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Journotrannies are all saying they've been briefed on a Switch 2 reveal happening this month, now we know why. Hosiden is manufacturing millions of them and Nintendo wants to avoid the big reveal coming from a manufacturing contract or even a factory floor leak. They definitely would rather wait until after Christmas to avoid hurting Switch 1 sales, but these circumstances are twisting their arm.
Are you unwell?
Yes, I am schizophrenic and wear a tuxedo everywhere I go.
>"fuck ecelebs"
>makes a thread based on eceleb gossip and dude trust me bro rumours
Today, the Original Poster was a faggot.
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>In my opinion, Switch is Nintendo's greatest system ever and it isn't even close!
there's like 5 games
Chasing photo realism only results in $300m slopflops like Concord that take eight years to come out so I'm fine with worse graphics if it means we get new games every month
Enjoy your twelve year development cycles, snoy.
Do you recall the bear?
Concord flopped hard
5 more than every consoles since the SNES
As opposed to PS5's 1 game and Xbox's 0 games?
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Imagine if the reveal trailer ends with GTA6
Tendies really are delusional, huh?
Switch 2 is gonna be another handheld.
It'll be underpowered before it ever even releases.
can they please just skip it and give us Switch 3 already
>ps2 is the best selling console of all time
>ps2 has the most games of any sony console ever
gaming peaked with ps2 graphics, anything more is just fluff that makes companies like sony to not being able to make as much games, se the jump from ps2 to ps3.

affordable development for games is what makes consoles like the ps12 and switch succesful and consoles like the ps5 to fail.

>b-but le pc is succesful
not an argument, PC is niche
>Switch 2 is gonna be another handheld.
>It'll be underpowered before it ever even releases.
and? It will still likely outsell the living shit out of PS5 and Xbox S/X
Bobby Kotick said PS4 Pro level. Upscaled 480p 30 fps GTA 6 wouldn't be crazy
But if they announce it now how is it gonna beat PS2 numbers???
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I'm specifically replying to someone wanting to play GTA 6 on it, and you can see they've already decided they'd be okay playing it at 480p/30FPS as long as daddy Nintendo gets a cut: >>687758464
That would still put it ahead of recent competition and most of Nintendo's history.
>we know sony has marketing rights for GTAV
>Taking someone on /v/ serious
this seem like your fault anon
>It'll be underpowered before it ever even releases.
For GTA6, yes. "Underpowered is a relative claim though. The Switch wasn't underpowered.
Long tail.
Cut the Switch Lite down to $120 and the base Switch down to $220. Push remaining chips hard in Mexico, South America, India, and China. Millions and millions of 3DS units sold after 2017.
We're also ignoring the aggravating reality that there will continue to be Switch games.
Upscaled 480p with DLSS can look fine.
I wouldn't buy it because I don't play ethnic games but it would sell well.
Since it has dedicated space on the chip they could even bump it lower if they wanted
DLSS is how Nintendo will be doing third party games this gen
Oh the plastic table "reveal" so exciting so interesting.
Come on people
current switch graphics arent that bad, we just need more resolution, higher FPS (at least 60 on all games), slightly better textures and that's it. Raytracing, nanite, extremely high poly photorealistic models etc is unnecesary.
Sorry chud but that was already achieved with the Switch 1.

It's PS4/PS4Pro level

A reminder to you that the PS4 is almost 10 years old
Graphics didn't need to progress past the PS3 level anyways. PS2 would've been a good stopping point too, honestly.
Everything after that was/is increasingly costly retardation.
you boughted a PS Cinco?
lots of juegos, si?
Upscaled 480p looks like ass, but that's beside the point. The Switch 2 won't be able to hold a consistent 30 FPS in GTA VI at any resolution.
What are you basing your claims on?
Hmm, it could be that they are getting ready for an announcement. If that was the case though, then the Console would be coming out in holiday of next year, instead of the March 2026 launch that people speculated.
What? Nobody speculated March 2026. Common guess is March 2025. Nobody does 18 months marketing cycles anymore. Even Switch was just 5 months from announcement to release
Reality. If you played RDR2 at launch on the PS4 or Xbone then you'd know Rockstar target 30 FPS for those consoles which they'll be doing once again for the SeX and the PS5.
There is not enough juice to squeeze no matter how much upscaling technowizardry you try to draw out of the Switch's successor.
They'll likely be internally rendering the games at lower resolutions on the SeX/PS5 as well just to keep a stable framerate.
>muh gwafigs muh resolution muh fps
niggers, i only want dogshittendo to not abandon their games like they did with acnh, and how they shat out splatoon 3 for no reason despite splatoon 2 being fine the way it was, and also how they never released any dlc for mario odyssey and kirby forgotten land despite both being very short
imagine caring about anything else instead of wishing for games to have more longevity and post-launch support
>Why are you guys talking about the capabilities of hardware in a thread about hardware?
Absolute fucking retard.
If it runs at 900p30 on Series S, then Switch 2 won't have trouble running it as well
It will not run at 900p30 on Series S, and even if it did the Switch could not get comparable framerates even if they halved that resolution.
Maybe they'll make a cloud version, though.
Get out of here, child
Ok, we'll see
We probably won't see because GTA VI simply isn't gonna release on it.
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I just want an OLED 120hz (indies will run great) screen, and enough power that a game like Visions of Mana will run at locked 60fps on it.

That's it. Is this too much to ask?
Nintendo is primed to slaughter Playstation with Switch 2 (XBOX is already dead)
Yamauchi fucking won.
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I'm still a little skeptical that we'll see anything this year. I'm expecting something right after the holiday season.
>higher FPS
That depends on the software and how it uses the hardware. There isn't a magical threshold where all games run at 60fps. It's a target that can be reached or sacrificed dependent on other things.
120Hz screen just for indies would be an expensive part
hot take: the switch 2 should be 100% portable. enough of this hybrid crap
Every phone comes with one now
it pretty much is entirely portable, the TV link is more of a feature
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Goblino mode
I don't care that much about hardware capability. I just hope it has better controls than the base Switch did. I hate playing the Switch in handheld mode because of the joycons, which made its entire design irrelevant to me despite being someone that enjoys handhelds.
they would be retarded to announce Switch 2 before Christmas when it's not even going to be released until next year, so I'm incredibly doubtful
then you wait for the switch 2 lite
the leaked specs indicate the opposite with there being more of a gulf between docked and portable performance this time around, even down to the dock having an active cooling solution this time around (i.e. a fan and heatsink)
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>including SNES
FTFY, SMW is the only actual game on that system people care about.
You're insane if you believe this.
the Wii U was a complete and utter failure that Nintendo wanted everyone to forget about ASAP, whereas the Switch is still shifting good numbers of units and it would be foolish of them to not get one last surge of Christmas/holiday period sales in before unveiling and launching its successor
They kinda have to.
They don't want people's first glimpse of a new $400 device to be a blurry picture from an assembly line
Ah a faggot seething and sweating in pain, with just rumors. The reveal will rape you beyond comprehension.
How much do phones cost, retard?
Imagine how buck broken this board will be when the reveal trailer shows Elden Ring
Why do tendies project so much?
200€ phones have 120hz screens
Monster Hunter Wilds and Kid Icarus Uprising 2, calling it now.
sorry I don't read Brazilian
Wilds is an unstable 30FPS on PS5 and you expect it to run on Switch 2 which is slightly weaker than a base PS4?
name 10 wii exclusive games that arent shovel ware
>This is what zoomers ACTUALLY believe
But that's exactly what the did for the first Switch.
Switch 2, even on handheld mode, will be stronger than the PS4.
Plenty of people were sure that Nintendo wasn't announcing shit this year. They were taking the announcement by the end of the fiscal year to heart and speculated that we would get the Codename in March 2025, then at October, they would actually unveil the console proper. Like what happened with the Switch, where the codename NX was told to us March 2015 before the October 2016 trailer for the console. I'm expecting something similar to happen. The codename will be told to us soon. Then next year, the console will get unveiled. Depending on how early into the year it is, will determine if it launches that year or next year. If they show it off in Jan or Feb, it will be a Nov release. If it is revealed in Oct, it is a March 2027 release.
>chris dring
The same retard who claimed his leakers said that mario wonder was being developed by some sort of mythical "c team" that doesn't even exist and would get crushed by spiderman 2?
I mean, 2026. Doubt it will be a 2027 release, Nintendo doesn't really have any games in the pipeline left for Switch at this point.
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devs can make good games with bad graphics, succdessful indies etc

they dont because they suck

all devs suck, immigration murdered civilization
even when the game is good there arnt enough whites to buy the game and chinese just steal everything anyway

it's OVER
I hope Hosiden fix the fucking sticks this time
Am I the only one who doesn't give a fuck about multiplats on the Switch 2? The Switch 1 clearly didn't need them to succeed and I can play them better on PC anyway.
that would kill the battery life, so yes
yes anon in a world with more than 6 billion people you're the only one :^)
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The fact that white don't even get to at least enjoy good media before they die off is just so perfect. If only you guys not got trump elected we could of at least enjoyed a couple of great games/movies.
Place your bets on if this will be just a re-release of the switch but be called Pro-Switch or something.
This time instead of a new screen it'll have joycons that dont break this time.

Switch 2? No no plans for that yet.
Pro-Switch I'll be $500 + tax. Pay now for the slop sheeps
Thanks you have now successfully killed all discussion in the topic with your funny joke.
not my problem
I for one am waiting for the Steam Deck 2.
>The Switch wasn't underpowered.
I audibly laughed
If a New Switch releases it'll be 400$ max with probably a price drop on the base switch. Going over 400$ just seems stupid when the competition is 500.
You're confusing the PS5 with the Switch
Wake me up when it actually happens
No backwards compatibility no buy
I could excuse the Switch having none with the Wii U since it used different architectures and media drives and one of them is also a portable but the Switch 2 has no excuse
back in my day when you had game engines essentially baked into your console hardware (like GBA's various tile & sprite modes) reaching 60FPS was just a matter of keeping the buffers fed and the biggest bottleneck was the CPU. Today you're right, game engine optimization is the bottleneck and bringing games that are too much for the switch 2 will play in 30fps or less. I suggest having enough spare performance to help reach 60 most of the time, or at least on first party nintendo games... Or maybe the latest NVIDIA DLSS Frame Generation technology can help 30FPS games reach 60 through interpolation
Was the GBA underpowered?
Holy fuck, Commander Gore is that you?
That's a tricky one. On one hand if you have backwards compatiblity you risk people thinking of the Switch 2 as a Switch Pro, which would hurt total sales, both for hardware and software (really who's going to buy a new Mario Kart if it doesn't have something truly unique when 8 deluxe is already good enough?). I'd vote for no backwards compatiblity, but then the Switch 2 will be a port console and devs will just make games for the switch 1 and a slightly remastered version for Switch 2... It's already known that the Switch 2 won't be that much powerful than the 1 so there's no reason why devs should make switch 2 exclusive games. No backwards compatibility + great launch lineup of exclusive switch 2 games would be the best bet (Elden Ring, Wukong, GTA VI and Halo Infinite)
It's not just "optimization" in a holistic sense, though. It's priority. Mario Odyssey runs smoothly because that was a big priority. It was not a priority for Breath of the Wild, where sheer scale and complexity (along with a certain level of graphic detail) were more important.

Some console games these days let you choose the tradeoffs (like the new God of War's performance mode) just like PC game settings do, but the floors and ceilings are still imposed by developers and the games they decide to make.
That's something I like about the Series S, I think it's got enough performance for 60FPS games and it's not overly expensive, it forces developers to optimize and parameterize their engines instead of relying on the available hardware. If the switch can hit Series S levels of performance then we're set for the next 3 years or so
>On one hand if you have backwards compatiblity you risk people thinking of the Switch 2 as a Switch Pro
Then don't make a big deal of it in marketing, just a quick line about backwards compatibility then focus on everything new. That's pretty much how they've always handled it for their handheld lines.
It was the most potent handheld available in 2017. If you compare to the PS4/xb1 and subsequently the PS5/XSX then yeah it's underpowered.

But that's like saying that a 7800X3D + RTX 4090 is under powered because super computers clusters exist.

You can only really compare apples to apples to still have any meaning in the comparison
>That's pretty much how they've always handled it for their handheld lines
But handhelds have made great jumps in technology (except for the GameBoy Color) with every iteration. The least dramatic change was between DS and 3DS and that thing had initially flopped. I'm afraid the Switch 2 won't even be as big of an upgrade as that was, and the risk is much bigger. Marketing will be very important as you mention
It's a relative question, not an absolute one. A $150 mini PC isn't underpowered if you're just going to use it for movies and an office suite. A Retroid Pocket 2 is underpowered if you want to play Gamecube games, but more than delivers for Super Nintendo. The Game Gear was great and has a pretty good library, but it's arguably overpowered for what people wanted at the time given the price and the ridiculous power draw.

The Switch was underpowered if your standard was multiplat support contemporary to the PS4 and beyond. But why would that be the standard? The Gamecube days are over. The Switch is not a Super Gamecube. The Switch 2 won't be either.
no it won't lmao
I can't wait for these retards to get BTFO again.
The Wii and Wii U were underpowered, the Switch was fine.
If it's as powerful as a PS4, we would goo from 2005 graphics to 2016 graphics, that's kinda cool for a handheld.
Imagine. Instead of having games that look like MGS V. We could get games that look like Starfield.
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Backwards compatibility for Switch 2 according to NatetheHate
Good morning sir
It's much more powerful.
>We don't know clocks, but it should be around 3TF docked.
>A78C, a good modern CPU compared to PS4's abysmal even by 2013 standards Jaguar that killed AMD's dreams of making mobile CPUs
>2.1 GB/s SSD compared to a 100MB/s HDD in PS4
>12 GB of RAM compared to 8 GB in PS4
>Ampere architecture compared to ancient GCN in PS4
>Dedicated decompression hardware vs. having to do it on the puny CPU in PS4
>DLSS, VRR, VRS, mesh shaders, etc. all the modern bells and whistles while PS4 is so old it didn't even support half precission calculations
Man the launch Mario game is gonna look fucking insane.
Good to have more confirmation, but that was basically a given after Nintendo talked about carrying the NSO account and the purchases forward to the next console
I wish games on consoles automatically took advantage of the stronger hardware. Picking a Switch game that ran at 720p 30fps and being able to play it at 1080p 60fps would be cool.
The current generation of consoles does do that.
Switch 2 will sell over 200 million copies.
Yeah, Mario Odyssey looked amazing, the new game will be on another level
>make safe prediction
>gloat in unwarranted praise if you guessed it right
>just claim the information wasn't reliable, incomplete, or just claim that plans changed if you got it wrong before trying to bury that you ever made the guess int he first place
ok zoomer
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why the fuck would nintendo
>have millions already manufactured
>announcing this month
and then wait until AFTER Christmas?
Not with every game, but yeah
If a game is 1080p locked 30fps on PS4 it's not going to play at 60fps without devs patching it.
Is that why Xenboblade 2 and 3 look worse than X? Is that why it couldn't run Genshin unlike phones?
>The Switch 2 won't be either.
Nintendo can't afford to compete with the GS5 and ChadBox Series X, they know it's a money pit to try and pander to hyper realistic graphics and 8 year development cycles. Thurd parties need to go back to indie development foundations. Remember EA Sports BIG? those games were arcadey, not super realistic and made with shoestring budgets yet they were some of the biggest success stories of the 6th generation. Heck fucking Guitar Hero was made with very little budget and became the most popular game franchise overnight.

Games are Games. They need to be fun to play, that's all.
GTA VI can and will run on Switch 2. RockstarGames aren't like the Japanese devs who refuse to make concessions to make a port happen. GTA VI will be on Switch 2 by 2027 even if it has to look like GTA V. That game cost way too much to just rely on PlayStation 5 and Take-Two is well aware of that.
It's gonna suck waiting months for the proper presentation after the first reveal. It's almost over but Christ it's been such a long road.
The Switch can run Genshin it's just that China's programmers are complete shit
>have millions already manufactured
They don't. Chinks would have stolen and put them online.
Pic in OP presumably talks about purchasing equipment for mass production
Even bigger budget Switch games are more expensive to produce than the games of old, which is probably why Nintendo consolidating their console divisions didn't bear the fruit some people predicted.
>Is that why Xenboblade 2 and 3 look worse than X?
No they do not. Both are vastly superior to X.
>Is that why it couldn't run Genshin unlike phones?
You can hack your Switch and play Genshin through Android emulator
It amazes me people think GTA VI will come to the Switch 2
Like it's not even coming to PS4, which S2 is supposedly weaker than
And GTAV didn't even come to Switch 1
>muh storage for GTAO needed
Uh huh....and the cope for when V and VI aren't on S2 will be....?
Disagree, Genshin for all it's worth and I hate gachashit is very well optimized. That's one thing they did really well. They have to anyway so poorfags can play Genshin and hopefully spend it there.

The more people can play the better for them
They'll all be on PC
I don't want to be able to count the threads in Link's tunic, the hairs in Mario's mustache, and the pores on Zero Suit Samus's face
>it can run at 20fps!!
>. Both are vastly superior to X.
holy delusion
What are the supposed leak specs of Switch 2?
The consolidation of handheld and console divisions was a mistake in my opinion. They were making bank with pixel shit on handhelds and modest profits on console, now their teams are less productive overall and comparative sales are lower than before (even with the homerun success of the switch). Nintendo knows this and that's why they haven't rushed the Switch 2. If it was up to me, I wouldn't know what the fuck to do next. Do you go back to console + handheld and keep the switch as the handheld? or do you continue the current path which will eventually decay more and more until they go third party? THIS is the only chance they got to make their minds because money will run out on the next generation if they choose wrong, and normies are already being fed the idea that gaming consoles will be just an app on their Smart TVs/phone games while hardcore will move to PC
Cmon, not all journos are trannies. That's impossible.
None of them were underpowered. The only absolute level of power that matters is whether it's technically sufficient to get people to show up and play the games. The Wii was. The Switch was. The Wii U failed, but I don't think power was the problem.
>None of them were underpowered.
Laughed again
Nintendo could run for 30+ years without making a cent and still be in business.
Again, underpowered for what? Something they weren't attempting to do? Was the GBA underpowered? Use that noggin, buttercup.
You can't really do an apples to apples comparison since it's a bespoke chip but it's likely between PS4 and PS4 Pro before you consider DLSS upscaling
You are completely off on this.
Consolidating handheld and home consoles was the best decision for Nintendo. Who cares if they didn't sell DS + Wii hardware numbers when Switch alone made them more money than all previous console generations combined?
>They were making bank with pixel shit on handhelds and modest profits on console, now their teams are less productive
You mean like when both 3DS and Wii U were in the shitter because Nintendo didn't have the capacity to support both? Both were floundering because they had no games. They had to dump Wii U and go all on 3DS to salvage it.
Now imagine them trying to support a HD 3DS successor and "4K" Wii U successor at the same time. Their output would be even lower than with just Switch.
Hell, Sony also was unable to make games for both Vita and PS4, but instead of consolidating they cut handhelds out entirely.
There's no going back for Nintendo. They're the most successful they've ever been. They're building a second development center and hired 400 people last year alone to prepare to increase their output.
>The consolidation of handheld and console divisions was a mistake in my opinion
I think >>687780937 is more or less right. I don't think Nintendo had much of a choice.
>eventually decay more and more until they go third party?
two more weeks
How big is the device?
Slightly bigger
Dock supposedly has a fan now
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Here's a mockup of the joycons someone made based on the shipment info.
Oh. So close to Wii U gamepad size?
Probably. People also think the screen is 1080p and like ~7 square inches.
nta but it's supposed to be close to 8 inches
Why do you want that trash on a Nintendo platform?
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I haven’t seen snoy cope this bad since BOTW got GOTY
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>comparative sales are lower than before
What makes a man lie like this?
Oh, okay, I wasn't too sure. I think I recall a figure of 7.98 that in my head got rounded down to 7.
it would round to 8 if it's 7.98
Good, there was never any reason for games to evolve past that level. Development time had ballooned exponentially from the PS4-onwards
It’s 5 very good games
Sad. Should've stuck to GBA.
Fuck off and die corpo brainwashed zoomer.

They already exist where they belong - in the game attached to unlocks.

Shove your gamify the platform bullshit up your ass until it lacerates everything attached.
God I hope the joycons have a better shape this time.
That's not a good thing, the PS3 era looks soulless, but I mean it only got worse since then
It's gonna be really weird seeing a Nintendo console with impressive hardware for the first time in over 20 years. From what we've seen in the Nvidia hack this thing is basically the strongest a mobile console could possibly be. It will be using a 2 year old GPU like the switch did, but the difference is that it's definitely had a die shrink to a newer process because otherwise that chip cant possibly fit inside the console.

~3.5tflops plus DLSS is gonna put it in spitting distance of the PS5. Not the same level of power, but probably around the 60-70% range in practical terms.
Galaxy I thought already looked incredible, I can hardly imagine Mario games looking better than Odyssey
Its a PS4 but mobile, which if they can keep the battery fine is still pretty good.
Man when the PS4 was checkerboarding shit that realistically most people at a glance wouldn't notice to get performance, it was bad. Now everyone eats this shit up because performance gains.
With the other trash titles.
It's not a PS4 but mobile for two reasons
Firstly, you're only considering handheld mode. It will use more power in docked. The switch has almost 2x the power in docked compared to handheld and every indication is that the gap will be larger here.

Secondly, your ignorance around DLSS is showing. Upscaling the normal way and DLSS are not the same thing. How upscaling normally works is every pixel becomes 2, or 4, or 8 or however many is necessary to fill the screen. This results in an image that is blurry and lacking in detail. DLSS is creating a new image using the original as a basis. The created image has as much detail as a normal image would.
Like both the Wii U, 3DS, and Switch?
Some French paper leaked the Wii U and it's gimmick
3DS was leaked multiple times, including when it was originally going to use a Tegra chip.
That one girl who leaks stuff and Game Informer leaked the Switch's form factor and chip.
Nintendo consoles leak all the time

You.mean diagonal length? Cause 7in2 is fucking tiny.
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>announce Switch 2
>price-drop Switch 1 to $199 or $249 for holiday season
>ez money
Build up an excess stock so that people don't have to fuck around with scalpers just to get one.
Yeah drop the lite to 130 plus animal crossing and they'd sell another 6-7 million consoles. Some people are simply not paying the 470 dollars for the switch 2 plus a game.
It would be really stupid if the old Joycons are not compatible with the Switch 2 even if they aren’t attachable to the console.
I think we can safely assume the joycons and procon will both be compatible. They need a smooth transition, and that's gonna be a lot harder if peoples controllers don't work.
There's this notion among some Nintendo fans that believe nothing from Nintendo ever gets leaked, partially because they think Nintendo is comprised of living gods, partially because they're poor and don't want a new system they can't afford, but the reality is that most Nintendo consoles leak. I also forgot that the DSi was leaked before hand.
>there's this [completely made up headcanon]
The reason no one believes leaks is because everyone two bit and there grandmother spreads fake leaks for clout.
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Here's one that's better than anything on ps5
Ok, but how does that change the fact that every Nintendo console of the last 15 years has leaked beforehand?
It means that 90% leaks can't be trusted. So even if there is a real leak you'll have to sus it out from the load of fake ones.
It doesn't? Just because you make up a random narrative about Nintendo fans for some retarded reason it doesn't violate objective reality. The anon you replied to was also wrong btw.
That's why I don't believe retards on Twitter or 4chan claiming to let shit and I use reliable publications
Wasn't there a 100% accurate Smash DLC leak on 4chan or am I misremembering?
What was it like when the Wii U specs were leaked? I imagine it became a laughing stock here since it was competing with the PS4 and Xbox One, not the PS3
Switch 2 reveal will be on Tuesday 10th. Screenshot this I'll be proven right. A full-blown Super Mario 64 remake will be a launch title. It is a seamless open world game with no loading screens and substantially increased content. You won't see this in the trailer Tuesday 10th.
>second Mario 64 remake
>third time Mario 64 is a launch title
Anon forgot about 64 DS.
Real talk, will they show Metroid Prime? What could they possibly change that would be noticeable in a trailer? Even if it's 4k120fps video compression will make them seem pretty similar, even moreso if it's footage of someone playing in handheld mode. Would be cool to confirm it's crossgen but I wonder if it would be negative PR if it's not a massive leap.
>The anon you replied to was also wrong btw.
This is how I know you're both 15 years old and retarded.
I've been around here since 2010 and been following game news since 2004, I can give you webpages of the Wii U, 3DS, and Switch that had leaked.
What leaked first was the fact that it had a screen on the controller, most people thought it was gonna be a normal controller with a screen on it, as did I, it wasn't until some French paper leaked the basic shape that people got concerned.
And when the specs got leaked, there were 2 mindsets.
Those who were Nintendo fans, me, that the specs weren't that important and also focused on competing against the PS3 and 360.
Then there were those that were angry that the Wii U was weak vs the then Durango and what ever the PS4 codename was.
You have to understand that the PS3 and 360 were already outdated by 2009 and by 2011 were holding back every single game and people desperately wanted a new console. By the time the Wii U was announced, we knew the specs for the PS4 and the Xbox One, there was like a PowerPoint that got leaked for one of them.
Also, after it was released, devs started to shit on it
Both of those games definitely look worse than X
They were underpowered to get any of the relevant 3rd party games and to evolve their own series
I literally said the anon who said Nintendo didn't leak was wrong broham.
Also, I forgot to add that people original thought the Wii U would be incredibly powerful, I forgot why exactly but it had something to do with the idea that the Wii U's CPU was the same that powered the Watson AI.
90hz at most like the steam deck.
Breaking news: New Nintendo console is called the Swap. Google Swap.avi for details
Breaking news: New Nintendo console is called the Shart. Google shart.com for details
People aren't actually retarded enough to think Switch 2 is being revealed this month right?
Oh, sorry about that.
Breaking news: New Nintendo console is called the Shad. Google shad.gov for details
what you retards don't understand is that impressive hardware does not always mean more power. switch's hardware was more modern and impressive stuff in it than ps4 and xbone when it came out.
Switch 2 isn't using a SSD last I heard. Something not as fast but better than a HDD, I forgot the name tho
I have a PC, I just want a machine that can play zeldies and marios.
But PC can't play Ring Fit Adventure
Same is true here. Switch 2 uses more modern hardware than PS5 and XSX.
That's why I also have a switch. What I'm saying is that if I wanted extreme GRAFXXX I'd play on my rig.
Chris dring is famous for saying that mario wonder is made by the "mario c team" that doesn't exist
UFS is a type of SSD
His surname is fucking "Dring", what do you expect?
Blast from the past of people refusing to believe the Wii U was weaker than the PS3 and Xbox.
It was by the way. Nintendo decided to use the slowest possible ram, a really really old CPU, and go with a low wattage. Coupled with the fact that the OS was a memory hog and devs were required to use the Wii U tablet even when they didn't want to which ate even more ram, it made the Wii U weaker than it needed to be.
The GPU on the Wii U was actually pretty good for the time.
(ignoring anything that's received ports afterward like SMG1, Return to Dreamland, etc.)
Super Mario Galaxy 2
SSB Brawl
Punch Out
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Fragile Dreams
Pandora's Tower
Red Steel 2
Warioware Smooth Moves
Wii Sports Resort
>They were underpowered to get any of the relevant 3rd party games
They weren't needed.
>and to evolve their own series
And this is just wrong.
>it was by the way
Wow anon no fucking way, I had no idea the Wii U was underpowered.
All I see here is that the SNES + N64 + Gamecube era was stable as fuck, the Wii U really fucked them beyond all recognition... That stability spike in the Wii era was probably due to the DS being godlike in terms of software and hardware sales, because the Wii slowed down a lot into 2009. What I gather from this is that there's no longer a handheld to save them in the next generation, if the Switch 2 flops they can be in a lot of trouble with nowhere to run but phone games
Isn’t that the same case with the OG Switch? Its hardware was already starting to become outdated by 2017’s standards.
you'd be surprised how stupid people are. I personally don't even think nintendo will talk about their next console for the remainder of the year. earliest they'll say anything about it will be february and that will likely just them talking about some of its basic features along with potentially giving out either the codename or it's actual name with a release window for when they'll fully reveal the console. they'll do the full reveal next summer along with a games showcase for what will be releasing on launch day with the console or atleast around that period. they'll try to aim for release for around nov/dec assuming they have their launch lineup set to go from their first/second parties along with their third party partners.
Real talk when is 4chan going to move past Twitter screencap threads? We do not need to reference this website 24/7. You can have a thread gain traction without talking about fucking Twitter.
If the Piss5 can succeed sales wise with literally no games coasting off the success of the PS4 I'm pretty sure the Switch 2 will work.
>Its hardware was already starting to become outdated by 2017’s standards.
How do you retards define "outdated" here?
Based, achievements are cool if only for replayability sake. I loved playing Pokemon Silver with achievements on since it forced me to not level up away my problems
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Fuck off Randy.
You guys are really fucking weird and your shit is all retarded.
What makes retards like you spout such ridiculous nonsense?
Could you please elaborate a little further?
>post from "leaker" with a """Track record"""
Once 4chan makes an account system with post history.
I guess you're right anon, Sorny has bigger problems than Nintendo (like concord lmao) and they still refuse to die. But the NiggerStation team keeps sucking off nutrients from their sibling divisions that actually make money like... I guess the camera division? music division? does Sorny even make a profit these days still?
Sony makes huge profits via SMG (Sony Music Group), Aniplex, and their Banking and Insurance sector (lol).
They were needed for the Wii U. The Wii sold off its gimmick and cheap price, but sucked if you weren't just a tendie. Switch did better because the gimmick was actually good.
>and this is just wrong
The Wii was not strong enough to truly move the Zelda series forward and got critically panned because it was a standard zelda game again and the gimmick was annoying
Old, outdated by several years and better technology existing. The switch could've been a much stronger system if it wasn't rushed due to the Wii U failure.
>their Banking and Insurance sector
everything makes sense now lmao their goldstar division
The shipping manifest says it's a 256GB UFS 3.1 module provided by Kioxia, which is a type of SSD specific to smartphones and tablets. The eMMC in the current Switch is also technically a SSD, though a distinction is made because it's derived from memory card technology.
Let’s be real, the main reason the Wii U failed is because it didn’t have GTAV. The Switch got away with it since it was a handheld, but they won’t have that excuse with the Switch 2 when GTAVI comes out especially now that other handheld competitors will definitely be able to play it on day one.
Every console is outdated on release.
>dont get your hopes up guys
>it might cost 100 bucks
>They were needed for the Wii U
Would you guys say Nintendo learned their lesson over third parties after the Wii U disaster? I feel like they are more open to collaborating with other devs now
GTAVI will release for series S right? The only reason it wouldn't run is if Take Two cheaped hard because carts are "too" expensive.
I mean Idk, the tweet in OP makes the case that manufacturing is beginning. If that's the case they have to reveal it soon or else it'll get revealed by factory leaks. If not this month then for sure in October is how I feel.
Unironically the Series S will be the Switch2's savior if true
>They were needed for the Wii U.
The Wii U didn't have much appeal on any level. Being able to play the same games as on PS3/360 (or PS4/XBONE, if it survived long enough) wouldn't have really mattered. It's a hypothetical so detached from what happened it's almost useless to consider anyway. Everything about the Wii U was a mess.
>The Wii was not strong enough to truly move the Zelda series forward and got critically panned
Skyward Sword was shit for a lot of reasons, but the Wii still gave us Mario Galaxy. The Wii U gave us Breath of the Wild, which went beyond moving Zelda forward and impacted the entire industry.

It's not like most series really "progress" much with hardware anyway. Did God of War III really "progress" much from the prior games despite the PS3 being so much beefier? Did MGS4? DMC4 (or DMC5, for that matter)? Dark Souls III? Resident Evil 5 (or RE2make, for that matter)?
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>Switch online infrastructure still behind Xbox live from 2004
How are you retards excited for this?
There are levels of it. Each console gen needs to last minimum of 5 years, if it's too underpowered it'll be suffering (see the original xbox one). Switch has lasted due to first party games and indies and because the PS5 and sexbox have no games
>Nooooo, not the TICKRATE
So you're a retard that doesn't know what he's talking about. Mostly every console since the early days have launched with hardware that was outdated compared to other technology on the market. This is done to keep price low and keep the form factor from getting too massive and complicated.
Didn't read + you're wrong + lol
>doubles down on proving he doesn't know what he's talking about
I could not fathom being brown and worshipping a corporation
Tendies have low standards, they're just used it by now.
Can't believe you're this gay man get help
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>tfw it outsells the PS5 in 1 year
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>/v/ pretending they know anything about hardware technology again
Concord flopped
I accept your concession.
I feel this way as well. I dont get why people like the switch so much. the gamecube and the DS (not 3ds) were the last Nintendo machines with loads of games worth playing. PS5 has no games either I should mention.
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The most important thing is just getting the sticks far enough apart that you don't have to bend your thumb and pinch your hand to avoid the right one
>caring about online play
What are you, a normalfag?
The Switch is a mixed bag, but I vastly prefer its library to the Gamecube's.
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Do I still have time to get a Switch?
You've outted yourself.
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I've still got 7 unopened games in my backlog, and Zelda and Mario & Luigi are coming this year. Delay the Switch 2, I need more time.
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>$400 for a new console just to play $70 games plus $50 more per year to play online
Why do you retards think you need to buy it right away? I swear consumerism is why this country is going to the sink.
Concord died 2 weeks after release.
Ok? What does that have to do with anything?
If the Switch 2 has BC like the rumors are saying why not just go for the Switch 2, which can play Switch 1 and Switch 2 games
Yes I just want to play Smash with my bros.
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Because my frens will all get it at launch and I'll feel left out
the picture reminds me of being a phoneless teen and having to use the awful 3DS browser to watch porn gifs to get off in the bathroom
i just want to play souls games on my switch >:(
It's really fucking funny.
Wait are you trying to do some kind of weird console war shit or something?
Does Concord warrant a war?
your being very rude. I have a switch sinc eday 1 and the only games I have are botw, totk, metroid dread, smash ultimate. Everything else is either weeb shit or mario shit or baby shit. Off the top of my head the gamecube had Resident Evil Remake. Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil 4 (dont care that it came to ps2 later I got it day 1 on Gamecube), Eternal Darkness, Smash Melee, Starfox Assault, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Soul Calibur 2 (dont care that it was on PS2 and Xbox, the Gamecube version had Link so its the best version), Zelda WW and TP, Phantasy Star Online episode 1 and 2.
Are you like some kind of new schizo that spams posts about concord in every thread or something?
>doubles down
super retard
You'll survive.
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Why the fuck would I buy a Nintendo console before it gets a new Zelda game? No I dont give a fuck if botw and totk are 60fps 4k on Switch 2. I dont replay games. They are retarded releasing this with no Zelda game.
Every thread? That's more posts than there are Concord players.
The wii and the 3ds and the wiiu and the switch are all so shit compared to the snes and the n64 and gameboy and gba and gamecube.
>triples down
mega retard
Prime 4 is going to be the big launch game right? Probably 720p 30fps on Switch 1 and 4k 60fps on switch 2.
Also because we get a billion fake leaks every week.
They wouldn't bet on Prime 4 as the big Nintendo launch title. After the success BOTW had for the Switch expect something like Mario Kart 9, or the new 3D Mario.
Nintendo is cursed and has never released two successful consoles in a row. Thus, the switch attach 2 is doomed to the fate of the Wii U, N64 and Gamecube
yeah, we'll know about a new mario or mario kart, but we'll have to wait for the rest
>GB and GBA
>GBA and DS
I'll take ps3 tier graphics if it also means the system is cheap and gets lots of games.
SNES, GBA and 3DS were failures chud
top fucking kek, I can't wait to start replying with "Trump won" too
What games are you expecting at launch? For me it's Project Hammer.
All three beat their competition.
Sonicfags are delusional
Was extremely popular until being surpassed by the DS
Got off to a real rocky start but after the price cut it beat the buckbroke the Vita kek
I used to jack off with the PS3 browser because I didn't have a computer in my room.
same but PSP
The Switch was underpowered

But also modern AAA games are Overpowered
not THE big launch game but probably launch. i'm betting on a new 3d mario. 4K is delusional though, it might possibly MAYBE be 1440p docked but i wouldn't count on it
When it launched it really wasn't. technology evolved in a decade i know shocking.
>When it launched it really wasn't.
The switch is basically the same amount of power as the Wii, which was 2 GameCubes slapped together. So basically the hardware is 25 years old.
>switch is basically the same amount of power as the Wii
Why would they release new hardware? There is nothing wrong with or to improve on with the current Switch. No one gives a fuck about muh graphics anymore. That's not what Nintendo is about anyway. It would hurt them to cause their audience to need to buy new hardware.
the switch is more like a slightly better xbox 360
Thank god, i can finally retire my switch that was overheating and old(2018). I didn't buy another console because switch 2 was so close to reveal already.
2 more weeks
>The switch is basically the same amount of power as the Wii
Where the fuck did this guy come from
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Ok then 25 year old hardware dominated the industry for the last 7 years
Noticed this anon wants a 60FPS for a 120Hz screen.
Series S/X, PS5 often fail to hit 60 due once again cheaping on the CPU. (2.6Ghz would use more power)
Nintendo Switch's 3 out of 4 core 1Ghz CPU was only 30% weaker than the 8 core 1.8Ghz PS4 CPU.

The Switch 2 CPU if clocked at 2Ghz (LinkedIn Leak claims 2.6 GHz) outperforms the PS5 (and the PS5 Pro CPU) by 10%

Considering the weaknesses, A GTA 6 port would be a match for Series S but on the go.
Though you'll most likely have to download 80% of the game since Samsung's cartridges are capped at 128GB (Costs as much as Nintendo's current 32GB cart)
Half of the first party titles worth playing are actually Wii U games
I don't care.
Other products have filled the void and I will nor get excited for new product
Just finished playing F-Zero and read this.
>Though you'll most likely have to download 80% of the game since Samsung's cartridges are capped at 128GB (Costs as much as Nintendo's current 32GB cart)
Well most games i will play will probably have 32-50 gb anyway. Who really cares about triple A crap?
Steam Deck won already.
The only thing i care about are the specs and can it be hacked. If its another 720p sub 30 fps device, i might as well get a steamdeck or something along those lines and emulate on it
140 million > 5 million
>playing non exclusive games on a nintendo machine
Deck got mogged by Wii U lol
It's far stronger than Deck
How can they sell so many phones for like 1300 dollars but a console has to be 400 or die? The console lasts way longer.
That's just the likely the scenario for AAA Slop even with the file compression engine, which uses the same compression tech the switch already uses (Smash Bros Ultimate uncompressed is 88GB but the compression makes it 18.8 GB)
The Switch uses it's slow CPU to decompress the game files in caches but the Switch 2 FDE will free the CPU to 100% scripting.

I believe this is how they'll do Gamecube NSO by compressing those 3.5GB Discs to 800MB or less.
Ill believe it when i see it
Extremely doubtful, Nintendo hasn't been competitive in the hardware realm in 20 years. They gave it up. Anything more powerful than the deck would price out most tendies.
Honestly I think delaying the Switch 2 is a bit of a cocky move from Nintendo considering the Steam Deck and other handhelds are eating from their territory and some of those users might not come back.
I thought the discs have a size limit of below 2GB?
this main reason I don't like playing on my switch is no cheevos
>eating from their territory
Doubt it, most tendies only care about ips and they have no technical knowledge to emulate
to be fair, on paper the Steam Deck is miles ahead, only held back by Linux, however Linux OS mogs the shit out of Windows OS.

For Example PS5 CPU, the AMD Ryzen 7 5800X technically on paper outperforms the PS5 5 to 1, but due to how shitty windows 11 OS is, games typically run half as good or worse in comparision.

You can overcome PC weaknesses with light config editing or mods but Consoles have the benefit of being in isolation even though on paper they have really bleak hardware.

Look no further than the Switch's 4core CPU doing 70% as well as the PS4 CPU simply due to the PS4's overblown OS
Yeah im pretty sure GameCube games weren't even 2gb unless you count multi disc games like re4. Gamecube discs were like around 1 and a half ish gb I think
The Steam Deck is already 2 years old, will be 3 when the Switch 2 comes out, they don't really have to do anything special for the Switch 2 to be more powerful than it. Valve might be considering releasing the Steam Deck 2 at around the same time.
There were dual-layered GC discs in Japan, but in the US/EU most games were printed in seperate discs
So do you think they will include an inbuilt stream to twitcn and youtube button like the PS4.
Its funny how much they could fit in games back then. Like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are only about 1gb each.
Tbh I used to get most multiplats on switch just for the handheld option. Nowadays Steam Deck has much better performance so I'll just buy all multiplats on steam. I love being able to play on high settings on my PC and take my deck to continue on the go or in bed. Nintendo IPs aren't that interesting anymore, I can't see myself picking up a switch 2 unless they release something really impressive.
The same is true for every system in existence that isn't sitting in R&D or a government office.

The Switch hardware was only a couple months older than the others were at their respective launches - a little over 2 years.

Only retards don't comprehend physics whine about a handheld not being able to do what a PC does. But of course those retards are advocating for knock off PCs so you can't expect too much from them.
Do people actually believe this?
I'd buy a screenless version but we all know that's not going to happen.
To be fair it got outsold by contemporary hardware at a rate of 100 to 1 and was a commercial and financial failure for Valve.
Nigga, Deck isn't even stronger than PS4.
Beating a 12 years old console is not "being competitive in the hardware realm"
>PS5 CPU, the AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
The PS5 and Xbox series CPU is a cut down 3700X you fool.

I wouldn't call it a commercial and financial failure for valve, when it's their first hardware device that has been successful. It's only available in a handful of countries, library compatibility is still a little new, and it's not available in brick & mortar shops. Steam is easily the best game library, and being available on a handheld device without Windows is a big achievement. Ultimately I think proton is going to be their big money maker in the long run over multiple generations of hardware. Valve could easily supplant Sony and Microsoft in the console market if they continue to scale up their hardware infrastructure.
It's very competitive in the handheld gaming market though. Most gaming laptops on parity with the deck are more expensive.
>I wouldn't call it a commercial and financial failure for
Probably because you're a Valve fanboy or a narritive pushing PC vegan or both
>considering the Steam Deck and other handhelds are eating from their territory and some of those users might not come back.
You're REALLY overestimating the reach of those pc handhelds.
99% of Switch users don't even know what a Steam Deck or Rog Ally are.
I have a switch, PS5, PC and steam deck
My condolences.
I know what they are but they are not easy to find and buy like a switch is. They are also a lot more expensive.
>PC vegan
post discarded

The Switch 2 will outsell the lifetime sales of the handheld PC market combined in its first year. They really do not compete with Switch directly even if they are closer competition than the x86 boxes.
I expected that to happen to me but I noticed that I didn't use it at all, not in bed like I was expecting, and when I traveled I was usually more engaged in Nintendo games so I brought my Switch instead. I ended up selling my Deck and bought a gaming Laptop which is something I definitely use more.
Interesting, anyway I couldn't find anything on the PS5 on geekbench but another website is claiming the PS5 scores 992 in single, 6,635 in Multi.

If the Switch 2 does have a 8core A78 vs RP4's 4core A78 I wonder if it performs between the PS5 and the Series X is a good thing for Nintendo?
It's just word. Relax.
Do you remember how it entered Princess Zelda sexually?
How about proof reading your posts before submitting them?
Wasn't it the bear that got penetrated?
How about I'm white and American so I get a free pass to misspell whatever the fuck I want on an American website
>spitting distance of the PS5
A parity with Series S would've been great enough imo. That would put Switch 2 for current-gen lineups of games rather neatly.
>The switch has almost 2x the power in docked compared to handheld and every indication is that the gap will be larger here.
No it doesn't it has less tflops then the allys 4tflop

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