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>it's ok when valve does it
cause they remembered to give him character and personality distinct from the other mercs

blaxploitation has changed
valve lampshaded diversity in the meet the demoman trailer. they're immune as a result.
>I'm a black Scottish cyclops. You got more [expletives] than the likes o'me.
One of the things I think TF2 does better in terms of character design than other hero shooters is starting with a fairly grounded design and letting the optional cosmetics break away from there. All the TF2 mercs by default are dressed in professional manner with a strong miltary focus. Compare that to something like Deadlock which mix and matches all kinds of different aesthetics into one big mess.
Kill yourself, you mindbroken, worthless fucking zoomertranny.
>I'm a black Scottish cyclops. You'll find more [redacted] than the likes of me!
He aged like fine wine.
Incels weren't as mentally ill as they are now compared to when TF2 released
Scottish people are white, not black
It was done in a time before the woke stuff really kicked off plus he was funny so he got a pass.
Holy shit a black drunk Scottish guy? So funny and random! I love quirky random humor, except when it comes from anything other than TF2. Then it's cringe and reddit.
are there any black people in scotland? yes? then demo can be black.
Scottish is an ethnicity.
>are there any black people in scotland?
they are not scots thoughbeit
>well written diverse character good
>badly written, box-ticking diverse character bad
If you can't tell the difference than you are a stupid nigger and shouldn't speak on the matter.
It's a metaphor, that Scotts are the black people of the anglosphere.
Clearly you lack media literacy.
he can be scottish as it's also a nationality.
I AM Scottish by the way.
Motivation when making Demo a drunk, black, Scottish cyclops
Motivation when making any character black today
>Free shekels from Larry Fink's nose
He can no more be Scottish than I can be native American.
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TF2 was a class-based shooter and all of the mercs are meant to be generic mooks to a degree as opposed to distinct individuals; even the comics had red/blu versions of each merc. Deadlock is an ASSFAGGOTS and most players from that genre background seem to think it's heroes are underdesigned, while really even in alpha it does a great job of finding a middle ground between the readable shape language of TF2 and the distinct personalities of MOBA character design.
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>but it's funny when valve does it
>gcj troons seething about demo
It’s like you faggots can’t think of anything else.
The difference is that he is actually interesting and made by people that give a shit.
the only diversity mistake Valve has made was with Rochelle
donkey bray
donkey bray
donkey bray
Yes that’s the joke
Shame it didn't stay a joke.
This is correct, however, no one even in the modern day gives a shit that Demoman is black. Why? Because he's based as fuck and everyone loves him. He isn't a "black character", he is a character that just so happens to be black. Plus, most people probably interpreted him as a kid of one of the incredibly, incredibly few black families that migrated there before anyone gave a shit.
A drunk scotsman insecure over his missing eye and skin color is miles away from le wholesome quirky reddit shit like a quirky gamer girl mecha pilot and you know it.
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>he was funny so he got a pass
>he's based as fuck and everyone loves him
Yes. Those statements also apply to Eli Louis and Coach btw. Valve does black characters right.
He literally refers to himself as a black Scottish cyclops. He acknowledges that he isn't ethnically Scottish, as does Valve. Just as a nationality.
Concord really mindbroke you faggots.
that's the joke.jpeg
>Shoehorning a black person into a Scottish person is doing black characters right
notice how they're all civilized and not generic bix nood hood niggers
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>make a white character
>color him brown
>"Valve does black characters right"
You can't /Thread your own post, disingenuous valve fag.
Why do you have to have your mental breakdowns here? You have an entire subreddit where you can cry and shit yourself about getting btfo.
Yes. Valve blacks are just people that happen to be black. You could change their skin color and they would still be good characters. Trannies think characters should be one-notes revolving around their races.
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I didn't laugh
Shut up, cracker
A drunk insecure scotsman is the funniet image ever, does he also wears his mom's dresses?
Has anyone else notice the increase of false flagging GCJ trannies?
>Valve blacks are just people that happen to be black. You could change their skin color and they would still be good characters.
so they are not black and there's no reason to make them black
His character is literally being Scottish. He not just some grey amorphous nothing character that could be anyone. He's Scottish.
I don't think diversity is even necessarily the problem. The OLD Star Trek shows pioneered diversity casting. While there were some complainers, people loved it because it was written intelligently and well produced.
The problem instead is just the fact that everything is poorly thought out which results in shit products. It seems to coincide with diversity because if your writers are shit, your setting is shit, your art direction is all shit, like you have no ideas at all, you go with the diversity hires and their ideas. It's easy, you can outsource like with Sweet Baby Inc, you can use it as part of your marketing strategy for federal investment, etc. It's not even that intelligent, it's just what business people are taught and all they really know is price manipulation.
There used to be great left-leaning art but brain rot has set in and its seem to hit the left much harder, though it's not exclusive.
>as a white man I'm on average more intelligent than everyone else of these other racists therefore genocide them all
Answer the question, why do you have to cry here whenever you get btfo?
Why can’t we redefine what it means to be African? Not like they’re doing anything productive with that whole continent.
The issue is tokenism.
you don't have to repeat yourself
go play with your wife's son
>reddit troon can’t think of a comeback so just repeats shit people say to him
You’re the one larping as a /pol/fag because your garbage has been flopping.
>It's a woke person misunderstands his opposition so fundamentally his strawman is complete nonsense visible from space episode.
Why is this so common?
from 1993
Demoman is based fuck you faggot
It’s not OK when Valve lies.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
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when will they fix other characters?
it would be so funny, so valve!
Because they’re too retarded to understand nuance, they just think “if you don’t like black character you’re racist” they don’t understand why people don’t like the character or why they like others. Their brains have been fried by idpol shit.
It's a Charlie's Angels reference. You wouldn't get it
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The left has been trying to push the narrative that people just magically started hating minorities in 2016 for no reason whatsoever, to cover up the declining quality in media
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tokenism isn't even that bad
>this character is out of place and everyone is aware of it
this serves as a decent plot device
>this character is a bisexual disabled cyborg monkey but that's totally normal now
this is braindead bullshit but it's what you see. And everyone by now has caught onto the fact that it indicates that no thinking individual was involved with the making of the product
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hello I don't actually think that
I just love when europeans are replaced in my games! It's feels like a real life!
these faggots have been mindbroken for years, this isn't just because of some shit hero shooter
We wuz HIGH-lander
>tokenism isn't even that bad
It’s literally inserting someone for the sake of their race alone, not creating an interesting character that aids in telling an interesting story or narrative but just to have them their for the sake of “diversity” effectively using a person a nothing more than an object, a token to sway people of the background they wish to appeal to. That’s pretty racist desu.
>this serves as a decent plot device
Except it doesn’t because a token character is literally just there, they’re not addressed or questioned, they’re effectively just a prop to occasionally act in a certain way and say things that represent their demographic.
I was thinking about anything live action tf2 and it would be funny if they made demoman white and heavy or medic black.
Also they should hire foreign actors and tell them to do bad American accents, reversing what tf2 did
they literally made him black as a joke
Yeah but the tantrum over it is bigger than usual, especially given concord us just another flop after dustborn.
People paint their faces with boot polish as a joke but others don't see it that way.
Expectation subverted
they also made a french guy white as a joke
coach still has nigga energy so maybe he's the only black character they got right
False equivalence.
It depends on what you define tokenism to be but generally treating characters as shallow setpieces is boring or insulting. In some genres of movies, 2d characters are fine (like in action movies you can cast anyone as action man he doesn't need to have a personality besides liking to shoot guns). People just generally gloss over this unless there's some other factor that makes the character stick out like a foreign appearance.
This does get increasingly retarded like when it's supposed to be historical but there's zero historical precedent.
>nog vikings!
>nog samurai!
>nog victorian aristocrats!
Asides from being plain retarded it's also historical revisionism which really pisses me off
Umm, ever heard of the scottish moors, sweetie?
>What do you mean the scottish person acts scottish?!?!?!?!
No it isn't.
>scottish person
scots are white
>>nog victorian aristocrats!
Honestly, this sounds like a great idea for a skit. Especially if you mix in some urban slang.
He was born and raised in scotsland.
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yeah comedy has no rules except to be funny
Demo, Coach and Louis are unironically the best black characters ever made
If a mouse is born in a stable does it make it a horse?
>Deadlock which mix and matches all kinds of different aesthetics
Anon, half of the characters are placeholders from a different game.
Those that have gotten reworked to fit the setting (Vindicta, Geist, Infernus, Paradox even Seven) fit together very well vosually
Probably because they introduced him as a funny scotsman and not a victim of racism and his trailer being a long monologue about white supremacy and how his only goal is to blow up white people because all whites are nazis etc.
>not LEAN
It is, demo isn’t a dude in black face, he’s a black guy.
>it's ok to blackwash europeans if it's funny
>687802519 me
This got me thinking about asscreed again. They could have made the black character what he was SUPPOSED to be, like a royal servant or standard bearer, and given him some plot showtime and quest relevancy without even being obnoxious.
>yeah it's completely historical
Would have been fine but again there's nobody intelligent at the helm
>this professional CEO made tens of millions of dollars in severance pay from the last two companies he trashed, we need him desperately since nobody else is qualified!
Is being born in a stable a defining trait of horses?
Why is it not funny?
Honestly I didn't mind him at the time but would object if they did it again now. The idea that I am just a costume for you to wear for laughs is offensive.
kys tryhard cancer
>it's ok to ... if it's funny
Yes, 100%. If we're talking about a piece of media literally anything can go in that elipses.
>It depends on what you define tokenism
I literally just did, putting in minorities for the sake of it is the epitome of tokenism.
>In some genres of movies, 2d characters are fine
I don’t think you understand what tokenism is, like if someone actually puts in the effort to make a character and they also just so happen to be a minority that’s not tokenism. But if someone just puts a black, Hispanic, or Asian guy somewhere for the sake of diversity alone then yeah there is an issue.
you are the one that thinks that being born in scotland is enough to be a scot
damn you got btfo LOL
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Fuck off
I said scottish, not a scot.
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haha it's fine because it's funny
Look Its ok when anyone does it right you can't just slap a black guy into a story and expect the audience to like them they have to be interesting .

The issue with most woke characters is they commit the worst sin imaginable in gaming their fucking boring planks of wood with a stock personality everyone has seen a billion times by now.
Demoman is a token character. The fact that he's out of place is literally a persistent joke. Is demoman the problem? No. They fleshed out the joke and added some depth.
If you're mindfucked then any minority will seem like a "token" addition. Like I said it just depends on how it's handled.
He’s not, his entire image is based around a joke, he literally highlights it in his trailer “I’m a black Scottish cyclops” that’s not tokenism, tokenism would be if he was just there and it wasn’t acknowledged. Not to mention he doesn’t act like a generic black guy, he’s just a black Scotsman. He hates the queen and is hammered 24/7. Why do you feel the need to try and justify stupid shit like tokenism? It is so bad that woke fags literally had relabel it and have to do it continuously every time normalfags realize that’s what they did.
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>he’s just a black Scotsman
scots are white
You need to go ponder the phrase "no true scotsman"
but valve did it right!
Even if he was a token characters its fine people enjoy the demoman because they cared enough to make him a actual character instead of a stock black man.
>go into any thread about valve
>it's a contest on who can suck gabe's dick the hardest

Every single thread, multiple threads a day.
Yes that’s the joke.
Are you just saying that because it has the word Scotsman in it? Because that doesn’t have any bearing of what I’m saying, he’s not token, he’s not just there for the sake of trying to pander he’s a character in his own right. The entire point is “lol look a black drunk Scotsman with one eye”.
>The entire point is laughing at a white man with boot polish on his face
you're literally retarded and you base your political opinions off of tf2

yeah that's fine, just make actual characters instead of shit slop
So you’re just going to seethe and samefag because you can’t argue how it’s tokenism? Go back to the circlejerk.
obsessed seething whiteboy
I don't argue that it's tokenism. I argue that if blackface is offensive then so is demoman.
He is aware.
>Demoman: "I got a manky eye. I'm a black, Scottish cyclops.They've got more fucking....than they've got the likes of me."
shut the fuck up god damn I'm so fucking sick of /v/ just spamming the same 3-5 bullshit fucking threads all day CANT YOU FUCKING RETARDED NIGGERS FIND LITERALLY *ANYTHING ELSE* TO COMPLAIN ABOUT
Team fortress 2 draws deliberate attention to the absurdity of him being a negro, truely liberal games want you to think its normal.
<Heavy's voice> NO!
>doesnt deny or acknowledge getting called out for samefagging
Except that is what I’m arguing and you said that to deflect because you can’t argue how it’s tokenism.
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>nu/v/ is so /pol/braindead they seeth in anger over the Demoman, a 17 year old character
The memes are true. Rightoid gamers are the most casual, soulless touriests in the world.
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>gcj troon thinks he can false flag and act like people hate demo
You accusing somebody of something doesn't make it true faggot.
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what's the definition of a sterotypical token?
>character X is a [nationality Y] caricature but he's [different race from nationality Y] and character X is aware of it like a self-conscious thing but no other characters ever address it
demoman is a scottish caricature but he's black and he's aware of it like a self-conscious thing but no other characters ever address it
Yes, but ignoring it and then getting defensive about it is rather damning especially when you abandon what you were talking about just to do so.
>what's the definition of a sterotypical token
He’s not there to pander or represent black people, his entire thing is that he’s a black Scottish cyclops, it’s a joke that’s the point, you can act obtuse and deny it but that won’t change reality.
>but no other characters ever address it
Why would they? They’re all usually doing their own thing and the only one that interacts with him on a regular basis aside from Miss Pauling is Soldier and he’s too batshit to care about that sort of thing.
Fat fuck.
I didn't even respond to it at all faggot.
>noooo chuds why don't you hate this game too it's the exact same
wokies really got mad about their shitty self-inserts being the worst part of modern video games, didn't they
demoman is 100% there to pander to black people in a game that is set in a time before civil rights.
just because he's likeable doesn't actually mean his character is logical or consistent in the setting.
You have tiny retard brain problems and think
>token is bad
>demoman is good
>therefore demoman is not token
there's nothing else going on here
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10+ years of these stupid bait threads that are all the same "duhh why do you not hate [fun black character from fun game] but yet you hate on [bad black character from bad game]" and this board has remained consistently right the entire time. /v/ may be a lot shittier than it used to be but at least newfags didn't get tricked into hating cj and demoman, that will never change.
Nobody sincerely thinks there's a problem with the demoman, quit larping.
The events of Tf2 takes place in1969, racial segregation was abolished in the US in 1968.
You did in the last reply after ignoring it and getting called out, and what are you spacing your posts out now to not look suspicious since the last pair were literally seconds apart from being an exact minute? Fuck off you pathetic faggot, learn to argue without having to larp as other people to give the illusion of numbers.
>demoman is 100% there to pander to black people in a game that is set in a time before civil rights
How? He doesn’t act anything like a black person, he never brings up race or anything outside of that specific bit highlighting how absurd he is. And TF2 takes place in the final year of the civil rights movement.
>can’t argue how he’s token so has to be reductive
He’s not token, I’ve explained how and you can’t give anything to refute it so you’re just complaining. Get over yourself.
Coach is garbage because Rochelle is garbage. Also L4D2 is fucking trash and the fact Gabe memoryhole'd the boycott after literally buying out the admins of the group is fucking mental.
Fuck coach.
He was made before niggers were forced into everything to compensate for "le white guilt"
He is a good character that just so happens to be black.
The afro is a cosmetic created years after the game released
Valve did the correct thing and used stereotypes.
>if you don't reply it's proof it's true
>if you do reply it's also proof it's true
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I WILL enjoy TF2 with the demo. I will marry and fuck the zoologist from Terraria. I will watch the Little Mermaid TV show and think that Ariel's mute black friend is cute.

Racism is dead, and I killed it.
>point out suspicious behavior and inconsistencies
>gets upset
You know it’s really easy to just argue normally, it just takes some critical thinking skill, so unless you’re a literal mouth breathing retard you shouldn’t have a problem. Are you now waiting till I reply to give the second reply?
>your honour, the defendant's silence is clear proof of their guilt
>doesn’t deny it
>gets called out
>gets upset
>point this out and the fact that he posted his second reply almost an exact minute from the first
>just gets more upset
>point this out
>can’t argue any of it and have to strawman
>point this out
>still can’t argue
You’re only responding because your ego won’t let you stop, you already fucked yourself over, you even stopped replying as the other guy just to cry about this.
You would get thrown out of court.
Not really, especially since you’ve given nothing to actually disprove anything I’ve said aside from getting upset which just shows that it bothers you. But why would it bother you if it was nothing?
Coach is awesome because Rochelle is okay. Also L4D2 is fucking eeepiiic and the fact Gabe words words words
Love coach
Yes really. If a judge heard you trying to imply that silence is proof of guilt they would have you removed and probably disbarred.
where's it written that i can't, douchecanoe?
The silence alone, sure, but everything else I said with it would absolutely be taken into account, especially since you’re desperately trying to avoid it because you can’t argue it. You even have to come up with this retarded analogy because you think that appealing to authority will somehow make what I’ve said not exist or make your lack of a counter argument to it stop mattering.
TF2 and L4D would still be alive today if they didn't have niggers

Niggers ruin everything. Games sell worse because of niggers
You have fucking nothing and your accusations are false. Your flimsy reasoning does not change the truth.
Go woke go broke
Dont know about l4d but tf2 is quite alive.
Demoman exists to pander to blacks
Except I do, I already said everything and you couldn’t argue against any of it and just said how “being silent doesn’t mean I did it and wouldn’t hold up in court” which after looking up isn’t true because if a defendant does not acknowledge an accusation or cooperate the court will go into default judgement which is usually in the favor of the plaintiff.
The burden of proof lies on the accused retard, not the accuser. The fact that you're so defensive about this is proof that your guilty. Kys
>prove you've never killed anyone
You're a piece of work.
Yes because when walve does it its fun. Did he school you on racism? Did he have a long ass "white man bad" speech? Was he made "smartest in the room" out of nowhere just because he's black?
No. He is a funny nigga, a bit insane. Classical samuel l jackson type of character in 90s movies. Thats the difference between black CHARACTER and BLACK character.
Also Sgt Johnson from halo
He gets a pass for being funny and based too
You’re the only one that can prove you aren’t samefagging, and so far you’ve done nothing but get defensive and make excuses.
>Thats the difference between black CHARACTER and BLACK character
honestly pretty much this
You need to prove your assertions. They are not true just because you said so and unfalsifiable kafkaesque reasoning does not help your case.
it was never okay. Also, he makes fun of the fan that he's black in his own trailer, but it's still not okay.
Scotts aren't africans, africans can't be scottish.
>You need to prove your assertions
Given you can’t argue anything I’ve said or provide any evidence to show how you’re not samefagging I’ve already have done that. Hell you can’t to my last comment and just tried saying that that other anon was me because what he said was easier for you to brush off.
>unfalsifiable kafkaesque reasoning does not help your case
Except it’s not what my reasoning was, I pointed out how you didn’t acknowledge the accusation, and the you got defensive and I called that out as well as the fact that you posted almost an exact minute apart from the “other anon” (who I might add has stoped replying all together just as you started getting really upset about me point out how you’re samefagging) and the you tried bringing something up about what I’m saying not holding up in court which only proved to be wrong. And now you’re saying how you don’t need to give evidence to show how you’re not samefagging because you keep ignoring everything I’ve said.
It's exactly what it was. "Your denial is only proof of your guilt". Literally kafka.
Except it wasn’t just that I literally just pointed out all the other shit you’ve done, but you have to ignore everything else because you know you can’t argue it.
Your reasoning is flawed and your accusations false.
>Nobody sincerely thinks there's a problem with the demoman, quit larping.
I do though. He was part of the first wave of mentally ill leftism globalism and universalism that wants to split cultures from the people they represent and pretend anyone can be anything despite the reality constantly proving them wrong.
We were simply not aware of the trend back then because it was still in its quiet phase, creeping like gangrene.
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It’s not, especially since you can’t argue it and just keep harping on one part of it. If it was false you would be able to address everything I’ve said. But honestly you know this, you’re just repeating yourself to cope because you have nothing else. How about the next time you try to false flag and throw a tantrum on here you actually use your head, now fuck off back to the circlejerk and cry about how the “chuds” on /v/ did it again.
Stop larping, no one even the most mentally deranged /pol/fag hates demo, you’re just desperate to try and get a gotcha after the latest string of wokeshit failing hard,
>concordtroons mad their shit game flopped
41% yourselves and be a statistic
huh. his facial structure and posture looks a lot like sniper. I can see why they changed him
There is no way to argue against your accusations as anything I say, including nothing, is used by you of proof of my guilt.
Dr. Dremoman still slaps frfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfr no cap no capacity no niggerlicious criminality no cuckazoids no cuckaloids no cap no frap no slap no gyatt gyatt gyatt dang cuck zamn ZAMN
Dr. Dremocuck
Ah, yes, what a glowing image of cultural representation for black people, a drunken, idiot, with a grenade launcher. If you're a white American, do you feel "represented" by Soldier, Scout, or Engineer? Do you look at them and think to yourself: "this is a character that appeals to me because his color is my color and he is from a place I'm from"? Nobody thinks that way except braindead retards who treat their political party and ethnicity like a sports team.
There would be if you weren’t guilty of it. But good job acknowledging that you can’t argue.
>including nothing
You keep harping on this so I will use your own example. If a person goes to court and refuses to acknowledge the charges or accusations brought against them then the judge will rule the case go into default judgement which like I’ve said before usually favors the plaintiff. So yes if you ignore the accusation it contribute to your guilt, especially given everything else I’ve pointed out which you’re ignoring as well.
You have a right to remain silent in court. It is not proof of anything.
I feel pretty represented by the crazed gunman who throws his piss at people.
That’s true, but it speak well for their innocence if they refuse to acknowledge basic things. Which is the case here especially since you can’t argue anything I’ve said like how you posted a reply almost an exact minute apart from your last, or how the “other guy” just disappeared.
You gave a right to remain silent and trying to imply that them using that right means they are guilty will get you in a lot of trouble with the judge.
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Stop trying to damage control, no one said anything about hating the demo. You made a retarded statement about no one thinking there's a problem with making a scotsman a nigger which is obviously wrong. The problem is very fucking obvious since scotsman aren't from fucking africa and wanting to pretend westerners aren't actually white has been agenda number one of the globohomos. Now kill yourself faggot.
Luv me Coach
'ate me Bazz
Simple as.
>doesn't know when to shut up and criticizes others for knowing when to not make themselves look retarded
sounds like sour grapes to me
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It's not a representation for black people, it's a representation of a scotsman being blackwashed to brainwash europeans into accepting that africans can be europeans too. Which you have to be mentally ill to believe.
Maybe take some notes, cuz obviously fags keep learning the wrong lessons.
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Scout represents me perfectly.
You can use it I did acknowledge that, but I also acknowledged that it doesn’t help your innocence.
>that right means they are guilty
No I said that it doesn’t speak well for their innocence. Which it doesn’t give that you’re not attempting to defend or argue how what I’m accusing you of is wrong. Not to mention when you were called out for being silent you got upset. Again you’re just ignoring everything that is inconvenient because you know you’re a samefag.
It does not imply guilt. Full stop.
>starts samefagging again just to seethe
Why do you think this is going to work?
It does when everything else is added, you know the things you’re ignoring?
>has to keep larping
Do you think blazing saddles is propaganda as well?
Again, your reasoning is flawed. Silence is nit proof of guilt. Denial is not proof of guilt. You are not making a valid argument and your accusations are false.
>still can’t argue
>just repeats himself again to cope
Why is it that two posts were made almost an exact minute apart and they were both replying to me, and that the “other anon” just disappeared right as you stated getting really upset? Why can’t you answer this?
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What the fuck are you talking about? Anything to "win" an "argument" Gay Luigi?
I mean yeah, they are literally professionals. I know its a lost concept since most games are being developed by monkeys.
What I have proven over these posts is that you cannot reason properly. Thus any result of your reasoning in general is questionable.
I know what 4chanX is you pathetic faggot. Was this you Hail Mary? You’ve waited this long to finally post a screencap and this is what you think will work,
No, you bugged out drone, I don't think a nigger in america playing a nigger in america is propaganda or has any kind of relevance to the topic at hand.
Answer the question, it’s not that hard.
I am not obligated to do anything.
Why it has all the same “subversive” elements that you’re talking about? So how it it not the same?
You’re not no, but it doesn’t speak well for your innocence like I said. Especially since it’s a simple question that anyone would be able to answer. And you avoiding it just seems strange.
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I'm not humouring your retardation, my posts were already very explicit on the subject.
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>not even a screenshot is enough
>there is literally no way to prove your innocence
>/pol/shitter having a meltie and spamming "b-b-b-but what about this!" images
You love to see it.
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You really are this fucking stupid for free, huh. Surprised chatGPT hasn't entirely replaced your ilk as of yet.
How is it retardation? Demon and the sheriff from blazing saddles are both in similar situations but you’re not calling it propaganda. Almost as if something is different about the film? But please continue your larp with all the saved images you got while raiding and defending blackwashing.
Don't say it Soldier!!
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Soldier can say it, he's best mates with Demoman so he has an N word pass
you were good son real good
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Why are you like this?
>not even a screenshot is enough
What you don’t like that i acknowledged that there are methods of altering or falsifying screencaps that are common on the site? Why is that? Why would that bother you?
>You really are this fucking stupid for free
What the fuck does this even mean? Are you just seething that I called out you bullshit?
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>less than one minute apart
Can you stop being retarded on purpose... FOR FIVE MINUTES?
Anything I say or don't say, or even photographic proof is enough to prove one's innocence. Do you seriously not see the problem here?
Blacks outnumber whites, why do retards keep calling them minorities? There's more Nigerians alone than Europeans
because they're subhuman
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That's some piss poor attempt at pilpul rabbi

Scotmen will never be africans, africans will never be scotmens, simple as.
Any attempt at sapping european identity will be pointed at and shunned.You lost rabbi.
I’m glad you took the bait on that one because it means I get to explain dualposting. Dualposting is when someone posts from two devices such as a phone and computer for the purpose of samefagging. The upside to it is that you can post two replies in succession and (You)s from one device don’t carry over to the other so you can take a screencap and not have to worry.
>Anything I say or don't say, or even photographic proof is enough to prove one's innocence
You’re trying to paint me as being unreasonable when everything you’re doing fits the mold of a samefag, especially since you keep posting back to back. Like how is it that you and “other guy” just so happen to keep posting within a minute of each other like this? Or why is he seething so much about a random argument? So far you’ve failed to argue how you’re not samefagging and you’re just making it worse.
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Oh good you finally turned on GPT so now I can fully ignore your posts.
>That's some piss poor attempt at pilpul rabbi
I denounce the talmud, the torah, and the protocols of the elders zion . But nice try you false flagging faggot. You’re the one acting like a joke character is supposed to be taken seriously for the sake of your retarded false flag.
You're simply a nutcase.
Every tf2 character is a joke character rabbi, your desperation is showing
>says I’m an ai so he can make an excuse to leave
Looks like this is the part where you justify leaving because me pointing out how the “other anon” left got to you and you have to cover your bases. Also I note how this is all he can say in his defense.
So you acknowledge that it’s all a joke that shouldn’t be taken seriously? Good job outing yourself as a false flagging gcj troon.
If you actually thought that you wouldn’t have continued to engage me, you’re just saying that because you can’t argue anything I’ve said or pointed out.
Well the Chinese are trying.
I'm not taking the character seriously I'm taking his raceswap seriously. Bad pilpul, rabbi.
Indeed, it is literally impossible to argue against your accusations. Everything anyone says or does only proves that you were right all along. You have genuine mental problems.
You are since you’re saying that he is being used to subvert and isn’t just an absurd character put in a position he wouldn’t be in irl as a joke.
>Bad pilpul, rabbi
Are you just repeating shit you’ve heard actual /pol/fags say? Because this doesn’t work when you make it clear you have no idea what you’re talking about? I mean I even denounced all the jewish bullshit and you still kept going.
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>character redesigned to literally stand out from the rest because he looked too much like other classes already
How are you not mentally exhausted by looking like a retard all day long?
>Indeed, it is literally impossible to argue against your accusations
Because it what you’re doing and you can’t show how it’s wrong or even argue it, but I accept your concession.
>You have genuine mental problems
No, but someone that has to larp as another person for hours just for the sake of arguing online is pretty crazy.
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This falseflag thread was brought to you by the brave chinless culture warriors of r/gamingcirclejerk
See? Even that is proof of my guilt. Your accusations are unfalsifiable.
kek, holy shit.
>Your accusations are unfalsifiable
Yeah its because I’m right, thank you for conceding once again.
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>mfw I don't have to verify anything a no-chinned faggot like this says because games bomb with or without my input
No, it's because there is nothing anyone can say or do in your mind that would prove them wrong.
pretty much. nobody likes 'blackness.'
No you’re unable to give any compelling evidence or argue how you’re not samefagging. So in the end all you can do is make excuses.
What would constitute compelling evidence to you?
That's why we don't give retards like him the time of day. Motherfucker's just gonna gishgallop and filibuster his way to bump limit. I'd say "cut your losses" but you haven't lost anything except your own time trying to convince this brainless heathen that the world doesn't work like he thinks it does.
Well if you gave a screencap right after you were accused that would have been a good start. And actually being able to argue how you’re not samefagging would also go a long way as well. But those are two things that you failed at.
When they created him it wasn’t because they hated white people. Huge ass difference.
At this point I'm just doing it to explore his mind some. He is a special one...
>has to samefag again and tell himself to leave
Let me guess your reply to this will be “your right” and the leave with your tail between you legs?
I wish you the best of luck on probing his mind further, then. I genuinely doubt you'll find anything interesting hiding in that dirt mountain of a brain he's got.
Considering we've seen a gigantic and constant wave of niggerwashing in literally all medias this past decade I'm not really concern about looking like a retard my guy. Instead I will laugh at your pathetic and desperate attempt at trying to justify it.
You got a screenshot and then said that it was edited. Someone pointed out the post timing and you said they were doing it from their phone and computer at once. Whatever you are offered is not good enough. There is literally nothing anyone can do to convince you you are wrong.
>nooo you have to care about this other unrelated thing in order for my strawman to work!
so what happens if we don't
Imagine seething so hard about getting called out as a samefag and failing to argue that you have to talk to yourself to project the idea that there are other people that agree with you. And I know why you do this kind of shit to. Leftist need to have a mob behind them because they can’t argue logically about anything so have to rely on shared consensus. However you don’t have that here so you have to fabricate it through samefagging. Which is how all of this started in the first place. You will just call what I’m saying crazy to cope so honestly it doesn’t really matter.
You are crazy.
>You got a screenshot and then said that it was edited
No I got a screencap over an hour after I first accused you.
>Someone pointed out the post timing and you said they were doing it from their phone and computer at once
Yes, I pointed out things that samefags do. If someone says how could something happen and you know how you answer it.
>Whatever you are offered is not good enough
No more like whatever excuse you make isn’t good enough, especially since immediately after I point out what you’re doing you don’t try to defend it in any way and just move onto the next cope.
Why is the idea that there might be more than one person talking to you at a time so unthinkable to you?
You're a fucking moron for thinking Demoman has anything to do with this shit.
>I'm not really concern [sic] about looking like a retard my guy
Yeah, I can tell. Hope you learn to stop being so fucking retarded in the future.
Really, let’s sum up the situation here. This is a website that is subject to raids /v/ is the board that gets the most. And the people that enact these raids are some of the most deranged and egotistical retards on the internet. They spend all of their time obsessing over defending corporations and playing damage control for companies. How is it crazy to say that these people would act this way? That they would go out of their way to do something that is so common on this website that it has had its own dedicated term for over a decade? You have no answer, you’ll just keep insisting that I’m crazy because as hominem.
Yes there are bad actors but to assume that every time more than one person replies to you they must in fact be the same person is insane.
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>Scottish people are white
Well let’s see, why would a random person all of a sudden get upset at a random argument in a thread that is basically dead? They wouldn’t. However it’s something that the person who has been failing to argue their point would do because they believe that numbers will save them.
>he's a black scotsman, that's some shit you don't see every day, lol
>he's a black scotsman because some scotsmen are black. if you find this weird, you're a chud
I read your post and challenged you on something you said.
This is literally a false flag thread and there are is almost no other activity aside from you and me posting. We are the only ones here at this moment and you’re the only one who would care about what is being argued.
More insane delusions. You don't know that, only suspect it. These are not the same thing.
How did TF2 manage to get away with making the entire cast euro white males, with the one exception of Demo who was also euro and male? It would be unthinkable today
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Valve thinks that black lives and black voices matter. Get over it, chud.
And why? What exactly bothered you about me calling out someone for samefagging? What stake do you have in defending some random retard that can’t argue so has to larp as other people? You have none, yore the only person arguing with me, you need to because you failed to argue and have to make it seem like more people agree with you.
TF2 is set in the late 60s in America, when whites were the majority. Racial demographics have changed especially since whites are rapidly becoming the minority
>black scientist who wants you to fuck his daughter
>black coach from louisiana
>black office man
>blasian tomboy
>black scotsman played for a joke
>black woman that likes depeche mode
all are reasonable except for the last one, that shit literally doesn't exist (if it does, pls be in london)
You have to start with the first one if you want to say the second one eventually
>You don't know that, only suspect it
It’s a thread complaining about demo from TF2, no one dislikes demo or hate him. You fags make shit like this all the time because you don’t understand nuance and think it makes a good “gotcha”.
Because I felt like it. We then got caught up in you calling everyone a samefag and showing how your reasoning ability is critically flawed.
We explored the nuances in the thread. Personally I was not convinced.
>how dare people not like my unlikeable nigger that behaves like an unlikeable nigger
Martin Luthor King Jr would be proud of us for it.
>I just felt like defending some rando for no reason and getting assblasted that he was being called out
Nice cope, makes it even more clear how you’re just him.
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I for one think it unironically is okay when Valve does it. They can do no wrong and I'm way too invested with my steam library anyways. Sometimes I wish Gabe was my dad and made my mom happy.
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Historical accuracy is not an excuse chud.
I think you need a break from the Internet for a while. You're seriously not well in the head.
Nice deflection.
Deflection from what?

>ad hominem
Keep digging that hole.
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Never forget he was meant to be white
That was not meant as an attack. It was said out of concern.
The fact that this is a false flag thread or that you’re samefagging?
>black scientist
>black scotsman
Well, no one really cares about black characters OP. People hate obnoxious social and political chastising attacking the player base.
Wow, so it really was political. Valve had DEI before it even had its name.
>post hoc excuse
No you’re just saying that now because it was called out, and this is 4chan, moralfaggotry doesn’t work here so don’t pretend.
Valve had no shareholders in 2007.
Yet again there is no way to be innocent in your eyes.
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>black scotsman played for a joke
That's cope and a last minute decision by Valve due to everyone else being white in the game. He was clearly meant to be white and somewhere right during early 2006 before the E3 trailer they did a race swap.
Damn so they're woke just for the sake of it. That's some DEdIcation.
any linux mercs in here? I'm trying to figure out where the steamapps folder is on a regular debian (mint) file directory
More like you can’t give any arguments that hold up and when they get called out you just give up and say that I’m being unreasonable to cope.
>generic ass ginger scotsman
No wonder they made the change.
I don't know if Abrams has been redesigned but I think he fits the setting well too
You are being unreasonable. Everyone is guilty if whatever you accused them of. Guilty until proven innocent, and proving your innocence is literally impossible.
>last minute decision by Valve due to everyone else being white in the game
Yeah because he would be funnier as a black guy.
It would if the mouse could learn how to walk, talk, think, and work like a horse. Demo isn't white, but he's scottish.
>You are being unreasonable
No I already explained how I wasn’t
>Everyone is guilty if whatever you accused them of
Not everyone, just you, you’re the one samefagging.
>Guilty until proven innocent
Welcome to 4chan
>and proving your innocence is literally impossible.
No, for you it is since you’re guilty and can’t argue or give anything that proves your innocence.
give me a good scout body or shirt cosmetic idea, Im lacking
>stupid faggot looks at black character
>"Why did you make him black? There was no reason to make him black."
these retards are the ones who claim to be anti-racist btw
>No but let me continue and show what you said was completely correct
no amount of bad faith will make anyone with half a brain hate demoman
Thank god they didn't make him another boring white dude
Is that why you can’t argue it? And when your “evidence” was called out you didn’t try to defend it and immediately gave up and cried that I was being unfair?
This thread isn’t about hating demoman, it’s about making it look like the people on /v/ hate him.
There is nothing I can say or show you to prove my innocence. Thus you are being unreasonable, on top of guilty until proven innocent already being bonkers.
So I’m unreasonable because you can’t argue? Are you actually underaged?
>on top of guilty until proven innocent already being bonkers.
This is the internet, you don’t take anything anyone says at face value. But nice cope.
You are unreasonable because it is literally impossible to reason with you.
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Teamcolored version of Powerline's outfit from A Goofy Movie
I’m not, you just can’t argue so you have to say I’m unreasonable to cope, go cry on the circlejerk if you can’t handle people not coddling you.
Yeah cause they were racist and funny as fuck with it
>he says as he cries about differing opinions being some sort of conspiracy against him
I dig, scout and radioactive stuff go together like hansel and grettle
>still can’t argue
>starts crying how I’m crazy again to cope
I’ve explained how you’re a samefag multiple times, you even acknowledged that you can’t argue anything I’ve said.
The fact that you can post that without a hint of irony is hilarious.
The fact that you’re jumping to crying how im unreasonable, to saying how I’m crazy again, to acting smug shows how desperate you are. What’s next spamming lol and lmao to project confidence?
You are several sandwiches short of a picnic.
So more ad hominem then? Alright I suppose logical fallacies are the bread and butter or gcj troons.
Your reasoning is insane thus your arguments are insane, and I think you genuinely need help.
>doubles down on ad hominem
You can’t even argue my reasoning, you have admitted it multiple times. You’re just throwing a tantrum now because you’ve dug yourself too deep.
You just imagine things and believe them to be true with no way of convincing you otherwise. That is not a healthy mind talking.
Are you implying none of the other TF2 cast members are interesting?
In a different timeline you'd be defending the decision to make the Scout into a spic and then you'd make terrible excuses of it being a parody of Speedy Gonzales.
No I’ve explained how and why you’re a samefag and you can’t argue any of it. And so all you can do is cry how unfair I’m being while calling me crazy to cope.
It wasn't ok, every time I got killed and they taunted me with the black man gyrating his ass in my direction I got physically ill
I know the truth for absolute certain as it is myself in question here.
One of those is your own post...
Stop samefagging
Is that why you acknowledged you can’t argue and immediately moved on and didn’t try to defend any of your “evidence” when it was called out? Because that looks more like you were caught in a lie and have to complain that I’m not just believing you.
It's a good character, don't know why you're seething.
>realizes he fucked up
>starts larping as me to cope
Okay let’s do this
I said that arguing my innocence is impossible, whether I am or not. Your accusations are unfalsifiable.
Yes, it is.
All me
>I said that arguing my innocence is impossible
Yeah, which just goes to show you know you can’t because I’m right.
>whether I am or not
If you actually thought you weren’t there wouldn’t be a “whether I am or not” there would just be a “even though I am” but nice Freudian slip.
>Your accusations are unfalsifiable
Because I’m right, this has already been established.
you only say that because coach is old, young coach wouldve been a real hood nigga retard
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So this is where you go ape shit? Okay.
No. It's like an unfalsifiable hypothesis in science. It is not valid reasoning.
>inspect element
You're not fooling anyone, and by you, I mean me, since this one is also my post
>another post hoc cope
No you’re just saying that because you realized how you fucked up. Ultimately you would be able to prove me wrong if you actually could.
How is it unfalsifiable?
TF2 has like 7 white guys and a dude who is also probably white for its one black guy. We're never going to see a ratio like that again... unless companies decide they want to start making money or something.
You know if you want to call something out you have to actually know what you’re talking about, for instance you can’t use inspect element on a phone. But keep going ape shit over not being able to argue.
It’s not, he’s so far not given anything that shows how he’s not a samefag and instead of trying to defend it which he would have done if it was actually legitimate he just gave up on it immediately and complained.
Lel Demoman is voiced by a whiteguy
Whatever I say or do is proof if my guilt. There is literally no way to prove it wrong, even though it is wrong.
All me
>sees a nigger
>thinks of sex immediately
>calls everyone else a cuck
Oh so you do have 4chanX, good job showing that for everyone in the thread.
No it’s pretty clear from the screencap.
Guilt of what?
That he’s a samefag
I can't argue with you, you've constructed an unfalsifiable reality in your head and there is nothing I can do to convince you of it not being so.
That I'm samefagging.
Why are you replying to this? It wasn’t for you? Unless I was right and you were actually larping as me.
You're in denial
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Samefags are the most unhinged people on this website, they are simultaneously massive narcissists and have no ego whatsoever, they will spend hours talking to themselves and agreeing with themselves but at the same time do the most pathetic shit possible just to win an internet argument.
Wasn’t that reply supposedly not to you? If so why are you replying to it. I’m just going to cut the shit and say you fucked up and outed yourself and are just making excuses to cope.
It was fun derailing the discussion of two retards, I'm out.
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>"white guy"
>anon discovers that gingers have always been token characters
Notice how he has to add this in, like if he was actually just a shitposter he would have just left but he has to clarify that he was a different person. This of course only benefits him if he was just a samefag.
what is it about 4chan that attracts schizos in droves?
Annie was the protagonist of her own series and Daphne was a main character that was more than just a red head, how do you retards not understand what token means?
Notice how he’s says he’s leaving and then just does the same thing again, also notice how both of these posts are seconds apart. The samefag has reached terminal velocity and is just throwing a straight up temper tantrum.
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welp, we finally did it /v/irgins, fucking TF2 is now woke for some fucking reason.

this board's collective IQ finally dropped below room temperature
You're cracked dude.
i'm the first post you replied to and i'm literally not that guy, not that you'll believe me or anything. you're just further proof that this website attracts the mentally ill, specifically those with persecutory delusions.
Obsessive samefag refusing to stop despite getting utterly BTFOd.
You’ve spent hours failing to argue and lying. I don’t know why you think starting the larp again is going to work.
>specifically those with persecutory delusions
Weird projection but alright.
Oooooooooh Im the saaame poster as that other guy. How many people am I? How many people are you? LOOK OUT! THAT POSTER IS IN THE WALLS ANON!

Im just guy that entered the thread and saw the sperg wars going down. Or am I...?
>has to trivialize because he knows he can’t argue
Keep digging.
since i personally know i am not who you claim i am, this is highly amusing. unironically take your meds, dude
u smell
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>I have investigated myself and found that I’m not guilty
>more ad hominem
Let the copes keep coming.
i am seriously enjoying the contrast of your smug satisfaction with the irony of the situation. please keep giving me (You)s
>still trying to false flag and push retarded narrative
Troons like this always out themselves because they speak of /v/ and the people here as if it’s separate like they don’t come here or see themselves as someone who posts here themselves.
I have also investigated him and found him to be innocent.
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I’m not being smug and what do you mean by irony? Is it about the screencap? I’ve posted multiple and you haven’t said a word about them, they’re not doctored and I’m only using my phone if you want proof I can give it to you. You see how easy it is to back yourself up when you’re actually confident that you’re not doing what you’re being accused of?
You are him. But keep coping.
the irony is of the dramatic kind, in that i know i am not who you spent all of this thread replying to, but you insist i am. i am a participant, but also the audience, and i am privy to facts that you are not. that's the irony part
>i am not who you spent all of this thread replying to
That’s certainly something you can say, but ultimately anyone can say anything. For instance I’m the president of Canada. But that doesn’t make it true. Which we’ve already covered. To put it bluntly I’m calling you a liar, and you of course won’t be able to prove what I’ve said wrong because you’ve already put yourself into a position where you can’t so you’ll just keep acting and saying you’re not him while not so subtly seething below the surface.
you keep writing all of this text, and it's not going to change the fact that you're wrong, that you don't know that, and that i know that. that's the irony.
>so braindead it doesn't know what the word "we" means
Imagine thinking you're the master race when you're too fucking retarded to live. /pol/ is a joke.
If I was wrong you would be able to argue how. But so far all you can do is just repeat yourself.
>and that i know that
If that were the case you wouldn’t have continued and you would be safe in the knowledge that you’re right and that I’m wrong. The only reason you are is because you know you’re full of shit and need to keep replying because your ego won’t let you stop.
>If I was wrong you would be able to argue how.
you and i both know it's impossible to prove who is who on 4chan
>The only reason you are is because you know you’re full of shit and need to keep replying because your ego won’t let you stop.
i'm here because i'm enjoying watching some rabid schizo nerd freak out
Imagine trying to call someone illiterate when you miss the word false flag written clearly in the post. Also I never said anything about being part of the master race. But randomly seething about /pol/ is another this gcj trannies do.
I think there are about 5 different people you have accused of all being the same poster at this point lol.
>you and i both know it's impossible to prove who is who on 4chan
I did it just fine, so keep coping.
>i'm here because i'm enjoying watching some rabid schizo nerd freak out
No you’re here because you were btfo and have deluded yourself into thinking that if you get the last reply then you will win. All the while seething about me proving you wrong definitively.
It’s all so pathetic
>I think there are about 5 different people you have accused of all being the same poster
No more like you’ve larped as four different people because you think that you can ratio people on an anonymous image board.
you don't get it. i'm only replying because i'm tired of schizos on this website, and prodding one is great stress relief. you are my second monitor gag while i wait on turns to roll over in civ 5
No you’re just acting smug while seething about getting btfo. This always happens. Fags like you need to project confidence since they think they can bluff their way out being btfo. In reality you’ve been here for hours and have failed to argue whole outing yourself as a samefag. I mean you tried larping as me at one point and showed you were using 4chanX, and then when it was called out you replied to it saying the same shit not realizing and then went quiet only to switch personas. You’ve failed and now you’re just throwing a tantrum while making excuses and telling yourself you’re not mad.
Quite an impressive larp to actually have 5 different personalities and everything. How do I do it?
Sure i would Mexicans love speedy Gonzales its a great choice. I don't think there is one where i would think your opinion is good though.
>5 different personalities and everything
lol okay, see this is what I meant by samefags are massive narcissists, they will suck themselves off while trying to deny what they’re doing. They weren’t different at all, you were mostly saying the same shit, playing dumb, or just trying to say no u. That’s not different it’s just the same brand of deluded faggotry.
have you ever heard the phrase "tilting at windmills?" people on this site like to do it a lot i've noticed, really the internet in general. you're doing it right now and not realizing it, just like mr. quixote
Hear that guys? We're quintuplets. Who knew?
no it's not okay.
Dude a year so back we had a thread arguing Tetris was woke. we have long passed that were closer to freezing.
Are you the fag that thinks the bitch from forsaken is just as good as barret?
i don't understand any of those words. i play factorio
No you said this exact same shit in another thread a week or so ago. You even tried saying the “nothing could convince you” shit before going apeshit and samefagging.
https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/687184776/#687200059 Seriously it’s the same exact argument you have here. You even mentioned tilting at windmills.
That would be funny too he would talk about running over the border
all you've done is invite further hilarity because you accuse me of being someone who also knows a common phrase and how it perfectly applies to you
That’s not a common phrase, and it was used in the same exact kind of thread with the same exact argument that you gave. Honestly I have no idea why you have to do this? I mean are you so pathetic that you have to try and say that everyone is racist because they don’t like woke shit and rewrite history over it?
It isn't, TF2 would have been improved if the demolition class was a real Irishman because that's actually a funny refrence to the IRA and not simply
lowest form of American humor. It's truly pathetic when mutts wholeheartedly defend it as well like we see ITT.
Were you spouting the same kind of nonsense in that thread?
No, but you were doing the same shit you were here. You even went ape shit and started samefagging when you couldn’t argue and then when you were called out you pretended you were shitposting.
>That’s not a common phrase
besides being a schizo, you're also the other kind of person i hate who has filled 4chan in the last 20 years, which is the confident retard.
>besides being a schizo
It’s telling how this is all you have now, just ad hominem and anger.
>confident retard.
You’ve need trying to act smug after getting btfo for hours. You’re no one to talk, or is this just projection. also looks like your starting to samefag again now that your bullshit from before was outed.
Good. The game needed some BBC.
You've been seething for hours with randos jumping in and out of the "conversation". Easily getting baited by everything.
>waited a full hour just to reply hoping I would be gone
>just repeats the same cope and deflects
Honestly you just keep getting worse and worse as time goes on.
>You've been seething for hours with randos jumping
No they were you, you’ve made that clear in that you couldn’t argue how you weren’t samefagging and just went apeshit.
>i-it was bait
It’s always bait after you fags get btfo. Keep coping loser, it won’t change how you’re obsessed with making people this everyone that doesn’t like woke shit is racist.
>hoping you would be gone
No, I was hoping you'd show how pathetic you are, still refreshing a thread with no replies for an hour.
>no u
You literally waited an exact hour after my last post to reply, you’ve been waiting an hour just to do this.
Are hybrid Demoknights builds viable or im trolling myself without the sticky bomb?
My nigga infernus looking fly as fuck.
he literally looks like AH wtf
Probably bot hosters being assblasted valve shut their shit down.
yeah but he has to be half white scottish and be apart of that culture or have white scottish parents. If he's not then he's just a black guy with a scottish accent but isn't actually a scotsman.
Oh they def are since Pipes are really damn strong on their own. Hybrid works out well in situations where too many flanks/ambushes happen for stickies to set up. You can even pretend you dont have a melee and only use charge and grenades and you would be fine since the damage resistance + mobility is absurd.
For sure man, you're totally not obsessed.
shoutout to ariel looking more like a seacreature in the new one
It's "they've got more feckin' sea monsters in the great Loch Ness than they've got the likes of me".
>he waited another hour
Are you just going to project for the rest of the thread?
no i'll reply now
>he’s been lurking all this time waiting for me to reply
So it was just projection, you spend hours samefagging and crying and now all you can do is wait and try to get the last reply? I’ll let you have it since it’s most likely all you have left. See you next time you decide to throw a tantrum, and maybe don’t do the same shit if you don’t want to get called out.
Fuck off autist. Demoman is probably the funniest character in the game. Nobody gives two shits if you're crying about it, perhaps you should kill yourself instead
Does what
like I said, you're constantly getting baited by randoms

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