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Press f

all those game roms lost in time like tears in the rain
lol, this will spawn more archives. jews will always lose. never team with jews cause with jews you lose
Holy fuck...no.
It's not shutting down retard. This just effects the books that it lends out.
Based. Behead """"righteous"""" piratefags who are only in for a free lunch.
>it's real
are you fucking kidding me
/v/ doesn’t care if it’s not a post decrying DEI ESG WOKEISM or crying about ugly women in a game they won’t play.
Sucks for the Internet Archive, this place won’t care genuinely
uhhh does this meme chart go up or down
It's not my fault that no one understands that I deserve free everything.
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Stop living in the past, women do that shit.

Always look to the horizon and the future.

You are posting an image from the past
why do you think that is retard? could it be that we're all not jews and dont have a cool billion or so in our pocket to cover internet archives losses?
You guys know that as long as you're not stupid enough to click on the obvious malware-downloading "DOWNLOAD NOW" buttons on every site, you can literally very easily find any ROM you could ever ask for just by searching "game title rom download free" right?

How far has mankind fallen to where you can't find pirate games with a basic search?
This actually fucking sucks. Corporations have ruined the internet.
does this affect just books?

Henry Cavill isn't from the past, senpai.
>immediately goes to Jews
Thanks for responding. I won’t respond back
>Republican judge
Every single fucking time
This is fair but there is genuinely a lot of video game related things that ONLY exist on the IA that will effectively be erased once it goes down. Not to mention all the non-vidya things.
it has a lot of freely available reference works and such and it would be a shame if they had to change thier distribution policies. I use that shit for work.
Based southeast asians ignoring copyright laws and hosting several piracy sites.
Eh, it's effectively dead to me then.
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That's fine, a new archive will pop up. And if it gets taken down, another one will pop up. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one.
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post some soon to be lost media
they can just move to the dark web, hard to trace so you can't receive a lawsuit. assuming someone wasn't already doing it
Just do the Youtube thing, and let publishers claim a profit for their work?
Wouldn't that solve the entire problem and work out for everyone? I mean, a lot of that stuff isn't even in print anymore. No one's making money on it, either way.
And each one will have less and less data archived. We still lose, it's either an explosion or slow book burning that will kill the library.
>not music, videos or games
lol whatever
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If this also kills the webpage archives, someone's gonna hang. I actually use those for my job.
Pretty sure Russia/China would just create something similar to this. What are they going to do, try to DMCA countries that have zero copyright laws lol?
I've rarely used the Internet Archives, but there were books there? I thought it just archived websites
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>law system based on politics and parties

Why are Americans like this?
They won't be as robust and many things will be lost forever
What's your job?
It stores all kinds of media.
copyright laws are a blight on human race
He's a little bit from the past.
It archived websites where you could download books. Same with vidya and roms. >>687786694
Your demoralization campaign won't work on me.
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thats fucked up ive been downloading scans of old game guides from ps1 era jrpgs. guess Ill have to grab as much as I can
Well is there a list of names of the people who started this case?
that's not good
Loads of stuff, and I'm going to shut up now, before another Boomer executive finds out and throws a shitfit.
You could archive basically anything anything on there, including movies and porn.
I got most of my college textbooks from Zlibrary and IA so I am sad to see it go.
This is a good thing, there's a lot of dangerous information on the archive that people just don't need to know. It's better for us as a society if we prevent access to this information. We need to stop pretending that anyone has a right to information and that it should be freely distributed to anyone who is interested. It's better to let the people in charge sort this stuff out.
What exactly do you expect a demoralization campaign to do? What are you doing to preserve things?
Ari TooGreedowtiz
Interesting, I need references to practice 3d. i'll try to find some tomorrow.
Go away Shlomo, we know this is about deleting inconvenient facts
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>your facts won't work on me
that's great, champ. the adults are talking now, though, shh! ;)
you think it's going to stop at books?
Ah shit. Hopefully someone in an obscure country makes an alternative quick then
>What exactly do you expect a demoralization campaign to do?
You tell me.
>What are you doing to preserve things?
Downloading. No, I'm not going to stop. Cry more.
I wouldn't have been able to finish my bachelor thesis without it. Truly a clown world.
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This. It's simple, right? Wagecuck makes nice thing, I get it for free.
Why would this concern me, a pirate?
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>This is a good thing, there's a lot of dangerous information on the archive that people just don't need to know. It's better for us as a society if we prevent access to this information. We need to stop pretending that anyone has a right to information and that it should be freely distributed to anyone who is interested. It's better to let the people in charge sort this stuff out.
Why does no one in law or politics understand the internet?
>Regular people aren't allowed to host or access this content but it's okay if the faggot AI company startup is allowed to use all known data to train their shit AI model
All images are from the past.
>he doesn't know where his pirate stash comes from
Enjoy your megaupload links
I used the archive when I had to retake a grade 9 math course but couldn't afford the mathbook but found a copy on the archive.
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only rich nepo baby chads may have upwards mobility and access to information
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find him
I'm pirating your shit and you can't stop me. Cry more.
Good, keep downloading. I'm just saying things will become nearly impossible to find because not everyone will want to archive random shit they have no interest in. It's just a fact that any successors will run into their own problems that may jeopardize more and more data.
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these kikes were already assfucking me back in school when my parents had to buy stupidly overpriced yet useless piece of shit textbooks my teachers made us bring to class so we could spend all of 5 minutes per lesson actually using them, and now that i've been out of school for 15 years you're telling me they're coming back for a revenge to assfuck me again by shitstomping the internet archive?
are you for real?
Better pay up now, commie
Copyright laws only exist as a way for corporations to maintain their position. They are the building blocks for the technofeudalist world of tomorrow.
Most Republicans are liberal as hell nowadays. The most conservative person in American politics is fucking Fetterman, a stroke victim Democratic politician.
The little guy always gets fucked. That's just how it goes. Copyright gets to protect megacorporations for centuries after the original authors of the works are long dead but the little guy cannot afford to even make use of such protections in practice.
>I'm just saying
Don't care.
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>pirate search
It's always the jews. Also, you're an absolute fucking moron, because this has nothing to do with video games, and OP just made shit up.
modern societies are truly demonic
>kike ads and social media propaganda rapes your brain from childhood
>no access to information unless you pay for overpriced kike books
>can't graduate uni unless you shower kikes with money
>no upwards mobility for you, goy filth
>wagecuck for 50 years, golem (it's the meaning of life)
We don't even have video rental stores or physical releases anymore, so what the fuck am I supposed to do to download shit to watch in the event my internet goes down?
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>Corporations have ruined the internet
You know you're supporting the bigger corporation of the two here, right?
Also Khale wanted all media to be digital.
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>R-republican judge
>SEE GOY, you have to play teamsportsball to get anything done
Someone go badger Elon Musk to start an "X Archive".
Hachette means small axe in french and also sounds like "buy", do of that information what you will
>faggot shill
shitton of books and old movies that you can't find anywhere else, this is a huge loss

imagine if woketards and poltards could use their autism to fight copyright niggers instead of wasting ther time with bs
erasing history is in the best interest of kikes, it lets them normalize the current hellscape and people won't know how things used to be
Downloaded a good few books from there.
corporations have always found (((loopholes))) to skirt the law for (((some reason))).
>it's not actually theft, we paid for that data and we trained an AI on it, so it's not actually unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material
corporations ruined the world
Links? What are you even babbling about? How do you think piracy works?
Imagine ruining an actual invaluable aid for education, and the preservation of culture, all because you're butthurt people are pirating your Star Wars books, that aren't worth reading in the first place.
Actual cultural vandal. Ought to be fucking tarred and feathered.
Good thing it's on the internet and therefore will never really disappear. Even if the site goes down, the data still exists somewhere. They'll just have to operate under the flag instead of officially.
Just means they're going to move the hosting out of the US.
Tell him he should call it arXive and he 100% will do it.
>Good thing it's on the internet and therefore will never really disappear.
not true, lots of data is just lost forever
>y-you need to get this scapegoat
>looks inside courthouse
>judge eating babies
how about no
Copywrite niggers will always lose(money)
Anon, Hachette is an Australian publisher owned by the Lagardère Group which had a French CEO. They're not Jews.
Shut the fuck up, transcel.
It should be storing everything including outdated video game codes. Too bad data will be corrupted unless they routinely clean their data drives.
People say “nothing on the internet is gone forever” but data gets permanently lost all the fucking time, there’s entire subcultures dedicated to desperately things down that people can’t find anymore.
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>Gen X sôi cuck ruins things for everyone
Why is it always like this? Same shit applies to Millenials.
its easy to fight copyright, the hard part is funding it. my business model would run circles around the current regime of IP holding retards
The fact that this could very well be found in the Talmud is funny enough.
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I knew this day would come, I already downloaded and backed up everything up. NES, SNES, GB/C, MegaDrive ROMs all the magazines, official guides, walkthroughs and whatever scanned material I could find.
I dont trust the word of a cunt who uses coof as an excuse to justify why he railed against a lending library and tried to get it shut down
archive.org sucks for books
good for vidya, though
>500 years ago: Public libraries are great. Information should be free.
>Today: all data belongs to someone. How dare you steal our precious information.

Isn't the internet just one big library? Who owns a string of 1s and 0s? Why? What if I changed it 2%, is it still yours? 3%? When are they not your bytes anymore?

Aren't we all reliant on the inventor of binary code (Gottfried Leibniz) for this to exist? Why doesn't it all belong to him or his descendants? We couldn't look at HTML websites without Burners-Lee, maybe the internet belongs to him. All of this is stupid and arbitrary. We're all going to suffer because some low-tier lawyer won a shitty case for a scam company that prints educational books and marks them up.
Fair enough, but this is coming with advance warning. Guaranteed they're backing all this data up and hiding it somewhere as we speak.
They were born early enough to inherit the boomers worst vices like getting all your information from the TV.
this, also >>687787507 this

why is everything so jewish?
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surely new physical book releases will cover the distribution problem, right?
there's totally no nefarious kike plans here to be seen at all
Gen X is the absolute fucking worst.
Totally domesticated cattle but they pretend otherwise. At least millenials and zooms have significant TRUE outliers/rebels.
Gen x is pure goycattle.
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>steganographic tracking pixels
begone glowfag
no we're going to suffer this shit because a bunch of baby eating jews and baby eating congressmen and baby eating judges alll collectively ate babies and have MAD and mafia instilled in their vile black hearts to always fuck over the public in the interest of not getting lynched
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>corpos win again
i hate living in this oligarchic shithole sometimes
>they paid for data models that have pirated content and actual illegal content in them
Gen x was the first group that wasnt goycattle at least to the extent of boomers
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>Why is it always like this? Same shit applies to Millenials.
>"normal people" are actively trying to reshape individuals either through media brainwashing and history erasure
>somehow anons on an image board saying that informations needs preservations are in the wrong

I hate this fucking timeline bros...
Are you fucking retarded?

Also, can't they move servers to a .to domain or something? Like, outside the US?
who do you think pushes identity politics to prevent unity
And this all started because Chuck fucking Wendig
I hope someone lights a bag of dog shit on fire and lobs it at his house so it can herkily jerkily fly through his window
Even if people have the data, they still need places to upload it to share.

>low iq zoomertranny talks generational shit
lmfao, zero self-awareness
Gen Z aren’t suing people to take your rights away either
Good. Accelerate the collapse. All good things must come to an end. Once everything good is gone, we can start over and heal
I wonder if one could disguise these book as an AI checkpoint model and if you could "generate" the content locally using prompts (the title of the books you want)
Nah. I've had to learn this the hard way recently. Even if they seem that way if you cut deep enough, they will show their cattle mind.
Lemmings the entire lot.
>AI company startup is allowed to use all known data
usually the AI 'startups' are already using existing AI from the big guys who have fat government contracts, and the government will ignore any complaints over shit they've invested in
You can't even call people fat anymore? Or call them men or women?
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rope yourself nigger.
No one wins when information is erased.
No one but (((them)))
oh, its the fag who joked about raping babies and then got fired by disney
This doesn't disprove anything I said.
>Corporate ruled cyberpunk dystopia but without any of the cool shit
My patience is wearing thin.
where the fuck do I get a functional romset for mameui 0.269?
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We need to bring back the torture methods of the crusades for people like this.
Why doesn't everyone just move everything to Russia or somewhere in esstern europe? Being in America is always asking to be sued eventually.
>behead those that maintain and preserve video games for everyone to play
If you didn't buy concord, then you should have because if it was up to you that's the only game we would have.
No, it literally was started by one snitch.
Move the servers out of US, the copyright law is just destroying the civilization at this point.
i never said they where free or even free thinkers, just that they invented counterculture as a response to boomers first. they popularized the simpsons and took america from sappy sitcoms portrayed by pedophiles to the 1:1 recreation of our disfunction that characterizes the sitcom satire.
Spiteful people win because they're shitters and seeing others in shit makes them feel vindicated.
The same people who are promoting DEI, ESG, Woke, SBI dogshit are the same people shutting down IA. Same as what took down Romhacking.
The chuds won't destroy your game no matter how dogshit and gay it is.
Can they just skip the foreplay and give corporations the right to legally own people again?
communists do
>n-no we pwomis goyim it was all this one goy!
The ones responsible are the ones who made copyright what it is and the judges and military that enforce it.
They should clone them instead that way it's like a hydra so if one gets bombed or something another gets turned on so it can still live.
I havent read a book in 30 years
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(You) ARE backing up and saving every piece of digital media you love right?
The internet is quickly becoming incredibly unfun.
I wish. I need to get a NAS.
they already have that, its called bonds, its what the government sells to print more money. they essentially say "our citizens are slaves for X ammount of money, paid back over whatever terms" (its never paid back)
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>this is all the fault of some greedy basedcuck author
Problem with gen x is they are very small population compared to boomers and millennials
So they never really had a say in anything as a group, as r as neon individuals sure but the group was castrated politically
I'm reading Fevre Dream right now on the archive.
None of them wouldve thought of it without Wendig shitting himself over it.
>using IA to actually read books

It's interface is terrible.
The internet became unfun about 15 years ago
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i say we return them to their original order
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Xhe is unironically based, I really despise all the lazy, apathetic NPC cattle that "just want to grill/game/let someone else solve/clean/fix it", all the fucking faggots who never spoke up or did anything when others tried to warn or stop the pozz now get what they fucking deserve. This hedonistic and apathetic biomass doesn't deserve anything.
>yes good goy, remember to post (((our))) news articles
The only thing I use internet archive for is old nudie magazines, especially the Japanese swimsuit ones. Are those safe?
Bros I'm worried that zoomers aren't inheriting the culture of piracy.

Only Gen X and millenials know how to pirate. If we don't pass it on the zoomers, the internet will be so much worse off for it and jews will get free rein to rape it for eternity.
groening, brooks and simon are boomer you dummy
All talk. When you cut deep they show their goy cattle colours.
>Corporations have ruined the internet.
They have. At least the parts of the Internet, that are visible to them.
The Internet is fortunately far larger than they could ever even begin to understand.
Places "normal people" know tend to suck. Well, go elsewhere!
This is way worse than mere games. This is being done so that historical records and "problematic" works which contradict modern propaganda can be eradicated. Soon, when they tell you that your country has always had 90% black people, there will no longer be records disproving it.
>none of them would have thought of it
everything about covid was planned retard
so what?
the people who watched the simpsons weren't. boomers hated the simpsons
Yoshi never said that
Holy hell, did they censor the passage where Dahl says that people with traits often considered ugly, are actually beautiful as long as they're beautiful on the inside? Middle bottom left.
>illiterate morons in charge of censoring books
Of course, it makes so much sense now
yea where is that and what the fuck does merged mean?
Why are jews like this? Maybe there's a reason why they've been chased out of every country they've tried to squat in for all of human history.
>man who has never done anything finds a justification for making everything worse by blaming everyone but himself
Killing him is literally a moral and just action. He is an enemy of humanity.
Explain why they havent gone after IA bedore Chuck's pissing session then
He just did nigger are you blind, click the thumbnail if you’re having trouble seeing
Zoomers don't even use PC's anon.
they did not plan to go after IA until then, retard
they're demon people, you don't get expelled from so many countries for nothing. Hadrian was too fucking soft
Video games?
And jews wonder why everyone eventually kicks them out.
So youre saying Chuck started it. Ok, glad we can clear that up
You are not allowed to call others ugly unless they oppose The Message™
We are going to lose decades of content over some pdfs? Teachers pirate books all the time. This shit is going to make things worse not better... Holy shit i hate modern internet so much.
Death to America.
Actual retard.
>It's interface
Maybe read some books yourself.
Move the servers to Russia and other shitholes, begin to archive.
Invest in a large hard drive. Always keep your own archive.
all your roms gone
this just sold, please help you
It's is possessive. You wouldn't say its, dipshit.
>zoomer that has never tried to find something from a decade ago that just literally doesn't exist outside of the archive
You'll know our pain soon retard.
>this is not totally the exact same thing
nice try, disease
Read a book.
no you dumb jew I am saying that they planned for this entire sequence of events. chuck, the rigged trial, to do so durring the MASSIVE MASSIVE covid wargame. the whole thing was designed to flex the muscle of the deep state. now FUCK OFF
>you lived to see free Internet
>you lived to see corpo policed Internet
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Well, fuck.
>they planned for this entire sequence of events.
Prove it
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>We who know about the Pharaoh, know about the Pharaoh
IA is a net positive to my modern day internet experience so I'm not surprised.
I would because it's its correct form, retard.
You're literally siding with corporate millionaire
Zoomers know how to pirate, the issue is corpos spent the entire length of their generation trying to trick people into thinking they are going to get obliterated in court for even downloading a torrent client.
And it worked.
This. There's boomers that think the isp letters do shit
I will side with literally anything if it hurts copyright laws.
Neither are millenials or gen Xers. Granted that's because they don't want to whereas gen Z can't because they're too stupid.
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>crying 4 minutes into a thread being made that it's not at bump limit
>it is interface
Ah yes, siding with people who want to take away your rights, how very Jewish of you.
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You people are such fucking niggers. You rant and rave about how nobody will do anything but then refuse to give even a tiny tidbit of information like where this is. No, reverse image search doesn't do shit, Yandex just thinks it's random lines of code.
>take away your rights
No, that would be expanding copyright laws.
>surely you have evidence of our dastardly plans in detail
yeah i'll get right onto to finding some legitimate thought provoking source backed by some pozzed university credited professor or journo. Last time /v/ provided a source the DOD bought the entire website and moot permabanned half the board.
picked up
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i just love how EVERYBODY - from antifa supporting leftists and full on Neo Nazis - hates this fucking faggot
Still not seeing proof there, Chuck, but go ahead and blame kikes
>Good thing it's on the internet and therefore will never really disappear
Anon don't be so sure about it... Most things that we couldn't find ANYWHERE were on internet archive... We are fucked. We actually need autists that only store information in their smelly rooms full of hard disk drivers.
It's only going to get worse. Eventually only a few dozen sites will be allowed and all others branded "dark web" and declared illegal. The Internet will be as regulated as radio and tv.
>knowingly hosts illegal copyrighted material
>gets shut down
>people react that this is sudden and unexpected
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maybe you should try getting a job
Aka, everyone's right to own their own ideas.
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It's just the books side right? Like I knew they'd come for the vidya eventually but this is just for the books isn't it?
Not this guy though lmao. The only Chuck defender
nta that posted that but I'm pretty sure that's from a private track you'd need an invite for
oh, thanks

does anyone have it from a site that isn't shit?
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illiterate as well as jewish, sasuga
>everyone's right to own their own ideas.
That's not what current copyright laws actually are in practice and everyone knows it so I don't know who you think you're fooling.
Welp, the R/roms megathread is pretty much dead at this point.
tbf, they think reposting a person's social media memes, without giving proper credit, is immoral.
They're either:
Useful idiots that have been bamboozled by them to work for them.
Actively, knowingly working for them.
It's been like 10 minutes, take your meds holy fucking shit. This is GGn, I'm sure it's on other trackers too. No idea what merged means
>herkily jerkily
>Our lawyers have identified three similarities between your work and Avi Goldstein's previous published works! Better luck in 150 years, bastid!
Post nose
...then fucking pass it on. Actually spread information. Make a fucking effort instead of constantly screaming at them for not knowing everything already.
Are people not allowed to make money off their own works? Are they not allowed to do anything if people steal it, or worse make money off it without giving anything back to you?
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>bring up Chuck and how much he's a faggot
Hm....its as if youre trying to clean his name....
The lawsuit literally just refers to books. It's the authors who got pissy that they stopped doing the lending thing.
Someone spoonfeed me?
Are they actually shutting down or is it just books getting taken down?
10 minutes is 10 too long, you faggots don't need to take that much time. Stop being lazy.
You’re so naive anon
>nobody tell this nigger what a library is
shit nigga never been in a book store? Many of them have chairs so you can sit and read books before you buy them
>That's not what current copyright laws actually are in practice
Given that the only thing that has changed about copyright law is it's duration it's pretty safe to say that's how current copyright laws are used.
Unless of course you are Jewish or as petty as Ken penders in which case you'll try and steal things that don't belong to you by law.
internet historian and professional masturbator
Yeah maybe next time I won't bother replying to you at all.
Slippery slope thing. If the books can be taken what's stoping the rest?
>Internet Historian
When's the new video??? Its been months
>netflix, which owns Roald Dahl's writing
That's the most disgusting thing I've read all day.
people like you are why there is no soul left in the world
>loses a court case the same day kimcartoon shuts down from a dmca claim
They still lost an expensive lawsuit anon. They don't have the kind of money needed to pay the publishers. I don't know how much they'll be forced to pay but it will likely be an obscene amount.
>go after some dumb retarded small fry and not the people responsible goy!
guy probably eats babies too for all I know but he's not the one who's gavel swings the army to my door when I tell you to pound sand.
Well this is dangerous for literally everybody. If we lose information just that easily. We don't know what is propaganda or actual data anymore. It's complete chaos. People will have to trust blindly a government and that's a scary future to think about... This shit isn't just about roms or pdfs but the past being stored on ther internet. We don't have paper archives anymore.
Just books for now.
But this case will set a precedent for the future, so other forms of media may get taken down.
>Youre Jewish if you don’t support copyright law
You guys are actually falling for this stale bait?
You can't be so naive that you don't realize how bad that is. By targeting books they've essentially established precedent for any form of media to be removed.
Can't IA just host their website in some anarchist shithole with lax laws where they can't be prosecuted?
As of right now, only the books are in danger. But this court case can and will lead to other copyrights for music, video games, and other things on the archive.
>They don't have the kind of money needed to pay the publishers
He's a multi millionaire anon.
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>netflix owns Roald Dahl's writing
Good lord
I've copyrighted the words in your post. You do not own the order of these words. Delete your post immediately.
>freedom is slavery
>slavery is freedom
fuck off jew
>small fry
He started it
Prove it first
>Have a way to record, store, distribute and copy any information we want near infinitely for all of time
>Put it behind arbitrary paywalls and put limited restrictions on it
Copyright law in theory protects a creator but no! It's abused to shit that is now a weapon against the idea of free and open information. FUCK
Yes, we are against copyright laws in current form.
It’s the copyrighted ones, aka those since 1927 or so. Everything else is public domain.
Why would Jews want copyright law to exist when it gets in their way of forcing everyone but themselves into the role of a slave?
>in which case you'll try and steal things that don't belong to you by law.
So how do you feel about publishers and production companies profiting off of works from people that are dead?
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Do people not just use LibGen?
Everyone can see who owns the website, dumbass. You'd have to be living in a shithole too.
"The internet is forever" is a false statement, unfortunately : once something goes online, it's hard to erase it because it can be uploaded in tons of places BUT if all these places are taken down, it disappears.
With IArchives we have a big safety net to prevent this. Without IArchives,well...
Guaranteed? By what, your opinion?
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>Prove it, you have to use our (((sites))) and post (((articles))) in (((our))) news or else you are not allowed to say a duck is a duck.
why, WHY did they fight this case they had no chance winning. i seriously hate when obnoxious overly smug fight the power spergs decide to dig their feet on something like this and get utterly btfo, same as the yuzu niggers. why can't people just be content to live in the shadows.
You look me dead in the eye and tell me that shit like Disney suing a family because they put spiderman on their dead son's gravestone isn't the ultimate form of kikery.
>The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with millions of books, films and video, audio recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts in its collections. The Library is the main research arm of the U.S. Congress and the home of the U.S. Copyright Office.
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>no proof
I accept your concession
Too generic, copyright denied.
Case closed.

Also in most countries copyright privilege is automatic upon creation and distribution so I could sue you for attempting to copyright my post.
>same as the yuzu niggers
what are you talking about? yuzu devs ran from the case to avoid a judgement
Who says libgen won't be next
>"okay folks"
I got mad at the last second
All of this could've been avoided if Covid didn't mindbreak them into thinking piracy laws no longer applied for some reason.
My wife works for a company that digitizes old media and puts it on IA. Don't really know how it makes money but people with antique records collections donate it to them to have it digitized and uploaded. Mostly 1900's-1930's. There's some really obscure shit they get. Hopefully it doesn't end up being fucked.
>we hid our crimes by making it illegal to post evidence online and killing anyone who does
>we win
>dancing cat
wow, you sure did provide an excellent source for me being correct, thanks. couldn't have asked for better proof of your jewish sociopathy
>removing a reference to poisonous gases
Please tell me that didn't happen
>What? You mean I can be hit with legal issues if I host pirated material?
Is this supposed to be a shock? Are pirates genuinely so retarded that they didn't see this outcome coming?
You'd think that the people on a board thats 90% text would have some reading comprehension. Guess I was wrong.

The archive isn't shutting down or getting shut down. If anything, this will affect their library of ebooks, but as of now nothing else. They are still looking into further legal options and fighting the verdict.

You niggers need to stop doomposting and making shit up.
It's on rutracker too, or some version of it.

You didn't even bother searching for it yourself, did you? Unironically kill yourself.
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>Source: I made it all up

they also won the suit
shut the fuck up already goy, even normalfags are starting to nootice
now get your brain chip implant like a good goyim, you are not a nazi pedo with something to hide are you?
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Noooo you can't just read a book you didn't pay for
>the internet archive & nhentai
THIS is one the biggest loss of internet in decades
LibGen doesn't have most of the stuff Internet Archive has. LibGen is good for up to date scientific and technical stuff. If you want anything old, historical, or non-technical (such as novels or memoirs) you look on IA.
LibGen has been down for a while now
>hey guys this duck is a duck
fuck off cris
It will effect everything with time, it sets precedent. The DMCA exemption isn't going to last.
The public domain is an inherently Jewish idea, yes.
If a creator sells their idea and then dies then that's fair game however since their property isn't being taken from them by some Jewish addition post Statute of Anne, they sold it and they don't care about it.
Take Notch and MS for example, he's not dead but he sold it and wiped his hands of Minecraft. Not to mention he's defending the movie
>Why would Jews want copyright law to exist
>yes jews hate making money and hate the idea of manipulating and controlling everything
Wtf I hate the Internet Archive now??
>muh sadpanda knockoff
Stop trying to force me to pay for a fucking vpn already
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That's actually sickening.
It's really good if you're into older editions of D&D.
I don't see any reason a company should get to own something for more than twenty years, before it becomes public property.
Wouldn't that be better? If Disney had paid to own Star Wars for twenty years, instead of forever?
>you can no longer read pdfs of 40 year old cook books because of some modern publishing kerfuffle
Is there away IA could split itself? seems insane for so much old media no corp gives a shit about to disappear because of a line one guy's schlock.
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>hey guys this duck is a duck
No, this is a duck
sadpanda is already raped to death by fakku and irodori dmca's and SEA brownoids uploading mtl dogshit and AIslop
Just wait for net neutrality to be repealed again and the site remains up, but gets throttled to 1 bit per second.
>Jews hate control and making money
how big and crooked is your nose
Nigga just use z library
Singlelogin. Rs
man i really want to fedpost right about now
Suit yourself.
-"AI Generated"
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In other news....
Guess what else happened
I think a lot of you need to git gud at piracy or fuck off from my hobby
>reportedly refused to allow the boy's tombstone to feature Spider-Man, claiming that doing so would ruin the "innocence" and "magic" of the company's famed characters
>women and girls are to be censored
No, it won't. The Internet is incredibly centralized, they will go after hosting, ISP peering, payment processing, whatever. Once in a very rare while you'll get a Kim Dotcom to thumb his nose at all of it, and even he'll get got in the end. There's no fighting city hall, not the way you want to anyways.
this was already the goyim curated version of panda in the first place
it shouldn't be piracy to access old information in the first place
I have. I have taught at least 5 people under the age of 20 how to pirate in the last couple years, who have then went on to teach multiple peers.
The hardest part isn't teaching them how to downlad and use pirated media. It's teaching them how to recover and find new sources safely when whatever sources they are relying on eventually fails or becomes a virus hive. SEO and censorship from the big search companies have made typing "warez" or "roms" into a search engine not the easy solution it once was.
They also don't seem to want to learn about IRC channels and ftp servers. And I don't blame them, those places can be cancer.
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normalfags started it actually, 99% of this site doesn't belong here, if normalfags never flooded the internet corporations wouldn't have a reason to cater to and control them
This situation is FAAAAR worse than anything related to switch emulation or nintendo roms. It's literally a threat to our internet's past data. zoomers won't save anything and will let everything be lost. It sucks on so many levels it's impossible to even explain.
>not the way you want to anyways.
What exactly are you implying fellow citizen?
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Lol chuds angry because history is fixing things that should have been fixed decades ago? Wahhh chudlie chocolate factory is less racist!!!
Why did a quarter of the doujins get nuked then?
All that's left of Bosshi are his ultra shitty big ball works.
>you need to make friends with other pirates to learn shit first
and this is why it is dying, I'm not talking to normalfaggot filth that posts on /v/
It didn't.
As usual Jews are trying to use the pity card against you. The father asked, the said no but sent a spiderman cel with some kind of eulogy.
Then they did it fucking anyway and the local council told them to take it down.


So yeah, no suing actually happened. You're being tricked into siding with Jews who want to remove your rights.
>Hag being changed to old crow
Finally censorship that makes language less annoying. Please apply this to 4chan.
Corporations are actively keeping you from information now. They aren't even hiding it anymore.
Burn it all down, let's start over.
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>people have been uploading AI shit without the tag
because when it's too easy it goes to shit, normalniggers are a scourge on everything
if you deserve it then you'll find it with ease
Jokes on you my hobbies are muay thai, motorbike riding and piano. I haven't bought a single game in the last 13 years, still playing the same old stuff. Even oblivion, skyrim and sims is enough for a lifetime, I just added rimworld and few other indies that I pirated lel
I don't really use that one but that sucks.
>California company PCR Distributing is one of the affected copyright holders
This is ridiculous. It's not even the Nips getting mad but faggots from California.
>jew defending another jew such as Bob Iger
not helping your case
I wonder what old versions of the books go for.
it's funny because jews are the ones attacking archive which is also run by a jew
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This is a modern day burning of the library of Alexandria but even worse. I cannot imagine how low your IQ needs to be in order to support this.
>change this and this and that
>They didn't sue the family, goy, they just complained to the local council and had them bully the family into taking it off
Don't worry the contrarian discord trannies on here will find a way to support it
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Allow those scans of back issues of Barely Legal Magazine will be lost.
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I wish these amerimutt filth won't come for my scihub next. Idk what I'd do without that Kazakh bros. The American is once more the enemy of liberty and knowledge
Uh huh, sure.
Its not like I didn't just catch you in an obvious Jewish lie trying to convince people that owning things is wrong or anything.
i mostly use archive for old tv shows, games, manuals, or something, nothing academic
>Rich Indian Prince
Uh oh Stinky.
there are way more bullshit "research" papers on there than there are books.
the place is an absolute landfill of trash.
Is it really over or is this a meme
>using nhentai
Nigger what the fuck are you doing
Oh so they only badgered the city council into doing it so that it became a by law issue and Disney both didn't have to pay to take them to court and could claim plausible deniability after saying no for a stupid reason in the first place? That's a huge relief
>Robert Alan Iger was born to a Jewish family in New York City.
this is the jew you are defending
How much will you pay for what you used to get for free?
People are going to conveniently ignore this
wait til you misgender one
It's literally just the unsanctioned e-book lending that's the issue. That's all that got shut down.
It's funny everyone's screaming about Jews and Americans when the IA were fucking retards and thought they could get away with blatant high profile piracy. You guys will blame anyone but the actual people at fault.
Thats because of irodori comics in particular.
Just werks.
>They also don't seem to want to learn about IRC channels and ftp servers.
I practically had to handhold a co-worker through torrenting yesterday.
I told him to use qbittorent's inbuilt search engine because he's only going to look for normie slop and navigating mirrors will be too hard for him.
Younger people just don't have the patience for it anymore.
Whelp. time to finally download the MAME merged archive while the torrents are still good.
>>muh sadpanda knockoff
Nhentai deleted way less stuff than panda.
The days when panda was king is long gone.
>do you hate all these ads we out into our previously ad free service?
>just pay us money to get rid of them
The future is bleak
I mean I know it exists but why would you use it instead of sadpanda?
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what are they gonna do I own nothing and be happy.
they only did the open e-book thing when covid was going on, then got a lot of shit for it
Any better places?
from where?
>they just complained to the local council and had them bully the family into taking it off
They didn't do that either.
You're just making up reasons to be mad.
Theres a difference between "this sets a precedent but there's also still options" and "OMG THE IA WILL SHUT DOWN TOMMORROW GUYS EVERYTHINGS GONE" retard doom posting.

As of now a lot of stuff isn't set in stone yet people on here are acting like they already wiped their fave hentai collection or archived video of the web.
Yeah they really tried to take the bull by the horns they should have just taken the stupid fucking e-lending thing down. Now they're going to beg for donations to cover legal costs, not be able to raise enough, and blame everyone but themselves.
This has always been the case
Sadpanda's purges happened because of Fakku and (((Jacob)))
Nhentai's quality and such is worse but it also had a lot of shit that has long been purged and you can't upload to sadpanda. It's a loss regardless.
For example Homunculus (most vanilla of vanilla guy) doujins are for the most part gone from the panda but were up on nhentai.
Fucking Spotify. I've literally never heard an ad on it that wasn't for Spotify Premium. Like what the fuck? They're not even making money off that.
Theres literally only 1 place you should be getting it from. I dont know when the fuck nhentai became the norm, but people used to laugh at you for using that site
til qbit has a search engine
i just grab shit the old fashioned way
https://archive.org/details/mame-merged It's only a matter of time before they come for all the archives.
>I steel
>I want shit for free
black hands wrote this
Probably nothing because nobody cares.
so why look at them?
>also 3 sec ads take a break and touch grass
>actually trying to fight a lawsuit against a publisher
IA fucked themselves. their only protection was obscurity and opportunity cost of legal fees, you settle and hope most other publishers don't give a shit about nerds who haven't bought a book in their adult lives pirating something that's forty years old.
Is that the irodori guy?
ignore what? the only thing we ignore is a bunch of dumb liberal cocksuckers who insist anyone gives a shit about republicans. you have to be over 50 years old to think any of those faggots are not just as commie as the rest of you.
it goes like this
Democrats empty your pockets, and republicans rob your cradle and ship the contents off to the sand lot using the money the first guy stole. if the any of them come back, the democrats make sure they use their guns to force you and the rest of the public to do any humiliation ritual they come up with. They are all our enemies. none of them are worse or better than the other. pajeetris and israel don are the same fucking picture.
tons of stuff, I recently checked out a 2000 version of the guinness world records to see some old fapbait from my childhood. It'd be a shame if the archive went away because of this
This is an era of cultural vandalism
Merged means that every game derived from the original and the original will be contained in the same file. For example Pac-Man, Puck-Man and the derivates will be on the same zip file. it's best if you want to save up space.
If you want to cherry pick a rom, it's better to have non-merged files.
A lot of people here aren't going to like what I have to say. But there's a giant difference between physical and digital. Hell, the whole idea being piracy, is that difference. That when you take a physical object, it's removed from its place. But when you take a digital object, you're actually copying it, the original remaining.

That's why digital lending is not equivalent to physical lending. If you go down to your library and borrow a book, that library only has so many copies of the book. Other people have to wait until a copy is returned before they can borrow it. This allows for a market where if someone really wanted to own the book long term, they could purchase a copy for themselves. This allowed writers and publishers to make money.

When you remove the scarcity of a product, the market crumbles.
>b-b-b-b-but piracy doesn't affect sales.
Absolutely false. But also: it's not for you to decide that. The writers and publishers own the IPs. They get to say whether or not piracy is a concern for them.
it makes chuds made so i have to support it or something
And yet I bet you'd defend public libraries to the death you boot licking libtard.
This is /v/, they'll find a way.
>bro why do you care about playing old video games
>/v/ - Video Games
Yeah, city councils are in the habit of inspecting tombstones and making sure they conform to Disney's copyright wishes all on their own
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Anons please help, how do I use the internet archive, I like the idea of it and support it, but I almost never found anything I wanted, I typed the title of something in the search bar, but the UI is so weird.

Yes I am a zoomer, and not the most tech literate, but this is the reason why I never was able to use the Internet Archive, it seems like they hide their stuff. I know that rn I will probably not be able to find anything after the lawsuit, but I am genuinely asking how do you use it, like, if I use the seacrh bar and type "Black Myth: Wukong" I don't get the game shown at all, , it is always random things that don't even share the same title I searched for.

I know people claim they can find ROMs and games, but even when I individually search for ROMs and games I don't find any, the only way to find them is to get the link directly from reddit, yeah I know.

Please anons help, how do you search on this site? is that just how the site works? they hide something and you can only see it if the uploader hands you their link directly?
I don't know what that is and I feel like I'll be put on a watchlist for searching.
Everyone will need to hoard and make their own storage servers soon. We are not long for the world when this happens.
You're a newfag parroting opinions to make yourself fit in
Sadpanda hasn't been a good place in ages due to purges
No. Jacob's the owner of Fakku
He is a literal jew that started Fakku same e-hentai and every other website, uploading scanlations. Except he went legit and then proceeded to DMCA all other websites.
Same shit Crunchyroll did.
don't forget to download!

>you settle
theres no settling, they didnt do a real deliberation.
You're thinking of The Wayback Machine, which the Archive owns.

There's music, movies, games, books, comics, magazines, documentaries, manuals, all kind of shit on there.
This is bait but kill yourself anyways.
>Blah blah blah blah put more money into the pockets of the people who are in the process of choking you and your planet to death blah blah blah
Fuck you, eat a dick then drown in a industrial sized vat of diseased shit.
>need to pay to download shit since 90% of torrents for anything older than 1 week are dead as fuck
Why faggots praise panda so much? Legit question lmao. I unironically started to upload AI slop scrapped from kemono just so chinks and pajeets will add up points to my account so i can download shit there.
Uhh… which political side did this. I need to know before I can call it based or cringe?
>ad is actually 4 minutes long but can be skipped in 5 seconds, forcing you to remain present and directly interact with the ad when it plays
doesnt it mean hatchet?
>>b-b-b-b-but piracy doesn't affect sales.
>Absolutely false
yeah Im sure always online games like Concord was pirated to death
>When you remove the scarcity of a product, the market crumbles.
Then maybe that product should never have been scarce in the first place and was only scarce due to the limitations of our technology.
Like it or not physical media in all forms has become a luxury item.
And by the way, IA only lent out the amount of digital copies it had a physical copy for. That's how their lending system worked.
>i just grab shit the old fashioned way
So did I for the first 2 years I used qbit, turns out the shitload of plugins can save a lot of time.
https://github. com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/wiki/Unofficial-search-plugins
the owner is a neoliberal retard he will never leave america even if it ends with him in jail
this is all zoomers fault, we can't have shit in this world
>hurr when I take the work of others, one time it's stealing and in the other case I'm just uhhh borrowing and not paying, that's completely different, I'm not stealing some work and use it for free
>I'm a good person, not a fucking thief
>also corporations are le bad and their games suck
>which is why I must play them all
I see, if you really think like that then (((you))) are definitely our enemy.
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nhentai just became the norm because too many people got filtered by sadpanda.

Oh yeah, and speaking of sadpanda: pic related.
No, the series of events went like this
>kid dies
>father wanted spiderman on grave
>council says get permission first
>contacts Disney hopeful because of the iron-man grave the year before
>Disney says no but sends them a gift
>father shits his bricks in anger
>puts out the spiderman thing anyway
>stays up, because why would Disney be monitoring bongtopia, until the council finds out and demands they remove it
>father once again shits his bricks so hard he ends up in hospital, gets his local PM involved and starts a petition

In other words, Disney just said no because spiderman is a child oriented piece of media and the man tried to threaten Disney with government intervention.
True, of all the zoom zooms that I know, only my gf knows how to pirate shit and even then it's only streaming.
>public library
>has one physical book
>lends it out
>gets it back (the legit copy back)
>pays for it all
>but but I could make photos of the whole book in theory and then print it out and
This website was good before everyone knew where it was.
Now they come take a shit and complain about it
No because the owner is moron who won't hand off the site to a person who lives in a place where corporations have no power at

He should have done it decades ago but here we are
They're trying to sign on as many idiots as they can. When share price go up and model becomes unsustainable, the execs will dump the corporation on some bagholder chumps
fuck off weeb nobody cares
>Nintendo gaems for free
soon to be gone
hopefully the archive made logs of all the niggers
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how is there even still purges at exh
I thought they moved to Moldova to stop all of that bullshit
republican judge, le based saviors of america of course
if you posted on this any other board you would have gotten a public ban by now in the old days when 4chan wasn't total shit
It's the political side of everyone's past data is fucked. It's bad for everyone.
where are you gonna upload it, anon?
>I steel it
choose one
>a game would be super cheap if there were 1 trillion copies
you pay for the game development, dumb ass
Pretty sure e-hentai purges at the request of the actual Japs. They can't get had by Fakku anymore
And also, it was about the loli.
Oooh and when there were the SKG threads you lot were calling us commies, trannies, shills etc etc saying it's useless and that corpos shouldn't be regulated.
And now its back to being the best place. I keep telling people before, why the fuck would you use nhentai, an easily accesible website for 2D.
Yes you fucking retard, you can make a photocopy of the book and keep it for yourself
What's the point of a government if it doesn't exist for the benefit of its people?
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>And by the way, IA only lent out the amount of digital copies it had a physical copy for. That's how their lending system worked.
that's how it nominally used to work. getting rid of waiting lists gave the publishers a line of attack and now it's all over. hubris.
>And by the way, IA only lent out the amount of digital copies it had a physical copy for. That's how their lending system worked.
Yeah, but with physical lending, most people don't have a method of copying the book they've borrowed. But with digital lending, it's as easy as copy and paste.

lol, not true at all. Maybe on /b/.
>city councils are in the habit of inspecting tombstones and making sure they conform to Disney's copyright wishes all on their own
Anon you are aware that the local council owns the public graveyard, right?
As in you need to inform them of what they're doing and they have people maintaining the graves?

The fun part is that if he hadn't said anything specific about spiderman in the first place no one would have done anything.
We're discussing books, not games.
More over this isn't even about novels and fiction books. It's about SCHOOL MANUALS.
Those fucking things aren't filled with anything that should even BE copyright included. The information contained within is literally fucking knowledge that students HAVE to learn as it's part of the obligatory school curriculum up to high school.
The Communists were right, and the dictatorship of the proletariat should probably proposition the death penalty for this level of subversion.
Retards, what the fuck am I literally stealing by download an out of copy book?
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Always a bootlicker
Gen X and Boomers at least have the excuse of being mostly pre-internet. It was easy for them to be corralled and controlled because there was no way for them to consoom anything besides what they were fed.
Millenials and Zoomers were either born with the internet or got access to it not long after their brains switched on, so they've always had an easier time finding alternative viewpoints, which in turn makes them more skeptical and less likely to fall for traditional social programming. Gen X and Boomers are very well-programmed because they just didn't have as many opportunities to avoid it.
>yes, you can!!!
but that takes tons of work and your copy will be inferior and you are a lazy commie ass, who won't do that anyway

>I can recreate the gaem and recreate the sprites too
>this means it should be legal to steal it
Jap hentai publishers, in particular Irodori Comics are the biggest offenders of purges.
This is literally 1984, but unironically
>pay to download
you just have to get credits from HentaiVerse then trade them on the exchange for GP to download
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>school manuals
>this child oriented piece of media can't be used on a 4 year olds tombstone
What does that even mean
these are the same people bitching and moaning that certain states banned certain books
>don't have a method of copying the physical book
Have you heard of a xerox machine? Is this place infiltrated by corporate shills or infested by retards?
Sadly, its just a start. Lawyers will see that they lost with the books, and will rush to courts to get them for everything and anything.
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it exists for the benefit of (((Certain people))).
see it works like this, when theres no government its one big free for all. someone then evetually wins that free for all. all the winners get together and make a government and or if theres an existing one, buy it out. by force and bribery in americas case, 1907 or so iirc. Once so bought, they use the government to leaverage restrictions on the public to ensure they cant win the market and rug pull them, they criminalize everything that they did to get up there and essentially kick the ladder down with you on it.

When people say that capitalism is communism this is what they mean, because capitalists love communism. Communism is just capitalism but you have a government force people to buy your products or else.
>most people don't have a method of copying the book they've borrowed
libraries themselves have printers and scanners
Because I can't find on exhentai all the things I can find on nhentai? Or well, could.
What part of this do you not understand? exhentai (and e-hentai) have suffered MASSIVE publisher related purges and are missing a metric fuckton of doujins and h manga, some of it fairly fucking popular and well known.
My favorites list is rife with shit that's been removed due to this.
Again, you're a newfag parroting shit you've heard to fit in without understanding the context.
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>like covid is real
>HAVE to repeat and repeat until they are full on NPCs
>revisionism is good
If I'm a chud, you're a nazi.
Everyone is a person anon and owning creative ideas is the right of every person.
If someone else owns an idea you want then not even the government can help since it would be affecting everyone else's rights.
You have NO idea what words mean. How is that bootlicking? I want to talk about vidya on the vidya board
this is about a lot more than video games, tard
The person who wrote that is a black Asian tranny

They lost the genetic lottery
nice facebook post.
>tons of work to photocopy a book
I can pay a guy at the shop a small amount to have it done for me. You're either trolling or a legit shill
You're a fucking moron lmao the majority of that shit is being pushed into media
>force people
also force people to work
and you can kill whomever you label as anti-commie
really nice
Another victory for corporations against the public, thanks conservatives!
You're an actual retard, this is far more than vidya roms.
Lots of public libraries have done ebook lending for a long time. It is also common to find music CDs, PC software, and all sorts of other digital media at public libraries for checkout.
>no spoonfeeding
You need to make an account. That immediately makes it shit.
Governments exists for the benefit of the "chosen" people, you antisemite.
Buy a physical Bible. Preferably, Douay-Rheims or KJV.
I smirked at that Assassination of Jesse James reference

Good movie
it means that disney thinks someone using that on a stone could cause children to be sad and not buy as many spider man toys.
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>yes, I can pay a guy some money to copy 5000 pages
now try again with 1000 books.
>uhhhh yes, you see it's super cheap then
compared to simply stealing a PDF?
Yeah, god forbid a fucking entity out to disseminate knowledge and art help people more easily access it.
You're right legally, but it's a fucking disgusting thought.
>Then maybe that product should never have been scarce in the first place
That's not for you to decide.
For 1, the artist straight up owns their work from the moment of creation. And as an owner, they get to decide who can distribute it or not. Maybe they're one of those artists who aren't motivated by money, but they still want to create a work of rarity. You make that impossible by copying their work against their will.

But 2, and probably more relevant, is that when you remove scarcity, you remove the value of a thing. The artist is no longer in control over how much money they can make off their work. You take that choice away from them.
>you just have to waste hours playing some dogshit game or pay
Yeah I know thats what I said anon this is why I scrap AI garbage off kemono and upload that shit with my account there and pajeets give me points this way lmfao. Nhentai at least had completly free good seedboxes.
Because it doesn't matter
Both parties worship Israel
Both parties deserve death
>burning books is okay when (((we))) do it
>he thinks his meme book hasn't been already censored when it was originally translated to english
i pity your low IQ
Meant for >>687793784
Tranny nigger faggot.

See I can throw around meaningless words too! Kill yourself
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The side in favor of legal bribery(they both are)
>he doesnt download his favorite doujinshi
Hey sounds like a (You) problem. I had Kisaragi Gunma works downloaded off Sadpanda back 2015.
You fucking worthless stupid gorilla niggers have anything to add or are you going to post empty platitudes about "muh school system bad" as if you're revealing some big secret?
>The artist is no longer in control over how much money they can make off their work. You take that choice away from them.
The artist has never benefitted from this. You are making a false argument and emotional appeal.
Tranny nigger faggot.

>itt: gibs me dat for free
I accept your concession. exhentai is not what newfags still claim it as and if you'd been using it since the beginning you'd understand that.
>will get free rein to rape it for eternity
Bankers are building bunkers, my brother in Christ.
>I wasted 10+ years to be told shit that I repeat
>I'm edjucated god damnit!!!
i posted the contrarianism thing again mom
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Moot was right.
You mean they are going out of their way to protect special interest groups over the common person.
i'll gibs u dis bbc nigga
What are you even arguing about? You think corps should have a right to buttfuck the public out of knowledge that does not benefit the original authors in any way?
>both sides are talking about how this is a horrible idea
>suddenly a schizo crawls out of the woodworks ranting about how we should ban school, poisoning the well
Very subtle
Wasting time with platitudes it is!
>If you go down to your library and borrow a book, that library only has so many copies of the book. Other people have to wait until a copy is returned before they can borrow it.
That's exactly what IA has been doing with their digital lending, retard. They only allow a number of people to borrow any book at the same time
>muh sekrit club
Piss off.
>it's all corporations!!!!!!
lmao, most books are written by 1 single person
It's always a glowie
Most people don't have those machines. And even if they did, it's still a hassle to scan and then print every page. It's time and money that's better spent just buying a copy, instead of making a shoddy bootleg version.

And it should be the writer/publisher's choice if their material is available for digital distribution.
That get published by publishing corporations you absolute fucking moron.
libgen is missing a lot of things that the Internet Archive had. e.g. "Architectural Brickwork" (Lacroux).
If you're trying to call Disney of all things the "common person" since the MP sided with the father and badgered Disney about it multiple times.
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>all the 20+ years old forgotten realms shit available there that is fucking impossible to find
>the legal owner is Hasbro the ultraturbojew

Holy shit grab what you can, it's never been more over than this
Ok, but which site still stands now then? Not Nhentai. Shouldve torrented your shit, because who the fuck doesnt immediately torrent works before they fap?
>facebook tier posts
>uber-compressed jpgs
>doesnt argue directly with what you're saying
>Most people don't have those machines
that is why you use the library's.
>using a screenshot from a song about dejecting yourself from society completely because of childhood trauma to push le schools bad
who makes this shit
Atheists have no morals. They know it. They know they have nothing so destroying brings them joy.
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>public schools are great
>you can learn very important lessons there
>for example that gender is fluid
>and that you need to torture children with masks for years to protect them from evil disease
>both parties worship israel
No the Biden/Harris administration is pushing back against Netanyahu while Trump sucks his cock and chastises them for not worshipping him
hes right thoughbeit? why would you willingly send your children to an enemy concentration camp. thats what a school is. america is an occupied country.
How'd 1984 end again?
the thing is it worked. it fucking worked. very small % of their material was something readers would have to queue for because who would conceivably be reading some random old book at the same time outside of the classics?
>Most people don't have those machines.
Literally millions of people do. It doesn't cost much to get one and scan it. How do you fucking books were originally uploaded before digital distribution you fucking zoomer dumbass.
Nhentai was good because it had almost everything exhentai didn't. If something wasn't on exhentai it was almost always on nhentai.
And honestly to be fucking frank, unless we're talking about shit like dunno, Yamatogawa's stuff, porn is porn and I'm there to fap. Quality's whatever.
>yes, you see everyone publishes at one of these super large corporations!
>this means I should get it all for free
>because the corporation already paid for everything
>they paid for the book and it was already made
>so me stealing it won't take anything away
>is that when you remove scarcity, you remove the value of a thing
Yes, the real value of the Mona Lisa is $12.50.
If you don't like it band together with people and try to buy the shit you want.
Oh wait, you'd be a company and morally obligated to commit suicide.
And in the case of the IA, the people who wrote those books are dead. You are bamboozled retards or shills. A blight on humanity. You profit from the works of others like parasites, don't compensate them fairly and try to swindle every shekel out of the average man
Never forget that monks used to spend their entire lives copying books and distributing them
>n-nuh uh
just like trump was "hard on jews" and "only got 20% of the jewish vote" in 2016
right? retard. imagine trusting a pajeets opinions on anything just because they say "go sportsball team"
>itt: America has fallen because I can't have things I want for free anymore
literally thiefbrained
I hope you also support when Rajesh's convenience store gets held up by Tyrone otherwise you're hypocrites
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>home schooling le bad
>all non regular public schools have to get banned
The guy went out and got drunk and laid or something, fucked if I know, I haven't read it since middle school.
Please explain how I stole the author's book did I literally go into his house and jack it?
>No internet archiving
>Crazy governments can at any time say something is false and delete data from global internet
>AI can fake anything
We are fucked... The future looks terrible
thats catcher in the rhye
>yes, most authors are dead, so it's okay to steal from them

He's dead, so Mona Lisa should be free!!!
We're living in a constant psyop
stop responding to the derail schizo
Amish schooling is the same exact shit, just replace the woke agenda or whatever the fuck with "God".
1984 ended with the girl he fucked being fat.
>he never stole anything officer, he gud boi
>he just used things without paying
>>yes, most authors are dead, so it's okay to steal from them
Public domain exists for a reason

>Inb4 you argue it shouldn't exist
It’s almost 90% of this culture war bullshit is forced and solely exists to ensure nothing actually changes
The day calls for explosive rhetoric
Americans are the enemies of liberty. It is time for their decadent empire to fall. It's infested with kleptocrats and mentally ill people
>Ad hominem
I accept your concession bootlicker, now bend over.
>it's the same exact shit
I don't see Amish wearing masks.
No Amish getting tortured by "teachers" either.
>but but it's totally the same
>home schooling would also be the same, your children would simply not know "science"
I know where you're coming from, but make no mistake, this is an effort from the new world order to rewrite history.
we are on 4chan anon
you can just say kikes
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I started getting homeschooled when I was 10, 17 years later and I'm socially stunted and I've been on this website for more than half of my life
The Amish have high rates of familial sexual abuse
>noooo, I didn't claim that I didn't steal anything, officer
So a thief and a liar.
>Retard thinks Jews are a collective secret society conspiring against the goyim
kek Israel is one of the most racist countries on earth against every non-purebred ashkenazi
The culture war exists to change the culture specifically to ensure nothing changes. You're not actually on the same team as their foot soldiers, they're the ones enacting their ideology.
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It's almost entirely impossible to say what could have been. If 1000 people pirate, and you sell 1000 copies. Who can say what the difference would be due to piracy
It can be argued that word of mouth bolstered your sales from a mere 800 copies to 1000 copies.
It can also be argued that because piracy was so readily available, would-be buyers became pirates. Diminishing sales from 1200 copies down to 1000 copies
But ultimately, the 800 number is just an estimate. And the 1200 number is just an estimate.

It's not emotional to believe that you might lose sales from piracy. It's just uncertain. Ultimately, if you want to be more conservative and estimate that piracy loses you sales, then you should have the power to shut down avenues like Internet Archive, which subvert your desires.
>Public domain exists for a reason
It exists purely because Jews don't want you to own your ideas. It never used to exist and you could pass down your ideas but one day the government said "you have to give it up for no reason" and that was it.
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Welcome to simultaneously the most horrifying yet boring dystopia imaginable
Bitch I'm fucking dead, why would I care about muh ownership anymore
his girlfriend turned into a giant naked girl and turns everybody in to goop
I did go to school and i'm socially stunted. This doesn't mean anything
>stealing from the dead
Nigga wat? What makes you think the dead care about worldly possessions?
>changing women to people
Why do they hate women so much
>Borrow book
>copy and paste
>immediately return book
>place your copy in cloud storage, and share the link to others.
It's just way too easy.
I mean, I went to a public school and I'm socially and emotionally stunted. Clearly it doesn't matter either way.
>my parents were failures, I would have preferred getting tortured by professional teachers

>yes, you see they are totally raping their children and they are evil actually
>don't listen to the Amish, they are very very bad
>turst your government, and your public school and the CDC, we are the good guys here
>and continue watching TV, Amish are conspiracy theorists not owning TVs!!! they are basically terrorists!!!
According to Poles, Marx was the first bootlicker in modern history, advocating for capitalists cracking down on worker unions before "warning" workers about capitalists.
homeschool has a higher rate depending on your situation because you're not around people your age as often
You guys just can't help yourselves. Don't you remember not to feed the trolls?
This is why nobody takes conspiracies seriously. Retards and false flagging glowies trying to discredit movements by attaching them to the crazies of society
I know it's hard to understand, but sometimes those people have relatives and died 2 years after writing their last book,
you want to take it for free.
Somebody literally did just that when they uploaded them to archive.org.
There are book scanners that can do over 100 pages a minute. There are public libraries that even offer the service.
>implying they don't just reply to themselves
>one guy copies
>million steal these copies
>that...that's not a problem
>and you could pass down your ideas
>pass down
Long nose detected
It's property your family could continue or sell for money but of course you have to keep people down so they get nothing.
the main character snitched, got together with his prostitute of a girlfriend which also snitched, the story ends in status quo, except for some reason another story by Orwell reveals the dictatorships fall many years later
I don't think he's trolling which is the concerning part.
I tend to forget that /pol/ brought over a metric shit ton of facebook-tier tradcath larpers.
Well you kinda do. Discussion of piracy in most internet places has been outright banned and at the very least heavily discouraged. Small hints can help few who can read between the lines, but a healthy pirate culture requires that those unable to do so have the ability to pirate as well.
Much like how the natives didn't really see the approaching European ships until they were landing, a person who does not know piracy already will not understand how to look for it properly. That's not a slight against them. Our brains have great difficulty in comprehending completely new ideas such as "you don't need to pay, it's all there for the taking"
Anon you know tons of people who are home schooled are molested too, right?
Printers/scanners are plummeting in popularity. *most* people don't have such devices. And again, even if they did, it's still a bother to take say a 300 page novel and scan each page, just to get around the library's lending limits.
It wasn't. Why else does the Strong's Concordance fit with other ancient manuscripts?
Yes, and? The relative did not write the book. He is merely a parasite profiting off of the work of his betters
library books are already free, that's the fucking point lmao
this is just chuck shitting his pants with rage because libraries have to buy books to then loan out for free, but the archive doesn't have to buy his dogshit books to then give out for free
same end result, same public service, except one cucks his grand total of 6 shekels lmao
If i want to give my idea away it's literally my choice especially if I don't like my own family, cope and seethe.
not my problem
>but muh guberment!
Without the government there'd be no way to enforce any kind of copyright to begin with. And as it stands it's almost impossible for them to stop it due to how advanced we are technologically, so asking for that to happen is just asking for far more authoritarian overreach than you'd actually be comfortable with.
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>yes, everyone home schooling is a CHILD MOLESTER
>and a conspiracy terrorist
>and evil
>and they smash little babies on the ground and step on them, just like the Iraqi soldiers died, oh wait, that was fake TV news
>yes, you see if your relative dies, you should not get access to their bank account either
>in fact all the money should be given out to single mothers instead
>And again, even if they did, it's still a bother to take say a 300 page novel and scan each page, just to get around the library's lending limits.
Get a better service,

People still scan 300 page books and artbooks because they were never available digitally , as long as the method exist printing and scanning physical books will never die
Nope. And seriously, go to any large library and they'll do it for you. In less than 5 minutes you can have a PDF of any book they've got.
All in all I feel sorry foe the up and coming generations that will be born into this draconian world.
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>yes, everyone home schooling is a CHILD MOLESTER

You said that. Not me anon.
>Tank an entire library and let lawyers have free reign to completely eradicate the past because you maybe could've possibly sold two extra copies of your shitty book
Pity its only in stories these types have a magical turnaround or kill themselves out of shame
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what do you guys do all day
stop replying to him
Nigger this will set precedent for all the other corporations that own media they won't preserve. Now that this one passed they can reference this case as evidence for their own and work on getting other parts of the archive shut down.
>public libraries are free
>Discussion of piracy in most internet places has been outright banned and at the very least heavily discouraged.
You say that but it was a lot worse back in the day even here where you could get banned for even uttering it.
That's also why /rs/ doesn't exist anymore.
Whoa, whoa. I don't know who that fag is. But he doesn't speak for me. I'm this anon >>687793058
And I believe dead artist's works should absolutely enter public domain. I think that anon is pretending to be me, and saying something so ridiculous to try and discredit me. False flagging fuck.

I believe that works should enter public domain after 100 years. So even if the artist dies, his inheriting estate can handle it for a little longer after. But 100 years should be the hard cut off. After which everything enters public domain.
i got off work so now im posting on the chan about data preservation
Read old books
>I said tons, not all hurr
Why stop at IA? The IP world is these lawyers osyter.
Original copyright length was only 14 years with an option to extend it an additional 14. That's reasonable. The absurd modern copyright length is not there to benefit the average person. It's gotten out of control because it allows fuckhuge corporations to hoard all the culturally relevant IPs. If no one can release a competing Star Wars movie, you're free to churn out total slop since the fans have no alternatives other than simply giving up on the series.
Exactly, it's your choice and the public domain took that away from you. Remember when it was first implemented it was something like 20 years. Very likely that your ideas would be taken before you hit a point where you would want to sell.
>And I believe dead artist's works should absolutely enter public domain
>yeah, because fuck people who get a long term salary, we shall just take it all away as soon as the fuck dies
>also bank accounts, close them too

>when we steel, we actually "preserve"
Common Law was a mistake.
Also, ideas cannot be owned, only expression of ideas. If the kikes had it their way, you could not make a video game without paying them royalties.
>all the old material is going down because IA got rid of waiting lists on top 100 billboard murder thriller slop
fucking retards deserve it
Use IA to skim old data and files to hoard media and information of my niche fetish.
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This. Public domain forces companies to compete on quality if they want to stand out.
>That's not for you to decide.
Funny, because to me it seems that it is, and the naysayers are the ones with no choice in the matter.
>Without the government there'd be no way to enforce any kind of copyright to begin with.
And yet the idea of copyright goes back to ancient Greece.
>if you give it away for free, you have to make it high quality
Open surce disproves this.
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archives be like
>what is stainless steel
>Ancient Greece didn't have a government/authority that enforced law
Play vidya
Build models
Play my bass
Hang out with friends
Shitpost on 4chan
>oy vey wheres my trust fund grandpa
If you are hated by your relatives, don't expect free shit when they die.
>I'm a greedy jew who wants all the wealth in the world
>let me try to jew you out of the collective knowledge of humanity and your culture
Open Sores runs 80% of the internet because it delivers a superior product.
its not 2004 anymore, open source alternatives have been better than closed source ones since 2016
>ancient greece didnt have governments
>People still scan 300 page books and artbooks because they were never available digitally , as long as the method exist printing and scanning physical books will never die
ok, well if someone is that determined to preserve a book, then great. But their efforts are much smaller in scope than just lending out a digital book that can be instantly copy and pasted. Therefore, scarcity is retained, and the owners of the IP can have a reign on the marketing of their book.
>when we steel, we actually "preserve"
I will find your jew ass and castrate you. You are one of the people ruining the internet and why people like me are backing up servers worth of shit. You are destroying one of the best things because of "muh corpo money" and "muh politics"

Actual demonic lizard man.
Someone's been at his Wikipedia page!
I have that Build plamo set, the Den-O one is legitimately one of the best looking out of the box plamo sets I own.
that's rich, because rich fucks don't really own anything, but put everything into trusts, and therefore don't get robbed via inheritance tax like normies like you are.

and you even argue against your best interest, that you can keep a little tiny bit of wealth that was left over after all the taxes and inflation.
>don't return book as per agreement
>get charged for it
this doesn't make it not free retard, just return it at the agreed upon time and have to pay nothing
>that that doesn't count!!!
you are actually ruining everything including PC gaming, you fucking nog.
>but but the supermarkets are evil when they put anti theft measures in place
If you're truly so sneaky as to avoid getting caught by the authorities, then good for you I guess. But Internet Archive isn't that. They're attempting to run a front facing online library.
>Original copyright length was only 14 years with an option to extend it an additional 14.
Except it wasn't. Originally your ideas weren't taken from you, in fact once the contract with the printer was over the right to print was reverted back to the creator(s).
In other words you didn't lose it at all.
But then the public domain was created and suddenly you did.
>If no one can release a competing Star Wars movie
You don't need to make a competing star wars movie, you can just make a competing sci-fi movie. Creating your own star wars movie isn't giving fans an alternative it's just doing the same nonsense Disney is now.

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