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Is Warframe the only Western game that's thriving off coomers?
>wageslave for this FOMO skin goy
fuck off shill.
you can get it for free
yeah, forgot
>wageslave for plat goy
fuck off with this shit
And dolphins as well as whales. I just bought all the discounted sales packs except for the half off newbie pack since the plats are worth it for the prices alone, as well as the warframe and other bonuses.
pretty nice ass if I say so myself
it's not fomo you retard
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does it have non alien human sexy skins? All I see is those aliens-robot skins
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Do you find this sexy?
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To the people that have played both, how does First Descendant compare? Liked the first few hours of both, but I haven't played Warframe since the first open world update.
>playing the game is wageslaving
Nigga you sell one shitty riven to a chink and you have more than double the plat needed for the skin
All you need to know to be completely honest
They're both free 2 play trash. I don't get this argument.
You can kys then, nigger.
OK thanks for proving your bias.
The difference being that in one game you can trade items and the premium currency, while the other has no trading at all. Let's not pretend that the games are even remotely the same level of jewery.
This bitch has me learning blender
If you don't know the difference between
>f2p, non-china
>f2p, china
then only the rope can help you.
Nexon is Korean
Warframe is owned by China, Nexon is a korean company
So Warframe is the outlier for F2P then.
Warframe doesn't have Chink devs which is the important part.
It's one of the less jewish ones for sure
why even bother with this decrepit fossil of a game, the coom that is there is 90% ugly, note how none of these gifs show the face
Does Nexon?
How is the actual game though in comparison to Warframe?
Warframe seems like a lot of fun at first, but ultimately the only thing to do in the game is grind endlessly and the most brainless weapons/frames tend to be the strongest, which makes the game very unfun.
>none of these gifs show the face
because there's no face to show, dingus
They're identical but Warframe stans will say theirs is better because "it's a western game" (They're both scams)
I miss that butt, but i can't play that game again, i already put too many hours of my life into it.
>grind endlessly
its even worse in tfd, with even fewer scenarios.

but both are shit
All Korean
funny how that skin was released around the same time TFD came out
warframe just has more stuff in general, but i just like TFD coom more
I hate the fucking worm boss
Can't believe the koreans made a warframe clone and released it near Ember's heirloom skin only to make it flop... They must be stopped...
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Yeah, western coomers are super attracted to it. This is the shit they revel in, according to twitter.
Can you post that pregnant warframe? I never played the game but I heard it exists
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I've been playing her almost exclusively since release, she's fun as fug
they even added a giving birth minigame
>jobless retard

hmm which would i rather be?
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What do you mean? Steam says it's making significantly more money than Wukong, a game which apparently sold 16 million copies this past week. Actually, it looks like it's wildly printing money.
I though warframe devs knew their community better. Guess i'm wrong.
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No, sex boost sales
Woke elements hurt sales

Never hire leftists
The gaming market is 99% White and male
I was talking about the skin, might have worded my post poorly
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I want to shove my tongue into that amber asscrack so bad bros.
How do you impregnate a warframe?
I'll give you male, but plenty of spics and chinks are on XBL I thought
No but I recently tried to build nova and her viability in steel path without cheesing shit through resonator is fucking awful
the warframe comes pre-pregnant
She was pregnant before she was a warframe
You impregnate a human and turn her into a frame
we don't know yet if it's possible
she was pregnant before becoming a warframe
why they are making them human, DE doesn't know how to model faces
>Average 40IQ buzzword spammer doesn't understand words.
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I fucking love her skin, anytime I see an Ember dancing in a relay I need to stop and fap.
Because the next update takes place in Earth in 1999
spics and chinks know which race is the best
>le IQ card
fuck off shill.
It really is. I don't know of any other F2P game where you can trade in-game shit for premium currency at rates that aren't total fucking cancer. It's basically the one reason why I still bother with the game every now and then. If I don't feel like grinding shit I can just buy it off some other fag for an absolutely reasonable price.
>ultimately the only thing to do in the game is grind endlessly
This is like 90% of live service endgames.
FD is Gears of Halo trash. There's no speed, there's no rhyme or reason to the art other than 'look cool', the level design sucks and the loop; "play and earn what you get" is tarnished because of the monetary scheme.

2 decades now of brainrot have made people grow up with the idea that an astoundingly pretty/handsome face = good game.
path of exile also includes sexually attractive, adult, white women
>more buzzwords
I can't really make them look hot without spending money
I also fucking hate ladder resets and all the new content is basically just based on ladders
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eh. if the game doesn't fit your taste, i won't convince you to play it.
i'm just interpreting the OP question and providing an example.
I mean, usually in a PvE game there's some kind of endgame content to use your good gear for. In Warframe, the gear you've spent all this time grinding to get only exists for you to grind it up to level 30 for mastery points, and then shelve it/sell it so that you can grind a new piece of gear to level 30 for mastery points.
is it unironically a Dark Sector thing...kino if so...
There are a lot of references to dark sector at least, including actual concept art of the game and technocyte enemies
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What is this then retard
And what does she give birth to?
>DE doesn't know how to model female faces
The holdfasts or whatever the zariman guys are all good
horrible death
first of it's kind doesnt have a name
baby warframe maybe
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A very cute lil niglet
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every time you think they've learned their lesson suddenly the faces come back
I hope the devs are based enough to canonize human males - warframe women children
>t. someone who doesn't know anything about the game but like the hot alien robots things
I've played three leagues and I had no idea this was the case. The character designs don't really matter when you can't see the characters.
fuck this guy, I remember trying to get his cool ass sword but he just refused to drop the blueprint
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ill play warframe if they add a skin with some heavy milk sloshers in similar style as this ass
hell ill even paypig it
but until then, i wont touch it
due to lesbians this is an ass game
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sometimes you gotta slow down and sniff the tummies
I think the drop rates for his weapons were buffed with the pregnant frame update.
I wouldn't bet on it. Jade was pregnant before she became a warframe, very special circumstance. On the other hand though, if all frames used to be human then why wouldn't it work?
you have to open up a hole in the armor, otherwise it's fair game
She's cute, however I will not be slowing down to make leveling even more of a slog than it already is.
I coom to concord before.
You can canonically fuck warframes. Pregnancy post-warframe is something that is unexplored yet.
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this shit really bothers me, wtf were they thinking?
>what were they thinking
That Albrecht is a schizo who HAS TO time travel to 1999 to make a bunch of proto warframes for shits and giggles and make them all look retarded
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Has he been buffed? I grinded my ass out for him and heard he was one of the worst frames in the game on release.
Personally I would have turned Baruuk into some sandnigger for maximum butthurt
Not yet. He's getting a rework in a month and they're giving him out for free to everyone. Also he's getting a deluxe skin that makes him look like some sort of conquistador. It looks pretty fucking cool. I hope the rework won't be complete ass.
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Sorry I'm already married to Divinia
The free Caliban won't be from twitch drops, right? I'm still banned on there
I don't think they've ever specified it but it sounded like everyone's getting a free one, so I'd assume it won't be Twitch related.
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constantly trying to become white through race mixing
constantly pretending they're white, just look at nigger threads on /gif/
>coomer game
>by Canadians no less
Guess every country has at least one.
the greatsword's worse than the weapon you make it with lmao
It's weird how it's one of the few games where a woman takes over and shit actually gets better and becomes more sexual
Did you miss they just released a girl with a huge ass in a skinsuit in overwatch?
Where can that be found?
yeah because your playing in first person 90% of the time unless you taunt after a kill but only if your not working with your team
I think Reb works since she's been with the company for years and knows the community and game inside and out.
Compare that to others who hire vaginas outside the industry who only have "Marketing Research at Prada/Financial Officer at Toyota" in their resume.
>You can canonically fuck warframes
Imagine your shota operator (mask on) fucking all of his thick cyborg ninja lady puppets.
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ew wtf this is disgusting. those robot girls from warframe are hot as fuck though
ass game
based lesbians
It's basically a Dark Sector spinoff patch
You get loli operator (mask on) getting fucked by Umbra instead.
is this game even good if I want to get into it now?
I like the setting
Dagath's (this warframe >>687656570) lore. She was an Orokin couple's fuck toy pre-warframe, had a fatal injury so they asked Ballas to turn her into a waframe so that they can keep fucking her. Which they did post-warframe until the couple got bored of her and abandoned Dagath.
if you remember to actually mod your weapons then it's alright
It is more or less a solo game, all the multiplayer shit is purely optional
So, yeah, if you feel like wasting tons of time, go ahead
Second from the left actually looks pretty cool. Kind of reminds me of Jetstream Sam with the wide legs and the overall color scheme.
I dont play female warframes so i just font care, no fomo here
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>Kind of reminds me of Jetstream Sam
Is that the same character? It's definitely not the same frame.
No, it's Arthur aka proto-Excalibur. The second person from the left in >>687652234 is a new warframe that will be coming with the 1999 update.
Its inside the computer. Like the matrix its not actual time travel
Sure. Now is a way better moment to get into it compared to 2018-2021 when they were making shitty slow updates, bad warframes, lame design choices etc.
Then the main director and his entourage moved on to his new project and the community manager became the new director with a new balance team. They started making new nice updates with strong frames, reworking old frames that were outdated, reducing the grind etc.
The game is much healthier now
We are lucky because she herself is a fujo coomer so she understands the mindset
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After a huge wave of lgbtq pandering that alienated the core players
She caused millions of troons to suicide...
>A literal warframe fleshlight.
what about fortnite? i've seen it has quite a few cute girls, but i'm not sure about the extent of it
Any fart fetish skins?
They haven’t made a gas damage warframe yet
fuck of you FOMO lootbox pass wageslavegoy lover
what the fuck am I looking at?
not sure, but the jade associated level involves flinging 'motes' at an egg as it rises through a huge elevator shaft
when the egg is finally ready it goes out a short, hallway, with an intense struggle
you literally act out insemination and birth all in the context of a warframe level
pretty clever desu

It has been Tencent property for years now.
devs are westerners
tencent is just giving them money, the game is made by 100% authentic canadians from top to bottom
Mote flinging elevator combat with mag
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>Investors means developers now
Go away
in real companies investors are the ones influencing the direction of projects, so in other words they're the idea guys and qualify as active developers

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