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Let me guess. You need more?
>mogged by the PS5PRO
I'll wait for the 6080 Ti
Not enough.
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I thought I didn't, but Flux is making my 16GB VRAM look small.
I need a brand that isn't trying to rape me in the RMA process
Nope, that's actually really good.
Is this bait or is he retarded?
reminder that an rx580 is more than enough to run most games on 1080p at 60 fps
this, why the fuck is so fucking expensive?

thats the price range for XX80 cards

t.owner of 970 ti & 1070 ti
I don't really buy used GPU but can someone explain to me why there are so many overpriced used GPU on second hand online platforms? There's a guy who wants 90% of the original price of a used 1060. Does he really think he's going to sell it at that price? Or am I the fool and people have no problem overpaying 90% on decade old GPU.
Probably the best card until the 5080 comes out
Good enough for gaming. Although now that I use AI coom chatbots I kind of wish I went for the 4090.
I'll wait for 50xx and get a 5070 or a 5080. Remember, it's always the odd series that is good.
Njudea can do whatever the fuck they want, they have literally no competition. No one's able to just make a startup GPU manufacturing business and source their own materials for mass-produced GPUs
Moore Threads and ArcGODS say otherwise
Uh, yes I need a lot more vram
I need a RTX 5080 when it releases
Go back to before 2008, it's never going to happen now.
Mind giving us some market share or sales reports then?
In fact, I need less. I just got the regular 4070S because the Ti only provides minimal gain over it for the increased cost.
Crypto farms
No, but it's about 1% market share for Intel. You said new people couldn't do it, but I'm saying there can BECAUSE THERE IS
The primary reason you want the Ti over the regular is the extra VRAM if you play at native 4K or make extensive use of RT
Clean upscaling to 4K is also surprisingly VRAM hungry
I'll just pick up another used 1080ti when mine dies.
Bros I bought an amd card and kind of fucking hate it. What's a decent nvidia card I can use that would also alow me to dick around with ai stuff and 3d modeling
You might be interested in checking for deals on refurbished 3090s or 3090 Tis.
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Isn't it too weak for 4k though? You need DLSS and that's not real 4k that's 1440p or lower.

Any GPU with lots of vram. Or just do online AI. Local AI is dying unless you're a child porn addict.
All you're doing is bitching and moaning acting like this is a argument instead of giving me any hope.
Yes, I was being pedantic for the sole purpose being pedantic, but look Battlemage IS going to pull through just have hope bro
>Or just do online AI
Unless there's some service I'm not aware of, which there probably is, online ai gens do not let me generate the foot job images with licensed characters that I crave
Oh shit, the GPU that i want...enjoy it, Anon.
I hope the next high-end Arc GPU has at least 24GB VRAM.
You grab whatever fetish models from your slum department like civai and then run it the various acceleration services out there. /g/ has a lot of info on this stuff go get spoon-fed there.
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>Yes, I was being pedantic for the sole purpose being pedantic
Fuck this thread, then. If I wanted baseless substance-less shit-flinging I'd enter one of the dozen culture war threads permanently stuck on the catalog.
If your hobby is Vidya 4090, that would be what you would get.
no i need less
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I'm still happy enough with my A770, but the lack of VR support for HL Alyx sucks balls and the card is basically the 16gb equivalent of a 3060-3060ti/RX 6700XT at best. But its still one of the better low-mid range cards which is sad in the current GPU market.
most games from 2015 maybe
I see nothing wrong with this.
>Shilling playstation
He is retarded
I was thinking of upgrading my 6800XT but since AFMF2 driver now I can 2x my fps and it feels like my friends 4080 super now last time I visited his place.
no I don't, that's why I run a 4070 ti super
Yes. Hoping the 5090 will have at least 32GB VRAM.
Are 32 gigs enough though?
I can play 4K just fine on a 4070TiS it's not hitting 120FPS+ except on really well optimized games however
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48GB would be great, but that costs quite a bit more.
I'd prefer 64 GB
Go with AMD, then
The Nvidia A16 has 64GB VRAM, but it doesn't have a video output.
>he thinks Nvidia will cannibalize its pro line up
You will have 16Gb and you will love it
Perfect chance for AMD to do some damage if they don't give up the high-end market.
>no CUDA
Only poor people waste money on retarded shit like 2000$+ gpu's. Especially if it's to brag about it, and on 4chan no less.
amazing cope from a poornigger
someone being able to spend 2k on a GPU means he can afford to do so, retarded nigger.
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48GB is still not enough
> 2000$+ gpu's

Professional workstation GPUs can go far above that.
What kind of LLM are you running? And is it sexo related?
is a 4080 super worth a thousand bucks
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I need less
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>Buying high end GPU a couple months before new gen comes out.
No, only poor retards that think wasting money spend 2000$ on a gpu. Rich people aren't rich because they're retarded like you and waste money.
>12th gen i7 with a 1070
anon what the fuck are you doing
I really want a computer
I don't want to buy the absolute toppest of the line though, it just seems kind of ridiculous
why must you mock me
t. shartmart employee that still lives with his parents that got his 4090 rig on finance
There's no way that 1070 can handle 4K 120fps.
Buying used high end GPU as soon as a new gen is announced to piggy bank on FOMO retards is the best move though.
Then look at the games you are going to play and see which GPU gives you satisfying performance.
$1000 is ridiculous already. If you are going to spend that much money at least do it when it's a brand new model and not one that is getting replaced in a couple months
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>gaming with less than $40K worth of cards
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>only use it to play old games or emulation or jewtube
>3070 gets announced
>$500 2080Ti flood the market
I wish this would happen more often.
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For me? It’s 7900x3D + 7900XT on GNU/Linux.
I don't play games at all
I just browse 4chan on my phone in bed because I have a shitty uncomfortable chair and desk
>I don't play games at all
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Jokes aside

I did get a 4070 last year, how long can I expect this to last?
Until the PS5 Pro comes out with 32GB of GDDR6 and then lazy game devs start requiring that on PC.
Adding that to my repertoire, thanks fren
Nigga I'm still rocking the 1070

Do (You) need more?
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What do you need 4080 for then?
I've had zero issues running anything with this since I built my PC in 2020
>dual 2k monitors
>32gb detitated wam
Snoys don't realize that PS5 Pro has a gimped 7800 XT. And 7800 XT was really shit and for some reason about as fast as 6800 XT. Not even 4070 tier. Meanwhile 4070S Ti dabs on a 6900 XT. In path tracing it even dabs on 7900 XTX because AMD still can't into RT.
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>video games
maybe I'll be more motivated to play games if I can just do whatever I want instead of having to tinker with settings obsessively and settle for shit performance
or not being able to play the game I want at all, since I'm on Linux
Modern electronics last forever if you treat them right. Chinks got gud at making things.
Just buy a console.
9900K was based and has lower system latency than current 16 and 24 core monstrosities. The benefits of a ring bus around 8 small cores, compared to massive Raptor Cove cores and AMD's shitty glue.
I'm not wasting money on a fucking shit station 5 and paying for online anymore
I only buy nintendo systems, the ps4 is the last time I'm getting tricked
It doesn't work like that.
You will still need to tweak your games because modern gaymes are garbage.
PC gayming is all about tailoring your own experience.
Not to mention you will need other components to keep up with with GPU.
spent around 1800 for my 4090 ti
This. I regret upgrading so much.
My i7-8700K PC booted in under 5 seconds. My new i9-14900K PC takes 33 seconds to boot because I guess DDR5 needs to be "trained" and the CPU is just shit. The BIOS update to make it not kill itself added another 10 seconds of POST time too. Fucking hate modern PCs.
Even with a 4090, you'll still have to tinker to get games to run and they'll still stutter, doubly so on Linux.
Just get a console if you want hassle free gaming.
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If I were AMD I would be going all-in and paying developers out the wazoo to add sufficient ROCm support. CUDA is the special ingredient behind Nvidia's dominance in the GPU market, AMD doesn't stand a chance if they can't go up against it.
What kind of card do I need to play Stranger of Paradise with maximum graphics?
I have a RX 6600, and while it isn't slow, the graphics aren't what they could be. Resolution doesn't look as good as some screenshots and youtube videos.
Might it be an issue with the processor? Mine's quite old, an Ryzen 5 2600.
I don't plan on gaming, just want a good PC.
I upgraded to that exact card from a regular 2070. I'm very happy with the upgrade, it handles everything I throw at it in 1440p high to ultra settings.
I want to use lewd mods and play horny slop more than have a hassle free experience
I'm just tired of compromising because I was always too stupid and poor to get a "real" computer
fucking hell anon just be honest
you want to generate ai porn slop don't you?
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it is a hard, but rewarding life.
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Upgrading is fun
might swap the cpu for a better am4 processor. just a guess.
We can't have nice things Anon.
4080S is highly performant GPU but it's bad deal to buy one right now at full price.
But if rest of your system is old then you won't fully utilize it anyway.
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I just realized mining is no longer a thing. It's 2nd hand dumpster diving time again.
>becomes obsolete next year
no refunds
Been thinking about it lately. Have any recomendations?
I don't have any system at all, I'm building a computer from scratch
I don't even have a modern monitor and I want something nice there too because every screen in my house fucking sucks
UEFI and DD5 are mistakes
my old Haswell i5 boots faster than my 7800x3D
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I've been using a 1080 Ti since 2017 and it still plays every modern game at high settings 1440p. A 4070 Ti is like at least 4x as powerful.
that's not a 560ti
goddamn I fucking hate the 560ti and always will
How can I use my 4090 for ai coom chat bots?
>still plays every modern game at high settings 1440p
Show me CP2077 maxed out with full pathtracing RIGHT FUCKING NOW
Realistically, how fucked will I be if I buy a chinese SATA SSD? Price seems too good to pass up
PSPro is an APU using shared memory, but it has RNDA4 AI cores and RT cores in it.
i dont blame you since the industry is so shit right now
Greed. People don't want to sell at a loss.
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7800 xt is 300 bucks cheaper
is the 4070 ti super 40% better than the 7800 xt?
Neither AMD, nor NoVidya makes their GPUs. TSMC (and sometimes Samsung) does.
You are a fucking retard.
i wouldn't store anything important on it
Crucial BX500 is cheaper in yurope
>Price seems too good to pass up
I remember when these shitty SSDs were like $30 for 1TB a year ago or so. What the hell happened? Did Taiwan's factories flood again?
Why hasn't the price dropped
For games it's great and will probably be enough for most games this generation, but at this moment 16GB VRAM is probably the absolute bare minimum I would consider for my work and even with that I've still come close to maxing it out.
I wouldn't do it desu a Crucial MX500 is like $15 more and a BX500 is the same price
Zoomers are such faggots man. Just buy the product you like.
probably depends on the prices. the 5600 is an option. im trying to decide if i want to upgrade from a 5600 to a 5700x3d i see on sale, since i might stick with am4 for a bit. my gpu right now is a 6700xt, but i haven't kept up with performance and bottleneck stuff.
Reminder that PS5's proprietary upscaling tech is called PSSR. (Pisser)
Then decide how much money you want to spend and hit the PC part picker.
Then you can ask around and min-max.
I quickly picked up parts you can change that however you like.
Monitor will be the hardest part to pick because everything sucks but in a different way.
1440p 165Hz IPS is the cheapest you should get, those start at around $200.
I have the exact same GPU and Model and i'm happy with it, i can run most AAA games in 4k+ DLSS quality on ultra settings at 60+ fps
Scale exists now. AMD no longer has to do shit.
>1440p 165Hz IPS is the cheapest you should get, those start at around $200.
Check costco too. I got an isp monitor with those spec for 160 at costco last year, and during the winter months they had a similar sale but at 180.
Probably realized how much free money they were printing so they upped the prices

Do you think a Ryzen 9 5900x is a good idea? It's twice the price of a 5600, but it seems to be twice as powerful too.
Sure, I draws almost double electricity, but seems good either way.
I've been comfy with AM4 since 2018, but if RTX 5000 brings back NVLink-style multi-GPU memory pooling (combine two or more GPUs to combine their VRAM) over PCIe 5.0, it looks very well like I might be upgrading to AM5 pretty soon.
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nvidia chased the pandemic prices and thought they were acceptable. There were 3070 cards going for £1000
Since I prefer -70ti cards the original 4070ti was a slap in the face, by the time I have the money to get a new card they might release their new gen.
Stop being dumb. If you plan to use your PC for gaming, a 5800x3d and even a 5700x3d are much better than a 5900x
Sorry, I'm not very good at this. I usually take tips and recomentations from others. To be sincere, I don't understand much of the lingo.
>rtx 3080
How the FUCK did they think 10 gb vram was okay?
But I guess that's why the 12gb variant exists.
You just know jewvidia is gonna skimp out on vram forever since they know people will still buy it.
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bought a used 3080 for cheap because i'm done with amd garbage
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>If you want more VRAM just sell your kidney.
Until AMD can become more competitive outside of rasterized gaming, a large amount of GPU sales will continue to flow the way of Nvidia, I am afraid.
This is my GPU. I plan on using it until the PS6 drops if not longer
...or just open a savings account and gradually set aside more and more money for one over time without permanently losing a body part.
>overpaying for njudea for no reason at all other than sucking huang fake little pecker
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I'm just memeing.
Worst part is that iPhone he went through all that trouble for has since been discontinued and no longer supported.
I miss the days when top end video cards were only like $200.
I'm not upgrading for a very very very long time.
>I miss the days when top end video cards were only like $200.
when was that ever the case? fucking 199, when the riva TNT2 cost 299 usd? which by the way, adjusted to inflation is 570?
and let me add this before you go "ACKshually that is not the own you think it is"
1999 is still well within the timeframe of "the monster rig I built right now becomes completely obsolete one year later when new hardware gets released" meme
I can buy a 7900xt for $700
FX 5200 ultra was $100
Ati radeon 9600pro was $150
Ati radeon x1650 pro was $120
Ati radeon HD3650 was $80
Geforce 8800GT was $220
AMD HD4850 was at $200 but dropped real soon to under $150
AMD 5670 1GB was $75
AMD 280x 3GB was $300 at launch but it was like if you boughted 7900xt at $300 today
RX570 was $169
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wat it do then
that igpu is faster than the 1070
such a good gpu. using the same model myself
It's strictly for computing. AI, machine learning, data processing, that sort of stuff.
>lists performance segment cards instead of actual top tier shit
okay nigger
I just bought a 2080 Ti
I never buy new cards
I always stay 2 generations behind
I've been rocking a 1070 since like 2021
Should be fine for 1080p60.
You're brown.
Turd (skin.)
I took a 7800XT over it. Saved some money, runs games well. Nvidia is a scam if you just game.
Lately I've been thinking of grabbing a 4070 super as well. I haven't bought a GPU in well over a decade so I'd like to ask about the state of GPU manufacturers nowadays.

Is there any brand to avoid or are they all basically the same in quality and you pick based on ports and proprietary apps?
You can still play every new game that comes out on a 2060, sure it wont be 4k 120fps but those triple A games are so far and few in between it honestly doesnt make sense.
I mean it's got a higher number than mine so itd be an upgrade
I knew you would suck so much dick faglord and I knew you dont have a clue about prices from back then.
FX 5800 was $299
Radeon 9800 pro was $400
x1950 xt was $450 but the x1900 xt was only $250
HD3870 was $269
8800GT was so close to 8800gts and 8800GTX it was top end
All of them were getting price cuts and drops relatively fast, no situations like shit during minig or now when 4080 is at $1000 for years.
Stop sucking so much cock shill.
>makes retarded statement
>gets punted because he is a dishonest bitch
>comes back with even more dishonesty and gets cunt punted again
>comes back crying, again
next time try not being a dishonest bitch, bitch

oh and by the way the msrp for the 8800gtx, the only ACTUAL top tier gpu that you didn't even mention in that post was 599 usd in 2006, bitch
Nice narration of your faggotry dumb fag.
Stop sucking so much dick.
Leviticus 20 13
Inflation doesn't work like that. 200$ in 2000 is the same as 200$ today.
yes bitch, keep being a clown for our entertainment
that's a good girl, now stay still while we piss on you

Get cancer, corporate slave.
OK shill. Keep trying to pedal your thousand dollar scam cards
stand still bitch and buttbuddy, here comes the golden shower! say aaaah!
I still got a 1660ti. I was planning on getting a 4070 but it's so close to next-gen that I'm coping that 4xxx series will go down in price whether used or new. Keep waiting or try and find a good deal around cyber monday?
Is buying refurbished cards a retarded idea.
Get cancer braindead npc.
does it come with warranty? go for it
does it not? well since you considered such a great proposal, I also have something you may appreciate, being the Golden Gate, I'll sell it to you for a good price. sadly I already sold the Brooklin brisge one to someone else
what part of "stand still" do you not understand, bitch? know your place.
Is the 4070 Ti Super really worth the extra 250 burgers over the 4070 Super? I'm only aiming for 1440p.
Buying used is always a lottery.
If by refurbished you mean some aliexpress cards that had professional transplant of a chip to a new pcb that can be ok. Check out the seller rating and comments and quantity of sales.
If its some fag selling baked or reballed stuff it can be a waste of money.
May God make your tribe and bloodline perish.
I wish my GPU was 16GB.
My RTX 3070 is only 8GB. It's just not enough any more, especially for 4K.
>acting like a stupid nigger is the new in thing with the 12 year olds on 4chan
Oh. My bad. Carry on, little brown boy.
all brands are roughly the same
i have a 4070S and went with msi because i needed a specific card and msi is a reputable mfc
hell no. GRE is way better card. I don't know why anyone would scam themselves with a 192bit memory bus or cucked die.
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I miss when middle tier cards cost only $350.
>n path tracing it even dabs on 7900 XTX because AMD still can't into RT.
works on my 7900xtx
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>corporate NPC doesnt know the boughted meme
Eat shit tard.
next time try not being a retard, instead of being proven wrong and then throwing a melty because apparently you like getting humiliated
as for the rest? heil Hitler, had uncle Adolf succeeded we wouldn't have the displeasure of having to deal with literal 41IQ retards such as yourself. bitch.
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Okay shartynigger.
played some games like nu-tomb raider at 4k on the lowest settings on a gtx760 back in the day and it worked surprisingly well.
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Since I switched to Linux my AMD card got much faster in gaming, blender, and AI that I see no reason why anyone would buy Nvidia unless they are CADboys.
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I needed more
No. I have a plain 3070 and I use it to play idle games.
May God make you have and then not have.
Yeah but AMD AI now leverages DirectML and ONNX.
Should I just wait for the 5090 (so I can buy a 4090 for less)? And wait on the 9850X3D?

I was going to build a 7850X3D with the 4080Super, because my PC is basically dead at this point (Typing from a MBA M1 :3) but I wonder if I should just wait.
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Why are all shartyniggers a bunch of nu-/pol/s?
You gonna call me a tranny, or street shitter next? lmao
You have been cursed corporate tool.
Why in God's name would you want a dual-MCM AMD CPU unless it's for production workloads?
Third world countries can be very conservative.
if you are expecting to see second hand 4090s going for a sensible price, you're either very naive, very innocent, or seriously stupid
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200€ more an you get this thats going to last for about 5 years on 1440p
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What is even your major malfunction, zoomie? What are you offended about? Can you articulate? Skibidi gyatt on god??? Fr? Can you bus? Cap? Use your words; where did the anonymous 4chan poster hurt you?
>he posted as the ai bubble is bursting
>and new 8800xt and 50xx cards are incoming
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Retards bought Nvidia.
I was dumb and got the ti with only 12gb vram which kinda sucks for AI. 16gb isn't much better though. I want more vram to generate art.
please be patient with sharty niggers, they are literally 41IQ turdworlders themselves
the second best thing you can do for them is humiliating them until they change their retarded ways
the actual best thing you could theoretically do for them is belting them (with the buckle's side) until they bleed
You need to delete this as your post does not conform to approved /g/ shilling policies.
You have been cursed, faggot.
Nvidia raised prices 1000$ and people still bought it like crazy. Now AYMD has like 15~10% of the entire market. Sad.
>he posted as the ai bubble is bursting
yes kid, two more weeks, keep me posted
>and new 8800xt and 50xx cards are incoming
and? the people that own old cards won't be selling them for pennies. price you may get is 150, maybe 250 tops less than MSRP (if you're extremely lucky), dumbass
That doesn't work on me, for I'm not a Jew.
Now, use your words. Not buzzwords. Real words. Like your slag of a mother, (though likely not your probably absentee father) taught you. C'mon. You can do it.
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Last time the bubble burst nothing happened. No 3090 or 3080 were sold for pennies. I just went and bought a 7900 XTX because it was cheaper then buying 4080 that was like selling for 1400€ at the time.
You have been cursed, faggot.
Ok so, it's just better to get the 7850X3D x 4080 Super now, then waiting then.
Eat shit moron.
>RTX 5090
no, I need AMD
you again? haven't you had enough piss for today? okay then
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Okay, nigger. Enjoy you cobsons and wojaks. Or whatever stupid shit brown people like you enjoy.
Any particular manufacturers that people recommend?
You have been cursed, faggot.
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Get cancer fag.
I just boughted the same card as in OPs picture
4K 60fps Vidya finally
>5 years
that should last you 10 years
anon, just so you know, your mere presence is cancer
Asus is fine I guess. Nobody is great anymore after nvidia killed evga
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and theN?
>my stock 4070 only has 2 fans
I have a 3070 and am fine with it.
Yeah except 7800x3d, not sure if you meant 7800x3d or 7950x3d, but 7800 is what you want
t. bought 4080S/7800x3d a few months ago and couldn't be happier
t. 1440p oled enjoyer
should i wait for the 5090?
That's what I meant, my bad.
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jus noticed you said 7850x3d twice. that cpu doesn't exist, 7800x3d is what you want. 7950x3d with tweaks has the same vidya performance but costs much much more, it's more for stuff like video editing. 7800x3d is THE vidya cpu
gotcha anon just making sure since it could've went either way which one you meant, a lot of anons are convinced they should get 7950x3d because number bigger
i put a 580 in my gf's pc and it's alright. it runs everything she wants to play and doesn't do terrible with newer stuff.
oh hey its the retard that got scammed by paying 6000 euro for this and thought it was a good idea to brag about him getting scammed
Then? My 4090 is pretty much twice as powerful as a RTX 4070 Ti Super. Enough reason for you?
Poor fag still seething. LMAO! Utter defeat!
4090 hypebeast owners don't actually know anything, they're wallet gamers obsessed with buying the most expensive thing. you can pick them out because they always have $600-700 motherboards or a 420mm watercooling rad for their 75W gaming TDP X3D chip.
I hope at least 5090 retail price will be the same as current 4090 price which lis like $1800 right now cause i already got the money for it
From a 3050, where should I go? 3070 Ti?
I have the most powerful GPU for 2 year sstraight now. I got my moneys worth multipel times. And guess what? And im not even lying. I will buy the RTX 5090 on release day as well.
Hurts, doesnt it?
Why do you type like an ESL? Did you use google translate for this jit?
>4070 super
>5800x 3d
is this enough for 144hz at 1440p? currently on 1080 and rarely have any issues maxing out games with high refresh rate so I dont know if I should upgrade or not
Are you retarded? Im typing fast and yes, on some rare ocations a typo might slip into my post. This does not negate my point one bit. Or makes you any less gay, for that matter. KEK!
and theeeeen?
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I'm using a 6600, works for everything I want
I can enjoy my slop with more slop on top of more slops per second. Any other stupid questions!?
New shit max settings? No, but not even a 4090 would be enough
You won't struggle hitting that on 5 year old games or recent stuff after tweaking a couple settings though
I never run meme settings like rtx anyways. ive just been holding off on upgrading resolution as long as I can because I know once I do it will be impossible to go back kek
The fact that i paid that much for a brand new macbook m2 really makes my head itch.
you're right about that. my monitors arent great, but theyre the best gear i have. saving for the rest now. stick to your guns and dont be stupid like me.
The fact that people spend 2000 dollars just to run ULTRAMAXGIGAJEWSETTINGS just proves how much of a conformist cattle they already
Everytime you pick ultra preset you’re just toeing the line for the next Jew who makes the next game more graphically intense so you burn 2000 dollars just to see a speck of grass glimmer 2000 ft Away.
What happened to function over form?
its even worse because most modern games basically REQUIRE upscaling like dlss to even function at playable framerates, even on lower settings. its such a scam
So you're a Jew?
That’s what Remnant 2 did. And if you put it on low it’s still DLSS and chugs along while looking like shit. Meanwhile I’m getting 280 fps on high settings on Battlefield 1 and it looks amazing with only a garbage 3050
I wish we had some good games to warrant the high prices of video cards. Nothing in the past decade and a half has impressed me like Half Life 2 and Crysis did. There are no more technical masterpieces. I spend my money commissioning femboy hentai.
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I feel like I'd have more fun with a bunny than a new video card. What breed should I get? Leaning towards a Holland Lop.
Why do retards keep blaming the consumer when AMD kept pumping out shit cards with shitty Windows (the place where 99% of relevant customers are) drivers, shitty marketing (this is important), and shitty prices ($100 less for an inferior card is not worth it)? I don't see people doing the same thing with AMD/Intel CPU console wars and trying to go "well, if more people bought Intel...". There's a reason why people actually like and recommend AMD CPUs.
>What breed should I get?
Terriermon you can't get a bunny funnier than that. Stopped lurking just to post this.
That was when they had that retarded pajeet in charge of their drivers. AMD's cards are fine. Guess where he works now? Intel. HAHA. I hope you're not excited for Battlemage!
Kek, the Japanese never cease to make me laugh
People can't come to terms that AMD's GPU division fucks up every golden opportunity they're given to gain significant market share, they had a perfect chance with how badly priced the 4080 was at launch but decided to fuck up their own card price right after.
People like you don't understand how consumer electronics marketing works. AMD could afford to sell XTXes for $600, but nobody would buy them. AMD could make a 4090 competitor for that price. Hell, exceed the performance, and nobody would buy it. If you price something too low, people start to assume it's because it's either of low quality, or there's something wrong with it.
People are stupid. Like you.
This is the exact hope I love to see when you point out AMD's awful launch pricing that made them slash everything almost instantly and killed any hype and goodwill they had from Nvidia gouging consumers also. You don't have to pick one side or the other stupid nigger neither company has your best interest in mind.
>if an AMD card outperformed a 4090 for $600 no one would buy it
You are baiting or absolutely fucking retarded
No. It's absolutely true. People look at price tags for performance comparison over actual specs or reviews. AMD could absolutely release a 4090 competitor for 1/3rd the price and the average consumer (you) would assume it's 1/3rd as powerful.
I'm not picking a side. Nice job pointing out that you're mad. That's what fanboys always do when they get mad.
The difficulty for me is in justifying a new PC when my current one is overkill for most games I play and inadequate for a few others. If developers weren't so fucking lazy and UE5 wasn't such a garbage engine, I don't think I'd have any problem at all just staying with my current setup.
Looks like you are absolutely fucking retarded then
Yeah dude. AMD drops a $500 4090 and you nigger faggot zoomers still go,
AMD's poor sales are based solely upon poor reputation with buyers, not because they don't undercut nvidia hard enough, you stupid spic.
Checking back in and uhhh yep looks like we are still absolutely fucking retarded
Acepto tu concesión.
That isn't true, people bought plenty 6000 series GPUs because they actually did provide great bang for their buck, people loved the 6800XT in particular for being a beefy card that had a good amount of VRAM at a reasonable price. Its just the 7000 series cards where AMD dropped the ball on release.
where can i score one of these $500 4090s?
Yet AMD's market share continues to drop. Curious!
It put it with the breakfast you didn't eat yesterday morning. Go get it.
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Why are Unity games so heavy on GPU these days. The graphics are about the same as Source Engine but you lose 50% performance
I don't see you offering any counter arguments. Just butthurt. Are you poor? Is that why you're so upset over AMD's prices? Third world? Njudea doesn't sell cards near your favela?
There are 0 counterarguments that need to be made to someone so fucking retarded that they think a $500 4090 wont sell. Also I have a 4090 so no.
The only times Nvidia corrected prices in the last 6 years or so wasnt price competition from AMD, it was from low consumer demand.
Feels like if AMD didn't exist GPUs wouldn't even be more expensive
Last gen AMD sold a $1000 3090 and it didnt sell though
It wouldn't sell. AMD GPUs sell poorly because AMD has a terrible reputation. If you think there's any reason why that's not the case, you're a complete idiot.
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>tranime avatar
If you delay your transition for 6 months, you can easily afford it.
It didn't help that in AMD's case that their GPU division is responsible for that poor reputation. They hyped up the 7900 XTX as being 1.7 times faster than the 6950 XT, and that didn't really pan out on release.
this tranny obsession is fucking insane
Those asus tuf cards are the best quality by far. I havea 4080 super tuf OC'd and it has zero coil whine and temps never exceed 65c
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whats the difference between an XT and an OC
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>reminder that an rx580 is more than enough to run most games on 1080p at 60 fps
t. has never actually played on a high refresh rate monitor.
1440p 165hz experience is objectively superior. Gameplay feels smoother and more responsive.
No. Get the 7900 gre as the other anon said. Best manufacturers are powercolor and sapphire.
AMD's GPU problems came from their driver division, which was headed by a man who now works for Intel making drivers for their Arc series.
>macfags knowing anything about hardware
Yeah that checks out.
>get the significantly weaker card that can't do ray tracing
for what fucking purpose?
AMD is finally investing in software, maybe in 5 years they will catch up.
>tfw fell for the gigabyte meme, got a 4070 TiS aero
>has coil whine and fans make a weird, annoying rattling noise
Card looks amazing and temps are great, but the noise it makes is really annoying. Don't fall for gpu reviewers anons. Go directly to user experience and if possible find a video of the card working under load to check how it sounds.
A mid range gpu in 2016 was $300
by the numbers it should cost now $400
They all cost $600+
>there's poor, and there's rich. that's it
Poorfag mentality. Some people just like spending their disposable income on gaming.
google 4060ti msrp
>for what fucking purpose?
Much cheaper @ $550 and it offers basically the same experience. I have a 4070 ti super. I haven't used ray tracing yet because I don't play Western DEI AAA slop. DLSS+FG is sweet but in retrospect not worth the +$250.
the reviewers all got cherry picked cards
>DLSS+FG is sweet but in retrospect not worth the +$250
It's the best way to get value out of an underpowered card.
They don't even remotely offer the same experience. Don't be ridiculous.
in my opinion, RTX 4070S and RX 7900 GRE are THE true high end GPU equivalent.
4070 Ti Super and above are fucking HUGE.
XT is a different SKU entirely with more cores/bandwidth/cache/etc.
OC is just adding more frequency to a existing SKU.
Not really. DLSS is cope mechanic so Nvidia can sell you a shitty card in the first place. Think about it. What does DLSS do exactly? It reduces the resolution and upscales it? Why? So it uses less vram capacity AND vram bandwidth, both things Nvidia has been giving you less & less.
Even at the top end, you shouldn't expect to be brute forcing. DLSS and framegen are here to stay. If you're on AMD, you're crippling your card for "muh rasterization that's still inferior."
t. 4090 chad
Your post is irrelevant to the discussion and adds nothing to the thread.
My post refuted the ridiculous statement of who I was replying to, be it you or someone else.
DLSS+FG are nice to cap your monitor's refresh rate on non-competitive titles. I have a 1440p/165hz monitor. On native res I can play Remnant II @ about 70-90fps. With DLSS+FG I can cap it @ 165fps with just 35ms latency, which is barely perceptible in a pve game.
The 7900 gre is powerful enough and has enough vram @ 16gb. That extra 2k graphics score >>688128990 is like an 8 fps difference at most. Best value gpu this gen.
I’ll ask again faggots,
WHAT card do I move from a 3050 OEM next, that’s not over 1000$$
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Njudea slop

You're probably on Windows too, lol peasant
>You're probably on Windows
There's literally no alternative.
>Less than $400
7900gre or 4070 Super
These are the best budget options and they're all competent for 1440p
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4k gaming is comfy, bros.
Also the GRE in benchmarks are all operating in its underclocked nerfed state. By toggling one button in the driver which reviewers dont do its as fast or faster than the 4070 ti super.
it's risky because thanks to shitcoin mining a lot of gpus get flashed with some chink firmware and sellers won't tell you that unless you ask
Is the 4070 super worse than the other cards by a large margin? Whats the deal
I think I have to do that because I have a Cucktel chipset
Prove it.
>Is the 4070 super worse than the other cards by a large margin? Whats the deal
No. Horsepower-wise it's a beast. See this chart >>688128990
It's more powerful than a 3090, plus it has DLSS+FG which is great for the reasons stated in >>688131389
The only significant disadvantage is the 12gb vram vs the 16bg vram on the 7900gre at the same price point.
At the end of the day it's a question of whether you prefer 4gb extra vram or DLSS+FG.
Bro your genuinely retarded. Get help.

Its only faster than the 3090 in timespy which is a single synthetic benchmark. In most games the 3090 is faster due to way bigger memory bus+vram. 4070 super has "better RT" than the 3090 but with 12gb of vram you arent enabling RT in most titles unless its shit that barely affects the game (which also barely affects the vram).
This is an anime website. I dunno why trannies like you think you can change that by spamming your shitty wojacks and calling everyone trannies. But keep being a retarded faggot.
My genuinely retarded? I don't own any 'retarded's and I'm sure they can't be genuine due to their lack of existence.
>go to anime website
>get mad when you see anime
Wow. That's a huge increase in performance in Time Spy. Which game is that, again?
Timespy Extreme is 4k DX12, not regular Timespy. It's doing better number than the 3090ti and 4070ti.
AMD's GPUs generally have way more issues the nvidia with literally everything. And no, i don't care if you have one and never had an issue, i'm talking generally and statistically. Almost every single game there's someone with issues and wowza, look they have an AMD GPU. Nvidia are jew sellout cunts but they still have the better GPUs than AMD
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Paid 850 for this dunno why nvidiots keep cuckin
Actually, Nvidia GPUs generally have way more issues than AMD with literally everything. And no, i don't care if you have one and never had an issue, i'm talking generally and statistically. Almost every single game there's someone with issues and wowza, look they have an Nvidia GPU. Nvidia are jew sellout cunts and you're a bigger faggot for suckign their cock this hard. You also probably use Windows too which again is like 30% worse than Linux on same Nvidia/AMD hardware.
Nvidia have had tons of issues recently dude. Don't waste money on garbage cards and just buy a 3060 or 6800 or arc a 770, or use the fucking igpu. Graphics cards are a scam.
90% of the time some guy says he has an "AMD GPU" and he's having "problems" it's always because he didn't DDU his nvidia drivers from his 1050 lololol.
Nvidia is the one with shader stutter bro and TDRs faggot. AMD solved this problem with GPL ages ago.
>Its only faster than the 3090 in timespy which is a single synthetic benchmark
It has consistently shown to be a fairly accurate indicator of in-game performance.
>In most games the 3090 is faster due to way bigger memory bus+vram.
Vram is not a problem until it is. If the game doesn't cap the vram the performance is exactly the same. People have tested this by comparing the 4060 ti vs 4060 ti 16gb.
If vram was so significant then the 7900gre would mog the 4070 super in every game benchmark, but it doesn't.
>4070 super has "better RT" than the 3090 but with 12gb of vram you arent enabling RT in most titles unless its shit that barely affects the game (which also barely affects the vram).
Neither card has the horsepower to do native raytracing anyways, but the 4070 super can use DLSS+FrameGen to run raytracing at good framerates.
Not really. But keep trying to deflect retard.
capacity isnt just a single factor. you have to consider bandwidth, cache, memory hierarchy, etc. 4070 family gpus are bad 12gb gpus because they're 192 bit bus with little l2 cache and no l3 cache unlike amd.
>AMD GPU cuck actually seething
love to see it lmao
and a literal tranny too
can't make this shit up hahahahaha
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and yet whenever someone asks you larping niggers to post your cars on /o/, you end up bitching for several posts and proving that you're broke busriders lmao
Did you guys know that benchmarks run with nothing in the background? As soon as you run your typical windows /v/ normie shit you already sucked up all your cache and a good amount of your vram to hw accelerated programs open.
>capacity isnt just a single factor. you have to consider bandwidth, cache, memory hierarchy, etc. 4070 family gpus are bad 12gb gpus because they're 192 bit bus with little l2 cache and no l3 cache unlike amd.
Doesn't matter. What matters is what the card does with it in-game. In game performance, the 7900gre does not mog the 4070 super. They trade blows.
Plus the 4070 super has dlss+fg. It's a super close matchup and there's strong arguments for both cards.
>n-nuh uhhhhhh!!!!!!
Uh uh. Sure thing Eduardo. That AMD GPU your abuela got you just didn't work because AyyyMD bad, okay?
AI & 3D rendering.
I know plenty, but this thing is awesome to youtube/4chan and do some light stuff, and battery lasts all day. I'm on it right now typing from bed.
>he paid more than $500 for a fucking AYYMD card
lmaoing at your life
I had this budget build in mind ($1k) with either a 4060 or 3060, but honestly, should I just spend the extra $300 or so for a 4070 super?
just wait for 50 series like me
t. 7800x3d IGPU gamer
I definitely don't, but I can't afford that one either.
>Koikatsu VR
Yes i do, i have to throw all the resources i have to this piece of shit.
Demand and AMD wants to avoid the 6000 series mistake where they made so many of them they had to reduce the price by 50% at the end of its life.
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>Modern electronics last forever if you treat them right.
Planned obsolescence says hi.

Data recovery anon here, they dont last and often are refurbished sm controllers with mystery meat NAND.
Just buy a WD Green if you are going to cheap so much.
And they keep killing their best cards, rx 6600 was their best selling card but they killed it to help RX 7600 sell which is the same card but more expensive.
This would be a dogshit deal even if it was half that price, are you retarded? That thing is slow as fuck, only 1TB, a no-name brand
not thicc enough
AMD was reknown for problems in the early 2000s and late 90s remember the voodoo series of cards?
Intel has always been higher quality to me. For amd sure you can build a shitbox but they ACSHUALLY have more problems than Nvidia Thoughbeit
AMD killed MorePowerTool at a the driver/BIOS-level because they're allergic to people getting any sort of value out of their cards
I have a 4060 and I'll upgrade to a 5060.
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>i5 9600k
It isn't 2005 anymore high end gpus are 1k midrange ones are edging towards 800usd get real faggot
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>bought 4080 SUPER for 1000€
>sold 3070 for 300€
>all this excess power to run modern day trash

no actually im running everything at max (minus meme tracing) amd 90+ fps in 1440p just fine

thanks for asking tho

forgot the file
I survive just fine with a 1660 ti. The bugger is old as shit and has no raytracing but I vouch for its relevance for at least another decade.
Nvidia and AMD have to be destroyed.
>uneducated opinion
Costs way too much for how little performance you get.
You weren't even alive in the 90s, nigger.
I miss when rent was sub 1k
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When I bought my HD6850, it was $250, it lasted me 5 years at 1080p, and I could rent a two bedroom house for $450.
>when some shit for brains born in 2009 pretends to be an old gamer by implying voodoo was owned by AMD
I see someone else also has a thirst for PISS
Nigger have you been to the grocery store in the last 5 years? Everything is expensive now.
is the 4080 super good
or worth it
what monitor do you have? I need one and I was thinking of getting those same parts
I also have no idea what makes a motherboard good
Actually you can, pretty much every major tech company designs their own silicon (and outsource to TSMC to make it)

Designing is the easier thing to do. Like App,e does with their a M1 chips
waiting for my graphics to die or prices to go down
Why are you buying a new gpu every generation you retard
> A few hundred more and you can get a 4080.
> The 4080 is still a gimped dogshit cripple given the reality of it's price point.

Nvidia needs to fucking die already.
AMD's next top card is going to be the 8800XT which will not be faster than a 7900XT
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I wanted nvenc AV1
I went from 3060 ti to 4070 super and I'm pretty happy with it, I genuinely would not bother getting a 60 series card in 2024. Just feels like they are not worth it anymore and are barely even "budget" now.
>Just feels like they are not worth it anymore and are barely even "budget" now.
protip: 60 series cards never, ever were worth the money they cost
I challenge anyone to find me an instance where getting an x60 or an xx60 tier card was better than getting a previous gen's 70 or 80 tier for the same price
I use 7800x3d and it boots up faster or just the same as my previous DDR4 Platform(9600K) I just enabled memory context restore and it works even with custom memory config(buildzoid's DDR5 settings)

skill issue>>688103695
5700x3d cheap from aliexpress is best am4 option, unbeatable value
I'll never buy a DRAMless SSD again, My Kingston NV2 1TB isn't working anymore just after one and a half months and I just just it as a game drive not even an OS drive
*1 year and 6 months
lol we told you about kingston SSDs bro, we told you since the very moment they hit the market, why didn't you listen
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Cool card, got mine for only 500€, after the store fucked up and sent me this when I ordered a regular 4070
>only 16GB vram on a high-end card
>50XX series won't fix this
It's so fucking exhausting
The worst part is that AMD could slam dunk an entire generation by just doubling their vram but they refuse to fucking do it
And is gay, if you buy amd you are gay.
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I have this but I got the zotac one
anyway because of the fucking weird edge design i had the great idea after staying up for 30 hours at this point to fucking hammer the pc case until I was able to fit the gpu in
the only damage was not having the front's usb-c port anymore but I dont use it for anything so thats fine
Bought a 4060 Ti. It's enough for 1440p and didnt cost me as much as a MacBook.
No point in upgrading since there's no good games to play at the moment
My condolences, after the 2060 I'm never buying their shit again. Came with absolutely worthless garbage noisemaker fans.
>at the moment
this moment will last quite a while
i had to get a portable a/c (horizontal window and no fan when moving in) in this tiny room so its not like i even notice at this point, idk im doin fine here
AMD is and forever will be a poor guy's pajeettech, hinted with a good amount of underdog syndrome and heavily shilled by youtubers because of AMD AD money.
These people legit believe saving 50$ is totally worth the headache and issues later, or losing money due to not being able to use the PC.
You and the rest of the cucks will buy it anyways and be proud of getting fleeced
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>7900 XTX is very tempting
>amongst all the 5 star reviews are the odd ones calling out driver instability issues
I see no reason to upgrade my 3080
my last 2(3 of which 2 died but one got repaired) cards were AMD but I'm still forced to use 2 years old drivers on Win10 because the newer drivers have all kinds of issues to this day.
Which is why next time I'm going Nvidia again.
If you have anything less than 4090 you're a brokie and your opinion about vidya is completely and utterly irrelevant and should be insta thrown in the trash bin. Cope for me now.

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