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they aren't
miss bellum
I would say bringing some sense to trannies but it isn't exactly that as we know
PC master race who was run over by a car leaving tire burns on floor.
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>tfw you can't play Umineko anymore because r07 has gone woke
Huh? Qrd?
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The main villain in Nukitashi 2 is Akino Mizuhiki. Akino is, explicitly, transgender - physically male but identifies as female. Akino went to the nukitashi island because she thought it would be a place where people would finally accept her for who she was, but then found out that they're even more discriminatory against people with non-standard sexual orientations than everywhere else in Japan. Skipping over a bunch of tragic backstory and plot to the end of the game, Akino went insane and evil and built an iron man duck suit and has an evil plan that essentially amounts to blowing a bunch of shit up on the island and MC builds a spider-man webshooter/3d manuever gear powered by his ejaculations to stop her. Akino rees a bunch about how upset she is nobody accepts her as a woman and how if nobody accepts her they should all suffer, and MC says I'll accept you as a woman, and Akino goes "OK prove it" and MC whips off his pants and reveals his rock-hard cock and says "If I didn't think you were a woman I wouldn't be this hard' and then fucks Akino in the ass (this also teleports him to a different dimension for reasons I don't have time to go into). The game ends with them changing the laws of the island so that people are allowed to wear whatever uniforms, and in your student ID card instead of the gender being filled in for you you're allowed to write in whatever you want. MC tracks down Akino and asks if she's happy and she says yes (scene makes a point of repeatedly referring to Akino with female pronouns) In the after story, MC and Akino fuck a bunch, and in the other routes Akino sticks around as a comic relief side character who rees every time that MC picks a girl because they happened to be born with a disgusting vagina.
That image is an umineko edit of picrel
Why didn't this fag just move to California?
/vg/ shitposting.
There's been a flamewar between two anons who like to call Beatrice and Chachamaru, from Umineko and Muramasa respectively, trannies.
go back to your containment general retard
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Beatrice is actually a tranny doe
Trannies can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made
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You fuck Chachamaru in the vagina dough
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Chachamaru is an actual tranner though?
what game is this from?
malding uminegro have to make edits while >>687753515
is true
fate stay night
you're lying
Muramasa of the Fullmetal Daemon
>negros raping your love interest
That VN was so ass.
Now I get why of this tag
I've only seen the NTR screencaps, why does it have such a schizo following?
>negros raping your love interest
But enough about your life.
The translator and main shill Moogy is something of an online personality.
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It have no NTR, but some butthurt uminekofag seethes at it
He was the one who brought Muramasa to this thread btw
People spoiled all of the NTR h-scenes at release and made fun of it for having actual niggers in it, so the schizo has been on a warpath since.
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So this is what sperg is into? mental illness
troons and you are both of the same side coin
moogy was the editor of muramasa translation and he said this which is used as a pasta on /vn/
I read the entirety of Umineko as it came out and I feel like I'm being generous when I give it a 4/10. It's a convoluted mess that reads like it was written by a 12 year old. The Japanese fanbase refuses to so much as give Ryuukishi the time of the day nowadays for good reason.
Honestly, I find the extent to which the western fanbase is obsessed with Umineko to this day to be frightening in a sense. I have no idea how you guys can drone on about it day after day nearly nine years after the final episode was released; Ryuukishi is a hack who has no idea how to actually tell a story that does anything except continually bait the reader with red herrings and empty promises of greater themes. He's been like this since Higurashi and will never improve, either on a technical level or as a storyteller in general.
Like I said, almost no Japanese fan cares about Ryuukishi nowadays, and it's more than people just being pissed off about episode 8 of Umineko (people were pissed off about Minagoroshi and Matsuribayashi long before then, anyway). It's because they've had enough exposure to him to see through his tricks and stop falling for his brand of spectacle and sophistry. And yes, his terrible, childish text is part of the problem too - there are parts of Higurashi that have such embarrassingly poor writing that they're used as copypasta on 2ch.
I don't know how the western fanbase continues to put up with Ryuukishi, and I honestly feel that it's damaging to the community as a whole to continue to obsess this much over a single work so long after the fact. The amount of Umineko discussion is one of the reasons people who read untranslated eroge feel so disconnected from the broader western fanbase, and it's not hard to see how stifling this level of obsession can be if you take a step back.
So a malding uminekofag starts shitposting about Muramasa.
This is brilliant. The greatest sell on a game I have ever read.
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Genuinely some of the worst pacing I've ever experienced in a visual novel. From absurd choice sequences to ridiculous alternate history/sword lessons and a dumbass sudoku, its very clear the game has absolutely no respect for the players time and seems to go out of its way to ruin any kind of momentum the story has going for it. DON'T LOOK AT A WALKTHROUGH THOUGH YOU'LL SPOIL YOURSELF!!! /s Honestly the whole thing is just an overblown chuuni story aimed at idealistic impressionable teenagers, because the philosophical ideas it puts forth are downright ridiculous and lack any sense of nuance to really say anything meaningful. Killing bad? More like babies first individuality seminar while living in a society. The true route should've just been a fucking JRPG. I did really love the OST and art though, and I probably would've enjoyed it more if it kept it up with the dry humour it did so well at times. Frankly, if it wasn't for that epilogue, I was prepared to give this a 5/10.
Still gives it a 7/10 btw.
that guy that avatarfags as erika?
Umineko ruined my life.
He used to avatarfag as Bernkastel.
But he stopped because of falseflags.
He literally just posts stupid shit and is followed by a "erika.png". Good to know though.
heroine from popular visual novel turns out to be a man with a female personality
I wish the anime's finale was a lot better. How's the VN in comparison?
why does /v/ love trannies so much?
Tumblr tried to take over Umineko discourse by claiming the main heroine as a tranny, and /v/ shitposters who didn't read the VN jumped onto the bandwagon for the lulz.
better than the anime adaption
like all VNs
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Beatrice gender is unknown
So both sides are not wrong
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I was blogposting Muramasa in /vg/ recently and no one was able to answer my question.
Does /v/ know the answer?
>brown hands
>brown penises
Artist's fetish, though the amount of NTR scenes in Negromasa probably mean that the writer is into the same shit.
>two weeks ago
The only reason Lion didn't get his dick mangled in his universe was because nobody was worried Kinzo would groom him, because he's not a girl.
The redman, who is emiya shirou
if you think bea isn't a tranny you're just coping cuz you're gay
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>Kinzo was afraid to commit the same sin again
>the sin being to impregnate his daughter
>Genji being afraid that Kinzo might assault his daughter again
It's all so tiresome, we never should've let cucks and trannies infiltrate the visual novel scene.
Now we have people defend shit like >>687757216 and claim that every heroine is a man, because that's the "right" thing to do according to american sensibilities.
The guy who blogposted was answered multiple times
If you read more VNs, you wouldn't keep reposting this shit, BBC tranny lover
It's just a shitpost.
That's not the scene he was talking about.
I get you are still mad because your jerked off to Beatrice while thinking Beatrice was a woman, but sorry,
Why is she hemorrhaging so much?
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kek wtf
The fact that you can look through years of Umineko discussion on this website and not see a single anon call Beato a tranny/man before circa 2016 is all that needs to be said.
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Beatrice can't be trans because Umineko came out before transexuality was a thing.
What the fuck did I just read?
File deleted.
And? That's doesn't change the fact that the artist decided to draw the genitals dark to contrast with the female genitals. He probably watched a few JAVs.
Muramasa is not Assassin's Creed, there are no Yasuke's in there.
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>BBC tranny lover
Right back at you if you defend shit like picrel.
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damn. fact checked by real transnausiacs
Holy KEK, this can't be real.
Is this edited?
lmao what the fuck, that's disgusting.
Hands aren't genitals.
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Would be if the artist didn't reveal the designs.
You are just shitposting, and probably didn't read enough eroge so that you think dark skin > BBC
Is this real?
see >>687757710
Now compare those with the actual final product, blind bro.
It's even worse if he only draws the BVLLS as negros during an ero scene.
Guess I can remove Muramasa from my backlog.
You can literally color pick the hand from the left guy and compare to the CG, retard.
Uminegro not only turned you into a troon, but also a BBC shill.
It's a 4/10 if I'm being generous, even disregarding the controversial decisions.
I got the bad ending in Muramasa where the MC randomly killed himself after killing both of the heroines and I still don't know how to get any other ending.
Nitroplus never changes, huh?
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Last week I was literally reading archived EP7 release threads from 2010 on Warosu's /jp/ archives and you are talking absolute shit, gender appears constantly in discussions about what the tea party's red implies.

That however doesn't mean there is consensus, it is of course deliberately and explicitly left ambiguous by the author.
reminder that SHITsu proved him right
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You know you can always read your second VN, right?
Choose a heroine and keep picking her choices.
Don't try to balance things until you finish pink and blue's route.
that guy is a 2022 newfag from /vn/
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>MC builds a spider-man webshooter/3d manuever gear powered by his ejaculations to stop her.
what the fuck am i reading
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That's wrong though. People have been calling Yasu a tranny since 2010, it's just that back then trannies and troons weren't viewed with the same vitriol they are viewed with today.

Seriously search "Cliff Babby" on desu and warousu people knew that Yasu had some sort of malformation that made them unable to bear children, and inferred - quite reasonably - that they were trans or intersex.

But of course them being trans DIDN'T FUCKING MATTER since people were more concerned about the motive for the massacre being one needlessly convoluted Love... Square... thing.
This is all correct btw and the ending of Nukitashi 2 was a complete disaster. The actual tranny sex scene is more like a joke ending and also disgusting homosex. Would not recommend.
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See? People were calling Yasu a tranny back in 2010, there just wasn't this retarded culture war to make people all butthurt.
Don't think that trannies or shitposters care one bit, anything pre-2020 might as well not have happened.
The amount of revisionism you see on this website is astounding.
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Seriously. Nukitashi It's good even if you're not into gay stuff, since the trap's h-scenes are optional and there are like only three.
I spent my entire time reading Umineko thinking that Beatrice was Rosa until the internet told me otherwise.
I dunno, you kinda lost me at "Spiderman suit powered by his ejaculations"
Has to be.
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>The fact that you can look through years of Umineko discussion on this website and not see a single anon call Beato a tranny/man before circa 2016

>Ryu07: Trannies are not human, they're the equivalent of a furniture. Even with vast wealth, they're suicidal and will never be happy
Holy based.
accident happens, childs genitals are mutilated. Genji raises the boy as a girl. Kinzo dies, then Genji gave a bunch of bombs to the batshit insane tranny with imaginary friends. Tranny then decides to kill everyone and blow up the island, becuase 3 personas love 3 different people, rather than choose (or even let them know), Yasu just opts to kill everyone. Then with a catbox, where these people apparently all exist together. Everyone is happy except not really since the golden land has been said to be a cope from episode 1
? Not a single love interest in Muramasa gets raped. Off the top of my head there's the racer girl, redhead from chapter 1, flashback bandit girl and the princess. None of those are Kageaki's love interests. I don't recall a single nigger scene with Ichijou, Kanae, Chacha or Muramasa herself.
But I was there and know it didn't happen like that, and you weren't.
But I was there and it DID happen, people thought Yasu was trans from the cliff accident with Dr. Nanjo assigning them the gender of a girl.

Naturally the detractors of the character were more concerned with the contrivances and plot holes in Yasu's dumbfuck plan rather than just spamming TROON for easy (Yous), but they did see her as a tranny, yes.
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Ryukishi said Beatrice was inspired by him in animeEXPO
wealth cant buy happiness, doesnt matter how much society tells you it does, specially when you are actively rejecting love like Beatrice does.
I misread you as saying that people here originally never believed that there was any gender fuckery and that claiming there had been was revisionism.
It's retarded
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reminder that /vn/ unironically likes this game as well as the fan fiction writing of part 1's translation
She'd get along well with Sora from Kingdom Hearts
>/vn/ flame wars are breaching containment
kek the average /v/irgin doesn't even know what the fuck is going on, why bring it here?
The sin is that Kinzo would molest his child again. Because of the injury to Sayo's genitals, they wouldn't develop properly and would remain effeminate. So, because even a male Sayo would be feminine enough for Kinzo, who was losing his grip
It's possible to argue both ways, and neither side can definitively shut down the other. That's because Ryukishi's intention was to make a culprit with an ambiguous nature. Even in Lion's case, Ryukishi writes a scene essentially telling the reader that they shouldn't investigate Lion's gender unnecessarily.
Except nobody liked it. They made for funny meme screenshoots though.
>Except nobody liked it.
586 all time peak on Steam is pretty good, especially for a kusoge.
someone just posted this thread there, but umineko troon posting is from /jp/ and not something only from /vn/
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The game itself is okay, but I meant that nobody liked the dumb TL shit. Nuki 1 is much better than Nuki 2 (FD in disguise).
>playing Nuki 2
After everybody telling people not to? You only have yourself to blame.
Battler would love for Saber to drink the penis growth potion Merlin made for her to conceive Mordred
>that erika cosplay on the far right
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It's not Trunks, but based music selection regardless.
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Fucking troon speedrunners who tout Umineko as a trans-positive story when Beatrice is just a woman with impaired physical development and no shortage of mental health issues piss me off.
Sho kyute I'm gonna take xim home~ STAR
>meet king arthur
>immediately assume he's a woman
This guy's kind of a retard.
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I hate him so much
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Can't wait for Nukitashi anime
>nukitashi 1
makes fun of dykes
>nukitashi 2
Why do the people past the first row all look like they're photoshopped in
Just get a load of this goat
if you wanted to shitpost correctly SHE would scream that I AM A MAAAAAN
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respect her pronouns
This is how a writer career ends.
dr Eggman
see >>687753106
yasuo was a boy whose penis got mangled
sorry tranny :^(
Would pound the he/him chink ange boipussy tbqh
I think that's a 45-year-old Chinese woman.
>Nukitashi 2
>Tranny ending
Into the trash it goes
>be tranny
>threaten to not buy the game because it makes fun of you
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I hope they will announce Nukitashi 3 after the anime ends
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>faggotry, japan
This, but Henpri 2.
follow your cult icon
jump off a cliff :^)
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I don't understand why trannies flocked towards Umineko when it's one of the the most anti-tranny literature during it's time

>Born as a guy
>Unwillingly became MtF because of accident
>Wants to be normal, hated of being a tranny
>Hated xer own body, hated everyone for forcing xer into becoming a tranny
>Think of xer existence as a lower lifeform because xhe can't be a man, neither a woman (call xerself as a furniture)
>Genuine mental illness caused by gender dysphoria; Incestuous tendencies, suicidal, homicidal, and severe schizophrenia
>Massive amount of inheritance, still bitter and mad at the world, not even money can alleviate xer issues
>Cope by trying to kill xerself and xer whole family so xhe can be a real woman in the afterlife
I mean, it's an example of average Japanese social knowledge/education. What did you expect?
trannies don't have self-awareness
If Sayo was born with a dick there is no way Ronove would ever had let him dress up as a girl when a very horny Kinzo was prancing around the island.
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To be fair, neither Hackysi07 explain it that well back then.
And this was before the Ciconia hiatus fiasco, the shitty Higurashi Gou/Sotsu anime, the nonsensical manga that is making recently, and the gacha game that clearly cares more about anything else right now.
Alright, shiravune shill, i will now buy your kusoge.
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I read Umineko 100% blind and still don't remember anything about Yasu and trannies. Except Saber being a male. The beat from this (kino) was clearly female. Is this tranny shit from manga?
All your points are correct of course, except for the premise of:
>Trannies flocked towards Umineko
That never happened except in the heads of 4chuds.
have you heard of fata morgana?
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Dude, what the fuck. That was his mom.
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the manga makes it more implicit
>boyish looking flat chested
Many such cases in women.
Fine, I will read your VN.
boys loving boys? that shit is gay
Call me old fashioned, but I prefer my woman with a vagina
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There's the self-loathing that was expected.
top fiction
Going PRPRPRPRPRPR on Rena's belly!
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How homo is the homosex? Asking for a friend.
see >>687760972
House of bitch made is massively overrated. The only interesting part is wondering how the narrative is going to screw over the current POV character.
wasn't he arrested for cheese pizza? Or did another mentally unstable erika poster take his place?
fat morgan is overrated only in the west
This is anti-tranny wtf.
Okay, so a local physician not only saved a baby on the brink of dead, but he also managed to give it sex reassignment surgery without experience at the same time. After that the child was constantly forcefully dilated and fed hormones without them knowing why, their flesh wound never changing size nor growing with them. Over those years they learned about periods and other such things, but somehow never realized that they don't actually have a real vagina.

Do I have that right? You people seriously believe that over the much more sane interpretation of her being an incest baby that lost her womb in the accident and being told so after solving the riddle?
>but they're being all vague about the culprit's gender up until the middle of episode 7
Yes, it's murder mystery. They're trying to lead you astray.
a baby surviving with a crushed dick is more realistic than surviving with a crushed womb
It could be any other internal injury that makes having children -- being capable of love -- impossible. You really, really think that the entire dilation story afterwards and her not even realizing is realistic?
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It's a body incapable of having sex
I liked the Monster chapter, pretty nice subversion.
That's the interpretation of the wiki freak - it even says so. The only line given by Ryukishi is the body incapable of making love one. Once again: you believe in the dilating Sayo theory where she knew about things like periods, but still somehow didn't know that her "vagina" was just a tiny flesh wound?
I'm gonna have to go with Miss Bellum.
There was no internet at the time
How was he supposed to know
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Sayo is a retard and probably thought sprinkling piss and puss in every direction through the resealed axe wound was normal. The maids probably bullied him because he always stank of urine.
>trans rights is white
anon I...
Same way she found out about periods and other stuff. She also read plenty. At some point she would also have realized that dilation is not something that anyone ever talks about.
I could at least respect this interpretation.
The assumption is generally that Yasu just has a peehole and scar tissue whether born male or female.

>Do I have that right?
No, you yourself made wild assumptions and then got mad.

>You people seriously believe [shit]
It is indeed much more reasonable that xir looks like a fucked up ken doll than that her womb "fell out."
It's so dissapointing, I always think these are kino Umineko threads, instead they're always cringe gay threads.
Okay, so Yasu, knowing about periods and puberty in general. Yasu, who listened in on a bunch of close gossiping orphan girls. Yasu, who read a ton of books and went to school. This Yasu somehow just... didn't realize that she didn't have a vagina or something resembling it up until she was how old exactly? She was just hoping for her pee hole to menstruate? She literally just didn't see all the scar tissue? She was worried about not getting her period, but not about the scarred mess down there? She didn't know she had been in an accident until after solving the riddle?

It's such a ridiculous theory that I don't know why you're forcing it. It's not even something you can relate to. The only possible explanation is internal injury and hormonal imbalance. The rest is ridiculous.
>trannies can't appreciate a pure romantic story like House in Fata Morgana
Don't tell them about Requiem for Innocence.
yasu can realise there's something wrong with whatever she's got down there but still hope its going to work out
it's not unreasonable to believe the doctor made things look relatively neat
also she can know what a vagina is and periods are but not have actually seen one, especially not in any kind of detail
a diagram of a woman's reproductive system doesn't look like a pussy
If you read David Reimer's biography "As nature made him" that's literally what happened. A vague sense that something was wrong, but the actual nature and anatomical details didn't click until his father revealed it to him as a teenager while crying and eating ice cream in their car.
Since Yasu only narrowly survived the fall off the cliff, wouldn't there be fragments where he actually did die and consequently there would be no shenanigans 18 years later?
Not all kids go around comparing their genitals with each other. For many what they've got themselves is the only frame of reference they have.
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There are parts of umineko that are good but overall the vn is like a two stroke motorcycle trying to start and failing.
Higurashi made me seethe. I was checked out before chapter 8 but 8 made me drop it; Umineko also made me seethe, dropping it after chapter 2 because I knew I wouldn't like the answers to what was done if Higurashi was anything to go by. Looking back at Higurashi some of it was phenomenal (1, 2, 5), thus can look back at it fondly. Umineko tries even harder with the mystery but it's so twisted that even Ryukishi knew he couldn't sensibly write himself out of that so he hard pivoted and wanted readers to forget. I'm unironically considering getting back into Umineko to actually experience the actual story this time because it sounds like a story that I'd really enjoy. I'm stupid for considering it but at least I won't go apoplectic at the answers, but I'm sure shit like the "intellectual rapist" will still trigger me, along with the parts dragging on.
Man, Nukitashi 1 was extremely repetitive, I seriously don't understand the praise. Then again, the localization didn't help.
I don't know what sort of morbid curiosity I have that makes me want to revisit it even though I thoroughly disliked it, even after reading up about it. Time has made me mild to the reveals but it's still something that nags at me for being unfinshed. Higurashi has become a cherished memory despite the fact that the story fell flat on its face; the music, the setting, the characters, and the themes still stick with me. Why can't I get the same experience with Umineko?
I'll have to deal with the murder mystery elements for over half of Umineko that just don't matter, deal with being insulted for caring about piecing together the mystery, and have to deal with absolutely retarded characters like Kraus and his family that aren't aware of who's under their employ, nor has ever done a roll call before; the story dragging, something which was far worse in by chapter 2 than all of Higurashi.
Maybe if I get bored I'll revisit it. If nothing else to get context for some great music. Actually, the manga exists...
best girl Asuka
if beatrice isn't a woman how did I get her pregnant stupid
the translator is a retarded faggot
people had to make a patch to unfuck it a little
Wow, that's fucking stupid.
traps can get pregnant with the ushiromiya magic
Just read it. Even if you don't care for the mystery it's an incredibly fun character drama. It dragged on at many points, yes, but I enjoyed it much more than Higurashi and I too dropped that one after episode 7.
>murder mystery elements that just don't matter
They can matter if you want them to. I think it's fine. If you don't want to think too much Umineko is a satisfying read, but if you want to solve mysteries that is also completely fine. It's not as it there are no solutions.
>Why can't I get the same experience with Umineko?
You most definitely will.
there is zero NTR
none of the heroines have sex with another man and all of them are virgins until you deflower them, even the hag who's like 30 and had a fiancee
Magic isn't real you fucking idiot.
First off, you shouldn't read this thread because people will take pleasure in spoiling you the story, which I think does some of the more interesting things I've personally read in a story yet, despite the dogshit prose, repetition, lack of editing and other R07isms that you doubtlessly will recognize if you've already read Higurashi. Its qualities are very lopsided like that.

What made you quit in episode 2?
Wow, the meme was actually real.
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As usual, VNs have atrocious writing but /v/ laps it up. Get some taste and that doesn't mean sticking to Jap slop, especially if you aren't reading it in the native language.
None that matter to Ange. Ange is in a world where Rokkenjima exploded, so literally all options must converge in Rokkenjima exploding.
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>MC builds a spider-man webshooter/3d manuever gear powered by his ejaculations to stop her.
fucks Akino in the ass (this also teleports him to a different dimension for reasons I don't have time to go into).
The voices said so.
>[The murder mysteries] can matter if you want them to.
Well they did, which is why I originally dropped it after chapter 2. It's still a tough pill to swallow going into Umineko (or even Higurashi) for over half of it (80+ hours) to be about a mystery that is no longer that interesting or intense, given that you know all twists and turns.
>If you don't want to think too much Umineko is a satisfying read
It would be for the characters, setting, themes and music. I fear that it does not have the same appeal as Higurashi given that the characters are weaker ostensibly weaker than in Higurashi, the setting is more limited (not necessarily a bad thing) and the themes get rather preachy at times.
>especially if you aren't reading it in the native language.
Not a fucking chance that these Jap faggots are actually laureate wordsmiths and it's just getting lost in translation. I've read plenty of translated Japanese novels and they're all fine while every VN reads like they were written by 16-year-olds.

You just have the appreciate them on their other merits, though.
>At some point she would also have realized that dilation is not something that anyone ever talks about.
Troons dilate so their axe wound will stay open, otherwise the body will naturally heal, closing up their neo vagina into a peehole.
Men who lost their penis in accident, punishment, whatever does not need to dilate. And can function daily / urinate without dilating, assuming the injury was not severe, treated immediately, and there are no complications with other part of the body, when they made the recovery.

Also it was 1986 and she lives on a secluded island. She only knew about periods and sex ed from school, books, and Kumasawa. She probably thinks that her weird looking pee hole is a pussy, and even though it's different from the illustrations on the books that she have seen, she still thinks it's normal. Especially since all of the servants are gaslighting her that she's a woman.
Or... she coped that she's normal because she was too scared of the truth.

It's quite believable honestly.
Given the translation already posted in this very thread for Nukitashi, I'd say the difference is stark.
>read it in english
>it's gibberish immature slop
but JOPGODs said the immature rants are peak literature????
Qrupprose is untraslatable.
Just cope given that the biggest detractors of Ryukishi are the Japanese themselves.
looks like fire flower mario to me
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It was peak cinema. Though Fumino route is pretty boring for the most part.
Trunks blanco wearing the Pride Troopers' outfit
You will never be a woman - troons must make peace with this and the fact that they are legitimately mentally ill - or they will inevitably go insane and hurt/kill themselves or others.
It's not true!
Umineko is good. Umineko is good. Umineko is great. Umineko is great. Umineko is amazing. Umineko is amazing. Umineko is fantastic. Umineko is fantastic. Umineko is peak fiction. Umineko is peak fiction. Umineko is fine literature. Umineko is fine literature. Umineko is good. Umineko is good.
Fumino is just a boring heroine whose entire personality is being a doormat.
I want to FUCK Auntie Rosa!
Why does everyone call it uminegro?
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Genji doesn't have to say it.
He can impart it's presence with a look. It's a skill all proper head servants must learn.
>>Born as a guy
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>Akino sticks around as a comic relief side character who rees every time that MC picks a girl because they happened to be born with a disgusting vagina.
I mean they are sort of disgusting
I was surprised to see a nukitashi reference in the vtuber anime this season
Kanon is 5 seconds away from becoming a gamer in almost all of his scenes. It's one of the reasons Shannon created him.
>vtrooner anime
No surprise that you would watch that shit
>as well as the fan fiction writing of part 1's translation
there was a restoration patch in like the first month
>sex joke every 5 seconds
>the only adult who did nothing wrong
>literally nothing
>people still make fun of him because of Moon
This isn't fair. Space Race was real. People had dreams about Moon, Mars and apples
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What can man do against such reckless faggotry?
Don't forget to drop a red akasupa for their hard work!
>I fear that it does not have the same appeal as Higurashi given that the characters are weaker ostensibly weaker
I disagree with this despite also loving Higurashi's characters. I think Umineko is even better in this regard with a much bigger cast filled with a bunch of very memorable personalities (remember that many get introduced in the latter half). I think most characters in that story could carry a VN on their own backs as protagonists. And it's not just them being fun personalities; Umineko also does a much better job at humanizing most of them, which is probably something you haven't really experienced by episode 2, but which will be very clear by the end. On top of that the voice acting is even better than Higurashi's and I personally remember more of the OST as well.

I really don't see why you'd not enjoy it to be honest. We enjoy and dislike Higurashi for the exact same reasons. It's a flawed masterpiece and as long as you can appreciate the good in the bad you'll be glad that you read it.
Excuse me
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it's a fun show
Nah, you have shit taste. Kill yourself.
pun insults are part of every 4chinkers balanced breakfast
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Cope, seethe, etc
>nukitashi made it
Picked up

I'm starting to think Ryukishi has an agenda.
It's from /vn/
>I really don't see why you'd not enjoy it to be honest. We enjoy and dislike Higurashi for the exact same reasons.
We might enjoy it for the same reasons but I have not stated my dislikes of Higurashi beyond "the story" so you cannot say we dislike it for the same reason(s). You have to consider that I dropped Umineko after chapter 2, so there was a lot I disliked about it.
I fucking hated Maria because I hate know-it-all kids that are seemingly in on it whilst the adults are depicted as bumbling idiots. That the murder mystery is not only irrelevant, but something Ryukishi mocks readers for caring about is a huge turnoff. Some of the characters that you say are great are fucking stupid or aren't even real; others are over-the-top to further insult certain readers (Erika). It makes it hard for me to care. I will say that a highlight of Umineko was Rosa slapping Maria but the themes surrounding their relationship in chapter 3 sounds interesting and it would be interesting to properly read about it, even though it's seemingly written in such a hamfisted manner.
Cicoonia is also a good thing
okay but do i need to play the first one before i get into this one? asking for a friend
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neko = negro
the first one is better so you should, the translation is annoying as fuck at points so beware
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that's fucking vile but the part about 3d gear got me hard
For someone who has only read two chapters, you have some very strong opinions on characters, events, and themes you haven't even seen yet. Who says these second-hand interpretations are correct? I certainly don't believe so.
I am obviously not familiar with the nuances a bunch of characters but I am aware of actions (or lack thereof) they take that are central to forming my thoughts on said characters. I said I wanted to revisit Umineko for a fuller picture of the events and themes but that does not mean I don't have the full picture of Umineko. I don't think I care for more of the witches shenanigans, as an example.
Just use the delocalizarion patch on vndb
For a minor improvement
I also agree with this anon.
>but I have not stated my dislikes of Higurashi beyond "the story
You dropped it after the reveal, so it's pretty easy to infer why you ended up disliking it. I don't think that the dislikes are too relevant though; you should read it for the good stuff.
Yes, she sucks. She sucks a lot. Only character in a huge cast that I don't like. She gets redeemed a bit later on, but it doesn't change the fact that she's incredibly grating.
>or not real
If your gripe is "anything outside of the real events is irrelevant + magic not real", then you won't enjoy it period. The entire VN happens on gameboards or the realms above it. The VN makes it pretty clear why you should care and I mostly hear people who dropped it state this opinion.

And sure, if you can't get over the fact that Ryukishi preaches a bit more in Umineko then by all means just don't pick it up again. I assumed you'd be able to pick out the many good things from the worse parts. I personally don't mind a flawed masterpiece and think that flaws by themselves can sometimes also be interesting in some ways.
Avengers If good
Ryukishi07 is woke
hot to be honest
>it's a fun show
I have to share this planet with vermin like this one. Disgusting.
>You dropped it after the reveal
Are you referring to Higurashi or Umineko? Regardless, I dropped it based on my experiences with Higurashi, and it should be even less clear why I dropped that one. Chapter 2's ending was extremely bombastic and making it seem like magic HAD to be the answer made me certain that magic isn't real and I'm being duped. Oh, I had no idea just how unfair the mystery being built was, nor that it didn't even matter in the grand scheme of things.
>you should read it for the good stuff
Hard to do that when I'm only getting the bad. That being said, if I had not read Higurashi before Umineko, I'd 100% continue reading after chapter 2, I'd be a fool not to.
>If your gripe is "anything outside of the real events is irrelevant + magic not real", then you won't enjoy it period.
Somewhat, yes. The problem is relevant to the overarching story, which is near zero. I more so take issue with the bait-and-switch that occurs (also occurs in Higurashi); I came into it for the murder mystery and that's not what matters by the end. Instead, I'm attacked for caring about the elements that got me into Umineko to begin with, even if I understand the (obvious) elements at play with the "why" being important.
>I assumed you'd be able to pick out the many good things from the worse parts.
I could but it's a far worse experience than Higurashi, because at least there I wasn't insulted for liking the horror and suspense elements that were present before the bait-and-switch. The pacing is also far worse in Umineko to put up with on top of everything else.
I'm just looking idealistically at Umineko and considering all the potential good parts, whilst ignoring the shit I'd have to wade through to reach it.
you seem upset
Yes, disgusted.
be careful not to soil your panties
What other games let you pound traps in the bussy?
I don't think Ryukishi even knows what he is doing. Umineko exists, for me at least, in this weird space where nothing in the story matters at all. Is magic real, well apparently it is. So who cares what happens when a metaverse of nonsense exists. There's some fun character moments, but I don't understand the point of making a mystery novel and then attacking the audience for wanting to solve it. I've looked at the wiki and the individual episodes have culprits, but none of it matters nor is it what actually happened. I enjoyed it, but the more time passes and I look back on it, the less satisfied I am with it as a story. It's just a cavalcade of nonsense.
>this also teleports him to a different dimension for reasons I don't have time to go into
Tamers is writting LNs now? Is the MC blonde perchance?
Might have to hurl after being reminded that insipid shit exists. God give me strength.
i found the golden land to be completely disappointing. it just turned out to be a well manicured garden.
More like dumbasses who actually believed that was the case and went full on outrage culture
Honestly I don't understand why newfag zoomers are seething so hard about this show. Perhaps it's their inability to think critically. Because vtubers = bad they hate blindly everything related to vtubers. The show is literally fictional, yet they think vtuber is real. New gens are truly losing grasp of reality.
>Are you referring to Higurashi or Umineko?
>I'm only getting the bad
But you enjoyed episode 1 up until the novel moved to magic, right? The setting and the characters themselves, the general production quality?
I need to state that the gameboard stuff is not irrelevant nor fake. The character development above that very much is real and matters by the end. While yes, the magical scenes on the gameboard are fake, many aspects of the meta world aren't. Those interactions do very much matter and only the most heartless and loveless readers would say "yeah, but meta Beatrice arguably not real, so I don't care about the 160 hour struggle with Battler." Even more so when it's just as easy to argue that the meta world very much does exist - it's just the magic tricks that are obviously "fake".

I remember having the same doubts about the magic stuff early on, but the magic and meta stuff ended up being a non-problem to be regardless. It's intentionally kept a bit weird early on.
>I came into it for the murder mystery and that's not what matters by the end.
Yes, and no. Ryukishi wanted to do a different take on the usual mystery novels, a deconstruction. So yes, in that regard it's technically a bait-and+switch. However, the mystery elements are very much there all the way to the end and you're even given the option to make the choice of not accepting Ryukishi's preaching at the end.

I am not sure whether I agree that "bait-and-switch" is really fair. Would you say that something that deconstructs its genre like Madoka Magica is dishonest and a bait-and-switch? I think it's difficult, because spoiling that in the synopsis is also not a good option.
>I wasn't insulted
And if you can't get over this, then you simply won't like it. I wouldn't take it personally. You don't have to agree with an author on everything; I think it's perfectly valid for him to feel that way and think it's interesting to hear an author talk about those struggles.
You've only read a quarter of it, why are you making these declarative statements about chapters you haven't read?

>I'm attacked for caring about the elements that got me into Umineko to begin with
Erika is yet to appear for another sixty hours or so hours. I'm inferring from previous posts that you're referencing her here. How could you even know what she's all about?
maybe because feMC is badly written?
maybe because the novel is just chat comments?
teehee boobs and peepees teehee
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>their inability to think critically
>everyone who dislikes vtubers is a zoomer
delicious irony
>a red akasupa
Why only one? Give two per stream!
It's impossible for you to enjoy anything when you go in with foreknowledge of the events, themes, and characters with partial information and biases obtained secondhand off the internet.
>I don't think Ryukishi even knows what he is doing.
I think he does know what he is doing but is either not confident in his work, or has gotten used to using the mystery to bait people in but kept it even after finding his confidence because he got used to the structure of the When They Cry series. He uses the first half of the VN (the questions arc) to create buzz about his work in the community so people come together to figure things out but only by the second half (answers arc) does he drop the themes of the first half to focus on the story he actually wants to tell. It's all so jarring that the first half ends up contributing very little to the overall story.
>I enjoyed it, but the more time passes and I look back on it, the less satisfied I am with it as a story.
I'm somewhat similar but more conflicted because the mystery part is complete shit but the actual story part can be really endearing at times. He can also write some great characters which makes the whole experience so vexing because the mystery part that he does not have the ability to write (and he also bites off far, far too much) ends up ruining everything. Two incongruent elements that don't mash together at all also create a terrible rereading experience because the mystery becomes even less interesting on a subsequent read.
If only he focused on one thing, it'd be so much better and he'd get less flack as a writer. Can you imagine how good an expanded Higurashi covering chapters 1, 2 and 5 would be? It's already fantastic but it could be even better if fully self-contained.
Dude...it's fictional. 2D drawing. It's anime about fictional vtuber. She doesn't exist.
Hey guys, so how about that Ciconia? What's the deal with that?
It's already done but R07 won't release it until the wars in Ukraine and Palestine are over.
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>maybe because feMC is badly written?
She's funny.
>maybe because the novel is just chat comments?
It's not.
>teehee boobs and peepees teehee
What's the problem, big dawg? Not thought-provoking enough for poster from Umineko thread?
Its dead, jim
>she's funny
>...it's fictional
Damn, I'm lost for words. I apologize if I disturbed you.
(X) Doubt
Now post a sweet pool synopsis
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Actually funny and soulful and I'm surprised it's still remembered by some.
>But you enjoyed episode 1 up until the novel moved to magic, right? The setting and the characters themselves, the general production quality?
Chapter 1 was great, yes. I loved most of it. Trying to figure out what was happening and create working theories was great. I thought Rudolf and Kyrie were the culprits because of the state their bodies were discovered. I did hate Maria and that dragged the story down quite a bit.
>the gameboard stuff is not irrelevant nor fake
Did not refer to it when speaking of magic, only meant Beato's magic that she wanted Battler to accept. I hated the separate dimension stuff where they have a meta-discussion as things are playing out. It really pulls me out of the story in such an awful way. I love the idea of a battle of wits, deduction and debates but how everything was handled left me feeling worse about the whole thing, such as: Here are some rules we're following, make sure you use them to figure things out. Teehee I'm not actually adhering to the rules I've referenced. Unless you're beyond pedantic about the rules then sureeeee, he does somewhat sort of follow them but it's a stretch.
>Ryukishi wanted to do a different take on the usual mystery novels
Mission accomplished. He delivered one of the worst murder mysteries ever written.
>a deconstruction
He had no clue what he was doing so he was in a position to "deconstruct" anything.

I read enough to concretely determine that I do not like the elements at play and have enough media literacy to be aware of the direction it was going to go in. I was right. I'm largely focused on the murder mystery because I didn't get to the actual story. Why would I continue if the VN had lost me?
>How could you even know what [Erika's] all about?
Never said I did. I know enough to know how she's depicted, and that's an attack/strawman on readers who are reading for the mystery, regardless of whether they get the "love" or not.
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All these people going "nuuuuuh yasu can't be man because it make no sense!!" like a retard maid keeping multiple identities up around the people she lives with and no one noticing somehow makes any more sense. It's all author fiat in the end anyway
Erika's also more than what I said, absolutely but that does mean I cannot know the role the character serves in the story if I have not read the story. It's silly to suggest otherwise. I obviously wouldn't be the person you could have a deep dive about the characters with but I've read enough about her to understand what she's about. If we were talking about some of the latter character from the likes of chapter 7 and 8, I'd know very little about them, outside of them existing in those chapters. Have have no fuctional knowledge about the tulpas, none.

I went into both Higurashi and Umineko blind. I'd argue that it would have been better if I had SOME knowledge about them to know about the whiplash from the change of themes going from questions to answers. The only think I know about this series is that... Rika is putting on a fascade, and that she eventually reveals that she's not who she seems to be. That was actually such a fun thing to be "spoiled" on because I was constantly on guard and aware of Rika because I thought she'd be the antagonist by around episode 4 that it never happened. It also let other characters slip under the radar.
>the biggest detractors of Ryukishi are the Japanese themselves
What do they say?
I don't know, man. You seem to be putting down a close to 200 hour long story based on summaries you read and simply because you were expecting something else. Being disappointed by the latter is fine, but I don't think it's fair to put down an entire work simply for it not being what you expected it to be. I wouldn't call Madoka Magica a failure for not being a cute magical girl show I could watch over breakfast. The creators had something else in mind and I'll judge its merits based on that.

No offense, but I'm curious. Are you that guy that often makes really long threads complaining about a lack of discussion on /v/? I notice that he also criticizes games simply for not being what he was expecting/hoping for, which I personally think is a very weak argument.
>the only adult who did nothing wrong
excuse me, what about gohda
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It's fine. You're not the lost case. Some anons from /v/ were broken by fucking colors.
Here's a Reddit link that goes into some details but it's largely because Ryukishi was attacking his readers for not "getting" the story, a story that he writes on the fly, and at one point had to entirely re-write a chapter because he is such a hack.
>But I've read enough about her to understand what she's about.
That's my point of contention. You don't. I fundamentally disagree with "your" interpretation of her; I don't believe that the interpretation even comes remotely close, but how could I discuss it when you haven't actually read the story or even encountered the character. You've heard a TVtropes summary of it through a can on a string while lipreading through binoculars. Where even to begin?
Anon, are you okay?
>one guy
Nah, but japs are retards and Ryukishi was right.
R07 made a story about things that very commonly happen in real life then delayed the game because those things happened in real life.
That's the spirit. Hang in there.
I don't know, man. You seem to be putting down my argument focusing on a specific element of the story by bringing up the entire VN, entrely discounting my experience with Higurashi and my general preference for what and how I like to read things. Ultimately I went into Umineko for the murder mystery but by the end of Chapter 2 I could see the writing on the wall that something was wayyyyy off and referred to Higurashi as to why things stink. I didn;t like the turns Higurashi took, and the answers it gave for its mysteries so I stopped reading. Sure, I was proven right but it was not a guarantee.
>Madoka Magica
I recall it somewhat vaguely but at least the setup was actually relevant to the payoff later in the story, unlike Umineko.
It's fine if you want to entirely dismiss what I say wholecloth because "it's not what I expected". Just consider that I didn;t even get to the themes about the "why" and "love" to even become "loveless".
>Are you that guy that often makes really long threads complaining about a lack of discussion on /v/?
No, I'm usually the person the goes into detail about everything wrong with the murder mystery elements. As you see, that's my sticking point with why I think Umineko sucks. The rest might be good but I can't get over this massove hurdle.
>I personally think is a very weak argument.
I guess you consider my arguments weak? I guess it's easy to ignore my posts and just say:
>Didn't read the entire VN
>Complains about it
>>Didn't read the entire VN
>>Complains about it
It's a fair point innit?
Unironically kino
No. If someone can tell a thing is a pile of shit from a mile away, they shouldn't be expected to come running over and dive into it before they decide it's a pile of shit. You can keep coping about how it's actually good and non-shitdivers just don't understand but it doesn't make you any less of a pig wallowing in shit.
>implying some of your longtime readers are retarded despite being a shit writer
he does sounds like a hack but that's kinda based
I don't see how I'm ignoring your argument. You were expecting mystery, but didn't get that and dropped it. I think that this part is fine and understandable. It's even fine to call it a bait-and-switch if you really wanted to. But instead of chalking it up to you just not being its intended target audience (which is also fine), you argue that the entire work is flawed simply because of that difference in intent. That's the part I don't get. You're putting down 140 hours of story and character development where the author was trying to accomplish X because it didn't adhere to your expected Y. You are not putting down X because it doesn't do X1 and X2 right.
>I guess you consider my arguments weak
Yes, truly. I think "I was hoping for Y" is some of the weakest criticism possible and that it does not hint at you being media literate. It is not criticism of the work or the author itself.
Why would you pretend to be seriously considering reading it and to be fair, while in reality you had already decided that it's a pile of shit? That's such a waste of both our time.
>trust me it becomes better after <arbitrary amount of chapters>
Six chapters to be exact.
The only thing you can reasonably claim is that you've understood that it's an unorthodox mystery deconstruction and that you're not up for that because you're looking for something else, and that's perfectly fine, but anything that you claim which pertains to actual events, characters, or themes beyond EP2 can be dismissed out of hand because you haven't remotely read the entire story, but you keep doing it with a baffling sense of certainty, even though we've fully read it and know that you're talking shit.
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you will play her game, right?
>this level of autistic passion about a book he's never even read
Yep, it's/v/.
Wait, how could I ignore this:
>You seem to be putting down a close to 200 hour long story based on summaries you read
>based on summaries you read
>summaries you read
What? I guess this is the angle as to how you'll attempt to dismiss my points and arguments. My posts revolve entirely around the murder mystery and how it was handled. When I do touch upon latter chapters it's to say that the questions arc didn't amount to much and that the writer actively mocks and ridicules readers that want explict answers to the murder mysteries. It's also a fact that because of this, characters do not get closure to their story arcs, which is disappointing even for those that forgot about the murder mysteries long ago and are focused on the story of love.

Ostensibly yes, it would be.The issue is that I'm not talking about elements or themes I did not experience. I'm talking about the murder mystery, which to be fair doesn't matter too much to the overall story but I can;t move past it. Feel free to ignore me or disregard my post.

Takes balls (or lack of brains) to alienate your dedicated readers.

I'm not that anon your replying to, btw.
>you argue that the entire work is flawed simply because of that difference in intent.
That's not what I'm arguing at all though. I consider both Umineko and Higurashi flawed for the exact same reason, and that's due to the stucture of the VN. There are two incongruous elements that do not connect form one to the other. I think that his stories are so flawed that it'd be a better product if both parts became their own, unique stories, rather than one mess of a story. All subjective but it's weird to say that my subjective opinion is weak because I haven't fully read it when I read Higurashi, something with an identical structure to Umineko.
thanks man now I never have to read this dogshit series. I wish people were this upfront about umineko being trash.
That anon wasn't me. By all means discount what I'm saying but if you're going to reply why not add something of substance? Why not point out where I am or was full of shit with what I've said, rather than just state your ability to do so?
>because you're looking for something else
Yeah, your right, I was sold a deconstruction of the golden age greats but I was given a pile of shit instead. Of course it was not what I was looking for. Also, based off what you're saying, it's impossible for me to read up on the events that occurred, especially the solutions to the murders. You must have gotten different answers than me because you read the entire thing, right?
I think the way you phrased it is better than I did. I did enjoy Umineko and Higurashi a lot, but more so due to the characters and drama going on. It's more so the mystery surrounding it that ends up being a bit of a let down. More so in Umineko for me since it really tries to pay homage to the genre. I also read Umineko before Higurashi so maybe that changed my perspective going into it.
I'm not trying to dismiss your arguments. I completely get why you dropped it. It is true that Umineko can be disappointing when you go into it as a die-hard mystery fan looking for a good murder mystery. It is a very flawed novel too. But it not being clear about that in its synopsis doesn't necessarily subtract from what it actually was trying to do.
>I think that his stories are so flawed that it'd be a better product if both parts became their own, unique stories, rather than one mess of a story.
I get your argument, but this is also due to you not having read it. Umineko much better overlaps all these elements than Higurashi ever did, but it does so in a matter that is not easily conveyed in a small summary and which isn't yet clear by the end of episode 2. You may think that there are two layers that get equal exposition, but that's not really the case. Umineko plays out in the meta world right from episode 1. Umineko very much is about that meta world and if you were to separate them, then you'd only have one episode's worth of (on its own not particularly interesting) real world content.
Chapter 1-4 was genuinely great but man what the fuck happened after that? I dropped Umineko during chapter 6 because the quality dipped so much, something about the overall quality took a big dive.
>Chapter 1-4 was genuinely great but man what the fuck happened after that?
Another mysteryfag got filtered.
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Only if she says in a cutscene that gou/sotsu are not canon.
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reminder if you want to have muramasa run on native 16:9/21:9 retaining the pure resolution without stretching and blurring it to use a pirated version of lossless scaler or if you already own it on steam. Use integer and the right settings and boom. You can also use anime4k and it makes the game run natively without the pixels by analysing the games CG and changes the old school way it scans it with the pixels. Anime4k is misattributed as like an Ai denoiser which it does do when you use it on an engine its not made for but when you use it on actual VNs it literally gives you the clean CGs in the files better than any official engine can give you. My experience of Murakino skyrocketed when I did this and it literally looks like diamonds on 21:9 Ultrawide UHD
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Kill Yourself v-whore simp
That's all fair.
>Umineko much better overlaps all these elements than Higurashi ever did
I will admit that the meta world does a good job at connecting things. It was especially useful for actually giving us some information/context as to why we went from Chapter 1 to Chapter 2 the way we did, that is EXTREMELY useful given that Higurashi does this with no explanation for 6 chapters before explaining things, which ruined quite a lot of my Higurashi experience because I was over thinking what was happening that I couldn't make sense of Chapter 3, thinking we looped back to Chapter 1 at some point. As such, the explanation is fantastic to have, even if I don't like the meta world and how it was incorporated into the story.
Where I'd say the execution of the murder mystery chapters was bad, the meta world nonsense is more of a personal dislike, akin to Maria.
>this is also due to you not having read it
It's really that easy to squash any point made. It's a fact that the tone of the story switches from murder mystery to melodrama in the second half. The made up scenario... actually why bother? I haven't read it so I can't possibly understand what occurred so I'll get hand-waved away again.
On steam? The game was blacklisted from Steam. Anyway thank you for your post, I do want to check out Muramasa.
I honestly cared more about the characters but al the fucking meta shit took so much importance that I tuned out emotionally.
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This thread is so hilariously shit.
>eggman’s design is so iconic you can tell from just colors splashed around
Why don’t they make charzcters like they used too?
just like its vn.
How'd you find the pacing of the VN?
I was referring to lossless scaler but yeah it was blacklisted from Steam. I hope it does get unbanned like what happened with Chaos Child and JAST has been on a hell of a streak porting game after game onto steam a lot of them are just hentai with the NSFW plot cut for patches similar to how my life as a cult leader bypassed ban. Though desu the content of that game if it was a WEG would be allowed on steam. Muramasa getting steam profile points stuff like emotes and animated profiles would be so based since I never use the points i have since there's never anything good to use them on
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I'm not a good judge for that since once I get interested in a story I rarely feel bad pacing but chapters 5 and 6 genuinely filtered me. Felt like the soul of the story got crippled.

I'd say Umineko's overall pacing is pretty bad. Battler retardation dragged things down a bit too much during the meta discussions but 1-4 remained a fantastic ride.
>It's really that easy to squash any point made.
You're acting as if I'm shooting down all your criticism with that. I accept the things you dislike about the mystery in parts you haven't read. However, in this case it simply is true. Umineko is a story set after a tragedy, a story about trying to figure out why it had to happen. It's a battle in the meta world right from the very first episode. Episode 1 is a gameboard. What -really- happened is rather benign in the end and not worth its own novel; nobody that read it would suggest splitting those things up, since it's just not possible.
ooo I didn't realize lossless scaler was on Steam, sorry. Thanks for clarifying. It should be allowed on Steam, I think that was when the person checking games was one of those fags who was on an anti-anime crusade. Hopefully they are gone.
What did you think of Battler's transformation from Chapter 4 to 5? He went from impotent to capable. Did you find it adequately explained to make it believable?
Battler -not- becoming competent sooner is my biggest problem with 1-4 so yeah, I find it believable.
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I know what I'm thinking
i dont understand this thread, did something happem revently or are autist shitposting about two old vns
>Umineko is a story set after a tragedy, a story about trying to figure out why it had to happen.
See, this is what I wanted to experience when I said I wanted to revisit Umineko. Read about the broken people who went through that and how they try to live their lives after the fact, with that massive event behind them but are unable to because people want answers. How can they not have answers or a complete picture of the events that occurred on that island, especially when they have survivors of said event? The callous nature and disregard of why things happened and the feelings and emotions the survivors must endure, all for merely their curiosity. I'd love that story, I'm sure Ryukishi could write compelling characters but I still have to endure the remnants of the mystery sequences such as the meta world and the tulpas (to some extent). Ryukishi ends up juggling too many elements and not all of them stick the landing, driving me away from an otherwise interesting story. Shame really.
So this is what it's like in those generals huh.
Did it feel natural how he shifted from one to the other, though?
Jesus Christ
Umineko from top to bottom is just about writing mystery novels. It's not a subtheme or just the latter half, near 80% of all scenes, especially even the slice of life sections contribute to this.
Re-read episode 2 with this understanding and it's pretty obvious how Ryukishi makes everything a metaphor about writing mystery stories.

I think that is also why I've grown to like it more and more overtime, it has a focus on themes more than anything else.

Granted yeahI kinda hated epsidoe 8 since it was just not needed since Ange's plot is kind of narrow
>that india flag at the end
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>Trannies are good if the scenario is funny
It's honestly felt too long for me to remember how I felt about that, I'll have to say no. I dropped things in chapter 6 because I grew to genuinely hate the bloated mess of a cast in the meta-narrative hogging so much fucking screentime. Also, Erika felt like far too much of a self-insert fanfiction who completely the games pacing and atmosphere.
what's it like having pronouns?
Did you start to sour on it during Chapter 5 or Chapter 6? What needed to change to keep you reading?

We all have pronouns, though. Some just make it a core part of their identity for some reason.
Your loss. Episode 7 and the ending are pure kino.
>Did you start to sour on it during Chapter 5 or Chapter 6?
5. Erika's introduction on the board game as a genuine piece immediately soured me. It's been a while, but I also felt like the author was taking the piss far too much.
>What needed to change to keep you reading?
Ryu needed to handle the meta-narrative much, much better. It took so much importance and the cast grew so massive that I completely tuned out and stopped giving a shit about the Rokkenjima family which is what interested me in the first place.
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Got an erection looking at the image. Fuck.
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What if being alone is exactly what I want?
Checkmate witch, magic doesn't exist
Was it Erika as a character or was it that it's another character added to the already bloated meta-narrative, which meant more focus was shifted from the Rokkenjima family?
>Erika felt like far too much of a self-insert fanfiction
Did you not like Erika as a character? Does she not make for an interesting contrast to the likes of Battler?
your game is infested with vtumors lil bro
I really do think that there's a lot there for you to enjoy (and of course hate). If you're able to go into it with a different mindset that would be nice. Treat it like a character drama set in that meta world, where every episode gives you a self-contained made up mystery that will reveal a little about what really happened and why (rather than a mystery that gets interrupted by magic and meta shenanigans). You could maybe spoil yourself on the rules of Knox so that you know how to interpret the "magic" and for stuff to make more sense.
>remnants of the mystery sequences such as the meta world
Practically everything happens in that meta world, game boards included. That also includes most of the character drama that you want to read. I really don't think you'd hate the idea of it by the end, since it's not truly some extra layer nor "fake". Remember that they're having these battles because Beato wants Battler to not only remember, but also to understand.

If that's not something you feel like you could do and if you really think it'd constantly make your eyes roll, then it's also just fine to not pick it up again.
She looks like a grown up Konata
She is a womaaaaaan!
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>Was it Erika as a character or was it that it's another character added to the already bloated meta-narrative, which meant more focus was shifted from the Rokkenjima family?
>Did you not like Erika as a character? Does she not make for an interesting contrast to the likes of Battler?
She felt like a superfluous addition, while I did like her character and general shenanigans, her arrival was where I understood the meta-narrative (and characters) would supplant the Ushiromiya family. So I kept reading without paying attention.
exactly. Meet an arbitrary level of involvement or else you're not allowed to criticise the sacred cow. Most likely that threshold will never be met and if it is met it'll be moved further ahead for arbitrary reasons, and even if you did reach it, well, you've just waded through a sea of shit to prove to some retard that shit is shit.
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No hes not you homolust cocksucker!
She is one sucking cock, not me.
its still gay.
thank you for the summary, what a ride
i kind of want to read it now
As I said, I'll probably read it if/when I get bored. I'll just (try to) treat it as a relaxing time listening to some music.
>You could maybe spoil yourself on the rules of Knox
You underestimate my knowledge. The rules of Knox was a big reason why I felt that the solutions to the mysteries did not land.
>meta world...fake
I didn't hate the "fake"ness of the meta world, I disliked how the game pieces, such as Battler gets teleported to the meta world to discuss current events, rather than letting the events play out. This is where the misdirection, sophistry, and pedantry occurs.
>If that's not something you feel like you could do and if you really think it'd constantly make your eyes roll, then it's also just fine to not pick it up again.
Realistically, I more than likely won'ty be able to stomach it. I'll be constantly thinking and comparing it to Sekimeiya, and even Remember 11.
There's no way I'm making it past those cheeks...
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muramasa is shit so hopefully will stay banned
Even a 4.5 incher would make it past if you spread 'em
Is a sign of high test
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does hinamizawa even have a pool?
I'm a heterosexual male who would fuck a trap.
Not a queer.
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Not sure if this is a reliable metric with a percentage gap that wide.
there the pool back in town. but i guess the river would do.
seething /jp/sies still can't accept their board was killed for good by vtubers. Whenever I see the word vtumor I know exactly where you are from
Honestly it's not really gay unless you emotionally love them as well, you can just have a physical relationship and still be straight.
The entire field of DV statistics is fucked coming and going by things like the Duluth model anyway.
I don't remember this scene from The Lighthouse
/qa/ lost
this is where I lost interest in mememasa
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this 24 to 90% figure is actually the rate of "psychological abuse" found in 5 separate studies not in one. now
>2010 National Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Survey found that 44% of lesbian women, 61% of bisexual women, 26% of gay men, and 37% of bisexual men experience domestic violence by an intimate partner at some point in their lives.
so if youre a lesbian, you're either doing the abusing or being abused
bumps are older that you, spermjak, and /qa/
Was it THAT poorly received in Japan?
yes the fans don't like being shit on by the incompetent writer. the goats thing was the biggest cope i've ever seen by a writer.
delicious beato cellulite.
anon, that's just gender dysphoria, if anything the fact you consider it anti-tranny speaks loudly about how the murican left sees lgbt people as political accesories, made only for specific propuses... furniture, even.
kino, i will read your trapge
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So, tranime is fucking real now???
do you live under a rock? trans people have been staples of Japanese fiction for a long time

pic related isn't even that old of an example
Wait, Fata Morgana has trannies?
Troons trying to colonize intersex people.
they were thinking that their fans were going to continue to outwardly present as male instead of female. they were wrong.
Is he a SEA? Cause the other one is.
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Why is she pooping from her vagina? Why does her poop have hair?

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