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Admit it, /v/.
Queer Sex sells way better than boring old cis sex
Coomer is ok when they do it
as a bisexual male that's fucked guys and girl, and is currently fucking a 24 year old zoomer femboy, every aspect of baldur's gate 3's sex was 100% created by non-sex havers. it's very inhuman, and artificial. which is why these lunatics praise it. they literally don't understand sex. it comes off like a romance novel, creating a version of sex that literally doesn't exist.
>eastern sex is... le bad!
>western sex is... le good!
anything that can't make a baby is feminist approved safe horny
Can you kill any dragonrians in this game?
Behead Baldur Gay posters
Sexuality is not at odds with cis/trans. Try again.
Woah, another Baldur's Gate 3 thread?
and these are people who tell you to "just watch porn"
it's so tiresome
Made up shit. The only thing that exists is copulation. Once you realize that, everything else but penis in vagene starts looking oddly suspicious.
>when you ignore the exceptions that exist in the world suddenly everything outside of the majority looks strange
Say it aint so!
Is this game good besides all the sex or
there is nothing erotic or even "horny" about baldur's gate 3 sex scenes
it's just gross
>/v/ now hates teraurge
Why do the gays and trans have to make everything about sex, and the stuff they're into at that? Why can't their attempts at defacing civilization have other elements to it?
Gamersexual characters exist since forever..
>cooming is only ok when the people I like do it
And I don't want playersexual characters. I want my male companions to be straigjt, not zesty homos that will crush on me because I interacted with them too often.
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I'm curious did the gay rights movement envision or plan out their struggle for equality turning into an oppression empire and indoctrinating propaganda to demoralize and feminize straight cultures of straight white men who helped them with things like gay marriage, how come they don't police their own toxic members who push crap like this that's part of the decay and decline of societies they so desperately wanted to be a part of
I won't fall for this again. That game sucks. If that really is the pinnacle of dnd then dnd is shit.
I can tell that dude is a faggot just looking at his profile pic
Of course queer sex sells better. Most humans alive hate their fellow man, so of course they want to see someone whipped until they get a permanent character trait.
OK, but can you get the bear in this pregnant?
It turns out that degenerates have a LOT of disposable income, so you can make money by catering to their disgusting tastes. Furry suits, hentai, hell even tranny prozzies now, all making bank off of indulging the perverse whims of the desperately lonely and vulgar. It looks like games are going that way, too.

I preferred the old days when people weren't so mistakenly proud of being grotesques.
it was always their plan, the civil rights movement was always anti-liberal and jewish
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Fucking subhumans. I despise "queerificators" so much it's unreal.

The reason BG3 was this successful is because it's a sequel to mother-fucking BG2. The grand-daddy to modern RPGs as a whole. And it was made by a underdog darling studio Larian. Curiously all these other queer-vitiligio-wheelchair-trans-bipoc games don't seem to do very good, despite the "modern audience".
Oh, and Stellar Blade got dragged through the mud as a "white Trump incel school shooter cishet manual", despite not even having actual sex.
No but you can have sex with children in the easter egg
You're right anon, now hsnd over your civil rights
>hookup culture is ... Le good!
>marriage and family is ... Le bad!
>sex is.. le bad
they're already gone, you have no freedom of association and are enslaved to marxist HR commissars
If you look at (((who))) sponsors and writes the laws gays never had any power and still don't. Same with women, muslims, jeets, chinks, troons, etc. They are props to be tossed out after they are no longer useful.
Groups being infested with those groups does not stop new groups forming and keeping them out, (((lawfare))) does.
Hunt: It's because of character age and character consent.
That's the kind of vermin calling others "coomers" on the internet, what a joke
>another stupid shitpost thread made with a clickbait article written by a nobody
It's probably a bot. Let's be real all the topics posts on /v/ are probably a bot.
Nobody played BG3
>but the sales figures
Are fake. It's an open secret that the game industry openly and brazenly lies to their investors because there's no regulation against it unlike with traditional finance. There are zero checks and balances on sales reports for game devs, they just make shit up and then pay gaming media to propagate the narrative.
Romances in rpgs are always super cringe.
Homos are a self-fixing problem. All pro-homo cultures are being wiped out
>porn is okay when it's fetishized

I don't mind em being gay, I mind that they're faggots tho, this scandalous and flamboyant shit makes me cringe so hard. You can't have a normal conversation with an npc without the dude going all degen for you. Just be my friend, if I hint at something, ok, but it's weird trying to have a friendly conversation and the npc tries to be buttbuddies from nowhere
I've never bothered actually looking it up. But what does "cis" actually mean?
I know it refers to straight people. But is it an acronym, if so, of what?
Why do jews force gay porn on to kids?
except they are required to post earning reports and those are monitored and open them to massive lawsuits. if they report 10 million sales ofa $69 game that dropped to $39 and then couple sales at $5, if you arent even getting revenue for all sales at $5, you are fucked.
Having gay sex with a squid person is so much less immature and embarrassing.
All sex sells as long as the people having sex are hot.
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I remember when my friend group got to this scene, two of the guys laughed their asses off
>bro this game is gay as fuck
>is all D&D faggot shit
and one guy slept with him on accident
>I didn't want to be a dick
and got so mad about it he stopped playing there and we had to finish without him
I can coom to futa (futa on futa, futa on female or male on futa only).
I can coom to furry (hmofa preferred).
I can coom to loli (oppai loli and mesugaki preferred).
My range is pretty wide, as long as characters are hot.
But holy damn, gay stuff is just gay and vomit inducing, stay away with that shit.
It's just that attractive characters are all it takes. If the characters are unappealing to the masses, no one would buy them.
Not sure if there's enough porno-addicted faggots using made up terminology to try and carve their niche in this thread, or in this hobby for that matter.
sex and depictions of relationships is the one thing that can kill my interest in a game. I'll suffer through bad game design if the game doesn't include those elements to the story or characters.
My porn is healthy, inclusive, and mature.
Your porn is sick, misogynistic, and problematic.
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>let's talk about magic
>let's now fuck
No... I didn't know talking about magic was an innuendo for sex.
It's a ponzi scheme. They bait one group of investors into giving them money so they can then use that money to pay the other group of investors whilst claiming it was profit. Except in this case, the first group of investors is government subsidies so they can do this in perpetuity.
You never got a girl you liked alone by starting off the conversation with something she might be interested in that has romantic segue?
>buy most well known IP in the rpg industry
>journalists endlessly shill you for free
>release a broken unfinished pile of shit with horribly boring characters and combat
>still get endlessly positive reviews and support by the media
>tons of shit eating retards praise it as the best thing they've ever played
yeah I'm sure it was the gay shit
lol you are just lying or you have the worst taste known to mankind
Stop coping, the game is a massive success. Even "anti-woke" people bought it because of the sexy girl.
The game is a disaster and you sycophantic cheerleaders will never be relevant
If you made this exact game but it looked sylized it wouldve been called pseudo porn. Like imagine if the game looked like Overwatch even, let alone like anime. Its like how they get away with full frontal sex scenes in Last of Us 2 because the characters are "ugly real".
I hate this homosexual zoophile game, but I am not going to lie to myself and say it flopped to make me feel good. The game sold tons, and it showed that a game can be the most degenerate piece of shit on the planet and this is what pleases the masses. The west is a decadent society and I hope a war destroys it.
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>A PC game releases; BG3
>Consoloids on suicide watch because its the first game in a decade that did not directly try to cater to their 11 year old bricks
>Its a massive success
>Oh and it lets people swap their 'barbies' around because its just a videogame and it was never meant to be taken seriously
>Consoloids erupt into COPEious amounts of rageposting on /v/
And here we are, in this very thread.
Yes I'm sure you want to claim that the game only sold because it was gay again like you claimed in the OP and ignore the elephant in the room that is the complicit and corrupt gaming media
Cis and trans are co-opted (likely) from chemistry terminology, where there are cis and trans isomers, basically molecules with the same atoms but different arrangements. Cis isomers have certain atoms all on one side while trans have the atoms on “both sides” of the molecule. So the terms are essentially Latin, but I think most likely borrowed from chemistry.
Alas it continued to be you shitskins who get destroyed by war as you are weak and worthless
Did you mean to write something, rabbi?
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I never disliked gay people, until one I worked with was only nice to me, because he wanted to fuck me. Sent me an unsolicited picture of his butthole.
Did you call him a disgusting freak
Wrong. Queer sex sella to game jurnos but people who bought the game actualy romanced the women in the game a lot more. BG3 sold and is popular because it appeals to CIS men. Faggots will try and claim the game as theirs but that is not the case. Faggots are cringe like that.
BG3 sold because it's a marketing scam for low IQ niggers, congratulations, you passed
No, I ignored him from that point forward. This was in the military, and I was fresh to the command. I didn't want any trouble. But that was the first redpill for me regarding faggots.
that's why fags used to not be allowed in the military, or really any position of responsibility. Also because they're very prone to giving away secrets for sex and getting blackmailed
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This appeals to straight men.
I am not OP dumbfuck
I dunno, we're not allowed to have "boring old cis sex" in games anymore so how am I supposed to be able to tell?
Okay? The point still stands. The only reason this game sold is because it's a marketing scam
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This appeals to straight men?
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Hans
Funny enough a few faggots caught AIDs because they're filthy vermin. Getting re-stationed because they're now perma-fucked because they stick their dicks in a poopy hole.
I'm just glad it's over now and collecting disability.
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First give me a hetero game to buy and then compare the numbers. Oh right, you can't, that's not "inclusive."
Image speaks for itself oh lover of cock
huh what happened to Indonesia? I've never heard about them in Japan's atrocities
>it's a sequel to mother-fucking BG2
noone that likes bg3 has ever heard of that game, get over it
>most deaths
>1. Mongol rape babies
>2. Chink bugmen
Goddamn this backfired on you lmao. Now post war deaths from the last 50 years
The media has heard of BG2 and bioware, which is why they shilled it so hard, you guys got scammed by the fake ass gaming media... again
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People liked the characters besides the fujobait vampire, schizo dragon, mindflayer and (you)dragon?
>Implying anyone even oshi'd or itabag the roasties or other men
>muh stats though
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The male fantasy????
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even if that were somehow true, I'm not going to start liking it or disliking "cis" sex so I don't see how that affects me?
Disgusting, vomit-inducing and downright shit. Baldur's Gate 3 got no buy from me.
FFXVI day1 buy
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Straight men are attracted to drow women?
Pretty much this. For all they praise the bear sex and gay being there they all play a white male warrior and have a harem of hot women.
>actually everyone else is gay
Why is that every groomers argument?
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It gets it right about as much as GTA does with its prostitutes.
Its just gay pretend hookup for nerds. No actual substance to it, which is fine, literal faggotry aside.
But its not high art or "done right".
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BG3 appeals to straight men? Really? I thought that all those female fanservice characters were for the faggots. I am shocked! Shocked i tell you!
Lol. They have to pretend it's all high brow or else they would have to admit it's a harem game with goblins in it.
>been-a dicked-a
you cant even spell "hint" right, why the fuck would anyone listen to anything you had to say?
No one tell him kek
>but I see here you have made a typo
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Which goddes do straigh men worship? Also why are gods in BG3 so sexy? Are they targeting straight men?
lmao even
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Game sold well because it appealed to everyone. It's really that simple.
The only ones mad about BG3 success are weebs because they didn't get any lolipedo pandering.
>inb4 people don't recognise the goddesses in my pic
Honestly harem games usually have longer and more intricate questlines surrounding their partners.
And other RPGs that include relationships actually either make them center piece to the story so that it truly matters or have it impact gameplay with offsprings.
but whoops, cant have pro-natal elements in a game about faggots.
and cant lock the story into a partner because the player has to have the ability to whore around.
It is a literal scam game for mentally retarded people
>for nerds
Those faggots hate nerds
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But to we actually have official sales numbers?
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>Baldur's gate Series never sold till 3 included pozzed crap
this the faggot cope with ever "concord", game they/them shit out
they are gay nerds and thats not even up for discussion.
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Men would literally fuck anything with a pussy. Even frogs.
and how would you describe real sex?
>Which goddes do straigh men worship?
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stop being schizophrenic
Furry vermin are not men
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I always knew that Githyanki were made to appeal to the furries.
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The only right choice is The Morninglord. God of birth, god of the dawn, god of renewal. He is literally the anti-gay god.
Anything that Isn't a Human, Elf, Half-Elf or Lae'Zel is disgusting.
you will never be a Type B you will always have a adam's apple and broad shoulders
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>Worshipping a male
>Not gay
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Shut up faggot. One of the most wholesome couples in the game are the tiefling man and wife you meet in the grove. They are not disgusting.
>Worshipping a woman
>Not gay
shiggy diggy
Yes? Worshipping women is literally the most straight thing you can do.
wrong that's what tranny feminism is all about
That's how trannies are made. Men worshiping women and wanting to be women.
Nah they're just dutch.
No? Most straight men worship other men. You don't see a straight guy idolizing a female athlete for example.
Why do leftists hate heterosexuality so much?
No...trannies are made, by impressionable (mostly autists) self inserters that jerk off to porn, and because the focus in porn is always on the woman, and they are literally unable to separate themselves from the mind of another human, they self insert as a woman. Get positive feedback sent into their brain from doing so when they cum, and repeat this over and over.

So the problem is not worshipping women, or even porn. It's self inserters.
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my cute frog wife :)
worshiping women is pushed by onlyfans whores and feminists, anything that's not men+women as complementary is degenerate
>Why do leftists hate heterosexuality so much?
It's not leftists. It's Americanized libtards.
i used that mod that lets you shapeshift into a tiefling kid like the ones in the beginning of the game, hottest sex scenes in a video game.
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>Worshipping athletes
It was the ((((banks)))) after both left and right joined forces in occupy wall street which made their small hats tremble and they threw gay ops into the mix and made the entire movement crumble and they kept the ball rolling so they could never see a unified enemy.
You guys live in a bubble.
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>it appeals to CIS men
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frog best
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>sexuality in the game
>everyone is trying to fuck you as soon as speak to you
>game has no strippers
>only prostitutes are high class escorts
>rape isn't mentioned once despite visiting bandits and a goblin camp
>women are always strong and in charge and are never sex slaves or whores
This is the problem I have. It's the literal definition of safe horny. All sexualization is safe and untriggering for LGBT people but neglects anything sexual about the setting. Sex is confined to being something people smile about and everyone's fucking but there's never anything nefarious regarding sex at all ever.
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if you're a Warframe player this one will resonate with you: No mention of pregnancy.
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>All sexualization is safe and untriggering for LGBT people
I'm not a faggot so i can't really say but don't tell me that faggots find incest safehorny and not triggering?
Disgusting and requiring of genocide.
Can't tell didn't play.
Like lol! What am i? A fucking faggot?
Nah; Up your ass next to semen and Aids.
Dion best character
She literally talks about how she loves him and kills her mother because the lord guy who is her father asks her to. It's incest in the sense
It's fucking female fanfiction incest that's written by a woman for women. It's dumb.
for me it's the zombie nurse looking girl, I forget her name
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>is that a straight couple?
>lets killem!
sorry but I can't take the word of a person who have had people coom into his poophole any seriously. in fact I don't even give a dry shit about anything you said and I'm only making this post to degrade you sodomite fag.
You mean the nurses from the House of Healing?
lol what are you talking about, normies LOVE rape, ever heard of Game of Thrones?
yeah that's her
women aren't ready to admit that
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Pretty creepy IMO.
if by creepy you mean pure sex, then yes
What food do they eat to prevent getting shit all over their partners penis when getting fucked in the anus?
>normies LOVE rape
You are both brown.
Heroes Feast magically cleans the colon
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Tencent bots aren't sales.
Maybe meat?
I am a strict carnivore, and I don't even need to wipe my ass after taking a dump.
Exactly, the game they are actually describing is TW3 but since that depicts icky straight sex they will prop up this degenerate shit
>Bear fucking a Man
>It just gets sex RIGHT
Tells you everything you need to know about them, also the fact they think 'provactive' is a good thing because its Straights and Christians getting provoked (just like the gay olympics)
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You know what? I agree with this. The less these mentally ill freaks breed, the better.
You motherfuckers cry about the sex in this game everyday, multiple times a day.

Sorry to piss on the parade, but you don’t have to have sex with anyone in this game. If you’re having gay sex, it’s because you picked those specific options to do so.

God damn, I’ll smack you across the mouth if you need something to complain about.
Women like consensual rape (if you don’t know what that is then you don’t have sex).
Asks a profoundly true question worth asking...

Never stop asking the tough questions, they can't ignore and pretend your crazy forever
it's "rape" like in a romance novel, BG3 is also fiction so it should be able to have at least that type of rape
Sounds like they still shouldn't then
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>immigrants are fine as long as they're straight
Ew, most gay people are vegan
In TW3, you watch a guy bang chicks. In Baldurs Gate 3, your self insert bangs chicks.
Only cucks prefer TW3 sex scenes.
>My gay fucked up sex is way better than your straight normal sex

I keep telling people the more heinous something is the more it's allowed so if you want a video game with a girl with gigantic tits that loves you that's going to be a problematic but if you want to be a sodomite and have sex with animals that's completely fine and good.
I've had sex, theres no such thing as consenual rape. Rape by definition is non consensual, stop being dumb and listening to leftists talk about kinkplay, or better put kikeplay
>not muslim
>not african
>clear white sensibilities
>good aligned
>a man and a woman married
Seem fine to me. But i guess faggots like you can't stand straight people and will subvert and twist in order to find a reson to kill straight people.
Why do you call Lae'zel a self insert?
>video game with a girl with gigantic tits that loves you
incels take this fantasy seriously
> sodomite and have sex with animals that's completely fine and good.
normal people don't take this seriously
>gets sex right
just watch porn?
almost like there's an anti-natalist conspiracy
Bear sex scene was played as a joke. You'd have to be really slow in the head to take it seriously.
Being a faggot and being non-white are the same levels of shit.
This. The reason why people were okay with it, is because nobody thinks it's sexy. The gay, and bear sex just makes it goofy. If it was Shadowheart and a wolf, people would freak out about it.
oh i would freak alright
>did the gay rights movement envision or plan out their struggle for equality turning into an oppression empire and indoctrinating propaganda to demoralize and feminize straight cultures of straight white men
It was literally the goal from the start. As planned by the jews that hate us.
Exactly. Because it's hot. Which is why people would not accept it. Bestiality is only okay if you can play it off as a joke.
It only "sells way better" in that articles aren't written by trannies and unfuckable lesbians deriding it for "objectifying womyn." Anyone who still denies that safehorny and queerbaiting exist is either oblivious or lying to themselves.
It's less about "realism" you idiot and more about opportunity.
So it really is just faggots complaining about sex appeal
Yes, I'm glad you got that from a single article from a year ago.
It’s consensual if they tell you to do it, it’s “rape” as a fantasy and they play along.

It’s not rape, it’s “rape”. I’m sorry that the women you’ve had sex with don’t think you’re masculine enough to handle that kind of thing.
Sex, romance and relationships in western media in general are so gaudy and unappealing.
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You got a hung bubblebut femboy twink on speed dial?
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I liked BG3, it's a shame a lot of insufferable faggots and retarded activists are in the fanbase.
Play another game holy shit
Well, it's a video game, so that part at least is how it should be.
It's not like straight games get it "real" either. If womb penetration was as common in real life as it was in h-games, nobody would be having sex period because bitches would be too terrified Chad was gonna put her in the hospital.
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old cis romance works fine in adult games. check surmmer time saga
Didn't the stats for this game show that straight sex was the most popular and it wasn't even close
Bro, you can literally look at the idiocy of terfs as an insult and come to your own conclusion. REAL WOMEN NOT WANTING FAKE WOMEN TO BE IN THEIR RIGHTS MOVEMENT? KICK EM OUT!
Just watch porn you fucking incel chud.
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I like both BG3 and Summertime Saga.
I don't fugen know
I love the ouroboros that is /v/. Chuds triggering other chuds.
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BG3 appeals to men? I had no idea.
>the gays got scared away by all the straight men posting
News: Degenerate people far more willing to spend money on their degenerate hobbies than normal people with normal hobbies.

Do you commend furries because they spend large amounts of money on their costumes, or do you consider them to be mentally ill? There's only one correct answer.
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But anon, according to the game's achievements the majority of people who bought BG3 are straight and male.
>character age and character consent.
im pretty sure eve from stellarblade is of legal age, disingenous retard

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