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What kind of gamer pays real money to dress up his main as a high society slut?
Me. If they release a skin revealing Mercy's canon asshole I will pay $1,000
I hope its brown and smells
Imagine lending your wife dressed like that.
That's slutwear?
What kind of fag plays video games instead of going out and doing shit for real?
>that rack
Trannies do, they have a ton of disposable income which is why companies pander to them.
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she's wearing a choker and no underwear
I think they mean escort

How? They don't work. They're all terminally online.
>that whole look
Need her to give me a smug gloved handjob
while showing me videos of her having sex.
Very important question, is she wearing heels
And if so, are they open-toed ?
Thank you for your attention
depends whats under her skirt since you see up whenever she glides
Very good thinking, Anon.
Mercy would never bleach her anus, that much is certain.
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no toes for you
Heels and the upper part is functionally an ankle bracelet. Works for me.
I am greatly saddened by these news, yet disturbingly aroused nonetheless
I hope this catches on more than formal wear Tracer, but I doubt it
Back to Winged Victory I go
man I want to fuck mercy doggy style while she moaning and talking about fund raising( she wants my moneys)
>A faggot gooner occupies the support slot
>does poorly "teehee UwU"
Yeah wow so kawaii desu real funny
Exactly the kind of person you'd expect
What kind of man willingly plays the character for nongamer retards
sissycore character
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>buying skins in a first person game
Shut up you goofy bitch faggot, you dumb gorilla retards will charge in 5v1 over and over while doing a better job avoiding line of sight with your healer than you do actually getting kills then you come here and piss and cry that you're not getting healed, I can't heal your low IQ you fucking disease
I'm pretty sure no society in the world would class that as formalwear
so? IRL is first person and you still buy clothes

checkmate, dont even TRY to respond with a rebuttal
there's a bunch of them in low ranks, thinking they can ride the spectator character all the way up the ladder. which of course won't work in a thousand years. its either that, or they're actual disabled people or elderly or something. those types also play moira.
real life is first person.
are you telling me you don't care at all about looking good?
I mean, it clearly works for some. A major complaint I had in OW1 was that mercy mains were clearly playing a significantly easier game than DPS players but were still the same rank.
>safe horny
yeah but they spend more time crying than actually playing the game because they have to rely entirely on their teammates. meanwhile you can still carry on nerfed bap or illari.
Nigga I work all day, get home play with my kids and take them lil niggas to a park, workout, do bedtime with my lil niggas, and then I’m fucking exhausted and play video games for 2-3 hours until I go to bed myself.
she's the most played character in the game, despite being a support
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>no r34 of it yet despite canon model showing an abundance of cleavage
Does it really come as any kind of a shock to you that healsluts are actual whores?
Based. Heels are hot, feet are not
Wish I still cared about OW because I find this unbelievably hot.
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>check back this thread after 30 minutes
>nobody posted anything cropped
anon I am disappoint
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here u go fren
Can't wait to see her sucking dick and taking back shots in this.
>buying clothes
Christ, so many people are fucking wallet-cucked into thinking this shit is worth a single dollar.
True and based. Virtual skins should be free and unlockable through gameplay.
Based dadchad, you exactly described my daily routine also
most trannys are neet failures that live with their parents, much to the parents dismay. most of these faggots can't even afford troon pills.
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>IRL is first person and you still buy clothes
You know I really hadn't thought about it like that
didn't disprove the arguments
What kind of retard pays money for skins they can't even see? It works when it is just a free bonus. It worked in csgo because the only skins you get are ones you can always see and even give to team mates and enemies.
So what size is she, C?
It's called an anklet.
Is his Mercy stuff the best out there right now?
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I laughed
You're a cool guy, anon
A cool faggot obviously, but cool nonetheless
you know, him
this but also a small ring of blonde fuzz around it
>literally wearing shorts under a full length dress

Blizzard is full of faggot pussy men and blue haired feminist retards trying to scrub the sexy out of the game
Time for you to go outside and talk to people IRL if you find that slutty, degenerate sooner fag
>canon modle showing less cleavage than other canon models like Witch or Sugar Plumb
There's not a lot of porn because it's not a sexy skin, it's a pretty skin
getting real fucking sick of this blatant blacked waifubait
Imagine if Blizzard actually had the balls to give mercy a push up bra, it's too bad they only hire feminists and male feminists
stop gang stalking me
My mum went to a wedding in a dress like this and as a kid I threw up on it after eating a dodgy sausage roll. Thanks for reminding me Blizzard
She looks like someone’s hotwife.
It’s a if you know, you know sorta thing.
I think it says a lot about you if you get turned on by formal wear.
Formwalwear has been the sexist of all clothing for decades, if not centuries, anon.
such a shame they fucking ruined overwatch, i genuinely liked playing healers, mostly maining lucio, although mercy was good for a break from lucio

they just had to kill their golden goose
I know that you should unironically kill yourself.
>making shit up
Ok retard
2300 coins is not real money op
I’m assuming you meant to say sexiest, which is fair and I can’t lie that I do find it attractive, but it still does reflect upon you greatly if you see it as “safe horny”, since that kinda implies you’re getting turned on by a relatively normal outfit.
>no underwear
Who said that to you?
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women may be at their sexiest when they’re wearing a dress
Yes most women IRL are sluts and whores glad you figured it out
People who like women (unlikely)
All OW women are like this.
blind retard she isn't wearing a bra
High/side slit dresses are top tier. Also, openback combo.
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wait, you guys don't see in third person?
damn I said I wasn't gonna fap this morning, but...
uh ohhhh brokie melty. Link your patreon, i'll drop a donation
Americans are such fucking homos
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>see in first person
>remember in third person
I did back in the OW1 days. I don't really regret it, but I probably won't do it again.
This dress is not white nor black tie events appropriate. Goes to show no one at Blizzard was ever at any classy events.
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like this?
Yes it's for Black on White events.
yet another dress/costume that covers entire ass, it amazes me, Juno got away unscarred.
how does dress code work for women, at “classy” events? sounds interesting
>"I'll let you pick the video Anon, Chad? Tyrone? Stacy? or maybe Jessica?"
post THAT webm
you know the one
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Idgaf give me a real barefoot mercy skin
T please.
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>that dress
>that hair and makeup
Me. Back when I played OW I sometimes hopped on Mercy if I wanted to just chill.
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Mercy drops your dick almost as though it's painful to touch. "Did you honestly think I'd tell you about my trysts just because you wanted me to? Go on the internet and watch that faked porn of me like all the other disgusting perverts out there"
this is such a dumb premise
they are stuck on the elevator
they need to preserve oxygen as much as possible
having sex is the complete opposite of that
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God I want to be her. I want to dress super fancy for the tank to ruin me after the match~
Just open the hatch.
why are you yelling, calm down
legs shaking
elevators aren't air tight
Why the tank?
good morning saar
>can't even see your costume in action while playing
what's the point?
Good girl
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To milk retards out of their money, they're Overwatch players after all which means their IQs are in the double-digits.
Tyronebros... we lost
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>they are stuck on the elevator
>they need to preserve oxygen
no it’s bleached and every so slightly pink and smells delicious
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at least a cup or two bigger
TF2 players are also brainlets. Your whataboutism is retarded.
also pretty dumb.
i never get why people want to wear shit they can't see themselves anyway.
AND you pay for it? retarded
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What are you talking about, you fucking idiot?! I want to ogle at her, not myself while she is in her costume. Holy shit kill yourself, you pure extreme retard.
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What about panties?
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>What kind of gamer pays real money to dress up his main as a high society slut?

I wonder who...
She never wears panties
she's made to take my money away but luckily i dont play phone games
wife and kids won't be happy if Ill "go out" every day for a few hours before bed
how about you fucking man up?
You're disgusting
You're alright
what kind of fag has a wife and kids lol
like few billion people outside California
so many sluts, so little time, why bother
at least this is not 75$ skin for genji
the best time to start was yesterday
the next best time is now
this but Roadhog
She's white so it's pink.
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Mercy my wife...
that third one is filthy... how could you let your wife do such a thing?
have to work, beautiful sluts are not cheap
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thats openass
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I'd open Widow's ass if you know what I mean
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>sunken eyes
>that grip
2nd one for me because it looks the most intimate. I don't understand the third one, what's so good about that fetish? What's the gateway to even get there?
why is it always
>dark skinned male
Do your ears pop the moment the doors close in an elevator? Do you even leave your basement?
Is Mercy even good anymore? I haven't played since OW2 came out and she wasn't that great back then.
>literally putting mercy's head on top of generic business woman body that is used in hundreds of wegs
I treat my women right, I buy them clothes that make them look like dirty cum guzzling whores.
could be a strapless bra, but haven't seen the back
>nigger porn
Safe horny
Not safe horny
mercy players single handedly keep overwatch servers up through monetization. its why theyve decided to balance the entire fucking game around supports to the point that theyre the strongest role in the game thats tricked everyone into thinking tank is broken (while they proceed to shit out 500 heals per second to said tank)
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Nta but it would be extremely hot to be railed by the same guy who treats you nice and usually protects you in a battlefield.
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Just like League of Legends!
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Ok I can see why that would be a turn on.
Is this real?
no you moron
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Idk, is it?
>came back to this ping
It's so over for me
At least you're honest about it. It's why I liked playing tank when I used to play.
Are you equally buff irl?
Not Reinhardt levels of buff obviously but I've been working on myself this year. Never been fat but I never really took time to exercise properly or work on myself. I like where I'm at though.
Yeah, especially at those prices. You can taunt, I guess? Still not worth.
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for me, it's witch mercy
Thanks. It's a nice feeling seeing the work I put in yield progress.
I remember back in 2016(?) when everyone was cooming over that menu screen.
I want to support the industry by buying the cool edgy skins and the hot skins.
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It changed the course of the game forever
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where the fuck is the rest of this shit
Tyrone... I'm sorry...
burgerland edumucation
Yeah, it's a good feeling. I'm very bad with time management so I either go all in on the gym or all in on vidya, I can't really balance the two. Anyway, that's my excuse for not really playing vidya that much anymore.
Mercy just fits so many archetypes
I still do from time to time.
I would if I still played Overwatch.
This but unironically
"Rewarding" Mercyanon in the locker rooms after the match.
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Me on the right.
me on the left
Take your fucking shades off, douchebag.
Anon, why do you think women wear collars like that...?
>what are strapless bras?
Someone never had a mother, sister, aunt, femal cousin, or girlfriend.
You've never seen a proper and good anus before.
I love being a man, I can be as unfaithful as I please and fuck as many random women as I want and I'm worshiped as a chad and the epitome of manliness.
Thank you.
>supposedly uber-woke to the point of each character being scored quantitatively on how marginalized they are.
>not a single twink/femboy
It can be brown, but no smells, gtfo with that shit.
Valve didn't set that price, the market did.
femboys are white men lol
Not with those muscles.
People spend more money on their fortnite fit than their real wardrobe and wonder why they never get laid. Sad.
smell is the best part, bro, wtf.
She's Swiss so it's probably a sad A/B propped up by pushup.
Bros, how do I tame my lust? I’m jacking off way too much.
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>It's why I liked playing tank when I used to play
It will run it's course.
>start gooning in my early 20s thinking heh might as well since i'll lose my libido in time anyway
>10 years later i can't stop jacking off

just another 10 years and i can be free... right
>formal wear
looks more like some outfit a character in a 60s sci-fi movie would wear
Um sauce?
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anon its an elevator they arent in fucking space. where do you people come from? do you think you have to hold your breath in a car too?
Fuck, she's so damn sexy.
NTA, but that is doing the opposite of taming lust...
What if I'm horny all the time but not actively edging or getting off?
rip anon
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>buying skins for a first person game
She's so built bros...
I can make better customization of her in Honey Select 2.
another builded skin nice
What is this webm supposed to convey?
she's not for me...
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who knows
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Oh n-
you are jewish
he is jewish
There's NO reason for her to work out dressed like that.
I wouldn't lend my wife at all, unlike you, cuck
Still don't get it. Also, that's a VERY inappropiate way of dressing at the gym
>tfw you will never be this sexy blonde white bitch
Why even live
Idk why you guys are complaining. New skins means more models for the porn animators to work with.
Would wife you.
how can it not smell?
shit comes from there
GOD I wish my ass was that PHAT
artist name?
Why is she so fat?
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what do you mean by that
50s. not really. you just need to hope you have a vessel who doesn't mind you getting harder from anime than real life
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brap ability when
What kind of man could get past those cheeks? I certainly wouldn't be able to...
a horse
Who is taking the pic?
No I have. You've just been looking at non white mutts
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who do you think?
It has to be somebody manly enough to satisfy her, that's for sure! A woman like Mercy is probably very demanding...
manly... or horsely...
any good new porn of her with shotas? The smaller the shota the better.
the kind of gaymer that doesnt have a gf. the kind thatll hit 30 single then settle down with a 5 and her black children type.
Roadhogs whole is a madd of scars from all the diarhea he has from his terrible diet. hes literally me!
I want to BE Mercy
and do what?
fly around on wings having fun
have anon piss down my throat
tease horny anons with my body
What an assortment of answers.
>>literally wearing shorts under a full length dress
It's like she's a schoolgirl

(which would be hot)
File deleted.
Why are you like this?
What if they want more?
I think there's something cropped out here
Genji's wife is so cute
its called having discipline
Well, anon, I really gotta piss.
I cannot help but want to be sexy and desired by horny anons. I'm sorry for being so perverted...
Maybe they could cop a feel of me. Maybe...
dva is easily the hottest character and YES it is because she looks like a 16yo girl.
People from the healsluts subreddit
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Very kino,
If I ask nicely and say please do you think I could feel you up?
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Any news on the 6v6 update?
Sorry anon, can't really hornypost right now since I'm phoneposting. Otherwise I'd maybe post incentive pics too...
That's okay. It's nice that you would indulge me though. I'll just have to be content thinking about touching you all over
Please let me pull those bandaids
We need so much more.
Mercy is for tummy kissing
And also pussy licking.
Why is her butt so big?
I mean, I would jerk off to that, but the game is in the first person perspective so I wouldn't even be able to see her.
Women pay real money to make their character as pretty as possible.
>Use Star Wars MMO to stay in touch with mom who moved out of the country
>Her character is dressed like a slut with a tramp stamp that she paid real money for.
How would you like a new dad?
Just an optical illusion.
You know what they say...
Screenshot or it didn't happen.
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As a mercy main addicted to my endorsement level i need to please my team and have all of cute skins to get 4 endorsements every match
Based healslut anon
The team appreciates your dedication.
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why, is that a problem?
I've seen this model before...
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>he can't astral project himself
It's attracting the wrong kind of attention...
Wait a minute...
First person view is why I never got into the game back when it first came out and still haven't touched it. If I can't constantly see the girls' asses and boobs I have no reason to play it, and especially no reason to buy alternate outfits that you barely even see in the first place.
Anon... Cheeks can spread lmao
can't see the apple huh
>that small detail of barely showing us the start of her toes

fuck.. also just imaging and seeing her get "PLAP, PLAP, PLAP"
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Thank you! you are welcome <3
Can't wait to see this model blacked
>skins in an fps game
I never got the point
Endorsement <3
Good healers deserve headpats and lots of love! And skins when they behave extra nicely!
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Thank you! I am so conditioned by it that i can almost hear the endorsement sound
Thank you! I agree! Healers deserve love and protection!
he means far right, off screen. He's watching in the corner
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what do you mean
You're such a cutie Mercyanon. Makes me want to protect you and shower you in endless endorsements <333
Let's just say that what I've seen leads me to believe Mercy has some sort of preference in men
Why is she dressed like that? What type of services does she offer in that office of hers?
i want to download some overwatch porn
who are the best artists
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would you like to visit and find out?
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aww cute thank you very much!!
I've been in her waiting room for a while so yeah, I'm interested in what she's offering.
Very true, feet fags can go eat dirt. I'm glad the gospel of high heels is spreading more and more.
i think you mean cannon asshole
Angela Ogundimu
Me, unironically.
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I said I wouldn't goon tonight...
This seems inappropiate
The duality of man.
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oh yeah?
You can't just post this kind of stuff and expect me not to! My crotch is straining already, there's no going back now...
Where are her nipples?
Well all you have to do is... SQUATS AND OATS FATTY
Kissing tummy while you can see the bulging from his thrusts.
this skin caters to both the yass slay queen gay types and straight coomers
it's only one public or the other rarely both of them
>Paying for skins you cant see
Do Overkeks really?
hot transtiddies
bitchniggers are hot, even with the WHO haircut
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You use skins for others to see. Just let an eDaddy buy you his favourite to look at.
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>devs do everything they can to make the women as unappealing and ugly as possible
genuinely do not understand modern game devs
you have caught my interest
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it was just the camera flash
Wait what is she recording?
Literally this. Skins are eye candy for others. I don't care what I look like as long as someone else is having fun ogling me
Coomers and trannies (85% overlap)
Got a shot from a perspective of her looking down on you?
wait are they supposed to be bringing it back or something
ive started playing again the past 2 weeks and fuck junkerqueen is so fun and im dissapointed i missed all her battlepass skins
TLDR, they're bringing it back as a test for a week or so at a time, testing different team role comps (2tank 2dps 2support, 2dps 3support 1tank, etc) and balance before deciding on whether or not to bring it back for good
cool, i feel like even though everyone has more hp now you die just about as fast anyway wonder how that'll feel with 1 more person
This is curing my ED
A faggot, all the good ones were free in OW1. Still gonna run valkyrie on the rare occasion I want to play Mercy.
If it's one more tank it'll feel like shit because even 1 tank getting heals is an unkillable machine that can melt you with ease, so if they have two of them they'll need to either lower their health or damage
Also none of Queen's BP cosmetics are really worth missing. Her best skin is the mythic and you can get that at any time as long as you have enough mythic shards
>I find the language that someone cannot know how to say a word without hearing someone beforehand to be a better language than one with clearly defined rules
Wow, this dude is a retardo, amigo
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your what?
i WANT sex
It's helping me feel a certain way again... A doctor would know best
That's not how a doctor should be dressing
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What way is that, anon?
Uhm, one that makes me want to look at pics like this for longer. I'm debating myself on if I should do something to myself...
If its penis inspection day it is
>mercy thread
>turns into gay erp
every time
oh my
Why censor these coward
skill issue
There's a subset of men (ones who primarily play online video games as women) who get off on the thought of arousing other men. We call them faggots.
What's the point of the mask and gloves if she's going to open her lab coat like that..?
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If someone gave me a button I could press that would instantly kill every single nig-worshipping cuckspamming subhuman faggot tranny on 4chan, I would press it right after before they could even say everything else after "cuckspamming"
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>right after before they could
Logic CHAD
I want this to be my doctor!
How much does this cost?

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