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cucked by wario
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Fine, I'll join in
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>embrace the absence
Reminder for the mods that you are letting us advertise for free instead of buying an ad.Thanks!
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I misread it as
>ethnicially fuckin gay
Join the Resistance, comrade. Together we will ensure eternal Peach OPs.
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I just love the text generation in this thing.
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Can Dall-E make Lammy content?
It can make Parappa
What a great tune.
Bad start then>>688075681
Novel AI is an option but it costs.
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I'm going to kill him...
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I am more the acid kinda guy though
Deleted it because I'm not risking getting 3 days for a shit imitation of Lammy

Are you fucking retarded?
might need to fix your reply bot's parameters bro
It's either spambot or trolling outside of /b/
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I think when you state the intent-- and that statement of intent isn't blatantly some flimsy-ass excuse to OC/lewdpost-- you're probably fine.
You realize if it weren’t for the failures of Bing in censorship nai would never have taken off at all.
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I've been banned for posting literal landscapes / food so nah I'd rather just delete it. It looked like shit and wasnt worth wasting the image count also. I just wanted to show the flower thing.

His post doesn't even make sense, he sees someone delete their own DALLE post and he brings up NAI shills? He's just a faggot trying to derail the thread / stir shit.
He spurned my love... I want his beating black heart in my hands...
What the fuck are these garbage ass posts. Why do you waste your time doing this? You should really honest to god kill yourself. Imagine making some of the shittiest posts on a board already full of shit posts. If this site had steam achievements you would have got one, seriously weigh the options and think about killing yourself tonight.
dude chill its just some text lol
fuck my first impulse as a blacked joke, I've been infected by the constant shitposting from anons
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In my opinion, the banjo poster is the new "fat shantae"
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anyone got a tipp how to get Samus in her suit with the arm canon? Bing draws her holding a gun when I try it
It's just the amanoschizo false-flagging. It seems laughing at him whenever his posts got deleted got to him.
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>Mr.Schizo & Falseflag

iight imma head out
What suit? the orange or the blue one?
Yup, got some OC and boobs out of the way. Now I'm done
Now that all the OC are gone. I can speculate who hates who and come up with all sorts of wacky scenarios in my head.
Like which OCs are NTR fat bastards in context of relationships with other OC and which OC they are nice to but secretly don't want anything to do with that person.
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I didn't you you were the jealous type
Have you summoned the gore poster or what?

Can't we just forget about OCs for a little while?
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You need to let go of your obsession with thread celebs/avatarfags
These fakemon are all samey looking
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stylized pixel art, Samus aran wearing orange armor with cannon
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You can buy I won't. Even in my post I said "I" not "we".
Now I'm thinking why List hates Gato but likes Ram.
because list and ram are the same poster
Nah I like to gossip. Now I'm thinking which OC make you lose your mind and throw your hands in the air like you just don't care.
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Bing likes to turn them into Eeveelutions or some variant of Pikachu.
I could actually see this being the case
Is there any OC that isn't also List?
Funny that realistically he should hate ram and isabelle but doesn't
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Nice! I've never really delved into much acid, one of those genres that's just sort of escaped me. Always time to rectify that though.
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Now I'm thinking which OC does Sun want to move in with.
gossipfags, whichocfags, and shippingfags should all be euthanized

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Why are you obsessed with list, we should talk about more interesting people like detective
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Bulminkis. That is all.
Now I'm thinking which OC is behind this post.
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gossipfags, whichocfags, and shippingfags should all be kissed

one of life's greatest mysteries, or perhaps conspiracies?
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I'm obsessed with all OC.
Detective is great and breaking List's heart was unbearable to watch. Now I'm thinking what ever happened to eyepatch and Enforcer (the OC).
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Now I'm thinking which OC is behind this post.
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Is this some kind of new shitposting strategy?
>Obsessed with all OC
>List Derangement Syndrome
checks out
Did semen knight ever return, or have it always been other people taking up his mantle? I just remember when he had his meltdown.
I despise him...
Yeah we broke the complainsaboutoc-poster so now he's going to attempt to play into the "thinking about oc" noimg posts without realizing that as an ocfag I live for this shit
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Now I'm thinking which OC is universally hated.
My top 5 picks
1. John
2. List
3. Raccoon
4. Magpie
5. Niggario
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
those are bots
The more I talk with him, the more at home I feel. He doesn't know absolutely amazing he makes me feel. He will never know the amount of joy his images bring me and I fear I may never have the courage to tell him in my own words. All I have these ever so subtle musings that escape my lips as I gaze longingly at yet another one of his masterpieces. His images. His words. His entire visage. It is so blinding but the light that is emitted from his form is also so warm. So illuminating.

We have to be meant for each other. There is no other universe that I would accept other than the one where I end up in his arms. His hands in my hair...I can almost feel them every time I gaze upon one of his pictures. His fingers reaching through the screen and caressing my very being. How long must he torment me. How long must my own cowardice torment me in equal measure...

Is this love? Is it something more? One day I pray that I will be able to explore these feelings but for now I retreat back into my own mind. Here alone I wait for the future where we are together.
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It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's hope it pays off for 'em
This is why you don't put metal in a microwave
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Don't sweat it

Agree. OCs deserve death.

>The more I talk with him
You never do
You really care and love List.
I'm impressed you are getting defensive on the List's behalf
He lurks and posts from time to time. He just can't quit these threads
I'm thinking you're wrong about that kiddo. And now I'm thinking which OC is behind this post
Why does he hate me... Why does he not speak to me...
Engagement bots, just ignore
didn't come out vidya looking
can't recall the last time I saw visual distortion of a person in fiction that was reminiscent of a straw in water
Could also just be bisection but that isn't as fun
Sounds exactly what a bot would say. I'm watching you, bub...
>jannies watching this thread and having to clean up the gore while seeing all the other shit being posted atm
I know its a repost because I cried the first time
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You're not unrequited love poster. You're an imposter and very sussy
PAJ-EET Thread
>can't find my solder wick
My frown is fixed I cannot go back to your smile land
goth peach makes life worth living
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They seem kinda fruity.
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>I'm thinking about OC posting stops after the gore gets removed
Ready to get graped?
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thinkin about your oc rn
hah this didnt age well
What is my oc doing rn in your head?
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will she ever let me speak...
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My faggot dog doing this faggot look every time I come home.
Cheers brah
surprised there doesn't seem to be a crash cover
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Sweet pea...
I guess shiteating grin won't get past the dog
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>made an insanely sick autumn collection
>new art elements
>unsure if I even want to share it to my dear degenerates
Really makes you think
not on goth days
Dude her hand is mutating
Because I gave you the slop I don't need to save
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One thing I hate about anime is how stupid the characters can be.
MC or some other character will see their loved ones or friends turn into some sort of monster/zombie/nightmare fuel creature and their first reaction is "hey what's wrong with you? You're face is falling off and your body distorting in unnatural ways. Are you okay?" Even when they are getting attacked they're still saying dumb shit like "hey what are you doing? It's me MC kun don't you remember me? Why are you doing this?"

I just wanted to vent a bit.
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Is salad fingers a part of the prompt?
Sounds like cope
Bruh, you just posted slop and cringe
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Choose your starter pokemon /v/!
For me, it is Setfloy.
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>all the angry replies
like clockwork
No, fuck you.
Look at her hands, look at them!
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I just imagine that all japs are autists like that
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Guys don't make impressionist knight have another meltie pls
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for what it's worth, Uzumaki was published 1998-1999
more than anything you should be worried about the covid-induced dev hell affecting the anime negatively
Lojolo the pokeball pokemon
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Anon you take things too seriously I was just joking with her hand, take, I offer you the snail of friendship, be kind with it
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Junji Ito loves to make that stuff.
Nice to see that it's getting a spot on Toonami.
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Wathicowon is just a fucking pokeball
They wanted to give Voltorb/Electrode another evolution and there was really only one place left to go.
He always win
Guys why does Impressionist knight post like List? Also should I ship them together?
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Some of these are better than GF modern pokemon
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Based ice cream giver
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tummies are dall-e's best feature
Anons really need to eat their fibers and vitamins if they keep genning fruit and salad all the time.
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>My pee pee's POV
aw shit I hadn't remembered this dude in years
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For me it's the Duck song
Why is Bian cooking the salad?
she's a vampire doe
Penis has lots of blood in it when hard and erect...guess who's getting some sucky sucky love me long time.
whats that prompt, i wanna try it out with 2b
built for Waluigi
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the prompt i use seems to have difficulity with it but i finally managed to get one that is kinda right
Adding some flavor. They are tossing a salad.
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Totally forgot about this guy. Wonder what he thinks about current state of disney.
Why is Bian mashing the salad into a paste?
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Without looking the prompt I can't tell you what's wrong/how it can be fixed
The shit he posts cannot even be considered impressionism, it's more like hallucinating shapes in a Pollock.
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if you wanna give it a try it way
>Samus (helmet, suit, cannon attached to arm, arm cannon) fighting humanoid bug aliens in a space station, in an ad for nintendo power magazine, japanese style early 90s,
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You're not creative like me.
I don't get it
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Because, unlike the other losers, I evolve my style. My very old paintings in november were single-handedly responsible for making “brushstrokes” popular. and in april i popularized “impressionism”. I then simply expanded my style and now people don't even try to copy it anymore. Sounds schizo but it's true.
It's not toilet humor.
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>Sounds schizo but it's true.
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I want them to show old 80s cartoons for kids on toonami
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>My style
Ok, Microsoft.
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ad for nintendo power magazine, japanese style early 90s. Samus aran,(orange armor, red helmet, blue prosthesis hand cannon) fighting at brown humanoid bug aliens, small green floating jellyfish with spikes, fire, ashes, smoke from arm cannon, interior of a space station,

Still not perfect, I blame the lack of characters with arm canons so the moment you type "shooting" or fighting with it, it will resort to a normal weapon
the prophecy is true...
Holy shit
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No way.
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that one is pretty cool
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Nice. I liked the facial expression of your previous gen more though
Looks kinda cool. Didn't know there was a Mark Twain show like this.
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The style is very nice for these kind of images and since Samus is baby tier of easy the AI don't mess her but deform the rest giving it a more alien vs hero appearance
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Me leaving the kinostyle mansion with my sister to impart some taste on you troglodyte philistines.
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how does one get michal jackson in bing?
We're the Mario brothers
plumbing's our game!
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that is the closeset I managed to get Ridley
>Samus (helmet, suit, cannon attached to arm, arm cannon) fighting Ridley (purple humanoid dragon, yellow eyes) in a space station, in an ad for nintendo power magazine, japanese style early 90s,
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ideagram has the best quality by miles and has gore but character recognition is shit
Where ie he...
woah, prompt please
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Damn anon
You gonna leave a hell of an impression with your hot sister
>ie he
Holy shit Samus has no chill
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Ridley is such a fucking pain in the ass to try and gen and get right, it's infuriating.
So that's why they didn't just clone Ridley...
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This shits even more uncensored than bing in Oct
Now prompt 9/11.
Rouge boob
I ran out of free credits
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stylized pixel art, Ridley (purple pterodactyl dragon, yellow eyes) from Nintendo Metroid
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ad for nintendo power magazine, japanese style early 90s. Samus aran,(orange armor, red helmet, blue prosthesis hand cannon) fighting against Ridley (purple pterodactyl alien humanoid, yellow eyes), fire, ashes, smoke from arm cannon, interior of a space station,
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Yeah it seems to do real-life images pretty well
Ah fuck, I wanted to see that
I usually ignore Rogue poster but damn
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Use a burner you get like 20 credits. 2 credits for 4 imates
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this one turned out well with a slight adjustment
>Samus Aran (orange armor, red helmet, blue prosthesis hand cannon) fighting against Ridley (purple pterodactyl alien humanoid, long arms, long legs, yellow eyes), fire, ashes, smoke from arm cannon, interior of a space station, ad for nintendo power magazine, japanese style early 90s.
See that's perfect, great job
So now that slime has permanently moved to /tg/ who will be the next regular that we lose?
can you do one with Tifa please?
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Doing it myself is kinda boring, It's way funnier when another guy just randomly posts this stupid shit
Moving to /tg/ is a thought I played alot with for quite some time. You essentially have more time to post quality gens, and the other regulars are posting fairly decent stuff. Better than your average Nintendo poster.
I just saw them a few days ago.
Me I'm already gone
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Brown brew.
I'd rather not post any slop over there for it to be plugged in to some autistic cyoa
What I liked about the 80s is they did not try to sugarcoat things for kids
i was gonna say you're all schizos but seeing how the gore is back it really might be the same nigga
Ludwig and Detective have been talking to each other in /trv/
What is it?
I kinda had a feeling that this one was going to trigger the amanoschizo.
Looks more like a late 70s animation
Kid's haven't been as pampered back then, I really was a different time
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Get fucked, amanoschizo.
poor leafon bros
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Grak paypig here give me your blocked dall-e prompts and I will post results
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>OC life.jpg
lol LMAO
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You are welcome, dear citizen
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dude this is a blue board you cant just post porn you know that right???
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I tried some of my old prompts on local Flux, but the model is just not good at style comprehension and even worse at mixing different styles.
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Same issue I see a lot of alternate services have.
Still pretty cyoot though.
xth for I hate eeveelutionfags
if you have 4chanx just press shift-X to hide all degeneracy

if you don't have 4chanx you just press ctrl-W
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Because that's an old designer gen, not flux.
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Why the fuck does Lugia work so well with NAI?
it's popular on E6
B-but it is just a big fatso.
How much salad are these retards gonna make?
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Gezz imagine a Geodude and a Probopass doing this >>688091340
What is the response when some sneeds?
you dont reply because its an obvious samefag
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When is demon son gonna get fucked in his shota ass by futa Ginny? Or fellow shota Raccoon?
The like tossing salads.
rise and grind, gamers
No rising, only sleeping today
>grinding in bed
oh my
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Good morning.
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>chef makes terrible food
>it’s okay to call them out
>carpenter does shoddy work
>it’s okay to call them out
>janitor barely cleans
>it’s okay to call
>game dev make bad game
>why are you so entitled, fuck you
I’m starting to see a pattern here
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She joined the Nauzicaa brigade
>luma gens take fucking 24 hours now
slightly upset now
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when talking about the borderlands movie, one of my friends unironically said he'd rather hear that a movie bad from someone who's actually made a movie
Chef is not art
Carpenter is not art
Janitor is not art
Games are art. Glad i could help you understand the difference.
Where's my poop pipes?
>movie bad
a movie is bad*
>Chef is not art
>Carpenter is not art
Typical lefty manlet rhetoric
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Give it back!
Give back my poop!
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Such a weak limp rebuttle. Wow.
Get raped schizo
You must know best about weak limps
>vidya characters: deleted
>off topic shit: approved
it has never been more over than right now
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Repeating my taunt does not make excellent conversation. Try next time.
>my mario and luigi shit images were deleted
>jannies save me please help HELP
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how new?
>lefty has to use chatgpt to shittalk
You can't make this shit up
Oh look, politics have rotted your brain. Fascinating.
yes, unironically... eat shit
Arguments? In MY thread?
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It's because video games target a demographic of children and childish people that get too emotionally invested to shed their bias. No not ALL of the demographic is like this, but it has probably the largest proportion of this kind of thing outside of maybe cellphones or maybe certain clothing brands.
>you're only allowed to post ERP shit and a few other things
see >>688094754
What the fuck are you talking about? Can you not think for yourself? Sad
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>vidya characters: deleted
Literally hasn't happened in this thread
I hope Raccgoon returns because fuck you, even he's a better person than you.
Ciel your mouth shut would be best.
check the archive
boo hoo
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Maybe uh....
Fuckin leave?
What's the matter, you allergic to the color brown?
He was here and now he's gone and I still love him I hate him I love him I hate him
these threads are absolute dogshit without the oc posters what the fuck is going on in this thread
literal retard
I am not gone dumbfuck, people just post trash so I stopped bothering
OC derangement syndrome
I don't give a shit, fucking shut up. Go ERP on F-list or something.
Maybe the real OC poster were the friends we made along the way.
googoo gaga nigga
>OC posters sucking each other off is so fascinating and insightful
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>Waaaah my tendie scat fetish trash got cleaned up!
Wear a diaper so your asshole doesn't bleed all over the floor. Here's a peach as a consolation prize.
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What's that? You want off topic /co/ posts is that it?
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>he reported it because he popped a boner to it
disgusting cretin
as opposed to posting low effort gens a toddler could come up with?
Go end your pathetic life you worthless manchild
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Because a toddler wouldn't come up with a OC and pretend to go on adventures, wait a toddler would probably be more creative than any of you here.
Very bad bait, (You) supply chain has been severed. Dilate.
Save us Elpo
This is why I left and will never come back
Hey, you're not allowed nekomimi.
No seriously, you'd probably be incapable of working as a plumber because you'd be too horny all the time.
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abloo bloo
Or you
good, fuck off
what prompt for this? is pretty
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reminder that this was deleted at the same time as the mario poop images
Hi, I'm a new gay OC called Sticky Donky, let's pretend to be friends.
So. The minecraft movie looks like shit.
I look like this and love taking picyures.
Why these posts always refer to furshit as videogames?
You'll make babby Alice cry.
How is Mario & Luigi considered furshit you fucking schizo?
Its being made by the "NINTENDO HIRE THIS GUY"
Sweet pea...
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she didn't like it either
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WB can't catch a break
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Why can't Necos get along?
das a kitsune tho
Don't cry little monkey, I have ice cream for you. Let's be friends!
so what I'm getting from this thread is that the main ocs being gone has caused a complete mental collapse in the people who usually complain about them because they have nothing to direct their energy towards?
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They think being video game related on /v/ allows it to bypass the (ONLY ALLOWED IN /b/) rule because they're both new and retarded.
>because they have nothing to direct their energy towards?
They could try to prompt something good for a change, but that's probably too much to ask
Cats are territorial. Also racist.

Show me that bushy tail then.
You don't like my muppet donald trump with an Isabelle inserted?
After thoroughly testing different generators

SS tier Dall-e
S tier = Ideogram
OK tier = Local Flux dev
Shit tier = Grok, SD 3, Flux basic,
like 1girl, smug?
What's ludwig doing fighting middle aged sonic with light sabers?
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acrylic illustration in style of Capcom video game, definitive edges, wide field of view, minimal dark background, deep colors,woman, Sherry Birkin, Resident Evil 6, (blond slick short hair, brown leather boots, white parka, black leggins, blue knit scarf), over shoulder, faded red white Umbrella Corp logo
>muh rules
yeah because off topic ERPing is totally in the spirit of this board
Still better than whatever the fuck these are
Which main OC should start posting now?
>because off topic ERPing is totally in the spirit of this board
you must be new to /v/
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What's amazing is that the ban will TELL you the reason why it occurred and somehow these dumbfucks are still confused.
>Hurrr but it uh....video game?? why i ban????
but OCs are vidya culture, if they weren't it would be deleted
And not only that they really love to tease the jannies, see how at first it was just two pokemon kissing, until it escalated into full blowjobs
You do know you're going to hell for this kind of shit right?
So do the rules matter or do they not?
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Everyone gather around I have important information to reveil.
So Apparently according to the "experts and anonymous sources" We. Are. The. Right. Wing

Me, certified Best Poster.
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>People make OC
>So I should be able to jerk off to animals or something

This. But they want to blame it on mario pictures not realizing that if you shitpost hard enough the jannies delete ALL your posts revealing who you are.
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don't care. post girls
Red poncho lalafell
Fail Witch
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painting of Ariel(Disney), smirking, leaning back on a bar stand, patrons in the back conversing, people dancing to music, complex scene in a fancy club, wearing overfilled satin Very Deep high cut high slit halter dress, feathered boa, sparkling shoes, gold earrings, pearl necklace, hourglass figure, motherly body, body positive, painted by William Turner, painterly brush stroke
ok so you're just an entitled fag, glad that's settled
And yet I could post a scenery of an abstract nature image and nobody would care
Sane OCfag ...
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>was finally happy with a good group of images and ready to post
>name isnt on the list
>get extremely dejected
i wish i felt needed
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Pls no bully
>just make sure nobody gives a shit
yep, being a limp-wristed tame faggot is the way to stay safe
games are are and therefore subjective
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What the fuck would this even mean in this context? You're an ESL retard who got banned for posting furry and if that wasn't the case then you could post proof of the real reason. Lurk moar until you understand how this site works, newfag. Maybe download a dictionary PDF while you're at it.
Please many bully
Mr. Chad
I want you, sweet pea
>this thread right now
Sorry there's only me...
What a bountiful treasure. Cute pic. How's it hangin'?
Aww I'm sure you'll get some (You)s (I don't know who this is)
>Bump limit before image limit
Owari da...
Careful you don't get banned for all those """"MARIO""" style characters
It means that you think that you're above the rules, because you don't do anything too wild. How is it so fucking hard for you to understand simple shit?
Projecting something anon?
Pssh another noimg VICTORY
She's large and in charge
>Sorry there's only me...
Yeah, the worst one
Only a loss if 300 isn't hit
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true, I forgot the ritual

Isabelle here! Let's enjoy our threadly circlejerk. ;3
She looks like she had a few too many.
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>It means that you think that you're above the rules
Stop projecting dumbfuck. YOU think you're above the rules simply because you're a furry posting jackass instead of an OC posting jackass. Bet you think videogame theme'd MLP stuff belongs in here too. What a delusional faggot. Imagine falseflagging with furshit just because you're seething about OCs who aren't even here right now. Glad the mods forced you into being a phoneposting cuck for the next 3 days.
I'm lamenting the fact that my artistic slop was lost thanks to literal philistines here.
Prince Eric gonna FREAK!
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stylized pixel art, scenic view exterior of a small urban apartment(metal corogated roof,warm lights through large window) purple tiefling female(luxury red dress, golden earrings, black bobcut, horns, leaning against balcony, smirk, coffee hot at hand) focus on balcony(railings,lush/potted plants green contrast to blue cold rainy,concrete city setting). backdrop of cityscape,illuminated windows from distance,concrete flat roofs,powerlines,overcastrainy,cool blue tones

With pixel art is always 4/4 or 3/4
dont let noimg gang win
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Do the right thing next OP
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Funny enough he could close the tab and stop the seething at ANY time.
all my posts are made with Bing you dumbfuck, I didn't post the shit you are kvetching about
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oops wrong pic
He brought her. Merfolk don't drink alcohol so it hits them a lot harder.
it will be done
I mis him bros...
Pls don't post my picture here
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Screenshot your actual ban reason then, crop it if you need to. But of course you won't, because you obviously got banned for furshit.
>"heh, why doesn't he just respect our (off topic) thread culture"
I don't
*Dabs, does the robot, pop n locks, moonwalks then gets on the floor and does the worm*
Furry tendie in shambles, forgot to switch IPs between posts? Poor baby
Furry isn't allowed on /v/
I didn't get banned at all, my posts were deleted without even as much as a warning.
I didn't post furry, this is like the 4th time I have to say that

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