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>Releases in less than 24h
>0 hype
what went wrong?
are the devs russian or ukrainan? this is essential to make my decision of buying the game or not.
is there a difference?
Bro... it comes out in November
before 2022 Ukrainians were Russians
They turned it into a Far Cry 3 clone. Nuff said.
what a laughable questions. one of them is Good personified, one is Evil personified. might as well ask if theres a difference between voting republican or democrat!
how do i start the series? can i just boot them up on steam and go? or are there any widely accepted mods that i need, like bugfixes etc
I dunno, i watched some trailers and it was all run and gun hip firing and american voiceovers.
Probably people seeing that it's not Stalker, but a cashgrab for kiddies who became "huge stalket fans" after listening to le bandit radio and watching a couple cheeki breeki xD meme compilations.
>cutscenes and "cinematic" shit
>ubislop far-cry like open world shit
>yellow paint
I also still remembet when they wanted to add NFT's to the game and will continue to bring it up.
Kinda bummed this is an Xbox exclusive.
FC3 was a Stalker clone.

Grab Shadow and Chernobyl and install Zone Reclamation Project for essential bugfixes.
2022 has mindraped them
>Be ukranian farmer
>Coup in 2014
>Suddenly two (((presidents))) get in charge
>Coincidentally NATO now wants you to join them, and for your country to buy Lockheed Martin weapons (((NATO approved)))
>Suddenly you're pushed for war
>Coincidentally you get pushed out of the most fertile land in Europe
>Coincidentally BlackRock is the one that offers you money for your land

Being ukranian is also being blindsided forever, so STALKER isn't really important right now
chornobyl sounds like some cheap knockoff of chernobyl kinda like those chinese ripoff consoles like the polystation
>NATO now wants you to join them
Except they won't invite Ukraine even now.
it was never about helping Ukrainians, it was about hurting Russians.
>far cry 3
so they turned stalker into a fun game open world game? brb preordering deluxe edition.
It was so much about hurting Russians (((The West))) was eager to give them Ukraine on a silver platter before Ukrainians actually fought back.
Hey we never realized Russians are this dumb and easily gasslighted into self destruction
how were they eager to give them Ukraine on a silver platter
>what went wrong?
GSC intentionally hiding/not showing stuff.
The release date is November 20th, is OP sniffing leaded gasoline?
Says it's releasing on the 20th of november for gamepass for me.
>Do nothing to dissuade Russia from invading
>Don't even instate preventive sanctions when they knew the invasion was imminent
>Don't send troops to Ukraine even for symbolic presence
>Don't send any serious weapons to Ukraine besides shit for guerrilla warfare
The question isn't if he is but rather how much
Paid pro Ukraine shills never take long to arrive.
You know they are seething when they start posting gore.
Even if Ukrainians are in the right they're always so fucking gay about it. In public and in the mainstream at least.
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>ITT: /pol/tards who bought into the "anglo-saksi are the only thing keeping Rossiya from being the greatest nation on Earth" meme
>Releases in less than 24h
What are you talking about? Didn't it get delayed?
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Is this what every Stalker 2 thread going to be like?
>what went wrong?
When they said they were going to look at including NFT's it basically killed any current or future hype even if they later wisened up. it was a gigantic red flag redder than the flag of the ussr.
In 10 years it will be playable
Like the rest of the STALKER games
ITT: botposts
The release date is in two months you nonces.
I don’t know what a Chornobyl is
>and Russia had nothing to do with any of this, they was just good boys and didn't do nothing

it's the Ukrainian spelling of "Chernobyl." Current hostilities have led to a concentrated effort to de-russify the country.
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what were you expecting
We could've had everything bros, stalker 2 could've been game of the century but those heckin russ*ans messed it all up.
Streamers don't care about this slop. Current /v/ are e-celeb worshippers.
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No you don't get it. My neighbour forced me to stab him! He was trying to install security cameras on his house! It was his fault I had a chimout!
>Yellow paint
Is this some sort of Chinese knock-off? I wouldn't give money to a scam like that.
I hope you at least get paid to waste time posting retarded nonsense
>Invade Ukraine to keep it from NATO
>literally the rest of your neighbors run to join NATO
I expected there to be fewer ziggers on 4chan, since, you know, it's a CIA website and all. I know for sure some of those retards are actual ziggers, I witnessed a chimpout in Cyrillic last week.
>600 Rubles have been deposited in your account
Director is a vagina, that should about sum it up
They keep Ukraine alive enough by sending old junk and Russia is slowly bleeding out. It seems so far that they've got nowhere to hurry.
those countries culturally and linguistically arent russian but ukraine is
The kind of people that made and shilled the game also frequent /trash/. It turns out that nigger fatigue is only the first skill in the skill tree. There's no point in buying a game where God Emperor Volodymir beats up Little Manlet Vladimir to the BGM of Harry Potter themed mumble rap.
They got lucky even their old junk is better than Russian state-of-the-art tech, I guess.
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why can they never just shut the fuck up and stay on reddit?
Talk about VIDEO GAMES, niggers. VIDEO GAMES.
They delayed it, it's like November now, but I honestly doubt they'll hit that date. Something is wrong with the game for sure.
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every fucking thread the same shills replying to each other pretending they dont sit in the same discord server
It takes time to shoehorn all the fleeing diaspora guilty conscious politics into a game about collecting and selling Macguffins. Let them steam or whatever the kids say these days.
>Something is wrong with the game for sure.
Lack of enemy human AI shown in combat is a big red flag. Only scripted mocap cutscenes are shown.
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I'm a Russian living abroad and I would never serve in any army. Imagine willingly choosing between the 2 mafia states to associate with. My heart goes out to all the Ukrainian and Russian civvies though.
Bro are you retarded?
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I don't know zisster
ey yo
hol up
hear me out
>culturally and linguistically Russian
>declare independence in 1991 because you're so heckin Russian
it's a sequel
the average player doesn't want to play old ass games, so they just ignore it
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hows the funding going, pedo?
You should only feel bad for Ukrainians. Russians are dumb NPCs who get whats coming to them.
>Russia has ZERO faggots
Only on /vpol/. Everywhere else discussing the game is the usual mix of interest in it and die-hard OLD GOOD NEW BAD whiners.
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yeah they are gonna drown in your impotent seething tears
read your filename retardbro
>even now
why the hell would they invite ukraine into nato now of all times?
lets just drag everyone into the conflict and probably coax the russians into using nukes (if they actually have any working ones) just so ukraine can say it's a part of nato, sounds like a great idea
The game literally doesn't exist so I'm not sure what you'd expect.
day 1 pirate
If Russia hasn't started shit again, most of Eastern Ukraine + Kiev would still be speaking Russian. No idea what's the situation like now.
Why should I not feel bad for my compatriots from economically dead regions who don't know any better than go die for virtual $2000? I hate stupidity, but damn, I could maybe drink vodka with them and possibly change their minds and not get stabbed in the process.
Cause the NATO are just bullies and wanted to laundry money through the weapons deal, it wasn't expected to get Russia into actually biting back. Guns are just for show, bling and money laundering, not for actual all out war. That's for middle easterns and south american banana countries and such. Nobody but (((the banks))) earn a shit from actual war. Maybe you, if you're in the (((land market)))
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Gay and retarded politics aside what are the chances it'll actually be good?
>Cause the NATO are just bullies and wanted to laundry money through the weapons deal
That's why Obongo and Merkel embargoed Ukraine until Trump stopped it. That's why Germany refused to send even GDR-made weapons to Ukraine.
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Oh cool, it's one of these threads.
>NATO manufacturers*
>Delayed multiple times
>Dev studio flees to Malta (Or was I thinking about Metro 2033 devs?)
>Other devs are killed in the trenches
chances of being good are close to zero
The biggest redflags are it's being designed for consoles and it's on unreal engine. Unreal engine is unavoidable sadly. X-Ray is just too old and there aren't any other alternatives.

Aside from that it's anyone guess. Every STALKER game has been mismanaged to some extent and it's a different dev team every time so it's hard to say until it comes out.
Nil judging by how retarded their online propaganda is. I guess it didn't win most corrupt gov completely curbstomping the shitholes in the balkans for nothing. Just completely out of touch with how real human beings operate.
de-russify the country you say? I always knew Ukrainians were suicidal
Every person in this image would have been shot 70 years ago.
>read your filename retardbro
the dude is a known homosexual in Russia
I think it will be decent but feel like it's missing a secret ingredient. People will go back to modding SOC after a year or two.
Ukrainians owe the Russians for creating the best mods and keeping the game alive all these years.
If you don't care about playing every single game then just start with cop WITHOUT ANY MOD, cop has very few bugs and doesn't need any modding
>Ukranian slop
>console trash
>Capitalizing on a name people liked 17 years ago where the only good thing were mods

It's probably made out of american money like everything in ukraine now lol. I hope it flops as the shit it is.
Don't you have PC faggot?
I hope it flop just like Concord :)
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>Releases in less than 24h
Is there an inside joke I'm missing?
>It's probably made out of american money
Microsoft/Xbox is financing it.
the joke is that it'll get delayed again
story will be kino, you can read the leaked design docs. The story seems to be near identical to the cancelled stalker 2 from 2012
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Agree, hohol are the evil one in this conflict. Unless the game is made by Russian crew. I'll not even pirate it
I'll play it once Russians make good mods for it
Back in the day Stalker 2 had concept art for a trapdoor spider that would either mimic doorways or hide near them to ambush you

Any confirmation if that made the cut?
I want spooky spiders so bad bros
I hope this game is just as arcadey as ShoC was on launch. I want to see Anomalmeme and Gayyma babbys cry about the game not including a level 3 weapon oil applicator (separate item from the rag, bottle and the oil itself which also have tiers, don't worry you can disable 74 individual mods to remove it if you don't like it)
By the time Stalker 2 ended development in 2012 the spider mimick wasn't even modeled yet, so I think it's a fair game it was just cut content, especially as all those concept arts released after GSC shuttered.
Least obvious Russian shill

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