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both are bad, there shouldn't be a femoid "officer" in the first place.
please tell me thats not her
because HOLY fuck

how do you look at this and think "yep this is definitely an improvement"
its not the same character
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Does the imperium use those one? You gain a carpet after a couple of decades of service if they works like irl.
>how do you look at this and think "yep this is definitely an improvement"
How do YOU, in 2024, still presume devs think like that?
why did she go from brunette white woman to old mexican senorita?
She hit the wall
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She’s been hagified
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Sometimes, they give you a shitton of medals.
>main story written by a literal tranny
checks out
the right is at least more setting accurate
The medals are ok i wonder if THAT precise award is used. I have no idea how is called in english i am esl.
>SM1: cute girl next door
Man wolverine claw IG commander was so badass and stupid at the same time.
you can never convince me they arent make this shit on purpose
this new game takes place over 100 years after the first one. That said, the plot is remarkably identical, down to having two female Cadian IG chicks.
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>In the grim darkness of the far future there are still jeets
>Sweet caring grandma
>Done with everyone's shit grandma
>Badass soldier grandma
Which one is she? Because first two I can deal with
I don't think the ribbons are based off of anything. At least, I genuinely have zero idea if there's a standardized service ribbon hierarchy like there is in real life.
Perfectly in line with his character.
I.G. infantrymen don't live this long.
shes not going to fuck you anon
Go read the Ciaphas Cain books, and you are going to be furious when you learn that there are female inquisitors too i guess
it's not even the same character, dunno what the point of this meme is? to expose people who don't play the game?
Well that's just bad game design!
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but then what would a space marine stick his massive schlong inside to brutalize its innards?
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its been 200 years since the first game dumbass
>this whole thread
Hey, retards here's a PROTIP for you: If you're on 4chan, and you see a thread with a topic you're not familiar with, DON'T just enter the thread and bite the ragebait. LURK MOAR
As a hagfag that's offensive. The pic in the OP is far, far worse than any hagshit.
What is she supposed to be?
>Blue pubes sticking out
the west has fallen
gosh anon maybe that means it's not the same character
Gang medic for Necromunda
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that was not my point. After 100 years, it just so happens that he has to deal with another Cadian fem IG officer, out of the gazillions of other IG regiments that exist? It was probably down to fan service.
Ist not her. SM2 takes place at least 200 years in the future. Shes a normal human and not a Space Marine that lives for centuries.
Cadians are the default regiment just like Ultramarines are the default chapter
Let's be real: both look unreasonably good (and alive) for Guardsmen characters.

Rejuvinate treatments are a thing but as I understand even those have limits. Ciaphas Cain was only able to extend his lifetime to about 200, wasn't he?
Cadians are the only regiment normies know.
Didn't some bigshot can get an access age extension techanyway? You don't have to be Muhreens for that.
thats probably it. Generic, bland normie slop. The plot is the same as well, just with different xenos and Chaos attached.
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Totally a missed opportunity to not have Tallarns for extra DEI points and just a cool dude riding on some mechano-horse or speed bike or some shit.
Rejuvenat treatments are really only available to upper echelon Imperials, which in the IG would pretty much just be Lord Commanders and Lord Commissars who most of the time would have a lot more medals than her
Lol holy shit

Leftists and trannys just can't help themselves
That too. So if Mira had somehow gotten some she would have had to have done some DAMN good work for the Imperium.
wartrannies will defend this
imagine making this just so you can screenshot it and post it in threads like this. actual mental illness.
Oh no, now this game has to fail!
Left is only bad because of outdated, 7th gen brown and bloom graphics. Right is a deliberate artstyle change to give her a more square, masculine face and harsh features
are you guys still saying the game is only 2 hours long in every thread?
First Horizon Zero Dawn now this? Why can't the west make appealing female characters anymore and why do they have to ruin existing ones?
Female guardsmen and women in positions of power has been a thing since the dawn of WH40K, retarded incel.
Right isn't the same character.
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Sisters of Battle owe me their blood.
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Tau when?
>Going for human women
>In year 40,999 of our lord and saviour
Even Guilliman went for an Eldar babe.
>Characters get older as time progresses in universe
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I wish Guilliman died and we got Russ back instead.
>Space Wolves are gay
Checks out.
Hello W40K tourist, do you want a travel brochure?
I see an average female character on the left and an ugly Tumblr abomination on the right
Nu uh, Space Wolves FUCK! They are not virgins like the Ultramarines
Just wait until you see the actual tabletop models.
>warhammer 40k game has fanservice

Im shocked, shocked i tell you
>Space Wolves FUCK
Until they go back to the camel toe model i'm not prepared to call these ugly.
There's like a hundred trillion imperial guards in the Galaxy, human life has less value than the lasgun they hold (which, as I understand, still costs basically pennies for the Imperium to produce), and they have an attrition rate of 95% each battle with most promotions being based on "you're still alive" AT SOME POINT it is inevitable a woman is going to end up in command of an Imperial Guard group. How long she keeps that though is probably about the same as any dude.

And I also realize Mira was probably killed by Inquisitors after the first game along with the rest of the guards because they knew about Chaos now.
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>people on fucking /v/ of all places are paying money for early access and it comes with spyware
>when the game has already been cracked and is up everywhere
Be honest with me, is this entire board just zoomers and normalfags now?
Anon it's Warhammer. Even if that is her 200 years of constant combat isn't going to be nice to you
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Russ'll be back any day now with the way things are going
I think the left one made sense in the context of the game. Her units wasn't suppose to be even near the frontline but the the enemy have moved in so deep and so fast that all her superiors got wiped out. She was about to get wiped out too before Titus came
She looks the same, just older
Go woke...
finish the line Space Kweens
The Wulfen Yiffen ceremony is an important part of the chapter's culture, you heretic.
is it just me or are space marines cool until they open their fucking mouths? The shit they say is so fucking corny. Probably why I liked the astartes shorts so much
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I don't understand why she's a jeet. Like, not even an actual Cadian. Cadians have purple or violet eyes. If they wanted a diversity regiment they could have used the Tallarn or Catachans.
>jaw wider
>chin bigger
>mouth smaller and pushed up
>nostrils upturned
>brow angrier

That's why the Astartes animation was peak showcase of them.

Just silent and highly efficient killing machines dealing with extreme shit but in an orderly way.
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probably because it's a different character
>the codex astartes does not support this action, but I am looking forward to it
She just looks older. Woman age like milk, so I am not surprised.
this doesn't upset me. the femstodes thing does because it means GW stinks of the same ESG/DEI/Blackrock balls as everything else. tired of huffing this brand of nut stink
After Cadia fell there were numerous Regiments that suddenly became 'Cadians' as a means to inspire morale in some places and cover up the fall in others. Rechmically speaking there's only one generation of real Cadians left.
>uuooooh furry tittie-ACK
The effect is cumulative, none of it's happening in a vacuum.
Except she's a major in the CADIAN FUCKING 8TH. Creed's own regiment.
I think it's the rate of which they say the corny stuff which ruins it. If they said "Even just one living xeno is an affront to the Imperium, a whole planet is an offense to the Emperor" stuff like once or twice mid combat it wouldn't be that annoying.
She took the call.
Yeah...I was thinking about it but then I remembered my space nigga Vulkan said nah. Not looking forward to ending up like an eldar child
the sad truth is most retards that now use 4chan are only here for rage bait, you can make it obvious its rage bait and they will still bite because at the end of the day they just want to be mad
>saar you bloody bitch please redeem the exterminatus and do the needful, britisher basterd saar
It's over, even the grim darkness of 40k can't escape pajeets shitting it up

You stutter in front of women have can't make eye contact. If you ever get married you'll be the type to say "happy wife happy life!"

Exactly. They also always job in cutscenes and official media. I don't believe there's only 1000 of them per chapter because every time they go on a mission at least like 200 jobbers die off.
watching 40keks getting fucked is funny desu.
How to spot Nurgle cultist
isn't this game post-Fall?
It should be because no imperial commoner would have enough wealth to live past 200 years. Even if she was a Cadian.
Anon, Creed has been MIA and considered dead since Cadia fell. The Imperium even got his daughter and made her a Lord Castellan just so they could continue to push 'Lord Castellan Creed' to the public.
The modern Cadians are basically just Cadians in name.
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furry titties are hot Russ had the right idea
Which one though?
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Why is this bitch so fat?
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So that she can burn it while she hops on my dick
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Jonah Orion was cool
I dont know if it's the porn artists, or the people share the porn that makes it so prolific, but it's always fucking landwhales and exaggerated features.
I really dont understand that genre of porn at all.
Palest motherfucking Salamander in the top right.
i kneel
Eldar man you mean
yeah that's actualy kinda funny. They're supposed to be literally PITCH black.
niggers, faggots and stronk whamen

>not naming your all-black chapter Black Holes
>not naming your chapter master Zest
>not making their primary colors purple and green/red
>not making them primarily fight orkz
Same thing they always have. Each other.
You didn't play Halo?
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Ma'am i'm not buying it

Not all militaries are as medal crazy as the US, russia and North Korea.
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I don't understand why people think Salamanders are African when they're literally black, not black ethnically.
>black library
They warned us long ago. What's it called. Foreshadowing? Sheeeeit.
Honestly majority of Space Marines were random dudes before receiving their genetic enhancement, so having niggers amongs the boys make sense.

Looks like her daddy. Based.
In my whole life I have not seen a single nigger
They're supposed to be literally coal black, jamal, not brown.
OP pic is far and away more attractive than any human female face GW has ever released. Juan Diaz daemonettes were pretty much it.
The only one that's legitmately not ethnically black is Vulkan since was made from Emperor's DNA, primarchs are super kendolls basically. The rest of Salamander legion are mixed, there white, black, asian, etc since they were normal people once.
That's pretty tame for a guardsmen
Think it's because when you hear
A lot of people think
>African men
Instead of
>literally fucking black
>lol no hair
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What, genetic half breeds don't count?
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>normal people
Reading is hard isn't it Redditor?
The thing is that I’m alright with having a full nig legion. Give them Jamaican accents and be big lovable dudes kinda like the giga nigga from the green mile. Some legions can be mixed but for gods sake keep the ones that are supposed to be super white as white as can be.
Doesn't this game take place 200 years after the first? How is this chick still alive?
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Why libtards think it's normal to make everything about niggers, stronk whamen and faggots?


Like somebody from Senegal
Kill yourself, you worthless fucking gooncel secondary zoomertranny. Fuck off and go back to your Discord server you porn-addicted waste of oxygen.
>Give them Jamaican accents and be big lovable dudes kinda like the giga nigga from the green mile
Emperor TTS and its consequences...
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So, Ugandan?
Pic reads like a 14 year old on Ifunny.
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Creed died to be replaced with this.
It’s not the same chick
It's not even cope. The most famous Salamander at the moment is pretty clearly asian.
Unironically yeah. Salamanders live on a planet that's almost entirely lava.
Vulkan is always going to sound like Keith David in my head
Oh, lol my bad.
It’s a good take on them honestly. They are different from the normal hardcore “I’m blessed” space marines. It’s actual diversity that isn’t there just to shove down your throat.
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wait a minute, if this guy has been serving for like 100 years, how is this chick still in the game? Do they give her gene therapy to make her live a billion years? How does that work? I've heard commissars are old as fuck too. Do you just get the gene therapy when you reach a certain rank?
And White Scar are supposed to be Asian, apparently. I see nothing wrong with these.
Can you play coop with hamachi or something? Or do you need to connect to some gay ass server?
Lieutenant Mira is not Major Sarkana
Normal human in Warhammer have lifespan of several hundred years. Like the protagonist in Battlefleet Gothic, he lived for over 200 years.
>haha! Reddit haha!
Supposedly it’s peer to peer so you could run a separate server I guess, heard you could do it in the leak but never tried.
To be fair, the one on the right would be a more accurate depiction of a female I.G. soldier. The one on the left looks like she never saw the battlefield in her life.
Only richfags like high ranking officers. Your average imperial citizen (if they make it past the horrendous childhood mortality rates) probably dies around like 55.
She was awesome. And the way she is built up before the actual meeting is great. Sort of reminds me of the buildup of Lillith from Frasier.
>T. Thousand Sun nerd
I guess the watermelon paint scheme was a mutation too.
Oh, and also, I despise you, namefag. It's nothing personal.
Has ANYONE played the early version? Is it even out? I havent seen a single fuking person talking about it
>knows enough to understand the salamanders gene seed mutation makes their skin literally coal black, not that they are "black"
>still gives them black african facial features anyways
it's mid
Because it's funny. "Salamanders are Black" so you paint and treat them like various black stereotypes and dumbass rightoids will unironically seethe over it. How autistic do you have to be to not get it?
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Good luck I'm behind 7 planetary fortifications
Because the regular inhabitants of Nocturne, where Salamanders are recruited, are described as blonde negroes. Gene-seed often pushes a recruit into certain facial features to SOME extent but only a few have the power to turn any recruit into a different race entirely. Yes, Vulkan himself was a mega-Aryan in blackface but his gene-sons not necessarily.

Because they're black-coded and always have been same as the White Scars being asian-coded and Blood Angels being homosexual-coded.

The initial "lore" is irrelevant. Each chapter (and faction) over time got flanderized into a comically exaggerated version of themselves.
thats a redraw from a scene in the atlantis movie, you retard, the character its drawn over is black in the animation
Does that mean there are literal furry space marines? I read that they sometimes get spliced with animal DNA. So if one chapter looks like lizard people, they all look like lizard people.
>and Blood Angels being homosexual-coded.
Audible kek

>MmmmMMmmm DanteeeEEEee!
>You look SUPER cute in your silly-will masthk
>MmmmmMmmm Noh! YOU look SEwwwwper cute in your silly red awrmowwwr
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I hope you like sharks, you fucking disgusting faggot.
Leman Russ, primarch of the Space Wolves, was explicitly stated in a HH book that he was spliced with canine DNA. So yes, sometimes his gene-sons mutate into Werewolves.
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Nah, that's just Space Wolves and I guess maybe Black Dragons.
>unattractive woman in 40k is shocking
lol fuck off retard
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Look at those lips. bloods not the thing hes sucking tonight
It's criminal that he canonically dies on Kronus but I guess it's better than being war gear fodder for lesbian pyromaniacs
This. Kikes and redditors who try to justify this are holding the IP hostage.
There have been imperial guard female officers since forever newfag
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Tell me you're a tourist without telling me you're a tourist.
They really did go full retard with the Wolf iconography.

>Hey people really love the "Corvus" helmets for the Raven Guard
>What if...
“Fucking hate wolves” -Bjorn probably
Why pretend to be a fan of something?
>Captain said I can wear my fursuit to battle today, I'm so excited!
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>oh no the woman got old and scarred :(

did you tourists forget it's 40k
did you tourists forget it's the imperial guard
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>people unironically say space furries are the best chapter
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So sick of gacha porn addicts.
She still look better than most, who would have scars on their scars on those scars.
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Yeah the decision to make her a woman was made in a vacuum. Much like my decision to rape your mother was made in a vacuum.
that looks like a natural progression of age
women look like men when they get old
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To be honest I'd probably really like Space wolves if they cut back to around 1/3rd of the current amount of wolf nomenclature on everything. Like Kraken Blades are awesome. Nothing to do with wolves. Great. More of that please.

Wolf attack dogs, Awesome. Wolf cavalry and wolf chariots? Fuck off.
>Cadia still rolls
That's not the issue, apparently it's not the same person. But the running rumor is that she is clone. Unless you get gene therapy you can't live a hundred years. So either some shit happened between the first and second game to make her change her name and undergo treatment, then this is weird. They basically couldn't come up with a better character so they just copied the chick from the first one and didn't put any work into her character development.
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>Nids instead of Orks
Even MORE Cringe.
>The tabletop has unironic tranny god and faction
>lol gacha porn
youre acting like youve never played dawn of war anon
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It would be nice if you could disable the objective marker
>wolf chariots?
What the fuck? Chariots have nothing to do with vikings or wolves.
Do space marines canonically have sex?
>Has wolf for their names
>Entire legion consist of half superhuman half wolf, alot of them even mutated into wulfen
>L-l-less wolf symbolism please
Oh god, that's not supposed to be the same character is it? Like SM2 doesn't have Mira from the first game, BUT UGLIER, right?
Some do, like Space Wolves (with wolves).
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He meant those giant Fenris Wolf they ride.
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That's fucking dumb enough to make me say
>That's fucking dumb
out loud.
Space Wolves. WOLVES.
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Every other Chapter with an animal symbol manages to not go full retard about it, even the Chapter named after Ravens with the Primarch named Corvus Corax and the Chapter Master named Shrike.

Gonna make a chapter called STATIC SLOTHS and their symbol will be a sloth and they just don't follow orders, just sit in their chapter bomb shelter and neet it out.
The only chapter with a stupider naming scheme than the Space Wolves is Ferrus Manus. Dude's name is literally Iron Hands and he has Iron hands and his chapter is called the Iron Hands.
SpaceWolves is not animal symbol. They are literall werewolves and can mutate into these things once the geneseed mutation went out of control.
You want actual retarded symbolism? Ultramarine.
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Here's your female custodes bro.

You can tell it's a female because you actually have to be told it's a female.
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What the fuck has been going on with 40k?
>ship gets stuck in warp
>gets spit out 200 years later when the crew has lived decades on the ship
>brought together again by Tzeentch because 5D backgammon
It could have totally worked
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A lot of Space Wolf antics are considered borderline heresy by other chapters and it's because a lot of it is fucking stupid and pointless.
concordtroons are so buttblasted their game died off they're just shitposting on good games lmao
I unsubscribed to Warhammer+ a bit ago. Seems like it was a good decision.
brb freaking out cuz I just remembered Blood Angels are all red
Space Wolves becoming the Wolf Wolves that Wolf Wolfingly has been happening for like 15 years now
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Still far less unpleasant than those flesh things Darktide tries to pass off as human
They are pretty rogue and fucking hate the codex so yeah a lot of the hardliners wanna call heresy, especially with the mutations ala wulfen
>on good games
Any examples? Link the thread(s) ID/post #.
they love those lines and they love squaring the jaw just enough to be impossible to ignore
They have their own furry version of Flesh Change and operate on their own principle instead of " muh emperor " entire time.
you can just look at the threads you and your discordfuckbuddies made on the front page buttblasted toron
Are you one of those retards that thinks race is only skin deep?
>Space Wolves don't use too much wolf symbolism because they turn into WERE-wolfs, not actual wolves
Nigger, shut the fuck up.

Ultramarines aren't even Ultramarine.

The two missing legions were always women and they decided (unilaterally) to become mothers and caretakers and not combatants and the Emperor was kind enough to grant them their wish. But they're being reconscripted now that the Imperium is under attack so female Space Marines are (re)confirmed.

The Tyranids are actually a bioweapon made by a C'Tan.

The Tau are actually the original Necrontyr...the Necrontau, except neither Tau or the Necron are aware of this yet.
Having a stroke, anon? You said shit about people shitting on good games. Where?
why are you asking questions you already know the answer to, troon?
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Here's that Space Marine chapter I was telling you about...
You niggers watch too much anime and jav porn and have completely lost the plot in regards to the jaw line meme.
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Nothing you have just said makes any logical sense but GW is stupid enough to make it canon, so I believe it.
So, doesn't exist and you're outing yourself as a schizo. Sadly there are always a few of you around. Good luck.
>Oh its just original warhammer, swords and magic and stuff
>that one guy with the shoulder cannon
Whatever you say troon, why don't you make this board a better place and kill yourself and your buttbuddies?
Changeling or no, the Dark Angels really should have wrapped up blowing Fenris.
no, that's full-blown native indian grandma territory
Dark Angels, you mean.
That name is a dumb pun. Ultra + Space Marines => Durrhurr Ultramarine color.
Gets weirder.
Good luck.
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Shoulder canons are cool though.
>Blood Angels are all red
Sanguinius and Dante have golden armor.
Right is a 10 in britain.
I understand the change.
I want all trannies to die
but then warhammer 40k games would flop (harder)
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What is everyone in this thread even expecting???

Did you expect your imperial guard sergeant to look like your anime waifu? In the setting where the average lifespan of a guard is 12 hours, you are a lard-tard to unironically have the delusion to think a woman who goes in the battlefield is anywhere 6/10 at best. They're scarred physically psychologically, they don't take care of themselves beyond what's for survival. They're grizzled, shit-stained and battle hardened soldiers.
Fuck the trannies, fuck the waifus, fuck the tau, fuck the LGBT, fuck the custodes, this shit has nothing to do with those.

If you unironically came to this setting and expected beautiful people, go fuck yourself.
Right looks like she enjoys living in London.
Sir... your orders....?
The irony is you can literally just go outside and see that most women don't look nearly as bad as all these manjawed women being shoved into every game
good, a win-win for me
lmao. you're the intruder here, retard
He's 200+ (4 gold service bolts), but it's only ~100 years in the future (the chaplain specifically says he's been working for Deathwatch for 100 years, and he's only got two new service bolts).
What is this faggot doing nowadays? He canceled this dumbass powerpoint slideshow after Gamesworkshop announcing new copyright policity, which later proven to be unrelated to fan made parodies.
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>saars, do the needful and come subway in Toronto, get extra foot fungus with purchase
Forget your weak ass, genetically inferior women passing on their non-existent jaw lines and anemic grip strength.
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it's the guard, bro. they've always had women.
they are warm bodies that exist to hold a lasgun for 15 hours or so until they get melted by tyranids, gender is irrelevant.
What's the problem?
>Ultramarines aren't even Ultramarine.
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Gives me the Ogre Gods vibes with how huge the mouth is and how small the eyes and ears are.
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You like ugly manjawed women?
Acktually they put their wieners in extra large wolf pussy, so they're not gay.
Why is everyone expecting everyone woman outside of the imperial assassins to be bombshells? And even in the case of the assassins they're all masked anyway. The Imperium doesn't have time for you to make yourself pretty for the battlefield.
bihh look like that one hoe saying shes built like her
I mean, it makes sense for her to be battle scarred. You faggots complain about every single ugly character even if they are lore accurate?
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>Did you expect your imperial guard sergeant to look like your anime waifu?
Its bootyblasted concordtroons seething their shit game died
No woman in 40k should be pretty. 40k is one of the most sexless and loveless settings out there, even Slaanesh and the Drukari are barely about sex anymore
He started doing a Vampire the Masquerade thing which had some good moments early on but recently has gotten way to into a bunch of really unenjoyable characters and spend way to much time talking about dumb shit instead of moving the story along, pretty much the same thing that happened to TTS when he tried to make it so there was a "plot" instead of just taking the piss out of the setting while explaining in.

He also did a Half Life thing I enjoyed well enough, though I only watched one episode.
what kind of virgin actually gives a fuck about this
holy fuck kill yourselves you soulless faggots.
I swear you incels really want to insert instagram baddies into every setting regardless of realism. Killing art with your porn addiction makes you just as bad as the leftists who kill art for their own personal agendas as well.
Your agenda is just your dick
Space Marines can't have sex. They are eunuchs.
he was held in stasis for at least 100 years between the end of the first game and him joining deathwatch
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>40k is one of the most sexless and loveless settings out there
LIIVI is canon and the dude bagged an Eldar wife long before Guilliman ever did.
There's no way any of you people are stupid enough to think Sarkaana and Mira are supposed to be the person right? They're not even the same ethnicity.
To be fair that one is a hallucination by a Sister going schizo. Though there is that one Guard lady who got a couple novels, she's cute.
I wish Alfabusa luck with his endeavors but personally I just cannot give a fuck about the Vampire the Masquerade setting.
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setting everything else aside, why do they give female characters these fucking insane man jaws? most male movie stars don't have jaws as chisled as the woman on the right's, let alone the average woman
Correct, they're cobalt blue.
It also seems that she got fat and indian, retard.
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Lets assume she survives for a couple of days and lets see how many wrinkles, scars, bodily damage, eyebags, etc. she gets.
Stress and pressure under constant war is one helluva drug.
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>To be fair that one is a hallucination by a Sister going schizo
That one's from the first trailer where she's 100% alive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9V0bOB8sXQ
>tfw no 500 loli techpriest gf
No, they're just sterile. Their augmentations don't get rid of their genitals.
>Lets assume she survives for a couple of days
omae wa mou shindeiru
You think the Imperium would let women get away with not serving in the military? Life is literally worthless the militarum don't care at all about what people are as long as they fight and die as ordered.
no one in 40k that lives in harsh conditions constantly on the battlefield should be "beautiful". that happens only in weebshit games where suspense of disbelief is nonexistent
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>survives for a couple of days
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there's still plenty of agri-worlds and paradise planets.
the only reason women weren't pretty in 40k is because games workshop sculptors have historically been kind of shit.
how can she be alive? dont man die by the millions everyday?
it's not the same character 'tard. you fell for obvious bait
Their junk is as good as dead. Desperate fags usually resolve to Slaanesh in order to get it going again.
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Wrong actually.
The only 100% canonical romantic relationship between a Human and a Eldar is with Iskandar Khayon and Nefertari.
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Faggot shit

Why do you get off at looking at ugly women?
Yeah and none of those matter because that's not what the setting is about. It's like when they showed that garish planet in the Mandalorian with Lizzo and Jack Black, it looked completely out of place...because it was. 40k is an ugly, grimy setting and the women (and men) should reflect that
So is it the same character or is it a different character. OP, you wouldn't just go online and tell disingenuous fake bullshit, wouldn't you? Cause people don't do that, right?
Oh. So Pariah Nexus is just one big continuation of this trailer, cool.
Every single imperial in this video is dead now :(

Probably it's "tranny coded" where tranny faggots can look at a female character and relate to them.
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>people don't get fatter with age
>fat guardsmen don't exist
Agri-worlds are green hellscapes of pesticides and endless rows of genetically modified monocrops choking out all life and leaching out all nutrients as massive mobile processing factories gather everything and ship it off world until the planet is rendered a lifeless husk.

Paradise Worlds are a "Paradise" for a small number of elites who idle away their days relaxing there. They're not actually enjoyable for the vast majority of people living there. Just imagine Cuba but on a planetary scale.
Warhammer fans are so fucking stupid
It's 40k. There shouldn't really be any pretty people with how horrific the setting is.
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nah that's some revisionism.
40k's always had hot babes, the setting is heavy metal album covers not misery porn.
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That's one of the really neat things about the trailer. The fact it's connected to Pariah Nexus I think really helps illustrate the whole grimdark thing WH40k has going on. So much death and destruction, that even heroes seem to die in droves.
There should be pretty people because it makes the violence more exciting.
Audrey hepburn has a small jaw, its not exactly that sharp either its pretty round and soft. It's more that her under chin area is very healthy and tucked back, it's good balanced musculature despite her having such a petite soft neck too
no one has an issue with women who look like this, get real
>Her POV:
>people change race with age
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I don't see the problem, 40K has always been full of ugly shovel faced bitches. I prefer hot characters, over starfield NPCs, but if there was ever a franchise where I wasn't bothered by a blockheaded hook nosed mystery meat hag, its 40K
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A guardsman who somehow manages to survive long enough to be covered in scars deserves a big-breasted tomboy wife.
That's a high-ranking officer, not some grunt, you disingenuous tranny.
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why aren't there any drama stories about living life on a no-worries paradise world? I'm assuming they are similar to first world countries on earth? Seems like a missed opportunity to appeal to the pussy crowd.
I don't get off to video games. and anime girls are not beautiful either, by the way
You guys think "new enemy" means "new enemy nid type" or "new enemy faction"? What if they just do "what if" scenarios in the c-op missions where they just port the orks from space marine 1 into the current co-op missions?
>Death korps
>Mask off
immersion ruined
nice square manface
>It's a "normalize uglification" in media NPC

It's just a symptom of lifestyle. Autistic levels of discipline that kills sex drive. That's why the Space Wolves have sex, while Ultramarines are virgins.
yes, battlefield soldiers should not look like caked up whores with botox. they should look rugged, scarred and prematurely aged
Paradise worlds crop up in novels all the time. They tend to be places that get fucked over because people get to lax and the reason it tends to be a "Paradise" is because something designed it to be that way and then the Eldar or Necrons show up and want their land back.
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Get triggered.
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>There should be pretty people because it makes the violence more exciting.
Same thing with everything else good.
Women, sois and fags are actively ruining it with the full support of the MBA CEOs.
Refer to OP picture retard. You gonna tell me left side is a "caked up whore" just because she isn't westoid-ugly approved?
I don't think this image proved what you think it proved.
>expecting people to look good in 40k
Darktide did it right with all characters being ugly scarred mutts.
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Seeing/hearing/imagining cute girls dying makes my peepee hard.
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yeah. that's what a hot babe was in the 80s and 90s.
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Can't wait to spread my Primaris BBC across the galaxy, where the white women Custodes at?
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There's three girls in this picture.
Is it the skull?
Humans are encouraged to be non-stop fucking when they aren't non-stop fighting. That cannon fodder isn't going to birth itself soldier
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One in top middle is an old granny. I actually played Mechanicus.

Fuck I still need to actually beat Mechanicus, too.
>it was always bad therefore it's good
I know jack shit about Warhammer but I always like to read through the threads and see anons gush about lore.
It's like when grandpa tells his nonsense stories that you can't possibly comprehend.
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no, she looks rugged enough. left girl is also some new officer who came to command because all of her superiors just died. right is a veteran. now kill yourself
Ah, dang that was my second guess.
That's an egalitarian feminist power fantasy. If the Imperium truly viewed life as worthless they would just turn every woman into a sex slave broodmare.
It has some cool bits here and there. It is just the aesthetic belongs to edgy 80s British comicbooks, which exactly the era Warhammer started. It looks ugly and repulsive.
This looks like some AoS slop.
Not even the cool kind of werewolves.
Warhammer lore is not complex or deep. It's Marvel-tier
that would be too horny, even for chaos factions.
Krieg does do that though.
They do on some planets, most places are allowed to run their worlds as they see fit. Some are more authoritarian than others. As long as they meet quotas they can do whatever they want.
It would be more consistent with the setting
The whole Imperium would be portrayed as doing it if the writers had balls
They use Vitae-Wombs to grow their soldiers.
Chill draigo
Are your tranny delusions so deep that you think that OP looks anything like Audrey Hepburn?
Uncontroled sexual stuff is considered heresy because it empowers Slaanesh.
That would suggest they value them enough to keep them alive, healthy and safe so they can breed more humans as if that's what they care about at the end of the day. How does that align with life being worthless?
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Reminder that the Sisters of Battle were created because Doge Vandire was a massive coomer who wanted an all-female army to suck his dick and murder his enemies. Also the Sisters send dominatrix nuns to /ss/ the shit out of noble children to groom them for a life of leadership.
>It also seems that she got fat and indian, retard.
it's not even the same person, moron
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>It would be more consistent with the setting
how would it be more consistent if it's literally not what the setting is about?
we get it dude you hate women. 40k isn't your outlet for that tho.

stick to Gor.
How am I supposed to have a slow sensual tongue twining with them if they don't have mouths?
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It is interesting that Mechanicus has some of the oldest female characters in the setting, with Koriel Zeth being one of the first.
>The whole Imperium would be portrayed as doing it if the writers had balls
It's a moot point, I've read some short stories where it's emphasized, but it's pretty boring because it turns into shipping crap. Or like, fanfic porn. Which is dull. If it really bothers you then just make your own planet/chapter that does all that stuff.
Tounge is flesh and flesh is weak
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Put some My Chemical Romance in the speakers brother, TIME TO GET EDGY!
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Stick your USB inside her USB port
>Also the Sisters send dominatrix nuns to /ss/ the shit out of noble children
You didn't need to type further to convince to convert to SoB.
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>troonguards on top of the troonstodes
My interest in anything GW is evaporating at an increasing pace.
>Tech Magi who's never had an orgasm
I can show you the world~~~
>Koriel Zeth
Holy fuck that's a cool design. Mechanicus have the best everything, I swear.
It's not, but she's clearly an homage.
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It would be highly regulated under the Imperium
>How does that align with life being worthless?
It deprives women of autonomy and humanity. Most would rather die than be an eternal rape slave
>new outrage topic just dropped
Just remember, do not subscribe to Warhammer+. many streaming companies are having to consolidate and merge because they wasted money chasing the streaming dragon over the last few years. If you refuse to use their services they will disappear eventually. It's why Star Trek is being put in a vault. Paramount got bought out by Skydance and they don't want to waste money on a dead franchise.
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>new game made by faggots
>it's shit
they existed before Goge. and their current iteration is really more Sebastian Thor's doing.
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Orders Famulous spanks children and get called mommy.
It's incongruent with other elements of the setting.
No. The writers avoid writing about it because it doesn't align with their personal moralities.It has nothing to do with boredom
>Most would rather die than be an eternal rape slave
Have you ever met a woman retard?
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Truly among the Imperium's greatest Saints.
>It's incongruent with other elements of the setting.
it is not.

go back to Gor.
Eldar women don't age like this
It's a moot point (again). Because people who are into this stuff don't like that sort of fan fiction. But again, you are free to do your Reylo shit if you really want to.
No one in 40k should be pretty. MAYBE Fulgrim since that's his whole gimmick, but that's it
Yes it is. It's an egalitarian feminist power fantasy in a supposedly "grimdark" depiction of the future.
The truth is the truth regardless of whether it falls on deaf ears.
>They kill you for knowing about Chaos
I don't know about current lore, but it used to be you only got killed if there was a good chance you were TAINTED by Chaos. Encountering a bona-fide demon was liable to do that, so if you fought demons, tended to be your regiment would be purged.

But if you fought Chaos Space Marines or cultists, even if they were using psykers, generally you weren't tainted and you could go home to be miserable and shell shocked like everyone else who's seen action in the Imperium. Frankly, fighting Chaos usually made a person more averse to it, so if you survived a crusade against a cult with only physical weapons, they'd trust you to be vigilant and resentful of the Imperium's "great foe" on the basis you'd seen first hand what stupid assholes they are.
I always feel Wsrhammer is too big to fail then I see Star Trek and Star Wars' corpses and seriously wonder. GW seems to get away with acting retarded though.
hasnt it been like 10 years or something?

its a miracle she is still alive
your Gorean fantasies aren't 40k. go away.
>The truth is the truth regardless of whether it falls on deaf ears.
Doesn't matter, if they don't want to depict hand maiden death worlds then they don't have to, however; you are encouraged to write your own fanfiction and use it in your own cannon.
He really did NOT need to type the rest, but im glad he did it anyway
>"Y-You have such beautiful eyes, S-Sir!!"
GW can do whatever the fuck it wants because they basically have no competition, they absolutely dominate the wargame hobby even more than D&D dominates ttrpg or Marvel/DC dominate comics.
By far the best thing a woman could do for the Imperium is to give birth to lots of sons and raise them well.
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Welcome to the club buddy
Not an argument.
The truth is the truth regardless of whether it doesn't matter to some. The truth in this case being: female combatants is an egalitarian feminist power fantasy.
nope, but the sm2 character might as well be notMira.
Wow, power fantasies? In 40k? Say it fucking isnt so
That child doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the Imperium, and you will raise it as instructed IF you get to raise it at all. Now get back to work.
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Reason why Star Trek and Star Wars failed is because they require big budgets to earn big profits.

GW meanwhile sells fucking plastic well over 100 times their actual price. THEY LITERALLY CANNOT FAIL. They're selling an overpriced product and it is selling great, there's literally no fucking way for them to fail or flop in any way shape or form.
I'm glad you agree it's a feminist power fantasy grounded in egalitarian morality.
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Alex Jones looking mf
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>he truth is the truth regardless of whether it doesn't matter to some.
And the truth is that some planets are hellscapes and some are just okay. And people would rather hear about planets that are interesting. That is the truth.
reddithammerfags SEETHING
???? there isn't a single fucking feminist that wants to be drafted for war, they don't have any power fantasy about actual combat, their entire fantasies are about ruling over men without doing anything actually hard or meaningful.
People would rather hear about planets that align with their personal moralities—yes, that is the truth.
>The truth is the truth regardless of whether it doesn't matter to some
and the truth is that your Gorean fantasies aren't 40k. go away.
imo it's why you see so many females in positions of authority, high up in the hive, where nothing can ever hurt them.
Nigger its called 'tone'. Guess what: Every character in every story you've ever read shits and pisses, but the writing will seldom focus on that because it would suddenly shift the tone of the entire story if they started having explicit bathroom breaks whenever it would be 'normal' for them to do so
Yes, and it would appear that you are in the minority. Better get used to it if you don't want to actually participate in fandom.
>there isn't a single fucking feminist that wants to be drafted for war
>"Beginning in the 1970s, "liberal feminists" have argued in favor of extending conscription to women, taking the position that women cannot have the same rights as men if they do not have the same responsibilities, and that exempting women from conscription perpetuates stereotypes of women as weak and helpless."
Feminist morality shouldn't be 40k. Go away.
The "tone" in this case is informed by egalitarian morality.
>it would appear that you are in the minority
The truth is the truth regardless of how few believe it.
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And the truth is that your world view is irrelevant in regards to the fantasy.
You don't even know what 'egalitarian morality' even means lmao, fuck outta here with your words you heard some chud youtuber say, little parrot
The truth is the truth regardless of its perceived irrelevance.
Not an argument. Perhaps you should actually explain how I supposedly don't understand what egalitarian morality means if you'd like to even have a chance at defeating me
Sounds like he's a bit of a Hegelian authoritarian to me. Just doesn't want planets to make their own decisions. He would rather have a government that makes all the decisions for its citizens. I smell chaos.
literally me
Khepra starts to grow on you after playing the game for a while.
Some agri worlds are some are worlds of comfy homesteads
Objective reality is more important than your beliefs.
>Hegelian authoritarian
retarded midwit. you're far worse than him
To be totally fucking honest, that is one guardsman that deserves the most beautiful terran noble.
he's from an acid planet
You're a feckless dullard who can't even explain what is wrong with my statement, shush.
That's not an Agri-world then. That's just some uncivilized backwater of little to no value where no one is around to stop the Orks from killing you.
>GW meanwhile sells fucking plastic well over 100 times their actual price. THEY LITERALLY CANNOT FAIL. They're selling an overpriced product and it is selling great, there's literally no fucking way for them to fail or flop in any way shape or form.
Typical 8th edition baby
1) GW already nearly went bankrupt once
2) GWnalready having issues with production and logistic costs (first quarter without releasing any marines/40k stuff)
3) GW annual revenue went from 0.8 bill durring corona to 0.5 bill (turns out plastic crack isn't that big market even comparing with toys).
It is, hence my choice to align myself with objective morality in this debate, rather than the opinions of the masses
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Good game, much stronger second half than 1. Exceeded my expectations honestly.
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you dont even have to read a book. you can simply. play a Warhammer40k game and see it.
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No, that's just a bias you use to appeal to pathos.
Feel free to actually demonstrate your claim.

oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no
It's been in the lore for a while now. If you aren't extremely useful, ie space marine or inquisition stormtrooper, you get killed if you have any knowledge of chaos regardless of your purity.
The lore reason is chaos grows stronger and spreads more easily the more people who know about it, minds/the warp/etc. If this is a legitimate or effective way of preventing chaos depends how much grimderp you want in your setting.
It's been in the lore since the early HH series (15+ years) and is one of the reasons the Emperor didn't warn anyone about chaos.
You already gave an anecdotal opinion based preference. Claim is in your own words.
Warhammer is not a utopian society so your average literal who guardsman is not going to get live extension when their purpose is explicitly to be thrown into the meet grinder and die.
There's like 20 whales maybe that are funding MWO's servers atm.
I personally am not against there being beautiful people in warhammer 40k, just make it so they're the exception and not the norm.
I await the master's demonstration.
Cope harder landwhale
Thankfully i've never been retarded enough to pay for BL and streaming shit.
Thing is the only real thing GW has going for them is the setting and the sculpts playing into it. (the rules have sucked tremendous balls for 2-3 editions now and people tolerate them at best)
If they're shitting up the setting they're de-facto shitting up the sculpts.
At that point you might as well 3D print or buy off 3D printers for a fraction of a fraction of the price.
>sorry lady but you can't defend the planet from space locusts who are going to eat us, I cannot COOM to your bio
Only Sisters of battle are kind of cute. Lore accurate.
It's an edit I'm sorry
Beautiful people form the entire young noble class. They only get horrifying once they hit 150+ and the rejuvinant starts fucking up. Also, anybody important is probably going to be one of them.
It is is though
Traditionally humanity in the 40k universe is really brutal, greasy, and ugly or augmented and monsterous, or just a ludicrous parody
>muh realism
>coomer logic
not anymore, geedubs broke them and she is suffering from depression caused by slaanesh ruining ynneads plans, bonus for guilliman literally hating nu 40k and missing the golden days of pre 6th ed
The emperor is actually a skibidi toilet
>happy trail as part of the sculpt
GW, I kneel.
technically correct.
OP you were so chatty, and made this thread to be chatty, don't leave me hanging now.
Why so quiet?
40k would be better if women weren't in it.
>no Sisters
objectively incorrect.
Imperial guard is literally anyone that can hold a lasgun it's the most equal opportunity organization in any work of fiction. Blind? Deaf? Missing a limb? Congratulations you get a brutal cyberpunk prosthetic that works badly and causes you pain and it's off to the trenches for you.

In the setting there's also lost human colonies that are basically cave man hunter gatherers that the imperium takes a tithe of soldiers from.

The major emphasis is that you are a nameless meatshield they throw against the consantly attacking enemies of humanity. If you can hold a lasgun and are "sort of" human (abhumans welcome but no chaos mutants) and you are signed up.
Hi sis
Sisters have been disastrous for the fandom.
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>all women gone except Sisters
Deal accepted
Warhammer is and has always been super fucking dumb.

>This is the year 4 million 391289
>There is the super dictator of the imparium God Monster immortal bullshit
>We have super soldiers who only know war
>omg this is so cool

This sounds like the kind of American slop a 5 year old Heinlein would write.
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They've been disastrous to my dick
It's crazy how much this aligns with the morality of present day militaries. Was liberalism the real grimdark after all?
Safe horny
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Yes, all successful/noticeable sci-fi(or space opera) built around fetishization and sexual appeal.
Gee I wonder why I game made during the Thatcherism years is filled with grim depictions of the logical endpoint of neoliberalism
Let me guess...
>Sisters are ugly because the terrible heavy metal paint team on the Warhammer™ store page is canon

Average people in the setting does not make it prohibitive for sexy heroes to exist. Don't lecture me on some zero sum game you retard.
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You mean the sisters? Yeah I agree for the most part, though you do get some slipping through the cracks
Sounds kino
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no way, fag.
>Warhammer is and has always been super fucking dumb
wow you've discovered the appeal I wonder why nobody else has ever mentioned this before holy shit
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Thatcherism and its consequences have been a disaster for British Conservatism
I doubt the creators thought fat sheboons being recruited into the military to the exclusion of white men was the logical endpoint of "neoliberalism"
Made for rape
What the fuck are you even talking about you absolute brainrotted retard? Get out of here
I'd like the sisters A LOT more if this sort of fan art was posted more often
>Average people in the setting-> >>687927408
You know exactly what I'm talking about you buffoon https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/01/10/army-sees-sharp-decline-white-recruits.html
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what about Eldar females? Macha and Taldeer Farseer are pretty great. I cant imagine the Eldar faction without them or the iconic banshees unit and that yell.

Why are you posting this? Who gives a shit? Fuck off back to /pol/ you mongoloid
Eldar females fit the setting better because (space) elves are less sexually dimporhic than humans
People complaining about this don't know enough about 40k to even be aware that Eldar exist

did you hear it in his voice?
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>Eldar females mentioned
All of those things are just emblems for the medals.
The blue one with the two lines on the top row looks like the british distiguished service medal. Bottom row looks a bit like gibberish, but might be based on various independent or UN medals
>lalala can't hear you!
it's not 2, it's 4h (lol)
I always hear the voices
me neither, it has very little aesthetic value and balance, it's just
luckily if an artist makes 1 such drawing almost all of his work is utter shit and you can just skip him

you niggers really want everything to be as soulless and ugly as you are, thing is, everything else being ugly won't make you more attractive or will make people like you, fucking faggot
What do you mean, every new "fan" knows about Yvrainne and her boy toy
I still whack to it
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No it doesn't line up because the religious fanaticism today isn't for the emperor it's worshiping faggotry.
40k's fanaticism isnt about worshipping the emperor either, its literally the opposite of what he preached
I always think of this quote for some reason whenever I think of Soulstorm. I must play at least a thousand times in combat.

Yeah 'faggotry' is totally why Gaza and Ukraine/Russia are getting glassed
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But is it the opposite of the truth?
>falling for Putin's obvious excuses

Do you REALLY think that if lgbt shit didn't exist at all, Ukraine wouldn't be getting invaded right now anyways? Cause if you do, I have a bridge to sell you
The invisible emperor of faggotry is more powerful than the embodied emperor of 40k
That is literally not what the Imperial Guard is, you fucking tertiary
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Those are both wars of Jewish supremacy. (which controls the US government). Ever wonder why apartheid in South Africa was railed against but you don't hear a single peep about apartheid in Palestine?

Faggotry is just intentional weakening of nations and will be spread extensively to both.
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Next thing you guys are gonna complain about, is about Sisters of Battle being full female.
Unironically but without faggotry Russia most likely wouldn't even dare to pull Crimea shit in the first place
I mained Chaos and my memory of those games is intrinsically linked to these lovable schizos
How do you brown skinned animals manage to figure out how to type?
It's a moot point.
Joining the American empire means adopting its religion as well.
>You gain a carpet after a couple of decades of service
It is sexist and outdated, you are telling me Daemons, Orks and Tyranids exist but men cant put on a frock and carry a bolter? It's 2024 not 1998
fucking take me back
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anyone notice that the Captain in the 3rd-ish mission calls her Sir over and over on the vox? lmaoo
>GLA in the 40k universe
Imagine the kino
I hated how BSG did this. So jarring.
Literally GSC
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Why don't the games ever feature Slaanesh? Are the writers too pussy to go there or they just don't understand it?
Do you think that you've demonstrated anything by demonstrating a screenshot from a 3rd edition guard codex where the cover illustrates that the majority of conscripts were ugly bastards who hold the line going to their deaths unremembered in huge numbers

The person who you model on top of an important vehicle for your army is special in some way? Fuck me that's some novel shit. Next you'll tell me that people put effort into their tank commanders or leader HQ units

40k is ugly. It has bigger than life heros. It's not a novel or unique thing but MOST literal whos are ugly.
>Doesn't count
Not an argument
>noooooo my cherry-picked page is the majority ignore the rest of the book
Cope bitch nigga
fucking retard
guard is for ugly people
sisters of battle is for fuckdolls
i hate fucking tertiaries
could not be more clearly a BT
stop posting, secondary nigger
Well mister cocksucker, I don't want girls with dicks or men with pussies. I just want people who suffer from depravity of basic fucking needs.

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I really needed to fap so I figured I'd look back at the cumdumps from the first edition rouge trader book (before warhammer got woke and started making everyone total uggos)...
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Ah here it is. Behold: woman of the Imperium.
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I'll maybe pirate it but wil never spend a single dime on this company
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In fairness though, we do have this
Although I'm not sure if this is a sharp chinned man with rocker hair
Show us ugly landwhales from this book.
So far it's you who cherrypicks token images.
Meanwhile, 4pk original art-direction.
More sexual appeal

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