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Xenoblade bros, we’re going home soon.
>Switch port
>when the next console is already on the horizon

Also it's been said multiple times that the Switch can't handle XCX without completely remaking it.
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>massive downgrade because the Shitch lacks the 2nd screen
why bother?
woketendo will also make changes
also titty slider will be gone worldwide now
Lmao acting as if the game is some JRPG classic that needs to be ported. The only good thing it does is exploration, world/environment design & customisation & character builds. The rest of the game is complete slop & was poorly received. A lot of people seem to be forgetting this.
thanks "region free" retards
So we can expect the international censorship to affect all regions? Pass.
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>end game on a massive cliffhanger with dozens of unanswered questions
>never get any sort of follow up
Why would they port this when there's already an entire Xenoblade trilogy & all its expansions on the Switch?

No way they port this with those character models or without fixing all it's flaws. Looks completely different to the Xenoblade trilogy in art style & would just confuse people. Plus unless they're making a Xenoblade X sequel then there's no point porting it if it doesn't tie into the future plans of Monolith.
well, Xeno2+3 are fucking trash.
This is the same guy that larped as a japanese girl for two years
The story and characters were fucking shit anyway! Why do you care for a sequel for a story that was shit in the first place. X niggers are so fucking cringey
We’re getting 2 games from monolith right now. One from when development ended on FR and one from the recent job posting
>X niggers are so fucking cringey
>it’s ok if one part of the story is shit because the other parts of the story were shit as well

you are cringe, like this shit tier game
X port isn't happening. Fuck off. If it doesn't tie into Monolith's future plans then it isn't going to happen. Plus shit would be expensive as Takahashi already said. It's just not necessary or worth it and doesn't serve much purpose.

Sick of fucking Xfags.
Nutendo likes money, that's why they downgrade port everything onto the Shitch
2017 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Executive director, scenario, concept, lyricist

i don't listen to retards.
I don't like that part anyway. I don't care about 2 anymore either. It's in the past. I'm excited for what Monolith does next. Don't care about 1 or 2 or 3 or X! Just their next game! I don't understand how people still cling to the games, I just sort of move on from them once they're done cause they all just move on with new stories and characters and style/tone anyway.
>after they created 2 shit-tier games
Xenogears remake by takahashi when
fire that hack and hire someone competent
>2017 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Executive director, scenario, concept, lyricist

Spell his surname right next time, retard.

>Nutendo likes money, that's why they downgrade port everything onto the Shitch

There's already 6 fucking Xenoblade games on Switch. 3 didn't even sell as well as 2 & you think whipping up a port of an even older Xenoblade is a good idea? That's called brand saturation. Nobody wants another Xenoblade, especially not a port of an old game that has no bearings on Monolith's present and future. I see most people asking for something new from Monolith like a New IP.
Did this guy really lose all his credibility just because he is a tranny? I thought most of his track record was solid so far?
Most rumors say switch 2 will be backwards compatible. Other than maybe a patch or two most switch games will just straight run better on the new one. So why remake/remaster/retard it?
You don't like Monolithsoft games so there's not much point you being here. You're not getting your ugly little port of Sawano slop, burger dub & shit story. Goodbye.
>Spell his surname right next time, retard.
He's a full on retard, so no.
>3 didn't even sell as well as 2
because 2 was dog shit, and so is 3, DUH

X didn't have cringe shit like "blades" and retarded dances in it and the voice actors also weren't drunk. It was actually a good game.
No, Xeno 1 and X are great.
2+3 are shit.
>Also it's been said multiple times that the Switch can't handle XCX without completely remaking it.
How did the WiiU handle it?
Blast processing
it wasn't the shit-tier Shitch with shit controllers, shit Nvidia hardware and shit everything else
I don't want a fucking port, give me the sequel.
Except every other wiiu game that made it over with higher res and framerate.

Just sounds like a horseshit excuse.
>X didn't have cringe shit like "blades" and retarded dances in it

It had a cringe shit corny Sonic-tier uh uh yeah overly bombastic Sawanoslop soundtrack.

Awful Tatsu being cooked "comedy" in every scene.

Used a single cheap looking MMO tier character model (not the faces the BODIES) copy pasted across every male/female.

Characters stood statically with their arms raised away from their hips during dialogue making them look like stiff cheap mannequins.

Horrible outdated MMO hotbar combat that Monolith have moved away from.

Gated off story progression with forced fetch quests.

This is just scratching the surface. I won't bother getting into the main story or characters since we all know how poor they are, especially for a Monolithsoft RPG.

>And the voice actors also weren't drunk

Not sure what you even mean by this. The burger dub wasn't bad but it's so dry & flat & completely bland. 1&3's dub is so much better, there's no debate to be had here. It helps British VA actually taps into the emotions of a character instead of just faking the emotions. I didn't feel the emotions the same way I did with the Xenoblade VA in 1&3. Just better acting. Americans are too plastic & monotone to deliver anything that sounds real, raw & authentic.
Anon, half of the Xenoblade fanbase never played XCX and half of them never played XC1 until DE came out. This franchise was just as niche as The Last Story until XC2 made it popular
If they've left it this late it's going to be switch 2
Retarded. It could absolutely work on switch, though I would personally like it on Switch 2.
>the only good thing it does is [MOST OF THE GAME]
His entire track record is 100% solid that's why even though he's a faggot tranny we have to talk about what he says.
It's not that the Switch can't handle it, XC2 and XC3 are leagues above XCX. It's more all the infrastructure for an online multiplayer game would have to be rebuilt for a Switch version, and at that point all that effort going getting that game functional might as well just be spent on a new game.
>half of them never played XC1 until DE came out
So what's the issue? Give me the sequel first and then make DE or a port or whatever of the first X. Normalfags aren't actually as afraid of numbers in unfamiliar game titles as many seem to think, they'll buy anything.
>6 xenoblades on switch
There is?
>, and at that point all that effort going getting that game functional might as well just be spent on a new game

Somebody fucking gets it. Finally. Xfags fuck off.
Counting expansions such as Future Connected, Torna & Future Redeemed there are.
2 is concurrent with 1, it doesn’t matter
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so much things will get censored anyway
and the game itself is shit anyway
Being one of a handful of games in the past decade that have playable mechs in a massive world is impactful enough.
Shit, only other one I can think of is that Macross 30 game which will NEVER EVER be ported from PS3.
God I have to scratch this itch so bad. Any mech games that aren't shitty sidescrollers or mission based slop?
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No, it's been said they can't do it because they don't have the funding to redo it meaning Nintendo doesn't care about it to fund it.

Not that anyone should care. After 3 they're clearly going to use the censored slop version as the basis.
That's the point, it runs on Wii U because it was done for it, being optimized for its specific hardware, Switch is a completely different arch, that would require to rebuild from 0 just make it playable
>Being one of a handful of games in the past decade that have playable mechs in a massive world is impactful enough

You have to remember X was released before BotW so it had that initial novelty and wow factor of being fully open world with pilotable mechs. Now it doesn't have that anymore and mechs just aren't popular enough with the mass public for that to be a hook to them. GTA already exists too.
downgraded graphics, downgraded gameplay
>higher framerate than rock solid 60 fps Super Mario 3D World
>NO, Bowser's shit tier broken frame rate fury doesn't count!!!
XC3 looks worse than 2 and DE, but maybe that's because of the change in art direction. X still looks better than any first party game on the Switch today. It's incredible when you realize the game runs on weaker hardware.
>GTA already exists too.
not on the Shitch
also GTA existed for a long time.
They have literally never said anything about that.

They just WANT to remake it and Nintendo won't fund it.
can't be weaker when the game looks vastly better than the shit tier Xenos on the Shitch
Show Bowser's Fury running on the Wii U, then.
>They just WANT to remake it and Nintendo won't fund it.

And yet they still realise like grown adults that it would just cost too much that they can't afford to do it. I think they're fine and more than happy to be working on their new RPG for Switch 2.
you fulfilled the inb4, chud
>that doesn't count!!!
originally the game ran rat rock solid 60 fps.
now the average frame rate of that game is shit tier, thanks to Shitch hardware and no quality on Nintendo's part
>last year of the switch will have better games than the entire playstation 5 exclusive library
I'm just excited for what they're currently working on with better Nintendo hardware.

Fuck X, fuck your ports, fuck the trilogy, fuck the outdated MMO hotbar combat. Fucking move on you cunts!
X is a shit game.
So, what is going to be the excuse when the next game is Xenoblade Warriors? I'm expecting it to be announced in the coming weeks and then releases in Oct or Nov. Then next game for the next console is going to be that original IP and then finally a Xenoblade 4 is going to come up.
>But but, Kojima really wants to make X port and X2
Never, EVER. Your fucked tech demo game that got made just to show Nintendo what Monolith could do for Breath of the Wild isn't getting looked at again. Let's say that X2 comes out on the next console. It's the first game from Monolith Soft for it. They try to hype it up. It's got better graphics, it's got mechs, the world of Mira looks even more interactable then ever.
>Same shit jokes
>Same shit music
>Same shit combat because Kojima doesn't know anything except cooldowns
>Broken shit from the first game that people liked is nerfed to shit
>No questions that people had in the first game are answered
>To be continued....again
Sells less then the first game, because every single time there is a "direct" sequel and is advertised as such, it does worse then the preceding game. Stop trying to make this shit happen, we don't need an X port, we don't need an X2. If anything, Monolith soft needs to make sure they have other games being worked on and not just relying on the Xenoblade brand, lest they become just like SE. They only sell middling numbers as is.
This is the right answer
Wait, Are you telling me that you believe Devs will say exactly why they can't do something? My God...
>Monolith soft needs to make sure they have other games being worked on and not just relying on the Xenoblade brand, lest they become just like SE. They only sell middling numbers as is.

Based. I agree. Whatever they're working on now is so much more exciting than salivating over a fucking port of an extremely flawed older game of theirs with outdated combat.
The Switch can run the 3D World parts perfectly, at 1080p as opposed to the Wii U's 720p, and since the Bowser's Fury part is at 720p, I doubt the Wii U could run that version at 720p, unless you can actually prove it. Spineless nigger.
Good, I've heen asking for Xeno Warriors for quite some time now.

Just curious. Are you that
>Warriors games are a sign of selling out
anon? I hope not, he's a fucking retard.
I really hope it's not soulslop and they come up with a good combat system
This could be good in 1 way in that it may hint at Monolith Soft having already overhauled their engine to take advantage of modern hardware features.

Whoever said that is wrong, the GPU in the Switch is more powerful than the one in the WiiU, so is the CPU, the Ram is larger and faster, the internal storage is a lot faster, and it uses carts which are still double the speed of the WiiU's internal storage, there is literally no metric that agrees with your statement, oh wait the WiiU has a small embedded cache of ram that's faster than what the Switch is, but that doesn't make up the difference.
>Good, I've heen asking for Xeno Warriors for quite some time now

A Xenoblade Warriors isn't happening hahahahaha. The amount of shite people pull out their arse man. "X will get a remake/port" "Xenoblade Warriors will be a thing!"

It's hilarious how thick and short-sighted gamers are.
X has the best combat and story. XC2 has the best characters and second best story. XC1 was okay. XC3 is kinda shit and pointless. I was bored out of my mind with it and just hoped it wraps up asap (it didn't, it's a slog through and through). Torna was great, Future Redeemed was okay.
If the next Xenoblade is another gay allegory for breeding with soulless boring characters I might just drop the series.
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Will it run in 60fps and look like on PC? If not, then I'm not going anywhere.
On Shitch Bowser's shit tier frame rate is also part of 3D World, and thus the average frame rate of that release is also shit tier.
>I doubt
you are retarded.
Same. I'm bored of the pseudo-MMO combat now. They taken it as far as they can & I felt the staleness creeping in with it with 3. Just go full action with Monolithsoft's own unique twist embedded into it, they'll come up with something.
I guess that's a
to my question. Carry on.
No, don't expect any enhancements to graphics.
then why does Xenoblade X look better than literally anything on the Shitch?
reddit spacing not reading
>a small embedded cache of ram
It's funny because everyone console that had did, did not use it because it's a pain to use and generally useless. Xbox One is the latest example.
Hardware vendors learned it the hard that if you put any memory off package, nobody is going to use it.
The Wii U version's framerate for Bowser's Fury is 0
>X has the best combat
Outdated MMO hotbar combat lol

>And story

HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA these Xfags man. I just can't. Hilarious.
why does the word “shitch” feel like an astroturfed term made by snoytards
It doesn't, it's using a lot of ancient rendering tech that greatly lowers visual quality but is a lot easier for a GPU to do, just less steps, lower memory profile overall etc.
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weird that Shitch isn't capable of simple beam shot lighting, while the Wii U is (as well as Wii).

It seems Shitch is shit hardware.
its for the next Switch, dummy
>its for the next Switch, dummy

Fucking cope
Are you like retarded or something?
That's Eric. And he is a Snoy who doesn't have a PS5, btw.
well, it's shitch because you see it has shitty controllers, that drift like shit, and are overpriced and Nintendo doesn't give a fuck.
It has a dock that literally scratches the Shitch.
It has no soul.
No Miiverse
No Streetpass
No backward compatibility
It's literally shit tier.
Granted, the Piss5 also has shit tier controllers, that also drift, but this here is about Nintendo garbage.
What evidence is there for that? by the looks of things it will be cross gen, but because of this it won't take advantage of the modern hardware features on any level.
There will still be xfags going "X will be remade for S-Switch 3! It will!" When Switch 2 is nearing it's lifespan. Shits embarrassing.
well, are you?
simple but important graphic effect works fine on GAMECUBE, Wii and Wii U
has to be removed on Shitch

You can't answer this simple question?
You just pretended the Shitch was better hardware.
If it was better, it wouldn't have a problem with such an effect.
They work in MP4, so clearly it's not an issue with the hardware not that that would even be possible or make sense on literally any level.
Learn the difference between it's and its.
It doesn't. You are probably looking at Cemu screenshots. XCX on Wii U is a jaggy 720p image. XC2 and XC3 have greater density of assets and have higher quality effects but they use dynamic resolution and temporal upscaling so it can look blurry with a lot of things going. XCX almost never has a lot of things going.
Switch is faster than Wii U and many Wii U ports run at higher resolution then they did in Wii U, like BOTW.
I writing that fast and couldn't arsed to correct it.
you are dense
X2 looks like garbage.
just look at the intro, it looks like entry tier developers, amateur garbage.
>dynamic resolution
so your "totally superior Shitch hardware" can't handle such a bad looking game, embarrassing
I also asked about a SIMPLE graphic effect from Metroid Prime, you like to ignore that, don't you, you fucking liar.
No, they actually don't.
They look as shit in Woketroid 4 too.

>not an issue
well, it's not there, why is it missing, redditor?
Were humans better when they had tails?
well, are you?
simple but important graphic effect works fine on GAMECUBE, Wii and Wii U
has to be removed on Shitch

You can't answer this simple question?
You just pretended the Shitch was better hardware.
If it was better, it wouldn't have a problem with such an effect.
Monolith looking for a new lead character designer. It's goodbye to Saito.
Forward rendering vs deferred rendering retard. FEAR for old ass PCs had better shadows then anything on PS4. Until we get RT as a standard and conslows stop sucking at it you won't get nice lighting and shadows and acceptable performance.
If we didn't switch to deferred rendering we'd still have low poly everything, pre baked lighting and very few actual objects on the screen. It was a trade off, most believe a worthwhile one.
There’s nothing wrong with MMO combat if done right, I prefer MMO combat over braindead action gacha like Genshin anyday, but they went a bit too far in XC3 where the UI becomes cluttered like pic related. The game also feels unbalanced in general.

I admit I’ve never played XCX, but I’ve heard people say the combat is somewhere between XC1 and XC2 and I think that’s a good thing.
Nah, it's normal for Nintendo to keep supporting their consoles with ports and small games for at least a year after a successor launches. The port might not even be made by Monolith, and this leaker also mentions Monolith has a codename for some upcoming unknown game.
>bla bla
a basic effect is missing, so the Shitch hardware is clearly INFERIOR with its shit lighting.

The Shitch can't even do simple lighting that the fucking Gamecube was capable of.
That's really really really sad.
>pre baked lighting
Metroid Prime on Gamecube has obviously DYNAMIC lighting caused by the BEAM shots, as shown in the webm, which the Shitch lacks
you are a stupid shitposter, aren't you
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>pre baked
so like that bad Metroid Prime port on Switch, that can't do dynamic lighting?
So many can't get into Xenoblade cause of the MMO combat so they need to change it. There's 6 Xenoblade games with that combat & they've taken it as far as they can, anymore games with it & it'll become stale like it did in 3.
>asked about a SIMPLE graphic effect from Metroid Prime
I'm not the same anon who replied to you later you deranged lunatic. XC2 has much better graphics than XCX, just compare both with dynamic res disabled on Ryujinx and Cemu. XC2 runs at lower res because it looks much better. It's like asking why can you run Half Life 2 on a potato at 4K but Cyberpunk will struggle at 720p.
Kind of good. His style is really generic & has sameface problems.
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In CEMU you can get the uncensored Character to be playable in English. Guide in pic related.
>i'm totally someone else
that's never the case
>the "other anon" just forget to reply, and I replied instead
>on garbage PC emulator

>it looks better
no, the intro looks like garbage, it looks worse than Wii games
>So many can't get into it
>over 7 million sold so far.
Just because you do not like something, does not mean others do.
If they move away from MMO combat, you'll get something like Xenosaga combat, which, to be frank, isn't fun to play even for jrpg players.
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>no, the intro looks like garbage, it looks worse than Wii games
you can see the clearly obvious skybox, which looks even badly implemented.
you can count the polys on the geometry.
what the fuck happened?
did their dick fall off?
I do not understand the criticisms. I thought the combat in XC3 was fucking peak. So much cool things going on, 8 characters to control instead of 4 with the other 4 only being blades. It was pretty fun and also had engaging combat that did not feel stale like so many other games where it's just press X to win, or button mash your way to victory. I like learning complex mechanics and the rewards Xenoblade as a series gives you is more than worth it's weight in gold.
a baby typed this
Xenoblade is one of the highest selling modern jRPG franchises despite being true exclusives, I don't think that's the issue
>a baby wants high quality console
>a grown up prefers slop hardware and slop games, please give me 15 year old games that run worse on the Shitch
>thank you
>kisses feet, gets fucked in the butt by Nintendo
>adult here!!
Monolith Soft really just packed in what they could for Xenoblade 2/3 on the Switch with no real regard for how the hardware resources were used effectively, upscaling is done on the GPU so that costs resoures, the game uses a a wide variety of visually distinct models with their own high res textures and a high variety of LOD's etc, there goes your mem bandwidth/space, all of that post process, the clouds are ray marched which on Switch is largely unseen, it's not even a standard feature of PS5 games at this point. The games have large party sizes of at least 6 characters on screen at any given time and they budget cutscenes to have 10+ high quality characters in them constantly, from Xenoblade 2 to Xenoblade 3 they actually cut self shadows. I'd say one of the causes of this is definitely the fact that they had to outsource so much work which inevitably lead to laxer quality control for assets so the team had to make do with it.

Lighting is baked but there's still room for dynamic lights, beams lights are culled because they are the more dynamic lighting effect, they don't budget the hardware resources for it thus they just culled that feature, you can see other things do alter the lighting even in environments with baked lighting but that is clearly budgeted in to that segment of the game. beam lighting is fixed for MP4 showing that they had managed to optimize things even further.
no X
The WiiU was two switches merged together.
>please give me 15 year old games that run worse on the Shitch
Bowser's Fury runs at zero (0) FPS on Wii U
>I trust some garbage trailer
>will buy the next goy-slop, because muh trailer
>IGN will rate it 10/10, so it will be
Samus will be a tranny, cope
>Just because you do not like something, does not mean others do.

7 million altogether. Not 7 million for one game. The games sell around 2 million. Takahashi has said he wants to reach beyond that sales wall of 2-3 million. MMO combat isn't going to get you over that wall.

>If they move away from MMO combat, you'll get something like Xenosaga combat

What? How the fuck did you even come to that conclusion? Monolith have done action combat before with Soma Bringer which was directed by Takahashi and was released after the Xenosaga games for the DS. Idiot. They're going to go full action RPG combat with their own spin on it, that's a fact.
Super Mario 3D World disc runs at rock solid 60 fps on Wii U
Super Mario 3D World cart runs at an average shit frame rate on Shitch

also the original claim was better frame rate, which is obviously also not the case.
Yeah? No PxZ2 or Day of Crisis either. They just want to show off the games that actually sell.
That is because XC3 pushed the graphical capabilities to the limit and they had to do more aliasing because you had 8 active players on screen, not 4 with just 4 in the background that can be sort of lower poly.
>th-they're LYING
cope you spineless nigger
>7 million altogether. Not 7 million for one game. The games sell around 2 million.

It sells great for an RPG series that is new and experimental and is not multiplatform. Those are solid numbers. It would be bad if it did Pikmin 2 numbers. But it's not. It still is gaining audience to this day.

>Takahashi has said he wants to reach beyond that sales wall of 2-3 million. MMO combat isn't going to get you over that wall.
Any source for that with Takahashi? Also that's just your opinion, because if it was not popular, nobody would even be bothering to pay 2 million copies per game.
3D World on the Switch runs 60
Bowser's Fury doesn't, but that's a separate mode with a much bigger scope than the fixed camera mode of 3D World, a mode that CANNOT run on the Wii U, it objectively cannot.
Meant to reply to >>688047494
what the fuck
this is fake right
It's for both systems. Switch 2 is backward compatible. Also monolith never said it was an impossible port just that it was too much work...
The next Nintendo console is definitely not coming out next year.
>Any source for that with Takahashi?
Source is pic related.

>It sells great for an RPG series that is new and experimental and is not multiplatform. Those are solid numbers. It would be bad if it did Pikmin 2 numbers. But it's not. It still is gaining audience to this day.

I'm not saying it sells bad but Xenoblade isn't exactly new. The first game released 14 years ago and the series still only sells 2 million and only reaches 3 million after so many years but even that isn't guaranteed. It sells enough to keep the series being made but it's not exactly popular in general gaming circles only in more JRPG enthusiast circles.

Takahashi obviously wants the games to sell more so they need to do something different cause clearly it's not reaching as many gamers as I think they want it to.
Oh shit a twitter post it MUST be true
Why would it be? It isn't like there can be only one Lead Artist at a company, they'd just be on separate projects.
What makes you so sure?
Forgot pic ffs>>688047704
Has he gotten anything right since being outed as larping as a Japanese woman? Last direct was also the one where Pyoro got executed. Completely leak free.
It doesn't on a real wiiu. Cemu literally makes the image quality better. It's a 720p game with aliasing and on the gamepad is 480p...
No it isn't. They've already expressed that they they're looking for a lead character designer to become the face of the company even when they were working with Saito. I never believed Saito was a permanent choice or who they wanted to become to the face of the company desu.
>I know nothing about game dev
Yeah, I'm sure they'd have to redraw every texture, record all new audio.

Or maybe they'd have to tinker with 5% of the original game in effort: the engine. And they have experience doing that porting XbC from wii to an underpowered 3ds and an overpowered switch.

>It's more all the infrastructure for an online multiplayer game
I'd buy this excuse more, but then the other games are basically offline mmorpgs anyway.
I was quoting the immature idiot, his baby words, not mine
The remake WILL be censored on all regions like TMS and you know it.
3D World disc has an average frame rate of 60 fps
3D World cat has an average frame rate of DOG SHIT
>there's been Xenoblade X port rumors EVERY YEAR of the Switch's release, starting from before the Switch was even fucking named
wowie zowie you double nigger thanks for the incredible insight
Do you need to be alone with all those straw men?
I double checked, sorry I caught you in the crossfire anon. Most of those is just that one retard lmao.
It will definitely come next year. Nintendo wouldn't even say the console exists if it wasn't close.
>Also it's been said multiple times that the Switch can't handle XCX without completely remaking it.
That's not what was said at all you worthless nigger.
Takahashi stated that whether they simply port Xenobkade X, or fully remake it the cost is going to be roughly the same for a Switch version.
Because so many of its systems and mechanics were directly tied to the gamepad. Which the Switch doesn't have (touch screen does NOT count as you have no access to this when docked dip shits) so virtually all its systems need to be overhauled to work on the Switch to be smooth.
It has NOTHING to do with the Tech/spec aspect of the Switch, rather its the form factor that is the issue.
Why do you dumb cunts not get this yet?
>His entire track record is 100% solid
STILL waiting for Persona 3 Reload on Switch. Is it getting announced soon?
No, 3D World runs even better on Switch, at a higher resolution, it's Bowser's Fury that's iffy, but the Wii U can't run that at all, so the Switch wins this fight, sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
Your pic did not upload.
>I'm not saying it sells bad but Xenoblade isn't exactly new. The first game released 14 years ago
Yes but it was not on a high selling platform and an accessible one like the Switch.

>the series still only sells 2 million and only reaches 3 million after so many years but even that isn't guaranteed.
Only recently because it takes time for series to become popular, they are not overnight successes, but the fact Xenoblade keeps growing and is reaching 2.4 million per game is incredible. That means the attach rate is significant.

>It sells enough to keep the series being made but it's not exactly popular in general gaming circles only in more JRPG enthusiast circles.
Sounds like projection, because ARPG gameplay does not either, look at FFXVI it's not a high seller either or is going to catch on because it's an action game and a Narrative game which seems to be what you are referring to here. Everyone has different tastes of what they like, and people who like Xenoblade Chronicles likes these games.Also nobody plays Gacha for the gameplay, it might sell a lot, but it's usually for the cutscenes and the VN segments.
As for your image posted, he basically is saying that he would like the wall to be 2-3 million copies sold. Which it is closing on 3 million. As for surpassing that wall those things take time and to see what works and what does not, he does not seem unhappy with the sales. We all know that in XC3 it is the most refined combat in all of the Xenoblade Series. Which is going to be amazing to see where they take it in XC4 or if they are going to bring it into Xenoblade X and remake it on us.
Well, he never said it would be on the current Switch.
>f. If it doesn't tie into Monolith's future plans then it isn't going to happen.
Future redeemed quite literally mentioned the White Whales you massive fucking retard.
The events that started X occurred when Klaus beguns his experiment.
Could you niggers at least know the series you try to debate.
It would be cool to see X on the Switch because then all Xenoblade titles will be available on one platform, but at the same time, I'd rather them move to Switch 2, there's so much room to improve things, I will use Xenoblade 3 as an example. It's obvious that Monolith Soft games come up to more than just the GPU's limits but the limits of the Ram too, so with around 3x more ram/4x ram speed and 6x-7x more raster power while docked there's shitloads of room to improve, doing some smaller optimizations like moving upscale to the AI cores, the Ampere architecture ending up with free compute/RT space allowing cloud rendering to now minimally impact rendering and the higher mem size/bandwidth if you downclocked the Switch 2 to hit 390Gflops, you'd end up being able to easily hit 1080 at 30fps, in fact it would be very stable, you'd lower the target to take better advantage of the upscaler so lower internal to like 900 and upscale from there, so now you're at 1080p but you're also hitting 40+fps. The Switch 2 while in handhedl is anywhere from 2.3x to 3.25x the power of the Switch in docked, so if you were to clock it around there you'd be hitting an easy 1080/60fps for Xenoblade 3 in handheld and quite easily, you'd still have excess resources to boost asset quality.
I mean it will definitely be on switch 2. Sega won't miss the opportunity. I honestly think even a Smt VV version for switch 2 was supposed to happen.
Here's hoping SMTVI is being actively worked on for Switch 2.
>They work in MP4
Woke Nutendo shill blatantly lying

Woketroid 4 has worse graphical effects than Metroid Prime 1 on the fucking Gamecube, CONFIRMED
Nice source, faggots
>Woketroid 4

Anon we've seen like a minute of fucking footage
claim was better frame rate
and it also runs like dog shit on the Shitch
give it up
>but but the new part of 3D World DOES NOT COUNT
Show Bowser's Fury running better on the Wii U, then.
You can't.
it actually does.
fucking PCiggers don't own real hardware, so are talking out of their ass.
It might be a cross platform title. I genuinely hope for an XC2 Definitive Edition that fixes the navigation issue and the whole Blade Transfer problem that you can easily swap them between party members, including a slight overhaul that makes the Gem combat system easily understandable just like it was in the expansion.
>you'd end up being able to easily hit 1080 at 30fps
NVIDIA has great upscaling technology with DLSS. They literally could just do 720p and upscale to 1080p and it would hardly be noticeable but with a huge FPS gain to 45fps perhaps on handheld.
>Snoypedos trying to not seethe over nintendo challenge for a minute challenge: impossible
Yes your video shows it lighting the barrier as it passes over.
you are acting like a baby
>don't call my first garbage console shit
>that hurts my fee fees
uuhhhh babby

you would have a point if the hardware wasn't dog shit, and games ran like garbage, but it is, and they do.
15 year old games, running worse on shitch.
can't even get Paper Mario running at 60 fps
Fucking paper mario.
the beam shots HAVE ZERO LIGHTING, you fucking dog shit shill.
and you claimed they would have, but they don't.
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nobody wants censored garbage
Proper Nintendo made games work perfectly on the Wii U, because back then they cared about quality.
>but but this Nintendo wouldn't have made Bowser's Shit Fury run at 60 fps, because of reasons, it would have run at 10 fps!!!
mental insanity
look on the fucking floor right next to the Tranny.
THERE IS ZERO LIGHTING THERE, although the beam shots go over there.
That would not have been the case in fucking Prime 1, you retarded shill.
Anon take your medication please. Just because you have a wiiu doesn't mean you need to feel betrayed that they abandoned the console.
the Shitch audience does
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>huur change the combat system because I'm too stupid to position properly and manage aggro even though xenoblade games are the highest selling exclusive jrpgs aside from persona 5
going to laugh when the elements shitters cry about are what get carried over to the combat system of the next arc
1080 30+ on a machine that's clocked to hit the Switch's 390ish gflops, handheld should be at least 2x the power so 60fps is totally doable, you're right that DLSS is great but higher internal resolutions produce better end results.
I hope they fix the different menu/input from Xenoblade 2, changing between games is painful with literally everything switch around, I don't get why the buttons are so different, amongst other things.
It wouldn't have been able to stream the assets properly to make Bowser's Fury's island hopping work because the Wii U was a piece of shit
Nutendo doesn't give a shit about anything, are you fucking blind?
Original Iwata Nintendo didn't allow garbage physical releases, Nutendo doesn't care.even do it themselves

Stop defending a garbage corporation, fucking you over.
>here's the beam going over a barrier, and the light hits it
You've already lost, sorry!
But you can quite literally see it, you can even see the different beams light the barrier.

How dare you prove him wrong.
>it can't stream!!!
Xenoblade X had a HUGE open world, huger than anything else, and it streamed just fine, you fucking lying piece of shit.
>over a barrier
IT DOESNT LIGHT UP THE GROUND, you fucking tranny, as it should do.
You fucking lying shill.

You fucking lying piece of excrement.
>1080 30+ on a machine that's clocked to hit the Switch's 390ish gflops, handheld should be at least 2x the power so 60fps is totally doable, you're right that DLSS is great but higher internal resolutions produce better end results.
Absolutely agreed. Nintendo/Monolithsoft have always been about high performance above graphics which has always made me happy with their titles. I will take 60fps with blur than to take a choppy below 30fps game with no blur anyday.
>I hope they fix the different menu/input from Xenoblade 2, changing between games is painful with literally everything switch around, I don't get why the buttons are so different, amongst other things.
Absolutely, the UI is very bad as well. From what I read on an interview, 70% of the staff near the end was working on BOTW at the time and so they really did not have enough time to work on the menu,UI, Input and other things. This is why I hope for a Definitive Edition re-release. Because it's obvious with XC3 that when Monolithsoft has time and a full crew to work on a game, they do a great job.
There's only one person here mentally retarded enough to call the switch such a middle schooler nickname and we all know who it is
>it streamed just fine
From disc?
You'll cry when next game moves away from pseudo-MMO combat & we see full action RPG combat.
That still isn't zero dynamic lighting, buddy.
Why do they keep making this slop
you tards have been saying the same thing since X released, any day now
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False, stop lying you fucking troon.
they ported fucking xenoblade 1 to 3ds somehow they absolutely can port x to switch
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It is, the topic was that the fucking beam doesn't cause ANY lighting.
The claim by you the fucking lying faggot tranny was that this was "FIXED" in MP4, and that's factually incorrect, you fucking lying asshat.

Or dilate before that and then kill yourself.
X UI was weird. Sometimes everything was very small and hard to read. It's like it was made to be a PC game and they didn't test it on the fucking wiiu.
People forget that Monolith & Takahashi are always wanting to move on & do new things.

>Rather than playing on defense, going on the offense; change rather than maintain. This is a stance that I have continued to hold for thirty years. If there is another “Xenoblade,” it will likely be something vastly different from what came before. In style and in music, I would like to make my next goal something that will betray everyone’s expectations, in a good way

People forget this. The pseudo-MMO combat isn't safe from being changed. It's likely going to happen.
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the fucking scenery is 100% static, the player doesn't cause any changes in the environment, which makes it fell shit and like you are not even there.
Yeah and they slowly have been moving towards it. First with the switch from MMO hotbar to more intuitive button mapping. They've already done action combat with Soma Bringer in the past & that had the break topple mechanic too.
The claim by you is that there was zero dynamic lighting, and that the Switch was incapable of any dynamic lighting, and we proved you wrong, sorry.
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>lies even more
No, you lying PRICK.

this was the original post
>weird that Shitch isn't capable of simple beam shot lighting, while the Wii U is (as well as Wii).
with a video attached showing what that effect was and how great it looked.
It's missing on the Shitch and it's also fully missing in MP4, you claimed it would be there, BUT IT FUCKING ISN'T, YOU FUCKING LIAR.
That pic related fucking makes me ill. Fuck off you nuclear waste haired dyke, the game isn't bending over backwards to fit your mentally ill freak show ideology.
>it's also fully missing in MP4
Wrong, see >>688049004
Mech combat in X was total garbage, so if they switch XX to action it will probably be for the better and turn the game into even more of a PSO successor.
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She's the writer of MP4.
Have a nice day.
Pro-Tip: don't buy that garbage, unless it's confirmed that nothing woke happens, but I doubt that.
360p bros we gonna eat good
Not an issue if the next console is retro compatible. (Hopefully it is)
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>doubles down on lies
I posted screenshots, you garbage tier liar.
There would have to be lighting ON THE GROUND and there ISN'T.
The ground doesn't change AT ALL, you fucking lying piece of shit.

In Metroid Prime 1 the lighting was caused whereever the beam went. IN MP4 THAT IS FACTUALLY NOT THE CASE.

Monolith also used a lot of outsourcing for Xenoblade 3, I think with 2 it was a lot worse resulting in a lot of obvious quality control issues whicin in turn made optimizing the game even harder.
I hope moving forwards Nintendo's internal dev teams expand enough so that Monolith Soft get to keep their staff on their own projects, and Monolith Soft expand enough to reduce outsourcing and to just buy out Graphinica.
Nah her tenure at retro was short lived. She left in 2022. Hopefully Nintendo removed her.
Sssssshhhhhhh, no one show the schizo this part of the Prime 4 trailer
ok; so they're looking for a full-time guy, not a freelancer.
Saito's designs were actually good for the third game though, less sameface, outfits looked good for what they were designed for, and it means that coomer is back on the menu.
>short lived
>3 years of writing
kys, you fucking lying tranny
she was simply done with the shitty trans Samus project
now go away
I'm sick of your lies.
There wasn't less sameface. All the females have the same face. There might a slight differences such as eyes are a bit lower or something but generally they all have the same designed face. Lacks personality.

I thought Saitos costume design was better and more interesting in 2. The utility clothing in 3 was bland even if it did look more functional.

I think he did a good job for the trilogy but I can't say I care about him returning. It works for those Xenoblade games but it's not exactly my favourite style, like I'm not gushing over it or anything.
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restart of development happened 2019
that tranny witch joined in 2020 and left 2022

btw. Paper Mario was woke too.
Metroid Prime 1 port had woke changes made to it and is also a graphical downgrade, despite praised by WOKE tranny journalists.

>the rest of nu-Retro is also woke or troon
Anon, this statement was in the soundtrack release and T.T say it himself it will be different in style and music.
Beside, the pseudo-MMO works well, so why change it?
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>Beside, the pseudo-MMO works well, so why change it?

What do you mean "it works well so why change it"? That sounds like "eh it does its job it's good enough". Ever considered that Monolith themselves set higher goals for themselves & want to try something new & different & advance their game instead of regurgitating the same combat again?
It's going to be on the Switch 2. This is not the W you seem to think it is.
I still like XCX and xenoblade 1 the most
2 and 3 were such shit games
That doesn't mean they are going to reject the pseudo-mmo basis, they will probably iterate over 3 and take it in a new direction.
and when it turns out they just wrote some scan dialogue about some plants, will you still cry?
>they will probably iterate over 3 and take it in a new direction.

Exactly. Action RPG combat.
I would actually love Monolithsoft's take on Elden Ring.
Notice how the schizo completely ignored this
Are you for real? You wanna trade Xenoblade's kino combat system for more ARPGs, in a time where everyone is making ARPGs?
Are you a goddamn producer?
2 is just full on sameface, there's less in 3. Overall apart from the anti coomer part outfits are better in 3, the finer details as well as the overall design looks better, some of the outfits in 2 make no sense, I think he's improved a lot and would like to see him return to try and do 2 with his 3 skills.
I think he's fine and should stay for Xenoblade Core but not be used in X or other titles.
Acting as if Monolith wouldn't put their own spin on it & still retain combat depth. You're thinking is too black & white. There's a reason JRPGs are doing action combat cause it appeals to more people.
>schizo was so ashamed he trooned out
>some of the outfits in 2 make no sense

They didn't need to. The game is as far away from realism as you can get. It's a fantastical fantasy setting, the complete opposite of the more grounded Xenoblade 3. it doesn't need practical clothing.
>some of the outfits in 2 make no sense, I think he's improved a lot and would like to see him return to try and do 2 with his 3 skills

It's hilarious you think he accidently made the outfits unpractical. Like it was a mistake and he fucked up when it's just the direction they decided to take with 2s design. It was a conscious choice. You're so dumb.
>Overall apart from the anti coomer part outfits are better in 3
Bro, there were definitly coomer outfits. From Saitom alone, we had Ethel, Monica, Eunie and Na'el.
People just exaggerate the coomer part of 2, as it only applied to the Blades character. Everyone else had non-sexualised clothing, see Blade-Nia vs Driver-Nia.
/vg/ refugee thread
Lmao he thinks they asked for practical clothing that made sense & Saito fucked it up and went "oh shit! Fuck! I've made the clothes make no sense! Fuck! Well, too late now. No time to change it. Man, I really need to improve!" Lmaoo
>Worst music in series
>Worst story due to being an MMO turned into a single player game
>Worst selling Xenoblade game
Why do X fags not understand they lost? The only positive that came out of it was that Monolith was able to use assets and import good parts of combat system to 2 for quick turnaround
Yes, but less, just like the sameface there was less, or it was safe horny modern shit.
Practical is one thing, making sense is another.
>making sense is another

It all makes sense in the context of the game. But If you really want to take that route, nothing in Xenoblade games makes sense.
>safe horny
Can you think in normal speak, please? Do you really think that everything revolve around your dick?
It wasn't an mmo turned single player they did the opposite and took out the main character so they could use a character creator for multiplayer
If true, they should just remake everything.
Like Xenoblade Re:X
>Xenoblade Re:X

Disgusting title. No thanks.
Even within their setting, having a character in a onepiece with armor isn't entirely sensical but it can be in the setting, having a character like Rex in his diver outfit where there's lots of disconnected parts but it's also supposed to seal off because it's a diving outfit and he has sleeves that are just sleeves out of nowhere that don't connect, it's generally shitty. Morag's visor is non-sensical but at least it looks good. Xenoblade 2 is full of all kinds of shitty extravagant overdesign that makes no sense, and it's biggest sin is that most of the time it just looks like ass.
Xenoblade 3 overall beats it with it's better proportions and parts of outfits making a lot more sense, I want to see what Saito would make now for Xenoblade 2 after doing Xenoblade 3, Shulk and Rex easily look better than their former versions.

Shitty games like overwatch where outfits outline a swimsuit but are a full bodysuit, it's the shitty trend that's taken over game design, letting devs have sexy characters but no they aren't for the male gaze because they are wearing a full outfit, it's shit.
>over the course of the game at least half a dozen alien races learn about the destruction of Earth and the challenges humanity is facing on Mira, so come to the planet to help mankind
>every recruitable party member is a human
>zero results
I guess I was the only one on /v/ when this game first came out.
please god please please it'd be so kino please
also bring back the breast slider and improve character customization in general so not every online character has the same two faces and hairstyles
>Xenoblade 3 overall beats it with it's better proportions and parts of outfits making a lot more sense, I want to see what Saito would make now for Xenoblade 2 after doing Xenoblade 3, Shulk and Rex easily look better than their former versions
Well yeah, the fact Saitom allegedly demanded directions for 3's chara' designs probably helped.
If he returns for 4, he'll probably pull things from his interests in modern fashion and we'll probably get something like Matthew and Na'el.
guess that answers the question of AM I ALL ALONE
I think it's pretty funny how he seems to have a thing for jackets and coats now and I wonder if the characters in Xenoblade 3 wear jackets because of him or if that's where he picked it up.
Hey, those are good designs.
All of 3's designs are good. Except Taion's, his scarf is deeply uncool.
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>Xenoblade X port for Switch

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>complain about anime in xeno
>Saga characters looked like this

I like how retards lack self awareness.
I prefer Kunihiko character art over Saitos.
Why can't BOTW look like this?
Different priority and art direction, besides, both Xb2 and BoTW have far more shit on screen.
Reminder that the only point this story makes with its lost tier writing is "diversity and immigration is good".

catgirl immigration is always good
>Metroid Prime 1 port had woke changes made to it and is also a graphical downgrade
Bait used to have effort put into it.
you reminded me of the OP rainfall games and now I want a port and sequel for both. Also I want a port of Arc Rise Fantasia and Earth Seeker, but I know that will never happen
Catgirls are literally the only race who don't immigrate.
>all characters redesigned by Choco
>gets to include his original Elma who was 12 years old and wore a helmet

LOL do you think we still live in the early 2000s?? all they have to do is snap a light source to the volume of the collision box, you ape.
>there are retards ITT who think Wii U is faster than the Switch
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Last Story was the best of the 3 games and deserves a sequel.
Shut up tech illiterate nigger.
PlatinumGames level designer joins MonolithSoft
Incredibly based
What they really need to take from PG is an animation programmer and combat designer.

Level designer doesn't mean shit. all PG games have shitty level design.
>XC2 and XC3 are leagues above XCX
Are they really? I didn't play X but 2 and 3 both had pretty bad graphics and performance issues.

The Switch can not run Xenoblade X without compromising the graphics. Xenoblade X looks far better than 2 and 3. The Switch is a tiny tablet while the Wii U is a huge box, obviously the Switch isn't going to be superior all around, this really shouldn't be hard to understand.

The Switch has more modern chips which allows it to do shader stuff the Wii U couldn't have, like the cloud sea in Xenoblade 2. But Xenoblade X is all raw polygons, and that's the area where the Wii U is more powerful.
It was definitly his jacket fetish.
Nintendo literally said it's coming next year
in fact that's the only thing they've said about it
All I heard when reading this were Dorito chips spewing out your mouth & the spillage of a Mountain Dew.
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They have more advanced shaders and better looking characters, but X has far more detailed environments. It's not even close.
>but X has far more detailed environments

When you have literally no story that's where you can put all your budget.
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>It had a cringe shit corny Sonic-tier uh uh yeah overly bombastic Sawanoslop soundtrack.
>tendies port begging even more Wii U ports

Holy shit just get a fucking Wii U for $100 and hack it, nutendies are mentally ill
Every time.
Nope. I played 2 with Japanese voices for obvious reasons. 1 & 3 dub is fantastic though so obviously I went with the UK dub.
>nintendo leaks

l m a o
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>twitter literally who
fuck off
If X come to switch, it will definitly be a remake with a proper protagonist. No way they are satisfied with X as it was on Wii U.
X on Wii U is still the gold standard amongst open world games. And it works with the avatar because of it.
>a decade of Wii U ports
Damn this is the most prolific dead console I've ever seen
Replace Sawanoslop with Mitsuda too.

This sounds so much better than the crap he farted out for X. Mitsuda can do all styles.
Why, the silent avatar doesn't really bring anything and is clearly a relic from the development period when they were planning for the game to be a more proper multiplayer experience
Everyone treats Elma as the main character instead because the avatar is truly pointless
if they remade XCX but removed all the multiplayer features would you still play it
Still? If anything that'll make me more likely to replay it if they also make endgame droprates reasonable instead of forcing you to rely on the dumb ticket system.
>Because so many of its systems and mechanics were directly tied to the gamepad
Like the map and... And... Oh I guess that's it, wow that was a ton of mechanics.
>b-but what about setting up the probes!
That was done on the map. You literally just need to put a new menu for the map and this "gamepad issue" is fixed. The actual reason is that the game was optimized to bits for the Wii U to the point that you still needed to download additional data packs to fix the pop-in (and that was still not enough), so to port the game on Switch would need another ton of optimization which wouldn't be affordable for a simple port.
If it's not a complete rework of the game to fit the original vision of being a single player, story driven rpg instead of a pseudo online multiplayer thing it's pointless.
Don't forget the hot bar.
They'd have to add an engaging and rich main story, replace Sawanoslop with Mitsuda (https://youtu.be/fU09nBAeKgc?feature=shared), make characters more interesting, update the combat to be button mapped, don't gate story progression behind fetch quests etc
The avatar's growth from rook to top tier blade is the best part of X. And the only reason that growth is so special is because it's a avatar you created and did all the sidequest and affinity missions with. The only real problem is that the avatar doesn't mix with the main story. Really they just needed a cut-scene where Elma "promotes" you from rook to elite blade member after seeing all the crazy shit you did. X's silent protag is basically like the avatars from Xenoverse or Far Cry or other games of that sort.
>doesn't really bring anything
Customization. The dialogue options can be fun too.
"dude trust me"
>when they were planning for the game to be a more proper multiplayer experience
Citation needed.
>Everyone treats Elma as the main character
Nobody does that, and she'd never work as the actual protagonist.
>The only real problem is that the avatar doesn't mix with the main story.
Well yes, and that's a very big problem.
Nobody would ever say Crono from Chrono Trigger is pointless, or WoL from FFXIV for a MMO example, but Rook truly is pointless to anything that happens in X, which is a terrible thing if the intention was to make the player feel truly immersed into the game.
Always one of my biggest issues with the game, and seeing how Elma got treated as the de facto MC of the game by everyone afterwards many people seem to feel the same, maybe even Monolith.
>Nobody does that, and she'd never work as the actual protagonist.
Monolith themselves do.
Good morning saar
Citation needed.
Did you expect a mute default Cross to act as the game's representative?
>oh but that proves it shouldn't have had--
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Every single promo art from Monolith that features her puts Elma on the same standing as Shulk and Rex. She is the X rep on 2's DLC like Shulk is for 1. You are just being disingenuous.
>Nobody would ever say Crono from Chrono Trigger is pointless
There are people that would. X would be a worse game if you played as Elma. It's just de-facto the truth. You can harp on the main story but the main story is such a small part of the X experience.
Cross is an avatar. Of course they're not going to give him a canon look. Fuck Cross being a "he" isn't even a given.
Stop wasting my time and learn to read.
But if they made an X-2 with an avatar Cross wouldn't be the MC again. It'd be a new avatar like Fable or Xenoverse most likely. And they'd mention that there was this other guy who was similar to the new MC. Imagine the kino that would be Mia talking about her old mentor.
>What's 2+2?
>And don't you DARE reply 4
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switch would be a downgrade.
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I'll be honest X is already such a environmentally stellar game that upping the resolution that do much. Increasing resolution texture quality will always make something look better but when the visual design doing the heavy lifting those things don't matter as much
Based. XCX really is the best Xenoblade game.
I hope it's uncensored.
>X port
Mira won't allow it
>Cross is an avatar. Of course they're not going to give him a canon look.
They do it for WoL in FFXIV, it's not like there is a law against it. And even if they truly couldn't nobody is forcing them to consistently put Elma in the MC spot instead.
The real reason is that nobody actually cares about Rook.
For pure unadulterated kino they should let you customize both Circle (tentative) and Cross, then allow the latter to join the party after you clear the story.
DA cisquisition did something similar but as an NPC, and I don't think any game has ever done it with both playable.
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>claw armor thingy on tit
huh, for some reason i never noticed
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mmhhh.... slop...
played it on pc uncensored at 4k years ago lmao imagine being an unironic tendie
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>2 pieces
I wrote an actual response but then reconsidered and decided I should just call you a retard. You retard.
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mhhh... more slop...
Who cares about X port. I'm more excited for their new game. Can't believe people are more excited for a fucking port.
He had access to a Sega document and leaked that to build credibility, but he doesn't have access to anything about Nintendo or Square Enix
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>slop's up! come and get it
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i don't even know, is this supposed to be Jägerschnitzel?
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Okay see you when Elma shows up in the next game while Rook isn't even mentioned because he might as well have been a background NPC for all his plot relevance while Monolith has done everything they could to keep Elma alive in the fans' consciousness over the years.
>uses dubs
>not a dubfag
Sounds like an excuse desu. Somwhow we can get Skyrim on the switch, but not then WiiU. Somwhow we can get Alien Isolation on parity with ps4 on the switch.

But XBX? Nah, armchair game architects on /v/ say there's no way.
Xbros we eating good

1.) The game doesn't fit into Monolith's future plans
2.) The game is too costly to remake & too costly to rework to make it playable on Switch hardware.
3.) Money would be better spent on their new game/future games.
4.) Resources would be pulled away from their new game which is more important than an X port.
5.)The game isn't the critically acclaimed classic that Xenoblade 1 is. It doesn't have that prestige.
6.)It's flawed & a lot of its parts were poorly received & criticised.

These are all valid reasons why X isn't getting a port.
Switch has more raw power than the WiiU, the Switch has a 390ish gflop gpu is more powerful the WiiU's 350ish gflop GPU, and unlike the WiiU it isn't constrained anywhere near as hard by it's RAM or CPU.
Newer Xenoblade titles run worse because Monolith Soft prioritized more advanced graphical effects over a stable res/framerate.

Sawano's music is part of X's identity. Go fuck yourself.
Yeah, I agree with all that. But the idea it couldn't be ported is absurd. It just won't unless they think there's demand, and most people seem happy with XB's current series.
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Makes sense he loves Xenoblade Andromeda, then
They did say they don't intend X behind.
What's the point? They're going to double down on the censorship like they did with Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
You're still better off emulating it.

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