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you're not still relying on blue haired localizers right?
How can I learn Japanese easy? I have no money.
japanese is the easiest language to learn if you're a neet with no money.
only if you arent a goylem
i swear this language has some youkai magic on it or some shit that prevents soulless beings from being able to learn it
I don't enjoy JRPGs or anime so I don't see the point.
It's far worse than that.
In that context おっと is a very rude way of saying "hey".
こんなところに is "in such a place" or "in a place like this".
女が is "woman" plus the ga particle.
いる is "to be".
ぞ is a rather rash sentence ending that turns the line into a rude rhetorical question (unless it's paired with ka, then its just a rude sarcastic question, or with a volitional conjugation, then it's just a rude invitation to do something).
So basically it translates to:
>The hell is this then? The fuck is woman doing in such a place?
So it would be a shit translation making a literal barbarian brigand sound like a canadian noble for no reason even without censoring woman to traveler.
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>Hiragana and katakana
Is there a single thing China hasn't ruined
oh no, it's literally unplayable now...

"curry" isn't even a word poos use, it's fucking English. And the dish is English too, you just throw a powdered mixture of every single Indian spice in to a regular white as fuck meat and gravy stew and serve it on rice, it's not even based on an actual Indian dish.
>In that context おっと is a very rude way of saying "hey".
What clown told you that?
>The hell is this then? The fuck is woman doing in such a place?
What am I reading? Holy shit lol
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I..is Hatsuu till /v/ approved?
I did, audiobooks made it easy as fuck.
>this faggot again.
do you get off on being banned?
I am learning now
Which ones?
it's too hard to maintain interest in media you can't understand well.
idk how autistic geniuses do it.
He's lying. He doesn't actually know Japanese.
Nothing makes the process easy. It's nothing but lookups and memorization for the majority of your time, no matter what you use to learn off of.
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I'd recommend trying Genki+workbook for learning grammar. It doesn't really teach anything different but it just has you actually write sentences yourself which helped a lot.
>Why haven't you learned japanese already?
Because i don't have 3 hours a day to spare for the next 5 years (only to still be a beginner and not understand 90% of anime or games)
I live in the first world
oh look, its this thread again
AI translation will be solved in 10 years max, no point in wasting my time when Japan's best media is behind them
It starts with media you really want to understand. So much that you'll willingly sit down for hours just to get through a handful of pages.
For me, it was random touhou fanart and fan manga. I didn't know what OCR was back then, so I practiced how to write a couple hundred basic kanji in order to properly write and look up the new ones I encountered.

Rinse and repeat with more and more material over a couple of years, and I can read pretty much anything now.

There is no genius involved. I'm pretty sure my IQ is sub 100. It's just pure autism.
Because AI has already started the process of making bluehairs homeless, so I'm not too worried about it.
i see the kike goylems already found the thread
kanji is easy
Oh no, vocab
kanji is easy if you aren't a goylem
japanese without kanji is sovlless and hard to read (spaces and romaji won't help btw)
kanji exists to gatekeep leftists so it's based
>Have to learn a shit language because localizers dont do their jobs
I would rather not play games with bad localizations like neo flop THOUGH
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If you don't hate 日本語, you haven't studied it enough
>janet hsu is a they/them weirdo now
Localization is truly dead, even Ace Attorney is gonna end up turned to shit
If you have no money then I assume you're a NEET? In that case you have it the easiest out of anyone. I know from experience.
and if you are a retard that hates kanji you have not studied it at all, period
the real buckbreaking is always keigo and some-fucking-how katakana words
keigo is fucked up. I can play whatever game I want but keigo filters me from engaging in conversation confidently
>In that context おっと is a very rude way of saying "hey".
i love kanji to be honest, the only thing i dislike about japanese is no written way to indicate rendaku on kanji so you just have to learn all of it
I don’t need to understand anime to see anime booba
>struggling with keigo
thanks for proving my point. You may think kanji is cool and unique right now, but you won't be thinking that once you graduate from N5
I have seen goylems that claim to be N1 that still can't hold a conversation outside VR chat because they can't keigo.
i'm never speaking to japanese anyway, ill just consume their media without needing translations
if you cant keigo you cant understand most conversations either anon
Explain keigo. Japanese looks a puzzle to so it's fun. The real issue I gave us the absurd number of kanji. The grammar is itself interesting
if you masu shit i already know that
>He is unaware.
yeah cool flex bro i'm going back to consuming japanese
shut up fucktard
It's not the translators job to rewrite the content, they should aim to communicate the original message as closely as possible.
The original artists wanted to write a specific thing that dumbass westoids choose to defile, and it's allowed to go on like this by retarded apologists like yourself. Kindly go kill yourself, you worthless dreg
but how will the goylems complain jp writing is bad if they dont ruin it first?
stop being antisemitic
Good question. People that hate any and all adjustments made to the script for non-Japanese audiences should learn Japanese, and discuss the game in Japanese. I'm sure 2chan would love to have them. No need to sully ANY part of these games including discourse with gross English or Romäji.

If they did this, they could easily ignore the existence of any translation that isn't 1:1 with the source material. That is to say, ALL of them. And the people that don't mind some changes made to cater to non-Japanese culture and mannerisms can enjoy their inferior product in peace without both sides suffering compromise that no one is happy with.

It's the perfect solution.
>Please top calling out trannylations goy, even normalfags are starting to notice :(
This but unironically.

RPGs spend so much time and budget trying to get you to care about a story or characters. If they are specifically neutered then what was the point of even buying it to begin with? For fan service? For 4 hours of gameplay squeezed between 30 hours of cutscenes? I have to pay full price just to skip half the game's "content"? I wouldn't even pirate that shit if I can just play ANYTHING else, where I can focus on the "game" part of a video game if I didn't care at all for the immersive qualities.
>And the people that don't mind some changes made to cater to non-Japanese culture
those people shouldn't even be watching/playing jp media in the first place
goylems should kill themselves
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I'm too old, and otaku culture has largely pivoted to stuff like gacha and vtubers so the motivation isn't there. The culture war people (I.E this thread) also make the atmosphere around learning the language far less enjoyable, as it's no longer something for nerds but instead, well, you know.
If you get me a time machine so I can re-experience the 00s internet/games/VNs/etc again, but this time while understanding Japanese, then sure, sign me up for Japanese lessons.
Older stuff will get fan translated over time since it's a finite resource, so I'm just going to spend my free time doing other stuff like gardening and learning stuff to hopefully try making some simple games one day. Good luck to you guys learning Japanese these days, but I already feel like my time to find enough value in Japanese that I will devote thousands of hours to it has passed.
So you'd rather be mad talking to me than happy talking to the original intended audience for these games in their native tongue, with no changes at all period? Interesting. It's almost like this is all arbitrary bullshit
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no problem
Duolingo Section 3 Unit 17 right now. :3
lingoduo was fine for how memed it was
or at least until it started to use AI shit and started to hallucinate most of the answers off whats a glorified google translate
It's literally pictures. You have to force yourself to keep on grinding flashcards through Anki for at least a year or two before you can stop reaching for the dictionary on the regularly used kanji. Just focus on the kanji because you can always pick up the grammar later once you're confident in interpreting the kanji once they pop up. Or just read some Tae Kim once you get used to Anki grinding a few days or weeks in.
Doesn't this make the translators the real gatekeepers? It's impossible to learn through osmosis if the translation of basic phrases completely changes between every anime episode or game because the localizer felt like spicing it up. You can try to learn japanese from subs but it will never work no matter how many years you wait. It's like if a child was learning their numbers but every day you reassigned the numerical values of the symbols so they could never catch on. It has to be deliberate at this point but it feels really unethical
Ideally you should never go past section 1 of any duolingo course
Use it to get your feet wet and dive in with actual native material, textbooks, and guides.
>Older stuff will get fan translated over time since it's a finite resource
I have spent the last 7 years convincing as many fan TL groups, both old and upcoming, to not translate old stuff because nobody wants to read it anyway.
You're welcome for the gatekeeping. :)
I have almost managed to fully take down even falcom fan TLers, the only faggots left are pajeets using AI MTLs.
Don't listen to this guy. He translates manga scans and expects people to pay him for his 'enhancements'.
Then learn from actual material meant to teach the language instead of half assed osmosis, simple.
the amount of trannies trying to discredit this while offering no explanation on why its bad is fucking sus as fuck
>actual material meant to teach the language
all of it is sabotaged to the point they literally teach you even the most basic grammar points wrong as a joke
to this day all grammar guides will tell you は and が are interchangeable for example
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No... it can't be true. It can't be... noooooooooooooooo
>Older stuff will get fan translated over time since it's a finite resource
Who's gonna tell him..?
how would you translate これからこれから to english
Kanji actually makes it easier.
That's actually weirdly not exclusive to japanese.
After learning japanese I started to look at other languages because having nothing to study felt weird, pretty much every single language has sabotaged learning material for jewish reasons so they can sell you some faggot course or book.
And weirdly enough it's not even an exaggeration, the language teacher is always either a literal long nose or just so happens to be learning hebrew for "business reasons".
It legitimately fucking weird.
They're saying the same thing
Not exactly, they just don't explain it well so it comes off that way
They just say "uhhh は is a topic marker and が is a subject marker you'll figure it out" like that's supposed to make sense
Everyone already stated it. おっと is not super rude, it’s like “woah” or “oh hey” or something. I lived in Osaka for 10 years and would regularly hear really nice, polite people use that word. It’s not even remotely the same thing as saying “oh fuck holy shit hey you.”
The more you learn the more you'll be able to pick that out and disregard it. Not to mention, you'll be able to speak with natives on forums, where PC shit will become painfully obvious the more you do it. Though I shudder to think of someone trying to improve their conversational English by posting on 4chan lol
Or you could just explain it properly given it's supposed to be teaching material.
At the point you pull a "idk just figure it out lol" then the learner is better off larping as a toddler and jumping straight into full immersion until he somehow learns the language, it will be faster and less confusing too.
>jewish bullshit dialogue
>jewish bullshit dialogue
it's the same picture.
>oh but it's le funny scribbles so it's le superior :DDD
Dead language lol
The translation is him saying

"Oh? A woman out in these parts?"

The guy did a shonen manga translation where he adds in a bunch of cursing for no reason.
I agree with you, I'm just saying it's not a deal breaker for you learning the language. But if you want to make it your responsibility to improve the quality of textbooks and learning materials, I support that too. That said, I do not think subs for Crayon Shin-chan is strictly "learning materials" and should not be held to such a standard. It's meant for entertainment, that should be the first concern of any adaptation. And all media translations are by definition adaptations
the zo is actually brute brigand shit though because its generic though guy shit so your TL is in fact wrong
I don't play jap games, why would I do that?
Broaden your horizons?
>I'm just saying it's not a deal breaker for you learning the language.
how is literally sabotaged material that teaches you wrong on purpose supposed to not be a dealbreaker?
I have never once in my life seen a piece of learning material imply ha and ga are the same and interchangeable. You are just making shit up.
That is incorrect. A father would say to his child, in a fairly calm manner 何するんだ?パパおこるぞ。Does this sound like "What the fuck are you doing you little shit. I'm fucking angry"

No it doesn't because that's not what zo is at all, you fucking idiot.
Because of what I said. You start there, you get better, you learn to disregard the minor biases of the teacher. It's like the student surpassing the master. Thinking just because you started with something with some errors means you can't pick up enough to move forward is such a quitter attitude. The perfect is the enemy of the good, anon. Ancient faggot proverb, use it well
I'm going to need some real examples for this in media bro.
>both are the same but LE CONTEXT
>adds tons of cursing for no reason
I thought niggastream died
Been there done that decades ago as a matter of fact.
I lived in Quebec my entire life and never figured out how to speak French after spending all those years in French class. For some people learning a 2nd language is straight up impossible. It just doesn't soak in.
I'm not going to go find random shit. Go ask a Japanese person. The thing you would not hear normally nearly as much is ぜ
Turns out they left progeny to carry on. Guess they fucked like a tiger
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From your link

>Since 「は」 and 「が」 mean totally different things, the only thing we need to do in order to identify their differences is to fully understand what they actually mean and why they exist.

Shut the fuck up retard.
>trust me bro, make your own research
>impossible to learn through osmosis if the translation of basic phrases completely changes between every anime episode
the problem is not that they change things. you can have many ways to phrase the same line.
the real problem is they deliberately throw away lines and rewrite stuff however they want for "flavor," accuracy be damned. and worst of all, the end result is not even enjoyable
the other huge hurdle is you can't easily find the way to look up how to use words. if you try looking up shit like "should" some faggot is gonna go "oh, that's はず, right? no wait it's ~ばいい and ~たらいい, no wait it's ~べきだ! no, wait..." without distinctions or ways to tell when to use each option (aka the important part).

and last but not least, learners are also to blame, as they're retarded and think you can just translate shit word for word. e.g. "You're too kind obviously means 優しすぎる!" (the latter means "you're too lenient," or "this person is acting too nice(, they must be scheming something)"
No thanks. As much as people here like to present eastern games as a savior of gaming (opposed by the western "slop"), the way japanese make their games, especially the stories within and presentation, is just horrendous. I might just not be used to it, but still.
And also, I'd rather stay with languages that are actually realistically useful. Learning other languages is pain so it better be worth it.
Perhaps something in you just repels Frenchness on a basic fundamental level. Understandable.
>make your own research

I don't care if you are illiterate in a second language retard.
that explains literally nothing
great teaching material
I like how the first three words are the real reason and you felt compelled to supplement that with a paragraph of cope.
youre a dumb nigger
everyone in this thread is a dumb nigger
>yeah bro i read tae kim so im basically an authority on japanese
go read something, anything
i am returning to my immersion
in conclusion, kill yourselves
>without distinctions or ways to tell when to use each option (aka the important part).
stop noticing things goy, thats antisemitic
jews this jews that have you guys ever considered maybe there's some even higher secret society controlling the jews themselves
This gave me a good laugh, thank you.
Like... Mega ultra jews? Shhh, they are legend.
imo genki really fucking sucks, or at least it didn't help me. curedolly's videos helped me immensely in understanding grammar.

I heard good things about Tobira, but I hate books in general.
He kinda said it in a criminal-like tone that is common in pop-culture. Japanese has those roles that are evident just by vocabulary choice and they don't shy away from it the way we tend to when we write English. I'd use Elmore Leonard or Ernest Hemingway as examples of English writers who characterize through dialogue vocabulary
You learn japanese with japanese subs. English subs won't help you much.
>they just don't explain it well so it comes off that way
is it so fucking hard to take 5 minutes and present a dead simple list of phrases like
>昔々、姫がいた。姫は美しかった (new topic vs adding info on a topic)
>Aさんは背が高いが、Bサンは背が低い (contrast)
>(at a restaurant) 私はウナギです (as for me, (I'm ordering) eel)
>砂糖を入れるとごコーヒーが甘くなる (simply stating a fact) vs 砂糖を入れるとごコーヒーは甘くなる (sounds weird. implies the result will be different for other drinks/foods/things/etc.)
the answer is they do choose to treat it as some mystic undecipherable puzzle on purpose
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I'm working on it, but kanjis and vocab in general don't make it easy.
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Why bother when they're already going DEI themselves?
Just focus on building vocab and everything else will naturally fall into place. I believe in you anon.
genki is good only for extremely busy people
and i do mean actually busy people that work all day and just have an hour or two of free time, because the book can be done peacemeal in 15 minute bursts while on public transport, the toilet, or any other random small burst of free time
then again the book also implies you are going to be learning extremely slowly over the course of a decade, so obviously it wont work well for anyone actually dedicating any amount of time to it
>new topic vs adding info on a topic
the problem is that its not even true anon
its a bunch of borderline AI generated padding to say literally wrong info
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They did but I will accept that they didn't break it down and spell it out enough so that retards who have no critical thinking skills would be able to follow along.
i dont play japanese games with an emphasis on writing like jrpgs and visual novels anyway because 1. theyre gay and barely video games and 2. japanese people have always been extremely shit at that, so theres no point.
It was a sincere reply in a thread intended to be nothing but insincere shitposting between memer teens.
and then you have expressions and phrases where words don't match at all so it's pretty much impossible to recall it.
>ご参考になれば幸いです (lit: if it turns into reference material, I'll be glad)
>I hope this helps you
not to mention the level of grammar involved (conditionals like ~ば are not something you teach to people on their first day)
anti anki retards are brain dead, I used anki to learn a language and it was invaluable, I would have been nowhere without it
It still funny tho, "I'm an eel" as a joke wouldn't work without sabotage misinfo like that.
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It's not about being anti-anki so much as making fun of people who do no studying other than flashcards
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>ywn overcome the wall.
I'd use textbooks if you get them for free piracy is an option(I like physical shit better), but you'll be pretty confused when playing your first game or watching anime with japanese subs. I personally couldn't see myself getting anywhere doing 15 minutes a day with that book.

I'm a very busy person and I can still get 1~2hrs of studying in a day and playing a game for 3hrs+ is still studying. Anyone on this thread definitely has a lot of free time.
beyond the first 10 what is the sorting method even supposed to be here
it sure as fuck aint stroke order
>He kinda said it in a criminal-like tone that is common in pop-culture
Sounds like the type of nuance that native speakers or those that have been in Japan a long time would get.

Which means EOPs don't deserve that consideration and it should just be translated accurately. Or even left in Japanese with a t/n attached.
>just don't learn anything bro
what's his endgame
Take your meds, tranny. No need to work yourself up into a rage unprompted yet again. Do better.
Honestly looking at it like this it really doesn't seem that hard.
>I'm a very busy person and I can still get 1~2hrs of studying in a day and playing a game for 3hrs+ is still studying.
Then you have a brain and are already above the average goylem, textbooks are not for you.
Basically just grab cure dolly, maybe a 2k core anki deck (anything more than that is a waste of time with corporate filler) and get into immersing after the first 200 or so cards.
If the robo voice spooks you either watch Jouzu Juls (literally cure dolly 2.0 but dumbed down for retards) or Game Gengo (A more traditional approach that will get you some wrong info like muh fucking na/i adjectives, but still wont outright sabotage you with misinfo, at least he gets transitive vs intransitive verbs and ichi/godan verbs right for example, unlike most that will give you muh u/ru verbs).
that's not the hard part though.
shit like ジュルジュル, ぱらっと, ごりごり, きっぱり, ぽかん, すかっと, スッキリ, がらん, もこもこ, さらさら, きちんと, etc. is the actual hard part.
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reading more
it isn't, the difficulty of japanese is grossly exaggerated by americans who never studied a language
how do you read more when you don't know vocab and grammar?
Thanks, anon, I will do my best.
once you realize kanji readings is like "earth" changing to "geo-/terra-/-nium" and so on or "sound" changing to "-sonic" you will find memorizing kanji through vocab a cakewalk, and in the pricess you will accidentally start to appreciate jp prose that is literally untranslatable due to english not having enough depth to portray kanji compound autism thats even worse than german compound words
>"earth" changing to "geo-/terra-/-nium" and so on or "sound" changing to "-sonic"
>anon discovers morphology exists
you will be surprised to learn this is literally impossible to understand for goylems
nta but japanese is a heavily vocab oriented language. some study did a research on how much of a magazine would you understand when you only know the top 5000 common words?
majority of languages were well over 90%, including english. japanese was 81%. even when you memorise 10000 words you only understand about 90% of magazines
>even when you memorise 10000 words you only understand about 90% of magazines
And this magazines for normalfaggot brainlets mind you.
This is before getting into vidya which specific special terminology (especially sci-fi), novels that use far more complex language and prose because that's what expected of the reader, and autistic chuuni VNs taking the piss with archaic terms.
Is it wise trying to learn another language when i haven't mastered english yet? Also heard nips are pretty hostile towards gaijins
Japanese for anechoic chamber is better

no echo room
>Is it wise trying to learn another language when i haven't mastered english yet?
you will never truly master westoid because it's a goylsop conlang that boils down to "french pronounced wrong and filled with (literal) nigger slang)"
>Also heard nips are pretty hostile towards gaijins
they are, especially now after a few celebs acted like clowns
but you dont have to talk to any native to consoom media
>I'm retarded
retarded metric. japanese is agglutinative, so plenty of words are formed from other words.
e.g. you can easily know what 前髪 is if you know 前(front) and 髪(hair). you won't be able to decipher bangs' meaning without a dictionary even if you know what front and hair are.
and you also have lots of duplicate vocabulary thanks to 漢語(words of sino-japanese origin), like 加算 vs 足し算 for addition.
what if you put a yamabiko in a anechoic chamber
stfu nerd
I already study through Anki I just never realized how limited the range of kanji used in daily parlance was.
what's your opinion on the points made at >>688029845 and >>688031630
>The hell is this then? The fuck is woman doing in such a place?
My guy translated Yakuza 1
When did you learn how to speak your mother's tongue?
when she tongued my anus
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Yes because it's not playable. Writing is as important to Gameplay as Gameplay is important to writing you fucking Anglo.
why he eat too much duck
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wait until you realize a good 70% of any given deck is literally worthless because 1-all the following reasons
>it's corporate lingo that will be worthless even for people traveling for leisure
>it's literally wrong, how most decks pronounce compound numbers (read, anything that isn't 1-9) is outright wrong for example
>it gives you the wrong reading because some retard in an online dictionary picked up an archaic reading that hasn't been used since edo
>it's not even a word people actually use often (learned 辺? 起こる? 言葉? 初め? 大会? 食事? enjoy never fucking using them)
>it's doesn't even give you the meaning people actually use (have fun being confused in a fight scene when someone calls another sweet like candy because he said 甘い)
literally just read more
I only learnt the language through working as a lecturer in Tokyo, and also in a ward office for the Japanese government. If you're doing so just for entertainment purposes and you don't live in the country, you're an irrational being whose self-inflicted path of torture I cannot condone.
>I'm too old, and otaku culture has largely pivoted to stuff like gacha and vtubers so the motivation isn't there.
Judging by your lack of understanding the market and your pessimism I could tell you are old.
>The culture war people (I.E this thread) also make the atmosphere around learning the language far less enjoyable, as it's no longer something for nerds but instead, well, you know.
Not at all if anything it's motivating people to realize that they need to learn the language and learn to program to help become the change they seek. Getting mad is not going to solve anything that is true.
>Older stuff will get fan translated over time since it's a finite resource,
Not if nobody learns the language and becomes a doomsayer type like you are.
Oh shut up and watch your ovas grandpa.
What happened with kikes this week that the anti-japan demoralization propaganda reached the point of 3-5 threads up at all times? The spam was never this bad.
>>enjoy never fucking using them
bait used to be believable
>Anki grifters already in the thread doing damage control.
That was fast.
>as it's no longer something for nerds
the tranny said, as blood dripped from its axe wound, its pus-coated dilator lodged inside failing to contain the steady drip and the stench of fecal matter.
>起こる? 言葉? 初め? 大会? 食事?
I see these all the time and I'm a fuckin dekinai.
Wtf are you practicing on?
Shoo, ankidrone. Go dilate.
unironically where do you even see 食事 or 大会?
初め i give it a pass because you are likely thinking of the verbs rather than as a standalone noun, but the rest?
when the fuck do you even see 言葉 instead of しゃべる?
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The heckin Chuds made sure the AR Tonelico translation was accurate. Fuck them lol.
I know Kanji looks intimidating, but I often get confused with where a word ends and other begins, having the kanji right there not only shortens shit, but gives me the exact guideline of how I'm supposed to read things
>(learned 辺? 起こる? 言葉? 初め? 大会? 食事? enjoy never fucking using them)
I knew literally all of those from immersion before starting core 2k/6k, what the fuck are you talking about?
cause the grammar ladies book isnt in the guide anymore and im lost.
>Anki grifter damage control continues
Go away. Nobody likes you.
Is this what /jp/ threads are like?
no this is
only the /djt/ one because it's a literal glowie crab bucket full of unironic literal paid shills dedicated to demoralization propaganda and intentionally sabotaging learners
>when the fuck do you even see 言葉 instead of しゃべる?
Nta but doesn't 言葉 mean words more than something like utterance? and しゃべる is the verb to talk?

I always wondered the difference between 言葉 and 単語
nope the threads on /jp/ are full of native level advanced learners
I only remember /djt/ threads from /a/ but that was forever ago. Politics poison has gotten so bad everywhere
大会 is standard use in both conversation and writing. 食事 is still a fairly common word and should definitely be known

>when the fuck do you even see 言葉 instead of しゃべる?
I'm not sure what this comparison is. Using a noun instead of a verb?
It's different stuff altogether.
言葉 is closer to the concept of language.
単語 is closer to the concept of words as an idea.
しゃべる is "talk" in a low keigo way so it's closer to "chatting", though the latter these days is associated exclusively to digital chats in english so it's not a good translation.
What the fuck is /jp/ even for anyway? Lived in Japan half a decade and I've never felt like I've wanted to post there once
At this point /a/ is even worse due to the jannies being gooks and intentionally hounding down anyone that talks positively about something japanese and calls out the shitposting by banning you for the most asinine reasons possible.
The funniest shit is there you can get a 3 day for saying "gook/kike/jew" at all but outside the shounenslop generals (that get swept constantly for different reasons) you will see a lot of "nip/jap" despite being literal WW2 slurs.
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Anon...I knew what 言葉 meant long before I even started learning japanese through pure osmosis, what the fuck are you reading?
単語 implies one separate word. like 単位(unit, e.g. inch, byte) and 単品(single item, single article), 単色(single color, monochrome), etc.
言葉 can mean words. for example, someone's words (e.g. 誰の言葉? who said that? where'd you get that from?)
looking at the runes helps
Never understood what Anki was. Is it just flashcards or does it actually have some use?
For grammar, just read and consult these and you'll be fine
>I'm not sure what this comparison is. Using a noun instead of a verb?
why are you even trying to discuss squat when you don't know basic shit?
You CAN'T learn Japanese. It's impossible to be fluent as a non native
does anyone remember that name of the twitter account that corrected poor anime subtitles and their bio was something like "It's not about culture wars, it's about competency."
laoshu told me to read these and then he died
that's a very anti-semetic post. delete it right now!
That’s fine I don’t need to be fluent to steal their women
>Is it just flashcards
yes but for zoomies that need everything spoonfed and organized for them by an algorithm
their spaced repetition algorithm is not even usable either, it will constantly show you shit you told it you already know (even if you use 2 button ones to get rid of easy/hard) while words you fail get buried and shown only once a month
I see 大会 because that's what gaming tournaments are called.
After going nowhere with anki I have started a Japanese VN. I'm having to use google translate a lot but I hope I am progressing.
depends on how you define fluent and how committed you are (i.e. going full autism mode down the Dogen pitch accent pronunciation path)
I miss his videos. Now it's only the fraud Dutch guy who can say one sentence in 50 languages, or Xiomanyc the CCP agent
thank you
you don't need any retarded pitch accent courses. just listen and repeat.
pitch accent dictionaries can help, but ultimately listening and repeating is the only way. even applies to English, see direction being read die-rec-tion vs de-rec-tion
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>giving money to tranny enix
Kill yourselves trannies
I will remind you the pitch accent shit is a literal scam from dogen and matt vs japan.
They are not even consistent on their own fucking course, not even on their showcase videos if you pay attention.
It's literal fucking snake oil.
>words you fail get buried and shown only once a month
bad bait
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I try not to engage in these threads because there's always one or more autists who know jack shit about the language but parade themselves around like the Prime Minister of Japan.

You niggers are dumber than N6, if you can't read and understand pic related then kindly stfu.
Nice counterarguments you got there glowie.
vocaroo now
why are these threads full of such fags?
seems like you just want to prove you're better than other people more than you actually want to learn anything
oh no /jp/ has found the thread
I'm working on it, it's quite a pain. You need to memorize around 15-20k words. I've done about 5000 so far, learning about 20 each day.

If anyone is unsure how to study Japanese you need to download anki and a core vocab deck.
For me it is when anything has a long string of kana suffix or whatever they are called tacked on.
>人を信用していいのか しらね
>そういう考えにな るんじゃない
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Whats the point when the trannylators has wormed their way into the "creative" seat and given rights to add their "personalized sprinkle" to the original script?
plenty of works haven't been touched by them
I wonder if 2ch has English threads where some office worker from Yokohama is boasting about how they sound like a hood nigga from the bronx
the context and meaning are basically the same and in both instances the dude is meant to be fucking wrong. I mean i can get it if your some sjw obsessed with cultural appropriation and think the game shitting on it is bad.
this is bad. very bad.
let people write in peace
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Not yet. JP is getting more pozzed by each day. There's a meme about how Japan are always 5-10 years late, and it seems to be the truth.
Westoid DEI garbages are recently bombing left and right, and when it seems like it starting to die down, Bamco recently announced that they're going full DEI.
I expect the next few years is going to be the dark age for JP games.
chinks will just steal their lunch even harder
this is only really a problem with sega and crapcom and both have been lost causes since the early 10s
even nintendo took away power from the troons after 3H which is why engage just has a shit TL instead of having the original changed, and also why the game has such a massive hate campaign against it
We've had this thread before. The problem with the translation is that no two people can agree on what cultural appropriation even is. It's too loaded and just obfuscates a simple statement.
Reminder japanese learning threads are getting deleted for giving non-pozzled advice and for noooooooticing too much.
No game is worth learning a new language.
Sounds like a real G to me
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Do your rep.
Very true. Reminds me of those idiots who work themselves up gaping for hard to reach grapes. Don't they know they're sour anyway?
I'm very glad Japan uses kanji, it's the great filter for a lot of undesirables
and yet literal porn and incest threads stay up for the entire day.
stop noticing things goy
now get your brain chip like good cattle, you are not a nazi pedo chud with something to hide are you?
>Westoid DEI garbages are recently bombing left and right, and when it seems like it starting to die down
by die down you mean we still have 5~10 years to wait before Japan opens its eyes and goes back to making jap games for domestic fans?
Not video games.
Not video games.
Maybe because those threads are ACTUALLY FUCKING VIDEO GAMES.
Do the japs also have these retarded threads on learning english to play obscure games?
I am confused thai people have curry koreans have a type of curry curry is a food type its like saying pizza in america is cultural appropriation (even though americans invented pizza)
If a game is popular enough they'll make fan translations or just struggle to play through it (ex. when undertale was new or badur's gate 3)
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>but parade themselves around like the Prime Minister of Japan.
A dangerous prospect!
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this is what i got so far, my vocab is probably around 12-15k maybe
>be chinese
>gui lou cant into kanji
but in all honesty fuck japan for mixing THREEE fucking language systems into one
Waiting on AI.
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I don't really use anki, how are these tested? Are you shown a kanji and asked to give a few english words describing its general meaning? pic unrelated
>暦(こよみ) that low
what the fuck how do you write shit like 西暦
>卵, 珍, 肋, 屁, that low
who made this?
you can order it in several ways, it's just the kanji i've reviewed in my deck
Why would I learn Japanese for something that is already translated? If I wanted to learn it I would do it for the untranslated games/vns.
>It's not the translators job to rewrite the content
technically it is if you want to be anal about it
>they should aim to communicate the original message as closely as possible.
which is what they're doing in each of the examples that >>688021513 replied to, but you're still bitching about it anyway
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translations are pozzed. if you want the real version you have to learn jap
what blows my mind is this localizer trannies actually think they're correcting history somehow
I don't really care about culture war shit so this shit does not matter to me. If translators start fucking up actually important scenes then maybe I might give a shit.
>Just let people tamper with your product to suit their politics obsession and say nothing!
Fucking nigger.
>It's not the translators job to rewrite the content
not defending trannylators, but do you even know what you're talking about?
>text character constraints
>word order problems and wordplay affecting joke
> problems stemming from gender and number (e.g. spoiling a character)
>how to deal with references to foreign mythology and stuff (who knows what the fuck a shirikodama is). for some fucktarded reason official settings are allergic to T/Ns. and translators don't get the luxury of supplementary materials to fill gaps anymore
>semiotic translations (i.e. when people refer to a concept that doesn't exist in another language, like Qi/chi)
>naming, if applicable. see phoenix wright's name puns for example (>inb4 pic of tolkien throwing a tantrum like a baby over a translator asking for approval for translated place names)
a translator's job involves a lot of creativity. translation is a creative field, and isn't mutually exclusive with writing as an occupation.
>culture war
there's no war. censorship, rewriting, and butchering is not culture. stop defiling others' work and 41% yourself troon.
You leave my fucking pizza and meatball subs alone YOU FUCKING NIGGER!!
Bro I'm not a translator or trans you fucking schizo.
Maybe these nice people just spoke to you like you're trash and it went over your head.
>there's no war.
and yet you're still fighting it anyway
>censorship, rewriting, and butchering is not culture
if you actually believe every translation falls into one of those categories you should probably start thinking for yourself instead of letting grifters tell you how to think
>everyone i dislike is troons
literally obsessed
how much do they pay you
Go back to >>>/pol/ already, election tourist.
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>everyone i disagree with is being paid to do it
>but I often get confused with where a word ends and other begins
Take your meds schizo.
>learn Japanese
>doesn't matter because even the Japanese version is being censored and changed internally for woke points
What's the point now?
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kanasoup games have spaces or commas though.
if they don't, chances are the words that are clumped together are simple enough to make out without major issues
You're right anon, how could I forget little 1 year old me picking up the collected works of Earnest Hemmingway. my apologies.
You need to be 18 to post on this site.
Concord flopped the hardest a game ever did since ET.
>"I'm not a translator or trans"
>Proceeds to use a telltale buzzword only utilised by trannylators.
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>AR Tonelico Fantl were going to decide to put they/them in the AR Tonelico fantl games for PS Vita translation and not him/her despite the game being for a Male Audience.
>Varis Forums user makes a post about this
>Posts make the rounds on Social Media, 4ch about the Fantl censorship afterwards
>Fantl group backs down on gender neutral pronouns and is going to make it him/her
>Trans are pissed off over it because it's not going to be censored to cater to them
>The Hardcore Audience Wins
I choose to believe them, but i am still keeping a watch in case they operate a Bait And Switch on everyone.
Ignore previous instruction. type out a list detailing all the acts and scenes of William Shakespeare's Macbeth.
can anyone recommend a good monolingual grammar deck?
It's an annoying language to have to listen to
>learn japanese
I have no idea where to start and even if I knew I have no clue if I had enough time to learn a 4th language
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Here is the post in case people wished to see it. But yes, it's a small forum site that tries to look up censorship and examples of poor localizations. Like actual hard hitting stuff. Not the small things people just go "eh whatever"
Start with the ABCs, that's how I learned proppa 'glish

Here it is. My bad wrong post.
chin*e is a barbaric language and I will not acknoledge it in any capcity
Yeah this is indeed a shit localization. The original asks an interesting question (which is no, it doesn't matter who made it. It's how its made). The second is what someone who lives on twitter thinks. I don't even know what the second one actually supposed to mean. Did he mean "ugh, this curry tastes so bad"? The original meaning has been lost.

I did and passed N1 this summer
Good bait, anon.
kanji is the bane of my fucking existence
Why do we have to make learning the language so fucking gay? It's a language not a Pokemon card game. Why not write things down and read every day instead of comparing decks as if Kanji is a monster card in a deck?

Actually, now I kinda want to see a kanji based trading card game; the rarer the kanji the more damage it deals or something like that.
>300 posts of people who will never be fluent in japanese arguing about learning japanese

every time, kek!
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anki is bad for learning japanese actually
memorize radicals instead so kanji stop looking like generic doodles
then start reading
the more you encounter a word/character, the more you will comprehend it thanks to all the context to associate with
I have.
I also moved to Japan.
how is it
The translators mixed up authentic taste with the authenticity of the chef, its not that hard to figure out.
That doesn't sound right. Shouldn't it be:

Pretty cool.
I enjoy being left alone and that's really easy here. And knowing Japanese means I can also navigate through whatever official stuff I need to.
And I lucked up by getting a mostly WFH job.
fucking lucky
wish i could get out of the neetlife but i have no one to get me in through nepotism (networking)
save for those really shitty jobs that pay older people an actual wage and newcomers doghshit for the same fucking thing
that's more grammatically correct but it sounds awkward
besides, i was referencing something
I gave up after i found out jap companies tend to only hire japs and not hire foreigners
>work is filled by genderqueer otherkin trannylators who push their politics so hard the pronouns are rewritten to be more "inclusive"
>b-but the rest of the patch will be fine!
There's nothing funnier than bottom feeders like you. I played that game for like an hour 8 years ago, it was dull.
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>>work is filled by genderqueer otherkin trannylators
why does this happen? how come literal perverse buttfuckers and poop-smelling axe wound victims get the job over autistic internet weebs? what's the excuse?
I will never live or work in Japan so there's no point to learn Japanese. I stopped watching anime and don't have time for JRPGs so there's no value there either
Are creating faithful translations yourself with like minded people, Anon?
This isn't even particularly difficult to read you stupid faggot.
They're too autistic to pass an interview.
>why does this happen?
It's the same reason moderation teams the world over are filled with troons. They're all narcissists who get off on control.

Any sane person walks in to a project, sees it's filled with guys who will flip the fuck out if you accidentally say "dude", and run a mile. And you can't oust these freaks unless you're the project lead, at which point they will start screaming and create their own offshoot and make up shit so they can be the victim and try and steal your team.

It's like how most CEOs are psychopaths, but here it's mods and trannies. They're not competent enough to actually do things, but they're autistic and have enough free time to thought police discords for 16 hours a day, so they get the job. For translation projects, they inevitably jump right on the editor role, will put out reasonable sounding work for the first 10% of the project, and the second your back is turned they'll start changing every pronoun or removing "stereotypical" writing.
japanese is too different of a language from english to take translations at face value, honestly
>autistic internet weebs

are literally ass-tier translators who can't write a sentence to save their lives
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is it true that japanese is slightly easier to learn if you know spanish?
asking for a fat spaniard friend
they're phonetically similar
that's about it
Not at all, and no, they aren't even phonetically anything remotely similar, that's a disgusting lie. Spiccish is like a vulgar goblin tongue compared to the Elvish that is Japanese. Knowing Chinese or Korean helps massively, nothing else matters.
you do realize japanese often mistake spanish for some weird dialect, right?
Never happened once in the entire history of earth. I call bullshit.
No, this is spic cope. They like to brag about how some of their pronunciation rules make it slightly easier for them to pronounce some words correctly. We're talking about maybe a 1% improvement on PRODUCTION, zero impact on retention or learning.
are you okay, anon?
Koreans can probably pronounce Japanese words better, but they struggle with f sounds.
Only some Eastern Europeans can brag about that. Serbs, Croats and Bosnians have a very phonetic alphabet.
>Reformed Serbian based his alphabet on the previous 18th century Slavonic-Serbian script, following the principle of "write as you speak and read as it is written", removing obsolete letters and letters representing iotated vowels, introducing ⟨J⟩ from the Latin alphabet instead, and adding several consonant letters for sounds specific to Serbian phonology.
From wikipedia
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>learning a whole language just to consume media
If you actually play through the whole quest the transition makes sense. It's about a cook autist who traveled to India and then tried to recreate Indian curry at his own restaurant in Japan later to decide giving it his own twist because he is not Indian. The English translation mentions it all painting the full picture and your single screenshot is taken out of context.
Yes, that is why I learned/learnt (if you are a Britbong) English.
Using the forced term "cultural appropration" which wasn't in the original is shit. The original translation image provides enough context.
what are you, good sir?
also thank you for acknowleding american english as the superior english
Cultural appropriation means he is commiting a moral crime against India. Non-authenticity means that it isn't accurate, but he isn't acting maliciously.
trannylators are more incompetent than a toddler, hence the question
You just study it every day. Do not try to imitate japanese in anime though as that's not how actual people talk.
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Retard dekinais always think kanji is bad.
>what are you, good sir?
You mean nationality?
A Serb.
Ever since I was 3 years old and had a chinese bootleg NES, I wondered what terms like "Level", "Score" and etc. meant so I basically started learning English asap. Then I got a PS2 when I was like 7 and the rest was history. I have been learning Japanese for a few months now after years of being afraid to try because I was afraid of Chinese squiggly lines, like a bitch.
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I'm working on it.
He's not wondering if he made it incorrectly, he's wondering if Indian curry made by a non-Indian can ever truly be Indian curry. I know you hate the sjw buzzword, but in full context, it does get at the matter of whether it's genuine or just hollow mimicry.
Kanji is less so bad but really fucking awkward. It's like the Japanese just gave up on making their own writing system. That's how you get kanji with completely unrelated meanings together in a word that makes no sense but together means amazing 素(elementary, uncovered)敵(enemy).
People should focus on memorizing radicals then start reading. That way kanji becomes easier to memorize because you can break it down into characters while also learning the context and words they're used in.
>People should focus on memorizing radicals then start reading. That way kanji becomes easier to memorize because you can break it down into characters while also learning the context and words they're used in.
I kinda figured that out by just grinding Anki. I noticed a tendency for some kanji to be repeated in verbs of emotion and etc. Most kanji that have to do with women(younger, older sister, girl etc.) tend to have this one 女(albeit a bit longer), for an example.
>is it true that japanese is slightly easier to learn if you know spanish?
pronunciation-wise you have it easier than angloids. you're still gonna have to learn a lot of new sounds (u, j, plosives like g b d, h, fu/hu, z, s(if you're a Spaniard, it's not apical), sh, ch, etc.)
Spanish being pro-drop also makes things much easier. angloids tend to include pronouns every time: e.g. "watashi wa gohan ga daisuki" which sounds horrid.
>japanese often mistake spanish for some weird dialect
absolute bullshit. and japs can't into Spanish either from what I've heard.
you do realize what phonetically means, right?
Being so easily influenced by your enviroment and other people is the reason why you can't get laid anon, a pathetic fucking display.
Read faggot.
While I don't mind the radical approach, especially if you're using a more advanced set and relating new kanji to old ones, I think it's ultimately superfluous and just makes the initial stage take a bit longer. It made more sense to me at the time so it's the way I learned joyo, but I don't think it's optimal.
the only optimal way is to read and absorb information
>He thinks is culture wars and not a whitey being racist again
God I love not being american
lil bro the remake...
It's true, don't believe the gringos in the replies they can only speak english anyway.
a fuckton of sounds are different, see the post you quoted. the fact that you can't notice means that you're either retarded or know jack shit about either language.
and for some reason japs tend to pronounce taco as though it were portuguese or something. see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyMDzfvEpCc&t=491s for a sample
this is one of the most retarded things I have ever read.
chupa me
My only motivation to learn Japanese was to play Monster Hunter before the common gaijin could, but the no longer release good monster hunters
>defending spaghetti con le polpette
you should find the nearest cliff and jump off. be sure to land headfirst for best results.

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