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>What's wrong anon, have you never seen a conjured wheelchair before?
>arcane ride
>lame-ass wheelchair
oh come on now
This nigga got evaporated by void and now he's using a wheelchair? That's like being burned alive in a house fire and afterwards you come out looking totally un-burned but now you walk with a cane.
And thus a new meme was born
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Humiliation ritual
He looks so fucking dejected
Metzen's vision.
What about stairs? There are WAY more creative solutions to make a cripple wizard movie in a fantasy world such as world of warcraft.
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You wanna do cripple representation right?
Make it actually cool, like pic related, and not a fucking PURPLE WHEELCHAIR.
you must have zero integrity to be still playing wow.
>Old defeated white man
>Bearded woman standing menacingly behind him
The imagery is sublime
Finally representation for 100% of wow players
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aint no way bruh loooool
k-k-khadgar?? in a wheelchair?!?!
Anyone that spent money on this needs to be fired out of a cannon into the sun.
they couldve put him in a magic hoverboard that allows him to stand or something... its a magic universe
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i knew metzen was going to save the game, and he delivered
Chris Metzen
Cripple representation can be done, you just have to do it without thinking "Hmmm, how can I add diversity to my game."

Case in point, Bentley from Sly Cooper. Doesn't start out crippled, becomes crippled, but he's still a badass and important member of the team.
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I saw an anon like a week back theorize Khadgar somehow became Locus-Walker and this is actually so much worse
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Just you wait until you see what they're going to do to Turalyon, it's going to make Khadgar's humiliation ritual look tame
why doesn't he conjure good legs instead?
I broke my leg once as a kid and had to have a cast which didn't fit a wheelchair. I instead had to be rolled around on a wheeled pallet. It's not as fun as it sounds and I would have much preferred a wheelchair.
But they had the technology to build wheelchairs in the Middle Ages, it's not like a car at all.
they could give him a magic wheelchair that can float too, just load it up with some type of magic battery from magic gems or some bullshit
If I got put in a wheelchair I would put a bullet in my brain asap. You're playing a suffering simulator at that point.
this would have been fine ten years ago but everyone is way too skeptical of hamfisted pandering now.
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>Khadgar when he hears what Metzen has planned for him in TWW
What's with leftards' obsessions with battle cripples?
It would've been retarded 10 or 20 years ago too. The actual go-to at that time would've been magical spider legs, or giving him wings, or making him sit cross legged in a magical cloud. Not this shit.
inclusion, they wish cripples are going to play wow over ffxiv now
Well yeah anon they can, he just came back today at the end of a storyline. He's only been there for the Sons of Lother reunion so far.
man, i seriously regret pointing out that being "progressive" lately meant removing a wheelchair ramp to make room for a list of employee pronouns
if you knew how bad things are
Someone should shop "if only you knew how bad things really are" into this
I think it'd be fine if it was a normal wheelchair but this is some arcane ghost flying wheelchair so why does it have to have wheels
FFXIV already has two handicapped characters-- a guy that got his arm chopped off and a guy that got put in a wheelchair

True to form they wrote it better than WoW did lol
Why do you circlerking cucks get so triggered by wheelchairs?
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>tfw this ISNT missing texture
you have to be literally retarded to be in a wheelchair
this dude is supposed to be demigod tier levels of powerful and a purple wheelchair is the best he can come up with
>cast silence
What now, leglet?
In a setting like WoW why isn't he on like a floating crystal or a seat with legs or using gnome prosthetics? It's uninspired.
armless guy is weirdly a 2x sized human who solves everything with war. he's kind of like a wow character transplanted to xiv and given good writing
>In a world where you can revive dead people there is no option to make people walk again
Ehh okay?
Because this is apparently more inclusive, even though everyone without working legs would conjure themselves working legs instead of a wheelchair if that was a possibility.
Pretty sure just straight up healing him wouldn't be impossible either, but that would take away all the representation for crippled people.
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>life imitates art
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>Alleria: We thought we had lost you, Khadgar. How did you survive?
>Khadgar: The Dark Heart was created not to destroy, but to capture and harness all manner of power.
>Khadgar: When I felt what it was doing to me, I transmuted myself into pure arcane energy...
>Alleria: ...and allowed yourself to be trapped within the Dark Heart.
>Khadgar: Yes. Until you freed me.

Is Khadgar Y'sthola now?
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I feel like he became more badass with the wheelchair
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Dark Souls 2 had a guy in a wheelchair in it. The difference is that it actually suited the design and worked. Souls stuff is intentionally kept vague, but from context he's some sort of pilgrim who keeps diving in the abyss (an actual area that he can send you into) which implied to be some sort of metaphysical experience so you sorta headcanon that he astrally projects himself in there or something. Idk atleast that's what I did. Plus the design is actually cool.

TL;DR this design does not pretend to be "just as good as walking" unlike all the modern combat wheelchair trash. The character is explicitly disabled
They could have had him as a literal walking corpse, or having just magically fixed himself, given how powerful of a mage he's supposed to be. We already have precedence of a mage keeping himself 'alive' through his own power to the point he's a non scourge/forsaken origin undead in the form of Meryl Felstorm. This just makes Khadgar out to be even more of a bitch than he already was.

>can transmute into pure energy
>can't transmute a healthy body
The fuck
I'd like a flying wheelchair mount
He's literally one of the most powerful mages in wow, a fantasy game, using a fucking wheelchair
when the fuck did alleria come back
Is he even a battle cripple? Just looks like a crippled wizard to me.
Honestly, lore laziness aside in regards to crippling him in the first place, I don't see an issue.
wut, its already over?
Legion, she had a couple of woman moments and Turalyon was a simp for a light crystal milf, it was as dumb as you would imagine it could be.
>Both in a game of wheelchair rugby or basketball, the wheelchairs used are incredibly durable and can withstand the impact caused by high speed.
>They could have had him as a literal walking corpse, or having just magically fixed himself, given how powerful of a mage he's supposed to be. We already have precedence of a mage keeping himself 'alive' through his own power to the point he's a non scourge/forsaken origin undead in the form of Meryl Felstorm. This just makes Khadgar out to be even more of a bitch than he already was.
being crippled is fine. using a basic ass wheelchair instead of some cool magical contraption (in this game, given the setting) is stupid
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I mean this ds2 char is clearly some ancient old man, also was no context or anything behind him previously, it wasnt trying to pander to woke chuddies
I'm so glad I quit this piece of shit in BFA. What a joke.
So? He's a wizard, not a warrior. Might as well bitch about Prof X being in a wheelchair.
They also have the magic for perfect healing, why are you mentally retarded?
He lost an arm after he cut a guy in literal half for insulting his surrogate daughter/sultana so he's already x10 more based than anything WoW could produce

He didn't even get a prosthetic or anything aftwards he just walks around with the fucking stump
jesus christ
>>In a world where you can revive dead people there is no option to make people walk again
It's funny you say that because he literally did get revived from the dead before being given the wheelchair. Anduin had to perform a miracle on him.
Damn, she rolls up bold as brass after Vereesa got done raising her fucking kid for her
So cripples are worth a lot of diversity points now? Blacks and gays aren't as popular anymore?
Raubhan is not handicapped. You don't even notice he's missing an arm, like ever.
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They should have cut his legs off and attached him to a gnomish mech then carved runes into it.
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The Dracthyr femboys are the only redeemable things in this trash game.
ESG money. Imagine if you got a line of credit for $50 million just by putting a main character in a wheelchair. You'd have to be stupid NOT to do it.
>Alright guys, we finally took over the means of production
>We've finally ripped the thing "they" love away from them and can re-shape it however we want
>What do we do now?
>I know! Let's take the classic, iconic characters from this and twist them into an unrecognizable shell of their former self
honestly insanely fucked up if you really analyze it. These people probably have severe psychological issues but thanks to social media they've found their echochamber of other like-minded psychopaths and so they all pat each other on the back and affirm each other that they winning.
Eh, magic floating wheelchair seems a bit hacky and more within the realm of /v/'s dreaded combat wheelchair.
Why would Archmage fucking Khadgar be rolling along in a regular wheelchair (but purple) instead of, at a bare minimum, just strapping a chair to those floating Dalaran discs that have been an established part of WoW since WotLK.

The most powerful mage on Azeroth now can't get up the fucking stairs.
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The scene is pretty awkward.
>Xal'atath is just floating there, as usual
>black blood was stuck in nerubians that are now being mowed down
>for some reason this is what allows Xal to put it into the dark heart as energy?
>Alleria shows up
>Xal'atath doesn't make any move to stop her. just goes on some bullshit monologue
>Alleria basically says she's going to shoot the dark heart
>shoots at it
>Knaifu does nothing
>dark heart damaged
>Knaifu gets pissy and leaves. lol
The danuser stone was absolute shit for the story, so damaging/breaking it is a good correction, but the cartoon villain behavior is unreal.
Damn I thought Khadgar, Alleria and that other dude (Lothar?) all died in Draenor when Gul'Dan raped the planet
Did the human dude come back or just Khadgar and Alleria?
The X-Men world is based on real life so it makes sense to use a wheel chair. Azeroth isn't earth.
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>image that became true once Worldsoul saga was announced
In XIV's context it actually is tasteful and makes sense
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>Can literally resurrect the dead, create both autonomous and explicitly personally controlled machines/summons/servants/vehicles
>Have fantasy technology leagues beyond actual humanity from flying shit to teleporters
>Strap people to two fucking wheels and a chair instead of anything cool

It's so absolutely insulting, people in wheelchairs are not in wheelchairs because they WANT to be, they would all be on cool robots or using magic if they could.
It's oddly immersion breaking seeing this level of retardation, I'm glad I lost the WoW disease in WoTLK and never took it too seriously anyway because fuck me I'd be sad as fuck if I was a fan of this tripe.
Nobody dies for real in Warcraft. Uther, Illidan, Gul'dan, Khadgar, Lothar, fuck honestly it would take less time to name the characters that die for good.
>You'd have to be stupid NOT to do it
Or, you know, simply have integrity.
Cripples > Black > Gays
In my based point of view, therefore they must yield the least amount of points but maybe there is a diversity-diversity multipliers since they already have random blacks shoved everywhere and sexual perverts being promoted.
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Man am I glad I will never give blizzturd another penny in my life.
It was fine 15 years ago with the 130 year old blind orc shaman, not the 45 year old ubermage who can make portals to different planets
They're gonna make Turalyon a cuck, arent they?
It's the lack of imagination that really pisses people off. He's a powerful wizard, at least give him something magic looking.
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Nigga has crazy magical powers in a universe filled with crazy magical shit and the best he can do is a magic wheelchair? Not even fake magical legs to walk around with? Dude is the most powerful living wizard in the entire lore and they gave him a fucking magical wheelchair.
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When they had the Worldsoul do the 'hear, feel, think' thing in the trailer I actually had an audible chuckle
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Ironically the pre-shitdesign khadgar looked like he might actually belong in a wheel chair by this time. They made him look like a 40 year old metrosexual only to put him into a wheelchair. Absurd
That was also retarded and wow was already shit by that point but at least there's a resemblance of coherent logic in that.
Thrall and Anduin will die before the worldsoul trilogy is over
Every major male character will be dead, forgotten, or an invalid
It's glowing purple, asshole, what more do you want
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What happened to my WoW.... I want to laugh, but it pains me too much. It's all so tiresome.
I think males are allowed as long as they're the bottom in a fag relationship
to be honest, I would embrace the ability to conjure a magical wheelchair.
WoW is so utterly shit, that zooming around in a magical wheelchair might be the only fun thing about it
>When I felt what it was doing to me, I transmuted myself into pure arcane energy...
Sure, Arcane mages can just do whatever the fuck they want now. Except walk again.
A wheelchair absolutely fits in Azeroth's aesthetic and tech level though. Just make it match other Dwarven/Gnomish crafts.
you had any hope left after they intentionally spat and shat on Arthas's soul?
No and no
Cripples are never tasteful
femdom is based anyway, they can run things
The final part will be Turalyon getting forcefemmed by Xal'atath
kek capitalism got rid of integrity in 1995
No it doesn't cunt, we see weaker mages hover around everywhere constantly all the way since warcraft 2. It's just twitter cancer "representation"
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Hey man, they can be cool
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>mfw friend was telling me metzen saved wow
>they actually killed off a big character and city, khadgar at that
>he hasnt finished it yet
>see this
holy fuck, no fucking way
>Anduin will die
Anduin just had his turnabout from sad wittle man back to gigachad peacemonger. He's basically the main character.
Him riding a Star Wars collab Yoda hover chair available for the low price of 99.99 USD.
if you continue to play this game then you should kill yourself
>all men gonna die
That would be mercy
nu-khadgar is so fucking retarded looking
>They're gonna make Turalyon a cuck, arent they?

Worse, they're going to make Alleria gay. Can you imagine being their son? Your parents leave you with your aunt and leave when you're just a little toddler and you barely remember them, you get raised by your aunt, you grow up and fuck off to Outland to look for your parents but don't find them, come home, your only male father figure in your uncle gets fucking disintegrated and dies and you get left with your widowed aunt and two little cousins to take care of while the whole fucking planet starts going to shit around you and then your parents miraculously show back up, but they're getting a divorce because your mom is addicted to the void and now is into chicks for Reasons ™
you know as well as me that a proper gnomish wheelchair would have anti-gravity thrusters and a built-in laser cannon, maybe even some kind of arcane generator that supercharged the powers of any wizard sitting in it
And if need be it would deploy mechanical spider legs to climb up the wall

Which would be cool
Which of course is why we can't have that, the moment a wheelchair becomes awesome it stops being ""diverse""
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I don't know what that means. This sounds like Shadowlands slop. I didn't play Shadowlands and haven't played since then.
And, like we could see with gnomes, the ability to create substitute limbs with ease.
I feel like westoids are having some sort of instinct that DEI slop is nearing the end and are just going crazy like some sort of desperate animal
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>Khadgar fucks archmage Modera for years.
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Wonder what the defence of this will be. The guy is worth a lot to a lot of people and can either afford proper healing from some goddess like healer or outright robot stuff to make the legs of his keep moving. The wheelchair couldn't have been the only option right?
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Alleria and Turalyon are already back together and pledged never ending love for each other.
Makes sense. Levitate is exclusive to priests.
He was only like 35 in this image, he's cursed and uses magic to look younger but can't magically make his legs work because..... just because, ok????
This was still pretty dumb, but wasn't Drek'that also just, up and fucking done with everything to the point he could be healed, but told everyone to fuck off?
basically they killed Arthas's soul then had Sylvanas shit all over him verbally and basically break the 4th wall telling the audience to "get over him already stop liking Arthas he's part of the past you need to get invested in the FUTURE" then they made him mega dead to never ever return ever again

it was downright embarrassing
>can summon an arcane magical version of fucking anything
>summons a shitty wooden wheelchair that doesn't even look comfy

lmao, what the fuck.
>Anduin will die

No he's going to transition, this is Blizzard we're talking about here
You mean
>Modera fucks Khadgar with a conjured strap-on for years
gnomeregan in 2004 had actual legless gnomes in gnome machinery and it wasnt gay wheelchairs
Too many years arguing with retarded manlet dwarves drove him to the point of "fuck it let me die when I die"
fucking wheelchair racing
I could do so much with this ability
how to defeat the archmage khadgar
That is shameful...
right? it'd be way less egregious if it didn't look like a flintstones prop
Literally just brought in so people could have a shred of hope that we would have fixed lore, but he's not the only writer and even if he did actually take over after this expansion, it couldn't save the mess that's been made. At best you're going to get corruption and people are going to remember why his writing really fell off.
thank you for reminding me of my disability, blizzard
I'd kneel but I'm fucking paralyzed from the waist down.
>modera has a dick
thats like half of moderas rule34 page
And characters are missing one eye or using canes. Or getting old in general.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA modern gaming is a joke man
he was just old.
people also called him senile when he predicted the cataclysm.
Wheelchair fencing daily chore minigame for a .01% chance at a wheelchair mount LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO WOWBROS WE'RE SO BACK!!
kind of based desu
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Permanent injuries make no sense in warcraft with people freely resurrecting and having healing magic.
In Midnight it will be revealed that the 'Arthas' which was purged was really just the evil side of his soul like how Sylvanas' was split. He'll then return breifly to revive the raid party like his dad did and afterwards will apologize to Sylvanas as they and Uther go back to the afterlife.
A magic one makes more sense than if it was just a wooden one.
>Check back to see what wow is up to on occasion
>Just see shit like this
It's like pulling out the highschool yearbook and finding out your old friends keep dying
>we got scammed out of mechakhadgar
That'd involve creating a new game model instead of just re using shit from 10+ years ago >>687662145
Modern wow devs are 40 iq browns and fat women, you're expecting way too much from them
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>can turn into a being of pure energy
>can't put your spine together correctly when you turn back
resurrecting is a gameplay thing not a lore thing. In the lore you can lose limbs (many characters are depicted that way) and resurrection is a vile scourge thing that turns people into zombies
He flat out died as soon as he came back. Anduin had to rez him.
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those are gameplay mechanics you nerd
and part hack writing
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It's not supposed to make sense.
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this entire company must be purged
Because those gnomes weren't legless for diversity points
They were legless because the idea of a gnome losing his legs and replacing it with half a spider tank is pretty badass
fucking kekked
I was wondering how they were finally going to humiliate the last strong intelligent attractive white male.
right, guess it makes sense that he can fix his mortal wounds but not the ones preventing his cock from working
wow fucking sucks
This. Cripples are subhumans. My aunt got in an accident(she is a bikecuck and got "ran over" by car, most likely wasn't looking around) and is in wheelchair now. She's such a fucking bother to have around. Should take the hint and kill herself.
How can you even consider that? There's got to be another way!
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Why are people okay with Y'shtola losing the ability to see but not with Khadgar losing the ability to walk
unironically yes.
allow me to zoom at lightspeed on one of these babies.
allow me to change the colour of my magical wheelchair.
make sure I can add underglow to it.
what else do you need?
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Fucking hell this is bad. I usually shitpost about XIV being a tranny game but haven't a disabled person in a world where you can cast magic to cure people is massively retarded. Christ almighty this industry is cooked.
Yeah I was just making the point that wheelchairs are inherently gay and uncool. It's kind of like how a cane can be cool but a walker can't be. A man in a wheelchair is inherently worse off, a man in a spider tank isnt
no fucking way
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>woman with a beard
Because she can still sense aether, and its not character defining. They also do really cool shit with her, like her eating shit in dungeons and trials against inorganic enemies.
Because it looks fucking stupid that's why dumbass.
I'm not sure which is worse, desu.
Also why doesn't he just polymorph into a guy that isn't crippled
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>can't even install counterstrike
Anduin's very out of practice as a healer, he's been playing Ret since Shadowlands.
see >>687664052

because characters with blindfolds can be cool. You make up some fantasy shit about how they see with their magic or some shit. Now they arent lesser humans and its cool. DHs are based on this and theyre cool (if youre 12)
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This makes it even funnier when they put a red dragon, the dragonflight of healing you mind you who can heal almost anything over time, into a normal wheel chair.
Out of all things he could conjure
Why a wheelchair? Like if I had permanent leg injury in WoW universe, I would want some replacement limbs or a magic carpet to float around with.
I logged into WoW and saw women with beards.

I logged off and havent touched the game since.
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>One of the most powerful mages alive
>Doesnt rode a floating disk
>Doesnt make it a floating char
>Makes a purple wheelchair
Imagine having a high fantasy setting where magic just does whatever the fuck it wants and the pinnacle of your creativity is just a fucking wheelchair.
The only one without limbs I remember is Kargath Bladefist and I think it was a personal choice.
Scourge makes sense because healing magic doesnt work on a curse/disease like that.
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I always thought he got younger via some bullshit magic and this was just model redesign?
Wheelchair could be cool too if like it was say a goblin in a supercharged turbo wheelchair capable of traveling 100mph that deployed a grenade machinegun from the back
Tl;dr if the character is made to pander to dei its bad.
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His girlfriend made it for him so he has to use it for a while. His real mount is going to come back next patch.
Eyesight is typically the one thing going missing tolerated in fantasy because half the time it results in some other capabilities, like not being able to see light but can see magic like Illidan, blind folds being a feitsh for some people, or the idea it ultimately makes them stronger because it gave them some sort of 6th sense in general.
Rarely is going blind in fantasy an actual crippling debilitation. Hell, Drek'thar was even in this thread, is blind, and before he got fucked over was always one of the stronger orcs in setting before power scaling started getting fucky.
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They already did it in the past
>resurrecting is a gameplay thing not a lore thing
Wrong. One of the starter paladin quests literally has you resurrecting someone. Extremely powerful healing magic and resurrections canonically exist in the lore.
I presume there's some magic in story reason he can't be healed.
How come I can die and get fully resurrected 15 times running past hordies to the raid entrance but Khadgar can't regenerate a simple limb?
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I thought Khadgar was an immortal reviving demon or some shit now?
I hope in 5 years when everyone realizes that all this tranny alphabet shit was mentally ill we will get another fantasy wheelchair character but this time the story around him will be that he can just pay 10gold for a restoration spell but they choose not to do it because he is an obnoxious attention whore cunt.
Did they have wheelchair accessible dungeons too?
theres zuljin and some peg legs aswell as lots of gnomeregan guys
>/wowg/ thinks this is kino and Metzen saved WoW
ive been playing d&d on and off for close to 20 years now
at no fucking point ever did I think that because I wear glasses I absolutely have to play character that wears glasses
so you make wheelchairs an option but at the same time have to make it so they dont have any real disadvantages which is fucking absurd
>implying things will get better
things only get worse. in 5 years they'll be trying to make every player character get in a wheelchair so that the wheelchair-bound feel better
This guy has tweeted 105,916 times and has 492 followers.

Screaming into the void.
Ysthola is a terribly written character man what are you talking about?
Always pulling retarded sacrificial moves and doesnt pay for them.
Her going "blind" just made her stronger. She can still read for fucks sake.
thats still way more lame than just making it a tank or mech or bodysuit or somerhing like that. wheelchairs are just inherently lame no matter what you tack on. Its like trying to make diapers cool by strapping rocker launchers on them. It does not work
>a setting where people are brought back from the dead
>teleported across time and space
>fight magical monsters
>use a wooden wheelchair



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>yfw playing retail wow in 2024

10 years ago people would've take this at what it is, a joke.

Unfortunately, the people that wrote this are dead serious about this, it's somehow not suppose to be a joke. This is why it piss poeple off, it's just stupid, but serious stupid instead of funny stupid.
khadgar redesigned to be hot and young for china
now that wow is banned in china hes been redesigned for crippled inclusion for westoids
captcha: SADg
nah man don't forget about redemption
>Play a game where you can be anything
>Choose to still be crippled
the fuck?
do you really think people are going to change their opinions? 40+ year olds already think its retarded and every day new retards are born into this hellscape that dont know any better. This is the new normal deal with it.
You mean the level 10 quest that teaches you how the resurrect spell works? come on now. You might aswell argue that quest givers can canonically sense when someone across the world dies because the quest texts never question it
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>Imagine being a cripple
>You probably came to terms with it a decade ago and you don't even give a shit anymore
>Constant pity train whenever you go anywhere
>Omg you're so brave for being crippled, sweetheart
>Play game like any other fucking normal person
>The one place where people can stop bringing up your disability for everything
>Roleplay as a chad Paladin smiting niggers to the depths of the cotton fields
>Hell yeah this is fun
>Walk into town
>Wheelchair token mage reminding you how brave you are for being a cripple and that Blizzard supports your cause (tm)
>You're just as good as anyone else, sweetheart <3
Why would anyone want this shit in their game?
Did they put him through a rehab program or something, he's clearly not coked out like he used to be. Those are the eyes of a dead man who has lost everything.
Chris Metzen
arcane mages can levitate using their own mana so its silly that an archmage needs a conjured wheelchair in the first place.
METZEN SAVED WoW!!!!!!!!!!
>Why would anyone want this shit in their game?
its not for wheelchair bound people, its for white women to signal how virtuous they are to everyone.
Y'shtola is characterized as being very vain and she found a solution to her disability that's entirely within character. She just started burning her mana 24/7 in order to see and never told anyone she was blind because she didn't want to acknowledge it, though they all clearly knew.
The woke shit is so unbelievably pathetic.
You can write a character who loses his ability to walk. This is WoW, there are many ways to deal with being disable. You have gnomes who can make all sorts of robots, the guy could be attached to a mech and be this badass towering over everyone. He could use warlock magic to create a dark demonic cloud that lets him fly. He could use mage spells to conjure an elemental and ride a giant whirlpool of water. He could tame a dragon and ride it. He could be someone that makes disabled people go ''fuck yeah, that cripple is badass.''
Nope, a purple wheelchair. To be inclusive to the 10 wheelchair players. Your life is shit? We also made this character's life shit.
It's depressing.
A fromdrone invents headcanon to defend his godgame. Many such cases!
i tried WoW out of curiousity and it was one of the most soulless shit ever. literally nobody talks, there's no player interaction, no nothing, literally why the fuck are you guys playing an MMO if you essentially treat it like a singleplayer game? this is what you pay a monthly subscription for? all of the bad grindy parts of an mmo without the good parts?
Flop of the year says that yes things are gonna start changing finally.
>that cutscene
what the fuck
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This is why I don't get. In fantasy you can be anything. You can be a sex bomb, you can be a furry, you can be an anime woman, you can be a hulking musclegod chad, you can be a cartoon, you can be a monster.

Why the fuck would you choose to be ugly, fat, crippled, etc unless you're just memeing?
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So? Cant he just teleport out of shadowlands? What's the issue exactly?
they wont change, but keep that enthusiasm its better than the alternative.
It stopped being social around 10 years ago, people just play it out of habit nowadays. They also get very upset if you dare point out how antisocial the game is.
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We told you fucking niggers not to buy the sprklepony. Now reap your reward.
When is Metzen saving Wow?
it's really funny honestly
hell having him be bridal carried by a water elemental would have been more dignified than this

At least that has a sort of "yes this is what I'm using my water elemental for, deal with it" energy
>stop using your imagination when playing fantasy games
imagine being this guy
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there's nothing wrong with this
watch the cinematic
i'm surprised he's still alive after being sucked into literal void
but ofc /v/trannies are not interested in honest discussion
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why does this image make me more antisemitic?
That’s it, I’m not touching that shit.
I was thinking about it but nah.
>nothing wrong with this
hi Ion
My friend is in a wheelchair and thinks this sort of "representation" is fucking retarded and plays video games to escape not be reminded of his shit life. Same way I'm an ugly, fat, balding loser irl but I'd never make my character look as hideous as I do. This representation shit is killing the medium and ruining imagination in story telling.
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Even the biggest no lifer slop eating wow faggot in the world refuses to play wow and plays the chinese monke game instead
That should be a sign
women and jews. not even once.
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So I'm going ask some questions here and tell me why none of this happened
>Why can't be fully healed when he such a powerful mage and had known and seen people with power of aspects that heal anything or even the power of the light known to bring back the fuckin dead?
>Why would he use a chair in a world where it's common practice and etch from his side to replace full limbs with robotic working parts?
>Can't arcane mages just float all of the time if they want with him being the most powerful mage this should be easy for him?
>Why the fuck a wheel chair, something not super practical at all in his world when he could literally conjure anything like a fucking anything like walking spider legs or something?
Any reason for this?
All the woke shit is depressing. In 2012 I thought we reached the peak insanity. Thought the tides were turning and things can't get any worse. They got worse and it continues to get worse every year.
I may never see this shit collapse in my lifetime. I may never again experience good video games, movies, music. Shit is so bad and gets worse than the only genuine hope I have is that in the future you will be able to just generate your own content with AI.
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Why can't they just make tasteful designs? I don't think I have ever seen a single complaint about Professor X being in a wheelchair because it fits his character and isn't forced.
what's wrong with it? he almost died, man conjured up a chair for himself to chill for a sec
>for a sec
he's going to be permanently in that chair even though its a magical fantasy world where people are brought back from the dead
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Well, the Archmage has a new arch-enemy:

1:05-1:25 is pure marvel
Every point mentioned is why i just dip into private servers every couple of years when a new one pops up and I can catch the wave of everyone starting out. Have fun dicking around for a month or two, then move on when things start to stagnate. Modern wow has been a shitfest like that ever since flying mounts, sharding, and phasing became intrinsic to the very core of the game.
It's fucking baffling to me how the fuck they could handle hundreds of players in the same spot 20 years ago, but put 30 people somewhere in the same zone and it's not a major city, and everything starts breaking, and god damn if flying mounts are such a catch 22 at times.
Is the metzen saving happening yet? When does that start wowsisters?
you can't get diversity points if he's not in a wheelchair
Professor X to be fair is not living in a magical world where people easily can be fully healed, replace body part with robot limbs and not a super powerful mage that literally conjure anything he wants to carry him around
those anal beads in your ass can't predict the future, faggot
It makes no fucking sense you braindead blizzdrone. Khadgar is the most powerful mage in the game universe and supposedly transmuted himself into pure arcane energy, only to reconstitute himself into a crippled physical form?
>Anduin bring him back to life
>but with the legs not working
Okay... T-thanks A-anduin I guess?
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Portal is open

the people who run these franchises are 110 IQ retard niggers and women. that explains it all.
why the fuck would there be wheelchair fencing when normal people can still fencing?
>Have flying carpets, mechanical robot walkers (mechanostriders) robot legs, levitation magic and the literal aspect of life itself who can surely fix your broken whatever the fuck
>conjure a purple wheelchair to ride around on carpet and cobbled streets :^)
I sincerely wish the people who thought this up and implemented this spend a few months stuck in a wheelchair. Disabilities aren't quirky or dramatic, they aren't some cheap fucking party trick for 'representation' you disgusting corporate fuckmonnkeys.
tranny, he hasn't done shit since wc2
in tbc, he afk'd near adal for the entire expansion
in legion, he only teleported people around
shut the fuck up, faggot
did that dracthyr from Dragonflight in a wheelchair ever get healed? No he fucking didn't, there is a clear past example that your retarded game has retarded wheelchair people when they could be healed of their handicap
best post itt
why not sit in a comfy chair instead of floating on a piece of cloth?
Reminds me of that magic wheelchair thing in D&D that's just got so many options people would actually make their characters disabled because of how OP it was.
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>'War Within finale'
>expansion released like a week ago
I knew the new format was gonna be short but jesus.

So after season 1 (with the raid/story content), are they just gonna rotate M+ dungeons/arena rewards as new seasons for the rest of the year until the next overpriced expac?
Deja vu...
>Noooo it makes perfect narrative sense that he would voluntarily reassume corporeal form with disabled legs because uhhhhhh....
My man, disabilities are a great storytelling device that an make for some of the most passionate character arcs about overcoming all ods or coming to terms with a life changing event. A powerful mentor losing his eyesight or an arm in battle to metaphorically hand over the torch to the protagonist student. An old veteran with a grievous wound going for a last adventure. It just works. People even like stories like that. Underdogs are a gateway into your readers heart. Sacrifice is an essential method of creating likeable characters.

The tokenization and pandering is the issue as always. These characters are not introduced to WoW because they make for a good story to tell but because they totally signal the Blizzard is totally inclusive and they don't even stil breastmilk from the breastpump room anymore. Trust us!
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>tfw someone sues Blizzard because some of their areas are not wheelchair-accessible for the characters that use wheelchairs
>ah I see the archmage Sitgar has arrived.
Because it makes literally no sense in context for WoW, same reason with the blatant self insert Lothar not wanting a prosthetic despite them being common and sensible.
Not to mention a magical wheelchair is not only panderingly insulting, it lacks any imagination.
>noooo he can't just conjure up a chair like a boss after being turned into dust and almost dying
Y'shtola can't see me jumping her from behind to rawdog her (I have no aether) so I can surprise her before getting myself killed. Khadgar can't get his pp up and his chair is ugly, plus he still can't close the stupid Dark Portal. those are not the same things.
>more girl bosses
>makes another male character an invalid
>other male characters in scenes do nothing

if metzen wrote this he must have wrote shadowlands and dragonflight
Nah, FFXIV wheelchair was equally retarded, Cid not giving the lad a better ride is fucking disgusting. How the fuck do you use a medieval-ass wheelchair in the fucking desert??
It would have been funny and make more sense if he was just stuck in raven form.
>after the war whitin finale
>exp just release
i sure love paying monthly for timegated content
It's plain and lazy when the setting offers more interesting alternatives
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>side character with white hair takes a cripping hit that puts him in a wheelchair
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Virtue signaling and ESG money.

They just really want to show disabled people that
>look! we're with you!
and they end up looking pathetic while doing it. Basically the same mechanism as pic rel.

Funny thing is that this shit ends up being ableist, as the only disability that those fuckers seem to shove into their games is being crippled, basically the most stereotypical imagination of a disabled person, while in reality there are tons of other, way more common disabilities that they won't put into their games because people simply don't like looking at them, like epilepsy or schizophrenia (which shaves off your life expectancy to a mere fucking 45 years old, unlike not having a leg).
>Khadgar = Y'sthola
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>conjure up a chair like a boss
end stage cope
Probably going forward from now. The Danuser shit was clearly still plaguin early TWW, but at this point
>Anduin stopped being a pouty bitch and is a Paladin again
>Alleria told the Void to fuck off and that she loves her Husband
>The Light is purely Good
>Magni got un-stoned
>Khadgar got un-died
>Tranny earthen got shoved aside fast
>Faerin isn't the bitchy girlboss her cinematic design clearly was meant to be
>Xal'atath is a dumb cunt who got one win and has done nothing but lose after that
>Always pulling retarded sacrificial moves and doesnt pay for them.
That's thancred, not Y'sthola.
Let them double down on their male humiliation fetish. I’m sure it’ll work out just fine.
>Faerin isn't the bitchy girlboss her cinematic design clearly was meant to be
stopppp lmfaoo
Better question is why does she look nothing like Alleria?
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They told me I was overreacting and I got told countless fucking times that 'slippery slope is a logical fallacy'

Guess what motherfuckers, turns out slippery slope is a PROPHECY not a logical fallacy because I was right the entire fucking time, and every single one of these assholes that bought the pony is to blame
>Professor X to be fair is not living in a magical world where people easily can be fully healed, replace body part with robot limbs and not a super powerful mage that literally conjure anything he wants to carry him around
He in fact IS living in that world, he personally knows at least 50 people who could heal him up and 100 more that could give him robot legs
I don't know shit about WoW lore.
In Warcraft 3 Archmage could summon Water golem.
So an Archmage could just have a water golum act as a mount or something.
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when will wow and ffxiv be GW2 tier?
>Character shown isnt a mage
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he's right.
This has to be a troll. This fucking has to be. I mean, hats off to you fags because I am indeed mad to think they'd do something this stupid. This is a game where one of the most powerful mages in the setting have fuckloads of mounts including literal flying carpets, a giant floating disc/cloud, and so many other things. The idea he'd conjure a fucking arcane translucent wheelchair is stupid enough (putting aside that mages in this setting can also conjure things that aren't see-through. Like the mage food/water and the raid/party wide 'tray" shows normal looking food on it just enhance with mana), but that's even aside the fact that he got basically voided and they put him in a wheelchair? He'd be more legitimately insome sort of magical healing "star was bacta tank" floating there while half his body is burned away/voided and he's being slowly restored to health or something. Fuck fuck fuck.
i remember this being relentlessly mocked at the time and it made far more sense even
You look at that cinematic again and tell me what she was going to be. She's got the godawful pout and everything.
Rent free
>anduin is still a crying bitch
>alleria is a girl boss who shows her husband nearly no affection
>magni is now a prop for his daughter
>khadgar is an invalid
>tranny earthen are still everywhere
>faerin is going to replace anduin
>xal atath is going to kill several male characters before this is over
>why not just constantly expend mana floating around instead of just chilling out in a comfy chair with wheels made by your gf
This is how stupid you all sound
>resurrecting is a gameplay thing not a lore thing
Yeah, not like Sylvanas was LITERALLY collecting valkyrs in Legion or whatever because she was running out of these and their ability was literally get out of death free card.
Arthas also kills us for real in his raid and so did that one legion titan, that wasn't just gameplay memes.
Kael'thas got revived
I think Medivh as well but don't quote me on that.
Hakkar, too.
All the time travel "revives" with WoD.
Inquisitor Whitemane.
Anduin does a mass revive I think in the intro cutscene for BFA after humiliating some jobber troll I think? Probably just a heal.
It's because he lost touch with the light or something :^)
>we want the DnD audience
Anduin will marry Faerin

Mark my words. 9/3/2024
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can she kill me?
>Levitation spells or enchantments don't exist in world full of magic.
>People regularly come back to life after getting killed or get fully healed after serious injury.

Leftists really are fucking retarded for not being able to adapt disabilities to their settings properly.
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>Dude we can kill literal planets and godlike demons or Lovecraftian entities but can't regenerate damaged cell tissue for you to walk again..
>Have magical constructs that can fly
>Limit yourself to wheels on the ground
This is how stupid you sound
Hopefully she can put everyone still paying monthly for this pile of shit out of their misery
All far more impractical than a comfy chair. He just needs to rest
literally would've been less embarrassing to kill him outright
I can only hope he gets sidelined for good so I don't have to look at him rolling up in that shit
>what the fuck is a Faerin
>secret nigga lothar family branch
the fuck
at what point they remove p2p scam
game isn't even worth buying anymore even without p2p
Lol, I see that tww's success is making you mad.
honestly thats enough reason to hate this expansion
His voice actor is old as fuck. I bet they kill him off or make him irrelevant soon anyways. Easier than finding someone else to voice the character
>Cant fathom making a comfy chair fly
man if only this game didn't have like 10 different kinds of fucking mech suits
>meanwhile your average priest:
magefags MOGGED
Bro that ship ailed years ago for WoW. Chromie is canonically a tranny.
>Entirely conjured wheelchair still has wood and metal details on it
Bro could just fly around, or ask one of the thousands of gnomes who can build you an entire exosuit.
It's a magic chair, it floats around
wtf I hate hags now
Professor X is a retard and and it even stats he a retard about it to be fair and a lot of times he has in fact healed his legs.
fuck off man I'm tired of this garbage eunuch shit
>>anduin is still a crying bitch
The first thing he does in Azj-Kahet is tell Alleria to calm her fucking tits and that he's gonna save the spider people from Void Tits.
FF14 did it first.
sylvanas looks different in this xpack
I would lose my legs to score a Fordola GF I wouldn't even hesitate
How can you permanently maintain a conjured wheelchair but not have any way to heal broken bones in universe?
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>crippled old mage uses a magic chair to get around
could be kino, but alas...
everyone knows blizzard originality is dead
they can only copy what other people do
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I mean, they laugh at a shitty conjured up chair after man barely survived, meanwhile they paid 40 bucks for an expansion in which they had to follow around and be the colostomy bag of a tranny from starbucks as he kept lecturing them about diversity, inclusion and tacos in a horrendous and poor spanish accent.

Now THAT'S a humiliation ritual right there.
OH, and Lei Shen from Throne of Thunder.
That raid cinematic slapped but the man straight up got revived.
Prof X. lives in a world where a cosmic flaming bird can devour stars, the daughter of his worst enemy can rewrite reality, where powers can be gained or transferred in the blink of an eye and you can literally meet God. Status quo and bad writing in capeshit trump logic.
Top xavier moment right there.
japan invented people in chairs? zamn!
>b... b... but final fantasy did it already
doesn't matter, it won't save wow
It was and is a stupid idea. Wheelchairs by design only function in very specific circumstances, you're not going to ride a wheelchair around on dirt roads or god forbid somewhere completely wild. You can make it work having a side character or issue for a party to deal with "escort this ancient mage who's body has decayed to the point where he can barely move to the depths of the dungeon so he can rejuvenate himself" or some such and be confronted with challenges regarding their immobility as puzzles to solve and problems to overcome.

Just going "nah it's not ever a problem it's just flavor" unironically fucking sucks all the life out of the fantasy.
>I'm very upset that everyone is badmouthing the game I have been addicted to since the 2000s and paid thousands of dollars to play, so lets redirect to talking about something else instead please!
>competition does thing
>lets copy competition
why are you retarded and can't see that?
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just this mommy.
Fucking retards at blizzard saw people asking "why don't they just fix their crippled limbs with magic?" and came up with this LMAOOOOOOOOOO!!!
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would be great if the males (and females) looked like this

chestless but cute dragonoids are my thing
you just know that if Mekkatorque got crippled he would cut off his useless legs himself and replace them with a mechanical pair that has build in rocket thrusters or something

Thank god blizzard forgets he exists half the time, that way he's not fucked up like all the major characters
I'm pretty sure they made his telepathy powers intrinsically linked to his inability to walk
I mean, they're clearly in the thread so thought I'd make clear the fact that it can be worse. Much, much worse.

Humiliation ritual that, this, but at the end of the day they're in game characters. You got shit on directly as a player lmfao.
So why does it have wheels? Do people not understand how much that actually sucks? It's going to be poorly balanced and rolls around if he shifts his weight at all. Why not just a regular fucking chair then?
your entire personality is based on being a coomer but unlike normal coomers you think it somehow makes it better that you're being a weird little submissive pig about it
are all weebs retarded like you or are you extra special?
I'm in one; why are you retards so obsessed with them? Is it because of the impending weight issues making you also need one soon?
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>literally taking cues from the shit that got WotC mocked for years
You're seriously asking a Blizzdrone that question?
I'm pretty sure she's not even an actual Lothar, she's adopted or some shit as well as being
>With the side-shave black "hardass girlboss" hairstyle - see, Bangalore from Apex Legends etc.
>Half-Elf, because of course she's super special and unique.
>Adopted (?) Lothar family member
>Basically the new Alliance leader since Anduin is sad and helpless at least to start, and she's hyper competent
>Missing an eye with a big fucking scar over it
>Missing a limb, which she stupidly attaches a shield to her shoulder and outright rejects a magical equivalent of a robot arm because ableism and she don't need to learn nothing new she fine as she is.
>Don't need no man and has to show all the whites how its done with black girl magic.
>Will likely either be a lesbian and/or they'll have Anduin become reliant and infatuated with her so that she's KWEEN.

There's no way they're not still using the diversity box checker utility.
>powerful caster character loses his legs back in the day
They get wings to fly, train themselves to hover or use whatever is fucking possible with their power to equalize their handicap in a cool way, they might even end up stronger as a result.

>powerful caster character loses his legs in current year
Xhey summo xhemselves an astral wheelchair and sit in a dark corner.

People playing this shit must love to torture themselves. This is wrong on so many levels: narratively, morally, ethically, character-, world-, lore-wise. It's just fucking shit, nobody wants to see this besides maybe three fucking full on cripples who are fucking woke leftists, because nobody, NOBODY else besides that very specific group in the entire world would feel good from projecting their own misery onto others.
>war within finale
is it already over? didnt this come out last week
Thancred at least got magic autism from it but the fakeout against Panjit or whatever in shadowniggers WAS bad.
Yshtola hasnt been noticeably inconvenienced once.
>feet that aren't just blocks
>instead, individually modelled toes
>textured soles instead (??? why did they do this)
I'm not a footfag but man, it's no wonder they're all obsessed with her
>make wheelchair model
>add purple glow
>that'll be $90 plus tip
>now say "Thank you" for your representation
bravo Blizzard
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>warhammer releases
>main fun in the game is huge pvp battles
>wow adds wintersgrasp without player limit
>XIV focus on story
>blizzard ruins his own game by inserting shitty story everywhere
are you shill so fucking retarded you haven't even played your own company game?
i dont play XIV fucking retard if i wanted story i would read a book
What part of Part 1 Of A 3-Part Saga did you not understand?
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that or the powerful wizard sits his arse in a wheelchair and has people push him around because he's an asshole, but also a superpowerful asshole and they need him so he has someone push around his wheelchair

Occasionally he just hops on a conjured floating disk when he needs something from the top shelf, then plops back down in the wheelchair with a smug grin on his face
yes i noticed late sorry
saga of dogshit more like
He's not in a dungeon.
>japan invented stories in video games
You should kill yourself asap. Swtor was doing long stories before that dead game even released.
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you'd be even more fucked since they hadn't spread paved roads or suspension yet
yeah you could probably mcgyver a wheelchair together but you'd still be twice as crippled as you would be today
So each new "expansion" is basically just a major patch that you have to pay $90 for?
how did wow become so pozzed? does this actually appease the fans, do people like seeing trannies and blacks and wheelchairs everywhere?
>Chris Metzen
Chris Metzen
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always has been
Nope. Fully fledged expansion. What is missing from tww launch that say, mop had?
yes now you're getting it. Isn't this much better than getting a 20hr campaign like in the past?
>tortanic was doing stories
ok shill
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This nigga is doing circles defending this dogshit in both /v/ and /vg/ threads.
I'm actually amazed how hard you are defending this compared to final troons
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>the thread shitting on wow gets autosaged
Good stories too btw. I know a faggot nigger like you wouldnt know because you worship slant eyed hacks.
>Thread about WoW
>Brings up FF14 out of nowhere
Holy insecurity!
have been like that for a long time
If an Archmage can't at bare minimum levitate around he should give in their mage card, these fuckers are supposed to level entire armies into dust but floating is too much.
They're in the thread, figured I'd remind them what they paid for.
honestly drones have their general over /vg/ to talk about this shit
but well . won't get new sales if they shill there i guess
SWTOR perfected MMO story mode dumb zoomer
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You can see the disbelief that he's spouting this bullshit. Actual disdain in his eyes.
lol, lmao event
He doesnt know. He worships retarded bugmen that have copied everything from the west. Shouldve dropped 2 more nukes on those piss skinned creeps.
>cool stories
dunno i dont play tortanic
sure i worship a game i dont play shill
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You seem to be gargling its tranny cock a lot, faggot. Be less obvious next time.
try again tranny
My nigga they paid for 40 bucks for an expansion with tranny VA that can be changed with a click of a button.
You paid 90 bucks for marvel slop with a wheelchair that you cannot change/delete
Agent story was the only good one before third expansion dropped.
SWTOR was dogshit but it had some nice reading material.
wow can barely retain its playerbase, every expansion is a struggle to lure people back
but the game itself isn't getting actual new players
What? Unless you’re doing some very low poly shit you should properly model the toes.
rule of cool
you are playing on ultra hard mode by trying to create a cool wheelchair character
you are playing on dante must die mode by trying to keep a character cool after putting them in a wheelchair
This is pure in-clique signalling.
It's easily been one of the most heavily mocked things when progs started doing this in nu-D&D.
The voice doesnt change the writing. Keep eating those tranny shit filled tacos kek
The thread is auto saged! How Weird!
remember every second you trim off the timer . you'll chop another cm! so go run those tranny dungeons
I don't know I just remember WoW feet being like 8 polygon blocks.
Surely they aren't all this detailed now.
This isn’t in the game you stupid gullible niggers
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Best part is you don't even own the game and admins can ban you anytime they want.
Wow historically has cubes for feet with very low detail toes. This is clearly pandering to footfaggotry. The feet even linger on screen for several seconds during the cinematic
>Blizzdrones paid $90 to see Khadgar on wheelchair
oh lord, imagine rolling a wheelchair over cobblestones
Speedrunning your mom's cunt rn
i used to come back paying with wow gold but this this time i directly ignored it . didn't even know expansion was coming out . assumed it was alpha or beta when i saw it here
Your obsession with scat, tacos and trannies is oddly south american.
Show me your skin color you disgusting ape
kek cripple janny mad
Not allowed to discuss the appalling depths to which the supposed number 1 mmo has sunk
haha he's trying to run damage control pffahahaa
That's your dogshit dead game in a nutshell. And you paid 41 bucks to 41%
you wouldn't be able to find a cunt infront of you saars
I see the NPCs are still getting all the credit for shit you do.
Your mom begs to differ. Bitch is like a gas station toilet
>he didn't cry for a span of 15 mins

keep that going for the rest of the expansion, and have him take down several bosses SOLO. Then he might have earned the right to just be called a bitch.
I thought 4chin was irrelevant. What did they mean by this?
i mean, the expansion name is a trooning out allegory
whoever got lured back by it, should be worried if he considers himself straight
>Can't even count
No wonder you play mmos
>threads shitting on wow gets auto saged
>threads praising xiv gets deleted outright
It's so fucking blatant
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Same universe that has mechanized legs for gnomes
Blizzard employees... You are making it so obvious...
you can't make up for 10 years of being a worthless crying bitch that that.
dunno hows a gas station toilet
its like wow? everyone shits on it?
What is there to praise? Did the starbucks tranny own another chud?
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Pic related is literally all it takes to detrannify that.
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>be in a high fantasy world chock-full of magic and sci-fi tech
>be presented with a problem: a crippled master of the arcane arts needs a mode of transportation
>rather than reaching for something esoteric, or outrageously luxurious/ostentatious befitting such a person, you choose the default model wheelchair you already recycled at least once, but tinted purple
I hate these people, not even primarily because of their retarded politics, but because of how awful they are, anything they touch they fucking ruin with their uninspired shoddy hackery.
>>threads praising xiv gets deleted outright
Should be a permanent b& for trollin
So irrelevant, AAA game devs read it and have been referencing it in their games for at least 12 years now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3z41wvjqno
Does it change the DEI writing, rubber bullets and other pozzed faggotry? Or the tranny being a mary sue? No?
The starbucks tranny is the icing on the shit cake
Wowtroons are trying to copy 2021, but they failed miserably so they have no other choice but to delete threads.
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Glass houses etc
For wheelchair bound people who like to fence I would assume
>assumed it was alpha or beta when i saw it here
basic stuff like the auction house doesn't work and the game has been out for a week, you assumed correctly
You're the one bringing it up. You know your shit dead game is fucked and dead, so why even try this angle
you know why
because you have a general over /vg/ shit shill
this should happen more often

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