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What did this game do differently compared to all the other Gacha games? Is it actually decent?
aggressive viral marketing
Fun gameplay/open world. I don't like gacha or anime shit in general but I had fun collecting things, doing quests, and doing all those little puzzles
Also looks really cool. I loved the feeling of finding that little harbor town and going into the bank
Literally funded by the CCP so they have literal national budget to spend
The CCP hates Genshin. They literally manipulate their social media algorithim so that anything bad about Genshin automatically goes to the top of searches and anything positive to the bottom. People tested it and they filled the entire Chinese youtube trending page with porn by putting Genshin bad in the title
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It's an actual video game. Other gachas are just menu simulators, battle arenas, or some shitty VN with a bunch of jpgs.
Genshin is an extremely high budget gigantic open world adventure game with insanely deep lore and it has RPG progression systems that are among the best.

Basically instead of just sitting on their gacha bucks, Mihoyo spent theirs making a real game and it paid off. Now other devs are trying to copy them.
Came out during peak COVID and was a decent enough distraction
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>and going into the bank
lol I remember that too. Something about finding that place really ignited my imagination, maybe it was the music.
the gameplay physics feel like store brand zelda, the most jarring is stuff like opening your glider not throwing any recoil like in zelda but you'll notice it everywhere, the physics are just extremely sterile. But the combat system is more complex due to elemental reactions I'll give them that. And the world is fun to explore altough at times (like 80% of the time) the puzzles are so simple that it'll just make you feel like you're playing a game made for 10 year olds (because you are).

Also the story sucks and theres no dialogue skip button, so enjoy having to sit through it all
first of its kind, released during pandemic, great first 10 to 20 hours until you hit start seeing the cracks and a few more later you hit the wall and see how shit it really is
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The latest update gave the game some much needed physics with the pokemon transformations, new characters with movement skills, and penguins that you can punt around in the water. I really hope they revisit jumping and gliding someday though, those have always felt pretty bad.
>open world
>actual decent quality and runs well
>came out during covid while everyone was inside and had time to spare
>3D gacha done right and released on pc unlike these other dumbfucks like blue archive
>can appeal to all ages even little kids like pokemon
>can appeal to gays/girls
>can appeal to coomers

it checked all the boxes desu. nothing will ever be as big, aside maybe some shooter/gta weeb game. it was simply a right time at the right places with the right quality.
It had actual gameplay
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>open world
>easy action that's somewhat flashy
>can play on pc or console as well as mobile
>anime aesthetic that actually looks anime (instead of weird ugly 3d)
>excellent character writing gets people attached to characters instantly
>easy to spend money while also easy to not spend money
>came out during covid but late enough that normalfags were getting bored with animal crossing and stardew
>massive marketing
You have to remember that the vast world of gaming is ruled by normal people, and /v/ autists (and their tastes) are all but irrelevant.
visually pleasing and appealing
thoughful music production
casual game
character designs appeal both genders
OPEN world
made by competent chinese
glazing as its best, but there are reasons
Gateway into these predatory games. It released at the right time and was the first of its kind.
>Fun gameplay/open world.
play more than gachashit if you think the gameplay's fun
>>easy to spend money while also easy to not spend money
I've never thought about this but they did a good job there, didn't they? Retards are so quick to spend even though everyone knows they don't have to.
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What do you think is fun?
This mogs ToK
Normie appeal, normie marvel reddit humor, safe art style, pg13, monsters aren't too scary
>It's an actual video game
It's an errand simulator. It's a shit open world game, but since it's a gacha it's considered 'good' by those standards. It's clear you people don't play anything other than gachashit when you say shit like this

>Basically instead of just sitting on their gacha bucks
They invested it into non-gaming ventures while putting little back into the game. They sold their soul to the CCP and is nothing more than another branch of the government.
The Prologue is pretty good. There's a good balance of dungeon exploration, combat, world traversal and cutscenes.
Act 1 was kind of dull. Doesn't help that Not!China is a pretty boring place.
Act 2 is where all the bloated dialog began but still has its fair share of domains and combat scenarios
Act 3 and 4 are nothing but NPC wank and 20 hours of slow moving text and maybe 2 hours of combat. You have to make fun for yourself by exploring the terrain but there's too many gimmicks in Sumeru and Fontaine.
I uninstalled after 4.2 and no interest in the game after that. I might come back when the actual story is finished but it might be another 3-4 years, if the world is even still around.
They catered to the largest demographic possible by making the gameplay casual, characters attractive but not too lewd, copying BotW's homework as a foundation to pull in normies, and then maintained a consistent 6 week content pipeline with quality content. Add a fuck huge marketing budget and competent QA it was a guaranteed success.
When you can feel good not spending money, actually spending money feels like a bonus, a bit of extra fun. And the game makes it very easy to spend money - even on pc, it's just a simple thing, easier than many stores.
If it was not easy to not spend money, then spending would feel like a punishment and make players resentful.
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No matter what stupid shit you say, it's an actual video game at the end of the day.
>OPEN world
What good is an open world when there's nothing of interest in it? At least in a sandbox open world like palworld part of the experience is building shit and surviving in it.
>When you can feel good not spending money, actually spending money feels like a bonus
Too bad this doesn't apply to Genshin, which by gacha standards is not generous.
There isn't another more densely packed world in video games.
I can't relate to that myself. It's just dumb spending money on something that will eventually be taken from you. I like people who spend the money though since I like the game.
So did their other gachas before it. HI3rd also had better gameplay being an action game. The gameplay in genshin is shit.
Going through menus to enter small levels isn't really gameplay. It's mobileshit.
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Walking into new stuff is fun
same thing every chinese game "does"
by being chinese. when you have a billion people who are legally obligated to play your slop and shill it as far as the eye can see it doesn't matter even if it's basically an inferior version of another game

you subtract all the chinese players from any chinese game and suddenly the playercount may as well be nonexistent
And it worked. Modern HI3 tried to copy Genshin's open world formula and is unironically on the verge of EoS as a result
>nothing of interest
How so?
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-Released during covid
-Actual decent gameplay and graphics for a phone game. Phone games at the time had facebook tier graphics and gameplay
-Being a phone game, it could be played by a fuck load of people, everyone has a phone, they can be easily stolen, you can borrow them or get a plan for cheap. If you are underage you can easily ask your parents to get you a phone for communication and school tasks if a PC is too expensive.
-Aggresive sony marketing and since people were stuck inside their homes and extra money since they couldn't get out, phone games got a massive boost in popularity.

It's basically a combination of a lot of things boosted 10x by covid. Very convenient I would say.
It's dead because Genshin came out and was a better game. Genshin killed a lot of gachas, that's why you see more and more 3D gachas coming out, they're trying to regain player interest.
CCP loves Genshin because it's a cultural weapon that is feminizing their enemies and turning them into addicts. They're only censoring it to limit its exposure to their own citizens.
and yet I've never heard of genshit until I saw it on /v/
hell I don't even see ads for it excluding the obvious shill threads on this board
nobody talks about it irl, want to know why? because gacha "games" also count every new player reset as a new account so every gacha's numbers are horribly inflated
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Most people don't play tons of gachas and thus don't know the most optimal "generosity". Even so, Genshin is still pretty generous compared to many of the more popular gachas, when it comes to obtaining characters specifically. YOU may feel butthurt by having to spend up to 180 rolls to get a character, but most pities are more than that, and they aren't much more generous about handing out rolls outside of special events.
And "generous" isn't even what I mean. The game doesn't punish you for not spending. Besides the most sweaty autistic stuff, there are no stat checks. Any hard overworld content can obviously be overcome with skill. There is no pvp, not even leaderboard stuff, where normal players can compare themselves (and the devs will be inclined to incentivize whaling for power). There are no charcters where a normal player (not an autistic tool) will feel bad that they didn't get dupes, or feel gimped by not getting the sig weapon. A good deal of a character's power comes from free rng gameplay.
In this context, not spending money is easy. So spending a little feels ok, if you need just a bit to do what you want. Whales, of course, are going to whale in ways that seem irrational to other people, even people that spend money.
he mad
>nobody talks about it irl, want to know why?
Because it's a single player game. People would rather talk about FPS, battle royales and fighters because it's they're group activities.
>play more than gachashit
tell me what gacha game has more gameplay than genshin, i'll wait
You misread him. He's saying non-gachas have more fun gameplay. He didn't tell us about those games though.
oh i missed the "than" my bad
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its actually a good game with good battle mechanics, interesting open world to explore and lovable characters, not goyslop like nuzelda
Japs considered it poor form to pay for "fan art" for example. Chinks decided to spam this (extremely cheap marketing.) Later, gooks went the same way. Not sure if the crypto-chink Granblue guys did the same at this point or not
high enough budget to trick normalfags
fuck huuuuge marketing push by one of the wealthiest chinese companies
it released into covid when people were inside with bidenbux and needed some anime girls to pass the time
the niche it filled was pretty much empty and most other gacha series were burning out
normalfags have been progressively more into anime adjacent content
they don't pay for fan art
Genshin is generous if you only care about clearing content, it's not if you want to collect every characters.
I spent 6k euros in three months when Uma Musume released to keep up with the PVP. Arknight had a pity system way later than Genshin meaning you could sink 500 pulls in a banner and not get the character (happened to me). I don't even want to talk about FGO.

Then there Doll's Frontline, Blue Archive, Azur Lane...etc where it's way easier to collect every characters but the content is ass because the goal is just raising cute characters
It's huge in Japan and Southeast Asia
they got lucky and released a game during covid
>the absolute state of gacha-niggers
holy KEK
It had a budget, it had high production value and the gameplay wasn't your standard gacha "automate these daily tasks so I can log out." It was able to make gachas go mainstream because it had an actual game tied to it and it didn't aggressively try to nickel and dime you.

Compare it to something like AFK Journey which is a somewhat newer and still fairly popular gacha game. All it has going for it is a nice art style. If you try to take the f2p route you'll be able to play the game for less than 24 hours before you get hard gated by stat requirements which you can only overcome with the passage of real time. Even a casual player can easily reach that point with less than a week of play and all the while the game will be aggressively shoving FOMO "deals" in your face. A dozen different mini-battlepasses that are all on a very limited timer with carefully crafted tiers that will entice you to spend and then spend more and then spend more. It could not be any more blatant that the developers only care about sucking you down the rabbit hole of microtransactions.

This is how a vast majority of gacha games were prior to Genshin. Shitty cash-grabs that relied almost entirely on people getting the domapine hit of watching numbers go up and being tempted by a barrage of microtransactions. This shit was working even back during the height of facebook games and I'm fairly certain that was at the top before gacha games were a massively successful genre. Genshin has a world to explore where you won't be time-gated by power. Genshin does not aggressively shove the cash shop in your face at every opportunity. Genshin does not routinely invalidate your investment through excessive power creep. Genshin does not want you to stop playing after ten minutes of dailies because it doesn't need to mask a lack of content. Genshin succeeded on every level that other gachas fail and it became an International phenomenon.
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Is this Alice?
Here is their official way of doing it in small numbers.
The off-the-books way will take a leak like what happened with Blue Archive for a "source" kek
it's all marketing
actual retarded if you think these shitty visual novels with black screens instead of animations and the same copy-pasted combat with daily login fomo grind are "decent"
it's appealing to woman
typical CCP tencent shill hating on genshin
funny you say this when literally all hoyoshit games are filled with menus and simulators for nearly all of their events instead of actualy innovative and engaging gameplay
you are an actual hoyoshit gacha shill kek
Remember /v/ being like
Why dont they just make a real game and release it on phones?

Turns out they were right, making a real game is the key to genshin's success.
Genshin doesn't spend much money on marketing and barely anybody knew about the game prior to release. Google search trends can confirm this. Even today they barely spend any money on marketing for Genshin. Did you know HSR had more money pumped into marketing over the past year alone than Genshin had for its development budget over the first two years? And this is a game that costs several hundred million per year to develop. The annual cost is higher than most AAA titles' entire budget and yet even that is put to shame by the marketing funds for HSR and ZZZ.
gachaniggers dont have standards
botw was already the shittiest thing to take over the gaming industry, and this one copies that awful open world formula shamelessly, but now with anime vtumor reject character designs instead if one playable character
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Gacha-anons simply made a large mistake attempting to claim the seat of JP-KINO for themselves.
China-anons in general did this to themselves.
That's entirely different you retarded faggot. That's a contest.
>The off-the-books way will take a leak like what happened with Blue Archive for a "source" kek
This isn't Genshin Impact related in any way.
Ironic because that's exactly what a CCP shill would say
k shill
say ching chong to your boss
genshin is a gambling sim with no gameplay.
Concession accepted.
>feminizing their enemies
you lost already, shill
You spend like 1% of your time with Genshin in interfaces.
>he's still trying
Concession accepted.
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>not a blonde elf with big boobs
I am no longer saving for Alice...
>paying for art
>it's different because it's a contest
kek, Genshin's dog-shit designs (along with Mihoyo and gacha in general) had no chance without the injection of cash on all the usual sites
Their only good designs remain in their oldest title, and they continually have to copy and paste these 2-4 designs. And those are only good, not even close to great.
See Ryza for a true phenomenon, or Tifa, etc.
Mihoyo was literally an indie sized developer that spent all their savings just making the game, they barely had any money for marketing.
Retards think Genshin was some massive thing before it even released. It wasn't. Barely anybody was talking about it.
people didn't even know what it was but within 45 minutes of the game coming out every weeb was telling everyone they know how great the game was.
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get idiots when COVID hit paid off a shit ton of streamers to play it
It's pretty fun but I feel like it gets less fun as you go along. Peak of it for me was probably exploring the snow mountain and that underground area near notChina. The main quest got boring as hell after the shogun fight. If I'm just gonna be reading dialogue the whole time I'd rather just go on fgo or hi3. The new quest was better though
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>they barely had any money for marketing.
>all those fuck streamers playing it and blasting it
Massive turd world shilling force, probably paid in rolls desu
Most players are from these regions where they exist to mass consensus a few validation seeking chinks, japs, euros, and burgers into blowing 10,000 a year or so
Pretty ez gig as 10k a year is low spend for anyone middle-upper class (tens of millions of people iow)
The open world is genuinely very pretty but I don't know what people see in the characters, honkai and even star rail characters are wayyyyy more likable
Genshin is "what if we took botw, turned it into a shitty live service game and made it much worse"
Instead of being given the authority to play and continue the game anytime you want, you now have to log in daily.
Instead of being given the choice to sniff out korok turds, you now HAVE to sniff out treasure chests like a beggar that shit out a handful of gems, which are actually necessary to unlock new characters or weapons.
Instead of being given complete control over the game and the ability to approach the story however you want, everything is timegated, including the daily grind for improving your characters and weapons.
Instead of having an engaging game where you can play around with the elements and objects in the overworld, you have a lifeless but pretty scenery backdrop that you can take pictures of to post in your advertising campaigns.
To top it off, these games make a fortune for the company, and the developers still dont out a respectable amount of money back into the games. There are rarely any new features, the game can be considered stagnated since launch. Still no mounts, no character customization for even the main characters, no new weapon types, no actual physics, etc.
Why bother putting effort when gachafags are pleased with spamming through hours upon hours of ridiculously bad dialogue presented through a visual-novel format just to earn their daily gibs and roll for the developers' self-insert characters that are eventually shipped and paired with other developers' self-insert characters?
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Man between genshin and Wukong the amerimutts are having a really rough time in the board. Better spend more money on that counter disinformation game.
this cope is hilarious because hoyo received external funding from a jewish company to develop genshin
even their top employees are hardcore woke, some have even worked in lgbt firms
this has been well documented on /vmg/
They popularized the pity rolls because they realized that you just need to give some freebies so that people stay and gamble more.

This is literally casino philosophy.
>when there's nothing of interest in it?
The entire "interest" is seeing new areas, beautiful vistas, new characters, new side quests, and new puzzles. You don't need to do complicated things or have living worlds for that and even then Genshin has animals, monsters, and humans interacting with each other before you fight them or deal with them.

Just because you need more systems to find fun in something doesn't mean others do.
zzz's latest event is a menu
nighoyo shills are so funny because they lie shamelessly on the internet thinking people won't call them out
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Those games don't have Lord Kazuha
You're in a Genshin thread.
>game is a walking simulator
not a good look
the point was for all hoyo games
try following the reply chain before butting in, shilly chang
>le botw
Bro it's 2024, you're 4 years late
Are you ready for the Chinese game awards?
>Best mobile game: Zenless Zone Zero
>Best art direction: Black Myth Wukong
>Best action game: Black Myth Wukong
>Best ongoing game: Genshin Impact
>Best strategy game: Reverse Collapse
Total Chinese victory
I can’t wait to play genshin on an American console, the Xbox series s
wtf is gonna win goty this year
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Good to know the game I quit two years ago is still making /v/ seethe.
GOTY is determined solely based on what best promotes industry interests. In the coming months smart money is gonna keep waking up to the idea that China now has enough of a middle class to support big purchases like modern consoles and vidya-ready PCs.
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The real reason why genshin impact is so successful is because of all the cool and unique doors they have. They put a lot of effort into door animations, environment transitions, forcefield effects, barriers, and stuff like that. If you do this your game will be successful guaranteed. People see this and instantly purchase your game.
Man this thread is full of seething people that lie about why Genshin's popular.
My money is on FF7R rebirth
Not a perfect game by any means but I've been waiting for it all my life and it's still hard to believe it exists as an open world AAA game with 9th gen graphics
It's chinese, a gacha, and popular. You would be hard pressed to find a combination that activates /v/'s contrarianism node harder.
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It's relaxing to explore.
>literally literal literalisation
The mark of an idiot.
>insanely deep lore
That shit isn't deep, it's bloated and repetitive.
It's insanely deep, look at all the stuff there is to read and try to decipher.
What do you think sucrose tastes like
Dragon Age inquisition had no business winning that award back in its day and Veilguard looks like shit too. So my guess is EA's marketing budget will win once more.
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she's a dog, she probably tastes like dirt
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fucking finally finished the Fontaine archon quest, and the nahida / arlecchino story quests to unlock the weekly battles without a one-time limit. I took a lot of time off besides grabbing Furina and Clorinde in case I returned. Still no skip button, and some parts are still an absolute slough, especially any NPC piloted quest.

However, Natlan is a lot of fun and the archon quest didn't waste my damn time. Sumeru was a living nightmare and 3/4 of that desert is unexplored.
Free version of BotW with incentive to pay up for the more fun attacking gameplay characters.
they get paid in gems to shill garbage
please understand!
>chinese rollslop
marketing thread
If you've ever been to anime conventions, 80% of merch on the artist alley is Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail.
Are these characters with their vehicle a must to move around in Genshin?
music is top notch, open world, plenty of quality of life improvements.
No, they do the same thing as the dinosaurs you can warg into, only they are sexy hebe's/loli's. Also that movement is only for the new nation that released 2 weeks ago. Each nation has its own shit for different mechanics
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I just stared desert 2 after putting it on hold since it came out and it's good. I love the mascot, that thing is a savage. Some of the Fontaine NPC quests I've done since tackling my backlog have been annoying though. So far Natlan is much better and I hope it stays that way.
They work a lot better in the new zone but they're still decent outside of it, that aren't essential though just a very small qol, arguably smaller than older characters
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Boar Princess was a story about Alice? I never did get around to reading those books
It was funny when you could find the "secret" chest that had some dudes entire life savings inside and pilfer it. Stealing from the chest that doubled as a meatlocker from the one restaurant keeper dog in inazuma was also hilarious hoodlum behavior they let you get away with.
Once Natlan is explored, I'll check it out just for you, bro
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>that thing is savage
Boar Princess was far too based to be Alice.
>There are readlets in this very thread who STILL don't know
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I did the third desert when it came out because of the event and that quest was a slog, but the region itself was fun to explore.

It's so weird how the writing can make me want to claw my eyes out in one quest and then we get this jar dabbing on femcels and talking about how great dancing young girls are, while properly insulting everyone else.
A lot of people got into an exploration rut right when the second part of the desert got released and that's a huge shame, since the rest of the desert is fucking amazing.
>Currently doing fontaine.
>See Lyney in the fortress of meropide.
Does Father not know what happens to boys like him in prison?
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Fucked up how I hit a coinflip pity at 65 before a single Kachina. Why does the game hate me?
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>doing fontaine
>in the fortress of meropide
praying for you, anon
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>the story and characters are actually decent
>combat mechanics are satisfying
>puzzles and world are interesting and colorful
>designs are cute and memorable
It does a lot of things right, it's basically open world Pokemon but instead of Pokemon it's anime girls breathing fire and shit. Of course people like it.
I love this character, instantly added her to my all loli squad. Her talents aren't that great but her voice lines make me happy.
They pandered to women, same reason love and deepspace is topping the charts
men don't play video games
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Yeah it was just too much reading and cave diving for me, the maze of pyramid tunnels underneath the desert took a long time to explore and then another desert appeared with more tombs.
I got into another rut again after the Fontaine main story so I have like 3 big regions to explore.
I regret rolling Mualani
She's a cute genki retard but her gameplay is horrible
It's silly to even consider that she isn't worth it purely for exploring Natlan. And unlike some other bricks you can at least fix her with constellations if you really wanted to.
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it's an actual game and not a png collector
The grand majority of modern gacha games are not PNG collectors these days
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>animated pngs are not pngs!
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When will they add ray gun to genshin?
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Kachina is a weird character, she would be easy to hate if those scripted battles weren't fun.
>is a young child
>been going to the battle colosseum for 7 years(?), where the winners go on to fight horrors beyond comprehension
>is really shy but can apparently break dance like a god
>is really weak and easy to bully but is actually insanely strong
I want to FUCK Qiqi!
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I rolled over 100 times without getting even 1 copy of the 4* I wanted several times already. They need a fate point system for 4*s.
Also even in the narrow definition that only 3D games count those games still don't compete with Genshin in any meaningful way
Genshin was just in the right place at the right time with the right marketing
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haha look at him go
3d, pretty graphics and "actual" gameplay (it's not that good, but better compared to many gachas of the time)
Everything else was actually atrocious. Bad rates and horrible grinding mechanics.
But people like shiny things, so they put Mihoyo on the pedestal.
it's densely packed with chests that give you 2 gems (out of the 20000 or so you need to get a new character), puzzles meant for 3 year old, copy pasted enemies that you have been fighting since zone 1 and NPCs that unleash verbal diarrhea upon you when spoken to that is not interesting and bears no significance to what's happening in the game.
1 zone in Elden Ring has more interesting content than the entire world of Genshin, because you can actually find bosses that are not marked on the map in any way, actual unique weapons with unique movesets or a cool special ability, spells, other shit. It's night and day.
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Overarching reminder
>pretty graphics
>grinding mechanics
>shiny things
Funny because I play the game for none of these reasons. You're missing an entire category of players
nothing in elden shit is interesting at all
Do you seriously play genshit for the girls? Do you enjoy getting cuck references from the game devs that hate men and masculinity?
I think finding a random catacomb with a boss at the end that gives you a cool sword is a hell of a lot more interesting than finding 2 more chests with 2 gems a piece for a total of 4 out of the 20000 you need.
you are so mad
>bosses that are not marked on the map
>unique weapons
>unique movesets
>cool special ability, spells, other shit
But Genshin has all of those?
First mover of all platforms (particularly mobile) open world F2P action game with attractive characters. Humongous marketing push, hundreds of millions dollars poured into the marketing. Good timing releasing during Covid.
Name 1 unique weapon with a unique moveset or a spell you can find in Genshin's world without mentioning the cash shop.
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Whatever they did differently isn't working anymore, every Mihoyo game besides Star Rail is crashing
Are you kidding? She makes traversing so much nicer in Natlan. I probably won't roll for her constellations or anything but I don't regret getting her.
The equivalent of Elden Ring weapons in Genshin are the characters. I'm not here bitching about Elden Ring not giving me 100 different characters with different skills to play.
Do you find said characters by exploring the world, doing quests and completing challenges as opposed to buying lootboxes in the cash shop?
star rail has been crashing since space china started
how many characters out of how many there are in the game can you obtain by such methods and how many of them are actually good?
>cash shop
Yes? You can get most characters without spending a dime. Calling it a cash shop just show how ignorant you are.
By that logic, buying league characters is cash shop, buying frames in Warframe is a cash shop. You know what, why should we even buy games, they should all be free. Steam is a cash shop because I can't play the game for free.
>actually good?
who cares, I only want them to be hot girls
caring about anything else makes you a fag
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It's important to understand that the figures you are basing this on are but a fraction of the real figures. You only have some a fraction of the mobile numbers when most people play on PC or uncounted mobile platforms or Playstation.
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>fromtard has moved the goalposts multiple times already
Because buying the character from the cash shop without spending money involves opening several thousand chests in the open world and doing other inane, uninteresting chores so the amount of interesting stuff you can find in the world of Genshin is 0 because everything exists to slowly drip feed you cash shop currency.
basically all the premium characters can be obtained through ingame activities it just takes longer both in terms of grind but actual long term retention, there's a lot of incentives just for logging in regularly
So why do you even play video games when you can look up porn/hentai/whatever if you are just interested in hot girls?
>login during event and do nothing
>get enough currency for 10 premium rolls
yes this is intolerable

the game has like 5 different battle pass mechanics that reward you passively and you don't have to buy into
>unlocking stuff requires playing the game!!!!!
Yes and tens of millions of people enjoy this game.
Chests in the open world could reward 0 gems, it wouldn't change anything. You are blending two different games mechanics. The open world is interesting enough to explore by itself. But you probably don't know that because you prefer doing the same dungeon 10 times in Elden Ring and pretend it's content
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forgot image
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Are you rolling on Kinich or Xilonen?
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can you use Nightsoul Switching outside of Natlan?
is climbing solved forever if you have Kachina and Xilonen and just switch between them?
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my big cope is that some character enables phlogisten outside of natlan later on
Climbing in natlan is solved forever with Kachina
I'd even say movement in general is solved with just Mualani and Kachina
Well, yeah. Doing dungeons in Elden Ring is a lot more interesting than solving a puzzle where you have to put the square object in a square hole (there are no other objects nearby) or fight 3 mobs you've been fighting for the entire game, but now they are level 79 instead of 38 and have a lot more HP, but still spend 5 seconds just standing in place waiting for you to whack them.
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last month "someone" targeted the mihoyo boss and stole a company laptop during a visit to the USA. he's brave to even come here knowing that they tried to abduct the huawei lady from canada.
I'm not going to pretend Genshin as more interesting combat than Elden Ring, but you are moving the goalpost again >>688041403
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Night soul transmission
You transmission to Mualani -> Use her elemental skill once bar is empty -> Transmission to Kachina once Mualani's runs out -> Use Mualani's elemental skill when her bar empties

Repeat endlessly and you can travel like half of natlan without ever getting off your "mount"
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Here's a video on how to do it
Game doesn't explain this to you but you pretty much have exploration in Natlan solved for an entire year with the shark and the freebie girl. This method is way better with more natlan characters obviously but it's already pretty much solved with these two.
>Game doesn't explain this to you
yes it does
>this is the gameplay
gacha-gods...I kneel
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not good enough then given how many people don't even know this mechanic exists or that you can do this
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People are just idiots and don't read, it's clearly explained in tutorials and talents.
But anyway I'm jealous of whales who will be able to get everyone. Even the brick Kinich will be S tier fun for exploring the region.
its basically a shitty singleplayer mmo
people already play mmos like a singleplayer game so
not even comparable, retard
I play coop with my pal all the time
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>switch to Kachina from Shark girl
>climbing doesn't work unless you dismount and remount
is this really the best all the money in China can do?
CCP spread covid specifically for Genshin’s launch.
she's great right now because she can use the new set and give a 40% damage bonus to the element she crystalizes
mihoyo seems to treat clunk as a feature
Released during covid.
Released on consoles.
hyper aggressive marketing.
Paid artists and streamers to flood the internet with content.

But it's honestly not that good.
Both, but Kinich is 200% a brick since I don't have Emilie and would skip again.
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I like elden ring and genshin.
I wouldn't know I'm never going to play it.
He just needs pyro to do damage, Emilie is just a sub-DPS and there are others that can replace her.
Nah he wasn't targetted. This happened in Sunnyvale, California, so he got the authentic experience.
Finish it and you'll hear one of the most beautiful BGMs ever in the game

Best part is it also has a CD so you can play it in your teapot
And yet the lore is DOGSHIT because it's even worse than Bethesda tier infodump of bloated text that never meaningfully ties to your in-game experience
Genshin is among the worst written games of all time and Paimon is the worst character in the history of fiction in general
you are confusing dialogue with lore and you're retarded for saying dialogue doesn't tie in to your in-game experience when you have to sit through it.
>Genshin is among the worst written games of all time and Paimon is the worst character in the history of fiction in general
you need to play more games
LOL gachaniggers haven't played a single decent game in their entire worthless lives and it shows
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>basically all the premium characters can be obtained through ingame activities
Why do gachashills lie like this? Even if you play every single day and do all content possible, there is no thread of reality where a completely f2p person is earning every single premium character. You are delusional. Why lie like this. This is liteally impossible
>you are confusing dialogue with lore and you're retarded for saying dialogue doesn't tie in to your in-game experience when you have to sit through it.
Genshin's dialogue aren't interactive and are just a thousand hour long linear wuxia chinkslop with presentation inferior to VNs

>you need to play more games
There isn't a single game that is dragged down as hard as Paimon drags Genshin down. Absolutely none.
You don't need every single character also that's not true.
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Is Raiden burst still the strongest single hit in the game?
Explain why Paimon is one of the most loved character in Genshin in Japan
>you don't need
You don't, but there are other games where I can pay a singular upfront cost to experience all content, much better content than Genshin mind you, with no strings attached. If you could just pay set values for Genshin's characters maybe this wouldn't be so bad, but it is literally gambling and costs potentially hundreds of dollars to get one character (which still doesn't even unlock their whole toolkit)
>also that's not true.
Bullshit and you know it. Show me a single f2p player that has every single character in Genshin. I'll wait.
Why would I need every single character when I only want the handful of ones I like?
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somebody post the nft paimon image so i can reply that I love my wife, Paimon!
and majority always had shit taste, 50 shades of grey was the most loved novel in muttland
Have you considered that you are not the target audience?
Nothing is lost in not getting access to content I don't care about.
>why would I need more than a straightsword in elden ring? i only want to use straightsword, i don't need more. in fact they should charge me money for extra weapons
>more levels in mario? why would i want that? i only like the first level, why should they give me more?
You should kill yourself, and I genuinely mean this
Regular game
>Hello, Traveler! My family is sick and starving ever since the conflict, we haven't had any nice meat in ages, could you go out and get us 10 wolf asses?
vs Genshin
>Hello, Traveler, and your weird fairy friend!
>Hey! Paimon isn't a fairy! Paimon is Paimon!
>Of course little girl! You'll be treated however you want here! Now where was I, my memory isn't what it used to be, I can barely remember my late wife's face... We met when we were kids, you know, near inseparable, until the war started.
>Wow that's so sad, what happened!?
>She died... I can't remember when... all I remember is that we didn't have enough wolf asses... But, that's in the past now, and today my kids and I need wolf asses again, 10 of them! My late wife loved it when I fried them with river pebbles, MSG, and Qingxin. I tried using sweet flowers, but she didn't like that as much
>Wow! She didn't like sweet flowers? Paimon loves sweet flowers, they're so sweet, and they're flowers!
>Well she didn't like them, but she loved Qingxin. If you could get us 10 wolf asses, I should be able to cook us up some meat again.
>Sure! 10 wolf asses coming up! 10 is like, almost twice as much as 5!
>Yes! Funny you would say that... 5 is actually a sacred number to our family, everything we get must be in multiples of 5
>Wow that's interesting! Paimon wonders why's that?
>I can't remember anymore... my memory isn't what it used to be, you know
>[x] You've told us that already
>[o:lit] Wow thanks for telling us
>That's okay, all that's important now is that we get our wolf asses, I can even use the spares to cook you some meat once we're done, little fairy!
>Grr, Paimon's not a fairy, but... Paimon wants meat! Can I have it with sweet flowers too?
>Of course you can, little girl! I'll go tell my wife to gather some now!
>[x] Is your wife still alive?
>[o:lit] I thought you said your wife died
>Oh, that's right...
>Zhiqiong in the background: *cough cough cough*
I think the biggest difference is the community on any game on steam you will be torn apart if you say something in chat and then banned kicked permabanned, for example in tf2 you would be kicked for saying your opinion in cs 2 too. But here in genshin I for the first time in my life used thank you not sarcastically, and wasn't abused for anything I said, people on steam are animals here they are people. Plus to play tf2 or cs without kicking you need a full party to stop vote kicks but genshin is a solo game with optional online.
Yes there is, you're just too retarded to understand why this is a bad thing. It lowers the floor for what is considered acceptable in video games, nickle and dimes the players, appeals to the worst values of the lowest IQ niggers (see: you), and generally perpetuates a design philosophy that makes all other games worse. You are what is wrong with gaming
>false analogy and straw man argument
Is this the best genshin haters can do? Quoting something that doesn't exist?
>suddenly genshin
Whoever wrote this marketing plan is insane lmfao. No, you niggers are not going to get shooter players in your open-world game, holy fucking KEK
every single premium character actually ruins the game because you will burn yourself out trying to grind all their upgrade material

The vast majority of Genshin quests are exactly like this. They involve Paimon being a useless sack of shit repeating trivia and already established narrative elements for no other reason than text bloating.
Keep being animal, I can't help you.
But hey get your fuck buddy in team so you won't get kicked from the match for saying 1 word.
Yes and that's intentional. It's a lose-lose for the "normal" video game player. It is unironically an incredibly calculated design decision to be as unfriendly as humanly possible to someone that doesn't spend money so that they either cave and spend or simply don't play the game -- which doesn't affect Mihoyo/the devs since it's f2p.

Gacha games are unironically the worst thing to ever happen to vidya. They're the single most scummy, anti-consumer vidya ever created
I said all, not every, you ESL retard.
>Keep being animal, I can't help you.
>But hey get your fuck buddy in team so you won't get kicked from the match for saying 1 word.
Genshin-shills...you're not beating the SEA allegations
Maybe in your dreams, I played the entire game twice and read everything. I can tell 100% of them are nothing like your fan fiction
>comparing swords to cute girls
Get electrocuted to cure your homosexuality.
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>c5 sara
You are right, anon. I will now stop playing this game that I enjoy for free, and instead will buy Astro Robot game and Assassins Creed
ngl I kinda regret rolling for Mualani
>comparing content that drastically changes how you play the game to content that drastically changes how you play the game
>"a-a-a-act-t-t-tually it's okay that i can't g-g-g-get all the content without gg-g-g-g-gambling because they're c-c-c-cute girls h-h-haha"
Cry more. All your "full content" games are trash.
I love helping literally every generic NPC and it makes me happy to help solve whatever ChatGPT-generated problem they are having!
I love indulging in the fantasy of easily solved crises, and people that both need help and are open to receiving it.
I love being a rpg hero like you wouldn't believe, bros...
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>he spends hours strawmanning and moving goalposts of a game he doesn't play
I don't give a shit about how they change the gameplay, homonigger. I get girls that I like and ignore ones I don't. Anyone that treats it any other way is a faggot. Simple as.
I got them for free, btw. kek
I love staring at her firm ass and inviting mouth
No furry heroes.

Can't do good in the open world without the "good" heroes
I just did this and didn't get an achievement what the fuck.
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It's a lost cause, anon.
One one hand I understand retards saying "well I don't need to unlock everything in the game I just get what I want"
Anon is purposely omitting that you have to play dozens of hours to grind one character out, which is unconscionable.
When you sink so much time into one game how do you find time to play other games? Hell other hobbies, your chores, your life? The only genshitters I know are poorfags who use their limited free time outside of wageslaving to play this one (1) game for half of their alotted freetime, or literal NEETs who don't respect your time.
Thankfully you and I can play a catalogue of older games where we aren't whipped for our autism of wanting to get what we want out of a game without letting a company know all my gameplay habits to build a profile on me. But this is the future live service piggies want.
He got so pissed off after getting kicked mid game in cs2 2 times, and then in tf2 that he thinks the only way he can restore his dignity is to lash out on people that did nothing to him.
>the game is good because it has somewhat cute anime girls
You are a lost cause
You think farming mats in Genshin is 8h a day or something?
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>spending time playing a game you enjoy
>spending time in a thread about a game you hate
Probably some sankaku article for blue archive
why? thinking of rolling her before she’s gone
I don't know what you guys are talking about. I have all characters prefarmed weeks before they drop. If it's a character that has regional specialties dropped the same patch I just grind 10 minutes a day or blow a couple of my 100+ store fragile resin.

I took off like 2 months of doing dailies because Fontaine filler got boring and I was into ZZZ, still grinded Kachina level 90 6/6/6 in a week with tons of mora/books left over and am going to prefarm Kinich and Xiolenen because I haven't rolled since Arlecchino and have a shit load of premium currency saved up. Also Natlan has been super enjoyable and refreshing so I don't mind the grind at all.
>10 minutes a day
second job
I caught up with Chenyu vale recently and it's that exact shit that's happening except Paimon complains about being called mini pie and she repeats every single piece of information the copy pasted npc and lingyuan shared during the WQ
Many gachas try that, but ultimately fail to grab an audience as massive as Genshit. The real reason is them cashing on heavily when genshit was at its peak fotm status.
>second job
that would imply it felt like work and I wasn't enjoying myself. I just gave an example of how I quit doing dailies when I wasn't enjoying them, and didn't feel penalized whatsoever.
You think we have a job.
Lmao at you
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i hate genshin too
>What did this game do differently compared to all the other Gacha games?
Make it so you can't skip cutscenes
>It's an errand simulator. It's a shit open world game
no it beats Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring in map design, specifically in being compact and having points of interest, every points out how Elden Ring is too big and Zelda doesn't really reward you well for exploration, Genshin solves both these problems and you can't really go two steps without finding small things to do (at least on a virgin run through, wish game made it possible to reset map areas)
can you still get these if you're still in Sumero? Haven't touched the game in 2 years
>The puzzles are so simple that it'll just make you feel like you're playing a game made for 10 year olds
They did it right in the inazuma region and the summer event islands that temporarily came with it.
There were plenty of puzzles that actually required you to use your brain for a minute, but I guess that they made a lot of people butthurt with that as they did a 180 with sumeru.
These games attract too many ADHD addicts that have 10 more gachas to do their chores on and that get mad if they have to spend more than 5 minutes on any of them.
>Anon is purposely omitting that you have to play dozens of hours to grind one character out, which is unconscionable.
You get thousands of EXP books just from exploring and events and in 90% of cases leaving your character at 80 is enough to easily clear endgame content. 90 only helps a handful of characters who scale with HP%, EM, and I forgot the third one.
You only need to run a boss for 46 materials if you are getting them to 90. At 2-3 materials a boss even on the low end that's only 23 boss runs that are like a minute or two long at best spread across about five-ish days since you can do five a day.
You only need to get talent levels to 6 to have a more than usable character. That only requires roughly a single week of doing a domain that takes you one single minute for three different stats.
Your weapons only need roughly 3-4 days worth of materials from a domain that takes roughly a minute to clear.
Your artifacts only need the the mainline stat to be upgraded. Anything else is for easy of use and making stuff faster. It's unnecessary. Your entire substats can be flat if you want and as long as you have the mainline stat of an artifact at level 20 (Using your thousands of artifacts from exploring and running bosses) that character is usable even at endgame.

It takes maybe two to three hours of effort to get a character usable spread across about two weeks and that's solely if you're relying on only stuff you get from domains. Chests give you enough materials to take at least three characters from that region to around level 80 and their talents to 6, you just need to beat bosses. The only thing people grind for this game are minmaxing the Diablo Loot artifacts because they want big number to go up. It's completely unnecessary. Many of my actual main characters don't even have 5* artifacts or even one or two artifacts past level 0.
>Man who doesn't like game vehemently tries to convince players of said game that they aren't actually enjoying themselves and their being tricked into thinking they're having a good time
What the fuck would convince someone to do this and why does it happen so often?
The only time when it isn't fun is when you become a sweaty autistic nerd obsessed with squeezing out every possible iota of damage for your epic speedruns and screenshot showoffs.
As a casual explory type game, it's super fun and relaxing. Simple, decent gameplay, nice atmosphere and music, cute girls. What's not to like?

>The puzzles are so simple that it'll just make you feel like you're playing a game made for 10 year olds
Nah I disagree, when I was that age I didn't really know how to read or want to do it. A lot of puzzles, when discovered, pop up a tutorial page covered in words explaining how to solve it. I imagine most kids don't read that shit, I know I wouldn't, and I don't today either because I want to solve it myself.

The puzzles are designed for games journalists to be able to complete, that's all.
go ahead then
5* surfer girl is currently on banner and the 4* drill girl is permanently free for starting the AQ quest in the new region(that you can TP to directly). Drill girl is also on the banner.
If I don't wake people up to the fact that they are having fake fun then who will?
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>please give us a skip button, I don't care about the story i just want to gamble
>Makes a gorillion dollars
It just doesn't make sense. Why put any barrier between the player and the dopamine gems? Seems like bad game design to me. Are the people who want a skip button... not actually worth listening to?
>fake fun
How does one have real fun vs fake fun?
>Free gems locked behind cutscenes
>Impatient people don't engage
>Buy gems instead
>Ignore events

I know a whale personally, trust me, they don't play the game at all. They just C6 every character and collect them, stuck at world level 2 with no exploration done at all, let alone clearing the Abyss.
>not actually worth listening to?

correct, as 99.9% are f2poors looking for their next primo hit
Sumeru desert was peakest part of genshin for me. I think zoomers dont like it so much because they didnt grow with indiana, tomb raider, aladdin etc...
Any art of Kachina in the Yamcha pose yet?
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process of elimination
as long as you can ensure you aren't having nu-fun, soi-fun, faux-fun, millenial-fun, or pseudo-fun, you can be reasonably certain you are experiencing organic-fun
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This is what denial and delusion looks like.
Now post the chart explaining these >>688049726
Idk it's a complicated question I wanted a slip button to continue story from interesting moments but if I had a skip button I would not listent to story, but even without the button I didn't listen to story and just sitted there alt+tabbed without listening, so I guess if the story was more interesting people wouldn't need a skip button but story is not interesting so people want a skip button to get to the good parts, but of course there is bots that would just skip all the story and sell full story primogems accounts for 20 usd on g2g so that makes that harder. But then again mihoyo can see when they sell accounts so they can stop that if they want.
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Never has been.
>mihoyo can see when they sell accounts
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The more things change, the more they stay the same
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Nta but I find it interesting that in order to get past the nickel and diming, you just gotta do some ridiculous amount of farming and grinding rituals. Honestly, just like MMO’s if they gave you guys the option to skip half the grinding for cheap, of you hypocrites would take it in a heartbeat.

All this talk about gameplay and its honestly the most mind numbing chores that even YOU people turn into a systematic formula. If you could justify soulessness any further it’s right here.
Where does Cookie Clicker fall on that chart?
Dont worry, nobody uses her anymore.
Mostly, I don't like that you have to wait for the animations to play before you can advance a dialogue even in unvoiced quests which are often dailies with text you've seen a gorillion times anyway.
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kek, thank you Microsoft Copilotâ„¢
Ip change, email change, hwid change.
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I kneel...
Where is this from anyway?
An LLM just generated it.
are you friends with the tile-fapper anon?
They are collecting EVERY imaginable piece of data when you play, it is extremely obvious.
Well, I can safely say I have organic fun when playing Genshin
How is there such a lucrative market for accounts and why do so many people do it then?
Wouldn't the market completely crash if mihoyo nuked em?
I was worried about my Asian friend leaving me (in the US) his whale account after he had to move on because it could look like a sold account. We didn't change the email though so maybe that was what kept it safe. I only use it for extra farming, etc., when I get a new character.
>you just gotta do some ridiculous amount of farming and grinding rituals
What in the world are you talking about? This isn't some ridiculous farming or grinding. It's literally using your daily stamina to do a single minute of a fighting challenge five times in a day to obtain upgrade materials. Paid players don't even get an advantage in any way since they can only get materials through egregiously expensive means that no one would ever realistically buy that give you some of the worst returns ever seen on a paid product ever, or pay for the Battle Pass which only gets you enough to get a single character from a talent level of 5ish to a talent level of 7 on maybe two stats on one character along with some character and weapon EXP materials. People who don't pay for anything have a virtually identical experience leveling up their characters outside of the paid player saving maybe a single week of using their stamina. Maybe.

You're also acting like people don't do these on "real" games either. Monhun even in the early game requires you to grind the exact same monsters for at least two times as long in gameplay time as it takes to take a character from 1 to 80 with level 6 talents and a set of artifacts in Genshin. You are speaking of this game as if you have any idea of how it plays or how it functions and then immediately dismissing it as if you have any comparison to anything. Doing a single slightly more complicated shrine in BotW typically takes longer than a week's worth of dailies in Genshin, and those dailies require you to fight bosses or fight groups of enemies.
Wait a minute this is an air gear reference
>actually you don't need all the content and gameplay variety, just pick a waifu and stick to her
>actually you don't need to spend money, just play literally hundreds of hours of MMO fetch quest content to get a 5% chance of getting the character you want
>actually you don't need to grind because you're only allowed to play 5 minutes a day before your resources run dry, just play every single day to make up for it
>actually you don't need to play every single day, in-game freebies and events are very generous
>actually the game isn't FOMO, you don't need to do every event to get enough rolls for who you want
>actually you don't need everyone, just be happy with what you have
i am convinced gacha players are 99% seanigger cucks who have nothing better to do with their lives
>MMO’s if they gave you guys the option to skip half the grinding for cheap,
MMOs literally do this though?
I don’t even know where the fuck you get the balls to compare Genshin to Monster Hunter. Are you fucking insane? You wanna give a list of features and mechanics before you keep going with your logical fallacy? Also WHAT part of the gameplay that you mentioned sounded FUN? All you stated was how much effort you can skip to gain rewards. Where’s the FUN???
Alright? Then just don't play it and move on with your life?
If you're that determined to misunderstand the game, you'll never understand it. Why are you here?
Yes, and I bet you that if Genshin started doing this, there would be a shitload more retards paying for it. So much for good gameplay.
>Genshin is bad, imagine if MMOs work like Genshin
>MMOs do work like that
>Yeah! Now imagine if Genshin worked like that!

Are you actually retarded?
>you're not allowed to have discussion about vidya on the vidya game board. criticism? not allowed, you can only praise things!
reddit is more up your alley faggot
I didn't say that, I said if you come into a thread about the game and disingenuously strawman every element of it then you'll never have a reasonable discussion about it so there's no point in anyone engaging with you.
>disingenuously strawman
Prove a single point wrong. Go ahead
Do you even know what the actual point was behind the MMO example before you hopped on the reply chain, dumbass??????
None of these things come to my mind when I'm playing and having fun. Maybe you're the problem here?
>You wanna give a list of features and mechanics before you keep going with your logical fallacy?
Why? The point of this comparison is how long it takes to obtain something. In Genshin's example it's leveling your character. In Monhun's example it's taking down your target hoping for a specific drop and farming it so you get the two or three mats needed to craft what you want. In Monhun you have to repeat the exact same hunts to obtain multiple pieces from your target and the overall gameplay process takes longer than to obtain all the crap I listed (In terms of realtime hours spent in the game) to get a character to at least usable.
> Also WHAT part of the gameplay that you mentioned sounded FUN?
Oh, I don't know, exploring the map which I have to do to unlock said domains, obtaining a bunch of materials from fighting enemies in the overworld as I solve puzzles, explore, and beat bosses? You are acting as if you know anything about this game and immediately dismissing it and then are getting mad when also not understanding anything we're talking about.
>All you stated was how much effort you can skip to gain rewards.
What? No, I didn't. I said paying allows you a once-per-patch ability to skip roughly one-ish week's worth of using your daily stamina on other things so you can use that stamina on other stuff.

Why are you purposely misrepresenting what I'm even talking about? You seemingly don't understand how this game works, what money is used for, or how upgrading even works in its most basic form and somehow think everything is grinding when, in your mind, roaming the map and opening chests is "grinding". By that logic every single open world game on the planet is nothing but grinding.
>so there's no point in anyone engaging with you.
I'm not going to waste my time when you'll rebuke anything I say with "Lmao no."
You clearly don't want a discussion, you clearly know enough about the game to already know why you're wrong. Why should I bother?
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>cute girls
>extremely comfy
>doesn't block your progress with paywall or timewall
>huge world
>like 300+ hours of content
>zero bugs, everything is polished and high quality
>no other game can really compare when it comes to exploration
>combat system which is just simple enough for a normie, but also can be minmaxed by a autists
>non competitive, the game is supposed to be a casual relaxing experience and not a sweaty tryhard fest
>very frequent big content updates and events
>single player, but can be played with friends
I could go on. I know mad mutts will call me a chink for this, but for me it actually is a contender of one of the best games of all time. There are very few games like this. I've been playing this for a couple years now and I've spent a total of $10. I'm still having tons of fun.
>prove me wrong
Okay, then concession accepted. It's ironic you say "waaahhh waaaahh you'll just dismiss what I'm saying and ignore it all" when that's literally what you're doing right now you fucking retarded hypocrite.
>concession accepted.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, retard.
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I wouldn't even mind if the main Archon Quests are unskippable. They're the core of the experience that everything else in the game is centered around, so while I'd find it a little distasteful, I'd be able to tolerate that just for the Archon quests. What I CAN'T put up with is when I'm forced to sit there and force click my way through every Joe NPC-Face's geriatric ramblings that amount to nothing when I just want to complete some sidequests and move along. There is no justifiable excuse for why they force the pointless shit down your throat so hard, and so I got burned out from the game and quit entirely after Xianyun.
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>doesn't block your progress with paywall or timewall
AR was definitely a timewall at launch, but if you told me it wasn't anymore with all the new content, I would assume you are right
Imagine shilling for a game and seething this fucking hard that someone dared point out how retarded you are
> You only have some a fraction of the mobile numbers when most people play on PC
concession accepted
I've been hearing that for many years now.
Just two weeks, frogschizo, I'm sure Mihoyo is about to go bakrupt
It got a covid buff but there's going to be other open world gacha games that are better releasing this year that don't have tranny lgbtq devs
>Is it actually decent?
It kind of is if you bumrush the critical path, but there's all the new exploration content you can do early that it's impossible to have nothing at all to do. Even if you don't start their MSQ, you can go to Dragonspine early, you can go to Sumeru, you can go to Natlan right away and start opening chests and raising your AR in ways you never could at launch.
>If I make some incoherent arguments that don't even have a logical point behind them then nobody can ever refute them and I can call them cowards for not arguing with me!
Smartest poster on /v/
>zero bugs
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>Mualani tribe wants 10 embercore flowers
i have three and you won't mark the map to show me where to get more, fuck you
i mostly like genshin because i made friends that i would never have been able to make irl because of my situation. the game does have some soul and the world is beautifully designed overall, but if you look closely you can find defects in the details.

i dont really enjoy the combat system but i like checking out new stuff/places they come out with and i gotta murder everything in my way. the voice acting is good and the story can be pretty good sometimes too.
feels like it's been forever since I saw GENSHIN KILLER anon post
need an updated list
literally every single part of this is false lol. except for huge world I guess
>t. never played the game
I first saw it being compared to the shitty pokemon game. I liked the design and colours. Then i liked the music. Then i liked exploration... Combat... Story... Paimon and Loom... Tanaka Rie... Inazuma hype during Summer event. I still like the game, but less, getting nostalgic, but genshin is forever
Bro your expeditions?
How does genshin reward you for your exploration other than providing pathetic amount of cash shop currency so maybe in a week you'll save enough for 10-pull?
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>Bro your expeditions?
completely and utterly forgotten until this moment
much appreciated
There literally is nothing to play. I want to explore while listening to amazing orchestral music. I want to open chests and visit interesting locations that will let my imagination wander. Name one game that is like this. Americans only make propaganda pieces spreading their culture war bullshit and japanese are stuck making the same jrpg over and over again.
It does not desu. I tried this game and it was the most artless experience I have experienced in some time kek. But at least I got an understanding of their marketing, a novel methodology to turn players into shills (less noticeable compared to the old sign-up bonus scam).
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Half of these points are complete non-descriptors that depend entirely on subjective feelings that sounds like you just don't know how to describe 'a good feeling I get'. Then most of the other things are qualities that would be commendable on their own...if the designers didn't make it a chore to experience it all and bog down what should otherwise be a good thing with so arbitrary limitations and roadblocks that trying to be up to speed with the game becomes a huge chore in itself that punishes you for daring to take a break for an extended period of time.
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It rewarded me with unforgettable memories
The fact that people are earnestly comparing it to BoTW or ER is a testament to how mazed they are. Of course, you can see the same thing with MMO addicts. These types will create justification for their jobs, they are the best of slaves. Ironically, they're not worth much as they are poor.
I'm waiting for azur promilia
but other ones are NTE, project mugen and arknights endfield

Hopefully one of them takes the mantle from genshit
the number of recognizable people who are content to come into every single thread like this and spend their nights arguing away about how game bad is just *so sad*

when i pop into these threads i can recognize people by the word choice. it's the same guys every time

half of the thread is probably bots

to answer OP's question all gacha games were predatory and not real games, genshin is not predatory and is a real game
Correct, you played this game daily for years, it became a part of your nervous system. This is the mechanism, time spent together causes the brain to justify the time. You will see the same in all manner of sordid arrangements.
You have never created nor had the senses to appreciate nature or art, but Genshin is an easy way to pretend that you have seen something. The pointer is the object after all. The abstract is the totality.
I liked desert because it had dungeons. And i fucking love dungeons.
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>he says as he posts the single most bloated side-quest chain that you needed to complete for crafted weapons that absolutely everybody complained about
In this sense, let me remind everyone
>you're here forever
You also have "unforgettable memories" of /v/, of all things.
t. Man who will take your money again sometime soon
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It's genuinely a good game, that's all
Those are all good points that describe a good video game. You just choose to ignore them because you've already made up your mind about it like a jaded faggot you are.
>trying to be up to speed with the game becomes a huge chore in itself that punishes you for daring to take a break for an extended period of time.
>actually playing the game is a chore
Just go watch movies at this point.
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>genshin is not predatory
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>Those are all good points that describe a good video game
>>extremely comfy
>FOMOfaggot is seething
and that's a good thing.
>It's an actual video game.
>win characters and power by real-world lottery
>gameplay: use every ability and watch the fireworks
>comb a grassfields and open boxes
it's a good game for people who want to climb mountains because they are there
as others have stated, the extrinsic rewards for exploring are basically nothing, a pittance
golems that cannot derive enjoyment from the innate human desire to explore simply will not be able to understand the game
i didnt play the entire fontaine and just picked it back up. imagine FOMOing
>I want more content
>no not like that
they should have time gated this so retards like you wouldn't have a melty trying to marathon it
It's better than that.
Following the long-term story of Genshin is the same feeling as reading Vinland Saga or One Piece for the past 15 years.
I like listening to the voice actor radio every month
The music is phenomenal, so I listen to it everyday at my desk job
I made a artifact strongbox optimization table in various framework, it's a side project on my CV
Genshin is part of my life and I hope it stays that way for the next 10 years

You focus on the reward at the end of the thing you clicked through for 20 hours, I enjoyed reading a good story, we're different I guess?
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>it's a good game for people who want to climb mountains because they are there

No wonder some are incapable of getting it. I wonder how they would've felt if they didn't eat breakfast this morning.
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why did you edit her out
>a feeling that the game exudes cannot be used to describe a video game
Are you a robot or something? Are you not capable of experiencing emotions induced by a video game? Do you only want to rate video games purely on some soulless bullet points?
Also nice pic of yourself you've posted there, it's exactly what I imagined someone who says the shit you're saying would look like.
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I would tell you honestly but whats the point you all would just call me a shill or just reply with greentext the same shit I said and some reaction picture. The only reason this thread was made to start a flamewar.
You dont actually care. It's just shitpost. Like all the other threads before.
>good story

too bad that is 99.9% drowned out by incoherent babble

at least the babble was STRONG for the first two years, but after the original team broke up they lost things like minor npcs in different countries referencing each other and etc.
not taking sides but relying on "it's comfy" and then going on the attack makes it look like you're just inexpressive.

if you express yourself more fully people would respect it more

comfy? genshin impact has 40 different menu screens
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>edits official art to push xir NTR fantasies
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>comfy is a term that describes how good a game is
>your personal emotional state is now an objective metric of quality of a video game
Indeed, and reading /v/ is the same as that too. Thank you for bringing up further sordid works to bolster the exact type of life that finds worship in such small and ugly works.
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There's a distinct difference between a game like Genshin, and a game like Journey. Yes Genshin's art design is very pretty, but the gameplay loop is driven exclusively by intrinsic rewards. If Genshin released another limited zone that had nothing to collect, nothing to obtain, and was only there for you to scale its heights and appreciate the artistry of it, you can bet your ass that their feedback would be overwhelmingly filled with the game's autists screeching for their rewards. That is what they've conditioned the players to expect: to gain tangible rewards for bothering to explore. I have no doubt that a small fraction of people might play Genshin just for the sake of sightseeing above most else, but be real, you know the autists that play the game for long enough aren't there for the set dressing any more.
>Yes Genshin's art design is very pretty, but the gameplay loop is driven exclusively by intrinsic rewards

but that's wrong lol

you know, here's what this thread reveals about video games and /v/ posters and video game players:

if you had not grown up in this time period, you would not play video games. you play video games because you don't know what to do with yourself. you don't actually like video games, you see them as a dopamine machine.

in the 90s, you wouldn't have played video games. you would have just been a regular kid.

and I think that is the crux of the issue. /v/ is full of a lot of "regular kids" who think they like video games.

watch this same guy buss out
>my favorite is PERSONA
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Genshin Impact is the Black Man's Game and that's why it WON
>voiced by the most sterotypical skinny white guy ever
he sounds more black in japanese
>game is created so it invokes a specific good feeling in the player
>players feel that good feeling as designed
>"heh... this is not an objective measure of a game... give me those raw numbers and statistics... *tips fedora*"
I know you don't have a soul, but come the fuck on my dude
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Watch the video. She dives in at the last second.
Stop spreading missinformation, she wasn't edited out of the shot.
Sure, it's a very different game than Journey. Once again, others have already been very clear about how little "valuable" rewards there are for running around from chest to chest. The "rewards" *are* the set dressing. The *meat* is a beautiful world to wander in, and occasionally do some usually drab quests to increase your attachment to said world. I'm not going to fight about it for hours like some in this thread though, so feel free to drop a >concession accepted if you like
Anon, he was arguing against me and very clearly meant to use extrinsic in that sentence. Put it together. Also
>Nobody on /v/ likes video games
good one, never heard that before
>genshin-niggers wholesale copy-pasting the skyrim argument
chinks really can't come up with anything original rofl
>>Nobody on /v/ likes video games
>good one, never heard that before

if you didnt start playing video games back when it got you made fun of directly, you dont really get to claim liking video games

what did it cost you
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why did you edit her out
Darkwood made me shit my pants in fear
Code Vein made me cry with the story
Genshin makes me feel comfortable and relaxed
Yeah, that's how you can describe video games, if you don't understand that then congratulations, you are a soulless NPC.
>erm, you walk around and look at the ugly environments and that's le comfy okay?
>erm, the music is super good okay?
And this is what they are looking at and hearing:
You will never be Death Stranding.
I probably could have used the word 'primarily' instead of 'exclusively' to better describe it, but the rest of my point still stands. The game is rewards driven at its core despite what you personally value most about it, it would not be a gacha-adjacent game otherwise. I would not have been so deeply invested into games like Signalis, or Mother 3, or 999, or KOTOR 2, or Nier Replicant if I didn't care about the experience or artistry of the game itself. I did play video games in the 90's, I still appreciate them in many ways now, and I've simply fallen out of love with Genshin, despite its great qualities, after realizing how little it respects your time.
For one thing, despite being gatcha the game doesn't constantly throw it in your face. Banners and the game shop are hidden in the menu, and there are no ads or prompts trying to encourage you to spend.

For another, there is little in the way of obnoxious fanservice. Many other gatcha games are so overtly sexualized that you would be more embarrassed for people to learn you play them, than you would be for having your pornhub search history leaked.

On the whole it just feels more like a real game than it does a predatory machine designed to exploit and harvest the money of dopamine addicts with no restraint (though it definitely is this).
darkwood is pretty scary
>Code Vein made me cry with the story
hahahah, personal development issue

just fyi if you don't read books or watch good movies you will be excluded in your life from conversation about stories that have actual value. i see a lot of reading rejection with guys like you who think code vein had a story.

yeah its reward driven. sometimes when i play genshin impact a person who is obviously a kid will join my world, and ask me to help with something, and when i help them they're the most gracious and happy people, every time. it's so refreshing for a video game experience. what a reward. I love it
>enters a video game board
>"heh, just read a book, video games can't have good stories"
Profound mental retardation.
I really, really like helping NPCs.
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>feelings are objective
>all people evoke the same feelings from the same things
>this game is good because of my feelings and this is objective. anyone who doesn't feel the same way for the same reasons is a robot
? if you think they can you dont belong in the discussion

if you think something like code vein has a good story, yeah, you have never read a book. you are media illiterate
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>? if you think they can you dont belong in the discussion
>media illiterate
Lmao, fucking get off /v/, you terminally online nigger.
terminally online? i'm accusing you of being terminally online. I do other shit, that's why it's SO FUCKING FUNNY for you to say code vein made you cry

tell that shit to a girl senpai see what happens
don't make me post the unattractive hobby chart
>Code Vein made me cry with the story
There is no way you're over the age of 18. Holy shit lol
They removed all the obnoxious mobile game popups so the people playing could forget it's a mobile game. A lot of it's normalfag audience would've quit if they constantly got popups telling them to buy the new limited time bundle right now! Restraint with the monetization is what made them money. I would say other devs should learn from this, but when you have dumbass shareholders running the show there is not much you can do.
>no u
I accept your concession, soulless NPC.
at least i'm not the guy who fucking cried over the story in CODE VEIN

i'm trying to do you a favor KID

you need to know better stories in order to have conversations with adults! Don't you understand this is why some of you end up permanently socially excluded?
>I am autistic
>I don't understand feelings
>you cannot possibly be different than I am
extremely embarassing
...no anon the autistic position is crying over the story in code vein


no, things have quality levels. if you don't know any books or movies or anything or real stories, you will not be interesting to developed people

code vein does not have a good story, it's literally just random japanese slop
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Yeah, apologies for getting extrinsic and intrinsic backwards. The only thing is that when I'm playing a game, I try weigh all of its elements as equally as I can, and that includes its story, its combat, how the progression feels, etc, and the world is just one bit of that. I could see what so many people found great about it after finishing the Liyue Archon quest, but they force so much inane filler on you if you want to experience the fun of getting new characters for instance, that it just turns me off completely.

There was one mini-event in Sumeru where you have to go blast Dune worms in the desert with some big cannons, and at every possible stop, the game makes you listen to the tiresome squabbling of these two researcher NPC's as they argue over their struggling relationship at every. Single. Stage. Cue Paimon squealing at them to cut it out, do this for every single stage of the event when I just want to to do the minigames for the goodies and get back to the main quests or exploring. That event kind of broke the spell Genshin had on me and made me ask "Why am I tolerating this?" from a couple of the same identical NPC face characters moaning about a relationship I don't know or care about, and will never matter again because these events never return anyways. Why was I tolerating this blatant filler? So I suppose that experience did make me a bit jaded about Genshin. It felt designed to waste my time and take me out of the magic to draw my time away from doing anything else.
that filler quest was literally one of the last times i played every day lmfao
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I don't really pay attention to these minigames. I remember the highs of the game more than the lows
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>400 posts of anti-gacha clowns losing arguments
Listen guys, if you hate gacha, that's completely fine, but maybe get some facts right before you start talking shit so you won't look like an idiot. Or go in a gacha thread that IS an actual casino for jpegs like Fate/Grand Order. That's the traditional gacha trash you're familiar with.
Genshin doesn't respect your time like ZZZ and HSR, plain and simple. They knew what they were doing with ZZZ, funneling most of their budget into the animations, rather than a massive open world.
You still don't understand. I don't give a shit if you think Code Vein has a good story according to an anonymous retard on the internet. It made me feel a specific way and I can appreciate it for that. You don't seem to understand that, because you seem to be larping as some le epic stoic intellectual who cannot have any feelings unless the media he's consuming is deemed as "high quality".
You're an autistic larper, anon. It's okay though, you do you.
>Genshin doesn't respect your time
You're on /v/, shut the fuck up lmao
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one of my favorite anime OSTs, never been able to finish the anime though it's so bad and clearly doesn't end properly
no, anon, you don't understand. I have a woman and checked off my basic life experiences

you are not a guy who is getting things done socially. I am trying to help you, you need to realize the current you is weak and not likeable
So genshin is basically a walking sim with some juvenile VN dialogue thrown in?
>not grinding mora every day
I compare it the elder scrolls. Turn your brain off and watch the numbers go up while exploring and doing simple tasks
Nigger I am literally married.
You're literally accusing me of being a social outcast because I've enjoyed a video game that you did not. Get a fucking life, you terminally online nigger.
sorry i dont believe you

"code vein made me cry" is stunted personal development, so no, you are not married
>>win characters and power by real-world lottery
you earn them by playing the game and you wait for characters who you want(stupid to want everyone since most of them suck)
>>gameplay: use every ability and watch the fireworks
great gameplay
>>comb a grassfields and open boxes
quests, events, challenges, puzzles
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>They knew what they were doing with ZZZ, funneling most of their budget into the animations, rather than a massive open world.
I mean, okay, lmao. I'm not going to try to convince you of anything, because I don't give a shit about what you think.
The way you "discuss" stuff and assume shit only proves my initial assessment of you being a terminally online larper.
>I made a artifact strongbox optimization table in various framework, it's a side project on my CV
you are not capable of convincing me of things

i want people here to have stronger personal development and not settle for "code vein made me cry"

here, read something https://www.tesd.net/cms/lib/PA01001259/Centricity/Domain/575/The%20Pearl%20Ebook.pdf
Glad I'm not alone then. I came back and kept trying to get invested in the Archon Quests for Fontaine, the character chapters, but I just couldn't get back into it in the same way again.
I still fondly remember the highs, but when I'm playing a game, I want to try to experience all it has to offer. I like getting and playing with new characters, nice mods for those characters, and doing the extras facilitates that, so they deserve to be judged as a merit of the game's overall quality and the experience you get. The big problem is that it feels like the game is trying to force you to get invested by not letting you skip the dialogue of even the most mundane side content that you might be doing out of a completely different kind of motivation, and that just started to breed resentment in me after enough time. You could say that maybe it's my fault for just not ignoring this extra content they're trying to draw your attention to, but Genshin is still the only game on the market today that adamantly refuses to add a skip dialogue feature, even for the most forgettable sidequests. Even FF XIV, which is massively story driven, lets you skip 99% of its cutscenes if you want.
This is like saying no one would play Mario without coins, Zelda without chests, or a JRPG without exp points.

kek seething gachatard. Keep crying Genshin is a video game.
I love my autistic wives
>extremely SEA thread
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Anon, you indirectly called me a lonely incel because I enjoyed a video game that you did not.
You don't get to continue this discussion. You've fucking displayed your power level in full and anything you say now is just further embarassment.
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fontaine was horrible, completely, and obvious the good employees were making star rail and zzz.

natlan is reinvested
>I don't give a shit what you think
>has spent the last hour and a half giving a shit about what anons think
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I'm a dev. Basically I scrap popular guide website for character builds, I choose which ones I personally consider relevant and group them in tables by set. That way I know exactly what stats I don't need and can safely recycle or send in the strongbox. I don't plan for future characters because most of the time, it doesn't matter, they use new sets anyway
My Genshin app isn't up-to-date but here's an example of my Star Rail one
your baits are getting increasingly more retarded
there isn't any discussion. now go read the novella you should have read in 8th or 9th grade. i am not on the same level as you man.
Oh I see. I just do this in my brain.
>heh, you've lost because you replied to me
Another high level intellectual poster, I see.
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>Oh I see. I just do this in my brain.
I'd say Genshin is pretty generous and incentivise exploration if you want premium currency to unlock characters. If you're a new player, you have 6 countries to explore and in those countries there's a ton of premium currency from chests. And also note that Genshin almost has the same development funds as Star Citizen but it's officially out and it's free.
It's 100-140 to get the character you want
>almost has the same development funds as Star Citizen
what the fuck
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>Genshin makes me feel comfortable and relaxed
The third area in Simulanka made me so fucking relaxed with the music. I didn't like the first area much but by the third I was a big fan of that new area. Track 1 was my least favorite, track 4 the most.
My soul was wrapped in a blanket with a smile exploring to these jams. Jimmies were not rustled a bit.
>says he doesn't care what an anon thinks or if he disagrees with him
>has been directly replying to said anon and other people disagreeing with him for over an hour
>get told this, pisses and shits his pants
I'm not even the person arguing with you retard
>inb4 only one person ever could possibly disagree with you
>inb4 schizoid spergout and denial
>inb4 now you don't care about my reply either, even though you will guaranteed reply to me again

But I will say the other anon is right and you have severely stunted "personal development" kek. You have the mental acuity of a prepubescent child and you're fooling yourself more than anyone else.
The music in the first part of Simulanka triggered a nostalgic feeling from 10 years ago when I played Atelier Rorona. True comfy
HSR "respected my time" so much I ended up uninstalling without noticing, since I was doing nothing but alt tab for 5 minutes a day and sit through an hour long dogshit, self aggrandizing VN every other week.
It's quite interesting.
You did a good job embarrassing that retard based anon.
We don't know the exact numbers but combined with marketing costs, Genshin has easily reached the billion dollar mark.
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I was like no cap but I guess it must be true if they released the number for a lawsuit. So with Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine and Natlan, we're at around 900M?
Yes, and marketing costs are also sky-high for the game.
Which makes it even funnier now that Mihoyo's ZZZ gamble tumbled and Natlan caused no surge in revenue for Genshin.
It's all Honkai again for poor Mihoyo, but something tells me that they will see a big drop-off soon too kek (same reason that ZZZ failed along with Natlan)
>Monopoly Go spent 500M in marketing
> Developer Scopely has revealed in an interview that the game has now brought in over $2 billion in its first 10 months--and that the company has spent an eye-watering $500 million on marketing and user acquisition.
Are you sure that ZZZ failed? It's the best game they ever released.
they're gonna fail any day now! they only made like 10 billion dollars in profit in 4 years.
No, not really.
In 1.0 I liked the novelty but it got boring extremely fast, and based on its releases so far it'll be powercreep central
Crashing from 90 mil rev to 30 mil after the first month is a failure, yes. Especially since it launched far lower than HSR (~130). Most first month drop-offs are not that severe for games that last the long-term.
Oh anon, you're too funny
>mobile only revenue
Nigga you think there are more people playing on mobile than PC/PS5?
Profit = Revenue - Expenses
Don't be fooled by sky-high revenue, if their expenses are also sky-high. Profit is what actually matters.
I think around Inzauma's launch they said they were going to spend 200m a year on the game's development. I think a lot of this has nothing to do with the game(concerts, anime, marketing, etc), but they absolutely do develop the shit out of the game too. IIRC their release schedule was 16 characters per year and every patch(new patch every 6 weeks) there is one big event(right?), then there are a few gigantic festival events per year, and one massive limited zone alongside the version update with a new country to explore.

Some patches have more to do than brand new games and I'm not even talking about the region updates. It's crazy how they haven't fallen behind at all except for when their government literally locked the country down lol. And even then they released the future patches EARLIER so they could eventually make up for lost time. It's honestly insane.
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>haven't regularly seen ads in 15 years
man how does that shit even work, you just put product in front of peoples' eyes and they buy it?
well I don't buy that! ha!
... it really is that simple, isn't it?
Pretty sure they were set on profit back in 2020 when they made billions in a couple of months, on a game that cost 100m.
They did $4 billion in revenue in their first 2 years, $700 million in expanses is fine
All I know is: Genshin fanboys are pretty much at the MMO-fag level of insanity. Wish they would stay on /vg/, but some janny is helping them out as well (took a 3 day randomly from one of their spam threads, thread stayed up.)
Never underestimate the laziness of normies who are too lethargic to do any research for a hobby they barely put any effort into and just follow what's popular.
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Some humanoid creatures just can't not buy the thing they see. I mean... someone showed it to them, they have to buy it.
it came out during covid
thats a different screenshot. >>688052813
the one accused of being edited, isn't edited.
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>posts a day old post
rent free
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why did you edit her out?
Sh-Should I roll for a Raiden con or wait for the pyro archon...............
how is it a bonus to spend money to have a -chance- of getting a character?
i wanted that fire magic dude and i wished many times and still didn't get him
you should have deleted it when you had the chance
it's going to be linked every time you try to post it again lmao
I didn't edit anything.
Btw way
Mualani's beauty deserves some braise
>Is it actually decent?
Lmao no. The only good thing about the game is Paimon.
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who did it? Kinich or the Sailor guy?
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Paimon Love !
covid. ppl stuck inside their house and everything they did was nft, bitcoin, watching streams and playing games. since covid is gone, their players has been decreased significantly. their budget getting bigger but they get less and less revenues every single updates
nice and loose
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it was me
I did it
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and ready for my meat :)
it was the first open world gacha game that also wasn't very jewish.
it also had booba sword that you can save for and get without paying money.
as anons said, it released during covid and the marketing is top notch.
Have lolis.
The game was already a hit the month it released and the marketing wasn't great. It was mostly word of mouth.
you will be! >>688042847
That stretchy drill animation is pure soul.
>being a BoTW-like open world when phones were not seen as good for open world action games
>Paimon being emergency food meme
Basically these three did the heavy lifting
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Genshin plays it safe. The only (attempted) interaction these two got post-archon quest is a voice clip from Chino. Otakus save the world, huh? They can't even give obvious fanservice.
>these three
>forgot Lolis carry the game revenue on their own

I don't forgive your gross negligence.
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Ayaka runs this shit
>forgetting that it was the infinite banner
People here like to shit on it but whatever reason but the fact is that is a well made game despite all its flaws
>Huge open world full puzzles, chests, guests and views to find
>The graphics were a huge leap on technology when it was released (for a mobile game)
>The elemental reaction system is unique and fun
>F2p, for all the shit it gets, the pull system is fair in giving you the guarantee character. (Look at fate is you want to see a fucked up pull system)

Now I'm not going to pretend the game is flawless as someone who played for like 3 years and drop it when I had enough (unskippeable cutscenes that are endless, lack of endgame, paimon). But the fact the japanese haven't made a gacha to compete against it and the others Chinese clones fail miserable should give you enough insight why the game still the king of revenue. Also the consistency in updates help to keep people engaged
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Ayakavadda bros...
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Anyone read the leaks of Himeko's kit? Wondering if this is a good F2P weapon for her. She's a claymore user, right?
Yuri is considered tranny-adjacent on /v/ these days
genshit exploration is fun for the first time in natlan because of fun traversal with mualani and the saurian stuff
it's been dogshit up until now.
hot take
This another genshill thread? I've seen it played and I'm not really impressed. I'm fine with gacha and play gacha. It only seems good if you like open world and average if you don't. I haven't met a real person shill it this much irl.
I don't know. The saurian traversal was more annoying than fun. The area felt kinda small with too many huge cliffs placed everywhere.
how was it annoying?
hot how?
NTA, but it would be less annoying if they gave us a little choice wheel where we could transform into any saurian that we are familiarized with at any time within Natlan borders. Many times you see a puzzle and there is no saurian nearby to be found, you have to go way out of your way to find one and come back. Also, while the green and blue saurians feel really good, the brown one is an absolute slog and controls like a tank.
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Th-There will be a day WuWa threads will be as active as Genshin threads........ ;_;
kill yourself tripfag
>the brown one is an absolute slog and controls like a tank.
wtf he's way better than slow green
The green one is a pleasure to traverse with with the double pull, double jump and the wall run. At least in my opinion.
they both control well
are you mobileshitters or something?
or kb/m fags?
use a fucking controller.
you being as obnoxious as you are does not lend yourself much chance of that happening I'm afraid. It's almost as if someone's paying you to anti-shill that game
>Crashing from 90 mil rev to 30 mil after the first month is a failure, yes
imagine saying this when 30 mil estimate on just mobile still out-earns most of the other gachas.
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