs out on xbox live lobbies is the one making YouTube videos about how CoD used to be great.
DK64 didn't kill collectathons, that's idiotic to even think about. GTA3 did. You even have the clearest example with Jak & Daxter doing a complete makeover to be more like GTA. In the end the gameplay loop of 3D platformers and GTA3 was the same, you're in this big open area and you need to reach an arbitrary goalpost to collect the star/complete the mission. Mechanics like shooting and driving were nothing special and secondary, the appeal was the freedom to move in a big realized world.
I always was shocked at this pure shit being a cult classic .

I'm a big DK fag but this one is only has the dk rap for it .
DK rap was goofy and fun when you were 10 and grade A shitposting material when older. Only, the people at Rare misunderstood why it was liked and tried to recapture it in Yooka something but by then the joke had stopped being funny
kill yourself disgusting nigger
DKC1/2/3 are fun no matter how old you are
Inbred nigger. Every game had people shitting on it back then on forums. People would shit on OoT for simply being ALTTP in 3D. Actual people liked DK64 back then you dumb faggot. It wasn't until 2002 after Microsoft bought Rare that some butthurt toddlers starting hating on everything Rare. Of course if you weren't a disgusting faggot zoomer you would know that.
You can't read yet you call others nigger, now that's rich.
Get off the porch and find a job, monkey.
>Calling someone a monkey in a DK thread
HE can’t help it
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>make thread "hey /v/ what games do you hate that nobody talks about?"
>funnel the responses to my secret network of paid e-celebs
>they all make videos bashing the games with thousands of views
>warp all discussion of the games on the site
Wtf, i actually loved this game. I had a shit ton of fun playing with my brother gathering up all the little aliens. You didn't need the extra aliens, only for the final final boss. Which was a bitch to beat yeah, but git gud. The base game was loads of fun.
>Every game had people shitting on it back then on forums.
Some more than others, you ass-blasted mongoloid.
>People would shit on OoT for simply being ALTTP in 3D.
Yes, they did. So? Are you saying that OoT was NOT controversial back in the days? Who's doing the gaslighting now?
>Actual people liked DK64 back then you dumb faggot.
Was this supposed to mean something? What are you even trying to say at this point? Actual people also disliked DK64 back in the day, you coping retard.
>implying Rare's games didn't get criticised before 2002
Kek, what a pathetic subhuman you are. Go gaslight your own fucking mother, you larping cuck.
Bitch you're 16, you weren't even there when these games came out.
It had better bosses than DKC trilogy
You're a nigger
Stop projecting, nigger.
DK64 was saved by the bell
Croc was better than DK64.
I get it
Tooie > Kazooie > DK64

DKC3 > DKC1 > DKC2
I have an important question about Donkey Kong 64. Do girls who play it generally tend to like it better than guys? I had an epiphany lately that games like Animal Crossing appeal to women by honing in on their ancient instincts as gatherers, so I was wondering if Donkey Kong 64 was more liked by them for similar reasons.
It's only really shit if you go for 100% of the random bullshit banana placements. It's a fun enough game if you just run through it picking up what is convenient and beat up K. Rool
Tooie? Better than Kazooie?
What a genuinely awful opinion.
The N64 platformer of choice for girls was Yoshi Story.
berrypicker as fuck
May literally have been my favourite N64 game at the time.
In retrospect, it's got some issues, but it was also a huge adventure you could get lost in, had top tier music and presentation, had tonnes of extra features and multiplayer modes, and included a straight port of DK arcade.

It MIGHT be better than Banjo Kazooie, actually. I'm just saying.
Parts of it are better, for sure. The boss battles, and many of the actual challenges are better.
Only real issue is sometimes all of the collectables are annoying to grab, but there's no obligation to grab all of them anyway.
DKC has the best atmosphere in the trilogy.
Kazooie only has one boss and it's the best boss out of both Banjo games and DK64.
Except he's absolutely right zoomer. PS2 was a convenient DVD player and the only reason the PS3 didn't completely bomb was because people used it as a Blu-ray player like my family did
This was actually a game journalist lie introduced at the time to downplay the 3D platformers (a genre Nintendo excelled at) and the Donkey Kong IP (which at the time was considered one of Nintendo’s biggest IPs)
bro, the N64 literally has other platformers that are up there with the likes of Nintendo and Rare games, that no one talks about.
DK64 is a fun sandbox that's enjoyable to just run through.
The moment you try to 100% it though the facade falls apart and the game's faults become obnoxious to the point of genuinely ruining the game.
Skyward Sword is good, and better than a lot of other Zelda games.
I had it as a kid, I didn't like it and never finished it. Just like all those Rare platformers.
I actually almost 100%'d this game as a kid, but I got filtered by the N64 Coin.
Don't try to 100% it then.
It's like trying to 100% an open world game. It just kind of ruins the experience. It turns an adventure into a checklist.
DK64 was so bad it made me buy a PS2 instead of a Gamecube.
its ugly and kiddy is gay.
I bought it back in the day and loved it. I don't watch ecelebs. It never occurred to me that it was supposedly 'bad' until I heard it from e celeb dick riding zoomer faggots on /v/.
I'm still astounded that Conkers Bad Fur Day has some of the best designed bosses and the absolutely worst designed bosses of the N64 rare games.
FF7 remake / rebirth were both woke and pozzed.
t. kiddy enjoyer
Wasn't universally praised, some magazines of the time like EGM gave it only slightly above average ratings as they were getting tired of the Rare collectathon formula and DK64 quintuples down on it.
it had Lanky Kong
Its trash and only sold well because of the great dkc games.
if DK64 is so bad, why did every DK game afterwards reference it in a meaningful way?
>DK playing bongos
>Diddy jetpack
>Wrinkly Kong died and is now a ghost
The only people that hate DK64 are low IQ retards that got filtered by Beaver Bother.
You were living under a rock. DK64 was a big deal at the time. You're just making shit up. You're emotionally invested.
It's not a catastrophic entry that has to be blackholed. It's just mediocre.
>Walk by tunnel as Tiny on your way to do something
>Walk by tunnel as Chunky on your way to do something
>"AIIIIIEEEE there's soooo much padding and backtracking!"
There's a tag barrel every ten feet but this somehow drives people insane
DK64’s biggest issue is that the game loses you about midway through after the factory between the Galleon and the Castle, and picks back up in K. Rool’s base. That’s four uninteresting worlds that might as well be from Banjo Kazooie all with the very evident complaints of bloat. That and they end up repeating bosses so it just loses all momentum.

That being said, I loved the game when I got it that Christmas but it is a chore. I think Tooie is much worse because the worlds are unnecessarily large.
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>Loathsome nobodies
I know your ass not old enough to post here
>and killed the collectathon genre of platformers
This was always stupid, this genre kept existing well until the PS2.

What "killed" the collectathon platformers was the rise of open world slop.
DVD player was definitely a major component. The problem with this rhetoric is that it makes it feel like it was the ONLY reason why PS2 sold big, and not the fact that PS1 was also incredibly successful and the PS2 was riding off that success. The DVD Player just made that success even larger but even without it the PS2 was going to be a success.
Name some collectathon games from the PS2 era then
It's the exact same trajectory as the first three Crash Bandicoots. And Sly Cooper to my understanding. The first is a barebones level pack compared to the others, the third is filled with gimmicks to keep the gameplay and the developers interested, and the second is the sweet spot for most fans. I can see how a zero gravity Kong level would be interesting, but you must also see how "DKC but different" is diffrent from just DKC.
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I hate zoomers so much it's fucking unreal

and youtubers
>Donkey Kong 64 is these days considered one of the worst N64 games of all time
Nobody thinks this.
It was an okay game, it just went too far on collection stuff when in combination with having to switch characters to collect things.
True. But it is one of the worst of the games that count.
you first autist
And you're an autist.
Stop deflecting autist
It would have been better with just DK, Diddy and Dixie. Give them all more to do and it might actually be somewhat decent.
only subhumans think Dk64 is bad
Most people these days talking about DK64 only experience it through youtubers and speedrunners who showcase the exploits and flaws of the game continually. Actually playing it is a fun but bloated 3D platformer. There are far worse games from that era you could play.
every single animal has exactly two actions and most of them use up an action on "jump" or "go forward"

the DK64 cast has a far wider range of differences. DK starts the game with a Z+B roll move, most other Kongs have a special move associated with that input. Diddy has a double jump mechanic. all the kongs have a half dozen unlockable moves from cranky
It isn't fun now and it wasn't fun back the either. The main difference if that you have access to better games now and don't have to pretend that your christmas gift was good.
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The color coded items in this game was actually really pleasing to my autistic young brain, the idea of a red or blue banana was just so cool to me. Turns out they actually exist. I'm actually in the middle of a playthrough right now. Banjo and Mario may be better, but this is still my favorite platformer, it just has so much soul.
Pac Man World series, jak & daxter, ratchet and clank, Psychonauts, Sly Cooper
SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom
Seething tranny. YWNBAW
kill yourself console warrior faggot
>Pac Man World Series
>Jak & daxter
Only the first one, and it sucked. Therefore they dropped that part.
>Ratchet and Clank
Not a collectathon
Not a collectathon
>Sly Cooper
Not a collectathon

Are you confusing 3D platformers with collectathons? Those are not the same thing.
I'm not even gonna bother looking that one up
Worst N64 rare game by far
Go to bed granny YAWNFAG
Only snowmangaming hated it
im ready for my childhood to stop being raped under a microscope, can it be the zoomies turn? who the fuck cares nobody cared about the shit gen x was doing
Did it age worse than Sonic Adventure?
Jak and Daxter kicks ass you gross hippie
only faggots hate DK64
X-GEN created our childhood you fucking retard
>"have to" do a whole lot of busywork in order to look good on the leaderboards
what alternate dimension poe did you play?
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Reminder that if you didn't use pic related, you didn't beat the game.
That is completely irrelevant. All the animal's actions combined are far more complex than all the kong's combined. Not to mention all the movement options. Walking, driving, flying, diving, teleportation, climbing, swinging. And of all these mentioned multiple variations.
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>Donkey Kong 64 is these days considered one of the worst N64 games of all time and killed the collectathon genre of platformers
That's unironically what the "A Hat In Time" creator said, Ironic really
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>Donkey Kong 64 is these days considered one of the worst N64 games of all time
5-6 year old me loved it. For me back then it went 1. Tooie 2. SM64 3. DK64 4. Kazooie 5. Rocket: ROW
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I unironically want DK64 2
Blu rays were the future until microsoft saw the writing on the walls, dumped the hd dvd, and went to netflix.
A lot of people don't even know you needed a disk from netflix to access it on your ps3 and wii.
this but with even MORE color coded kino to filter the non autists, Dixie collects pink bananas, and Cranky collects brown bananas
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>shilling your shitty youtube channel
I never liked the Donkey Kong Country games.
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They even try to claim it was reviewed badly but they cite a kotaku, contrarian ragebait article that came out 17 years after the game was released. Meanwhile the scores from when it actually came out were extremely good.
...and people say there's no Nintendo bonus.
Name a better game released in 1999
Oh and what actually killed collect-a-thon games was Halo being a huge success, which made developers chase console shooters for profit rather than platformers. Halo encouraged Microsoft to broaden their game publishing investments, which led to them buying Rare, which killed Rare, which was a symbolic death of the dominance of the console platformer. even though shit like Naughty Dog and Insomniac would still make them. Even then, Halo had an impact there too with them putting guns into everything.
Ape Escape
It is definitely not one of the worst N64 games ever. It definitely could have been much better though. It should have made you switch characters solely for accessing new areas, having different colored bananas was beyond horse shit.
The N64 has no games
Next DK game is a 3D platformer
go to bed
The game is actually good.
>and sold millions.
How do you want a game to kill a genre if it got sold to 10 retard in their garage ?
What, like pointing out the PS2 GTA games are actually shit? Cause they are.

Yeah, nevermind the backwards compatibiliy with the massively succesful PS1 that everybody had (that the gamecube didn't have), the strong 2001 holidays lineup (that the gamecube didn't have) and the momentum of coming off strong from the previous generation (that the gamecube didn't have)
It was JUST the DVD player. Nothing else. No other factors allowed the PS2 to succeed at all.
Collectathons continued through the start of the PS2 as well, but quickly gave way to adventure platformers like Jak 2.
This, it was really impressive compared to Mario 64 at the time. It's just a game that didn't age well and a remake could help a bit but I had a lot of fun playing it. It's the same thing as modern Zelda games. You are not expected to collect every banana/korok.
GTA3 changed videogames forever and we're still living the aftermath.
Call of Doot and TF2 had a greater impact on gaming, GTA3 had it's clones they died out mid 7th gen.
See: >>687638792
San Andreas had a bigger impact. Retard
GTA 4 was more influential than 3 just by the phone itself
GTA3 did actually
Retarded zoomer
That doesn't work as a criticism if you actually know the N64 library.
There are games that are fun that basically no one talks about.
But enough about you
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>if you actually know the N64 library.
>piss and shitment
>japan only robo64
>cardboard luigi
yeah bro the n64 library fucking sucks, no games.
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>finally play the game for myself after seeing this webm 1000 times
>there's literally a tag barrel 5 feet to the right there and you gotta be Tiny for a minute anyway
>A dialogue about how sales equal quality and sentiment: the 100,000th sequel
A hat In Shit
the game is fun if you dont try to 100%. peolpe these days dont understand that games weren't really meant to 100%, its just an extra for people who are completionist.
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>No u
I just don't trust anything a dumb fucking zoomer says.
*fixes your game*
I am still shocked at a how a bunch of youtubers and speedrunners tried to claim that they were the first ones to find that rainbow coin from the dirt mound under the tall grass in that forest stage. Decades after the game's initial release. As if kids all over the planet hadn't already found it.
In DK64? What changes if you 100% it going into the K.Rool fight?
Probably my favorite game on the N64, actually. Took me years to find all those little fuckers, but I loved the scope of it. Secret arias leading to secret levels, all with fantastic music and visuals. Yeah it's tedious as hell in retrospect, but I love it for what it is.
>Playing with that mod makes the game 10x better
No it doesn't. The problem with DK64 is that worlds are made up of huge empty hallways and collectibles are mostly locked behind shirty minigames.
>Ape Escape
nothing I think he mixed up the country games
dk64 just gives you an unfunny blooper reel
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I'm having fun so far 100%ing everything up to Crystal Caves, it might not be perfect but certainly not as bad as people made it out to be. My only real problems are I think the minigame music bugs out sometimes and one of the minigames being fucked because of the framerate, and honestly I kinda wish banana coins were tracked too. It's been quite a nice charming experience even though I've been marathoning and 100%ing Rare collectathons/platformers for the past month with Kazooie, Tooie, Conker, and DKC 1-3.
>there's literally a tag barrel 5 feet to the right there and you gotta be Tiny for a minute anyway
That's the one they run to, retard.
Godspeed. That one is the true chore.
1. People may not believe this, but the simple act of jumping and running around in a 3d enviornment (with the unique physics a game would provide), was in itself fun at the time. This is why so many of these games in the 5th gen were platformers.

2. You aren't supposed to go hit the gate, go immediately back to the barrel and then hit the gate again. It was designed as something you just did when you were exploring as Tiny, among many other things. Then when you later played the game on a different day with a different Monkey, you would hit the gate again and go past it. It wasn't designed with this autism in mind that you have to speedrun the same task as quickly as possible. People took their time with games back in the day.

3. This doesn't change the fact that the game was popular at the time. Whether you like it now or not is a completely separate issue.
>the game was universally praised
I mean the tag barrel right after that gate next to Funky STUPIT idiot, there's also some more bananas and planting the beanstalk for Tiny there so it's not really just "OMG u need to spend 5 years swapping to Tiny again for this single banana!!"
>3. This doesn't change the fact that the game was popular at the time
The game was a pack-in for millions of consoles.
It's also not the only time some stupid shit like this happens. You seem to be learning impaired.
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It had a good reception at the time because it was technically impressive. Stuff like colored lighting was new at the time, especially on a console. The reason why people started turning on it is because tech advanced and the novelty of technical achievements could no longer prop it up.
>b-but youtubers
I remember people complaining about dk 64 before that. I think what's going on is zoomers (or smartphone normalfags) who weren't on the internet in the 2000s assume that all opinions on the internet are dictated by youtubers, when really all these youtubers are doing is repeating stuff that people on forums were already saying. The forum posts die off but the youtube videos stay up, so people who are relatively new to the internet just kind of assume that the youtube videos were first.
Oh and for any lil zoom that doesn't believe me, there's an archive that has some older /v/ posts.
Literally the same exact shit you see in youtube videos.
>Banjo Tooie is bad because it doesn't give me constant collectible dopamine hits every 30 seconds
>Majora's Mask is bad because time management and needing to get ammo again for new cycles
>Dark Souls II is good because it's different from DS1 and it having had the POTENTIAL to be good is the same thing as it being good
>Nintendo didn't matter in video game history because I'm a miserable European faggot who heard Nintendo "stole" SM64 from us and I will never forgive them for that (okay this one's more Twitter but still)
The game was only praised because it gave you something to do when you got bored of all your other N64 games. You collected some bananas and whatnot until the games you got bored of seemed fun again. What kept you coming back was how you would eventually unlock new areas after hours of collecting. Before the internet, that was exciting, like you would unlock some new DK64 DLC every week and the game would never end.
You could probably make an hour long video essay that just parrots everything people are saying in this thread.
Who are you quoting?
I didn't really like it back then, thought it was too long.
Its an even bigger time sink. I at least beat DK64, I didn't even get close to beating Jetforce Gemini
I never played it but I never heard a bad word about it until the last few years.
Anons only say this shit when they're seething. So then, which one struck a nerve?
The biggest historical revisionism is that mega man was important or mattered at any point in gaming history
ok tranny .-.
People thinking Youtubers invented hate for 3D Sonic really floors me.
>Donkey Kong 64 is these days considered one of the worst N64 games of all time
No it isn't.
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it is. Youtube man said that it was so bad it killed the collectaton genre.

The new Superman 64 for retards that never owned a 64
DK holds barrels above his head so he couldn't pair up with Dixie.
I wasn’t old enough to post about it on the internet at the time but I played it a lot and enjoyed it
You had me up until the second half no gonna lie.
Zoomers don't understand how many of the gaming youtube they watch are just regurgitating 15-20 year old forum posts.
>Sonic 1 after Green Hill Zone is bad because its not hold right to win
I don't know where this hatred towards Sonic 1 came from. Seemed like people loved it not too long ago. Nowadays seems like every Youtuber has a negative opinion about it.
bros when did youtubers get time machines? how did they travel back in time to make posts on /v/? they must be stopped
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He's right doe
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I find most claims of “hated at launch, loved now” to be bullshit. What is happening is the people who disliked something at launch moving on to other things while the people who liked a game at launch continued to enjoy it.
Stuff like the pokemon cycle and zelda is often just confirmation bias at worm
One of the main strengths of the DKC games is their style, the gameplay is pretty generic platformer stuff (pls don't be mad big dkc fans). The DKC games were a technological marvel at the time with "photo-realistic graphics" (lmao), it was a main selling point for the games. That as well as the music and themes of the levels made it a standout experience on the snes. Personally I think it was one of the first proper "atmospheric games", whatever that means, nothing before it was high-fidelity enough to build an atmosphere as well as it did.

First DKC was a stylish game, instead of a very complicated one gameplay wise. It's also kind of short, probably because the graphics took up so much space compared to other games. DKC 2 is much the same, some say the music is even better with iconic tracks like stickerbush symphony. DKC 3 on the other hand improved the gameplay, but downgraded the music. I have played all three games and can't remember a single track from 3. The two protagonists are the least cool and the best parts of the game are towards the game, the first couple of world's visual style is pretty lame. I see why it's not liked as much as the other parts, it's weaker at what the other games are strong at. Especially if you're not that eloquent about describing what you like about the games, you'll just feel like it's missing something big and be weirdly disappointed even though the game is fine.
You had a point up in the first part of your post, only to flounder it in the second part.
Palworld and Wukong have almost no advertisement what so ever, nor are they established IPs. They weren’t even from established studios like Elden Ring had with FROMsoft.
By all means FF7 should have sold more since its from one of gaming’s biggest franchises.
The seethe is intense.
>the gameplay is pretty generic
In the sense that it's all derived from very simple movement systems, sure. But the overall flow of the games is pretty different from other platformers.
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Well at least that one example is barely an issue. You open Tiny's gate, see you need Chunky, open Chunky's gate, there's a warp pad and and tag barrel right by Funky's, Chunky can collect bananas and help the worm there, you warp back to Funky's, there's mushrooms with purple bananas on top and a Tiny barrel with purple banana coins around it nearby so you switch to Tiny. That single banana is literally 5 seconds away from the tag barrel, why is it such a big deal? And if you don't have the beanstalk seed you can just warp back, or maybe you already got it. Doesn't seem so bad to me.
Interesting early preview of nintendo/gamecube fanboyism
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Basically all of gaming youtube is historical revisionism in favor of making post-SNES Nintendo seem way more important to games as a whole than they actually were.
Conker is one of the best looking games on the N64, but it sucks ass.
Thanks for linking this, I looked around the archive and found this gem of a thread
Shame you can't see any of the images
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>I liked it as a kid

>Underage b&.

fucking kill me
it was pretty hated back then, you even had to get a (dong) expansion pack too play it on your n64. it killed the Nintendo platformer until super mario sunshine
>killed the collectathon genre of platformers
I'm so tired of reading this shit, ps2 has no collectathons?
impossible because yt told me the n64 didn't sell and was a failure
tendiebros, why are there so many posts talking about how dk 64 sucks? this is only 7 years after the game came out btw
but not intense enough compared to your bed.
jackie chan
>Star Wars Episode 1 wasn't really hated until several years after it released
and now it's a magnum opus next to what disney did
I've recently heard that Rare was always a bad company and that Rare was basically a stamp of low-quality like LJN was for nes but for the Snes and N64 era.

Genuinely baffled me because I thought it was the exact opposite, but apparently some people don't like Rare games. Sorry, don't have sources, I watch a lot of streamers big and small so it's hard to find who said what. I've heard genuine comments like "rare games have bad controls" and also refusal to play any rare game on stream because they're so infuriatingly bad.

I wouldn't care if it was just individual people, but almost the whole chat was in agreement, some guy said he liked DKC and got roasted. This is a real sentiment some people have... and I thought /v/ was the contrarian one.
because donkey kong would overshadow her.
I'm sure a e-celeb gaslit everyone into thinking it failed. Probably that shit Arin.
yeah and also ecelebs time traveled back to the mid 2000s to make all of the /v/ posts shitting on it
I'm impressed that Sonic is so popular with all the terrible games the franchise has

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