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Oh shit! A rat!
I'm not rolling for her W-Engine, what are some good alternatives? Rainforest?
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I rolled 50, couldnt get her, gonna desperately farm out 3200 polychrome now.
atleast I have a c5 anby now, thats something
rainforest is good
You still got some time to farm out polychrome before the banner runs out
Or else you'll have to use THAT
Give me the sons of calydon instead
speaking of w-engines, I hate how you can't tell for what class they are unless you click on them to read description
which retard was responsible for their design and why did they make'em all look like balls
I hate all yurifags
Have an apple
So did chinese and skoreans officially surpassed japanese in mobile gaming?
Who cares about mobiles
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Curious what everyone spent on average.
For me it's 52 bucks so far in 2 months (2x 30day and 2x big season pass.)
I assume all gacha is primarly mobile
even if your phone can run it, the controls are not made for touchscreen
same with genshin
got Ellen, Rina, Jane
>you gotta tryhard on M+KB for gacha pools
damn it's not easy to be a teenager these days
In total I have spent $5 dollars for the calendar
It is pretty worth it
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We already have a thread..
I've bought 3 calindars, both battlepasses, and each top up once for the one time bonus. So whatever that is. 300$ or something?
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skipped Ellen on purpose, got Buttcop in 70ish rolls, got Lolibot in a single 10roll, got Rat in 80ish rolls, won every coinflip
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oh boy that thread is trash
it's ok, Belle is for Wise
More proof if you chose wise you bricked your account...
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Jane the pussyhunter.
why does mihoyo pander to yurifags so much, do they spend a lot
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$0, I have every character I wanted, managed to get Ellen, Rina, Koleda, Grace, Jane, have a C5 Anbi and C6 Ben
skipped buttcop and thighcop
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>c/u/cktranny thread
Belle can have that dyke rat that's dating a twink. Wise already has a harem including his imouto
how grind is this game compared to genshin?
Haven't played in over a month, game was boring me. Logged in and did a 10 pull. Got the rat and shield guy.

Is the game more fun now? I'm lvl 40ish
I'm playing both and the grind is killing this game for me. It's so samey too, at least Genshin has different rooms for each domain, and some shit you grind in the open world. Here almost everything you grind in the same fucking room. Over and over again, forever. I can't take it anymore it's so fucking boring
Who knows, maybe I'll build them in 3 months and get back to you
spent 0 and got literally nothing other than balls
might run out of willpower to play the game cus the advanced sokoban interrupting my combat isn't doing it for me and if i don't get a totally-rng-pity-roll-haha to hook me up then my soul will remain free of gacha sin
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I bought 2 of the 5 dollars passes and that 1 dollar thing for Corin's engine.
Saving up for the idols.
game is still boring trash. hopefully someday they will ditch the shitty TV segments and add a sweep function to the grinding.
>shitty TV segments
better than open world slop from genshit
>Oh no, a rat!
>I'll trade a magic trick for a vase.
Just quit already instead of whining about shit that will never happen. TVs will stay and they will never add a sweep function.
guess their game will remain the red headed stepchild then if they refuse to do things that would vastly improve the game.
i like redheads
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Gross why would she give an apple she already ate on
I'm glad I followed the advice to pick the male MC, now I get to have Belle as my supportive housewife. I can't imagine having those roles reversed too.
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>rat character
>no rat-like qualities outside of ears
>ears are mostly hidden behind hair
What's even the point?

>inb4 buh her tail
It's not a rat's tail.
The point is that she's a professional rat in every gang she joins.
her stockings foot looks kinda low quality
hmmmm, maybe I should start playing this game
It's not meant to be seen that close and they didn't bother to retexture it just for that close up.
so far only $5. I joined the day after zhu's banner started, poopsocked my way through the story, all the hard modes, as much hollow zero and shiyu as I could manage, and got her at 152 rolls. saved since then, got rat on the coinflip at 77, and got her weapon at 65. had 5 rolls left, but like 18 that I could buy from the signal shop. went and fully cleared shiyu thanks to rat, so I've got another 10 rolls
I love this rat so fucking much. I'll be buying another membership since my last one expired, but I won't be putting anymore in
I can understand that, but on the other hand I don't have to run around the exact same parts of the open world to collect flowers and smash open rocks every fucking day. they really should beef up the vr stuff though. it's vr, there's no reason the rooms can't be different and interesting
it hit number one on the jp apple charts, while genshin didn't with their big update
I expected better from Mihoyo after all the foot pandering in honkai
why does that animation looks so shit, insane overanimation like animation for ADHD bozos
they sometimes try
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>muh overanimation!
It's a stylistic choice. The movement looks like old Disney circa Treasure Planet.
I wanted to hear Belle speak to me all the time in the hdd though

I love when you wake up some days from bed and she's on top of you asking if you're getting a stiffy yet or not
why does a rat need jiggly ass and thighs
That's nothing compared to Kiriko with donuts.
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Have you seen rats? Their rear-heavy.
Why is she an over sexualized predatory lesbian? The "interrogation" scene was just straight up porn intro territory. Between the woman moaning/cowering and mimicking a gag in her mouth and this mouse bitch straight up groping her I'm surprised CCP allowed it.
after having played the game with belle, I can't imagine her being the one not jacking into the matrix. it makes so much sense for the more stoic wise to stay out so he can take care of vital shit
so that she can be the predator and not prey
Apparently raising the age rating for a game makes all the difference.
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got Ellen, Zhu, skiped Qingyi and now 50/50 on RATASEXO soon
stoic wise going into the matrix to get their real job done while belle keeps herself out of harms way and bumbles around making sure all the dials and store are good.

Belle beating the shit out of a robber with a bangboo while wise is unconscious from an attack in the hollow that fucked with his link

having your little sister speak in your ear all game with her Lil portrait in the corner all cute like
this game needs a second sex scene woth belle
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>this game needs a second sex scene with belle
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rrat sex
belle blowing wise while he is linked to the system
wise blowing belles back out when she is li ked to the system

if wise can't feel his body, imagine the sneaky sex they could do.
imagine having belle on your lap hugging and riding your dick as you go through the hollow
God damn
sorry jane but I'm too scared to sleep every night, I'll need to cuddle up next to you for protection
Does she have the same line for Wise?

>chud tricked into eating salad
probably, since after that she says something like I'll be happy to talk or something
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Bi confirmed. The Jane/Seth ship sails on!
She's more rapesexual than bi
true, and doing seth's trust events it's clear he's got a bit of the 'tism. jane just likes teasing.
I want to beat the fuck out of her. Cuck asian game where you can't attack npcs.
May I beat the fuck out of your cock instead (I'm a girl)?
NTA but it's too much and we all know it
It only gets a bit too much whenever Billy is involved.
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Spent 0, probably have done 250+ pulls.
Have: Zhu Yuan, Seth, Koleda, Lycaon, Soukaku, Lucy, Piper, Nekomata, Anton, and the other 'free' agents.

I'm debating on getting the monthly thing just to help build up for more pulls. I'd really like to get Miyabi.
if you're not interested in caesar, burnice, lighter, yanagi, harumasa, you'll be able to guarantee miyabi and likely her weapon without spending money, because that's how many characters you'll have to wait through most likely
who gave lil bro access to 4channel?
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loving sex with belle hugging till you cum together
belle keeping Nicole in her basement tied up as a slave
belle handcuffing Ellen when she flirts with wise
submerging Ellen in water and having her watch belle ride wise while tied up floating
wise picking up belle and fucking her in the video store
wise waking up tied to his bed while belle rides his morning wood till she gets pregnant
belle riding wise in the hdd biting his neck forcing him to be unable to concentrate and stuttering during conversations.
Nicole coming back and kneeling in front of belle and wise to be used for stress relief.
wise on a date with Ellen with belle in the corner staring down Ellen
Ellen and Nicole being used as the hdd chair getting drowned in belles juices.

and at best

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I only have 50ish pulls right now(I did 40-50ish pulls with the rat banner up, got Seth/Anby up to C3), but yeah I figure Miyabi is presumably next year.
I have 2 teams that can do up to SD17(at least this rotation, last time it was just SD16).
So I can clear pretty much all endgame content, which is surprising, as I don't usually in gacha games.
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I've got different characters, but I'm in the same boat. once I got rat, and her weapon to be fair, I breezed through all the critical nodes. I played genshin from launch up to just before inazuma came out, and I didn't even beat the non-repeating abyss
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Nice, congrats. I was on the fence with the rat, if I got her great, if I didn't, it's whatever.
Burnice/Caeser are kind of a pass for me as I don't really have interest in Caeser with her being a tank, and Burnice being, I assume Fire anomaly DPS? I'm not sure.
With Yanagi/Harumasa, I'll keep an eye on.
I'm mostly just trying to find a 3rd team that I can pair with Lycaon/Soukaku because no Ellen.
>/every single instance of homosexuality in this game/
caesar is honestly a bit of a jack of all trades, taking the role of a stunner, support with her big damage buffs, and then obviously giving shields. burnice is fire anomaly, but she'll be a bit different from jane, grace, and piper in that she'll apply fire while off field. burnice + any of the current anomaly characters will be a better disorder team than you can make right now. nothing has leaked about yanagi's kit, but shock was added to burnice's disc set, so it's safe to assume that yanagi will also somehow be an off field shock anomaly (we know she's shock from her showing up in quests, and dataminers say she's anomaly, plus it fits with the disc set). lighter is apparently a punchy fire dps, don't know what sets him apart from soldier 11. harumasa might actually be the banner after miyabi, but again when we're talking that far out who fucking knows. from the missions he helps out in, it seems he's electric as well, no idea if he'll be regular dps or a support or whatever. honestly, based on the skills they do in the nineveh missions, I'd guess harumasa would be the electric anomaly and yanagi would be the electric dps, but dataminers say otherwise
Damn I never realized how unlucky I am
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At least the boos love you.
Yeah I guess all my luck has gone to the bangboo
at least you have luck somewhere
its over bwo
Oof that's rough
honestly I'm just happy I won the coinflip for jane and also got her w-engine
Huh? But you won the coinflip on Rrat. That's pretty good.
Shit yuribait character
I truly TRULY do not understand the appeal of Jane
She's ugly, her gameplay sucks, her personality is boring and she's not even for (You)
she's pure sex, her gameplay is fast and fun, and she literally is for (you)
What an odd way of coming out.
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damn, you've got an amazing rat, seth, rina team there
>will only have sex with women
I wasn't expecting the bullying to be enabled by a fucking rat.
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Played it on release for a hour and then dropped it. Felt like it was just zoomer Honkai Impact. The Rat lured me back.
Never gonna play this game but I'm genuinely amazed how the fucking RAT girl design is the sexiest one there is
How do you have that many rolls?
Been playing every day since release and barely have more than you.
>Played it on release for a hour and then dropped it.
>Rat pull in the screenshot
>220 total limited pull
The daily and top up bonuses
This is what my account looks like in Genshin, HSR and ZZZ. Account seeds are real and your luck won't change. Meanwhile some fags will always get early S-ranks and will still complain that they are unlucky.
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>My first roll ever in Genshin was Mona
>First 10 roll in Star Rail was Bronya
>First 10 roll in ZZZ was KNOT, yes I actually wanted him.
They really are.
I actually had really good luck in genshin, getting venti, keqing, and diluc gaming in my first 20-30 rolls, I don't remember exactly. but mihoyo is punishing me for quitting years ago. oh well, like I said I'm just happy I got rat and her weapon
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>she's going to curse my next pull
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someone please tell me this is normal i don't want to spend all my year's luck on a fucking bangboo roll
I got the rat and 6 seths wtf
that's not normal at all
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give her to me, been playing since launch and I still don't have her.
Not normal
Is this game worth playing?
The rat slut’s trailer is making me eant to try it but idk if I really want to take on another gacha
it's alright but it has usual chinkslop grind where maxing a char takes like a month and then you have to grind relics for 5 months
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More details about each engine
It's over. You won't see 2025.
Is this bad? why are there a lot of reds?
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7x Monthly Pass now.
Too bad i have average luck
70 Pulls Robott
80 Pulls 50.50 Lose
50 Pulls Rat

That 50:50 is such a Bullshit:
2 Whales: The one guy got C6 Rat for 500 Euros and the other got C6 Rat for 1200 Euros
What a fucking joke
And at the End, there is nothing to do in this game. Just log in daily for half hour.
>The entire "The Prophecy" commission
Oh dear
What's her real name?
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It's erased from every database
Jane Doe
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>What's her real name?
Futa-ba Pegging-ton
Her real name is Rata Sexo.
Fuck Ratto
Saving my rolls for the KING
>NTA but it's too much and we all know it
It's half of what pixar/disney use these days, that's why it's tolerable.
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Bought two welkins and that's it. Got everyone except Koleda, Lycaon and Zhu, lost every coinflip...
>tail litterally comes out of her asshole
It's really not better, but what they should've done it is either metroidvania or half life or whatever, something like half life/old style games, basically fucking levels, like rally shit, but more diverse surroundings. I'm gonna cry till eos that they should've done vertical maps with jumps, quick climbing and stuff.
/v/ros, I spread my resources too thin, and I even had the audacity to roll for ratbooty. Which team should I focus on?

Qingyi, Nico, Zhu Yuan (all 55)

Anby (50), Soukaku (40), Ellen (55)
Lucy (50), Koleda (50), Soldier 11(50)
Jane (20), Seth (10), Rina (10)
Jane, Seth and either Anby, Koleda or Lucy
Jane I guess? Since your other teams are built enough already. After that, just focus whatever will help you with Shiyu defense at this moment.
alternatively S11, Koleda, Lucy
I just did this rng.moe and ho boy
am I a lucklet or what
I tried this game yesterday for a couple hours.
The actual gameplay fighting is nice and the map traversing can be kinda fun, but I really don't like anything that goes on outside of that.
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>Fucking AVOCADO coffee
I'm not drinking that basedshit
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forgot image
What's the optimal combo for asscop on burst periods?
>two greens
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Could've been worse, could've been better. It says that I have top 25% luck, but that can't be right .. Rate up luck is even harsher though. If people were to use the same amount of signals as me, I'd bet my luck would be pretty shitty.
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How do you get Seth's hangouts? I talked to him in the store and then nothing happened.
Are you just supposed to pass days until he randomly shows up around the city or something?
Can you even do it? He doesn't appear in the phone. Because you can see his wallpaper doesn't mean you can do his hangouts. You can see Soldier's 11 locked wallpaper, but you can't actually unlock it, it just won't go past level 3 bond.
>It's a stylistic choice.
>The movement looks like old Disney circa Treasure Planet.
Fucking no it doesn't.
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The Partner Archive makes it seem like you can do events with him right away. I was wondering if I was missing something.
Yeah, for me he appeared randomly in Lumina Square, in front of the noodle store. Got a quest to meet him at midnight at the Sixth Street noodle store.
It absolutely does. Go rewatch that movie.
I would focus on maxing out Jane, QY, and Zhu's levels. Agent level is a big chunk of the damage formula, especially for anomaly characters, and those 3 are your primary onfielders and/or dps.
Crap, we gotta cheese it!
I'm aware of the animation, the reason ZZZ looks "over animated" is the PUSH the overshoot on movements to the extreme, while making every action the characters make as dynamic as feasible. It's fine as an artistic choice, but Treasure Planet absolutely does not do that.
Where do you see your total signals and such?
Congrats, you will lose every 50/50 for the next 2 years.
I'm retarded nvm.
Have you spent any money? Because I swear I've only used polychrome on doing exclusive channel pulls, but I have nowhere near 300 pulls on it.

I've done all content/shiyu/hollow zero, pretty much all side quests, just haven't done a few agent story tapes which give maybe 60? polychrome
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fuck my retarded incel f2p life
Found him, thanks.
If you open the travel menu (r1 on ps5, no clue about pc though), you can see the character icon with a blue quest mark, if they are there and have trust mission. can change whenever day time passes in game.
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I fucking hate my luck, lost both the character and weapon coinflips.
What, does that mean you stopped being f2p?
Cause you have more rolls than me and I have the daily login bonus
how did u get 330 rolls as f2p
me thinks he's not entirely F2P.
Lucky fucker. Congrats.
Is Grace Seth Jane a good team?
it'd be better if it was Rina/Seth/Jane, Grace is a DPS, so she's gonna be stealing time from Jane.

Try to get a support in there.
Grace barely needs any on-field time. She's great for Disorder comps
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I don't play much and bought some polychrome.
Not really spending anything else until Burnice comes out.
Rato sexo is very sexo but I think I'm stacked for her types.
And I really want burnice.
Saving up rolls.
I did the moe thing and have no idea how to read it. What do these numbers mean
I have finished everything and get the same a agents and get a lot of a's? idk
you got zhu yuan on your 78th pull for exclusive channel
and rina on your 2nd pull for exclusive hannel
then on stable channel(which is the standard pulls) you got her again after 50 pulls
Number by the character's icon: how much into pity you got the character. In your pic you got Zhu Yuan at 78 out of 90(hard pity), then got Rina at 2 out of 90(super early).
Are Burnice and Caesar both S?
anon I've done everything, apart from maybe arcade achievements and I've only gotten near 300 exclusive pulls

fess up
if you have 80 rolls saved up, you've already got a guarantee
guess I'm only getting one then, epic
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>When you get an S if you had, say, 4 rolls until an A, it resets the A counter to 10
Fucking jews
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Oh neat. Thanks for that.
Yeah I got Rina and Zhu in the same 10x roll
That's what someone told me.
I've spent like $50 on the game and don't wanna spend anymore. Was going to get rato but then burnice was announced and I like burnice a lot more and not gonna use the gurantee on rato.
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Yeah this shit sucks. I'd love more Seth copies...
80 rolls doesn't guarantee the S agent you want though
Sexo with 16 yr old JK maid shark...
Skipping Caesar rolling Burnice. Hoping to get Miyabi. I have 12k monochrome and 1k poly. Is it double without spending any more money?
he "lost" the 50/50 when getting rina on the same 10 roll as zhu, so it will
if you're being pedantic and saying 90 is actually pity, come on, almost no one goes to 90. 80 is the real pity
so he's done 80 pulls, if he does 80 more then yeah he'll get Jane
so you technically need 160 to guarantee the character you want, right?
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I really haven't bought anything
you're not counting how he could've converted the roll currency into limited rolls. 330 using up everything he has doesn't sound far fetched if he's been playing since day 1.
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I musta fucked up somewhere or something because I could not get near 300 pulls on the exclusive channel
maybe it's because I didn't do SD until the last one, and this current one
yes, in a vacuum you need 160(180 absolute worst case) to guarantee
but we're talking about his specific case, where he hit the 50/50 after 2 rolls, so his next s-rank will be the guarantee
I fucking hate hollow zero
hmm I didn't think of that, but I did spend some the roll currency on getting a character I wanted to C6, so I guess that's about right
>out of standard rolls
>M5 Anby
better than nothing
still stuck with my small character roster
just get shield resona? lol
I think I was just getting lucky/unlucky on a ton of a rolls. I got so many soukaku's, they start adding up.
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some people got some crazy luck man
here I am getting maybe an S agent every 60+ pulls lmao
does it make it go faster
are you talking withering garden 11/11? or just standard hollow zero?

if standard then just don't take any damage, it gives you a warp hole right straight to the next boss
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hang all furryfags
yeah, I bought a 30 day thingy twice. So I got like roughly ~50x90 additional polychromes. I've done everything except prophet, also don't forget monthly 5 pulls from the shop and look how many A-ranks I got, I bought tickets for that currency too. When I was going for the rat I had 70 pulls, spent it all and could buy additional 10 afterwards.
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get fucked, furryfag
When she starts twerking it always kills me.
typical redditor, running to the jannies
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I know who I'm getting
Pull with your cock my friend, don't use your brain
>implying she wont get censored
replying to himself LOL
the model is already in game, that isn't a private model or something hidden
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so was ayaka
so was yae
it's only a matter of time
That was alpha shit, Burnice is in the live version of the game. Why am I even talking with this faggot?
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when they hit the beta or hell, live version like here they're already censored
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that's a good question
yae miko wasnt in the alpha
cope more faggot
retard proving he was replying to himself LOL
Sucks that Mona and Jean also got hit for cutscenes.
At least they kept the original ones for global but still.
yae miko got censored after she was already in the game, bro
you are literally retarded lol
yae miko got censored 2 years ago when everyone was wearing burqas, mihoyo is returning to be a bit lewd nowdays
skavens are disgusting
>wasn't in the alpha
I didn't know that, I don't give a shit eitherway, I have mods for that.
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mods are pretty cool
shame most of the good ones are on gook sites
end your chain with nicole, assist to zhu, use up all your enhanced shots (unless you have c1), swap to nicole, do her ex special to reapply the buff, assist back to zhu, do whatever you can before daze finishes. I usually only have enough time to ult.
Licking this stupid cat all over.
It is what it is. Most of the gook mods are shit stolen and modified from patreons from what I've seen. With HSR I don't really use mods because there is no need for that, and with ZZZ I try to let them be as faithful as possible, unless there is a really good mod I like. Girls like Lucy and Piper or even Ellen don't need modding, but gato and Nicole need to be freed from censorship.
which character is lesbian
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I did the same thing with anby.
I don't go over the top with mods like fully nude and shit, don't need it
just tasteful stuff is all you need
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God DAMN look at that delicious FAT right where it should be
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Wise is so lucky
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After 30 rolls I finally got Seth's engine, but now I have spent 30 rolls on the engine banner... Thank goodness this game rolls over pulls between banners so it isn't a total waste.
5$, will spend more next patch to start hoarding for Miyabi sama.
Seth kinda doesn't need his engine.
Unless it was a "freebie" while you were getting the Rrat's engine.
Jane violated me and now after pulling I don't even want to see her face
>they picked aether and got cucked as lumine got an exclusive lumine only female love interests while they got nothing even remotely similar
>they picked caelus and got cucked as they orbited bronya for half of belobog only for her to get smitten with seele and go on a romantic date while you follow them like a seething cuck
>they picked male mc in hi3 part 2 only to get literally deleted from the game
>now this
at this point its safe to assume the only reason male mc option in mihoyo game exists is so fujos can pick him and have him flirt with other guys
>got Jane
>didnt get one Seth
lmao dodged that twink, meta be damned
He's fun to play though, especially with Jane. You're missing out.
Wont Jane plus Burnice be absolutely bonkers crazy damage?
I wanted Seth engine first, but Rat's would had been a nice bonus for sure.
I never noticed the ears until yesterday, so I just assumed she was some kind of demon/imp creature.
She is a succubus alright.
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>really need Nicole's engine
>only way to get it is to pray it drops from the standard pool
>or pay ONE real-life dollar
Is it worth it? Should I really lose my F2P status for a weapon of all things?
>really need Nicole's engine
ask yourself if this is actually true
>only way to get it is to pray it drops from the standard pool
Pretty sure it's a possible A-rank pull on the limited banners as well, since I got it the other day while rolling for Jane (or when I threw a few rolls at her engine's banner hoping to luckshit it).
I still have it unopened and will decide based on the first one I get of the 4 just rolling which I only have gotten Corin's (top left) from what I remember only anby's which you should have one already and the vault are worth getting. There's worse things for a dollar but you should be able to roll them all without swiping
Both battlepasses and the monthly passes.
I doubt you really need it, but god, it's ONE fucking dollar, stop being a jew
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Just finished the rat episodes, what the fuck is this salchow jump thing they're talking about how do I make her do that

Also, I will only be rolling on her until the 50/50. If I lose there I'll be saving for Burnice. Probably. They both function as DPS, right?
Dollar W engine pack, like 25 in beginners packs (which was worth it because I got all the agents I picked up the game for) and most recently the calendar. I do plan on getting the pass once I complete because fuck grinding for all the material. I like the world building enough to not care. I've swiped more for much less
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>I do plan on getting the pass once I complete
How is that worth it? Isn't it $10-20 every month for some materials and like enough tapes and polys for what, ten limited rolls? I would rather just buy a pizza and grind for a week.
hold attack when her tail starts shining
She's 230 IQ THOUGH
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3 monthlys and 2 BPs. Might skip the next BP but not sure since I won't be rolling for Lighter or any Section 6 members after KING and Burnice. That's like 3 whole months.
>The smartest Cunning Hare is the fucking kot.
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couldn't be me
had to spend 10 dollar for qingyi
Your luck, give it to me.
Hoyoshit is the only games I never get to be lucky in. Shit sucks.
I think Lv.55 is a good enough stopping point for now. Reaching 60 won't bring much, I'd rather have 80% of the team at 55 rather than one or two at 60.
I dunno honestly I didn't even really look at it but I value time over money and I have plenty of the latter. Probably just once for an engine at least
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I am confused on my luck.
the clockwork mind of a spender
thank you for supporting my game
You still need 400000 dennies per character to uncap them from 50 to 60, even if you want to stop at 55. You only save on exp tapes.
>Trust 4 is locked because of story reason
Can't wait for the glowie arc
fucking EXPLODE
I have less struggle with Dennies to be honest, with all the source of income. Though the 500K from Jane's mail helped, I won't deny that. XP mats is suffering, with one day full of XP farming you're at a point where you only do like one level.
Ellen & Archie also treat Belle more favorably.
Yurichads are eatin good.
Not everyone is poor, that must suck. I have time to do whatever I want and I guess that struck a nerve.
It's $10 for the BP, $5 for the daily polys.
So for $15 per month, you get around ~15 rolls + materials to level up your shit.
>grind for a week
You can't grind thanks to the energy system.
>Bunnygirl Bangboo
I wish that was more clear before I took time leveling her trust.
You mean dodge resoniums.
That resona or resonium (what's even the difference) that stops time for like 5sec when you dodge is pure cheating. Not only from a battlan perspective, but especially against the timed fight against Ninive
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>Jane is a manipulative cunt to Seth
>Belle is a manipulative cunt to Seth
>That reporter lady in his first trust milestone event is a manipulative cunt to Seth
I'm noticing a pattern.
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Oh shit! A cat!
It's why I always go for it. Combine it with the tennis racket & the fencing foil, and you can basically just instant-stun her, too.
Everything else is just a cherry on top.
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Never ever.....
vital view I think it's called? yeah its strong. there's also one for assists as well I believe. I dunno if they stack but that would be super op if they don't share a cooldown
Shuttlecock is the only one I will drop any other card for. Its just too good to pass up.
wholesome good bois have it rough
Women hate overt justicefags, just look at Deku from MHA.
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Our time will come, idolbro
All of them. Mihoyo has been doing this since Honkai impact. For some reason, the Chinese feel cucked IF AND ONLY IF the females are shown to be attracted to men. Hi3 has multiple out-right canon lesbian ships, such as Kiamei, Bronseele, and SakuKallen.
>Oh? You thought that just because I'm a cop, I would like to see an action movie about cops?
>Well, you're fucking wrong! I loved that shit since well before I became a cop!
Seth is too good for this world. He hit that perfect sweet spot for mental retardation, where it becomes endearing. Take notes, Billy.
>30k+ polys saved
You're mine, Miyabi
>loli idols probably coming soon after
i don't have enough polys...
BP lasts 6 weeks thougheverbeit
>IF AND ONLY IF the females are shown to be attracted to men.
I mean this is pretty much any gacha otaku, obviously as a man if you’re going to be spending money and/or time and effort on your fictional women you’d rather not see her be fucked by some dude you don’t give a shit about. At least when it’s a girl on girl it’s hot.
>resona or resonium
plural and singular
granbluesisters... fgochads...
It's actually a recent phenomena pre 2017 gachas didn't give a shit and had canon ships
It coincides with SEA getting Internet en-masse...
Man, I have trouble using Seth's resources. He lets Jane switch back to the field so fast, I have literally no time to spend his energy or meter.
>but especially against the timed fight against Ninive
It doesn't stop the timer, you know. Just slows the enemies. But it definitely can help you stun it during phase transition, and possibly skip a phase.
I love how folds her hanz like a rats do
bruh, it slows down the timer by like 5x all while I keep dealing damage at normal speed with botbutt all while stunning it. Call it however you want, it stops time.
Well, I dodged during the phase where you have to hide behind the walls, and accidentally slowed time, while the boss was invulnerable. I looked at the timer, and it kept ticking at normal speed, while the boss was suspended in slow mo. Dunno if it slows down the timer during normal combat phases, didn't keep an eye out for it.
it's zzzover...
Why do low t beta males love lesbians so much?
Only low-t beta males would be threatened by women
almost certainly
when her passion bar in the top left is full and red you'll see a dot next to it. hold the attack button and she'll spin for a bit. it builds passion meter rather than using it, so it's best to use it after burning some of the meter
$5 is exactly 18.75 rolls every 30 days
I always just ex special, hold attack before it finishes, then assist back to jane with a comfy shield and buff. pretty easy. I don't even bother with assists, I'd rather just dodge them with jane
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How much have you stocked up anon?
So you only like yuri because you believe male characters are cucking you
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>Archie was an unlikable piece of shit in 1.0
>Becomes a top notch waifu
And people say redemption arcs aren't real.
what do you use this for again
Level up bangboos. Coincidentally, you also trade it for the shit that upgrades bangboos every 10 levels. Stockpile it. Eventually, Mihoyo will realize they give way too much of that shit away.
Please tell me Seth & Bringer aren't brothers. That conversation when you unlock his promotion option hits hard.
? What does he say?
unless one of them is like nic cage and took on a different surname to step out of the family's shadow, it's unlikely since seth's last name is lowell
he has an older brother he hates who's important in the police. his dad is also a senior ranking officer
If only they hadn't censored the initial roster to shit I would have given this game a chance.
But its too late for that.
You fags will rationalize literally any other scenario other than the fact that men like women and more women = more to like, Men have loved seeing girls slobber over each other for decades.
Best disks for the Kot? I saw the red disk with the Phys bonus being recommended, seems like it should be okay, but I'm not sure if she'll benefit that much from the assault proc, she's not an anomaly character.
A cuck fetish got it
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I'm gonna cum in the rat
imagine the rato smell
god I love having money so much, I spent like 300 bucks on this rat, her weapon and chargeblade dude and his weapon and it didn't make a dent on my savings and I still have plenty of disposable income to do whatever I want this month after savings and investments
instead of being a fucking retarded drinking myself to death, buying useless luxury items or going out for lunch and dinner I'm just a retard once a month on gacha and other games and it's still cheaper than what most other rich people do, hell you all could spend over 500 bucks on anything you wanted every month and still save and pay for your monthly shit
Anon, no. The new go-to shitpost is "If you like yuri, you're a tranny!" Update your shit.
fuck I saw the paypig response thread too late
I'm this faggot >>687900932
probably like 700-800 since it came out since I wasted some extra money at the beginning to get the guaranteed nekomata
Its tranny or cuck you are the cuck kind

She's best paired with another phys anomaly so she can get the bonuses, so you'll want piper or jane.

Dane Joe, she's Ellen's big sister.
I was going to try this gacha, but it had over a 100gb download.
It's actually 50. You just need 100gb of space to uncompress it.
Forced animation
>Note 1: Jane does not know our true identity. Do not reveal this to her under any circumstances.
>Note 2: Despite "Jane Doe" being an obvious alias, we haven't found any information about her real or former name.
>This is not my problem. My guess is that her true identity has been completely erased due to her special status.
>Let me reiterate: This is not my problem.
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I'm not using 50gb of space for a fucking gacha game, anon.
It's an anglo thing
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What if it’s all a ruse and her name is actually Jane Doe, but since it looks like such a blatant fake name she just uses it anyway?
is Jane or Caesar better to roll for, from a meta perspective?
caesar is the john lee of ZZZ
I have no idea about Caesar, Jane is the best so far if you want to build an anomaly team instead of the usual stun/attacker we had since the release
Yeah, but we live in the new & exciting age of DODGE COUNTER.
>thinking dps will outlast support
kek lol lmao
Probably Caesar. Piper will clear anything Jane does but it's hard to say how useful Caesar will be when she's not yet released.
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remember to say no homo before raping his ass you wouldn't want anyone to get any weird ideas
honestly all the romance and bromance in this game almost makes me regret picking belle but belle is cute, even cuter with mods
i just pretend belle has a cock and try to self insert as futa (not tranny, biologically female due to anime magic and i get to keep my cock)
Why the fuck she's so damn sensual
god he is such a good puppy, he is still a bit too masculine for my taste but I can make an exception for such a good boy with such pretty violet eyes and cute ears and tail
isnt he a cat?
Caesar fits into more teams, she's essentially an alternative to stunners. But meta is for chumps when the endgame is a joke.
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so if i lost my 50/50 and have 33 rolls left til guaranteed S rank, would you recommend I just wait for Caesar? im not particularly into either, especially after I found out Jane is a cuck character
roll for who you like
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he gives me puppy vibes, maybe wolf boy?
Seth is so babygirl coded
nvm I just checked he is supposed to be a cat
still gives me wolf boy vibes
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is endgame easy? I just got to net level 50, and just want to pull with my dick for this sexy slut
I haven't been contacted by Seth ever since he appeared at the store what the fuck
its not 2009 anymore grandpa 50gb is nothing youre not using that space for anything useful stop larping
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Seth's japanese va is Link so he used to getting his ass raped, mainly by getting pegged by a strap on from Zelda, who japanese va also voices Jane, who also pegs Seth with her own tail
there are some stages with difficulty "disaster" or "nightmare" that are super annoying, like one hit goes half your hp, they are more manageable after you level up the characters and the balls to 60
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doggying jane from the back while she pegs a little bitch femboy does sound pretty hot to be desu
i got 6 S and one A in the end game stuff and my teams are not even maxed out and their discs are garbage
I do have ellen and zhu¡s weapons so that probably helps with the stats a lot but if you build a team properly you shouldn't have trouble with it, the dodge, hit, parry gameplay loop is nice and I like the stun and unload phases
ok kek you were right, I did it again just to confirm, and the timer doesn't slow down. I fucking swear it feels like it does, must be the effects and the heat of the battle and shit. Man, a second is actually slow.
My bad anon. Have a kot as dumb as me as an apology.
a threesome with Jane and Seth sounds pretty hot
Jane and I would absolute mind break and melt Seth and then I can have both give me a nice dual blowjob, Jane would teach him out to deep throat and lick properly and the fun just gets better from there
easy until they start the powercreep and make shiyu impossible without the latest characters
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I wanna try this out but seeing it's from MHY, Im wary if it will have the same ai generated wordslop with a minimum of 5000 words per story/quest similar to Genshin.
even genshin current abyss can be 3 starred with 1.0 characters and you only need a busted support to make irrelevant characters playable again (cough furina cough nahida)
It's much better when it's the main story.
It's more or less the same when it comes to side quests.
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>oh boy an S-rank in Jane's banner
>a second Soldier 11
I don't even use her that much. God damn it.
>Got Jane
>No content to use her in

Time to drop the game I guess
retard, this game is an updated version of HI3rd
>Jane is a cuck character
What did he mean by this
So far the main story isn't bloated to hell and pretty nice. Some of the side quests are filled with word bloat though but thankfully you can skip through the dialogue really fast with a mouse click macro.
I wanna see you beat the latest MOC with Seele on Star Rail
who are the archon/herscherr tier characters of the game?
Cute lesbian
zzz has better animation, more interesting, fun (and shorter) story
daily stuff takes no time
it's a bit more generous (or was until genshin 5.0)
gameplay is faster and cooler looking but you lose on the "strategy" from elemental reactions
designs are a lot more sex in general, they are less same facey and male characters designs don't suck balls (it's more wriothesley and capitano and less generic boy in shorts and generic lanky ass male with boring clothes and faggot face)
I don't play these garbage games and you just proved me I was right to not touch them
tranny alert
retard, even genshin has retarded powercreep now, just compare neuvilette and arlecchino to every other character
I 36* abyss with 2.X and 1.x characters
show me your 36* abyss with klee
just because they can clear a floor in 10 seconds it doesn't mean 1.0 characters can't clear it in 30-60 when properly invested into, you CAN get 3 stars with early characters, I'm not saying it's easy or that newer characters aren't busted
also they saw that busted characters definitely sell more and they decided to make Mualani almost as strong as neuvillete in single target lmao
clorinde probably sold like shit compared to arlecchino despite being hotter so they decided to say fuck it
i hope the brown loli is a busted dps 5 star, we need a dps loli that isn't trash
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>puts furina, fischl and jean in klee's team
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That rat was fcking hard to pull.
at least you weren't knoted
not wanted to breed with the kot
making nekomata tummy full of babies?
are you gay?
i've wanted to get knotted since the beginning of the game, my ellen needed him
finally today i got not one but two lycaons
sadly I saw his mindscapes are pretty ass even compared to the other standard S rank characters
I regret rolling ellen
knotted means the wolf man
you are the gay one for wanting to get knotted
Haven't pulled for her.
I did side 1 with Ganyu melt and side 2 with Eula
False flag or do you genuinely regret it?
not him but comparing ellen damage to zhu or jane she feels pretty bad, almost standard character level bad
hmm anon...you m6 Soukaku with her weapon and your lycaon?
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I just like Jane's playstyle. It's fun to dodge and bounce around and slash. I don't care about your builds. I'm upgrading from Piper/Koleda/Lucy to Piper/Jane/Burnice and I'm not going to listen to anyone talking about "meta" or "bricks" or "stunners"
and still is a fraction of what zhu, qinqyi and nicole can do
>Tried the game in English, Japanese and Chinese
Only Korean left.
Kinda surprised, but I liked the chinese best so far, Koleda and Nekomiya especially.
chinese is the only one that lip sync work flawless, any other language is retarded
Same I want the rat but won't pay when there's no content difficult enough to justify it
I need him for my Ellen. For some reason, he seems to be the most pulled F2P S character, but I got 2 Soldier instead.
I got 3 kots, seeded accounts are real
NTA. I only offered a theory as to why the Chinese may have tolerated it. I can't speak for all of us, but I would never wittingly play a game that would so proudly and openly cuck the player. Although it will probably never be canon, ZZZ has a built-in sex minigame. It's rated 16+ in China for a reason.
https://files.catbox.moe/52inb8.jpg Got hit with a warning recently for screenshots like this.
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look at this slut exposing his sweaty armpits and nape like a whore
Im straight btw
why the fuck is this game more than half way as big as Genshin? Isnt this just an on-rails arpg?
Every character has a hangout/date with the MC right? How's Jane's?
>3 kots
Fuck you I literally cannot stop pulling Koleda
I literally just want ONE cat. I'm going to have to spend my guarantee on her at this rate
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i lost the 50/50 on rata to a brick and lost my will to play, im gonna have to cope with caesar and i dont even like her or burnice
its devil may cry if it was good
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Dude rat is disgustingly overpowered what the fuck
If the enemy is weak to phys then she eats it alive and if it's not then it's dead too

Zhu Yuan and Ellen at least have to work for their damage, rat is just mash the attack button and perfectly dodge any feeble attempts at resistance while slapping back with counter attacks.

my condolences bwo
I mean I guess 4/5 is a fraction but a pretty respectable one
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>Isnt this just an on-rails arpg?
You're thinking of Honkai
This is an urban hack and slash cuhrayzee combofest
And it's out-performing genshin and will soon be bigger than it in the public consciousness
that's normal Seth would make any man or woman want to dominate and rape him
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my account just blows, i have to wait for miyabi to save it...
Seth, would you please stop talking about my brother.
>no rat
>no ZY
>no ellen
wtf are you even doing
I know enough JP words to enjoy it and jap VAs tend to be loyal to their characters and not swap out months later like english dubshit. Not too familiar on Chinese VAs. I'll probably just watch the cutscenes to get a feel for it
i skip ellen because I wanted zhu and then I keep losing 50/50s at high pity and have to roll guarantee at high pity.
you literally should have had enough for at least one limited S rank dps AND still save a ton of miyabi, wtf are you doing? considering you got qingyi you should have really pulled for buttcop
If I went for buttcop I would have lost 50/50 on qingyi and she would drain me dry so I can't try for jane. I'm sitting at 55 tapes with 35 in residual, I can guarantee rat right now but at what cost?
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It's funny it seems like I don't have very good luck but I do have everyone I wanted. Was too late on shark but only kinda wanted her. Right now I'm just frustrated on capping out Anby and still getting her while Seth is still sitting at C3. Guess all my luck went to my engine pulls cause I got Jane and 2 seth's in 2 pulls lol
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166 tapes saved up.
I need the rat.

Astrologers, could you tell me when would be a fortuitous time to roll, to guarantee the limited S-rank with the least spend possible?
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Roll in front of howl for good luck (not when he's asleep)
11pm-1am is the hour of the rat
your call on if you go with your server time, or china time
160 is enough to guarantee the vast majority of the time, don't worry fellow ratfucker
I lost it at 84 and got a fucking dog, my second one might I add, I envy you
be near water in the northern most part of the map (good luck figuring that out) and be surrounded by things that are gold, blue or green. avoid yellow and brown
trust me bro, it'll work
thank you for eating this slop paypiggie
all my polys and tapes... swallowed like thrown into a hollow...
Based, and the only correct way to play gacha. Roll with your dick, and only use your favorites. If you can't get by doing that, it's a shit game.
>that image
Someone save my wife!
Does Burnice need La Ratta or not?
You can probably cope with Piper.
burnice will work well with grace and rina, jane and seth, caesar and jane, caesar and piper or lucy, probably piper and lucy
>2 off field anomaly
cyкa блядь
Gotta keep this in mind for next patch. Only roll hog gang at peak pig hours.
Fairy is sorta interesting.
Japanese Fairy is much younger sounding, but the English and Chinese ones are surprisingly similar sounding.
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Here's Ellen.

What do you think?
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my wife
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How do I make Grace good?
I want her to give me a footjob while she uses her phone with a bored expression
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i might be obsessed
this guy gets it
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this is now a shark thread
Koreans have great VAs too, the language is ugly to listen to though
why do people say nekomata has a genius 200 IQ brain? her agent story didn't give me that impression
You wouldn't understand.
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She has a good point
I think Wise is lucky hiring a maid who willing to fuck him behind Belle back since Rina wouldn't keep it a secret while Corin's anxiety would've made it obvious to Belle that his brother had sex
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Nice, I love those threads
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I love her
Is Seth good?
Best Anomaly support
Koledas budding breasts
Does he need uptime? Not trying to stare at man ass, I just want to see jane

You just need to parry and then switch back. Or you could use his special and attack then switch back. Not much time.
>with bar full hold attack then swap to anomaly
>if bar is not full press special button when special is up
>not wanting to stare at fluffy tail
What the fuck i didn't ask for feels
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Would you /v/?
Burnice looks like a college whore I fucked
not really, no. especially if you got a dupe of him since it increases his buff's uptime
swap to him, ex special, hold attack before special finishes, then assist back to jane with a comfy shield and buff. ezpz. I don't bother with assists since it doesn't build enough of his meter to get the shield.
Give her to me instead, I've gotten Anton 3 fucking times and JUST got KOT. I want to fucking die
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>hoyo finally has a good female design
>its still stuck in hoyoshit
shame. wont be surprised by the inevitable censorship
A day of hoyoshit makes more money than all the trash you like combined in a year
LOL no. Its combo system could only dream of having a fraction of the depth DMC has.
The gameplay boils down to senselessly mashing basic attack 95% of the time.

>it's out-performing genshin
Let me guess, irrelevant Japan chart?
I hope they won't scrap this scene from the 1.2 CBT.
theres a reason its called slop. a pig will eat anything you offer without factoring anything other than it being edible. its the most safe and generic gachas around, the type that normies will eat up. inoffensive. advertiser friendly, inclusive enough to get women and fags to play them aswell. you arent insultiung or impressing me with sales numbers when fifa. cod and marvel make billions. congratulations you have the most generic gacha around
so safe, inoffensive, advertiser friendly, and inclusive
Cool seethe but it still makes more money than all your trash combined and no amount of seething will change that
What games do you play anon? Im sure you play such fantastic sovlfull non-slop surely.
why do you get so triggered from someone calling out slop? just own it
What's wrong with Mihoyo? Genuine question. There's literally no reason to do this.
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Wukong in 2 weeks made more than Genshin/HSR/ZZZ last month combined if their pathetic 18~ mil revenue is to be believed.
Apples to oranges retard
NTA, but I've been playing Steam World Heist 2 CrossCode, and tomorrow will be playing Edgeworth Investigations and Astro Bot.
Now stop defending Gacha and their terrible practices. I play ZZZ and plan on quitting after Caesar. You know why? Because it's soulless grindy slop.
Not giving men what they want makes more money than giving them what they want evidently
these games are garbage
Got RATT and her weapon but I'm all out of rolls. Guess I'll save for Miyabi down the line. Already got 3 good teams anyway and leveling more characters sound like a chore.
>Generic forgettable indieslop
Not really helping your case here, bud. Why even bother playing this if you already plan on quitting? Just sounds like a waste of time if you arent enjoying it.
is this from a website?
you do know its possible to write without adding retarded slang that will be incredibly dated in a couple years. most media doesnt
I dunno... It's more work to write two separate dialogues than just use the same, and Jane's dialogue in her trust events are the same with both MCs apparently, so it's not like she's actually a lesbo or anything. I really don't get it. I was hoping the new team that ZZZ has wouldn't continue the pandering that Mihoyo's previous games had, but now I'm worried.
The translation can get pretty bad, yes. Not just zoomer speak, but downright nonsensical sometimes.
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>bricked my account by picking wise
it's fucking over bros, mihomo will never add a swap MC option...
>Western female on female flirting

> :I
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>belle is a bubbly genki girl
>rat uses more more direct writing
>wise is a calm nerdy guy
>rat uses more subdued, sophisticated writing
the line
>what a delight it is that you remember it even with so many other customers
is sophisticated flirting for high iq individuals such as wise
Jane flirts with anyone, and likely none of it is genuine. Different lines for the protagonists is bullshit though, and a worrying sign. Might end up dropping it if they go full pandering.
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okay, I'll admit I'm wrong. just defense assist into seth every once in a while, do a follow up attack, then quick assist back to jane. it's way faster and doesn't seem like it needs resolve at all. don't know how I missed this, but it really doesn't look like it says anything about this on his kit
now I'm thinking of foregoing energy regen on him and just going with impact and attack
M0W1 Jane?
better than the two fucking furries I've gotten
I swear I have the shittiest luck
and I realize I'm dumb and glossed over the lightning strike OR assist follow up part of his core skill
yeah, there's no reason to bother with energy recharge on him, just do one defensive assist every 30 seconds and you're good

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