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>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.
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There is currently an "issue" with EDP, where the Left Hand Attacks(dual weapons only) are not affected by the EDP bonus. This was actually an intention change done by rA developers because, supposedly, that's how it is on official servers and apparently, we've been playing Assassin Cross wrong for the last 20 years.

Nobody likes that though, so I'm reverting that "fix" next maintenance. While I was at this, I took the chance to study up on the current implementation of Left Handed attacks and here's a list of what I found.

>When using Katars, by default, the offhand attack only deals 1% of the damage of the main attack
>Leveling up Thief's Double Attack, this value goes up by 2% per level, for a total of 21%, which is how much most Assassins end up with
>Left and Right Masteries do nothing for Katar
>Katars will double your Crit Rate
>All cards socketed on the Left Hand Weapon(when dual yielding) apply to the Right Hand Weapon instead. For example, having a 20% racial or element damage card on left hand increase the right hand weapon's swing, but does nothing for left hand
The above is GOOD for Assassins/Ninjas for two reason: Because of Masteries, Right Hand attacks always do more damage. And because skills only ever check for your Right Hand, without this, you couldn't use cards on the Left Hand for skills, like Soul Breaker.
>When using +% Crit Damage cards, it DOES APPLY TO BOTH HANDS, REGARDLESS OF WHICH HAND THE CARD IS SOCKETED INTO. But it's much more difficult to use these, since you don't get double crit rate with daggers
The above was actually a surprise for me. Turns out that you get double value from +% Crit Damage cards when dual wielding.
>Elemental bonuses are hand specific though. If your right hand weapon is elemental and the left hand is neutral, your left swing will miss against ghosts, and vice versa

Continued next post.
i can't stomach anymore wickebain farming bros, this is worse than farming Knockers
About Enchant Deadly Poison:
>4x damage modifier on attacks
>Additionally, it adds a 25% bonus damage that is poison elemental. This is the exact same type of bonus as given by Magnum Break. It's 25% of the original damage, not the attack after EDP
>Meaning, with EDP you do 425% more damage, being that 400% follows weapon element and 25% is pseudo-poison
>EDP does not affect left hand attacks when using two weapons
The above is the only thing that's getting changed. Meaning, your Left Hand Swings when auto-attacking will also be affected by EDP.
smug thief correction must continue
so uhh im from finland, i once tried some really cool looking private server but it was laggy as hell.
i'll give this a try but if lags like crazy due to ping issues i'll stop
it is east coast usa based so your ping shouldn't be too awful unless you're getting awful routing from your isp.
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So I'm grinding zenorcs ever since I got to crusader. With my priest bros asleeps, I'm just losing shekels from the White pots I'm buying. I'm really contemplating changing from a GC build.
I am from estonia and it lags when partying, but fun otherwise
seems counterintuitive but sometimes using a vpn helps due to better routing. I had to use mudfish for ffxiv for years for example to get better ping before alexander plugin came along.
Give me AKs! Give me Seals! Show your love for me as a monk, God!
Reminder to buff other card combos. Seems like Hunters, Monks and Assassins are the only ones eating good with their combo cards.
BG changes when
Next maintenance, likely.
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Why is Rachel Sanctuary so empty? where are all the people farming here?
Are you doing the maintenance now??
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What's the point of the archer set? You waste a lot of slots on shitty cards and it still loses against a properly carded bow and a porcellio armor. The only advantage I can think of is that you don't need as many carded bows since the cruiser card basically replaces a race card.
Disconnected and can't get back on
No. I haven't announced it yet.
Funny enough, I'm having the same issue. Seems like our server host is having issues right now, since I can't even reach the control panel.
I'll try to diagnose this.
Sorry to be pushy but idk if you saw last time. TK is currently unable to get the running bonus on bg, at least on kvm which is the only one we tried
I'm very nerfed :c
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You owe me 1% of my xp
It's back. Sorry for the issue.
That is how it is supposed to work sprinting has never worked in WoE or BG
Just sit down and wait. Regen are double in this server.
Dev please increase Hindsight/Auto Spell and Auto Shadow Spell's duration. Also fix(?) Auto Shadow Spell's thing where you can't replace the old ASS buff when you copy a new spell.
1) Sprinting and High jump has always worked in woe 1.0
2) Running has worked in every server I've ever played, not sure in official though.
3) Who cares man? TKR has got an absolute total of 0 buffs while even rebirth classes got buffed, I'm not even asking for buffs, I'm literally just asking to be able to use my already existing buff MAN HOLY FUCK
>Also fix(?) Auto Shadow Spell's thing where you can't replace the old ASS buff when you copy a new spell
emp breaker taekwon masters running and jumping directly to the emperium is a staple of 1.0 WoE, in 2.0 you can't jump because the barricades are the gimmick
I have to wait for the previous ASS (ex. Fireball) to expire before I can re-apply ASS with a new copied spell (ex. Frost Nova).
Also add Frost Nova and all the other skills/spells to the list and maybe put them in different groups during selection so it's a bit organized.
and running also works in 2.0

Why are you doing this? What's in it for you? I refuse to believe you went through all those troubles gathering the most imbeciles on the internet just for "good all days"
Snipers aren't supposed to be shitting out free 25k dmg beast strafing either yet here we are.
lol @ the little bitch crying about vanilla beast strafe (well, 10% less damage than vanilla)
probably a gunslinger/assassin player
lol @ the little bitch pointing out how free beast strafes is fucking broken
obviously a snipertard
I'm nearing level 50 on my GS, where and what do I do next?
I'm broke, got almost no monies and have been sniping and burning the little money I have on geographers.
dev ninja needs some buffs since you made the other expanded classes into super saiyans.
here is my proposed buff:
Kunai Crafting
yeah just let them make kunai like gunslinger gets to craft bullets.
it's sucks having to spend 100k and talk to three different npc just to get a loadout of kunai, and you're limited to the four elements you can just fucking endow anyways.
give them holy and shadow and armor piercing (and status if you're a real g)
kunai damage is hardcapped at 2k anyways, there shouldn't be a problem when gunslingers do 10x that for free and it's in line with a change you've already made
>the other expanded classes into super saiyans
Taekwon Ranker got less buffs than you (0), be glad.
Narue is too powerful already
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500 OBBs and DBs to all players.
>casually doubling an already broken classes damage output
Like maybe I’m missing something but can’t an assassin with two 3 slot katars use side winder+ 5 race crit cards and be doing 1000% attack damage 5x a second?
dev should nerf tk rankers and buff assassin cross
just give all classes BB
Gunslinger gets a BB that does three times as much damage, has a bigger AoE, works with any element, pierces all mob DEF and only uses 1 bullet per cast now for some reason.
Why would they want BB?
white potions are very expensive zeny per hp healed, try fresh fish or orange potions
go kill some mukas until you get like 5 spears, bonus you get to camp clips for when you finally decide to get some accessory card going
Hello Dev. Can we make it so the Warmth skills for SG's don't get turned off when we teleport in the same map? It's really annoying...
So whats the sin build here?
open the rentry and read his changes to Crit cards
then consider that EDP lasts 30 minutes
sidewinder, soldier skeleton (buffed)
thief set (custom buff)
EDP (lasts 3 minutes)
buy an endow
you are ready to shit out 9000 damage per autoattack at 183 aspd (this is totally fine, we shouldn't buff ninja though)
Guys I'm starting to believe Dev isn't very good at balancing.
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>me reading patch notes
oi dev, double the chance for auto spell to procs, or give combo or change the effect some card.
Use meats.
Aight thanks time to farm
I haven't done anything cause I don't know what to play
request for having this thread on autosage too
they have an ongoing thread in both /vg/ and /vm/
i finally job changed to priest but i might have burnt myself out by doing 26-46 in one sitting, i don't typically grind well in games

i can't imagine what it would be like without the xp bonuses holy fuck
>dev ninja needs some buffs since you made the other expanded classes into super saiyans
Linker got nerfed tho
I play iRO for years
At 97- 99, getting 1% exp could take roughly an hour but that was before Biolabs was added
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iRO became a meme in the later years, people would also just TKM leech at Kasas (just potting through reflect because billionaire would be an understatement to describe the AVERAGE iRO player)
TKM wasn't even in when I played, that's how long ago it was when I played on iRO
Wow Amatsu lvl 3 is eye rape
>every accessory is “all except novice”
Why they hate us man
After finishing new world unlock is there an easy way to teleport there or do I have to walk through bunch of zones every time?
Looking for someone to farm brewing materials for me and to level with me.

I offer the following, including but not limited to;
Brewing, Leveling, Companionship, I'll be your Pocket Priest/Sage/Wiz/Dancer, and I can voice chat while we play if you'd like.
let me know when you're a Biochem, we can do some MVPs together
What kind of parties would be possible with a lvl 70 bragi? I'm down for anything.
I am a Creator, 85!
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>You cannot pick this item up
>You cannot pick this item up
>You cannot pick this item up
>press on a tile near the items
>the server knows that i'm not near the items and that i've position lagged
>yet instead of moving me it just screeches at me until i manually move again
>/nc attack a mob
>the mob walks past me
>i walk past it
>my character just stands there
>the mob takes half an hour to re-calc where it has to go and starts moving towards me
>i move past it AGAIN and stand still away from it AGAIN
how the fuck do you people put up with this (aside from not being retarded and playing a melee autoattack character)
>White pots
Use meat/monster feed and heal yourself you mongoloid
unironically works on my machine
it's part of the charm
either that or my brainrot has consumed all that remained of my greymatter
>use pneuma
>walk to it but get hit
>doesn't protect me
>walk away and back on it but get hit again
>still doesn't protect me
>heal myself and wait until i get hit
>move right after getting hit
>another mob showed up and also hit me
>die from desync because first mob used charge attack while i was attempting to cast pnuema again
the pain is real...
do the abbey quest
outisde of that there's a bunch of people running abyss and odins at night
>discord circlejerk
>aside from not being retarded and playing a melee autoattack character
jokes on you ragnadev made crit sin the meta imba
Aren't you in a guild? Why don't they help you?
No use to worry about the slow path to Lvl 99 (or gain enough money) because HOLY FUCK some special gear quests have some ridiculous requirements
Korea what is wrong with you
Add brasilis and card removal, please
To be fair this server feels extra awful for shit like that, especially loot pickup
They wanted people to keep playing the game for a long time.
Replace "card removal" with "card lottery": 3 cards for a new random one
They got what they wanted I can't stop playing this
An eternal reminder:
>Jun 6, 2024 - rAthena Pull #8405
>Packet ZC_NOTIFY_MOVE (0x86) was introduced in 96921544 (2007/03/12) as a way to reduce bandwidth usage even though the packet was never used on official servers, probably because it caused desync
rAthena niggers have been using a legacy (pre-beta) packet, that even the morons at Gravity realized was too shitty to be actually used, for 17 years.
Maybe niggerdev still hasn't updated to include this fix? Or maybe like most things in life, it doesn't actually fix anything.
you meant 325% more damage?
can you give more info on woe yet?
Never had this problem, literally works in my machine. What the fuck are you guys playing this on, or withwhat shitty connection?
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Restocked my buying shops and both my food stalls, please check it out if you're in need of food for the soul (and stat). On another note, I might have to stop cooking the +5 dex food soon since I'm out of aloe leaflet and I don't want to jack up prices.
Hmmm yes today I will hit 10k crits 3 times per second, I am very good at Ragnarok Online.
Why do bulliekeks help you cook?
>30k one piece
I asked around for help and they came (the marionette was very nice). I usually give them some compensation for the service and occasionally I would also help cook the materials for them for a commission. I wouldn't mind doing the same for other people if they approached me.
That's because it's fucking Sieggy.
It's Peonggy's alt you stupid fuck
>needing white pots
Holy shit theres so much wrong with this post. Your first mistake was thinking you could go balls deep into GC without heal
Spent the day to make a twink and farm shit for my priest... I could've been fucking Anubis. It's a lost day, a sad day. It doesn't feel right.
>he went 10 points into gc
>didn't go evenly with heal
oh nononononono
>i don't typically grind well in games
Playing the wrong game then
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interesting isnt it
yeah there are clearly cheaters here but what can you do
WTF you can cheat drops? Shouldn't that be serverside?
you are getting memed
>"cheating" a worthless drop
>its worthless who cares if we cheat lmao
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Did the public parties die out as more guilds sprouted up? See almost zero nameless recruitment now and in the last few days there has been like 1 abyss, 1 ice cave f3 and 3 Odin parties open to everyone?
Did all guilds adapt the Bulliekek "Don't gear the competition" mindset or something?
There were parties yesterday, ameribros are still in the wagie cagie
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delivery for foolish bird dodo.

never said I'm good at it
orange pots have higher hp/cost ratio and you should be using your heal ability too, leave gc at lvl 2-4 (depending on your lvl and atk+matk) because that will kill orc skeletons easily
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She needs to look taller
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give me a reason to party with him instead of my guildies who are by the way way more knowledgable about the game and are willing to party outside of odins
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10/10 would fund again
We party and do MVPs once in a while, but there's no way they'd want to help me farm stems. Since I want to keep using AD on MVPs I have to just pray that I can buy enough from others in the large enough quantities to keep up.

There isn't much stem supply cause there aren't many people using moscovia dungeon 1 to level alts, and the next best monster is in an ass map.
>guild had 12+ online
>can easily and instantly form a party for all content
>no need to recruit, at best you get 2-3 randoms in
Cliqueing is somewhat inevitable, there's simply no reason to do elaborate global recruitment instead of going with your guildmates.
>mfw getting a lot of stems as collateral farming
too bad you're in a guild i'm not helping people like you only randoms
I'll buy them from you...
EVERYBODY is in a clique... There's no TRUE soloGOD on this server...
Can I just spam store bought foods to raise my invisible cooking level or how does it work exactly?
>Can I just spam store bought foods to raise my invisible cooking level or how does it work exactly?
you need to cook it yourself bwo
I can't believe all these nerds have friends.
even the god of kiritos, narue, became a cliquenigger...
This game looks like it's from 2001
>5 dex food that lasts for 3 hours is 27.5k
seems fine to me
>3 hours of a bonus lv 5 blessing
Yeah I mean ingredients. Can i just start at level 9 or will it just keep failing unless I cook level 1?
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>1 guy singlehandedly crashed the elu market
hes too powerful...
>nobody told him
Why do you think there are so many super novices...
>believe it's worth 30k
5k at best in retail
Bro I make 30k in 4 mavka kills. What world do you think crafting is worth anything that low?
That's because its from 1993
I could make it so that relogging cleans ASS. That way, you could intentionally clear it. Would that solve your issues?

I'm having fun in my own way.

Katars are 2 handed weapons. Making EDP affect left hand is valid for 3 reasons:
>it's how it always worked
>you suffer enormous ASPD penalty with 2 weapons
>you need to make twice as many cards and possibly even more than 1 set of weapons, it's much harder to gear a DD sinX

>card removal
Never. Cards are the only truly irreversible choice you're making at this point.

I will discuss this with the guild leaders next weekend, to see what people think is fair.
when are you buffing assassin crosses? also we need some ninja and taekwon ranker nerfs
>we need some ninja and taekwon ranker nerfs
They are optimizing their builds and almost reaching 1% of the GS and SinX DPS, this is unacceptable.
>i make money with my clique so-
>damage control
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these 9 are too powerful, they need to be stopped
Only the three at the top are still playing the character by the way, there are only 3 TKRs in the server.
that's because the "buffs" to kicks for ranker are actually straight up nerfs
if the class is so bad why are there still 3 players? checkmate libtards
>Would that solve your issues?
Yeah its faster that way.
To those people that told me not to go SuperNovice as my first chara. you were right. but im not changing.
Also for how long will the server run for this time?
It only stops when nobody logs in anymore.
Dev when you're making your rebalances keep in mind that the desyncing on your server has been pretty bad and it really hurts melee in particular
My melee characters always take unnecessary hits because they have to spend 1-2 seconds dancing with an enemy before finally attacking, whereas my ranged characters all attack instantly when I ask them to
I know I'm not the only one experiencing this
Bless your heart
the severe lack of priests is the problem, maybe they all got recruited
You need 1 priest for every ~6 people to form a vaguely functional party.

There will never be that many priests on a server, that's just how most RO servers are.

That doesn't even include the Priests who only play to duo or trio in small groups with friends.
>You need 1 priest for every ~6 people
unless the party is garbage with garbage gear
oh wait it is its ragna
I don't know if it's possible but the "dancing" issue could probably be fixed by giving melee characters an extra tile of attack range
sounds like a skill issue
even then, if you have bragi solo priest isn't too bad
we need more lower level parties!
stop min-maxing and make more characters you fucks!
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>counting on 1 priest to heal and assu 11 other guys

everyone look at this lazy 1 skill dps fag and laugh
There are 5 priests in my guild and you can't have any of them.
priests are only for clique bros
Make new vocaroos
where to farm elunium easy? i need 500
Apparently with Ventaus >>687779096
how do you even farm that solo?
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Start stealing
Assassins can easily cloak hide and then grimtooth.
this is an mmo sir, farm it with your priest friend from the clique
>Assassins can easily cloak hide and then grimtooth.
Oy that's MY thing
It's rAthena slop. It's fucking awful. Should have used Hercules.
You get used to it after 20 years and you just reposition yourself first to avoid having this issue.
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I just started yesterday and have literally no idea what I'm doing but I'm having a comfy time farming Payon caves
cute tranny voice
buy my stuff
im sleeping now
but i want to have lots
and lots of money
when i wake up
and im going to spend it all!
whats your go to levelling path ragna/v/?
i will buy your stuffs
Spores > Wolves works for basically everyone

After that it depends on your job
Maya -> Moonlight Flower -> Scaraba
Spores > Zombies/Skeleton > Orc Zombies/Skeleton > Zombie Prisoner > Anubis
>ChickanNugget gets a fucking Hylozoist card
>NOBODY gratses
Do not redeem the Hylozoist card
Bullies got an ahl this morning and there was dead silence
What are good starter classes for someone who has never played Ragnorak before.
Archer or Swordie. Acolyte is always welcome but you end up being very poor despite leveling fast and people falling over themselves to party with you
I remember leveling an assassin from 98 to 99 on anolians in clock tower basement when they were still there. It was exactly 1% an hour and it was probably the best solo experience you could get back then. This was around 2004-5ish.
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RO is a very comfy game
Glad you're having fun anon!
20 years of emulator slop. RO never had amazing netcode, but rAthena is truly terrible. Hercules was way better. Melee is unplayable here.
>he realizes the clique is actually real
we fucking warned you though
That's kinda the purpose of a guild. To play with each other and help each other get stronger. You could try joining a guild. Crazy concept, I know.
bro your @refresh?
niggerdev doesn't allow it because he believes 20 year old rumors about how it lets you magically bypass animation delay and shit
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Thief if you want to melee, into Assassin. They dodge a lot so you aren't so dependent on chugging an ocean of potions. They do mostly auto attacks, so no need to worry about sp (mana) running out all the time either.

Archer if you want ranged, into Hunter. They are probably the safest class to start with, since you just kite melee monsters all day every day. They have good damage too.

The fellowship of global gratulations has to sleep sometime friend
Still, grats to Nugget on his big drop
whats a good bow to aim for as hunter i have a +5 hunter bow but if i wanna card something for general use should i just get 4 skele archer comp bow, first time playing ro so i don't know what i'll be farming later
Go to new world and do Nepenthes 1 east of midgard camp. 100% stem drop rate. Good experience.
>Thief if you want to melee, into Assassin.
Thief can also range into Rogue/Stalker and steal even more shit to the point they can even steal skills
Why? Legit don't know. What are they farming?
>miraculously drop everything in a 5 min window
>g-g-guild stuff!!
cheat stuff*
0.5% isn't even a low chance. This can easily happing if you're mobbing up a lot.
super novice equip combos are legit OP and they can combo pretty much all the first classes into one so they can potentially be one man parties
Elemental Bows are a good start
or maybe a generic Gakkung[2] or Arbalest[2] with Skeleton Archer cards
*dies to one attack*
nothin personnel, kid
Eh any other class is better. They're only good for instacast meme farming.
sexsader is neptune
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>Elemental Bows are a good start
The only one farmeable by mortal means is the wind one
>Earth in thor
>Fire in thor
>Water from some giganigga in ice3 with max def and 0.05% drop rate
earth and wind are realistic. earth is easy once you get a creamy
what the other anon said
when people start farming thor, there should be a surplus of fire bows. as far as ice... maybe just card a comp bow vs fire enemies
>He doesn't know about the Super Novice 2nd health bar
>when people start farming thor, there should be a surplus of fire bows.
5 or 6 burning bows dropped yesterday i think?
Frozen Bow is so aids to get. I'm not even sure what class is good for farming it solo. Maybe a LK with a def piercing weapon or a monk standing under its pneuma
they overupgraded those going for +10s. don't expect to see any at payon
wizard with marc + orlean's or phen can do it
it's aids pretty much no matter what
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heh nuthin personel
no ones stupid enough to +10 a level 3/4 weapon. +7 is more than enough
Earth is honestly easier than Wind, Breeze is like 10-20 spawns on maps filled with rape-aids mobs
And with only a handful of people getting them, they wont be any cheaper either
I don't get why he didn't buff the plat shotel a bit, literally nobody will use a 0 slot weapon with the bullshit he added.
it has a slot. you can stick a sidewinder in it if you want
chadaim had a +10 OAB on 4shart tho
give me the bone wand I need to break it
any reason to get job 50 as a thief if im going rogue?
Give me that sandstorm
don't be a bitch
go 50
no :^)
no, skip that shit. when you're a high thief go for jlvl 50 to futureproof your character in case the dev changes more shit
>Unfortuntely assassins are underperforming in mvps because auto attack switches aggro therefore that mechanic has been removed

Can't wait
are you still able to get 1st class quest skills once you upgrade to 2nd?
assniggers don't deserve jack and shit, don't listen to these spoiled faggots, they had it too good for too long now
all melee are unless you're tanking or if you're fighting a pre-trans mvp where you can zerg it with whatever
>this boss we'll want a LK countering while being devo'd
>this boss we'll want a champ being devo'd
>on this boss we'll want a smith spamming cart term under devo
By playing on servers that have DX9
for me its SL tanking by spamming a buff on itself while being SW'd
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mfw im the devo
>seriously suggesting people to not go 50
>on a fucking low rate
holy fucking shit you guys are cancerous
>log in
>prepare my farming session meticulously, reading irowiki for dungeon quests and checking RMS for every monster I'll encounter
>2 hours have passed and I still haven't moved from payon
>log out
Another day in Ragnarok online
for me its professor tanking with max level kaahi while spamming indulge
If you're not an acolyte or a mage, there's no reason to go to job 50 on a server with basically free skill resets.
he's going to transcend anyway. literally 0 point in going for 50
where can I see the boss and mini bosses respawn time for this server?
minimum respawn time controlled and camped by the clique of course
>no @autoloot
>year of or lord 2024
I meant what is the general timer for bosses and mini bosses, is there a table I could use for reference?
>double strafe/full blast
Great point, we were lacking some more buffs for GS!
may as well allow multiclienting and botting at that point
you can check respawn times on ratemyserver
Your retarded assassin and gunslinger changes only accelerate the death of the server.
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Farmerbros is it over ?
the two previous iterations of the server died because of clique trannies and this won't be any different, it's not gonna be because of balance changes
these people cry about hunter being overpowered
but if this server had autoloot they actually would be
how the hell do some of these snipers reach 99 so fast. i saw this guy as an archer just a few days ago
My group found 2 during a few hours of ice caves 3. Not that hard to get.
ankle snare
kill high exp new world mobs
even if dev didn't nerf their damage by 5x (which is a good change if you're going ot have them in the game at all btw) they would still be doing this
Hunter is actually extremely overpowered on this server due to gpus input on balance and card changes. it took me 6 hours to go from hunterr>sniper beast strafing in new world without any real gear.
What is this new world?
>Can't wait
What are Meteor Assault, Soul Breaker, Grimtooth
Tell me your IGN and I'll whisper you when I'm on later tonight. We can go to new world mandragoras on my wizard with your priest. You can have all the stems.
Go ahead and do the new world quest if you haven't!
how many people have taken you up on your offer so far?
>New world is easy with double strafe
Fine I'll do the quest and try with my dancer.
If you lied to me I'm going to curse you in your dreams.
can you read? he said beast strafing
Having awful luck has been pretty tiresome, think I'm calling it quits soon. It's pretty disheartening to see people getting good stuff that easily and back to back when I don't.
find friends to grind with or switch your target for a while
Make a pact with Yaldabaoth before Character Creation Screen and name your character alluding to the offering.
What happened to the /vg/ thread?
Someone was going to write priest tips for me...
>mfw 2000 kills for a card
still waiting for the thread there
Oi why the hell is every buff a toggle except Poison React
Got a skeleton card. what should i do with it?
If you're that easily disheartened, you really shouldn't play.
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saved from an old thread
How stronger is it? 2 times?
thank you so much
the server was never solo friendly.
there are 2 things you need to remember when you see the drops :
>1. they're in parties
>2. they're already geared from 1, which is why they can solo NOW
Guess I'm done then.
Have fun.
>the server was never solo friendly.
what does this even mean? ragnarok is extremely solo friendly and there's nothing different about this server to any another 120 pop public server, kill yourself schizotard
Cmon don't be a pussy. Just take a break and come back at it tomorrow
>icepick drop
it's over
first ice pick just dropped
You aren't killing nearly as much as you think you are. Less whining more grinding!
first wild rose card just dropped 4 hours ago too
>ragnarok is extremely solo friendly
yes it is when played as intended with the intended population
this server is certainly not with all the custom retarded changes on top
Private server players collectively losing it when they see a common dagger due to removing key parts of the game.
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>ragnarok is extremely solo friendly
eeeeh, playing without a priest in literally any timespan of ragnaroks history has always blown dick and will always block dick
maybe if you are bad
Not really. Especially in this server
what? i saw one drop days ago
You bastards make me sad. I want to play badly but you're not gonna revive the golden days I had.

>never played a character with 200+ flee
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ouch...that stings
Should I do the tutorial if I'm new or just dive in?
>+10 DEX/AGI/INT is shit lmao
i mean yeah having a bragi slave and priest on you at all times is going to make you cum buckets 24/7 but it's not required
4 more levels to go....
you really should do it
Do tutorial and talk the npcs for free levels. Grind up on the mobs a bit and do the personality test for free starting weapon for your job.
Not doing tutorial bricks your char you get a lot of free shit
i just realized a item in my storage duped during last maint because i never upgraded tidals to +4 2x
It's not shit, but you don't NEED it you fucking faggot
Alright, thanks.
Should've duped even more items
Why yes, I do leave global chat so nobody can ever accuse me of being in a clique. I will be Solo Beater Kirito.
I'll get to work on the quest right now. My IGN for my priest is Hongyun, if I happe nto swap to an alt just reply to this post and I'll reach back out.
The actual offer none, but I've had a couple of people reach out and we party every now and again.
>put the global chat on a 3rd tab and never checked it again
That chat isn't very interesting to be honest.
It's also completely dissociated from the thread, I think I've stopped checking when they went full 'clique' and started trash-talking the threads. That's kind of a shit move in if you ask me.
remember when faveladev gave hunterkeks beast strafing for free and buffed falcon assault but giving linked sonic blow was too overpowered
remember when soldier skeleton card was changed from 9% to 15% while racist critical cards went from +7 & 10% to +20 & 10%?
remember when dagger assassins can use a 4 racial crit MG for 80 crit, 2x rogue's treasure for 20 crit and double attack can crit?
schizo's idea of an assassin nerf is really "let them spam 200k damage Sonic Blow all day for free"
hanyeo = mouse
Servers really boring after woe announcement it just changed everything into private groups.
fuck woe
Brain rotted min max retard. You're why every server is a multiclient shitshow
Right on the money. People no fun farm late gears now, group or solo, instead of doing alts and shitpost. Most high level players that I've chat with were not interested in pvp too.
He is right though that assassin and sniper and gunslinger are way overpowered here.
Yes it will. Servers don't live unless there's healthy pvp. Tons of cliques around here already. But when everyone is assassin or lose, it'll get retarded fast.
Imagine being a pvpfag when you can play together and have fun. The only guild into this pvp shit isn't even good at the game.
I love WoE. Thats when the cliques will have a personality, since they'll be pressed to perform for their "friends". The anxiety will bring about VERY juicy drama
desu RO should have bad luck protection mechanics like modern MMOs, at least for basic cards and equipment
Drama isn’t going to work like you want in the current state of the game, dev is being too pushy about what he wants to be good and anger will be directed at him
Woe will be the death of ragna/v/ yet again, even more so with the new buff to SinX, in short, it's all niggerdev's fault yet again.
You replied to a pvpfag between. theres nothing wrong with pvp itself. But the timing of introducing major clan war at this current time is far from optimal. If so, someone threw the meme of having only two guilds but its too late for that now. Mostly the damage is done on the server's zeitgeist like you mentioned.
Don't worry I set my bar pretty low for drama on a /v/ based server
man the broken SinX build here is crit jur autoattacker.
how are you going to die to autoattacks in WoE?
>how are you going to die to autoattacks in WoE?
very easily?
Damn the anti-pvp elitist on full damage control today.
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what class are you playing, Emperium?
>melee in woe FE
Enjoy your fiber lock into instant death
It should be woe SE, anyway
Old vocaroos sure come in handy.
Taekwon Ranker lol
taekwon ranker isn't dying period
>phantom spear
>attack you once
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Look at this cute sage
Stop saying I'm someone I'm not.
how come bulliesharts can't win in pvp
You don't get the reference, anon.
Rankers should be given inherent stun resistance to keep up with server power creep
Ohh now I know why that sounded familiar.
attack player movement isnt a thing under woe/bg
Rankers need a million shit to keep up with even the vanilla game, let alone this hackrom version where literally every single class is buffen except them, but stun resist is definitely not one of the things they need.
God this is really hard to watch
We know it's your character as the sp bar is showing. Why are you phrasing your statement with "this" instead of "my"? What could you possibly be aiming for by pretending that cute sage is someone else instead of you?
Because I think I did a good job on making them look cute.
At least to myself, anyways.
Then make her spread her legs so my cock can enter her pussy easier
>placing pneuma randomly instead of the path to the ranged target
>gets murdered instantly trying to silence the opposing priest
s k i l l i s s u e
10/10 would invite to the Hugel ERP fuckhouse
the biggest loss is agi up
going slow just feels like ass
dumb as fuck.
the tranny even placed a Pneuma nobody used before getting BTFO
>genius read that the opposing priest had 1 vit and could be silenced
I'm counting that as a win
narue would have won 1v2
This is why no matter how bad it is SuNo will always feel good to play
how good is murasama with the +2 slots
Your Authoritative Badges...? Your Guarana Candy...? Your Speed Potions...?
profs are sp giving sluts, the female ones at least
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female profs are pvp dispell bots, male profs are sp battery sluts for our pve needs
I guess it should be good if you enjoy killing shit one by one like a retard but now with a bit more power
being a retard is my specialty
give me the lore about mouse
we having any parties tonight?
>Authoritative Badges
Use context and bring up the drop rate or shut the fuck up you absolute piece of garbage shit
miss me with this gay shit
>someone asked for price check for elunium
>the mafias quickly answered 30k
>when they are being sold for 50k at minimum by them
50k is insane, I can just go kill stalactics for a million elus
Make agi and bless last 10 minutes why does every other class get free buffs but i have to constantly upkeep mine?
I would never pay more than 10k for a fucking elu
They are like 20-30k and anything more is kikery
just like converter used to be 12k huh?
meh like 500k. crusaders print them
honestly Elus are just worth 5k actually
theres a reason those other ones are sitting on the market
i'll buy it from you ingame. ign sieggy message me.
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clopkeks know nothing about the game. they tell you that something is 30k when it's like 50k because of malice and stupidity. they can't even get out of lhz lmfao
post source
and more of this gay shit
At most 20k for converters, nigger
>they still think it's "BEAT THE PRESSURE"
prices change based on how much money is in circulation. pop is higher here than on ragnav2. makes sense that things cost more since more zeny is being generated while people are neglecting the elu maps because cliquetards recommend that the new players all grind on siroma/hill winds to 99
At least 1-2m
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it's so fucking over
I dont want pvp I want guild dungeons dammit
lol what a fucking retard
fix the fukkin wigs
How do you guys play with graphical glitches happening every 10 minutes?
I'm not even 90
i only buff people who play male characters or if they're in all me
The worst part is the water tiles being fucky. Fuck you, Niggerdev.
>click on enemy
>alt+tab to /v/
>have enough time to read like 5 posts before the sounds of battle ended
it's "find a way to ease the pressure" sampled from some britbong techno sampling library from the 90s
the anon posting the samples probably knows the name of it
It's Diamond Vocals by Best Service
>solo priest with 11 people
>people die

It is what it is. I'm trying my best.
Noob here, which keys do you use to activate skills?
I assumed it was F1-F9, but there seems to only be two slots in the skill table and F1 and F2 don't seem to activate my skills.
I use the letter keys like qwertyasdfghzxcvb.
Yes I am a priest.
oh no, our autists are going to drive away people with bad rms reviews
would be kind of funny
press F12 until you see a hotbar
put skills on that hotbar
hover over the hotbar to see what the binding on it is/change it in the options
you guys really shouldn't do a full party if there's only 1 priest, that's some cruel shit
please don't tell me it's the Thanatos party that only brought 1 HP
I am starting to feel an itch to return on my healslut. I worry its all about woe now and I'll be asked to participate and inevitably fail miserably because I'm a retard and let people down.
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We need some more healsluts. Just make sure you accept the punishment whenever you inevitably fuck up.
healslutting in RO is pretty bad. you need it to be completely braindead gameplay like mercy in overwatch since their vibrator is gonna be on the whole time
>16 HPs
>more than 20 priests
>yet healers are the hardest jobs to find for parties
Anubis was a mistake
I made an aco so I can go priest
sike i'm going monk
I made an Acolyte to to give it a test run, but I like playing my Knight more.
something tells me this was posted on /trash/
tfw no professor gf
Kay thanks for the advice
press escape and click on battle mode or BM or whatever
bind your skill keys to whatever you want, like that other anon said qwerty etc are good.
>2 days ago, I was at lv 78
>LFM Abyss 80+
>yesterday, leveled up to 80
>LFM 82+
>finally at 84, definitely can enter any high end party now
>Need priest for Thanatos 11/12
Can i farm ancient mimics with holy or grand cross?.
join bullies
didn't they leave for thanatos a couple of hours ago?

you don't want to get anywhere near ancient mimics
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>you don't want to get anywhere near ancient mimics
But i want Fricco shoes
>didn't they leave for thanatos a couple of hours ago?
I don't think this invalidates my statement
>buying elu for more than 6k
The fuck? Also all those deleted posts while I was busy PLAYING the GAME.
they were all at the same time so it was just 1 person
Removal of IP counter doomed this shitty website.
how do I join global chat?
you need the clique pass
type #global on the left box
yet you're too stupid to learn the command to hide your own HP bar.
sorry, anon, it's my first time playing RO, please do enlighten me on the command.
Holy cross dunks on ancient mimics
I wrote this as a way to help the few newbie Priests that have been popping in the server.


While it is not meant to be an extensive guide on every kind of priest, I'll be updating it with a few more tips and tricks tomorrow (it's getting late and I need to work tomorrow...). And hopefully someone can take some of the info inside and better serve their parties. It would also be pretty cool if other people with insight on their preferred jobs wrote some tips and tricks as well for the newbies trying to play their class.

I can't believe Hanyeo is an actual femoid
>lesser elemental ring drops
>mouse gets it
>noaim thinks its one of ifrits rings
>noaim: "WOW aren't we gong to roll for it"
>noaim harasses mouse into dropping it
>mouse minecrafts xerself
Hey awesome! I've been waiting for this.
Thank you!
make one for knights too
reeee I want to farm a pocket watch
90% of the server would be simping and cooming if that was true
I prefer tranner hanyeo
Is the archer combo broken? It isn't giving me stats.
thank you
Dev website is wrong. You still need an Anolian card.
There's at least 1 female in the server, but she's also a typical 4chan user that was simply born with a vagina.
mommy is femcel
holy shit are you serious i wouldnt have farmed this at all then
me? I'm mommy milker
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does anyone want to duo in Payon cave with me? level 38
Stop tempting me to interact with people, I'm too autistic for it
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where do you want to farm, meet me at larrys
300 more dog dicks til i can be a high priest.
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why not party with others instead
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My only experience with Ro is the DS game and seeing some frieds play it. I'll try this one.
based anime socialitbully
im not really sure what content to do, and if i have to do any quests to access it. this is the farthest ive gotten in a server with reasonably low rates.
invite me to the guild...
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now play a priest and heal/buff me
All the guys with invite are offline, gome ne....
DON'T invite me to the guild!
i love you
If i wasn't lazy i'd make the cunny stick image into a emblem and make a guild
Warper + Fire arrow, silver arrow npc please.
xhe doesn't have a megawoofus (xhey/xhem)
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MANAGER!!! It seems Nothing There has breached again
>Fire arrow
Just hunt more archer skeletons
I will if you become my wiki and give me free stuff :)
Do you know that hanyeo = sieggy?
hanyeo = novvy
Both are Yi Sang's alts
Hanyeo = Rangadev
This is all a ploy to get himself an army of simps.
Alice? all me
Ragnadev is also Yi Sang
isn't it convenient all of dev's friends get multiple cards in 1 hour while some people needs to kill 5k to finally get one?
It's really odd
Ting will come if this ends in a 5
so uhh is any cliquenigga gonna say if cart cannon is actually good in the endgame or not?
I bet its all Dongrang's fault
him and his stupid fucking cow
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how do I get 180+ ASPD? Why can't I use berserk potion as sage when wizard and mage can?
niggerdev make refines give matk so we have a reason to break rods
I didn't know dev was my friend
ive been killing a trash mob for a useless card for over 10 hours
>Sonic blow does 890% single-target damage for 34 SP while locking you into an animation that can't be shortened
>Bowling bash does 1000% AOE damage for 22 SP without locking you into an animation
How did the original developers think this was okay?
you don't even know how BB works if you're comparing it to SB
what would happen if you use tracking (reverse the def calculation) and defense piercing bullet?
stop behaving like a mentally ill attention whore then
Game crashes and your character gets reverted to 1/1
knightkeks can use sword guardian cards universally while assasskeks needs to make 40 katar combinations
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>wake up
>binoculars/tights still not wearable by GS
How does it work then Einsteinberg?
how the fuck are you supposd to get one of those?
nuclikeks cant byrogue
BB is pretty ridiculous damage compared to pretty much every class or skill in the game. People tend to forget about it just because it's usually not the BEST in every single niche of the game. But really you can BB the entire fucking game basically. If you're rich enough to shit out pots, LK basically becomes the aoe version of Sniper
Because very few here actually know how to play the game and overupgrade gear. They're 50k minimum if players were doing that. Try farming eluns all day and then see how fast they disappear to breaking everything.
meanwhile gunslingers have stronger single target than sniper, stronger aoe than LK, and FREE defense pierce
This is incredibly fast. Get to it.
When Gravity released trans classes it goes to show that Lord Knight didn't actually need any insane steroids
Whitesmith got cart term, sinxes literally quadrupled their attack, snipers basically doubled their output with true sight and the extra job bonuses, meanwhile knights get a shitty +25% atk boost on concentration and they're still competitively viable
Bowling Bash is just that strong
Gotta get a lot of gear first to even attempt that shit
Can we make sonic blow aoe like bowling bash?
Anyone know if pneuma blocks Eremes SD?
How about you sonic blow me off
There will be maintenance on Friday, September 6th, 03:00 server @time. For people in the western hemisphere, that's the night between Thursday and Friday.
That's roughly 16 hours and 40 minutes from now.
only if you let me bowling bash that booty first
if its ranged, pneuma blocks it, if he's in your face then it doesn't
Fix the rentry not listing Anolian for Archers card set.
Honestly surprised to play a game that using lower level versions of a skill can be useful
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Okay this looks bad and the dev should make this top priority
Redpill me on Ragnarok. Is it really online ?
What weapon do I get for a Blacksmith? Is it really the Two Handed Axe with two empty slots? Or do I level with shield + 1 hand axe? Please tell me which axes. Maybe there's one that being sold by players sometimes?
There are lots of cases of this in RO and it's not just related to how much SP something costs and how much damage you want to deal.
For wizard, some people prefer lower levels of quagmire because you can re-cast it sooner. Ice wall is something that would be wonderful to have level selectable, you don't always want max level. Storm Gust 1 is invaluable as a get off me tool. Priests can use a lower level of KE offensively in PVP to strip away assumptio. Magnetic Earth can be used at every level for different purposes, higher levels can let enemies use your own ME against you. Soul Linker Kaahi can be custom tailored to how much spare SP your teammate will have. Probably a bunch more examples I can't think off of the top of my head.
That's interesting
any more aco/priest ones off the top of your head?
A meta that was popular in the past was to leave resurrection at level 1 or 2. This meant it had a cast time, but if you had high DEX it was less impactful. The benefit you gained was the skill had less aftercast delay, meaning you weren't at risk of dying due to being helpless for 3 seconds after rezzing someone. It's not really the popular choice anymore, but it was a pretty big thing back in the day.
Suffragium could be held longer without being used up at lower levels, but would have less effect. This was more theoretical as 99% of the time you'd just want the max level for 45% faster cast speed, but some people tried lower level Suff to mixed success. Of course this was back before trans classes, when the power level was vastly lower and Suffragium was actually a viable skill. It's dogshit unusable in episode 13, don't bother getting it.
Sanctuary and Safety Wall are often left at level 7 instead of maxing. SW reaches the fastest cast speed at level 7 and only gets a few more hits, which is nice but often not worth the skill points. Sanctuary's heal speed similarly caps at level 7, and while the effect lasts longer at higher levels, it's really not important.

Combo monk often chooses between level 5 or level 10 on Triple Attack. Level 5 procs more often, leading to later chain effects, but level 10 deals more damage on the triple attack itself and you might not want to proc too often as the delay where the game waits for you to continue comboing can be lost DPS (more a thing on older versions). Throw Spirit Sphere can be tailored to how many spheres you want to throw at once, so you don't have to resummon more after.
Cool to know. Thanks.
I haven't seen anyone selling good axes so they're probably hoarding them
Overall pretty good, but there is one thing pretty bad here. Full support priests absolutely do NOT need that much dex. 91-99 INT any day of the week for PVE (min maxed to nearest heal and/or sp regen tick bonus). Higher SP pool and higher heals goes a long way for keeping your tanks up on any difficult content. You can still run out of SP here even with the regen buffs and mag up. They don't have many skills that even take a long time to cast. 50-70 DEX max. Get a lot of VIT. Full support priests and take a beating and it really helps. It's not uncommon for priests to run ahead and tank for your party when you don't have a standard tank.
For ME, yeah, go high dex. This is the only time you should ever go 80-90+ DEX. It's also fine to get a little more when leveling using TU if you want to speed that up a little. For any serious party content besides ME mobbing? Nah.
Spiral pierce is insane single target damage except on large mobs as long as you have a heavy weapon, which are quite hard to get sadly.
why does anne get the hunting spear when noaim has a lord knight?
Please quit these retarded ass maintenance times at peak hours / prime time. Some of us are hopeless wage slaves and night time is all the time we get.
Ok, I'm at the camp. Where are save points?

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