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Why can't I just skip all of this? It's a pain to go through each of these runny nose brats' conversations multiple times. I'm a busy teacher, you know?
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Because you get cash money from doing these things that's why, just like you can't skip the little bit of gameplay that exists to level up
Don't you know, it's a teacher's responsibility to text with his students and arrange meetups. Do your job or you'll be looking for a new one.
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Project KV is going to save /v/aca.
A responsible teacher wouldn't date his students
you guys are fucking immature pussies
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You are a bad Sensei
I can handle all those pussies neither
You can just uninstall this gachaslop and go to a booru of your choice for jpgs.
Weird way of saying "I want to fuck you guys" but alright
You’re brown and trans btw
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No, I just said I'm busy.
I have a wife and kids to take care of.
If those children want attention so much why don't they ask their parents?
You've clearly never had an actual real life girlfriend before.
>I have a wife and kids
>Plays gacha shit
And I'm Xi Jinping
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I did my first 3-3-3 JTF
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I spent 180 tickets on Aru banner and didn't get a single 3*. I hope this kusoge EOS soon and welcome the glorious KV overlords.
Uhhh ohh uh, Chairman, uh... Bing Chilling?
I guess the joke was too meta for you people.
Isn't that the whole point of the game though?
those two posts don't relate to each other
you can't just say all that without your catchphrase azoos
shut up westioid
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EOS Archive
Isn't this the gachaslop that's planned to shut down in a month or so? Something about mutiny/insider rallying the troops?
>falling for a skinnerbox
you guys are the male equivalent of cat ladies falling for MLM
Yes. It's over for real now, watch for the news headlines in a month from now and /v/ cry.
Honest to God, I really liked it but thank God I didn't invest any of my time on it. Good riddance.
shut up bitch your a fat brown gay ESL, just like me!
Having one general here isn't enough huh
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This but with Miyako.
This but with Neru.
This but with Saki
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60 skipped momos later.
I hate Arona.
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Call me Ishmael.
Cunny Archive if it was good.
Look man if you groom these hebes you get rewarded, it's worth the trouble. Gooks know their stuff.
You already have Haruna. Expecting to get both banners in 200 rolls is greedy.
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drill status?
don't care / 10
4/4/4 but not very comfy
I did not want Haruna, she spooked me while rolling for Fuuka. I wouldn't have sparked if it was Fuuka instead of that WHORE.
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somewhat comfy 4/4/4
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Neru Marriage
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you like michiru?
cute, but mostly indifferent.
There was a drill?
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It's up right now dum dum.
NOBODY likes Mitcher. NOBODY
I do
I like Mitcher's voice, specially when she says shubabababa.
I do but it's true I am a nobody
Post your UE50 Michiru
i dont have her
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/v/aca is BACK
Asuna and Karin the only one that matters
Talk to multiple students at a time to skip their typing. I am a most efficient sensei.
So the next worthwhile banners are in January?
someone post THAT [sound] please...
>you guys are fucking immature pussies
I wish...
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consider kaede
Her and the bathhouse retard, what a combo goddamn
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>Only been playing for 5 months
>already have all my favorite students except for Kazoos
Damn it feels good being a gacha pro.
I've been forced to spark Haruna and Fuuka and I still am contemplating on rolling for Akari due to her use on the tower and the fact that there's nothing to roll for until the bands and that most probably would imply another spark because this game hates me. Don't cry.
why are you gay?
faggot-kun is back spamming xitter links instead of the art wow!
I'm Brazilian...
I don't have access to Twitter...
Being unable to see that post is honestly a blessing desu
É futa
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Honestly, some of my favourite memories of school came from doing extracurricular activities with my teachers outside of the classroom setting.
>doing extracurricular activities with my teachers outside of the classroom
wish I had a giant penis
You can, there's a skip button in the top right
>skipping momos
You deserve it
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I'm more upset by the fact that some of them are fun and wholesome, some are just fun, and others are downright pedo bait, and there's no way to tell which until you start.
But I also haven't played in over a year.
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>pedo archive
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what an identity crisis
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NinjaclubCHAD sensei here, you doubt my power.
why does she huennnn
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>be Kaya
>hijack Kivotos
>what could go wrong?
>daily bank robberies by masked villains
>daily shootings
>communist uprising
>megacorpo hostile takeover
>the engineering club built an ICBM for fun
>the local folktales are coming to life
>the eldritch beings are showing up
>the cosmic horrors are descending from beyond the stars
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I have literally not touched the main campaign.
I'm lvl 90.
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I like her VA ,Mizuhashi Kaori, a lot. Too bad she's fucking useless in this game.
I just 'unko'd
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I HATE the terrorist society
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Didn't ask + you're gay + your dango is stale
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Make us curry and next time we can kidnap sensei too, Fuuka.
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wheres the sex?
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Marina sex
The game is 90 percent visual novel. Do you not read?
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I am Yukari!
There was one guy in here awhile ago bitching about how he couldn't understand Vol F because he hit the skip button on all the previous chapters.
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I wish the game would explore the history of black suit and his buddies more.
They seem way more interesting than the students.
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I liked Mitchiru since Grisia.
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did you already unbrick your account?
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Is the new Watame any good? I meme rolled a ticket and got her. Dunno if she's worth the investment
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I'm L89, a launch player, and I've only cleared to I think stage 15 or so in Missions, because it's too tedious. I also was forced to skip a bunch of the main plot to get enough pyro to pick up Mika, just by the skin of my teeth, literally 30 min before she ended.
I've also never read or unlocked any home screen except for Aru, my favorite student.
I've never been in a club before and have no idea what they do.
Put some clothes on, you stupid idiot
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Oh actually speaking of which, how much is 237 momotalks in terms of pyro roughly?
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Genuine question, why do you even play the game?
Thousands I'm sure, you should at least speedrun them for the pyros.
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>off model trash
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yes, I wanted ny haruna too but had too spark fuuka
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why is mutsuki so shitte
>on model treasure
based sound anon
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Need to start a family with this pink.
shut up don't compliment me
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How is this sultry stoat so lewd while being your most conservatively dressed student.
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>images are still up
guess mods are truly asleep for once
her drunken onsen sex energy is off the chart, that's why
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I typed up a whole thing but accidentally pressed back by accident so I will tell you later when I have a real keyboard to type with
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I did this
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you fell for the scam that gacha games aren't visual novels.
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Good for blue SET
So Decagrammaton was just a rogue vending machine? Why are the blessed machines still attacking Kivotos?
Read the event slowly retardbro.
I haven't read it, someone spoiled me that Deca was a vending machine.
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The event is archived. You have no excuse not to read it now.
Don't Seia me, I'm not at home and can't read it right now
So is Himari actually disabled or is it like Grimm where she's capable of walking but doesn't want to wear shoes (because of a "curse" but that's irrelevant)?
story time?
>The event is archived.
But is it blue?
Stoat love
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We wish anon
We wish
Need her to spook me, she's so cute
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What are you talking about? She's essential on Kaiten EX
>Why can't I just skip all of this?
You can, just view it as a bank for when you need to withdraw Pyro.
gonna mimir...
good night /v/aca...
Which side though? Side A or Side B?
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sex with brats
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I don't think you can post that.
handholding is so hot
sex is hot
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can confirm, last time I held hands with a girl I felt like my hand had a burn-in of the sensation for few days, it's more addictive than morphine
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I've never held hands with a girl.
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You should try doing it. Or not, because once you know how it feels you'll be hooked and the only step forward is getting more of it, and going beyond it.
Now that we have the technology, do you think modern day high schoolers privately message their favourite teachers to ask them about school assignments?
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Rummaging reminder
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That's what e-mail is for.
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Current event is 14 days? I thought reruns were just 7 days
Not when we're in a content drought
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>could've used this time to get global caught up to JP
Those fucks...
its sucks but i like having foresight
I don't want that. How am I supposed to tell what is meta if we catch up?
Do you have the foresight to see I'm gonna steal your foreskin and sell it for pyros
someone already beat you to it
i dislike this
>asuna tries to feed you melted chocolate she pulled from inside her cleavage
I don't know if I should be aroused or disgusted
Dang well I guess wappi is the only one who will love you now
>shells fall all over the place
>the gun still gets reloaded
Now THAT'S ninjutsu.
surprisingly easy full coins with 8k score to spare. seeing as it's the tardbot escort mission, i was expecting it to be maldy, but it's nice and easy. UZQueen is a monster, gaining 88k in a single run. i don't think i've ever seen anything higher than 86k before
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I would trade foresight for just being able to play and discuss the fresh new content with English players, whenever content hits global after 6 months it feels like "old news"
Free af. I could do 250 if I had to
In the end...
we couldn't outlast 2hu...
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what did he mean by this?
why is she so wide?
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Bro look at this
Hisa mating press

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