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Mio is lovely.
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so true
blackedblade 3 was a flop
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>t.pic related
I wasn't convinced that she was worth that thousand years of hell that N went through. I think thats a problem with the series in general, where the boys go to insane lengths for these boring ass girls.
Cat girls give off pheromones that drive men insane. Once you realize this, Noah/N's behavior makes sense.
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Don't need to tell me twice!

But during the Stone Age...
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Best class, hand down.
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Sena marriage.
do you think your hands get burnt when you use her ponytail as a handle?
Did M ever put out? Is that why N was depressed?
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I'm more of a Eunie man
>inb4 t. Taion
Your scarf is deeply uncool.
What would a REAL side story: Sena have been like?
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it gets hotter and hotter as she gets close to orgasm
Lanz is so damn lucky.
what does that w stands for?, i see it many times when i see fags typing in moonrunes
it's basically the equivalent of lol
do NOT the cat
How's XB1 remake emulation compared to original? Can't check for myself since yuzu github got nuked.
>Ogre class
>They later reveal Fiona
That direct have some weird Shrek connections for some reasons
I never expected the plot of Xenoblade 3 to basically boil down to "You cuck yourself"
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I liked her VA
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Do you think Mio prefers to ride or be topped by Noah? I need to know pls.
Just like with the ouroboros, they switch constantly
did they have to cuck him SO bad?
Speaking of ouroboros, lets talk about Mio's. Its super underrated! Did you know her Talent Art is basically a more accessible Attacker L7 AOE?
Maybe that's true for Mio and Noah but the rest of the keeves team tops their agnus counterparts.
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>but the rest of the keeves team tops their agnus counterparts.
I beg to differ.
Sena is too much of a pussy.
For me it's healthy and athletic Eunie
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Mio is best Heroine in the xenoblade series.
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Mio a Best
Do you think XC3 is the sexually mature game takahashi wanted to make?
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Anyone else think black men with traditional hair styles are hot?
I noticed whenever I compliment their hair black guys are very receptive to them
Personally I love dreadlocs, especially when they're long & flowing like pic rel
It's like they're proud to embrace their culture
Makes me want to find a hairstyle for my background & rock it as well
>t. euro girl
Yeah, Eunie pegs Taion every night
Lanz fuck Sena in full nelson position
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Mio a Gorgeous
Can Eunie push a big block of rock one-handed? Yeah, thought so.
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Theres wasnt anything erotic about it unfortunately. Maybe the next one?
I'd let Mio choose, her body her choice.
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short of course
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Catgirl is best girl.
I wish catgirls were real bros...
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Sorry shota Noah, you have to satisfy her love here. She deserves it
>her body her choice.
>N says that Mio belongs to him
>M had long hair because is what N choose
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t. adult Noah while hugging loli Mio
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long hair. I enjoy her struggling to take a shit with it, it has a unique "dumb retard cat" feel.
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You guys are tempting me to buy the most expensive and high quality Mio figure to place on my desk. Any recommendations?
Sena has a sexy ouroboros
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>mio thread
I liked Na'el better
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There's 3 options.
First you have the amiibo, cheapest but also the worst looking one.
Then the figma, which is posable.
Finally is the scale figure, which is the biggest and highest quality of the 3.
The amiibo and figma are already out, the scale comes out May 2025.
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Here's how the first two look IRL, from my collection.
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Never was a buyfag, but why do the scale figures always come out so late when the production model and everything is already done?
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I love her accent.
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It takes a lot of time between creating prototypes and finally being able to push them to mass production. You also want to give people ample time to place preoders.
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>Does that counts as cuckolding if he is myself?
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This was one of the funniest pre release shitpost pictures, just because the character placement turned out to be totally wrong
That bitch thinks she can play the flute with MY Mio?!
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All day everyday. COPE
Raping Miyabi is the only option
>Noah, my long shadow, watch this! I have made a meme where you are a cuck and i fuck Mio like a chad in your own imagination! That will teach you that she is MINE and not yours! She belongs to ME! Miomiomiomiomiomiomiomio!!!
I've never seen a character more thoroughly and absolutely devastated in every possible way so quickly
Legit goes from unstoppable confidence to gibbering mess in like five seconds it was amazing
I want a draw of Miyabi and Mio playing the same flute, but instead of a flute is Noah's dick
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why is mio sad?
Her mom's making her hang out with a lonely spinster, it's just sort of depressing all around
>So why do you want to cut your hair?
>I've just been shitting and pissing in it so goddamn much
Wasn't expecting it to go there but alright makes sense
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Her Mom's a fucking concubine, she shouldn't be such a judgmental cunt.
>we still haven’t gotten a fiora figure
She is talking with Melia about how good is Noah at the flute (Melia wants to fuck him)
>She is talking with Melia
I mean her Mom, im retarded
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I had troubles trying to understand the perspective because of that mirror lmao
I thought Mio was above something and it fucked me up
how the fuck did she manage to become a queen anyway? nia has, like, negative iq
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I mean, sexual awakening and reproduction was an actual talking point in the game.
But a very positive ass
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Easy. Mor Ardain was already pre extended before the Malso bombed everything to shit with Gormotti uppity about Ardainian rule. Nia is the "daughter" of a former Gormotti Lord. Thus, Emperor Niall literally set up Gormott as an "autonomous" Kingdom within the Ardainian Empire with Nia as the ruling monarch. Basically right place, right time, right pedigree
reminder that amalthus died for this
>Mio is taller than Nia
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they drew straws

And that's a good thing
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Yeah, there were already theories pre-Blade 3 about Nia having royal blood
>Immediately after XB2 ended pretty much everyone on the planet had kids with their Blades
Still absolutely hilarious to me
Rex genes
I mean, just look at his dad!
Dromarch acting like a butler was a big one, yeah?
I mean, Nia flat out states that her Da was a Gormotti big cheese and that she was raised with an education with emphasis on high society manners.
she literally has royal blood. Well sure, she's adopted, a blade and fled the country, which technically makes her a bastard, but her adopted sister's blood is still inside her
Do you think Rex fucks all her wives at the same thing or a different one each night? Do they have lesbian sex too?
I know the meme answer is "Yes" but I want to know what makes more sense for the characters.
Nia liked Pyra's body, so she at least is interested, and because she is flat she will play with Pyra and Mithra's boobs out of curiosity
Pyra and Mithra are technically the same person, so they would not have problems to have sex with each other
Rex love everyone the same, so he had to become a gigachad just to have sex with the three of them at the same time and not let anyone dissatisfied
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>3 had Ultraman transformation
Imagine if Xenoblade 4 had a Ouroboros factor.
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>Kosmos is back and Shion is probably looking for her.

Makes me wonder if they going tone down her. Shulk is more or less blank slate due whole thing before.
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I now remember that guy complaining that it wasn't Zeke that became king of Agnus.
Pic unrelated.
>Pyra and Mithra are technically the same person, so they would not have problems to have sex with each other
Doesn't that make it more uncomfortable? They are like sisters.
Nah, they are two parts of a greater whole.
See the Firelight sword? Its actually a great sword cut in half. That the same thing with Pyra and Mythra.
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kino underwear
I would smell her armpits.
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I know but their relationship feels like that.
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If Xenoblade 3 isn't sexy, why Mio?
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I want to worship Mio’s soft and sexy catgirl feet.
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>Gorillionth run
>Still go far above retail price

Kinda impressive.
Is like having a clon of yourself and sucking his/your dick, is the natural thing to do
I usually decry cuck shit but he deserved it, M was the only Moebius who had no say in it, she was just a tool for Z to lure N to the dark side, she hated it and probably told him millions of times to just let her die but he wouldn't, this was her one chance to finally end her torment and she seized it, and gave life to the version of herself who had a good Noah by her side.
Mio is only for missionary position.
Eunie either rides on top or pegs.
Sena is kinda iffy territory since she's almost retarded, so it's weird to imagine her doing anything sexual.
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Zeke never wanted anything to do with royalty, and after he found out his family was descended from Zettar the traitor he probably disbanded the whole Tantal royal family then and there.
The Ardanian royal family likely fell out of favor after all the shit they pulled in Gormott and Temperantia, Niall probably didn't need much convincing to step down.
The Urayan queen was widely disliked outside of her own kingdom for always trying to play victim and instigate wars.
Indol was completely disgraced after the shit Amalthus pulled during the raid at the World Tree.
And neither Gormott, Leftheria or Argentum have any royalty.
Being a direct descendant of Addam and the driver of the true Aegis likely made Rex a shoo in for king.
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Is she that weak?
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>Yuna and colette ripoff
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>Indol was completely disgraced after the shit Amalthus pulled during the raid at the World Tree.
Indol was the one Titan that got absolutely shredded. There IS no more Indol outside random Indoleans living in other Titans
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Sequel featuring Nia when?
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i want a big butt cat gf
But, will you commit genocide for her?
Nodu teased it like two years ago and still hasn’t delivered
>Muh remember the 60 gorillons of Jewndoleans dead
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>This ass killed millions
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>YWN lift her leg, rest it over your shoulder and just slide your cock right in her meaty, soft pussy
>tags: ntr
How the fuck do Noah and Mio’s genes end up with Ghondor?
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Guernica Vandham had jungle fever.
There are a lot of generations in between, a lot can happen
Guernica is handsome and Monica is perfect milf material, but Ghondor was an ugly little gobblin, Monica's husband must has been ugly as sin
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Highest level of gameplay.
Big Fat Cat Tats
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There was a video of a guy in FR getting the total so big it overflowed into the negatives.
Just buy a Chinese bootleg. Only difference is that Pyra's sideboob game goes up by OVER 9000.
It’s not just the boys, shion turned retarded for Kevin who basically got his entire arc ripped off by N
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For some reason, I can't get the dialogue flag to trigger when approaching Upper Aetia. Noah's disappointment / Sena's compliment. But I go off to do a bunch of quests in M's outfit, which may disable or override the flag.
Indol got shredded because it was used as a fucking warship so it was deserved. There is no evidence it was totally destroyed or its people didn’t escape though
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Noah should have just watched Austin Powers and he wouldn't have had a problem.
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Unless you are talking about those chink lewd figs, GSC bootlegs look almost same.
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Indolines survived, Teach is an indoline, I simply said they had no lay to the throne of Alrest after all the shit they did.
Shulk beat you to it.
It was not rape, it was consensual
kek, I hate Fiora so I lowkey love what Xenoblade 3 did with the old characters.
>Melia takes Fiora out of Origin and puts her in a sword.
>Shulk fucks Rex for like a decade while not giving a shit that his wife is now a sword.
>Rex is a massive slut.
Rex is PURE
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Thats why is so fun raping him
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Pure shit for low-t self-insert faggots
Built to be raped and cucked
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The most I've ever seen a character BTFO in a JRPG. It was glorious to behold
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I'm just here to remind you that sodomy is a sin.
the way her shirt rides up just a bit to show some skin is pure diamonds
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Where is the goddamn port bamco?
I should finally sit down to play Future Redeemed.
She needs to put in more. She basically put nothing considering how big that pot is
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FR assumes you've played 1, 2 and FC in addition to 3, so if you haven't done so play those first.
Wish I had gotten her amiibo
eh most of the plot relevance is with 3. rest is just lore.
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>want to buy her figma since I have every other xenofigma
>$20 more then Mio when Mio came a ton more stuff
Fucking why? She is is going to be easily over $100 with shipping. I got Mio for fucking $80 shipping included.
And now I'm stuck between wanting to get her so I don't regret it later or not support the shitty practice of making her more money for no reason.
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Do you think wings and much fatter tits are not more expensive to model?
If the wings are posable and her tits fat enough to easily fap to then okay I will be okay with that. Because now I notice you can even see her belly button through her skintight suit on the figma so thats pretty good.
Oh and or if she has a good ass. Mio's figma has a pretty good ass
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it's probably a mix of her gun being more expensive than mio's rings and goodsmile being jews
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Lovely girl. Shit game. Only good thing about it was The Cuckening
im toxoplasmosis'd up
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sweet etherrrrr
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>2 more years minimum till the next xenoblade
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is fighting in giant robots better then sexo?
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you know a xenoblade game has made it when people are autistically posting waifu threads with no provocation in the news or announcements
if I wasn't aware of what sex actually was, i'd probably assume it was mecha fighting from how great people say it is
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It's one of the things I like about XB2 and X and 3: pumping those damage numbers up and pushing the game systems as far as they reasonably can go until we're hitting disgaea numbers
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If XB4 were to draw from any other showa era series, I want some Golgo 13 in this motherfucker. Give me anime sniper elite
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Reminder that Krelian is an even bigger cuck than N
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Found it.
still very cool. curious what direction they'll take in the next iteration of the series
Mogged by her mom.
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A Best
And they seem to still be doing blade-eater procedures, maybe as a medical thing to help save certain lives based on Taion seemingly having only a shard of a core
>they drew straws
The only neutral heroes left from the party were Pyra, Mythra, Rex, Nia and Tora. They had to decide who would do all the paperwork and Nia came up short
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there's sadly not much art of the ouroboros
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She's not a religious figure of any kind.
There was going to be a dlc explaining N and M, but the writing was too dumb and had to be cancelled.
I figured as much but still thank you for posting what you have! <3
Mogged by her daughter and her mother.
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Better than nia and she won instead of being a third dish cuck like her mother
>explaining N and M
explain what?
Future Redeemed basically did that, though.
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noah and mio were a cute couple
mio tum is unbeatable
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need furry catgirl pussy
I liked Xenoblade 2 and want to play 3 but I feel like I should play 1 first and XB1 combat bores me to tears.
The point of the game is that they don't understand the concept of sexo, Ouroboros is an allegory for the forbidden fruit, once they eat it they gain awareness of sex, just like Adam and Eve understood that they were naked, that's why the game makes a point of showing us that the soldiers regularly bathe together and don't feel any shame and then the party comes together and suddenly the guys can't change in front of the girls anymore.
Those freed from the clock slowly start developing this awareness, but it's not as strong, Ethel and Cammuravi mistook this for a lust for battle, and later on Kite experiences jealousy over Zeon's friendship with Juniper.
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Mio shaves
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I'll make her stop
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It's not required, the story of 3 is told from the POV of a party who has no knowledge at all of the worlds of 1 or 2.
Having played 1 is better but you can always come back to it later.
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Don't forget, Nia in 3 also have two extra swords that are shaped/based on Pyra's and Mythra's swords. It's clear that she get it on with them as well.
The swords are reproductions she made through her powers, idk if she fucked Pyra and Mythra but saying the swords are proof of it is a stretch.
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The beginning is very slow, but it gets much better once you can start leveling your arts and the cooldown of each gets lower and lower.
If you haven't, try also playing as someone other than Shulk, as all characters play very differently in 1.
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Controversial take. They should have made XBC3 about (You) being a random field soldier finding out about the origins of war and ending said war while romancing two queens of different nations.
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This post was sponsored by Melia Antiqua
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I want Sena to rape me.
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didn't take you for a beta, lanz
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>Not a single post shitposting about xc3
So it really was a single schizo in these threads?
Many such cases
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even people who didn't like xb3 don't normally make it their 24/7 mission to go into every thread tangentially related to the game to shit on it. they mostly just move on with their lives
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last one before i head off to sleep
hope you enjoyed
bonus part 2: https://files.catbox.moe/fsx6np.jpg
Please do not talk about my wife Melly like that
Noah is anything but random soldier. he’s fated to be there because of his connection with N and the Sword of Origin.
Bro, your reading comprehension is ass.
Should've just been Pneuma desu. Splitting her two at the end was super dumb.
Yep, and considering the fact that the shitposting always started around 5pm burgertime on weekdays you could tell that he was most likely a wageslave
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I think Segiri's recruit quest is a pretty good Sena side story
blessed mioposter
An actual evil mio would be so hot though ngl. She already does show signs of being a bit yandere like noah. If we ever see them again I want to see more of it.
The interlinks just don't get enough love.
My ideal version is that it goes pretty similar to how it currently does but with two changes
First, we see a bit more of Sena's interactions with other Soldiers and see how they made fun of her for being so slow for an Agnian soldier (both literally with her hammer and intellectually)
Then, when the big boss fight comes, Ghondor initially tries to talk to Shania but fails and Sena follows up because she actually understands how it is to be on the side of having imposter syndrome and wanting to be someone else so badly.
Shania starts to acknowledge Sena's empathy but realizes she's too scared of coming up short again when she sees her mother's frozen form behind the party in the Founders Hall, and suicides-by-Ouroboros at the party, forcing Sena to smash her core with her hammer
short makes her look like kaltsit
Thank you, Mio-chad.
Eunie is Noah's bro and she knows he's completely bewitched by her long hair.
So saying long is in character.
Short so that I can see her neck clearly.
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You shouldn't
She's a far right politician who is anti-immigrants and founded the conservatives
She is also a debuff attacker, the absolute meme type of class in 3.

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