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Maintenance starting, we'll be back in about 1 hour.


>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.
Are there quests with money rewards, or is selling things the primary way to get money in this game?
>is selling things the primary way to get money in this game?
first for trans rights
Are there any ad campaigns still running? feels like the well of new players has dried up
>Maintenance starting, we'll be back in about 1 hour.
reading is hard
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what the fuck
redpill me on crusaders, are they really worse than knights?
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>thanks to alch players we now have to wait 1 hour until game is up again
kill those niggers already
female swordsman is CUUUTE CUTE CUTE
b> ledger of death and doppel card x2
female swordsman is made for big knight cock
Not a single alchemist asked for those changes, they're shit.
Maintenance ending in 3 minutes. Prepare to return.
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you're retarded, moving geographer is powerful and many servers have done it
Strictly speaking yes. Saders are limited in where they can hunt because theyre either forced holy or neutral. Knights can hunt in whatever element they choose. Once you trans, paladin doesnt really get better damage, while lord knight does, on top of knight tanking already being better than sader.

None of this is to say sader is bad, its still an excellent class. Its just that knight is a cut above
Should OAB be 1 slot after the nerfed? Just like other elemental bows.
I've been farming sohees for 3 days. I think I'm gonna quit bros.
>Get the urge to play RO again
>Play Knight or Hunter because I like them best
>End up soloing all day and as nobody needs them and I'm bad at reaching out and make friends.
>Get bored
>Play Priest instead because it is useful and desired
>Be useless without a party, rely on others, can't solo anything that isn't undead.
>Get bored

Every time.
Why are you doing this? You're not going to tell me you waste your time and money setting up server just to have a good old day with /v/ degenerates. Are you trying to scam us with miners?
post killcount
Bro just get a card and muffler within 200 sohee its so easy
>no new hats
its over
Is there any scenario where it's worth leveling a job to 50 before rebirth? going assassin btw
mage and aco will have a hard time without it
if you're going assassin you just want to have hiding and envenom both at 3, and everything else maxed. that's more than enough.
acolyte can technically get away with 48, but really why not just do the last 2 levels
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"STALKERS" could be here he thought. "I've never been in this dungeon before. There could be STALKERS anywhere." The cool Assumptio felt good against his pure heart. "I hate STALKERS" he thought. Sweet Bragi reverberated through the entire party, making them buffed as the priceless magnificant circulated through his powerful thick Soul and washed away his (merited) fear of Incubus after dark. "With a High Priest, you can shitpost anywhere you want" he said to himself out loud.
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cool maint
I'm not on ragna/v/. This is just what happens every time I give RO another try.
that happened before maint anyway
I can just throw white potions if the party needs healing, I'm not a fucking leech.
Dev, why does Atlas weapon only get 10 crit while Krasnaya gets +25 attack? Aren't they supposed to be equivalent in power? 25 attack is universally great while 10 crit is only mildly useful for a very specific meme build that's not even very good. It should be at least 20 or 30 crit since it's a niche stat for a niche, sub-optimal build.
Crusaders are better at tanking than knights easily. Far less damage though and knights are good enough tanks for most things.
Do you want help farming?
I loved this cute yuri game
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What class?
I asked for them ages ago too server will die before they get added lol
impregnate thieves
smug thief correction
Tried looking up a guide for the swordsman quests that unlock extra skills and all of them are based in Prontera instead of Izlude and seem to be totally different from what I’ve been doing. Apparently in base RO you need to give the NPC a bunch of items to start the quest but here it seems the swordsman quests involve maxing out specific skills.
Did ragna/v/ mod a lot of class quests? It seems really tedious that I have to get all the base skills at max level before I can start the quests that unlock extra skills.
Don't bother with them, they're not worth the trouble and they'll unlock automatically once you rebirth anyways.
are you looking at a renewal guide instead of a pre-re guide?
Do any of the first classes benefit from putting points in LUK or should I not bother leveling LUK till later?
not really, no first jobs have crit steroids
I do it because it's fun for me as well. I'm hardly the only person doing a 4chan centered project.

Link the guide, probably doesn't apply to the version we run. I haven't customized class quests other than the Ninja one.
saders have way, way less health
saders have auto guard and defender. unless you're doing a comp with a lk being devo'd the sader will be better in casual play. also auto guard doesn't pass on through devo so LK doesn't mitigate as much as it should
If I make a Super Novice, can I auto market? or is that skill only reserved for merchants?
>remove homuncs
>give alchemists back their homuncs after giving them a hundred buffs
nice change
ok better question.....
which of the classes can auto-market and log off while selling?
he now gave alchs the ability to cheese EQ
merch jobs and suno
it's not that much less due to faith
it's like 18.5k vs. 20k at 99 vit
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Dev, can you change the description of the poison knife to reflect that it deals poison element damage? Other than the name, nothing in the description, or even in the RMS page (unless you know the script) suggests that it is. I went through a lot of effort getting one only to find out that it's useless on half the mobs in the game. Or you could just make it deal neutral damage, that would be cool too.
Basic guide on How to Priest, for people having trouble with the job.
What does super novice does that makes it excel among the other classes?
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Why? Not like you're spamming Magic Crasher, nigga!
instant cast bolts
If crusaders can have renewal's 800% damage holy cross why can't knights have renewal's 1400% damage brandish spear
the 300% damage it currently has is a complete joke, and they still have to give up parrying and 2h quicken to even use it
The only thing they can easily achieve over other classes is instant cast spells.
I said double the proc chance for auto spell not the duration you dumb dev
how come merchants arent buffed
wait so I should built them as mages? what's the recommended build to go?
Saders are the worst tanks in the game because you can't devo a sader.
nothing can recapture the magic of RO especially after that dogshit tree of savior
Saders also aren't as good at tanking because they don't get counter attack, which massively extends the life of any safety wall you're in.
why is my wife used in an unrelated thread
for levelling they're one of the best tanks since you won't be using devo unless you're doing an mvp
fast and strong mitigation abilities
>make knight stronger
nice joke faggot
>dev didn't add earth spike/heavens drive to double bolt
he already made wizards stronger so why not
also, best build for solo?
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nice server
Just noticed while playing today that you rolled back the taekwon kicks change, caught me by surprise, I thought something was wrong. But it's very much appreciated, the combos are going out a bit more smoothly.

On another note, are you bringing the test dummy back or is it permanently gone?
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>wake up
>no binoculars/tights wearable by GS
>I get to autocast all my cool sage spells now
Blessed day.
He probably forgot desu
Well not heaven's drive but yeah
Yeah its honestly kinda weak. Maybe good for Sages but not for Professors.

Wait till you realize that you'll still be using Double Bolts over Earth Spike even with element weakness.
why are you ninja looting bro
your hp and sp will be fucked basically no matter what and you will die very easily in parties, enjoy lol
99 int 99 dex (or at least enough dex to reach 145+ dex while buffed, ideally 150 exactly)
dex food
no death bonus gives +10 all stats
10 bless+agi
10 owl's eye for dex, attention concentrate levels as needed or as a tradeoff to add more int gear and fewer points spent on it the better
lv 91+ snovices can wear apple of archer (+3 dex hat) on ragnav
zerom clips, imp/siroma clips
quad drops rod, hypnotist staff with 2x drops, lv 97+ snovice can use dex survivor rod with drops
magic spells at your discretion. fire ball + thunderstorm are your AoE options. fire wall or safety wall will likely be necessary until you get very high dex
maybe get pneuma and warp portal
push cart is great if you can fit it. might need to respec between doing certain things or going certain places.

or just play wizard lol
what class for someone who prefers playing alone but still likes to be useful in parties?
not that anon but what's the optimal setting for a super novice in this server?
You can solo most shit with vertical firewall and in parties you can dish out a shit ton of AoE damage.
wizard but it takes skill
i came from a time when sages were better than wizard exclusively for the fact that they can move while casting and dont get interupted as easily. Is that different here?
they're good at farming things that either aren't ranged or can't instantly kill them that they can one-shot. even with instant cast, you still have to deal with aftercast delay.
I hate having to farm to make wind arrows
I'm not going to have enough skill points for prof now
star emperor? ninja? Are these extended classes good, or just the work of a deranged lunatic?
star glad is stupid strong
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>run setup
very cool game
run the other setup, called OpenSetup
thanks im retarded
dev fix the fucking loot pickup protection
love me whitesmith gf
Dev, where are the Kafra Corp. Rep.? I cannot find them
It was too defective to keep. It was a ready made script I found but caused a lot of issues.
>blinding and silencing dogs
as a dogfucker i dont feel like it's worth it because of after cast delays, maybe at very low levels it is but only because of how many times you have to TU to kill, might take less time than just running and healing the damage from spells
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what classes uses whips?
>farming card
>run out of arrows so go hunt for them
>Get that monsters card
Oh come on
Your pity roll just reset, gg
It's really only meant for super early levels, basically for your first Anubis kills. It doesn't take long before you drop Silence and then Blind, especially if you're willing to take a bit more damage, since you'll still have 80~90% chance to Flee with just Blessing by the late 80s range.
In the example video at the end I only use Bless on them because I'm already super high level so no need for Blind or Silence.
some servers actually do have a pity build up for drops based on how much of the mob you kill, ragnadev never said this server does though
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rip new frens
Yeah but no one else sets up /v/ server unless they want something in return, like being circlejerked 24/7 or wanting some vip donation
Is AGI Knight finally viable in this game?
God damn it dev nerf assassin they do literally quintuple the damage of everyone else with your gay changes
why do the characters stand up after they're bleeding
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How did GPU manage to get a Weihna within just a couple days of dev removing it from everyone's characters and changing its drop rate to 0.05%? Of all the things that are suspect about this server this really stands out.
Iam playing UARO and you should too
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am i still retarded? Why cant I become a taekwon?
Allocate your skill points
>doesnt even know how to change class
>playing a meme class

you are fucked
some new world monster: 60k HP, 18k exp
>anubis: 38k, 28k exp
>anubis on the map: 15
>niggerdevs precious LE BUG/FURRY: 10000
Don't they have way better drops?
niggerdev makes the sõyjak face when he sees some shitty bug poring or furry poring be the best exp, drop the best loot and make 90% of the games gear irrelevant
niggerdev handing out free best strafe so hunkeks can bugfuck and furryfuck his precious porings for 5000000000 exp and BiS gear at level 70
asura back then
>triple carded chain for early game
>erde for mid or "budget" endgame
>+9LBW for BiS
asura now:

niggerdev: this is an improvement, this really gives the game more depth
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>soul killing warper/buffer npcs
>1 mil per stat reset
>turnin quests and abbey leeching
>overpopulated server, top 1 on rms so its full of sweaty rmt'ing hues and cheating woeniggers
>instanced mvps in the form of british branches
>absolute managing fiascos like the solar sword incident and the ec switch that made looping it 24/7 possible
>"seasonal" pumpkin hat that always gives +3 to all stats and other fun items like rideword hat that you need to buy with "poring coins", this wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt so soulless
that shit was so bad i started playing dota
>soulless anime shit hero poster
shit taste indeed
what's lbw? also luna is only wearable by trans so even though its easy to obtain esp with free beast strafing on hunter, youll still have to wait until rebirth
shield boom back then
>kill this endgame mob hundreds of times
shield boom now

really giving flavor to the game there niggerdev
>he can't read japanese anime
niggerdev should add dragon vest and mant set as well so we can make irrelevant slotted undershirt+pantie
who needs zeny sinks anyway, hunkeks should have easy BiS gear on day 1

according to niggerdev this really makes the game better
Does str add a lot of damage? I pumped dex to get more aspeed and wonder if I’m being dumb
The server actually looks decent, wtf.
Retardanon that's an RO character
wtf does any of this mean?
i think everyone who calls the dev 'niggerdev' is a bot. their messages are nonsensical and barely relevant most of the time.
He doesn’t like that some of the best gear comes from non mvp which are not that hard to farm
I appreciate free game
Play another server
Does the dev post a changlog?
>Any criticism
>Just leave, nigger
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he doesn't like the new world episode
this is the poring he's referring to even though its not a poring you can tell by the amount of job exp it gives
schizo is really going off tonight. bad day i guess?
Yes, it adds a strength bonus for every 10 strength so each bonus makes you more and more stronger. It starts to get insane at 120 and on.
Example: 20 str / 10 = 2. 2^2 = 4 bonus.
At 120 it's 120 / 10 = 12. 12^2 = 144.
And all your damage modifiers affect this.
You'll want to keep your STR in multiples of 10 and aim for the bonus.
And uhh this is for melee. Pump AGI if you want aspd. While DEX gives you a small amount, it's not nearly as much.
DEX has the same type of exponential damage bonuses for ranged stuff like bows.
DEX is what you want to get if you're missing. Look up a mob on rate my server and you will see a hit stat. This is how much hit you need to hit them 100% of the time. Every 1 hit below that value is -1% chance and it goes down until a minimum of 5%. You also gain 1 HIT every level.
They teach that in the starting location, in detail on irowiki classic stats and even in more detail in rathena's code which is the emulator used on this server.

tdlr weapon damage is a random number between (0.8 + 0.2 * weapon_lvl) * dex and max weapon damage which is shown in weapons description; str adds flat atk on top of that
Isn't this the server that's run by diversity-obsessed trannies who ban all Russian IPs because muh Ukraine invasion?
I'm enjoying myself so far so nice job making a server for us to play on even though everyone wants to fight and race each other rather than work together and have fun. Hard to find my own clique of people who are willing to put in effort and learn the game instead of just party leech to 99 in npc gear and the quit. It's a bit demotivating, so I'm not sure how much longer I'll be playing.
Additionally, he has made some retarded balance decisions. The man is clueless about the game and it's clear he doesn't play it. I had to make an assassin just because of how stupid this is. Doing 1500 autos with low STR and at a low level. I'll probably do at least 8-10k autos once I finish investing in it.
Awful balance changes like this will end the server quite early, especially with fagwar starting soon. I'm just enjoying it while I can. I don't expect this to last much longer.
if I can't say nigger and call trannies men what's the point of your server?
i think they ban russians because russians are shit, anon.
So are most SEAniggers
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Are you sure about that?
I'm new but do you want to play together?
I like learning games and putting in effort.
yeah, im sure russians are shit.
I know about the multiples of 10 thing but I’m hard stuck at 188 attack speed and I dunno if I should drop some dex to bring my str up; I’m only getting a handful of points of attack speed at this level but each point seems to be fuckhuge
So what cards should I farm for my Super Newbie account Angelic Set?
Pic and link related
The schizo is right
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Sure. Enjoy playing on your melting pot diverse server anon.
Are you the guy I sold the angelic to today?
im playing on this server anon. also, im pretty sure that means diversity as in different playstyles, not diversity as in faggot shit. i know how triggered the word diversity makes you though, so i understand the confusion.
What class? 188 is incredibly high. The max is 190. Almost no one ever reaches that without some shenanigans / extreme investment. There comes a point where your stat points are better spent elsewhere. They get really expensive after 81 and 81. You probably don't need that much aspd and would have better damage and survival with some of that invested into other things.
no, I farmed all of them slowly while leveling my Hunter main
Careful anon, that's a no-no word that's not allowed by your server's rules. The trannies that run the server might get mad and ban you.
>Melting pot
What class and level? I'm about to sleep + work, but tell me your IGN and I'll whisper you Friday night (tonight) if I remember.
I was considering trying to start a guild to get up some groups to do stuff with, but I'm not sure there are enough players here to bother with that over joining one of the 2-3 existing ones.
Why was Chakram buffed but not Krishna?
Don't make a super novice. What is the obsession with them here? I've never seen so many. They're only good as a mage for instacast memes. Enjoy dying in 1-2 hits to anything more than low level trash mobs.
You never played a game for fun?
This post started off nice and then devolved into shitting on the server. Good bait, rope
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clip mafia FEARS this
so what about those card recommendations? I have 8 slots
Is the frying pan better than a +9 lich bone wand for asura? I guess if you have 3 AK cards
the frog card that gives hp/sp pool in armor is great
siroma cards for bolting (maybe imp but its too rare)
Don't bring your hyper optimization no fun allowed autism into RO. You can stay in WoW.
a frying pan with 2aks is better than a lich boner with 2 aks because you can add 1 ak to a pan later and have a frying pan with 3 aks
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Super novice is incredibly fun due to all the utility and it's a challenge when every other class feels like easy mode as an experienced player.
It's especially fun here with warm wind and one hand quicken + 50% crit frenzy all the time.

If you're melee, you really want at least a pupa card (+flat life) for your armor slot.
With the set bonus, you'll have 2000 life for most of your journey to 99.
Whisper card (+20 flee) is BIG if you can get one for your garment slot.

That's really it. Anything else you can find with flat life is a big plus. I think there's one for shoes.

For damage, the best you can do as an "all purpose" weapon is to farm vagabonds for star dust blade which is insane on this server.
And slot it with 3 skeleton worker cards and 1 side winder card (to enable double attack since this is a sword). That covers the majority of monsters.
for me it's triple minorous lunakaligo
>+ 50% crit frenzy all the time.
whats that
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I just need to keep making the line bigger...
I have a double mino fur seal luna for card combo memes, but I suppose I should make a triple mino one for asura stuff as well
Don't fuck up.
I'll play with you
based as fuck
thank you anon for this really appreciate it
You should graduate to vanberks+isillas.
wow sux
the sanctuary quests are a pain in the ass to do again though
It shouldn't take you more than an hour if that. Just use the wiki and click the coordinates on each step to copy the navi command and paste it in game. The only awful part is going inside and finding your way around.
how should I build a wizard towards the later levels? do I really have to stack dex?
Super Novice can, at certain percentages of the exp bar, type 4 lines of specific text (a small prayer for help from the super novice's guardian angel) and it will trigger the monk's frenzy skill for 2-3 minutes.

Only, instead of adding +20% crit like the monk version, you get +50%.
On this server, dev made it so you can do this prayer without the %exp requirement, so whenever you want. (This is the case too normally, only it's at level 99 and once you get a fuck ton of extra exp)

So in exchange for doing the prayer every couple of minutes (which you can macro with alt+m), you have 50% crit at all times with zero investment.
It's very, very good. Especially with all the buffs to critical hit cards on the server.

No problem! I might have some super novice stuff I'm not using anymore too that you can have if you catch me online, just whisper "Lunatic II".
This is actually the worst version of ragna/v/ no one sells anything at all.
until niggerdev either nerfs mavkas or comes out and says that mavka nerf is never happening, that will be the case
also no vend list on cp doesnt help
There is no incentive to. People throw it in their personal or guild storage. Why sell equipment? The drops are too low to get any extras to sell. Players need to keep it all to overupgrade it.
The best way to play RO these days is low experience rates and higher drop rates (10-20x max) so you are able to have some nice progression and find extra stuff to sell. Additionally, every big zeny spot needs a balance pass over it so it retains a little more value for a little longer.
Everything in vends is junk, and if it's not, it's bought instantly.
If your item is sitting there for more than a day or two, it's way overpriced. I haven't seen anyone lower prices.
The damage is done. It's not good that the only zeny sinks this game really has is socketing / enchanting. Most players here won't ever bother.
I think Bill is the nicest player here
That would be Crow
Its Yi Sang.
1 mil zens for re-stat? WTF is this jewish shit
my cave is so comfy i want to stay here forever
fuck you niggerdev make my plants immune to cart cannon
Bill is just a healslut bot
Yi Sang gives free shit for seemingly no reason
2nd server was way worse in that regard since it had the bulliekek "can't gear le competition!!" boycott bullshit and not enough players to contribute otherwise
mavkarats can (and do) just instant buy anything decently priced even if they don't need it "just in case"
but if you overprice, those who would buy it out of need cannot afford it.
Sinks dont matter, what I'm saying is that there is no trust in zeny so it cant be used in exchanges. If the amount of zeny you could print per hour with mavkas and other zeny strats was known and stable, trading would become easy, just imagine how much time it would take to farm the zeny in mavkas and now you know what they're worth. But at this point everyone is just wondering will the dev nerf mavkas? Will he not?
When do you start gearing and what slots to get first?
is this game fun
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delivery for hanyeo
Did you forget about the BG changes this maint?
Dancer buffs...?
Imagine dev nerfing mavkas after bill and clikeks have already farmed billions of zeny, and now poor players will never be able to bridge the money gap.
Mavka nerf requires a zeny wipe.
as soon as you possibly can
doesn't matter what comes first but most important would be your weapon
>Mavka nerf requires a zeny wipe
I support this as long as it includes hill winds and the other money areas as well
clikeks are constantly farming sleepers and hill winds too.
need art of female swordsman being nakadashi'd by a knight/crusader
Sell me on this game
If you don't play then they will win and you don't want that.
i cant, it's free
Who is they
Just because I‘m a neet does not mean my time is worthl-
Well it is but still
mavka got nerfed, check @mi

drop rate cut in half
>billions of zeny
at most, bullies have around 100m farmed
mavkas is dumb but its not as gamebreaking as schizo wants you to believe, it's still 1.3m zeny per hour at the highest speed possible and thats only if you are alone in the map
come on guy buying elu put your shop back up
t. clikek

Stop believing their lies.
I just unlocked the mavka farm today...
100m is a still a lot and its morally correct to increase prices when you are selling to a bullie because they are fucking loaded
now stop being a fucking retard schizo, you only care about killing the server and pathetically failing at it
Huh, I thought it would be more. Niflheim is 500k/30mins and has some decent drops for the current state of the server.
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Never played ragnarok before but enjoy MMOs
Should I give this a shot or am I gonna get filtered by boomer systems?
mavkas is still stupid and only second to geffenia in zeny per hour, but there are a lot of places that make just like 10% less than mavkas and nobody bats an eye because schizo loves to doompost about it

both, you will probably get filtered by how boomer this game is but you should still give it a try because its the best MMO ever made
feel free to ask whatever in global chat and people will help
you'll likely get filtered by the Korean grind but its worth trying out, pretty unique mmo after all and very doulful
Alright bros time to pick the coolest looking class and give it a shot
Female Ninja.
What you want to be is a Crusader.
monk bros, we have to help him...
activate operating el crowmiku
x3 that maybe
Alchemist is the goat
move overcharge to blacksmith and discount to alchemist
Solo everything when you want and be useful in parties at the same time
Playing this game without interacting with anyone is max comfy
It's 3x misc drops, you're not getting anywhere above 1.5m/hr at mavka

Even Geffenia is only going to be like 2~2.5m/hr at these rates

Also, nobody on the server is even really selling or trading for zeny. Most of the things I've bought or sold so far have been basically item for item trades.
August 6 patchnotes:

Day/Night cycles will now last 12 hours and start at 12:00 and 00:00 server time respectively.

Weapon forging rework: forging success rates now only depend on smith's job level, forged works weapon level and enchancements (element, star crumb). j70 whitesmith can forge anything with 100% success rate.

Pet taming made less frustrating: LUK no longer affects success rate and the factor related to monster's remaining hp now caps at 30% of monsters hp instead of 0%.
>nobody on the server is even really selling or trading for zeny
because they know it's worthless despite you tards hiding your millions from the rankings (we all know why)
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I hide my zeny because people would try to jew me on every trade if they could see how much I actually have.

I'm onto your games, shekelstein.
so when the fuck are merchants playable?
>no i won't show how much i have :) just trust me bro i'm poor :)
you grinded 10 hours a day for weeks and all you accomplished was that nobody trades for zeny anymore, congrats retard.
this is nice arts
That's a piss poor excuse
Calm down Schlomo
Based, tysm anon!
Hanyeo's feminine penis.
The 5 other BG players had their heads crushed by TK thighs
i'm just commenting on art
How do you use global?
on the little box at the left of the chat box, write #global
>getting killed by the only class in the server that wasn't buffed
skill issue
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Plants don't have ussys.
You just got locked in hitstun before because they are attacking while also using skills and can’t use endure in pvp
just walk away
Literally just pot, they do no damage.
How do I autospell Heaven's Drive?
use autospell
Heaven's Drive needs lvl 9 Auto Spell and also have points on Heaven's Drive.
I have lvl 10 autospell and lvl 2 Heaven's Drive, but it won't appear on the list.
Run patcher to update your game?
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If anyone wants to duo would you meet me in Rachel right now?
Slow down more the pet hunger system, I burned through 25 pet food within a hour
I don't know what happened, now it's showing on the list. Maybe I needed to logout. Thanks anon.
Where to go as knight with the most basic gear?
I tried going to biolab but I'm too squishy
How do i beast strafe build in new world?. I guess you need gear first?
werent you gonna add the bg annuncements?
traps traps and more traps
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Playing SL in a party is pure agony. Please add AoE soul link or make Links reapply if they go in range of you.
At the very least please make link not get taken off if you relink a linked person. Its hard enough to see who is linked and who is not in a cluster.
You got tricked into believing niggerdev cared about pvp because he added some scuffed BGs? Now watch WoE be completely mismanaged and fail too. There will never be any pvp in this server because dev has no experience with it.
you need to bowling bash high orcs until you're 90
bonus points for getting some hydras and water converters
How can WoE fail?
It's ONE castle.
Redpill me on Ragnarok. Is it really Online ?
Fuck you people for making me want to play this game. Played RO all the time when I was younger, much younger, on that clownphobia private server, whatever it was called. Good times. Tried playing on the last /v/ server but I completely forgot how to use the UI, all the commands, like tears in rain. I was so embarrassed with myself I quit in 10 minutes.
sex with tings
>It's ONE castle.
last time it wasnt
I'm in the same boat and trying to keep up with groups doing content is painful.
By the time you make it to one area to party those keks are 2 zones ahead of you.
you dont need to keep up with anything, you just need to enjoy the videogame
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I can't believe doing things alone is slower than doing things as a group or guild

How could the Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) genre do this to us?
i still havnt trans am i gonna make it?
ask in global we can offload some leftover hrt to you
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I can't afford to trans so I made a new character to save money...
You're better off waiting for V4
Just band together instead of calling it quits, you fucking autists
Ironically enough, this is one of the friendliest servers I've been in, just ask for help if you need it, make party with other neew players
Alright fair, but cards doesn't seem doable, have been grinding on hydras for a while with no cards in sight
Just so you know, I have mostly shop gear with the exception of fin helm/iron Cain
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I don't remember how to use the chat
Press enter.
I has the same but 2x hydras in a 2hander.
I suggest hunting that dusty fly for it's masquerade mask if you can.
How the fuck are you doing 1500 autos?? I’ve been believing i’m doing something completely wrong, and this just reinforces that thought. I struggle to hit 200 damage per auto, even with 50 points invested in str on a +6 double crit jur
Sidewinder card doubles your damag
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rekenber jews put guardians in thors f1 btw
>everyone wants to fight and race each other rather than work together and have fun
Even guilds who are clearly competing with each other for MVPs and such still find themselves playing together in random public parties all the time. Maybe stop being an autist and join a guild too? That would probably help.
>groups form in an mmo where competing for bosses and castles is the endgame
>noooooo this is bad the game is dead aaaaaaaaa save meeeeeeeeee
what are you working on today?
He literally doesn’t acknowledge any criticism about assassin cross lmao
He legit thinks it’s totally ok for assassins to kill Valk in a minute with no other source of damage because they need support to not die
So its just ankle snare and str/dex split in stats?
>because they need support to not die
Literally every melee class should be buffed to do that damage in that case.
no, you must experience the pain of being normal soul linker but worse in order to enjoy ragnadev's vision
Um hello they are ASSASSIN?
They are supposed to be the best at killing people it’s in the name :)
And anyway knight have bowling bash so they do more AoE xD

30 minutes EDP Grimtooth is better aoe than bowling bash anyway
bulliekeks are mad they didn't make a sinx and nuclopkeks are mogging them now
You're one of "them" aren't you
go fucking kill yourself
Ok I can fix it
Next patch 2h swords get 6 card slots so you can just put on 6 sword guardian cards and be competitive
>get 6 miniboss cards to do half the damage as a SinX
funny how now even that would be enough
>Weapon forging rework: forging success rates now only depend on smith's job level, forged works weapon level and enchancements (element, star crumb). j70 whitesmith can forge anything with 100% success rate.
Shouldn't Alchemist have something similar too?
like what nigger
You niggers should really learn how to read names.
I am climbing the death count
>just work for us like a good goy
One name got around 100 deaths today.
Very nice.
There are critical racial weapon cards that give 20% crit and 20% crit damage. They are super buffed here. If going katar, you want 1 sidewinder and 2 of these cards. Add endow to it and it's really strong.
Double dagger is even stronger, but I'm probably not farming 7 cards for each mob type. I might do one or two really commonly used sets.
The only real downside is you can't swap weapons constantly to make use of this, but this way they really are "assassins".
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Is there a levelling area guide? I'm just running around a forest at 36 killing wolves and snakes over and over
>spent hours and hours to farm a +8 sidewinder 2x skele soldier jur
>get bored from it after not even an hour
Ah fuck me, there we go again.
Are taekwon/star thingy/soul linker any fun? They didn't exist when I stopped.
star gladiator is buffed and mega strong
soul linker got reworked and went from boring as fuck to boring and a pain in the ass
taekwon ranker got 0 buffs
This wasn't a good weapon worth farming cards for. Yeah you'll crit a lot, but it's low damage.
SG is solid at farming mostly whatever you want. They can be fun.
Why do we swordsmen always get cucked when it comes to buffs? Do ""they"" fear us?
Thanks, gonna check the star gladiator out.
The jur seemed like a decent starter weapon for a sin before farming specific race/crit combos.
Swordsmen buffs is called getting more equipment.
It could be worse, you could be a merchant. Or even worse, a Taekwon.
Any help with a SG build?
Don't copy me anon, I'm the SG now.
>the preferred weapon is a book [3], obtainable from the sage job quest
Fuckers don't want me to make 4 mages with that cancer job change for a +8 book, right?
That's not the best book at all. Even for 3 slots you have the elemental books that you can slot socket for [3]. And even then you have books like the Encyclopedia [2], and Ledger of Death [2] for endgame drops.
Still curious for a SG build that works here.
just try shit out, resets are free nigga, and the class is stupid strong
>back stab unchanged
tell him to eat shit
Oh wow that's cold.
Eternal senia was such a good game
Too bad the sequel sucks ass
Tried setting up my own server
Now that I got it up, configured, cp up, core edits, written own patcher, idk what to do.

As vanilla as possible with modern QoL

- paris
- 6/6/6
- Episode 11.2 (no extended classes)
- 2022 client
- Guild exp x2
- Buffs last 10min where purely QoL (Blessing, Increase Agi, Quicken, ...)
- Regen goes way faster, stops at 70% weight
- Party 15lvl max range, 30% even share bonus, 40% tap bonus (max 12 people)
- Mobs reduce flee when getting mobbed too
- Mobs drop all costumes

- No dual client
- No autoloot
- Town warper
- Stylist

- Rogue gets Preserve, and it's an on/off toggle

- Umbala ore quest less profitable

- Custom Patcher due to Thor being old as shit, styling WIP

did I forget anything, inb4 someone who cares
never played this game
is it fun ?
If you like this style of game (korean grind diablolike) its really fun.
Its worth trying out if you're not sure.
>- Regen goes way faster, stops at 70% weight
Everyone does that and it simply removes the need to use pots for PvE since you can get back to full sp while walking. I've tested with 300% recovery value while sitting and seems to be better overall.
>- 30% even share bonus, 40% tap bonus (max 12 people)
This is way too much. I know people don't tryhard as much as years ago but I can see getting 99/50 on first day with these bonuses.
I rebirthed yesterday and when I logged in today my appearance was changed to my first job, spooky as hell. Changing my appearance seems to fix it though
i'll give it a go ty
What's the go to gunslinger build with all the custom changes?
Can you finally get pregnant here?
Dex, int, vendor Black Rose shotgun, and max level full buster. You will one hit things every three seconds.
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Where can I buy monster materials needed for my job advancement?
Or do I have to manually grind it out
oh god shut up. swear you fucking alchemists bitch about EVERYTHING
today i will remind them
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isnt the op girl from eternal senia? was the MC based off of a RO design? That picture is from the a CG of that game.
I wouldn't play this even if it had 1000 uniques. You need to prove you know a lot about the game and are willing to put all the love and care a good server needs.
Exp rates are too high. Item rates are either too high or too low.
Blanket item rate multipliers are never a good idea. You can use it as a starting point. Many mobs need specific fine tuning. High zeny spots. A lot of drops that are 0.01-0.05% that make zero sense on a small private server need to be buffed based on how powerful the items are. Maps need spawn chances and spawn buffs. For example, get rid of the hunterflies in geffen 1. There are a ton of retarded shit like this added around the comodo age to prevent bots.
Proper balance changes. Forging rework.
I could go on and on. Keep at it if you're going to go the distance and do what's required to make a good server.
He's always been nice to me. I'm not in their clique.
Yes, he's deceptive. Don't trust the gay furry jew, anon.
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Eternal Senia is an indie rpg based on Ragnarok. The RO character is called Egnigem Cenia, here's her monster database entry.
my wife
But are they bio- clones or are they "ghosts" or soul-clones so to speak. I don't get it. Biolab lore is confusing.
they're defective sex-dolls
I take it it's too late to form parties for low level leveling?
There's a sequel?
I wouldn't bother under level 70-80. Those levels go so fast pre trans anyway it's usually better to spend a few hours grinding it out real quick.
most people just go to wolves/muka to blow through the low levels
Depends what you mean by "low level". Spam the global chat without shame trying to find party all the time, is the main purpose of it and if anyone is bothered tell them to choke on cock.
Are you new?
I slave priested some new swordie yesterday, if you need help I might get some beers and help again.
Thanks, you're right. Sitting buff makes more sense and is in.
I don't mind parties being powerful, but I'll run numbers.

Don't care about uniques.
I don't know that much about the game, but the codebase and config are nothing new. All edits so far on core went smoothly.

At no point do I see myself do mob-specific tuning mob, but removing anti-bot mobs seems decent a 5 minute job, so thanks, I'll get on that.

I do agree about the rates, started out as 3/3/3 and honestly I like it more. But your point still stands.

The "proper" balance changes depends from player-to-player, so so far I've not touched anything not-QoL. To be fair, I wouldn't know what would need adressing.
They're clones since the originals have long since passed away
They were the best examples of humanity's job classes since they were the first to reach "transcendence" before T2 jobs became commonplace
Yes, I just became an acolyte and ate shit in Payon Caves like a retard. It's slow going but doable, not sure when I should move on to somewhere else.
make it 5x exp / 15x gears/items / 10x cards

the idea is to have easier decent gears for the grinding journey
Oh an aco, actually the support. 'Healbombing' itself can really be fun solo.
The issue is 1 part of the quest to get to Amatsu. But I could just heal & give you better recovery for a bit.
does this game work on linux?
Finally someone gets it.
10x cards is mostly fine, but sometimes it gets draining. 0.15% to 0.2% might feel better in my old age. There would actually be extra card drops people have to sell and create an economy with that as well.
You don't like 0.05% gloves?
Thanks. I can kill the zombies and skeletons fine but it takes forever to fuck with the bats. I'm only job level 17, I'll try and do the Amatsu thing, assuming I can get there.
You can't, trust me. But if you want, I'm gonna go online right now and wait at the Payon cave entrance.
I would bump that up but I'd be evil and make it so you're able to refine accessories with elunium. It can fail at +1. Start +1 at like 40-60% chance of success and have it go down each time.
>I don't know that much about the game
This is the very first thing you should focus on.
This meme has become very stale anon
Wanna be advisor to the crown, anon? What's your top 3 you look for in a server, purely change-wise?
Works fine with wine
1/1/25 with party exp bonuses.
I won't play another server until this becomes real.
Why can't we have something like this?
Check Moonie card.
Doing an event at a different timezone today. 50 minutes from now, at 20:00 server @time, I'll host 3 rounds of Codebreaker.
where are the bg fixes? i thought they were this past maintenance
just because of your post I'm going to make a gunslinger and one shot new world mobs to prove you wrong.
nah fuck amatsu, no idea why people bother with that place when zombie prisoners are faster exp and easier to access. stop being little bitches afraid of hunter flies
it's no a meme retard
hunterflies lower exp/hr
They're fucked up spirit-clones that replicate themselves from their original bodies every time they die/go too far from their original location, with each death having them lose more and more of their basic sense/memories.
Besides being a low rates with slightly higher rates for drops than exp I often look for:
>QoLs for both solo and party play
>Balance changes. I already won the game in vanilla, I want to use my brain again. I have more fun playing ragna/v/ than uaRO.
>Optional content. Like daily/weekly quests, auto events, bg and so on. Game can turn very grindy and having something else to do helps with that.
That's if I want to try a server for myself. Things changes if I want to bring my guild with me.
That's the wrong tripcode.

I got swamped with the Alchemist changes and testing. I think I can add announcements without maintenance since it's partially on script.
>daily quests
god please no
everything else sure
busters a joke when you can just spam triple action without a coin care in the world
Please make all bgs 2v2 minimum to start, we will never get a 5v5 or 6v6 going...
you'd probably get bigger attendance if you announced like a day in advance instead of an hour
Hope you didn't forget about the Dancer buffs.
>wasting a slotted footgear just for the speed boost instead of a more important card that helps survivability or boost stats
we don't have many lower headgear in the game to begin with and the ones we do have don't have slots so it doesn't matter what you put in there so might as well be something like that which helps boost your move speed
this nigger doesnt know how to swap equips
Casual events don't need to be announced days in advance. I've been hosting events every Friday~Sunday since release, this is nothing new. I'm just doing a new time slot.
Give me free boots[1] then
dont tell me you're planning to use moonie while fighting enemies? lmao this nigga
What's a codebreaker?
Also why is Chakram buffed but not Krishna?
absolute BR behaviour
How much is ragnarok a team/party oriented game? Vs how much can I just solo and vibe?
I played a ton of private servers way back in the stone age but I think they were dialed up to 11 since everyone just solo'd and deleted stuff. I don't even remember what the vanilla ragnarok experience was like
Partying is the fastest exp but if you're good at the game you can keep up pretty well solo and sometimes beat them out if really good.
You can solo a lot of the game but there's a lot of content / drops you'll probably never do / get if you don't party.
Thanks for the party little aco sister, have a nice one and see you around!

That's another aco guided to amatsu... fuck that entrance, gonna leave that memo there forever.
I'd love to party with people I just assume its a mostly solved game at this point so I'd be kind of screwing my party by not having the game knowledge and experience that vets would. I just don't like being in situations where I can't pull my weight and all that.
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Thank you again! One day I will be a buff and heal god just like you.
i think i saw you both in there while i was farming, cute.
god i fucking hate leveling aco
Nah not knowing the game doesn't matter at all. It's easy to learn. Me or anyone else can help. Lot of friendly people here. The important thing to playing this game is being willing to grind on your own to farm for gear so you're that much better in parties. I'm all for helping people out, but me and others aren't likely to farm your creamy card and your slotted gear and your weapon damage cards and your eluns and all that stuff. We all don't have unlimited time and we have to farm up our own gear as well.
There's stuff you farm in parties and that's different. I'd do my best to stay at a grind spot until everyone who needed the items there got them. Get everyone their stone bucklers or wool+tidal set and so on.
priests strong!
I may fuck dogs for a living but I'll always help another aco.
you WILL live in glast heim and like it
>get to lvl 80+
>want to start a new character
this keeps happening soon i'll have a character of every class
How do you even get to glastheim again?
tranny server
Geffen > Left > Up > Left
Remember to vote for Cool Event
we only have like two
who? I have to open up to my new sisters
Before i end up wasting two hydras and a minos on a trident. It a good idea to try to farm Abysmal Knights with holy cross?. On npc gear i already failed to kill one, or maybe i need pala stats too
farm a raydric card first
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what did she mean by this
>Farming in orc village
>Need like 8 bashes to kill the orc lady and end up with 10% hp left
>Some guy at lvl 90 walks in a casually deals 600 dmg per hit
So... this is what it's like to play MMOs.
>Need like 8 bashes to kill the orc lady and end up with 10% hp left
If you are having fun that's great and keep it up, but if you wanna be efficient I'd recommend going somewhere else for the time being.
>Aryan Nigger Rapist
>Mr Faggot
Really 4chan?

- 3/3/10 with cards being 15x
- BGs
- slightly toned down xp, 30% tap
- back to 50% weight but doubled sitting rate

it's mainly just plain old up-to-date rathena but if anyone cares I can share controlpanel
orc ladies are earth which means they are weak to fire (magnum break), so you can kill a big pile of them pretty fast as well. the hard part is surviving which requires some meat (or a thara frog card)
Newfag here, explain the significance of desert wolves to me.
they have a good average zeny to hp ratio with their drops, so people farm them for money
also they drop oridecon which is useful
This would be my dream server
Am i retarded or is the only way to get a Butcher by trading in 1000 Orc Claw and 1000 Skel-Bone or kill the unkillable god (for me) a million times? I just want to shoot very fast ;_;
>always wondered why fags would put points into signum crucis
>it taps on private servers
damn, the niggas at eAthena must've been smoking something incredible potent
There are some people that have farmed a LOT of venatus and have some slotted drifters lying around. Try asking if anyone is selling one.
I got 50k. I dont think ill get one for that. Is there a shop indexer?
your pet is a lesbian and into ntr
You should buy some nice NPC rifle or shotgun and farm some money with that. It's really all you need. Gatling is for when you are already loaded.
Tell me all the things I did wrong
Agreed with that anon. If you're just starting, get something like the black rose and full blast desert wolves/hill winds for some early good money. Nobody will sell that weapon for 50k. But you can make a few hundred k with not too much effort.
damn that thief has good bust design
>Episode 11.2 (no extended classes)
what did he mean by this
Add arealoot
Ah fuck it, I quit. Thanks for help anyway.
1000 of that shit sounds a lot, but chances are you'll want to farm a skeleton archer card & Apple of archer anyway, so lots of skel bones. And orc shit you'll farm quickly in masses. That's just RO for you.
Is 12 people the intended party size cuz every time I party I just follow everyone around like a retard doing nothing because everything dies by the time my guy snaps into position and starts meleeing
Pretty sure its using some other pet's dialogue
What quests do I do before I reborn?
>Yi Sang
yes 4chan
>- 3/3/10
XP is still kinda high
I'd be fine if it was 1x on base and job xp as long as item drops are boosted since equipment are what makes or breaks your build/playstyle
literally any and every dungeon entrance quest you can do
Some people like lost child, rachel sanc, curse of gaebolg & crow of destiny before doing so.
So basically just nameless island?
Not fully completing them, to get the exp rewards affterwards. Crow is some satan morroc shit
>no extended classes
no. 12man is for stronger mvps. even 12man for bio3 or incarns grinding is overkill. a normal grinding party will probably be 6 or so people. a few supports to carry it and dps to kill. adding more dps is bad because things die before everyone touches something
>on this server
it takes like 5 seconds for characters to even manage to waddle up to enemies, why bother
I could re-enable them if it's a big loss, just wondering if it is.
Seems viable to focus on the basics.

Honestly, sure.
>focus on the basics
you should do an earlier episode without rebirth then, not 11.2
What's the end state of Ragnorak Online?
Accumulating enough skills from all your previous classes so you can do 5-skill combos that one-shot everything?
>I think I can add announcements without maintenance since it's partially on script.
Can you do it before the next year if possible
Most classes/builds have one main skill and then situational utility/buffs
level 70-80 sucks ass
try and link in with a group doing ice titans if you can
i did the crow one but it doesn't let me turn it in after rebirth, the two quest items (autograph and memo) are in my inventory
You can breeze it on Stings and still wont get the glove
oh shit nevermind, it was because i had them in my favorites tab. if you're turning stuff in it can't be in there
65-75 is the worst
by 75 you should be cruising desu
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one of three!
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Fantastic 10/10 It's perfect
Thank you
We need more screenshots of activity. How are we supposed to shill the server if people aren't blogposting about content
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fu dem drago niggas
because everytime someone posts a screenshot of a party the schizo gets triggered and shits up 100 posts about how the party is a closed clique and the server is dead

that said, posts screenshots
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I was grinding all day now I want to chill man
I would if I could actually get into parties...
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Wasn't too bad, has been added. Didn't want it too aggressive (lest it buff hunters) but tweakable. @arealoot

Fair, but the workload to trans isn't that much - at least I'm familiar with those.
Plantussy here, i went to bed, but looking forward. Ty btw!
Love this retard like you wouldn’t believe
bulliekeks need to hide their sekrit clique parties
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two of three!
What's the point being in a guild if you get invited to nothing?
what kinda shit guild are you on
Really cute
Where are you accepting those coms?
I’m in bullies
They told me if I farm 3 hydras before WoE I can be in the 2nd outermost circle
At what stage in the game are you supposed to join a guild and do pvp?
>faster than firelocks
leveled up two acos to job 50 with zombie prisoners so idk
Literally now because the woe preparations have started.
>68 online (120 characters - 52 vendors)
Not bad
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These are fantastic!
76 real players earlier
>52 vendors
what? the control panel only find 27 merchants online in total, and thats not even all vendors
At what stage in character development. Does it make sense at say lvl 80 without gear.
Is this real
what about on arcadia
There's 21 sell shops and 8 buy shops, so 120 - 29 = 91
You shouldn't do pvp unless you are rebirth 90+ (or expanded 99). But if you are interested in pvp you should join any of the guilds that are preparing for woe regardless of your level and gear.
What the hell is an arcadia
thinking of making a high dex class just so i can use it to cook food
is it too late to start?
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not comms, just wanted to do a little event in-game.
at 180 aspd you should be able to kill them before they brandish you, but the problem starts when the khalitzburg slaves stack on him and you start swinging on them instead. Your sp recovery time is also just super slow. GC is all around faster and safer
Thinking about rerolling, is storage shared between chars?
Yeah, so is the bank (ctrl+b)
Is this game playable while gooning?
I mean most people are already farming endgame stuff and shitting out powerful items or selling overpriced shit you can't easily get on your own so.
If you play Bard.
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it literally is not

I really like partying :) literaly not one day without rolling with my negroes
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Tao o' clock.
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>GC is all around faster and safer
Sounds like i will still need the hydras and minos but on a one-hand sword then
well done
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Thank you!
do you post these anywhere / got a zip of the ones you've done?
Why is no one raping that naked dead medusa?
Her pussy is still warm

thats such a waste
rape isn't funny nor cool, freak
who got it?
nta but you look ridiculous
clopkeks too busy fantasizing about rape to kill tao gunka before billchad lol
>First two cards I get are both for armor
>Can only buy normal armor at my main vendor.

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