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The advertisement is nonsensical. Some bios from Bioware refer to Taash as she, others explicitly avoid gendering Taash. It seems like there's internal dev conflict honestly.
Bioware will finally be put out of its misery after this game bombs hard
They can't afford another loss, they've been working on this for 10 years
It's fucking over for them
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gamers want this

god i hope so
What the fuck is "non-binary"?
Mentally ill trannies basically
mental illness
It is definitely sensible for the infinite Tumblr identity thing to have a squabble with the trans thing. They put a lot of effort into devaluing "male" and "female", and then these overly binary fuckers become popular.
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i don't even know what kind of mental illness that is
>concord JUST bombed
>"lets do what they did"
I don't get it
when will it end?
Ahh we're seeing history repeating itself.
I always think of that reddit post about the guy that cries when taken out of densely populated areas. He claims to be "agender"
After the shitshow of Anthem I'm amazed that studio is still alive. I'm pretty sure this game is going to turn out just like how Anthem did.
Definitely sounds like a likely explanation
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It is why we have Body Type 1 and 2. It is for <1% of kids with extreme mental illness that is celebrated instead of treated. Its crazy how leftist give these fucking freaks so much power.
Concord Age: The Failguard
The most I can think of are the few people that purposely dress to be difficult to determine. Just look like generically skinny dudes/girls. But I'm not sure even they care about the non-binary name. Almost feels like the Latinx thing, no one fucking uses the word except nutcases.
I'm pretty sure there's tons of girls who declare themselves non-binary these days. Women are retarded and will follow the herd.
Can I be pro slavery in Veilguard? I know Neve is shadow dragon anti slavery (100 bucks that Fenris leads the shadow dragons)
Nope, you're going to be good, at best you can be a little spicy with your overall good behavior
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I think it's basically hermaphroditism (either natural or artificial) coupled with a conscious denial of such body state because "muh feelings" and "it's all in the mind chud"

But i could be wrong.
In any case, they could have just said "you're pairing with a warrior sponge", we don't mind, it's a fantasy setting for fuck sake
Trannies which say that they have no gender
It's the new super special thing that people cling to because being gay and a tranny isn't just special enough anymore. Back in the old days they used to just call it being androgynous.
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"Non binary"?
You mean "Non-person".
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what gender is HK-47?
what gender is T3-M4?
Robots are always male-oriented, mainly because if you make a feminine robot/AI you're just labeled as a horny fuck who just wanted another Cortana digital waifu, and to people who avoid labels as bullets, that won't fly
>Its crazy how jews give these fucking freaks so much power
FTFY. Blame the craftsman, not his tools.
Robots are "the/it".
"You can't send the astromech out there!"
"R6-88 can't do that, it isn't built for it"
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one more train wreck on its ways /v/ros
we are eating good this year
If it's any cold comfort to you, it is ending. These people are proving to be monumentally unprofitable.
"non-binary" is "i disagree with the gender binary in a vague and indeterminate way"

usually that means trannies who aren't fully committed to transitioning yet, or young women who are frustrated with society at large still low-key expecting them to settle down and have kids, with the endless subtle nagging they experience as a result.
so they're outside of the he/she binary
so they're non-binary
It's like how all vtubers say they're asexual
No, their code is actually ENTIRELY binary.
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He looks like Megamind was raped by Uruk-Hai.
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Oh boy I can't wait
and when the game flops they will go
humiliation ritual the game
Yeah god forbid ANYONE has ANY expectations of women whatsoever. It's so hard on them, poor poor women.
brb getting conscripted to die in a war because I'm male.
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It was a coordinated boycott by racist incel chuds that killed it.
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Dragon Age 2 was the start of EA using faggots as a shield from criticism.
I dont know why kids now think DA2 was good.
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>go to sleep
>wake up
>do some work
>cook myself my OMAD
>I am somehow an economic terrorist
It'll flop.
How could you...
I am LITERALLY shaking rn...
All this power and you choose to use it for evil...
How is inclusivity giving them "so much power"?
Kinda funny how the ray-cyst in-sell chud boycotts actually work unlike what happened with Harry Potter.
I'm sure the whole modern audience will love it/thing!
you know the lefties take issue with that as well right
you roll your eyes when they complain about "toxic masculinity", but conditioning young men into a better state of mind to be soldiers is part of the toxic masculinity package.
What he/she binary? Pronouns aren't even based on sex anymore.

So how did they program it if it's not binary?
zoomers dont know arnie.fucking faggots i swear
To ugly to be either gender kek!
Imagine for a second being the PC from first game and deciding to go with the sacrifice ending where you die for the sake world. And now this is the world.
what the fuck are you talking about
do you think that nigger troon looks like arnold
Who's the target audience for Concordlikes like this one?
this has been the best year in gaming in a long time. i have never gotten to laugh so hard at watching these corposlop games flop. reminder that game development usually has a 2-4 or 4-8 year dev cycle so we haven't even reached the peak wokeness era of 2021-22 developed games. strap in cause this ride won't be ending for some time!
i can deal with that cartoon like graphics they went for but why is every character so over designed and fucking ugly
A mental illness that is usually just a phase. At the most awkward and impressionable stages of life your perception of reality can be warped by external stimuli such that you feel insecure about even being a man or woman compared to others. You see others clearly as they are but yourself in all the ways you are inadequate.
The cop out is to call yourself non-binary in an attempt to escape the perceived rigid expectations of gender/sex. The mature response is to realize that those expectations were unrealistic and self-imposed. There are plenty of good men and women who don't embody what you previously percieved to be the definition of a man or woman but it takes time or a positive external influence to realize that.
Its called "androgynous"
God I'm so sick of this fucking clown world making up retarded names when we already had perfectly reasonable terms for shit decades ago. By the way >80% of "non binary" people are just stupid white teens girls trying to get special brownie points, similar to how you have a bunch of them identifying as being bi and then exclusively dating and fucking dudes.
Bit odd of them to assume that this character isn't just a woman. I mean look at her, absolutely a woman. Clearly. Because women look like that. Not men. That's definitely NOT a man. It's a woman.

Lel do they not realise that they're basically saying YOU SHALL NOT PASS to trannoids with this? By seeing this ugly thing and immediately picking up on the fact that this character, out of all of them, is the gender gay or whatever, they're almost getting it. I'd love to see someone ask one of these fags what makes them think this is the tranny.
females who hate the fact they have a roll to play in life and think males get to do whatever they want. they forget the male roll is usually cannon fodder for war so just watch them snap out of it REALLY soon.
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I'm holding ALL modern game companies hostage...
If they don't give in to my demands... I will continue to do nothing
It's role btw
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perhaps. but my statement remains the same.
>its ok to make up dumb conspiracies in my head as long as they align with 4chan groupthink

this is how you manually become insane
Of course it would be a fucking Qunari. I FUCKING HATE QUNTS
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Can't wait to not even pirate this shit.
this. they shouldn't even bother with DRM. would just be an extra expense at this point.
i feel like 4chan people see 'lgbt' types as the modern-day anime-shirt weebs, a site that attracts people who were bullied as a kid naturally is going to foster hatred towards anyone who is willingly open about their 'weirdness' because anons themselves were bullied for it in school. its basically just stockholm syndrome.
It's far from the first, but I do not expect them to play games let alone old icky ones.
nothing says "I'm a victim" like "Blackrock uses its control of untold trillions of dollars to force you to like me"
I think you might be projecting with this theory. Most people don't hate them, they are just fatigued by the sheer amount of LGBT representation in modern media.
>having the complete support of the MSM and billion dollar corporations makes me the outsider, chud!
how mentally ill do you have to be to unironically think the average person wants to troon out or have gay sex? are you stupid? normal people literally have the same brain reaction when seeing shit, rotting flesh, and men kissing each other
Why are you here?
mental illness
You want my honest take? I dont give a fuck who you fuck, what you do, etc as long as it doesnt obnoxiously and relentlessly infringe on my entertainment in the most preachy way possible. I played games with gays in it before. I didnt care. I played games with minorities before. I didnt care. Why? Because they were actual characters and not retarded dev mouthpieces.

My problem is when you try to go to find out if a game is good, and every interview is about how inclusive they are, how many LGBT people are in the game, how many LGBT people are devs, how many dicks they sucked, etc instead of TALKING ABOUT THE FUCKING GAME. My problem is that they are focusing on everything EXCEPT making good games or media. My problem is that whenever they make these changes and tell ME that video games arent for ME even though I played vidya likely before they were even born, then they have the audacity to cry when their shit game with zero substance other than "we're gay pls buy" flops, blaming it on ME. No, fuck you, you arent entitled to anything and its obnoxious that a fraction of a fraction of the population gets like 80% of the talking space for a fucking videogame.

And you know what? Every gay/bi/minority/whatever I know in real life is fucking sick of it too. We're all fatigued of fake, disingenuous cocksuckers trying to hide behind this shit like a shield. One of my best friends is gay and him and his husband both instantly nope the fuck out the second a dev drones on for longer than 1 minute about how 'inclusive' they are. That is where we're at. People want GAMES. Make a fucking game first. Then if you want a certain character, make an interesting character first, then assign if they like to suck dicks or not, and dont make that their entire fucking personality. Outside of a porn game, a character's dick preference should be a trivia note AT BEST, not the main fucking draw.
You're projecting. If only the people that bullied you in school did a better job you would be more normal
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I hope this game fails so badly.
The Concord gender
Some loser that thinks being a sex weirdo is personality
One of my life goals is to get a phd so people must refer to me as “dr” or “professor”
Does that make me non-binary?
>buying a Bioware game post-ME3
People don’t actually do that right? You’re joking
I cant wait to not play it.
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Just another anglophone imperialistic mind game, focused around their degeneracy. There to expand their control over your speech and police your tone. I shall not participate in their humiliation ritual.

Kill all English-only speakers.
You did this to yourself. Every Gen alpha colors and lgbt coded character on a game cover/trailer is going to create a Pavlov dog response. Your sales will sank unless you're backed by Tencent and can make an objectively good game like BG3
Amazing that someone got away with naming this character 'Trash' and the rest of the bottom of the barrel creative team were too dumb to pick up on it. Actually, it's not that amazing since it's only just a judgement of the mental capacity of the creative team of modern Bioware.
they pay lip service
they scatter when the draft happens
this game isn't going to hit its sales targets
>a bunch of headcannon
I lost my virginity at 15, i was a varsity wrestler, i took more than 1 girls virginity in high school, i even watched all the avengers movies in theatres when they came out, i am, by all means, a normie. So with that said, i got along with the anime shirt weebs more than the alphabet werido freaks, and im not an intolerant or bigoted person, its just that every tranny i have ever met in real life, and i have met them, is an unlikable schizo sociopath and they deserve all the hate they get. The fags and trannys got picked on, the punk contrarians and incels and weeb kids mostly were quiet and stuck to themselves. Have a nice day.
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these days, robot are all nonbinary with the logic being "robots usually don't have genitals, therefore they are nonbinary unless they're sexbots" despite the fact that woke gender ideaology runs on "mind and body don't have to match" in every other case.

as a robotfucker this whole thing annoys me to no end. even had to go to bat for one of my robot OCs because a tranny on itch.io was trying to claim him as nonbinary.
i just see matt smith. i don't know why.
Liberal schizophrenic ramblings. They belong in an asylum
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Ok but, how does the constant, endless, increasingly obnoxious decision to inject faggots, trannies and weirdos make the gameplay more fun?
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They are rewriting how society works by compelled speech and protected classes of people.
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Isn't Liara's entire species essentially nonbinary?
Sort of. In practice, it's much like theiy're all female
Not before Andromeda
Usually a cope for girls that either cba taking care of themselves or find themselves too ugly to pass as a woman so they roleplay as a man but still be able to swing to both sides to whatever becomes more convenient.
I have yet to encounter a nonbinary man irl they are always dykecut women that try to overcompensate trying to proof that they are strong.
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>ingest horse semen
>"the patient is stable"
it's not "leftists"
actual fucking capitalists (such as blackrock) are pushing this
it's all to fuel the right and have meaningless distractions so people never getting uppity about the 1% ever again
i'm so tired of this shit
>society at large still low-key expecting them to settle down and have kids
this is what liberals actually believe
No. They're originally monogendered. They later started plastering nonbinary they\them on Asari to fit into the latest anglo schizophrenia.
Fucking lmao
This fucking retarded narrative again.
Make it make sense retard. Its humans vs feminists and troons, its that simple.
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electronics are by nature composed of binary states
Lmao imagine giving a fuck about w*stern pozzware KEK
Why did they name it "Veilguard" when is so close to Failguard? Do they WANT this to Concord?
I thought there already was one in Inquisition?
inb4 it's failure is blamed on market saturation and BG3 setting the bar so high that the game was doomed to fail and should be praised as a martyr instead of a flop.
the same people push all the braindead anti-capitalist propaganda like in that fallout tv show
it's just normal leftist hypocrisy, they blame the system and try to ruin it "from within"
>anthem flops
>claim they're going to give it the No Man's Sky treatment and fix this game
>cancel the engoodening less than one year later
I don't get how this wasn't a bigger shit fit at the time. I've always thought it was scummy of them to try and entice people to buy the game at a low with the expectation they were going to continue working on it only for them to change their mind.
It'll be the usual finger pointing:
>Dragon Age the Veilguard was not meant for you and THATS A GOOD THING: article by some fagtron on Kotaku
Afterwards the reality of the games failure will set in and they'll blame bigots, racist's, mysonigistcs, say that these people not paying a global corporation is the equivalent of not supporting Kamala Harris, etc, etc
they really named him Trash
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>Dragon Age 2 was the start of EA using faggots as a shield from criticism.
Wasn't that the SimCity / Origin always online debacle, and getting voted the worst company in America? I still roughly remember the "apology" press release
>We can do better. Wait actually we're fantastic and bow to no one and people hate us because we're popular. Our customers actually love SimCity, Origin and microtransactions, and also we've seen movement on far right Nazi websites who probably orchestrated this entire thing and voted us because we have gays in Sims and a black guy in Madden cover.
what about no binarx?
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>our first non-binary companion
Do these journalists even play games?
>do these journalists even play games?
No anon, they never did, are you new here?
>please ignore the troons it’s the corpos we must implement communism run by Jews and troons!!!!
It's okay when Japan does it. Unironically.
All this shit is about how you "feel", so they are not real, only in their minds.
That guy and the yoyo troon from guilty gear are at least cute, they get a pass from me because they dont remind me of those ugly troons ive seen in real life when i go into the city. The reason western designed troon characters are terrible is because they actually are realistic representation of real troons.
>That guy
It´s a girl. This is no an Astolfo/Felix/Fujiyoshi case. She never stated anything about her.
Doesn't non-binary just mean woman who doesn't want to be sexualized (which is just a personality trait and not a gender)?
Go back.
Meant for >>688074828
And also, what >>688074368 says its true, because they don´t do it to virtue-signaling.
It literally means, that said person doesn´t conform (whatever that means for them) to the typical reproductory genders, aka male/female.
You guessed it, a mental illness
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Why would a fantasy world contain all the same attention seeking faggotry of modern day California?
Because these troons are so creatively bankrupt that they are completely unable to just imagine a fantasy world. They have to project their every day commiefornia onto everything they create. They are literal NPCs incapable of dreaming up a different world.
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>You won´t be able to control your companions
>But instead, you will know (and they will make sure of it) every degeneracy and mental retardation they have.
To be fair, all that gender shit is pure fantasy....
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Mental illness
>I'm purposefully opting out of gender roles entirely instead of just being a non-traditional member of my gender.

>I belong to (or am imitating) a culture that is so sexist that you literally cease to be male or female in society's eyes if you can't meet their standards for being a "real" man or woman. (See: most indigenous third genders)

But most likely
>I want attention and LGBQ seem to get a bunch, but just saying I'm bi or asexual-but-not-aromantic nobody would notice. Insistently correcting people with "they" gets more eyes without having to do any icky gay stuff.
But fagg-anon, not conforming to gender roles is not the same as that non binary shit. Coincidentially, theese "non-binary" individials, are the most sexist o all, because, to show off it´s not conformativity, they dress, act and appear like the opposite sex they are.
it's been like 20 years since bioware have made a good game, what do you people expect
"The age of Man is over"
Women aged 14-30 who want to attach gay community label to themselves because it is trendy with their online social circle but don't actually want to fuck around with other girls or commit to anything with long term impact on their lives.
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Goyim who suffer from psyop hypersensibility, i.e failures, they have no real value.
Its funny to think of woke devs elsewhere shitting their pants watching concord go down in flames, knowing they’re designing games with the same sensibilities. I bet the tension is thick in bioware dev cubicles.
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>what do you people expect
to laugh at a new bioware game again.
Depressing. These girls unironically think they are owning the evil patriarchy by ruining their lives, health, and looks, and ironically becoming more obssesed with politics and men instead of realizing they could just be normal and not sexualize themselves.
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Wtf isnt it normal to refer to someone as they if its in the third person? Like "They are a competent warrior" wtf is this reach saying that calling anyone they means they're non-binary?
I would commit warcrimes if i was the father
It's going to bomb as hard as Concord lmao
Mindbroken women who hit the wall hard way too early who decide they have no gender
man wtf dude
Gender is a spectrum and non-binary is when you're neither of the two.
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It's when someone doesn't feel like a man or a woman.
Arguably it's things like femboys, softboys and tomboys, tho the people in that role would probably argue they take those concepts even further so they aren't just "a little unladylike" but firmly in a grey area between the genders.

Example: Metrosexual softboi who enjoys wearing an apron, cooking & baking, wears eyeliner, paints his nails, etc. - but they also don't want to be called a woman or use female pronouns or shave their beard or chop off their dick, etc. They don't want to be a woman, but they also don't feel like a real man. They don't feel like they really belong to either camp.
bigots gonna bigot
Byebye-oware kek
I wish they would have died the heroes over a decade ago instead of becoming the dumping ground of incompetent feminists and trannies under EA's poor stewardship. This used to be my favorite developer by far...
by splitting the gender spectrum into a binary non-binary categories you create a binary system though
It means neither Body Type A nor Body Type B
Truly the most oppressed group of people
>Wtf isnt it normal to refer to someone as they if its in the third person?
no, you only use they like that when it's a woman but you don't want to specify that it's a woman.
>I would commit warcrimes if i was the father
>man wtf dude

bUrself :) Except when it offends my dick.

kys and leave her alone. She's happier and you didn't have a chance anyway.
When you need a badge to pass through LGBT checkpoints but don't want to do anything permanently faggy like trooning out or being gay
Super unique special snowflake that can't be seen to be like those other special snowflakes.
Binary since they are computer
Qunari transformation from the ultimate chuds in the first game to off brand gay blue tieflings.
when blackrock stops funding them
so never probably
Incelchan rise up.
It's the kid in the group that wants to be different, special, unique. Everyone is choosing A, B, C and D. But xe doesn't want those because... he is unique, so, chooses Z. The next step is obvious, everyone minds their own business but... "hey guys look! look! I'm Z guy!".
The writer confirmed Taash is a she. The director is a fat retarded troon who doesn't know anything about his own game and doesn't give a fuck and has casually spoiled the story multiple times now. Should have written an article about THAT
>play the game
how is this important to the gameplay?
It's an rpg, not tetris.
Corinne misgendered Flynn during the gameplay video recently
if the weirdness of weebs was equivalent to a higher chance of sexual predators of minors, spreading AIDs, and rubbing fecal matter on themselves then yeah id say its similar.
why? its probably his fault she did that.
yes, how is this important to the gameplay of the rp(g)?
bioware prioritizes queer romances over making a cRPG now
>It's an rpg
someone should tell the devs
In a role playing game, the story IS the game.
Have you seen a Smash Bros tournament?
yes, but how is this important to the gameplay? what does one's sexuality, which is a very small part of a human, matter to the gameplay of the rpg?
Sex minigame. Obviously.
Some of this weirdness is sexual immorality, just fundamentally. Are you really surprised it makes some people uncomfortable?
Other than that you get something like stand in a line and choose "attack" from a menu. The gameplay is simply window dressing for the story. It is secondary. Not why you play them.
>It is secondary. Not why you play them.
maybe for the modern audience.
If it doesn't matter why the fuck is it there? Why is it so important to include it?
Go play bing bing wahoo if you only want gameplay with minimal to no story.
Woman with shaved head
no thanks, I'll just play RPGs that aren't glorified VNs with shitty combat.
>I want an rpg
>but not actually to play a character in a story
Retard who doesn't even understand what an rpg is.
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I actually liked the tranny in Inquisition.
Your inquisitor would say, 'Yeah, I totally respect you :)' and then, at the first chance, send the entire squadron to their deaths. Kino.
>so whatchu sayin is
I already knew this. The devs have been gender neutral describing Trash everywhere except for 1 post.
Not an argument
as someone who mostly faps to home appliances but isn't down for gay shit, you ARE the new revolution. Don't let those meatbags break the rules and then cry when they're broken.
and neither is wanting an RPG to focus more on a character's sexuality than their actual class and the game itself.
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Absolutely not.
I argued for the exact opposite of that...

based robotfucker
>It's another "ESL teaches English" episode.
Based. Got to kill that Bull faggot too
Weekes one of the DA writers look like that and he’s non binarreeee
>I argued for the exact opposite of that...
>Other than that you get something like stand in a line and choose "attack" from a menu. The gameplay is simply window dressing for the story.
gameplay in an RPG is more than selecting an attack. it's about building a character, and making them excel at what you want them to do. in a good RPG whether it be a video game or PnP, that should still be the main focus.
It is exactly that in some rpgs and you can probably even name them yourself. My point there was to highlight that stellar gameplay is not the central point in an rpg. It is only an afterthought to actually being a character in a story, so to say "why do you care about the story, it's a game" is stupid.
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are star wars computers binary?
even today we have quantum computers that aren't.
Okay. When are they going to finally give us our first well written Dragon Age character?
>It is only an afterthought to actually being a character in a story
but this is wrong if there's no real game design put forth to make your character meaningful outside of interacting with potential romances. \
>so to say "why do you care about the story, it's a game" is stupid.
the genre was literally made off of expansion from dungeon crawls, which focused on player autonomy and gameplay mechanics.
absolutely based madlad
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they will still cling to the last mass effect game they are working on
but if veilguard flop and shareholders will make them show they work on mass effect and it turns out to be woke then they will cancell it, fire half the studio and sell it
The gameplay is only there to advance your character through the story, be that very basic "make number go up so big number beat boss big number then watch cutscene", or slightly more advanced with having skills you can use to overcome plot points. You wouldn't bother with any of it if what you are progressing through is finding out about which hole the next npc likes to stick his dick in, why his dog avoids him and who he is being cucked by.
its the gender of the golem that works in the semitic colony for the benefit of the masters
it's funny how the capitalists just happen to agree with leftists about everything
god i love how people still believe game developers actually take 10 years to put a fucking game together. lol
literally 3 weeks of copy pasting shit into some shitty world. 2 of those weeks will be them making sure absolutely nothing about the game store or casino is bugged
Talmudic poison.
>3 weeks of copy pasting shit into some shitty world
this would resoult in game optimalisation level of earth defence 6
yes game dev is now overboated and too many diversity hires but it still takes long to make
It's when you're mentally ill and instead of being treated as such the word coddles you. You know how when a kid says they wanna be an astronaut you just buy them space toys until they get bored of it? Trannies are like that except instead of humouring the kid until they snap out of it you send them to NASA to train.

Don't engage with their terms.
How do localization companies even treat these? How the fuck do these stupid pronouns work for all the 50 different yurop languages?
kek, this was obvious from the moment when they revealed the voice actors.
Eww. What's that? Some new term for faggot?
It's a trauma response from being diddled too hard, wanting to distance yourself from being, most often, a girl. Girl = desirable = molested, if not girl, not desirable, not molested.
I always wondered about that. French is my first language and everything (and I mean everything) is either gendered male or female.
The chair you're sitting on? Female.
Your computer? Male.
The walls in your in room? Male.
The floor? Male.
The ceiling? Male.
The sun? Male.
The future? Male.
This is so ridiculous.
Of course you don't feel like a man and don't feel like a woman. That's because there's no such thing.
Nobody is a man or woman because "they feel like one".
Furthermore, imagine trying to describe everything a person can feel as "masculine" or "feminine".
Straight white girls who want in in the oppression olympics
Progressive idiots in each country always try to make up new words for everything, but in gendered langauges it inevitably looks even more ridiculous, because everything is gendered, even inanimate objects, and there's no neutral gender.
No, anon. The current dogmatic belief towards the Concord failure is "the chuds did it" through the power of meanness. You can't convince these idiots that everything about them disgusts normal people.
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I do nothing and I slaughter western woke games. I am too powerful. Devs out in the streets, starving and sucking cock for sustenance and I did that.
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Me, a chud, while annhillating western studios. (Im doing nothing)
I'm PRETTY SURE that games have given you robot companions. And as they don't have genders (because they are machines, not human), they are technically nonbinary. Correct?
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Non Binary? pog my dude
There wasn't even a transition was there? All of the sudden, boom, gain 40lbs of fat?
Grifter thread
god even as an unironic commie I'm sick of this shit
total liberal gaming purge when
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You're each emphasizing two halves of the whole here. The story matters only insofar as it allows the player to fulfill the role of the character they made. You cannot properly play your role without a narrative that reflects mechanical and narrative decisions, but that does not mean that the mechanical side (number go up) is not the primary factor that makes the game, a game. Otherwise you get glorified VNs, as noted before.
To the original question, a character's gender identity or whatever the fuck doesn't matter to the gameplay. It might matter to the story, but unless they add in some mechanical representation or make it a big choice and consequence narrative element (either of which sounds like shit by the way), it's a whole nothingburger that doesn't deserve so much prioritizing.
A fashion article.
I've decided a long, long time ago I wouldn't be paying for this. When companies make decisions like this I'm vindicated.
>im not unique enough so i made shit up-gender
my grandparents grew up in a communist nation, and are quite socially conservative and hate all this shit.
These people are so delusional if they think this is what gamers want. It's also fucking cringe to talk about 'fans' and 'us' like there is some huge fanbase when i reality it's just a couple of journalists on a payroll and a couple of thousand people. People didn't play the dragon age games for this dumb shit.
It all comes downstream from English and from there the woke academics of their respective languages try to make shit up. For example, Latinos are now 'latinx' or 'latines' and the vowels at the end of each word that would indicate gender (typically 'o' for male and 'a' for female) is instead replaced with 'e' or even "@".
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Can't wait to hear how it my fault for not playing it even though I'm not the "target audience".
Non Binary doesn't actually mean anything. WTF do they keep pushing this as if it's some kind of real thing? That isn't even trans.
adding it to the skip list. DA wasnt never that good anyway. the only reason i have 150 hours on DA:I is because Reaver is a class you can play. literally the only reason
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Hell yeah.
On one of the steam stats sites it tracks preorders and it has a forecast so far based on popularity / preorders! That Veilguard is set to sell £2.2 million worth on Steam. Fucking lol.
Either way it's going to bomb hard with a couple hundred thousand sales at best on Steam.
everything is so rancid and grotesque nowadays i sometimes have to detox by looking at old centerfolds and pinups just to get my beauty meter all filled up again
Biologically speaking, hermaphrodite (both sex organs) or asexual organism (non sex organ). What alt-left mean by this, i have no idea, and don't want to figure.
Only if you were not a doctor.
make believe idiocy. because gender roles are one part socialization in two parts biology, we decided that they're totally arbitrary. never mind that gender roles are IMPOSED upon you by other parties, and not something you get to pick and choose. what jobs are stereotypically agender? what kinds of jobs and pastimes do demigender individuals typically engage in, and how do they differ from those followed by pangender individuals? why did society choose to saddle these individuals with these social roles? no one can answer these questions, because it's all horseshit
I think a strong story and characters are pretty much the standard now in any TT or vidya RPG, but that it shouldn't be what the game is build around.
the focus on story and worldbuilding came well after the genre's refinement. gameplay and class mechanics should always be the primary motivator that pushes the player agency forward to influence the story/world.
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DragonCord: The Non-Binary Guard

Sigh. I'm just tired bros. Dragon Age Origins had bisexual characters like Lelliana but they didn't shove that shit down your throat for the marketing. Now when I see them marketing the game with political stances I instantly don't want to buy it

Im tired
The characters look ai-generated
forced worship breeds contempt. profound, lifelong contempt
What is their budget?
>but that it shouldn't be what the game is build around.
>gameplay and class mechanics should always be the primary motivator that pushes the player agency forward to influence the story/world
I'm with you on this, my only contention was that the story also has to be conducive to the mechanical side of things. i.e., the ideal is that the game is well written enough to account for your race, class, background, and stats you invested into.
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Bioware is so retarded that they can't even make a dummy mommy character
Why would I want a qunari as a companion, non-binary or otherwise? They're the unquestioning slaves of a brutal religion that demands the death of independent thought among all intelligent creatures.
Did you not recruit Sten in Origins? Besides Taash is probably a Vashoth anyway.
I'm old. I hate these zoomer terms.
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Remember the last time this happened? We all had a good laugh about that one.
She very dummy, anon. Seriously, she has 8 INT.
they ahvent learned anything from bg3 this shit is going to flop so fucking hard
I, for one, have no qualms with non-binary as long as its not humanoid and displays no humanoid-looking traits. A slime blob, for example, would fit this.

In fact, some dev should do that some day: Make a slime companion that you can make become feminine or masculine depending on how you treat them or otherwise ask them to be.
For the last time, anon, I'm not adding a femboy slime gf(bf) to the game.
you are mentally ill troon
Around $300m
BG3 had your usual dnd degeneracy + actual good game behind it, veilguard is just going for cheap pandering, can't wait to see them find out this shit won't work.
this, corpos have been doing this for a long time now
United States Citizen will never learn. They think Corpo rights are cool because they can and will become Billionaires overnight, when in reality will never earn (not accumulate) more than a million in their entire life.
It's all smoke and mirrors to fool investors, consumers, and to scramble the lowers classes to kill themselves.
Nothing of this matters to the ultra rich, they live in a parallel, paradise world were they can pay their troubles.
Impressive, very nice.
That’s different. Nintendo obviously doesn’t care about gay shit. Bioware does
>random nonsense of a label
>important in any way
Something that instantly repulses me as soon as I read it. I instantly want nothing to do with anything that shit is about.
>Nordom (Planescape: Torment)
>HK-47 (KOTOR)
>T3-M4 (KOTOR)
You're just human garbage. Every incel NEET basement dweller is a god compared to you
I hate how bioware sanded down all the interesting parts of the dragon age setting. The whole point of the Qun was that it's a religion with ultra strict roles, I feel as though a good writer could actually explore a trans/non-binary person would react when put in such a system but nobody gives a fuck about consistency and they retconned it that the qun is super cool with everybody.
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Not as bad as Concord. But not good by any means.
It would take genuine effort on BioWare's part for it to bomb as badly as Concord. I don't think people quite grasp how calamitously awful that game did.
You would have to pay me to play that.
For people who want to be part of the special olympics without actually committing to shit like surgeries and hormones so when shit hits the fan for fags, they can easily filp the switch without being worse for wear. Basically they're snakes just as well as faggots because they only encourage the mental illness full well knowing the ramifications for the less mentally stable people without any skin lost off their backs.
Based post that’s wasted on 4chan.
man, im going to pre-order it just to have the satisfaction of cancelling the preorder a few seconds afterwards.
It's going to win GOTY.
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Bioware will fail since all their characters are disgusting. Lae'zel a fucking frog githyanki is somehow cuter and sexier than all those nu-DragonAge abominations.
more dominarix!
Nuspeak for faggot
lol it looks like they took a black chicks face and stuck it on that abomination
once again leftists proving they're more racist than I am
all dragon age and WRPG/CRPG games are shit anyway
I'm a special snowflake refer to me by they/them and not based on my actual gender :3
tumblr bullshit being seriously pushed in the mainstream.
That's hardly fair, Lae'zel is an anime character.
>Big, oddly-colored eyes
>Small mouth
>Nose nearly imperceptible from certain angles
>you are either normal, or abnormal
It's not about the money.
Enbies are cute and valid
Its just a blue human with horns
>Gender is a spectrum
that would mean that everyone is "non-binary"
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>once again leftists proving they're more racist than I am
Somehow I doubt many people are more racist than you
Zoomer attempts at being special and unique.
Lucanus isn't white
Yeah. If it really was about money, this shit would've ended a few years ago. Only reason they release this shit, from my point of view, is because they want to delude the media pool with propaganda and stupid shit for awhile. It's why they don't want the general masses to learn how to pirate shit because it is so easy. If they control what you can choose to watch, play, etc, they know eventually they can lower standards and brainwash people when people believe there isn't anything better to play or watch.
This game has been in development for over a decade, the budget most probably has skyrocketed just accounting for the six figures salaries from all developers, if they don't sell at least 5 or 6 million copies, they will be closed for sure, this company has not released a single hit since dragon age 2 and mass effect 3.
I know he's from Antiva which is analogous to Italy. But I've heard the contrary as well. Plus a vocal crowd claim Gale isn't white either. Saying that he's analogous to someone of Greek descent. Saying Gale's last name Dekarios is reminiscent of it.
Italians aren’t white
It's basically a "I want to be trans and lgbt without fucking people of my own gender and taking hormones and chopping my healthy body parts"
It's a way to be hip and on the curve without doing absolutely anything, dare to say these people are far more mentally ill than the average tranny.
They didnt take 10 years to make this but they got paid for 10 years to make this shit
Doesn't identity as a man or woman
Fags want me to believe this is a Greek god.
Jesus Crist why does nu-DragonAge look so bad?
Concord got pulled and refunded across all platforms two weeks after launch. Sony not only got no money, but is now down production, distribution, and marketing costs, including however much they spent getting a spot on an Amazon Prime anthology and the weekly animated videos, as well as the cost of the studio itself, which they bought in a fit of unwarranted optimism. Conversely, while BioWare's latest games have consistently failed to meet sales goals (to the point of sequels and post-launch support being cancelled), they haven't actually lost money - they've just pulled disappointing ROIs. So while it's very possible Veilguard won't meet EA's expectations, and even possible that it'll straight-up lose money, it would have to be a cock-up of truly spectacular proportions to fail as hard as Concord.
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>we tried nothin and it worked
>the monster race in DragonAge:The Veilguard
I think that DragonAge does disgusting monsters way better than Baldur's Gate 3. I am repulsed and disgusted by the things i see in DragonAge and find the characters in BG3 cute and loveble so which game is really better in the end? No i am serious, the more i look at DragonAge:The Veilguard the more i want to vomit. They really do disgusting and repulsive well.
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>To be fair, all that gender shit is pure fantasy....
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It means something doesn't have a 0 and 1 only. For example, you input 0101010112. So there's an error in the code, which you must eliminate. That's called debugging. After fixing it, everything works fine again.
>Antiva which is analogous to Italy
Spain actually
Same. Durge looks fucking cool, but Taash gets more upsetting to look at the more you look at her.
I think the issue is that wasn’t what they were going for.
your pic and all of bg3 characters are no different from non binary qunari, get some taste
>no different from non binary qunari,
Karlach being attractive is a major difference.
I never seem to get a consensus on that.
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BG3 simply can't do repulsive. All their characters look too good, too pretty, too charming, too detailed and with too much thought put into them. DragonAge devs are the masters of the repulsive and disgusting.
Stop watching porn. Stop waiting for a woman to be the strong man you are meant to be.
>>pansexual = attracted to persons regardless of their gender
i thought you said gender wasn't a sexuality
Spider man isn’t hot
Never said I was into her. Nor am I into that archetype. But from aesthetics alone she has far more going for her than Taash does.
this game wokeness makes bg3 looks tame in comparison
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Sure he is, hence how he can pull a succubus.
Of course it does. While Larian is fairly transparent in its politics, it remains devoted to the notion that the player should be allowed to do what they want. Hence why you can go out of your way to fuck over or outright murder anyone and everyone who offends your sensibilities, and still find ways to advance the game.
so sorry I wasnt here sooner
this is what wokies wont get, they genuinely think it won because of how "diverse" the game is
Have these people not seen hyenas and concord? Do they really wanna go that route?
See here >>688088170 this is why BG3 won. This is also why DragonAge will fail.
Because a lot of people in power want to social engineer the plebs to become gay communists.
>it's not leftist because it's authoritarianism (with a left wing agenda)
>it's not leftist because it's corporatism/capitalism (with a left wing agenda)
>it's not leftist because it's a police state (with a left wing agenda)
Etc. It's never leftism because leftism doesn't actually work so it's never tried. Leftism is inherently hypocritical and has to use tactics of exclusion, hierarchy, institution, etc. to get what they want despite decrying those things. While they do this they will look you in the eye and tell you 'and that's a good thing', then turn around and claim they never had anything to do with it if questioned.
It's not a conspiracy, it's just an obvious change in the social climate. You can feel however you want about it but I doubt the people who are all about social justice stuff would disagree with me either.
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Let's make it even simpler!
>Binary gender = Man or Woman.
>Non-binary = Mental illness.
>Gender Fluid = Mental illness.
>Intersex = Mental illness.
I mean, let's not sugarcoat it, the game is very diverse. But the game doesn't demand that people approve of it.
>Intersex = Mental illness.
How can it be that when they are literally born with different sets of genitalia? A mutation would be a better descriptor.
I just don't think anyone should be surprised by the game being... let's just say weird. It's a game made for fanfiction writting middle aged women and lesbian/gay/bisexual/queer whatever fringe groups that still use reddit and tumblr. I don't see why anyone would be mad at them for sticking to their roots. It's 2024, last dragon age game in 2014 was exactly the same, pandering to the same group I just mentioned. BioWare is not a normie or a mainstream company anymore, they are not on the same level as Bethesda/CDPR/Fromsoft etc that make RPGs that normies play.
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ah, my daughter-son
I've never met a non-binary person in my life, they can't embe common enough to warrant putting them in every game.
I've never met anyone with vitiligo either, but for some reason devs consider it important for representation.
It's a binary system where you're either binary or non-binary but in both scenarios still retarded for using the terms.
it's all about the Bazz
Why? Who does this serve and at what cost?
But DA has already had tons of faggot companions.
Kill yourself shitskin shipper tranny.
>t. Mary Jane Watson
You'd think that publishers would have started noticing that pushing the woke narative is not selling games.
She's a dragon
That's Morrigan you're thinking of.
>might give us

Are they trying to stir the pot? "See, bigots are already complaining, that's why we need more faggotry in games."
Think it's just more ridiculous headcanon that's been framed to make the game even more comically progressive than it is. I'd wait for the actual release for them to start claiming pushback from "economic terrorism".
No, you are not
>modern-day anime-shirt weebs
You want to be that so bad, but you aren't. That you try to make everything about yourself and try to connect everything back to you in some vain desire for (forced) validation for the shit you made your entire personality is one of the very fucking reasons no one can stand you anymore, even among other weirdos.
Apparently Taash might be one too. Since she is said to breathe fire.
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>Why yes we the people of this fantasy realm where people constantly have to worry about war, demons, dark magic, and dark-spawn care a lot about modern American values of pronouns and diversity
I mean, I could understand people not giving a fuck about certain conservative values if the setting is constantly under high-mortality threat, but yeah, I have a hard time imagining most people give a shit about progressiveness either.
that's redundant
Shut the fuck up.
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Kek another DOA
But im happy to see them lose money and get idiots fired
BG3 is gayer
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BG3 frogs a cute!
Sure, Jan.
so like BG3
it is, BG3 is the worst and the gayest game ever made and you're probably a fruit if you play it
A person raised by a single mother and never experienced a strong male role model to guide them into adulthood
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Fuck are you on about, Forgotten Realms has always been the playground of a free-love espousing hippie.
Please /v/ kill Bioware with this game
Before the great collapse
And despite that, the reviews were not that kind with it
We promise nothing. Apparently that's quite destructive these days.
No you're just annoying narcissistic faggots, it isn't complicated
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I'm so glad I stopped playing western pozzware decades ago
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As a good and dedicated economic terrorist i'll do my best by shitposting and not buying games "not made for me"
I'm a monster i know
But someone has to do it
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>finally give players a look at female qunari in DA2 concept art
>Introduce a Female qunari in their hail Mary, please take us back game
>Have her look normal attractive
>Make her non binary

What is wrong with them? Like legitimately how do you fuck up this bad. If they had just compromised their morals and made the qunari a muscle mommy like fucking Karlach, 4channers and redditors would have eaten it up
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Despite Larian's strong leftist opinions, they've never fully shed their quintessential coomer nature, and are unlikely to so long as that freak Swen holds the reins. Unfortunately for BioWare, they lack a stabilizing horny presence to guide the studio by the dick.
Man Dragon Commander is such a gem.
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>Andromeda was shit
>Anthem got fucked
>They've been working on this sloppa for 10 fucking years
how the fuck are they still staying afloat after all that shit?
There was a female Qunari in Trespasser and she looked like a fucking crack addict
I can't wait to not buy and ignore this game!
Well, the Mass Effect trilogy rerelease bought them some time and money. But yeah, EA has been unusually patient with them - maybe they're reluctant to liquidate their sole remaining RPG dev without a few extra chances.
andromeda's probably better than BG3
it means "someone who doesnt like digital devices"
luddites, in other words
Must you be a contrarian?
It really isn't.
Do CEO's request to see demand curves/expansive market data on resource heavy projects anymore?
You'd think they'd do so as a matter of course, but after recent events, I'm starting to question whether they talk to anyone anymore.
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Any numeral system that is not base-2 numeral system. Decimal and hexadecimal numbers are non-binary.
Look I know BG3 isn't what it is cracked up to be, but let's not say anything retarded here.
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I legitimately will never understand why people can't just accept their sex/gender and dress and act however the fuck thy want. Why invent this new bullshit terminology?
Are you a guy? You want to act feminine? Just fucking do it. Are you a woman? No, who the fuck cares?
Faggots and troons are the ones getting bullied in school and beyond. Their suicide rates aren't high for no reason
the funniest thing about these types, is just how evil everything they espouse is, these are PEAK post-modern leftists, the END product, and they cannot help but tell you about how they want to rape and dismember children.

that bottom right one is easily the worst, viewing them in motion convinces the subconscious that you are viewing something pure evil, what it must feel like to be in the presence of an actual demon.
yea I could THROW A BARREL AT IT, as a functional playstyle in BG3.

I can't do this in this faggoty game.
So they can get special treatment and be treated as a minority class
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dragon age has turned into an extremely watered down arpg. It's going to be piss easy, have a retarded inconsistent lore and story, and rampant identity politics. It has nowhere to go but failure. It's like inevitable. It doesn't appeal to anyone.
no one is interested in this, and everyone has gotten quite allergic to Woke products.

the Leftist developers cannot help themselves though, its simply in their nature to inject it in copious amounts in everything they do, its anathema to them to back down, to even suggest it is hearesy, the one to do so would be struggle sessioned back in line.

people often say "to go woke is to go broke" and really, it misses the mark, the Woke MUST push this shit, they have no free will, the collective ideological force that make up their group, insure the march forward goes on, no matter the cost.
BG3 has all those things and it still made money
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bg3 was an extremely complex RPG, was extremely difficult and challenging, had consistent story and lore, and had minimal identity politics, virtually none in the main campaign. So you're not accurate at all.
>you can be this obviously sarcastic and modern 4chan posters still won't get it
What the fuck happened to this site?
>making this after baldur's gate 3
how hard is bioware shitting their pants right now? they gotta know they're not fooling anybody with this slop.
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>follow the herd
Considerably, I'm betting. Though they know full well they can't keep putting it off and drawing paychecks from EA for nothing, so they have to release SOMETHING and pray it keeps the lights on.
>be a 9 or 10
>have a mental illness that makes you hate that
You hate to see it.
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i'm so tired of rainbowfagslop fantasy
this is just hispanic women before/after they get hitched
I hate non-custom companions in crpgs with a white hot burning passion. I hate playing what is essentially a 5th wheel in the dev's party. I want to make my own group of bros going on an adventure with inter party dramas that I come up with myself.
>I want to make my own group of bros going on an adventure with inter party dramas that I come up with myself.
Beyond Icewind Dale and Gold Box games. What other major franchise nowadays let you do that? Isn't a major focus on established character through which the player can bounce off of?
you can make custom hirelings in both of the owlcat PF games
Wizardry and its various knockoffs are all about that sort of thing.
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How did we go from this?
They're still making Wizardry games?
Go woke go broke soon
Notice how this never happens to mare pussy aficionados.
Yeah? Some Japanese company acquired the rights after Sir-Tech folded, and there's been new games sporadically ever since, as well as knockoffs like Elminage.
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gamers want big knees and schlurpzillas
keep your genderqueer proto futa nonsess to your discord, faggot devs
BG3 has none of those things
They don't even know
the canonically have dicks tho
all girls have little dicks, it's why they're so jealous
Originally they were all female but "not exactly" in Mass Effect 1 because they wanted to skirt the line by including a gay romance (FemShep and Liara) but lore explain away it so it'd get approved by the higher ups, Liara has a few lines when you're love triangling with Kaidan and he says he didn't realize you were into women. Then in Mass Effect 2 they were all Female/Women proper, then in Andromeda there are now some that think they are dude's but its all just dumb pronoun injection shit
Why does Bioware hate Qunari so much? They hinted at something vaguely interesting as an OC fantasy race in origins with Sten, and have been trying to radically shift course into something much lamer ever since.
Fringe part of the lore is willingly handed over to the glorified interns turned main writers
You're talking about mentally ill people and attention whores. In the past society would force them to act normal and lock those who can't away in institutions, now we're expected to affirm whatever made up bullshit delusions they have.
For the majority of people that actually use the term, they just mean that they dont fit in the masculine/feminine stereotype and they're too dumb to understand that it's only a stereotype and a persons character doesnt have to be tied to the sexual stereotypes. They're male and female, but they cant accept these "binaries" because it somehow burdens them with perceived expectations to be masculine or feminine, in the hollywood style, which is not real and never has been. So they make up their own bullshit as a projection that should shield them from people's expectations, but it utterly fails because it's fucking dumb that a tomboy or a nerd would cave in like that.

[Sad News] Nobody Bought The New Dragon Age, Gamers Are To Blame Again

By Shekelberg Goldstein
Is this related to /d/ in any way?
>Went from "You are born exactly who and what you are, that is your purpose in life." to a PSA on Trannies valid "Our word for transexuals is..."
>obviously sarcastic
Anon failed to make an unbelievable post because wokes say crazier things
as someone who has dated a She/they it is literally just mental illness
>we have Karlach at home
>but way way fucking worse
its from a Sabaton song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOM8BGQCKKU
I already know and also found out it is a kind of /d/orse. I don't know what to think besides that.
Not too much different, frankly. The writer was a Redditor instead of a Tumblrite, but their both leftist women who never should've been anywhere near the writers room.
It's when being a regular mentally ill freak isn't enough, and you need to go even further beyond.
Men like him would have been brutally murdered in his people's culture according to previous lore. Why is this thing allowed to exist in this game's universe?
Super Schizo 2
This one is still hilarious to me. It's literally that one /v/ comic where they negro-fy a black chick's face.
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Exactly. It's like construction workers that take 8 months to fix half a road. The work itself doesn't take that long but they sure as shit milk it to get paid for as long as they can.
>i have victim complex so everyone else does it as well.
you are just projecting anon
all of us just hate this fake pandering bullshit.
gender flat earthers
mutation leads to mental illness
Qunari are full woke now, they even have transexuals as just a thing that everyone approves of in their culture
based robofucker
You can still have a nation of faggots who kill others just for existing. The Greeks, the Romans, the Mongolians, the Aztecs, etc
I haven't seen anyone on the left fight against the male draft. You're either outright lying or an idiot
to be fair that's probably just because the countries the leftists are from don't have *any* draft at the moment, if a new war starts and it becomes an actual issue then I'm sure there'd be plenty of people complaining about male drafts from both the left and right
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I always thought guys who troon out have nobody to blame by themselves, but now after seeing this shit I realize the media has been absolutely weaponized to the point that even a woman, who has the easiest life on the planet, falls victim to this mind virus fabricated by Jews (who are majority of doctors, media platform owners, and bankers, as well as politicians) who want nothing more than to eat the young.

This shit doesn't end until Jews are subject to genocide. It would be justified many times over at this point.
they really saw tranny gate 3 and thought
>wow lets mimic this woke slop
without realizing that the only reason bg3 was so well received is because of streamers like asmongold, who spinned it as a gaming culture war win becaues its "the first and only game where the devs care!"
Post the OC, anon.
It was well received because you can play a barbarian and unga bunga your way through fights and conversations alike.
Keep fighting the good fight
no it was well received because you can fuck a bear and get fucked by dudes in the ass
seconding this
for science probably
The first fucking thing Bioware needed to fix was the facial animations from Andromeda. BUT THE FUCKING DIDN'T ITS THE SAME IN VEILGUARD
Christ, boomers have finally invaded 4chan.
It certainly helps that she's kind of a dork
correct her on pronunciation and she looks like a lost puppy.
Yeah I thought Andromeda taught them a lesson. I guess not
Her romance is surprisingly cute once you get past the initial bits.
more like non buynary. get it? because im not gonna buy it
Does anyone know if we can refuse companions in this? A large amount of the companions in every other game could be turned down or missed if you weren't interested in them. (Sten, Leliana, Zevran, Loghain, Fenris, Isabella, Bull, Sera, Vivienne all come to mind) It would be wild if this is the first game where you have to take the nigger elf and this abomination.
You know what that means right? NOBODY GOT FIRED.
Everybody got fired, anon, the entire Montreal studio was shuttered after a single game.
How do we explain the Veilguard characters having the same dead lifeless facial animations then?
Sheer, staggering incompetence.
They said it’s a found family so I’m expecting you can’t be mean to anyone
Fucking christ. It was the main thing they were mocked for with Andromeda.
Wasn't iron-bull a fag? Did I Mandela effect that?
Funny thing is, the reason facial animations in Andromeda are so scuffed is because, due to time constraints, they automatically keyed certain facial flexes to specific vowels, consonants, or expressions, similar to how TF2 does it. And while it works pretty well in TF2, a game with a very cartoony style where you generally don't look very closely at a character's face, in a realistic dialogue-heavy cinematic RPG, it looks all kinds of ass.
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>Does anyone know if we can refuse companions in this?
Supposedly they can leave the group but they will still be around later in the game. I remember Epler saying that you'll need everyone to save the world. My guess is that it will be like DA2 and how you can not recruit or get rid of Anders. But he will inevitably return in the final act for the climax. I don't think you can kill these companions either.
man this game is going to flop. the game director looks like pic related too. he's an ugly cock sucking faggot
You could execute Anders on his return. And you could hand Isabela over to the qunari.
Bioware hasn’t evolved in forever
He was bisexual. He'd end up with Dorian (who is homosexual) if you didn't romance him, though.
They devolved because Inquisition had better facial animations than Andromeda and it was the same engine.
I don't understand why anyone would want to play this. they're forcing lgbthiv+ faggotry on you
He's not wrong
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To be fair, the game's animations in general were terrible. The facial animations were just extra noticeable because of the close-ups.
I have a soft spot for the franchise and I loved both DA2 and Inquisition despite those games being generally disliked.
I feel compelled to play Veilguard.
yes it's an increasing problems in main stream video games
Using government subsidized money to fund cultural programming ISNT capitalism and I'm ready to start killing people over thus, I've been hearing it for nearly 2 decades now Jesus fucking christ.
Jesus christ what's wrong with you? those games are fucking bad. origins is the only playable one
Hold on. Origins had Shale. A male golem who used to be a female dwarf. Did they forget heshe exists or is this some kind of um ack-shually bodyfluid doubletransracial doesn't count as real "non-binary" thing?
there's no such thing as male or female golems. they don't reproduce. it's an old lady's sprit trapped in a giant rock
Yeah, but Andromeda was made by a new branch office, staffed by a D-team of people who'd never worked in game development before. Of course, why the head office thought it was a good idea to hand off the next chapter of their wildly-successful sci-fi franchise to a stable of literal whos is perhaps a more serious indictment of their competence.
>. they're forcing lgbthiv+ faggotry on you
Origins had two companions that were bisexual. You could spend an evening with someone of the same sex at the Pearl. As well as at the beginning of the Human Noble route.
yes but you could also kill them
No because non binary wasn’t a thing in 2009
you think I let that elf faggot walk around with his head attached?
Did I ask?
Why does Leliana get a pass. She’s just as gay
Bioware rpgs have a certain narrative structure of building a team and then there's the camaraderie you have with your companions and I like that.
Andromeda was the first Bioware game that I could complete it was just so bad. Veilguard looks much more promising.... I think.
Not that anon but you know why. She's a woman and he finds it hot.
Many such cases
the opposite of binary

non binarian computers have 3 states as opposed to the just 2 of boomer pcs
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You can't expect the French to not be gay, anon.
Leliana is fun so she gets a pass
Zevran's fun. He has good stories.
Only if you turn her away from religion
This and he has a interesting background
Motherfucker betrayed me after I gave him like 2 gifts
He's fun to be around and can be a good friend. A good lover, I'll let you be the judge.
Did you even talk to him? Also those gifts were the leather gloves and boots, right?
Who cares? Think about the stupidity of what you're asking here.

What gender is a robot


ITS A ROBOT. ITS NOT A PERSON. IT CAN'T PROCREATE. Does it have a definitive male personality? Then you can use he but its OBVIOUSLY not a biological organism defined by the laws of observation as people and therefore does not serve as a gocha against fucking pronouns.
Oh, I absolutely wouldn't get drawn into the nightmare that is his love life. He's a friend worth having, though.

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