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Mihoyo got their start making yuri games. Da Wei's waifu is the biggest strongest bestest yuristacy in the multiverse. Her name? Yamato Cherryblossom Swiftblade Lightning Empress IV, roughly translated.
You're literally posting a twitter screenshot of some literally who
I'm 99% sure you don't play the game and looked up something vaguely bait worthy to post here to get some (You)s
Yuri isn't woke retard, it's the quintessential coomer weeb fap fuel.
>He didn't watch the trailer
Assuming you are not just being facetious, some things that contain woke can still sell well in spite of woke. Spiderman sold because of Spiderman. Certainly not because of fag flags, and black spidermans disabled girlfriend. If the "woke" isn't too overbearing, it can be seen as a net neutral to an uninitiated normie. Woke as a selling point is absolute suicide though.
>go woke go broke
>except not really
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I did, it's erotic fanservice and OP triggered at people laughing at concord all day looked up some SJW twitter bait to post here.
This. Two cutesy anime girls is NOT gonna please the rainbow flaggots. It is known that chinkoids do not kiss the LGBT ring nearly hard enough to recieve the endorsement of the Western far leftoids.
Why are you taking the bait? moreover why are you retarded?
>Lgbt isn't woke
>Two cutesy anime girls is NOT gonna please the rainbow flaggots
See >>687717732
>their core demographic loves lesbo sex and feet
>they add both to milk them dry
>retard thinks it's woke conspiracy
lmao even
When does Jane unlock, bros? I wanna pull now
Woke isn't strong enough to take away from one of the best selling brands of all time (fucking Spiderman). Suicide Squad? New IPs like Dustborn and Concord? Textbook go woke go broke.
I said assuming he was not being facetious. In case there are people who earnestly believe that dumb shit lurking. Why are you retarded?
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Ignore the bait and post more Jane
>official Jane Doe lesbian sex
I'm not believing it until I see it.
>femme fatale.
>Always acts flirty.
>Also very predatory personality and like to mess with people.
>seems like you nerdy mouse cap is new to this.
>rat sees this and starts over stimulating the mouse to the point she has a brain fart.
>nothing sexual just rat toying with the mouse.

however people see this and have their headcannon.
>omg she a massive lesbian.
>god she's ganna fuck the mouse.
>my lbgtqabcdefgh+ I feel represented and valid cause i have a shallow and fragile personality.

but put aside the retarded incest, ship and gay fags.
>At best she is most likely bi.
>In her story she says she like guys like seth and even kinds him cute.
>A girl hits on her from the gang and uses that to get her trust.
Can someone confirm whether this claim of ZZZ's faggotry is true? I'm trying to avoid dumpster diving in the cesspit known as Twitter.
read what anon she here
a good summery of what jane is like
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>Blatant fetish baiting with hot anime girls
>hur hur now it da woke look how I muddy waters
I will enjoy reading future complaints about how hoyo is over sexualising women and how muh sexuality is being used as fetish bait while remembering this thread :)
They get so mad when they get "queerbaited" but how can they be surprised when companies see them frothing at the mouth over the most asinine non-romantic interactions between same sex characters. The amount of times they do this is absolutely a reasonable indicator that they like the tease, and they would be wise to queerbait the shit out of them (without ever delivering so they can double dip on straight audiences as well of course).
I just noticed that message appear after I posted. Thank you.
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It's yuri bait like you see in typical anime media, the character herself acts very sexual towards people
>go woke go broke
>(when you make a bad game)
I didn't invent the phrase. Obviously it's an extreme. I would rephrase it as "go woke at your own risk". The risk being detriment to your IP.
>release male character
>release lesbian fanservice character
>release character that is for (You)
What the fuck do you faggots want then
Dazed. Reeling. About to break.
Completely covered characters showing no skin
For everyone who doesn't play the game, OP is baiting. The character's whole personality is that she's an mysterious undercover cop who knows she's sexy and uses her looks and charm to get things her way, plus being a huge tease.
Claiming that makes her a lesbo is like looking at that classic anime trope of girls being in a hot spring and groping each other as they being all lesbians.
I hate the fact that this site is now mostly tourists and newfags.
The last one is not shipbait and its what all gacchas should do.
If these corpos want players in a quasi relationship with pixels to bleed them of money, then having the characters paired with anyone else is shit.
Don't like that? Don't make your gaccha.
>Character literally has sex with a woman
>I-it's not gay!
Holy fuck straggots are retarded
Post link to the literal sex scene. Both to prove your claims also I want research.
>The last one is not shipbait and its what all gacchas should do.
Nah gachas that is just (You) pandering on a character that starts to have his own personality is peak fuck behavior. It also reduces ALL the characters in the gacha to mindless one-dimensional girls who falls in love with a random dude for literally no reason which outright contradicts with their personality and character type.
Youtube zzz jane trailer
No because pedophiles are an innately "woke" (evil) demographic, and only incidentally racist/sexist.
oh. that's her tail...
That """"LITERALLY"""" doesn't happen you mongoloid
Don't care. Don't make gacchas.
whole concept is bullshit invented by brainlet youtube grifters to begin with.
Games don't fail because woke. Movies don't fail because woke. TV shows don't fail because woke.

They fail because they were dogshit in the first place, woke is just an easy target to point to for cheap views on yet another outrage bait.

Apex released with woke as fuck ugly roster by any standard, but it instantly became a hit. Concord didn't fail because characters are ugly, it failed because game was bland AND characters were ugly.
Seen it. There is no sex.
Ok but Mihoyo rakes in money without (You).
>didn't post it
i accept your concession.
>Two cutesy anime girls is NOT gonna please the rainbow flaggots
nigga it's all trannies talk about
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see >>687720815
seething losers
>save all month long for Jane
>finally play the episode
>realize she wouldn't fit my existing teams
>realize she's not that fun to play
>give up and pull quingy instead
I feel so sad about it too.
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Chinkyi is the sexier character anyway
Lesbian sex but the characters are attractive isn't woke and if you think it is then you're a gen alpha broccoli headed faggot.
What? Shes a generic cookie cutter dps that fits in most teams. Qingyi is a good pull though, she literally is a universal stunner
>girl on girl is hot until i want to say it it's an agenda
you people quite literally have a fag switch, i swear
Chinky wil be more useful in the long run
I already have Ellen on my main team and built my second entirely around shock with Anton/grace/anby.
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people like lesbian shit but if you're going to be annoying about it people will shit on you.

Hell SJW's for a long time complained about lesbians in media catering too much for straight guys anyway
This, OP is once again a retard
I mean, it's one character that flirts with males and females, they just prominently put females in both of her trailers. If any of you actually played the game you know she loves screwing with everybody's heads a bit. Meanwhile no other characters are like that so blatantly unless you read between the lines for certain interactions with the female protag at best.
Folks quite literally are trying to make a controversy out of trailers for a new addition after sucking down the jiggling ass cheeks and old-lady-loli booty shorts.
there is no such thing as lesbians, just women who are too ugly to fuck and bisex sluts
next on your list of discoveries: water is wet
>looney troon
Ironic considering most yuri fans are trannies lol
lesbians are hot, but a threesome with them is hotter
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>Yuri is "woke" now
As long as the Natlan characters remain white, Mihoyo remains based.
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i hate yuritroons
The left part of this image is 100% AI generated.
It's official art upscaled with AI
Is Jane Doe the first Forced Horny Gacha character?
Concord lost.
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>canonically kills some girl before raping her in the latest cutscene
I know OP is being ironic but some people might not get this.
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The Chinese are far more gay than Americans they just aren't annoying about it.
I find it really hilarious that if they just make Ellie and her GF a bit prettier in TLOU2, these abominations will immediately switch sides and defend Druckmann to the death.
>nooo we don't want hot women having steamy hot sex with each other
>said no one ever
Just because a tranny enjoys eating hamburgers doesn't mean I can't enjoy it either.
>women have been rubbing their vaginas for centuries
>somehow part of woke
i can't tell if some people really are falling for op's (and the twitterfag's) bait or if everyone's in on the joke and i'm too autistic to get it
jane is not a lesbian, and there is no yuri in the game. zzz has characters and aesthetic based on movies, she is the femme fatale who uses her looks and charm to tease and seduce others in order to complete her missions. that's all
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>take /v/ seriously
Your loss
Elysia is the best
Ok but what are the progressives themselves have to say about this gay sex? if they are against it supporting it is anti woke, just like hogwarts legacy despite the tranny
true, no reason to do that. i was just surprised at how many likes the tweet in the op had, but then i never had an account there and i don't know if that sort of numbers are common there
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>heh hot lesbian porn is totally DEI
>A girl with fat ass tits being slutty is woke
Lesbian = western gay (vile and abominable)
Yuri = eastern gay (cute and feminine)
Theres a difference you idiot.
This, it's for men who think it's hot, not really queer friendly
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>my faggotry is different from other faggotries, chuds!
Lay off the copium sister....
In like 8-ish hours I think
Again. I maintain that some products succeed in spite of woke. Even if we remove "woke" and just focus on the "ugly characters that Apex has". You cannot tell me that they would not have boosted sales if the dropped the uggo aesthetic, and tried to make the characters better looking. If Apex first advertised itself with pronouns, and black trannies, and body positive effeminate fat guys, it would have been as dead as Concord is now. It might have been moderately woke, but full woke is a death sentence. Overwatch probably could have vastly improved sales figures if they removed the faggotry and doubled down on waifu/coomer factor. Even from the Asian playerbase alone.
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>Jane isn't a lesbian
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>Two sexy girls kissing
Anon, are you gay?
Of course it won't. But it's playerbase will still go around accusing all other games of going woke for doing relatively the same shit because they're the goblins of gaming.
Why is chinese horny so sterile?
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We love lgbt here.
>hot anime lesbians are WOKE!
I hate political tourists so much
Proof she's a dyke?
if you can only have sex with one ZZZ character who would it me
>as for me it'll be Nicole cause i know she'll make a good mummy
>plus the idea she has pink pube is so fucking erotic to me
I went and watched the trailer because of this post. There was no sex.
Me too sister, I love double standards !
no such thing surprise forced sex couldn't fix
>it's a double standard to like hot stuff that makes me hard while disliking ugly tranny shit that makes me hurl
Go be brown somewhere else.
goddamnit kek also saved
Gachabrown have no right to call other people brown.
There is no 'double standard'. 4chan is not your based tradcath website, retarded 2016 tourist. Hot anime lesbians are aesthetically pleasing, ugly side-buzz-cut pink hair lesbians are repulsive, it's actually very simple
The topic of this reply chain isn't gacha, it's "hot anime lesbians" in general, my pagpag eating friend.
woke doesn't improve anything and worsens everything. it is a bad business decision not matter how much you gaslight
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Jane is a femme fatale character. You know, that old detective noire trope where a sexy woman uses her sexiness to get around? Jane flirts with both men and women to get them to do things for her in game. It's part of her act.
I don't get it. She basically molests the driver through the dividing cage with her tail.
The fuck is femme fatale
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Sexy spy woman who tries to seduce the main character. Basically Ada from RE.
tranime shit
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Jane Doe can't beat Zhu Yuan in sexiness. That's why she tries hard to be sexy while Zhu Yuan doesn't.
Zoomers are so fucked
you missed like the past century of media dude
I grow up watching godzilla
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Woke is when a game fails. It’s a nebulous concept I can attach to anything I dislike. Your post is woke for instance.
You're alright.
This game destroyed my DS screen. It's woke.
yeah... i've also seen the asmongold vid
but i have no idea what game that was
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>Two cutesy anime girls is NOT gonna please the rainbow flaggots
yeah that's why they have ben and lycaon, retard
Woman having sex for mens entertainment isn't really woke you dumb troon
I am still not playing censored garbage.
Leftists calling everything woke because they're mad that going woke means going broke
>Yes, woke is broke. That’s why they had to remove all those woke confederate statues! We’re actually winning you guys!
>fag OP trying to turn people against hot chicks again
This rerun plays all the time on /v/
Played a woke game, broke my screen. Explain that liberal.
I know this post is bait, and that OP isn't only a faggot, but a nigger too. She didn't have lesbian sex with the cop she just tickled her and almost crashed the car. She 100% is sucking barbed cat cock.
>Chinese slop crashes and burns
Many such cases.
no one cares about woke
it's just a tool to gamewar or companywar to shill the games you like and shit on games you don't like
>DEIdlock is le based for looking like an ugly brown fortnite and adding trannies!
>zenless slop is le based for censoring, adding LGBT, and being gachaslop for SEAniggers!
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>talks about lesbian sex
>shills palestine in the reply
holy shit these "people"
do they not know mudslimes stone faggots?
>1 click = 1 cm of palestine freed
Mihoyo got big with HI3 and that game is Yuri 1000%
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Making lesbians is possibly the most disingenuous form of "being woke" that currently exists.

It is literally always the go-to because it's the "have your cake and eat it too" option, you can still capture the straight male audience with girl-on-girl because it's hot and not nearly as reviled as other forms of faggotry. The appearance of lesbians in any form of media with no other faggotry indicates a noncommital position, the inability and/or outright refusal to acknowledge that they know what they are doing yet utilizing the facade for the sake of money regardless, knowing that the modern audience will absolutely eat it up for both social justice and sexual reasons.
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So, by your example, when women say it's flirting if the man is attractive and it's sexual harassment if he's ugly, it's actually not a double standard, then. Huh?!
Sorry, I usually side with you chuds but you completely lost me at this yurishit.
If you're a straight man and you're into yurishit, you're no different than a cuck, worse actually. At least in NTR, you lose to a Chad with a big dick, but in yuri, you lose to some dyke with zero dick. There's nothing more emasculating than seeing two women realising that they can satisfy each other romantically and sexually without the need of a man. Everytime you watch yuri/lesbian shit, you entertain the notion that women can be strong and independent from men. Is it really what you want? It doesn't matter if the girls are hot or not, yuritards and troons will try to co-op it into their faggotry and declare that they aren't for (You), and seek to eradicate any trace of straightness in the media they get their filthy hands on. Just research Mina Aoyama's tweet about Firefly and you will see the degeneracy of Yurishit. It's time to stop giving yurishit a pass, if you want to purge wokeness, like it or not, you'll have to renounce yurishit, too.
And now look where it is now, got beaten by gachas with mid sales
>opens with a certified incel analogy and some twitter literal who on top of it
Go be brown somewhere else.
I skip every cutscene that has this sewer filth in it which is a real shame because I like the asscop and the lolibaba

>rape, lesbian
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>black or white
>you have to choose
No thanks.
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Zen- and dennyless sisters........... I got her on the 3rd(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) fucking roll........I expected hard pity considering my luck. Though I hoped for some copies of Seth and Anby... should I roll some more times or secure Caesar...? 36k poly and 25 master types, also 30 day pass and battle pass buyer.
I don't play Homoverse shit. Simple as.
I'm sure trannies and leftoids will misinterpret this as "representation", then here's a 2% chance they'll actually play the game and a 100% chance they'll realize it isn't for them.
How can I experience lesbian sex?
cut your penis off
you sound really angry over so many woke games going broke
i legit think you should seek help from a free healthcare center
Yes, bad games are woke.
Thanks for acknowledging that
BSxAcheron and KafkaxHimeko are still championed as premier hoyoverse lgbt positive ships even if there's nothing happened in the game
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There's no lesbian sex in ZZZ. I wish there were.
I don't care if retarded trannies get fooled by a game doing very basic fagbaiting that has existed in anime and adjacent media long before they were born
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Stay seething Rabbi.
Even the useful idiots are starting to hate you.
At some point these people are gonna start saying that not having the n word every 20 seconds in a game technically means it's woke.
It was woke from the beginning when they censored Nicole's tits
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>watch the trailer
>actually nothing happens and it's clearly just the implication of something vaguely sexual while there is grating between them
These retards are the biggest fucking marks
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They just keep expanding their definition of woke to cover more games while all we ever complained about was the disgusting fat black women.
Gays have existed in games since forever, MGS3 had gays in it, nobody ever complained or called it woke.
lol what type of ugly faggot thinks hot lesbian sex is woke?
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remember when homos lost their shit over this?
leftists are not people nor have human rights
Gayshin Impact
Gaykai Impact
Gaykai Stairrail
its ok because i like it, and anything i like is not woke
yurifags hate this too
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Yeah, this looks like the face of someone who just had something "vaguely sexual" done to her which totally did not end in an orgasm.
>out of context screenshot
Based. Still not playing a gacha with "rap" music.
Add more yurishit to genshin instead.
I'm so glad I don't understand anything that's happening itt.
The context being Jane Doe groping her with her tail.
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mihomo slurpers out in full force shilling their garbage
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>confirming he's brown
It's always SEAbrowns seething hard at yuri during this hour kek.
The actual context is her being scared and worried about losing control of the car and crashing because of Jane’s tail moving to turn off her body cam. You do know people can just, you know, watch the video?
Yes it is
Shoulda gatekept better
>Literal who headcanon is now oficial
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>The actual context is her being scared and worried about losing control of the car and crashing
I bet she also walked her home gently afterwards
Why do they hate bisexuals anyway
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That's the point, retard. She's in a high-stress situation where she could easily become disheveled, sweaty and look out of sorts -- she's driving a car for a criminal while being a police officer.
The entire framing of it is meant to make you THINK something vaguely and not outright stated as sexual happened within the context of a scenario where it could easily be something else. They're selling the implication and these retards are taking it as confirmation.
>0 (zero) coochie clam slamming
why are they like this
>jane turns off the body cam
>continues to grope her while mouse cop says "wait where are you touching?"
>cut to an unspecified time later
>mouse is disheveled, droopy eyelids and speaks like she's exhausted
In what planet is that "scared and worried about losing control of the car"?
what does LGBTQ+ stand for again?
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Nigga, they lost to fucking NIKKE last month revenue report. LMAO
already quit
the gameplay and daily chores bores me to death
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>literal glint in her eyes
She 100% would rape Tomiya if she had the chance, everyone complaining or trying to desperately explain away Jane’s obvious bisluttery is coping, and also retarded since you don’t know that Mihoyo is doing it because flirting with male characters would anger chinese players
Lesbians Gays Bigots Trans Queers +
Lmao lil nigga you are dense as fuck

Did you actually have coffee when you got invited in for a cup after a night out?
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>she's driving a car for a criminal
She literally knows Jane Doe is a cop and not a criminal.
>They're selling the implication and these retards are taking it as confirmation.
Well yeah, it's heavily implied something sexual happened, the implication was entirely intentional, ergo something sexual happened.
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>dat pic
based pure anon~
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You're a fucking retard who has never seen this kind of non-direct sexbaiting before. I understand it's supposed to entail sex, the way it's framed is intended to be evocative, but they'll never actually say "they had sex" outright, because that's the point. You're supposed to think of the sex, not see the sex or even know it happened.

Of course the implication's intentional. As it keeping it as a simple implication because that's more interesting to people and doesn't preclude any appeal of the character by making her a lesbian outright, it keeps her nebulous and marketable as possible.
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I want to fuck the rat while her tail wraps around me and fucks my prostate.
Probably the part where she is literally swerving wildly? They make a point to cut to a top down view of the car threatening to fly off the road.
but that would make you cum in literally seconds
You need professional help
delusional /u/tard.
>I'm 99% sure you don't play the game and looked up something vaguely bait worthy to post here to get some (You)s
welcome to /v/
This thread is making me not want to keep playing this game.
>Lost 50/50 in Ellen for Neko
>Lost 50/50 in Qingyi for Rina
>Lost 50/50 in Jane for Rina
Never won a 50/50 but I still only have 2 standard pool units, and they're the worst ones
mixed toilet keks...
>retards keep falling for yuri baits
Yes and it's swerving wildly because she's getting groped while driving.
She’s swerving wildly because Jane is molesting her dumbass, you see her ears blush and her voice cracking and stuttering.
Is porn woke? Should it be seen as such?
It’s literally your standard comedic “sultry femme fatale teases nervous innocent character” scene. You’re acting like she pistoned her rat tail into her pussy or some shit. Lay off the porn ffs
Stop trying to make a meme by pretending to be retarded. It isn't happening.
Well if it was just a little teasing she wouldn't have the "I just had a toe curling orgasm" face and voice afterwards, people don't look like that just from trying to keep control of a vehicle.
>Lay off the porn ffs
Tell that to Dawei and the ZZZ marketing team
attractive lesbians isn't woke no.
It is still there to get men erections.
There was a period of time where womyn tried to flip the spectrum with an argument along the lines of "ACKSHUALLY NERDS PORN EMPOWERS WOMEN" and so on, so the crazies will latch on to whatever they can find.
You see scenes exactly like this with other PG-13 femme fatale characters all the time, like Rogue or Black Cat. They’re not actually fucking them, it’s about the innuendo and allure and teasing the idea of something more explicit, that’s the core design of the character archetype.
>nuh uh that’s the orgasm face not the trying to not crash face
She is literally trying not to crash the car in that very scene.
Deeper than DMC, Wizardry, Dwarf Fortress, Need For Speed, Warcraft III, Half-Life and Valorant combined.
Best game ever, and it's available for free, and it has sexy women! If you feel suspicious about anything I said, you are nigger-worshipping westerner and like worst games imaginable.
>She is literally trying not to crash the car in that very scene.
She's also getting groped in that very scene.
Does anyone have the slo-mo webm of Jane's attack? After seeing her character sheet about her bladed boots I want to see if you can see her blades on her boots during her attack.
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Attractive lesbians are not woke because they please the male gaze. Why would I have a problem with two sexy women making out, especially when you can easily imagine them making out with a hypothetical (You) as well?
It's woke when it's ugly, designed to make troons feel better about their square chins and wide shoulders, and indoctrinate men into embracing female ugliness as a whole (it's never an issue with male characters for a reason).
Know the difference, you plebs.
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Oh wow you do. God damn such attention to detail. Thanks.
The moment you decide to isolate their sexuality by calling them lesbians it falls under the purview of the woke tag, cause you're excluding the option for them to even like the "hypothetical" (you)
>it's okay when tranime does it!!
Homosexual propaganda is litterally banned in China. Faggots need to stop dreaming.
>she’s literally getting groped
It’s not explicitly shown, they show Jane’s tail press the button on the body cam, not her squeezing the girls tits or thighs or whatever. It is quite literally the EXACT format PG-13 friendly comedic scene of “cut to black/cut to outside panning shot where the innocent character is going ‘h-hey! Watch w-where you’re touching!’ wacky hjinks scene.” That’s what Jane’s character archetype does, she teases the innocent character archetype.
You are not immune to r@
>Lesbians can never fuck men
>Muh sexuality
And you're telling me about wokeness? As far as I'm concerned, a good dick is all a lesbian needs.
Funny thing is that Jane was being shipped with Seth just because she looked at him, now she's an ultra lesbian.
People don't know about the femme fatale trope anymore
Eastern yuri =/= western lesbian shit
Straight men love lesbians. Lesbian sex is the straightest sex of all, when you really think about it.
That's cope and you know it
Why do you think those you say you're not related to go so hard on saying shit like "the girl is lesbian" as if its a declaration?
What you call Yuri has long since been hijacked by man hating bulldykes and AGP troons
What you call "male gaze Yuri" is but a small subsection of what people call Yuri nowadays
Don't like it? Tough
This is why gatekeeping is important
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Yuri isn't "woke"

Yuri is made by people who get turned on by it. It's horny stuff to make people horny, it's meant to be enjoyed.

Woke lesbianism exists solely as propaganda, there's no soul behind it.
And she's supposed to be teasing the mouse by doing what?
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>walk me home gently
Imagine being THIS socially inept.
>c/u/cktrannies trying this hard to convince others that it's not the same as dykeshit
>/v/ fags with /pol/tard brainrot are actually going to sit here and pretend lesbians haven't been one of the most popular porn categories since the inception of the internet
I don't give a shit about these zoomer semantics. I see sexy women who please me - I play, fap, and support the developer. I see ugly trannies - I ignore. Works like a charm.
>hijacked by man hating bulldykes and AGP troons
It’s only been “””hijacked””” if you’re a weak willed faggot who lets schizophrenic males decide what you like. The majority of Yuri is still by normal men and woman in Japan, with no troonery to be had. If that’s “hijacked” then I guess hamburgers and videogames have also been “hijacked” since troons engage with those things as well. You better go live out in the forest naked and hunt with sticks and stones if you don’t want to engage with something that has been “hijacked” by troons.
The offscreen innuendo implying she’s teasing her body. You know, the thing that family friendly rated femme fatale characters do?
Big reason i am not pulling for her despite how hot she is, i really thought they are leaning heavily with her hooking up with Seth in the story missions.
But having her Interrogate and molest two characters AND both of them being females is definitely a deliberate choice by mihoyo, i mean we there ever any other Female gang members and of course there is one so Jane Doe can interrogate her sexily, we can't do that to a male gang member of course.
Also what she did to the rookie cop is a HR violation.
Mihomo games are not self-insert waifu games, so it's better if the waifus flirt with other girls than with male NPCs. Anyways, lesbians only exist so they could please men, the very idea of a happy lesbian relationship doesn't exist, it's a fetishized sexual thing whose only form of meaning is in male gaze. Nothing wrong with lesbians and yuri in a non-self insert / non-harem game. It's pretty based. Lesbians should be sexualized 24/7. That's why they exist, retards.
based, you have to stand by your principles
I'll just ignore Hag Doe and play ZZZ as a cunny game. VTUBER faction will save us chudbros.
Well I got Jane but I still want to drop the game
I really like the designs, the aesthetics in general and the combat feels good but the content isn't there, I can't fuck around with my characters, the combat isnt deep enough for me to challenge myself either, it just feels terribly empty

Wishing success to the development team though
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This is why people can't stand you fags
these retards forget that she's also flirts with Seth in her own special episode lmao.
years of posting anonymously have made people treat beliefs like transient things. anons will switch up their core beliefs and feelings on a dime just to be argumentative or contrarian. none of this matters.
seth is a dog, it's bestiality
it just mean Jane is white
I dropped it because I hated how the MC looks, what the fuck is wrong with his face, and because the gameplay was very tedious. I think they should've made it more autoplay like HSR. People don't have time for multiple active manual play gacha and most fags are already playing Genshin or Wuthering or multiple side gachas like NIKKE/AL/BA/HSR. ZZZ does by far have the best and lewdest waifu out of any other mihoyo game
Already have kot, ellen, qingyi and zhu yuan, why should I get rat?
Besides sex, I mean.
literally the only games i actively play and spend money on are Azur Lane and Last Origin, and both are 100% self insert harem pandering games with no men or trannies. Not sure why you are playing and funding a gay game like GI/HSR/ZZZ and complaining that there's gay shit in it.
>whoa.. my goyslop is not redpilled? how come...
It's only woke if the girls are ugly
she's not tho, she's an anomaly character so her damage is backloaded into her assault procs. She has crit scaling but she's not quite as straightforward as a character like Ellen.
Also I understand people not liking her playstyle of building up the passion meter just to do the climax spinny attack and then wait for the refractory period before you can build back up again (it just occurred to me they built her whole kit to also be a sexual innuendo).
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so true
>majority of Yuri is still (I assume enjoyed) by normal men and woman in Japan
Delusional take. Normal men and women in Japan don't even engage with anime culture, much less yuri.
Face it, yuri, even in its """for straight men""" form, are low testosterone men's fetish. Low testosterone men who shudder at the sight of raw masculinity, who feel inadequate the at the sight of a MAN truly fucking his women, driving his cock from her behind, grabbing her hair, slapping her ass, choking her neck, yet she's in bliss and cries out "harder daddy!"; he, who lacks the manhood to even imagine himself doing such things, finds comfort in his bland, milquetoast girl-on-girl action. And then, the moment his fetish become mainstream, it is hijacked by man-hating dykes and troons who use it as a stepping stone to push their LGTV+ agenda, while only thing a yurifag can do is plug his ears and close his eyes and pretend that they aren't real, and that they has no impact. Truly the most cucked fetish of them all, even more so than actual NTR.
Sex sells. When did you faggots starting pretending that the audience for lesbian pornography isn't 99% straight men?
A bad bitch but not a tranny girl boss
>lost the 50/50 to lycaon
I'm never putting money into this garbage game again
>having trannies saved on your computer

can some expert explain why LGB and T are mixed together. one deals with sexuality which is normal and other is full blown cut your dick mental illness?
Don't worry Mihoyo already implemented a system where you're very likely to win the thrid 50/50 if you lost the previous 2 and a guranteed 50/50 win if you lost all previous 3
But that's on genshin
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>hooking up with Seth in the story missions.
Shipperwhale faggot redditor, go back
gay and trans are both equally disgusting, lesbian and bisexual is fine as long as it's edgy teenage girls doing it for attention
Does she flirt with guys too or is she exclusively a clamdigger?
The lgbt movement is woke. Cute girls lezzing out for men's entertainment is not part of the lgbt movement.
gay can still be kino
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So you revealed yourself to be another brown retarded anti-yuri shitter after pretending like you have know the smallest iota of what you’re talking about.
are you blind, that's 3 beautiful girls
For me, it's prime Sarina Valentina.
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>Butch lesbian girlboss faggotry to own whitey and chuddie
>Yuri with actual sex appeal
not woke
Learn the difference
>Idiots latch onto Mihomo™ yuribait again
When will they learn?
cool but not my kinda waifu desu
Same shit
see >>687747419
niggardly reminder
That imagine would only work if we weren't discussing fiction
Based, yuri makes trannies and faggots seethe. It's also pure unlike them.
Nah fuck you nigger, I like that this is a game with actual gameplay because I have no interest in the other gachas you just listed. This one is for me, go play your gay autobattlers and overdone fatasy tripe.
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for me it's Ella Hollywood
It works exactly because we’re discussing fiction retard
Do you... do you know?
If you like Yuri so much why don't you go play actual Yuri gachas instead
Heaven burns red and reverse 1999 seems like your cup of tea
Better than trying to "claim games from waifufags invading based mihoyo yurigames" when mihoyo itself invites said waifufags
it doesn't matter, we'll always have the memories
and the vids
Trans are huge yurifags. I actually think it's one of the best predictors.
did she troon out, cut theri dicks?
I hate it when they get rid of their main attraction
That's fair. And he remains pretty fuckable anyway (no homo).
Oh, that's a happy ending for her I guess.
Does "he" now still take cock?
That is the exact opposite of true
If it was real and not a story, there would be an objective reality where that happens
Since it's fiction, everyone has their own version of that story inside their mindspace, based on interpretation, biases and so on
That is where so called "self insertion" happens in actuality
That image just showcases your own inability to even consider such a basic function of the brain, cause you see all fiction as objective instead of relative
I think I've seen him getting fucked since then, yeah.
>it's the quintessential coomer weeb fap fuel.
for me... for women, yaoi is... which renders your point moot
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It is honestly surprising on what lengths /v/ goes in arguing how some game that has woke and progressive things isn't woke the moment it succeeds.
BotW has required crossdressing, aka "troonism", but it isn't woke.
Mario has wedding dress in Odyssey, but it isn't woke
Fuckton of successful indie games have fuckton of woke stuff(Undertale has Undyne and Alphys pairing(and is western so don't even try), Celeste has LGBT flags and composer is trans, Hat in Time has trans flag...), but they aren't woke suddenly.
BG3 is BG3 and was called woke and flop, but when it succeeded it suddenly wasn't woke anymore.

It is kinda impossible for /v/ to admit that games with progressive themes can be successful, so this board has turned into most hilarious "doesn't count"-arguing. Anons are doing one of the worst thing that they can do to themselves, which it to lie to yourself. When OW was successful and full of fags, it wasn't woke. But when Blizzard started fucking up everything(which they are good at), it suddenly turned to woke.
We have gone from idpol electionfags calling anime "tranime" to supporting it the moment it succeeds and 'owns the libs', but also going back to calling it "tranime" the moment it flops.
We are also at the point that /v/ defends fucking gacha and communist China. Which suddenly isn't communism whenever it suits /v/.
you will never be a woman
Yuri is only good when it involves sexual tension between two hags. Anything else is trannybait.
>not Line trap
Support our troops.
Her dick is crooked. I can't support her.
bro, we aren't in our 40's
>yuritranny shift
Wanted to uninstall anyway, good riddance
Not my fault you can't self-insert yourself as the man who the author intends for you to self-insert in as he fucks your waifu since you're so low in testosterone that he is no longer relatable to you. It's ok, bro. Keep enjoying your yuri. One less competition for me.
Hot girls fucking eachother is pretty hot actually. Why don't troons and chuds hate fuck out of sight.
Troons agree with you tho
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Troons also breath air. You also breath air. This makes you a troon. Kill yourself nigger
there was that BR girl vid going around who was hot as hell, pietramaddox, but that was her au natural looking real and sexy, her socials are all filled with her in heavy makeup looking like shit
>too stupid to get the point of so starts coping about how his logic isn’t flawed since fiction is somehow “relative”
There are objective events and storylines that take place in fiction retard, stop coping.
woketard cope thread
Not playing that chinese lesbian shit. Sorry. I only play games where I can play as a man with straight heterosexual relationships. Degeneracy is dumb
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Guys I just found out that troons like big boobs and fat asses. Im I a troon for liking big boobs and fat asses now. Fellas it gay to like women
No there isn't
By definition, fiction is not real
lol I love these
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Sadly can relate, it's how i lost my virginity

Greentext but extremely shortened.
>Be me
>Go to new highschool
>Meet girl in class
>at first doesn't seem that close, and even gives me side eye
>But stay with her regardless seeing how she's my only 'friend'
>starts being really social to me one day for no reason
>think nothing of it
>Recieve text few weeks later
>"Anon wanna come with me for a walk around the city? I'm with one of my girls, wanna come?"
>"Sure omw"
>Go there, notice her friend is leaving as soon as i came
>Spend a good few hours discussing school, movies etc.
>"Hey let's go to my house and hang out"

My retarded ass thought that since it had gotten dark she was afraid to go home alone especially now that her friend left her there, to my surprise after she presented me her room she started undressing and i had to go with the flow as to not look more spastic than i already was.

>Why would she go with your dumbass
I don't know either, she's more retarded than me for fucking me desu

>How the fuck didn't you realize it was a date?
In my defense, growing up in eastern Europe you don't really do this "will they won't they" bullshit, it's pretty much settled on the spot whether 2 people like eachother or not, dating is always between couples instead of presenting eachother so to speak.

And that's how i git my first girlfriend by having ni fucking clue what the hell i was doing, i hate the fact that i love those times
I don’t self-insert because I’m not a low IQ ESL brown retard, and you jerk off to men. Also
>One less competition for me.
Competition for fucking what? Fictional women?
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Playing as a male while you are also a male is peak gay. Bet you spend a loooong time creating your perfect male huh
>anon got peer pressured into sex
That's rape, anon. You should sue.
No shit retard, but if I write a story about how Timmy fucks Rebecca in the ass, the objective thing that happened in my story is that Timmy fucked Rebecca in the ass. You couldn’t just say “well timmy ackshually fucked rebecca in the mouth because it’s fiction and relative and not real”.
What makes Jane shipbait? Took a break so I haven't played for a bit. Thought this game was free from shipshit?
Why do normal people seem perfectly fine with scrams liek Gacha? What is wrong with their self preservation?
>official lesbian genshin sex on the timeline!!
may I see it?
You watch gay porn, faggot.
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You are not forced to partake. You do have autonomy anon. Just don't play.
love how upset twitter gets when they aren't the ones sexualizing characters in their fanfic handcannon ships. They all would be circlejerking each other and praising themselves for making her "lore accurate" since she is "gay coded", but when the company makes it there lore...they turn to Bible thumpers
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This shit is so spastic it's insane

Yuri is hot BECAUSE it's perverts who draw it most of the time.

>troons are also perverts
Correct, but they're aroused by corruption.

>Perverts who like Yuri get attracted to purity
>Troons get attracted to corruption

Hence why Yuri (perverts) is hot, and Concord characters (troons) give you eye aids.

Hence why Yuri fags lose their shit when they see men, men are filthy, vile, IMPURE, brutes, just like troons.

And Troons on the other hand get turned on by filthy, vile, IMPURE women, because it relates to them, because in relaity troons are men, and therefore impure

Therefore, confirming Yuri, in by itself, to be based, as it reminds troons of what they want to be, and why they can never be
>Yuri = eastern gay (cute and feminine)
A lot of yuri manga is neither cute nor feminine, a lot of the time they're awful people and lean on the ugly side.
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So? Lgb without the T is fine with me. I'm nuanced like that
I just went to the tweet posted and it's just everybody clowning on the voice acting or saying that they hate Mihoyo's queer baiting. Also, I'm 1000% sure if they made the cop a dude everyone would be screaming that it's cuck shit.
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Yuri? Huh..... Might give this game another chance then.
im pretty sure yuribaiting in asian games is as ancient as time
>Two fat ugle dykes having sex
>Two super hot dykes having sex
These are not the same thing.
peer reviewed source?
This fucking virgin never played with a pussy lmfao
>same people that cite lesbian domestic abuse statistics
Kek. OP thinks Yuri bait anime girls and shit like the last of us lesbians are the same.
>bro people have been putting penises inside other men's assholes since sodom and gomorrah that means it's based
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>>bro people have been putting penises inside other men's assholes since sodom and gomorrah that means it's based
Is this one of those games where the demihuman guys are full-on anthro but the women are just generic Kemonomimi girls?
>Character released hours ago
>Still no music video
It's over... Budget cuts no more music videos...
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There are anthro girls, they're just NPC for now but a playable one seems to be coming in a few patches.
Nah, most people self-inserts, consciously or subconsciously. That why's the majority of people roots for the protagonist. If you're unable to self-insert, that's a you problem.
Also, do I have to spell it out for you, anon? That's because you're low testosterone. And if you remain obsessed with yuri, you will continue to be a low testosterone individual, thus rendering you unable to pull any worthwhile IRL woman. One less competition for me.
That's a good point, anon. I never thought of it that way.
Guess gays were based after all, I am enlightened.
>"You've got somwthing to clean up too, don't you?"
She nutted, stop coping. This is some 'walked her home gently" level willful obtuseness.
/u/ existed long before /lgbt/
just post more rat sex
Neat, I'll definitely check it out.
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You don't understand, trannies think they're actually women. You can't expect rational notions from someone who is mentally ill.
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Leftists are the most desperate creatures on the planet
They want to destroy you and everything you hold dear
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Nothing is worse than leftists
>most people self-insert
So you’re a normalfaggot
>you're low testosterone
Anyone who unironically says this as an insult is low t
>worthwhile IRL woman.
Don’t exist, especially not in whatever third-world shithole you come from
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who put the yuritroons out the leash?
it wasn't like this just a few months ago
kek and saved
But why did Timmy fuck Rebecca in the ass
Who is Timmy
Who is Rebecca
What are his thoughts on the matter, what are hers?
See what I'm getting at?
You people are so limited in your heads
For the longest time hot lesbian sex has been a sight for straight males to behold.
Not disgusting orcs or manly dykes with colored half shaven hairstyles. But two femenine, hot women passionately making out? C'mon, you're fucking gay if that doesn't turn you on.
Jane would be nice but I'm pulling for Seth so if I fail the 50/50 again (I have literally never won the 50/50) then I'll just live with it
LGBT is a social movement, not characteristic.
There are plenty of gay faggots who absoletly hate lgbt.
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>C'mon, you're fucking gay if that doesn't turn you on.
I would say at least half of the people who screech at any mention of girl-on-girl are unironically closeted homosexuals
Gotta love to see the Yuri to Transbian pipeline is in full effect.
Why is everyone dialed in on the yuri and completely ignoring that it was non consensual?
That little gremlin was assaulted and didn't deserve it at all.
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>Pull for Seth
>Get 3 Soukaku
>Already had her at max copies before pulling
Yurifags fetishize abuse
Not even joking
Both genders have both types.
don't pretend you yuritroons aren't any better than the average troon. there are several cases of harassment over bringing a male character to your beloved yur series. you are on the same spectrum with them.
>saw this trailer in my feed
>watched it and she's really hot
>watched the other one where she has the person tied up in the chair and it was also hot
>watch her gameplay and it looks at least 50% worse graphically
>they also give her a bulky jacket that covers her entire upper half instead of this tight top with the transparent cleavage panel
If ever there was a time I was going to start ZZZ it would be for this character. But man the quality drop off between trailer and in game kind of stings.
wtf I was lied too. it's just a femme fatale
Yeah, what an irony to see these falseflaggots crawling out of the underbrush every time going
>but two attractive anime girls acting lewd for fanservice is le woke alphabet soup my fellow chudbros!!!
like they fucking wish that was for and about them, while in the same breath seethe in their own echo chambers that these characters need to be changed for representation, because they aren't ugly, brown and tumblr art enough. The reason Miyoho gets more lewd again at all across all their games, is because they have noticed how pointless it was to pander to that barely existing audience, who is only loud but never puts their money where their mouth is.
Brother you aren't missing much 12 years ago we were posting ISHYGDDT 2011+1, the little blue rat guy, and console warring just as hard as they culture war now.
Ironically there's plenty example of this happening in the game they love to bring towards when saying mihoyo is a Yuri company
They tried many times to have male main characters but they allways screeched and threatened mihoyo over it until they walked back
Hell, some of said characters straight up moved to other games wholesale
>dyke, nippon
I wanna fuck the rat
Only trannies would equate their own ugliness with the perfection of true women, as if they're in any way comparable. Your Western nigger trannoid propaganda is not yuri, and it will never be anywhere close.
>men have fucked each other for centuries
>somehow part of woke
Ackshually the woke crowd hates asian portrayals of lesbians.
Just post the yurisex webm, I don't see anyone posting it.

Who cares about gachashit anyway.
>The trailer where no one had sex.
You didn't watch it
>degenerates have eaten feces for centuries
>somehow woke
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Here's a test for you all. Do you prefer the one on the left or the one on the right?
>If you like the one on the left more, then you don't really like yuri, you like the implication of a threesome with 2 straight women. This is what normies mean when they say they like yuri because 1 woman = hot, therefore 2 women = hotter. Stop paying yurifags lipsservice.
>If you like the one on the right more or both, then you're either a dyke, a low t man, or the worst one, a transbian, the most perverse, most disingenuous type of troon (the second to third pipeline is real). You don't wanna be them. Rethink yourself before it's too late.
I don't like Yuri.
Hot lesbians anime girls having sex is the only good kind of woke? Perhaps.
Literally woke propaganda
Women literally cannot be gay. It is the most retarded bullshit ever, 2 gay women. 2 holes with nothing to fuck them so they strap fake dicks to themselves. If you still need cock to have sex guess what you're still straight.
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>guys liking kawaii 2D lesbos is the same as thinking that putting on makeup transforms you into a woman
I prefer the left
But I know the ones who prefer the right will claim the left and completely invade the fan space untill the ones who only like the left are shamed and brigaded out of the space
The ones who like both will do nothing cause it doesn't affect them
Untill the ones who were once ok with the left one start shitting on both cause of resentment
Nothing, it's all bait.
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1) Every sexy dyke is one good dicking away from being a cock-craving slut
2) Every sexy dykes lezing with each other are just getting the prep work done before you arrive
Holy shit I just watched the video.
You are all fucking retarded and so is everyone getting baited here, holy shit.
there's no such thing anon
>yuri waifu bait is woke
i don't see anything intentionally made to be as aesthetically unapealing as possible
Is the stupid update live yet or not?
It's Chinese, there is no dyke shit anyway, dykes aren't pretty and there is no actual lesbian ship to begin with.
I used to don't mind. But in 2024 everything lgbtq++, I don't support. Also Mihomo is already producing unappealing characters to please the feminists.
Another hour for the US. 1pm ET.
lol your bitch got carpetpilled
why is this blatant troll thread still up? no she's not a lesbian
Just a slut
Once again, OP is a fag
>character is le lesbian guys I swear
>Hoyo shipbait her harder with the police catboy than with any of the npc characters in the trailers
>90% of her fanart is her getting fucked by Seth
Why do they always insist on this?
i fucking hate this website so fucking much
kill yourselves, you pathetic niggers
Tired of these fucking trannies trying to gaslight my fellow YURI CHADS in to thinking they're troons

ywnebaw and we don't want you
>90% of her fanart is her getting fucked by Seth
she is totally not a lesbian.This is undeniable proof, t-trust me b-bros.
>shipbait her harder with the police catboy than with any of the npc characters in the trailers
Only shipperfag redditors think this, anyone who played the actual game knows how non-sensical that ship is
the lesbian thing is made up of course, but the seth thing is too. they appear in a few cutscenes together, that's it
Escaped asylum patients are making it impossible to discuss anything on this retarded board
>mihomo game
>the lesbian thing is made up
pick one
>90% of her fanart is her getting fucked by Seth
Uhhh no?
you don't play the game
it's obviously a shipperfag anon, don't bother
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what's wrong with woke, why do you not want the two to be associated together. do you have something to hide?
you never played a mihomo game apparently. If you did you would know that they are famous for their lesbians. Also the rat trying to seduce females not once, but twice is more actually not normal and totally out of place thing to do for a hetero character.
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In MY HEADCANON all fictional anime characters are racists.
Kiana isn't a lesbian because she's my wife
>90% of her fanart is her getting fucked by Seth
Well that means it's canon then!
>not once, but twice
4 times actually, maybe 5
>heavily flirts with van girl
>flirts withs and woos Belle
>flirts with Belle over text
>molests Tomiya
>molests captured gangster
This entire thread is filled with retards either actively repressing their memory or who haven’t even done her story quest
i've played even the most yuri game of theirs, honkai impact 3rd. there are no lesbians in zzz. if that changes in the future, i'll let you know.
if you actually played zzz, you'd know that seducing people is her entire thing, as she's supposed to be a femme fatale. yes, her seducing women two times is totally normal and in-character for her teasing seductress persona. it's all an act.
Hot lesbians aren't woke.
Ugly lesbians is.
Knowing the difference could save your life.
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>mobile chart
>on an action game people play on pc/ps

>on an action game that require only one button press
yes, it's definitely a dumbed down mobile game
you have zero idea what you're talking about
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>not a single screencap of the supposed "lesbian sex"
Holy fuck you are absolutely retarded
>heavily flirts with van girl
The van girl starts out the conversation fawning over how beautiful Jane is, then Jane makes sure to say she's pretty too to get on her good sire. Later, van girl asks for her knock knock (basically cell number) and Jane says
>mmm if you help me out with this thing I have to do, I'll think about it~~
it's so obviously part of the act I can't believe anyone can think that was a genuine interaction
>flirts withs and woos Belle
The game establishes pretty clearly that Jane is so pretty and charming everyone fawns over her, she doesn't flirt with Belle, Belle gets immediately captivated by her charisma
>flirts with Belle over text
The same text is sent to Wise, the male protagonist. That's what happens when your game has both a male and female MC
>molests Tomiya
She doesn't molest her. She notices the driver is a nervous rookie and decides to tease her, again completely in-character if you have actually played the game
>molests captured gangster
She uses her seduction skills in order to interrogate the suspect. Again, completely in-character, using her skills to obtain info and complete the mission
>This entire thread is filled with retards either actively repressing their memory or who haven’t even done her story quest
I agree the entire thread is filled with retards, just like you. You left /u/ faggotry take over your every thought, and view the entire game (and likely all media) through a yuri lens. Genuinely, seek help
disingenuous crap. 90% of the nikke girls are in love with the player character but you could've played the summer event and another recent event, dark hero, and never known this about a girl that features heavily in both. it didn't affect or get in the way of anything, it didn't stop her from having her own agency or interests or character
Why doesn't she has big Incisors RATFUCKERS WHAT IS THIS?
>wall of text spazzing over even the slightest hint that she’s not 100% heterosexual
She’s obviously a bislut, she likes to flirt with women and will be compatible with both MC’s
>Genuinely, seek help
Take your own advice lmao
>wall of text
Wouldn't be necessary if you had paid attention to the game, but I felt like I had to explain it to you
>She’s obviously a bislut
I suggest you read the wall of text again
>Take your own advice lmao
>literally 'no u'
I accept your concession :)
Nah. Hoyo is doing it for SEX. Lesbians are fine when they're objectified
They're not trying to make everyone liking faggots. They're just saying she's hot
i got nekomata NOOOOOOOOOOOOO i'm going to kill myself
Can you run around city as an agent already?
I’m sure she just molests women for funsies bro, whatever helps you sleep at night
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I got her c2, stop complaining
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If it makes my dick hard then it's not woke.
So you are a normie right?
Do people really have a problem with the possibility of jane being bi?
This thread should tell you all you need to know
well,this is how the wokification of china starts. You have seen what happened in the west. Japan is next in line. And supporting mihomo will make sure that there won't be any escape from this stuff anymore. Mihomo is already threatening the careers of VAs, if they dub for hetero games.
This post reminds me of the "SJWs are bad, but don't you think those anti-SJWs are just as bad?" image
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She isn't.
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That's right, she not bi. She for lesbian only.
Actual sexy lesbos are not woke though anon, because we can jerk off to it. Lurk more
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underage faggot can't tell the difference between tumblr fagtivism and fap material
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On-the-nose reminder
If you like lesbian you are trans or a cuck end of story
>Used 28 tapes
>Got Seth instead of Jane

/u/fags hate hetshit? Is that surprising?
Stopped reading there
If I see this cat [One More Time!]...
I managed to C6 him after about four 10-Rolls. Shame since he's forever benched because I don't play any unit with a penis. Unless they add a trap.

Still, Rrat GETTO DAZEI!!
play a gay game, get gay characters. Simple as.
Kissing does nothing to me, anyways Yuriniggers don't get to say what is or isn't heterosexuality.
People who obbsesively hate on yuri are usually trad larpers who hate all kinds of sex, they are puritans.

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