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What the fuck do gamers even want?
don't use my wife to shitpost
why the fuck do you ask if you know the answer???
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gamers want cute
Petite adult with dwarfism
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I want a femboy bf to play vidya with
She should've had human ears
Need a 'hida
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Going back to normalizing young or young-"coded" love interests or just waifu-bait would be huge for uniting gamers and letting everyone have fun, if anyone's actually interested in that. Efforts to extinguish it from the hobby results in us being fed BG3 waifus while discord/reddit type groups become increasingly harsher over people liking characters who might still be virgin.
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Perfectly flat chested girls
story of indomitable human spirit, fuck this >HUMAN IS LE BAD
Young love is cute and makes my heart all soft and fuzzy and I need to see two young childhood friends grow up together and see the shipping start early it's just so cute seeing them come to terms with feelings they don't quite understand yet
For all the fags, trannies, women, and their beta orbiters to fuck off
I hope her backside isn't as flat
She's not "perfectly flat" though
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Skippable cutscenes/text in anime videogames! The story is shit. SHIT!
good gameplay
Nahida wives.
multiple ones.
No niggers, browns and amerimutts in game and IRL
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this kinda thing
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here you go
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How does pokemon company get away with such lewd designs
White genocide simulators.

They are done with mere inclusivity, it's about actively allowing you to enjoy the fantasy of destroying western civilization.
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It's really just that simple
no single solitary thing that would please them all
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Flat attracted posters and fertile attracted people
unite to save games
Together we FAP will revive fertile coded waifu games
chussy (guess what it means!)
Wish you could romance her in 3, I always had a soft spot for her even when I was around her age when I played the game
I just want devs to cast Eriko Nakamura in non-mobile games again
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A Daughter and a Wife
Total /pol/skin death.
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Cute little girls & teenagers.
Fun soulful games with no woke shit

simple as
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>gamers literally only want one thing
sexy child wife
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It's obviously Concord. The gamers are just little man babies and don't know it yet. You know, like with babies and spinach, gotta force-feed them, then they'll like it.
The studios MUST produce more Concords
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Pedophile trannies that should light themselves on fire
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Good gameplay. Engaging story. Game design that respects our intelligence. Barefoot and pregnant Furina wife.
Swimsuit Kuro didn't really get a lot of fan art so I don't think gamers wanted it very much.
Conventional beauty. It's THAT easy. Insert your pronouns or whatever but make the characters attractive and likeable and see how most gamers don't really care about your mentally ill gender dogshit.
Her feet on my face to begin with
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1. girl nerds are fujoshi and want cute boys doing cute things, they want supernatrual, dr. who, and sherlock, they dont care about an ugly 40 year old girl boss main character.

2. What boys want?

Tits and explosions, rude dudes with attitudes, hard games that are fun hard, not bad hard.

its not that complicated
I cant believe this made reddit shit and piss themselves in fear
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i just want to be normal bros. this is a curse
BWC onahole
Rubbing BWC on tummy
Sex with that child
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This. Specifically Kino.
dame dame shounen
A daughter I can teach art to and play video games with
Ugliest hag in the game
Nahida! I want Nahida!
Single Player games without modern-day politics in them.
Nakadashi yo shounen shoujo tachi
i want cunny
A world without jews
A strong pyro off-fielder. Gamers are fucking crazy for pyro application. They're mad as hell all they have is Chinese cook girl.

And fluffy ears.
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Gamers want only one thing, and it's fucking beautiful.
Fun gameplay, sexy characters, good narrative, made by adults who understand not to make something that steps on itself.
I like to imagine her pregnant
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Not this garbage design, I'll tell you that much.
Gamers want cunnies but not gachas. Nahida is good only for doujins and fanarts.
This is all we want. Surely it's not too much to ask?
As a gamer, I want the Thunderspy private server for City of Heroes to not be managed by such massive retards
Can't speak for other gamers though
Flat anime chicks
Athletic anime chics
Big booba anime chicks
Wholesome/edgy story
Fun gameplay
No niggers
No trannies
No agenda
Thats pretty much it
>but not gachas
literally this. 100% coom does not save gaming, it kinda needs GAMEPLAY to go along with it. If sexiness gets in the way of good gameplay and story, then tone it down so the other much better aspects can shine. Coom devs are in the exact same boat as woke devs, purely after money and trend chasing. That said there is nothing wrong with full porn games, but gacha-types are just an utter waste of time because even Genshin's gameplay is ass, unless you mod them to be actual porn.
Video games?
Odd. It's never worked on firefox until now.
Try another.
Why can't you try posting it yourself?
If I cared that much, why would I still be on FF?
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You clearly do since you're begging
I will now support your franchise
Anon this is a Nahida thread
That too, it's not a one-off.
I haven't updated anything so maybe it's something backend like the filehost.

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I sincerely apologize
I saw Sakura reaction pic and my brain turned off
No modern audiance bullshittery
When games are advertised as modern audiance I read its as advertised for people who dont play games
Which by itself is retarted.
The problem isnt what gamers want, its what devs want, devs want different audiences but different audiences dont play games
OP doesn't specify, could be any loli
sexy children
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Some more gamer friendly things
Try an animation
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webm fails for me
That sucks
Thanks glownigger
wet cunny grinding on my face
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I did and almost ended up in jail for it.
I dont regret it, but, I am definately never playing with fire again. I miss the lgf so much and will always remember the... 'activities' we did, easily the best activities ive ever experienced.
But the truth is they will at some point talk enough that someone hears and reports it, it comes from nowhere. I barely escaped, I got lucky, if anything. Theyre not good at hiding it around people trained to spot it.
I miss the lgf, but id miss my life more.

kek, is that what you wanted to see glownigger?...
glowniggers really get paid my tax dollars to post this
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Thanks for the whitepill, glowie.
We're all gonna make it.
Nahida feet...
now that the thread is marked for death, someone start posting gamer images
It doesnt matter you could make a game to anyone on here's exact specifications it would still be woke dei or filled with trannies or whatever else they can come up wiht to everyone else on here the reality is no one here wants games they want to shit on them they want to feel good that the industry is dying they don't want to play non woke games they come out all the time and they just ignore them they want to bitch about the games that don't do what they want. so what do games want nothing they want nothing and won't be happy till they get it.
uhm keyed
All of that until those last statements seemed like just being a parent. Man I want to have a family.
Violence and gore, I want to fill streets with entrails and tattered flesh. I want blood to stream like a river. I want shit like prototype but full on despair and devastation. I want to splay my enemies open and hang them up for others to find and listen to their sounds of fear when they discover the remains. I want the thrill of slaughter.
I too am depressed and make up stories to feel interesting as well bro
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for me, its sex with muscular women
So how do you dei approve what sounds like a school shooters manifest?
>Cum For Me!
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Cute lolis.
Japan has dropped the ball in that regard when it comes to games, since they're currently obsessed with being more like America, so it's up to China and Korea to pick up the slack.
kys nigger cunny is strictly for 2d
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Why is she like this
No it’s not lol, cunny is just old English for vagina and fa/tv/irgins aren’t even what they used to be even then it was embarrassing /sp/ is the cunny board but not /v/ is catching up
damn smug brat needs correction
I love children
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This, someone get this man a job at video games
You never mention how you find them. It’s complete bullshit.
They just come up and start chatting? Like any other women? It gets annoying after a while, I just want to fuck around at the arcade not end up on a list Q_Q
Belly button too big
this raises a question, obviously acts of lascivious nature towards someone underage are illegal, but what if you're just hanging around together? Playing games, watching movies, sports, cooking, whatever. Are there laws in place that that prohibit BEING with someone underage? Age of consent, afaik, only addresses sexual acts. If there is none of that, then what?
fun games with interesting stories (if they have one. story is optional but it shouldnt be there if it's garbage)
that's it really
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>here's another person equally as retarded as me, that's proof
ok retard
Dumb shitskin
>opens thread
>takes a quick glance of what anons are discussing.
>Opens gelbooru.com
>Loli, Sound, Animated
How the fuck would there be laws against simply being around children (other than for registered offenders)?
What about kindergarteners, teachers, doctors? Nannies and babysitters? Your little siblings, nephews/nieces, cousins, etc.? Your friends/SO's children/siblings/family?
What about some random kid walking up to a group of 20 year olds playing basketball/some other sport out in the open?
Why would you even ask this quesiton
Putting sound and animated together is redundant
>coming to coomer threads to read
I seriously hope none of you do this
I don't. I don't need sound
Except 90% of animations don't come with sound, sound is usually added by a 3rd party after the fact.
But there isn't going to be anything with sound that isn't animated in some way
Then why are people getting their panties in a twist if someone dates someone underage and there is no sexual contact whatsoever?
why are you fags so retarded
it's old english/latin and it became popular as /tv/ meme because this scene
>yeah little girls just start coming up and talking to me out of nowhere
this is unbelievable enough to begin with, and even if it did, you would just make small talk with them and likely never see them again, like in any other public places.
And to keep in touch with them, let alone date them, considering your claim, requires you to specifically go out of your way to ask for their contact info and shit just like any other person, and it’s just not feasible to begin with
gelbooru is fucking trash
R34 paheal, exhentai, sankaku and atf are all you need, lolibooru used to be good but they started removing content that doesn't adhere to their arbitrary rules
nozomi used to be good, but they changed every file into .webp,
niece, ended up being her pseudo father since her own dad split with their psycho ex, the mother, and the dad was a lazy "le depressed" mess and barely gave them time. Spent like, every day for over 2 years with her, and was in her life for well over 4 years as her favourite person, so we were close already
thats how it started, but then I fell for her and her kisses, hugs and affection after she kept telling me how much she loved me etc, nothing illegal about hanging out just socially taboo if youre male, but its that kind of thing that turns you
wasnt a PDF per se at that point, just not disgusted by the idea, and as a bit of a /v/irgin pantsu shots were hot enough I didnt care if it came from a young'n, plus I found loli soon after, it all built together.
NTA but actually its a fair way to befriend one, if its somewhere theyd regularly be, but honestly id assume sex offenders do this more than people who find themselves getting romantic feelings for one whos already in your life

no, I wouldnt attack a kid, it was a one off when I was young and NEETy
I said that
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>in a chink gacha
>r34 paheal
that's absolute garbage wtf are you on about
Need a stupid account to even use their terribly designed website
>using fucking facebook to meet girls
yeah i dont know chief sounds like bs to me, you’re gonna have to elaborate on that
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>16 years old
amerimutt hands typed this
She literally isn't flat there.
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Not him, but you cant elaborate, because youd just get purged for writing a guide on noncing, and have to waste time resetting the router. But theres no reason to lie about it either.

I became a pedo for that one girl, but im not going to promote it, glorify it or recommend it. I regret most of it, regret it turning sexual and I regret any future issues caused, it wasnt worth the absolute fear when I was investigated for it, nor the time I couldve done, if caught.
dont fucking do it, just keep it in you head, or buy a loli-doll to use.
it just doesn’t make logical sense, it doesn’t “just happen”, i dont believe any of this, i cant imagine anyone accidentally getting tangled in an intimate situation with an lg
paheal allows for loli content, simple as that, r34xxx doesn't
You became a nonce for your niece lol?
>le the old world was better
Reason you say this jew is because back then kids weren’t seen as people but as property
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Gamers want to kiss cute little girl's tummies, cuddle in bed with little girls, play video games with them, spoil them, make them feel good and have passionate lovey-dovey sex with girl children.
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Sorry. Finding a perfect flat chest is difficult. That's why I want more
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>I can't wait to grow up and look like Mona
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Yes. Property of their fathers or husbands, who love them. Now they are property of the state, who hates them.
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A game that is complete on launch. A one time payment for everything within it. Playable offline. Hopefully at least "good" too.
Is that too difficult for you?
>to be sold off to the higher bidder
Humans aren’t property.
i guess i'm a gamer then
Who are you quoting? And yes, humans are property, and always have been. Deny reality all you want. The masters have changed, that's all.
Sorry, the majority of this website isn't chinese bug anon.
Okay so I’ll just buy you off your parents and you’ll work for free, sound good?
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stfu dud
So? Make that right fucking now and tell me what your belly button looks like. I'm sure it's not a fucking crater like hers.
I know mine isn't. Are you a mutant like her? Dumbass.
What if the board dedicated for cunnies is revived today?
It's gonna be one of those threads
Incest and a pedo, lol loser
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The whole website freezing for hours would become a daily occurrence.
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More girls with bodies like this dressed like this.
Would be hotter if the woman on the right was a guy as well
Bro you got peer pressured into having sex with her? Like???? Also how old was she was because you were saying you were spending lots of time with her and normally girls start to get attracted to their dads at like 7 or 8 they look for boys that look like them but instead of just you saying no, you just rolled over? Idk just sounds to me like you wanted it
It would be deleted shortly after.
she was 4 and a half when they broke up, so around late 4 early 5 was when we were basically living together.
look im not going to lie to you, I DID want her, when she asked me if I would let her give me a bj my heart skipped. I didnt know I wanted it until it was offered.
ever see that custom udon animation with the lewd loli at the bus stop? Imagine if that was you, a cum hungry little girl asked you for sex, no ones around youre in the backwoods. maybe you think this is clearly some victim of SA lashing out or whatever? NO, you think... "huh, maybe I will" since all the blood is firmly in your dick
its easy to say youd say no now, but when presented with a hungry scamp, maybe not so much.
Especially if you say no, thats its a bad idea, and she says "awww come on, pleeeeaaase" while pawing at your crotch - its impossible to not cave, anon, least not when youre an admittedly mess of a person right now like I was
this nigga was a time traveler
I will not be convinced otherwise
Jannies why the fuck are you taking so long?
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They waiting to beat off to "it" in these threads before deleting them.
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Why can girls still be considered sexy with no tits, but guys have to be tall to stand a chance(unless they're rich anyway)?
Every woman removed from the game industry, permanently. This is our hobby, not yours.
lol imagine actually being like this
kids don’t just start wanting to explore sex with their father figures. You must’ve done something wrong
The longer feminism goes on for, I realize women aren't as traumatised by the relationships they say they're traumatised by.
Because it doesn't matter how old the girl is, how old the guy is, or how ugly or pretty she is, or how ugly or pretty he is, they will literally never be satisfied and will always find a way to act like they're victims.
Makes me question just how traumatised by these kind of young girl older man relationship these chicks really are. Or if it's another attempt by old hags to sabotage younger girls from stealing men they don't even like to begin with.
Events don't occur in a vacuum, and even if it seemed okay at the time, they'll look back on it as traumatic and it'll fuck them up going forward. It doesn't matter how "lovey-dovey" it seemed. They'll grow up believing they were raped and become mentally ill adults. Children say and do dumb shit all the time, and it's your responsibility to deny that. You can try and spin it any way but it was just you fucking up a child's future for an orgasm. Assuming this isn't a LARP
The anti-pedophilia psyop is by far the most efficient psyop that the Jews have ever invented. Nothing within the last century comes even close. It achieves five of their goals simultaneously:

Pressures young girls to get an education and enter the workforce instead of finding an older man with an established career and starting a family.

Reduces white birth rates.

Justifies the surveillance state.

Acts as a form of kompromat.

Makes it a trivial matter to remove any dissenters by placing child pornography on their devices.

The word grooming was once used for males courting females and showing their readiness. They have perverted and turned it into a shameful and disgusting act.
Because a girl is inherently sexy and fit for breeding unless she's too old, whereas a man is unfit for breeding if he's not strong enough to protect the girl he wants to mate with.
If you're not tall, you have no chance.
If you have no chance, but you have tons of resources, experience, or valuable skills, you suddenly have a chance.
But a taller, hotter guy in the prime of his life has more chances than you.
Makes me less mad about Muslims taking over everything. Just let them rape and kill the women, it's clearly what women were built for and want, otherwise they wouldn't defend these people so much.
Women aren't truly traumatized ever. They're like preteen children for their whole lives. You should never trust anything that comes out of their mouths.
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nice one mods
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Now what?
Make another coom thread
And they're the majority of people running governments and making laws. Really makes you realize why the world is so hostile and split now
They're really horrible at it, and the nations they're helming are falling like dominos. The current state of the world is very artificial, and is unlikely to last to the 2030s.
nah we just hit bump limit (real)
that's what you get for not allowing lolis into this board, board filled with troon/liberal and now minecraft shit. gee thanks i guess

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