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Shouldn't have made her ugly.
Not sure why Disney would go to Ubisoft of all studios to make a Star Wars game.
Even if you ignore all the DEI culture war BS, Ubisoft have been a shit developer for longer than they haven’t at this point.
these cope headlines for the past month have brought me so much joy
So is it really a flop or not?
The game is among the best sellers in the PSN store and it looks like the usual ubislop with a star wars skin so normies should be moderately into it
>w-w-we're gonna patch it
These games will be like the hundreds of shovelware abandoned games of the PS2/PS3 era that never got ported or remade, just left to die and be forgotten, but in its case it's even worse since emulating it will be a bitch.
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Disney is terrible at picking dev studios. They gave it to EA for a decade first and got absolute shit for it. It's no surprise they'd just move on to the next big studio they see, since they have zero understanding of both Star Wars and how game development works.
Cyberpunk's effect on the industry
He's not wrong, people will buy Star Wars products no matter what. The fanbase is retarded.
No one with a PS5 actually buys games so I imagine it only takes a few thousand sales to make the best sellers list.
>Even if you ignore all the DEI culture war
That is why you are asking the question when the answer is obvious, you have decided to ignore the answer out of hand.

It is because they were willing to sign a contract to perform the above, and was a studio with the size and resources to do what they wanted. It is that simple.
As if. Since when has Ubisoft not abandoned any single player game. They only update the live service ones or throw out unsensible DLC for AC.
>Disney is terrible at picking dev studios
Makes sense. Star Wars Outlaws was given to the French. Star Wars Eclipse was given to the French.
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all the reviews I've seen say the same thing.. the world and levels are beautiful and immersive.. but the gameplay itself is total dogshit.. basically just a story RPG with combat mechanics randomly thrown in it.. may as well have just been a story driven RPG and removed all the janky combat
ahh the Starfield cope
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>people will buy Star Wars products no matter what. The fanbase is retarded.
With the string of failures Yidsney has had I'm not so sure about that.
>ACKTUALLY we're not finished updooting the gamerino!
>Disney is terrible at picking dev studios.
it has nothing to do with that
disney loves DEI slop so they will intentionally pick the worst studios
That's no longer the case. They are still retarded, but not retarded enough to fall for the DEI shit. See the acolyte and how well Andor (more serious take on star wars) did.
>Years and Years
Doing what? It's just a normal single player game that will get some dlc missions down the line. It's not like GTA where you've got the online component to keep playing or the modding potential. Haven't played it, but is there a reason to keep playing beyond the normal completion time?
Disney is Ubisoft in cinema space.
I dunno, the acolyte flopped pretty badly too, this shit is getting too hard to swallow even for the emasculated reddit bugmen that buy this trash
thankfully it's getting outsold by astro bot.
Ubisoft updates single player games over the course of two years at best.
>Stock prices have fallen, millions must buy
Seriously is this bitch supposed to be half alien
There's no way they fucked up the face scan this much
She doesn't even look human
>ACKolyte flopped
>Outlaws flopped
Why don't they just make something for the actual Star Wars fanbase
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>best sellers in the PSN store
What a retarded way to measure commercial success
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>Doing what?
you WILL get excited for the HUNTERS LEGACY and CARTEL RONIN outfits

these AAA execs are so out of touch lol
>best sellers in the PSN
>dude it's top 5 in the sales!!
>out of how many?
Somehow ... ubisoft returned
I don't know of anybody who still give a fuck about Nu Wars. Even my brother who used to be a massive fan stopped watching the new TV series a while ago
Who still even holds Ubisoft in high regard? It’s obviously hated here, but pretty much every other site also openly shits on them too nowadays.
Andor season 2 is coming up next year, but lots of Star Wars fans didn't like the show because there was zero lightsabers.
I get 1980s molested by dad vibes from her
Now that games take half a decade or more to make and 100s of millions to market, anything short of GTA and COD numbers is a flop. The whole industry is imploding slowly.
Normies LOVE Ubisoft. I shit you not.
t. was in a focus group at Ubisoft Quebec for Assassin's Creed Shadows.
>actual Star Wars fanbase
Does that even exist anymore? Disney Star Wars actually made me stop giving a shit about Star Wars altogether. It's fucked up beyond repair.
Leftists need to feel represented
It wasn't DEI fault, it's something else!!!
>Normies LOVE Ubisoft.
that might have been the case 10 years ago but definitely not anymore
Genuinely surprised if it's true and Outlaws is flopping. Ubislop aside, normies love Star Wars so the brand alone should be guaranteeing them enough sales.
>named Outlaws
>you're not allowed to do a bunch of the illegal stuff that outlaws would typically do
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holy fuck trannies can't stop taking Ls
Sorry ubijew, im not comfortable with not owning my games.
I mean I would consider playing it at a discount and after all the kinks are ironed out in maybe a year from now. there looks to be a pretty fun game buried underneath all the jank
I thought the prison section was going to suck, but I was massively surprised. I really hated the Monmothma shit though.
At the time, EA seemed like a safe bet to churn out soulless shit to milk paypigs dry. After all, at the time they were the absolute masters of the craft, and games coming out every other year was the done thing at the time.
They couldn't have expected EA to go so full retard that even whales, the most braindead consumers on the face of the earth, rebelled. Nor could they have foreseen that the industry standard was going to go from a 1-3 year dev cycle to 5-8 years.

Though I still find it hilarious that after the PR nightmare of BF2, disney one upped them with TLJ
>that last bullet point
>being some random criminal captures the essence of Star Wars than Jedis, the Force, and fighting against the Empire and Sith
How disingenuous can gaming media get?
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>Please slow down, folks! We're getting full!!
If I want to play star wars at this point I'll just load up one the many old actually good star wars games. Wish MB2 wasn't so dead though.
>not on Steam
>only Ubishit launcher
yeah, no thanks
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>at the time
I clearly need to go to bed before I repeat this another 5 times
You sell 1,000,000 copies of your game for $50 a pop. You spent $200 million developing it. Did it flop?
Ubisoft will go bankrupt after Assasins creed we wuz kangz n shit edition before they fix this failure.
Disney picked whoever paid them the most. Ubisoft gets government grants from tons of different countries to turn out shit.
>she's just like han solo, see? you like and remember han solo, don't you?

Just make the game with han solo then you fucking idiots.
>Dustborn flopped
>Concord is the biggest flop of all time
>Outlaws flopped
>Acolyte flopped
>Rings of Power S2 flopped hard
It's over
people dont like it because its boring adult drama trash for women and has bad action scenes.
Years and years? lol. Hells nah. This ain't no live service game. Shit is single player. One and done. That's if I even bother playing this garbage.
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they just mean that the areas look nice and there's npcs walking around which is heckin poggies, the story is dogshit lukewarm safe corporate sterile trash too with no message to tell

Shadows of the Empire is six dollars and ten times better than any ubislop.
I played like 15 hours of it on the subscription service, it's not a good game. It's not as bad as people are making it out to be either. The gameplay sucks and is very repetitive but the open world structure is kind of interesting and the environments are really well made. Problem is the story is very generic and so are the characters. The robot guy is by far the best character but he's not enough to carry the game. If this had better writing and more gameplay variety it could've actually been a decent Star Wars game but Disney is allergic to trying anything with the franchise now
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Feels like 2016 elections but for videogames.
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fpbp. Just don't have a a cast of uggos and your game's appeal increases tremendously.
"Better writing" will never happen because Yidsney has been pushing hard for SW to be PG, PG-13 at most. Which is how you get an outlaw game where you are actually just another quirky freedom fighter not an actual outlaw.
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What worthwhile stories are there to tell in Yidsneys nucanon when it all culminates in the shitquel trilogy.
Agreed, the characters personality in this setting is jarring, it requires major cognitive dissonance to enjoy because she is the generic quippy do-gooder even though she's supposed to be navigating a seedy world of killers and thieves
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It will work, saar!
>people will buy Star Wars products no matter what.
Yidsney have torpedoed any interest fans had in the franchise, it's now on the same level as Star Trek. Maybe even worse.
>Kay Vess seeks a way to escape her homeworld of Canto Bight to start a new life in the Core Worlds. In her desperation, she takes up a job with a crew led by Dennion who plan to break into Sliro's vault and steal his fortune. Kay successfully opens the vault, only to be surprised when Dennion's crew reveal themselves to be part of the Rebel Alliance, and their real objective was to free their team leader Asara who was being held prisoner by Sliro.
>Despite her reluctance to work with Riko, Kay continues with the plan by stealing Sliro's master code, discovering that Sliro is actually a director of the Imperial Security Bureau and Zerek Besh is merely a front for the organization.

Wow she accidentally becomes a rebel working to undermine the empire. That's some hardcore gangster cartel shit. Basically Robin Hood.
No they genuinely wont anymore. Disney unironically killed their golden goose, it's quite impressive desu.
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Who even likes Star Wars anymore?
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not sure if it's true but I've heard people say they hired the VA after they already modeled the character... they do seem kind of similar but not quite all the way matching.. either way release version is way worse than trailer/journo early access trials
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I would infiltrate her criminal underbelly if you know what I mean
hahhahahhahaha, is this real?
>Get in the Ubicage
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you forgot the review calling it "red dead but in space"
Haven't they made a classic star wars game collection? It would sell more than this ubisoft slop
Years and years for 15 hour generic Ubislop fare? This is worse copium than Skull and Bones.
This, but they also shouldn't have made the game open world Ubislop
You realize that Outlaws is on PC...right?
It will never be ported to PC2
The gaming industry holds the power to eliminate racism by just making every bad bitch hot no matter the race yet they don't do it.
In the old days every male employee would make the character a little hotter before release. Now every female employee makes her a little uglier. I'm not talking out of my ass, either. There are numerous examples now of the characters looking decent in the teaser footage and then by release they don't even look human. Zero explanation for that unless they were made ugly midway through the process.
>please don't pour wa-
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sorry chuds but the technology just isn't there yet
Arrested development millennials.
I don't think even zoomers like that trash.
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This. I'm extremely racist but not towards Sheva from RE5. We coulda had more of that
All of them are fake though
>$60 for content you know nothing about
Do goyim really?
I don't think zoomers even know what star wars is, they only know thanos as the dancing fortnite guy too
Because it runs counterintuitive to their other goal of lowering people's beauty standards
they HAVE to be uggos.
>The game is among the best sellers in the PSN store
when will people realize this means NOTHING? Concord was a "PSN best seller"
Wtf did the troons just throw shade at the VA?
More like shouldn't have genderswapped Han Solo. Who the fuck wants to play as a female outlaw? Whore should be making me supper.
should have made her a white guy and added a sexy female love intrest in a bikini
why only make 1 game every few years and charge $60 when you can make 1 game and charge $60 every year for side missions and side content?
I think thats no longer true dude, it seems Star Wars as a brand is finally dead. Sadly there is no objective way to measure it and Disney would never release any market report on the subject.
that is one of the "inprovements" they are going to make. they bait and switched DEI retards and now they will changed everything and make her into the girl from stellar blade.
2 more weeks
Worked for Cyberpunk 2077 and Ghost Recon Breakpoint, tbdesu
Thief classes are one of the few a woman can pull off because they require agility instead of strength. Just have the game commit to it being a charisma stealth game instead of having her whack people once to take them out.
Did they add AI companions to breakpoint? If not then they fixed fucking nothing
cyberpunk gained traction again after the anime with the hot chick, never heard of ghost recon whatever, if reddit wars wants to pull off what cyberpunk did then they'll have to make an anime series with a hot chick
Should've been a white male tb h, no one likes to play with a femoid, see the only successful post Disney star wars product, jedi fallen order.
Engoodening bait.
Disney can't even do it right themselves and adores DEI shit more than anyone, of course they're clueless.
Yeah but cyberpunk already had a good story. Just not one that was promised to the audience.
If anime studios use the star wars IP it won't influence the sales of this game.
Men have better agility than women
fuck off
men are better than women at everything
if men could get pregnant they'd do that better
Is "ugly" a protected class at this point? I don't care that she is a little brown. The actress they "modeled" her after is hot. If she looked like that there would be no problem. At least not with the character, the game still sounds shitty.
she looks like asmr glow
That's good. Hopefully Astro Bot sells well. Sony's movie/gaas horseshit needs a kick in the ass.
>watch some review of the early game
>first area is linear as hell, as usual
>get to the next planet where the game opens up
>it's all fucking nothing in the wide open world, typical case of padding the actual content out far between long distances where nothing ever happens

To think the open world genre would go so downhill after GTA 4
can you even press these tits togheter? theres nothing there
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Of course it did well it's an established fran... Ah. AHAHAHHAHA sorry I was looking at my ehhhh other script.
it's sarcasm. to them, the only thing that changed was the hair
It has nothing to do with DEIshit. Watch Dogs Legion was a distastrous flop, so why the fuck would anyone buy a reskinned Watch Dogs Legion? Especially when Shart Wars themed
She'd be fine without her chin dimple and the shitty hairstyle. It worked fine with Luke because he's a scruffy nerf herder. It does not fit her.
Yeah men are better at it but they are also bigger. Women do fine at gymnastics. They have plenty of agility.
Thry are also fine at skill considering shooting is the one sport women are on par with men at. Not that I'd recommend them in combat positions.
except she doesn't even play like a "thief" or whatever, she's just straight up having shootouts with guys, and have you seen what happens to women when they get into a shootout? literal deers in the headlight, they completely freeze, it takes fucking ages of proper training before they actually start shooting back, and even then they often just end up freezing up, while if you give a gun to a guy he'll shoot right away, women are fucking crazy bad at fighting, even if fighting only involves pulling the trigger of a gun
>men are better than women at everything
This is true but agility is the one physical characteristic where women are, at all, close to men hence why thief is one of the few reasonable classes for a women.
> millions of people are going to play for years and years

That's copium.
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she would be fine if they just put the actor's face in the game same as Cal
I didn't say let her fight though I specifically said don't let her fight. Seduction or full stealth. Thats a lady thief game.
>Did they add AI companions to breakpoint?
And they added a whole new campaign that works like Wildlands by liberating zones taking out the various leaders.
They basically spent a year patching it back into playing more like Wildlands and removing most of the lootershooter shit.
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look what could have been
yeah maybe in the year 3000
You think all the people that decided to FUK DA CHUDZ #FLOYDNATION and shit up Shadows is having a "uhm...shit" moment?
>critical thinking/reasoning
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my lord, that whole page os so cringe to watch, I just have to shitpost about it
sport slop as number one, fortinite as number 3, meaning people bought a ps5 to play fornite of all things, gtaV as 11, a 10 yo game still selling because there is no other games to be played, same with Hogwarts legacy
Shutout to dbz sparkling zero buyers btw
Both look like crap?
>>Yeah but cyberpunk already had a good story. Just not one that was promised to the audience.
nobody in gaming gives a shit about "good stories", and the game design was majorly reworked with the 2.0 patch.
I didn't play Outlaws, but it probably has a good enough cookie cutter story for the normie thinking RDR2 and LoU are pultzer writing, and they just need to make the game loop less fucking bland.
I'm not saying it's easy, but it's doable with a lot of patching.
Now whether it's financially worth it, that's another matter.
CDPR had a bigger incentive in keeping the Cyberpunk brand valuable, Ubisoft doesn't give a shit about the Star Wars brand.
not allowed in a pg-13 game, even though massacring people is totally fine, this is the one time when I feel like feminists have a point at gaming being male centric, women absolutely care more about sex and romance than murder but exploring any of those subjects is instantly 18+ for some reason, while murdering people is totally child friendly wholesome content, lmao, that's totally a male centric view, I'm sure women would be comfortable to talk about sex with a 12 years old while men aren't comfortable to talk about sex even with a 30 year old
>Even AI uglifies her.
It's over.
The Occident had collapsed.
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How exactly are they close to men?
>male centric
It's just puritanical. There's nothing male or female about it.
Odd they have no problem with male models being one to one recreation.
>ubi stock price in absolute dumpster
>omg we need sales
>gatekeep all recent PC releases on a store that's even worse than EGS
Part of the reason is that Disney wants complete control over this shit.
In the old days, lucasfilm tossed the license to whoever. The result of that got back shit sometimes, but it also got back absolute legends, some of which people consider near-canon like the zahn novels were.
If that happened again, Disney would absolutely shit themselves. They want to be complete and final arbitors about all of it. No little faggots are going to come along and produce something "as good as canon" without their controlling it.
+ $120 if you want the full game, + the whole "ubisoft ceo says gamers need to get used to not owning games", it's obvious they want you to use their shitty launcher so you subscribe to their shitty service
Xbox has an even more interesting category, you can see what the most played games are and it's grim.
Imagine this body crush storm trooper helmets with her thighs.
it's not puritanical to have brutal murder displayed, that's vulgar, but that vulgarity is acceptable to males so it's fine, vulgarity that's not acceptable to males isn't fine, which involves sex, that's why it's male centric, men care about death, women care about sex, being able to freely discuss death while locking sex behind 10 doors shows that the discourse is dominated by males
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Rings of power got an S2, it came out and I never even heard of it?
Well women can simply be comparably agile to men. See gymnasts, dancers, ice skaters, etc. At the top level women and men can actually perform alongside each other which is something that can't be said for any other physical activity. Men are still better, the best gymnasts and dancers and ice skaters are still men, but it's not the complete uncontested dominance like with everything else.
What? You are not familiar with puritans, are you? Men are also extremely into sex, they're just less comfortable talking about it.
I don't get it, you described the Witcher 3 and normalfags loved that.
she is brown, it will always be a downgrade but you work with what god gave you.
They were advertising it for like, a week, and then it all disappeared.
I'm not sure if that means it performed so poorly they thought they'd just be wasting the money or what. I've sure never heard anyone say anything good about it.

You could've made her a hot girl or Han Solo. There's no viable in-between.
No they can't, which is why there are different categories for them.
I'm sure it will be successful in the long run, it's actually a good game.
They can't because The Forced Character Is Female
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>outlaws below elden ring
lol. lmao even.
so... are we having a blast?
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This one's not fake though. OP forgot to include link to the source but it can be found with a little digging.
Must of talked to Todd, since thats his line about Starfield
puritans also hate graphic violence, you're trying to deflect, men like having sex, but are not interested in discussing the nitty gritty of it, the romance, pregnancy, mensturation, child birth, orgasm, bleeding etc for men it's an in and out and let's forget about it, and it's not like women are wholly ignorant and distanced from death, they of course have to think about death too, but they don't think too much about it because it doesn't really matter to them, same as how men have some interaction with sex but they don't think too much about it, these are the two topics that concern men and women the most, men spend their life thinking about death, women spend their life thinking about sex, when you're allowed to discuss death even in a medium for children but you're not allowed to discuss sex in adult mediums then that shows that the medium is dominated by male discourse and women have little to no influence in it
breakpoint flopped so hard they cancelled TWO ghost recon games you low iq mongoloid
Why does she look like that? Is she an alien human hybrid?
Kikes get pissed anytime someone makes a game without jewish deformities in it so they add them in.
Sophist nonsense to justify injecting childrens media with propaganda
ooooh but murdering the evil not-nazis is not propaganda is it, you faggot retard, fuck off
Anyone think the graphics are just so fucking bad? Looks like a 360 game. It doesn't have to be high realism if it has good art direction, but it has neither of those things. It just looks so low quality.
>Chinese monkey game was successful so Ubisoft decided to copy it
>muh launcher wars
v4lv3dron3s are not any better than ubislopers
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Jesus Christ, thank god that didn't happen. It's bad enough listening to the MC try to talk her way through situations with all the "Uh... um... uuuhhh..." shit writing that no real person would ever fall for let alone military personnel, imagine listening to that same creature try to seduce or use her non existent sex appeal instead?
>make a game with "outlaw" in the title
>can't be an outlaw at all
you mean you haven't seen the millions of pictures of the ORC family, with the mother orc keeping the Orc child next to her breasts
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>bg&e remaster on ps4
>will not let you play it without making a ubisoft account unless you disable the internet connection each time you start the game

die fuckers!!!!
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Never know.
Might be hot to some of the alien races.
Based and fpbp
I saw the usual celeb shill cycle of it
>trailer comes out
>omg this looks heckin poggies! I'll definitely check it out!
>show releases, it's trash
>wowiees laddies this show is like poopie haha! anyways for today's sponsor
>going on 10 years of screaming NOT FOR YOU REEEEEEEEE

if you cant displace them after ten years, then maybe the chuds are the audience.
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yen sid is disney spelled backwards
more like displaying acute faceblindness. though, to be frank, any troon looking at himself in the mirror every day is going to go face blind for the sake of his brittle sanity.
I wonder if this "far right" includes china as well because it seems like china is becoming a bigger thorn in their side than the chuds
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among other critical flaws, yes.
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God, imagine a world where lefty nonsense ever just gave up, admitted they were wrong, and bowed out.
According to them, asians are just whites now, so yeah.
Dragon Age Tranguard is next
we'd be left with a web bulb earth inside of 100 years and a planet made for lava vent crabs
I'm still not convinced. I think it's fair to say men and women look at sex differently, but the puritans aren't permitting the kind of sexual content men would want included either. They're just against sex entirely.
Blandor should have been the floor for quality in a Star Wars show. But it has been the ceiling so far.
Should have taken the extra half year to finish it.
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it runs a lot deeper than that, jews think that they'll always be persecuted in homogenous societies with a strong identity and culture, which they aren't really wrong about it, so they have to make countries into mixed raced blobs with no identity where they can blend in without getting discovered and exposed, as long as they have money and power they'll try to make that a reality
are you stupid? it would only take 3 months from the look of it. maybe even 3 days
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Those certainly are words.
>we all get to be vent crabs

sounds pretty chill
Does anyone think if she was sexy or a dude instead this game would be a huge success?

Im pretty sure the game is doing poorly because its another half assed "open world" game that came out about a year of bug testing too early with mediocre gameplay.
again, puritans are also against violence entirely, bringing up puritans at all is a meaningless deflection, they're completely irrelevant to the topic, this is about men and women, men like talking about death, they don't like talking about sex, even if they'd be fine with looking at a little bit of sex, women like talking about sex, they don't like talking about death, even if they'd be fine with looking at a little bit of death, puritans don't like sex, they don't like death, they consider both to be immoral and taboo topics, they're irrelevant and nobody cares
It's wild anybody listens to them when they still advocate for their own ethnically homogenous nation. Rules for thee, I suppose.
>Does anyone think if she was sexy or a dude instead this game would be a huge success?
Yes. (the hypothetical dude would also have to be sexy)
>ignoring the stromatolites, like always
Fuck you you fucking know nothing faggot.
This. If she was sexy, I would've bought. It's THAT shrimple.
You don't know puritans. Violence is glorified as long as it is righteous. They demand that its the morally upright good guys that are doing the killing, but the killing is fine. They didn't care about World War Nazi Killing games, only Criminal Bad Man Rampage games.
the funny part is that once jews form a homogenous country they instantly start persecuting themselves, because big surprise, undermining the government's power with hidden nepotistic cabals isn't good for the government, they've grown too used to living as parasites hiding in the sewers and can't live on the surface now without starting to cannibalise themselves
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Unfortunately and mainly because you're photosynthetic microorganisms such as cyanobacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria, and Pseudomonadota you have no opinion.
A reviewer praised this game as some Red Dead Redemption 2 in space. This person needs to be taken into psychiatric evaluation right now.
by your logic, a game called "outlaws" would also be under the scrutiny of these "puritans" who are just turning into a boogieman at this point, how come they don't mind a criminal murdering people but take an issue with a criminal having sex with people, again it's because puritans are irrelevant, this is a divide between male and female perspectives
Your reasoning?
People buy based on sex appeal even when they know the game will be trash. It's especially pronounced when the average game release has become so unsexy.
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>Is real
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Was about to say that the Smuggler class story in TORtanic is a much better and more enjoyable experience that Outhouse, plus you can make your own character and have choices of roleplay instead of being forced to play ambiguously brown reddit woman.
Hell, I'll go as far as say that The Old Republic is a decent all around Star Wars experience that caters to all the main fantasies such as Jedi and Sith, Bounty Hunters and Troopers and Imperial provided you focus mostly on the class campaigns and the best part is that it's free.
>Royal Troon Golf Club
Bros... have we been mocking royalty?...
>rings of power
most expensive tv series ever btw
For me, it's Light Side Sith Warrior with Vette.
I'm not playing your pozzed girlboss slop!
Stop doing this!
Giving shit shows a second season is a marketing strategy
>it got a second so it must be good
Not really a flop, but ubisoft was banking on outlaws being a smash hit. They've had a bad year and they promised the shareholders the game would sell like hotcakes.
No hard stats. It’s a soft performance with a AAAA budget. Most expensive marketing ever. Even 2 million in sales won’t make budget
Troon Royalty is different from the troon peasantry. Compare Caitlyn Jenner and Obama's wife to the average troon crying in twitter.
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La bruja
I was watching someone play the game
It seems so generic and boring, so much stealth as well.
Really is a generic ubishit game with a star wars skin on it
When are people going to wake up and accept that Star Wars is dead and gay.

It's honestly pathetic seeing that fan base constantly disappointed but then being like "the n-n-next entry will be good!"


what about starfield?
I think it wouldn’t be a huge success because its budget is unhinged. Easily double the sales though. Just imagine if they replaced Han, Luke and Leila with bogfaced d+ girls.
They projected something like 12 to 14 million sales of outlaws and ac shadows combined and have crazy budgets
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>trying to drag Survivor into this shit show
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>think i'll get it for 5 bucks years later
>see forced stealth sections
ubisoft is so retarded
If anything, it shows that Rockstar is really the only company that can still make a bloated single player open world game and turn a profit.
Haven't their shows only continued to decline every new release? Obi wan Despite that being as much of a trashfire being the exception because of member berries?
My nigga I won't pay to try this shit with some ugly ass woman
>twnb a star wars game where you play as Luke's mom and it ends with the sand niggers attacking your homestead and you fight with your husband in a last stand as the hordes of sand niggers descend on the place
>The game is among the best sellers in the PSN store
They said the same about Concord
Among other bad decisions, this
should've been kotor3 with a bunch of varied class campaigns/stories based on different identities
massive and expensive but an instant classic if they did it right
instead they made a mediocre mmo
Yeah, no one watches star wars since mandalorian season 2 ended.

Of course it's in UK.
In a way, they are aliens that happens to look like humans.

the thing is tho... if story rpg's have terrible gameplay they are better enjoyed with a 4k playthrough video on youtube - this is how i consumed god of war ragnarok in 2.5 hours and enjoyed it mildly without being angry at spending time and money on it

because the fat dyke cunt that got hired - guess which job is easy for her to do? the touch up graphics bullshit

this needs to get called out more as females ruining shit

they want monthly service because then they can hide all the DEI ruined games within the money structure of the good games - it's not working tho and the good devs won't stand for it and take their games elsewhere
yeah, it was such a disastrous launch it made consumers a bit more discerning. economy sucking and people cutting on overpriced games that aren't worth it just went away.
would you pay 70 + tax + tip + dlc for a game that's 5 hours long stretched to 50 or fifteen bucks for a month of netflix and watch 50 hours of shows and movies of your liking?

this is why hitler said the world would know he was right... eventually
Ubisoft might be fine if they put out good ports on Steam with no Ubisoft account. Lots of people would love to play their shit on Deck.
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good critical reviews and positive reception doesn't mean Andor was actually successful, not many people watched it in the first place (because who gives a shit about Literally Who from Rogue One)
Respawn did alright
Playstation only sells sport games, COD and GTA, your game can probably hit top 10 with as little as 10,000 copies sold
Just who is Spencer Baculi anyway?
Jedi Survivor STILL runs like shit on all platforms
>Disney is terrible at picking dev studios.
And the studio they did left off (Avalanche), end up making last year's best seller (Hogwarts).
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>He's not wrong, people will buy Star Wars products no matter what. The fanbase is retarded.

Toy's R Us says otherwise while I don't see the "modern audience" buying fuck all nor supporting the trash they cry for!!!FACT!!!
>Hogwarts literally just copypastes the new AssCreeds
>ugly characters, politics out the ass, the most bland and generic game you could possibly imagine
>best seller
>Ubisoft does the same for Outlaws, minus the Diablo loot (why the hell was that in a Harry Potter game)
>complete flop
the habits of the normoid consumer are a mystery
I've had zero problems with it on my Xbox X.
HP fans have been waiting for a real AAA game forever to live their retard fantasies in and HL delivered
Everyone is fucking sick of Star Wars by now
Outlaws would've sold a billion copies if it had a custom character and let you play dress up with them, all other things being exactly the same
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>Media Literacy and critical thinking is harming our ideology !
harry potter is popular with girls and star wars isnt simple as. also hogwarts has cute girls unironically what saved them
Not a mystery. Hogwarts sold the dream the fans had. Outlaw is technically incompetent and creatively bankrupt.
Also Harry Potter is bigger than any other IP out there.
The final fantasy remake trilogy is a game that will be played by millions for years and years. People in 2040 will see the excellent reviews all 3 have and be curious to try.

Run of the mill ubisoft game #43 will not. People will see how bad it is and skip it.
Hogwarts was both technically incompetent and creatively bankrupt so that's not it
Most things I see that ever talk about bad sales for this don't mention the fact that Ubisoft games still go Epic exclusive on PC for their first year (unless you buy from Ubisoft directly, which most people don't). Not being on Steam has a huge effect on PC sales
that's far from the only reason though, of course
You can customize your protagonist in Hogwarts, in Outlaws you're stuck with the bug eyed.
Star Wars has been ruined by mediocre media far more than Hogwarts has.
JK Rowlings is far more popular than Kathleen Kennedy.
It's resoundingly mediocre
heheheheheh goblin mode activated
I don't want to play as a generic background looking female character. So I doubt I would get around playing this at some point in the future.
If it were, the user review score would be lower. HL is just more competent overall than Outlaw and it knew what it wanted to do for the target audience.
No SW fan dream game is punching stormtroopers with your bare fists as a woman accompanied by some alien cat with mandatory stealth.
I don't think anyone does. The vast majority of SW fans quit the franchise after TLJ, and the replacements who picked it up to own the chuds got bored of it too. The contrarian 'actually the prequels were good' redditors have also gotten bored of pretending. Young people aren't getting into it either, so it's just on a steady course to full fandom extinction.
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who wrote this?
What seems insane to me in retrospect is that Star Wars is probably the best licensed vidya franchise ever made
When "a game based on a movie will be garbage" was the law, Star Wars was almost always the exception, a game having the Star Wars brand was always at least worth checking out.

At about the peak of pop culture shitting on Jar-Jar the vidya brand was probably MORE prestigious than the movie brand
Fucking golden goose killed for no reason at all
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well yeah, FO/JS did in fact up set up outlaws. All three games have pointless stories that only justifies the ST.

>FO- why Luke couldn't rebuilt the order
>JS- High republic connections (with both games using FILIONI lore)
>Outlaws- lame and gay Shadows of the Empire, and make it a woman mc.
Dont judge bigot, she is a beautiful intergalatic mystery meat goblina
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SW games only got worse over time, but you're right. Their track record was extraordinarily good, with only a few more obscure games getting dismissed as shit.

George Lucas having his own in-house game studio who actually cared about the integrity of the series must have been the deciding factor. Lucasarts was phenomenal. And I'm still grieving over the loss.
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Couldn't even get a million viewers
Is there a mod to fix it, or does no one care enough to even bother?
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This. It's embarrassing that a class story in a mmo from 2008 is better than a "AAAA" game.
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>Worked for Ghost Recon Breakpoint
lmao not it didn't ubishill
if there is, the tranny mods on nexus would remove it
>Shills were salivating over Andor, saying "the Star Wars universe never did an espionage story before!"
>Imperial Agent has been out since 2008
>Then shills were crying about The Acolyte and defending it because "it told a story from a pov never done before in the franchise!"
>Swtor also has TWO (2) stories about being a Sith apprentice and go all the way to Darth since launch
>And we had Dark Side stories in games since at least Dark Forces II
>Disney Star Wars actually made me stop giving a shit about Star Wars altogether. It's fucked up beyond repair.

You can say that about anything the clown cult touches. I am a fan of people like myself.
I will not be a fan of something with stronk Wyman, undead faggos, or orcs
I doubt it would be a HUGE success, but if we believe million dollar advertising/shilling campaigns work to some degree, a game that actually tried to be inspiring to its audience would have had more resonance with ad attempts.

More people would have given it a shot seeing it a bit on Twitch or whatever.
>Troon Cemetary for all the ones who died on Faggot Hill
>Does that even exist anymore?

Yes, there are small groups that read and discuss EU stuff, play the pre-Disney games, bringing up how Filioni's is a fraud, etc. Those are the real fans.
>You spent $200 million developing it.
Does that include "marketing costs".
Funny I never hear about games and movies with 100 million "marketing budgets"
They say that hot, sexy, cute female video game characters mentally fuck real women out there and it causes them to develop suicidal thoughts and stuff
SWTOR is an absurdly terrible game and a few semi-decent narratives don't save it
>The more useless the person, the more hats they need

Likely written by a useless nepo baby dei hire that steals code on GitHub.
I'm not gonna play this shit
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Theres a reasonably high chance Ubisoft dies in the next 2 or 3 years.
does China do that?
thats how I felt about RDR2. I got it day one and just found it extremely boring and tedious to play and wished I had just watched the story on youtube.
Not fast enough
really telling compare to the Disney's era stuff where's the quality and retention always decline for each project.
wouldn't be surprised, nu-star wars killed a toy company lmao.
She looks like a drugged out Karen.
the combat in the harry potter game was actually fun
t.person who doesn't care about harry potter and just got it because it looked like fun wizard game
Watch dogs legion was also woke crap
Exactly, they do they same thing with pushing orcs who are the lowest of the low
Jesus christ why did they do that.
it's on Ubisoft's launcher
so it's basically not on pc
expectations: Starwars + Assassin's creed means it'll sell way beyond assassin's creed's massive numbers
reality: it just does okay which isnt good enough for Disney and Ubisoft since they have to pay royalties to Disney for this one.
I'm surprised people seem to think she's ugly. I think she's pretty hot actually, in an 80s way. I'm not interested in the game because it's open-world ubislop though.
It is because of dei bullshit. No one wants support enemies
It's more likely that it will lose money and another flopped for Disney, among the many since around mando s3.
Lol Nazis must be so important and powerful.
We are constantly on their minds
80s hair has never been attractive for me
SW Jedi walked so that SW Outlaws could fall from stairs and break its neck
the gaming industry is collapsing and you're laughing
First Concord dev faggots post their copium now s,oy wars
Also star wars acolyte nudes leaked
a methed out Karen demanding to talk to the head drug dealer would be hilarious
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SW used to be money printing machine but not really nowadays
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Ubisoft are funded by the Quebec Government. From 2014 to 2018, they were given $500 Million by tax payers. During that time, they only barely managed to make that much and have since then lost even more money. However, the Quebec Government have continued to fund them.
However, in 2025 this deal is going to be reviewed. Considering their losses, I wouldn't be surprised, but considering the level of corruption in US Politics with the level of incestuous relationships going on between US Politicians and Private Funding as well as "investments" they hold, I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft continue to keep on going. But you can almost be assured if they keep getting funding after 2025, it's corruption.
>for proof, look no further than the fact that in the review of the game, even kotaku could not ignore the fact that it is a technical disaster
>AAA games are feats that humanity would have recognized as literal wonders
>This contrast, this dissonance, is absolutely fascinating
I can't believe people are trashing the 8th wonder of the world.
I know right. That character model would be good for a side mission.

Karen took too much fentanyl today.
Mission objective 1: make sure Karen breaths
Objective 2: drive her annoying kids to soccer practice
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She looks like Lloyd's from Dumb and Dumber female cousin but with long hair instead. Seriously I'm not joking.
2024: The year of the chud. The ACKocalypse.
Quebec is canadian, not american.
Yes, I know. It was an example of blatant corruption in politics and how corporations blatantly buy politicians, which is why I posted a picture of the most corrupt politician out there.
What's the point of face scanning if you're gonna ruin the model anyway? Wouldn't it be a lot cheaper NOT to hire an actor and just make a model from scratch? It's not even a matter of time, you're probably wasting as much time doing either.
>can't believe people are trashing the 8th wonder of the world.

I would trash a wonder of the world if it focused on orcs, hook nose or foreign invaders


This obviously written by AI.
kill yourself
Yes. A game that wasn't poisoned from within by incompetent DEI hires wouldn't be so shit. It's not the cause, but two effects coming from the same source. Now go back to just posting "le woke games that were le successful" like you were before it was more entertaining than this concern trolling.
a female gymnast can still do some shit
Just remove those cheeknose wrinkles god it'll make her look way more beautiful. What is it with game devs and adding cheeknose wrinkles?!
Sure, same way any woman can do "some shit", just not competitively in male leagues.

They can't even compete at videogames with men and even need their own chess championships to stand a chance at winning anything.
Lol, you underestimate Star Wars fans, they are hungry, they are just waiting for something remotely passable just to forget everything since 2012, they are golems.
Gamingcirclejerk is just resetera for reddit
I liked the mod which removed the tranny flag from cyberpunk
So tired of "AAA"s pulling a "no man's sky"
How embarrassing
On the tranny truck? Yeah, I had that one. That was a great Truck. Heavy as fuck, fantastic handling, still relatively fast.
They are ever so underrepresented these days
>has a literal OBSERVATION corps bunker
>a fucking cuck bunker
This is why I will never live in an apartment complex.
Quebec isnt in the US
I never recalled wanting a game set in Hogwarts where half of the characters are dark skinned.
That's still way too many people. Even if they cheat and add an extra day's numbers.
Their employees, sadly, will continue to live on.
Holy fuck the similarities are uncanny
The PSN best sellers is acurated list and doesn't represent units sold. Thet still have Suicide squad as a bestseller.
apparently many people disagree with you
>a curated
I understand not making her a super model but why the FUCK do you give her ratty homeless person hair. why the FUCK would a smuggler just not take care of her hair? do the devs not understand how fucking nasty and itchy that matted mess becomes?
i can't get over how silly the hand to hand is. she has fists of death.
>anyone that don't like my thing is a far right
Fuck off not everyone is a magafags
No one picked up the game expecting it. We wouldn't have had people complaining about not being able to make a 'white' character, or having mods made for it.
even if this pile of shit was good I wouldn't touch it because it's ubisoft. I'm not going to install their faggot ass launcher, and I don't want them to have my money
Forcing behaviour only works internally
It won't be a guaranteed success, just less backlash
Honestly, even to this day EA is probably the best blind pick for "I want you to churn out endless sequels for my soulless mega-IP".
they're communist chuds
if your race's average test scores are high enough to disqualify you for higher education, you are the enemy.
Yes. Troon is an actual place in Scotland.
Why would I want to play as a butch lesbo??
Jedi Knight back in the day had a basic morality system where you can kill civilians and be a dark jedi, while disappointing your dad's ghost and the guy that looked up to you, then killing your girlfriend and getting another girlfriend to replace her
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yen sid, my favorite character to take out of context.
Who you calling a nerf-herder?
Feminists are ugly and have never liked looking at attractive people. They've ruined quite a lot of jobs that way.
My stepdad told me this game is great.
Why shouldn’t I believe him /v/?
>Star Wars is probably the best licensed vidya franchise ever made
It's this
>George Lucas having his own in-house game studio who actually cared about the integrity of the series must have been the deciding factor.
It wasn't really a licensed game, since the IP was already at home with the developer. Also, afaik Lucas stayed out of most of it, since he says that he doesn't know much about or care much for videogames, so he let them do their thing, except to see if what they did gelled with Star Wars. Also, not just rehashing the movie story and making new stories set in that universe was a big deal. Dark Forces was unique in that regard.
I miss this nigga like you would not believe
I always have trouble getting this game to run. same thing with dark forces and mysteries of the sith
I worded it poorly, but yes, I know. See;
It was only meant as a segway into giving an example.
>can't live my hogwarts fantasy of just going from year 1 to graduation
first game to do it well gets my money
Swedes are not having a good year, huh
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FPBP but worst part is they won't learn. 1 trillion people could tell them right now that modern games are uglier than Dreamworks movies and they will triple, nay QUADRUPLE down on everything they've believe.
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what do you think will be added in future updates, they obviously can't change the story being so forced to be a good guy but I see them
>adding in swimming
>making an excuse as to why you can't kill animals by saying its heckin wrong to harm innocent animals
>certain random npcs can be killed when shot at
>let you keep a weapon on you to switch to
then drop support
>afaik Lucas stayed out of most of it
Yeah but like you said, they turned to him a lot for questions about canon, even if he didn't have opinions on gameplay. That's the main thing anyways. They cared enough about the franchise because it was theirs, not on loan. And if Star Wars name became dirt, they would only be damaging their own brand and not have anything else to retreat into for next year's release.
Are you a GenXer posting in the year 2010 or what?
God. I'd prefer invisible walls to this shit.
West coast still loves Ubisoft for some reason.
Star Wars isn't even about space, half the time the location is just desert planet #48471
like.. it's star wars.. I get it.. ships can float.. but seeing a snowspeeder just hover there shooting at her is the corniest fucking thing I have ever seen.. jesus christ... not to mention the scene the two of them are dive bombing into the hangar and then it just cuts out
This screencap alone is so fucking absurd.
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It's fucking retarded that lightsabers can just deflect full-on blaster cannons with no issue now.
I legit don't understand how people fall for DEI slop to this day.
No amount of explanation will ever convince me people are just not feeling like throwing money away.
Because the DEI slop is wrapped in [huge legacy franchise I grew up with] so I must consoom product and get excited for next product no matter what.
I have watched nothing of disney's star wars is it even worth watching?
What do you think is going through Oscar Isaac's head as he says this line?
Compile Heart are still alive so the industry clearly isn't dying
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Dobson ass face
mandalorian season 1 is bretty gud, season 2 was OK, ending was kino cause you see Luke be a kino jedi badass ... the han solo and rogue one movies were alright.. but it's just been all down hill recently with both their films and series
If they make a Han Solo game, they'll have to pay Lucas royalty money to use the character.
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It amazes me that leddit has an entire sub dedicated to angrily crying behind a smug mask over every single tweet/comment/reply/youtube video mildly criticizing wokeshit in vidya. God what a fucking shithole.
Disney shut down Lucasarts so they see EA makes a lot of revenue frok sports shit and Ubisoft make a lot of revenue from Just Dance and they think "wow these guys know what they're doing!"

Currently the best star wars game at the moment is Hunters developed by fucking Zynga, a got damn mobile dev.
Rogue One is okay.
People say good things about Mando and Andor but there are like half a dozen SW shows and only 10% of them are watchable so I wouldn't bother.
Every girl I know does not play video games, but they all asked their boyfriends to buy Hogwarts Legacy for them because bitches love Harry Potter.
Anytime I hear some vague metric on how “x thing was a top seller of this month among other metrics of the year” I know its not a real measure of success. The Ackolyte was the highest viewed show on D+ supposedly and has less viewership than a crappy 90s tv show.
Gamingcirclejerk is literally just current /v/
Should've just made the main character a young punk brat. Optional nudity and adjustable genital size. The fact you can't force choke someone on your dick is pretty lousy
If Disney truly gave a shit about getting girls into Star Wars then they should've just copied Harry Potter's homework and made the ST be about Jedi Hogwarts.
But no bitches totally love gutter trash orphans with no romantic lives.
Oh it's even funnier in context. The ship literally hovers at that location taking shots at her.
Why is Kojima the only motherfucker that can get great female face scans?
I might play the game like 4+ years from now if they've actually improved it and it's on a gigantic sale. But $70+60 for this? No thanks.
That's some really embarrassing shit
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No woman in your entire life, that isn't your mother, will be making supper for you.
you genetic dead-end
The last third of Rogue One is worth watching if you like well made fanservice
Andor is good generally
That's it
Skip the nu trilogy, they're shit written
Rogue one is okayish, mainly brainless action
Mandaloroan season 1 is good, it's a spaghetti western in space that focuses on the small adventures. It starts going shit in season 2 and crashes in season 3, I'd recommend watching the last 1/3 of the final episode of season 2 just for a clap moment
do you know that they pay to say on the "best sellers" sections right?
Publishers usually alter the likeness of the actor in case if the game blows up and the actor demands a bigger cut for the next game.
just because rogue one wasn't bad doesn't mean that it was good. It was extremely mediocre and I remember almost nothing about it.

Also, Andor sucked fucking dick. I don't know what kind of copium shit people are smoking. It's boring up until the heist episode and then goes right back to being shit afterwards.
He could be right, but they won't make the sort of improvements that would be necessary, and I doubt his team has the technical and artistic skill to do it in the first place. I love the concept of Star Wars Outlaws, I'd love to play a game like that with competent technical execution, a beautiful woman, characters that look visually appealing and interesting, all without being laden with publisher spyware and bullshit.

But that sort of game can't exist today.
you could also punch people in MGS1 (and not the twin snakes version).
how does that make you feel, huh?
>defending shit you hate just because a narrative
nobody makes me lose faith in human intellect quite like liberals
Without schizo shit, explain how these games are getting bigger and bigger budgets but the developers can no longer do really basic things like collision detection. What is happening on the ground in game development? Where did all the expertise go?
>scan models
>import the data to the game
congrats, you just finished your job, its that fucking easy
>make something ugly
>try to sell it for 40-60 dollars
>surprised no one buys it
tale as old as time
They should have gone to Koei Tecmo
But it doesn't work since Japan, China and Korea are making attractive women.
It just make them look even more ugly.
You sound mad, I love it.
If they lose companies money then companies would stop doing it, but since companies keep doing it, then they still get to make money somehow.
A lot of time and resources go into things like detailed-yet-barren open worlds and having a ton of voiced dialogue. Missing the forest for the trees as it were.
she looks better in motion. stills don't capture her well.
Poojets. Then, it gets worse. Poojettas.
TW3 released in 2015 before anyone had caught on.
>the gci discord is still at it
You laugh, but /v/ pulls this very same stunt with shit like Atomic Heart.
>Where did all the expertise go?
they got rid of all the straight white guys
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You know what gets me about this game?
The speeder

>Primary form of travel
>Enemies are on them
>You cant shoot from speeders
So literaally MC and enemies still spot each other, come to a complete stop, get off, then pull out their guns to shoot.

It looks so retarded every time I saw someone playing it.
because he's molesting you
I mean, technically they're not wrong in the strictest sense. Over a long enough timeline millions of people will play all games... cept Concord
Games pay less for longer hours than jobs in other industries with a similar skillset, so while it remains a big "dream job" for people in their early 20s, that quickly fades away when you get burnt out and realize you can literally make $100k more by jumping into something else. This is something exclusive to gaming, and is causes a big brain drain where the expertise just filters away into other things, and those that stay are usually mediocre people that can't leave. It's a similar thing to what you might observe in a local community college vs. a real one, it selects for people who couldn't go anywhere else.

This compounds an issue that isn't exclusive to gaming, which is that a push for diversity creates an extreme workload on the competent parts of the team. I know most of you are unemployable slobs and so this won't mean anything to you, but in most companies you always had a team of 100 people, and maybe 40 of them did actual work. But as we push more and more to have disinterested women and incapable browns integrated into engineering teams, it creates a situation where now you've got a team of 100 people but only 10-20 of them are doing actual work. You hire a troon, and that troon gets into slack and starts suggesting all the troon shit you could and should incorporate into your game: nobody wants to be rude at work, everybody is conscious that if they say no they'll get in trouble with HR troons and will probably see a screenshot on twitter later that day as people post their home address and call for their murder, so nobody says no.

So now you've got ten guys carrying the load of a 100, while regularly attending mandatory meetings about how evil they are, which causes them to get behind on their work and now they have to work over because "the team needs you", their dream was to work on games and make cool things but now everything they work on is trooned and lame, and then you realize you make more anywhere else. Brain drain.
more like crawl
The devs actually addressed this criticism. They said they didn't want people to feel like they could do drive-by shootings or go on a rampage in general. Too violent.
>This compounds an issue that isn't exclusive to gaming, which is that a push for diversity creates an extreme workload on the competent parts of the team.
Anon, I'm not a game developer but I am a software developer and in my experience the reason why companies push for diversity so hard in their PR is because in practice they don't wind up hiring for it since there are so few women and black candidates applying. I've worked for companies that did the Women's Day, Black Coders, LGBT activism, the full nine yards; and let me tell you that every single programmer around me was exactly as white or Asian as you'd imagine. I've had to interview and recommend potential hires on occasion, all white and Asian applicants. Got one woman candidate, she wasn't qualified, and I received absolutely no pushback when I declined her for the position.
It feels like the entire industry spent a decade fighting off Jack Thompson and weirdo cunt cap soccer moms, and then overnight just became overrun with them at every level. The devs, the journos, and at least half the players just had a switch flipped and became gay and lame.
Yes, everyone that doesnt add to your echo chamber is just one guy working triple time. You figured it out.
>they'll have to make an anime series with a hot chick
The acolyte!
they would have to rework so many things, not just patch them
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Tough year for AAA games, huh?
did they make the main bitch look like someone trannies can relate to? thats the only reasoning I have for making the lead so ugly
And we still have a few more flops to go this year.
"I should've let them kill me off in the first one."
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The thing is, the character's mom is okay-ish looking.
Kay though, she's like offputtingly ugly. The hair obviously is terrible. Like even Ellie and Abby aren't that fucking bad.
for a singleplayer game? the hell is he smoking i could use some
reminds me of that fast/furious scene where they try to make it look like that midget is as tall as that big guy
>Men draw things they want to either be or be attracted to.
>Women don't like to draw things they feel threatened or overshadowed by.
he's just spouting buzzwords to calm down clueless shareholders
That's a nice anecdote, I'm glad you didn't receive pushback when refusing to hire an unqualified person, but that just isn't the norm. I've been a software developer for many years, the norm today is that you don't even have final say on hire and fire, HR does, and HR's KPI this year is hiring more women and browns, so that woman that wasn't qualified will get hired and a project that was planned for a hundred productive developers will be completed by twenty or fewer despite being staffed at a hundred.

HR will rewrite your job descriptions, HR will filter your resumes before you ever see them, HR will tell you who you'll be interviewing, and HR will consider your feedback before informing you who your new hire is: surprise, it's someone that improves their metrics so they hit bonus this year. It fills the team with people who not only aren't productive, but because they spend the day grievance farming and planning mandatory fun are actually anti-productive, constantly finding ways to decrease the output of the people carrying them. Eventually one of the productive people will just leave, and be replaced with an unproductive person with the right genitals, skin, and/or body mutilation fetish, and the problems will grow. Once they're in place they're almost impossible to get rid of, and once they reach a critical mass your company is basically unrecoverable. There's a point where you just don't have anyone worthwhile left and you'd have to effectively start over just to get something viable again. Lots of studios look like they're in this space.
>W-we're g-going to be the n-next No Man's Sky
cope and sneed
Have you tried the fishing yet? I'm honestly kind of shocked they decided to make an entire expedition out of... going fishing. At least they're testing all of the features they want to add to Light No Fire to work out the bugs.
No thanks, cash on delivery.
>reminds me of that fast/furious scene where they try to make it look like that midget is as tall as that big guy
Not only did you fall for a completely retarded meme, you misunderstood it as well.
Okay, but that's not going to suddenly make me watch it.
It's just two "badass" characters standing shoulder to shoulder while talking.
She looks perfectly fine aside from the shitty hair texture on a character design emphasizing big 80s hair.
wasn't this slop developed by the same guys behind The Division? those games were pretty good, the fuck happened

why waste resources and time on shit that nobody asked nor wanted
So is AC Black guy in Japan going to bomb too?
No, nips love big black man fucking their women and slaying their historical samurai.
Not me, I actively said Atomic Heart was shit in most threads the moment I heard "Crispy critters"
None of these companies have the original white male developers. It's just troons wearing their skin.
Maybe. It's hard to screw up some games unless you're really fucking trying. Which I suppose they are.

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