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>Concord flopped and shutdown
>Star Wars Outlaws Bombed and Ubi stock going off a cliff
>Bloodborne on SHADPS4 looks much better than it did last week

Stop. Posting. Asuna.
Where is her giant blonde bush?
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Blue Archive is next after all your devs left
>gacha tard proclaims he is saving gaming
jerking off to anons pretending to be asuna
Is this gay?
Needs a monster futa cock desu
Definitely not you
Fake Asunafags are so annoying
ai slop
White men
What do Asuna's tits have to do with it
Pump a shotgun and blow your head off retard
Tourists and /gig/niggers falseflagging her with AoS because BA is the cunny game. The latter being uppity these days due to some update and tourists waging a civil war or some boicott with them.
ooga booga
kek, keep on pumping li'' bro
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You forgot your Sparkle pic shitposterkun
How’s about they shove it up your ass and fire it off there instead?
AVNM (Autistic Virgin NEET Men)
like myself
how well has star wars sold btw? It's not on steam so it's harder to get a pulse on it
It's not even that complicated. Asuna just fits the bill for a big titty long haired anime girl who falls in line with the other ERPnigger roster of girls they can't RP as but lowbrow slopeating retards will get off to literal shit.
let's just say if it came out swinging IGN would be the first to blog about it

but IGN has not blogged about it
What if I’ve done foreplay but never actually fucked? Does she just give me blowjobs but never actually has sex with me?
she's 17
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I want to have sex with her while sniffing her bare soles, licking her bare soles and sucking her toes.
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>BA is the cunny game
BA is the hebe game. There are very few actual lolis and 90% of the cast is high school age.
Fucking secondaries complaining about secondaries. I hate this site sometimes.
BA is a JK game
This is indisputable
my wife SEXkamo is 18yo
I will keep licking her feet while massaging her insides with my diamond hard, foot fetish powered dick. She will moan like crazy because my foot licking and pussy fucking combo will give her unspeakable sensation of pleasure. I will fill her womb with semen so many times that every child she will give birth to will be my biological child because she wont fuck other men than me. Then i will raise mi children as god intended, boys will be raised to be masculine and daughters will be feminine, and as long as she is fertile I will fuck her pussy while licking her feet and sucking her toes.
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thanks for helping me cum
My 5 TB of Mutsuki hentai says otherwise, haglover.
NTA, but pajeets and pakistanis we can't mention their identities because jannies are trannies?
Wait people play this dogshit? Why not just masturbate to the pictures?
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Last few weeks were pretty whitepilling, ngl
Wasn't most blackedposting confirmed to be coming from SEA?
uhmm..... based!?

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