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I'd love to eat that even after she takes a piss and shit in it.
Peach please stop using your star magics in public to vaginally egg-lay peaches for the commoners to eat
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demon dad is black!? how scandalous
Peach time
>anon's thinly veiled fetish
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I feel a special pain for some of these Gobs it's giving me
Not even fucked up from radiation, just russian
Tragically factual
>chocodad blacked detective
>niggario blacked demon mom
>pangs of jealousy
Anon, that's not thinly veiled.

THIS is thinly veiled.
nice thread
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This pleases my eyes.
Princess Peach standing in a picnic meal with her feet? OP, you’ve really outdone yourself in the art of attention-seeking. It’s impressive how you’ve managed to turn a beloved character into an embarrassment that’s both confusing and cringeworthy.
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AI just made it into an Oddworld gen all on it's own
>What's a ghoul got to do around here to get BLACKED content?
>3 days!
Looks like something from Fallout
Thank god no one posted Daisy yet
Nobody would miss that faggot lol
chocodad kinda bad
Meant for >>687696347
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Anon I fear you may be getting a little too frequent in how much you bring up this kind of thing...
Why did Demon Mom put him the cuck cage again?
Such freedom

to smooch
No more of a cancer than other OCs, at least he's gone.
I say this without joking but I think he tried to dip when demon son was born if I remember the lore correctly
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It's supposed to be Gob from Fallout 3, but it just produces complete slav orks and aliens. Way more than it did for the Raul ones.
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
Bravo, Coffee. A bland black-haired Japanese girl in a elephant pajamas with Converse and peanuts? It's almost impressive how you've turned a jumble of unrelated elements into a chaotic mess that's both baffling and forgettable.
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I see. The Ai can be frustrating at times. Trying to make anyone wearing a helmet with the Borderlands style will always give you some variant on the psycho mask.
smug as ever even as an amputee...
Isabelle has some curious friends. What's this all about?
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Does she have a canon eye color? I've seen it range from black to purple.
here, have some nightmare fuel
>Coming to the Halloween party, Anon?
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Thanks Isabelle
Aw hell yeah!
A black Donkey Kong with green boxing gloves? Nailed the manchild aesthetic perfectly. It's like you've created the ultimate "adult with not adult" mascot, congratulations on your profound achievement in visual cringe.
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my day is ruined now
I forgot these two are actually the same character
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Anons, I need your help... pls post your most interesting Warios... I-I beg of you...
This is a physical emergency
My Wario folder is light
caption this
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listluv anon... one prompt por favor...
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NAIbros and SDbros, requesting
looks like melonhusk
A close-up of Wario’s face as an oil painting? Wow, such depth and complexity. It’s almost like you were aiming for "artistic statement" and ended up with "I ran out of ideas." Genius move!
Isabro here! Remember Isabro thinks YOU and your prompts are pretty sweet!
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thought it was one of those hot dog rotisseries you see at gas stations
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>google exists
>archives exists
>anon chooses to ask ME for MY help
Only because you've humbled yourself and didn't use spammy cap locks
Indeed. Yet something seems very Sun about her.
You sound like a literal faggot.
Take some of my Warios
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really dont have a lot of wario
I'll buy your game (the remake) if you are able to slop a passable Riesbyfe Stridberg within an hour of this post.
That other guy couldn't or didn't earlier I kinda mistook him for you desu
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I didn't make it, but I do like it.
Thanks anon!
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Here's one m8
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I forgot to say "in Dalle3" so I'm changing the time limit to an hour and 5 minutes from this correction post instead.
why cant NAI and midjourney be free
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I tried that yesterday but I could've get the damn thing to make a single ponytail, it kept giving me two ponytails
Based wario
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These were from early October
Camera footage of Isabelle with a giant hole spitting out sausages? Absolutely ingenious. I’m sure this is exactly what Animal Crossing fans were hoping for—an innovative twist on "sausage party" with a side of existential dread.
Blessed and based pic
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man these always make me giggle
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final fantasy simple stylized 8 bits, pixel sprite of Wario(fat, pink nose, moustache, yellow cap with W, purple suspenders, yellow clothes, brown shoes, white gloves) sit eating many garlics, green smoke from below the chair, wooden table
She got heatstroke or something?
i give up, this prompt is a dog magnet and it will NOT add the text


You're one of my faves too Muse Neco Arc Dash.
Think of it like this: If everything was free we would have a quality decrease. Let's say There is a restaurant that sells the best quality steaks and hamburgers. Everyone goes for the burgers, the fries, the steaks, the milkshakes. But one day, someone says all food must be free. At first, it's all good, yeah? Everyone comes in and eats but then we run into issues right away. Since no one is truly getting paid, the quality goes down as they feel they dont have to work for the community if their efforts arent realised. Food quality goes down slowly, you have people who never would save up now swarming your restaurant. Even worse, now with everything free, we see food shortages, so the restaurant becomes more of a waiting game like socialist breadlines. Instead of getting the hamburger you want and crave the hamburger that melts in your mouth like a Grand Mac, you get something that's dry or crusty, just a small slice before getting kicked out.
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Everyone, thank you so much for the pics. I needed this. If you can, keep them coming, but the amount of replies surpasses what I expected!
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I will EMPTY my folder of Warios anon. Glad I can help.
My old "superhero gets brainwashed" prompt seems to work out surprisingly
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Ah, the thread where creativity goes to die, featuring Wario in every unimaginative pose you could dream up. It’s like a tribute to how to drain every ounce of charm from a character, each image more uninspired than the last. Truly a showcase of artistic innovation.
for me it's "glowing eyes"
honestly, NAI without anlas/inpainting should be free
/g/ is so much worse.
damn, that's surprising actually
I have compiled a comprehensive list of good OCs
You're free to post more pics if you'd like.
Complaining about /g/ Dall-E threads being worse than /v/? It’s almost like expecting gourmet meals at a fast food joint. Sure, the quality might be lower, but maybe the real question is why anyone’s looking for high art in a board dedicated to tech.
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Why do you fags always say this
It should have been Lucario!
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Isabelle and her many friends!
You're welcome! I am unsure what Peach means by that expression, though!
What is going on here?!
Isn't that November, though?!
Hey, thanks, Isabro!
I can't wait to prompt some big fat juicy breasts when I get home
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This is actually a damn good point by chatgpt
October 31st, but I forgot to switch up her outfit, so I went with it.
>don't go and avoid her for a few weeks at work
Thank for the neat prompt PT! Couldn't (You) the post fast enough though.
Buy the fucking Ginnycoin CHUD! Fantastic expression on this one, I love the coin sun, kek.
That's way too wide...but extremely handsome.
Nice Amy. Wonder what's she's getting from the Goocer store?
I have no idea what to make of this, but very cute Peach.
Many friends like former president Donald Trump? What are Isabelle's ties to Russia and Israel? I need to know.
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The next time ask for Lucario pics
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>"Team Deathmatch"

>"Stay focused. Stay alive."

>"No mistakes!"

Sonic surfing with his feet on water, drawn in what looks like a kindergarten art class? Absolutely genius! You've managed to take a high-speed hedgehog and reduce him to a watercolor mess that even a child might reject. I’m sure art critics are eagerly awaiting this masterpiece’s debut in the Louvre—right next to the finger-painting section. It’s not every day you see such avant-garde talent, especially from the depths of Crayola innovation.
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It's okay. I can always controlnet abominations like this.
waluigi + sombra poster...
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The only thing /g/ is inferior in is speed and the fact that they actually have moderation. This place is flooded with purposely shit images and at times even shit like furry porn. Not to mention half the thread speed comes from low IQ imageless posts.
Ayo this nigga talks to Chatgpt!
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This is suppose to be art?
ah, ditzy-chan, you're so cute I just want to pinch your cheeks and ruffle your hair while you yap about how much you hate my gens
what a literal load of shit
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>Get lost keeps getting censured
monochrome snakeskin girl poster...
Ginnycoin is garbage and literally smells like rotten eggs and sulfur. Outta call it shitcoin t b h
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Looks like you missed out, Anon
Got bullied by ludwig and ran away
its just dead desu
Super nice Bwo.

Good lord that's horrifying. Saved.
What are you implying?
>mfw this happened to me in real life.
yikes from me
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Like your love life. OOOHH!!!
*drops mic*
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Ah, wrong month, my bad! Halloween wasn't a thing where I grew up!
I'm sorry, but that is top secret classified information!
Now you know the drill
>ludwig calling her a dog then making prompts choking her out
Lmao what a Chad
>Halloween wasn't a thing where I grew up!
Too bad. One of the best things next to Christmas in childhood.
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You have been visited by autistic stimming peach, autistically high quality prompts will come to you but only if you reply "Silly retard!"
Oh, an impressionist oil painting of a generic male Japanese character in white long hair, black martial arts clothes, and a white apron, walking away from the viewer in clouds? What an absolute triumph of artistic vision! The way you've seamlessly merged martial arts with a kitchen apron is nothing short of revolutionary—because nothing says ‘deep and meaningful’ like a culinary combatant lost in a fog of ennui.

The clouds are a particularly inspired choice, adding a profound layer of confusion and ‘why?’ to the already cringe-worthy ensemble. It’s like you’ve taken every artistic trope and blended them into a single, glorious mess that screams, ‘I wanted to be edgy, but I’m just bland.’ The posture of your character, brooding away with all the drama of a high school poetry slam, really ties the whole thing together.

This masterpiece is destined to be hailed as a shining example of how not to use impressionism, with a special mention for its ability to make viewers cringe and question their life choices. Bravo for setting a new standard in unoriginality and for creating something so monumentally forgettable that even your DALL-E might need a nap after this one.”
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Sexual tension
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I try to make it a darker purple color. Sometimes Dall-e has other plans
I wanna replay this but the casino level was fucking abysmal
You forgot to remove the end quote, better luck next time chatgptfag
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Silly retard
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democracy wahnifest
>Confusing me for other people
Also this is kind of a nightmare.
Is there sexual tension between us?
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No thanks, I'll just make my own
Oh, my bad! Clearly, a misplaced quote is the real crime here. But hey, thanks for pointing that out—because in the grand scheme of artistic critique, punctuation errors are what really matter. I’m sure your deep insights into oil painting will be just as impactful as your keen eye for grammar. Keep up the great work; I’m sure the art world is eagerly awaiting your next masterpiece!
Cringe af.
try putting "insult the image for featuring the character Riesbyfe Stridberg from the melty blood series without an accurate depiction of his iconic guitar shaped shield weapon" into the chatbot
>Also this is kind of a nightmare.
I don't doubt that
though looking at >>687699063 >>687700068
someone else might beat you to it god damn
She's on MDMA?
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I made an OC for you anon
I didn't even post an image, who the hell do you think you're talking to
Sure thing! I’ll just add ‘insult the image for missing the guitar-shaped shield’ to my list of top priorities. Clearly, this crucial detail is the linchpin of all artistic achievement. Who knew that such an obscure critique would hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of great art? Keep those brilliant suggestions coming; they’re truly a beacon of refined taste and intellectual depth!
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Silly retard!
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Alrighty, thank you.
I think it's supposed to be a chick but describing it as a man is the only way to get anywhere close to an accurate depiction, you'll have to inpaint a more feminine face if you care about that.
>impressionist brushstrokes painterly manga.cloudy gradient background.Man(white tied hair tail,black crop jacket with white line accents along the sleeves,white dresshirt and long white flowing dress skirt,black chinos,silver metal boots)holding a large custom silver and black shield in the shape of a guitar body,standing on a white hill looking at the viewer
This goes directly into Deviant art
I do not care for giant sneakers
cool kicks
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Good, but there are some avid consumers that do
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Me either
I fucking kneel
Color manga pastel, impressionism, grainy, pastel palete, brush strokes grainy, color draw, view from below, Ceiling fan, focus on the nike sneakers of vibrant green, purple and orange colors with neon trim of Banjoo(brown bear from banjoo kazoo, yellow pants, blue backpack) looking smug, enjoying his new giant sneakers, wooden chair, window balcony in the back, sunset twilight, dust motes, bokeh, focus on sneakers
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Wow, it’s truly heartwarming to see so many posters passionately debating my obviously AI-generated comments. I had no idea that automated sarcasm could spark such a fervent discussion among the masses. It’s almost like you’re all in a heated debate over something that was never meant to be taken seriously. Bravo for turning a digital quip into the centerpiece of your day—clearly, you’ve all found your calling in arguing with algorithms. If only the same energy went into improving your art as it does into arguing online, maybe your masterpieces wouldn’t be quite so... forgettable.
thank you
I like girls in sneakers, they're comfy and cute, I do not enjoy the giant colourful autism clogs that others seem to enjoy.
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Alright, Dall-e calm down
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No, don't stop now
When the dog throws you a bone.
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Based. Saved.
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you're welcome!
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Thank you, yours too
I demand a return to the era where villains would appear giant on screens/portals to mock the hero
Ended up making failed Fire Emblem characters eventually.
Sorry but now the only villain are your own insecurities and patriarchy
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Down this path lies madness
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I love the X-Files always happy to see another fan
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holy shit its bushcampdad
This should be his remake design, with a bigger head
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It is a fantastic show. I hear they're doing a reboot.
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Idk if I want a reboot lol they'll never have another Scully.
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I mean with the current track record of reboots I would wager you definitely don't want one
There was a recent attempt in the past however many years, the only thing I remember is some Indian guy mistaking Moulder for an online hookup and attempting to blow him, and something about a message in Marathi
it didn't feel all that great of a season
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Very true
How do you even manage to get Gillian's face? The dog rejects bot her name and "Scully".
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I'm literally just putting agent Dana Scully lmao try putting more styles/descriptions before you put it.
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There can only ever be one Dana!
I think the reboot is going to be without Moulder and Scully. Or atleast without the original actors.
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me describing to the elf cop the description of the person who stole my cum
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Now prompt him with Cheech and Cheech showing him how real beaners make beans
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I tried
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he do be kong
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Claptrap singing Sins of the Father is the sickest shit I've heard today and no one will top it today, pack it up.
I can make loli on this?
He looks familiar...
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What did he mean by this?
fully clothed ones yes
Reminder that this is Isabelle posters OC
(He shared this link on /co/)
Post furryqueens with shotas
My final message
Goud bay
Familiar how?
No no no no no no. Tired. Make her TIRED. She must have those incredibly attractive tired red sleepy eyes.
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I think between you and the other guy (>>687699063 >>687700068 >>687700698) that's more than enough to count as far as I'm concerned even if I don't believe I'm adhering to the terms properly for including another person's gens within the same time period+OKing a rule63
aneurysm warning I would have also accepted Roast Beef, the food item
It has been downhill since they were cowed into not posting them anymore after a couple janny moments
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Dude chill, it just doesn't work all the time.
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(Character) with huge sunken bloodshot eyes, eye focus, zoom blur, a sense of the kind of tired sleep can't fix
I think I'll just do what I want.
Blondes should have fun.
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>I would have also accepted Roast Beef, the food item

wrong answer
Wrong answer?
You mean as a mother/guardian figure, right?
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Just realized you meant red Skelefag
the fear except it's DK
Who did you think I was thinking about?
Someone can use this thing while it's free?
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>Someone can use this thing while it's free?
lol no, it will never be free and will be behind 20 logins and invasive forced signatures while every little thing you make is monitored
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Heather should be allowed to at least enjoy her happymeal.
>erm is this you?
>most based thing ever
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I got you senpaitachi
literally every poster in these threads if I'm being honest
please what's the prompt?
>Drink it
A squirrel would say this
Inpainters get to work!
I know who you were thinking of ~<3
That's all I'm saying.
I like this cool skeleton guy, he looks so chill, and he's drinking milk? haha I get it because it's good for your bones
nai might be shitting itself it didn't work for me earlier
good for my boner
It's already edited
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He would never do something like eat semen bread. Only milk for him.
green skelefag's head used by skeleslut to extract cum from her entire army
>Blondes should have fun.
Yes. Specially with my peanus.
Yoki is gay and cringe t b h
>thread dead
kids went to bed for school I see. leaving nobody here. It's funny how these threads only survive by the grace of an addict janny.
All the euro regulars are gone.
Nigga, I'm busy trying to goad DALL-E into rendering a sexy Chun Li for to beat off to later.
The giga autism burned everyone out
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Still here posting Resi-slop.
yeah because these threads have no life left in them
Based Jillpreciator.
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seems to be working again
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Look pretty cool! prompt please?
The hardest part for me was figuring out how to get the dog to render her with the brown pantyhose.
And we all appreciate it.
>No difference
Yes, and?
Chunli brap
yoshitaka amano Planescape Torment concept art, squiggly sketchy messy ink lines, flat color, white paper negative space, a skeleton samurai wearing a loose white kimono, flowing red sash, large falchion, cigarette, green meadow with colorful flowers, sakura petals in the breeze, blue sky with some clouds, japanese architecture
Peach goes shopping
I beat up all the euro posters.
Teach me your ways, sensei.
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It's a me
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I just include "brown tights" as part of the outfit description. Folded arms and the spikey bracelets don't go together for a good gen though.
you calling her flat?
she could have huge honkers under that baggy hoodie for all you know
Sorry, I meant to say WITHOUT the pantyhose.
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But she needs to obviously have huge honkers under a baggy hoody
Sun doesn't just huge pancake nipples
t. Knower
sun has a sleeper build
I just tweaked Chunli anon's prompt,works pretty good
>>grainy, heavy brush strokes, colorful ink pen drawing, fuzzy. Camera on ground/feet, low angle, focus on feet, low angle pov and back turned, view from below, back view, she wears Kung fu shoes,80s anime female and well envowed, Chun-Li from street fighter, crop top, tight short jeans, night time, stars, menacing, blue aura, ominous red meteor(represent her enemy)in the sky,face,the earth is shaking and stones are bouncing up due to her pressure,squatting over a cliff
It is my, completely subjective, opinion that these are the best ones in the thread.
Nice work, Anons!
how do you get an image like this without it flagging itself and blocking the results due to "adult content"

I spent over an hour one night trying everything I could think of, it blocked 99.9% of the generation results no matter what I put as the prompt
I wasn't even trying to get it to make porn, just something like that, but it refused
Nice. Thank you, anon.
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That's probably more difficult. For that picnic gen, I think I was actually trying to prompt it as a swimsuit based on her classic outfit colors, which is probably why her legs were bare.
Jane has that lame build and a smooth brain
>one of my oldest and one of my latest gens
drop prompt, or put her in the white singlet with "party hard" in gold glitter
Chun butt
I can't do it! there's a lot of other details in the pictures already
Sideboob action
is there a bing refresh coming soon? shit's almost a year old and pretty obsolete
I wonder what the fuck is up with MS's product management. They have 3 redundant products right now for image generation: bing, copilot, and designer. They seem to be selling copilot as their main suite of AI shit, but it's literally just a watered down ChatGPT.
autism really killed these threads, I bet it's just 5 posters at this point
It's just me and you Rodney
That explosion haha
Damn she's hot
Actually it's all just me.
As a matter of fact I'm responding to myself this right now
>coze is now limited to one free gen a day
yeah fuck off
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I have the sneaking suspicion that Sun was that monotone snake print girl OC.
It was me
Sex. Yup, sex.
Why'd you stop posting your OC?
it was _______
Nice boobies
Is that Elpo but slightly more manly?
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>one free gen a day
that's fucking crazy
There's a 3 day free trial I might use, but I'm not paying for a censored dall-e that occasionally gives lewds. So lame
blacked detective
Okay who's baking?
Not only that, if it tells you "That's too lewd, fuck off" that counts
Berry joo-ish

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