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Let that briefcase neighbor in
He looks like a faggy, sissy version of YASUO from leg oh lego
I'll be playing McGinnis and spam walls since minute 1 every single match
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how can I still be bad at aiming after playing FPS games for two decades
He looks nothing like that guy lmao wtf
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>be Vindicta
>regular Salem town teen
>get accused of witchcraft, likely by jealous whores for being prettier than them
>likely tortured and raped to get a confession of witchcraft
>unjustly killed
>get one chance to make things right
>icefrog makes you weakest fucking hero in the game
Vindicta had a hard life
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is this the first male asian character by valve, ever?
>Warp stone behind you
>punch you

heh nothing personnel.. kid..
they as in they're 2 people
Call me a noob or low skill or whatever but I don't understand the items at all. I mean I understand them in a literal sense like if I get +10% ammo, yeah obviously I get that. But I don't understand why I should be taking one item over the other, when to sell an item and get a different one, if I need only one type of item or if I should always being filling all 12 slots no matter what. And so on.

I've tried to use the "builds" on the menu, but they don't explain shit and also don't let you know when to buy items/etc. Honestly, I don't get it.
>harry potter character is the wokesters fav character
you buy items to increase your stats and gain effects to give you an advantage over your enemy
Good builds actually will tell you the order to buy in or will suggest alternate paths based on what you're experiencing.

Generally speaking, if you're struggling or not understanding a lot (which is fine, I'm at 90 hours and I still have a shit ton to learn) just hang back behind your team and buy a cool item like curse or silence and whack it on the enemy team's strongest player when your stronger guys are trying to gank.
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love these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe
ive started adding the total amount of realistic souls you would get in my builds and how much it would cost or be buy a certain amount of time. but i havent made them public for how dumb they could be.
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no patch this week?
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every 2 weeks, so next week
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only the cunny will survive
Please just rework her already, I'm tired of being humiliated
Seven's gun does way too much fucking damage in lane
Do not debate me, I'm correct
I swear it was weekly. They got lazy. I want content NOW, ICEFROG
good god this is bad lore if true. I appreciate that you included your degradation fetish in your description thoughever
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>this is bad lore if true.
you know that this happened IRL right?
It was weekly until little faggot niggers (like you) cried that the updates weren't big enough.
>you know that this happened IRL right?
yeah it was like handmaid's tale BUT REAL omg

you don't know shit about salem witch trials
I didn't cry, I prefer consistent pace over two more weeks.
>yeah it was like handmaid's tale BUT REAL omg
Literally nobody said that
>Literally nobody said that
this guy said that right here >>687851390
Do you really want the game to talk about mass hysteria events, the Glorious Revolution and the Puritan movement?
The supernatural is real in this world, so the context is different.
Hey so Kali’s text description implies that his boomerang needs to be manually caught similar to gnar’s boomerang in league, but when you go to use kali unfinished version via commands his boomerang comes back to you automatically no matter how much you move. Was the catchable boomerang concept scrapped or have they not implemented it in yet? He’s seems like he’s moderately playable despite his missing animations, and I find it difficult to believe that his boomerang ability wouldn’t be one of the first things they program when making him
DISGUSTING vile creature
>make things right
The people that killed her have been dead for a hundred years. She's hunting down literally whos for revenge that have nothing to do with anything.
is there a new hip way to build ivy or is the build still active reload+siphon bullets+whatever gun/green items
We don't know anon. But most likely is that the catch mechanic isn't coded in yet. Maybe they want to make an animation to go along with it.
Reminder this game killed Concord and pre-killed SMITE 2.
When is Tokamak coming? I love robots.
I'm so happy Vindicta is on the "recommended for new players" list because it outs so many people as being bad.
You can fly and poke better then any of them, yet you charge in unga bunga like you're Ivy and you bought close quarters
You get free souls from assassinate kills and you have flight to skank around farming, but you're always soul starved by the end of the game for some reason.
Your kit gives you plentiful ammo, playing killing, objective killing capabilities like no other, but you're always getting low on the chart.

Thank you Vindicta, for filtering others from the true way of the gun.
You think the guy who doesn't have any animations isn't finished?

Where are you reading his text description?
>She's hunting down literally whos for revenge that have nothing to do with anything.
You mean the in-universe KKK?
Just like Talon, she really is a worse version of him in every possible way
>She's hunting down literally whos
Hawthorn descendants are running friends of humanity. They are not innocent
>good poke
>objective killing capabilities
thank you for making me disregard your post
>objective killing capabilities like no other
Strongest objective killing capability is escape plan, which Vindicta doesn't have
Infernus is a fire demon/Ixian, what the fuck is Abrams? Just, Hellboy, but a blue guy?
True. Vindicta is the most snowbally character in the game due to her strong early game. Once she manages to get defensive items she's basically a flying turret.
I think some people build her melee focusing around Melee Charge instead of active reload. I know I like grabbing Melee Lifesteal for sustain in lane but that doesn't always transition to proper melee build.

Huh. I didn't catch she was hunting Friends of Humanity people. Nevermind I guess.
>woke game
>woke game, valve
We are the modern audience all along.
She isn't, unlike any hypercarry like Haze even with 10-20k lead Vindicta can't win game alone
>good poke
Yes. She ranges better then any other character.
Flight level one literally gives +50% base ammo.
>objective killing capabilities
Fly to vantage point, shoot objective. It's not that hard.
yamato 3 is weird.
you would think you would want to use it at the start of the fight for the fire rate slow but you also want to keep it near the end to get the surprise heal.
but its also weird how it's mostly a healing/cc ability as you would think a sword swing would be a damage nuke.
it's also lame how it doesn't hit behind cover.
/v/chuds will just gaslight themselves into believing it's not woke
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This but with Wraith and Geist in the back.
I'm just glad they mostly fixed the bug where you'd press it and you'd hear the sound and even see the start of the animation but nothing would happen. Especially if you were on stairs you could just spam your 3 key and ear rape yourself.
>She ranges better then any other character.
Her gun has same falloff as everyone else and her spells besides Assassinate are worse on range because of slow travel time
>Flight level one literally gives +50% base ammo
That's not much
>Fly to vantage point, shoot objective
You need to get in range of objective, which is dangerous and Vindicta has no escapes once enemy team initiates
Looks like the game stabilized at last Friday's numbers, so this weekend will probably see a slightly higher peak of 185-200k.
>She ranges better then any other character.
Talon, his charged arrow does way more damage, Vindicta requires perfect tracking and her damage is gutted by distance falloff.
Her good poke is Crow but good luck aiming that at a distance at moving enemies.
>Flight level one literally gives +50% base ammo.
True, but Vindicta doesn't buy ammo or reload items, she runs out after one burst.
>Fly to vantage point, shoot objective.
Vindicta is THE WORST OBJECTIVE HITTING HERO in the entire game, ths is why even good Vindictas can snowball early but lose the game, she NEEDS her team to hit objectives.
You can be 10k souls ahead but going to take a Walker alone is suicidal, if you get rushed by anyone you will lose the 1v1, she is squishy and even with flight+stamina+warp stone her escape options are terrible.
it's the tracking. you cant track. kinda normal because only arena shooters required good tracking, or if you played tf2 on comp level. ow brought tracking back and ppl's bad aim shows. It's a skill you don't really need in majority of shooters
>calling /v/ chuds but also calling something woke trying to convince the chuds to not play it

This shill is broken, absolutely broken
Flopping tranny deadcock.
>True, but Vindicta doesn't buy ammo or reload items, she runs out after one burst.
I always buy quicksilver reload on her personally and toss it on the crow. Kinetic Dash is also a must imo to cast before your flight.
I too saw a mudcrab by the water recently. I hate those things!
infernus is a nigger abrams is not
You can play the woke game as much as you like. It's still woke.
Abrams is a bluegger
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DAMN, Pocket's dad looks like THAT?
That's Pocket's mom
Veno is his dad
Sauce on that? I was watching some faggy youtuber that showed up on my feed analysing the character designs on this game and there was no mention of that on his backstory and I really hope you're right. I'd be ok if some of the characters are gay but prounoun nonsense has no place in a prohibition era setting
I like Lash's gimmick but I am bad at it
Arin is consistently called he in comics and by other characters. Coat and briefcase are sentient
do not reply to the “woke/cheater” schizo. he seems to not be taking his meds and is borderline suicidal.
If you're gonna admit i'm right, why sperg out in the first place?
non-binaries are either
>feminine men
>feminine women who dress up as boys
yeah man this is the most woke game ever, too bad concord wasn't this woke it might've been successful
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>black hole into one person
Are all the guns hitscan? I tried the british cop and his bullet felt like projectiles.
Both games are woke, yes. We are in agreement.
I am a simple man.
I high prio ivy and build melee only buying siphon bullet and ricochet late game
Statue -> Heavy Punch still works
Only gun (NOT ABILITY) that's hitscan is Bebop's.
There's no hitscan guns
>killed Concord
It killed itself.

>and pre-killed SMITE 2
It will be on life support but it will survive.
alright sweetie thanks for agreeing you can go to whatever gacha vidya butts slide thread that isn't about video games now and get butthurt there
Bebop's is a really fast bullet. Check stats.
I’ll try bebop then. Thanks
>look inside
>extremely fast moving particle
it's a laser that you charge up so if you wanted to shoot things with hitscan you'll probably be disappointed
So it has been revealed that bebop's gun isn't hitscan but its the closest you'll get to hitscan in the game.
You're the only one getting angry here, simply because someone pointed out that the game you like is woke. Maybe you should work on controlling your emotions. Deadlock is woke and you can't change that, but you can change your reaction to the information.
quite literally me
Why would I be angry? I'm a chud who loves this woke game. Next.
>admit it
okay, I admit it, now what? You're going to pretend all of /v/ is one person? You're going to pretend anyone was upset about it being 'woke' besides shills like yourself? I main pocket and i've been on 4chan since 2004, ULTRA CHUD status here, lmao
>why i should get one item over the other
to accentuate some part of your kit (tankiness, gun damage, ability use, utility etc), to better handle a particular part of the game (laning vs. X hero, needing more sustain against poke damage, farming creep faster etc), and late game to scale your role in team fights as well as counter threats (anti-healing, stopping channelled abilities, stripping defences etc)

>selling an item
if they aren't upgraded to a higher tier then you can sell tier I and replace it with higher tier items later when you have more money, or an item you only situationally needed (like healing nova early in a tough lane). things like movespeed boots you basically would always want and don't necessarily sell just for a different high tier item.

>one item or 12
well... 12 items is better than one?
generally you sort of balance either gun or spirit, alongside vitality for as much sustain and survivability as you need. later you can afford to fill in all the slots because why wouldn't you.

a lot of the community builds do explain some basic ideas why they are listed. just pick any of them, they are pretty much all better than stock even if they are shit. soon enough you will think they are all shit because you are better at determining yourself in-game.

the best thing to do is slowly learn one category at a time and think about the use case. like in gun there are 1 of each you could get like fire rate, mag size, damage, they are always good - but then there are options that fit different situations. like long vs short range, slow on hit, heal on hit, stripping defences, thats when you need to make a decision based on your hero and the game.
That's better though. Particle beams in the vacuum of space will actually light up since they emit light. Lasers only show their effect on the target's hull.
Lasers are less cool.

Right click to prep him for instant shooting.
I smack bitches around with him but I cannot land a good black hole to save my life
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>slork is Pyro+Slark
this shit is going to be so cancer I can't wait
Red pill me on pocket, do you build for gun or spirit?
>random sperg nonsense
This is why it's obvious you're angry. You can't control yourself and speak normally. Deadlock is woke and you like a woke game. No need to get upset about it, just go and play.
Oh I didn't know there were comics. Where can I read it?
I can't gauge the distances well yet everyone's too spaced out imo even in the narrow streets. I need my blink dagger cope to land a good one. I couldn't do it well with enigma then kek
NA servers don't come up for a few more hours lmao
Pretending to not understand doesn't make what i've said nonsense it just makes you look like a dipshit to any lurkers
Parts found inside game files, I don't know any place where they'd be dumped but some anons posted in this threads
only one was leaked and as far as I know the files aren't in the game
>Pretending not to understand
Schizo rambling about shills and pretending /v/ is one person etc. Things i never said or implied, things that don't have any relevance. It's nonsense. You're clearly unhinged, which explains why you got upset and angry over someone casually pointing out a game you like is woke. Remain calm and carry on discussing the woke game Deadlock if you like.
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What's the counterplay to hook? It's like what if pudge had instant cast animation, infinite mana, could move while hooking, hook had 5000 range, 4s cooldown lategame, would go through creeps, would go through allies and would give pudge double damage on hook hit.
stop rambling with this word salad nonsense, it's embarrassing
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no one does. it's artificial complexity that adds noting to the game. you'll notice people will tell you to "follow a build" or "select one of the highest rated builds" because making a build cannot be done on the fly and the amount of effort needed to design one is too much for 99% of players. The game would play the exact same if 'items' were just stats & perks you got from leveling and assigned automatically, maybe choosing from one of 3 specs for your hero

it's the same thing with games like PoE & Diablo btw, the whole idea of making builds is completely fake and just added to pretend the game is deep when it's actually just convoluted
>angry sperging
Schizos can't help themselves. At least you agree Deadlock is woke.
if you don't understand how to make an item build on the fly after 100 hours you have a learning disability
Congrats on winning the "Brainlet of the thread" award. You had some tough competition.
Vinfeecta and Gay Talon can't solo carry, they're more like a backline damage dealer, actual carry heroes are Haze and Infernus
>you'll notice people will tell you to "follow a build" or "select one of the highest rated builds" because making a build cannot be done
literally unironically and unquestionable skill issue
i do it and have no problems and i'm a fucking retard
How do I Infernus? I need like 20k souls to do anything.
DoT: The character
>you cant just mention that a woke game is woke because... you just cant okay?!
No need to get upset about it.
Don't get hooked, it's that easy
Is this one the tranny?
Maybe if you keep saying it the game will die like concord
show us your builds then anons
>born a man
>presents as a man
>but hiding his identity
i'll do it in like 2 hours cause i'm waging right now
>Visual Novel
Disappointing but I'll check it out
I build on the fly.
how can I show you my build if It's something I make on the fly depending on what the situation calls for?
Who said i wanted that? It's schizo of you to sit there thinking up possible motivations, just because someone upset you incidentally. Deadlock and Concord are both woke, if that upsets you to learn, that's not my fault. Calm down.
>you may be right but here's a passive aggressive image
Lol. Yet Deadlock remains woke!
Isn't he a ftm according to the artist? Or non binary or someshit? Why is the deadlock artist a wokefaggot?
i mean you can show a build from match history
Oh I'm phone-posting rn
You can parry it.
Which key should I put cancel on? Space is awful, putting it somewhere far away makes it awkward for jumping off rails. Are there any buttons on the left side of the keyboard where it doesn't interfere with anything?
They’re not going to respond to this because they’re embarrassed of their shit builds
did you just not read the fucking post?
he was born and raised as a man and identifies as a man and everyone identifies him as a man, but for lore reasons he's in hiding and by extension hiding his identity which includes his gender
Bebop suffers against Briefcase nigger, Viscous in lane.
Characters who often stand still like Yamato, Miku get easily hooked thus they suffer in Bebop lanes.
Bebops will often try to stand near their guardians for a cheese kill. It's rather annoying because sometimes you have no choice but to play along or you miss out on souls because stupid Bebop refuses to push his lane to get the epic kill.
After lane most Bebops just fall over and die because most of them do meme spirit builds and end up doing no damage.
The few smart Bebop go gun, those guys can be 1v1 monsters and need to be ganged, focus fired, caught of guard.
no, he's the heir to an R&D firm that develops weaponized soul technology, the CEO/his dad calls him son and believes that he died
he's biting his time in the shadows so he can take the company from his corrupt daddy and make it not evil
Okay, why is it woke? Niggers? Troons? Kikes? can you say any of these words?
He's also stolen the briefcase from their RND department or something
niggers tongue my troon kike ass, bet you like that faggot.
Why is he hiding his gender then? Again why is the character designer for deadlock a wokefaggot?
Do you feel better getting that off your chest? It's a safe place here, it's okay, nobody will cancel you for saying bad words
because his gender is part of his identity...? are you retarded
like if i know someone's gender then i can cut 50% of the population from the equation if i wanted to find them
There are 10 gacha threads up right now but this thread is the problem?
using "they" as a generic pronoun is hundreds of years old and isn't woke
he is not pretending to be a girl
Deadlock is woke. Why does that upset people who play it? It makes no sense.
if you aren't putting i at the end of your filters to make them case-insensitive, that's an honest to god skill issue
>spam Paradox and Vindicta
>48% WR
why am I attracted to underpowered, weak kit, thick thighed women...
deadcocks looks so trash
dude how many hours have you wasted making this exact post and trying to derail vidya discussion
piss off
What makes it woke, sister, I need to know
Huffing the memesteam from Haze's smokey pussy after she's spent an entire day running a marathon around the map in her leather pants.
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they only good character that looks good is vindicta so no wonder people spam threads with her, but shes the only good thing is this trash heap, look foward to the porn but the game is trash just like overwatch
It just is. You just lack the media literacy to understand it.
Can you put into words maybe how it's woke? I'm asking you to define the woke parts of it and you can't?
Anon, her entire body is made of smoke
How does she wear tight pants?
Someone shill me a good gunbop guide.
Huh? I just asked a question in the designated Wokelock thread... rude much?!
It's a diverse and inclusive game with a tumblr inspired artstyle and design philosophy, just like Concord (a bit less neon though). It's very popular on Reddit, a site full of people who also like other woke media! In fact, they like to discuss Deadlock and how much they like its woke aspects.
why is this a whole article. gotta fill that quota i guess
Yes. And?
Same principle as filling a balloon with air.
Just tried a kudzu bomb build on Ivy so you don't have to, just as I feared in real games everyone has too much mobility for it to be a real threat. Alchemical fire seems underrated though, might be a good item for someone like Dynamo.
Solidifying into soot at will or something
how should i skill/build paradox if i suck at landing her charged shot?
>don't play her
alch fire is amazing for pvp if you can force your opponent to stay in one place (like kelvin ult and vindicta stake), but is also really useful to rat buildings and deny wide areas to make opps retreat/relocate
Lady Geist teaching Haze to act more ladylike and less like a sleep paralysis smoke demon.
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increased reach, extra charges, mystic slow to make grenades and walls really annoying
But Deadlock is woke. Why does it upset you?
What about if deadlock wasn't woke?
Would that still upset me?
Can you put into words why it's woke or are you just going to call it woke and pretend everyone can't see you're unable to say naughty words
whats a non woke game i should play instead?
blagh blaeugh pocket blauhe
dur dur wraith dur
hur hur haze is a lesbian horf
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Alchemical fire is really funny on MoKrill.
When you have the 5s late game Combo, they eat the whole duration of it.
pong is actually about two gay men frotting
very woke.
>Redditors when someone likes a traditionally hot character: Touch grass, stop watching porn omg coomer.
>Also redditors on official Discord: "ANY GOONERS HERE WANNA TALK ABOUT IVY'S COCK? :333"

Just fucking nuke them at this point.
>not a single stun/curse
They deserved it.
Poket, dynamo, ivy are his counters
You have a free escape from the bomb damage, and that's it, bebop does nothing after his combo and you botchd it
>phantom strikes into u as mo and press combo with torment and exposure
hehe nothing personell..,
>reading reddit
>reading the discord
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Heroes who counter Paradox: Everyone
Heroes who Paradox counters: ...
>threads are slow as fuck
dead game
How well does the burn scale?
she counters vindicta but everyone counters vindicta
>"ahahahha these op ults are only op because you play vs noobs XDD!!"
>meanwhile even the sweatiest of matches are have these same heroes with same ults and same winrates
really makes you think
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DotA has hot characters, why can't Deadlock?
Paradox should have an alt fire for her ult that let's her target a friendly or enemy creep to swap.
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>How well does the burn scale?
Like this.
Paradox counters my erection by draining my balls with gentle femdom.
Yamato redesign will be hot
i hope they go with 8b because i love pantyhose
>Heroes who Paradox counters
Hey, 2nd weakest hero counters 1st weakest hero!
Haze is pure sex thoughbeit.
Wow you are really really dumb.
>game is already dying
Just had a Yamato get fed a bit and she rushed glass cannon and one shot me with a single mouse click
Fixation should fall of after ~3 seconds. It should require sustained fire to stack up. The fact that it lingers and continues stacking even after she's moved to another target, shot a magazine, reloaded, and switched back is just bananas.
Idk but with full build it is 650 damage on its own.
If anyone describes themselves as a 'they' they are fucking retarded. Doesn't matter when in our time line they use it in.
Patch this week. Trust the plan.
Yeah. Ults are generally less effective in high mmr lobbies.
How does it feel that no matter how hard you seethe literally nothing will change in your favor whatsoever?
>seven beats people with his ult in noob lobbies
>pro lobbies take seven because of his stun
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just lost a game because our pocket somehow got himself stuck in wall.
It's still the same hero. The hero is op. Get over it and stop coping. If you play 7 you basically alrdy have huge advantage over anyone you are up against, it's an easy mode.
That was me sorry.
I don't play seven and don't have any problems with them over other heroes, the game is relatively balanced right now
"Help me, step-bro Abrams... I'm stuck~~"
You should've won that.
The enemy team would be lining up behind him while you take their base.
open console to unstuck or suicide, or buy rescue beam
game is fun as fuck and I want to shove my BWC inside Ivy. That is all.
Almost like it's an alpha or something.
Not even close to the scale that Vibdicta's backstory suggests.
he tried and told us it didn't work
I know, but this always seems to affect my team.
Patch today.
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needs the character faces
>Not even close to the scale that Vibdicta's backstory suggests.
19 people were killed during Salem trails, EXACTLY as many as Vindicta backstory suggests
doesn't work in live matches
Dont we know all 19 people? Would be funny if she was based on a real one
There weren't any mass tortures or rapes to extract confessions, you stupid anti-christian jew.
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Horrible ugly atrocious monstrous hideous creature.
And Ivy.
I need more realistic Ivy art like this.
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ivy is the best
I just wanna know if we got all of them. Don't want any witches running around.
the current key setup is so fucking akward to use, there has to be a better keybind setup
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>goes 1/16 on your team
How do you correct this?
why do i sometimes see 10 over the enemies head, i thought it's their kill streak but it's not
It's how many berserker stacks they've got
Shirt should be "I love Latinxs"
it's an item, berserker
the number is how many stacks they currently have
go away tumblroid
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Ivy just hanging out and having a good time with random members of the cast is my favorite type of fanart after Hellboy memes.
I'm not a fan of how most of my games seem to depend on whether the haze on either my team or the enemy team has more than one braincell or not
Has all the /pol/ cum sloshing about in their heads finally fucking broken rightoids? All they do is screech about trannies in literally every thread about every game.
Correcting her?..
I have 50 games with haze and can honestly say it's like seven in terms of noobstomping
If you roll twice, you literally get away from her ult, and there's nothing Haze can do to stop you
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I love it too
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Ivy would NEVER do that.
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How do you know? For the last one of the season, I bet anyone would
I'm sorry to the enemy Wraith I made rq earlier
Why is there a pause button?
In case someone has a power flicker or something and the other players have a sense of sportsmanship.
i spilt my diet pepsi
So your russian 6 stack can pause spam before ending the game to mock your opponents
Haze/Seven in my team: 10 deaths, do zero damage, 15k behind.

Haze/Seven in enemy team: 20k ahead, 20/0, if you cannot hide in 0.00001s from their ult, you die even if you are full build Abrams.
just in case your mom asks you to carry in the groceries while you're in a 45 minute match, duh

people who aren't retarded don't abuse it so it's fine for the people who actually play the game correctly
It shouldn't exist and can potentially give you an advantage.

Once game got paused so i started looking around and noticed an enemy behind me i otherwise wouldn't have so i could react and prepare accordingly.
>lol niggers literally cant even fathom having a qol feature as simple as pausing in a game that goes for 30+ minutes
wow the game happened to get paused in this one specific instance where you were about to get ganked from behind while not noticing the person so that means it should totally not exist at all, wow

First valve game?
Playing Paradox is fucking impossible i literally lost track of my buttons and fingers to do a combo.

It's different when you are training in lab vs. in heated scenario where you're not sure if your 3 hit or not.
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She is lesbian though, no m*les get involved.
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>Seven quotes The Protomen if you select him
How does he keep being the best character
Which lines of his are from Protomen?
>with these hands I will destroy, and with these hands I will rebuild
>with these hands I will destroy, and with these hands I will rebuild
I think
What's he going to rebuild, what's his wish even for the patron? If he kills everyone there will be nobody else to make suffer
>call englands queen a queen
>this now means that you have sexual thoughts about her
i dont get it
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Holy fucking skitzo
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shills in full schizo mode to try and call deadlock woke
IVY is my wife :3
My guess is that after he gets his revenge he'll rebuild the world in his image where no one will ever be punished for being a mengele tier mage trying to learn some sick ass magic
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I mean really what more could a Machiavellian electric skeleton man to angry to die want in life
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I'm Russian. And I mute Russians in 50% of the games.
Why does this game have such dedicated haters? It feels like there’s a handful of people who come to these threads to repeat themselves about what they don’t like about—true or otherwise
Company marketing teams, you can tell because they try to spam buzzwords without saying any naughty words
>It's woke!
instead of
>trannies and niggers
People use it when someone disconnects (intended purpose). But most third worlders haven’t discovered the concept of sportsmanship and think it’s just an official grief button
the people that are still playing team fortress 2 are not normal.
This game has all secondary features of Dota 2 - voice chat, drawing on the map, pause and no surrender button.

Generally speaking, people are willing to wait for at least a 3-4 minutes in Dota, especially if the reason is posted in chat.
What’s a good 6k Geist item?
How do you with disarms as a heavy reliant character?
I fucking hate solo-laning against Pocket, obnoxious character to deal with
Yeah, he isn't lying. Nice abuse of broken shit
Slow movement for her darts?
It occurred to me that anons coming form shooters might not understand why I mentioned voice chat. It's because LoL doesn't have it.
No knockdown on a team with Seven, Haze and Bebop this just means you are going to be in a world of hurt.
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literally how does spirit work and how do i know if i should be clicking purple items or ignoring it
>spirit bebop
I need the match ID to see how he played it
Leech, Escalating Exposure
I was loving this game up until the point last week when I lost all hearing in my left ear (SSHL) so now I can't really play games that require positional audio to do well. I'll just have to try to enjoy it as a low skill feeder now.
How can we buff Paradox? Give her Haze gun?
I actually find him easier to deal with up close, since for some reason his shotgun does a gorillion damage from miles away so I may as well go up and beat his ass
I think this retard should post his opinions in the feedback forum where they actually might do something about it instead of wherever the fuck he's posting it now
But I still play tf2, and I’m all for deadlock. Stunk nearly 300 hours
This Dotard doesn't get it
It has such a large spread that if you're getting chunked from across the lane you're probably standing still
>enemy team gets ashe
>Absolute menace
>We get ashe
>Goes 2/12
increase cup size
I'm playing Dynamo I got a fat ass
the matches are already too long
Check your abilities, they should have a multiplier marked with a purple star showing if they scale with spirit and by how much.
>200 hours
>doesn't know the small camps spawn at 2 minutes
opinion absolutely discarded
Spirit adds bonus scaling to abilities that have purple boxes/numbers when leveling them at different levels (i.e., 0.7 multiplier adds 0.7x your current Spirit to the ability's base numbers), on top of giving you other bonuses depending on the items you're building. It's also a separate damage type from bullet and melee damage meaning you need spirit resist to lower that damage specifically. As for buying purple, it depends on who you're playing
That's fair, probably not the best idea against experienced pockets tho they're just going to briefcase the stomp when you get close and there's less things to hide behind for barrage at the front of the lane
Well aside from those. Leech is like her best item
why is vindicta so sexual guis
Leech is obviously the best, afterwards escalating exposure. For Spirit based Geist.
cuz ur a footfaggot
"people" who buy melee items are legitimately subhuman
they start crying like fucking bitch when someone dares to parry them because of how used they got to just winning fights for free
tap tap tap
spirit or gun on infernus
do I need to just be building a fuckton of bullet items or what
Towers really don't feel threatening enough, I'll give him that, and the little bunkers around the shrines don't seem to help defenders much at all since you practically have to be inside them to even damage the shrines to start with.

I would start with boosting guardian damage against players and removing the barrage attack on walkers that doesn't do anything (or figure out how to make it actually do something, at least).
Soul Rebirth (cooldown reduction and respawn), Spiritual Overflow (also has cooldown reduction), Mystic Reverb on Bomb if you somehow have extra spirit slots (you shouldnt)
spirit, you focus on making your DoTs as long and damaging as possible and buy spirit lifesteal so you never die
Reads like a shitter opinion to me. Defending only gets harder if they get into the patron pit.
the base has a defender's advantage but nobody uses it.
sounds like just another retard that got fountain dived and had bad feelings about it.
if your team's defenses get steamrolled that hard you deserve to lose, most evenly matched games end up stalemating outside the double guardians.
gun in general is ass
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gun builds are the strongest in the game right now, spirit heroes are a secondary thought they are working on developing

basically every hero in the game can become a 'left click' hero (right clickers for you dotards) and nobody can be too strong with spirit without also making them too strong with guns, a balance issue they're working through right now
So what you're saying is if I can add more smoke to Haze somehow I cod make those pants even tighter?
base cracking is hard enough already as is without meatballs buff unless it's a complete stomp game and sometimes leads to a rubberbanding back and forth where neither team can finish
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We need more art of being autistic and letting out her inner gargoyle
we 'lockin?
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so doing this?
Removing the bridge cover for creeps would make the barrage a lot better, and I think the walker zone should just be bigger in general so it can, you know, walk and find cover or attack angles. Give them big shields on their legs for player cover too.
I'd also throw a walker in base just for shits and giggles and make the middle 2 entrances just one big entrance. I think base guardians need some kind of buff too you can basically vaporize them with no resistance.
It'd be bad enough if he just had his kit with a normal gun, the thing that makes me annoyed with him is that he has that kit on top of having an SSS+ tier gun that nothing else in the game even comes fucking close to.
was 'pexxin, now i'm 'lockin
Just received a Steam invite to playtest. Whats up with that? I haven't played a competitive shooter since OW was like a year old.
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We need art of ivy peeing like one of those fountain cherubs. And she's embarassed
bless you
I'm fine with yuri between cute girls but shipper tranny headcanon shitposting based on absolutely nothing is fucking retarded.
There are 11 items that give non-conditional bullet resist, 8 of which are in the first 3 tiers.
There are only 4 items that reduce bullet resist and they're all conditional (though realistic conditions) with one being tier 4.
There are 13 items that give non-conditional spirit resist, 9 of which are tier 3 or below.
Again only 4 items that reduce spirit resist, 3 conditional, and 2 are tier 4.

It just seems like armor is the way to go honestly. You have decent shred options but there are so many random items that give armor on top of the items that are purely dedicated to giving you a fuck ton of armor that it just seems like there is hardly any downside to picking them up over pure health. Unless there's something i'm missing?
insane take
The only thing he's right about is that Guardians are a total joke, even from start of the game. They are nothing like LoL/Dota etc.

Entering enemy base is too fucking easy as well.
Is this a meme?
Vindicta is fucking broken OP
I fucking hate this game
time for another match
Daily reminder for EU players to complain about Russians on the Forum until they resegregate them.
moba mind virus has set in
Guardians are supposed to be weak.
>WAAAAAAAH why can't i just stay under tower like a pussy all lane!!! ICEFRAUD FIX PLS
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who do you want to see ported?
Rank 1 player https://www.twitch.tv/mikaels1

I don't know him but yea
storm spirit
The problem is that base guardians are literally just free money for the enemy team. They pose no threat or roadblock if as little as 2 heroes hit them.
how do you Geist? what do you Geist?

starts off being a great lane harasser with bomb but i literally don't know what she is supposed to be after that.
everything except bomb is short range so tanky brawler in a teamfight like Abrams? but i think she is probably shit at that.
pure split pusher because no one wants to be near her in a 1v1?
guardians don't do their job tho
stackfag that plays the game all day and night
I have never lost a game laning against a vindicta. Even these so called "good" vindictas fold like a wet noodle when I go in for the mating press.
at this fucking point 99% of the playerbase has absolutely dogshit opinions on game balance because they're all ASSFAGGOTS/shooter tourists that want this game to just become "yet another [X]" by sanding down all the uniqueness until it's a dull husk
why doesn't she look like this ingame...
>its another episode of my team attempting to end the game at 20 minutes without midboss buff while the death timers are only 20 seconds.
>we get wiped into our enemy taking midboss for free
>lose a game we were dominating
Many such cases. Time to play again.
you use gun and then more gun
the shards give you damage amp
It's kind of weird to me because the way the game and the map is designed, it's already very easy to gank people but the fact that tower diving is so easy is ridiculous. There's also the fact that anybody can buy a tier 1 item that increases their damage vs towers a ton that gives other stat buffs on top.
>"rank 1"
>it's really just a nolifer who has several hundred hours more than the second most autistic nolifer
>don't know what she is supposed to be after that.
you are supposed to make the enemy scared shitless of you getting close to them
she does. it's her portrait that's bad.
holy cope
if icefrog was balancing this game, it would be good, lmao.
So he is a tranny. Why did you lie?
t1 tower in dota lets you juke around to deal upwards of a thousand more damage throughout a dive and lets you stand safely in creep range against harrass, with the added mobility guardians don't do enough against a dive and with an attack range dependent on your angle rather than a set attack range it doesn't do enough against harrass. I mean, not that you have to buff it, but it's just generally very weak and weaker than dota towers
>Harry Potter character
There's virtually zero relation to Harry Potter at all. Are you saying that simply because the scarf?
you won't become the next esport superstar Mikaels, you'll be a literal who once ranked soloqueue hits and you can't stack abuse anymore
So is building for spirit a bad idea on Wraith? I was initially sort of split on buffing weapon and spirit, buying multiple charges for cards etc but now i'm thinking that's completely retarded. Now i'm just focusing on mystic burst and upgrading cards to level 2 ASAP and then getting cooldown reduction so I can spam ult more.
our dinosaur will fix it
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when do i get put into high mmr games
This is the same issue League struggled with (still struggles with?) for a long time since they also tried to remove the basic WC3 atteibutes. DotA sidestepped the basic attack being king by having auto damage scale with one of three attributes, so if you aren't an AGI hero you have to double dip into your item budget to get big attacks AND fast attacks, and you still won't be able to scale as hard as an AGI dude but you get a gigantic HP pool for your trouble so that's something. The few characters that break the mold are the ones with built in attack speed steroids like Lina and Invoker.

Simple fact is that if everyone can click good then eventually everyone will. Valve is trying to desinsentivize everyone going all gun all the time by balancing the guns themselves but fact is that guns are on demand damage with no cool down, so it makes sense to build into them even if your gun isn't anything to write home about.
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Actual fucking morons ITT get some new fucking material already
He looks like harry, you faceblind autist.
Wait, do monster bullets increase damage against towers as well?
what did I do??
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Is it true this game has a VN coming out along with it?
You're the one lying, and you're an actual tranny. You desperately want to "claim" characters that don't belong to you, like all trannies.
hagbros are eating good
Larger mag and slightly more damage on it.
2 second invulnerability after swap.
Play in a full premade and farm smaller premades and uncoordinated solo all day.

>Rank 1

Falls of hard when real teams start playing.

Also fuck competitive mindsets just play to learn and have fun, imagine taking a game this serious it just stunts your own growth.
when you hit 1700~ elo on those shitty stat trackers, you'll be able to tell because your queue times stop being instant
Arin looks like a friggin' hapa dude, you're the faceblind retard here
Or just enable every character on high priority and get instant que all day.

Only niggers dont play random.
Is this bait? There's literally zero resemblance, assuming we're talking the movies.
>wrong hair color
>wrong hair style
>wrong eye color
>wrong race
>no glasses
>no facial scar
>no tie
>no robes
>no wand
>hint of facial hair when Harry was clean shaven
>gloves and backpack, neither of which Harry has
They're both male, that's it. Assuming the they/them is a reference to the sentient coat. Otherwise, even that's different.
I wish they'd move away a bit from the dota 2 artstyle for this game, tell me this couldn't be a splash for a death prophet skin
>imagine taking a game this serious it just stunts your own growth

I'm not taking any sides here, but do keep in mind a lot of people are already planning their esports careers around Deadlock and that's understandable.

They see Dota and CS producing dozens of millionaires and expect the same to happen here.
just got a guy banned
feels good
remember to be respectful gamers :^)
I only play Seven, Haze and Infernus.
I think the solution here is to simply lower the damage the spirit heroes gun does to heroes and slightly increase the damage it does to monsters for last hitting etc
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Reminder that our only namefag got permabanned for saying nigger 1,000 times and threw a massive hissyfit babyrage tantrum in the thread because of it. Good fucking riddance.
>Vindicta is fucking broken OP
opinion: give everyone like 2-3 guns and gun items only boost one of them of your choice

-more thought and depth with the shooting gameplay
-guns are cool
-more depth in gun building
-guns are cool
Don't forget the cheaterschizo who was HWID banned
he was some danish try hard sperg
was doing better than him but he still sperged out
so I just recorded him without my audio and sent it to yoshi lol
What website is this?
I'm glad that underageB& is gone too, he got ignored so hard he had to literally copypaste the entire thread and shove it into the reply box to get any sort of attention
based manual reporter keeping our streets safe from the d*nish menace

not that it matters anymore, Valve made the API inaccessible two days ago because people were getting mindbroken over stats
The autistic denying after escaping low mmr have killed my interest in this game I think. I can see the strategic appeal for competitive players, but I just don't find it fun to fight some guy sitting under his tower playing aim trainer with the orbs personally.
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which way, deadlockman?
What the fuck is wrong with Scandis, bros?
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he isnt even danish, he is a moortugese larping as a dane LMAO
Nah, her game opening line says "Nineteen souls joined you in Salem" which means she was a secret 20th one that doesn't exist in our world.
And good for her because nobody killed in IRL Salem trials was younger than 35
have you considered meleeing to secure the last hit
set yourself up to melee for the guaranteed secure and only shoot for a last hit if you don't have a choice.
if you have better positioning and trading than the other player you'll win with this strategy and deny them opportunities to deny you.
if they're going to let deny be this powerful it's in your hands to not let your enemies leverage that.
It's the same as wanting to be le big millionare streamer, e.g dantes streaming league.

What these retards do not see is that these people put in effort way beyond 40work weeks, next to their real life responsibilities, into growing it.
You won't be shit in esports by tryharding in a stack 16hours a day, europeans took over americans so hard in dota back then since the EU pros studied the game and theorycrafted hard, not just grind ranked.

0.001% of players will make it in esports and you also need to be a likeable character.

I see none of these people streaming all day in deadlock maintaining a channel with interviews, scripts etc. They think they can just be rank 1 and play and then be big esport stars, lmao.
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I don't care still picking my wife Vindicta
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>rust cheater
>CSGO cheater
>deadlock cheater
>check inventory
>almost definitely a pube-gee cheater too
he's in-game on Deadlock right now probably smashing his keyboard at the "you have been permanently banned from this game mode" message
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your gargoyle waifu sire
Same + writing feedback to de-Talonify her kit.
everyone wants to be a rockstar
Thank god, premade niggers in shambles.
Played vs "rank 1" people with hundreds of hours and demolished them in lane and fights when they could not premade.

Unironically hardstuck diamond 4 equivalent in league when the game gets bigger and has proper soloque ranked or 6v6 ranked (premade).
>these people put in effort way beyond 40work weeks

Oh I agree. Just saying that a certain small section of the playerbase having a mindset which is even more competitive than typical Dota/CS/LoL ranked can be explained by a desire to go pro in a brand new game.
It's tricky because no hero can be truly classified as "Spirit Hero". They should buff early spirit items and lower ability cooldowns across the board instead. Gun heroes will always have a huge advantage in terms of hitting and denying, but they shouldn't be able to manfight heroes who buy early spirit items.
You guys at all concerned seeing Concord go offline? It looks like live service hero shooters have an uphill battle these days.
Good thing this isn't a hero shooter, it's Dota 3
Concord died because Deadlock killed it. Sony saw Deadlock numbers and noped the fuck out of the genre.
Eh, it's a mystery character hiding their identity so I can accept it; that's one of the few grammatically correct uses for singular they.
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>Valve made the API inaccessible two days ago because people were getting mindbroken over stats
I'm genuinely happy about this change. So many fucking niggers were getting upset for fake made-up ELO in an alpha test.
So you're bad and dont know how to abuse the kit. Got it.
I played like 5 games with this guy. Tracklock has to be bunk because my elo 1300.
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>Electric chair nigger drops his ult in the middle of a big open area during a nearby teamfight
>Have to watch from a kilometer away as my team gets zaped into oblivion
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spell slinging to ramp attack speed would fit into the game pretty well.
No see he's asian and Yasuo is asian and all asians look alike.
I'm sure they (correctly) realized that allowing so many online discussions surrounding this game to already be e-peen measuring contests was turning people away from their game.
? he's constantly solo queing
Skill Magi.
he hid his tracklock somehow
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I finally realized what Vindicta's face reminds me of
At least half of the characters you can console command into won’t ever see the light of day
Why are towers so fucking useless in this game? You can dive someone 2 minutes into the game no problem while the tower is just tickling you.
this guy is a not so subtle aimbot, one of the smartest, he doesn't track at all he just uses it to target body and then starts manually aiming
Their feedback forums were probably also getting spammed with "tracklock says Seven has 58,89% WR nerf him!!!"
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>open image
>instant shell shock
You have your own region playable now (I assume), GO THERE!
>both jobbers
I see it
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How do you know this guy is ranked 1? There's no leader boards and Third party sites don't count.
yes it was
just look at the attire and whimsical magic stuff
ugh lol
MOBA players
My personal theory is that they're running very advanced AI bots in the games and they didn't want people noticing that half the people in the games don't show up on tracklock despite playing like they're experienced
i thought it was interesting to see some measure of how good people were at the game.
but then i noticed i was top 0.10% and the people in my games were still retarded so it really doesn't mean anything.
Uh oh. I like this theory.
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Pretty sure the patron says "eighteen souls"
Both have the "sniper" archetype but do not play out the same at all. Talon is spirit oriented and Vindicta weapon to begin with.
That's like saying "Windranger should be reworked because Mirana is stronger". On paper they do more or less the same, long range damage, a stun, mobility and fast attack speed yet nobody's pretending that they are basically the same characters.
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>Kris from Deltarune
>Fang from Goodbye Snootcano High
>now Pocket
they/them throat
This isn't Multiversus where I went 3-0 in matches in 1v1 and 5-0 in matches in 2v2 while wondering if the people I was playing against were even human.
Pocket is a dude. Sorry, but your gross headcanon shit isn't in the game.
Just cut your losses and admit you're wrong. He's wearing pretty regular shit. If he was rocking a robe and a wizard hat, sure, but he's just a fancily dressed Asian "male" with a briefcase. Nothing says magical at all, outside of the context of the game.
It's not like I'm losing every time, I just don't enjoy it. Played a game against a Kelvin earlier where he just hid behind the sign and let the creeps come in, beaming me through the terrain if I ever went to melee, just really boring/unfun to deal with even though we ended up pretty even and eventually won the game
I developed the theory after too many games of people not communicating at all while playing like they know what they're doing avoiding ults and positioning for abilities properly, games where like 4/10 showed up on tracklack and all 4 of us who showed up were 1700+ elo on our heroes with over a hundred games on them and the other 6 literally didn't show up at all

its also developed off a theory about dota that is very similar, openAI was only taught to play a few games (Chess, Dota2) and they spent a lot of money teaching it to play, tons of people without social media presence have a massive steam presence, there's information to be gathered
>check out TI stream
>4 month old bug left unfix making a game paused indefinitely
this is your future lockers
literally a vessel for the player attempting to become its own person or some gay meta cringe like that
just a misguided retarded dinosaur woman written by canada's own Cuckie Finster
redesigned from a literal genderless synthoid and also has the backstory of being on the run cause he got Courier'd and doesn't want to have that happen again
Enbies do not owe you androgyny

HOWEVER, enbies owe _me_ sex
There's no such thing as "enbie".
Redditors already talk that Yamato's conehead is LE GOOD. I hope Valve doesn't listen.
Oh and don't forget you're transmitting hundreds of mb of telemetry data per person per match, if all 12 people are real people that's over 5gb for a 30 minute match, now multiply that by hundreds of thousands of games...
he is pretty bang on things my other big gripe with the game is that it takes away risk of using your abilities wrong like viscous cube being able to exit early on your own instead of being forced to stay in it like winter wyvern heal
or the way they changed bebop hook so it have a alt mode just to hook allies so little things like that i have issues with but most people dont
He does in the drawing
In game not really
he struck me as harry potter immediately. no idea why youre being so short sighted
Look at this whimsical magical stuff. Is this a wizard?
Did not read but just have to say that turrets/towers in this game are a joke. You could probably 6 man and kill a tower min 0 with just the first wave. And after 20 minutes none of the towers are any threatening, they just kind of exist, if some wraith shows up and wants to solo a t2 tower ok then theyre gonna solo a t2 tower and its not worth anyones time trying to go and defend it (you dont even have tele scrolls anyway). The reward from killing them also feels like nothing because they dont provide real vision or place to tp to.
If enbies don't exist then how come they're so hecking cute and valid? Debunked...
Yamato is being dragged and quartered by the entire community by accident because everyone agrees she needs to be completely overhauled but no one can agree on HOW
Maybe you've never seen, nor read a Harry Potter book and have created some weird fucking headcanon of what he looks like. That's fine, but know it has no bearing in reality.
Yeah, but people that play her are fucking horrendously bad
Ogre and Muerta
Spirit Breaker would be fucking funny as shit
Two false premises for the price of one. Those freaks are neither cute nor valid.
you can do it in steam, I have evidence he was in the game with me and video of him going on an autistic rant
They extend your zipline. The towers are meant to provide map control, but you must defend them. If you let 6 enemies bumrush it and none of you go defend it, that's on you.
a half asian dude who doesn't wear glasses or have a scar on his forehead struck you as Harry Potter?
they don't want me to play their game so I won't
>My teammates are autistic and dont communicate
>They must be an advanced form of AI
Take your meds
hate when na server is down
europoors too scared to talk
I wanna game with my fellow anglos
Pick a lane, retard
If they supposedly don't exist to begin with, then how can they be non-cute and non-valid either? You're like those athiests: you hate God because you know He exitst. It's absurd to hate something that does not exist.
yes all the buildings class as npcs
>this doesnt look like harry potter because uhhh ummmm... hes asian
no one wants to interact with your unfunny redditor ass
>enters TARDIS
Your friends? Damn, that sucks anon. You should get better ones.
This is such a strange hill to die on.
If 6 enemies are pushing something its gonna die before anyone gets there in time anyway. They don't defend shit. People just push waves and then oh theres a tower I guess we all shoot 1 clip to it and oh it just died and enemy can never get there in time unless they were alrdy there. And then the best move is to go back because usually all 6 enemies are right there ready to kill you AFTER you alrdy killed the tower..... So the attempt to defend it only wasted their time, unless the you keep pushing and dying 1 by 1 which is what happens a lot.
autists don't know when to stand down because they truly believe the shit they say
>my teammates play like they've played more than 50 games
>they don't show up on any tracker
>also can't find their steam page
I'm not friends with the creators no
Harry Hotpot
How do you let the enemy group up without watching their movements or knowing? If the mid boss didn't let out a roar at half HP, you fucks wouldn't know they were doing it, too, huh.
People outside of England wear scarfs anon.
Are you retarded? Claiming to be a vampire doesn't mean that vampires exist suddenly, but mentally ill people who claim to be vampires are still a problem even if vampires don't exist. You might be the dumbest gorilla brained moron to ever live.
Technically it gives flex slots but after a certain breakpoint in the match flex slots are are going to be trivial to obtain even for the losing side, which means weak towers are good for comebacks as well as stomps. It doesn't fix the fact it still feels like they're just there because ASSFAGGOTS demands it.
im starting to think youre a tranny who really doesnt want that hp association on their beloved character lol
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>Retarded faggots are unironically pretending Pocket is some troon who just picked up a magical coat and briefcase off a rack in his family's mansion
Motherfucker made a life altering pact and merged himself with powerful artifacts to dab on his family. RESPECC my nigga's hustle.
If 6 enemies are pushing down one lane you are supposed to push all 3 of the other lanes and take the trade.
i can see it
this might be the lowest iq post i've ever seen
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flex slots shouldnt be something you unlock
Feel like the first pose on the left looks off
because the anatomy shows that his head is the size of his waist etc thus his head is too big as the biggest problem.

can any art fags please tell me if im right ?
Kek didn't catch that one. Saved.
Because they move in the fog lol... They move as 6, you move as 6, you are in different places, something happens, you can't just teleport somewhere.
this, he doesn't even look like my Hogwarts Legacy character
Yes, it should. Otherwise the enemy team can just try to turtle and max out before pushing.
I'm not. I'm just genuinely not seeing an English guy with green eyes, glasses and shaggy hair when I look at Pocket.
So it seems.
>2 second invulnerability after swap.
Too much. Maybe 200 of both shields for 5 seconds?
You and your team have very little map sense then. If all of you are in separate lanes and none of you see any of them, but you notice that Yellow has 1 or 2 guys showing, it is very safe to say all 6 of them will be pushing Yellow so you need to haul ass over there.

You don't need all 6 to stop their 6-man push, because they will also not know how many people you have coming to defend. Just 2-3 poking them away should be enough to scare their bumrush.
why shouldnt this be a viable option
she shouldn't get buffed, people need to realize she's a support-like not a damage carry
I think that you just have some sort of tower phobia. They're really weak. Just shoot them.
im not saying it looks like harry potter himself retard
the game looks so ugly I will never get over how you zoomer just accept this trash.
I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be angled as if the viewer is above him looking down. Janky attempt at foreshortening.
skill issue
then maybe you should say "this dude looks like he walked out of Hogwarts" or literally anything else instead of being a massive fucking faggot all day
no one wants their matches to take an hour to play out.
Fuck off back to r/atheism
Because nobody wants to sit here and play hour long games on a regular.
because playing defensively is fucking boring and if I have to sit through multiple hour-long turtle stalemates I'd just fucking uninstall
not even Dota 2 does that shit as often as you think
You never saw what dota 2 looked when it was first playtested huh?

>>You never saw what dota 2 looked when it was first playtested huh?
I did play at the time even and the game didn't change much, deadlock is a fucking disgrace. You're defending this shit FOR FREE.
way WAY more soulful than deadlock
you look like a retarded now
fo FREEEEEE das rite
or maybe because the franchise is called "harry potter" you mong
What a fucking moron. Consider suicide.
Anon, I'm tired of arguing something so pointless, but just know that you're completely and utterly wrong. The argument from this screenshot is simply "he's doing shit midair, kinda like Harry (sans the broom)".
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The fucking franchise is known in full as "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" you stupid nigger retard, Harry Potter is also the name of the main fucking character you actual ape buffoon
2 - 2 - (6) - 2
Oh look the enemy 6 instakilled their way through walker and into the base guardians, it would be a shame if our shrines get shredded or they wrap around to the left or right and collapse on the 2 heroes pushing a lane next to them and wallop them.
sex with paradox
my winrate is too high with her, I'm currently boycotting playing Vindicta so her winrate tanks more and Yoshi has to fix her
>and Vindicta weapon to begin with.
she isn't, her only viable build is going full spirit
i mean, you even just completely missed the point. the screenshot is showing what he is wearing and holding
actual fucking retard ITT >>687876408
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>actually hating something I think does not exist at all makes sense
>t. mad tranny
I applaud you quadrupling down, despite objectively being wrong and everyone calling you out on it. Never change.

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