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/v/ - Video Games

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Gamers, rise up!
What do cartoons for babies have to do with video games
These girls don't have humongous oppai?
project kv is better
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Oh the JFD? Haven't done it, nope.
>Blue Archive, but less soulful
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Fuck (You) gamers
Project kid vagina ToT
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If kv has 3d models they better show them
>already getting gay futa pics
BA still on top
Is it really a VN? Because if so, lol
Sorry I'm not into futa
cant wait to see the KV version of them
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They already confirmed cloth damage but none of the 3D artists left BA so that means no sexy chibis.
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why can't people just be cool about her saying it in a chill non-hateful way?
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Because she does this too.
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This is gamer oppression
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what if the future project kv anime ends up being better than the ba one?
ahh i'm so angry
*hugs you*
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>That reference
Holy shit that came out of left field lmao
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can the rrat craft a potion to make shunny but with adult shuns tits
There's 2 doujins about that
What does AI slop autism, schizo wojak reddit frog spamming or twitter eceleb threads have to do with video games?
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Can't wait to farm her
oh something surely is rising alright
Yeah, my social credit score!
That's it, /v/aca is done for.
we know Sensei calm down
Neither of these statements are true
what even is project kv? I know its got a bunch of ba artists, but do we know anything besides that
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it has sovl
We know barely anything.
Lead writer of BA left and made his own company
some of his buddies are helping him do art
music guy from BA is a contractor and is being contracted to do music
They're making a totally not official, doujin Visual Novel that may or may not be released at this Comiket.
They registered the company as one that will make phone apps.

This is all we know. Everything past this is speculation.
We dont even know what kind of game it will be. Probably gacha. Maybe RPG? It has no publisher so we wont see a working product for a few years at least. We know they dont have programmers so they're kinda screwed in that department.
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So what you're telling me the schizo shilling this game with bot like behavior is a huge faggot that needs to be banned on sight but won't because this is /v/?
Understood, thank you and I hope you have a nice day.
Interesting. Well hopefully it's not a gacha, but even if it is, if artists keep making nice art that's all I really care about.
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What if Prince Charming was in Blue Archive?
Nice art that's all CLEARLY based on BA characters and art, straight up ripping ideas off their last project like the vultures they are. It reminds me of Azure Lane and Kancolle, pretty sure there is plenty other examples like this with cheap copies too. And no I'm not talking Genshin for once.
If it comes out at all.
The Koreans are pissed off cause Blue Archive was this thing transcending culture to them, apparently. I mean you could be excused for thinking that considering how they've been reacting to this.
Nexon might sue them if they can find a case since the premise, art, music, and world is so close to Blue Archive that the Director of BA had to tell people that the game isn't related to BA at all.
The Japanese are pissed off cause the VN they wanna release at Comiket is pretty clearly an official commercial product endorsed by a company and not an independent Doujinshi like the convention demands. And they dont think the writer knows how to properly write in Japanese.
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>KV has not only the Koreans upset as fuck but even the Japanese
So their two main markets are insanely upset about this whole bullshit? Jesus, talk about a terrible fucking start lmao.
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It's criminal how bad Shunny is
eh who knows. all publicity is good publicity as they say.
While true, they're also fucking with very hot fire, in the form of extremely passionate cultures that don't let shit like this go easily.
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AL is a billion times better than Kancolle except for Akashi. Fuck Kadokawa.
I'm going to play both and like it. Literally two cakes.
it's a
>from the creator of
game, which should tell you everything
i.e. it's fucking nothing until they release something
I disagree, pissing people off isn't doing them any service in otaku circles and the whole comiket black rat thing was sketchy as fuck, even if they already apologized for it.
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>It's a "from people behind games such as..." type game
Christ I'm getting so fucking sick of seeing articles that start with shit like this, it's become so very generic and boring to read.
Yes, sure, it's yet another game by "business veterans" that worked at high class developer like Blizzard or what have you before in the marketing or HR department, or maybe were some low tier code monkey.
Except thats the main concern many are having.
With so many of the original team quitting Blue Archive, they might end up not having the same quality of art or story, the two main parts of a visual novel/gacha.
And seeing as the writer didnt bring any software devs or programmers, and his company is already under fire before their first game is even announced, it might die before they get far enough to release a product.
So the first cake has a chunk missing and the second cake doesn't even had the batter mixed yet.
So I'm supposed to mash the story for FREE rolls while this event is still happening, right?
I'm only a week in and I can go back and read it later, but it feels wrong to my students...
Do you plan to play casually? Read while you play and have fun. Don't care and wanna be a hardcore esports pro twitch streamer? Skip all that trash and grind the fuck out of everything that gives you pyro, including every momotalk you come across.
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anything that markets itself as that is rarely good
>from the makers of payday - GTFO
>from the makers of L4D - B4B
>from the maker of dead space - callisto protocol
>from the maker of cod - titanfall / apex
>from the maker of halo - destiny
>from the father of god games - godus / curiosity cube
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I love video games.
The whole phrase became meaningless marketing bullcrap because of how goddamn often they use it. But I guess on hyper normies it still works, on just about any faggot with sub 80 IQ.
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>NA server
>Club ID 12118
someone left so if anyone wants to join the OFFICIAL /v/ club, they can. no requirements other than playing regularly.
Worse, it's from one of the main writers and some artists, not game directors. Sometimes people forget how many people are involved in developing games, take Kojima for example, everyone thought he was a genius but take him away from his team and what happens? FedEx walking simulator.
Who did we lost anyway, got any idea great leader?
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I knew about the koreans being mad but did they actually piss off the otakus in Comiket too? They're the demographic they want the most. What's left? xitter artists? How the fuck did they fuck up that badly?
Don't forget about the one guy who's at 8 days MIA
I don't keep track. It was probably someone who doesn't send stickers often.
Nah kancolle is better and not a cucked company that censor their designs the moment some troon complains.
>skipping the story
>who doesn't send stickers often
Now I want us to start kicking people based on their chat activity, not simply if they're active in general. Why? It's kinda funny.
I'll keep an eye on him... Also, should people who don't check in get kicked or simply not logging into the game? I'll ask this in the club chat too.
kantai was better but in typical fashion kadokawa fucked it up big time
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But I'm shy
*pat pat*
Xwitter artists are a bit hit and miss.
On 2chan they talked about it
"I wanna draw art. Can I not?"
"Its fine if you want to draw whatever you want but some might not like it"
and other posts like that.
The posts on Xwitter aren't getting nearly the same number of likes as the ones for Blue Archive even though many of the BA artists are drawing both.
Dynamis One, the official company behind KV, has also been slowing down on the retweets and hasn't retweeted any art in the last three days, which is a bit concerning. They might be having talks with Nexon right now or might be busy writing the VN.
The vast majority of artists are in it for the money/fame, meaning they will draw whatever the fuck is popular at a given moment. KV isn't hot shit and getting beaten to death by BA or some other thing? Time to draw more BA or [thing here] art.
From what I understood, the writer/team left a while ago and the illustrator is a freelancer who does work for BA still, and people only question it because of the Band alts looking less slick. I figured BA will be fine and KV looks cute.
>Last Log in: Today
>Last Visit: a fucking week ago
Why are they like this?
Kancolle is fucking garbage, yeah there's some great designs like Iowa but the game is managed fucking horribly and AL isn't. AL's designs are overall better and they literally moved so they could release uncensored designs without the insane AK group in China gassing on them to the gov't. Kancolle is like Kemono Friends, a Kadokawa IP that was literal gold they could not stop fucking up.
Man, I've never joined a club despite playing since GL launch. Seems not worth it.
Not only do you get a lot of units to borrow, but you even get free energy each day. There is no downside to not being in one.
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The writer left about 2 or 3 months ago and then turned around and announced this project. It was a very quick turnaround.

The artist you're referring to is Mx2j. For the last 8 months or so he's been drawing art thats been really lacking in quality. Some assumed it was because he has been asked to draw so many alts, and some figured he's just sick of the game.
They had issues with the band alts looking like they had copy-paste legs, the coloring was really desaturated, and he made Kazusa flat. The posing had no dynamic look either and compared to the color palates from their original arts, they used half the number of colors.
Then there was the Hyaki trip event where he did a similar thing with Kaiade.
And finally there was the release of Qipao Marina who is also desaturated in color.
When it was revealed that hes doing contract work for Project KVs VN, people got mad. The work in KV is so much higher quality, with a lot more shading, more vibrant colors, and more interesting posing. Its clear that he has been phoning it in, or at least thats what most people assume.
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Also the newer chinese alts, we don't know for sure how many people left, only 5 are confirmed.
They've censored dozen loli designs mate. Meanwhile Kancolle has half naked lolis.
kek welcome back
What do you mean... he was kicked before and came back??
he left on his own terms a while ago
>left on his own
Fucking hue, alrighty then.
In China mostly except that green girl, outside of that there's still microbikini loli in AL far skimpier than KC. And even with that, there's the wondrous bonus of not having to deal with Kadokawa.
I'm gonna be honest mate I didn't notice any color difference but I was ok with the gen 6 pokemon models so maybe I'm just not as discerning.
Doremi was who I thought it was. Either way seems fine to me as long as they don't antagonize BA directly. I like all the designs.
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Feels good to be home.
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>Someone bought project-kv.com and has linked it to the Blue Archive official homepage as a joke
>Someone has also bought the domain for project-kv.net and has linked it to the 4th PV, at 52 seconds, where GSC President says the line “Adults that take responsibility”
You're retarded.
Out of curiosity, why did ya leave and decided to come back?
They should renew cunny.school while they're at it
No, I just have standards.
I wasted all of my pyros on Kikyou's banner against my better judgment, so I quit the club and uninstalled the game, promising to never play a gacha again only to start playing again 2 weeks later...
As far as I know, Doremi is confirmed to have left. I havent seen an official confirmation, but most think he left to support Isakusan while he writes KV.

That dude did a ton of art for BA and is responsible for a huge number of popular students like, Aru, Junko, Iroha, Toki, Kayoko, Koharu, and Mutsuki. So losing him would be a big hit to the games art.
I'm spooked of joining a random club
>Got so upset he uninstalled the game
>Came back 2 weeks later

Thanks for the laugh, honestly. Good on you for willingly leaving before uninstalling too.
That's why you join ours when possible, easy. I was lucky and got in early when I started playing.
Doremi I thought was also a freelancer
You'd kick me anyway because I took a break to play Limbus for a month and only logged in twice during that time to BA.
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Its totally possible. Im genuinely not sure if hes official or not. I know that he said that he wanted to work with Blue Archive simply because he was so in love with Junko.
Honestly, kinda based.
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dead archive
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It's Kanna's birthday!
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Neru Matrimony
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fake miyu anon
is that M-san
They did the same with www.dynamisone.kr and www.dynamisone.com
Wait no it wasnt .com, it was .jp
Seems that they got .net too but they already reclaimed it
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we're still dead
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Fool-proof reminder
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welcome back
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Thanks mate
So are they gamers or are they game devs?
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What would kivotos students play?
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Tales Saga Chronicles III
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There she is
This is what's going to happen, Blue Archive and Project KV will both die. Blue Archive lost their writer, while the writer what made Blue Archive great.
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good night
PC port when?
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Total Thread mEOwwS
Goodnight Koharu
Uhh back the fuck off??
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happy birthday to the feral hound!
Glock Archive
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Adult only.
titanfall and apex were both more fun than cod so there's your "rarely" accounted for
project KV will be in the lucky 5%
Does it have Haruka?
>Lead writer of BA left and made his own company
Is Blue Archive basically dying then? All momentum is lost?
At this point, no. Nexon wants to keep it going for as long as possible and word is they're making a spinoff like game. Not really BA, but in the same universe or like it. They think its worth investing in long term.
As for characters and story, the latest stories that were written without them have been doing well in Japan. They still think its good. One of the latest hits on Xwiter was designed by one of the new artists. So it looks like they can go on without him. People just liked the work he did and are afraid that without him, the game might not have the same soul.
Sabotage meme is real.
I'm going to hold hands and cuddle with Kanna and maker her smile
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>guy leaves nexon and joins kv
>learns its a shitshow with no management skills
>wants to leave but knows his career is over
I feel sorry for that bro. He just wanted to draw cute girls
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Arisu Archive
what the hell kind of game was this ragtag band of dumbasses even making
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They thought they could do it without a lick of Japanese and ride the wave of "from the makers of"
Is not even out yet, nigga.
They'd be lucky for it to even come out. They manage piss off the otakus in comiket entering as a company when its supposed to be circles and self-published works which can also be attributed to their lack of Nippon language
>They manage piss off the otakus in comiket
How many rage tweets are we talking about?
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Can someone explain to me why does it seems like gamers are all just obsessed with child pussy?
It's Project Kover...
( | )
Yet look at the amount of people malding over that post.
Huehuehue back over the wall.
Including you?
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dead thread
dead gacha
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>People who loves BA also looking forward to Project KV
>/v/ tried so hard to make it look like 'people' hate KV
Did nexon paid them to 'unshill' the game or something? There's literally no other reason for shitting on something that haven't even come out yet unless you're from the company themselves.
Is that the case?
dumb momoiposter
isnt this the gamer thread? what happened?
Nexon doesn't have to pay anything. Koreans are butthurt over KV and people here are just mirroring their doomposting for lulz.
not much to talk about and the usual schizos that shit up these threads are busy jerking off to project futa dicks but not even they get replies anymore as seen from the state of this thread
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