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Redpill me on Raiden, why is she so good?
She's worst girl, hard skip if you have any taste.
I already have her so I'm not sure I'll pull. But I strongly recommend it
Because the 3 1.0 mistake 4 stars (Xingqiu, Bennet, Xiangling) want as much burst uptime as possible and Raiden helps them get energy faster.
I'm really torn between electro and hydro as the best element
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Are these seriously random?
What's that blue crystal between the crimson agate and the carp droplet?
I think they go from tier 3+ chests but they seem to be random from there
Lumenspar, I got bored of the Chasm and never finished it
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Do shields count for nohit?
Just one shot it bro
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I dont know guys, is this really necessary?
I see. I thought you were one of those autistic kids that collect stuff like that
Yes. They only appear in the higher quality chests in their respective area but aside from that it's random.
They are and aren't. You're guaranteed to get them just a matter of how many chests it takes to get there.
what am i supposed to be looking at
>why is she so good?
because her panties are visible
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Why do skitzos on /gig/ call aether a pag and sigewinne buddypoke?
She's dropped off a lot over time. Still, if you're okay with a damage decrease in exchange for a universal battery, she still has her uses. Raiden can greatly diminish the party's ER requirements.
Why don't you ask them instead of bringing that shit here?
I only opened a few and already have 3
Shes good at providing energy, she has an always up off field electro application and damage, and her burst can be pretty damaging.
How did that get past the censorship department?
People will tell you need her at c2 but that’s really not true. You can clear all content with her to this day
Literally any 5* works at C0. Constellations are a luxury, nothing else
>x8 Hero's Wit
Why do they keep doing this? At least give us a worthwhile number. Eight is nothing.
I think they have no idea how much it takes to level up a character, let alone dozens. But on the good side they started giving artifact exp as rewards for a lot of the stuff we do
>She's dropped off a lot over time
What even is the peak nowadays, took a break for a few years, and I'm massively out of the loop
Yeah. That’s kinda my point
That's not how censorship works in China. They don't really have a rating board because there are literally billions of them constantly churning out shit so it's more of a self-governing system. If someone doesn't like you they report you to the CCP and their division responsible for shit like that will review something and then decide your fate.

That's the whole reason why the Mondstadt crew got censored in China. There was infighting between coomers and fujos, the fujos took a hit and they retaliated by mass reporting Genshin to the CCP which resulted in several early-story females getting censored because the CCP deemed armpits and cleavage and fishnets to be a threat to young boys wishing to become astronauts.
Putting aside the oversight that turned Neuvillette into the most broken DPS in the game that they decided to fix too late, sparking outrage and forcing them to roll the change back, currently the strongest DPS is probably Clorinde. She can easily outdamage Raiden now at C0.

My C2 Raiden has higher single-instance damage, but overall, Clorinde will still come out on top.
Not Arlecchino? I tried both and Clorinde feels way weaker, unless you mean electro dps only
Yeah, Electro specifically. Arlecchino's damage is gonna be even higher. The one thing that Raiden has going for her is that she's the least-selfish DPS, but that's not really what people tend to be looking for in a DPS in the first place.
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Lame, I must have shit luck
>What even is the peak nowadays
Raiden national is still a strong comp but it's no longer a mile ahead of everything else. Instead of being at 11 it's relatively an 8.5.

Some of the strongest carries in the game are Neuvillette, Arlecchino, Alhaitham and Clorinde.
Clorinde only feels weak if you have a shitty comp just like Alhaitham. They're not unga multiplier characters, they're reaction characters. Arle just hits hard.
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Yey, I did it
Now to do it 3 more times
How much more damage does Clorinde do, anyways? Like in terms of numbers? Because if its losing 10% in exchange for the burst reimbursement, I'll gladly take it
Won't Raiden national be improved if Mavauika is the 5* Xiangling that we've hoped for?
Why is Hoyo's marketing department so much better at kino than the actual story writers? The trailers are more hype than the actual events in the game, apart from maybe a handful of exceptions like end of Sumeru and Fontaine quests. Same thing with Star Rail.
It depends on constellations. Baseline and c1 she's way better, c2 and c3 Raiden catches up again and it's more equal from then c4 onward Clorinde is far stronger.
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Here's a WILD thought, but what if... the trailers are better because they just take best bits and pieces and stitch them together for a 3 minute video?
I think it kinda evens out. Raiden needs C2 to be on par with C0 Clorinde, but she also needs good artifacts. If Raiden doesn't crit on the initial hit of her burst, she's gonna fall off, so she's REALLY dependent on those substats. In contrast, Clorinde is far easier to build.
Yes but other comps will be improved far more. The only problem with Xiangling is that unless you stack 300%+ ER on her and have multiple Favonius users on your team you're not going to battery her properly. Bennett single-handedly fixes her one glaring flaw, they provide Pyro resonance together and a massive attack buff which Xiangling snapshots and Raiden benefits fully from.

The problem with Xiangling outside of National comp is that these days there really aren't that many characters who want Bennett. After Raiden miHoYo went hard on pushing HP/Def/EM scaling characters and have barely released any new attack scaling carries. This makes Bennett's slot in the team far less valuable because all he's doing is enabling Xiangling. Raiden doesn't care about bringing Bennett because she benefits highly from him. Many newer characters and comps don't give a fuck about Bennett, they just want Xiangling's ridiculous Pyro application.
>defeat bla bla bla without being hit by the shattering ice attacks
Which attack is that? I can't tell what's happening with all these blinding visual effects going on.
You're going to have to be more specific. You bla bla bla'd the important part.
Hoyo's trailers also have content that isn't in the game proper though. Like Arlekino's Youtube trailer or the various character story and patch trailers for Star Rail. The 2D cinematic crew for Genshin is top tier as well, but their content often takes place in the most fucking mundane circumstances in the game proper.
Also, this is why I think people who say that Raiden only needs 50% crit rate have no fucking clue what they're talking about. Raiden REALLY fucking needs to crit on her first hit.
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...really now?
That means it's going to involve Xilonen.
Reminder that Mauvika said Xilenn can forge an ancient name for the Travela
No, the shattering ice is the most important part.
Either way, the water bitch with the bow.
You have brain damage.

I just did it. I just froze her the entire fight.
What? That was funny because he's right. You omitted the name of the enemy you need help with
Furina "Regina of All Waters, Kindreds, Peoples and Laws" "Absolute Focus of the Stage of Judgment" "Hydro Jesus" "No Body of Water Too Great" "Boats are Worthless" "All Campfires Must Die" de Fontaine still putting in work in the Nation of Pyro.
>Enjou appearing in Natlan
>Sorush appearing in Natlan
New players are gonna be so confused.
How many times are we gonna have to kick this guy's face in before he learns his lesson?
I saw Enjou but when do you meet Sorush???
He can come back as many times as he would like. I'm quite fond of him
He tried to turn me against Paimon. For this, a hundred deaths shall not suffice.
She has voicelines in the next patch allegedly
Guess I have to actually do Sumeru quests.
...She has a voice?
You should, Sumeru might be a repetitive boring wasteland but Sorush was cute
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not in natlan and not in this patch
5.1 main event is the sabzeruz festival starring candace
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So which patch will have the map expansion and which one is empty? 5.1 or 5.2? I'm getting mixed messages reading the leaks.
oh she's in sumeru's event, my bad
would've been weird to find her in natlan actually
probably since its a flagship event.
sorush has never been voiced before though.
but enjou also has a voice that was only used in a flagship event until now. so new players probably didnt even know he had a voice since the first time you meet him is in an unvoiced world quest.
5.1 will add more story, but no new area. 5.2 will add story and a new area.
Leaks regarding Natlan have been the worst in terms of consistency. Don't bother looking because nothing is going to be accurate until we're a few weeks away from it at best.
5.1 only has minor map changes, there is a new world boss for xilonen and the abyss invades natlan so the map visually changes for at least a little while 5.2 probably has the map expansion.
sorush better sound like a brat
What can I replace Xing with if Yelan and him are already taken by HuTao? (And Furina by Navia)
I generally just run some anemo like Venti or Kazuha for comfort, by I don't know if there isn't some other secret sauce with Raiden.
It might still be unvoiced
Oh fucking god, I had forgotten about finishing that. Is there some miracle team against those 3? They are legit harder than some abyss stuff.
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>61 lines
Thank you hoyo
just have autism
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>candace most lines
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Is Azhdaha supposed to be super tiny for a dragon or is it just a gameplay thing?
Gameplay. You know that tree above the domain entrance? That's supposed to be his tail
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Anything weak to hydro means just bringinging busted as fuck dragon man.
Gameplay. All the Soveriegn dragons are probably huge. That is if Azhdaha is one of them.
I don't use him much anymore. Kinda lost his novelty.
Cursed. Paimon just looks weird when she's walking.
its a gameplay thing i believe, but also he may have just shrank in size like guoba did as he lost more and more power to erosion.
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Use physical neuvi
One would think the very specific, unused anywhere else attack name that's featured in the very achievement description would be a DEAD GIVEAWAY but I guess not.

God people are dumb. A simple ice attacks is easier to remember than some cooky nigger name.
Well bring him out and have him fuck the three guys over. You asked for a miracle team.
Okay so answer me this. What's your opinion on that electro boss?
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japanese tradwife
Why is he so busted on every single level?
Look at this cute bunny. Look at her.
>not even fully maxed
Its the new weapon event
What, you think you got me be being highly unspecific? Maybe use an attack name? Maybe refer to a NEW boss that only came out recently? You know, like I did?

How do you not understand these simple and obvious things? Why would I ask for help for something that didn't come out just recently... I'd just look online for earlier things.
its just the way the new event weapon works that makes it silly.
>One would think the very specific, unused anywhere else attack name that's featured in the very achievement description would be a DEAD GIVEAWAY but I guess not.
Anon I googled that attack name because I didn't know what the fuck you were talking about and it brought up TCG shit. Shut the fuck up retard. You were stupid and got called out for it now stop being a little bitch.
Wait, you need to beat them three times?
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Post your profile.
You first.
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Final boss leak?
can't be, since he was made by zhongli
This puts an end to the discussion I guess. That anon is a fool
So is that the best new catalyst weapon or something? geez.
better have co-op blocked, people will report your signature and get you banned
zhongli found his spirit in the ground and made a body for him, he didnt conjure him up entirely out of thin air.
Well, no. Phys damage is shit even if that's a big hit. And there's a long cd I bet
No. Zhongli stated that his body was already there. All he did was give Azhdaha eyes. Zhongli actually admits that he's not dexterous enough to carve an entire body for anyone.
Weren't his eyes just made by Zhongli? He said he was born from the earth and blind. Zhongli also says that if part of Azhdaha didnt want to lose he would have beaten Zhongli instead of the other way around.
no its really gimmicky. really only good for weird physical catalyst big screenshot damage builds, but it can only trigger once every 15 seconds i think.
when does he say his body was already there because i dont remember that at all.
idk don't remember but if i sound confident in my bullshit people will correct me quicker than if i were to ask
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damn they made this pyramid look huge in this quest
the marketing isn't that good, the only memorable version trailers are 3.0, 4.1 and 2.0
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I just heard the sound of a volcanic eruption. Sounded like it came from west of the stadium. They will add a volcano blowing up?
Because marketing isn't telling a story through Chinese writing.
the volcano erupts occasionally, you can see it and you can hear it from basically anywhere in natlan. there is a lot of text in the game that suggests the pyro sovereign dragon lives in the volcano.
girls like and they're bad at the game so they made him stronger to compensate
canon power level btw
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delet this
Trying to make a Chevreuse meme team. Does Fischl want an EM clock instead of ATK?
Nah give her an ATK one
Depends on your weapon. If you're using Stringless(which is what almost every Fischl uses) it's usually better to use attack% sands.
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So we wont be getting the fire wings until at least 5.2 ?
Dang, alright. My EM piece is so much better.
I don't feel like building Beidou so who are some other good electro substitutes instead? Raiden?
If you are using Raiden as the on field carry sure, but her skill doesnt do that much damage on its own.
Probably not
What do I do with the Xilonen? Like I can just slot her into any team that's not dendro or anemo?
>Chevreuse meme team
chevy xinyan dori sethos
That's right
Won't work because you need off-field pyro. I suggest Dehya
Oh ok. Yoimiya will be my carry. So her, Chev, Fischl, not sure who to put last.
Literally who is that? Don't have her.
yes, i posted this earlier today before i found the last one needed for two of them,

hit 100% for Coatepec Mountain and 98% for Tequemecan Valley by the time i found them.
>Like I can just slot her into any team that's not dendro or anemo?
Probably mono teams too, could be wrong though
>Literally who is that?
Filler character they added at the end of Fontaine because they needed one more dude to hit the quota of 17 characters per region, only showed up in Cyno's 2nd story quest to job to him and appeared for like five lines of dialogue in the summer event's epilogue
>So her, Chev, Fischl, not sure who to put last.
bennett or beidou.
>threat to young boys wishing to become astronauts.
chink boomers believe that gacha games will destroy the youth if given free reign.
I guess Beidou then. Thanks.
Chasca ass crack
You say that as if they're wrong
>Web event faction cannot be changed
Guys I don't want to brick a web event Children of Echoes or People of the Springs?
Oh and is Akuomaru good for her even if that Chevreuse team doesn't have a lot of energy recharge? Apparently I have one R5
well, are you a fucking child?
It's one of the most common dreams of young Chinese boys. They want to grow up to be astronauts. American and European children want to grow up to be youtubers. Western tiktok is brainrot, Chinese tiktok is a bunch of educational shit. You know that animated music video where the Chinese guy goes through life ignoring everything except his dream to go to space? It's a very common dream job for them.
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Damn, guess I'll get them all by next year
considering they immediately reversed their decisions on gacha limits and heavier control the moment it cost china money and tanked the market they dont actually care about the youth, its just posturing.
Well Kachina is my wife. Guess that makes it an obvious choice now thanks!
Where do I use the finished yellow one?
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Down from the waypoint
Can you guys believe we already have 6 nations out? It feels like just yesterday we were getting the 3rd...
it is in the rock town, all the way down towards the north eastern part of the ravine.
before they game even came out they said they wanted to try to get all the nations into the game in 5 years, im surprised they even managed to keep the pace they have honestly.
What does Kachina's tail smell like?
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Im 80% on all zones but I can't find any chest around and things usually I get to at least 90% before I run out of stuff.
What web event?
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you forgot your trip
Dry dirt, cheap children's shampoo and a faint smell of urine
One where you raise a Saurian, but it turns out it's one of those shitty ones where the primogems are bought in seconds so you have no reason to continue it.
>faint smell of urine
This is the answer I was hoping for.
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I like world quests better because they can be funny and self aware at times. There were some especially good moments in Chenyu Vale.
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Every Yumkasaurus down there is fucking dead
Convince me to try this game.
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Just fucking try it holy shit why do you need your mind made up for you it's free do you live in a third world shithole where downloading a game takes several days and makes your Internet unusable until it finishes?
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bro its free just fucking download it
I liked the one where you feed excessively salted meat to the old guy using a tourist trap for free meals
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Please never again insinuate I'm some mentally ill triptard.
The download is so massive I'd have to delete shit off my phone just to try it
you dont have a pc? or a playstation?
Don't. It's a waste of time simulator. Save yourself
>delete shit off my phone
LMAO 3rd world shitter
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...why would you play it on phone?
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Well, if you are okay with phone controls in 3d games I guess you can play it on a phone...
I'm not playing a fucking mobile game on my computer
you're a gigantic fucking retard
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How can you keep shrine keys in your inventory and not immediatly rush to open one?
hilarious coming from someone who plays gacha games
just because it can be played on phone doesn't make it a mobile game
i mean sure if you want to play the shittiest version of the game play it on your phone.
That's a sexo pic
the game used to melt phones and still runs like ass on all but the best flagship phones.

PS5 or PC is the way to go as even the PS4 struggles.
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I couldn't find the shrine and forgot about them
At least the people here are enjoying themselves
You're a little bitch that just clicks on random threads to showcase how retarded you are then seethe about others doing stuff you don't approve of

So yeah, rejoice because you're currently the most retarded and pathetic cunt on this thread.
>want to build mualani and kachyna
>want to farm artifacts
Fuck this is tough
pajeets cant afford any entertainment or the hardware to run it so their only fun is shitposting on 4chins
You know they give like 60 primogems right
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Raidenbros, are we going to pull for Raiden in a couple of weeks?
That's why you mark them when you stumble upon them while exploring, dum dum.
Or you use a map online if you're desperate
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My weiner in Kachina
but the overworld looks prettier when the shrines are locked...
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Is she going to appear in Natlan story arc?
>you're retarded if you're hesitant to try a game specifically designed from the ground up to siphon as much money as possible from you
It's really not though. Launch 4*s are still viable. Hell, launch 4*s are still meta. You can't pull this with Genshin.
>designed from the ground up to siphon as much money as possible from you
Give an example or you're full of shit.
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>hey guys should i play this game?
>hahaha why would i do that fuck you fuck this game i'm so much better than you haha
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I know these two characters have been massively fumbled but I still find them the most interesting part of Genshin purely on the account of what they tried to do with them rather than what they did. That might sound stupid but I just find them cool and interesting which raises them above most of the Genshin roster which is just plain. The Raiden sisters are also easily the only incarnation of Raiden Mei across their games that I actually find somewhat fun. It's really mostly aesthetics that let me complete in my mind what the devs did not with these two but still, I like these two dorks. They're cute.
according to a leak from about 5 minutes ago, she isnt in 5.1 or 5.3. so unless she appears outside of the archon quest, no. but also
>trusting leaks
Yes, she will appear to wipe Jobpitano off the face of Teyvat and reveal herself to be the new strongest Fatuus. She won't be playable
Do you not know what gacha is?
A genshin thread wouldn't be complete without trannies seething about it
Blows my mind that people even entertain that guy
Bruh Literally nobody plays genshin on a phone

He did this with Amber too.
Do you?
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well n1tr0t0m is the weakest amber main after all, so of course he did. the dude solos floor 12 of the abyss with amber.
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Don't leave Collei aside.
2 actually. Theres 3 cheevos for beating new bosses and you CANT do these all at once.
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Yes, digitized gambling.
This guy is now going to educate us what Genshin is without even playing it.
I've never played Call of Duty but I'm pretty fucking sure it's an FPS
>wiki quote
>in-game currency
did you read that part?
And Genshin is an action role-playing game.
More retarded takes?
just stop giving the tranny attention
its not fucking hard
This site went to the shitter because any of these trannies can click on any thread, have a meltdown and get 300 replies while derailing the thread all the way until 404
A game being gacha does not inherently mean it's designed to siphon money from you. It's an option, yes, but it is not an inherent trait. It's just extremely common.

Explain how Genshin is designed to drain your pockets when it has barely any power creep and characters who were released four years ago are not only still viable but in several cases still meta. There is zero competition unlike most gachas so it's not like you're being encouraged to spend money just to be able to deal 1% damage to the guild boss otherwise you don't get rewards or push for a ranking ladder.
Prove it wrong.
Yes and they use a psychological formula to drip feed you just the right amount of in-game currency specifically to encourage you to spend real money to get more
You will never be a man.
>A game being gacha does not inherently mean it's designed to siphon money from you
That is literally the purpose of the genre dumbass
>fails to present an argument or address any points
Concession accepted.
Remember when people use to shit on games with any microtransaction period? Now it's just "oh it's not that bad"
so... like any other game with microtransactions?
>so... like all these other piles of shit?
That battle was lost years ago because all it takes is 1% of the playerbase to be retarded for the business model to be extremely profitable. We're not going back.
>We're not going back.
And apologists like you are to blame
>game is bad because it TRICKS retards into paying money
oh no, the horror
You're pretending like 90% of the people in this thread (including you) haven't dropped money on this garbage
the consumers voted with their wallets decades ago. you're dying on that hill with only a handful of people at this point.
Explaining the situation doesn't make someone an apologist. Try harder to earn your (You)s.
>and that's a good thing!
i know it might sound crazy to an npc like you but yeah, i have self-control
nobody said it was a good thing. you're fighting fucking strawmen.
Cmon, he is just openly baiting you now, not even pretending to want to play the game anymore.
If you're not actively against it you're saying it's at the very least acceptable which is fucking disgusting
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do you also go in fortnite threads or any other games that have an item shop and rage like a lunatic?
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Maybe Aestherfag were in the right all along. Maybe self-inserting as the MC isn't so bad after all.
i love genshin but you have to admit it is pretty sad how normalized mtx are
If I feel like it.
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Seriously, anyone rolling for Raiden in a few weeks? C0 Raiden with The Catch is pretty much all you need as F2P. You gotta start fishing now though because the fish are limited like materials.
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>unlike some retards, I don't spend money on this game
no im accepting that corporations will never go back, they will clutch onto these monetization models until they crash and burn if they have to. i cared 2 decades ago with horse armor but i am beyond over it at this point, you have to accept they are never going away. there is an entire generation of video game players born after microtransactions that are now adults with jobs that think spending 10 dollars on a cosmetic is perfectly normal.
Already have c2.
chink breath of the wild(with color)
>everyone else accepts it so I may as well too
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I only spend on welkins desu. I already have the serpent spine R5 and that blue sword at R5. No reason to spend on BP. I average 5 dollars a month.
fighting a losing battle for decades is not worth my time and energy. i just dont buy them and dont think about it. people who spend all day crying into the void of the internet about it like you aren't going to change anything.
Anything more than zero dollars and zero cents makes you a retard
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>bro actually looked up some fake graphs for 10 minutes
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Anons claim to possess an adequate amount of self restraint yet they physically cannot stop themselves from replying to every retard they come across
Explain this phenomenon
It has nothing to do with acceptance and everything to do with understanding that things are never going to go back to the pre-horse armor days because in matters of money not everyone gets an equal cast of votes. You're never going to convince the extremely small minority of whales to not be whales.
They're lying. Everyone who says "oh I never spend money on this game it's all whales" is a fat fucking liar and they know what they're doing is deplorable hence why they lie
Let whale be whales, goddammit. They are founding the game.
it doesn't cost money to talk with retards
Is it even possible to get decent artifacts from the strongbox? My Yoimiya has been stuck on 2 Gladiator 2 Witch for years because those things never spit anything usable out.
lmao based anon derailing the tranime gambling thread
I CAN ACTUally hear her laughing lol
Yes. In fact strongboxes are better than normal artifact farming because they have a higher chance of coming with 4 substats rather than 3.
The most successful single player game right now is selling with no cosmetics or DLC or any other bullshit of that kind, it's just a game you buy and play completely if you wish without any extra charges, and it sold 18 million copies. Shut the fuck up with your retarded doomposting nobody cares to read.
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I got this a few days ago
don't care about constellations
Continue trying to get C6 Kachina? She's at C4 right now.
Save for Clorinde?
Save for Xilonen?
I want all those things. At 40 or so rolls and still have half of Natlan to finish.
does the CCP pay you per hour or per post
don't roll for 4 star cons you dumbass
You mean the CCP-funded cultural export game that has a 90% Chinese playerbase? The game which would objectively be far more profitable if they tacked on microtransactions?

The fact that it has a high concurrent playerbase means nothing. I guarantee you it's never going to come anywhere close to the amount of revenue a game like GTA V generated.
it has slightly better rates of getting a 4 line artifact but otherwise its the same as grinding. the most effective strategy is to grind a domain and then strongbox for the same artifact set if you can as it can potentially knock weeks off your grind.
You're so miserable.
Concession accepted.
Yeah, they're better than the ones from domains
You can always roll for Kachina later and on a banner with better 4*s.
Or even get the rest of consts off banner if youre lucky.
Her cons aren't even that good? You're doing too much
>Is it even possible to get decent artifacts from the strongbox?
yes. If you've been stuck that long then you're probably tossing out stuff with 1 cr or cd sub instead of trying to roll them for the second
How good is Kachina's C6 anyway?
>When your active character's shield is replaced or destroyed for any reason, Kachina will deal 200% of her DEF as AoE Geo DMG. This effect can be triggered once every 5s
wait that actually sounds broken with Navia grabbing crystalize shields every 5s
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what was he thinking about
It's a decent damage upgrade for her but not a massive one like some other 4*s get from their final constellation. It adds up to about 800% def scaling damage per rotation assuming you're running a double Geo comp.
200% of at best 3k defense is still only 6k damage it's not that good.
Pretty sure it can crit
Anon that's not how damage works. That's like saying Diluc's 441% plunge multiplier is only going to do 8800 damage because he typically has about 2k attack.
I am pretty sure passive off field AoE damage coming from cons/weapons/talents doesn't scale off crits. I might be wrong.
But she's cute.
It scales anon. This is why Noelle's c4 easily crits for 100k+.
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I dont have c6 Kachina yet, but Kirara's c4 crits just fine
if this was the case a lot of characters would be dogshit. most sources of damage can crit, if they cant its usually stated somewhere like how bloom reactions cannot crit outside of c2 nahida.
saving his brethren from eternal suffering and taking his homeland back from celestia
albedo e will shit out more dmg than that if you care about having the geo aoe
Albedo wont outdamage Kachina AND party wide 40% damage bonus.
unfortunately albedo's construct can be destroyed, which makes it a little less reliable.
Anon, Kachina outperforms 1 doll Chiori. What makes you think Albedo compares?
I will get her c0 and use her as support for arle.
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Must suck being a honorable warrior in Natlan looking for a fair duel but the last thing you hear is "Sawaguna" before getting literally and figuratively hosed by very high pressure water
hit "good enough" for exploration, i don't use guides to find anything so i know i am missing at least 50 chests but i will just grab those as i find them going forward. now just to do dailies for the next 5 weeks.
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>Anon, Kachina outperforms 1 doll Chiori. What makes you think Albedo compares?
Wasn't Kachina supposed to be dogshit in the damage department? Is she suddenly good now or is Chiori just that bad?
Weirdly, Kachina's drill doesn't seem to break? I don't think I've seen it be destroyed.
Kachina if actually built and at c6 does somewhere around 70% of Albedo's damage. The reason why she can overtake them is because she provides the 40% damage buff.
It does not break. It's like Itto's cow.
Yeah you won't see it, because it doesn't break
Kachina's ancient name is "Uthabiti" which means sturdiness and toughness
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neuv could easily defeat the archon of war at full power mostly because mavuika is at a horrible elemental disadvantage in that fight
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My love. My queen. My sexy bitchy pantyhose goddess. Best dick pull ever.
By that logic, Nahida/Apep could win against Neuv because grass > water
Who told you that? If a fire is strong enough the water will evaporate.
because it cant be, making her a premier chiori teammate.
Apep is the oldest and wisest dragon lord that is still alive so yeah? Apep definitely beats Neuv in the experience department for sure
apep is a schizo
>Apep is the oldest and wisest dragon lord that is still alive
we dont know this, since the only two confirmed sovereigns are apep and neuvillette, but yeah apep could probably wipe the floor with neuvillette.
I've never played this game and never will. But I've discharged an unfathomable amount of sperm to the characters.
My favorite one is the pink shrine maiden, what about you guys?
Yeah but the guy in question has sovereignty over all the water in the world they're currently living on which can easily drown a fire. Also getting hit with a pressure hose really hurts.
>Kachina if actually built and at c6 does somewhere around 70% of Albedo's damage.
How do I build my daughter?
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>My favorite one is the pink shrine maiden
based stinko enjoyer
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I prefer Miku+
I know my Neuv beats her stomach bug ez so not sure how much advantage there is. She is also huge and in the desert though and Neuv is small and hates dry things. Neuv got his powers back and Apep is still nerfed though.
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>Nightsoul Burst doesn't mean using a character's Burst in the Nightsoul state. In fact, it's a new mechanic entirely that triggers when you have Natlan characters in the party and any of your party members deal Elemental DMG.
I had to look this up. What are they doing?
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def/geo dmg/crit

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