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File: Draw Thread.png (2.82 MB, 1200x1358)
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2.82 MB PNG
Previous Thread >>687867358

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs:
>/ic/ sticky:

>NSFW Deliveries

>Offsite options:
File: Anchor.png (1.6 MB, 2547x2400)
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Anchor Post
Requesting Modeus in a lewd french maid outfit.
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Requesting Purah getting fucked by Scorn or her giving him a footjob.
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Requesting Monaca naked tied and with a sign next to her that says "free use"
File: so freaking cool.png (1.44 MB, 1847x1500)
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Requesting Nero petting Gori
File: Leik.png (119 KB, 588x454)
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File: 1696809971764770.png (1.61 MB, 3000x4000)
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Requesting the Zoologist eating a hamburger.
Catbox is being a bitch, so Litterbox'll have to do
File: Jane-Doe.png (1.08 MB, 2113x1006)
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Requesting Jane Doe from ZZZ (right) as the giant rat (left), please.
File: Hat.png (175 KB, 722x642)
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Requesting Hat Kid semi naked, covering her boobs with a hat each
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Requesting someone draw rabbit Curly Brace like here but wearing something more revealing (and with 5 fingers on each hand).
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Requesting the SMT 1 hero crushing a big rock with his bare hand in front of Jack Frost who is amazed.
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/r/ Zorayas joyfully getting headpats and maybe belly rubs too
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Requesting Keira wearing a wedding dress with her and Jak getting married.
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Requesting Mei from Overwatch wrapped up in a towel, relaxing in a sauna
Catbox's down atm so 2 posts from last thread are still missing from the booru
I have the links saved and will upload them as soon catbox is working again
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Someone asked for this but they said they were going to stop so I decided to do it. Kinda got lazy towards the end though. Changed the hairstyle so its more fitting for a date but I kept the cowlick for them.
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Requesting Seong Mina in a sling bikini.
kek that op
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Requesting a version of this pic with a male monster hunter and his female palico companion with the girls in the pictures the hand is holding being female hunters in the slutty armor sets.
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Requesting Kaguya and Mokou using this bathroom
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Requesting Rocky and Melody from Rocky Rodent dress up in Halloween costumes of your choice.
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Feels good getting two requests done

>CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA CHOO CHOO SUSIE!!! You say that you WISHED for GASTEE to turn me into this flesh-train MONSTROSITY?!?!?!?? And that my SOLE purpose for what remains of my LIFE will be to host YOU and your MANY HVMAN bvlls' ORGIES?!?!?!!!?? You'll be riding me... WHILE riding other MEN!!?!?!??!? You'll be on a train... while HAVING a train run on YOU?!?!?!?? And EACH of my train carts will be specialized to having you FUCKED and IMPREGNATED you in different POSITIONS!!??!???!?? And what's more... crikey... you say that I'll feel every INCH of me FUCKED upon... but never feel ANY pleasure?!?!?!??! That the CLOSEST intimacy I will EVER have with you again will be feeling ANOTHER man DRILL YOU against my WALLS?!?!?!??!? *gulp* A-And what's more... I'll be powered not by COAL but by ANY leftover SPERM from your LOVERS?!?!?!?!?!??! And the SMOKE given off from this fuel will spread BVLL PARTICLES across the EARTH which will only serve to attract MORE MEN TO YOU!?!?!?!??!?!?? And this CONCENTRATION of BVLLS will eventually reach CRITICAL MASS... leading to a MASS SLAUGHTER as you and your LOVERS are crushed to death in each others' EMBRACE INSIDE ME as I ETERNALLY circle my TRACKS!?!?!?!??! And you're FINE with this!?!?!?!??!?! I don't know what to say except... YABBA DABBA CHOOOOOO!!!! ALL ABOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
requesting this OP pic but with her asshole instead
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what if "Mina Hakuba" from the hit "gameboy advance" game "Castlevania:aria of sorrow" was a furry?
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Requesting Clar the male succubus either giving Mana Tank a blowjob deepthroating his cock or getting fucked by him in the full nelson position.
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Requesting Maya sitting on a bed either nude or in lingerie holding those 'yes' heart pillows.
File: Midnight Gardening.png (576 KB, 1080x1080)
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Got enough inspo to finish this, thanks!
>Mushroom Toppin in her jammies
Appreciate the sleepwear. Sleepy mushroom real cool.
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Reposting, if you are still out there Zeus anon lemme know what you think boyo
File: sack_boy_strangle2.png (1.8 MB, 1333x2000)
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Here is the more serious version for you
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Requesting Shiv from Deadlock with a GIGANTIC pompadour
Requesting goth Coco putting an anon in a headlock with her thighs
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Wakasagihime sushi chef
File: tree frog .jpg (1.07 MB, 2350x1300)
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Make this /v/idya.
Maybe Monster Hunter related with either a Tetsucabra or Zamtrios/Zamite, or anything else
File: IMG_3198.png (31 KB, 896x480)
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Requesting Nana from Grandia sunbathing in her bikini.
That was mine, very cute thanks dude, also why is she on a jar too
>103 degrees
Requesting a vidya girl shirtless trying to cool herself off
Requesting berdly doing the mahito death face
File: zeus strangle.png (493 KB, 1024x407)
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Requesting zeus tightly strangling sackboy
File: ModyMaid.png (43 KB, 480x760)
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Very nice work! Modeus looks both cute in sexy in that maid outfit.
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Requesting Toriel cuddling happily with Anon, please.
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Requesting a futanari Beebz, sucking on her giant cock.
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Requesting this but with Shiftfell Chara, please.
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Requesting Rosado sucking a dick.
Requesting Chihiro Fujisaki sensually eating a popsicle.

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Requesting Patty Fleur wearing a sailor school uniform.
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Requesting Daud starting the Dunwall guard tradition of gathering for cigars and whiskey with his men as a way to bond and boost morale.
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Requesting Sasha wearing a pretty sundress.
Drew bunny Morgan and a human farmer. Enjoy.
What's your problem faggot?
It’s a picture of Morgan. You can always re-request.
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Requesting Pierre from Library of Ruina in the Butcher's Vanity Pose in the center with a smile to match
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjBFftpQxxM
Please draw an erotic picture of Parin, seriously.
What if I don’t want to do it seriously?
File: vrequest.jpg (290 KB, 1060x871)
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Requesting Scorn Guy and Dark Samus encountering a xenomorph.
Requesting something like this interaction with Callie, Marie and Captain Three.
>Talk Show Host: So, who's this hobo looking lady you two hang out with *holds up picture of Captain Three*
>Marie: She's our bodyg-
>Callie: She's our Girlfriend!
File: tuber swimsuit.jpg (63 KB, 500x500)
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Spicy loli requests?
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Etna anal
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Requesting Xiao giving a tailjob
Parin >>688011142 using her drill weapon to pole dance.
we get it man, you are in the thread, we can see you. Got your attention?
Requesting someone redraw the one encircled in green to be like the ragnarok manga vol1 cover with Ayin holding Nothing There's head
Tell me you’ll watch this Alice cartoon and I’ll be on my way.
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Requesting Jas wearing a purple version this dress.
you’ll watch this Alice cartoon and I’ll be on my way.
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Requesting Mizora from Baldur's Gate 3 getting fucked by a He-Man looking Tav while Wyll is unwillingly forced to watch because of his contract.
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Requesting the ‘How do you do, fellow kids’ meme with the Blue Archive Sensei, saying "How do you do, fellow students"
Did you sage your request?
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Requesting parody with classic Doom Guy wading through hellfire with raining blood
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Requesting Tiny Kong having sex with an anon.
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Give me some silly requests. I'm feelin' like a such a goof right now!
Doodle shantae getting a faceful of ink after handling a squid
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Tataru getting chased by her Carbuncle
File: Candy ref.gif (872 KB, 714x499)
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Requesting any frame of this gif but with Candy Kong and bananas
Calm down
File: Callie ver3.png (572 KB, 1455x1071)
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Draw Callie getting stuck on-top of a bookshelf
One of those is Potatofag though?
I went and edited a fucking gif, if you think I'm posting more than one request fuck off
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Requesting Crypto making up alien conspiracies to keep people distracted from his real evil alien plans.
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One of these three playing a Gameboy, talking about how new and cool they are, like they're Frieren.
a comic
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Requesting Urbosa casually groping someone's bulge to check his dick size
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Requesting Courtney doing whatever you feel like, I leave it up to you.
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Requesting Miu Iruma accidentally turned into a busty mermaid
>litterbox works but catbox doesn't
ooh lad
Requesting anything with Adelaide from Fallout 76, probably a sexualized body or her dressed as Adelaide of Kirby
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Requesting this gyaru Skyla getting spit roasted by two male trainers.
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Requesting Purah wearing this, but in orange and white instead of black.
Outfit ref:https://files.catbox.moe/c5igcc.jpg
File: Spoiler Image (48 KB, 393x355)
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>Courtney doing whatever you feel like, I leave it up to you.
I have decided that she is going to blob.
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314 KB GIF
>I only draw Blobs for anons that draw for me
File: Numel.png (260 KB, 900x1000)
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>he doesn't know about the other threads

excellent, thank you fren
File: tsubaki god eater.jpg (78 KB, 700x1350)
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Requesting Tsubaki bathing in a hot spring.
Amazing work drawanon, it's better than I imagined
Any “lewd but still enough to post on here” requests relating to astro bot?
This is glorious
draw any aigis fetish pic but with the aigis astro bot
A rear view of a big ass astrobot with Bayonetta's dress
Astrobot pregnant
Can anybody reupload pls. It isn't on the booru.
What bayonetta dress
Sony dev at an assembly line, with a big power drill drilling the necessary holes into the Astrobots so they can double as sex toys.
It's just fygoonfag trolling hmofafag, it wasn't anything
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Her outfit in Bayonetta 3 seems fine.
LOL. This idea is much better.
I admit defeat artfren. The other anon won.
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Requesting Fake-Rabi having hand holding missionary sex with heart pupils in his eyes.
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Requesting RSE and XYORAS Hex Maniac turning into giant werewolf-like Hisuian Zoroark

Videos for ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8aAd_SGpvY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p2R6cY4OtI
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Requesting Carol in her controller shirt getting groped by an anon.
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Is there a good tutorial on how to draw heads and faces? No matter what I try, it always is something I struggle with.
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Requesting Foxiel relaxing by a pool wearing this.
Outfit ref: https://files.catbox.moe/4inlhe.png
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Look at this
She needs to watch where she's flying, dumbass flew straight into a knife
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Requesting Mayl buff bimbofication similar to the bottom image
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Requesting Cierra in a string bikini with a side-tie bottom… out in the middle of a snowy landscape, causing her to shiver.
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Requesting Karin in a classic flamenco senorita dress
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Requesting a female warrior from DQIX slicing slimes with her sword.
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Sal and Miyuki
cute blue eel
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Thanks, also sorry for doubleposting but i made a version with a bit more solid background.
Is Palworld your current fave game?
Do you ever draw Pokemon or Digimon?
I dont like pokemon but ive drawn some a couple times
Most digimons are too complex or ugly to draw.
jesus decking out the ai in yugioh masterduel is so slow
*has sex with you*
This your art? I like it.
proko has good videos on it
File: Cuckqueen Malenia .jpg (72 KB, 1024x815)
72 KB
>Requesting Malenia doing the yabba
GADZOOKS!!!!! R-Ranni-sama, you've been WATCHING all my SEXUAL EXPLOITS with my FEMBOY BROTHER......and you were ENTERTAINED!??!?!! So much so that you're making a NEW UNIVERSE where the LAWS OF REALITY revolve around MY CVCKOLDRY?!?!!!?!? Causality will be contingent upon MIQULLAS'S ORGASMS??!! Even down to the ATOMIC LEVEL.....PROTONS will be BIG TARNISHED BULLS, attracted to the ELECTRONS of HIS SLOPPY BUSSY, and I'll have to OBSERVE PASSIVELY as the NEUTRONS!?!?!!?? And sometimes WE'LL SWAP THE PARTICLES of THEIR CUMSHOTS!??!!??! The OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE will be nothing more than a CELESTIAL ORGY!!?!?!!!?! After BILLIONS OF YEARS of INTERGALACTIC BUKKAKE, the EXACT CONDITIONS for CARBON-BASED LIFE will align in a solar system MUCH LIKE OUR OWN!!?!?!!! From a PRIMORDIAL SOUP of SPERMATOZOA, they will RISE to inhabit a CUMDUMP of a PLANET!?!??!!! Slowly, these ORGASMIC ORGANISMS will undergo EROTIC EVOLUTION until eventually SAPIENT HUMANOIDS roam the SPEARMTH!?!?!?!?! And just as WE do, THEY will exhibit PARALLELS between the MICRO and the MACRO!?!?!?!? Their LANGUAGE, their CULTURE, and SOCIETY AT LARGE will revolve around Miquella GETTING POUNDED LIKE YESTERDAY'S BEEF!?!?!?!? He will TRANSCEND into the very CONCEPT of LOVE, JOY, and SUCCESS, while I will represent LOSS, PAIN, HUMILIATION, and SO MUCH MORE!?!?!!!!? And as the METAPHYSICAL UNDERPINNINGS of YIN AND YANG, we will bring about an UNPRECEDENTED UNIFICATION of RELIGION AND IDEOLOGY!?!?!!?!? Humanity.......NO, KUCKLYNITY will become a HIGHLY ADVANCED UTOPIA capable of RIVALING THE GODS through TECHNOLOGY, with their ONE GOAL being to SPREAD THEIR DOCTRINE?!??!?!?!! Y-You think their POWER will become SO GREAT that they'll affect REALITIES that ARE EVEN ABOVE OUR OWN!?!??! By harnessing OUTERVERSAL METANARRATIVE ENERGY , they'll be able to TRANSFORM my cuckoldry into a MEMETIC AGENT that SPREADS through their STORIES!?!....YABBA DABBA DOO, I'll be real to YOU, TOO!!!!
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Tried again and I think I did a better job.
File: Splat 3 Callie and Marie.png (1.17 MB, 1200x1200)
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Requesting Callie and Marie practicing their CQC, with Callie putting Marie in a chokehold.
Outfit refs(minus the hats):
File: TTandLL.png (501 KB, 468x589)
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Requesting a picture of this duo doing something heroic! Their names are Thick Thunder and Little Lightning, and they're a super awesome mother and crimefighting duo!
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Requesting Melodii giving an anon a blowjob.
Requesting girls but gives them scales and fins
Drawing faces is difficult but I will improve and overcome. : )
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Requesting something like this, with Rat Queen and Princess Lumi
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The thing that sticks out the most to me is the alignment of her mouth and jaw/chin. They skew/slope a little too much towards the right. Picrel is a quick adjustment for you to consider. Overall I think the stylization of this attempt is indeed better than the other one
Do you have your tablet at an angle when you draw maybe? Mine's usually at an angle and I often find myself skewing things based on that if I'm not careful.
I do have a tablet and it does skew upward at the right side. I'll make sure to keep that in mind for future drawings.
Many thanks for the critique. This will be very helpful going forward.
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Requesting the reaction face on the right but with Brenda
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Requesting Parakarry working for Amazon as a delivery 'drone' since they caused his old company to go bankrupt with their monopoly and that he's cheaper to use than an actual drone.
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Requesting Naga and Tia switching outfits
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Requesting erika from pokemon (right) cosplaying as traptrix rafflesia from yugioh (left), with a smug vileplume at her side
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Requesting Trieste drawn like the guy in the topleft watching in horror as pineapples are put on pizza.
Feel free to have Essex as one of the people putting the pineapple on the pizza.
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Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing a simple full white long sundress (hat included), doing stuff related to summer like playing on a very shallow river, eating some shaved ice, sleeping comfortably on a hammock under the shadow of the trees it is tied to, waiting for rain to stop on a random lonely bus stop, watching a beautiful sunset at the beach, or any other thing you can think of related to summer.

Non-ingame reference: https://imgur.com/GGhgzao
Sundress and hat reference: https://imgur.com/a/T2yLUmE

Nothing lewd, please.
I'm bitin more than I can chew I think
Finished sketch soon(tm)
File: Ancie Preorders.jpg (2.54 MB, 3578x2472)
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Requesting some fine Ancie smut she's too good.
Bonus for some yandere stuff.
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Requesting Hex Maniac passionately kissing with Agatha.
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Requesting Talim from Soulcalibur, doing the same pose in the reference, fully nude, she's too much focused on her training and doesn't notice 2 guys are rubbing their dicks on her armpits.
>drawing for botfag
I have decided to add more markings to make my intentions clearer
I hope this removes any confusion as to what I want accomplished
>krillin yabba
I enjoy reading your schizo posts.
Cute attire
File: nino xmas draw request.png (1.86 MB, 2000x1000)
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Requesting Nino in her holiday outfit drawn like shown on the right.

In some countries, Christmas season starts on September. I am simply upholding this tradition.
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Requesting Krystal from Star Fox and Dinah from Unicorn Overlord with their outfits and weapons swapped
You started posting this shit in July.
They're already essentially wearing the same thing
>last July
He's actually been requesting it since last December and still hasn't taken the hint that no one wants to do it even after nearly a whole year.
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Requesting Nobeta in this bunnysuit riding an anon's cock reverse cowgirl style.
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Requesting the bottom two comic panels, but with Taki transforming into a big and bustier blue oni, her tattoos glowing an ominous deep red
forgot the swimsuit
That's some very fine work even without the swimsuit. Thank you anon.
Requesting Harlow Jordan from Dead Island Riptide getting creampied while restrained in a chokehold (preferably by John Morgan).
Requesting Lizzie from Rampage: World Tour reverting back to her human form and having an ENF moment after destroying an entire city.
why do mods allow 2 different art threads to be up 24/7
This is a Drawthread. The other is an Art thread
File: rollveemo.png (3.82 MB, 2031x3508)
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Been a week now, so I guess this will be the last day I ask this. Would've done it earlier, but Big Run and all that. Requesting a belated birthday piece involving Agent 8 and Roll swapping their outfits. My heart desires the cute this would bring into the world. And if it doesn't happen, well, I tried. Good night.
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Requesting Bridget in a maid outfit with him 'servicing' an anon.
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Nice thunder thighs
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Requesting bunny Morgan having sex with the human farmer with her on top.
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Requesting something similar to the image on the right, but Ivy overflowing with Soul Edge energy, her eyes glowing red and her already curvy body swelling and growing in size
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Requesting art of Yunaka and Seadall from Fire
Emblem Engage fucking pls
This is the best official full-body art of them, sorry
Ref if you need one:https://files.catbox.moe/2ugy70.jpg
blog please
Pull the trigger Ripple
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Requesting Jas from Stardew Valley snorkeling or scuba diving, either in a wetsuit, one piece swimsuit, or bikini. She can be human or anthro.
Exploring something, treasure hunting, encountering tentacles, I am fine with sfw or nsfw.
Seconding but only if she has big tits and a voluptuous body.
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Dear cat-frau. Please give mich ein Wurst please
Purrveyor of fine meats.
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that, she certainly is
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A quick flat color of >>687973558
Lineart not by me.
Someone posted the op pic to e6
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Requesting Autumn Smogmella from Yo-kai Watch World getting her huge sweater puppies fondled from behind.
Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/8qu35e.png
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Any Mona requests? No Wario
Requesting Mona Moaning like a Motorboat in Montana
Draw her in a one piece with an open abdomen part
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>No Wario
What was gonna be your request? "Wario fucking Mona"? Shit's boring and overdone
loli mona
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Forgot to color her skirt, and ear.
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Like what?
With her current bust size, i think that's gonna be a pretty normal pic, but i'll try to make it different enough so it's noticeable
No, I just wanted to see Wario collecting treasure like in Super Mario Land 3 or just Wario doing anything in general.
It’s always woman this and woman that in these threads. What about the males?
Dude's asking for Mona requests, stupid. If you want to request something that's not that, do it independently of his post
I just wanted some silly drawing based on the word play of her name
Damn nice shapes

She's so pretty

Cute and wholesome
It's not my art. I just colored it for fun, and no i do not have blog, and i don't know whether the real artist has one either.
If that was your question?
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Not really a fan of the pole dancing idea so I'm thinking something more like this? Still sketching ideas though.
Requesting miquella yabba dabba doo
bruh i keep seeing this bitch's gaping mouth on the catalog everyday
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Can I get a drawing of Astro plunging down on Aeirth with Masamune. Just incase he actually wins GOTY. I want to be prepared
That wasn't wordplay. That was alliteration at best.
Oh nice! Thanks for doing this man, I think you've got a very solid foundation already, so just take it easy and go one step at a time, I'm sure it'll turn out great!
>that one sausage that looks freshly gnawed on.
Very cute meow
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>That salami in the right corner
That ain't saliva
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A quick Wario for ya
just one?
My intention was saliva, but I guess it the salami can go both ways if you nomsaying...
Well the others don't look like they were JUST slobbered on
some have a few droplets on them, But I guess the salami just tasted better. That's why there is so much
Haha, that’s based. You’re awesome!
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Draw snek.
But I want to draw catgirls...
>draw half a pic
>mirror it and call it a day
Damn thats too bad. Draw sneks.
If it were mirrored, it would actually be mirrored. None of the lines there are mirrored.
Anyone in mind
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Requesting a redraw of Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory album cover with Fecto Elfilis (Kirby). Though maybe Chaos Elfilis fits better, you pick
The one with her opening her pelvis door to show the mebryo developing in her artificial womb.
Pic sorta related
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Requesting Venti in this outfit getting fucked doggystyle with the viewer grabbing his butt.
zeus anon here, love it
Requesting Northern Water Hime (Russian Hoppo) from KanColle dressed as a sexy mecha musume based on the Tallgeese from Gundam Wing.
Up to you how ridiculous or cool the design looks, completely fine if its on the sillier side.

More refs for the Tallgeese:
>my characters
I can't believe the stardew valley dev posts here
>hmofa woke up
>he doesn't know
Concerned Ape is one of us who shows up every Christmas to give away free keys, and he's fully aware about the Jas posting but still visits and went and used Jas for the 1.6 update teaser image to show off the new winter outfits when he could've used any of the bachelorettes like Haley or Penny instead.
>ConcernedApe is a Jasfag
Uhoh, better hope nobody checks his computer haha
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Requesting Lilim giving the SMT Strange Journey protagonist a thighjob.
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Requesting some nice fan art of Ashe from Final Fantasy 12
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i draw nurse
Sperm donor nurse
new brush or somethin?
either way looks good m8
good shit, love nurses
>botfag samefagging
Man shut up already its not even that good
Genuinely go kill yourself, you'd be doing everyone here a favor
braindead cuck
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Ivy and empathy, Impathy if you will
I have zero knowledge on how to paint
Taking Zero Suit Samus requests.
zero suit samus lusamine
ZSS Bonita
ZSS but shes a monstergirl and her suit is adapted to her new form
Futa samus cumming and her suit ballooning like a condom
Zero Suit Samus sitting in a car wash lobby reading a magazine while her Power Suit is being cleaned inside the car wash.
Get in the powersuit shinji or we'll send samus out again.
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Requesting Sierra in heat bending over and shaking her butt seducing the viewer.
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ZSS with a womb tattoo glowing through her suit.
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Requesting Gene spanking any vidya girl of your choice.
Her as a Lamia
She's looks like she 'gon eat me. Good.
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Requesting Alisa fucked by Scorn in the full nelson position.
This but with Brazilian Miku instead of Alisa
zero suit samus fighting sonya belmont
>Check booru
>People flooding concord shit
Retards like you are why studios think they could rerelease Morbius.
>waah waah waah
>please dont bully companies when theyre down
Are... you okay anon?
beautiful, anon, simply beautiful
nah it's just snoy
Post girls you want to see showing off their asses and what type of asshole you like(small, large, etc.)
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I have zero knowledge on how to paint lol
Blaze the cat.
Jas, very large
reading comprehension is not really your forte is it? I didn't say don't bully it. Bully away. But suits don't get irony or shitposting. They see any attention as purely good attention
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Requesting hers, with a small one I guess.
Thats because any advertising is good advertising. Morbius even if it flopped is now a name people know. He went from nobody spiderman villain to one of the big ones.
Requesting Party Girl passed out drunk with someone drawing a dick on her face with a sharpie.
>party girl
Would it kill you to just add a little "from Terraria" in there?
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People here don't like to say the game the characters they request come from for some reason
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Requesting the museum curator from Mega Man Legends painting a naked self portrait of herself.
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Requesting Leonie from Fire Emblem 3Houses teasingly noting that her top is starting to get too small, due to her already pretty big boobs getting even bigger
She should have a cocky expression, as if to tease the viewer, practically daring him to rip the top off right then and there
why is he poo?
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Requesting Payila wearing the workout clothes seen in the middle, but the color changed to suit her herself.
cause he stinks
Huh...I wonder what got him banned.
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improve girls designs.
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Requesting the Steam summer sale girl giving naizuri.
Requesting her being bought
Thanks! Saw your Mona, and...
...Added Ribbon, and was there an official name of the red Travelling Sister?
That's real cute, though why does she have a penis or something peeking out of her dress?
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New drawing, summer edition.
>something peeking out of her dress?
initially, was thinking of adding a tailcoat, but it got obscured by the jacket. Also fixed the solid fills on both Ribbon's hair and the toad's mushroom cap. Thanks
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Requesting Ember from Wrath of the Righteous prostituting herself
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Requesting Nekomata from ZZZ as the dancing man with the cats, plus Nicole as the girl in the back left.
Excellent work, I am saving this.
It's not Gary C, how did you draw this?
On an aggie/magma session alongside real artists.
Requesting a face shot of Braxian from Pokemon, but it looks like Evrart Claire's portrait from Disco Elysium. Stupid grin and lazy eye intact.
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Requesting cat Tifa giving (human) Cloud a blowjob.
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Berdly said this
Thanks, Billy my man. I like the transparency detail on the ball
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Requesting Anubia getting fucked by an anon in the full nelson position.
Succu-Nurse booba!
based request
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Requesting Yumi cosplaying as Presa from Tales of Xillia.
Does she have all the Waffle?
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Decided to do something like this.
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Requesting Helene from Potion Permit leaning forward at a desk or table and her breasts resting against it while talking to the viewer and a flirty look on her face. If needed make her titties even bigger. Or just make them bigger cause I like big tiddies.
Reminded me of Beetlejuice for some reason
Marvelous, love all the easter eggs.
You're probably reminded of the 'take a number' scene from the first film.
Thanks, details really do make a picture that much more amusing.
Awesome job

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