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It's been 2 months since the game launched, what's the /v/erdict so far for the siblings' game?
Literally who?
Fun while there was story and stuff to do. Retarded once you get to "endgame" shit.
Its an ok button masher. Very flashy, but still suffers from WORDS WORDS WORDS like every other Mihomo game because Chinks suck at storytelling.
Boring story
Great animations
The characters don't feel like Mihoyo style (though this might be a good thing depending on who you ask)
Too many shitty chores
Combat feels like it boils down to stagger then unload which is somehow less creative than HI3 loop of support ults x2 - burst on DPS
I'm confused why they thought this game was necessary instead of trying to build up on what worked for Honkai
Twins or roughly the same age > older sister / younger brother >= younger sister / older brother > normalcy > mom / son > dad / daughter
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It's fun
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>down to 6k polys after getting rrat
>only got Seth to M4, Piper's W-Engine, a Koleda dupe, and ten thousand Anbys while rolling away my savings
At least I got Piper's engine but now I'm very nervous about Burnice's banner
If I dont get la rata im out.
>down to 6k polys
anon, i got rat and now i'm down to 67 polys. still, i WILL roll for burnice. i have faith
I still have all my Residual Signals at least, and since I rolled so many Anbys I got a LOT of them
If I get desperate I'll convert them all for more rolls for Burny because I MUST have my Piper/Lucy/Burnice team
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>first 10 pulls
>50 50


the game wants me to stay bwos
picked this up literally a few days ago. surprisingly better than some of the AAA slops I've played.
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I lost coinflip at 75 rolls, spent 40 bucks, and the rat doesn't show up for another 85 pulls
Now I just have a bad taste in my mouth and don't even want to see her bitch face
All the rolls, all the excited posting, the cycle of shame, doubt, guilt, anticipation...
I'm gonna bench her for a while until these emotions wear off, this was too much man
jane is so fucking fun holy shit I love her
has anyone encountered her in the wild for trust events? I've cycled through a few days and nothing
so what's her best team so far? Grace + Rina?
she just showed up in front of the doggo kiosk for me.
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seth and Grace
Mostly because I don't have Rina :c
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>didn't get Zhu
>lost my Rat 50/50
>TV shit sucks
>niggas talk too much in missions
This game is ass!
I realized nai can do Nicole wonderfully and have been going crazy
This game is too horny for me. Genshin is more classy.
I think Seth Jane Rina is a good team
it is
Pretty fun game to just pick up and play for half an hour, the events have been pretty meh. 80 away from guaranteed Caesar and then the rest ill be dumping into Burnice then saving for the idols.
it is, especially if you have c1 rina
Have they done anything to make this game fun yet? I wanted to like this game. The art direction and atmosphere is nice. The animation is mostly good, if not a little overdone, and Dreamworksey at times. But holy shit, what I saw of the gameplay was just not it for me. The tv traveling is NOT fun for me. At all. Painfully boring. I wish I could skip skip skip like so much trite anime dialogue. The combat seems brainless. The ults seem like Ex-versions of regular abilities, and I'm just mindliessly mashing my rotation while I mostly ignore the animations of my own characters in favor of watching and waiting for the counter indicator. Then it's over in a flash, and it's back to TV shit. No chance to run around and scope my gacha waifu's ass.
Is there anything in this thing for me to hang in there for, or have I understood all there is on the table for ZZZ?
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>lost 50/50 to the cat (which I didn't have anyways)
>Rat appears immediately after

>This game is ass!
It's LA GATA you gringo piece of shit.
Rat eats too much cheese. That's why she's fat.
I'll feed her more cheese
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>Play Genshin and HSR
>Get every character I want plus weapons
>Play ZZZ
>Get the furry twice, miss out on ass cop and lolibaba cop
>Somehow still no Nekomata, Grace, Soldier 11 or Koleda
Why does this game hate me?
got her infront of the scratch card dog once
It's a gacha game, making it garbage by default
ZZZ has the lowest pull rates out of ANY gacha, it's actually fucking ridiculous how stingy they are.
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I really hate Hollow Zero. I have zero motivation to do it. I'm almost as the point of uninstalling because I don't want to do it every week. It's such a boring chore. The TV sections are so bad, and I didn't even mind most of the TV missions.
la gata sexa you uncultured swine
It plays better than your average modern AAA slop. Modern games have stagnated so hard that even gacha slop has caught up. Genuinely embarrassing.
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Better than getting knotted
twice. Fuck this furry faggot game
You only have to do hollow zero twice a week now to max the stuff out. Once if you just want the standard pull.
Had 85 pulls going in got Rat plus Seth x 4 putting him at c3. Dumped the extra 30 pulls toward her w engine since I had guarantee. Didn’t get it but got like 6 anby engines. Decided to top up the first time $50 one. Pulled more on the w engine banner, got like another 4 anby engines before finally pulling 3 of Seth’s and the Rat’s.

Tossed another 10 pull at the character banner because I was just thinking maybe another Seth will come and got Rat again, 2 Anby and 2 Seth.
Still doesn't make me inclined to play them whatsoever
that's surprising, hollow zero is basically the only tv content I enjoy. you actually have choices to make
Yea you don't play games whatsoever, don't really have to say that out loud buddy.
it's getting more annoying week on week
I love the combat sections and collecting cards but moving through the tv stuff is just getting more annoying

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