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Play The First Descendant
>saluting while sitting down
stupid bitch !!
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i do and i've got ult Gley crafting right now while I do invastion dungeons for Hailey's parts
AGP paypig skinnerbox
she's so pretty and i love her and we're going to have really loud sex
I don't like the new invasions.
The novelty of all the eye candy fizzles once you start actually getting into the gameplay loops and the usual shitty Nexon garbage.
was it autism?
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the puzzle shit is fine but they overtuned the final bosses, at least for killing them solo.
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That's why you should play it now because it will die eventally because lmao Nexon
Not only that but the adds spawn in huge numbers complicating things.
I will when the game has actual content other than releveling decendants or weapons 53214th time in the same 2 places
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i've accepted to just use Bunny for content like that
I didn't finish the first battle pass so I gave up
The entire game is the exact same thing.
5 missions an area
Then a long one
Then another area unlocks
Theres like 5 areas a map
After each map theres an intercept
The missions are terrible.
The intercepts are terrible and either end right away or some bunny faggot fails it from dying
This shit is beyond soulless. Littered with bizarre warframe ripoffs in every way possible except weapon variety.
"The 'prime' hands" wtf?
I had some fun for a couple weeks but Im done. It isnt going to fundamentally change from this. There literally is no game just grind means the missions. There isnt anything enjoyable or fun to do its all these barebones "wait in a circle as dumb mobs run at you" or "move to 3 differeny circles in sequence as mobs run at you" or the absolute irredeemable dogshit that is "data collection".
There's no reason to.
amusing how /v/ will cry shill or psyop or dei at any given opportunity and claim some kind of moral highground but are one of the most weak willed, easily influenced groups on the internet who will buy any kind of korean garbage as long as their pixels are scantily dressed
already slapped on 500 hours fell off like Warframe
holy shit
>claim some kind of moral highground
/v/ is a cesspool full of retards and autists but I really don't think I've ever seen anyone genuinely attempt to act like they've got the moral highground. the closest thing I've seen is people smugly giving reasons why they pirate but even those are obviously shitposting.
she is insanely hot
>we live in a world where fat american bitches were complaining about these female characters sitting to lady like and feminine
It has western and mutt women it goes into the trash simple as.
>korean game
>all women wear heels
No, fuck that. Let me know when they make barefoot girls.
amusing how --ACK!!
play Luna then cause she wears sneakers
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all gooks have ugly bunion feet that's why
>want to check out because leotards
>rootkit anti-cheat bullshit
God man I'm tired of porn games and Bethesda shit for my fix, I want something different for a change
More like her "First Descendant" will be black, amirite?
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based, but that's Viessa's job
We lost him anons... he asked himself mid post
will this game run adequately on a 2080
doesn't work with Nvidia cards
I will never play a korean video game.
This video explains all the settings.
The image quality with optimized settings is close to high preset while the performance is much much better.
Dlss quality is also well implemented.
Can tell this some Korean MMO slop. Don't even need to ask.
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she's the best
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Is four player co-op massive?
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Same but add I will never play an Asian F2P Freemium game because China and South Korea are soulless lootbox crates and casino roll machine apps. Make real games like Lies of P and I'll care.
I literally am right now
I wonder what her ult costume will be
the game is now finally worthy of coom with hayley but the gameplay is dogshit, there's no content, and both the pricing AND grinding are worse than the games it rips off. leaving the turd descendant with coom as its literal only appeal

thankfully i have a wife who swallows so i feel zero desire to play your dogshit shilled game
>disgusting small tits
no way faggot
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Plappers gonna plap
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pls post link to front I beg of you
Post something new already
>try this game because sexy women
>it's just warframe with worse movement
If you play anything made by Nexon you're a retard
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Her top is just hidden, so her breasts are still pushed up like they're inside it
Maple story is based
Mabinogi was pretty fun early on
Did they actually add nips to the models?
do they have nipples still like in the beta or did you add them
just textures but yes (oops):

>Gook game
Is it some pay to win garbage?
I wondered if it was just Viessa since it was the only image I saw back then or if they all did. Them most likely all having it then is pretty based
That's the thing with Nexon, even if they manage to make a good game they will ruin it as quickly as they possibly can
Disappointing, I guess I will avoid all of these threads then.
>nexon f2p cancer
Combat arms was fun when you were using your parents card
Blue Archive is comfy.
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in terms of p2w its pretty low compared to other Nexon games. Even if you buy an Ult Descendant and some catalysts/energy activators you still have to grind for mods and Unique weapons
Blackpill me
You will never experience teen love
No, it's not. You pay to skip the grind for characters and get costumes mostly.
Nice abs
>all women wear heels
anyone use controller to play this? is it tolerable?
FD has the girls. 8/10 waifus. But where is the gameplay?
>arms of a 95lb woman
>legs of a 160lb woman

I don't play shallow coomslop
God Bunny is so hot

Nah, fuck those solo invasions, made me ragequit hard. I'll come back when there's a level cap or gear increase to make it easier.
I'm incredibly prejudiced against Korean games, and Nexon is mostly to blame for that
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she runs a lot so her legs are toned out
Why do they even bother with having male characters in this game?
Already am.
Sounds like most games
dungeon fighter is engaging
Vindictus is good too.
To enjoy other people grinding the females for your viewing pleasure
To be fair only one kind of men can satisfy a woman like her.
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It's a shooter game so you'll have to aim. If you can tolerate that it's fine.

There are certain characters (Bunny) where you don't have to use your gun. You get her about an hour into the game.
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i did. its warframe but even more boring so i uninstalled it no amount of combat is gonna change that
>no amount of combat
>you have to aim
Not on PS5, you can quick scope in someone's general direction and hit every time. The aim assist is so strong it'll literally pull your camera away from what you were aiming at to hit other enemies
Only if there's a nude mod. Otherwise, you're a nigger.
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what mods do I give Ult Gley for max colossus damage?
Is there any for bunny?
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It's a weird schizophrenia. One the one hand they cry rivers of blood because they're oppressed by the characters not looking like feminist ogres, on the other hand they're also crying because the characters aren't behaving like stronk empowered whores, spreading their legs and being aggressively slutty.

It's a weird mental illness combo to want fugly characters who also have obscene body language manner at the same time but then again that's what they were groomed to be by their education and feminist upbringing. And then theyr'e surprised males jump out of windows to get away from them.
because if steam forums are to be believed, a bunch of women also play the game.
Some colossi cannot be beaten without Lepic.
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Why is there a nigger on a computer in the background?
Post nipples
He's the one fucking her while you're not playing
Never any sick shooting gameplay or cool shit to see. Always coom for incels.

Throw acid on all f2p gacha fags.
>hangout on the incel board
>surprised people post incel content
I spent 200h of my life in pre-season.

Is there anything worth playing in Season 1?
>inb4 new descendant
No. I did my shit with regular Bunny, I'm not wasting 60 euros on a single character.
Why do people keep asking this in onvious coomer threads. Even in ER or DD2 threads it's bait webms made to make the game look bad to bait in replies. Same shit with third person games. Nobody posts gameplay in a mass effect thread for example.
>activate triangle skill
>jump constantly
>Erase everything instantly
>Room of people all doing the same thing, racing to see who can one-shot the guy first
Does the game get any better?
The FUCKING platforming missions AAAAHHHHHHHH! But otherwise yeah, its pretty fun, I hit level 40 an hour ago.
Unless nexon wants to kill off the character that single handedly made this game a success they will never nerf bunny. Farming is the end game and bunny does that extremely well so it will never change.
So Bunny is the second character but also the endgame? Not to rude but I'm dropping this game. Characters are beautiful but I can't stand the gameplay.
She's the most efficiant character in the game and her ult form even gets a version of her electric ring that destroys any single target enemy that isnt colossi. She's by far the easiest character to play and in a farming game where efficiency matters, people will rely on her.
Yes, that's the name of the currency.
Is the joke that I'm european, or do you pretend like you farmed for descendants when in reality you bought them just like every fucking youtuber who has the "perfect build for this one particular boss only"?
Nta but if youre referring to hailey the. Yes everybody who has her right now showcasing all these one shot builds did buy her because her grind is literally timegated by invasions. Otherwise no, I farmed all my characters. It was really easy once reached hard mode. Especially now that outposts have very low cooldowns.
Bunny = Sorceress players from Diablo 2. I dont even notice them anymore. They are the subhuman filth that eat tv dinners and finance Hyundais. Everytime I'm with a non-bunny player I have a good time, anytime a bunny is in my party, I just let them spaz out.
Reason why I play gley because she actually makes you play a shooting game. Sharen is kinda fun too on low level play but I'm waiting for her ultimate version.
Why? Because we don't shoot a lot?
>/v/ can be manipulated into playing games they enjoy
>who will buy any kind of korean garbage
You know that this is f2p game?
I enjoyed the content halfway through the Hard raids. Experimenting with skill and weapon builds, grappling and shooting, and trying your best to break the game is fun, but the content they actually give you is awful. Maybe they'll figure out an actually fun endgame.
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it used to be Valby too back when that outpost farm spot worked. Now you can't blame me if I need to farm Magister Lab to level fast
You really wanna deal with trash mobs? Bunny clears out the trash and then everyone can focus on shooting the boss.
I am, theres so muhc I don't understand. I'm level 40 at the moment, but whats the highest level weapons can go up to? I have a gold weapon that I researched, but its outclassed by world drops now, so I infuse it with high level world drops? But shouldnt I wait until I start getting max level weapon drops, because the infusion resource is hard to come by, yeah?
You can craft those weapon lv transfer mats easily. Just keep disassembling items. The highest lv for equipment is 100 but it can get even stronger by upgrading your mods.
She is Tina from DOA but with brown hair
Can I earn the slutty nun skin without paying?
Post the nipple
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I think she looks like Lara Croft
heels are love heels are life
I love heels and I'm short
>hot girls
>barely any sfm
Why so?
Most porn is ultimate bunny so use that keyword instead.
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i love this retard
Why is gameplay never posted?
Bunny is the best at farming trash mobs so she's optimal for quickly running easy content, which you'll still be doing at endgame to farm crafting mats.
She is not the best at doing the colossi fights. She -can- do them but there are more effective descendants for that job.
Because you don't play games
I once visited their general, the game is apparently a grindfest.
>Play The First Descendant
>Because you don't play games
Only pre Big Bang everything after is pure unfiltered gookslop
no shit dumdum
the gameplay is literally korean warframe
I dropped warframe after two hours.
Then post gameplay
>one time, i played this game, and then i stopped playing it

No, but it is $15
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Be they tall or short, all real chads with big dick and balls love pretty girls in high heels.
Are there any skins at all that I can earn without paying money? Is Ultimate Bnuuy a skin or another descendant entirely?
ultimates are separate characters. There are some free skins in the battle pass but they are more like variations of base outfits
Ultimate Bunny is an entirely diff descendant you can farm for. You can get skins from the supply coin shop of the battle pass tab for free, but that’s like a several-week commitment for a couple of blue tier cosmetics.
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Different character like primes in warframe.
You can earn outfits in the battlepass but it's mostly recolors.
So you can't get the skimpy clothes unless you are willing to pay for a game that is gonna shutdown in a few years anyway? Too bad, I was willing to give it a shot.
Yes, it's super easy.
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It's a shooter. What else is there to talk about aside from minmaxing your guns and character? Nobody posts gameplay in a warframe thread either because everyone already knows what the gameplay loop is.
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That's fine because the ultimate characters are already skimpy. Getting those are one part of the end game, aside from minmaxing your loadouts.
Nexon has changed for the better
They are listening to what is needed now

You will still buy the dyes individual goy
>Is it some pay to win garbage?
It's like warframe, a collectathon with no pvp and nothing to really win.
If you pay, that's merely to skip the grind, but the grind is the meatiest part of the content.
You can only pay for descendants though unlike warframe where you can even buy the weapons, so for the weapons people can't swipe and have to farm them.
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>clothing material bunching along her asscrack
>Thigh thiccness overflow
I can see why they had to put the retarded pianist flaps over this now.
the girls are hot but the game's kinda boring
For me it's
>Her name
>Her game?
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Game is just a shallow, heavily gated, easy mode, grinding Simulator.
If it fills a hole in your life, go have fun.
If you value your time, play something else.
Imagine the asscheek sweat.
I miss when Japanese games regularly had characters this sexy. That ended in the PS2 era
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Why would I play the First Descendant when Warframe exists? It's just a cooler game in general.
i saw someone with a pink backpack. wheres that from?
More active coop and aesthetics? Warframe is too much of a solo game with how overpowered builds can be. The game is also too fast for my liking. So much bullet jump spam.
>new character requires at lest x5 more farming than previous one
Nah, kys gooktroon from discord.
Battle pass probablyaa
show feet and armpits
They just doubled her drop rates AGAIN and hour ago. You can now get her in 6 days of 5 minute dalies.
>kpoop dumping gooks, going full hapa
>kgames never even included gooks
lol and some mongoloids complain about representation in western media
Is it only invasions?
The double buff today was for invasions yes. You can still do hard mode dungeons for parts as well.

They also made invasions significantly easier today. Every type got big changes, less symbols, less colors, etc
>they nerfed lepic haigos void shard farming
for what reason
>only one weekly with 5 supply coin reward
nigger jews
Literaly the only good thing about Gook designs is that all Girls wear heels
today's patch is like the 6th time in a row now where the devs did something, it was shit, so they had to make changes.

I'm really starting to think the devs are insanely incompetent and just have zero idea what they're doing given this is how every update turns out. This gives me absolutely no hope for the future of this game, I can only imagine ulti freyna and the mega dungeon are going to be as fucked and they're going to have to patch it multiple times, just like invasions. Plus you had major bugs like damage mods not working on certain characters for almost 2 months straight. How do you even get bugs that massive, and leave them unpatched for that long.

I really want this to succeed because I really like the idea of "warframe but coomer" but I don't think the devs are proficient enough to keep this game going long term if all they do is constantly fumble and fail to understand what players want and take ages to fix huge bugs. I'd love to be proven wrong and for the freyna update to be kino but the devs already have quite the track record
the games ass. Whether I mean it in the literal or metaphorical sense is up to you to decipher.
If the mega dungeon is more gimmicks and puzzles, then I give up on this game.
The puzzles are annoying in that you need to visually inspect some clue but sometimes the map's layout is such that your view is blocked, like by a pillar or random shit.
It's annoying.

And yeah, the bosses are annoying.
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Pyromaniac pissed me off for a good hour before I beat the fucker.
Given that both invasions and the mega dungeon were almost certainly developed before the game released (as is common with live service games), I'm not expecting anything fun for mega if they couldn't make invasions good.
I expect the rest of s1 and all of s2 to continue being this low effort slop like shitty puzzles an intern probably made a year ago
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I fucking swear any anon ITT could make more engaging and dynamic dungeons and puzzles after being on their 2nd month of unreal engine, following some course from gamedev.tv or similar

the shit like the moving lasers or collecting balls on platforms is the type of stuff you'll be learning and making by your 7th day of unreal game development, I made fancier dungeons in unreal 3 back in 2014 as a retarded teenager... also holy shit do I recognize a lot of world assets from the UE marketplace

At least haileys ass is fat, haha...
Fucking hell I give up on invasions. The legion of immortality invasion's boss requires you to break his shield in a few seconds or else you have to repeat the stupid brain harvest sequence again where his shields regenerate.
What the fuck were they testing this on? Full min maxed 8+ catalyst chars/guns that kill colossi in 5 seconds? My bunny can literally clear the rooms in seconds but can't fucking break this nigger's shields while he zaps you with a fucking laser. Fuck this mission.
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The mountain in that lobby looks so good. Looks like a generation ahead of the actual maps, I have no idea how that works.
Tina wishes she had Hailey's body
it's not popular enough. i fucking hate we're in 2024 and overshit STILL has a near fucking monopoly on blender porn
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>small tits
>nigger ass
Once again i will say no
It is korean so no one is interested.
>the puzzle shit is fine but they overtuned the final bosses, at least for killing them solo.
Oh, but you can do it with people?
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>small tits
she has DD's albeit >>687803608 >>687808939 >>687805963
Get your fucking ass up if you're going to salute you fucking bitch holy shit I want to kill a woman
You enjoy this game?
>give nexon full admin access and install a kernel level anyi cheat
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Why did they give the medic the sickest skin yet
The guyver inspired skin is also nice
>ult Gley crafting right now while I do invastion dungeons
Help me
Why not?
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>not anthro
not interested
These are the most fuckable characters I have ever seen in a video game. I kneel, Korea, I kneel.
Someone post the music bitch
do you bump for game discussion or porn
killzone ?
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...finally made a good game
How much they pay you for shilling gachaslop these days?
Why can't these faggot make actually h game instead of safe horny shit
Not my cup of tea.
A pity, because all games should be designed like that (characterwise)
No value, other than coom. And you can get a lot of that without paying or wasting time.
Boing boing boing
It's not gacha, you tosspot
post some gameplay for once at least you fucking niggerfaggots
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shit's been nerf, yo
Earlier anon here, seeing these images made me try out blender and all this extra model download stuff to see all this stuff myself.
So I have some frame of reference, how long did it take you to get to that point?
that's a big gun
Kill yourself nigger. Every time someone posts gameplay you fucking faggots ignore it.
Is this game basically just Warframe for gooners
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Maybe a couple hours, having to relearn some basic stuff I forgot
Basically what you gotta do is apply the textures by opening the shader editor view, clicking on different meshes/materials and then correcting the path for the PNG nodes to point to wherever you downloaded the textures. For non-diffuse textures set color space to 'Non-Color'

Then you can hide/unhide different parts of the model from the outliner because this based smutbase rip actually comes with her whole nun costume too as well as the rest of her body. I don't understand how to pose the bones though, they twist in place without moving their children, maybe that's some inverse kinematics shit. It's a "Rigify" rig.
Then change viewport shading to "Rendered" and unhide the lights
tyvm, I actually just came across the smutbase model myself after trying to mess with the game file model I downloaded with Umodel and Fmodel
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I cannot get luna to not suck.
Buffs arent good enough. Whens she getting a patch?
She has the cutest butt
Im familiar with her ass.
Ive also sunk 6 crystallization catalysts in her worthless ass and basically mastered the mini game and she still fucking blows
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>her playstyle
Fucking WHY?
you will get more at the end retard
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Made for tiny gook cock
I try so hard to like this game but the gameplay is just mindlessly boring as shit
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>start playing last night
>go to link with my ps5 because my pc is a shitbox (yeah I know)
>all progress deleted
Don't fucking do it if you ever think about it.
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seems like for Invasion dungeons they nerfed the puzzles and reduced how much damage the boss does.

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