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The next mainline Sonic game is projected to be a light continuation of Sonic Frontiers. You won’t need to play Frontiers to understand it but some plot points will transfer over. Only the basic plot points are established right now and SEGA higherups are very, very involved

>Eggman and Sage visit an isolated island that secretly houses a digitized version of the Master Emerald that has been deactivated for centuries. It has a name but is being kept secret from my insider
>Suddenly activated which summons all the chaos emeralds, the island shoots up into the sky like Angel Island and basically traps all of the residents. These are the "Meso" people
>Sonic and Tails track the Chaos Emerald readings and go over. The plan is to stop Eggman from harnessing the power of the digitized Master Emerald and Sonic has to find the Chaos Emeralds
>End game is planned to be like Unleashed with a proto-Eggmanland being built on the island
>The game ends with Sage leaving Eggman's side after witnessing his evil and going about life her own way

Lore (this aspect might change entirely)
>The island is called the "Summit Spire"
>The Meso people of the Island were in direct conflict with the ancients, who created the digitized Master Emerald before they came to Earth. Pretty much confirmed this is what they were using before they came to Earth
>basically the remaining ancients who lived on Angel Island kicked out the people who originally lived there, and sent them to Summit Spire. In revenge, they stole the digitized Master Emerald and nearly fully wiped out the ancients. Recognizing the history of war the Meso swore to deactivate the digitized Emerald forever
>The real Master Emerald was left to be guarded with Chaos, the final descendant of the ancients

Fundamentally it's a story about whether it's correct to limit someone else's freedom for your own. I don't particularly like Ian Flynn but he does have more involvement beyond scriptwriting this game
can you talk about its gameplay?
How is its art direction? Are there still Halo forge platforms floating in the air?
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What characters will be present in this story outside of Sonic, Tails, Eggman and Sage?
I haven't seen much gameplay but it has been in full development for about a year and a half now. You could probably find footage in select Discord servers

It is not finished but there are several different environments on one giant island
Knuckles and Rouge, Amy plays a similar role to how she did in Lost World
>no Shadow
Yeah, and Frontiers was going to reveal that the modern Sonic cast were doppelgangers created by Eggman to replace the classic cast or some shit.

Pull the other one, it's got bells on.
Who will be playable?
Fake but I actually wish she would leave. boring bitch that taints eggman.
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>You could probably find footage in select Discord servers
I am not aware of any of these servers

Do you have an invite link to one of them?
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Sage leaving Eggman is somewhat believable, but this is fake.
Do Sonic and his goons have new 3D models in this game? If so then how do they look?
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Will the physics sliders return?
Don't care, how's the gameplay? Does it still have open world?
Can you spin dash?
Can Sonic gain speed by rolling down a hill in this game?
>Sage just becomes yet another shitty friend.
Thankfully this is fake.
Thats cringe, let him have an evil daughter
Sounds kino
Sorry I can't share for privacy reasons but you can find them on server lists.

For any gameplay questions it kind of reminded me of this fangame but less slightly less momentum focused and less rolling. https://youtu.be/CdKN7jprOFE
>Sonic Team making more bad games with boring premises
Sounds real enough
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hopefully the next game isnt open world ubislop like frontiers
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Thanks anon! Is boosting still in the game?
Wow it's on the internet it's got to be true!
how do we summon correct and truthful leaks?
source: OP's ass
What's the codename for this project?
Why does only Sonic get these weird essay-long bullshit rumors?
because of Sonic Frontiers' focus tests
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This sounds so laughably bad but at the same time this is a game being penned by Ian Flynn so that makes it more believable.
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As long as Tails is in it, we'll be good.
>Fundamentally it's a story about whether it's correct to limit someone else's freedom for your own
We had that in Frontier's already
I promise you there was not a soul in the entire company of SEGA that lifted a finger in objection to the story because it contained the same moral inquiry as the last game

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