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Looks like you Baldur's Gate fags might actually have a chance with modding seriously.
>"This mod unlocks all the disabled features and enables write permissions for the BG3 Toolkit. Including level editing, save editing, and more."
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According to reputable parties, the main thing that locked this stuff down was nothing more than a boolean.
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So there you have it. There's at least one version of BG3 available(assuming they patch this out in the future) that really does allow modders to craft their own death star plans. This bumps BG3 up to about NWN 2 levels. I'd say NWN 1, but we don't know how easy it is to actually make use of these tools. But the potential is confirmed real.
so explain it like im 5?

whats the difference?
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Yes, Chieftain!
Fresh toolkit locks door to changing big thing!
mod unlocks door to changing big thing!
zug zug
wow im sure the modders cant make this unfinished mess better
Can't wait for the porn mod
thanks peon
heres your copper coin
Why was it locked in the first place?
Tit-physics here we come.
what are the chances of them trying to lock it specially when wotc are such fags
this basically lets you create custom campaigns and i think wotc is anal about that
People speculate it was because of WOTC wanting to AVOID a mainline D&D game like BG3 having a powerful toolkit with which players could create their own campaigns ala Neverwinter Nights' aurora toolkit
evidently, that mod gives the user developer permissions they wouldn't have access to otherwise, thus allowing them editing power rivaling Larian
my money is on this being intentional as a last final fuck you to WOTC from Larian themselves
so there is a chance of tit sliders, good story and no fags and troons?
finally, I can build my campaign.
good luck to you anon
>inb4 the tencent fag says that this is an op designed for Larian to train new future employees and pozz them when they go "official"
>tit sliders
Really depends on the character system, if it's already in there but hidden it would be easy, if not you'd have to rework the skeletal meshes, so not easy at all.
>good story
That's up to you, isn't it?
>no fags and troons
In a new campaign? Just don't add them. In the current one? Go through and swap them with normal people.
Thanks, I'm gonna need it
there are almost no attractive female models and 0, none, nada, of attractive female models for gnomes, halflings or dwarves
until that is fixed, I cant even dream of doing my job
coomers will save bg3
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Can't decide between making a karlach campaign in hell and risk getting banned everywhere for using AI VA or just creating a furry campaign from scratch.
None of this shit matters unless someone leaks unfinished Act 3 materials that can be used to make the Upper City reality.
>b-but (destroyed) Ducal Palace is already in the game
And that's still nowhere near enough to begin.
>Karlach campaign
>Instead of escaping Avernus she gets caught by Zariel's muppets and gets tortured for her insubordination
>gets bailed out by agents of Minauros or Stygia depending on your choices during the introductory part of the campaign
>Karlach grows out the shaved part of her head so no more half-cut nonsense
>Karlach wanders the Nine Hells as a mercenary getting pimped out for hire(sometimes literally)
>Eventually you get to surface onto the Sword Coast and take revenge on Gortash
>Gortash had made a lot of progress with the Elder Brain AND the Netherese crown
>You can pick either one to take back to Avernus and tear Zariel open a new asshole
fuck the furry campaign, just do a Karlach campaign.
Woah, another Baldur's Gate 3 thread?
>banned everywhere for using AI VA
Why would you give a fuck? Where would you even get banned from aside from maybe the troon den that is Nexus?
>Looks like you Baldur's Gate fags might actually have a chance with modding seriously.
Don't DOS 1 and 2 have modding tools available for them and nobody gives a shit?
Because that’s Divinity. This is BG3
>This is BG3
Yes, DOS 3.
>i think wotc is anal about that
I bet Larian made it this easy to do on purpose, they are cheeky bastards like that.
Oh fuck yeah.
I hope this explode in popularity among modders.
I'd be pleased if BG3 was the next Skyrim as far as modding goes.
You know precisely what I mean.
So does this mean bg1 and bg2 in bg3 engine is now possible?
Basically, wotc are planning to release a virtual tabletop for d&d, which will be competing with stuff like talespire, roll20, etc.
if everyone is making custom campaigns FOR FREE with bg3 then they're not in wotc's tabletop ecosystem.
by users that keep private and merely work on the mod until it's ready to release? yes
by large modder syndicates that publicly announce their project only to have it stripped back or outright c&d by an angry WOTC? no
>but in D&D 5e
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
yeah screw that, I want a D&D 3.5 conversion of BG3
you dont need leaked assets. people will just make it anyways. look at cyberpunk, that huge casino/hotel shit in the promos never made it into the game. modders had to add it back in by hand.
I'd play that.
I'd play the shit out of that.
I just want to know how to add Draconic Presence to the Draconic Ancestry Subclass...
you'll just get indie custom campaigns.
think modded warcraft 3 maps.
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>to the bitter end in BG3
>Wanderers of Sorceria in BG3
>Legends of Arkain in BG3
I can only get so erect anon
Sweet. Base campaign kind of sucked, as expected, but I was looking forward to custom campaigns since the game came out. And then the developers decided to just renege on all the shit they promised. But now we're here and everything will be fine.
You could just not use ai
>this being intentional as a last final fuck you to WOTC from Larian themselves
Very based of Larian, if this turns out to be true.
Do both in one campaign.
It's one of the laws of universe that anyone that uses "kino" is a fucking retard. Up there with catposters.
It's not only models. I still think you still need a backbone for a good job here, otherwise the Upper City will end up as just Ducal Palace for Gortash and Cazador with his palace while everything else is someone's OC pulled out of the ass sprinkled all around.
Does this mean someone will be able to make a mod where you can forcibly have sex with anyone?
I'm like 90% sure that already exists
Looking at the modding scene for BG1/2 NWN that is alive to this day, I honestly dunno myself. It keeps these games alive and spreads good word about the franchise. I have had these games installed since I was a kid, and the first thing I do after I install new Windows is to install these games.
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You got a lot of nerve to shittalk catposters on Saturday of all days.
yes someone could easily make a endgame campaign where its only level 20+.
There's already mods for that. I don't know if those adjust the difficulty to account for that.
That said, a campaign built with that in mind would be sick.
Very nice
Oh yeah its not just modeling. The cyberpunk mod had to do pathwork, scripting, AI placement, etc.
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Nobody ever cared about that Tencent botted slop
you're late!
welcome to the party
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>50 posts
Nah, no one gives a fuck and you've been talking to yourself for a long time, schizo. Yet again, get on meds.
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They really are shameless
you accuse me of talking to myself, and call ME schizo?
I don't give a shit about west taiwan
I wish more companies realized this, although I also kind of get why they don't.
There's an aspect of not wanting your next game to compete with a previous one or something of the sort.
It sucks that there isn't a modern CRPG that can compete with the original neverwinter nights when it comes to user generated content.
Make a good game as a base, support the game for a couple of years with expansions, give the community to tools to modify and expand the game, and enjoy the good will and the community that you just created.
99% sure it's some legal shit, they didn't unlock the editor so if there is a problem they are safe but they make sure that unlocking the editor was super easy.
finally.... gnome cunny realised...
NWN was a very special case when WotC either had very different people in charge or they were just retarded enough to give out a special separate modding license to all people who purchased the game and allowed them to go wild, not realizing that it won't make them piles of money they dreamt of. Corporate part of vidya at large moved away from allowing level editors and anything they can't monetize themselves. DotA might be at fault here, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to make it a statement. At the very least, it makes sense to blame it because you now have companies putting "akshually, we own your mods" in EULA or whatever.
>but muh Bethesda
They know full well that modding is their their lifeline and might be the sole reason their games have a long shelf life.
Damn they're still paying you for this? I figured they moved all you mutts to anti-Wukong shilling, but that was a massive success and you failed spectacularly in stopping it so maybe that's why you're back on this.
RTwP mod when?
Why would you want that?
So he can finish the entire game in 10 hours max.
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oh yeah this was intentional.
giga based by larian.
How long until Anime mod?
question, did the new update fix evil playthroughs? been wanting to play this since last year but i heard a lot of shit was borked
Being able to switch between RTwP and full turn based would be cool as hell.
Never, BG3 killed RTwPslop for good.

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