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>make a card roguelite
>add a main heroine that is incredibly horny for the protag
>also make it so the cards can talk and half of them are horny as well

This will sell our game
ok im interested
It's an Inti Creates crossover game and I don't think they have any IPs that aren't horny
>tfw no card gf
Umbraclaw isn't horny and Gunvolt isn't that horny
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just finished 100%ing the demo. I'm surprised how much I liked it.
Last run was getting concerning since I got a whole bunch of rush generation but no good way to make them do real damage, and took like 4 turns for the floor 2 boss. Figured my only good out was little red being the floor 3 muse and she was and it was easy. 2 turned the elite and one turned the boss.
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this is all after meeting you 5 minutes ago
she gives me the impression of being an overly possessive yandare
she just really impressed with his gaming chair
what ga-
Oh its that shilled as fuck cat tranimal game.

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I assumed that she was just an ai at first.
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>Run into the evil Riding Hood event
>She beats the shit out of me and takes my cards
>But this was actually a good thing because it thinned out all the garbage starter cards
>Proceed to steamroll the rest of the stage
is this a video game, or subtle femdom propaganda? you decide.

no such thing, shill
Fuck off and die
RNG Progression games are not, and most importantly, never will be, actual Roguelikes. Kill yourself if you shill this slop
is that what happens if you say no? damn that's way better than the other option. Other option gives a starter card her cheat code, which is -1 cost but take 3 damage when playing.
If you deny her she smacks you for some HP loss and steals a card, and you can keep choosing the option until you've lost like half your HP.
if it's any random card I guess that's not as good unless you see it early but hp is pretty worthless so might as well spend it
I didn't have a choice, but she seemed to only target common cards. I'm not sure if I just got lucky or not.
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>fake games are way more interesting than the ones they actually make
that wouldn't be bad then
either way it seems like one of the better events
Calm down schizo
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>power up your cute singing girl cards by letting a robot rape her
Thats actually a loli pretending to be a gay robot so its ok
>your cute singing girl cards
hey, not all of them are cute girls. There's also the digimon
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Oh anon, how wrong you are...
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Here's your preorder bonuses bro
She's a lot more entertaining when she's pretending to be incredibly slutty adult though.
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>What if Red Riding Hood was yandere for the wolf
>What if Rapunzel was a massive slut
>What if Cinderella was into femdom
Really curious about what kind of game GrimmNoir is supposed to be since the R18 visual novel spot is already filled.
I can't wait to hear what the deal is with their normal and coomer forms. Are they the same person?
Their slut cards have their names as (origin) so it's probably like how original fairy tales were fucked up and then got cleaned up by Disney but instead they were originally all sluts.
I'm getting my ass kicked in normal mode. Should I not worry about avoiding too many fights for a better final score?
Higher ranks just give you more tokens for enhancements and access to higher difficulty levels, both of which don't go very far in the demo anyway.
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>This completely drenches Ancie's skirt
Rush spam is so much fun.
you can always come back later with meta progression for an advantage. It's a bit limited in the demo but I'm sure you can eventually get enough to help carry you
or just git gud
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Rush spam is great, but consider big numbers.
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>>also make it so the cards can talk and half of them are horny as well
Very much.
Makes me wonder who's the art director, or if it's just different artists at Intei Creates natually gravitating towards nopan.
How difficult is the game? I don't find enjoyment with easy games anymore so I want something challenging.
it seems like just clearing the story on normal will be easy while going for hard+9 3 medals will be fairly difficult.
even on hard+3, the highest in the demo, it took me a couple tries to get a run that got 3 medals for the second stage.
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>There is a good version of this one
glad IntiCreates is still based.
how many based jap devs are left? not many. I know Qureate is one of them
But she's already perfect?
sounds shit btw.
October is too far damnit
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>guy cannot stop talking about how good the giant robot girl porn game is
>girl just thinks about making her avatar huge for him
The gamer LED chair makes him irresistible.
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no seriously, have you seen his chair? it's magnificent.
Imagine if inti decided to actually make and sell the rainbow gamer chair.
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>giant robot girl adult visual novel
>genderbent Trump high speed mech game
>Top down Harry Potter/Persona magical school game
>weapon girl harem action game where you need to manage their jealousy level so they dont go yandere and the villain is the protagonists yandere little sister since he wouldn't fuck her
>fairy tales but the girls are fucked up sluts
>and an inti horror game

I would play these

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