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>After eight years of development, Sony pulled the plug on Concord today after just two weeks. Fans loved it, but seemingly not enough. Is the future of the industry blockbuster-or-bust?
>Twitch streamer John Wissmiller realized that Concord was the best first-person shooter he’d played in a decade.
>“The gunplay was crunchy, the movement was smooth, and the progression felt rewarding,” he says. “I was even more enthralled by the world the developers had created when I looked into the lore.
>“One of the biggest perks about the game was the absence of toxicity within the player community,” says Kelle Dees, a content creator at KDeesGamez. “Everything about the game was positive and inclusive.”
>Helldivers 2, though, was a breakout hit that already had an established fanbase. Concord, on the other hand, was a brand-new franchise that didn’t get much of a marketing push and drew the ire of “anti-woke” snivelers who complained about the game’s use of pronouns on its character selection screen.
>"anti-woke" snivelers

says the sniveler who assuredly didn't play the game either
it will be treated as an underrated gaming gem 10 years from now
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>Fans loved it,
Literally WHAT FANS? It fucking DIED because nobody wanted it
>Helldivers 2, though, was a breakout hit that already had an established fanbase
fucking NOBODY knew what the fuck helldivers was until 2 was until it fucking released.

It is fucking INFURATING that these journalists are just outright lying and making up their own bullshit to form a WRONG narrative from what the obvious reality is.
>Article Written by : Anti-China Sniveler

Same faggots that wrote dozens of articles on how black myth should fail because china. They couldn't be more hypocritical and pathetic if they tried.
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Who is this faggot?
If the game would have sold mediocre amounts Sony had not pulled the plug.
But it flopped harder than any AAA title ever.
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>>Twitch streamer John Wissmiller
>>Kelle Dees, a content creator at KDeesGamez
it's funny because the same people crying about sony taking down this game are against the game preservation movement
Cope Johnny
>One of the biggest perks about the game was the absence of toxicity within the player community
Because there was no community.
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Why don't these people who love this game just play it if it's so great? Seems contradictory to want to have this amazing glowing community and game, but at the same time be pissed off that no one else (the presumably existing "toxic" gamers) wants to play it.
GAAS dying is a good thing for the future of gaming. Maybe Bungie will actually make a real Marathon game now instead of trying to do some lame live service thing.
They can't play it anymore.
all 700 lol
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I mean the game had like 50 concurrent players after a week, that's not "good but not blockbuster", that's literally dead, there's ancient mp games on life support who draw way more players than that.
Most of them don't actually play games, hence the abysmal sales
Marathon is my favorite series of games and bungie just needs to die forever at this point.
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>the fans loved it
>the Concord community
I don't imagine this will do much to end GaaS, given that the game utterly failed to compete with f2p alternatives following the same model.
All it does is serve as a lesson for how stupid the practice is by being the most absurd possible example of it.
The nerve of journos to bullshit you even when you're looking at right at something is pretty impressive really. Basic logic and common sense alike would tell you that if something didn't sell, nobody wanted it for any reason at all.
They know exactly how stupid the people that care what they say, really are, and are all too happy to use that.
Just point and laugh
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>No more black people in games
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Who wouldn't want to play this?
>kikes lose
It's called a Golden Age you fucking rats, seethe for a couple centuries
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>The author
>One of the biggest perks about the game was the absence of toxicity within the player community
How nice that their community of 50 people didn't have a single bad apple in it.
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>>“One of the biggest perks about the game was the absence of toxicity within the player community,”
when the only way to not see "toxicity" is to be alone, you are the problem
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Kelle Dees Nuts
>that didn’t get much of a marketing push
they advertised it more than snoyman 2
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you guys keep laughing but you realize the "anti-woke" economic terrorists are gonna keep terrorizing devs from making wonderful and diverse games such as concord
>Mfw the crack pipe is now a fucking domestic abuse victim because they're hitting it so fucking hard and frequently
the alien hoe is kinda hot the rest burn it with hell fire
My god, some of these are actually a slight improvement over the default.
What a time to be alive.
my friend and I played first helldivers. no one else on my friends list did other than one or two
Inclusive community? The game didn't even include a community! Dohohoho!
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>didn’t get much of a marketing push
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I hope they never stop talking about it. Every time they go all dramatic like it's the end of the world, it destroys my sides.
I legit have more subs than her and im not even trying.
>The single one white guy gets a race swap skin
>The rest of the dark skinned crew don't
lol what
you mean the alien or John Concord at the bottom? John Concord didnt got a skin swap he just looks a bit like it because of the beard makes him seem darker.
I mean, getting better duds is kind of the point of progressing from lvl 1 crook to lvl 100 boss.
>they asked for actual money for this
You are confused. These people don't actually want things. They want to prevent you from having the things that you want. They get joy from denying people of things that would make them happy.
They are parasitic and disingenuous. And the people that have wasted massive amounts of time, money, effort to cater to these people still haven't realized two important things.
1. These people can't and won't pay for the things they claim they want.
2. These people are vastly over-represented on the internet when compared to people in the real world that are the actual consumers of the products that are produced.

Whenever products that these mutants championed failed, they never express any amount of introspection as to why that failure occurred. The blame is always shifted elsewhere. Because as you can probably gather, the majority of these specimens are women. And women (despite lies to the opposite effect) are NOT the primary consumers of video games.
i have seen literal off their meds schizos with more subs than this
Kek they're finally starting to be blatantly open about their racism

>call of faggots: black nogs fails to penetrate an overly saturated live service FPS market

quelle surprise. who could have guessed that not that many black people are actually faggots or are permissive of faggotry and furthermore who could have guessed that neither group really plays games in significant numbers.
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the bazznificent thread was legendary
>Fans loved it
>not that many black people are actually faggots
Somebody tell him
necessary watching
Journalists are mercenaries, perhaps always were. They don't write about the truth, they only create narratives that align with the bias of their readers.
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>noooo you cant cherrypick you meanie journalists, only im allowed to cherrypick and feel smug about culture war
>Fans loved it

this is a microcosm of the larger problem of degenerates and society being forced to accept, except in this instance they can't force anyone to pretend to accept them or play along

"fans loved it" well guess what? when people arent forced to play along and humor or entertain your faggotry, they simply wont.
I have more subs than this and haven't uploaded a video in 16 years.
>10 years from now
Why do gamers like Overwatch characters and their cosmetic skins but not Concords?
Must be anti-woke snivelers...
Well said
>>“One of the biggest perks about the game was the absence of toxicity within the player community,” says Kelle Dees, a content creator at KDeesGamez. “Everything about the game was positive and inclusive.”
No one was toxic because NO ONE PLAYED IT
It's just one game, it was obviously made when fortnite and shit was popular and they tried to cash in. But were too late.
>fucking NOBODY knew what the fuck helldivers was until 2 was until it fucking released.

Actually i bought the first one ages ago, fun but ridiculously hard
Every new game has a bunch of literal who retards jumping on it hoping to be the "that guy" streamer for the game everyone goes to so they have to exaggerate how good the game is. I remember the Avengers game had a black streamer desperately trying to tell people the game was amazing just so he becomes popular. Most of the top streamers of any game are only the top guy because they were first not necessarily because they are the best.
funny how they won't call it bland and generic which is reason no one gave it a second thought
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The most offensive thing said here, no, this is not a thing. it only became a THING when sony decided games weren't worth doing unless they costed 8 NIGGERILLION and took 3 DECADES to shit out.
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The old republic is a smashing success compared to half the dogshit releasing today. Really makes you think.
Having a beard doesnt turn you into a different race mate
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What is this? An attempt to get a 'Concord was good actually' narrative going, so they can re-release it as the long awaited f2p everyone missed out on.
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Does anyone actually read this shit unironically?
lawbreakers vs concord crossover shit fest when
>Concord’s Death Offers a Bleak Look at Gaming’s Future
Yeah. It sets a precedent that developers might have to actually make games people WANT to play.
>the absence of toxicity within the player community
Has she ever seen gwtmori's Concord streams?
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Concord's failure means that nobody wants a game with no microtransactions :^)
of course
I mean... could he have looked like anything else?
Gameplay wise it was fine
>fucking NOBODY knew what the fuck helldivers was until 2 was until it fucking released.
HD1 was pretty popular. Not HD2 level but it's up there with Deep Rock and the like.
>people around the world can join hands and shit on this awful game and its disgusting character designs
oy vey!
>fans loved it
800 people?
>absence of toxicity
between 60 players after a week?
people just playing the game to literally spite others and because they spent money on it?
Some of these are okay, I like the druid looking fucker on the far right.
success through sheer persistence; must be pretty cheap to maintain.
>"anti-woke" snivelers
snivelers is a good one
rest of the post is incoherent though
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The only thing that came out of Concord that had any merit was the korean shitposting and the boondocks shitposting.
holy fuck that's an awesome picture
Concord is an isolated incident, Sony got shook and didn't let the game find it's audience. Which is sad since the people crying death to Concord are also the people crying for games preservation.
I assume a year from now the corporations will know who pays who to say what and independent media will be forced to clean up their act which will allow for a more diverse range of opinions
>HD1 was pretty popular. Not HD2 level but it's up there with Deep Rock and the like.
I played HD1 on it haydays, no the fuck it wasn't
>John Wissmiller
>fans loved it
All 600 of them!
>no toxicity
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It's really incredible how out of touch and "uncool" all these skins are, there is like only 1 or 2 that get a pass
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>Fans loved it
my source is that i made it the fuck up
That, or the amount of people wanting to cosplay as The Mongolorian™ while sitting in fleet is damn too high
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>One of the biggest perks about the game was the absence of toxicity within the player community
Yeah because nobody was playing the game
I don't know how you can find the movement smooth when it feels like you're running as slow as halo spartans
Damn snivelers always sniveling up our games!
I think it failing is funny as fuck but I by no means want the game to be made unplayable, that was a corporate money saving decision not mine
Not as bad as other shut downs at least as they're giving full refunds
you look at the author or the negress 'content creator '. last ppl in the world that should say that
fucking lmao
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I should rename'm.
This is one of the most hopeful things to happen in vidya recently.
At this rate, companies need to start issuing like share buybacks or something (idk the best term to use) to reduce the influence that retarded activist shareholders have over them, because they're basically committing financial and artistic terrorism. Yeah, buybacks will cost a fair bit of money, but fucking SOMETHING needs to be done. These companies/suits have to know that things can't continue the way they are if they mean to stay healthy.
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>Concord’s Death Offers a Bleak Look at Gaming’s Future


Stop killing braincells with this stupid shit.
lmao this pic
Please tell me that masked diver is a girl
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HD1 had a max concuranter player count of 6.7k. DRG has more players than that RIGHT NOW, 4 years after it's launch.
>tfw my yt channel where i used to upload my cod quickscopes has more subs
nobody cares
Give Bazz her own game please
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>Fans loved it
all 30 of them?
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How would you make a Bazz game?
>Hard mode - personality can't be Thugnificent
>Fans loved it
This is true by definition as long as they are at least two fans, so virtually meaningless. It's like saying "fans of Hitler loved Hitler".
Well shes a ninja or something. So a stealth assassin game
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Bazz has snapped due to working at Space Amazon and is now going to hunt down the Space Jeff Bezos
>Fans loved it,
all three of them?
>anti-woke snivelers
>Make game.
>Shove game full of brown pronoun trannies as a deliberate 'fuck you' to the sizeable proportion of the western gaming customer base that doesn't want such things
>So none of them buy the game
>It's their fault it flopped
Why are they always like this?
This unironically would have been better as any other medium but a video game e.g comic, TV show, movie. The standards for video games are higher. I can already see the Amazon documentary about the devs having to lie in the bed they made.
>>Bazz has snapped due to working at Space Amazon and is now going to hunt down the Space Jeff Bezos
That would be fucking BASED.
I think the future of the industry is good game or bust.
They released a shit-ass game with terrible designs in a crowded as fuck market, not sure what they expected, its like Suicide Squad, everyone that saw it knew it would be shit, yet they went with it anyway.
This didnt need to happen but companies are stupidly arrogant.
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Say what you want about Bazz, "her" design is iconic and memorable
Why do they always cry out as they strike you? There was a guy that wrote about that once but I forgot his name.
>dont play game
>gaming industry in ruins
we're so fucking powerful chudbros
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Not yet brother.
Actually sounds kino kek
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Truly the age of gas-lighting
Perhaps... perhaps....
They could try making a game most gamers might *want* to play, and not deliberately fill it with things the bulk of the potential customer base has made it clear they don't want...
Perhaps I'm just crazy bros.
Sorry anon, normies and gaming journalism have decided the "Stop Killing Games" movement is cringe and no action has been taken under such ideals.

There is no past with live service. There is only now.
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>Fans loved it,
No we didn't, gamers hate wokeism
all 10 people who played it loved it chud
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Designs aside the gameplay did not look good, they're calling it "crunchy" but every video I saw of it before it was taken down looked slow as fuck all of the characters were moving like they were trapped in molasses slowly trudging around between fights that lasted way too long
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>Fans loved it
BAZZ should get xer own game where the objective is to destroy anti-woke cels
I have 9 subscribers for some reasons and I don’t even make videos.
>Fans loved it
>couldnt find 10 faggots to play a match after 1 week
Even if Concord was F2P and open to the third-worlders for Steam, it'll still fail since the competition are free and at least have better looking models.
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It angers me to no end that these leftist political activists have a platform to propagandize people. Who the fuck reads this shit? Is it just women? Old ass millennials? Are they subsidized by the government(s)/BlackRock?
All five of them!
>all 70 lol
FTFY friend
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>the last panel
At least everyone can come together to shit on this absolute waste of time, money, and resources.
Big mad
>that didn’t get much of a marketing push
Nigger, sony went out of their way to make a themed controller for this piece of shit. Journoscum just can't let chuds have the W
What a weird hill to die on, but I'm glad it's dead.
simple timeless receipt how to make good game for any audiences. game has to have:
1. cute girls
2. cool dudes
3. big robots
>Giving Sony money for this
>Essentially telling them "this is finally a 'good' idea
>Sony continues to push boring, safe, NuEdge, woke movie shit with a revitalized motivation
Yeah, a "bleak" future can't be that much worse than the current present
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for all the wrong reasons sure, she's a joke, a meme, the latest morbius or mordecai
This would've unironicly been better
>ganstas in space
Oh. I'm sure he played it, he was paid to do so. He didn't buy it or contribute to it though outside of making articles.
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>Fans loved it
This is literally gaslighting
The propaganda campaign run for this game is so fucking blatant it's actually funny.
It's not a lie though, the fans DID love it. All three of them. Although 99% of this is just political bots complaining.
He doesn't know
What will the headstone say? UNDER the decorative pillowcase
>It is fucking INFURATING that these journalists are just outright lying and making up their own bullshit to form a WRONG narrative from what the obvious reality is.

Nigga that's the job description of a journalist.
it won't even be playable a week from now
Hitler word for word described in mein kampf described the exact thing you noticed about modern journalists. Wake up.
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Concord would've probably found a better niche if they actually made something that wasn't a soulless hero shooter with an entry fee in a saturated market of literally free games that have dedicated communities. Copy Destiny or something or make a horde shooter like Helldivers now that game is imploding.
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This whole article is a puff piece ignoring the reality that this game was a total dud that no one cared about because it was ugly, bland, and unoriginal
It's not because of other games and its not because it "didn't have much of a marketing push"(total fucking lie). It's because it was bland inoffensive slop with zero marketable traits.

I would counter this article and say Concord’s Death Offers a Bright Look at Gaming's Future. Gamers should be happy this game failed spectacularly.
dogshit game, they will keep seething and coping forever
Yeah all 2 of them
OP is the part of the problem for even clicking on and sharing this retarded shit to begin with. Just ignore the kikes and niggers pushing their propaganda
I’m Bazz’s number 1 fan
Heh, you think that's bad, it's 10x worse with political/social shit. EVERYTHING is spun, and even if something is proven 100% incorrect at a later date, they'll just delete the thing they got wrong and pretend it never happened or they'll just slap a little "EDIT: sorry guys, we were wrong, oopsie" at the bottom of a page. Like, 100% of everyone IRL I know on the left thinks Tromp literally said to literally drink/inject actual bleach, that he's a felon because of Jan 6, HCQ is a deadly poison, and Bidxn was totally mentally fine up until a couple weeks ago.

Slightly less /pol/, a good example of how fucked the media gets sometimes is in the energy sector, they'll quadruple-mega-fuck shit on nuclear the absolute second that anything ever happens with it and have giant glowing death barrels all over the news because a repairable accident could've possibly raised someone's chance of cancer by 0.001%, whereas a recent storm just totaled an entire solar farm wasting metric fuckloads of taxpayer money and leeching untold amounts of highly-toxic, highly-rare metals into the soil, all while all of this is completely non-recyclable and will fill out a landfill or two by itself, and I think I only heard a news report about this... once?

I still don't get it, other than the "oh fuck, a game on OUR side lost, fuckfuckfuckfuck" angle, why the hell is the entire internet media hivemind so hellbent on defending this game?
Concord flopped in probably one of the worst media flops of all time, yet they keep pretending it was just some sleeper hit, that the game somehow has an ungodly number of fans just hiding somewhere.
At this point I WANT to see them try to rerelease Concord, just so I can watch it fail a second time.
It's not even a "bigotry" thing (even though I DO hate a good chunk of the LGBTQIAA2P+), I just want to double-dip in the stupidity of a company that thinks they can sell a $40 clone of a $0, superior game.
They're probably bots and people who thought you made a funny comment.
You're fucking insane if you think HD1 was as popular as Deep Rock, it wasn't unpopular but we are talking about entirely different levels of popularity here
Feels a bit more like they're trying to gaslight people into thinking it's a much-beloved game and that the only reason it "underperformed" was because of a unified effort by barbarian bigots with a lot of -ists and -isms under their belts.
Maybe trying to turn Concord into a martyr?
What fucks me up the most here is the recent push to start labeling Concord as "not being advertised enough", which is the biggest lie of them all, since those goofballs kept stuffing entire timeslots full of the game, and every media outlet wouldn't stop talking about it.

ALL of AAA is like this now, blockbuster-or-bust is a grave that the AAA industry has dug themselves, and there happens to be a rise in people falling into it.
I'm hoping some of the recent flops might slap some sense into the big dogs to get them to stop making games with 99999-person teams and 999 quadrillion dollars in budget, but I fucking doubt it.

"Fine" may as well be "shit" when you're a $40 clone of a free game that already owns the market.
You need more than "fine", you need mindblowing, amazing, unique, or at least some kind of crazy story mode to justify the cost.
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Concord - Sold 25000 Copies. (An extremely generous estimate, includes the steam keys sony gave away for free like candy, the review copies. And they had to refund them all anyway.)
Atari E.T. - Sold 2.6 Million Copies.
It was actually pretty fun when you got into a lobby with players that knew what they were doing. Too many CoD players.
"Anti woke" doesn't make a game only have 2K players.
Spiderman 2 had millions of sales despite the "Woke".

It just wasn't appealing. "Woke" aside, it's a hero shooter 8 years too late in an over saturated market that people have spent a lot of time and money on, and can otherwise play for free. Then the "Heroes" just looked unappealing, before we get to "Woke", although that's why it was made ugly, it simply is, it's not just "Virtue signalling", you can have a pretty character with a progressive pride flag on their chest.
>sold 25k copies
Reminder that that number's an estimate that journos pulled out of their asses. Reality is probably much worse, not that we'll ever know.
Wtf are these?
Are these real?
>Fans loved it, but seemingly not enough
how are these people allowed to publish this shit
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Overwatch is going to celebrate its 10th anniversary next year.
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>the 8 games I got to play before shutdown were phenomenal bro!
The fuck is their problem?
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>Team Fortress 2 is going to be legal next year
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I have seem THOUSANDS of lefties defending this turd of a game, but still the numbers don't lie, concord fucking failed and not a soul defending it played the game. Hell, I bet more than half the playerbase were just journalists and content creators that got a free key.

WHEN will devs realize these left leaning parasistes are loud as fuck, but they absolutely, undeniably, no shadow of doubt about it DON'T PLAY VIDEOGAMES
The fact that we have major outlets that write such obvious propaganda and that these outlets are taken seriously by investors, professors, etc. is proof that critical thinking is dead. Even if you're not a gamer, contradictions like-
>This game that was pushed by a major publisher, sold 25k copies, and crashed to thunderous laughter from at least hundreds of thousands of people was very well liked by gamers!
-should tip you off that you should never trust anything that comes out of this outlet. And then seeing the next outlet line up behind the same narrative should let you know that something is off. And the fact that you can't imagine your nephews who are gamers agreeing with what you're reading should also make you doubtful.

In a world that wasn't infected with boomerism, investors would have been coming for the scalps of the executives 15-20 years ago before it got anywhere close to this bad. Instead of doing what they did, which was pumping these propaganda outlets full of cash throughout the 2010s out of fear that they might miss the modern audience gravy train (which never existed in the first place).
woah.... he's fast....
>enthralled by the world the developers had created when I looked into the lore
>Character worked in packaging company to earn their inheritance, and then fucked it up by being a tranny. They're now a knife master from years of cutting boxes.
This is completely retarded.
>It is fucking INFURATING that these journalists are just outright lying and making up their own bullshit to form a WRONG narrative from what the obvious reality is.
The cool thing is it's not just gaming "journalists" who do this.
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I was down for another Overwatch. Concord had a huge lore dump inside the game that I hope someone archived. It sucks they took it down so quickly.
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>7 people trying to be the final person on concord
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The Seven Tranmuria
Nintendo somehow made a franchise about squid kids that released ON THE WII U a big, succesfull franchise.
>people actually liked it
>Gunplay is crunchy, movement is smooth
Everything I’ve seen, it just looks really slow. The characters crawl around at a snail pace, even the speedy ones are slower than TF2’s soldier. Lots of grumbling about the aim-assist being braindead easy, and everyone that isn’t the sniper needs to dump multiple mags to get a kill.
To me, it feels impossible to make a cool, serious, or "badass" trans character, like all these games seem dead-set on doing. Every trans person I've ever interacted with can barely keep their lives together, I'm not buying the concept of a put-together trans mercenary kicking ass and taking names.
I have morbid curiosity about the rest of the designs, there were at least two characters already done according their timeline. I hope they leak.
That one tranny in the space marines game seems fine.
>To me, it feels impossible to make a cool, serious, or "badass" trans character, like all these games seem dead-set on doing.
For years I thought Raiden from Metal Gear was trans, probably because I missinterpreted some comment about him having no penis.
What about Catalyst from Apex? Not like borderline "badass", thought.
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Damn, I wanted to type not like Borderlands 'badass''
i mean it was a retcon for feminists but y'know
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This is why you'll never win /v/
The industry will continue lying to itself why Concord failed, and will continue making dozens of Concords and burning money since they have infinite money.
What's with you shills? It's jews, be more specific (who am I kidding, jews make these threads).
Thats because trannies IRL make being a tranny their whole identity. Its theoretically possible to write a "cool" trans character but I doubt it would ever be worth it since real trannies wouldn't be able to relate to not being an weird freak 24/7.
I don't even want to win over something, it's just fun to watch it burn.
They have infinite money to make games, but in the end none of it will be used to buy the mansions and yachts they dream of owning.
>absence of toxicity within the player community

WELL I guess if you have no player community then you have no toxicity.
I think it's just time to give up on video games in general. Gotta find a new way to pass time and then prepare to move on and repeat the process when women and fags start to invade that too.
Most people don't care about woke or non-woke and would not be influenced by such.
Early life check?
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I just don't get how they expected the game to do well.
You're entering the hero shooter market which is already pretty saturated with choices, charging 40 burgers when even fucking Overwatch is free, and it was announced like last year (with supposedly 8 years in development), with basically no real marketing until like the 2-3 months leading up to it.
Like Hyenas was so shit it got cancelled before it even came out, but at least it was trying something a bit different with trying to chase the extraction shooter market I guess. What the fuck was Concord even trying to do?
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>a brand-new franchise that didn’t get much of a marketing push
It was Sony's banner for every account on social media, they paid for a full episode in that stupid show, and I've been seeing non-stop shill threads about the game for months

You can't turn around and say "its just an itty bitty game with no marketing :c" when Sony was literally going all in on this stupid game.

I don't even hate the game that much, but this line annoyed me enough to hop in the thread

I'm going to be honest with you, I barely saw any advertisements on my end, though I do use adblockers. But I never really seen it being pushed in gaming news articles and shit until maybe a month or two before release.
Also I ignore threads on /v/ for discussions on games I'm not interested in.

>Sony's banner counting as marketing
come on now
>Fans loved it

All two of them.
>>Sony's banner counting as marketing
>come on now
yes, how does it not?
Instead of normal branding, or a banner advertising any other upcoming game, they specifically chose this stupid game.
When companies switch their social media branding to be part of a marketing push for a game, it usually indicates they're treating it as a big deal and have confidence in the product.
>Concord, on the other hand, was a brand-new franchise that didn’t get much of a marketing push

I watched a bit of the top Concord streamer just to see what someone genuinely defending the game was like and he kept going on about how its marketing failed it too. I've seen other fairly unsuccessful games, even ones I liked, have everything about them that might be putting people off get pushed aside in favor of just saying the marketing failed it, I think it's just an easy excuse for people who don't want to actually acknowledge what might be holding people back from playing whatever they've attached themselves to. It's obviously particularly ridiculous with Concord given how much Sony pushed it, but I think the sentiment was that they should have started pushing it earlier to build excitement instead of announcing it officially in April or whatever.
>I watched a bit of the top Concord streamer just to see what someone genuinely defending the game was like
is there any video on youtube where someone puts up actual good points about the gameplay? every gameplay vid i saw seemed so boring and a lot of the attacks that you would think would have a special animation were just blank with no impact
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P-p-pure coincidence
It's like they're all doing some extremely low-budget (or no budget) cosplay for a sci-fi show that doesn't exist.
the beta was fun
Cat teen is the only good design in this game

Also, who the fuck will pay for an alternate costume that put MORE CLOTHES on the character? They should just give her a bikini, that's something I would pay for
I love Catalyst. she's the one character that just feels so natural to play to me. Its just too bad shes goes from overpowered to worthless depending on what side of the map you manage to grab and if your teammates are willing to lame it out
Leeches. Look pretty fucking big but wikipedia says some species can get to half a meter which looks about right for that pic.
Everyone who worked on Concord should be blacklisted.

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